#Magnetic Island - Australia
I went on a walk, expecting to see the moon, and the ocean, maybe talk about life…
What I didn’t expect was to see about 15 small rock wallabies;
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(Not my photo)
I crouched down and got really excited when one came close to me, and it started to sniff my shoes. I walked around for a bit, then sat on the ground, and invited another over. This one was a mother, and had a tiny baby in its pouch! I was in awe, it was so cute, but protective of its child, so no pats… yet!
After a while, another came up to me, and reached out and sniffed my finger. I took it as an invitation, and gave it some neck scratches. In return I got licked on the finger :D
And then one bit my finger but oh well
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quo-usque-tandem · 1 year
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Magnetic Island, Adelaide, Australia
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godmaybe · 6 months
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I met some koalas, the first one hidden on magnetic island, the others in the south. I really hoped to see a baby on the back of mothers, and i did!
On my drawing, i took the place of the baby, i'm not really kind :p
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nixieofthenorth · 7 months
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The wreck of the SS City of Adelaide
📍Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia 📸 @conormoorephotography
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Australia - Cairns - Great Barrier Reef - Magnetic Island (Queensland)
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"Any good gardener knows what a good de-weeding can do for a vegetable garden. As it turns out, it’s much the same for coral reefs.
Following a volunteer “sea-weeding” program launched in Australia, scientists are witnessing compounding coral recovery both in quantity and diversity, and suggest that this simple method has the power to transform degraded reefs overrun by macroalgae.
In a balanced ecosystem, macroalgae is kept in check by the size and health of corals, but as extreme weather events or coral bleaching causes some sections of reef to die, macroalgae has no other neighbor keeping a check on its spread.
Over a period of three years, the joint Earthwatch Institute program led by James Cook University Senior Research Officer Hillary Smith and Professor David Bourne, also at JCU and the Australian Institute of Marine Science, has organized volunteer citizen scientists to help remove macroalgae at two experimental reef sites.
The results of the first three years of work and study have now been published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, and they show a 600% increase in coral recovery rates.
“It’s just like weeding your garden,” Smith said. “Every time we return, the seaweed is growing back less and less, so this method could provide lasting benefit without requiring endless effort.” ...
The importance of the study, Smith details, is that a lot of reef recovery efforts globally are powered by expensive, high-tech, and experimental solutions. The study hoped to show that manual de-weeding was just as effective, and thereby encourage organizations or nations that lack the tech or funding of a country like Australia to pursue sea-weeding as a way of protecting their corals.
“We have yet to see a plateau in coral growth within these plots at Magnetic Island, which is characterized as one of the degraded reefs on the Great Barrier Reef,” Smith said. “We also found an increase in coral diversity, so this method is benefitting a wide range of different coral types.”
Smith said her team are now scoping other locations where the sea-weeding technique could be useful, including the Whitsunday Islands, which are home to a different species of predominant seaweed.
They also want to employ them in French Polynesia, Indonesia, and even Singapore, where experts have identified out-of-control macroalgae spread along coral reefs."
-via Good News Network, September 19, 2023
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einereiseblog · 1 year
