#Maharashtra tourism
roomselfcontain2 · 4 days
Renovated unique home decor visit website new pop studio room sectional couch and apartments for rent spacious big rooms for your family located at adageorge off iwofe road ph city rivers state Nigeria
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tia2018 · 2 months
Trirashmi Buddha Vihar Smarak Nasik, Pandav Leni, Places To Visit In Nashik Maharashtra, Travel Vlog
Trirashmi Buddha Vihar Smarak Nasik, Pandav Leni, Places To Visit In Nashik Maharashtra, Travel Vlog
After visiting Buddha Leni also known as Pandav Caves in Nashik, we headed to Trirashmi Buddha Smarak adjacent to it and is a well known Tourist and Pilgrimage place for Buddhist.. Located in Pathardi Phata in Nasik this place is clean and well maintained. Inside the temple is a huge gilded statue of Gautam Buddh. This is a Must Visit Place In Nasik.
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kawaiiindia · 6 months
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Welcome to Mumbai! a city that never sleeps and always captivates. Join me for a tour that transcends the ordinary, where every corner tells a tale and every moment is a celebration of Mumbai’s spirit – a city that is as dynamic as it is enchanting. Welcome to the city of dreams, where every street is a chapter waiting to be explored. I would be happy to guide you through this amazing city and show you everything that Mumbai has to offer!  
Our journey kicks off in the heart of South Mumbai at the iconic CST, where history whispers through the arches and the bustling energy of the city surrounds us. From there, we’ll weave through the vibrant streets, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells that make Mumbai truly one-of-a-kind. With each step, we’ll uncover hidden gems, from colonial-era landmarks to modern marvels, And as the sun dips below the horizon, our expedition culminates at the serene Bandra Bandstand, where we’ll pause to soak in the breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea. So, get ready to lose yourself in the magic of Mumbai – this journey promises to be a whirlwind of wonder and discovery!
Tour Duration: 5 hours
Here’s the breakdown of the 5-hour tour of Mumbai with the number of places mentioned below
Meetup and Introduction
CST: A Journey Through Mumbai’s Architectural Jewel
Explore Crawford Market’s Heritage: A Glimpse into Mumbai’s Rich History
Explore Colaba Causeway: Mumbai’s Colorful Tapestry of Shopping, Street Food, and Culture
Explore Kala Ghoda: A Journey Through Mumbai’s Street Art Scene
Explore Mumbai’s Art Gem: The Jehangir Art Gallery
Dhobi Ghat: A Journey Through the World’s Largest Open-Air Laundry
Bandra Railway Station: Witnessing Mumbai’s Pulse During Rush Hou
Bandra’s Railway Slums: Stories of Resilience in Mumbai’s Urban Landscape
Bandra Fort: Echoes of Mumbai’s Portuguese History Along the Coastline
Bandra Bandstand: Where Mumbai Meets the Arabian Sea in Style .. click the link below to know more
#mumbaitours #mumbaitourguide #incredibleindia #guidedmumbaitour #inde #indien #discoverindia
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2023/03/17 Después de un largo viaje llegamos a un pueblo donde hicimos una parada. En él encontramos a una señora tomando el sol en un parque.Vimos una cúpula acristalada. Una señora nos contó la historia del pueblo. Descubrimos el nombre del pueblo escrito en una plaza y vimos un edificio neoclásico.
After a long journey we arrived at a town where we made a stop. In it we find a lady sunbathing in a park. We saw a glass dome. A lady told us the history of the town. We discovered the name of the town written in a square and we saw a neoclassical building.
Google Translation into French: Après un long voyage, nous sommes arrivés dans une ville où nous avons fait une halte. On y trouve une dame qui prend un bain de soleil dans un parc et on y voit un dôme de verre. Une dame nous a raconté l'histoire de la ville. Nous avons découvert le nom de la ville écrit sur une place et nous avons vu un bâtiment néoclassique.
