#Magnetic Bead information
eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year
When I met the Charming Lover 8 years ago, we ended up moving together 9 months later. I used to walk around our house in my everyday regalia to The Charming Lover telling me that my breasts were hanging out. I never corrected The Charming Lover or explained myself. Less correction from me unless requested and more trust that she would be inspired to observe and discover something new about me. Women and Femmes must grow our magnetism in ways that naturally inspires our lovers to want to observe us.✨
Around 2 weeks into our moving together, she looked at me and said your breasts were made to hang out like that. I said “yes you get it—that is my African template.” I started letting my breasts hang out in my shirts or dresses in my apartments and homes decades ago. I was channeling greater intelligence that being covered in clothes all the time keep us away from. I could have been topless but something about the projection of them hanging outside a shirt or dress felt familiar and supernatural. Then I started adorning them with glitter, ropes, beads, cowrie shells, or necklaces to the point that the Charming Lover had no idea how I would look when she entered our home. Everyday was a surprise. Needless to say, my breasts have received more attention, air, and light than most which reshaped and elevated their frequency and consciousness over the last 20 years.
Giving attention to your breasts is a heart opener. And any thought or act that cleans out and opens up your heart is also elevating your frequency. They will also be your Oracle and part do your guidance system—aiding you in choosing love and relationships wisely. In other words, when home, take off your bra or tight bralettes and allow your lymph fluid to flow freely which helps to detoxify your breasts/heart tissues. Let your breasts take air baths. Honor them more in sunlight and moonlight. Adorn them with jewels and jewelry.
The nipples are chakras that give and receive information, but if they are always covered, you may never learn what otherworldly reasons they exist and what else they are capable of. Your breasts project out from your body, attuning you towards truth when you can feel/hear them. When you normalize connection to them, they will naturally begin to be and look healthier and hold greater intelligence because you let them breathe and receive more sun, air, rain, light, attention, and love. Honestly our bodies are so much more than we could ever imagine and we only need to begin to ask ourselves (our cells) deeper questions. -India A.
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moremaybank · 2 years
hi can you do headcanons about yandere klaus stalking his crush before dating and after they start their relationship?
yandere!klaus stalking you before & after you start dating would include...
klaus was captivated by you the moment he found you
your bright smile, kind eyes, and magnetic energy was more than enough to reel him in
not to mention your staggering beauty
it was all too much
klaus wasn't even sure if you were real or if he made you up himself
i mean, the man was fully convinced you were just a figment of his imagination
he needed to learn everything he could about you
and as the man he was, you better believe he did
klaus was a true predator, doing whatever he needed to survive
and he could not stand the idea of not meeting you
of being in your life, getting to feel your presence and energy
he'd figured out where you lived, your work place, your favourite cafe, what car you drove
the list goes on
and that was just on the first day
he discovered that you volunteered at the local library, reading to small children
you donated to local food and clothing drives any time you could
hell, you'd even managed to patch up a little girl who had taken a spill on the concrete sidewalk with your emergency first aid kit
your heart and your kindness made his heart soar, and only made him more eager to know you
he was also particularily giddy when he realized you would be so good with hope
the man already wanted to propose
after learning what he could, he started doing little silent gestures for you
you'd get to your local coffee shop, and they'd have your order ready and waiting
not to mention paid for
you'd found a jewelry stand at the market and a pair of beaded earrings caught your eye
by the time you got home from work, there was a box of them in every colour available
your car never ran out of gas
an anonymous donor had brought in hundreds of brand new children's books
the local food and clothing drives were up to their ears in supplies
you didn't know who your guardian angel was, but you sure as hell loved them
when you and klaus began your relationship, he had told you about everything he'd done before he knew you
most people would have been creeped out, but you found it endearing
this was because he'd done so much good, and you were always thrilled to help the community around you
little did you know, just because you two were in an established relationship didn't mean that klaus was done
he needed to be wherever you were to keep you safe
he'd finally found his perfect person, and there was no way he was gonna let anything happen to you
you'd mentioned something to him about a guy who came by your work everyday begging you to give him a chance
you never saw him again
your boss had threatened to fire you for doing too much volunteer work
the next day, he had resigned and told the administration to give you his job
your parents were supposed to fly into the city to visit you but had told you they couldn't afford it
you'd informed klaus, and later on that very day, your parents were at your house for dinner
any time you needed klaus, he seemed to be there before you even called him
he knew your entire schedule from when you woke up, to the moment you went to sleep
he always kept tabs on you and had compelled minions watching you whenever he couldn't
all your problems were magically solved
you figured klaus was your good luck charm
that everything had been going so well ever since he came into your life
little did you know that it had all been orchestrated that way
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halfeaten-mantou · 3 months
🧁 old-fashioned YanShen cupcake | Chapter 8/10 | ao3
They get carried away. Uncharacteristically, Yan Wushi shrivels into his shell.
(Shen Qiao lies awake wondering what this sudden situation really is: an unprecedented interlude, or an unwanted end?)
(Continue reading here or under the cut!)
Yan Wushi cannot believe his ears.
Specifically, he cannot believe that he'd been occupying the mind of the person who'd been occupying his own.
"You were thinking about...me?"
Shen Qiao's voice is quiet but firm. Yan Wushi doesn't know what to say—he did not expect the conversation to progress this way.
Yan Wushi doesn't know what to feel, either. All he knows is how much he wants to know what's been going on in Shen Qiao's head, so he searches his face and eyes for more information, hoping he'll speak up on his own. Unfortunately for him, Shen Qiao really is far from sober at the moment—his blank, dazed expression reveals nothing, so he figures he's got no choice to ask outright.
"What about me?"
Shen Qiao is silent, still not revealing the information he needs—instead, he suddenly sits straight and stares straight at him, gaze meeting Yan Wushi's own. Their faces are only centimetres apart where they are positioned on the couch, metres away from the television, on which the movie still runs despite its existence having been forgotten.
Maybe it's the tense atmosphere that their silence is casting over them; maybe it's the alcohol, or maybe it's the uncharacteristic way that Shen Qiao is accosting him—all these factors culminate in Yan Wushi's realization, somewhere in the soberer parts of his mind, that he'd initially made the right choice when he'd decided to refrain from asking Shen Qiao to his home at first.
Because in that instant, he finds his mind losing control over his heart, as well as his body.
Had Shen Qiao been less inebriated, he may have realized that he'd initially made the right choice when he'd decided to refrain from offering to come to his home at first, because in that instant, his inebriated mind has already lost control of his heart and his body; it becomes unclear whether it is his face that is getting magnetically drawn to Yan Wushi's, or vice versa, or both.
Millimetres away from Shen Qiao's ear, Yan Wushi speaks, the reverberation causing him to shiver:
"So it really was the scent of your lavender shampoo the other night."
Before Shen Qiao knows it, there are a pair of lips on his ear, wandering, searching and probing for the answers he couldn't say. After some exploration, they wind up on Shen Qiao's left cheek, as if to return the gesture from the other night; after a bit more journeying, they end up on Shen Qiao's lips, prying them open as if to continue the search.
The search doesn't last long, however, because Shen Qiao starts crying.
As he pulls away, Yan Wushi realises that he'd gotten too caught up in the moment; too caught up in the flow of blood (and sensations and feelings), to various unspeakable parts of his being. As he notices Shen Qiao's tears falling from his eyes like a torn string of beads, he gets an ominous feeling that the world he'd been starting to construct, piece-by-piece, is about to start crashing down on him like a castle of cards.)
