hanjsquokka · 4 months
Rose-Colored Glasses - [ Lee Felix ]
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🩷 SYNOPSIS : Falling in love with your best friend wasn't the greatest thing, especially when Felix was damn sure he wouldn't be able to survive without your presence if you walked out of his life. He kept his feelings hidden, tucked away to the farthest part of his mind so he could stay with you. But how long could he keep his emotions from the one person that knew him the most?
GENRE : fluff, best friends to lovers
PAIRING : lee felix × f!reader
CONTENT WARNING : fluff, slightly suggestive, swearing
AUTHOR'S NOTE : I totally didn't drive my head through a wall to finish this. Writers block really hit me while writing this one, but I did it! Maybe not the best but I hope you guys like it <3 (part of valentines collab with @stayconnecteed )
☆ skz masterlist ; join my taglist
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Felix doesn't remember when the silly little crush on you started. After all, you were supposed to be his best friend. Your childlike innocence made him smile, it was like you saw the world through rose colored glasses. He doesn't remember when he started seeing you differently. Did he just wake up one day, a skip in his heart whenever he saw you doing literally anything? Or were these long suppressed feelings? Were they always there and he just chose to not acknowledge them for the sake of his friendship with you?
Felix damn well knew he wouldn't be able to live without you. He would rather lock up his feelings in a treasure chest and throw the key as far away as possible rather than face the fear of possibly losing you from his life. He needed you. For him, his bond with you ran much deeper than friendship. You anchored him to reality.
It happened very often, when he was supposed to be doing work and his mind drifted off and started replaying memories of you, over and over again like a broken cassette. That was when he realized something was wrong — friends weren't supposed to do that right? He thinks about the day he first met you. When you awkwardly stood in front of his apartment, shyly muttering that you heard that he was looking for a new roommate from his friend. He was skeptical at first — he didn't expect a completely random stranger to ask if he could share his house with them. But then again he never expected anything that came his way after that.
Maybe his feelings for you started when you dragged him to a bookstore. He watched you fawn over the shelves lined with all your favorite novels. He remembers laughing when you started piling books into your hand only to put them away a while later because you couldn't get them. You looked so upset but in the end, you were happy you got some that you liked. Those books were neatly shelved in your room, the crisp pages filled with annotations and colored post-it notes and highlighters. Felix once looked at a book laying on your desk when you asked him to bring your phone charger from your room. His curiosity got the best of him and he flipped to a page which was marked with a pink tab. Safe to say, he shut the book close with a red face and picked up your phone charger and left the room. Never was he going to ask why you were giggling over a book again.
“Felix!” Seungmin's angry voice snapped over the headset he was wearing. The bright red Game Over flashed across his computer screen, making Felix groan. “Felix! Are you even there? Are you getting hea —”
“God, no! Just shut up Seungmin!” His face flamed red, his freckles disappearing underneath the intense blush that took over his face from what his friend suggested. Even though he was wearing headphones, he was scared you heard what utter nonsense Seungmin was spouting — was it considered nonsense if Felix didn't actually mind it? — from your room where you were probably reading or making boards on Pinterest. And it was like you heard his thoughts when the doorknob twisted and the door swung open, concern all over your face that vanished the second your eyes drifted to the screen. A smile played across your tinted lips, trying to hold back your amusement so he wouldn't feel worse. “Don't tell me you heard that…”
“Your cry of defeat? Yeah, I'm pretty sure our neighbor heard you too.” You finally let out a chuckle, leaning against the doorway. Felix wished you hadn't, but during the course of your friendship, you've learnt that he was… not the most exceptional gamer at times. Even if you tried to play it off whenever his friends were over, Seungmin was always more than happy to remind you. “You should save up your yelling for tomorrow anyways.” Tomorrow? His mind hit blank. He tried to think of any possible occasion that was going to happen the next day which would require his voice. Nothing came to him so he sat there, dumbfounded as you giggled again at his clueless expression. “We're going to the amusement park… with your friends?”
His brain clicked a minute too late, his face lighting up as his mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. He snapped his finger. “You're right.” Their amusement park plan was all Seungmin could talk about whenever they met up in person. Felix himself was also excited but nervous at the same time because him and roller-coasters never got along. The last time he went, he passed out on one — much to the amusement of his other friend Chan. He enjoyed going there, but he definitely did not enjoy the high rides.
How was he going to live down the embarrassment of screaming like a kid in front of you?
Felix got his answer the next day when their group of four set foot in the theme park, the sounds of happy screams (and fearful ones) and lively music blasting in all directions along with the smell of authentic carnival food filled his nose. The entire one hour car ride, his wonderful best friend — not you — had been going over the itinerary for the day. No one was paying much attention except you. Chan was busy driving and Felix was trying to keep himself from blushing because you were sitting next to him. He was a naturally affectionate person, so he never minded spontaneous hugs or lingering touches. But with you recently, he was starting to feel particularly antsy if you held his hand to drag him to the store next door, or if you hugged him out of nowhere. He couldn't help his face from breaking out into a huge grin, letting his nose breathe in the sweet smell of your shampoo mixed in with his cologne.
Living together with your crush who's also your closest friend could be a nightmare to some, including Felix. While he loved spending time with you, he couldn't help but let his emotions control his actions. It was a risky gamble, what would happen if you found out and you hated him? He couldn't handle that. It was better for him to try and keep his thoughts at bay and continue his relationship with you as it is. The past two years of his life were probably the best two years. He doesn't understand how he made it through life without you right there, right next to him.
The sound of your laughter made him turn towards you. The sun was reflecting off your heart-shaped, tinted sunglasses but your smile was far brighter to him. Chan was handing you a big swirl of cotton candy that the stall owner let him make. It looked deformed, but you were over the moon as you took it into your hands. You were dressed in denim shorts with sparkly gems stuck in a design he couldn't make out paired with a white shirt that he got you for Christmas which read Too Sexy for This Shirt. It was a gag gift, he'd actually gotten you a purse you'd been fawning over, but you seemed to like the shirt more. Christmas morning — the very first Christmas Felix spent with you since you both went home for the holidays the year prior — you laughed so hard your face turned red and you were clutching your stomach. It was nice seeing you smile, especially after you went through a pretty nasty breakup a week before.
He saw red when you told him that the guy you were dating called it quits because you were too much for him. How could someone ever be too much? Especially when that someone was you. You were… amazing. Another realization he had then — he was slowly falling in love with you. Felix knew he would never ever do anything to cause you so much pain because seeing you in pain caused him pain. It physically hurt him to see you shed a tear over some useless man that didn't understand he lost the best thing he had.
The day flew by quickly. Felix was sure they'd been on every single ride in the entire park twice. He was also sure he would have a sore throat the next day from all the screaming. The roller-coasters were actually more fun than he remembered. Sure, he might've felt like the car would come loose and fly off the track when they were at the highest point, waiting to plummet down. But he enjoyed it a lot. The adrenaline brought him out of his constant zoning out. Maybe his heart leaped out of his chest when you held his hand when the four of you were on the drop tower, you eyes shut close as the surroundings zipped closer in a flash before it came to a halt. But he liked the thrill.
“I think I left my stomach up there somewhere.” Chan laughed, knees wobbling as they got off of the ride.
“You were the one who wanted to go!” Felix exclaimed, too tired to protest further and nearly collapsed onto the nearest park bench they found.
“It was fun though.” You said, resting your elbows on the table to prop your face up. The evening sky created a different kind of glow around you. Felix was enamored by the way the colorful fairy lights danced in your eyes. “What?” You asked once you caught him staring at you for a minute too long.
“Nothing.” He shook his head, a shy smile automatically forming on his face.
Seungmin placed fresh water bottles on the table. “Rest up. This is the best time to go on the ferris wheel.”
Felix liked going on ferris wheels. Although they were way up high, it didn't feel like his heart would jump out of his throat any second. What he didn't like was Seungmin shoving him and you into a car which closed behind him with a loud click. He stumbled as the car jolted forward. He sent a glare towards his friend but it was of no use. He was stuck. In a ferris wheel. With you. It wasn't technically a bad thing except you were sitting face to face as you rose higher and higher above the ground. His blond hair was flying in his face, but it was nice.
“It's so beautiful up here.” You murmured. He hummed in agreement, but he wasn't looking at the lights on the ground or the setting sun that cast the world in a hue of orange and pink. He was looking at you. You met his eyes, a blush taking over your face. “You're looking at me.”
Perhaps it was all the adrenaline that was coursing through him or maybe he had one too many sodas to keep his energy levels up, but something in him made him say, “Obviously. You are really beautiful.” He was elated to see that your blush only darkened, almost the same color as the glasses sitting on top of your head.
“Where's all this coming from?” You asked, brushing your hair out of your face.
His throat dried up. The car stopped, making him lean even closer to you as he stumbled out of balance. A blush that could rival yours creeped up onto his face. “It's always been there…” The carnival music and the crowd noises died down. All he could hear was his own heartbeat, thumping in his chest. The words he wanted to tell you were on the tip of his tongue, threatening to spill out.
“What is it Felix?” You asked in a soft tone, a reassuring smile accompanying it to let him know that it was okay to speak his mind. “You can tell me anything.”
“I…” His voice caught in his throat. He looked out into the horizon before his gaze settled back onto you. “I like you, Y/n.”
“I like you too Felix —”
“More than a friend.” He added. His breath caught in his throat when he saw your eyes widening in shock, your mouth slightly agape. “I like you a lot.” He said again. Now that he blurted out the words, he was on a roll. “The world seems so much brighter with you around, Y/n, I can't explain it but… you're my rose-colored glasses. When I'm with you, everything seems better.”
There was a long moment of silence. He felt like he ruined his entire life. So many thoughts were running through his head, of how he would deny it or play it off — anything to make everything go back to normal. But you hit pause on all his thoughts when you captured his lips in the sweetest kiss imaginable. He was frozen for a second before his eyes fluttered close and he melted into the kiss. His heart was tap dancing in his rib cage but he could care less. All that was important in this moment was you. And your soft lips on his. When you pulled away, the world seemed more vivid than it was before. You both broke into quiet giggles.
“I guess that means you like me too?” He asked with a raised brow even though he knew the answer.
“That's why I kissed you.”
“I don't know…” He teased, making both of you laugh again. “Maybe I just need more convincing?”
“Is that so?” You chuckled before leaning in to kiss him again. Felix smiled into the kiss and pulled you close. He was going to have to thank Seungmin later for pushing him into the car with you.
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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miasmaclockworks · 4 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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stars-at-5pm · 11 months
Watch out.
Pairing : Mafia!Stucky x mafia!reader
Summary : Reader finds a camera, thinking that Steve and Bucky were recording them without their consent and reader confronts them about it.
Warnings : Swearing, stalking, confrontation, mafia, toxic ex
Type : Angst
It was about noon, you were about to go get dressed for the day as you entered your wardrobe closet. You were humming a silly song that was stuck in your head when you suddenly noticed a red light pocking at you from behind your pile of swimwear.
" wtf ? "
" is that.. ? You gotta be shitting me. I can’t believe them !! A camera ?? Christ. " you took the little camera in your hands, looking at it, searching for details. " A Loki Factory one too ? They’re disgusting. "
" Filming me ? Like that ? Ew. What a bunch of pervs."
Loki was also in the mob, you used to date him a while ago, but he was very toxic and your break up didn’t go, great.
You walked down to your kitchen where you found your two boyfriends talking and working on their computers. Steve was standing up, snacking on a sandwich while Bucky was sitting down, wearing his anti-blue light glasses (what an old man lol).
"Guys we need to talk. Now. " you said, coldly. Steve and Bucky’s gaze meet yours immediately, they tensed up feeling their jaw clenching.
" Care to explain this ? "You showed the camera in your hand " I can’t believe you guys. What about trust ? Boundaries? This is disgusting!! I thought I could trust you !! “ your face was hot and your hands shook.
" Wow wow, what’s that doll ?? I don’t know about this what- "
" Oh don’t you play dumb now !! It’s too late. I don’t want to hear any of it. I thought you guys were more than this."
" Okay let’s take a deep breath. I don’t know about this and neither does Bucky apparently. Darling, you know that we would never record you like this right ? I mean if we did, we would have gotten your consent beforehand. "
" Where did you find it anyway? "
" In my wardrobe. At the perfect angle for filming every.little.details. Guys be honest, do you really know NOTHING about THIS ? Because I swear to god I’m about to go feral. "
" Doll. " He said standing up, he was walked to you slowly, careful to not make you flinch or react badly. " We would never, and I mean NEVER do this. We love you so much. Look at me, he cupped your cheeks with his hands, we didn’t do this. we respect you. I love you. "
You let out a shaky breath, feeling a single tear roll down your cheek. This was very comforting but also very worrying, who was filming you, how long as it been, what do they do with the recordings ??
" You know, I felt even more betrayed when I realized that this little camera right here, happened to be a Loki Factory camera. I mean come on ! Buying from the enemy is a little over the limit in my opinion, I know that he isn’t a direct enemy because he hasn’t done anything against you but he’s still my ex and- "
Before you could go on longer about your rumbles, you felt two strong pairs of arms hugging you tightly. Bucky was in front of you while Steve held you from behind.
