calochortus · 4 months
Thrip by Alf Branch Via Flickr: Testing out my new diffuser today and so far very happy. Not seen these before I think they are Thrips but not too sure
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emanuro · 2 years
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In a brief “walking safari” during my stay at Klaserie Nature Reserve I was recently able to find and photograph a resting painted reed frog (Hylerolius marmoratus) on a…reed, obviously! Shot in situ with Nikon Z9 and Nikon Z50 macro and illuminated with natural light and Godox mf12 macro flashes. @nikonitalia @godox_global #frog #hyperolius #treefrog #southafrica #klaserieprivatenaturereserve @ilcp_photographers @ivorywilderness (at Klaserie Private Game Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFeC-nKn5W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chaos-harbinger · 7 months
"Heyyy Macros?" Merlyn calls, in the area she most often finds him. "Would you have any interest in a dinosaur safari?"
‖ː‖hi `mer`! `i dunno what a safari is, but it sounds cool! let's do this shit!`‖ː‖
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eight-years-revolution · 11 months
11/06/23 — Game update 02.8 — Save to file feature
This update is purely technical and doesn’t add any new story content.
I added a custom macro to the game that will allow you to save your game into a file that you can download. This will provide you with a back-up, should your saves be erased from your cookies.
Additionally, to make the experience loading from a file a little smoother, the save and load windows are now popups, so they’ll look a little different.
I also increased the number of save slots from 5 to 9.
A few notes on how it works, please read!
Saving The ‘save to file’ link will save the corresponding slot into a file. It will only save a pre-existing save so if the slot is empty, you won’t be able to download any file. Make sure to save the usual way before downloading the file through the provided link.
Loading When loading from a file, it will overwrite the corresponding slot. You can load the file into an empty slot if you want to avoid deleting any present save.
Old saves Due to the change in formatting, I recommend you do not save to file your old saves directly. If you want to save them into a file, load them, save them again the usual way and then download the file using the ‘save to file’ link. If you don’t do this, you could end up stuck on the save page when loading from that file. If it does happen, you can leave the save page by going through the settings or the character sheet and then back to the story.
/!\ Warning to iPhone users /!\
While the feature does work on iPhone, you may have to do a little bit of fiddling if you use Safari. Safari may add .txt to your save file when downloading it. If it does, you won’t be able to load the file into the game unless you remove the .txt extension.
To do that, you’ll have to go into your files folder, press on the file until a menu opens and choose ‘rename’. Once the name of your file is selected, tap it and a few different options should show up. Changing the extension is the very last one. Delete .txt and your file should be ready for use!
I’m sorry for the inconvenience it undoubtedly is, but there’s no way around it that I’m aware of.
Demo | Bonus content directory | Support me on Ko-fi or Patreon | Join the Discord server
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gonzague-if · 11 months
11/07/23 — Game update — Save to file feature
This update is purely technical and doesn’t add any new story content.
I added a custom macro to the game that will allow you to save your game into a file that you can download. This will provide you with a back-up, should your saves be erased from your cookies.
A few notes on how it works, please read!
Saving The ‘save to file’ link will save the corresponding slot into a file. It will only save a pre-existing save so if the slot is empty, you won’t be able to download any file. Make sure to save the usual way before downloading the file through the provided link.
Loading When loading from a file, it will overwrite the corresponding slot. You can load the file into an empty slot if you want to avoid deleting any present save.
/!\ Warning to iPhone users /!\
While the feature does work on iPhone, you may have to do a little bit of fiddling if you use Safari. Safari may add .txt to your save file when downloading it. If it does, you won’t be able to load the file into the game unless you remove the .txt extension.
To do that, you’ll have to go into your files folder, press on the file until a menu opens and choose ‘rename’. Once the name of your file is selected, tap it and a few different options should show up. Changing the extension is the very last one. Delete .txt and your file should be ready for use!
I’m sorry for the inconvenience it undoubtedly is, but there’s no way around it that I’m aware of.