As he pulls away, Shen Qiao is now wide awake; sober.
"Sorry. I overstepped the boundaries," Wushi breathes, not looking at Shen Qiao. "Sorry. I'm sorry."
Shen Qiao wipes his eyes. The tension in the air seems to stun them both for a moment, but it doesn't take long for Shen Qiao to return to his senses. He starts staring, searching on the other's face for his eyes, painfully hoping he'd return his gaze, but his eyes are still averted.
"Sorry," is all Yan Wushi says, after the uncharacteristic moment of reticence. "I'm sorry."
"...Mr Yan, why are you apo—"
"Sorry. I was out of line."
Shen Qiao wants to tell him he wasn't crying out of a negative emotion; to tell him he hadn't been out of line, not at all. But Yan Wushi keeps apologising, denying him any chance to disrupt the flow of the conversation currently skidding downhill after a catastrophically wrong turn.
"You don't have to be sor-"
"I am sorry. I think we'd better annul this additional weekend contract—I'll get Shengyan to handle the necessary procedures, and compensate you for being the one to initiate an annulment of the contract without advance notice. You can also cancel your entire internship if you wish, with no compensation needed. Just let him know."
"Mr Yan—" Shen Qiao starts, and doesn't get to finish, because with a dull thud reminiscent of raindrops on rooftops, the door to Yan Wushi’s room closes.
(On the other side of the door, someone else feels like two things in them have, too, been closed forcibly shut:
The window to an opportunity he was only just beginning to feel hopeful about, and the lid to the feelings which were only just dawning in his heart.)
The night is crawling. The second-hand of the bedside clock ticks listlessly, its tempo longer and more languid than usual.
It's the seventh night in the row that sleep has refused entry to Shen Qiao. He lies sober and awake, staring at the ceiling—he was not lying when he'd told Yan Wushi about his insomnia; specifically, his insomnia caused by him.
(Shen Qiao hadn't thought that the Saturday would end like this, his mind once again unwilling companion to racing thoughts.)
He starts to reminisce.
It's been a few months since they'd met—three, to be precise. Shen Qiao hadn't thought things would have remotely gone this well, and if he were to be perfectly honest, it has been nothing short of a dream. A while ago, he'd realised how happy he is here in Huanyue, where people have been unexpectedly kind; where he'd been unexpectedly fawned over for not just his physical features but also his impeccable work ethic (Ace Intern, they even call him); where he'd been unexpectedly treated like more than a refugee from a fallen company from which he'd been evicted; where 'overtime' is a word with unexpectedly positive connotations...
Where he'd realised that he'd found someone he'd be glad to spend both weekdays and weekends with.
He'd been thinking hard the entire week. It's been seven days since the day he'd accidentally let his heart take control over his mind, letting his body go with the flow, letting his actions do the talking for him. Yet, although he'd felt remorse over what was technically just a chaste kiss on the cheek, he'd also truly felt liberated, because that small incident had been the catalyst to him coming to terms with his own feelings.
The only negative feeling he'd had remaining was the fear that he (the 'he' for whom flowers were starting to bloom in his heart), might not feel the same.
Shen Qiao had caught himself beginning to think that he wouldn't be wanting anyone else to spend both weekdays, and weekends with, for the rest of his life. He'd never had such strong, foreign feelings—not of this particular brand. To think that they might be unrequited had felt like evil, crippling thoughts—they'd felt like sleep paralysis, keeping him up in the dead of the night.
A few hours ago, however, the alcohol had gotten into his head, resulting in him making the exact same 'mistake': letting his heart take control over his mind, letting his body go with the flow, letting his actions do the talking for him. 
At first, it was remorse. Then, it was sheer relief—relief to see that his actions were being mirrored, and to know that his feelings were not a one-way street.
It was so much of a relief that he'd started crying, only for these feelings to immediately fall apart like a sandcastle crushed by its own creator; like a house of cards wrecked by its own builder; like a once-broken heart kept from beating by its own defibrillator.
'I overstepped the boundaries,' Yan Wushi had said earlier, apologising profusely like the prideless person he wasn't. It was also then that he'd gone ahead and decided that whatever had been budding should be nipped before it blooms, annulling the only extra time they've had to meet, shutting the lid on their bond, both literal and metaphorical.
Yan Wushi had looked so pained as he told Shen Qiao all that. Uncharacteristically, the once-feared, once-savage corporate monster was smashing his own heart into smithereens, burning the bits and burying them into the earth, never to see the light of day again.
(As he connects the dots in his own head, Shen Qiao reckons that it's not one, but two hearts that have become collateral damage in this situation.)
Indeed, they'd 'overstepped the boundaries' this time, and no matter how much Yan Wushi may protest, Shen Qiao decides that he must overstep them further—
He's going to get across to him, and properly this time.
>>>>> Continue to Chapter 9: tumblr | ao3 >>>>>>>
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crowmagus · 2 years
RANGER, Chapter 10
Beginning | Previous | Next
Algeria had experienced annihilation at a level second only to the United States, and those first weeks after starfall were indescribable. The terminology surrounding the warped reality of the star did not exist yet, and the poor soldiers could only guess at how they could provide any assistance to their countrymen.  We’ll skip over this particular timeframe to avoid upsetting dear Aphid.
It was about two months in, when the foreigners arrived... there was no handing off of power, or explanation from the Algerian Government; the Europeans simply appeared and took control.
Suddenly, Aphid was part of a unit that belonged to a foreign power - and he was expected to follow their orders. The foreigners brought with them enough stability and funding that nobody asked any questions. 
His handler was a French woman who spoke in hypnotizing bursts of dispassionate excitement. She was paradoxical in almost all her behaviors. She walked with a stumbling gait, but never, ever tripped. She was beautiful, yet repulsive. She never made eye-contact with anyone, but you could always feel her staring right at you. 
She insisted on being called either Doctor, or Damage, but never Dr. Damage. 
Aphid’s training was a well crafted regimen of both physical and mental training, which seemed bizarre to everyone except for those who had designed it. 
In the mornings, he was introduced to the basics of Neo-Causiology - one of the many fields of science which had burst into existence after starfall. Neo-Causiology (or neo-causality) is not something you should bother trying to internalize besides for the following phrase, hammered into the heads of every trained Ranger:
“Everything happens for a reason, except when it does not.”
In the afternoons, “Materia Theos 101”. 
This class described those impossible anomalous materials and effects found in the wake of Starfall.  Early researchers named them Materia Theos - “God Material”. It had started out as an informal, mocking name, but like most temporary things it became permanent. 
Materia Theos, MTs, or ‘Empties’ as Rangers would call them, came in a wide array of shapes and sizes. At this time, they outlined a few of the common ones they had encountered - a fraction of what we would discover in the coming years.
Goo was, and is, the most common MT by volume. It’s often found on the surface in puddles or ponds of thick gray liquid. It is never initially found in direct sunlight, always in shade. It is a room temperature superconductor, and is used in all new technologies utilizing MT power sources, as it is the only material that can handle their power output.
Sparklers are thumb sized gray-blue octahedrons covered in a prism-like fractal pattern in which a number of other octahedrons can be seen. They contain energy which can power a small city for up to 5 years, though this time estimate is growing as the field of MT Technologies evolves. There is no known method by which they can be recharged..
