mrneighbourlove · 8 months
Glass Love and Desire: Ch 2. Return to Home
A week went by with Malakath healing his injured body. He took his medicine for the first few days, then added workouts, physically getting in shape again. Soon he’d have to practice his pyro kinesis again.
Chione had been keeping a close eye on Mally. On the following day, when she had found him trying to do push ups with an injured arm, she had chided him severely, and somehow managed to convince him to wait another day. The second day, there was no stopping him, so Chione sighed exasperatedly and informed him if he made it worse, she was not fixing his arm again. Yet, it was an empty threat. The third day, Mally seemed like he was bored and wanted something to do. Chione put him to work, showing him how to pull weeds out of her garden. Mally had balked at first, scowling and giving a small rant in his own language. She did not relent and thrust the basket into his hands, insisting he pull weeds if he wanted something to do. He sulked at first, but then pulled up the weeds with her. 
Half the week had passed. The fourth day, Chione had found him looking through some of her books. She did not have many, most were about plants, but a few were on Naran culture. When Mally would point to a figure, she would give him the word in her tongue. He seemed especially interested with the pages about Daidan Drakes, eagerly pointing to the giant reptiles and then a map. Chione supposed he wanted to know where the drakes lived. The botanist could not help but laugh at his boy-like wonder over the drakes, but there was no chance she was pointing out where the reptiles lived on the map. A drake could swallow him whole! Drakes were not pets. The fifth day, Chione dragged Melly into the kitchen with her. She was trying to show him how to make fresh bread. He stood there, confused, until she showed him to beat and knead the dough. Once again, her efforts were met with a bit of protests, until she pointed sharply at the dough. Yet, he seemed to enjoy beating the dough like it was a punching bag. After the sweet bread came out of the brick oven, Chione offered him a piece with homemade jam. She wondered if he ever had jelly bun before as fast as he ate the treat. It was rather cute.
The sixth day was a bit different. Mally kept trying to walk to the river, and for a moment, Chione thought he would return to Nuabi's homeland under the water. Yet, it seemed he just wanted to take a bath. She had tried to keep him as clean as possible, but ultimately, she understood the desire to have a relaxing bath. When he suddenly stripped with intention to show off his body, Mally had stood there, almost like he was a preening peacock in the Patriarch's Palace. Chione was no stranger to a male's body and sat there on the bank, waiting for him. Yet, Mally was not having that. No, he had splashed her with the water, earning an outraged squeal from the botanist, before he tried to drag her into the river. Chione ended up dunking him under the water and scowling since her clothes and hair were soaked. Later, the smug man kept pointing to his hair and holding out a comb to Chione. Grumbling, the Nara took the comb and worked out the tangles in his hair before braiding it, calling him an insufferable brat the entire time, saying he was lucky he was still healing.
Now, Mally was almost healed. It was shocking to see his arm recover from being broken so fast, but then again, she assumed water sprite biology was different than botanist. As Mally proceeded to test his body's strength again, Chione sat on a bench nearby and sliced the fresh mangoes from the trees she grew.
Malakath had enjoyed some of his time here. Whole house work was normally beneath him, it did help him gain his strength back. More so, he was becoming more and more enamoured with Chione. She was a fine specimen of a woman in his eyes. Yet, he was still frustrated by a few things. First off, no one had seemingly come to find him. Yes, they were on foreign lands to hunt down Waku that spread out like weed's roots, but he was a prince. He was sure his father was frantic in finding him. Or at the very least his sister. 
But perhaps that was the point. Was his defeat a weakness they couldn’t stomach? Perhaps his twin would take advantage of that to have the throne for herself. 
Even if his family wasn’t looking, what about the army? Not knowing this foreign land wasn’t an excuse. They should have at least followed the river. 
Then there was the language barrier between himself and Chione. All this care and attention and he couldn’t even hold a conversation. Sure they had communicated well with physical gestures and common sense, but Malakath wanted to speak to her openly. Although, it did, for now, have one advantage. He could speak plainly to her about anything with a straight face and he was sure she didn’t understand.
Grabbing the mango, he bit a large chunk of it. “I wonder if your lips are sweeter than this fruit.”
"Hungry again? I never knew Nuabi's children could have such appetites." Chione watched as he eagerly ate the mango. Peeling another, the botanist was usually careful with the knife as she sectioned the fruit into pieces. Yet, this time, her grip slipped from the juices and she managed to cut her index finger. Hissing softly, Chione shook her hand and then noticed the blood. "Damn it."
Malakath watched the blood closely. He found himself frowning at her pain. Wait, why should he care? He was a prince. Yet he did. Walking forward, he grabbed her hand, then held her finger. 
“Hold still.”
Focusing intently, he allowed his fire to gently laser in from his palm into the cut. There was a warmth from a source she couldn’t see, but a bright yellow glow like the sun came out from his clenched hand. When he was done, he let go and her finger had stopped bleeding. 
It looked as if her finger had been gently cartelized. Malakath let out a breath once he was done. “I believe that should suffice.”
"What are you doing?" Chione asked as he took her hand in his, inspecting her cut finger. She noted him frowning and staring at the blood. A small cut like this was not enough to maim her. Mally was acting as if she was terribly injured. It was rather endearing. "I'll be okay, it's just a cut---what?!"
The Naran woman was shocked when she felt his touch grow warm. The yellow radiating from his touch was unexpected. Yet, she did not pull away, too stunned to do so. As Mally released her hand, Chione did not realize he had fire magic, but rather thought it was some sort of healing technique. Her flesh looked slightly different around the cut, but it did not hurt. Perhaps this was why he could not heal himself, he was too weak, but now, his power had returned?
Blinking, Chione looked at her finger, curious, "How did you do that?"
“I am a prince. A lord of fire.” Malakath saw her point at her finger and assumed she wanted an explanation. He would reveal himself fully, he felt the power coming back to him. “Behold and witness me.”
