#Maggie Peterson Death
cheonsa-n · 1 year
The Rifle’s Spiral Pt. 2
Master of Death Comic
Based on the song by The Shins
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Well there we have it sorta did my first comic! Maybe I’ll end up cleaning it up one day.
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blorbosfrommyhead · 7 months
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Death note S/I done! Meet Maggie Peterson, down on her luck janitor in a fast food restaurant. Her first Death note kill was her shitty boss. Ryuk she meets a few days after that and she freaks out and tries to do a DIY exorcism on him because she thinks she's possessed by a Devil himself. Things spiral from there and now the entire police force is after her and the goth demon creature won't leave her alone. That's just how it be sometimes.
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eughjesusgross · 1 year
Positively no one is going to care or look at this, but this is purely for my documentation. Will be updated when appropriate.
Hi, I’m Kristina Sweeties System, and I’m a scaredy-cat-turned-horror-fan. I watched the original Scream film in November of 2021, following with the three sequels before the 2022 film, and then with the Child’s Play franchise and Killer Klowns from Outer Space. I refuse to watch the Saw series and the Final Destination series, as they contain huge triggers for me, but I’m basically game to watch anything else.
This is going to be my list of horror films that I watch for the first time, with my honest reviews of them.
- Ghoulies : 10/10. So campy and insane, a wild, dumb ride from start to finish. Also featuring Mariska Hargitay in her earliest role, good for you.
- Fright Night : 10/10. Camp. Queer. Gothic. Chris Sarandon and Amanda Bearse. Takes a spot as one of my favorite films.
- Night of the Living Dead (68) : 6/10. Pretty good for an OG horror film with practically no budget. Unintentional racial aspect is such a plus, it’s so poetic. A bit slow in parts, with unnecessarily long, awkward scenes, but great acting. They’re coming for you, Barbara.
- Night of the Living Dead (90) : 10/10. So much better pacing, loved that they let Barbara actually do shit. Also enjoyed the different ending. Good on you, 90’s film making.
- Elvira, Mistress of the Dark : 10/10. I was gagged all the way through. The scene where Elvira first meets Patty, there was so much homoerotic tension, especially now that we know Cassandra Peterson is a lesbian. Like, there is no heterosexual explanation for that.
- Nightmare on Elm Street (84) : 8/10. Loved Nancy, loved the kills, but her friends were borderline annoying at times. Tina’s death was INSANE, and I loved it. Glen’s was also a standout, the amount of blood coming out of that waterbed was so unnecessary but oh so incredible.
- Nightmare on Elm Street part 2; Freddy’s Revenge : 9/10. I’ve heard so many great and gay things about this one, and boy did it live up to its word. My favorite was the practical effects of Jesse splitting in two so Freddy could come through.
- Nightmare on Elm Street 3; Dream Warriors: 10/10. A fan favorite, and MY favorite. Love Nancy and love Kristen. This one was so much fun!
- Nightmare on Elm Street 4; Dream Master: 9/10. Absolutely obsessed with Sheila and Alice. Not a fan of the Kristen recast, but you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. Kudos to Rick’s actor for doing that fight scene all on his own. Also enjoyed the practical effects.
- Nightmare on Elm Street 5; Dream Baby: 8/10. Absolutely bananas. I was a big fan of Mark’s death, on a visual aspect. The acting felt kind of dull, soap-opera like, but I enjoyed myself over all.
- Nightmare on Elm Street; Final Nightmare: 6/10. Absolute trash film (/pos) I really like Tracy’s enthusiasm. Maggie’s storyline was so tragic yet so silly.
- X : 10/10. Absolutely fucking incredible. No notes. If anyone has anything poor to say about this film, feed ‘em to Theda.
- Pearl : 10/10. I was absolutely gagged by this film. I didn’t like it as much as I did X, but it was still a phenomenal film. Loved the connections and easter eggs from X, like where the car in the lake came from.
- Evil Dead (81) : 8/10. The practical effects were GREAT for its time, and I really enjoyed myself during this film. My only complaint is that at times, it took me a second to figure out what was happening on screen, and confused the female characters with each other.
- Evil Dead 2 : 8/10. A great continuation with a stellar, bizarre ending. I enjoyed watching Ash descend into madness with his bite, and I thoroughly enjoyed Annie’s character.
- Army of Darkness : 10/10. So camp, so beautiful. Reminds me of Robin Hood (Men in Tights) or Monty Python. So ridiculous, yet still containing so much gore and… somehow a storyline? Ash may be one of my favorite delusional himbos in horror.
- Evil Dead (2013) : 9/10. This film was INCREDIBLE, with great jumpscares, gore, and a compelling character in a format based on the original ED. The coloring of it was absolutely true to the 2010’s style of film. My only complaint is that the jumpscares were drawn out a little too long.
Evil Dead Rise: 8/10. INSANE opening scene, and has incredible kills and gore throughout. I was SO concerned for Kassie the whole film, that poor girl has SO many years of therapy ahead of her. Wish the rest of the film’s storyline had matched that opening.
- Orphan First Kill : 10/10 I watched this the day it came out, not even having seen the first Orphan film, but having enough knowledge of it for things to make sense. That final fight was INTENSE. Stand-out scene was Esther in Anna’s home.
- Cocaine Bear : 10/10. Super camp and fun, but also full of sick kills. Also I would die for Keri Russell
- Cabin in the Woods : 10/10. This was so much fun! I really liked the take on the people being behind the film’s plot, and them all just not giving a shit about the people in the “film” because they don’t see them as real people. The kills were BRUTAL, but also tame in the same sense, like you could see all of the gore and aftermath, but didn’t really witness anyone’s demise thoroughly. I actually laughed out loud when Curt hit the wall, because I knew that it was going to happen (because of the bird foreshadowing earlier). Stellar parody.
- Halloween (71) : 10/10. I love the fact that the darkness aids makes it a million times more tense, you can hardly see Michael, and it adds to it. Also loved the creepy, slowed-down version of the theme.
- Halloween 2: 7/10. Slow-paced, which made it even creepier. Love that it could have been played with the first as one film. Big fan of the jacuzzi scene. Also a big fan of Michael walking out of that explosion on fire. Not rated a ten because it didn’t really add very many new storylines to be invested in.
- Rubber: 10/10. Wish I could rate it higher. This movie was absolute trash (/pos) and there wasn’t a moment where I wasn’t laughing at how absurd it was. Incredible watch.
- Friday the 13th:
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witch-of-the-words · 1 year
My 2022 Reading Wrap-Up
I'm pretty proud of all that I read this year! My goal was 20 books, which I absolutely crushed! I enjoyed most of these books very much!! Hopefully I read lots of good books next year!
I would say that my favorite books to read were the Grishaverse books by Leigh Bardugo. Out of those, my favorite was either King of Scars or Rule of Wolves, just because of Nikolai and Zoya :)
Novels: 28
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
Obasan by Joy Kogawa*
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
Sandstorm by James Rollins
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek and Lee Cohen*
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo
Ruin of Stars by Linsey Miller
Belle Revolte by Linsey Miller
The Speaker by Traci Chee
La Belle Sauvage by Philip Pullman
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
The Bronzed Beasts by Roshani Chokshi
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard
The Secret Commonwealth by Philip Pullman
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier*
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald*
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton*
Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman
Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix*
Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie*
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Manga: 21
My Hero Academia Volumes 9-21 by Kohei Horikoshi
Haikyu!! Volumes 19-30 by Haruichi Furudate
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Volume 3 by Koyoharu Gotouge
Light Novels: 1
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Land of Sand by Makoto Inoue
Anthologies: 2
The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
Echoes from Mount Olympus
Plays: 3
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare*
Fences by August Wilson*
Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand*
Nonfiction Books: 2
The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
The Brave Escape of Edith Wharton by Connie Nordhielm Woolridge*
Total: 57!!!
*Asterisks* mean that it was something I read for school.
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reginadeinisseni · 10 months
La Bambola Assassina (film 1988) TRAILER ITALIANO
La bambola assassina 1988
La bambola assassina Chucky (Brad Dourif) tentando di possedere l'anima di Andy Barclay (Alex Vincent) in una scena del film Titolo originale Child's Play Lingua originale inglese Paese di produzione Stati Uniti d'America Anno 1988 Durata 87 min Rapporto 1,85:1 Genere orrore, thriller Regia Tom Holland Soggetto Don Mancini Sceneggiatura Don Mancini, Tom Holland, John Lafia Produttore David Kirschner Produttore esecutivo Barrie M. Osbourne Casa di produzione United Artists Fotografia Bill Butler Montaggio Roy E. Peterson, Edward A. Warschilka Effetti speciali Kevin Yagher Musiche Joe Renzetti Scenografia Daniel A. Lomino Costumi April Ferry Toth Interpreti e personaggi Alex Vincent: Andy Barclay Catherine Hicks: Karen Barclay Chris Sarandon: detective Mike Norris Brad Dourif: Charles Lee Ray / Chucky Dinah Manoff: Maggie Peterson Neil Giuntoli: Eddie Caputo Tommy Swerdlow: Jack Santos Raymond Oliver: John "Dottor Death" Bishop Jack Colvin: dottor Ardmore Alan Wilder: Walter Criswell Doppiatori originali Brad Dourif: Chucky Doppiatori italiani Alessandro Tiberi: Andy Barclay Silvia Pepitoni: Karen Barclay Saverio Moriones: detective Mike Norris Renato Cortesi: Chucky Monica Ward: Tipo Bello Liliana Sorrentino: Maggie Peterson Carlo Valli: Jack Santos Massimo Foschi: John "Dottor Death" Bishop Franco Zucca: dottor Ardmore Logo ufficiale del film La bambola assassina (Child's Play) è un film horror statunitense del 1988 diretto da Tom Holland. Uscito nelle sale il 9 novembre 1988, ha come personaggio principale una bambola di nome Chucky, all'interno della quale un serial-killer ha riversato la propria anima in punto di morte; il suo scopo è quello di rientrare in un corpo umano, precisamente il corpo della prima persona alla quale ha rivelato la sua vera identità, ed in breve tempo, altrimenti rimarrà intrappolato per sempre nel pupazzo. Per tale obiettivo dovrà scegliere Andy, un bambino che riceve la bambola come regalo di compleanno. Sadico, crudele, astuto e determinato, Chucky riuscirà quasi nel suo intento, mietendo numerose vittime sul suo cammino.