‘Halo Beads’
Marble sized golden spheres. Each sphere, when not in contact with organic matter, spins in a one-inch diameter circle aligned relative to gravity, generating enough force to move aside 3.6 kilograms / 8 pounds of matter. The beads connect to each other with a sort of magnetism - though they are easily unpaired. Each connected bead increases the diameter of the circle twofold, as well as the force they output. 
A sort of tangible light which dances a few feet above the ground - similar in appearance to the Auroras. Gleam has a warm, stringy feeling to it. It has a wide array of medical uses, and is often paired with non-anomalous medicine to increase its effect. 
There were more, but we’ll save them for later in that narrative so as to not bore you. 
In the evenings, Aphid underwent ‘therapy’ with Damage. The therapy was exceedingly unusual, and took anywhere from 5 minutes to 6 hours. 
The first time he met with her, he was asked to sit on the concrete floor with his legs crossed while she laid on a lounge couch across from him. 
“What is your favorite food?” she asked. 
After a few moments of consideration, and knowing better than to question her, he answered “Shakshouka”.  
Half a second later, she shot back. “What if it was plain basmati rice? What kind of human would you be then?” 
She then got up off of the couch, walked out of the door behind Aphid, and locked him inside. 
He waited patiently like a good little soldier for 30 minutes, before standing up and attempting to leave the room. The door, of course, was locked, and not wanting to cause any problems he began wandering around the room.  Besides for a plain gray carpet, and the lounge couch there was nothing, not even a window. 
He laid down on the couch and stared at the drop ceiling. His initial reaction to Damage’s question had been, of course, confusion. However, after this confusion had passed, he had answered privately to himself that he would probably be a rather boring man if his most favorite food in the whole world was plain rice. 
Then again, he thought, there’s something inherently unique about having plain rice be your favorite food. It would be a conversation starter for one thing, and anyone you told would surely want you to elaborate. No doubt it would be hard to forget the man who likes plain basmati more than anything else.
Not only that, but you could easily (and cheaply) make your favorite food. Hell, he could make a week's worth of food in minutes. It would be easy to pair the rice with meat, or vegetables to make it more nutritious.
No doubt that the Aphid-of-Basmati would be healthier, happier, and more popular with his peers. 
With this conclusion, he heard the door unlock. But by the time he got up and opened it, there was nobody on the other side.
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sanemyamen · 2 years
Magnetic Beads Market Outlook: World Approaching Demand & Growth Prospect 2022-2027
Global Magnetic Beads Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, players market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions.
Major Players in This Report Include Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (United States),Merck KGaA, Darmstadt (Germany),Polysciences, Inc. (United States),Qiagen (Germany),MagQu Co. Ltd. (Taiwan),FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation (Japan),Takara Bio Inc. (Japan),Spherotech Inc (United States),Cube Biotech GmbH (Germany),Lab on a Bead AB (Sweden)
Magnetic beads & particles are used as carriers of antibodies, antigens, catalyzers, proteins as well as nucleic acids, allowing action on viruses, cells, bacteria, & other biological entities. Magnetic beads are an ultimate tool for immobilizing molecules such as proteins or nucleic acids on a solid phase. They can be additionally used in many applications. This magnetic bead separation process is an efficient, rapid, clean which many scientists are using to substitute centrifugation, filtration, as well as separation techniques. These are used for immunoprecipitation applications. These ensure the rapid & reproducible isolation of proteins. Market Drivers Growing Number of Life Sciences Research Activities
Rising Need to Identify Antigens That Are Related With Autoimmune Diseases
High Demand in The Biopharmaceuticals Field Involving The Application, Opportunities For New Innovation in The Field of Life Science
Opportunities Growing Genomics & Proteomics Research with the Increasing Adoption of Immunoprecipitation in the Coming Years
Growing Funding for Cell Based R&D by Government and Biotechnology companies
Challenges Quality Concerns over Research Antibodies
The Magnetic Beads market study is being classified by Application (Human Cell Separation, Animal cell separation (clinical study), Secondary cell separation), End Users (Healthcare Facilities (Hospitals, Clinics, and Others), Individual Pathology Labs, Research Institutes, Others), Magnetic Beads Size (Small beads (1-10 µm), Medium beads (20-40 µm), Large beads (70-120 µm)), Isolation Technique (Positive, Negative, Others (Depletion, and Others)) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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onlinesikhstore · 10 days
Tumblr media
Poker cards brooch vintage look stunning diamonte gold plated christmas pin j8g Stunning Rhinestones Gold Plated Vintage Look Christmas Poker Cards Brooch Broach Cake Pin for Suits Hats
Brooch Design Ref: JJJ8G One brooch per sale. These can also be worn as pendants/lockets in necklaces. These brooches are just arrived and design is customised by #SikhArtefacts and we are the only store who stock these Christmas Tree brooches. Check out my other items! Be sure to add me to your favourites list! Rhinestones and Crystals Gold plated Christmas Peacock Cake Pin for Jackets Shawls, Dupattas, Coats, Suits, Decorations, Wrappings, Sarees, Decoration of Wedding/Birthday/Anniversary Cakes and many other uses as described in the listing below. Brand new and in sealed Packs Properties: Diamonte Crystals, 3 dimension Colour: Gold Plated. Description: Stunning, glitter, elegant, beautiful. It is the perfect accessory for party, gift, weddings, proms, pageants, causal wear or other special occasions. Dimension: Approx. 4.1cm x 4.1cm x 1 cm *****RRP of these brooches is £31.99 each. Please note light sky blue shade in most of the brooches is due to a camera flash effect/light conditions. Email us at A or text/call 07883024604 for futher information. Please Like and follow us on facebook at www.facebook.com/SmartFashionsUK , many thanks in advance. Cheers! Please do let us know about any special requests about wrapping these brooches while ordering. Use of Brooches: * Brooches, once a mainstay of every woman’s wardrobe, now come and go for many in the same manner as other jewelry trends. It is, however, easy to make a positive case for this sophisticated piece of jewelry. It is, after all, more versatile than any other jewellery item. Brooches can be used the standard way: as an accessory to fashion. But that is by no means their only use. They can also be used on clothing accessories as well as in the hair. * * Purchase one or more brooches, if they are not readily on hand. * * Use the brooch on clothing. Attach a brooch to the high neckline of a blouse, dress or jacket. Use one or more brooches (in a cluster) on the lapel of a suit jacket or place one or more on the shoulder of a jacket or dress. Pin several small brooches over the buttons of a blouse or dress to liven up the clothing or show off a collection. Try using smaller pins as a substitute for cuff links on a blouse by just pinning the brooch over the cuff's button. * * Hook a brooch through a “magna pin.” This converts the brooch to a magnetic closure, thereby doing away with the need to stick the pin part of the brooch into fabrics that could otherwise be damaged by the process. This makes it simple to use the brooch on heavy fabrics like boiled wool, suede or leather. * * Utilize the brooch to help securely attach an accessory to clothing such as a scarf, a shawl or a shrug. * * Attach a brooch to a hat to feminize it or give it a touch of pizzazz. * * Pin one or more brooches onto a handbag or clutch to convert a daytime look to evening chic. Use a magna pin for heavier fabrics, suedes and leathers. * * Convert a brooch to a pendant by attaching it directly to a thick necklace chain, omega or collar. Hook a pin over a string of beads or double them up, pulling them together around the neck. Close with a brooch to create a unique choker. * * Use a pin converter to turn a brooch into a standard necklace pendant. * * Turn a brooch into a piece of hair jewelry. Attach a pin to a headband. Using wire or thread, attach a brooch to a hair comb or barrette. Run the pin of a brooch through the elastic of a ponytail holder for a top knot accent piece. Attach a brooch directly to the hair (or a wig). * * Good use on Indian Sarees, suits, dresses and dupattas etc. * * Used to tie and decorate wedding/parties chair clothes on the back of chairs. * * Excellent to decorate Christmas presents and gifts. * * It can either be used on the top of invitation cards/letters for wedding parties, birthday parties, evening parties or casual invitations. This will certainly give a posh look to your invitations. * * It can be used for the decoration of Wedding, Birthday and Anniversary Cakes. * * If you know any other use of brooches please let us know and we will share these ideas with our privileged customers. Thank you in advance. * Please do not forget to add us to your favourite sellers list and keep looking at our listings, we are going to launch a wide range of brooches and a big variety of SMART Fashions Jewellery for parties and evening wear very soon. We are UK based supplier smartfashions.co.uk. Items can be collected from our shop in Rochester, Kent, UK. Please check 100% positive feedback received for this item. We have 100% positive feedback. Please bid with confidence and check our other fantastic listings. If you are not happy with your purchase we will give you 100% refund. Postage discount will be given for multi-buys.