Stepping back, he raised both hands into the air. Breathing the hot air around him and feeling the heat of the sun, he channeled and showed off an incredible display of fire. Rising high into the clouds, a tower of fire burned, a beacon of his power. With some alterations, he had it spread out to look like a Phoenix. Fitting, seeing he felt reborn.
Whoever Mally was, he most certainly was not a child of Nuabi, the water goddess. Startled, Chione stood up from her bench and backed away from the man, dropping her basket of fruit and peeling knife. What was this?! Was he a demigod? A fallen deity? A powerful magician? Answers eluded Chione for now, but she was more focused on not being turned into a pile of ash. While Mally had not threatened her before, she could not help but be cautious now.
Malakath stopped his display, all the flames dissipating. When he saw her reaction, he frowned. Was she afraid? She should be in awe!  Stepping forward, he held out a hand. “You have nothing to fear from me.”
Chione glanced at him, and then at his hand. The botanist still felt a little unsure. Though, she supposed logic would argue if he wanted to hurt her with such fire, Mally could have potentially done so earlier. Slowly, Chione extended her hand to take his, still cautious, but also curious. She looked at his palm and then turned it over to look at the top of his hand. Where did the fire come from? Did he just... summon it from nowhere? While the Nara was initially a little frightened, her inquisitiveness was also getting the best of her. If this man was not a child of Nuabi... what was he? 
"What are you?" Chione knew he could not understand her, but still voiced her questions. "... who are you?" Surely someone with such power was of great importance. Even so, what force could have washed him up at her doorstep in such a terrible state? "Are you a child of Atanna? Part of the blazing sun?"
He held her hand, another reaching to hold her by her shoulder. “I’m sure you’re fascinated by me. How I wish I could speak to you.”
Malakath felt his groin area burn looking at her. She was gorgeous and it was becoming harder and harder for him to deny. “In some ways it’s been nice the way you‘ve treated me without knowing who I am. There’s an honesty in that. But I’m selfish I suppose. I want you to know who I am. I want to know more about you.”
Was Mally trying to assure her with his hand upon her shoulder? It was a simple gesture, but a sweet one from such a powerful man. Chione gave Mally a soft smile as he spoke, not understanding, but figuring there were words of reassurance. Perhaps she could obtain a partial answer in regards to his fire magic.
"Atanna?" Chione pointed to the sun, trying to mimic being hot by waving her face. "You're a child of the sun? The fire in the sky?"
“Atanna?” Was that a god? He pointed to the sun and all around him. “My people were crafted by a God called Exodrum. The Father of Fire and Power. I am an avatar of power.” He pointed at himself. “I am a Hasai.”
"Ha... sa... e?" Chione had never heard of such a name before. How could clarify the meaning? Was it the name of his people? Or the name of his divine parents? She thought for a moment, then spoke. "Nara." She gestured to herself, making sure to note her horns and tail for emphasis, and then to him. "Hasai?"
At last. He had a name for her people. Assuming she wasn't a unique one of a kind. His hand went down her shoulder to around her waist. With his other hand, he gestured towards her horns. "A Nara. Hasai don't have horns. May I feel them? I'm curious by the texture."
"Nara, yes." It appeared Mally understood what she was trying to insinuate. "We are the descendants of Daidan, the first drake to rule the desert and his lover, the sorceress, Aliyah."
The sudden touch on her hip nearly caused her to jump. Chione was not expecting him to touch her so casually. Being a... Hasai, Mally left no thoughts to personal boundaries, did he? Maybe this was normal in his culture. Then once more, the man motioned to her horns and Chione turned slightly red. This was going to be harder to explain.
She tried her best, "Sensitive. Um..." Chione remembered how he grabbed her tail. She motioned to her tail, then to her horns with a bit of a flustered face. "Sensitive. Like my tail, okay?"
Was she blushing? Malakath felt a sense of pride. Of course she was. He was a specimen of his man and he would be well suited and cared for in his hands. Grinning like a scoundrel, he put on a polite face. "I'll be careful." 
Gently, his hand went to her horn.
"Rrrrrrrrhhhhrrrrhnnnmmm." Chione could not suppress the purr rumbling up from her throat when Mally suddenly touched her curved horn. It was almost an automatic reaction from the pleasurable sensation. Snapping back to her senses, a shade the color of blood flooded her cheeks as she removed Mally's hand from her horn. "I told you my horns are sensitive, okay?"
Malakath was stunned by the *noise* that came out of her. All the bravado sucked out of him. Stepping back, he gulped down that insecurity. He then turned side ways, hoping she wouldn’t know his growing ‘Royal Rod’. “That was some reaction.”
"Oh, I'm not growling at you!" Chione noticed his surprised expression, and apologized. "It's just... a Nara's horns and tail are very sensitive, okay? It's an... erogenous zone." She wanted to smack herself. Sighing, the flustered botanist ran a hand down her face, hiding the blush. "I'm trying to explain this to you and you can't even understand me."
Taking a few breaths to calm himself down, he pointed to the outside world. “I can walk. I want you to show me where I am. Can you do that?”
"... you want to walk around?" Chione was grateful he was changing the subject per se. "Sure, we can do that."
Malakath strode out towards the smell of the river, not having a worry in the world.
"Is there something you want to see here?" Chione asked, noting him looking out over the river. "Be careful. I don't want to have to fish you out of the water again."
Malakath looked around, trying to see if there were any high peaks he could look from. “There has to be other Hasai around. I’m sure of it.”
"Are you looking for someone?" Chione noticed him glancing about the landscape. Was he trying to... figure out where he was? Maybe he did not know. She did live on the outskirts of the kingdom's capital. Maybe if she showed him on a map, he would have a better idea of where he was. "Here," Chione always took a map with her when gathering plants. It was easier to mark where spots were for gathering Kamazu plants or others for selling at the market. Opening her map, the Nara pointed to the river upon it. "Aaru. Aaru River."