Additional recommendations
I once again recommend with sticking with one of the two versions of the game. It’s especially true since, from now on, both versions will have the same IFID which is what’s used to encode the save files. That means there may be some overlap of saves between each version and you possibly can use your save files on both versions. It may however cause some bugs since the recorded progression in the save might not be the same depending on the version you played.
Demo | FAQ | Support me on Patreon or Ko-Fi | Join the Discord server
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sinnohlunarfestival · 11 months
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Across news feeds, social media and even newspapers, the formal announcements of all racers were coming in. Whether within Sinnoh or those interested on a worldwide scale, names and pictures were being made known.
The deadline for selecting racers to participate in the biggest New Year's event in Sinnoh had passed and now preparations proper were underway. Just as the whole region was anticipating a brand new year, the racer teams and their sponsors were going to be working hard in the background.
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Thank you to everyone who sent in their applications! After careful review, here are the official teams!
Team Bidoof and Jubilife TV
Yris Belmont (NPC/@sinnohlunarfestival)
Team Bastiodon and Pewter Crunchies Inc
Hilary Redfield (NPC/@sinnohlunarfestival)
Team Luxray and Silph Co
Rika Navarro (@monterraverde)
Team Lopunny and Pokestar Studios
Alistair Hagen (@orreasshole)
Team Garchomp and the Sinnoh League
Brian (@galarianjourneys)
Team Steelix and Macro Cosmos
Giacomo (@seginbeats)
Team Rapidash and the Battle Company
Aluwa (@cosmoscourge)
Team Girafarig and the Safari Conservation Association
Green Oak (@greenxprof)
Team Ambipom and Goldenrod Radio
Ashelia Blaire Grandcrest (@kokorowoutsu)
Team Staraptor and Devon Corporation
Blue Oak (@bluesthebest)
Team Houndoom and Lysander Labs
Ghetsis Harmonia (@kingsthunder)
Team Mamoswine and Naranja-Uva Academy
Hassel (@hesperio)
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skullkxd · 6 months
How much does your muse know about the Pokèmon world? Repost, don't reblog ; Bold whatever your muse knows! Italics is a maybe.
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Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | Cyrus controlling Dialga and Palkia | the Distortion World | Team Plasma's attacks | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Sada or Turo's death* | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
the history of the Burnt Tower | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | Arceus's Creation mythos | the Kalos war | Calyrex's legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvement with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Aqua | Team Magma | Team Galactic | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involvement with Team Flare | Malva's involvement with Team Flare | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | Macro Cosmos' crimes | Team Star | Volo
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | Mew | Mewtwo | Ho-Oh | Lugia | Celebi | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | Azelf | Heatran | Regigigas | Cresselia | Darkrai | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type: Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poipole | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
Safari Zones | Pokèathlon | Contests | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Terastallizing | Regional forms
Mount Silver is Haunted | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | People with Pokèmon powers | Legendary Pokèmon are able to shapeshift into humans | People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
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raincitygirl76 · 11 months
We need to talk about the Bambi situation. Specifically, Wilhelm shooting Bambi. It was raised recently in a different post that Wilhelm has no apparent hobbies, hence fic writers latching onto the frog stuff. But I suspect there are hobbies.
We see from the shooting range scenes that Wilhelm knows how to handle a gun. He’s not especially brillant at clay pigeon shooting, but he’s clearly not a beginner, either. And in 2.06, he threatens August with the shotgun, but keeps his finger BEHIND the trigger at all times. The only time his finger is on the trigger is when he fires into the air.
I suspect the Swedish upper classes like to hunt, shoot, and fish just like the British upper classes. And someone, maybe Erik, Ludvig, or a gamekeeper, drilled into Wilhelm as a child how to handle a gun without accidentally shooting anyone with it.
As far as I know (although I don’t know much about it), fox hunting is an exclusively British pastime. Or was, since I think it’s banned now. But all other types of “country sports” seem to be mostly Europe wide. There’s lots of forest in Sweden: I suspect salmon fishing, game bird shooting, and deer stalking are probably big things for people who can afford it. I don’t mind about the salmon or the game birds, but I cringe at the thought of poor Bambi. I suspect Wilhelm was not brought up to cringe at poor Bambi, though.