What you couldn’t see though, was the absolute anger that was burning in their eyes. They stayed calm, not wanting to make you panic, but deep inside ? They were freaking out. They felt so angry to know that they’re girl was behind literally stalked by the enemy. Especially by Loki, they hated that fucker to their core.
" Darling, I don’t want to worry you but, if you found one, there’s probably more and if it’s from Loki.. he’s probably the one stalking you. " Steve said, feeling rage filling his body.
" I dont like this, at all. We need to get out of here as fast as possible. NOW. Steve get all the security on full watch out, doll let’s get you out of here. "
" It’s okay sweetheart, you’re okay. " Steve said, as he kissed tenderly your forehead.
" See you tonight love, be safe " you were filled with anxious thoughts. Why was this happening to you, and how were the boys so.. chill about it ?..
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Under 18's DNI & if you're not interested in Joe smut, please scroll ahead, tysm.
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Credit to my bby @joejoequinnquinn for finding the perfect image
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I'm sorry for my brain computing pervy!Joe. I just-
Joe wasn't able to get you out of his brain, you're only friends and you always have been but to him it goes so much deeper than that. He's lost in his head going crazy about you, not necessarily thinking of the way you'd look all pretty on your knees for him, or the way you'd look throwing your head back as your cunt devoured his length, even the way your hips bucked up as his lips sucked on your clit, no it goes way more intimate than the filthy kind.
It was the way you smiled, the way you laughed at him when he delivered a funny statement, the several ways that you'd touch him in approval of what he said. The way you rolled your eyes and scrunched your nose up at his sarcasm, the way you hugged him tight in hello's and goodbye's. The way you danced around all silly being your natural self, singing along to the car radio in the passenger seat, the way you'd text him randomly throwing him off as he didn't expect to hear from you that day.
That was when he found himself laid out on the sofa that evening scrolling through his camera roll when he came across a photo he'd taken of you at a party, smiling sweetly and posing for the picture, the way your cleavage busted out, the way your hair stroked your collar bone, just the general beauty of you had him palming at his jeans, the bulge tightening beneath his touch as he gasped for air; not being able to think of anything else but you. "My god, you're so beautiful love." Joe choked out, undoing the zipper and button to make the throbbing of his now fully thick erection easier to attend to. Sliding down his jeans and teasing himself by stroking the sides of his cock, he whimpered deep from his throat as his retinas burnt through his phone screen. The chocolate eyes were no where to be seen, just darkened fully dilated pupils.
Not being able to take anymore of the self inflicted mess he was creating, Joe pulled himself to drown his thoughts in the shower, to let all the deep desire and frustration out on himself the way he knew only how. As he stripped down stark naked, waiting for the shower to warm up, he tossed his phone to the side leaving your image on his screen well enough still in his sight; taking one last look he stepped under the water and closed the glass door shut.
Wetting his whole body, the steam hitting his face making his cheeks blush, his cock still stood proud and there you were when he shut his eyes tight, on your knees before him taking little kitten licks on his tip, he could hear your giggle, your eyes staring up into his as you took him into your mouth. "I need to show that pretty little mouth what it does to me Y/N." That was when he came back down to reality, his eyes shooting open, he looked down to see his fist tightly gripped to his shaft, pumping slowly as beads of pre-cum descended onto the floor. If this was the only way to see you in this way, so be it.
Pressing his arm onto the wall across from him and leaning his forehead against it, Joe's mouth gaped open as he took faster strides up and down, jerking harshly and letting out breathy groans, edging himself on further until his eyes shut once more to keep the day dream going. He pictured you patiently waiting for his seed, mouth wide open, tongue sticking out whilst you finger fucked your hole in anticipation. "Y-yeah you w-want my cum? I k-know you want me, I w-want you so f-fucking bad." He stuttered out, flashing his eyes open once more to find his new demeanour was his hips thrusting into his fisted grip. Joe swatted his head round just seeing the image of you on his phone screen through the distorted, condensed glass.
His eyes shut once more as his hips picked up the pace, you were now bent over and his fist was now the walls of your cunt, taking every inch of him as he rammed into you as hard as he could go. "Your pussy is fucking heaven baby, you feel so tight, oh shit-" His eyes immediately rolled to the back of his head as he felt the intensity of the climax building. "Fuck yes, f-fucking yes Y/N. You don't know what you do to me. I- I'm going to cum, I-I'm so close." Joe moaned out, twisting his wrist in circular motions, the water bouncing onto the tip of his cock only urging him to finish.
Glancing down at the careless way he was abusing his cock, his breathing ruptured. As if the echoing of the bathroom tiles weren't enough to louden his noise, the way he cried out your name would surely do it. His cock burst in that moment, cum spewing in every corner of the four walls of the shower block, coating the ever growing load over his thick fingers. "Holy shit." Joe sighed sharply, shuddering the tingly sensation that fell from head to toe as he rid out his orgasm.
Once cleaned up and ready to get out, Joe dried himself off, slipping the towel around his waist and grabbing his phone, slowly walking into the bedroom and planting himself down on the edge of his bed. Head in his hands, he felt like he'd degraded the both of you to his horny, filthy thoughts, without even you knowing a thing.
Joe unlocked his screen, taking one last look at the photo, biting the edge of his thumb, his soft eyes relaxed as he took you in once more. "One day, I'll tell you the truth." He smiled slight, but not enough to catch a happy emotion at a crime he'd felt like he'd just committed, sure there was nothing wrong with lusting over your friend, a friend that he clearly liked more than a friend, but that was the furthest his mind had ever taken him. Locking his phone and throwing it to the other side of the bed, he laid back, rubbing his hands over his face, making a pact that he was sure to let you know the way he felt, sooner rather than later hopefully. One day he might.
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cyliegvf · 2 years
Wine Drunk (josh x f!reader)
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Summary: Your first night at home with Josh during his break from tour
Warning: 18+ MINORS DNI!! mentions of alcohol consumption, oral (m and f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks), cockwarming (slightly)
Please let me know if I've gotten anything!
Word count: 4.9k
Disclaimer: this was started before we found out about poor Joshua's ear :( but I wanted to still post it anyway! ALSO this is VERY lightly proof read so please be aware that there could be some very bad misspelling and grammar!
It really came at the perfect time. The weather in Nashville had finally started to change into the crisp cool autumn that you loved so much. And today was a rainy one which you loved even more. The last few days before Josh’s break you kept imagining the two of you lounging on the couch all day snuggled up in your favorite blankets and tangled limbs as you rewatched all of your favorite films.
It was rare that the boys would have a significant break during tour. But luckily this time around management was able to score a ten day break for them during the month of October. Josh and the boys had been on the road for what seemed like forever and with the practically nonexistent time you had off work, it made it really hard to just get up and fly to God knows what city to see a show. So needless to say, you were really happy that they had this break. They needed it just as much as you did. 
Now you were sitting at the kitchen island sipping your chai counting down the hours until Josh was supposed to be home while staring at the computer screen that showed you a minute-to-minute update on Josh’s flight. “Oh come on” you whispered to yourself once you realized how silly you felt doing this. You got up from the barstool to put your now empty mug in the sink and headed to your room to take a shower and get ready for the day. 
Stepping into the scalding hot water you giggled to yourself. The thought of how Josh would always complain about the temperature like an old man whenever the two of you would shower together ran through your mind. You practically jumped out of your skin when Josh’s bottle of body wash fell onto the tile floor of the shower. You bent down to pick it up but before putting it back in its spot on the shelf you squeezed some onto your loofah. The smell overtook your senses as you started rubbing it across your skin. This was a thing you did often when he was gone. The smell made you feel the slightest bit closer to him and made your bed sheets smell like him again. It almost made you sad for a moment before you remembered that he’d be home in your arms by dinner time. Your mind filled with the thought of being able to run your fingers through his hair, and see his beautiful brown eyes that sparkled when he’d smile. And that smile, good lord did you miss that smile. The way his perfectly plump and pink lips would spread just enough so you could see the slight gap between his two front teeth and the single dimple that graced his left cheek. 
“I believe that's my soap, little missy.” Your head whipped around faster than lightning to see the short giggly man with a mop of curls leaning against the doorframe of your bathroom smiling at you. 
“Oh my god!” you screamed as you flung open the glass shower door and charged full force into Josh’s chest causing a small grunt to fall from his mouth. With soap suds still covering your body, Josh wrapped his arms around your waist capturing you in a loving embrace.
“Happy to see me, I presume?”
“What are you doing home so early? I mean I-I’m not complaining but-”
“I got an earlier flight. I wanted to get home to my girl.” he said grinning down at you. You couldn’t help the smile strewn across your face while finally being able to look Josh right in the face, not a silly phone or computer screen. 
He leaned down and whispered in your ear “You’re getting the floor all wet…”
“Oh shit. You’re right. I-I’m sorry I just got excited.” you say looking down at the puddle of water and soap around your feet. Glancing up at Josh you smile “Will you join me?” you ask as you make your way back into the stream on hot water. 
“I’d love to.” he sighs “I need to get all the airport off me.” Josh strips off his clothes and you turn your head to the feeling of a cool rush of air on your back when he opens the door to the shower. With tired eyes and a dopey smile, he walks up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his head on your shoulder. “Hot as ever.” he jokes.
“Who me or the water?”
“Mmm. Yes.” Josh presses a sweet kiss to your temple before pulling away and grabbing your shampoo off the shelf. “Can I wash your hair?”
“Mmm, please. I would love that.” you smile back at Josh seeing him in all his glory. His hair is longer now, save for the shaved sides that he recently decided to bring back, and a few curls have started to stick to his forehead due to the humidity in the shower. You keep looking at him as he squeezes some of your shampoo into his hand and you can’t help but notice how his arms, stomach, and legs seemed to be a little more toned since you’d last seen him. 
“You’re staring.” he says, not even looking up at you as he rubs his hands together to get your shampoo all sudsy.
“No baby, I’m gawking.” He lets out a small laugh at your response. “You just look so good. I’ve missed looking at you.” 
“I could say the same, darling.” He winks. “Turn around for me mama.”
Feeling Josh’s hands on you again made you feel complete. Being apart from him for so long while he and the boys were out on tour was hard. Especially after you’d spent so much time together when the pandemic was in full swing and touring was not. It was a hard adjustment for everyone, not only you. Granted you had Jita to talk to and you knew she understood exactly what you were going through but it wasn’t the same without him in your bed every night. 
The two of you stayed in the shower for as long as possible before turning into prunes. Taking turns under the water to rinse off soap from your bodies and hair and sharing intimate kisses and looks. You were happy to be with him and simply feel his presence again, everything in the world felt right. 
By the time you and Josh got out of the shower and were dressed and ready for the day, it was lunchtime. You both made your way downstairs to get something ready to eat. When pulling the things for sandwiches from the fridge you heard the familiar crackle of the needle of your record player begin to play ‘Call Me’ by Aretha Franklin. Moments later you feel Josh’s hands snake around your waist before he whispers in your ear “Dance with me, mama.” You turn in his arms and he grabs your left hand in his right and pulls you away from the counter before placing his left hand on the small of your back, pressing you into him. 
You could stay like that forever. Your head tucked into Josh’s chest, inhaling his signature sent with every breath, instantly calming you. You eventually pull your head from his chest to look him in the eyes but catch a glimpse of his bags still sitting by the door.
“We need to unpack your bags.” you say causing Josh to look at you with furrowed brows.
“S’odd thing to be thinking about right now.” 
“I know, but seeing them sitting by the door makes me think you’re leaving again. And that's the last thing I want right now.”
“Oh, baby.” Josh frowns, bringing his hand to your jaw and rubbing his thumb across your cheek. “I’m not going anywhere.” he places a tender kiss between your eyebrows causing you to melt right back into his chest and hold him tighter. 
“Good.” is all you say before the song fades out and into the next. “You hungry?”
“Mmmm, famished.” 
You pull away “Well there isn’t much since a certain someone disrupted my plans for the day and I didn’t get the chance to go out and get things for dinner.” you say jokingly “So sandwiches will have to do for lunch, but what do you want to do for later? We could order in but I really wanted to make you a home-cooked meal tonight.”
“I could run out and get whatever you needed for dinner.” Josh offers.
“Mmm that would be perfect.” you say standing on your tippy toes to peck a quick kiss on his perfectly pink lips. “I’ll give you the list. Thank you, baby.”
“Anything for you, lover.” He lays a light smack to your ass before exiting the kitchen to go grab and unpack his bags.
After a wonderful dinner and hearing lots of Josh’s tale of the road. You both decided to have a movie night.
Sitting on the couch with your lover in an old t-shirt and some pajama shorts and Josh in his sweats and shirt, you played with his hair as he laid his head in your lap. With a big bowl of popcorn, your two wine glasses, and your second empty bottle of wine on the coffee table you couldn’t think of a time within the past few months that you had felt this happy and content. 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, mama?” You didn’t even realize Josh had been staring at you from his spot below you. You glance down at him and see the hazy smile strewn across his face. 