Eine kurze Anleitung zum Erkunden der SS City of Adelaide, dem berühmten Wrack von Magnetic Island, das von der Natur zurückerobert wurde. Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie hierher gelangen, mit Tipps für großartige Aufnahmen. Das Wrack von Magnetic Island, oder genauer gesagt, die SS City of Adelaide, ist eines der bekanntesten Wracks an der australischen Küste. Was es so einzigartig macht, ist, dass es durch dichte Mangroven wiederbelebt wurde, die aus dem Wrack wachsen. Es ist jetzt auch die Heimat einer Herde Kakadus, die in den Mangrovenbäumen leben, die aus dem verrosteten Deck sprießen. Magnetic Island Wrack – Die SS-Stadt Adelaide Während es auf Magnetic Island Dutzende von Wracks gibt, ist die SS-Stadt Adelaide eines der berühmtesten. Es war ursprünglich ein schottisches Dampfpassagierschiff, das aufgrund eines Feuers in seichtem Wasser in Cockle Bay, Magnetic Island, strandete. Zum Zeitpunkt des Untergangs im Jahr 1916 wurde entschieden, dass es aufgrund des seichten Wassers zu schwierig sein würde, das Schiff zu zerschneiden und zu bergen. Stattdessen wurde entschieden, dass es in Cockle Bay bleiben würde. VERBINDUNG: 12 BESTE DINGE AUF MAGNETIC ISLAND Wie kommt man zum Magnetic Island Wrack? Das Wrack befindet sich in der Cockle Bay am südlichen Ende von Magnetic Island. Der beste Weg dorthin ist, zuerst nach Picnic Bay zu gehen und zu Fuß zu gehen. Es gibt Busse, die rund um die Insel fahren, und es dauert nur etwa 15 Minuten, um vom Busbahnhof Nelly Bay nach Picnic Bay zu gelangen. Wer aus Horseshoe Bay kommt, muss mit einer 40-minütigen Fahrt rechnen. Von der Picnic Bay Wharf aus haben Sie mehrere Möglichkeiten, um zum legendären Magnetic Island Wrack zu gelangen. Der Einfachheit halber habe ich die genaue Position des Wracks auf den Google Maps unten angeheftet. Gehen Sie von Picnic Bay aus um die Felsen herum Bei Ebbe ist es möglich, von Picnic Bay aus den ganzen Weg um die Felsen herum zu laufen. Es kann ein bisschen schlammig werden, und Sie müssen auf die Flut achten. Dies ist jedoch die schnellste Möglichkeit, das Wrack zu erreichen. Gehen Sie die Straße von Picnic Bay aus Sie können um die Landzunge herumgehen und den Vorortstraßen bis zum Ende der W Point Road folgen, um die Wrackstelle von Picnic Bay Wharf aus zu erreichen. Es ist nur ein kurzer Spaziergang, der nicht länger als 20 Minuten dauert. Für eine genaue Wegbeschreibung folgen Sie der Karte oben. Zu Fuß zum Wrack bei Ebbe Bei Ebbe schießt das Wasser heraus und lässt das Wrack vollständig aus dem Wasser ragen. Es ist durchaus möglich, bei Ebbe den ganzen Weg nach draußen zu laufen. Beobachten Sie jedoch den weichen, sinkenden Schlamm. Bewundern Sie andernfalls das Wrack aus der Ferne am Rand der Küste oder mieten Sie sogar ein Kajak, um bei Flut hinauszupaddeln. Geheimer lokaler Wrack-Aussichtspunkt Der beste Aussichtspunkt am südlichen Ende von Magnetic Island ist auch ein erstklassiger Ort, um das Wrack von Magnetic Island zu besichtigen. Es ist auf keiner Karte deutlich markiert, und wir fanden es rein zufällig, als wir nach einem Ort suchten, von dem aus wir die Drohne fliegen konnten. Anscheinend haben Einheimische diesen Aussichtspunkt Sails Rock genannt. Der Aussichtspunkt befindet sich direkt neben einem Wasserturm in Cockle Bay. Ich habe die Wegbeschreibung auf der Karte unten markiert. Wenn Sie von Picnic Bay kommen, dauert es nur etwa 20 Minuten, wenn Sie einer steilen Straße bis zur Spitze folgen. Sobald Sie den Wasserturm erreicht haben, gibt es einen kleinen, nicht markierten Pfad, der etwas weiter zu einer Lichtung mit einigen riesigen, überhängenden Felsen am Rand der Klippe führt. Vom Aussichtspunkt aus haben Sie einen hervorragenden Blick über die Cockle Bay und das Wrack sowie über die ganze Strecke an Picnic Bay vorbei und in die Hügellandschaft im Inneren. Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten auf Magnetic Island Nachfolgend habe ich die drei besten Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten auf Magnetic Island für verschiedene Budgets zusammengefasst.
Die Links führen zu Booking.com, das ich persönlich immer nutze, um die besten Angebote für Unterkünfte zu buchen. Übernachten Sie im Koala Sanctuary: Bungalow Bay Koala Village – Dieses Hostel ist eine der am besten bewerteten günstigen Unterkünfte auf Magnetic Island. Es hat einen guten Chill-Out-Bereich, einen Pool und natürlich die Koalas vor Ort. Bestes Hostel mit Aussicht: Base Backpackers – Base Backpackers ist ein Synonym für preisgünstiges Reisen in Australien. Dieses Hostel bietet Mehrbettzimmer für unter 35 $ pro Nacht. Die Zimmer sind eigentlich kleine Hütten und blicken auf das Riff direkt am Wasser in Nelly Bay. Bestes Gästehaus für Paare: CStay in Picnic Bay – Eine der preisgünstigsten Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten für Paare ist Cstays in Picnic Bay. Es gibt mehrere Doppelzimmer für weniger als 65 $ pro Nacht. Segeln auf Magnetic Island Ich habe die Insel auf meinem zweimonatigen Segeltörn von Mackay zum Daintree River erkundet. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, herauszufinden, was wir so gemacht haben, oder Ideen für Ihre Magnetic Island-Reiseroute suchen, dann schauen Sie sich unbedingt das Segelprotokoll an. LESEN SIE DAS SEGELLOG: Segeltagebuch Woche 7 – Magnetic Island Weitere Fotos vom Schiffswrack Magnetic Island Wie versprochen, hier sind einige der Fotos, die ich von der SS-Stadt Adelaide in Cockle Bay machen konnte. Bevor Sie sich aufmachen, das berühmte Wrack von Magnetic Island zu sehen, warum schauen Sie sich nicht auch einige meiner anderen Reiseführer für Maggie und Greater Queensland an? .