Il film venne distribuito negli Stati Uniti il 9 novembre 1988 dalla MGM/UA Communications Co. ed incassò più di 44 milioni di dollari a fronte di un budget di produzione di 9 milioni di dollari.[1][2][3]
Il fatto che sia divenuto un cult,[4] e il successo ottenuto al botteghino, hanno generato un media franchise che include una serie di sei sequel, merchandising, fumetti, un film reboot uscito nel giugno 2019 e una serie televisiva che è iniziata nell'ottobre 2021.
Nella notte del 9 Novembre 1988, il famigerato strangolatore e serial killer di Chicago Charles Lee Ray, stanato dalla polizia, è inseguito fra le strade della città dal detective Mike Norris. Dopo essere stato ferito alla gamba, Charles tenta di raggiungere il furgone sul quale lo attende il complice Eddie Caputo ma questi, vedendo il trambusto e una macchina della polizia in avvicinamento, fugge abbandonando l'amico. Ormai privo di speranze, Charles si rifugia in un negozio di giocattoli dove Norris gli spara, giurando vendetta contro il detective e il compagno che lo ha tradito, mette in pratica un rito voodoo su un bambolotto "Tipo Bello" per trasferire la sua anima al suo interno, il rito causa una tempesta di fulmini sul negozio, che ne provoca l'esplosione, Norris sopravvive e ritrova il cadavere dello strangolatore con il bambolotto accanto.
Il mattino seguente, Andy Barclay chiede alla madre Karen un bambolotto "Tipo Bello" come regalo per il suo sesto compleanno. Essendo in ristrettezze economiche, Karen acquista un "Tipo Bello" da un vagabondo, all'insaputa di tutti, il bambolotto acquistato si rivela essere proprio quello posseduto dall'anima del serial killer il quale, dopo essersi presentato ad Andy come Chucky, miete la sua prima vittima, Maggie Peterson un'amica di Karen che stava facendo da babysitter ad Andy, facendola precipitare dalla finestra del condominio dopo averla colpita in faccia con un martello giocattolo. Sulla scena del crimine, Andy cerca di convincere il detective Norris che l'assassino è il suo bambolotto Chucky ma non viene creduto; anzi, il detective sospetta che sia stato lo stesso Andy ad aver ucciso Maggie, il che fa arrabbiare Karen, la quale lo caccia via.
Il giorno dopo, Andy marina la scuola portando Chucky con sé. Arrivato all'abitazione di Eddie Caputo, il complice che lo aveva abbandonato, Chucky lo uccide accendendo il forno, che Eddie gli spara contro facendo saltare in aria l'abitazione, perché sentiva la presenza di un intruso. La polizia decide di portare Andy all'ospedale psichiatrico infantile, dopo averlo ritrovato presso la scena del crimine; quando il bambino ripete che è stato Chucky a provocare l'esplosione, e la madre lo separa dal bambolotto. Una volta a casa, però, Karen scopre con orrore che Andy stava dicendo la verità perché si rende conto che il bambolotto funzionava senza le batterie che erano incluse da inserire, Chucky la assale e fugge dall'appartamento. Karen corre da Norris e terrorizzata gli racconta l'accaduto, ma il detective la crede pazza, anche lui però si ricrede quando il vagabondo che aveva venduto il bambolotto a Karen racconta di averlo raccolto nella stessa notte dalle macerie del negozio di giocattoli nel quale Norris aveva ucciso Charles Lee Ray. Chucky tenta di vendicarsi di Norris assalendolo in macchina provocando un incidente stradale, ma lui riesce a salvarsi e spara a Chucky, che fugge via.
Chucky fa visita a John Bishop, detto "Dottor Death", l'uomo che gli ha insegnato il voodoo e dopo averlo sottomesso usando contro di lui una bambolina voodoo con il suo stesso aspetto, gli chiede perché prova dolore fisico e sanguina per il colpo di pistola di Norris nonostante egli sia un bambolotto, John gli spiega che il suo corpo di plastica si sta vitalizzando, quindi Chucky si sta tramutando in una bambolotto umano e mortale, John rivela a Chucky che l'unico modo per sfuggire a questo destino è quello di trasferire la propria anima nel corpo della prima persona alla quale ha rivelato la sua identità, ovvero Andy; Chucky poi accoltella al cuore alla bambolina connessa fisicamente a John, e si reca all'ospedale psichiatrico. Norris e Karen arrivano all'abitazione di John il quale prima di morire, rivela ai due che per uccidere Chucky devono colpirlo al cuore.
Chucky arriva all'ospedale psichiatrico, e ucciso il dottor Ardmore con un apparecchio dell'elettroshock, e insegue Andy che si è già recato a casa sua, Karen e Norris arrivano all'appartamento per salvare Andy, che sta per essere posseduto da Chucky, Karen e Andy riescono a bruciare vivo Chucky nel camino e dopo essere stati ri-attaccati da un redivivo Chucky, Norris spara al cuore del bambolotto uccidendolo definitivamente e mettendo così fine alla minaccia, mentre l'ambulanza e la polizia arrivano in loro soccorso.
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Maggie Peterson "Charlene Darling" 1941-2022
 Dear Fans, Friends, and Family,
It is with great sorrow that we report that our dear Aunt Maggie died yesterday afternoon (Sunday, May 15). She passed peacefully in her sleep with her family present.
Maggie's health took a turn for the worse after the death of her husband Gus and we are relieved that we were able to move her home to be close to family for her last days. We will be planning a private service for Maggie in the next few weeks. Although this fundraiser will no longer be accepting donations, we will keep it open for a few more weeks in order to communicate with this community.
Maggie wanted this community to know how much you meant to her over the past three years. Despite being in Las Vegas and away from her family, your love and devotion helped her to not feel alone. She made many mentions to us about how she couldn't believe how generous you all were. You truly made a positive impact on her life and helped her during some very difficult times.
Finally, Maggie's family would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your caring and generosity was inspiring and we could not of done any of this without you. We hope that during this difficult time you can find solace in knowing how important you were for making the end of Maggie's life much better.
Thank you and God bless.
♡ ♥💕❤😘
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dovebuffy92 · 2 years
The Staircase miniseries, created by Antonio Campos and Maggie Cohn, is a mesmerizing crime drama based on the true-crime docu-series of the same name directed by French filmmaker Jean-Xavier de Lestrade (performed in the series by Vincent Vermignon).
On December 9th, 2001, Kathleen Peterson (Toni Colette) was found dead at the bottom of her home’s main staircase in Durham, NC. The police, prosecutors, and some of Kathleen’s family believe her husband, charismatic crime novelist Michael Peterson (Colin Firth), bludgeoned her to death. Most of Michael’s family band together to support him. A French filmmaking team documents Michael’s journey through the United States Justice System. Will the filmmakers get too sucked into the novelist’s orbit to produce an unbiased docu-series?
The crime drama creators bring Kathleen to the center of her murder through flashbacks. Firth exhibits his true mastery as an actor while inhabiting Michael Peterson while The Staircase grapples with the complexities of a blended American family and the justice system. The miniseries is worth a watch for true crime enthusiasts even if they haven’t seen a single episode of the docu-series.
Humanizing the Kathleen Peterson
The Staircase’s creative team humanizes Kathleen by revealing her personality through flashbacks. Multiple sequences make clear that Kathleen loves her three daughters, Caitlin Atwar (Olivia DeJonge), Margaret Ratliff (Sophie Turner), and Martha Ratliff (Odessa Young). She is truly dedicated to both her biological and adopted daughters. Michael and Kathleen’s marriage contains cracks, but they still have fun together. The miniseries show Kathleen’s stressful though accomplished work life. The executive works hard to balance her domestic duties and high-level job, which leaves her utterly exhausted.
Kathleen’s actions prove her to be a profoundly empathic and generous spirit. The immediate aftermath of her death reveals how she was greatly loved by everybody, from her stepson Todd Peterson (Patrick Schwarzenegger) to her sister Candance Hunt Zamperini (Rosemarie DeWitt). Even those family members and friends who side with Michael mourn Kathleen’s death. There are times when Michael appears to be devasted by her passing.
Nobody can pretend that a beloved human being didn’t die. Crime dramas based on real murders should honor the victims, which The Staircase does successfully. The casting of Toni Collette as Kathleen guaranteed an award-winning performance.
Colin Firth Inhabiting Michael Peterson
All the actors in The Staircase bring their characters to life in a truly emotionally powerful way, but Firth steals every scene. The famous British actor has one of the trickiest roles because most of the audience has witnessed ten docu-series episodes centered around the charming Michael, who has a distinctive voice. Firth invokes Michael’s unique accent without sounding like a caricature of the novelist. The actor naturally utilizes some of Michael’s gestures without seeming forced. Firth’s genuine charisma enables him to inhabit Michael’s public charming persona.
But Firth can also capture Michael when his mask drops. He can quickly switch from a sweet family man to a controlling father. He also brings a sense of vulnerability to the role. Michael can’t neatly fit into this miniseries’s protagonist or antagonist box. The novelist is somewhere in the middle, neither the hero nor the story’s villain.
The Blended Family
The Peterson-Ratliff-Atwater clan seems like the perfect modern American family in many ways. These two parents have successfully blended their children to form a new family. “911?” contains a sequence showing the family having dinner together. Michael notes that while their family is not perfect, they “always stick together.” There is a sense that it’s the Peterson-Ratliff-Atwater clan against the world. Nobody shares internal conflicts outside the immediate family.
There are all supremely close to one another and have even established traditions. Kathleen and Michael share sage advice with their adult children, who celebrate their whole family. Several family members toast Martha, starting her first year at college. All three daughters are established to be very close. After Kathleen dies, Margaret, Caitlin, and Martha sleep in the same bed. Biological siblings Todd and Clayton Peterson (Dane DeHaan) stay strong for their little sisters.
Though quickly, the series shows fractures in their happy family facade. Flashbacks reveal that Kathleen and Clayton don’t enjoy each other’s company because of the young man’s past legal problems. Caitlin struggles to deal with the holes in her stepfather’s story about how Kathleen died. Michael adopted Margaret and Martha when they were toddlers, so they feel a sense of loyalty to him that gets in the way of their bond with the suspicious Caitlin.
Kathleen and Michael’s relationship appears toxic because of his secrets and her essentially financially supporting the whole family by herself. Michael’s irrational temper dampens his ability to form close bonds with all his children. Once the miniseries digs below the surface level, it’s clear that Michael Peterson’s secretive cruel behavior poisoned this blended family.