A quick google search confirmed that yes, the real life Swedish royal family shoot deer.
And there are lots of other animals you can legally hunt in Sweden. Including moose, which are enormous.
Pulling back to the macro-European level, in 2012 there was a huge fuss when King Juan Carlos of Spain (since abdicated in favour of his son, partly because of this scandal) broke his hip while secretly on an elephant hunting safari in Botswana. Not a photo safari, a safari where the elephants die. Massive ructions, since nobody knew where he was, and it looked really bad when Spain’s economy was still reeling from the worldwide financial collapse of 2008.
It had already been known than Juan Carlos liked to fish, hunt, and shoot. And ordinary Spaniards were generally OK with that. They were significantly less OK with their king shooting an adorable endangered species while on a lavish top-secret trip to another continent.
Because evidently the Spanish royal family or their courtiers realized the king couldn’t be perceived as massacring elephants for fun. But rather than saying, “No, your majesty, it’s bad PR to go to Botswana and shoot Babar,” they apparently said instead, “Your maiesty, please don’t get CAUGHT shooting Babar.”
But when he broke his hip and had to be airlifted out, the secret stopped being a secret and became a scandal. Shades of Kristina of Sweden there. “Do whatever stupid shit you want, just don’t ever get caught by anyone who hasn’t already signed an NDA.”
I sincerely hope Wilhelm wouldn’t want to shoot Babar. I’m already cringing at the idea of him shooting Bambi. It’s only the longstanding connection of the upper classes with blood sports that forces me to realize it’s a distinct possibility.
I don’t much like the large land mammal idea myself. I have much less emotional attachment to pheasants and geese, so will make it my personal headcanon that Wilhelm is accustomed to shooting clay pigeons and game birds. But his nanny let him watch Bambi at a formative age.
Whenever Wilhelm was subsequently taken deer-stalking as a slightly older child, he devolved into hysterics at the idea of ANYBODY shooting the poor deer. And eventually his family gave up trying to toughen him up on the subject. Especially because him making a ruckus kept scaring off the damn deer and ruining their sport. That’s my headcanon, and I’m sticking to it. It’s probably false, but I’m happy with it.
I don’t have a problem with hunting provided it’s not an endangered species, the rules are followed, and it’s not just trophy-hunting. If the meat gets eaten, then it’s useful. If don’t want to hunt myself, but I’m not against it.
But I watched Bambi at a formative age, and the thought of a character I love getting Bambi in his sights, pulling the trigger, and killing Bambi makes me freak out. Even though I realize my headcanon about Wilhelm being too squeamish to shoot Bambi is most likely bullshit, and he probably has killed deer.
Edited to add:
@sflow-er confirms in replies that hunting is a very big thing in the Nordics. Although it’s not just an upper class thing, plenty of working class people hunt too. They just probably don’t hire an expert tracker (like the one in the People article who gets paid to help the real Swedish royal family hunt deer). Note also that in Marcus’s Instagram feed, it shows he hunts.
Consistent with Canada. Plenty of working class Canadians hunt. Mostly (but not all) people who either live in rural areas now or grew up in rural areas. But Canada also has the very expensive guided hunting expeditions available for people with more money than sense. Which sounds like the guy in the first article linked above, who has been leading the real Swedish royal family on guided hunts for 30 years.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Nature Photography Day
Get out of the house and capture the beauty of nature on your own  camera. Even if it’s just taking a walk with your smartphone, you’re  sure to find something snap-worthy.