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itstimetogotowar · 1 year
Queensland: road trip on a budget
Queensland: road trip on a budget
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todropscience · 7 months
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New evidence, from oncidentally recorded observations of sound production obtained in the Magnetic Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, shows that the mangrove whipray (Urogymnus granulatus) and the cowtail stingray (Pastinachus ater) can actively produce sounds. Juvenile mangrove whiprays appear to make loud clicking noises as an social behaviour related to fighting, either to warn off and startle predators or to signal to other nearby juveniles to aggregate in defense. Though it is clear that elasmobranchs, such as sharks, rays, and skates, can hear and respond to sounds in various ways, until now, there have been no confirmed examples of active sound production by this group in the wild.
The exact mechanism of sound production remains unclear but appears to be similar in both species. In all recordings, contractions of the spiracles and associated gill openings are visible simultaneously with theclicking sounds, indicating that sounds may beproduced through fast contractions of the cranial and gill area.
Photo: Juvenile mangrove whiprays displaying a typical high tide group overlapping behavior, by José Javier Delgado Esteban. Whale Nation Studio 2018–2023.
Video showing mangrove whipray emitting sounds
Reference (Open Access): Fetterplace et al., 2022. Evidence of Sound Production in Wild Stingrays. Ecology
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 1 year
SOFIA found the black box from the Brazilian ship! It was apparently coming from Australia heading towards Rio. The course was corrupted and rerouted 23 degrees south. SOFIA noted that sabotage could have happened before the trip itself. It was sunny and the ship lost control upon nearing the island.
Max has reminded us again that Felps was Captain.
Upon considering the hackability of GPS systems, Bad proposed the possibility that the Federation may have ties outside the island. Baghera thinks that anything that gets near the island is magneted in.
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cedar-sunshine · 27 days
writer intro!
making a real one this time! I'll probably pin this one haha
My name is Sunny, I use he/they pronouns primarily, and I'm a queer writer. I'm 15, AuDHD, and a little chronically in pain. If you're reading this, tell me to drink water and stop doom scrolling so I can actually write like I want to, please
What I write!
I mostly write fantasy, although it very much ranges from urban to high and all the in betweens. My main WIP, Star, is technically not fantasy, but it IS apocalyptic, which is my second favorite genre. Technically, everything I write has an element of romance or is a romance, but the romance is never the forefront of the plot and is rarely only romantic (aroace romance writer time).
My current WIPs are
Star, a post-apocalyptic queer romance starring Mental Health Boy and Mental Health Boy #2. It's atmospheric and deals with a lot of Things. I like it a lot! It's my main WIP and I have the most done in it, the cast includes Tristan and Orion. I've described it as grumpy x sunshine vs cult and that's still accurate
The comic I keep referring to as '🔆', a queer fantasy comic with lumberjanes vibes. Some guys at a summer camp mess with magical stuff, it's very soft and sweet and escapist. I could call it sunset island? Or sunflower?
The shepherd/shapeshifter romance that I also don't have a name for, some political and cultural allegories along with a very strong dose of Cool Magic Bullshit and also Sheep. Starring a dog that used to be a person but is now literally just a dog, a person that used to be a person and is now a person who has grown as a person, and a shapeshifter who's like if a manic pixie dream girl was a gay man with no impulse control and strong emotions.