Troubling Justice System
The Staircase miniseries doesn’t paint the representatives of the justice system as angels either. Prosecutors Freda Black (Parker Poser) and David Rudolf (Michael Stuhlbarg) hate Michael even before he murders his wife. Flashforwards in the miniseries imply that some of their expert witnesses didn’t do everything by the book. David and Freda rely on faulty evidence to make their case, not digging too deeply because they decided he was guilty before any investigation. The prosecutors use horrific imagery to manipulate Kathleen’s biological family to turn on Michael before having all the facts. Neither Michael nor the prosecutors are depicted as the “white hats” of the story.
Last Thoughts on The Staircase Miniseries
This review is based on the first five episodes of The Staircase miniseries. True crime fans will love this engaging limited series that explores all aspects of the docu-series, including turning the camera on the French documentary team.
On May 5th, watch the first, second, and third episodes of The Staircase on HBO MAX. If you have not seen the docu-series with the same title, perhaps check out all ten episodes on Netflix before the fictionalized story airs! Those who enjoy mystery may want to consider waiting to watch the docu-series until later. 
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sweetaprilbutterfly · 3 years
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Sophie Turner has joined the cast of the HBO Max series "The Staircase"
Turner joins previously announced cast members Colin Firth, Toni Collette, Parker Posey, Juliette Binoche, and Rosemarie DeWitt.
The eight-episode series is based on the docuseries of the same name as well as various books and reports about the case of Michael Peterson (Firth), who was accused of murdering his wife, Kathleen (Collette), in 2001. He claimed she died after falling down the stairs at their home, but police suspected he bludgeoned her to death and staged the scene to look like an accident.
Turner will play Margaret Ratliff, one of Michael Peterson’s adopted daughters.
“The Staircase” was picked up to series at HBO Max in March. It is written and executive produced by showrunners Antonio Campos and Maggie Cohn. Campos will also direct six of the eight episodes. The series is a co-production between HBO Max and Annapurna Television.
Source: Variety
Also Sophie got new haircut for a role:
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filthyfirth · 3 years
The cast of HBO Max’s crime drama The Staircase continues to grow, as Deadline reports that Juliette Binoche has joined the series and will star alongside Toni Collette, Colin Firth, Rosemarie DeWitt.
RELATED: Toni Collette Joins Colin Firth in HBO Max’s Crime Drama The Staircase
Based on Jean-Xavier de Lestrade’s true-crime docuseries and various books and reports on the case, the limited series explores the life of Michael Peterson, his sprawling North Carolina family, and the suspicious death of his wife, Kathleen Peterson. In 2001, Peterson was arrested for the murder of his second wife after he had claimed that she died after falling down the stairs at their home due to consuming alcohol and Valium. However, the autopsy report refutes Peterson’s claims because it concluded that she died from sustaining multiple injuries, including blows to the back of her head with a blunt object.
Binoche’s character is currently unknown, with Deadline reporting that it’s being kept under wraps for the time being. However, the star-studded cast continues to grow, and it looks as if HBO is hoping this will another in a long line of hit dramas that reach massive levels of success.
RELATED: HBO Max Orders The Staircase Limited Series Adaptation Starring Colin Firth
The Staircase will be written and directed by Antonio Campos (The Devil All the Time, The Sinner) and Maggie Cohn (American Crime Story), who serve as showrunners. The Max Original is a co-production between HBO Max and Annapurna Television, with Campos and Cohn as executive producers.
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thenightling · 5 years
My top 15 love interests for romantic incarnations of Dracula (No, they’re not all Mina)
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If I was to do a list of favorite love interests for Dracula it would be...
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Keep reading for a full list...
16. Bonus:  Lydia from Dark Prince: the true Story of Dracula.
 I list this one here because she’s technically an historic figure and the rest are fictional so I am not sure if she should count or not.  The historic Dracula’s first wife’s name has been lost to history even though the river tributary under Poenari Castle was named for her.   The film Dark Prince: The true Story of Dracula starring Ruldolf Martin names her Lydia. 
Though this film is mostly historic the ending implies that the two are both vampires and walking together through eternity.  
Vladislaus Drakuyla AKA Vlad III of Wallachia, AKA Vlad Tepes (The Impaler)’s first wife died by suicide and the film hinted that this might have been enough to enable her to come back as a vampire.   
Right before Vlad’s assassination in 1776 or early 1777 (at age forty-five or forty six) in the movie we hear her voice, which suggests she’s either waiting for him or has set into motion turning him into a vampire to be with her.
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15. Sir Integra Hellsing from the Hellsing.
In the manga and anime Hellsing (and Hellsing Ultimate OVA), instead of having been destroyed by Doctor Abraham Van Helsing after the events of the Dracula novel, Dracula was instead captured and through arcane means bound to serve the Van Helsing bloodline for eternity.  The family founded the Hellsing organization for fighting monstrous threats.  Dracula took on the name Alucard (his own name spelt backward) and may have gone slightly crazy...
He became fiercely loyal to Integra Hellsing, the most recent descendant of Abraham van Helsing to become his Master.   It is a very strange relationship to say the least...
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14.   Xander Harris from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
In Buffy The Vampire Slayer season 5 we have Buffy encounter Dracula for the very first time.  Here he is played by Rudolf Martin, the same actor who played Dracula in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula.  In the episode Dracula takes Xander to be his Renfield-like henchman.   At the end of the story Xander is free from Dracula’s spell however the story of their relationship is not over yet.
According to the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer season 8 comics Xander and Dracula have formed an unusual relationship.  Xander taught Dracula about modern fun and pleasures and Dracula became more and more protective of Xander.  When Buffy came and retrieved Xander (again) from Dracula, this time Dracula fell into a deep depression.  Refusing to feed or take care of himself Dracula’s hair and claws grew and he deteriorated into his elderly form.   When he found out that Xander was coming to pay him a visit, he hastily made himself presentable and de-aged to a more attractive / youthful appearance.   
Now the two bicker like long time lovers.   I ship it.
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Oh, and Xander still calls him master, despite himself.
Further note on this one: Dracula is actually smart for NOT getting a smartphone.  All cellphones can be traced via GPS.   Do you really want a tracking device in your pocket while hunting human prey?   You just made Blade and Buffy’s jobs a little too easy there.  A practical vampire would not carry such a device while hunting.  
Unfortunately this comic retconned a few important aspects of the TV show version of Dracula and even claimed he doesn’t actually conjure storms, but senses them coming (contradicting the beach scene from the Buffy vs. Dracula episode.)  I wish people would stop de-powering Dracula.  
13.    Jonathan Harker (Multiple versions):   
Dario Argento said that his version of Dracula was attracted to Jonathan Harker.   And in Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula The Musical (Particularly the German production called Dracula das Musical) the scene “Fresh Blood” (Blut) is very errotic.
Fresh Blood (Blut) now featured Jonathan Harker being tied to a bed and his shirt removed as he’s fed upon by Dracula.  But first by Dracula’s brides and grooms of the castle.
Also one of the lyrics in the English language version of the song indicates he wants Jonathan AND Mina as his and plans to make them both vampires.   Thus reaffirming the polyamorous version of Dracula.
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Dracula gets particularly “grabby” with him during his de-aging sequence.
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The relationship is pretty one sided...
12.  Renfield (multiple versions).
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   The German production of Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula the musical (Dracula das Musical) has Dracula with brides and grooms as opposed to just brides.  Despite this change toward bi or panasexuality, this particular relationship is very one sided.   
Renfield is very much in love with Dracula in many depictions of the character.   This mad man is obsessed with “The Master” and in the Frank Wildhorn Dracula musical he sings a song about how much he loves The Master and how wonderful he is.  The reprise version looks as if Dracula is about to kiss him as they sing a slowed duet version of the refrain but this is where Dracula, instead, snaps his neck.   
Here is the English language version of The Master’s song (Not the slowed reprise duet.)
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There is a deleted scene from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) where Renfield laments that he has lost Dracula “to the pretty woman.”   
In Love at First bite, and some other films Dracula actually does give Renfield immortality however.  I suspect the Love at First Bite version is a half-vampire since he can go in the sun (this version of Dracula burns in daylight) and he still needs glasses for his nearsightedness but he has apparently worked for Dracula for at least a century so he was clearly granted immortality even if he can’t turn into a bat or hypnotize.   
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11.    Carmilla Karnstein from The Batman vs. Dracula.  
 Carmilla is an odd one because in her original novel she’s portrayed as a lesbian.  She is a vampire whose novel predates Dracula’s own novel.  Her prey of choice are young virginal women.  And she can turn into a large grey or black cat.   She is powerful and independant and in The Batman vs. Dracula she somehow ended up Dracula’s wife.  So I will assume this version is bisexual and they’re probably polyamorous and not at all monogamous. 
The version of Dracula in Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books, and the 1979 Dracula movie starring Frank Langella are also polyamorous though he claims Mina (Lucy in the 1979 film) is above the others.  Poly-Romantic / Pan-Romantic / and Demi seem to be recurring traits for romantic versions of Dracula.  
 Dracula spends part of The Batman vs. Dracula trying to bring Carmilla back from the dead, using the very life essence and soul of VickI Vale to fuel the spell.  Unfortunately things don’t quite go as planned.
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10. Dracula’s mysterious male lover from Marvel comics, Avengers issue 016 (2019).  
Marvel’s Dracula has been confirmed as having had male and female lovers.  This is not the only bisexual or panasexual Dracula in pop culture.  The German production of the Frank Wildhorn Dracula the Musical (Dracula das Musical) gives him brides and grooms in his castle, Dario Argento has said his version of Dracula is bisexual, and Marvel has now confirmed that their version of Dracula has had male and female lovers.      
I don’t know much about this pretty elfish, semi-androgynous character.  Identified as a male vampire lover of Dracula’s from Marvel’s War of the Vampires storyline, Dracula wept blood tears when this unnamed character was killed.  And he (the lover) was clearly willing to die for Dracula.  So this spot is for you, you poor, unnamed elfish male vampire lover! 
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I don’t know his name so I am going to call him Samuel.  And in my mind he was the pretty castle librarian whom Dracula became infatuated with.  There.  Headcanon achieved.  
Further note: Usually if you make Dracula cry, it means he’ll take brutal and violent revenge. This is a universal truth with all versions of Dacula.  Never make him cry.  