Google translation into Italian: Dopo un lungo viaggio, siamo arrivati ​​in una città dove ci siamo fermati. C'è una signora che prende il sole in un parco e vediamo una cupola di vetro. Una signora ci ha raccontato la storia della città. Abbiamo scoperto il nome della città scritto su una piazza e abbiamo visto un edificio neoclassico.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Depois de uma longa viagem, chegamos a uma cidade onde paramos. Há uma senhora tomando banho de sol em um parque e vemos uma cúpula de vidro. Uma senhora nos contou a história da cidade. Descobrimos o nome da cidade escrito em uma praça e vimos um prédio neoclássico.
Google Translation into German: Nach einer langen Fahrt kamen wir in einer Stadt an, wo wir anhielten. Eine Dame nimmt in einem Park ein Sonnenbad und wir sehen eine Glaskuppel. Eine Dame erzählte uns die Geschichte der Stadt. Wir entdeckten den Namen der Stadt geschrieben auf einem Platz und wir sahen ein neoklassizistisches Gebäude.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Pas një udhëtimi të gjatë arritëm në një qytet ku u ndalëm. Një zonjë po bën banja dielli në një park dhe ne shohim një kube xhami. Një zonjë na tregoi historinë e qytetit. Zbuluam emrin e qytetit të shkruar në një shesh dhe pamë një ndërtesë neoklasike.
Google Translation into Armenian: Երկար մեքենայով մենք հասանք մի քաղաք, որտեղ կանգ առանք։ Մի տիկին արևային լոգանք է ընդունում այգում, և մենք տեսնում ենք ապակե գմբեթ: Մի տիկին պատմեց մեզ քաղաքի պատմությունը։ Մենք հայտնաբերեցինք քաղաքի անունը գրված հրապարակում և տեսանք նեոկլասիկական շենք։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: След дълго пътуване пристигнахме в град, където спряхме. Дама се пече на слънце в парк и виждаме стъклен купол. Една дама ни разказа историята на града. Открихме името на града, изписано в квадрат и видяхме неокласическа сграда.
Google Translation into Czech: Po dlouhé cestě jsme dorazili do města, kde jsme zastavili. Dáma se opaluje v parku a my vidíme skleněnou kopuli. Jedna paní nám vyprávěla historii města. Objevili jsme název města napsaný na náměstí a viděli jsme neoklasicistní budovu.
Google Translation into Croatian: Nakon duge vožnje stigli smo u grad gdje smo stali. Gospođa se sunča u parku i vidimo staklenu kupolu. Jedna nam je gospođa ispričala povijest grada. Otkrili smo ime grada ispisano na kvadratu i vidjeli smo neoklasičnu zgradu.
Google Translation into Danish Efter en lang køretur ankom vi til en by, hvor vi stoppede. En dame soler sig i en park, og vi ser en glaskuppel. En dame fortalte os byens historie. Vi opdagede byens navn skrevet på en plads, og vi så en neoklassisk bygning.
Google Translation into Slovak: Po dlhej ceste sme dorazili do mesta, kde sme sa zastavili. Dáma sa opaľuje v parku a my vidíme sklenenú kupolu. Jedna pani nám porozprávala históriu mesta. Objavili sme názov mesta napísaný na námestí a videli sme neoklasicistickú budovu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Po dolgi vožnji smo prispeli v mesto, kjer smo se ustavili. Gospa se sonči v parku in vidimo stekleno kupolo. Neka gospa nam je pripovedovala zgodovino mesta. Odkrili smo ime mesta, napisano v kvadratu, in videli smo neoklasicistično stavbo.
Google Translation into Estonian: Peale pikka sõitu jõudsime linna, kus peatusime. Üks daam päevitab pargis ja me näeme klaaskuplit. Üks daam rääkis meile linna ajaloost. Avastasime väljakule kirjutatud linna nime ja nägime neoklassitsistlikku hoonet.
