guys i think im dying
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wish-i-were-heather · 12 days
ok im gonna go to sleep because i can feel that weird half asleep srtrangeless from the othert night eluke when i wad postiung nonsense and i do NOT wanna d oo thagat again oh dear itsc coming
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bugbxyjunk · 10 months
wow im so excited to get in trouble about being late even though i literally couldn't sit up for 30 minutes because i had such a bad migrane and the only reason its bearable right now is because my glasses are off and im on strong migrane formula ibuprofen !!!!!!!! i love the school system !!!!!!
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absentmoon · 1 year
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gillionstits · 2 months
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howdyfriend · 3 months
I have to phone the doctor tomorrow. sad!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Omg 😭 would be so pissed if I was trying to fight somebody and they literally caught my hands 😭😭😭
(Love him but also have the urge to kick him into the sun team rocket style)
Does Doomsday Reader just get more scared as he catches their punches, or would they get mad too?
I'd be a mix of pissed at and absolutely terrified of a man who could catch my flying fist like we're playing baseball and he's a big league player and I'm just a kid with a bat. Vendetta really doesn't wanna see you hurt- but if you insist...
You clutch your hand to your chest as a cry of anguish rings through the chilled night air, losing your footing and falling into the arms of the monstrosity that's been tailing you for God knows how long as the pain climb to your shoulder. Vendetta chuckles - not a mark of your punch on him besides the odd angle of his neck and gead. If he hadn't moved along with it you'd be in worse pain than you are now. It felt like you just punched a fire hydrant. Vendetta breathes in, holding you with one arm and pulls off his gloves with his teeth - shelding his armor.
"Ahhhh, see - what I tell you? Play dumb games, win dumb prizes and we both know you're too smart for that. I'll let you land as many licks as you want when you're all healed up, but consider this a lesson. Believe it or not, but im here to keep you safe. I can start by getting you some ice to put on that."
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seowonys · 2 months
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My gead HURTS
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ozymoron · 8 months
ash about his top surgetry would be like yeah i had nice tits but i prefer them on other chicks or something my gead hurts
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elsmysteryworld · 10 days
cannot sleep on acciunt of the cold took ivuprofen snd am having a lozenge buf ivwill through the loz up soon my gead hurts am i dying
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fyerdy · 1 month
Hey, heres my love story
There was once this girl and she was very smart and beautiful, we're not classmates but we study at the same school, shes older but shes the same batchas me, shes just 1 year older, but im born in november so its like... 14 and 13 but because i was born late its 13 and 15 which i thought was fine, so one day just a few days before valentines, i would have never expected her to have a crush on me but i guess i was lucky, we talked a bit and i guess she just really liked my personality, she ended up giving me gifts on valentines day and she really felt like a childish person despite her being older.
I decided i didnt wanna break her heart and just reject her so i took her in... i opened my arms to her... and so few weeks go by its smooth sailing, then her friends pressured her to ask me to be her bf... its only been a few weeks of dating, mainly it was her rushing but i dont blame her, i could have atleast stopped her but i didnt so its my fault too, but yeah we were couples and we were actually really great and compatible couples, keep in mind this is our first relationship so we're still in the puppy love phase, we both understood that we had to argue innorder to have a stronger relationship, and me being a man, i got jealous easily, she was the touchy type and she hanged out with gay dudes, i despise gay dudes in school because a lot of them are only pretending to be gay just to get closer to women, but anyways she let them lay their head on her lap and sleep, and to the non gay dudes she would just caress their face... right infront of me... and it hurted which is why i argued with her and in the end we resolved the issue, the thing is she didnt really... stop touching men but i guess i moved on since i knew i also had to change... so this continued and stuff but its irrelevant to the story right now since it wasnt really a problem, so yeah we had our first kiss and stuff, and i achieved my goals, she always had all her goals achieved so there wasnt really much to her story in highschool, but me... i used to be top of the class until i got beat up in grade 3 which caused me to loose motivation, but she really kept my head up and motivated me which caused me to be better, oh by the way this happened in grade 8, anyways, people still continued to ship her and stuff, and i guess i was chill with that since i liked that.
