bollywoodqueenkatrina · 11 months
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obamerzslop · 11 months
uhrm caine and queenie fighting over kinger
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Caine is having none of that lol, Kinger just dosen't want them to fight :[
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kogglyuffs · 2 months
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its her day!!
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i felt silly today
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Ignore the watermark its just there.
Also yes I was inspired by @bibbysstuff .
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hollypies · 29 days
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New on left, old on right !! Two year difference babbbyyyyyy!!!!!!
Anyway I decided to redraw an old Hollow Cells au wip that I never finished lol . My anatomy has gotten better yippee ! They are picking yummy berries
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gasstationclown · 8 months
jumpscare! im catching up with all the loa camapaigns!! im almost caught up with icebound
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rosalie-starfall · 11 months
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Miranda Richardson Throughout Blackadder History:
Blackadder II - 1986 Blackadder The Third - 1987 Blackadder's Christmas Carol - 1988 Blackadder Goes Forth - 1989 Blackadder Back & Forth - 1999
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queenofbaws · 4 months
Hello fellow chilly queen!! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, have been recovering from surgery (wisdom teeth). Doooo you think I could get some jossam, anything of your choice 👀👀👀? I hope you’re doing well and this week was better for you than it was me lol <3
catch me catching up on some prompts! ;)c
She could still hear the party going on. Doors closed, windows shut, the breeze in her ears, and...yeah. Yup. Mhm. That was definitely the bassline of Mike's (questionable) music choices making the hum under her butt. The whole point of slipping out for a little fresh air had been to, well, get away, but even so, Sam had to smile. Shake her head.
As long as everyone was having fun, what was the harm, right?
It was always cold up on the mountain - freezing, more often than not - but tonight, bundled up as she was, the chill barely bothered her. In fact, she shut her eyes, tipped her head back, and took in the deepest, deepest breath she could, filling her lungs with the crisp scent of pine. Not the artificial stuff either, the real deal, baby, roots and all. In her mind's eye, she saw her exhale plume out in front of her, a cloud of her worries pushed out of her and carried up, up, and away to join the ones in the sky, and when she opened her eyes for real, she...
Actually screamed.
"Wow," Josh snorted, deftly rocking to one side to avoid any punches she might've considered throwing. "A 'hello' would've sufficed."
When her fight-or-flight registered he was not, in fact, some crazed mountain man come to chop her into a billion little pieces, Sam fell flat onto her back, pressing her hands to her heart in an attempt to calm it down. "That...was incredibly mean, what you just did."
Because he'd sat himself beside her, she had the perfect vantage point to watch his face contort. No regret, she noted, not even a teeny-tiny sliver. Plenty of self-satisfaction, though. Lots of pretending like he wasn't laughing his ass off, inside his head. "Sitting on my own deck, huh? Punishable offense now, I guess."
"The sneaking, Josh."
"Who said I was sneaking, Sam?"
"Me. I do. The one whose eyes were closed."
"Have you ever considered...not dropping your guard while in a big, scary cabin in the middle of the dark, spooky woods?" He glanced down to meet her eyes, then raised his beer in a silent toast before taking a drink. "The killer always goes for the ones who split off from the rest of the group, Giddings. C'mon, you know this."
"The killer," she began, pushing herself up with her elbows, waving his hand away when he offered to help, "can try. I might not look like it, but I can take care of myself."
"Yeah, I've caught on to that," he nodded. For a second she thought he might say something else...but then he simply looked out towards the woods and nodded, taking another drink. "I've caught on."
Her pulse dropped back to its usual resting beat, and so she resumed her earlier position, legs crisscrossed and hands at her sides, her mittened palms flush against the deck itself. She tried not to look at him directly (not right away), instead rolling her eyes at the faint snow-angel she'd left in her panic. Snow-amoeba, really. There hadn't been a lot of snowfall since she'd gone out, only enough to barely dust the deck, but if the clouds on the horizon were any sign, they'd be getting more any minute now.
The song inside the lodge ended. A new one began. Beneath them, a different bassline began to thump. One of the windows rattled in its frame.
"You're not being a very good host," she said after a while, shooting him a sidelong look. Despite the scare he'd given her, she couldn't help smirking when their eyes met. He was good at that, Josh - making her forget things like that, smoothing them over without doing anything at all. It was a dangerous skill to have.
"Or I'm the best host," he argued, "rushing out into the night to make sure all my guests are having a good time."
She heard the unspoken question in it, figured maybe that was what she was good at - cutting through his crap. Another dangerous skill, that, just...in a different direction. "I'm having a good time."
"Mmm. Glad to hear it."
It was funny, really, how well she knew him. Maybe not funny in the laugh-out-loud kind of way, maybe funny more in the whacking-your-elbow kind of way, but funny all the same. In her head, Sam counted one, two, three...and then he turned to her again, keeping his bottle close to his mouth the way he did when he was trying to seem unbothered.
"Let's say, hypothetically of course, that you weren't having a good time. You'd tell me, right?"
She turned to him. Nodded. "I would tell you."
"And if, still entirely hypothetically, someone had said or done something to piss you off to such a degree that you had to flee the party..."
Her eyes rolled so hard that they brought the rest of her body with them. "Josh," she said, scooting so she was fully facing him, "I'm fine. Seriously. Things just got a little loud in there, that's all. A little crazy. I know you don't get this, but sometimes I like to just sit out in nature - " she spread her arms wide, gesturing to the mountain and its snowy trees, the stars above, the shimmering ribbon of aurora in the sky, " - so I can think my thoughts to myself. My quiet thoughts. Just so happens that I've...got a few of those, tonight. That's all."