Google Translation into Suomi: Pitkän ajomatkan jälkeen saavuimme kaupunkiin, jossa pysähdyimme. Nainen ottaa aurinkoa puistossa ja näemme lasikupolin. Eräs nainen kertoi meille kaupungin historiasta. Löysimme kaupungin nimen kirjoitettuna aukiolle ja näimme uusklassisen rakennuksen.
Google Translation into Greek: Μετά από μια μεγάλη διαδρομή φτάσαμε σε μια πόλη όπου σταματήσαμε. Μια κυρία κάνει ηλιοθεραπεία σε ένα πάρκο και βλέπουμε έναν γυάλινο θόλο. Μια κυρία μας είπε την ιστορία της πόλης. Ανακαλύψαμε το όνομα της πόλης γραμμένο σε μια πλατεία και είδαμε ένα νεοκλασικό κτίριο.
Google Translation into Dutch: Na een lange rit kwamen we aan in een stadje waar we stopten. Een dame ligt te zonnen in een park en we zien een glazen koepel. Een dame vertelde ons de geschiedenis van de stad. We ontdekten de naam van de stad op een plein geschreven en we zagen een neoklassiek gebouw.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Etter en lang kjøretur kom vi til en by hvor vi stoppet. En dame soler seg i en park og vi ser en glasskuppel. En dame fortalte oss historien til byen. Vi oppdaget byens navn skrevet på et torg, og vi så en nyklassisistisk bygning.
Google Translation into Polish: Po długiej jeździe dotarliśmy do miasteczka, w którym się zatrzymaliśmy. Kobieta opala się w parku i widzimy szklaną kopułę. Pani opowiedziała nam historię miasta. Odkryliśmy nazwę miasta zapisaną w kwadracie i zobaczyliśmy neoklasycystyczny budynek.
Google Translation into Romanian: După un drum lung cu mașina am ajuns într-un oraș unde ne-am oprit. O doamnă face plajă într-un parc și vedem o cupolă de sticlă. O doamnă ne-a povestit istoria orașului. Am descoperit numele orașului scris într-o piață și am văzut o clădire neoclasică.
Google Translation into Russian: После долгой поездки мы прибыли в город, где остановились. Дама загорает в парке, и мы видим стеклянный купол. Женщина рассказала нам историю города. Мы обнаружили название города, написанное на площади, и увидели неоклассическое здание.
Google Translation into Serbian: После дуге вожње стигли смо до града где смо се зауставили. Дама се сунча у парку и видимо стаклену куполу. Једна госпођа нам је испричала историју града. Открили смо име града исписано на тргу и видели смо неокласичну зграду.
Google Translation into Swedish: Efter en lång bilresa kom vi fram till en stad där vi stannade. En dam solar i en park och vi ser en glaskupol. En dam berättade om stadens historia. Vi upptäckte stadens namn skrivet på ett torg och vi såg en nyklassicistisk byggnad.
Google Translation into Turkish: Uzun bir yolculuktan sonra durduğumuz bir kasabaya vardık. Bir bayan parkta güneşleniyor ve bir cam kubbe görüyoruz. Bir bayan bize şehrin tarihini anlattı. Bir meydanda şehrin adının yazılı olduğunu keşfettik ve neoklasik bir yapı gördük.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Після довгої їзди ми прибули до міста, де зупинилися. Жінка засмагає в парку, і ми бачимо скляний купол. Жінка розповіла нам історію міста. Ми знайшли назву міста, написану в квадраті, і ми побачили неокласичну будівлю.
Google Translation into Arabic: بعد رحلة طويلة وصلنا إلى بلدة توقفنا فيها. سيدة تستحم في حديقة ونرى قبة زجاجية. أخبرتنا سيدة بتاريخ المدينة. اكتشفنا اسم المدينة مكتوبًا في مربع ورأينا مبنى كلاسيكيًا جديدًا.