I would put him at a MUCH better spot on this list but he doesn’t get a lot of time in the comic and we don’t know much about him.   If we only knew more about him he would have a far better spot on this list.  Look how adorable and tragic he is!  He could easily be one of my favorites but all we know is that his death brought Dracula to tears and that yes, they were lovers.  I seriously considered moving this one up the list but I’m bias for this sweet, androgynous, vampire-boy.
Seriously, I want to know this guy’s story.  Dracula cries for him!  In front of his enemies, he weeps for him!   Give us this story, Marvel!   Who is he???
 9.     Amy Peterson from Fright Night (original 1985 version). 
This one is a bit dubious because the vampire is Jerry Dandridge but the 1985 novelization of the film suggested that Jerry is actually count Dracula.   Fright Night played with popular vampire tropes and a few were homages to the 1960s soap opera, Dark Shadows.  In Dark Shadows the vampire, Barnabas Collins, discovered that the young waitress (and later governess) Maggie Evans, was the uncanny look-a-like of his lost love, Josette.  Because of the physical similarity he was convinced she was the reincarnation of his lost love even though with reincarnations you could literally end up looking like anyone or even being another gender after reincarnation.  Barnabas had a painting of Josette that showed the physical similarity.   
In Fright Night Jerry Dandridge meets Amy and becomes obsessed when he realizes how much she resembles a woman he, too, has lost and is pining for.   When Jerry is finally destroyed by the has-been horror actor turned real vampire hunter, Peter Vincent, and also by Amy’s boyfriend, Charley Brewster, his last words are crying out for Amy.   
Though this relationship is very one sided and Amy is clearly under age, when you’re a teenager (as I was) we can’t help but find ourselves fantasizing about being Amy in Jerry’s arms during the nightclub dance scene or the “Come to Me” scene.  Because of problematic aspects of this relationship and because Jerry was never officially revealed as being Dracula in the film, that’s why this is at spot number 8.
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The Jerry Dandridge / Dracula character is apparently in a polyamorous relationship as he has a live-in (apparent boyfriend) Billy Cole.  Billy does not exist in the 2011. Fright Night remake, which removed all romantic aspects of the character.   
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8.     Evan Barrington-Cabot from the Graphic novel Series Dracula: The Company of Monsters.
In Dracula: The Company of Monsters graphic novel (published in 2011) an evil corporate executive known as Conrad orchestrates raising Dracula from the dead in the hope of using and exploiting him. Conrad’s nephew, Evan comes to understand and respect Dracula and Dracula’s code of honor.  The two respect each other. And like with most stories where Dracula falls in love with the protagonist he decides to stalk him and declare him his.
   When Dracula takes his revenge on his captors, Evan is the only one that he spares.   
He even watches the young man sleep, the way Dracula is often depicted doing to female love interests.  And he makes it very clear he plans on making him a vampire down the line.
This relationship is kept somewhat ambiguous otherwise I might consider putting it at a better spot on the list. 
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7.    Ericka Van Helsing from Hotel Transylvania 3.  
 A direct descendant of Abraham Van Helsing (the famous monster hunter) Ericka has a cruise ship for monsters with the sole purpose of luring Count Dracula, whom falls in love with her.  He “Zings.”  Monsters supposedly can only zing once so there is a fan theory that she is the reincarnation of Mavis’ mother.  This is likely true since reincarnation or look-a-like of a first love (or both) is a popular trope in vampire fiction started by Dan Curtis for his TV show Dark Shadows and later carried over into his Dracula movie starring Jack Palance.  
Ericka ultimately realizes she loves Dracula too and the cruise ship captain and hotel owner end up together. Dracula proposes to her at the end of the film and she says yes.   
Also though Dracula is several hundred years old in Hotel Transylvania he is physically in his forties, I suspect Ericka (as a mortal) is biologically older than him, which is a clever touch since Dracula is usually going after young girls in pop culture.  It’s good to see him with an older (well, in appearance) woman.  (”When you’re six hundred years old there’s no such thing as a cougar.” - The Emo Vampire Song.)    Hotel Transylvania 3 is actually my favorite of the franchise and is a sweet film.   
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6.  Cindy from Love at First bite.   
Love at First Bite is a comedy from 1979.  Think of Coming to America meets Splash in that a supernatural character, a proverbial fish-out-of-water comes to New York looking for love. 
Dracula believes Cindy to be the reincarnation Mina (“But I lost her in that damn London Fog!”).  He knows her from magazine pictures and interviews and after communists drive him out of his castle he moves to New York where he plans to seduce her.  This consists of licking her ankles while in dog-form, telling her that she is more than merely her appearance, that he understands her and her anxieties.  And dancing to “I love the Night Life”.   The two ultimately fall in love and knowing the truth about Dracula, Cindy opts to spend eternity with him as his vampire queen.  The ending has them fly off together, in bat form, to Jamaica.
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5.   Lucy from Dracula (1979). 
  In the 1979 version of Dracula, Frank Langella plays Count Dracula.  Though technically a remake and based on the same play the Bela Lugosi Dracula was based on, there are some distinct changes.  For starters in this version the character we mostly know as Mina in most adaptations is named Lucy and the Lucy character is named Mina.  The names are swapped.   
Not only that but in this version it’s Dracula who is initially seduced.  Though engaged to Jonathan Harker in Edwardian England (set roughly twenty years after most versions of Dracula, which are usually set in 1891) Dracula arrives for dinner at the home of his new neighbors.  Here he offers to hypnotize the sickly Mina to relieve her of a headache (that he very likely induced). Lucy protests, showing her dislike and distrust of such methods and the manipulation of the will of others.  This bold reaction delights Dracula as he is not used to conflict from women.
The next step in the possibly-accidental seduction of Dracula comes when Lucy turns on a phonograph record player and asks him to dance with her, improperly, right in front of her fiance.  
And later after some tragedies, when the rest of the household is unable to uphold an invitation to Dracula’s house for supper, Lucy goes alone.  
I like this one because in this one it’s mostly Dacula who gets seduced.  Lucy wants him and she gets him.  She knows what she’s doing.  Also Dracula isn’t a whining, brooding, emo vampire.  He is lonely but he LIKES what he is. He’s proud of what he is.  He’s fierce and predatory and has all of his traditional powers, including being able to turn into a bat, and wolf, and conjure storms.   So few adaptations remember the wolf form these days.
This was the first truly empowered version of the Mina character (though named Lucy).   And she is not some look-a-like or reincarnation of a previous love.  No.  He simply falls in love with her for who she is. 
It is very likely this version of Dracula is demi (falling in love with personality before any physical attraction) which is also true of the Castlevania version of Dracula and the version in Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books.
Also based on the last dialogue from Dracula to Lucy (that he would return to her once they stopped hunting him) I choose to believe he faked his death in this version, especially by the wolf howl at the very end and the cryptic smile on Lucy’s face before the end credits.   Long live The Count and Lucy!
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4.  Mina from Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books.
Very similar to Lucy in the 1979 Dracula starring Frank Langella, this is a romantic interest where Dracula sees the person as his equal.    
This Mina is not the reincarnation of a lost love, nor does she resemble a lost love.  When we first see this version of Mina it’s in the novel The Dracula Tape (retelling of Dracula from Dracula’s point of view.)  Dracula shows up at her door to deceive her and try to manipulate her into getting the heroes to leave him be but she doesn’t fall for it. And she wrings the truth out of him.   She’s clever and also manipulative and the two become lovers. 
And in the contemporary world of the later books, though Dracula is having affairs with Mina’s own descendants (It’s a bit weird, I know but at least he’s honest about it.)  he still seeks her for comfort and guidance.  And constantly refers to her as his greatest love.   It’s creepy yet sweet.  
In this continuity he fakes his death at the end of the Dracula Tape.  And when Mina finally dies of apparent old age she comes back as a vampire because his blood is in her system.  As his kind of vampire can change their age based on how heavily they feed, she (like Dracula) can look any age she chooses. (Dracula usually looks roughly forty-five-years-old since that’s about the age he was when he died in his mortal life but sometimes he deliberately abstains from feeding to look older or even elderly.)   
And with Mina to guide him, Dracula becomes the protector (and casual seducer...) of her mortal descendants. 
    Mostly the relationship and personality (as well as powers) are very similar to that of the 1979 Dracula film starring Frank Langella. 
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Another reason I like this version of Dracula is the cause of how he became a vampire is sort of ambiguous.   He dies as the historic figure dies but in the Fred Saberhagen novel “A Matter of taste” (Book six of his Dracula novels) it’s revealed that loyalists stole his body and severed head and left a look-a-like in his place.  
They prepared him for burial where candles kept going out and the wounds started to heal (including his head apparently re-attaching itself) so they hastily buried him.   He rose as a vampire and insisted that it was a “transition of will” that he refused to die.   In other words he has no idea how or why he came back as a vampire. 
 Considering most vampires in the Fred Saberhagen Dracula novels are created by a mortal drinking the blood of a vampire, after having been fed on, this made Dracula very unique and mysterious.   I really like this origin.  It’s my favorite origin for Dracula since it explains nothing while explaining everything.
 It’s a lot better than someone renouncing God and drinking blood from a stone cross...    
This one could easily be my favorite female love interest for Dracula, tied with the one I have listed for number 1 but I put two others between this and the number one spot because of their significance to pop culture and my love of some musicals.  
3.  Mina from Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula the Musical.
This is essentially the musical adaptation of the 1992 Bram Stoker’s Dracula movie. The biggest difference is there is no mention of Dracula’s mortal life’s wife and no suggestion that Mina resembles (or is the reincarnation of) an old love. The only problem is there is little explanation given as to why he falls in love with her other than that he seemed to have a mysterious psychic link with her all along.  
Still, the songs are beautiful and the relationship is sweet and this version of Mina is very likable.
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 2.   Mina from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992 film):
Before I proceed with this one, yes.  Yes, I know Dracula and Mina are not actually lovers in the original Dracula novel.  I know that when he makes her drink his blood in the novel that it’s more of a rape.  But this version plays with the love story Dan Curtis created for his Barnabas Collins and later carried over into Dracula.    
Dracula is seeking the reincarnation of his deceased mortal-life wife.   And not only was he lucky enough to find her in a look-a-like body but she’s also the age the first wife was when she died (by total coincidence!).   At first it seems like he just thinks she looks like his dead wife and he can seduce her but he seems shocked when she starts to actually remember details of his home. (watch his expression as she starts to talk about his homeland.  He’s genuinely surprised).  
The two begin a consensual love affair that sadly ends with Mina putting him out of his misery.   