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What to know about anti-reflux surgery
Many people witness mild heartburn from time to time, but if you discover yourself dealing with constant heartburn and regurgitation, it could be a signal of gastroesophageal reflux disease( GERD). This chronic condition occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter does not close correctly, allowing stomach acid to escape into the esophagus. In India, GERD affects around 20- 30% of the population, leading to ongoing discomfort. While lifestyle changes and antacid drugs are helpful for some, they may not always give the relief you need. In these anti reflux surgery could be a more operative option.
Dr. N. Subrahmaneswara Babu, a renowned  surgical gastroenterologist in Hyderabad, provides precious information on when surgery is necessary, the different procedures accessible, and what you can expect during the recovery process. However, it might be worth looking at these perceptions for a healthier, more comfortable future, If you’re struggling with GERD.
When Is Anti-Reflux Surgery Necessary?
Anti-reflux surgery is generally recommended when GERD symptoms are severe and patient, despite trying medicines and lifestyle changes. If you are experiencing:
Frequent Heartburn: More than twice a week.
Regurgitation: A sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth.
Difficulty Swallowing: Caused by damage to the esophagus.
Dependence on Medications: Needing daily medication without significant relief.
In these cases, surgery may be the next step to bring long-term relief and prevent further complications.
Here are a few things that you need to know about GERD surgery:
Types of Anti-Reflux Surgery for GERD
There are several types of anti-reflux surgeries, with the most common being
Nissen Fundoplication: The most constantly performed surgery for GERD. During this procedure, the upper portion of the stomach is wrapped around the lower esophagus to toughen the stopcock between the esophagus and the stomach, preventing acid reflux.
Toupet Fundoplication: A partial fundoplication where the stomach is wrapped around the esophagus in an expressway that allows the esophagus to relocate more freely. It’s usually employed when the esophagus has downgraded motility.
LINX Device: A newer, less invasive procedure where a ring of magnetic beads is placed around the lower esophagus. This device strengthens the valve while allowing food to pass through.
How Is Anti-Reflux Surgery Performed?
Most Anti-reflux surgeries are done utilizing minimally invasive laparoscopic ways. This involves making fragile lacerations in the tummy to fit a camera and special instruments. The surgeon also reinforces the lesser esophageal sphincter( LES) to prevent acid influx. Laparoscopic surgery is required because it usually results in lesser pain, shorter hospital stays, rapid reclamation, and minimum scarring assimilated to traditional open surgery. The procedure generally takes 1 to 2 hours, with most people returning to usual exercise within a few weeks.
What is involved in the recovery after GERD surgery?
Recovery after anti-reflux surgery varies depending on the type of surgery performed, but generally includes:
Hospital Stay: Most patients stay in the hospital for one to two days after surgery.
Dietary Changes: primarily, you’ll need to follow a liquid or soft food diet before gradually returning to a regular diet.
Activity Restrictions: You’ll be advised to avoid heavy lifting and energetic activities for several weeks to have a proper recovery.
Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to watch your recovery and ensure the surgery’s success.
How Long Does It Take to Recover from Anti-Reflux Surgery?
Recovery from anti-reflux surgery is generally quick with laparoscopic methods. Most cases stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days and can renew light exercise within 2 to 3 weeks. Full reclamation generally takes around 4 to 6 weeks, during which time you will follow a special diet and avoid violent activities. If you’re struggling with persistent GERD and haven’t found relief, anti-reflux surgery might be the answer. Dr. N. Subrahmaneswara Babu, a leading GERD specialist in Hyderabad, offers developed treatments for operative relief. Book an appointment today to explore your options and find lasting relief.
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saray0524 · 27 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TL8 - Tree of Life pendant with a 925 sterling silver 19.5” necklace..
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scrollnshops-blogs · 1 month
Designer Clutch Bags for Women at ScrollnShops
ScrollandShops.com is a trendy multi-designer online store in India. It houses multiple designers under one roof who believe in curating exquisite and premium handcrafted styles by local artisans and designers. ScrollnShops offers an extensive array of pret and couture, including Western clothing, Indian wear, royal designs, and classic styles for women, men, and kids. At ScrollnShops, we have something for everyone that will complement your style and enhance your wardrobe. A Designer clutch bag is more than simply an accessory; it's a statement piece that can boost any look for any occasion. From formal occasions to casual outings, selecting an ideal clutch bag is critical for completing your appearance. A clutch bag stands out among the myriad of available accessories as a dependable and versatile piece, often featuring marvellous embellishments that add a touch of elegance to any outfit.
In simple terms, a clutch bag is a compact, flat handbag with handles or straps, although larger bags with handles or detachable straps are also referred to as 'clutch bags'. Designer clutch bags, also known as clutches, handbags, evening bags, or party bags, are classy and stylish items that distinguish themselves as comfortable and extremely useful accessories. A clutch bag was designed to be held in your hand or tucked under your arm. The term originates from the fact that there are no straps or handles, thus you have to "clutch" it.
Clutches for women at ScrollnShops are normally rectangular or flat in shape; however, they can also be square, spheroidal, circular, or uniquely geometric. They usually include some kind of closure, such as a magnetic snap, zipper, or clasp, which keeps your items safe. A designer clutch bag is crafted with premium materials like wood, raw silk, 100% upcycled cotton, brass, 24K gold foil, chiffon, crepe, georgette, chanderi, and more with countless colours from shimmery hues like silver, gold, white, black, copper, to pastels like mint, powder blue, baby pink. They encourage you to cut down your belongings to the very minimum: you have a credit card or two, a phone, keys, some cash, and perhaps some lipstick. Women prefer wearing a clutch with Gowns, Sarees, Co-ord Sets, or Dresses for a party, get together or festivals and wedding functions.
