#Ericka Van Helsing
black-ak9 · 16 days
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"Blood and pain: my pleasure and specialty"
Return of my cynical, mischievous and sadistic Count Dracula version
Based on an OC fanart I saw from an artist named Lirain on pinterest
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flamingtoads · 5 months
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ssleeping-in-a-coffin · 3 months
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I saw the meme and I thought it was funny. Here's the version with Drac and Ericka, huh.
Let's omit the fact that she has huge shoulders here.....
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thewitchmashi · 1 month
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rosetyler42 · 19 days
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Continuing on the Halloween Hotel T theme: Here's a Halloween Arc/Transformania AU Gorgericka and Johnnyslime dressing as eachother inspired by this art from @racheldrawsthis That role-swapped Ericka and Johnny.
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @serial-serializednovelreader @hotelt-resurrection @deathfangirl9 @wingingfromthezing @kittyball23 @ebevkisk @heartsong1994
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theasexual-jackson · 3 months
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If you're wondering, yes, Angel is at the brim of insanity, and humor is his only coping mechanism. (ID in alt)
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wingingfromthezing · 18 days
Some Ericka doodles! Testing out a more cartoony style <3
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letstalkaboutit100 · 9 months
Please! >:(
you know what...
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artxssa · 2 years
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POV: Drac finally turned Ericka into a vampire 🧛🏻‍♀️ Sony ROBBED us by not involving this trope in HT4😤 so here, I fixed it for you✨️ Happy Halloween y'all🎃
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ralucafarcas · 2 years
Pls tell me it's not just me
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black-ak9 · 4 months
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Oooooh love, ooooh lover boooy~
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sansblues2 · 11 months
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Day 25. I like Ericka, I think she could have been a great antagonist if they had put more effort into her story. 
Her story is so barebones, we don't even know what happened to her parents or how she ended up being raised by her great great great great grandfather. 
I think the third movie could have worked as a “Who did it?” mystery. They kinda tried to do a mystery with Mavis taking pictures of a mysterious person and getting suspicious about Ericka, but that ended too quickly after only two other scenes with Mavis interrupting her dad’s date and then she following Ericka when she went to get the artifact from Atlantis. What if instead of Ericka only focusing on killing Dracula she tried doing something with the other monsters? Not exactly killing but putting them in dangerous situations where they would almost die or would get severely hurt in the process.
One thing that I think is missing with Ericka is her hate towards monsters, like since the beginning she acts nicely towards the monsters, and although she later on reveals her true feelings it never goes past that as she only focuses on hurting Dracula. If they really wanted to do that, maybe they could show that even though she is upset she didn’t get Dracula, she is at least pleased she got one monster, like, she misses Dracula but hits another monster and she goes ”Oh well, at least I got one”, and only later on after trying many times without succeeding she starts to get frustrated and doesn’t even bother if she hits someone else.
Well, now that I got this out of the way, let me explain the drawing. 
My take on Ericka’s backstory is that when she was just a child her home mysteriously caught on fire, leading to her parents’ deaths. The fire had already started when she woke up in her bedroom, she tried to escape it but was unable to find an exit. She fell on the floor and lay there all while watching the flames as she slipped from consciousness.  She was rescued and barely survived, after many surgeries her body was able to heal but she still has really bad scarring all over her body.
Later on, she was adopted by her great great great great grandfather, and while training to become a monster hunter she discovered a strange fascination with fire, which her great great great great grandfather 100% approved(as long as she didn’t burn his things).
They started a cult that claimed that monsters still existed and they were plotting the destruction of all humanity. At first, there were few members, the few that would believe in such stories or that were just bored, but after the monsters came out more people started appearing. 
After years of waiting, Van Helsing had all that was necessary to destroy the monsters once and for all. 
I'm actually not entirely sure how his plan would actually go. What I got so far is Ericka goes to the Hotel(no, there's no cruise in this one. Why waste so many resources when you can just go to the place where you know monsters go to? and humans can go too, so it wouldn't be hard to get in), maybe she takes some cult members with her. A lot of pranks with other monsters, some tension between her and Dracula(he finds her suspiciously familiar), a lot of flirtation with Dracula, and for the grand finale, all the monsters, and also humans, stuck inside the hotel that is about to be put on fire. Ericka changes her mind and everything ends fine in the end(actually I have a more bittersweet end to it, but this post is already long enough).
So, that's it. See you all tomorrow. Bye bye~.
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ssleeping-in-a-coffin · 3 months
Continuing with the list... Ericka!
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This is the third character whose appearance I have significantly changed (in my humble opinion). Initially, I didn't really accept this character, but over time, I got used to her.