A least it’s implied he was forgiven and got to go to Heaven despite the things he had done (Much like in Stoker’s original novel.  No, really, that’s in there.)
I like the Frank Wildhorn musical adaptation of this version of Dracula slightly better than the original non-musical movie because in the musical you don’t get the weird bleeding cross / renouncing God origin for Dracula’s vampirism.   and 2.  Mina doesn’t seem to be anyone’s reincarnation or look-a-like.  They’re just in love (Even though yes, I know that is not in Bram Stoker’s novel.)  But I do have a soft spot for this one because most of it does follow the novel and the musical probably would not exist if not for this movie.   
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1.    Lisa Țepeș from Castlevania.
Lisa fast became one of my favorite love interests for Dracula.  She went to Dracula’s castle seeking knowledge and bravely stood up to the antisocial vampire.
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Much like Lucy from the 1979 Dracula film she talked back to him.  She was bold and brave.   She wanted to learn and she wanted the ability to save lives and damn it, she would risk her own life to do it.  Dracula fell in love with this personality almost instantly.   It was her personality, not her physical beauty that he became infatuated with.    
And they were both happily nerdy together.   She humanized Dracula and reminded him that there is good in the world.   Dracula married her and the two had a son together.  
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For her sake he learned to trust and love. But it was for that love that he was driven to madness by her death...
Lisa was only forty-five-years-old when she was burned at the stake as a witch while simply trying to help people as a medical doctor.  
This version of Dracula was a good man deep inside but pushed to madness and governed by his vampiric instincts he couldn’t bear to be without her.  And when she was murdered he blamed almost all of humanity (save for a select few) for it.    
  And so Dracula began a subconscious quest to be destroyed by going through the motions of wanting to destroy the world. This is not the only plot where Dracula plans to destroy the world and the protagonist catches on that it’s an elaborate and “world’s longest suicide note”.  This was also done in the Hammer horror film The Satanic Rites of Dracula.   But here it was for heartbreak of a deeply lonely man.   
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blorbosfrommyhead · 5 months
OH DAMN, I’M SO SORRY, I DIDN’T NOTICE THE SEPARATION IN THE LIST!!! naomi ISN’T your romantic f/o, my bad man 😭😭😭
would still like to hear all about your s/i and ryuk, tho!! (still such great taste /genuine) 〜ablizmal
It's fine it's fine!
As for Maggie and Ryuk:
Maggie's full name is Maggie Peterson. She's down on her luck janitor who found Death note one day after a particularly rough work day. Her first kill was her shitty boss. Ryuk she meets few days after that. At first she though he was a Devil himself and tried to do DIY exorcism on him. It takes her a while to come around.
Also unlike with Light, Ryuk never offered her a Shinigami eyes deal. He got attached, and wanted to be with her as long as she lives. The deal would just cut her lifespan short, and he would lose her quicker.
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littledemonlorne · 4 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), Child's Play 2019 - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Kyle (Child's Play/Chucky Movies), Chucky | Charles Lee Ray, Glenda, Maggie Peterson (Child's Play/Chuckie Movies), Karen Barclay, Andy Barclay, Tyler Caputo, Eddie Caputo, George Caputo, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: whole new form, new more humanlike bodies Summary:
They finally moved out of the Barclay House. Tommy got the new 'upgrade' to be more human. To better protect Kyle and Glenda. Only if necessary.
And it just might be.
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bulltruearchive · 5 years
what 80s blogs would you like to see?
this  is,  uh,  gonna  be  a  biased  list  ,,,,  most  of  my  favourite  films  are  made  in  the  80s.  but  !!  i’m  also  not  big  in  the  80srp  comm  so,  like  ,,,,,  there  may  be  some  of  these  around,  i  have  no  idea  !
honestly  this  list  is  Awful  because  i  am  Not  a  john  hughes  teen  movie  fan  so  !!!  & i  don’t  have  footloose  or  anything  because  i,  uh,  actively  dislike  those  films  personally  shdghsdhg  but  !!!! u  do  whom  u  wanna  do  ! this  list  is  just  ‘  films  made  in  the  80s  ’  tbh  so  it’s  incomplete  !  i’m  also  happy  to  help  w  fc  ideas  for  modernising  things  or  making  this  less,  uh,  overwhelmingly  white  so  !!!  feel  free  to  hmu  !  :)
the  breakfast  club  :
allison  reynolds
andrew  clark
stand  by  me  (  sure,,,,,  i’m  50s  based  but  Technically,,,  )  :
vern  tessio
ace  merrill  (  i’m  thinking  about  :/  remaking  him  Again  tbh  ,,  )
labyrinth  :
sarah  williams
jareth,  the  goblin  king
sir  didymus
indiana  jones  (  again,,  40s  &  50s  but  shh  )  :
indiana  ,,,,  jones  (  &  watch  chris  &  i  cry  )
marion  ravenswood
short  round
willie  scott
henry  ‘mutt’  williams
the  goonies  :
michael  ‘  mikey  ’  walsh
clarke  ‘  mouth  ’  devereaux
andrea  ‘  andy  ’  carmichael
stephanie  ‘  stef  ’  steinbrenner
richard  ‘  data  ’  wang
brandon  ‘  brand  ’  walsh
ferris  bueller’s  day  off  :
ferris  bueller
cameron  frye
sloane  peterson
back  to  the  future
jennifer  parker
marty  mcfly
doc  brown
einstein  :/
the  lost  boys  :
u hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  idk  who’s  not  being  played  so
lucy  emerson,,,,,,
lucas :
et  :
,,,  et  ,,,,,
the  terminator  :
john  connor
sarah  connor
the  princess  bride  :
princess  buttercup
the  karate  kid  :
daniel  larusso
ali  mills
kumiko  ,,,
beetlejuice  :
lydia  deetz
adam  maitland
barbara  maitland
indiana  jones  (  again,,  40s  &  50s  but  shh  )  :
indiana  ,,,,  jones  (  &  watch  chris  &  i  cry  )
marion  ravenwood
short  round
willie  scott
henry  ‘mutt’  williams
aliens  :
ellen  ripley
the  neverending  story  :
 a  t   r  e  y  u
the  child-like  empress
bastian  bux
a  nightmare  on  elm  st  :
nancy  thompson
freddy  kreuger
phillip  anderson
anyone  tbh  ,,
bill  &  ted  :
princess  elizabeth
willow  :
queen  bavmorda
summer  of  ‘84  (  it’s  set  in  the  80s  )  :
dale  ‘  woody  ’  woodworth  (  i  Love  Him  )
curtis  farraday
davey  armstrong
nikki  kaszuba
&  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  that’s  all  i  can  think  of  rn  ,,,  ill  kick  myself  later  i  can  feel  it
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amandajoyce118 · 6 years
Daredevil Season 3 Easter Eggs And References
I somehow managed to watch the full season in about a week. Probably because I actually had a day off of work in there. These season of Daredevil borrows heavily from two very famous comic book arcs, “Born Again,” and “Guardian Devil.” If you’re familiar with the comics, you probably saw a few things coming. That being said, there aren’t a huge amount of Easter eggs in the season.
As usual, the Easter eggs are broken down by episode so if you want to read as you go without being spoiled for future episodes, you can. This is spoiler-heavy though, so if you’re trying to steer clear and haven’t watched the season yet, look away. I’ll understand.
I didn’t spend a lot of time explaining who people are if they’ve appeared in the show before, maybe just a reminder here and there in case they didn’t make a huge impression on you.
So, onto the Easter eggs!
S3E01 “Resurrection”
Father Lantom
I’m sure we all remember him from earlier seasons, but this is just a reminder of his role in the comics. In the comics, he also provides a place of refuge for Cloak And Dagger as well as the Runaways. Taking in heroes with sad backstories is kind of his thing.
St. Agnes
Again, sure everyone recognizes it, but also just a reminder that on Agents of SHIELD, the orphanage where Daisy Johnson AKA Skye AKA Mary Sue Poots spent her youth was also called St. Agnes. I’d still love a connection.
The Timeline
Despite Matt waking up and seemingly thinking he just made it out of a collapsed building, it’s actually been “several weeks,” which probably puts this happening right around the same time as the events of the most recent season of Luke Cage or Iron Fist. More episodes will likely clear this up.
Sister Maggie
She is a comic book character, plucked from the pages of the “Born Again” story arc. There’s likely a big reveal coming with Sister Maggie, so I won’t spoil that for you. She also features prominently in the “Guardian Devil” story arc.
Ben Donovan
This lawyer certainly gets around. Taking care of Wilson Fisk still even though he was devoting so much time to Mariah Dillard over on Luke Cage.
Fisk And The Wall
After he gets bad news, he stares at the white wall of his prison cell. You’ll remember in season one, he liked “White Rabbit In A Snowstorm” because it helped him think. It’s also how he was forced to deal with his father abusing his mother.
Rymon Cable
The van that has bad guys Matt decides to test himself against? It’s full of clothes even though it has the Rymon Cable logo on it. There’s no comic book connection to Rymon, but Holly S. Rymon is a “production executive” on the series. She’s also worked on Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and The Punisher over the last two years.
S3E02 “Please”
Fisk’s Deal
This deal isn’t unlike ones he’s made in the comics to further his own ends. During “Civil War” he actually passes information about Captain America to Iron Man, which briefly makes him a target for other criminals. He tries to get his stature back by putting a hit out on Spider-Man and his family, which backfires when Spider-Man shows up in prison and beats him to a pulp.
Karen’s Backstory
In the comics, she’s an only child, but she does have darker and darker side stories. She becomes a drug addict and a prostitute at one point, so I’m curious to see how much the writers reveal of her dark backstory here.
Blackout Cripples NY
This headline appears on a new newspaper clipping on the wall in Karen’s Bulletin office. Now, all of the other clippings were there before the office belonged to her, courtesy of Ben Urich. That means this new headline is likely one of her stories. That story is likely in response to the blackouts that happened all over the world in Agents of SHIELD season four when a hate group was making a statement about Inhumans.
Blake Tower
You all remember Blake Tower, right? He’s been showing up on multiple shows, just like Ben Donovan, Claire Temple, and Turk Barrett.
“Hell’s Kitchen is ground zero for vigilantes…”
Foggy’s not wrong. Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage have all been around in the last few years. Iron Fist promised to protect Hell’s Kitchen, but the events of his last season changed things up a bit.