A designer clutch at ScrollnShops is a masterpiece of art that features royal embroidery handcrafted by beads, Zardosi, Jaal, Sequins, Pearl, Cutdana, Motif, Tonal, Sparkle, Floral or Stripes designs. It also features animal designs like peacocks, birds, fish, or something that is inspired by nature, like flowers, leaves, trees, rainbows, and some out-of-the-box things like evil eye or illusion embroidery. A designer clutch at ScrollnShops features a long or short permanent attached or detachable strap that is constructed by different kinds of fabric, metal, or pearls depending on the style. This will ensure that you stand out from the crowd during formal or festive events.
Categories Related to Accessories
Presenting the Exquisite Clutch Bags for Women by Indian Designers at ScrollnShops
Knnotcase | Lafaani | Mandira Wirk | Priyanka Jain | Riti | The Purple Sack
Envelope clutches, as the name implies, are envelope-shaped and have an up fold-over flap closing. They're usually rectangular and flat, making them convenient to tuck under your arm. Envelope clutches come in a wide range of sizes and materials, from small to large. Kora Envelope Clutch , Beaded Floral Envelope Clutch
Pouch clutches are gentle, unstructured bags with a zip-top fastening. They are less formal than other types of clutches, which makes them ideal for daytime gatherings or informal evening outings. Pouch clutches are available in colourful hues and prints. Fusion Embellished Clutch, Elephant Embroidered Clutch, Bohemian Tassel Clutch, Oversized Tassel Clutch
Box clutches are structural, hard-sided clutches that, as the name implies, resemble a box. They are sometimes coated in luxurious fabrics and beaded in complex patterns, making them a popular choice for formal occasions. The strong frame of a box clutch also protects your things. Pearl Embroidered Clutch, Floral Embroidery Clutch, Embroidered Box Clutch, Handpainted Machlee Clutch, Peacock Embroidered Clutch
Wristlet clutches are a hybrid style that combines the compactness of a clutch with the functionality of a thin strap. The strap is only wide enough to go across your wrist. Wristlets provide more security than a standard clutch and allow you to use your hands when necessary. Beaded Embroidered Clutch, Pearl Beaded Clutch, Handpainted Harin Clutch
Crossbody clutches have the sleek design of a classic clutch but include a long, detachable strap. This versatile shape could be worn over your shoulder or crossbody for hands-free convenience or as a clutch for a more formal appearance. Sunshine Embellished Clutch, Bead Embroidered Clutch, Sequin Embroidered Clutch, Hand Embroidered Clutch, Handmade Clutch
Other Categories
Women Indian Wear
Women Western Wear
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aangussca · 2 months
Gallery visit: MOMA (6.7.24) - PART 4
Exhibition description (found in all other exhibition locations for 24th Sydney Biennale): "Change - or mudança in Tadaskía's native language of Brazilian Portuguese - lies at the center of the multidisciplinary artist's practice. In her work across drawing, sculpture, and other media, Tadáskía employs an improvisational approach, conveying a sense of fluidity through her dynamic mark-making, nuanced imagery, and kaleidoscopic palette. Rather than pursue a complete or final image, the artist has explained: "I'm interested in the passage from one thing to another." Tadaskia's unbound book ave preta mística mystical black bird (2022) forms the centerpiece of this presentation. The work recounts a fantastical tale of "winged transformation," and pairs the artist's freeform drawings alongside her poetic, bilingual text. The images depicted in her colorful compositions, which she often initiates with closed eyes, vary and morph from one sheet to the next. They might appear as crescent moons and brilliant suns, or as ambiguous abstract shapes. Through the story, we are invited to follow its titular ave preta, or black bird, on her flight across earthly and divine realms, "towards a journey of freedom," informed by the artist's lived experience as a Black trans woman. For Projects: Tadáskía, the artist has produced an expansive wall drawing and a set of sculptures in response to this exhibition space. While her vigorous mark-making encourages us to trace her coursing and shifting lines, the organic materials used in her sculptures evoke the ephemeral life cycles of nature. Alongside the central role of change, as Tadáskia herself asserts, "the main character in the work is time.""
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ave preta mística mystical black bird (2022, unbound illustrated book (pencil, colored pencil, oil pastel, and spray paint on torn paper, 61 sheets) - excerpt below)
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Description: "While briefly hospitalized as a child, Tadáskía discovered reading, writing, and drawing as ways to imagine community. This work was inspired in part by a storybook she received during her hospital stay, and in the artist's words, serves as "a fable, but without the moral." The hopeful tale is also influenced by the writings of Black feminist thinkers like Audre Lorde. It begins with a dedication to her "Black sisters and Black brothers," to "Black women and Black trans people," as well as to "people who care about children and to people who are equally children at heart.""
Row 1: animated play Ill (brincando animada lIl) (2023/2024, mural - charcoal and dry pastel on wall)
Row 2: arrangement (arranjo) (2019/2024, diptych sculptural installation - bamboo, beachgrass, willow branches, wire, beads, eggshells sewn with gold thread, face powder, black liquid, clear liquid, plates, fruits, and vegetables on platforms with charcoal and dry pastel)
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Description for animated play Ill (brincando animada lIl) (2023/2024): ""When I was drawing, my mother, Elenice Guarani, and my aunt, Gracilene Guarani, who are both Black, Afro-Indigenous women, told me to add more color because color is life," the artist has said. From her earliest art-making experiences as a child, collaboration has been a central aspect of Tadáskia's practice. To produce this large wall drawing, she worked with a team of assistants over several weeks as they built up its prismatic palette."
Description for arrangement (arranjo) (2019/2024): "In keeping with her improvisational approach, Tadáskia's sculptures are made in response to the exhibition site. She approaches their creation with an openness to materials - often organic - that will continue to change over time. Raised in the Pentecostal church, the artist sometimes incorporates objects, including cattails, beads, or stones, that are significant within various Afro-Brazilian religions like Candomblé. Her choice of materials derives from the relative magnetism of certain elements: "There is a vibration in things and people we meet, which sometimes pulls together, sometimes pulls apart.""
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pathologylab · 2 months
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Introducing #OnePCR - Revolutionizing Laboratory Workflows
We are excited to present the OnePCR #system—a revolutionary all-in-one, fully #automated detection solution designed to enhance laboratory efficiency. By streamlining processes and eliminating sample transfers, OnePCR significantly reduces turnaround times and minimizes human error.
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Transform your lab's capabilities with OnePCR—where faster, more accurate results become the norm.
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wellnessweb · 2 months
Trends Impacting Microcarriers Market Size
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The Microcarriers Market size was estimated at USD 1.52 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 3.68 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 11.7% during the forecast period of 2024-2031.The microcarriers market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing demand for cell-based therapies and advancements in biopharmaceutical production. Microcarriers, which provide a surface for cell attachment and growth in suspension cultures, are becoming indispensable in the large-scale production of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, and regenerative medicine. Innovations in microcarrier technology, such as the development of biodegradable and magnetic microcarriers, are enhancing the efficiency and scalability of cell culture processes. Additionally, the expanding research in stem cell therapy and tissue engineering is further propelling market growth, positioning microcarriers as a crucial component in modern biotechnology and medical research.
Get Sample Copy Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/3837
Market Scope & Overview
The research looks into the major variables affecting the expansion of the global market. The report used a bottom-up approach to gather and forecast data for a wide range of industrial verticals and end-user industries, as well as their reach across several categories, in order to determine the overall size of the Microcarriers Market  throughout the forecast period. Market actors may use market data to create plans to improve their competitive position.