You giggle. “I sound like a broken record but I’m just really fucking happy you’re home.”
Josh reaches up and runs his fingers over your already blushing cheek. “Mmm me too, baby.” His fingers continue to trail down your neck making you snort a laugh and start to giggle. “You’re drunk aren’t you?” he says looking up at you with a giddy smile.
“M-maybe a little.” you say through little laughs. Wine was something that always made you a little giddy, but after sharing two full bottles with Josh you were definitely starting to feel its effects. 
You slowly calm down and notice Josh staring at you again. His eyes were droopy but you could clearly tell something was running through his mind. Suddenly you stop all movements as if you were a statue in a museum. “What?” you say with wide eyes.
“You’re just so beautiful.” Josh sits up and places a slow loving kiss on your lips. He pulls away, but only the slightest bit. You can still feel his breath fanning across your lips. “Mmm you taste good.” he breathes out.
Suddenly, you feel the mood in the room shift and grow completely still. The tension between you two is so thick that it feels as though it's hard to breathe. You meet Josh’s eyes and brush your nose against his in a playful manner to break the tension before whispering “Make out with me Kiszka.” across his lips.
“Mmm gladly.” He gently grabs your face and connects your lips once again. This time with more passion. You brush your hand over the shaved side of his head before bringing it to the curls at the nape of his neck, deepening the kiss even further. You slightly tug at the roots forcing Josh to release a barely there grunt, making you smile against his lips. “Stop that.” you hear him murmur against you. 
“What? I thought you liked a little tugging.” you joke. 
“Oh I do.” he responds before grabbing your bottom lip with his teeth and releasing it with a pop. You throw your head back in laughter before collecting yourself and reconnecting your lips. Josh’s tongue swipes over your bottom lip and you hum as you let him in. He grazes the roof of your mouth before pulling away from you abruptly. You catch his eyes, you’re both already breathing heavily and without a word or breaking eye contact, he leans back and ushers you to straddle his lap. 
Once you’ve situated yourself on Josh all decorum, in every sense of the word, is thrown out the window. Teeth clashing, tongues fighting for dominance, and hands tangled in each other's hair while soft breathy moans are falling from the both of you. Josh starts trailing kisses from your lips to your cheek, across your jaw, and down your neck before finding the spot behind your ear that he knows will cause you to fall into pieces. A moan louder than you expected falls from your mouth actually causing you to jump a little and a small “oop” falls from your mouth. You hear Josh chuckle and feel him smile against your neck before he continues down to the loose hem of your shirt.
“J-Josh, baby.” you sigh out trying to get his attention. 
“Josh.” you tug at his hair to try and get him to look at you. 
A short “mmm” is the only response you get as he continues to leave open-mouthed kisses along the expanse of your neck.
“Joshua.” you grab the sides of his head to pull him away from you so you can look him in the eyes.
“W-what?!” He looks startled. You didn’t mean to scare him, but the look on his face made a giggle bubble in your chest and you held it back as best you could. 
You stare at him for a moment before smiling and saying “Take me to bed, baby. Please.” Josh springs into action. Wrapping his hands around your thighs before launching off the couch with a big grunt. 
“Okay, grandpa.” you laugh into his neck.
“Hey now. Cut me some slack, I’ve really been working that tambourine lately.” A huge belly laugh springs from you and Josh trudges forward, up the stairs, and into the master bedroom of your home. 
You feel the soft comforter of your bed hit the back of your legs as Josh lays you down. Before Josh has the chance to fully make his way on top of you, you grab the bottom of his shirt and tug lightly. He looks down at your hand, “Oh you want this off?” he smirks back up at you. All you do is nod shyly. “Come on mama. Don’t get shy on me now.” He leans down to plant a kiss on your lips. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you.” you grab his face and place a long, sloppy, wet lick up the right side before pulling back and laughing “Take this off. Now!” 
Josh sits back on his knees and yanks his shirt over his head before reaching for the bottom of your shirt. He looks at you with a grin on his face. All you do is nod and in a split second your shirt is over your head and is being thrown to the other side of the room. Josh leans back down and starts kissing down your chest to the swell of your now-exposed breasts. He takes your right nipple in his mouth and pinches the other between his forefinger and thumb. Moans of his name are falling from your lips like a fountain, encouraging him to keep going. He continues his effort until your nipples are on the edge of being overstimulated before he starts kissing down your stomach. Josh glances up at you, not stopping his kisses when he feels your stomach start to vibrate against his lips. “What's so funny?” You can tell by the uptick in his voice that Josh is laughing along with you.
“Y-your mustache, it tickles.”
“I thought you’d be used to it by now.” he smiles up at you.
“I-I know, it’s just- it's been so long since we’ve done this.” And it had. Sure you and Josh had phone sex on the regular when he was away, but without him being there you’d momentarily lost the sensorial familiarity of his facial hair and lips on your body.
“I know, mamas. But don’t you fret, we’ll definitely be making up for lost time these next few days.” He winks at you before bringing his lips to the waistband of your panties and kissing down over your still clothed clit. He glances up to ensure he has your undivided attention before grabbing your panties and shimmying them down your legs. 
He starts rubbing up your legs with the palms of his hands and planting open mouthed kiss from your ankle to your calves and finally landing at the tops of your thighs. You’re practically squirming under his touch, squeezing your legs together to dull the burning ache in your core. Softs moans are leaving your lips when you feel Josh pull your knees apart and start to kiss along the inside of your thighs, higher and higher but not reaching the stop where you need him most. You whisper out his name, getting him to look up at you. 
“What baby? What do you want?” He’s smiling at you. He knows exactly what you want but he wants you to say it. 
“Stop teasing me you little shit.” It comes out much more breathy than you had hoped. Completely giving away how much Josh was really affecting you right now. 
“Come on, mamas. Be sweet to me so I can be sweet to you.” Josh whispers against the inside of your thigh before coming up and sucking a dark hickey onto your hip bone. 
“Your mouth! God, Joshua, I want your mouth!” All regard for keeping yourself controlled is thrown out the window. 
Josh releases a small giggle. “Good girl.” Before you can even register the fact that he’s responded to you Josh is diving into you. The flat of his tongue swipes from your dripping hole to your clit in a slow, languid motion. A choked moan rips through the room when Josh wraps his lips around your bud and sucks it into his mouth. Your hand is pulling his hair at the crown of his head forcing a grunt from his mouth. 
While Josh was gone, you practically dreamt of this every night. He always knew how to bring you right to the edge and make your body buzz with only a single touch. But having him here now was otherworldly. Josh knew your body better than you did. Sometimes even, he’d randomly point out little beauty marks and scars on your skin that you didn’t even know existed, and it amazed you every single time that he paid that close attention. 
Your attention was drawn back to Josh when you noticed how he was not so subtly grinding his hips into the mattress. You smiled to yourself. The idea of Josh being just as needy as you right now for some reason made you feel giddy. “A little impatient are we?” You joked through bated breath.
He looked up at you and saw the devilish grin spread across your face. “Shut up.” he huffed out through a laugh. He flashed you the most gorgeous smile before he plunged his middle and ring finger into your dripping cunt. One of the most pornographic moans ripped through your body as you felt Josh start pumping his fingers in and out of you at an ungodly pace. You could barely hear the small chuckle Josh let out over the sounds of his fingers being coated in your slick and your heavy breaths and moans. “Fuck- Y/N you’re fucking soaking my fingers, baby.” Josh moaned out before he placed kitten licks against your clit. 
“Mmm greedy little thing aren't you?” 
“Josh please, stop teasing.” you begged. Josh quickly got back to work, attaching his mouth to your clit and devouring you like he hadn’t had a meal in months. In seconds Josh was taking over your senses and you could feel the pressure in your stomach reach its highest peak. “J-Josh.” you moan out. “I’m so f-fucking close!” 
“I know, baby. Let go for me. Show me how much you really missed me.”
“Oh fuck! So much.” 
Seconds later you felt the rubber band in your stomach snap and the wave of pleasure crash over you. Your eyes clamp shut in pleasure and moans of Josh’s name and incoherent babble falls from your lips as your orgasm fills your senses. Your vision flashes white and the only sounds you can hear are the faint whimpers Josh is making. 
Slowly Josh ushers you back down to earth as your orgasm subsides and gently pulls his fingers from you. When you finally have the strength to open your eyes you’re met with Josh’s beautiful face smiling up at you. “That was a good one, wasn’t it?” He starts climbing up your body and gently places his fingers on your bottom lip. “Open.” he commands softly, and you oblige. He slowly pushes his fingers into your mouth and you wrap your tongue around them, tasting yourself. 
As Josh starts to pull his fingers from your mouth a giggle falls from your lips. He traces down your jaw and neck with his digits before smiling down at you and asking “You having fun, mama?” You just smile up at him and nod your head before pulling him down on top of you and littering his face and neck with open mouthed kisses. 
Suddenly, the thought pops into your brain. You pull away from Josh and look him in the eyes. “I can leave as many hickeys as I want!” you practically scream in his face out of pure excitement, squirming around just like a kid on Christmas morning. 
Throwing his head back in laughter, Josh looks down at you and through a chuckle, he says “Y-yeah. I suppose you can now with this long break.” 
You’re not quite sure how, it must have been all the excitement coursing through your veins, but you flip the two of you over so that you’re now straddling Josh’s hips. Your lips are on him in an instant, leaving dark purple marks all over his neck and chest. Slowly, you make it down to the patch of hair just below his navel and glance up at him. His cheeks are flushed, eyes blown out with lust, and lips so pick and plum it almost looks like they might explode off of his gorgeous face. You drag your hand over his jeans where you can clearly see how hard he already is before reaching up and popping the button and unzipping his zipper. Making eye contact with Josh, you smile and bite your lip as you pull his jeans and boxers down and off his legs. 
His cock springs free and rests hard and leaking on his abdomen. Crawling back over him after throwing his pants across the room you stop with your face inches from his throbbing cock. The whimpers falling from Josh’s lips make it even harder for you to control yourself. 
Looking up at him, you slowly drag your flattened tongue from his balls to the very tip of his cock before wrapping your lips around his head. Just the taste of him alone makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. You wrap your hand around the base of his cock and start to bob your head up and down slowly. Moans of your name are the only thing coming from Josh’s mouth when you decide to bring your other hand to cup his balls. 
He throws his head back and through a breathy laugh Josh says “God I missed you so fucking much.” You hum around him before drastically changing your pace. Lewd sounds of your mouth around Josh and his moans are bouncing off the walls of your bedroom. Pleasing him was one of the few things that brought you this much joy. Being able to see him falling apart for you, because of you was something that you’d never give up. 
Relaxing your throat as much as possible, you take Josh even further. A choked moan rips through Josh’s chest and his hips buck, forcing him even further down your throat. You try not to gag as you hold yourself down on him, so much so that your nose is brushing against the patch of hair at the base of his cock. You feel him twitch in your mouth before you pull off of him with a sloppy pop. 
Josh sees the string of drool that runs from your bottom lip to the tip of his cock and smiles. Wiping it away with the back of your hand and sitting back on your knees, you pause for a moment, taking him in. His body is already glistening with the thinnest layer of sweat, the way his chest is moving up and down as he tries to fill his lungs with as much air as possible, and the slight twinkle in his now fully dilated eyes.
Josh quickly notices how you’re squeezing your legs together to dull the burning ache in your core and he lets out a breathy chuckle. “You’re so good to me.” 
“Just fuck me already Kiszka.” you say with a smile as you climb back on top of him.
“Yes ma’am.” he responds before flipping you over and situating himself between your legs. 
Josh takes himself in his hand before running the head of his cock through your folds. Positioning himself at your entrance before slowly pushing in all the way to the hilt. Moans fall from both of your lips and Josh runs his hands up and down your thighs, giving you time to adjust to him again. 
After being away from him for so long and missing him in this way you’ve become too needy to wait any longer so to signal that you’re ready for him to start moving you clench your pussy around him. A small whimper comes out of him and you smile to yourself before doing it again. Josh abruptly wraps his arms under your knees so that your hips are lifted off the bed before he starts his brutal pace. A yelp flies from your mouth as your head tips back in pleasure. It almost feels foreign to you. Josh is hitting spots inside you that you didn’t even know existed. An opened mouth smile is strewn across your face as Josh continues to repeatedly hit your g-spot. “That feel good, baby?” He asks through bated breath, and the cockiest smile you think you’ve ever seen that man wear. 
“Fuck, y-yes! Josh, baby you m-make me feel so f-fucking good!” Your words are being thrown off by how hard Josh is fucking into you, practically fucking you stupid. 
Unsurprisingly, the familiar feeling of your impending orgasm has already started to form in the pit of your stomach, and Josh can tell. 
“Shit- you’re squeezing me so fucking tight, mama.” he says through gritted teeth “Please cum for me. I won’t be able to last much longer, please.” Before you have the chance to respond Josh is dropping one of your legs to start rubbing tight, fast circles on your clit, doing everything he can to get you off. 