Map seemed to be the size of the country. Or at least the territory. He gestured his arms out to have a larger size. “I need bigger.”
"A world map?" Chione noticed the gesture of his arms indicating he wanted a larger view. "I'm sorry. I don't think I have one, but..." She picked up a stick and started to draw in the mud from the riverbank. Firstly, Chione outlined the shape of Al-Daidan. Then, she etched Danjur. After that, she drew the borders which met her home of Omisha and Malus. Labrynna and Hyrule were last. Though, the writing was in her language. So, Chione did her best to clarify for Mally. "Al-Daida. Omisha. Malus. Danjur. Labrynna. Hyrule."
Malakath watched closely. He had names now for every country on the continent! So much territory! So much land outside the empire. And there it was. He pointed to a beach that was right on the border of Omisha and Al-Daida. “This is where we made landfall tracking the traitors. I was able to travel inland, to this jungle top. I must have fallen into the river here, and traveled all the way… here. To you.”
"Oh... here? The Kemet Beach?" Chione recalled the beautiful beaches with black sand. She tried to think of how many days it would take to get to that location from her home. The Nara held up three fingers, hoping he would understand. "Three days."
Three days? Or three weeks. Either way, the prince frowned at the information. Was that by mount? Or by *walking*? The thought disgusted him. Nevertheless, that was his reality. “I suppose we have quite the journey then.”
"Kemet Beach," Chione marked the spot Mally had indicated. She tapped her feet with the stick and imitated walking, following the river. Then once more, she held up three fingers. "Three days by foot."
Though, it begged the question, why did he want to go there? Nonetheless, if Mally deserved to leave, he was free to do so. Chione glanced upward at the sky and noticed the angle of the shadows. It was time to go to the markets! She had to hurry to set up her stall or her customers would be most dissatisfied.
She told Mally, "I need to go to work now. It's time to sell my plants." This would be difficult to explain. Well, it was best to make use of the riverbank's mud while she was here. The Nara jotted a picture of the market, and her selling plants. It was noticeable that the figure was her, due to her curved horns. Then motioned to herself. "I need to go to work."
“You need to help me.” Malakath pointed to himself, then her. He then realized something. Grabbing a stick, he drew a crown in the sand. He then pointed at himself more confidently. “I am royalty. You will be greatly rewarded for your time spent helping me.”
"You... want to see the Patriarch?" Chione blinked at the drawing of a crown, misunderstanding his meaning completely. She drew a Nara with long, angular horns underneath the crown, and gave Mally a look of puzzlement. "Patriarch of the Nara? I doubt he'll see you. He won't see us common folk."
Yes! She was finally clueing into who she was! “Yes! I’m royalty! I’m Prince Malakath! Come on, we can leave now!”
"...?" Chione heard him say his own name and then gesture to the crown. Wait, was he saying he was a noble? Perhaps the Hasai were demigods and lived a mortal life, even with such power. When Mally gestured to the beach again, the realization finally struck Chione of what he wanted. "Wait, you want me," She gestured to herself, "To take you," She then pointed to the spot on her crudely drawn map. "To Kemet Beach?"
The prince nodded his head with a great amount of enthusiasm “Yes! You know the land! You will be my guide!”
Chione busted out laughing at his enthusiasm to travel to Kemet Beach. At his expression of displeasure, the Nara uttered one word with a shake of her head.
"No." Chione shook her hand in dismissal. "No, no way. There's drakes, crocodiles, and venomous snakes along the river and I don't have a boat. There's no way I'm walking there."
Malakath had certainly learned what her word was for ‘no’ over the week. He took her hand again. “I can’t afford to wait. I need to go to my people now. They need me.”
"Crocodiles." Chione etched the reptile in the mud alongside a huge drake. Then, she shook her head once more. This was the only way to get him to understand. He seemed sincere, but she was not taking him into a death trap of a landscape. "Drakes. Not safe."
“I’ve killed Dragons.”
"Are you really that insistent upon going?" Chione sounded exasperated. 
This was going to be difficult. She tried to think of a way to get him there without the river. There were sand rays, but that was a long shot. Sand rays were really picky about who they allowed upon their backs to be carried across the desert. Not to mention, sand rays required a token for their efforts. What could she offer? 
Touching the jingling adornment one horn, it was all the jewelry Chione had left. Her family was gone. It was just her now. To part with it was nearly an unbearable thought. Sand rays adored shiny trinkets and she was sure it would be accepted. But... if Mally had to go, she could not deny him. After all, with that kind of power, he had to be someone important. Perhaps his Hasai deity would look upon her with favor.
It appeared she would not make it to the market today. The desert was just a short walk away from her own humble abode. Chione silently motioned for Mally to come with her. Returning to her home, she packed him a bag full of food to last the journey. Instead of three days, the sand rays could get him there in one. Once she was finished, she urged Mally to follow.
Malakath was pleased by this course of action. She was doing the correct thing in helping her. Once she was prepared, he followed her lead. Like it or not, she had part of his safety in her hands.
It was an odd structure to approach. There was a set of stone stairs leading to nowhere in the beginning of the vast desert. Chione stood still for a moment, taking in the surroundings. Then, she whistled as loudly as she could. A few minutes passed, but she waited patiently. It was only when the ground started rumbling horribly that she noted Mally's alarm.
"It's okay! It's okay!" Chione assured him. It was not long before the sand ray rose from the ground with a deafening echo emitting from its mouth. As the massive sand ray urged from the desert, Chione quickly knelt on the stairs to nowhere. Tugging Mally's shirt insistently, she nearly dragged him down as well. Sand rays were noble creatures, back from the times of the ancient nomadic days of her people. It was an incredible creature, larger than most dragons, but docile to most.
The gargantuan sand ray stared at Chione with those black eyes and then at Mally. It was waiting to see who summoned him. Taking off the adornment from her horn, she held it in her upturned palms as an offering with her head slightly bowed. She made sure to speak with the most elegance she could muster. 