The Microcarriers Market  research report covers all of these topics in great detail, including the Porter's Five Forces analysis, significant segments, drivers, opportunities, and the competitive environment. For business experts, stakeholders, investors, VPs, and newcomers who want to learn more about the company and formulate a competitive strategy, this study is an excellent resource.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Consumable
Media & Reagents
Microcarrier Bead
Collagen Coated Beads
Cationic Beads
Protein Coated Beads
Untreated Beads
By Application
Biopharmaceutical Production
Vaccine Production
Therapeutic Production
Regenerative Medicine
By End User
Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies
Contract Research Organizations & Contract Manufacturing Organizations
Academic & Research Institutes
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
Due to the COVID-19 lockout, it was necessary to create original strategies for dealing with future occurrences while sustaining steady growth. The market research report also provides advice for overcoming pandemic-like situations and lessening their harmful effects. The Microcarriers Market  was significantly impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic. Due to delays in new developments, the industry has also been suspended internationally.
Regional Outlook
With a focus on North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa, the Microcarriers Market  research report digs into market aspects including estimations for total price from top manufacturers and trends toward advancement in various regions of the world.
Competitive Analysis
The research report offers a complete analysis of the worldwide Microcarriers Market  and suggests important adjustments that market players should take into account when developing their business plans. To gain market dominance, these companies have used partnerships, product development, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, diversification, and joint ventures.
Key Reasons to Purchase Microcarriers Market  Report
To identify important geographic regions and leading nations that have a substantial impact on market revenue, the researchers conduct geographic study.
Prospect information may be used by market participants to evaluate potential and formulate their next moves.
Report Conclusion
Manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and policymakers may use the data from the market research report to assess which industry sectors should be prioritized in the upcoming years in order to plan investments and take advantage of the Microcarriers Market  expansion.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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nseledcloudsblog · 2 months
A simple describe about NSELED’s wall mounted LED Display screens
With the rapid development of LED display technology, the application field of LED displays is becoming more and more extensive. With the emergence of changing application fields and installation environments, the installation methods of LED displays are also constantly adjusted, improved, and innovated. The commonly used LED display installation methods are the following 7 types: Wall mounted, cantilevered, suspended, column-mounted, inlaid, standing, and roof-mounted. In the past few days, we have received feedback from South American customers about our LED wall mounted display, so today let NSELED take you to focus on the wall mounted LED display.
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Both indoor and outdoor options: LED wall mounted display is not limited to outdoor or outdoor, as long as it meets the requirements of installing wall mounted back frames. It can be installed. It is worth mentioning that outdoor wall mount LED display has the advantages of being waterproof, sun-proof, and moisture-proof, and can fully adapt to the changing outdoor environment. Can be seamlessly spliced ​​at will: The cabinet of the LED display is connected by a piece of LED module, and all the lamp beads will be encapsulated on the LED module, and finally the cabinet will form the required LED display. The LED cabinets are all frameless, so they can be seamlessly spliced ​​when spliced ​​together, with good flatness and a beautiful appearance. You can freely assemble the size and select the pixels: the pixels of the wall mounted LED screen range from outdoor 20mm to indoor P0.9mm. The sizes of the LED cabinets are 1000*1000mm, 1000*250mm, 960*960mm, 640*480mm, etc. You can decide the pixels and cabinet size according to your viewing distance and the required screen size.
In what kind of places will you see the wall mounted LED display in use?
Shopping malls, hotel lobbies, and other publicity backgrounds: This is the most common place of use, which plays a publicity role and plays commercials in a loop to gain attention. Whenever a new promotional video appears, you only need to replace the new display content. It does not need to replace the entire light box like the previous traditional display light box. It saves labor costs and economic expenditure. Subway, high-speed rail, airport, and other public settings: LED wall mounted display screens are generally used to display vehicle and plane information at public transportation stations. Compared with traditional LCD display screens, LED wall mounted display screens have higher brightness, and you can see the information you want to know clearly even if you don’t look closely. Another function is that it can be used to play advertisements to generate returns for screen investors. Meeting room, office workplace: The LED wall mounted display screens used here are generally used to display work content and reports. Or promote the company’s core values ​​and success stories. Show employees or customers the advantages of your company and give them enough confidence. At the same time, the application of LED wall mounted display screens is not limited to the three categories listed above, and other applications such as events and exhibition halls are also used.
What are the product features of LED wall mounted display screens?
Front maintenance design: In order to facilitate maintenance, LED wall-mounted displays all adopt the front maintenance design, which the most commonly used magnetic front maintenance design. The suction cup directly contacts the LED cabinet’s surface for front maintenance, so that the module structure of the LED screen is removed from its cabinet to achieve front maintenance of the screen. Ultra-thin display screen: It is precisely because of this front maintenance method of the LED wall mounted display that we can make the overall structure thin and light. Even with the back clip, the thickness of our wall mounted display is only 45mm. This ultra-thin cabinet design will perfectly integrate with the surrounding architectural environment and highlight the indoor visual expression ability. Easy to install: The installation of the LED wall mounted display is first to select the installation location, then fix the back frame, and then fix the box on the back frame. After the connection is completed, connect the module and magnetically absorb it into the box. It could be complicated after viewing our description of how to install it. Please check our YouTube channel’s video which has a complete installation video function reference. It is simple and easy to install. At this point, the explanation of LED wall mounted has come to an end. If you are interested in using LED wall mounted displays in your project, please contact NSE’s sales team immediately. We will provide you with professional opinions and suggestions to complete the LED wall-mounted display project together. We are looking forward to receiving your messages. Thank you.
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govindhtech · 3 months
CMF Watch Pro 2: 100+ Sports Modes & Broad Fitness Partner
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Beyond than keeping track of time. With the CMF Watch Pro 2, you can wear everything on your wrist, including smart notifications and fitness monitoring. Through incredibly fluid touch-responsive interactions, the large 1.96″ AMOLED display enlarges your information. You just need to tap it.
1.96″ AMOLED Screen
410 x 502 ANALYSIS
Over 600 Nits of Brightness
Constantly on display
Personalised Watch CMF Watch pro 2
Use the CMF Watch pro 2 app to flip through dozens of watch faces. with eight always-on settings, as well as static and dynamic selections. Alter the background by adding your most treasured photos. The sleek appearance is maintained by our distinctive dot matrix style.
Smooth aluminium alloy frames and clean lines characterise minimalist design. audacious but classic. Choose a strap hue that is a reflection of your own style to elevate it.
AI-Powered Bluetooth Call Noise Cancellation
Use the built-in speaker and microphone to communicate with loved ones. For unmatched call clarity, it makes use of AI technology that has been trained on more than 100,000 noise models.
Integrated Multi-System GPS
Go anywhere with the integrated GPS. For sports like cycling, walking, jogging, and hiking, you can easily get precise trace and distance data thanks to compatibility for five satellite positioning systems.
Get the stats you require to surpass your personal best. Find out how to increase your fitness level by tracking the length of your reps, calories burned, heart rate, pace, steps, and distance.
Water-resistant IP68
Resilient in every way. The CMF Watch Pro 2 won’t stop you from doing your favourite workouts, even in the face of water splashes and beads of sweat.