The natural world is full of so much gorgeous beauty and wonder, and  it is important for us to embrace it as much as possible. We can  experience so much breathtaking scenery in nature, and it is important  to make sure you make the most of this. The world of nature is one that  exists alongside our own, and it is important that we love and respect  it, and the best way of doing this is to try to understand and admire  the beauty of nature as much as possible. Many people have hobbies and  interests that involve the natural world in some way
One of the best ways of being able to admire and experience the  supreme magnificence of the natural world is to capture it on film.  There is a reason why people take cameras and camcorders when they go on  safaris. Nature is so awe-inspiring and unique that we often only get  fleeting moments that pass as quickly as they happen. And it is so  important to try to capture these moments, as many of them are things we  may never see or experience again. Things like The Great Migration and  thunderstorms are good examples of things in nature that you need to try  to capture when you get the opportunity.
Have you ever enjoyed a photo of a flower? Or a close up of a bee  landing on the entrance to its hive? Have you marveled at the grace of a  gazelle leaping through the Savannah, or the lumbering majesty of a  rare elephant as it feeds from the highest trees or draws water from a  watering hole? If so, you know what it is to marvel at the natural world  around us. Nature Photography Day celebrates those amazing souls who  are able to capture nature’s beauty in the eye of a camera. Capturing  these seminal moments is so important for allowing you to take in the  beauty of the natural world, and preserve the amazing power of nature  for years to come. So, let’s take a look at Nature Photography Day, what  you need to know, and how you can go about celebrating this amazing  global event.
History of Nature Photography Day
The North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) was formed  in 1994 by well over 100 nature photography enthusiasts. The members of  this organization were deeply invested in the future of this art form,  and ensuring that those who practice it are taking proper steps to  protect the subject of their photography through environmental  conservation and awareness. Through their efforts they ensure that  access to public land continues to exist for nature photographers.
NANPA established Nature Photography Day to help bring awareness to  the works they produce and the fragility of the subjects of their work.  The first step in truly appreciating the beauty that is nature  Photography is getting out into the world with your camera and finding  beautiful and rare subjects to photograph. To encourage amateur  photographers to participate there’s even a competition held with prizes  ranging from an amazing new camera, NANPA membership, and workshops  with the leading experts in nature photography.
There are limitless possibilities in nature photography, ranging from  standard photography to macro photography to capture all the smallest  details of the natural world we live in. In fact, with every passing  year there is more and more technology developed that allows people to  get closer and even more personal with the natural world, and the  animals that inhabit it. Making sure you have all the best equipment and  gear to help you enjoy and celebrate this day properly is so essential,  and you need to ensure you make the most of this moving forward.
How to celebrate Nature Photography Day
Obviously, the first step to celebrating Photography Day is getting  out into the world with your camera. You can’t take pictures of nature  without being out in it, and who doesn’t need a walk every now and then?  Visit your local park and discover the beauty held in such a natural  setting, or take a look in your garden for the little-hidden world of  insects and flowers. Nature can be found everywhere, even in the cracks  in the sidewalks! In fact, you could even take this one step further,  and try to snap one picture every single day for a year of the natural  world. Challenge yourself.
If you really want to make sure you get the best possible outcome  from your nature photography, one of the best things you can do is to  book something like a nature safari. This kind of thing is going to set  you up for success in the future, and give you access to some of the  most incredible and unique wildlife and nature in the world. You might  even look at booking a trip like this to coincide with Nature  Photography Day in order to really maximize what this day has to offer,  and how much you can enjoy it.
Try to get out of the house and make the most of the world around  you. Take your camera to the park, head into the garden, experience  nature from a different viewpoint. This is a great way of getting up  close and personal with the natural world, and there are so many things  that can play a major part in this. So, you are going to need to make  the most of everything that comes with it.
Nature photography is a beautiful art that really brings us closer to  the world we live in, and the view through the camera’s lens helps us  catcher it every day. So use Nature Photography Day as your excuse to  get out into the world and take a closer look at it than you have  before, and then capture it for the memories.
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victorystalline · 6 months
Repost, don't reblog ; Bold whatever your muse knows! Italics is a maybe.
Nico doesn't know shit lmfao. Anything in italics is verse/discord dependent.
Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | Cyrus controlling Dialga and Palkia | the Distortion World | Team Plasma's attacks | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Sada or Turo's death | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
the history of the Burnt Tower | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | Arceus's Creation mythos | the Kalos war | Calyrex's legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero (lmao) | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvement with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Aqua | Team Magma | Team Galactic | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involvement with Team Flare | Malva's involvement with Team Flare | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | Macro Cosmos' crimes | Team Star (they're cool) | Volo
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | Mew | Mewtwo | Ho-Oh | Lugia | Celebi | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | Azelf | Heatran | Regigigas | Cresselia | Darkrai | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type: Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poipole | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
Safari Zones | Pokèathlon | Contests | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Terastallizing | Regional forms
Mount Silver is Haunted | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | People with Pokèmon powers | Legendary Pokèmon are able to shapeshift into humans | People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
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calochortus · 4 months
Young Barkfly by Alf Branch Via Flickr: A barkfly shot from my garden
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Hey, you!
This is the official blog for Mauville Fix Shop, the city's BEST electronics repair store for Pokédex devices, PokeNavs, Pokégears, Pokétches, and other devices! If you're in need of a fix for your tech, head on over to our store at 310 Violet Street today!
OK, now that my manager is satisfied with the draft, I can work on the actual post! I'm Nick Docomo (he/him), age 19.
I'm the designated account manager for Mauville Fix Shop's Tumblr blog since I'm already on here... a little bit much. Moving along, I also work on old-model Pokénav repairs part-time. Primarily, though, I'm a student at Mauville Technical College majoring in electrical engineering!
To top off my resume, I'm training to be the next Mauville gym leader under Swell Shock Wattson (look, he set that as his Trainer's Eyes title and I've gotta roll with it). My team right now is:
Day (♂) the Heliolisk: My starter and current strongest team member, Day is an incredible attacker when the sun's up! Very friendly out of battle, too.
Bhaskara the Heat Rotom: It would watch the world burn just out of curiosity of what happens after. I respect its commitment to science regardless. After being given a smart oven from Wattson (who incorrectly predicted it would talk), Wattson gifted it to me.
Amp (♀) the Raichu: I caught her as a Pikachu 2 years ago on a field trip to the Safari Zone. She's a crafty little Pokémon, which is sometimes good for me but not when she pranks me, the team, or anyone else really.
Ohm (♀) the Flaaffy: An old man working at the Day Care on Route 117 just gave me an egg 4 years ago and Ohm was the Mareep that ended up hatching. She's on the sterner side of things, but not hostile.
Jet (♀) the Fletchling: I noticed that as a Fire type specialist I have a lot of Electric types so I searched for a member of the Fletchling to tip the scales back to Fire. I caught Jet very recently, but her battle-hunger’s already on full display, especially when she wants to battle Day.
Other facts about me:
I'm 5'8", have black hair and brown eyes, and slightly tan skin.
I'm nearsighted as the planet is large. I don't like it, but it's not too bad when I have my glasses.
Screw Macro Cosmos, I support the right to repair!
I'm a member of my college's second-best trivia team as well as the college's best Voltorb Flip player!
Mauville Fix Shop has been offering free 1-year warranty on all Pokédexes repaired for students at our shop! (See I'm promoting the store, can't fire me for THAT!)
OOC: Hi, @punjab-official here on my debut Rotomblr blog! My pronouns are he/him (although any are fine), and I'm an adult. Like I said in the blog description, I will NOT be tagging for unreality, so here's another notice. If there's anything I missed that you need me to clarify, just send an ask or message!
This blog is fairly canon-flexible in that Nick will be able to interact with many other blogs’ canons, but Nick generally isn’t aware of whenever a person is a canon-outsider (in terms of Nick’s universe). About Nick’s own canon, the awakening of Primal Groudon and Kyogre hasn’t happened yet, and as such Nick may not take Teams Aqua and Magma seriously or be open to accepting them.
Whenever Nick says he’s a Fire type specialist, it’s for a type-specialty swap for Muse Mixup Madness (he usually considers himself an Electric type specialist).
