#Madame Boss
yamujiburo · 8 months
I saw this on Facebook and thought you'd like it :) i didn't know there were radio novels for the first movies!
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oh truuuuuuuuust i know ALL about miyamoto im obsessed with her. i've got an art tag and ship tag for her and madame boss (giovanni's mom) LOL. i've been wanting her to show up in the anime since i was 12 😭 never happened but it be like that
if you can read japanese, or wanna see the scans for the birth of mewtwo, you can see/read em here!
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OR if you wanna listen, this user has the entire thing on youtube
got an unfinished animated segment of the drama as well haha
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dragon-starss · 15 days
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tabrisangel · 10 months
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this is my redhead family tree I hope you guys like this. in anything I ever do this is constantly canon. btw
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crewel-intentions · 3 months
Dont know if this has been asked, but what's y'alls opinion of Giovanni? I'm sure you both being former members of team rocket, you must know something.
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mjrtaurus · 10 months
Part of me sees Giovanni and Madame Boss's relationship being like Bojack Horseman and Beatrice Horseman.
But the other, less depressed part of me just wants Madame Boss to be a fiery little old Nonna that leaves Giovanni cackling whenever she gets opinionated about something.
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auditect · 5 months
Welcome to my first ever poll! Let's make it a dignified and respectable topic!
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Madame Boss:
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Mrs. Morgan:
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fuckyeahteamrocket · 11 months
Pokemon - Madame Boss By ViViVooVoo
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Much thanks to Galanium-Arts for suggesting the idea to do her. There's really hardly any fanart of her around. And no wonder! I could hardly find any information about her. XD
Most of the existing art seem to depict her as someone who just sits in a chair and points out a finger and barks out orders. Doesn't even use pokemon apparently - just collects them. Now that's a lil too grumpy-granny-like for me, so I decided to add a bit of dynamism (and evilism!) to the approach here.
Hope you guys like the result!
Madame Boss & Pokemon © Nintendo Art © ~ViViVooVoo Done in Photoshop
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articunochick · 1 year
Feeling extremely validated in my "Team Rocket started out as a fast-fashion company created by Madame Boss" headcanon today. :)
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seeasweetsmile · 1 year
Team Rocket fanfics ideas Part 1.
Team Rocket’s ideas – PART 2: The ship Giovanni x Ariana
- Madame Boss tell to Giovanni he will team up with Ariana. Giovanni is not happy but he must obey to his mom. Ariana don't want to treat him as the precious Team Rocket's heir/Boss-to-be, she's rather amused to make fun of him by call him "Monsieur l'héritier" and not by his name (she only do it in few occasions), she want Giovanni to proove his value on the field and not eating his boots like others. She has a proud but calm attitude, she love doing crimes, she's good as pokemon trainer. She has ambitious goal; not staying a grunt but level up to become executive/commander (to tied this to the canon game).
- Giovanni and Ariana relationship is chaotic; they don't get along, Giovanni trying to get Ariana to recognize his superiority/value, Ariana don't take him seriously/scold him when he doing mistakes. Even if they bickering a lot, their missions are still a success. They do lights missions (steal evolving stones or burglaries) but they also do important missions to foreshadowing some Kanto or Johto events (the Lune Stones at Mt Moon, Slyphe Co.'s products, Saint-Anne's boat, Johto's HQ). They don’t flirt openly because it’s not how they are. It doesn’t stop grunts and Petrel to still make bet and rumors about them, tho.
Their feelings for each other growing SLOW. It's only in the middle of the story they start to get along little by little... before their ambitious self goal kick-in and Ariana decide she'll be better without him. Giovanni, who started to warm up towards Ariana, don't take it well but he's agree because it's the right thing to do. Their duo get separate and they walk on their own route (they still bickering or provoke each other when they cross path tho). They admit their feelings and get together almost at the end of the story, like two or three chapters before the last chapter.
- Madame Boss is proud to have Ariana as daughter-in-law and she made a little ceremony to welcome Ariane in the familia, mafioso’s style.
- The final chapter ends on a slight timeskip and centers on Giovanni's succession to Madame Boss as leader of Team Rocket + announcement of Ariane's pregnancy.
They’ll have 2 childrens (but not at the same time):
- Mars (who’ll become commander Mars in Team Galactic)
If you’re a rocket fans, you’ll probably fall on this headcanon or idea or fanart at some point because of how similar Ariana and Mars are. My friend and I made up a backstory for her too.
We slighty change her name: we decided to take Marcia, it’s the french name of her ancestor in Pokemon Legend Arceus. So it’s suit her perfectly.
- Silver.
- Ariana has 3 Pokemon: Arbok, Glom, Murkrow.
- Giovanni has 4 Pokemon: Persian, Rhyhorn, Nidorino and Nidorina.
- Ariana’s earrings triangles form she wear in the games were Giovanni’s gift for her commander grade; of course, they’re stolen ones.
- Mars and Silver have 7 years of age gap.
Ariana has 20 y/o and Giovanni 23 y/o when they have Mars.
Ariana 27 and Giovanni 30 when they have Silver (since Giovanni has 40/41 at Kanto-Johto series and that Silver has 10/11 old. Ariana has 37/38).
For this, we don’t count the 3 years from the games because it’s too complicated, instead we stay on anime’s pattern of 1 region = 1 year.