P.S. I really like Ericka's look as portrayed by the artist @black-ak9.
The most noticeable change is her longer hair. This can actually be explained by the fact that this lady no longer spends much time on the ship. At sea, the winds are strong, and long hair can get in the way, whereas there is no such problem in the hotel.
I wanted to add more accessories to her: a necklace, earrings, and a hairpin — I like all of these! I also tried to orient her style towards Drac. Red and gold colors suit them both well (although initially, I thought about coloring her in purple tones).
After the events of the third movie, both monsters and humans are wary of her or don't accept her. She sincerely tries to please everyone, which makes her feel very exhausted by the end of the day.
Ericka discovered the bar counter and now makes the best cocktails in the hotel.
Sometimes she prefers to jump off the stairs because it's faster than walking down.(˶′◡‵˶)
She has plenty of stories about her travels, which she happily shares.
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kittyball23 · 2 years
Sleepless Nights (a Hotel Transylvania fanfic)
Summary: Drac has some difficulty sleeping, as memories of a certain night exactly 124 years ago haunts his thoughts
It was a beautiful day.
The sun was brilliantly shining above. Not a cloud dotted the sky. Birds were chirping from their perch in the trees. And, being nocturnal, such a beautiful day was utilized by monsters all around Hotel Transylvania, who were dozing contently about.
Well, except for a certain vampire.
Unlike his beloved, Drac could not succumb to the call of sleep, no matter how drowsy he felt, or how much his eyelids were drooping. There was that niggling thought - a memory, a reminder – that persisted to keep him awake. One that he had not been able to erase ever since that one, singular, terrible night. A night that had happened exactly 124 years ago.
It was incredulous to Drac, how it felt as though not a day had passed since then. And yet, so much did, with a lot of it leading to the actions he had taken and events that had occurred. But, as his mind so cruelly reminded him, it had all stemmed from that one sole event. If that hadn’t happened, who knew how things would have turned out for him, for Mavis… for his wife…
As if the universe had been cued to his internal thoughts, the form cuddled next to him suddenly shifted, soft, drowsy hands flitting lightly over his bare chest accompanied by a light sigh-like moan. The Count felt some of the dark thoughts lift from him in a relieving wave, leaving Drac with only fondness towards the woman resting upon his body. The warmth she radiated from her human self seeped into him like warm honey, relaxing some of the tension that had begun to overtake his muscles. He peered down at Ericka now and sighed, somewhat envious, marveling at how easily she slept and how peaceful she looked in that moment, comforted both by the blanket draped across them as well as the gentle contact of their skins, untroubled.
Well, a part of him did remind himself that Ericka was not without her own troubles, namely, her struggle with the ordeal on the cruise and family name. Sure, the woman had proven her worth in the heroic act of saving Drac from the Kraken’s clutches and standing up against the legacy that her great-grandfather had brainwashed her to believe in for so long. But the victory did not entirely satisfy Ericka. She was plagued with the horror of what she was about to let happen, to lose a love… a zing… It was a thing that monsters wouldn’t dare to imagine. But Drac didn’t have to.
With a sigh, he detached himself from Ericka, gently moving her away so not to disturb her slumber and draping the sheets over her form when he rose from the bed. Slipping on his pajama pants for some decency, he padded over to the window in the other room, drawing back the curtains to get a view of the outdoors. Drac had to admit that most of his son-in-law’s ideas were rather nonsensical, but he actually could appreciate the idea for repaneling the hotel’s windows with UV protective glass. In that way, the Count could now stand before the sun’s rays indoors without burning and take a look out at the perfect day that he should have been asleep to. This day that was as bright and cheery and as opposite as it could get from Drac’s current mood.
When he had thought of his wife, it had not been the slumbering beauty that still remained dozing as peacefully content as ever upon their bed. True, they were wed, with the golden bands around each other ring fingers to prove it, but Drac instead had the first woman who had stolen his heart and made him feel that giddy, euphoric sensation, so ideal it felt almost unreal.
Her name alone still brought such a pang of sadness to his heart, a tightness that squeezed him, a stinging that pricked his skin, a dryness that parched his throat… and a shudder that went down his spine as he recalled those last, horrible moments he had seen her. The despair in her eyes. The fear…
Drac suddenly wished he was back in the bed, gliding his fingers over the smooth, rosy expanse that was Ericka’s skin. Caressing her soothed his mind, allowing him to focus on something other than his past trauma. But despite this effort, his mind kept wandering back to the memories, bringing them right back into his consciousness, and so much more than ever today.