She asked, "Please, oh guardian of the desert, will you take my friend, Mally, to Kemet Beach? I believe there are some like him there and he wishes to return home. I offer you this trinket, adorned with black opals, as a tribute for his passage."
The sand ray clicked in response, eyeing the horn adornment. Pleased with the offering, the sand ray then extended one of its long whiskers to grasp the jewelry. Then, in a flash of an eye, it had absorbed the minerals from the gold and opal. To the sand rays, precious gems or jewels were a source of energy. Then, the beast lowered its head so Mally could walk onto his body.
Malakath watched in wonder at the creature. As he walked on, he turned to Chione, offering a hand. “Come on. We need to continue forward.”
As Mally extended his hand, Chione gave a sad smile and shook her head. It was rather sweet that he wanted her to come, but she could not. She held up one finger, then pointed to her horn, then to him. The trinket was only good for passage for one.
"I'm sorry," Chione gave a soft wave to him as the sand ray started to move. "But this is where we part ways. If you come back to Al-Daida again, come by to see me. I'll miss your company."
Malakath stared like a reptile, his gaze eying the gem she sacrificed to the creature. Was that what was required? A trinket? 
Looking at his hand, the prince pulled off a Ruby ring that had been given to him by his father as a gift for his 18th birthday. He could simply get another one. He walked forward and placed it in her hand. “Use this. Come with me.”
"...?! What? No, no, no, this is yours!" Chione protested, not wanting to sacrifice the ring to the sand ray. If a Hasai was part of a divinity, even a small chance, it would not be right to take such a precious token from him! "I'll have to find a way back. It would be useless for me to go with you---hey!!!"
When Mally yanked her onto the sand ray, she saw the whisker take the brilliant ruby and break down the gem for energy. Well, so much for protesting. The stubborn man just had to get his way, didn't he? Chione gave him a brief look of annoyance before sitting down on the sand ray. She gave the immense beast's head a pat as it rumbled in appreciation. At first, the creature simply shifted through the desert dunes, getting a bit faster and faster... until with a giant flap of its wings, it started to soar through the sky.
Malakath watched in wonder as the creature took off through the sky! It was a marvelous feeling to have the air through his hair and hit his skin. Spreading his arms out, he laughed in triumph. “Yes! I’m king of the world!”
"Seems like you're enjoying your first time on a sand ray." Chione snickered a little at his awe of flying throughout the desert sky. Though, it was not a good idea to stand for too long. Gently, she tugged on his pant leg, indicating he needed to sit. "Brace yourself. When they land to get more speed, it will be bumpy."
Malakath took his seat beside her, his grin looking almost radiant. “Chione. This is magnificent.” 
He found himself staring into her eyes, a little longer than normal.
"Ramlah Rayan." Chione patted the sand ray underneath her hand, speaking in her native tongue. It was what Mally heard as she spoke due to the language barrier. She was trying to tell him what the beautiful and majestic sand rays were called. "I loved to watch them in their flocks when I was small. You should wait and see when many of them travel together. Leaping and twirling, playing like kids."
Malakath found himself just liking the sound of her voice. Was soothing, like glass he supposed. He nodded along, eying the way her hair flowed through the wind.
It only took a few hours via sand ray to arrive at the other side of the desert. Kemet Beach had black sand from the nearby volcanic mountains which surrounded the Malus border. It was a lovely landscape, providing rich fertile grounds to the borders of Omisha as well. Stopping at another stairway to nowhere, the sand ray waited patiently while Mally disembarked. Chione soothed the sand ray with a few words of praise, asking it to stay nearby so she could have passage back home.
Stepping off gracefully, Malakath took Chione’s hand. “I suppose thanks are in order.”
"Yes, this is Kemet Beach," Chione assured Mally as she carefully took his hand to steady her steps while dismounting the sand ray. "This is where you wanted to come, right?"
Malakath looked at the sand she pointed out. He had certainly received reports of black sand, but had not seen this area himself. The location his ships made landfall on were full of yellow sand, not black. He walked around, scanning for signs of his people. “There has to be someone nearby…”
Taking a breath, he looked to the sky and raised his hands. Once again, he fired a pillar of fire into the sky. The flames burned brightly and acted as a prime beacon. As his flames fizzled out, he took a deep breath, glancing back at Chione as he took a seat. “I suppose we’ll just have to wait.”
Once more, Chione was amazed by the beautiful display of fire. Yet, she then noticed the crackling underneath Mally's feet. Excited, she tugged at his arm and gestured to the striking glass forming with streaks of colorful sand.
"Look! Look!" Chione bent down to observe the formation of glass, which was speckled with the various colors of black sand. "Isn't it beautiful? This can also happen when lightning strikes sand. It takes its own shape unless molded by careful hands. This is very expensive, all the nobles have a piece."
Looking down, Malakath's eyes widened. Sand meeting fire, of course! For someone of his talents, he could craft whatever he chose! Perhaps, a gift was in order. 
Motioning her to step back, he fired a stream of fire at the sand. Carefully, and it took a few attempts, the end result was a necklace made of glass. Picking it up, Malakath could feel that it was fragile as it was dazzling, but it would hold its form as long as it wasn’t dropped. “Here. For you.”
"... you want me to take this?" 
Chione carefully took the crafted glass and stared at the marvel of such a fine piece of jewelry. There were no precious gemstones or gold embedded into it, but nevertheless, it was still beautiful. Though, she mistook the purpose of the piece. Chione thought it was a head piece instead of a necklace. So, she took one end and attached it to the left horn and then the right, a small section of the necklace drooping over her forehead. Horn adornments were very popular in Naran culture, as a way to show off and to signal status. The more adornments, the richer the individual.
Malakath watched in wonder as she placed it upon her forehead. She made her own intent behind beauty. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone, even a Hasai, as beautiful as you my dear.”