“Oh, fuck!” you scream out as you feel yourself start to gush around Josh, no doubt drenching the sheets beneath you. 
“Fuck! That's it. Good girl. Cum around my cock, just like that. Such a good fucking girl Y/N. So pretty for me.” You knew Josh right there with you, he always tended to ramble when he was about to orgasm. You felt Josh start to lose his rhythm and with a few more thrusts you could feel his warm, sticky cum fill you to the brim. 
Slowly bringing the both of you down, he let go of your other knee and leaned down on top of you. Grabbing your face in his hands he kissed you hard, only slightly pulling back to smile against your lips before placing a light peck to the tip of your nose. 
“Mmm, we should get wine drunk and do that more often.” he whispered.
You giggled. “Sounds like a plan. How does tomorrow night sound?” 
Josh smiles and places the softest kiss to your lips before he slowly starts to pull out. Before he gets the chance to make it too far you grab his hip. 
“No, stay.” you look at him with the biggest doe eyes you could muster. “Please.”
Josh grins at you before silently ushering you to lay on your side so you’re face-to-face and pulling a blanket over the two of you. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you on the forehead before taking a big whiff of your hair.
“I’m so glad I’m home with you Y/N. I love you so much, baby.” he says after a few moments of silence. 
“I love you. And I’m glad you’re home as well.” You say with a smile. “This means I can start using my own body wash again and people can stop asking me why I smell like a man.” you giggle into his chest. 
“Mmm, we should get on that. Shower?”
“Already ready for another round?” you ask with a bit of shock in your voice.
He smiles down at you, “Like I said, mama. We’re making up for lost time.”
Tags: @sparrowofthedawnsworld
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
(after I saw someone request the god killer having a Dorky husband i couldn't help myself requesting this)
So hear me out what about the god killer having a silly clumsy scientist husband that loves studying them like having 14 journals and audio tapes filled to the Brim with interviews, experiments, and the god killers powers
And so when god killer trusted the humans fighters enough they decides to introduce them to they're husband by teleporting all of the human fighter's to the large lab that they created for there's silly scientist husband
[so how would the humans fighters react to the god killers silly scientist husband and I would especially like how nikola tesla interact with there husband cus they Both scientist]
-It had started with a question from Nikola, one that the gods didn’t even know and one that you wouldn’t answer, as they needed to find the answer for themselves.
-You don’t remember the question off hand, only that it had led to several arguments and at least two fist fights between several people.
-The humans and the gods were working together, trying to figure out the solution before Nikola sighed, “If there was another scientist, we could get their view on this.”
-This is when you perked up, “Oh- do you want another opinion? My husband would be happy to help.” All eyes turned on you in shock as you took your human form, making sure your chiton was secured correctly as Zeus spoke, “You’re married?!”
-You weren’t bothered by his tone, looking calm, “Yeah- we married a few years ago. He’s so cute!” glances went around as you opened up a portal, “C’mon, we’ll go to his lab together.”
-Following after you, Nikola, Hermes, Zeus, Odin, Loki, Adam, Leonidas, Ares, Aphrodite, Brunnhilde and Goll, all entered through the portal into a messy but well light lab, research, computers, and machines everywhere.
-You called out, “Honey?” a snort from a pile of paper caught everyone’s attention as the dorkiest looking man crawled out from under the papers, having fallen asleep in his lab once again.
-He was wearing sweatpants, flip flops, a polka dotted tank top with a lab coat over the top, and huge thick rimmed glasses over his eyes and a head of hair that looked like he had licked an electrical socket.
-You pouted, your hands on your hips, “You fell asleep in the lab again! How many times do I have to tell you to sleep in the bed!” he just laughed, the bags under his eyes telling you that he was up all night, “Sorry Y/N, I got going and I couldn’t stop.”
-You pouted, looking adorable, “I’m gonna ban you from the lab again if you keep doing this!” he flinched back in fear, as he knew what a ‘ban’ as, where you just took his lab and warped it to another dimension until he learned his lesson.
-He then noticed the guests and he greeted everyone, shaking hands with Nikola who looked elated, seeing all the research, while everyone else was stunned, trying to figure out how he married you.
-You explained the reasoning for bringing your guests from Valhalla and he was silent for a moment before flames of determination surrounded him, hearing of a problem to be solved.
-While the others were a little less enthused, your husband and Nikola got along just fine, instantly going into theories and going over notes.
-You leaned your chin on your hand, “He’s so cute when he gets fired up.” This was more of a mystery that they wanted to figure out a bit more, on how this dork got you, leaving Nikola to handle things with your husband.
-You weren’t going to say anything however, you liked to keep some secrets to keep people guessing.
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the-infinite-hole · 8 months
hi my ~realistic~ narry/reader broken marriage thoughts turned into a 3k word fanfic about trying to reconnect with him.
you're in the shower but you don't do anything xD
tentatively tagging @caltverkeys because i probably wouldn't have thought about it for so long if they hadn't expressed interest in my initial thoughts. :)
not that i expect ANYONE to actually read all 3k words of this silliness lol.
(*i wouldn't normally post whole fics to tumblr except this one probably wouldn't exist WITHOUT tumblr.)
sooo here ya go
When you hear the faucet squeak to life and smell his soap beginning to waft down the stairs, you smile because you know it means he's had a good day— or, at the very least, that he hasn't had a bad one, which is sometimes all you really need.
Saying his name quietly to yourself (you know he can't hear you over the din of the water, but you feel like saying it anyway), you creep up the stairs, heading toward the bathroom at the end of the hall. The door is half-open, and through the noise you think you can detect him muttering something to himself.
His muttering doesn't bother you, though; it never has: Thinking out loud is something he's always done, and anyway, it's actually quite nice to hear his voice— especially when he's been flat-out ignoring you in favour of his own pursuits, which lately he's been doing quite a bit.
For days and days now, your Narrator (actually, he's your husband; however, he just as often insists upon being addressed by his own chosen title) has been holed up in his dark, smoky little office, working on his very own video game: His 'parable' as he likes to call it. He's been building it privately on his computer for as long as you've known him, adding dialogue and settings and characters and concepts at what most people would describe as his leisure.
At first, you were charmed by the strength of his creative drive— however, having been married to him for as many years as you have, you now know first-hand that there isn't actually anything 'leisurely' about the way your husband works on his game.
How long has it been, you think, since he last had a job— real job; a job that actually made him real-life money? How long has it been since the two of you last went out to dinner together...? Or entertained company, or took a trip—?
...You shake your head as you step into the bathroom, banishing both the thoughts and the hard, sticky bitterness clinging to them like old barnacles.
Not right now.
He's already standing under the water when you arrive, hidden safely behind the curtain: A mere silhouette, although over the years you've grown sadly accustomed to him being somewhat of a shadow to you. He spends so much time holed up with his game in that little office of his that sometimes you worry you're going to forget what he even looks like.
His glasses (at least those haven't changed) are resting on the edge of the sink; his pants are balled up on the floor with his socks. His shirt is hooked on the doorknob, its sleeves hanging just low enough to brush up against the worn linoleum tile peeling up from the edges of the floor. Even over the soap, you can smell the sweat on it; see the coffee stains, too. It feels like a long time since you've seen him undressed, and maybe even longer than that since you've seen him without his glasses.
It's embarrassing— you certainly wouldn't admit it out loud— but the god's honest truth is that you can hardly even recall what colour his eyes are anymore.
You bite down on your lip as your stomach ties itself in knots. You've been married to him for longer than you haven't been, but all of a sudden— right here and right now— you feel nervous: Like you're intruding, or crossing a boundary.
...Like you shouldn't even be here.
He's probably busy, you scold yourself. Busy trying not to get soap in his eyes; busy thinking about his game. Busy spending time in his head with Stanley.
'Stanley' isn't real, though, and neither is the game, no matter how much your Narrator seems to wish they were. You don't resent his inclination to retreat into himself so much as you wish you understood it; you knew he was prone to bouts of depression when you married him, and you would never begrudge him his feelings. But to witness him running headlong into a set of digital arms when you've been there for him in real-life all along...
Shh, quit it. Not right now.
No, you think, it isn't the right time to indulge your own misplaced jealously and pent-up bitterness any more than it's the right time to contemplate your husband's chronic lack of employment or unwillingness to join you for dinner. You didn't trail him in here to scold him; you can do that any time. No, you came in here to...
Wait, what did you come in here for, anyway...?
He coughs from behind the shower curtain, maybe to let you know he's detected you; maybe just because he smokes too much. The sharpness of the scent of his soap and the headiness of the humidity in the air are what coax you back to reality; you're still frightened, but before you know it, you're peeling your own clothes off and discarding them to the floor right alongside his anyhow.
Could this be it, you ask yourself—? The thing you came for? Joining your husband (or your 'Narrator', or whoever the hell he thinks he is these days) for a shower is something you haven't done in years. What could possibly be possessing you to do it tonight?
What do you think you're going to gain from it— do you really think it's going to help?
Now less-than-sure of yourself, you almost give up right then: Put on a towel and scurry out of the bathroom; maybe to go and make some tea, or even just pretend to go to bed. But then— then— you think better of retreating, because what does it really matter whether or not it 'helps'? Running away is something he does; something he does, in fact, that you loathe. What kind of message would it send to him, if you went and did the very same thing...?
Whatever precipitated that well-timed cough of his, he already knows you're here: Quite simply, you can feel it. You don't need to ask.
Goosebumps pepper your skin as your throat seems to close in on itself; without meaning to, necessarily, you start taking steps: First one; then two, and three, and then finally (it feels like it takes a lot longer than it does), you're standing at the edge of the bathtub with your hand on the curtain, trying not to breathe too fast.
Perhaps in spite of yourself, you shoot a quick glance back in the direction of the mirror, just to make sure you're still smiling. If you're here because you love him, you reason, then shouldn't you greet him as though you're happy to see him?
Next, you pull back the curtain, letting out a hot puff of steam; after that, you lift a foot, stepping high over the lip of the tub and into the shower. He isn't facing you, but the source of the water instead; he also isn't washing his hair or his face, or anything else, for that matter. He isn't moving or talking, and he certainly isn't singing to himself the way he used to when you first got married. Really, all he seems to be doing is standing there: Stiffly, beneath the water, like a pillar of something soluble— something that wishes it would melt.
You place a hand on his shoulder from behind, and his back tenses beneath your touch. Your smile fades before he's even had a chance to see it; your breath catches, and already you're terrified you've made an awful mistake.
"I'm sorry," you start...
But then, he turns around.
Nearly choking on your own words, you stop as quickly as you started: Again, it's been practically forever since you last law his eyes.
They're green.
A beautiful, sparkling emerald green; as bright and brilliant as ever, almost as if in direct and deliberate defiance of all the things that so often seem to conspire to take him away from you. They're so lovely (and so lovely on him) that you're ashamed to have so flagrantly forgotten them. Then again, you think, maybe you were meant to forget them: Maybe he wanted you to.
"Don't be sorry," he says. "I'm almost finished."
Calm and cordial (entirely too cordial, actually) his spoken words come near-devoid of any particular intonation— betraying very little of the pain or confusion swirling about behind those pretty eyes of his. It's been like that for a long time; again, you sorely miss the sound of his voice, but he just doesn't seem to have it in him to use it the way he once did.
Not unless he's narrating for Stanley, anyway.
"I wasn't waiting for you to be finished," you tell him— trying as best you can to tamp down both your long-standing bitterness and your hope, lest either of them get the better of you.
His eyes dart to the side, as if he doesn't know what to say. He doesn't try to hide himself from you, and hasn't since you joined him; however, you know that's less because he's comfortable and more because he simply doesn't give a shit— about the way he looks; about the way you feel about him. The Narrator hardly seems to care about anything anymore.
Shut up. You're here because you love him anyway, remember?
"...You aren't?" he asks, voice creaking like an old door as he places a single hand on the slick tile wall beside him and keeps on refusing to look up at you.
"I'm not," you promise... tentatively reaching back out toward him, only to stop just short of actually touching his chest.
"Then why are you—"
"I just wanted to—"
"Just wanted to what?"
Clearly off to a less-than-stellar start, you bite your lip again. "...Let's not interrupt each other," you suggest, as gently as you can. Your hand is still hanging there between the two of you, resting in the air like a spectre. His body is shielding it from the water, and therefore the rest of you, too. You shiver— cold, now, in spite of the steam.
"...I'm sorry," he says, only barely audible over the insistent pattering of the water. Venturing to lift his head, he looks first at your hand; then, eventually, up at your face.
If nothing else, you suppose, his apology is at least sincere.
"You don't need to be sorry," you tell him... and (for now, anyway) it's the truth.
"...I wasn't lying when I said I was nearly finished," he mutters, shoulders shifting as though he's about to try and move past you. In desperation (desperation you hope to god he can't sense), you let that floating hand of yours finally make its landing: A gentle one, in the very centre of his chest, warm little rivulets of water flowing over and around it.
"Wait," you plead... pressing the tips of your fingers insistently into his skin.