The Count instead settled for rubbing his hands up and down his arms, the motion working not quite in the same way but still providing the comfort that he sought nonetheless. It's not that he didn't want to forget. It was the last thing he wanted to do. How could he forget his zing? She had meant the world to him, and still did, even in her absence. But it was that said absence that filled him with dread, made him uneasy and reminded him that this was the truth he was living. And nothing could be done to change it.
Drac shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose and willing himself to remember that he still had Martha in his life. Not her in her physical, living form, but in the family around him. Being her daughter, Mavis was a constant reminder of that fact, inheriting her mother’s grace and beauty, as well as her everlasting kindness. Little Dennis also shared some characteristics as his grandmother. Drac could smile to himself recalling certain expressions the boy made that were a spitting image of the woman, or the way his blue eyes sparkled up at him with admiration.
Aside from his family, Drac also had material reminders of his late wife. The portrait that he’d managed to salvage from the fire had captured them both in their prime, at a time where their love was young and hardships were still ages away. For years he had kept it in his room, approaching it and gazing upon her still, painted figure, recalling the wonderful memories he’d shared with her and held dear to his heart. His old ring was another material reminder of her, a wedding band with a beautiful red gemstone on top that sparkled elegantly in the light. She had had one just like it, and his had found residence on the finger of his left hand for over a century before he was able to remove it and finally move on. And then, he thought, there was also the gorgeous little ukulele that was sitting upon his desk now, looking as fresh out of the box as it was so long ago when he received it as a gift from Martha, a memento of their time spent in paradise (or Hawaii as one may better know it as) after they first met and began dating.
With sluggish steps, he approached the desk, running his hands longingly over the taut strings and wooden surface of the instrument. Many a time he had used it as a one-man ‘concert’ to sing various songs for Martha, Mavis, and Dennis. Why, just the other night his grandson had asked him how exactly it was that it was played, and Drac had gladly begun the process of carefully teaching Dennis how to pluck out melodious chords, in hopes that the boy would one day become as skilled as he was. The thought putting a smirk onto his face, Drac picked the instrument up and went back to sit at the window, cradling the ukulele in his lap. He very well remembered the first time he had played the instrument. It was for Martha, right at the one-week anniversary of their relationship. On automatic, his fingers resumed the position that they had taken upon the ukulele strings for that simple little song he’d tuned out for her, and began to play it out again. What resulted was a soft, sweet melody, etching itself into his mind and heart. The melody brought with it a wave of nostalgia, cheery but melancholic at the same time, bringing forth a pool of fresh tears that began to brim at the corners of his eyes. As his mind wandered, his fingers continued their caressing dance on the strings, and soon they brought the sweet little song to an end in a soft, tender crescendo.
A satisfied sigh escaped his lips in that moment, the soft sound accompanied by an identical sigh from somewhere behind him. Turning towards the source in sudden bewilderment, he came face-to-face with Ericka. She stood shyly a few paces away, having seemingly just awakened. Neither said anything for a moment, allowing Drac the time to let his gaze roam over her, down from the petite bare feet to the tussled platinum-blonde curls on her bed-head. Rather than a robe, the woman had vouched for donning his satin pajama top, the article of clothing fitting her just about as well as a short dress, given Drac’s difference in height that allowed its hems to extend enough so that it hung above her knees. The sleeves dangled a bit loosely, the buttons having been fastened in a haste, as evident by how the top few had remained undone in favor of ensuring the ones in the middle were properly hooked so to cover her figure. The twinkle in her blue eyes was indicative to him that she was much more alert than what her tired appearance may have been giving off.
Conscious of his gaze, Ericka shifted her weight upon her feet, interpreting it as scrutiny for interrupting him at what appeared to be a private moment. She bit her lip, and began to speak ever so timidly.
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you…” She trailed off, not knowing what else to say.
But it turned out she didn’t need to search for any more words. Gathering his senses, Drac smiled kindly at her, setting down the ukulele and approaching the woman to give her an appropriate greeting kiss.
“Don’t worry about it, honeybat,” he assured when they parted, tenderly caressing her cheek. “I should be the one apologizing. I did not mean to awaken you.”
Ericka shook her head. “You didn’t, Drac,” she whispered. “Have you just… ever had one of those sleepless nights?”