"Thank you for the horn piece," Chione knew that a sign of thanks in Naran culture was to briefly touch heads. Females were usually gentler with approach, rubbing foreheads for a moment or so, while males were more heartier, maybe even a headbutt for those who were close. She did not think it would be a good idea to suddenly do this without knowing his people's customs. The last thing she wanted to do was offend. So, she could only smile as a token of thanks for the time being. "I'll be sure to wear it as often as I can."
Malakath looked around, spotting a good tree that could shelter them from the elements. “I’m going to set up a place for us to camp for the night. It shouldn’t be too long I hope until we see other Hasai.”
Nightfall at Kemet Beach was quite a scene to witness. The setting sun made the black sand sparkle with an iridescent light. Yet, since the beach was in proximity to the desert, the temperature was rather cold. Sitting in front of the fire, Chione really wished she had brought better clothes from her modest home. Then again, she really had not planned on accompanying Mally to Kemet Beach.
Turning the fish, Chione checked to see if the meal was done and then offered the largest one to Mally. When he stared at it, the botanist then took another fish roasting over the fish and eagerly bit into it. The flavor was wonderful. 
For a treat, she had gathered a few coconuts from the surrounding palm trees. Now, that had been an amusing event. Mally had been ready to throw a fireball at one of the fruits, but Chione climbed the tree with ease. She was not sure if his sudden strident words had been from concern or surprise. With her strength, it was no feat for her to climb the tree nor to open the coconuts. The Nara simply bashed two of the coconuts to split the fruit in half.
Rubbing her arms, the Nara inched slightly closer to the fire. While she could tolerate extreme temperatures from the desert, the cold at night was not exactly kind.
Malakath was doing his best to not visibly shiver from the cold. His homeland didn’t have cold nights like these, so frigid and cold. Yet he would not look weak in front of Chione. 
He kept the fire going, making it blaze bright with a snap of his fingers every once in a while. Looking to the Nara, Malakath flexed a smile. “It’s amazing you live in a country with cold nights like these.”
"Thank you for stoking the fire again," Chione offered Mally another fish and piece of the coconut. "At least the trees block a bit of the wind."
Malakath looked around, staring up at the stars. He liked to imagine he could feel the heat, even with them so far away. Scooting closer to Chione, the Ocho scratched his chin. "I wonder how much your people would be open to becoming part of the empire."
Chione noticed Mally staring at the sky. Was he looking at the constellations? Taking a small piece of driftwood, the Nara staring outline some of the stars. Then, she connected the stars to show the various constellations in the sky.
"Daiden the Drake. Aliyah the Sorceress." Chione named each for Mally. "Amek, the Mother of All. Temsah the Great Jaws of the River."
Was she pointing out constellations? Malakath supposed he could do the same. He pointed upwards, pointing at other stars. "Ghidorat, the Great Destroyer. Mothberra, the Cosmic Flame. Both in tandem, flying in each other's path." 
Gently, his free hand reached out to grab hers.
"My father was an astronomer, and my mother sold flowers." Chione knew he could not understand her, but it still felt nice to talk. "He once gave my mother a piece of a fallen star as a gift. We buried her with it. Then I buried him with the piece of her horn." It made her sad to think of her parents. "I'm their only child, so... I miss them. But sometimes, when I look at the sky, I think they're still there. Watching from the heavens."
When Mally took her hand, Chione gave it a soft squeeze.
Malakath looked to see her expression soften. Her eyes seemed different, filled with remembrance. Something lost perhaps? When she squeezed back, he spoke gently to her. “I wish you would come with me. I know that every motion you’ve made has been one of kindness to help me, yet you seem content staying here. I could provide so much more for you.”
"It'd be nice if we could understand each other," Chione laid back on the leaves she had gathered earlier to use as bedding. "Maybe one day. Come, you need to rest." She patted the spot beside her. "Let's sleep."
Malakath eyed the spot beside her. Walking over and lying down, he took a breath and waited for her to lie beside him.
"I hope you sleep well." Chione slept curled up, with her knees to her chest. Most Naras slept this way to conserve heat at night. It was not long before she was snoozing peacefully.
Malakath watched her slowly shiver. She shouldn’t have had to be like this. Carefully, he wrapped his arm around her, providing body heat to the Nara. 
“You’ll be okay.”
The early morning sunrise caused Chione to stir lightly. She did not want to get up yet, even though there was work to be done. Her herbs and flowers needed to be watered and weeds needed to be pulled. True, she did miss market day, but the botanist could always sell some goods to the local apothecary. Comfortable, Chione purred slightly at the warmth, not wanting to move, and snuggled further into the source. In her half-asleep mind, she had forgotten about being at Kemet Beach.
Malakath was in deep sleep, perfectly content as he rested. His body had naturally spooned Chione, holding her closely, his arm still comfortably around her.
Talking. Who was talking? Chione grumbled softly and started to blink open her sleepy eyes... when she saw men with weapons in front of the extinguished campfire. Alarmed, the Nara jumped to her feet, nearly tripping over Mally in the process. These men resembled Mally's race, but were a different color. When they brandished their weapons at her, Chione hissed, on edge at their sudden appearance. What did they want?!
One of them stepped forward, grabbing Chione by the foot and dragging her away. As she hissed and roared in defiance, the albino skinned soldiers pressed an ax to her throat. 
Just as another raised a blade to strike her down, he was suddenly kicked away by Malakath. 
“Away you fools!!! I command it! Lay a hand on her and you won’t see another sun!”
The other soldiers were quick to obey, fast to back away from the Nara. Once he felt that they were going to stay in line, Malakath walked over to her, helping her up on her feet. “Are you okay?”
Chione yowled when one of the guards dragged her, kicking him in the balls. When the other suddenly put the weapon to her throat, she froze, leaning her head back in the sand as far as she could away from the blade. Had she come all this way to die?! As Mally saved her from being hacked to pieces, Chione was still on edge, her tail spiked and her eyes narrowed. These men seemed to listen to Mally, but she did not trust them not to hurt her. Taking his hand, Chione got to her feet, and peeked over at the intruders, standing very close to Mally. It was obvious the Nara was frightened. Her tail curled around his leg tightly to prevent him from running off as she tried not to tremble.