But anyways lets fast forward to a few more months because we were basically a great couple and then school ended and we were at the recognition and stuff so like fast forward to a few days before school, she had just arrived from her vacation from the Philippines, and i got bad news just after she came back... it turns out she lost feelings for me... and it happened just beffore oyr geade 9 days are gonna start...
And it really hurt cause i was getting so excited to see her in person again, and i kept trying to salvage our relationship cause i wasn't ready to let go, and i continued doing so even after we broke up, i've been changing myself after our breakup, and im talking good changes, really wanting to become a better person, but she still didnt wanna be with me... and what hurts more is that she was really... like you could sense the difference in her behaviour... and i mean it makes sense cause shes older so she matured but like... atleast let me mature too...
The thing is my parents dont really care abt me, and im the middle child too, but she... she was proud of even my small achievements and progress and it really made me happy, she was the loving mother i never had, but its all gone now and i regret not cherishing her while i was still with her, i didnt recognize her enough for the good things shes done to me... and the reason she lost feelings for me was because she felt that i had no purpose in her life...
My school starts in a few days and i dont know if im ready... i dont know if i want her or not anymore... ive healed to start loving her again... but she doesnt feel the same way for me... wish me luck cause im persistent in what i do and i really believe i can achieve anything i put my mind to.
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scarecrowscarecrow · 3 months
when i was six i rememnber m dad cfryon cryinf as je mowed the lawn. he foun d a r abbit,half rotted in the bust benreath waybes window. it stunk in the sun and looked up at us with clouded eyes. i asked my dad if rabbits went to eaven . he just sobbed,. i donr remenber dad ever being that upset even wharn mom died, he jist got cruel. drywall falls on my gead and the sun bears town and all i feel in my mputyh is ash and grit something bad happned that day. thers nothing good lefy.
my brother the rabbot, the fiers the lawn myself my father, scrying and crying and not moving to burty the damned dead. rabboysr have always beeen gentle crearires. why were we named stom them the aahses are too lloud and they fall into my ears, i feeel dead.i m not breathing my lunds are full of air i cant rememeber last sunday i acant eremnber past a camera lens i cant remember the last yime i smoked and it felt good i cant remember bing safet ibn bed with someone who trusted me as i amm an d not fot this. named aften small birds known fro shutting down easy prey easy chase but with no meat no skin in the game nothing i wlet her down i lost him fucj whi did i never see it sooner is this an attack is it erealapse itsbeeebn five ficking years sinec i last did this im hoing fucing backwards im hurting im sobbing the worst thisn is i mlike this im no nbetter rhan the insane things in the woods im going to svacre everyone maybe i want to.
did you know that the rabbit speciec Sylvilagus has 13 wild species? 13 days thirteen species was i reallt revereted back into my nuber my birtday my shitty fucking lucj. when i was six i rememnber m dad cfryon cryinf as je mowed the lawn. he foun d a r abbit,half rotted in the bust benreath waybes window. it stunk in the sun and looked up at us with clouded eyes. i asked my dad if rabbits went to eaven . he just sobbed,. i donr remenber dad ever bei
gonna go shave my head. brb.
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Your gead is hurting you so much you had to skip out on the tour? :((
I prefer being here for a while... Jack and Pip don't need to know that my head hurts again, although Jack knows, it still doesn't make much difference, he's more tired than I am
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jacryptid · 3 years
the crossover brainrot of hearing santa baby on the radio at work and first imagining cas singing it and then immediately thinking instead of cas singing annies baby slut christmas song from regional holiday music (community)
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slowtovvn · 6 years
I'm very sick
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g1-skywarp · 3 years
I fucking hate the human body
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