With 110 sports modes, you can fine-tune your fitness goals from yoga to running.
Get essential information to improve your health journey, such as your blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and stress levels.
Use the CMF Watch app to unlock the full CMF experience. It functions as a smooth addition to your watch, handling everything from device management to monitoring your fitness and health data.
Test using a 50,000-time button press.
One-meter drop test 100 times
Steel-wire brush resistance test conducted 2,500 times using screenscratch
The CMF Watch Pro 2 launch on July 8, 2024,. The interchangeable bezels on this smartwatch are its unique selling point, and it has attracted notice. Is this merely a gimmick, or is this sufficient to make it a leader in smartwatch technology? Let’s examine the information that has so far been revealed by leaks and teases.
A Change in Style: Round to Square
The CMF Watch Pro 2, in contrast to its predecessor, the CMF Watch Pro, which had a rectangular design, embraces a traditional and fashionable circular form factor. “A sleek round bezel and an aluminium alloy body for a refined finish” are two of its features, according to CMF. This change appeals to a larger demographic that might want a watch with a more conventional appearance.
The main attraction is the interchangeable bezels
The most intriguing aspect of the CMF Watch Pro 2 is definitely its adjustable bezels. This enables users to alter the watch’s appearance in ways other than simply switching out the straps. Greater customizability may result in it feeling almost entirely different from the original gadget. Although the precise mechanism is still unknown, there is conjecture that magnets may be employed to provide a safe and easy method of switching bezels.
Past Bezels: What More Is There to Know?
The Watch Pro 2 will include an AMOLED display with gesture control and auto-brightness, according to CMF’s confirmation. The display’s precise dimensions are yet unknown, although it will probably be around 1.32 inches, just like the original Watch Pro. Convenience is increased via gesture control, which lets users interact with the watch interface by simply flicking their wrists.
A large variety of watch faces is another feature that has been confirmed. Users can select from a variety of contemporary digital interfaces or traditional analogue styles based on their tastes and personal style, with over 100 options guaranteed . Although customising the watch face is a popular function, the sheer quantity of options provided by CMF is astounding.
Anticipated specifications and battery life
The internal specs and battery life of the CMF Watch Pro 2 are still unknown. But given the capabilities and price of the Watch Pro, we should anticipate a mid-range  processor that puts efficiency first in order to prolong battery life. With just one charge, the first Watch Pro had a respectable battery life of about a day. This could be improved upon by the Watch Pro 2, but we’ll have to wait for official word on that.
The Emphasis of Fitness Tracking
The Watch Pro 2’s fitness monitoring features haven’t been made public by CMF. Given the smartwatch industry’s focus on health and fitness trackers, the Watch Pro 2 should provide conventional activity tracking functions like step counting, distance tracking, and heart rate monitoring. Its GPS and SpO2 tracking capabilities are unknown.
Programmes and Connectivity
The operating system that the Watch Pro 2 will run on is unknown. It might use a widely used smartwatch platform like Google’s Wear OS, or it might be a custom system created by CMF. It’s unclear how integration will work with well-known health and fitness apps, but perhaps CMF will reveal more details closer to launch.
CMF Watch Pro 2 Cost and Availability
Launched at an ambitious price point, the CMF Watch Pro 2 is an affordable option. It is anticipated that the Watch Pro 2 would do likewise, most likely with a price tag of about $55 USD. This would put it in a competitive position with other inexpensive smartwatches.
A Chic Candidate, But There Are Still Unanswered
The CMF Watch Pro 2 might emerge as a fashionable and reasonably priced competitor to smartwatches. A greater range of people can customise the watch with the detachable bezels, and the traditional round form appeals to more people. Important questions are still unresolved, though. It is challenging to reach a firm conclusion due to the absence of comprehensive specs, software details, and fitness tracking features.
Are There Enough Bezels?
The way the Watch Pro 2’s adjustable bezels are implemented will probably determine how well it does. What is the ease of bezel swapping? How much will each bezel option cost and how many will be available? Whether or if the bezels are a permanent novelty will depend on the responses to these issues.
Looking Past the Bezels: A Complete Experience?
Additionally, the Watch Pro 2 must fulfil essential smartwatch features. Battery life, fitness tracking features, and an easy-to-use interface
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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123567-9qaaq9 · 4 months
Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation  Market Future Trends to Look Out | Bis Research
Nucleic acid sample preparation involves the process of DNA or RNA isolation or extraction, done by manual and automated techniques. Sample preparation of nucleic acids is the initial step in most molecular biology studies and all recombinant techniques. 
The global   Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Market is projected to reach $5,615.9 million by 2033 from $2,922.8 million in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 6.75% during the forecast period 2023-2033.
Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Overview
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The chemical DNA was discovered in 1869, but its role in genetic inheritance was not demonstrated until 1943. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes. Other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information. 
Key Steps in Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Market
Sample Collection and Preparation 
Cell Lysis 
Removal of Contaminants 
Nucleic Acid Precipitation 
Grab a look at the free sample page for more understanding click here !
Visit our Precision Medicine Vertical Page Click Here !
Market Segmentation
Product Type 
(i) Kits and Reagents 
(ii) Instruments 
(iii) Consumables 
Application Type 
(i) Clinical Diagnostics 
(ii) Research Applications 
(iii) Forensic Sciences 
(iv) Environmental Testings 
End Users 
(i) Academic and Research Institutes 
(ii) Hospitals and Diagnostics 
(iii) Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology 
Recent Developments in the Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation  Market
Qiagen N.V. introduced two groundbreaking additions to its sample technologies portfolio, i.e., the TissueLyser III that facilitates high-throughput disruption of diverse biological samples and the RNeasy PowerMax Soil Pro Kit that isolates high-purity RNA from challenging soil samples using advanced Inhibitor Removal Technology.
PerkinElmer introduced the CHEF Magnetic Bead Cleanup System, providing automated nucleic acid purification through advanced magnetic bead technology. This novel system would help automate the nucleic acid purification process efficiently.
Nucleic acid sample preparation  may be required from human cells of different types or free circulating NA. When pathogens are of interest, viruses, bacteria, protozoans, and fungi must be considered. Multiplex testing may depend on simultaneous isolation of NA from some or all of these sources.
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atrayo · 4 months
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Conduct, Being, and Personal Character
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Hello All,
Finally, I've set aside some time to blog some freshly minted for this month of May a trio of Jewels of Truth statements as channeled content from the Angels. For the last year or so I requested from the angels to receive this content usually as a theme of topics. So randomly without forethought on my part, the 3 topics of Conduct, Being, and Personal Character have been set aside for now. 
The topics and/or attributes are self-explanatory so not much background information is necessary. For those that are new readers of Atrayo's Oracle blog site of 18+ years online originally at Google's Blogger portal, and now at various satellite locations online such as LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Temple Illuminatus. 
I have been channeling the heavenly angelic host and assorted holy ones for now over 28+ plus years. Utilizing a writing technique that is considered as psychic Inspirational automatic writing. Not unlike the author of The Conversations With God book series of Neale Donald Walsch. I may actually have channeled more Inspired content than Mr. Walsch but not all of it is published publically. Lol, but who's counting? 
Without further adieu may you be blessedly informed and expand your spiritual horizons of grace. Amen.