Google Translation into Bengali: একটা লং ড্রাইভ করার পর আমরা একটা শহরে এসে পৌঁছলাম যেখানে আমরা থামলাম। একজন মহিলা পার্কে সূর্যস্নান করছেন এবং আমরা একটি কাচের গম্বুজ দেখতে পাচ্ছি। একজন ভদ্রমহিলা আমাদের শহরের ইতিহাস বললেন। আমরা একটি বর্গক্ষেত্রে লেখা শহরের নাম আবিষ্কার করেছি এবং আমরা একটি নিওক্লাসিক্যাল বিল্ডিং দেখেছি।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 经过很长的车程,我们到达了一个小镇,并在那里停了下来。 一位女士在公园里晒日光浴,我们看到一个玻璃穹顶。 一位女士告诉我们这座城市的历史。 我们发现这个城市的名字写在一个广场上,我们看到了一座新古典主义建筑。
Google Translation into Korean: 긴 운전 끝에 우리는 우리가 멈춘 마을에 도착했습니다. 한 여성이 공원에서 일광욕을 하고 있는데 유리 돔이 보입니다. 한 여성이 우리에게 도시의 역사를 말했습니다. 우리는 광장에 쓰여진 도시 이름을 발견했고 신고전주의 건물을 보았습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: לאחר נסיעה ארוכה הגענו לעיירה בה עצרנו. גברת משתזפת בפארק ואנחנו רואים כיפת זכוכית. גברת סיפרה לנו את ההיסטוריה של העיר. גילינו את שם העיר כתוב בכיכר וראינו בניין ניאו-קלאסי.
Google Translation into Hindi: एक लंबी ड्राइव के बाद हम एक कस्बे में पहुँचे जहाँ हम रुके थे। एक महिला एक पार्क में धूप सेंक रही है और हमें एक कांच का गुंबद दिखाई देता है। एक महिला ने हमें शहर का इतिहास बताया। हमने शहर का नाम एक वर्ग में लिखा हुआ पाया और हमने एक नियोक्लासिकल इमारत देखी।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Setelah perjalanan panjang kami tiba di sebuah kota tempat kami berhenti. Seorang wanita sedang berjemur di taman dan kami melihat kubah kaca. Seorang wanita memberi tahu kami sejarah kota. Kami menemukan nama kota yang tertulis dalam kotak dan kami melihat sebuah bangunan neoklasik.
Google Translation into Japanese: 長いドライブの後、私たちは立ち寄った町に到着しました。 女性が公園で日光浴をしていると、ガラスのドームが見えます。 女性が街の歴史を教えてくれました。 四角に書かれた街の名前を発見し、新古典主義の建物を見ました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Узак жол жүрүп, бир шаарга келип токтодук. Бир аял паркта күнгө күйүп жатат, биз айнек куполду көрүп жатабыз. Бир айым бизге шаардын тарыхын айтып берди. Биз шаардын атын аянтка жазылган таап, неоклассикалык имаратты көрдүк.
Google Translation into Malay: Setelah lama perjalanan kami tiba di sebuah pekan tempat kami berhenti. Seorang wanita sedang berjemur di taman dan kami melihat kubah kaca. Seorang wanita memberitahu kami sejarah bandar itu. Kami menemui nama bandar yang ditulis di dataran dan kami melihat sebuah bangunan neoklasik.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Удаан явсны эцэст бид нэгэн хотод ирлээ. Нэгэн эмэгтэй цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнд наранд шарж байхад бид шилэн бөмбөгөр харагдаж байна. Нэгэн бүсгүй бидэнд хотын түүхийг ярьж өгсөн. Бид хотын нэрийг дөрвөлжин хэлбэрээр бичсэнийг олж хараад неоклассик барилгыг харлаа.