"Soldiers. They're my soldiers." Malakath held her shoulders, rubbing them to calm her down. Bloody Skurge. Loyal Hasai, perhaps to a fault. He turned his gaze back to them. "And I'll ram my fist through the face of any who dare harm her." 
"And who is she, that she's so important?" 
The prince turned his gaze to who would dare speak in such a term. His eyes widened when another Ocho rode towards him on the back of a Griffon. "Sister?" 
The Hasai Princess had green skin like her brother, except her hair was black with white streaks. Unlike her brother, she was adorned in fully battle armour, with arm bands that had emeralds in them. Her mount stared daggers at Malakath and Chione, ready to strike if given the command. 
"Indeed. I must say I'm... happy, to see that you are alive, Malakath." 
The prince cleared his throat, and stood up straight. Sure she was. She had a duty to look for him and bring him back home, but if he had died on this journey, that would only help her own plans as future Empress. "It is good to see family."
Turning to Chione, the prince gestured to his sister. "Chione. This is Princess Silvia. My twin sister." The prince made a motion that he and her were bonded together. "Silvia, this is Chione. She is a local that helped save my life and nursed me back to health. I would be greatly upset if anything happened to her."
Mally was trying to soothe her, Chione understood this. His words had a reassuring tone. Yet, Chione was still quite spooked from the incident. While her tension eased slightly, she stayed glued to Mally's side, eying the guards with disdain. When the woman on the griffon approached, Chione noticed the similarities between her and Mally. The beast did not seem happy nor did the lady. Who was she? Was this woman his family?
As Mally gestured to the woman and then himself, Chione hesitantly leaned forward a little and gave a few sniffs. Yes, his scent was similar to hers. The two had to be siblings. Yet, the woman had a radiating aura of malice. While Chione did not like her, she was being cordial for Mally's sake. She did not want anything negative with weapons to start again. When Mally spoke her name a few times, she tried the foreign title on her tongue.
"Sil... vi... ah." Chione repeated after him, asking for clarification if she was pronouncing his sibling's name properly. "Mally. Sil-vi-ah?"
“That’s good Chione. Silvia.”
“Mally? You pick up a pet Malakath?” The prince frowned, holding onto Chione protectively. Seeing that this was a subject to not be poked at, Silvia pointed to a boat pulling up by the shore. “Father wants to see you back at the homeland to report your findings. Immediately.”
Malakath slowly nodded, sighing. “Give me a moment with her?”
Silvia pondered this, before nodding back. “Very well. Two minutes. The rest of you, prepare for liftoff.”
Once everyone had given the prince space, he turned to Chione. He gestured to the two of them together, then the boat. “Will you come with me Chione? I know I can be good to you.”
Not protesting when Mally pulled her closer, Chione watched the woman with careful eyes. No, she did not like her. Something was *wrong* with that woman. As Silvia departed, Chione released a breath she did not release she was holding. She also did not mean to wrap her tail around his leg so tightly. It was a bit embarrassing to feel so afraid and then immediate relief. Sheepishly, she uncurled her tail from around Mally's leg so he could move freely.
However, when he pointed to the boat, then the two of them, Chione was very surprised. He wanted her to come?! Away from her homeland? She barely knew the man! What was he thinking? Those people just threatened her! No, it was bad to jump to conclusions. Perhaps things were different with his people. Something was causing all of them to be on guard. She helped him because it was the right thing to do, but was not going to follow him any further. While he was obviously important to his people, and Chione had no clue Mally was a prince, she was not ready to go with him.
"I'm sorry, but my home is here." Chione shook her head lightly, not wanting to hurt his feelings. "You are very sweet, but I know nothing of you or your people. You seem very important to them. You're a someone, I'm... a no one." She gave him a gentle nudge toward the boat. "You belong with them. I belong here."
Malakath had picked up on a few words from Chinone. Some numbers, and yes and no. Speaking in her tongue, he shook his head and held her hand to his chest. “You… are not… a no one.”
"You're sweetheart." Chione gave him a soft smile as he held his hand close to his heart. It was nice having company for a time. She was often by herself, with only her garden for company. "Go home. I'll be okay."
Malakath, placed a gold ring into her palm, shutting it close. "This is for you to give to the flying beast. You keep the glass I gave you."
The prince looked into her eyes one more time, letting go of Chione. For now. "And this, is so you don't forget me." 
With one hand around her waist, and the other gently caressing a horn, he leaned in closely, planting a warm, pillowy kiss upon her lips.
Jewelry? Why was he giving her jewelry? Oh... the sand ray, it would need a trinket to take her back home. It was so kind of him to be considerate to part with a golden ring. Chione did not want to have to sacrifice the beautiful horn adornment he made for her. It was her sole treasure.
As Mally pulled her in closer, earning a loud purr from touching her horn, Chione allowed herself to be kissed by the strange man who was washed into her life by the Aaru River. Maybe this was a way his people said goodbye or expressed thanks. She was not sure, but she supposed one of her own customs was not harmful if he wished to try his. As the kiss parted, Chione rubbed her forehead against his as a sign of affection.
"Be safe, Mally."
Malakath longed to take her. But that was not his destiny as of today. Instead, he simply made his way back to the docked boat.
Getting on board the deck, Silvia was watching him closely. “Careful brother. A kiss can lead to a bond.”
“I know what I’m doing sister. Who I choose to love is my choice.”
“Just be careful.” Silvia went over and hugged her brother. “Don’t think otherwise. I was worried for you.”
The prince crossed his arms, unconvinced. “Really now?”
“When I become Empress, I want you to see my triumph.” Least she was honest, he thought. “Is there anything I can get you Malakath?”
The prince paused, an idea coming to him. “Yes… yes I do. Go along the shore until we find another Nara. We need a local that can teach us the language of their people.”