3316) Many wonders occur without the cognizant realization of people in their common ordinary midst. Each to experience a solemn loving Omni-Presence of God universally. One must exude reverence for the great and small of this world simultaneously. In order to garner a situational or circumstantial awareness as a living blessing when what is perceived is well-meaning indeed by faith. 
Not all perceptions are equal, nor robust in the continuity of an honorable conduct. Thus it takes much practice and genuine sincere curiosity to experience the holiness of the divine in your everyday common midst. 
What do you notice spiritually? It depends usually on your cultural faith tradition in this world by devotional expectations. Is it an angel, a holy ghost, a natural fairy, a nature spirit, an ancestor, and so forth? Will you can you notice what is perpetually there spiritually noticing you by a beloved esteem? Intention follows adoration when the pure heart is stirred from within for what is holy is everlasting only through God(dess) alone. 
Shining as a spirit reborn upon the world permits you many graces as both wonders and responsibilities to hold a higher standard of conduct both humanely and spiritually. First, do no harm. Meaning do not condemn the foreigner or your neighbor for how they commune or not with the celestial divine upon the world. Paradise is an Inclusive metaphysical reality of the afterlife for all faiths. Each one is a sacred trust as religions, spiritual traditions, and philosophies of ancient bygone civilizations, contemporary ones, and ones yet to be invented. Not just by humanity on earth but by intelligent semi-sentient species out beyond in the cosmos. 
Like-kind spiritually as pulses or energetically will always attract each other where space and time aren't real to the metaphysical afterlife. A spiritual holy enshrined magnetism occurs by a person whose devout is akin to Being calibered or harmonized to the divine like a tuning fork at a specific frequency beyond what is audible alone dimensionally. 
So vibrating with benevolence in your heart, mind, and soul of God in you welcomes like kind of the holy ones. A circular loop of constant grace is enshrined through you as if you are a bead being strung on a loop of great affection to be adorned by God as if wearing you like a necklace of precious diamond-like jewels. 
However, if you hate with anger with toxic vibrations as pulses of ill-will both as a person and a spirit reborn you will stir up metaphysically not just poor conduct but Hell on Earth as well. Such disruptive outbursts that are sustained are the worst kind of danger wherever possible on a spiritual basis. 
Your world is awash with a Contrast of goodness, neutrality, and evil each with a native spectrum of metaphysical frequencies all its own kind. Humanity often calls them the Virtues and Vices each expression is an intonation much like the aforementioned tuning fork at a marked dedicated frequency. How you balance your decorum signifies your stature not just on earth with the maturity of personal character but also in the afterlife simultaneously. 
The divine is enmeshed with your mundane common ordinary world it is a layered stratified existence of the extraordinary wonders unto the plain and benign phenomena of all circular dynamical realities. What you pour of yourself personally out of you and into you from other sources spells the difference of health or disease upon you physically and spiritually in tandem. 
There are many avenues to commune with the benevolent spiritual realities whether by prayer, meditation, and contemplations as forms of worship. There are also devout songs, dances, and solitary exercises of the Intuitive mystical arts just to name a few. Do you have a pure open heart and mind without being jaded of what is divine and what is clearly not? 
Do you succumb easily to hardship complaining that your life is stressful without practicing self-improvement? What maladies of the human condition are beyond your control and which ones can you influence privately or with the help of other trusted souls? Do you practice Mercy and Forgiveness upon yourself and extend it to all others be they human, creature, and ecological? 
Heaven on Earth and Hell on Earth are two sides of the identical reality each sharing a spectrum of dimensional constants that can distinguish the weak from the strong in the world. Your attributes as your personal conduct signify this treatise between you and God personally and privately that no other person be they well-meaning or not should have any authority to interfere with truly. Please know which master you obey predominantly in the world and act accordingly by faith in God(dess) always and forever more. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
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3317) The Soft Stillness of Being Within feeds the doing moreso profoundly. The Deeper the Being, the Deeper the Mindfulness of your cherished wholeness which fulfills true Being. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Personal Character:
3318) To the one who feels much for his/her own behavior as an outlet of justified actions. Be not afraid to live a finely righteous demeanor given if the circumstances are in your favor or not. Sometimes difficult choices must be made with careful analysis as to the ramifications of the highest and best good that is possible for all concerned. Regardless, if the highest good is yours or not given the potential array of outcomes. 
There are moments where a personal sacrifice is called for as a form of practical character building for the upliftment of the spiritual self upon this world in terms of karma. This isn't to say to suffer needlessly at every possible turn as a martyr, masochist, and so forth. No tend to what is rational and behave with honour as to what is expected from you in that moment of time wherever possible. 
Then follow the trail of the sensible claim of following decisions based on reason, common sense, logic, and if necessary by sheer Intuition as required. Always moving at your pace and if not at what the moment dictates in an orderly fashion even if the pace can seem hectic at first blush. Do not be bullied into making rash decisions by peer pressure with an incomplete assessment of the facts at hand. 
Moreover please trust your Intuitive heart foremost when the decisions are serious. Silence the racing thoughts, take a deep breath or two, and release the anxiety. Listen emotionally to the Stillness within feel for the moments between moments and there you will have found your Intuitive Heart alive with your Guardian Spiritual Angel present in your Divine midst. 
Give yourself leeway to make mistakes without crucifying yourself too harshly to be a fallible person in the world. Humanity was never meant to be perfection, that is an irrational glitch of the human ego. Do celebrate your minor with larger successes in your life personally. Since so few well-meaning people will do so on your legitimate behalf as friends, loved ones, and even strangers. 
Sincerely welcome the plights that will challenge your mettle in order to rise to the occasion by living your convictions as best as you can even if you falter repeatedly. Courage requires stamina to continue despite the odds. Compassion spells the difference between the holy ones and the brutal animals of the world. Be dignified in a manner that best suits your personality, not the generic canned responses your elders may demand from you earnestly. 
Cherish responsibility in order to hold yourself to a better standard of living. Society will have expectations of you and not all of them are considerate. Sometimes being the misfit is better company than the dogma of the era that is politically and culturally hysterical and flawed in humane esteem. To know this difference takes personal Inner humility to truly understand your motivations and that of the illness of psychology of the societal masses. 
Not every aggressor is wrong so discern accordingly and not every victim is innocent either. Comprehension beyond the situational facts on the ground but truly the untold truth takes a practical understanding of the human condition. With a spiritual fortitude to do your best always without being lazy and cheating at another person's expense. 
Predicaments will occur that are chaotic as accidents and emergencies beyond the ordinary of the commoners day. Allow your Inner Stillness to guide your steps with sensible approaches that allow for minor confusion to be later clarified with reason and logic from trusted authority figures. Even if their personable values differ from your own in life and dogma. It is not the place to adjudicate the peace at that very instant of chaos that can come later when disaster strikes profusely. 
Do live with the strength of personal character and compassion for the stranger, foreigner, and your kinsfolk as your neighbors. This includes for yourself foremost and all other persons known and unknown in the world. For your thoughts, words, actions, and even your inactions do matter spiritually and moreover upon this reality of the Earth.
Whether there is earnest allowance of what must be earned, shared by privilege, and gifted as charity. The original sin is withholding your grace from the world when it is dearly needed and otherwise wanted by mutual fellows and the masses in question. To serve another sincerely with virtue is to serve God silently in the constant eternal stillness of what matters most can be unspoken with a cherished internal embrace by the divine. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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