Science fiction Australia situation! 100 criminals get (consentually) sent to a superhabitable planet to prepare it for a human colony, the trip should take 150 years but something goes wrong and they end up making an emergency landing (read: aimed crash) on a smaller habitable planet leaving only 9 alive of the original 100. And humanity's already forgotten about them after nearly 120 years, so... found family queer bullshit, I think a majority of the characters aren't fully human including 1 squid person with bright colors, weird eyes, transparent skin and very strange hair, 1 robot made of pieces of magnetic metal so small they're basically magnetic fluid, 1 Guy with synthetic parts and a cool tail, 1 mildly mad scientist-esque dude that can only be described as if a person was a seal with maned wolf hardware, lots of microplants around a natural frame who is a hacker and diplomat, a mix between a fossa/civet type thing and a human, and a Guy with cool ears and a non-human genetic disease. Only two people bit don't worry they're cool too (autistic mechanic who likes engineering more than people and space pirate emo boy with a lot of grief and anger at the System, plus some symbiotic friends). Most likely includes a polycule because I can't choose who should be dating who (if you have an opinion, look for my poll a while ago)
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harrison-abbott · 3 months
shy brittle grandfather
I had this shy brittle grandfather who everybody else picked on most of his life. All the family picked on him. He had that magnet for bullying that some folks just have. Couldn’t really defend himself. ///// His one coveted attribute was his ability to earn and conserve money. He had the best job. Was able to live by himself in a big house (he’d never married because no woman was interested in him). The best job and he was able to retire early, and the interior of his big house wasn’t that glittery; but he could sure enjoy retirement by going on holidays to America or Tokyo or the Pacific Islands or whatever. ///// I was in my 30s when he retired. And in my mid thirties I found myself very tight for cash. I had an ex girlfriend, and a kid: and my kid lived with her. And I lived with an old mate from high school who was shoddy with the bills and rent, and kept having to ask me for money. In short, my life situation was pretty dire. And there were several times when I thought about calling up my grandfather to ask for a loan of money, in the hope that he might just give me some rather than it being a loan. ///// But, I remember laughing at him when I was little. I joined in, around the Christmas table. My own Dad used to be the main antagonist. And I remember being red in the face, sore in the gums, from giggling at him. ///// Dad wasn’t alive anymore. He died of throat cancer when he was in his late fifties. ///// I got to the age of 40 as well. Grandad was still alive. I was doing a bit better than I was a few years back, but still not secure. I looked up Grandad online to see what he was up to. He was in Australia, at this point. He’d also been far more places than I had. ///// When he was 96, Grandfather perished. Of old age. ///// We all went to his funeral. The siblings and I. His grandchildren who had known him for so long. Who used to tease him rambunctiously when we were little. We were sad, that he’d finally passed. And at this point my eldest brother wasn’t even alive anymore, either. He’d passed of cancer this well – this time, in the liver. /////
I was secretly glad at my big brother was dead because it meant more inheritance money for me. ///// We were all looking forward to what Grandad had left for us in his will. None of us said it but we all knew it and that’s why we made the extra effort for the ceremony. His lawyer said he would get in contact with us after the funeral. To tell us what was owed to us. Which was a specific request, in the very will: that we attend his funeral first and then his lawyer would send us the details of the will in the following days. By email. The lawyer would send us the information via emails. ///// So we went to the funeral. In a rosy churchyard. All handsomely done with his coffin lowered into the yard. ///// And we hungrily awaited the emails. And they came on a Tuesday morning. Just as I was getting ready to go to my work. ///// Grandfather had donated his entire wealth. All he had ever earned in life, to charities. A wildlife charity and a group that was trying to tackle climate change and a group that worked with homeless people and he had left a fund with the local university to help build their library. There were several thousands donated to foodbanks across the city. He had sent money up to a forestry group up north who were planting trees in privately owned land; as well as a company that were developing green energy off shore. ///// I looked through the details of the will, on and on, and was waiting for the part where our names, his grandchildren would turn up. There were several pages to get through. So I thought that perhaps he had left us on the last page, to save the best for the last. Although, as I kept going, he must have been far more wealthy than I thought. And he must’ve run out of quite a lot of his pot, by the time I did reach the final page. ///// On said page there was a personal note from him. Which said, “To my Grandchildren, I wish you chaps all the best for the future.” ///// He’d left us no money whatsoever. ///// I hated him at first. Then I gradually began to understand, over time. Fair enough, I thought. Considering how we treated him across life. We only wanted him at the end because of his money. We never appreciated him when he was alive.