Silvia didn’t laugh at the idea, her own mind thinking it over. “You want to see her again, don’t you?Are her people a resource, an ally, or an enemy to the Kikai Empire?”
“They are a strong people. I think they have the blood of dragons, like us, sister.”
“…Fine. We can do that.” Silvia raised a curious brow. “You know, we could pick up a few others from this continent. Could do us good to get accustomed.”
Malakath nodded. Turning back, he saw Chione taking off back into the air. Clenching his fist, the prince made a promise. “I will see you again."
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/738965846876160000/glass-love-and-desire-ch-1-foreign-prince-in-a
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/741967992284381184/glass-love-and-desire-ch-3-folded-into-the
Prequel to The War of Fire, written with @ridersoftheapocalypse
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therese-lokidottir · 9 months
There's one thing that literally wromg on screen and it's very obvious, like there's no justifying at all but of course they trying justify it and it make showrunner look stupid and cruel
It's even mobius and loki first time in theater room and well it's lead mobius saying na d blame loki for frigga dead and say loki existence is nothing but for step stone
That is literally cruel and torture and showrunner specially Waldron had nerve calling it 'therapy ' and make loki 'look into mirrors' to realize his sins and mistake (loki literally know and understand his sins and mistake, he no need anyone and everyone rubbing it on his face). Seriously season 1 scenes it's filled with stupid and cruel scenes
Seriously what the f&*- wrong with Waldron, I know he didn't watching previous films but seriously? Every single his 'writing ' literally bad, boring and stupid. Waldron make joss wedon and Russo brothers look like the best writers and prosucers in world
Loki literally know and understand his sins and mistake
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And the thing Loki does understand he did wrong. You see it on his face when the reality of the situation hits him.
So, here's the problem with Waldron entire premise. Everything about the show says he has no choice that he'll be killed along with his entire timeline if he choses to do good but then still places all the blame on him for doing wrong.
Mobius judgment and shaming is really twisted when you think about it because from Mobius perspective, what he fully and unquestionably believes is Loki is just acting out what is written for him. It's not his fault it's the timekeepers intent for things to happen that way. Either Loki has free will and could have choice differently or he has no free will and no one has the right to judge him.
Loki didn't kill Frigga, not just in the way others have explain there is no way take the stairs to the left where enough to lead the monster to the room place and Malakath already was there. But in the way this Loki never got to the point and with the tesseract, that moment probably never would have happened. The TVA killed Frigga, this version of Loki who onscreen family and home is gone because of the TVA.
Loki doesn't admit wrong because he doesn't want to buckle to Odin, someone who has done worse and refuses to admit wrong himself. It is a personal conflict at that point and Loki has never been confronted by someone he has wrong in a significant way.
Thor, Volstagg and Sif threaten to kill him, he doesn't object or defend himself. He gets it. Jane punches him, he's more amused. Again, no excuse to people he's wrong in some way, Loki accepts that hate. The family stuff is a conflict because his family also screwed up and he refuse to be the only one who admit wrong.
Peter lost his uncle because of his inaction. Tony suffered torture and say his own weapons used against the US and civilians. These are both inciting moments for them to be heroes, but it's not therapy and the people doing these things are the villains.
Again, what sense does it really make? Mobius: Hey, you're an evil loser only good for causing harm. Now help up catch a someone so we can go on unimpeded annihilating universes and killing people. It's not therapy it is in every way cult indoctrination because all it does is tear Loki down and say the only path forward is obeying the system that isolated him.
Like, Raganrok wasn't a particular good redemption arc either but what it shows is Loki doesn't need this. He doesn't have to have his mother death shown to him and collared and beaten to change. There can be other paths for him to be a hero. True, either is through torture and shame but TR at least it was about saving live and that was it. He saved Asgard he accepted Thor as king no objection. So, yeah, wasn't necessary for Loki to change he was always capable of saving lives and giving his to protect his loved ones
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shiroukokkan · 3 months
~Quick Muse Guide~ ~OC~Muses~-
Gabrielle Malakath: Known as "The Dollmaker" Gabrielle is an eccentric and oftentimes random individual concerned primarily with their hobbies and interests. Namely the crafting of dolls, marionettes, and puppets. They often like to dress up and wear fancy clothes that match their favorite "Friends". They are currently enamored with a patchwork jackalope named Bertholomew. Charlotte: She is a tall statuesque red-head with a love of all things baseball and fitness related although you wouldnt know it to look at her. By day she is the prim and proper heir to a successful conglomerate but by night she is the demon that stalks the diamonds seeking justice and victory with a metal bat! But all of that changed when she was bitten by a strange spider in a lab accident. This gifted her with the proportional strength and speed of a spider, organic webs, the power to cling to walls, and a precognitive danger sense! With her newfound gifts she has taken up the mantle of the Spider-Slugger!
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mememan93 · 11 months
Went looking through your Skyrim tag.
Was a nice trip down memory lane.
Orc Wizard Librarian who’s name I never remember.
J’zargo with the fire explosions.
The post with Malakath would unironically support trans people was nice.
I didn’t join the Dark Brotherhood but fought them instead so I didn’t realize at first who Astrid was.
Saw you say that you are using mods. Good luck with that.
Dragons again because dragons are amazing.
Brain now imagining dragons on Skyloft. Brain does weird jumps.
Hope this Skyrim blathering was alright.
Have a wonderful day. Good luck with everything.
I fucking love skyrim. I have the Xbox version so i haven't played since i left for college, but it's one of my faves. Dragon design is TOP tier, like best Dragons ever. Glad you like them to!
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yungkilluaz · 5 years
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(Mystery Gang) The Malakath cultists, for lack of a better term right now, have apparently decided on a new tactic.
They released a banshee into the cave, probably to drive me out using the noise.
Thing is, she isn't happy about a group of English wizards and wannabes kidnapping her from her home in Ireland and dumping her in Siberia. Though, that is the English for you.