S3E03 “No Good Deed”
Kingpin’s White/Grey/Lavender Penthouse
The color scheme for Wilson Fisk’s room is very reminiscent of his clothing choices in the comics.
The Presidential Hotel
Was it just me who noticed the hotel, combined with the “Lock Fisk up,” the fake news comments, and the fact that the owner was convicted of fraud? I think those are a lot of real world shoutouts right there, and I appreciate every single one of them.
Fisk’s White Suit
Matt might be hallucinating Fisk, but this is Kingpin’s comic book look. It’s perfect.
I couldn’t make out the second name of the electrical/plumbing company Matt sneaks into the hotel with, but the first in the logo is definitely Millar. Frank Miller is typically the name associated with Daredevil, but I feel like Millar is a shoutout to comic book creator Mark Millar. He’s better known for the Kick-Ass franchise and his work for DC, but he’s also written on some X-Men books, some Fantastic Four, and some Spider-Man, as well as the “Civil War” arc.
Vanessa Hiding In Spain
Vanessa frequently has to hide out in the comics to escape the wrath of Wilson’s enemies. Spain isn’t usually a big spot for her, but Wilson lived there for about a year in the comics before Lady Bullseye caught up with him and sent a bunch of Hand ninjas after him.
Agent Poindexter
He seems to like the nickname Dex and he has a great skillset - never missing his mark. Benjamin Poindexter is the main alias of a villain named Bullseye in the comics, and I don’t think that’s spoiling anything for you since casting rumors and trailers should have done that already. He’s probably Daredevil’s biggest enemy, not Kingpin. So, that’s going to be fun to watch develop.
Matt’s Clothes
Not his vigilante ensemble, which is a callback to him first starting out in season one. His walking around clothes. It looks a lot like how Stick used to dress when he was in New York, huh? Guess Matt is taking cues from his former sensei.
Matt Picking Foggy’s Pocket
Okay, so I realize this is just a means to an end for Matt, but I like to think of it as another connection between Matt and Daisy. Both orphans at St. Agnes (possibly the same one), both steal the ID of someone who meets with them in order to get more info. (In Daisy AKA Skye’s case, it was Mike Peterson in the Agents of SHIELD pilot.)
S3E04 “Blindsided”
District Attorney Foggy Nelson
Foggy was District Attorney of New York City for a while in the comics. He also became Chief of Staff for the mayor for a while too.
The Prison Fight Sequence
Less an Easter egg and more a reminder that Daredevil is known for doing a spectacular single take fight sequence every season. This one, where the cameraman literally just followed Charlie Cox from room to room lasted nearly a crazy 15 minutes. No cuts. That’s impressive.
“We were just being friendly.”
And Karen pulls a gun on some guys up to no good. I feel like she and Jessica Jones need to hang out more. They could just intimidate skeevey guys in alleys for laughs.
Trucks Full Of Chemicals
The FBI agent’s story about her dad hauling chemicals, I think, made a nice nod to the fact that both Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones got their abilities from trucks full of chemicals hitting them in the comics.
Felix Manning
“Felix” has been the name of the person in charge of Vanessa’s location, so I’m going to wager they’re one in the same. He also appears in a whopping two comic books - Daredevil issues 230 and 231. He wanted Melvin Potter, who appeared early in the Netflix series, to make him a duplicate of the Daredevil costume. He was actually killed by a Daredevil imposter. Foreshadowing? We’ll see.
A Taxi To The Water
A version of this happened in “Born Again.” It didn’t get rid of Matt, but it did make him a little more loopy.
S3E05 “The Perfect Game”
Fisk Giving Matt’s Name
There is a story in the comics where Fisk implicates Matt as a vigilante and gets him arrested. The FBI, however, decides not to take the deal with him, and they put Fisk in prison for numerous crimes as well. This clearly isn’t playing out exactly the same way, but, when Matt and Fisk try to break out of prison during a riot, it’s Bullseye who has to save them. I can’t help but wonder if there was a little inspiration there.
Felix Threatens Karen
Again, a little hint of her backstory here. In the comics, she’s also from the New England area. Her father, Paxton Page, who gets namechecked in the threat, actually became a villain named Death’s Head in the comics.
Baseball And Bullseye
Cute that little Dex has a bullseye on his baseball cap in his childhood. Funnily enough, comic book villain Bullseye claims to have attempted to become a major league baseball player, but he got bored pitching a no hitter and threw the ball at the final hitter to kill him in a minor league game. Killing his coach when he pulls him from the game is a bit of a twist on that.
S3E06 “The Devil You Know”
Matt Doesn’t Take Karen’s Coffee
Luke Cage’s “coffee” has ruined he drink for everyone. Karen offering Matt a cup when he comes to her for help, and Matt refusing could be a sign that anything romantic between them is officially over. Or it means nothing. Who knows?
Karen Is Way Too Comfortable In A Drug Den
Karen is around drugs a lot this season. A lot. And it all seems to give a nod to her comic book story, but I feel like we’re inching toward more of her family backstory with just how comfortable she is buying drugs and making her way around other addicts.
“Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll lock me up next to Fisk.”
This did actually happen in the comics, as I’ve mentioned before. It’s a nice nod.
Felix Manning Getting Dex The Suit
Likewise, I also mentioned Felix being the one to get a copy of a Daredevil suit in the comics. Looks like his appearance was some foreshadowing after all.
Dex As Daredevil
Bullseye has actually dressed up as Daredevil in the comics as well. He’s not the only one. So has Foggy.
Karen Between Bullseye And A Victim
If Karen stepping between Dex and the witness gave you pause, it’s probably because you know how she loses her life in the comics. She gets between Bullseye and Matt in a fight, taking a lethal blow to save Matt’s life. This imagery is not going to be fun for Karen fans.
Side note: I’ve never really been a Karen Page fan because the comics put her firmly in the slot of victim. She never really outgrows that no matter who writes for her. But I love her this season. Maybe it’s because we got to see more of Karen being Karen than of trying to fill someone else’s shoes.
S3E07 “Aftermath”
The Hidden Room
Kingpin officially has a supervillain lair. Less of an Easter egg here and more of it being about time.
All of the news networks Fisk sees the Bulletin carnage on exist within the MCU already. WJPB is the news station most often seen in Luke Cage. WNEX is the station that aired Trish Talk. WHiH is the one most often seen in the movies. You get the idea.
Melvin Potter
AKA Gladiator in the comics is something of a gentle giant. He kind of fell into a life of crime, which is largely what Daredevil has done with him in the show as well. The shirt he’s wearing when Matt confronts him is a nod to his comic book costume. So are the saw blades. His girlfriend Betsy was, I believe, a social worker in the comics, not a parole officer. (BTW, the comic that features Matt, Fisk, and Bullseye breaking out of prison during a riot? Melvin’s in prison at the same time as well. Matt advises him to stay in his cell so he doesn’t get hurt.)
S3E08 “Upstairs/Downstairs”
As Karen nears the front door of her apartment, there’s a piece of paper from a legal pad that says “KEYS.” I love that she’s so focused on her work that she has likely forgotten to take her keys with her enough that it warrants a giant reminder.
Fisk’s Plan
His plan, of putting himself in charge of the criminal groups, is essentially what he wanted in season 2 as well when he gave Frank Castle a means to escape prison.
The Maggia
This is the first time the Italian-American version of the mafia has been mentioned in the present day in the MCU. I say present day because it did have its fingers in Agent Carter season two. In the comics, the Maggia gets the ire of quite a few heroes and antiheroes, but most often, the Punisher.
Sister Maggie
Unless you never read anything related to Daredevil at all, you were probably spoiled at some point that Sister Maggie was really Matt’s mom. People started speculating about the reveal being imminent as soon as there was a “get Maggie” at the end of The Defenders. In the comics, the reveal is a little different as Matt already suspected she was his mother before he found out for sure.
Apartment 131
Dex lives in apartment 131. What comic book did Bullseye make his debut in? Daredevil #131.
S3E09 “Revelations”
Wilson Fisk finally officially gets his codename. I like that we’re back to the season one idea of his lackeys not wanting to name him because someone is always watching/listening.
Karen’s Running
In the comics, Karen basically runs whenever things get hard. I’m kind of surprised she stuck things out this long on the show.
Rosalie Carbone
The woman we see Nadeem take in was last spotted in season two of Luke Cage making a play for Harlem. She’s the one with the Maggia connection. The other names we get are Hammond and Star. The only Hammond I know of in Marvel Comics was the original Human Torch. I’ve got nothing for Star, but the other names could have been picked at random. I don’t recognize the other two people at the table either.
S3E10 “Karen”
Karen Selling Drugs
At least this explains why she’s so comfortable in drug dens. I like that this gives us a nod to her comic book tragedy, but here she’s the seller instead of the addict.
Fagan Corners, Vermont
This is where Karen’s from in the comics as well. The name of the fictional town is an homage to Tom Rutland. Rutland organized an annual Halloween parade in Vermont themed around superheroes. He was actually written into Avengers comics in the 1970s.
Penny’s Place
Named for Karen’s mom in the comics, Penelope.
“... two lines away from doing blow jobs on the street for heroin…”
Maybe this isn’t true on the Netflix show, but yes, this happened in the comics.
Bullseye And Daredevil In The Church
Their in-church fight actually happened in the comics when Matt and Karen were hiding a baby in the church. The big difference here is that when Bullseye aimed a fatal blow at Daredevil with his own billy club, Karen got between them and died from her injury. Father Lantom takes the hit for Karen here.
S3E11 “Reunion”
Custos Diaboli
This is inscribed above the gate to get to the basement where Matt and Karen hide out. From the Latin, in translates to Guardian Devil, one of the comic book arcs the series draws from.
These are two of the networks I could make out on the mics in front of Fisk when he has a press conference outside of the hotel. KTTA is a television station from the comics that frequently reported on the Thunderbolts. ZCN already exists in the Netflix universe. They offered Trish Walker a job in the second season of Jessica Jones.
Nelson & Murdock: Attorneys At Law
Leave it to Foggy to formally name them as they were named in the comics (and the first season of the show).
Side note: I love the Holocaust survivor standing up to Fisk and refusing to give him her family’s painting. It very much reminds me of the scene in The Avengers when Loki demands everyone kneel, but one man reminds the crowd, “there are always men like you,” and refuses. It’s a great reminder that so many comic book creators, during an era when comics flourished, were Jewish, and their relatives were being persecuted and killed half a world away.