Google Translation into Nepali: लामो यात्रा पछि हामी एउटा सहरमा आइपुग्यौं जहाँ हामी रोकियौं। एउटी महिला पार्कमा घाम नुहाउँदै छिन् र हामीले काँचको गुम्बज देख्यौं। एउटी महिलाले सहरको इतिहास सुनाइन् । हामीले एउटा स्क्वायरमा लेखिएको सहरको नाम पत्ता लगायौं र हामीले एउटा नियोक्लासिकल भवन देख्यौं।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਇੱਕ ਲੰਬੀ ਗੱਡੀ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਕਸਬੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਹੁੰਚੇ ਜਿੱਥੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਰੁਕੇ। ਇੱਕ ਔਰਤ ਇੱਕ ਪਾਰਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੂਰਜ ਨਹਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਸ਼ੀਸ਼ੇ ਦਾ ਗੁੰਬਦ ਦੇਖਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਇੱਕ ਔਰਤ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦਾ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਦੱਸਿਆ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਵਰਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਿਖਿਆ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦਾ ਨਾਮ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਨਿਓਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਇਮਾਰਤ ਦੇਖੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: له اوږده مزل وروسته موږ یو ښار ته ورسیدو چیرې چې موږ ودریدو. یوه ښځه په یوه پارک کې د لمر غسل کوي او موږ د شیشې گنبد وینو. یوې ښځې د ښار تاریخ راته وویل. موږ په یوه مربع کې د ښار نوم لیکلی و او موږ یو نوی کلاسیک ودانۍ ولیدله.
Google Translation into Persian: پس از یک رانندگی طولانی به شهری رسیدیم که در آنجا توقف کردیم. خانمی در پارکی در حال آفتاب گرفتن است و ما یک گنبد شیشه ای را می بینیم. خانمی تاریخ شهر را برای ما تعریف کرد. ما نام شهر را که در یک میدان نوشته شده بود کشف کردیم و یک ساختمان نئوکلاسیک را دیدیم.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Saatos perjalanan anu panjang, kami dugi ka hiji kota dimana urang dieureunkeun. A nona keur sunbathing di taman sarta kami ningali kubah kaca. A nona ngawartoskeun kami sajarah kota. Urang manggihan ngaran kota ditulis dina alun-alun jeung urang nempo wangunan neoklasik.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Matapos ang mahabang biyahe ay nakarating kami sa isang bayan kung saan kami huminto. Isang babae ang nagsasa-araw sa isang parke at nakita namin ang isang glass dome. Sinabi sa amin ng isang babae ang kasaysayan ng lungsod. Natuklasan namin ang pangalan ng lungsod na nakasulat sa isang parisukat at nakakita kami ng isang neoclassical na gusali.
Google Translation into Thai: หลังจากขับรถมาเป็นเวลานาน เราก็มาถึงเมืองแห่งหนึ่งที่เราแวะพัก ผู้หญิงกำลังอาบแดดในสวนสาธารณะและเราเห็นโดมแก้ว ผู้หญิงคนหนึ่งเล่าประวัติศาสตร์ของเมืองให้เราฟัง เราค้นพบชื่อเมืองที่เขียนอยู่ในจัตุรัส และเราเห็นอาคารสไตล์นีโอคลาสสิก
Google Translation into Urdu: ایک طویل سفر کے بعد ہم ایک قصبے میں پہنچے جہاں ہم رک گئے۔ ایک خاتون ایک پارک میں سورج نہا رہی ہے اور ہمیں شیشے کا گنبد نظر آ رہا ہے۔ ایک خاتون نے شہر کی تاریخ بتائی۔ ہم نے ایک چوک میں شہر کا نام لکھا ہوا دریافت کیا اور ہم نے ایک نو کلاسیکل عمارت دیکھی۔
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bhramanti · 2 years
Daulatabad Fort, also known as Devagiri Fort or Deogiri Fort, is a historic fortified citadel located in Daulatabad village near Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. It was the capital of the Yadava dynasty (9th century–14th century CE)
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xplorerealm · 2 years
The Goa Files ‘Hat Katro Khamb’ of Goa Do you know about it? The atrocities that were faced by the Hindus of Goa. 'Hat Katro Khamb' is referred to as in Konkani, Hat means‘Hand’, Kataro means ‘Cut’ and Khambh called ‘Pillar’ which literally means a pillar where hands were chopped.