Drac nodded, averting his eyes as he felt his mood going back to that cloud of melancholic sorrow that seemed to want to engulf him once more. “Yes,” he finally muttered. “I have." He dared a glance up to gage her reaction, and could see that same look of despondency reflected back in her eyes. But along with it was a look of knowing that made Drac feel vulnerable under her gaze. She was aware why it was that he was having difficulty drifting off tonight. Ericka had been informed early on in their relationship of the tragedy that had occurred so long ago, scarring her husband’s soul permanently as the memory of it all still weighed down heavily upon him. The blame and regret, and the hand of time that kept ticking on, unfazed, and unable to reverse. Yet even with such an emotional wound, Drac never failed to show Ericka every sign of how he was still able to live fully and find happiness. The wound would not heal entirely, but taking life one day at a time with the friends and family he loved would in no doubt help dull that pain. Cherishing his experiences with Mavis, Dennis, Ericka, the Pack, even the boisterous Johnny acted as a balm to his spirits, uplifting them from the shadows and keeping the dark thoughts at bay.
It was all this and more that was communicated between she and the vampire in that one flit of an instance that their gazes locked together; the expression in Ericka’s eyes showing just how deeply she empathized with the man and how willing she was to offer her support and love without hesitation if needed. And he was incredibly grateful, honored even, to be able to call the Van Helsing woman his zing. No matter if he was his second, she was his zing all the same, and would always be.
Unbeknownst to the man, a small smile had begun to tug at the corner of his lips, Drac not having felt it until his cheeks began to ache slightly in response with how widely it had grown. Ericka reciprocated the smile with one of her own.
“And besides,” she said, a twinkle in her eyes, “It was beautiful. You have a real talent.”
Drac chuckled bashfully at the compliment. "I appreciate it, my love." Then, a thought entered the Count’s mind, and he smirked as he picked up the ukulele again. “I could teach you someday, you know.”
Ericka grinned, looking down at the instrument in his hands and seeming to give the idea some good consideration before she spoke again. “That really would be pretty cool,” she said, her fingers grazing the top of the strings, “but I think that I’d rather just listen for now.”
The vampire nodded understandingly.  “As you wish, my love." Seating himself back down at the desk, he cradled the ukulele back into his lap and had his fingers resume the position anew. Strumming lightly, he began playing the same tune yet again, this time feeling much more at ease in doing so. Ericka sighed in contentment once more, coming up behind Drac and snaking her arms around his neck. She rested her chin atop his head, a slight sway in her stance as the music lulled the both of them into a peaceful state of serenity.
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rosetyler42 · 2 months
Hi! I'm curious to know about your Hotel Transylvania OC's 😁
Get ready for an Infodump below the cut! XD
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Lucy and Simon Van Dracula, or the Van Dracula Twins, are my version of Drericka ship children. They're born 13 min apart by Cesarian, and were something of a surprise considering Ericka's advanced age.
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Lucy (full name "Lucille") is the oldest, and despite her vampire powers and pride in being monstrous, she takes after her mother and Brother-in-law. She's a chaotic mischievious free-spirited laid back fun-loving charmer, a real little Terror who knows her legendary status and is proud of it. Unlike Dennis or Mavis, though, Lucy has a PRIDE in her monstrosity. She ENJOYS it. In a way, she's something like Ericka's chaotic inner child given voice, and given the monstrosity Ericka and Johnny never got. She's also has far more freedom and social interaction growing up than Mavis, having grown up around both humans and monsters when monsters no longer had to hide...and Ericka's far less uptight a parent than Drac or Mavis, as she wants her kids to have the freedom she never did and she herself was training from a young age. Drac's also relaxed a bit over the century since having Mavis, though he's still the more uptight of the two. I figured him having to deal with a bouncy crazy ball of chaos for a kid would be funny, considering he's not good with chaos XD She's into dramatics and art/drawing, is a natural at languages, and has her mother's skill in gymnastics and martial arts...augmented by her father's vampire powers, of course! Unlike Dennis, she can also hypnotize and has hypnosis resistance, and her animal transformations are fully dark brown like her hair instead of black.
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If Lucy is Ericka's inner child, Simon is Drac's. He's sorta what would have happened if Dennis or Drac never got Vampire powers. Like his father, he's on she shyer, quieter, more timid side and is the pragmatic braincell to Lucy's shenanigans. That said, there's something of a "Beware the quiet ones" to him. While his family is loving and accepting, he feels like the odd one out, both due to his lack of powers and unusual chunky size, and has had to work to be scary. Ericka and Drac both went to great lengths to make sure Simon never went through feeling like the "Weak little boy" Dennis did, and since Ericka and Drac aren't as overprotective, Simon's less over-sheltered than Dennis was. Where Lucy is the "Looks like she could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll," Simon inherited his mom's "Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually KILL you" tendency. And like her, he'll do it either with deadly coldness or a smile. Ontop of this, the boy has a love of sailing and the ocean...especially the more scarier aspects like Pirates, electric eels, sharks, piranha, squid and octopi, and of course...krakens and other sea/water monsters. He also has his mom's love and nerd-dom of weaponry. It's part of his way of being scary. I've also drawn him and Dennis playing with the old "My First Guillotine" somewhat inspired by the scene in the HT2 novelization where Dennis uses the guillotine to chop off an action figure's head and that scene in Addams Family Values with Pubert, Pugsley, and Wednesday. Simon's more into cooking and playing the ukelele in terms of hobbies, and while he isn't as good with languages as his sister, knows a fair amount.