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katlimeart · 7 months
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Made in 2023
If you've seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as villains from the Pokemon franchise
Team Yell Grunt
2. Pokemon Pinchers Grunt
3. Kasa (Societea - Bosses of Pokemon Pinchers)
4. Blue Eyes (Pokemon Pinchers Admin)
5. Madame Boss
6. Ariana
7 - 10. Team Rocket Grunt
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heyclaudiadaro · 1 year
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La mejor referencia ❤️
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yamujiburo · 1 month
Do you think you could info dump all that you know about Madame Boss and Mayomoto with drawings? I would love to know more about their dynamic and about young Giovanni with baby Jessie. Maybe Delia could ask Jessie about it in a comic? Would it be sad or nostalgic? Maybe both? Like a flashback or something would be cool! Anyway, love your art and everything that you do!! ❤️
I'm not sure I can get it out in just drawings (just because it's a lot) but I have quite a few I've already done if you wanna look through my tags~ I'll also explain a bit here with some of my old comics. Long post under the cut~
Canonically, Madame Boss is the founder of Team Rocket and Giovnanni's mother. Miyamoto was one of her elite agents and Jessie's mother. They're REALLY close as evidenced by how they talk to one another (ex. Madame Boss calling Miyamoto "Miyamoto chan", Miyamoto's informal way of speaking to Madame Boss despite her being her superior, their friendly banter, etc.). Madame Boss sends Miyamoto and two other Team Rocket members on a mission to find Mew, but she and the other members never return. Miyamoto's implied to still be alive, endlessly chasing Mew with Jessie as her north star and reason to keep going. Madame Boss passes away sometime between the radio drama and before the events of the first Pokémon Movie. You can listen to the whole drama here! Madame Boss and Miyamoto are primarily in the first part, but Miyamoto pops up at the end of each of the other parts at different periods of time.
This is more where my headcanons begin! Miyamoto, whose dub name I hc being (Calamity) Jane, joined Team Rocket mostly because of her not great circumstances. She works her way up the ladder quickly and impresses Madame Boss. They become close but at the time, Miyamoto was dating a charismatic performer/con man that MB, not so subtly, doesn't approve of. She was right to not approve as this man got Miyamoto pregnant but left her before he'd known.
Madame Boss, despite her penny pinching behavior (Team Rocket wasn't that big yet), does what she can to help out Miyamoto. They had to tread carefully though, they didn't want anyone thinking there was any sort of favoritism happening.
Jessie is born, and for a little while Miyamoto keeps her and raises her the best she can. On more short term missions she'd leave her with Madame Boss, who's not super fond of children, and would have her own son Giovanni watch her (or have another grunt in Team Rocket watch her). This wasn't sustainable, so Miyamoto quickly puts Jessie in foster care (the foster care part is canon). Miyamoto would still visit her daughter whenever she could.
Ultimately, Miyamoto was a very driven, one track minded woman. She would constantly go on missions and after discovering Mew, became obsessed. It was around this time Madame Boss was starting to catch feelings for Miyamoto. Miyamoto would play along but was not nearly as invested in their relationship is Madame Boss was. Not in a malicious or leading on sort of way, she just had a job she wanted to get done
When it was time for Miyamoto to go on the mission to actually find Mew, Madame Boss, while excited at the prospect of getting her hands on a legendary Pokémon and the money that came with that, began to worry in the days leading up to the mission and tried to get Miyamoto to stay. She offered to send a different team out. To her they were disposable, but Miyamoto wasn't. Miyamoto didn't take the offer, wanting the glory and money of finding Mew for herself (but also had a daughter she wanted to get back to and be able to provide for). She leaves and goes MIA
Madame Boss is brokenhearted and after several years of Miyamoto going missing, is not able to run Team Rocket, troubled by the immense amount of guilt and heartache, and Giovanni takes over. She remains in the organization, more so operating in the background. It was rare for agents to see her out and about. But years later she sees Jessie's joined Team Rocket as a trainee. She requests Viper and Giovanni keep an eye out for her. Viper doesn't know why but does as he's told. Giovanni understands, remembering Jessie as the little toddler he'd have to take care of many years ago as well as her mother Miyamoto, who he knew was very close to his mother.
Not too long after, Madame Boss passes away but Giovanni keeps his promise and continues to keep Jessie employed.
I don't think Jessie remembers much of her mom or anything from around this time. I don't think she even remembers her mom being in Team Rocket or Giovanni babysitting her. She just remembers her mother leaving and never coming back and holds some resentment, not knowing the context of why Miyamoto disappeared.
I've thought about doing a story where Miyamoto returns in my hanamusa au but I still gotta think it out more. It starts with Miyamoto stopping by Delia's restaurant and she and Delia talk, not knowing the little connection they have via Jessie.
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sea-buns · 9 months
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He says he's unemployed now but I think this was his true calling all along
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bloodmoon24 · 5 months
New Reblog Game for the New Year!
What am I looking forward for 2024?
• Sonic Prime s3 *Bonus some Sonadow
• Sonic 3
• Hazbin Hotel series
• Madame Web Marvel
• Live action Avatar the last Airbender series
• Inside Out 2
• New Helluva Boss episodes
• Getting new drawing ideas *Bonus on getting better at editing
• Kung Fu Panda 4
• Murder Drones episodes 7 & 8
• Lackadaisy
• Any news on The Amazing Digital Circus
@sparklijam @dead-dog-dont-eat @drama-glob @lasirenacanta @sonicthehedgehog @zatyrlucy @tranquil-slaughterhouse @son1c @petitprincess1 @pocketscribbs @gloomycherub-mysterious @shadow-von-vamp @cjandxenaxenomorph2 @loveavatarsworld @lagomorphlady @sagethegremlin
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mayopocket · 1 month
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miss ma'am jade
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mjrtaurus · 1 year
When you realize Giovanni's mom refers to him as a "little brat boy", courtesy of the Mewtwo Radio Drama
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