S3E12 “One Last Shot”
Vanessa Embracing The Kingpin
Not a lot of Easter eggs in this episode that I noticed, but I thought it was important to point out that in the normal timeline of the comics, Vanessa isn’t a part of Wilson’s criminal undertakings. In alternate timelines though, she’s the Kingpin herself. Her embracing his work and wanting to be a part of it feels like the writers are trying to find some middle ground there.
Side note: Some fans pointed out on twitter that the Morales vs Parker poster in Fogwell’s Gym is a nod to the Spider-Man characters of Marvel Comics. I find that unlikely only because there are plenty of boxers who have shared those names. It’s more likely a coincidence, especially since most of the names in previous seasons were nod to production team members and writers.
S3E13 “A New Napkin”
The Rose
Interesting that Vanessa specifies Fisk should pick the rose. Why? In the comics, Fisk’s son Richard became a vigilante who used the name the Rose. In fact, he wanted to overthrow his father at one point. His mother was the one who killed him. Will Vanessa become the Rose instead? It would be a nice touch.
The Crystals Bounce Off Fisk’s Suit Jacket
In the comics, Fisk actually wears kevlar under his suits to prevent any of his enemies from surprising him with bullets or knives. In the first season, his body armor that he was wearing were designed by Melvin Potter and he wore them under his suits. It seems he might have gotten an upgrade as everything just bounces off of it instead of tearing it, and he gives his jacket to Vanessa to prevent her being hit by anything.
Karen’s More Stable Than Jessica Jones
There are probably a lot of people more stable than Jessica Jones, Matt, jeez. That doesn’t mean she’s not a great detective.
Dex’s Injury And Cognium
In the comics, Bullseye did some time paralyzed. Of course, like all comic book characters, it didn’t last forever. Something else Dex had in the comics? A spine laced with adamantium. Yep, the same stuff on Wolverine’s bones. It’s what made him so indestructible. The MCU probably can’t use it since it’s reserved for the X-Men movies. At least not until everything about the Disney-FOX deal is official.
Dr. Oyama
This doc goes by another name in the comics. Kenji Oyama is Lord Dark Wind. This is the comic book doctor who found a way to make adamantium bond to bone. Wolverine and Bullseye have him to think for their bone structure.
Dex’s Eye
That final shot of Dex’s eye makes what we’ve all been waiting for clear. Dex is definitely officially Bullseye now.
Side note: The milk crates in the freezer with the bodies that have ice all over them? Must have been there for years. I’ve got milk crates used to store product in my freezer at work, and they never build up frost. And our freezer is kept far below zero. Also? I love how much Rosalie Carbone appreciates theatrics. And how Vanessa just wanders around in the background after Fisk repeatedly tells her to leave while there’s a huge fight going on. That’s all.
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phoenixflames12 · 6 years
Love Beyond Boundaries
A/N: This chapter takes place on the evening of Another Chance  in my WW2 AU that began with An Endless Night and would not have been possible without the encouragement of @momwendy, @the-fear-you-wont-fall  and  @missclairebelle- thank you so much for all that you’ve put into this!
Catch up on all of Vergangenheit on AO3 here
After an argument with Brianna, Faith confesses to Jamie the true nature of the letter and her feelings for Albert Peterson.
‘Faith got a letter today.’
Brianna’s voice cuts through the quiet of the kitchen, the scrape of cutlery against plates, the slosh of thin, rabbit gravy suddenly hushed. The evening light is waning over the laundry green; a blazing death of orange and gold fading into the soft, muted quiet of a pale, blue evening.
‘Aye? From whom?’
From the head of the table, Faith sees her father lower his fork and hold his second daughter’s gaze for a moment. Bright, slanted cat eyes flicking to her after a moment in silent question.
Sees how he sucks in a breath as he watches her try to remain calm, the napkin in her hand torn to tiny shreds in her lap. The paper catches under her fingers, her nails digging under the flattened wood pulp and tearing back until a multitude of thin strips lie in a heap; stark and white against the blue-grey skirt of her work dress.
Like bandages.
Like the bandages that she had laid out that morning as she and Maggie Murray had changed the dressings on one of their newest patients; a little girl of about six who had been scalded badly when carrying a cauldron of hot water out of her kitchen and had suffered agonising first degree burns to her arms and chest.
She still remembers the weight of the little girl’s deep grey eyes holding hers as she sat on the examining table, firmly biting down on her lower lip to stop herself from crying out.
Remembers the way that she had cupped the girl’s chin and told her softly that she could cry if she wanted to, unable to hide her smile as the little, blonde head had shaken resolutely as Maggie had gently and firmly peeled back the adhesive dressing, to see if there was any infectious drainage.
The mother, a woman whom Faith didn’t know from one of the hill crofts had stood silently in the doorway, her face crumpling with pain and relief when her daughter had been helped off the table, running ecstatically into her arms.
She had been pathetically grateful when Faith and Maggie had told her that the burns were healing, and she shouldn’t have to come back for another week at least.
‘Tapadh leat,’ she’d whispered in tear choked Gaelic, squeezing both their hands between knurled, work worn palms, her daughter peeping around her skirts, flashing a shy, gappy toothed smile in the direction of the nurses. ‘Taing gu socair, nursaichean.’
Brianna’s voice brings back her back to the present with a jerk and Faith hopes desperately, futilely that the words she knows that are coming next won’t make it past her sister’s lips.
Wishes that Albert could be her secret and hers alone for just a little while longer.
Her sister’s eyes flick to hers, but she cannot meet them.
Can do nothing but keep her head down, hoping that the anguished flush that she can feel flooding her cheeks is not visible.
On Jamie’s other side, Claire’s eyes are lowered, sending coveted looks to both her daughters, questions flashing in her hazel eyes that cannot be ignored.
In her lap the napkin is now nothing more than flakes of snow coloured paper, crumpled and useless.
‘From a German admirer,’ the words are out before Faith has realised that Brianna’s uttered them. They hang in the silence for a moment, held together in time and space for a second that feels like an eternity before crashing to the ground, splintering into a thousand, tiny pieces around Faith’s ears. Willie’s eyes are as wide as saucers, flicking from one sister and back again, his fork spinning to his plate with a clatter.
The question is spoken with quiet, authoritative precision, something dark and unreadable passing over her father’s face for just a moment, his cheekbones sharp against suddenly pale skin.
‘Is this true, lass?’
Faith hardly hears him.
What she can hear is the blood roaring through her ears, the ticking of the kitchen clock sounding improbably loud in that moment, the hitched rasp of her every breath.
The room seems to blur before her, fading into Sister MacDonald’s office where she had hovered by the door, watching Albert sign his departure papers and say his formal farewells.
Remembers the ghost of his hand cupping her cheek as they had stood in the shadow of the hospital gates in a blissfully brief moment of solitude, sheltered from any prying onlookers by the bulk of a horse chestnut tree.
He had thumbed away her tears and made her promise that she wouldn’t grieve his memory for too long. His deep, hazel eyes had shone with all the emotion that neither of them could put into words and she had blinked and nodded in thanks for his handkerchief, dabbing fiercely at her tears.
‘Dinna weep for me, meine weiße Taube‘, he’d whispered, the Scots sounding thick and strange on his German tongue, but she’d wept harder, clinging to him with every ounce of strength that she possessed, unable to tell him why she had been crying.
Unable to explain to him that ‘my white dove’ was her father’s pet name for her, that the words now spoken so softly in German brought back memories of being swung up into her Father’s arms. Memories of that last embrace on the platform, when he had smelt of smoke and salt and had held her fiercely to his chest for a long moment, telling her in a thick, choked whisper that she was his best girl and that he’d be home soon. Memories that she feared would now just be memories and never become reality again.
‘It’s better this way,’ Albert had whispered, the words broken in his throat, hazel eyes shining in the soft, March light.
‘If I can, I will write, but you must forget me, Nurse Fraser. Forget all this. Can you do that for me?’
His eyes had been glistening with unshed tears then, boring into hers, the fingers pressed against her cheek trembling with emotion.
‘No,’ she had wanted to say and mean it.
‘No, Albert. I canna forget. Dinna make me do that. Please.’
But she hadn’t said any of those things, because those were not the things that he would want to hear.
‘I… I’ll try,’ her voice had been caught and small in the quiet and he had nodded gratefully, his fingers lingering on her cheek for just a moment longer before he had swung his bag onto one shoulder and marched out of the wrought iron gates, leaving her silent and alone. Leaving her with the choking after sobs that had wrapped themselves tighter than any cloak; the keening whisper of the wind through the leaves and the lingering heat of his touch her only source of comfort.
‘I hate ye! You…’
The world spins sharply back into focus as the words explode from her mouth and she’s on her feet without any knowledge of having stood, pushing back from the table, tears pressing hard and insistent behind her eyes.  
‘Faith… I’m sorry… I…’
Brianna is on her feet, her blue eyes blazing with reproach but she doesn’t want to hear her sister’s apologies.
The last thing that she sees as she flees the room and hurtles blindly along the passage, through the hall and up the stairs to the safety of her bedroom is her father dropping his head into his hands, fingers raking through his hair.
She doesn’t hear him at first.
Hears only the hitched, wheezing of his breath as he climbs the last few stairs and pauses in the passageway.
Every bone in her body aches as she turns against the coverlet, clinging to the hot, wet pillow with all the strength that she possesses; hot, wet breath soaking the air.
‘What’s amiss, mo nighean ruaidh?’
A heavy, comforting hand on her shoulder, the bed frame creaking under their combined weight, the flare of the oil lamp on her bedside table hissing into life.
‘Nothing,’ the lie is thick in her throat, lost in the weight of the pillow.
A soft, deep laugh echoes in the back of his throat at that, his fingers pressing deep into the pits of her shoulder blades and she wishes that he wouldn’t.
‘Nay, lass. That wasna nothing,’ and she can hear his smile crinkling up to the depths of his eyes, intense and soft and blue. Feel the weight of his hand slowly working to her chin, giving her time to collect her thoughts.
‘She had no right to do that!’
The words are spat into the linen, broken and lost in a fresh wave of tears, as she props her aching body onto her elbows and twists round to face him.
‘No, Faith, she didna,’ his eyes are very deep and very blue. ‘But is it true? What she said?’
A deep, shuddering breath aches from her, her father’s face blurring in and out of her line of vision.
Slowly, painfully, she nods.