"What for?" he asks back, having apparently grown uncomfortable enough with your presence that it's actually beginning to annoy him. You try not to let your heart sink; how many of your fights with him have started out precisely this way—?
"...Do you remember our first apartment?" you ask him, irreverent and hopeful and still not to be deterred. "The one with the leaky toilet and the irritable landlord?"
He sighs, pursing his lips. "...I do remember," he admits, if reluctantly. "He was always complaining about—"
"The water bill!" you blurt out— unable to resist finishing for him as an entirely unintentional grin flashes across your face.
Apparently unmoved, your Narrator shifts his weight from leg to leg. "I thought we were going to quit interrupting each other," he huffs... averting his gaze yet again, this time in favour of staring intently down at the water swirling around his own feet and down into the drain.
You hate admitting it, even to yourself, but you miss when he used to stare at you.
"...I'm sorry," you say, kicking yourself internally because you should have known better than to get excited.
"Anyway," he goes on tersely, "we haven't needed to share showers to save water for years— and so unless you're here to deliver some sort of unfavourable news with regard to our financial situation, I quite frankly don't see any reason for you to have joined me."
You almost wish you'd gone ahead and interrupted him again. Nonetheless, you curl your toes hard into the ceramic beneath your feet; having come this far, you aren't giving up on him.
Not yet.
Not tonight.
"If I told you that I just wanted to join you," you start, "then would that be a good enough reason?" Gazing down at your own hand as it rests on his chest, it dawns on you that you don't exactly have a whole lot of room to criticize his reluctance to make eye contact.
Looking up, you catch his gaze and hold it— maybe for as long as you've held it in years.
It isn't easy, but it's worth the effort... isn't it?
Already flush from the steam, you can't quite tell whether his cheeks have gone red, or whether he's merely grown too warm. "I— w-well, I suppose it would be," he spits out, "but... but, well, I... I..."
Mindful of his having chided you for it earlier, you refrain from cutting in, giving him a moment to try and finish. Only when it becomes evident that he isn't going to finish do you dare to prompt him.
"You what?" you ask— emphatically, yes, but also kindly; more curious, now, than impatient.
Your thumb begins to stroke gently at a damp tuft of hair on his chest. It's familiar, but in a way that feels distant, too: Like something you're remembering from a whole other life.
He focuses his gaze somewhere behind you, then: Past the shower curtain, in the direction of the bathroom door. He could very well be thinking about pushing right past you and bolting though it; in fact, it's more likely than not that he is— but if he's thinking about running, he must also be thinking about not running in equal measure, because (it'll seem almost miraculous, when you look back on it later), he doesn't so much as move a muscle.
He does cough again— maybe just clearing his throat.
You don't stop stroking that little wet tuft on his chest.
"I... well, I suppose I thought you didn't want to," he reveals, as earnestly as it feels like he's revealed anything to you in years.
For a moment, you feel newly ashamed... but then, of course, you feel frustrated: He thinks you're the one who didn't want to be with him—?!
You're aren't the one who spends every waking moment holed up in an office with their pixilated boyfriend.
...No, you remind yourself: Now isn't the time to bring up Stanley.
"Of course I want to!" you tell him back, and once more, it's the truth: Again, you didn't join him in the shower to berate him; you joined him because you love him— you always have, and even through everything, you've never stopped. You don't think you ever will. "We're still married, aren't we?" you ask, as your feet shift forward and a nervous, playful little lilt infiltrates your tone.
He blushes. There's no question about it this time, steam or no steam. He's always been prone to it, and (for better or worse) you've always loved making him turn red.
"I— I... w-well—"
As careful as ever, you close the remainder of the distance between the two of you— snaking a trembling arm around his waist in the process. His back seems to straighten out, but he doesn't try to pull away; you look into his eyes, and (maybe because he doesn't have anywhere else to look), he stares back into yours.
You don't say anything to him, but you do smile: Not bold enough to expect, perhaps... but certainly brave enough to hope.
He pauses, drawing a breath.
"...Y-yes," he finally manages. "Yes— yes, of course we're still married; it's just that— th-that—"
In lieu of interrupting him with words, you take yet another chance... this time by tilting your head (once again, in a way you haven't done in years), and shutting him up with a kiss.
It always used to work before.
You close your eyes, partly because you're scared; but also partly because of the fine spray misting out from behind him. The water pelting his back trickles over and around your hand; he breaths in, lungs expanding against your body in a way you never quite realized until just this moment how very much you missed.
...Maybe he misses it too, because the next thing you know, he's kissing you back.
He's really, actually kissing you back.
It's been so long since he last put his arms around you that you almost flinch when he does. He tastes, as always, like his favourite cigarettes; his lips are exactly as warm as you remember them. More grateful than ever to be surrounded by water, your eyes fill with tears; you know you shouldn't cry, but your body doesn't seem to care.
The pipes, old and lime-encrusted, whine from above you. Droplets tap-tap-tap against the plastic shower curtain; the drain gurgles from under your feet; and— somehow, suddenly— you're quite positive that you can hear the far-off droning of someone's car alarm, blaring faintly from outside.
Your Narrator himself, however, doesn't make a sound. He doesn't move, either... except to part his lips, and pull you even closer to him.
...Maybe, you think sadly to yourself, he really does need 'Stanley' as much as he seems to believe he does. Maybe he's depressed; maybe he's angry— maybe he's been touched by something he hasn't yet gathered the courage to reveal to you, and it's eating him up from the inside-out. You still don't know, any more than you know how to pull him out of his head and back into real life.
Right here, though— right here, in this very moment, steeping together like human tea in the warm, fragrant steam— your Narrator seems just as content to need you as he does to need his office, or his computer, or his best digital friend.
A kiss in the shower might not seem like a lot to some people, no... but to you it's something: A lot of something, in what often feels like a sad and lonesome sea of even more nothing.
It may not be able to singularly mend everything that's wrong with him (or with your marriage, or with you yourself), no: But tonight, it feels like enough.
Maybe— for now; from him— 'enough' really is all you need.
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deadbydangit · 10 months
Okokok hi I'm back and I have such a silly little scenario
So we all know a lot of the killers are from old times, and a lot of the realms are modern. I'm thinking how funny it would be with old killers seeing tvs and light bulbs and cameras and just generally modern stuff lol
Killers being Twins, Plague and Huntress!
Love it! I actually did something like this in my Adventures in Texting fic. But I would love to expand on this. Please enjoy. I'm actually going to do part two of this since I have more ideas.
With a killer from past times discovering new technology
Twins, Plauge, Huntress
There might've been some technology in their time.
But they were always on the run and living in the wild.
There is no way they've ever seen any of it.
So when you turned on the lights without a candle, they both just froze.
What is this?
They might even be a little bit frightened.
Assure them that nothing will hurt them.
Explaining technology will be difficult.
Mainly because they fear it's some sort of black magic or something.
The people who were after them after had weird rituals and weird contractions.
What if you're one of them?
You're going to have to prove you aren't.
Once she gets used to the lightbulb she isn't as frightened.
They'll slowly warm up to the idea of using technology.
They learn fast, so it doesn't take long before they're using it regularly.
Charlotte likes phones.
She can always reach you if she needs you.
Victor really enjoys anything that plays music.
From record players, to CD players, to iPods and everything in between.
You've improved their lives drastically with these experiences.
And they can't wait to share more.
She is arguably the oldest one in the realm.
There was no technology when she was alive.
She figured that the lightbulb was just some strange candle cover.
But she finds out it isn't, she'll be memorized.
Did the gods take the power of the fire and condense it into this little glass tube?
She has so many questions.
If the gods didn't do it, then who did?
Humans shouldn't be trying to harness that type of power!
And they stuck those people in that box?
That's horrifying and cruel.
They aren't stuck?
But how are they in there then?
Maybe lead her to the conclusion that the gods gave humans knowledge on how to build such things.
Out of everyone, she is the most hesitant to embrace these changes.
However, she does like the lightbulbs as it was a frequent hassle to keep candles burning.
She might never fully embrace technology, but she is grateful for what you have shown her.
You must've been sent by the Gods.
Out of all of them, Anna is probably the one closest to modern times.
It's heavily implied that she was around during the cold war in the late 1940's.
Even so, she lived the life of a hermit in the forest all her life.
So she wouldn't know regardless.
If she had found a phone before you introduced her to one, she would've thought it was a weird rock or something.
And she would've thrown it at someone.
Then she would've wondered why the rock looked like broken glass now.
If you show her how a phone works, she'll be in complete awe.
She can hear you through this rock!
Anna can be a little dense, so take your time explaining things.
You'll also have to show her how to be more careful with technology.
She's a very strong person, and the idea of a light touch doesn't make much sense to her.
Now she wants to know more!
A computer?
What can it do?
How does it work?
She's a very curious individual.
Make sure you're around when she tries something new though.
She has used things wrong and broken them in the past.
Then she starts to feel guilty.
Anytime you show her something new, she gets more and more excited.
But how could she not be excited when the coolest person ever is showing her all these new and amazing things?
48 notes · View notes
noonaishere · 6 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - ten | F, senpai
You sat, like every other time you streamed, in front of your computer with the room lights off, but a strip of soothing red LEDs on so you could still see your desk. You were a faceless streamer and could comfortably sit in the darkness since no one needed to see you. Your blue light blocking glasses rested on your nose as you set up the chat and everything else you needed for a hard night’s work of being silly on the internet.
“Oooookay. Can you hear me guys? One, two. One, two. Mic check, mic check. Sob in the mob with the Rob Bob Bob?”
A few people in the chat helpfully answered that your audio sounded too quiet. You adjusted it.
“How about that? Price check on prune juice, Bob. Price check on prune juice.”
Everyone started sending thumbs ups and happy faces, with a few saying “You’re good!”
“Thank you, kittens. I guess I have to do the intro, huh.” You took a breath and - as fast as you could - said: “Hey everyone it’s Jageun Geomeun Goyangi, JGG, the Little Black Cat, coming to you live out there in radioland. We got a great stream tonight; a few indie games, I might play an old favorite, who knows where the night will take us? I hope you enjoy the stream and I hope you enjoy the jokes and remember, no backseat gaming., or I’ll turn this car around! If you like the video, like it, if you dislike it, dislike it, but let’s waste no further time and get to gaming.”
You paused. and inhaled deeply.
“How long was that?”
This was an odd little game that developed between you and your chat. When you first started, you tried to make your intro as personable as possible and it just got longer and and more ridiculous. Now you said it as fast as possible to see if you could beat your best time.
The times rolled in.
LeaBea: 0:8.02 TheNicestGuy: 0:0:7.57 QuackIsWhack✅: 0:0:8.22 🗻of Namhae: 0:0:7.58 YangYangGangGang: 0:0:8.15 SleepySheepy😴: 69:69:69.69
“SleepySheepy you’re so full of shit,” you laughed. “But also: nice, nice, nice, nice.”
SleepySheepy😴: LOLOL
“And what’s with the disparities guys? I felt like that was under eight seconds and you’re all giving me weird numbers.”
🗻of Namhae: You didn’t tell us when to start, lol
“That’s true Namhae, I should start giving signals. That’s my fault. Anyway, we got a good stream for you tonight, a few indie games, I might play an old favorite--” You laughed.
🗻of Namhae: 😞 LeaBea: LOL SleepySheepy😴: F WackIsQuack: Haha! QuackIsWhack✅: Change your fucking name back, I swear to god
“No name trolling, you know the rules, ladies, men, and nonbinary friends: Be nice in the chat, the world is already too harsh.”
JohnnyYuta: Sorry, Quack QuackIsWhack✅: Thank you
“Okay, let’s see… if Keeho is alive… and awake. And then we can see who else wants to stream.”
JohnnyYuta: He’s already streaming A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: He’s been streaming all day QuackIsWhack✅: You know what that means…
“I don’t have enough money to buy chicken nuggets?”
The chat flooded with emojis of potatoes that were meant to be chicken nuggets. Truly a crime against humanity that there wasn’t a nugget emoji.
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🗻of Namhae: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack✅: You gotta kill him
“I will, Quack… or should I say: Shane Madej. And then you can trap him in your ribcage like the demon you are.”
QuackIsWhack✅: LOL
“But if JohnnyYuta and Tree saw that he’s streaming already, let’s go raid him. Send him: the nuggets.”
You navigated over to Keeho’s Twitch page to find him, as your spies informed correctly, already streaming. As you and your chat made your way over to his, and his chat was suddenly filled with the same message of five nuggets in a row, over and over again.
🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🗻of Namhae: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 TheNicestGuy: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 I💚Keeho: Heyyyy, it’s Cat! A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: The jig is up! JohnnyYuta: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 StrickenChicken: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 UltimateHyung✅: Oh noooo~~ a raid~~ lol UltimateHyung✅: Whatever shall we do with all these nuggets! I💚Keeho: Hi Cat! 👋 There’sARockInMySock: Cat!! 🗻of Namhae: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 MinHoe: Sheepy, I thought you weren’t awake now?? SleepySheepy😴: I fucking LIED lol MinHoe: lol
“There’s what in the chat?” Keeho looked up from his game. “Ohh, Cat's on! Hi Cat!”
🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: ACCEPT OUR NUGGETS!! 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔
“Accept nothing. Accept my Discord invite, you pest.”
“Hiiiiiiiii~~,” you sang.
“What’s going on, Cat?”
“Nothing much. I thought you said you weren’t starting before now?”
“Ummm, did you hear there’s a new map in Tale of Tails?”
“That weirdo gumiho gacha MMO you play?”
You laughed. “No, because it’s a weirdo game for weirdos. Like yourself: a weirdo.”
“Okay, there’s no need to go so hard, what are my fans going to think?”
“That you’re a weirdo.”
“You can just admit you’re jealous, Cat.”
“I have no desire, nor need, to admit such a thing.”
He laughed. “I’ll get you hooked on it one day.”
“Some of us aren’t rich and can’t buy the best cards, my guy.”
“You don’t need to buy cards, my dude.”
“Is that what you tell yourself every time you hit ‘Purchase,’ champion?”
“It’s what I know, chief.”
QuackIsWhack: The girls are fightingggggggg MinHoe: Sheepy, answer my fucking message SleepySheepy😴: nah fam MinHoe: Don’t you nah fam me SleepySheepy😴: lolol 🗻of Namhae: Oooo MinHoe, so forceful 🗻of Namhae: Kabedon him against the wall next SleepySheepy😴: lolol, senpaiiiii~~~ MinHoe: I hate you, Sheepy MinHoe: 😞😞😞 SleepySheepy😴: 😎😎😎 LuciPURR: Cat, call him “buddy,” “guy” next
“They want me to fight with you more.”
“You just came here to fight with me?”
“No, I came here to fight you… in the realm of games!”
“I’m going to send you to the Shadow Realm!”
Both of you started singing the Mortal Kombat theme.
🗻of Namhae: MORTAL KOMBATTTT QuackIsWhack: daNA daNA daNA TheNicestGuy: daNA daNA daNA A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: DA DA DA DA DA DA DA JohnnyYuta: DA DA DA DA DA DA DA UltimateHyung✅: There’s the traitors UltimateHyung✅: I saw you sell Keeho out in Cat’s chat QuackIsWhack: Yo, but why are you stream sniping, boss? UltimateHyung✅: Are you defending them, Quack? QuackIsWhack: You’re all guilty of the same crime JohnnyYuta: You gotta do what you gotta do to get your fav streamers to stream together lol SleepySheepy😴: You gotta do what you gotta do what you gotta do, you know? LuciPurr: Do the Dew A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: I ship them 🥵 JohnnyYuta: My OTP 🗻of Namhae: guys… TheNicestGuy: GUYS QuackIsWhack: No shipping. I’m the mod, I say so UltimateHyung✅: Not in this house you aren’t QuackIsWhack: In Cat’s chat I am lol UltimateHyung✅: Lol QuackIsWhack: We should migrate back to our own chat anyway
“Thank you, Quack,” you said. “There will be no shipping in this house. Especially not drop shipping.”
“We’re in different houses.”
“There will be no shipping in either of these houses. Only a pox upon them.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
“I’m about to ship you with the wall.”
“By slamming your head into it.”
Keeho laughed. “You’d have to be here first. And on camera.”
“Fuck, my one weakness.”
“You’re like a vampire.”
You hissed like Nosferatu.
“Understandable. I’ll set up the game.”
“Kay kay.”
“Kee Kee.”
“Ho Ho.”
The two of you laughed.
As Keeho invited you to the game he read the chat. “‘Is Cat a vampire?’ Are you a vampire, Cat? Am I friends with a Dracula?”
You hissed into your microphone.
“Is that a cat hiss or a vampire hiss?”
You laughed. “Now I’m not sure.”
Keeho chuckled.
“But I’m a faceless streamer, person-in-Keeho’s-chat.”
“So you’re like a vampire or something and can’t appear on camera.”
“Vampires can’t go out in the sun, dude.”
“Twilight ones can.”
“You’re trying to make a point to me about vampires with the straightest, most boring vampires possible?”
He laughed.
“Where’s your sense of terrifying homoeroticism?”
QuackIsWhack✅: They do be like that tho There’sARockInMySock: The inherent homoeroticism of the vampyr 🗻of Namhae: Vampires are gay?
You laughed. “Yeah, they’re pretty gay, Namhae. At least the good ones are. Bram Stoker was closeted and stuff… he was best friends with Oscar Wilde… you know how it goes. Carmilla was like the OG vampire book and that was about two girls. Anne Rice’s vampires were pretty gay as well.”
“Why do you know so much about vampires?”
“Maybe I’m the Big Titty Goth Girlfriend we’ve all heard so much about. Ever think of that?”
“Then you are shooting yourself in the foot by not having a camera.”
You cackled.
“Plus, I know what you look like, and you’re not.”
“Oh shit, yeah. Damnit, if only we were never friends in real life.”
Keeho laughed loudly. “Let’s go back in time and not be friends, and then I’ll believe it when you say it.”
“Yes, that’s my fucking plan.” You laughed.
QuackIsWhack✅: Anyone who asks about her tits, gets the hammer JohnnyYuta: Dang, Quack JohnnyYuta: Punish me mommy QuackIsWhack✅: You trying to get banned? JohnnyYuta: Absolutely not, ma’am 🧍‍♂️ A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Crack the whip on him! QuackIsWhack✅: Tree? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: No ma’am 🧍‍♂️
“What in the kinkery fuckery is going on in your chat?” Keeho laughed.
“Stop looking at my stream, dude. And I don’t claim them.”
“You have to claim them, they’re your chat.”
“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
QuackIsWhack✅: Excuse you?
“Quack is my only monkey. I made a circus just for her.”
He laughed.
“She’s been around the longest.”
🗻of Namhae: I’ve been here since the beginning too QuackIsWhack✅: Yeah, haven’t you been here longer than I have?
“Wait, what? Namhae, you’ve been here the longest?”
🗻of Namhae: I think so. I remember back when you only had five subscribers, right when you started 🗻of Namhae: (One was me, btw. lol) QuackIsWhack✅: Yeah, I came in at like, 15 or something lol 🗻of Namhae: Lol 🗻of Namhae: This is the same account from back then too, go check how long I’ve been subbed JohnnyYuta: No lies Namhae? 🗻of Namhae: Lol, why would I lie? Quack can just check QuackIsWhack: Ohhh yeah, lemme check A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Did she have any other fans then? 🗻of Namhae: There was a handful of people 🗻of Namhae: I haven’t seen any of their names in a really long time though QuackIsWhack: Holy shit, you’ve really been here the whole time 🗻of Namhae: See? 😊 A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Yooooooo TheNicestGuy: Wow JohnnyYuta: Oppa! YangYangGangGang: Oppaaaa!
“Ohhhhh shit. You hear that, Keeho? I’ve got someone who’s been here almost as long as me.” You laughed.
“Shit, I’m so jealous. That’s so cool though.”
🗻of Namhae: 😊😊😊
“Aww, cute blushie smiles right back at you, Namhae. You know what? I should make you a mod, since you’re always around.”
🗻of Namhae: Really? 🗻of Namhae: I’d be honored JohnnyYuta: Oh shit TheNicestGuy: Wow… A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Senpai’s noticed him, AND he’s gonna be a mod? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: I’m so fucking jealous
“Well, you know, stay around for five or so years and maybe you’ll become a mod too, Tree.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Goals 🥲🥲🥲 JohnnyYuta: Living the dream, Namhae
“You’re so silly, Tree. Annnnnd, you’re a mod now, Namhae. Quack can message you and tell you the ropes.”
QuackIsWhack✅: We got so many ropes, you’d think it was the Scouts up in here 🗻of Namhae✅: testing…? 🗻of Namhae✅: Oh my god 🗻of Namhae✅: I have a check QuackIsWhack✅: Woowwww JohnnyYuta: Look at himmmm QuackIsWhack✅: How do you feel, Namhae? 🗻of Namhae✅: So special 🥺🥺🥺 A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Ahhh my TT QuackIsWhack✅: lolol 🗻of Namhae✅: 😤😤😤 🗻of Namhae✅: Who needs to get banned? Lemme at em! YangYangGangGang: There’s a new Oppa in town
You chuckled. “You’re funny, Namhae.”
“I’ve seen him in my chat occasionally when you’re not streaming, he cracks me up.”
🗻of Namhae✅: 😳😳😳 JohnnyYuta: BOTH senpais have seen him! 🗻of Namhae✅: I don’t know what to do with all this A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Go crazy! Go stupid! SleepySheepy😴: Go apeshit MinHoe: Sleepy, answer me dammit SleepySheepy😴: 😴😴😴
You laughed at the chat. 
“Heyyy, BrickTheBracken and MickTheMacken are here!”
“Hey guys,” Keeho said.
“Hey hey,” Bracken and Mick responded.
“Are you guys in the same room again? You’re a little echoey.”
“Sorry,” Bracken responded. “We just moved into the new place and we’re not totally set up yet.”
“I’ll take my laptop to the other room,” Mick offered. A few seconds went by and he could be heard shuffling his headset. “This better?”
“Much better.” Keeho answered.
“Do we know if Yeji or Ryujin are going to show up?” You asked.
“They should,” Bracken offered. “Maybe they had to stay late at their day jobs?”
“Don’t even fucking talk about day jobs,” Ryujin exploded into the chat. “I was watching you guys on the way home and I’m so mad I had to stay late. I wanted to be around for the nugget raid.”
You laughed.
“Love a good nug raid.”
🗻of Namhae✅: Everyone loves nugs 🗻of Namhae✅: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack✅: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 StrickenChicken: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 UltimateHyung: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 LeaBea: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 TheNicestGuy: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 YangYangGangGang: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 LeaBea: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 There’sARockInMySock: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 MinHoe: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 LuciPURR: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: All hail the nugs!
“Ryujin, are you watching my chat?”
“I ammmm, thanks guys. Now I really feel like I was at the earlier raid.”
“My chat’s pretty sweet.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: You’re sweet
“Oh, Tree, I’m blushing. My heart just went ‘doki doki,’ dude.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 😳😳😳
“Can you quit flirting with your chat and accept my invite?” Keeho asked.
“I’m not flirting with anyone. They’re all just lovely people.”
“Uh huh.”
“I don’t see an invite from you.”
“Huh? Oh, I didn’t add you.”
“HA!” You laughed loudly.
QuackIsWhack✅: F A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: F StrickenChicken: F UltimateHyung: F SleepySheepy😴: F I💚Keeho: F LeaBea: F JohnnyYuta: F TheNicestGuy: F There’sARockInMySock: F MinHoe: F 🗻of Namhae✅: F, senpai
“At least Namhae respects me.”
🗻of Namhae✅: I respect you, sunbaenim
“All I need is your respect, Namhae.” Keeho said as he held his fist to his chest and pretended to struggle with his emotions.
You laughed. “Close my stream, dammit!”
“I’m going to close it when we start playing.”
“Guys! I made it!” Yeji yelled, winded.
“Okay, okay, calm down.” Keeho responded. “Do you want us to play a round while you get situated or would you rather play now?”
“I need to play something and not think about the printer that I spent like three hours trying to fix because our office didn’t pay a bill and now the printer company won’t come fix it and no one else can or wants to fix it.”
“Holy shit,” you said. “You’re way too pretty for that, Yeji.”
“I knowwww, I should never have become an office worker. I thought it would be easy.”
“Aww, my baby.”
SleepySheepy😴: WE love you, Yeji I💚Keeho: Yejiiiiiii LeaBea: Aww 😥😥😥 There’sARockInMySock: Yeji! 💜💜💜 QuackIsWhack✅: We love you, bubbah A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Yeji is the prettiest JohnnyYuta: Love our girl StrickenChicken: I’m not wlw, but if I was I would pick you, Yeji UltimateHyung: Were I single, I would ask you out in a manly fashion 🗻of Namhae✅: You deserve better, Yeji
“Are you looking at my chat, Yeji?” You asked.
“Ryujin is showing me. Aww, you guys are sweet.”
“You do deserve better.”
“I know… UGH I have to interview somewhere else or make more money streaming so I can leave.”
“I think you can do it. I mean… I never went to college and here I am.”
“Living the dream, Cat.” Ryujin said.
You laughed. “Nah, I’m living the ‘a lot of hard work and a little luck’.”
“Dang right, hard work,” Keeho said emphatically.
“Now: Are we finally going to play?”
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alfiely-art · 7 days
Finished act 4!!!!
Act 1 reaction here
Act 2 reaction here
Act 3 reaction here
Intermission reaction here
Act 4 reaction:
“Next image” or “end game” What. What we just started ???
Ohhh I like this music tho
This looks like an rpg lol
HI??? FROG??? SALAMANDER???? Whatever you are you're adorable
Hi adhd amphibian
These guys are great I love then
Ohhh they're salamanders
This section would be a lot more fun if I could. Play Homestuck. Curse my computer for not allowing me to read homestuck
This section is also taking a very long time to load. It is pictures you're fine phone
Did he lift thr pumpkin off wv's head. Gay
HELP don't kill him he's turned gay it's okay
Yay hi Jade!!!!