After another drink, he set his beer down on the deck, copying her so they were facing each other, their postures mirrored. He wasn't wearing mittens, though, so she had to figure his hands were freezing. If they were, he didn't seem to care.
"Anything you want to share with the class?" he asked, and again the word appeared in her head: dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
What she needed to say was no, that there wasn't anything in particular on her mind, that she'd simply wanted a moment to herself. That would've been the smart thing to do, the safe thing to do, but...well. Those warning sirens in her head, they weren't just for his actions, now, were they?
She sniffed from the cold, giving her nose a numb little wiggle, then did something significantly more dangerous than splitting off from the rest of the group, something more dangerous than sitting with her eyes shut and her guard down in the middle of nowhere, something that, as Josh had pointed out himself, she knew better than to do.
She told him the truth.
"Just thinking about how absolutely furious Hannah and Beth would be if I told them I think I have a crush on their brother," she said, measuring her words carefully, watching his face more carefully still. "Between you and me? I kinda feel like they might eat me alive."
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queeniecamps · 1 year
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I drew these over lunch earlier this week, I love drawing Nikki with this kinda nose it’s CYUTEEE
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queenieofaces · 1 year
Have been listening to 『なんか IWAKAN!』, which is a Japanese gender studies/queer podcast recently, both with an eye on a course I'm designing for next semester and as some chill listening practice for me, so this morning at 8:30 am I was jumpscared by them suddenly starting to talk about クワロマンティック (quoiromantic).
It's interesting listening, for anyone who happens to speak Japanese. One of the really striking things about it for me was how little they seemed to associate quoiromantic with ace or aro communities. Part of that is probably demographic--of the four people on this episode, one said they were probably ace and the other three are not--but it does mean that the conversation goes in different directions than a lot of the wtfromantic/quoiromantic conversations I have seen in Anglophone communities. For example, they spend a lot of time talking about how quoiromantic is helpful because many of them never thought about the difference between romantic and sexual orientation--but quoiromantic in Anglophone communities is often a pushback against romantic orientation. (Also, a lot of the examples that the regular presenters bring up would, in Anglophone ace communities, often tend to be classed as mismatched romantic and sexual orientations, e.g. a gay man having strong non-sexual attraction to a female friend or a straight woman having strong non-sexual attraction to a female friend.) There's also discussion of polyamory and alternative family/relationship structures, romantic friendship, the assumption that two people who have the possibility of being attracted to each other will always wind up dating, and S関係 (S relationships). It is really interesting to see a lot of conversations that I've seen primarily in ace communities being picked up and lauded as useful by larger queer spaces...but (at least in this case) being sort of divorced from a lot of their history and context. But, then again, it's a 40-minute podcast that's a supplement to a special issue of their magazine and an in-person event they were running, so they probably couldn't cover all possible topics. (Also I personally know most of the coiners and popularizers of wtfromantic/quoiromantic, so I may have...more knowledge...than is normal...)
(Also very charming when the guest speaker is like, "oh, can I swear on this show, do you have to bleep it out" and then upon getting confirmation that swearing is okay, going, "WHAT THE FUCK ロマンティック.")
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bollywoodqueenkatrina · 11 months
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just irritating chronic pain stuff below the cut
my left leg is hecked bad enough that yesterday I did spend a few minutes staring at a cane display in a department store. I do not know if a cane would actually help (and the concept of having to transport it internationally...bad), but here we are.
I think I have accepted that if I am in pain all the time it's probably chronic pain, but where I get stuck is the fact that so much of the stuff I've seen about chronic pain really emphasizes how the pain prevents you from doing things, which is very much not the case for me. the only times that "pain" prevents me from doing things, it's because A. my knee went out (this is a structural stability problem, not a pain problem), B. I'm having a bad enough migraine that I literally cannot see (again, not technically a pain problem), or C. I'm having a bad enough migraine that I'm literally throwing up (again...not actually a pain problem). the pain has never gotten bad enough that I'm incapable of toughing it out. maybe that says more about my pain tolerance and stubbornness than anything else, though. I have been in some degree of pain almost all the time since I was a preteen, so it's basically just background noise at this point.
anyway, as usual doing the whole "well, if I can keep walking on it it's not really that bad so it's not chronic pain, it's just pain that's there all the time and ranges from kind of annoying but ultimately ignorable to extremely annoying but not bad enough to stop me from doing things" song and dance, you know how it goes
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queenie-official · 10 months
so when were you guys gonna tell me i’ve been spelling Ahsoka’s name wrong this whole time 🤨🤨
(i fr been out here typing ‘ashoka’ 😭 only a few minutes ago did i stare at it while typing for a good moment and think- “wait… that doesn’t look right” and had to look up to see if i was tripping, ONLY TO FIND OUT I WASNT AND I WAS IN FACT SPELLING IT WRONG. embarrassing 😔)
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idledreams4 · 4 months
I found my stylus :D
Its been missing for two weeks but I got it back today ^w^
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crimsonfacets · 4 months
here comes kinger with the shotgun and queenie with the gun show
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mx-princey · 1 year
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I finally finished my custom Queenie Amiibo!! (It only took me 2 years to finish... lol)
She's always been my favourite villager and being able to realise this little project has brought me so much joy!
And, the best part?
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She is completely functional!
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