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pochqmqri · 1 year
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Bird wrasse at the Aquasearch Aquarium on Magnetic Island, QLD, Australia
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calmseas · 2 years
status: ᴏᴘᴇɴ location: ᴏɴʙᴏᴀʀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴏᴜʀ ﹙ ᴅᴇʟᴘʜɪɴᴜs ᴛᴏᴜʀs ﹚
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after what felt like hours of loading more and more tourists onto the catamaran, the boat finally disembarked and diego climbed the rickety staircase into the thick of it. with a microphone in hand, his spiel began. can both levels of the boat hear? check. is everyone aware of all emergency exits? check. introduced to the staff? check. ❝ and last but not least; no— we will not be going ‘under’ magnetic island. despite the surprisingly common misconception, magnetic island, just like the australia, aotearoa and even my homeland of hispaniola is firmly anchored to the ocean floor. ❞ scanning the group to see whose faces were trying to conceal their surprise, diego couldn’t conceal his smirk as he made a few closing announcements about gear distribution and let the music start to play over the speakers. making his way up to the front, diego found a seat next to a familiar face.  ❝ we don’t get too many local faces on here. not ones that aren’t being paid anyway. ❞ he smiled a charming grin, pushing the salt caked hair out of his face. ❝ hoping to see something specific? ❞
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nixieofthenorth · 7 months
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📍 Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia. 📸 @amelie.kassel
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aftcrthoughts · 2 years
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23 & cis-male ; he/him, bisexual, aries, australian. harrison ‘harry’ sinclair can be found working at the koala kingdom as an animal handler, horsebackriding at  trojan horse ranch or at his home in labyrinth apartments. if he’s not there, he’s probably at a party somewhere. he loves animals (especially leo, his gray andalusian horse), craves adventure and makes more impulsive decisions than any person should. though he isn’t fully aware of it yet, harry has always shared consciousness with the TITAN GOD EPIMETHEUS. 
to date, harry has been on magnetic island for two months.
harry lives with — OPEN.
overview below the cut. 
birthday: march 29, 1999, an aries
gender, pronouns, sexuality: cis-male, he/him, bisexual
physical: 5ft 11in/180cm with dark, shaggy hair and dark eyes. has a bunch of dumb tattoos, usually attained on a whim or done by his friends
locations: labyrinth apartments (home), trojan horse ranch (favorite place) and the koala kingdom (workplace) 
employment: animal handler at the koala kingdom 
pet: a gray andalusian horse named leo
romantic status: single
originally from: queensland, australia 
personality: harry is always on the hunt for adventure and always looking for a party. he is impulsive, unafraid to speak his mind and though he can be really easy to get along with, he has an intensity that bothers some people – especially those who prefer acting with caution over doing what feels right in the moment. he does everything he sets his mind to, usually without pausing to consider the potential consequences for himself or others. his thoughtlessness tends to hurt people and cause problems, and though he feels sorry for it sometimes, harry refuses to change his ways. to him, life is worth nothing if you don’t try to experience all it has to offer and caution only gets in the way of that. a true adrenaline junkie, harry tends to be the instigator of bad behavior. he encourages his friends to behave recklessly, starts fights at the drop of the hat (or purely because he’s bored) and enjoys activities like skydiving, cliff jumping, hiking and boxing. he parties more than he should, tends to ‘forget’ rules when it’s convenient for him and enjoys more than the occasional one night stand. he flirts with anyone, doesn’t really believe in commitment and drops those who try to tie him down, believing at some level that he couldn’t maintain a steady relationship even if he wanted to. all of that said, harry’s intensity can be helpful at times. when he is passionate about something, he channels all his energy into it. that is especially true when it comes to his love of animals. he knows almost all there is to know about those native to australia, having spent his time in college studying them, and can recognize their tracks more easily than most hunters. he feels he understands them in a way others don’t and is most at peace in their presence. they seem to feel the same way, or so he believes, with even wild animals allowing him to enter into their space. on hikes, he ventures farther into the bush than most, never fearing what he might run into. in his professional life, he is often chosen to work with new animals brought to the reserve because they seem very comfortable with him and he always seems to know what they need to feel most at home.
deity: epimetheus, the titan god of afterthought who was tasked with the creation of animals
myth background: epimetheus and his brother prometheus were tasked with populating the earth with animals and men. epimetheus was given a supply of gifts to bestow upon the animals but exhausted them before he was able to provide any to his brother’s masterpiece, mankind. as a result, his brother was forced to steal fire from heaven to arm them and was ultimately arrested and bound to a stake on mount kaukasos, where an eagle was set to feed upon him for eternity. pandora, the first woman, was created by zeus in his anger, allegedly as a means to deliver evil into the house of man. after she arrived and lifted the lid of a jar entrusted to her by the gods, thereby releasing a plague of harmful daimones to trouble mankind. epimetheus lived on, doomed to witness how his foolishness and lack of forethought destroyed those he loved.
manifested ability: an exceptional ability to interact with and calm wild animals, as well as the ability to persuade others to make impulsive decisions with little effort. 
locked ability: the ability to communicate telepathically with sacred animals and call upon them for protection from attack, perceive a person’s past regrets through physical touch, and reduce meticulous thought and concentration in others, making them less capable of formulating coherent plans and more likely to make poor decisions.
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