???? There IS a pumpkin there what the fuck
Love the difference between John and Dave's reactions to Jade's dog
hi karkat!!!!!! You're being so mean… be nice to john or I'm Gonna bite you
Man I can like. Feel John's frustration karkat you're being so annoying I'm gonna bite you
Dave schizo arc … no I know he's being silly about the psychosis thing
Slur count: 9
“I love him” Dave why are you so random. Good for you though beeeee who you aaaaaare for your priiiiiide
ROSE IS IN PAN LAND!!!! They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the Rose's pan
Okay so we're going through the game thing again
???? Dave why do you want john to drink your piss,
Well that's one way to wake Jade up
I think WV, PM, and AR could be a poly
Oh :( Rose's mom left…
Slur count: 10
Okay which troll is this. Don't be rude about Rose's mom!!!! Bad troll
Best hatefriends forever <33 who are you
“Shit the bed” KARKAT TALKS LIKE ME!!!!
I understand why i was told i am karkat-coded
Slur count: 11
Laughing at a blind girl? Not cool egbert
OHH it's that one. The. Vriskas girlfriend!!!!
Guy with cat ears <4333
Oh. Oh that map is. Not great
Yo that shot looks sickkkk…
Yo rose is metal af
“TG: i command her alright i am like the pimpmaster hustledaddy of all snippy bookshrews” Dave what
Okay my font changed here. Easier to read tbh. Idk if it'll translate to tumblr but oh well
Omg… yuri?????
Help why do trolls sound so gay
Oh green troll is pretty… what's her name….
I KNOW THIS ONE!!! Great rap Tavros
Whatever video they linked to for “I got a present for you casey” is unavailable… rip
Trolls watch movies with modern manga titles. Will keep in mind
Terezi is so right. John is a stupidly adorable little guy
Awww… jaspersprite kinda types like my buddy. Meow meow
John's blasting off again
Did I miss something. When did Dave get a suit. When did Cal get added to the sprite. Wha
Yo what. John and Jade died??? Terezi noooo why did you ruin their session…
Slur count: 12
That didn't happen the way I thought it would. I think it's sweet that Dave chose to become a sprite to protect his friends. If they don't treat him nicely I'm killing all of them
But dang… doomed timeline…
Dave and Davesprite are so chill. Love them
AWWW. John remembered Dave's note….
Ohhh sick… jack is a queen(?) Now!!!! The guardian people are fighting!!! Yayyyyyy
Oh thank God Hussie will explain what's been going on
My reaction to Hussies's joke ._. That was. Lame
Aww. Terezi just wants to be his friend :> this better not be a trick my baby boy is so gullible
Dr Meowgon Spengler
John :( he's real Dave. John don't be ungrateful… honestly it's fair of Davesprite to be mad. Like John died in his timeline. He went back and chose to help the other Dave and all his friends and. Ourghh. Be nice to him
Yooo cal gets a cute little outfit !!! He's zipping around <333
Awwww… more bunnies!!!
IS THIS SOLLUX. I've heard of this one. Eridan lover
They are jamming!!
Maplehoof Maplehoof
Haha get pranked
I love the differences in how Rose and John name things
John you're So stupid why would you just stand on it
Fuck yeah ride the pony
AR so swaggy
Okay so. I swear. These guys are the midnight crew. That is literally Deuce. I'm not crazy right. They look the same. Maybe this is their sleepy selves… godtier… do they get godtier. Hmm
Idk what just happened in that animation but yay WV
Omg that's such a cute outfit for Rose I love it
Welcome to the party motherfuckers
Okay I'm really excited to see what Jade’s sprite is
I don't remember Dave getting thay suit. Did he steal it from future Dave. I mean future Dave doesn't really need clothes anymore but…
Oh okay yeah it's future Dave's. but cool!! Not a bad suit at all
Beautiful sword actually
Dave you're scaring the hoes
Dave looks like the autism creature in that selfie he took
Wizard fanfic!!!!
Dave is so real here. Rose and her mom could've talked :(
Uhhhh. Dave ded :( that's not good. Present Dave you gotta fix this
Man what if that Dave was still alive
I'm gonna bet 10$ that the goo John's getting is gonna be the alpha kids
Oh there are more beta kids as well okay
They are holding hands !
karkar you can't say that. Wait that's not his name. Whatever. Karkat bad!!! Unless you're like me as I am like you. Schizophrenic I mean.
Awww.. Lil dirk loves Lil cal… that's so sweet
Babysitter au!!! John be careful with all these babies
These babies are uglJAKE PUT THE GUNS DOWN!!!!
Karkat never say daddy again thank you
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Harley… like Jade Harley…
Jack Noir…
That was the best ending of an act. Oh my fucking god. I am crying
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prodigal-explorer · 11 months
anaroceit week - day four - it's alright
prompt: rom-com/everyone is trans
relationship: platonic (could be interpreted as romantic/pining) anaroceit
word count: 1.7k
(cw -> transphobic parents, self-hatred, gender dysphoria)
“I thought we told you to stop using that name with your teachers.” 
Janus froze as he watched his parents scroll through his computer, unable to move as he did nothing but stare. He should have known not to leave his screen open while getting a glass of water. By now, he should have learned that his parents didn’t consider Janus deserving of any sort of privacy. 
“I did stop,” Janus lied through his teeth. “Mr. Diaz just forgot, that’s all. He’s really forgetful sometimes.” 
“What made you even come up with such a dumb name anyway?” Janus’ father asked, poison in his voice. “Janus. The name we gave you is much more beautiful.” 
“Maybe I don’t want beautiful,” Janus muttered. “Maybe I just want something that’s me.” 
“Your melodramatics are getting old,” Janus’ mother said. “You’re seventeen years old. You need to start acting like an adult. I don’t care what your silly little friends are doing, ruining their bodies and their reputations with all this stupid, disgusting, “trans” stuff. But you aren’t getting pulled down with them. They’re never coming over here again.” 
Janus flinched, but upon hearing his mother's words, an idea popped into his head, and he looked over at his window. No, he tried to tell himself. Too risky.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “Can I please finish my homework? It’s due at midnight tonight.” 
“If this happens again, your laptop is being taken,” Janus’ father warned. “You can do your schoolwork the old fashioned way. That’s how your mother and I did it, and we turned out just fine.” 
With that, they left, and Janus was finally able to breathe again. He went and deleted the email from Mr. Diaz after reading its contents, and then deleted everything else in which he was called by his true name. As Janus watched his deadname flash across the screen more times than he could count, he started to feel a deep, unstoppable self-hatred collect in his stomach. 
This wasn’t fair. 
He tried so hard to be who his parents wanted while also being who he truly was. But the two things were impossible to balance, and Janus was starting to wonder if he would have to just pick one. There was no way to make everybody, including himself, happy, and maybe it was time to just stop trying. It was getting too hard to hold everything together; to keep every secret and hide every bit of contraband. 
Before Janus could stop himself, he found himself tearing his pillowcase off his pillow, shoving a toothbrush, his meds, and his most masculine set of pajamas in. Today, after all, was definitely a masculine day, much to his parents’ disappointment. Sure, Janus didn’t mind presenting as feminine sometimes, but honestly, he felt much more at home when he was able to shift and transition how he presented depending on what made him feel the most euphoric on any given day. And the least dysphoric. That part was important too. 
The last thing Janus grabbed was hidden at the bottom of his closet, underneath his bin where he kept his socks: his pronoun pins. The ones he grabbed to wear said “He/Him”, but he took the other two just in case he felt the need to change it out at some point. 
It wasn’t like Janus to go to anybody’s house without texting first, but this was an emergency. After a very risky adventure of climbing out the window and jumping into the nearest bush, Janus was off to the Mendozas. He was just desperate to clear his head and get one night away from his control freak parents. He needed to be somewhere where he could just be himself, without being scared to death of being discovered. 
And the Mendoza house was the best place Janus could think of to do just that. 
Carla had told Janus that he was free to come over whenever he wanted. God, he hoped that she wasn’t just being polite. Carefully, and starting to regret such an impulsive decision, Janus knocked on the door with a timid reluctance. 
It wasn’t Carla or Remus who opened the door. Of course it had to be Roman’s bright, shiny eyes that looked into his and his goofy smile that appeared when he realized that it was Janus he was looking at. 
“Janus!” Roman cried out, “Oh my gosh, are you here for a sleepover?? No way, I was just thinking about inviting you and Virgil over! I would invite Logan too, but tonight’s star-gazing night, and I wouldn’t wanna distract them from that.” 
“True,” Janus hummed nervously, shifting weight between his right and left, causing him to sway awkwardly. “So…does that mean it’s okay for me to come over for the night?” 
“Of course!” Roman said, “Come in, come in! You can put on a movie in the living room if you want.” 
A smile grew on Janus’ face. He loved movies, especially when he was watching them with Roman and Virgil.
“I might just have to take you up on that,” Janus teased softly, ruffling Roman’s hair before going to sit down on the familiar couch. 
Carla was sitting on the recliner, typing on her laptop. She smiled kindly at Janus, and the action made Janus feel a hundred times calmer, somehow. Carla always seemed to have that effect on people, and it was mystifying how she did it. But at the same time, it made perfect sense. Janus figured that anybody who stepped up to the plate of being Roman and Remus’ foster mother had to have some tricks up their sleeve when it came to comforting. Though Roman came across as fearless, Janus was one of the only people who Roman allowed to see in his most vulnerable, fear-stricken moments of honesty, and he was certain that Carla had seen even more than Janus had. 
Curling up into a ball, hugging his knees to his chest, Janus picked up the remote and surfed through all the different streaming surfaces. Rom-coms were a guilty pleasure of Janus, and a very un-guilty pleasure of Roman’s, so Janus figured that it was a safe genre choice. When he finally settled on Candy Jar, Roman came over to sit next to him, but he gave Janus a decent amount of space, clearly unsure of how close Janus was comfortable with him being. 
“Virgil said he can stay the night too!” Roman disclosed with a grin, rocking back and forth on the couch while swinging his legs. “It’ll be the best sleepover ever.” 
“Yeah,” Janus said, starting to relax just a little more. “The best.” 
He pressed start on the movie, but didn’t let it play, wanting to wait until Virgil came around. His stomach was still tumbling, thinking about the inevitable flurry of phone calls and text messages he would get from his parents when they found out that he was gone. Luckily, Janus wasn’t ever dumb enough to tell them Roman’s address. If they tried looking for him, they wouldn’t even know where to start. But even so, the thought of seeing their faces, hearing his deadname get spat at him like venom, made Janus want to curl up into the blanket Roman had passed to him and hide inside forever. 
An arm looped around Janus’ shoulders, squeezing him ever so gently, and reminding him that he wasn’t there. Roman didn’t have to ask. He was the first to admit that he wasn’t the smartest, but in a way, he was. He got people in a way that Janus could never understand. It wasn’t exactly like he could read their minds, but he always seemed to have a trick up his sleeve to make everyone in the room happy. Maybe it was just a part of who he was, or maybe it was something he carefully practiced. Either way, Janus closed his eyes, trying to bask in Roman’s warm existence. 
A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Janus jumped, and Roman leapt to his feet to get it. Virgil bumbled his way into the living room, his body hunched over and his eyes vacant and tired. Janus sat upright immediately, leaning forward on the couch to try and get a better look. 
“Virgil, are you okay?” he asked. “You look horrible!” 
“It’s- fine…” Virgil mumbled, sitting down beside Janus, still holding his stomach. His ears were tinged red. “It’s nothing. Reall- ow. Oww, fuck-...” 
“Did you get stabbed??” 
“No!” Virgil cried out, finally tearing his hands away from his stomach. Perfectly devoid of injury. “I’m just on.” 
Janus’ eyes widened in understanding, and then softened in pity. He knew how hard this time was for Virgil, and really, for all three of them, it was challenging. Janus could say he was lucky because he sometimes felt feminine during these days, while Roman and Virgil had no source of euphoria anywhere, knowing that their bodies were betraying them, and doing something that didn’t match who they truly were. It was hard to even think about, much less endure and talk about. 
“I’ll get you a heating pad and some chocolate,” Roman said. “Do you want the racecar one?” 
Virgil groaned before nodding. “Yes please,” he mumbled through gritted teeth. 
The racecar heating pad at this point was a Mendoza family tradition. Roman used it for his cramps, and Virgil and Janus eventually started using it for theirs too. Silly as it was, it made the whole ordeal feel just a little less dysphoric and a lot more lighthearted. Janus pressed play on the movie as soon as Roman came back with the warm heating pad and a big bowl of fun-sized chocolates. 
“Ugh, I hate rom-coms,” Virgil joked, wrinkling his nose in mock disgust. “They all have the exact same plot.” 
“No, this one’s different, I swear!” Janus reassured. “It’s funny. You’ll like it.” 
“Both of you be quiet, I wanna hear the movie!” Roman cried out with a laugh, resting his head on Janus’ shoulder. 