‘He… I worked with him… Back in the war an’… There was nothing… Nothing between us until he left and…’
And in their final moments together, when they had stood under the dappled shelter of the horse chestnut tree, the world falling away until it had been just the two of them. The cool breath of the wind had rippled through her nurse’s cloak, billowing it up against her ankles, ruffling at his feather-dark hair and Albert had cupped her chin and made her promise that she would forget him.
That she would be happy.
But she hadn’t and she wasn’t.
‘Did ye love him, lass?’
Her father’s voice pulls her back to the present, soft and insistent.
She nods again, taking a deep, shaking breath to try and steady herself.
‘Da… You’re not cross, are ye?’
His face is creased with worry, the lines of his cheekbones thrown into sharp relief against the glow of the oil lamp.
In that moment, something darker passes over his features, something so fleeting that she will think later that she’s imagined it.
‘Nay, mo chuisle,’ his eyes shining against the gloom, smarts of silver glistening against the baths of endless blue that she loves with her whole heart.
A sudden, sobbing breath catches in her throat then and she’s in his arms, fresh waves of tears making it impossible to breathe.
He pulls her closer, his voice lowering into the soft, formal tones of the Gaidhilig that she has loved and missed so much, his chin resting deep her in hair. His touches are slow and fleeting, holding her together, pulling her heart apart.
The warmth of him holds her, pressing into the wool of her dress, easing her torn and tortured spirit as he continues to gently murmur her hurts away, descending into colloquialisms that she doesn’t understand.
It is only when she hears Johnny’s name, does she pull back, finding his gaze again.
‘What did ye say?’
He draws back, the soft male musk of kine and bracken, rain and heather stings at her nostrils and she wrinkles her nose, flashing a tentative smile in his direction.
‘I said,’ he pauses, and, in the dimness, she hears the soft tread of feet against the floorboards, click of a door being opened, the tug of it closing.
Her mother off to bed, probably.
‘I said, do ye still love him? Johnny?’
‘No.’ The word sounds so final on Faith’s tongue and yet at the same time, immensely freeing.
Forgive me, Johnny.
Forgive me that I canna be the wife that ye want, but maybe, just maybe, I can be Albert’s.
Can ye grant me that?
‘I… I never…’
‘Ah,’ It is more of a sigh than a statement and she feels, rather than sees her father’s shoulders sag in the saying of it. Feels herself being pulled closer once again, into an embrace that she never wants to end, the weight of a finger caught in her hair.
‘And this man,’ her father is continuing, his voice so low that Faith has to pull herself back to hear him, ‘this Albert. Can ye love him? He’s a German, is he no’?’
‘He came to Scotland in 1933. From Zittau,’ she says slowly, trying to remember the fragments, the murmurs that had filtered through to her from behind closed office doors, of Albert Peterson’s life. Shards that she had collected like fragments of coloured glass, trying to form a picture of this darkly handsome man who had captured her heart.
‘He came because he thought that he could study at Glasgow to become a doctor. His father, he was a well-respected banker in Zittau, I think, had died when he was six, but he… He’d left an inheritance wi’ instructions that Albert…’
She stops, swallowing thickly, trying to rid herself of the strange, metallic tang that Albert’s name left in her mouth. For so long it had been a balm to her; a quiet, secret warmth that had flared in her heart, warming her through the trials of war.
But to hear it said out loud…
Best to get on with it and see what happened.
Her father’s voice is gently probing, moving forward but holding back to give her the space that she needed.
‘That when he was a man grown, Albert was tae the lion’s share to go to medical school, join the RAMC and become an army doctor. His family were Jewish, ye see, though I didna think they practiced an’ Albert’s father wanted at least one o’ his family safe before an’… He… He trained at Glasgow an’ was then posted at Broch Mordha when the worst of the air attacks came through…’
She stops and sniffs heavily, dragging her sleeve across her stinging eyes, willing the tears away, barely noticing the square of blue and white checked cloth being pressed into her hand.
‘Here, mo leannan, dry your tears. That’s it. That’s my best girl.’
‘He was kind tae me, Da! I think that he kent that you were away, though he didna say that at the time. And he… He wants tae come to Scotland tae see me… Tae thank me, I think, wi’ a German pilot who came tae us in ’42.’
She pauses for breath, lifting glistening eyes to his, listening to the ragged beat of her heart thudding through her ears.
On the moor, an owl’s screech pierces the night. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a wink of light chink and gutter back into darkness under Brianna’s bedroom door.
‘Aye, Faith and I’m grateful that he was kind to ye. But…’
The rest of the sentence is left unfinished, hanging like a dangling white elephant in the close, dense space between them.
‘Ye canna hold that against him! Ye can’t!’
The words are out before she can stop them, flaring hot and painful against her tongue.
A small, sad smile dances against the corner of his mouth at her outburst, a tinge of pain crinkling at its roots and he sighs before he speaks.
‘Nay, Faith. I canna. But… Dhia, I just…’
He stops, shadows that had nothing to do with the guttering light flickering over his face. A face that is schooled into that mask of careful, controlled blankness, reining in memories that no language could give adequate voice to. For just a moment, he breaks her gaze, looking down at the coverlet; long, work worn fingers toying with a loose strand of linen.
‘Oh, Da,’ she murmurs, trying to smile, moved to sudden tenderness, as if he were William and not her father.
They are silent for a long while, listening to the house sag and expand around them, the pipes creaking above their heads.
Jamie’s eyes are closed, a muscle in his jaw working mechanically, his stiff fingers twitching against the coverlet. Faith watches him silently, trying to work out what is going on behind the mask that shutters out the light behind her father’s eyes.
If only she knew what he was thinking!
Damn the deamhan fuilteach that did this to him!
At last he takes a deep, steadying breath, eyes wide, hands flat and still.
‘Write tae him, mo cholom geal, if ye would. Write tae him and tae that Bosch pilot inviting them tae Lallybroch, if they can make it out.’
‘Do you mean it?’
Her voice is barely a squeak, but he nods and smiles; a soft, genuine smile that makes her heart sing.
‘Aye, I do. Go tae sleep now, ye’ve got work in the morning.’
Slowly, he eases himself from the bed and trims the oil lamp down, a small smile dancing on his lips as he bends low to press a soft, chaste kiss to her forehead.
‘Oidhche mhath, Da,’ she murmurs, burying deep beneath the covers, still warm from his weight.
‘Oidhche mhath, mo cholom geal. Sleep well, now.’
The last thing she sees before the room is plunged into darkness is the soft glow of her father’s hair glinting from the light in the passageway as he steps out into the night.
Gaelic translations: 
Deamhan fuilteach = bloody devils
Tapah leat = thank you
Taing gu socair, nursaichean = thank you kindly, nurses
Oidhche mhath = good night
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//Questions for Muns of Canon Muses - 1, 4, 5, and 13
questions for muns of canon muses
1. what is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? why did you come up with it?
that maggie succeeds in killing barnabas is definitely my biggest change. tbh, i didn’t come up with this idea on my own (i was literally inspired to make this blog by this post) but i was immediately taken by the concept. maggie has always been one of my favorite characters, and it kills me how poorly her character was treated by the show after her kidnapping plot was resolved. 
now, i understand why the writers never killed off barnabas, and i acknowledge his importance both as a character and as the stroke of genius that saved the show from cancellation. but as a viewer, it’s maddening that maggie never got the justice she deserved. she’s had her memory of her kidnapping erased twice over the course of the show (which, again, i understand the choice despite not agreeing with it), but then after vicki leaves the show, she’s brought in as the replacement governess – a plot development that makes no sense and leaves the character with a drastically altered personality, as it’s clear that her role now is simply to fill in for vicki. but the greatest insult to injury is that from this point forward, the writers attempt to make barnabas/maggie a thing – again, completely disregarding her original characterization in favor of reducing her to vicki’s role, which had already been greatly diminished since the show moved from a jane eyre-esque gothic to an all-out spook show. after her flashback and subsequent second memory wipe, no mention is made of barnabas’ victimization of maggie ever again. it’s literally swept under the rug and forgotten about, even when maggie falls victim to another vampire.
tldr; maggie evans is an amazing character who deserved so much better, and my canon divergent blog is my attempt of sorts to redeem her later characterization and play her out as the badass that she is.
4. have you made any outright changes to the canon material in order to write your muse the way you wanted (entire scenes you chose to omit, chapters you say never existed, things you assume were never said, etc.)?
again, maggie killing barnabas is something that never happened in canon, but vampire slayer maggie evans is just too good of a concept to pass up. even the audios from big finish realized this – in bloodlust, maggie finally gets to stake somebody! it’s too bad that she’s still way too forgiving of barnabas, even though she remembers everything he’s done to her at this point. her hatred of barnabas is something i keep across all of my verses, up to and including my canon (when she regains her memory) and audio verses.
besides that, i can’t really think of many concrete examples on the spot, although i’m sure there’s other instances. as somebody else in the fandom once put it, dark shadows canon is like a choose your own adventure book. even canon contradicts itself (many, many times) and the show has several storylines taking place in actual parallel universes, so canon is honestly irrelevant as far as i’m concerned. i pick and choose what i like and leave out the rest.
5. what is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
maggie’s stints at windcliff sanitarium. she was committed there twice, once after the kidnapping, and the other after being attacked by the vampire roxanne drew. i feel that i don’t talk about it enough, and i’d love the opportunity to explore that part of her backstory. also, i really want to delve into her childhood – between her mother’s death and her father’s alcoholism, she dealt with a lot in her formative years. the audiobook clothes of sand goes into both of these aspects, and chronicles her first supernatural experiences with a character called “the sandman” – the memories of whom she has largely suppressed, but who has had a significant impact on her psyche nonetheless.
13. what canon character do you really wish your muse could interact more with?
WILLIE LOOMIS, hands down. he and maggie have such an interesting and tragic dynamic, and he’s the only one who can truly understand what she’s gone through (and vice versa). between the two of them, they share so much trauma. like maggie, willie’s also been screwed over by canon, although not to the same extent, and i’d love to write some threads in which they work through their trauma together.
besides willie, i’d also love to have maggie interact with angelique, carolyn, vicki, david, roger, amy jennings, julia hoffman, nicholas blair, tony peterson, any of the collinwood ghosts (josette, sarah, beth, rachel, daphne, jenny, trask), any of the characters from the audio series (especially kate ripperton, melody and mike devereux, jackie and rhonda tate, ed griffin) – as you can probably tell, i’d be thrilled to interact with ANY dark shadows character. but given how tiny this fandom is, i feel blessed just to have a quentin and now a barnabas!!
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