I’m generally accepting of Pelipper mail, but on days that’s not the case I’ll post so here. In-character reblogs will be tagged as “ic reblog” and/or “nick reblogs”, and posts that will be relevant for a later story/post or will reveal an important aspect of Nick’s character will be tagged as “blog development”. “nick’s answers” will be for in-character answered asks.
And I have never once used the wrong blog. Ever. Totally not.
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prmafrost · 6 months
How much does your muse know about the Pokèmon world? Repost, don't reblog ; Bold whatever your muse knows! Italics is a maybe.
Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | Cyrus controlling Dialga and Palkia | the Distortion World | Team Plasma's attacks | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Sada or Turo's death* | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
He doesn't know they're DEAD so much as that he knows they're MISSING.
the history of the Burnt Tower | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | Arceus's Creation mythos | the Kalos war | Calyrex's legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvement with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Aqua | Team Magma | Team Galactic | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involvement with Team Flare | Malva's involvement with Team Flare | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | Macro Cosmos' crimes | Team Star | Volo*
He knows someone did a fucky wucky back in old Sinnoh (Hisui) but he neither knows that it was on purpose, nor does he know who it is.
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | Mew | Mewtwo | Ho-Oh | Lugia | Celebi | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | Azelf | Heatran | Regigigas | Cresselia | Darkrai | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type: Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poipole | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
He's literally never met or heard of any of them lol.
Safari Zones | Pokèathlon | Contests | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Terastallizing | Regional forms
Mount Silver is Haunted | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | People with Pokèmon powers | Legendary Pokèmon are able to shapeshift into humans* | People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
He's heard that but doesn't believe it quite yet.
In any case, bold of yall to assume I keep up with any of the shit yall come up with. Cant really join in any of it either most of the time bc I get overwhelmed + my timezone just does not lend itself toward this sort of big event stuff at all anyway. F
Which in the end means: please do not ever assume that any of the RPC-specific stuff is canon to any of my muses let alone that any know about them. They won't.
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tarofairey · 6 months
How much does your muse know about the Pokèmon world? Repost, don't reblog ; Bold whatever your muse knows! Italics is a maybe.
Note from Lacey : pay attention in school and to the news, and you’ll know at least as much as I do!
Basically, most of the bolded / italicized stuff are subjects that I’m very certain would be covered in one of her classes ( like “ Twentieth Century World History ” ), or by a Unovan news station ( including any event that nearly destroys the world ).
Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | Cyrus controlling Dialga and Palkia | the Distortion World | Team Plasma's attacks | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Sada or Turo's death | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
the history of the Burnt Tower | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | Arceus's Creation mythos | the Kalos war | Calyrex's legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvement with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Aqua | Team Magma | Team Galactic | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involvement with Team Flare | Malva's involvement with Team Flare | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | Macro Cosmos' crimes | Team Star | Volo
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | Mew | Mewtwo | Ho-Oh | Lugia | Celebi | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | Azelf | Heatran | Regigigas | Cresselia | Darkrai | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta ( well, she’s unknowingly in regular contact with it ) | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type: Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poipole | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
Safari Zones | Pokèathlon | Contests | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Terastallizing | Regional forms
Mount Silver is Haunted | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | People with Pokèmon powers | Legendary Pokèmon are able to shapeshift into humans | People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them ( already proven through history, like Unova’s Twin Heroes ) | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
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kokorowoutsu · 8 months
-- Meme: Willow
how much does your muse know about the Pokèmon world? Repost, don't reblog ; bold whatever your muse knows!