Maybe things sucked right now, and Janus didn’t even want to think about what it would be like at home tomorrow after sneaking out. But at least in this moment, it was alright. Roman’s arm went around Janus once again, and the heat from Virgil’s heating pad warmed Janus’ leg, and Janus had forgotten how good Milky Ways were since his parents never allowed candy in the house. 
And Virgil’s cramps were killing him, and it was obvious that Roman was worried sick. 
Things weren’t perfect. But they were alright. And that was good enough for Janus.
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I'm making my next notes post longer so take some Episode -1 notes right now :3
Episode -1
“Kinda hypocritical for me to say that given that I wear glasses and also see nothing.” Again, average glasses wearer experience 😔
“Well these penny loafers were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do.” He's so, so silly sometimes r.i.p cause of what he goes through </3
“That guy didn't call me Freeman! That means the curse is broken!” is it a cop out to say silly again?
‘Hey Gordo, what's up man?’ “The… ceiling.” 
if he had to take a shot for everytime someone confused him for Gordon he'd probably be blackout by now
“Not trying to brag, but I was hired by the company when I was 19. 19!” Sir that is absolutely bragging but he deserves a little bit of ego sometimes
“I wouldn't be surprised if that happens and Felix and Ramirez pop up from behind a corner with cameras aimed at me. Seems like something that's right up their alley” chaotic duo 10/10
“You sly dog. This is Ramirez doing, isn't it?” god, I love them they're so 💔
“I do remember some people getting pissed at me for having the maintenance man switch all the orange soda with lemon lime. Collateral damage in what was supposed to be between Ramirez and I.” PRANK WAR??? HELLO???
“I wonder how Ramirez is holding up.” 💔💔
“The guy's probably fine.” Oh I have bad news
“This is normal.” About an exploded printer… (something, something, computers blowing up /ref)
“I can't just walk through it cause I don't want to get my shoes or god forbid my socks wet.” Priorities!
“This might all be happening because of my goatee. Maybe I should shave it.” Please don't 🙏
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molluskzone · 8 months
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inside... what a wonderful... caricature oᵒᴼᶠ... intimacy...
oh my god this took like 3 hours this took as long / maybe longer (i wasnt keeping very good track) as the piece with blake and isaac dear god if id picked up a shift at work instead of doing this i would have made 50 dollars in that time. i basically wasted 50 dollars on this
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still having issues with my tablet not aligning with the computer screen. i think its getting worse? idk. this is what it looked like before i edited the saturation to match a little better on my laptop screen
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the silly... hair took me FOREVER to figure out. and the dress
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and this. do you guys think im going to hell for drawing dog jesus
i was going to add flower petals or gray or ashes or some shit to fill out the rest of the space among the objects surrounding her but i dont feeeeeeel like it
maybe i should explain the objects around her and which character they belong to. if you cared enough to read this then you deserve to know it... from left to right top to bottom: photo of eve and her parents (they dont have concrete designs yet so i just drew generic silhouettes), crumpled tissue (blake), computer mouse (eve), keys (isaac), rosary (eve, obviously), cell phone (isaac), lighter (blake, "borrowed" by isaac), polaroid of eve and blake at their senior homecoming (non-canon because they didnt have any direct contact between 1998 and 2007, its an easter egg based on that one piece i drew of them a month and a half ago. though that said: eve), CD (???), missing poster (eve), glasses (blake), can of spray paint (isaac), cross (eve), pack of cigarettes (blake), spilled wine bottle (eve), fingerless gloves (isaac). not sure what the sketch between the cross and cigarette pack was supposed to be but i didnt put it in the final piece so clearly it wasnt that important
EDIT: nvm i just remembered its a USB flash drive. well it belongs to blake but. i forgor
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Today's Focus
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My tshirt is not an endorsement of JKR. I got it in 2004 when the third movie dropped; it is 20 years old I simply do not throw things out.
05.29.24 - Made it to midweek! We've got sunshowers today (it's sunny and raining) and my sinuses are killing me. Thank god I don't have to commute on Wednesdays.
Work - I didn't leave stuff for myself, except for like an efile and retrieving a document. I'll only have to do what comes in by email but I think SJC is back so I might end up busy again.
I ended up on the phone for 20 min with one of JJM's defendants in her new case because he's very concerned about how to mark up the complaint I sent him (95 pages of handwriting because the plaintiff is a pro se I/I), and I had to re-do a mailing from October because the correctional facility didn't bother to send it back to us until like this month or something. Oh and I had to explain to an intermediary that, because they are not a party to the lawsuit in question, they cannot just sign documents on behalf of the plaintiff.
Background Noise - Well I'm home and the DVR is still p full despite me literally getting a whole 20 episodes of Jeopardy off last week so this week we're focused on all the episodes of The Steve Wilkos Show Dad has saved back for me. I do not watch the trashy cheater & DNA shit; I'm here for the true crime ones - molestation, sexual assault, theft, murder...shit like that.
Managed 15 videos off the various lists yesterday which is pretty good considering that at least an hr of my time was taken up by my computer updating and restarting.
Study - It is visual study day, so most of what I'm going to pick to watch on YT in my downtime will be something extra-informative. To that end, I've got a couple of biography/fact-type videos I want to watch: one on the lava lamp, and the second on the real-life case that inspired the exorcist. I have a couple of true crime and other fact-type lists I can watch as well if I somehow get the time.
I am actually quite pleased with what I managed to read yesterday: two of Van Gogh's letters, three articles on the UK's Post Office Horizon scandal, three 'good news' articles, and I finished the essay on International Monetary Reconstruction. I also got a little farther in a couple of other long essays I was reading.
Extras - Wednesday is back to doing chores so I have to clean out the catbox again and vacuum; I'm also going to do some extra laundry and cleaning up in Dad's room because he lost his glasses on his trip so I have to find his spare pair. At least it's takeout night though I have no clue what I might want to get. I'm planning on watching the first Kamen Rider Build movie tonight; I may or may not watch another episode to go with it. Depends, because I'm starting S3 of The Tick as well (have to save time for silly show!) Mini-essay is done & was easy because it was about good news; tomorrow's will be harder and god knows if I'll do anything else today.
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venus-giirl · 2 years
Ken Ryuguji-Whisper and Breath
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"Whispers and breathing".
Draken x fem reader (Nsfw).
Pairing: boy x female reader.
CW: dirty talk..., sexual mentions if you squint, a little sleepy.
Words count: 969.
N/A: I love this guy my god. He's like the overprotective dad of the group.
Draken sleeping at your house had become a habit. He didn't like spending sleepless nights in his "house" where he could hear his friends through the walls...you know. 
And he adores them, of course, they're like sisters to him, but some nights he couldn't stand the parties the hospice threw and just got the hell out of there.
They were always best friends, well, I'll correct that better, at first they got along like cats and dogs, like enemies to lovers, but eventually they both learned to put up with each other and seek each other out.
"It's too late, aren't you sleepy?" asks Draken as he takes off his shirt to put on a makeshift sweatshirt as pajamas, after all he didn't want to dirty your sheets with his dirty clothes.
Despite the constant hesitations and competitive attitudes between the two of you, you always came to him when you needed his help, just as he came to you when he didn't want to be at home or after some gang fight hurt him badly.
To you, Draken, he's like an overprotective dog who doesn't like to be messed with by his little pup, namely you. 
"Not yet, I have a few more lines of work to finish" You sigh at your keyboard settling your glasses on the bridge of your nose. 
"Yeah, sure you do, Miss Smarty Pants" she replies in a mocking voice as she slips under the protection of the sheets. 
You roll your eyes with a smirk on your face and continue typing on your computer as fast as you can. "I remind you that you get to stay for free for using my bed and the toiletries in my house" 
You quickly relieve yourself in the bathroom and wash your face to refresh your eyes, finish brushing your hair and apply flower cologne to sleep. In a jiffy you are already sitting up in bed taking off your glasses
"Yeah, yeah...someday I'll turn it off for you just fine" She says in a sleepy voice.
After almost two hours you finally finish the job, you are so exhausted that your eyelids feel like five kilos on your eyes. 
You don't want to wake Draken, so you make as little movement as possible to tuck your figure into bed. 
Draken grunts at the slight movement as you pull the sheet back and rolls over, drowsily. 
"You're finally here" A small pang jumps in your heart and your heartbeat becomes steadier, warming your body. His voice sounds so husky and the warmth he radiates tucks you in so pleasantly. 
A little insecure you take the opportunity to settle better in your seat and decide to turn your back on him because of the nerves he was giving you, but why tonight? You had already slept together with him several times and you were used to the warmth of his body next to yours, but after a week without his presence you had forgotten how good it felt to sleep next to someone. 
"Tomorrow is Saturday, so... you don't have to get up as early as other days"  His warm breath coos against the soft skin on the back of your neck and his deep voice crashes against your earlobe. He was hugging you so gently from behind. 
"Draken I..." You shiver in a whisper. 
"What's the matter pretty girl, you're not going to tell me you're nervous today" He caresses your arm as he sticks closer to your back and your heart races faster and faster. 
"Don't be silly" You grunt as best you can to save yourself from the situation. You knew he was right. 
"What's the matter, does my voice make you nervous tonight?". He laughs in your ear sending more hot vibes. 
"No..." you hesitate for a few seconds, but you weren't going to let him get away with it, not if you knew he was messing with you and playing you into a corner. "Lay over there, it's too hot." You give him a little nudge on his abdomen and he sighs as he laughs. 
"But we always sleep this close together, gorgeous, I'm not moving from where I am" He grunts as if he's annoyed by your comment about his closeness and turns you around without warning to come face to face. 
"Draken..." You suppress your gasp as he grabs your hips so that his pelvis caresses yours. 
"Tell me my voice warms you, pretty one" He buries his face in your neck for light kisses. You let yourself drift drugged from his words and move your neck to give his mouth better access. 
His tongue runs along your most sensitive spot between your neck line and shoulder and a sigh of burning pleasure escapes unintentionally from your lips causing his hips to move over yours, brushing his erection against your mons venus as if he were an animal. 
Your back arches at his touch and you wiggle your hips, eager to feel more of his soft bulge against your thin pajama pants. Draken clears his throat and growls, coming out of your neck after leaving several bite marks to attack your lips. 
"Draken mmh...". He doesn't let you utter a complaint, devouring your mouth taking the occasional bite harder than necessary causing moans of pleasure and ragged breaths from both of you. 
His tongue entwines with yours, you taste his warm saliva and his breath leaves his nose to caress your cheek, not bothering if you have enough air to endure the passionate kiss.
After a few intense seconds he pulls away, still hungry for your lips, so you can take the air you need in long, heavy breaths. 
Draken's hand comes up to lift your chin with his thumb and open your mouth slightly.
"I hope you can take it well tonight, because I'm in heat, little one...”
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biribaa · 1 year
Okay, I know I just made a request yesterday but hear me out. We had a lot of O7 x Reader but what about Olivia x Reader, huh? 🤨
This poor girl need more love, just give her some love please😔💗✨
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It was two in the morning, you got up to get a glass of water only to find your girlfriend at her computer, doing some coding stuff you didn't know about, you're not a nerd like her.
"Ahm...?" She looked at you.
"Oh my god..." You approached her, the only thing that lit up the woman's exhausted face was the computer screen. "Olivia! It's two am!"
"...I know" Olivia looked back at the screen
You sighed. "Olivia please... You know this is not healthy for you."
"Darling, just let me finish some modifications here and i promise i'll go back to bed, and after all i won't be using this body after a while..."
You grieved, however much she refused to go back to bed, you felt compelled to convince her to go back to bed, somehow or another.
You come up behind your girlfriend, and you put your arms around her neck.
You got a idea.
Quite a silly one.
"Pleaaase?" You whined, snuggling your head against her neck.
You could hear a small laugh coming from Olivia.
"Calm down, it won't take that long Y/N" Olivia stroked your head.
"You promise?" You lightly planted a kiss on Olivia's neck, which made her face burn.
"Ahm-... Yes, I don't lie" Olivia placed her cold hand on yours, warm.
"Hmm..." You closed your eyes, remaining for a few more seconds on Olivia's neck, enjoying her skin a little longer before going to bed.
Olivia started typing more slowly, thinking of his presence, and his warm flesh against her cool, which was quite comforting...
"Well, I'm going now" You removed your arms, walking towards the exit of Olivia's workshop.
"Wh-" Olivia turned her chair toward her, removing her hands from the keyboard. "Now?"
"Oh? If you want to be with me, come to bed soon" And soon, you walked out of the workshop smelling like rust.
You finally make it to your shared bedroom, finally resting your body on the bed sheets. You covered yourself in the blanket, and closed your eyes with a smile.
Seconds later, you felt a weight on your free side of the bed.
"I knew you would come"
You laughed, moving closer to Olivia's cold body, inviting her under the covers, which Olivia accepted with ease, hugging your waist.
"You work a lot on programming, you should make some kind of routine to mark when you can rest"
"For what?"
"To give me attention, of course!" You nagged
Olivia smiled, hugging your body tighter. You blushed, snuggling your head against Olivia's neck.
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