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Dynamic-Wise, they're kinda like Ian and Barley from Onward, Wednesday and Pugsley from The Addams Family, Zack and Cody from the Suite Life, or Phineas and Ferb.
Both of them have slowed aging after 5 years old, enhanced durability, strength, agility, and speed (Though Lucy's is of course more obviously powered while Simon's more just beyond average.) They're a bit cooler than normal humans and have slower heart beats. And while they can both day walk, they can still sunburn and are allergic to both garlic and silver. (While Ericka and Drac taught them both to use weapons, they're not allowed to use wooden stakes or silver weapons just in case.) Although none of them are as deadly to them as they would be to a pure-blood vamp.
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In terms of culture: James, Mavis, Dennis, and Abraham are the twins' main exposure to human things (esp. prior to school) as Drac and Ericka don't really have experience with normal human culture themselves. Since the Dracula family is Jewish coded and Ericka's family is christian coded, I decided the twins are interfaith, raised with both Christianity and Judaism so both cultures get celebrated without one overshadowing the other. Their Hebrew names are Shimown and Liorit for Simon and Lucy respectively. They're basically Russian, Romanian, possibly Hungarian going off the OG book, and Dutch. I also love the idea where... since Drac largely raised Mavis alone, and these two are twins to middle age parents...I like the idea of the pack helping raise these two. After all, Drac's apparently close enough to the pack for the Werewolf pups to call him uncle and Mavis to call Eunice "Auntie," so why not? Johnny and Mavis are even the god parents of the Twins and often the ones to help out since they live in the same building (and are the best options out of the pack.) They of course know everything about Martha and how Mom was originally trying to kill dad. Drac even made his own storybook saying how they met (The Drac-Tastic read along from the Bluray. "I saw it on a Blu-ray disc. Bonus stuff." XD) I also have a headcanon they're into Goosebumps, especially Lucy. Her favorite is Slappy. Simon also likes 2000 Leagues Under the Sea, and they both grew up with Sesame Street and Blues Clues. (I've been on a kick and hey, they're probably more tolerable than Kakie.) I also have the headcanon Lucy looks up to Johnny quite a bit, while Simon more identifies with Mavis, Dennis, and Frankenstein.
For names: Lucy is named after Lucy Westenra, the first female vamp turned on-screen in the OG book and adapations. Though in universe, Drac named her Lucille, probably from a mix of a female version of Lucifer and it meaning "Little Light." Lucy is a nickname. Liorit also means "My Light." As for Simon, I went with the in-universe idea Ericka simply had ancestor named Simon and liked the name. But in reality, I simply reused a name from an early version of Johnny (and possibly re-used into Ericka) called Simon Van Helsing, who was originally a monster hunter who fell for Mavis after finding the hotel. Simon and Shimown also means "Harkening" which is perfect considering Drac...could REALLY use a reminder to listen to others sometimes. XD
Their inspirations of course are something of a mix of Pubert Addams - both Normal and Addams-esque; Wedneday and Pugsley, Popeye and Bluto, @lovelylivelyv 's Bendy OC Jack Nephalem, Uncle Fester and Debbie, Abraham Van Helsing and the other large Van Helsing bricks + their bucktoothed overbite, Mother Gothel (kinda), Dr. Frankenfurter, Katharyn Hahn, Human!Drac, Vampirica, the HT2 Vamp Kids at Winniepecaca, "What if Drac had a humany son instead of a vampire after what happened with Dennis?", "What if he had a child like Johnny and Ericka?" The promo fakeout for Dennis being a "little terror", Martha art with brown hair, and "We've never seen a female Dhampir." They also kinda bear a resemblance to Pinky (PATB) and Young Man Rivers (Foster's Home.) Though that was unintentional.
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I got alot more about these two, but I already stayed up too late and I need to go to bed. XD Will probably reblog with more pictures soon.
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Tag list @lovelylivelyv @i1lyidkstupid @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin
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theasexual-jackson · 4 months
@sony @sonyanimation y'all really wanna get bullied by Brazilians, don't y'all?
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