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Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | the Distortion World | Team Plasma's attacks | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Calyrex's legend | Sada or Turo's death | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
the history of the Burnt Tower | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | Arceus' Creation mythos | the Kalos war | Calyrex's legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvment with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Aqua | Team Magma | Team Galactic | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involment with Team Flare | Malva's involment with Team Flare | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | Macro Cosmos' crimes | Team Star | Volo
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | Mew | Mewtwo | Ho-Oh | Lugia | Celebi | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | Azelf | Heatran | Regigas | Cresselia | Darkrai | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type:Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poipole | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
Great Tusk | Scream Tail | Brute Bonnet | Flutter Mane | Slither Wing | Sandy Shocks | Roaring Moon | Walking Wake | Gouging Fire | Raging Bolt | Iron Treads | Iron Bundle | Iron Hands | Iron Jugulis | Iron Moth | Iron Thorns | Iron Valiant | Iron Leaves | Iron Boulder | Iron Crown
Safari Zones | Pokèathlon | Contests | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Teracrystallization | Regional forms
Mount Silver is Haunted | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | People with Pokèmon powers | Legendary Pokèmon can be able to shapeshift into humans | People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
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sigiriyajunglesblogs · 9 months
Sigiriya’s Flora and Fauna: A Biodiversity Showcase
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Nestled amidst the ancient ruins and historical marvels of Sri Lanka, Sigiriya stands as a testament to the rich cultural and natural heritage of the island nation. While the iconic Sigiriya Rock captures the attention of visitors worldwide, the surrounding landscape is a biodiversity hotspot, boasting a diverse array of flora and fauna. In this article, we delve into the enchanting world of Sigiriya’s biodiversity, offering a glimpse into the remarkable ecosystems that thrive in this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Floral Extravaganza
1. Orchids Galore
Sigiriya’s lush greenery is adorned with a stunning variety of orchids. These delicate flowers, with their vibrant colors and intricate shapes, create a visual spectacle against the backdrop of ancient stone structures. Orchid enthusiasts and nature lovers alike can revel in the sheer diversity of these exquisite blooms, making Sigiriya a haven for botanical exploration.
2. Medicinal Plants and Herbs
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, the plants of Sigiriya contribute significantly to traditional medicine. The region is home to a plethora of medicinal plants and herbs, each with unique healing properties. Local communities have harnessed the power of these botanical treasures for generations, creating a synergy between nature and human well-being.
3. Ancient Trees
Some of the trees surrounding Sigiriya have witnessed centuries of history unfold. Towering giants, such as the sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa), provide not only shade but also a sense of continuity with the past. These ancient trees serve as silent witnesses to the ever-changing landscape, offering a tangible link to the historical epochs that shaped Sigiriya.
The Faunal Marvels
1. Avian Wonders
Sigiriya is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 100 avian species gracing its skies. From the vibrant plumage of the Indian roller to the majestic flight of the Brahminy kite, the birdlife here is as diverse as it is captivating. Binoculars in hand, visitors can embark on a birding adventure, spotting both resident and migratory species.
2. Diverse Insect Life
The intricate ecosystems of Sigiriya support a wide array of insects, from colorful butterflies to industrious ants. The synergy between flora and fauna is particularly evident in the delicate dance of pollinators, showcasing nature’s meticulous design. Macro-photography enthusiasts will find endless subjects to capture in the vibrant world of Sigiriya’s insects.
3. Mammalian Residents
While the historical significance of Sigiriya is unquestionable, its natural beauty extends to the ground level. The surrounding forests are home to various mammals, including the elusive leopard and the charismatic Toque macaque. Guided wildlife safaris provide a chance to catch a glimpse of these creatures in their natural habitat, adding an adventurous dimension to the Sigiriya experience.
Conservation Efforts and Future Prospects
Preserving the biodiversity of Sigiriya is a shared responsibility. Local conservation initiatives and sustainable tourism practices aim to protect the delicate balance of this ecological haven. As visitors, embracing responsible tourism and appreciating the significance of this natural treasure ensures that future generations can marvel at the wonders of Sigiriya.
In conclusion, Sigiriya’s flora and fauna weave a tapestry of natural beauty that complements its historical grandeur. From the delicate orchids to the majestic leopard, every element of this ecosystem contributes to the allure of Sigiriya.
As you embark on your journey to uncover the secrets of Sigiriya’s vibrant flora and fauna, consider making SigiriyaJungles Hotel your sanctuary in this biodiversity haven. This esteemed hotel not only offers a luxurious retreat amidst nature but also positions you strategically to delve into the enchanting world we’ve just explored.
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