Hath Kataro Khambh of Goa was used to tie and amputate arms of those Hindus who refused to covert to Christianity. This is blood stained history of Goa which no one wants to discuss.
We need one more file on Goa like the Kashmir Files to expose
the crimes done by Francis Xavier ( co-founder of the Society of Jesus ) on HIndus.
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annando123 · 6 days
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ksrglobalaquarium · 15 days
Feel the serenity of Agro-tourism in Maharashtra | KSR Global Aquarium
In one of the best tourist attractions in Maharashtra, the KSR Global Aquarium, you can learn everything about agro tourism in Maharashtra. There are hundreds of attractions scattered across the country, ranging from nature to farming to culture, which makes it an ideal destination for travelers looking for unique and immersive experiences. The perfect place to take your family and get in touch with nature. Book your tour, contact or visit us online at https://ksrglobalaquarium.com/ksr-agro-tourism/ today!
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roomselfcontain2 · 8 days
Under decking self-contain room visit website pls note the owner is relocating pay now and parking next month almost brand new house a year old under deck house layout design shredded wall wardrobe kitchen furniture decoration this house is very close to the road with stable power supply daily located at Nta road before ozuoba in port Harcourt city rivers state Nigeria.
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tia2018 · 19 days
3 Idiots, Boys Leisure Trip To Nowhere In Karjat Just To Spend Night Chit Chatting Doing Nothing.
3 Idiots, Boys Leisure Trip To Nowhere In Karjat Just To Spend Night Chit Chatting Doing Nothing.
Travelling nowhere with friends. Just find a room and sit and chit chat and do nothing. Time spent doing nothing with friends is time well spent. Two bikes 3 of us went to Karjat Murbad road to find a small room and take rest.
Please donate at helptia@upi
Join this channel to see first and see more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA76IRW0wHDYXP1hVbcsGJA/join
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/travellingissawesome/
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Maharashtra Budget 2024: Key Highlights and Major Initiatives Unveiled by Deputy CM Ajit Pawar
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pavankumarjerpula · 29 days
Please subscribe.
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nando161mando · 1 month
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🇮🇳 ITBP Soldiers Hoist Tricolor at 12,000 Feet in Ladakh, Leh State of India, to Mark 75 Years of Independence 🎉
In the Leh region of Ladakh, ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police) soldiers raised the Indian tricolor 🇮🇳 at a remarkable altitude of 12,000 feet 🏔️. This act was a part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, an initiative celebrating 75 years of India’s independence 🎊. The Government of India is marking this significant milestone with various events, and ITBP personnel contributed by proudly displaying the national flag and sharing images 📸 of the moment.
The soldiers also issued a heartfelt appeal 📢 to citizens, urging everyone to participate in the 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign by hoisting the national flag at their homes 🏠 from August 13 to 15, commemorating the 75th Independence Day 🇮🇳. Across the country, both government and private organizations are organizing events under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav banner, including tricolor marches 🚩 and street performances 🎭.
In Uttar Pradesh, the state government, led by Yogi Adityanath, is distributing two crore tricolors to households 🏡. The state has set an ambitious goal of hoisting four crore flags 🎯. According to reports, the Yogi government has allocated a budget 💰 specifically for this initiative, ensuring widespread participation in the 'Har Ghar Tiranga' program.
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qcertify-global · 1 month
Happy Independence Day, India!
As we celebrate 77 years of freedom, QCertify Global proudly salutes the spirit of unity, resilience, and excellence that defines our great nation.
Let's continue striving for progress and quality in every aspect of our lives, upholding the values that our freedom fighters fought for.
May the tricolor always fly high as we commit to building a stronger, more prosperous, and developed India. 🌟
Wishing you all a joyous Independence Day! qcertifyglobal.com | +91 73494 31654 | qcertifyglobal.nl
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IndependenceDay2024 #ProudlyIndian #QCertifyGlobal #QualityCertification #ISOCertification #StrivingForExcellence
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