As banshees scream when death is immanent, she has been acting as an early warning system.
The name she told me is Ciara.
- The Wandering Dragon
“Tell her we said hi, Banshees get a bad rep from what we’ve heard”
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mutantenfisch · 4 years
Malakath, Sheogorath, Azura, Vivec, and Paarthurnax for the thingy?
Marry: Azura
Fuck: Malacath (I mean. He is kinda hot???)
Kiss: Paarthurnax. All the snoot boops for my favourite dragon.
Cuddle: Vivec. He definitely needs a hug???
Get Drunk With: Who’d’ve guessed - Sheo. I think i wouldn’t even need to ingest alcohol (I’m highly allergic) to at least feel intoxicated in his presence. And hey, when he’s having a good day, he certainly is lots of fun. >:3
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the-expatriate · 4 years
To Skyrim Pari fact: "I chat with Malakath at times, and he is extremely nice, knows alot about growing flowers and other forms of vegetation."
"Good for you! My fact is.. that I'm part of a guild. But I'm not at liberty to tell you which one.."
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kayclau · 4 years
I just took down a cannibal near Markarth. Her name was Eola. She was chewing on the corpses of Markarth and tried to make join her cult of cannibals. She was trying to hypnotize me, but I ended up being stronger than her. Although, her mind tricks did something to me. I'm now thinking back about the Forsworn and the Gods they say the Nords won't let them worship. I never got a chance to learn which gods were, just that they were older than the Nine Divines, but Eola told me hers before I killed her, the Lady of Decay, Namira.
Is it possible that the Forsown Gods are these "Daedric Princes" and their worship involves human sacrifices and that's what Madanach meant when he told me that the Nords won't let them worship the old gods?
Before I came to Skyrim I had never heard of these gods before. My interactions with other people were limited to those who worship the Nine/Eight divines. But ever since I got here I haven't stop finding these gods. Madanach and Eola are just few of the many people I've met who worship these older gods. My follower Lob worships Malakath, Silus wants me to help him repair Mehrunes' Razor summing the Daedric prince himself for his museum. I met Meridia and Sheogorath. And in all of this, I still don't know what my role is.
There's still a lot to learn.
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gallysgalaxy · 5 years
“I looked at khan as he stared at the destruction of his own planet, he showed no emotion whatsoever, no regret, no sorrow, no happiness, but he had this sinister glare, a glare that still haunts me to this day, I hope we never have to use that weapon ever again”
~Cide Malakath
Year 1992
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colonel-killa-bee · 7 years
Is Skyrim lore inspired by Lovecraft and Greek mythology?
I’d say it’s inspired by a whole host of things. Norse mythology for one is a huge inspiration, as is greek/roman mythology. Lovecraft themes since Bethesda loves their lovecraft. Egyptians, and many other cultural inspirations, like Molag Bal, who is inspired by the Abrahamic religious villain Satan, Moloch and Baal, two separate deities but closely related. Baal was the Carthage chief god, whose name has been associated with Beelzebub, a name used for demons, a king (and since, rulers people do not like including politicians), satan, etc. Lord of Flies.
Moloch was a Canaanite god who was likely inspired by Ba’al because of the association of sacrifice. Both names also have been taken to mean king, lord, master.
So the extremely close association of the two names is likely how they came up with the name Molag Bal, who also deals in sacrifice for his involvement occasionally. Sometimes forced sacrifice such as Skyrim with our Dovahkiin, and willing sacrifice of others in the case of Harkon.
Moloch is also close to Malakath whose name is also Malak, and Mauloch. 
So I’d say the inspiration there is clear.
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mrneighbourlove · 9 months
Glass Love and Desire: Ch 1. Foreign Prince in a Distant Land
Fire’s forge steel. And steel coats the strongest hearts. This was the creed the Ocho, the leading clan of the Hasai people decreed under the guiding principles of Kikai Empire! 
The Empire was made of many clans. The Ocho, the Skurge, the Romtan, and the Waku. The Ocho were the most powerful by blood, having the right to lead. The Skurge were fiercely loyal to their Ocho masters, and the Romtan knew their place. The Waku lead the spiritual lead, praying to Exodrum, the God of Flame and War. The Waku even partook in a companionship with dragons. This was the hierarchy of things. But this hierarchy was not to last. 
Under his eyes, Exodrum saw that dragons had grown soft and complacent. They no longer worshiped him and the power he provided, opting to create and cultivate their own power. This greatly angered the god, who, speaking through the Ocho, commanded the Hasai to slay the dragons. And that they did, everyone except the Waku.
The red skinned traitors turned their back on the empire, siding with the beasts. As such, seventeen years of war had ravaged the Empire’s lands. For no traitor, Waku or Dragon, would be allowed to live, no matter the cost.
This is the story of my ascension. This is how I rose to the rank of Emperor. And, my son, this is also the story of how I came to know your mother.
Prince Malakath drove his blade into the eye of the luck dragon, holding on as the beast threw its head back and forth to throw him off. He was just about to deal a finishing blow when it got smart and slapped him with a claw.
Landing on the ground near the edge of the mountain, Malakath laughed. “Foolish beast. I am Royal blood! And I am Malakath! Son of Emperor Thelak.”
The dragon spoke directly into his mind through forced telepathy. “You are blight Ocho. You and all your ilk. Even if I die here, there are others who will carry the flame.”
“Nonsense, you’re one of the last. After I finish here, I know the location of your so-called King, and he shall fall next.”
The Dragon slammed his foot on the ground. “I sense the evil in your heart. If I can’t live to fight on…”
Malakath stopped his blustering when he saw the Dragon’s fangs bare and it’s hair poof. He braced himself suddenly, feeling an attack about to strike.
“Then I’ll take you with me!!!”
The dragon charged forward with the motion of a cobra. Biting around Malakath’s waist, the force wasn’t too great, not enough to pierce his armour. Suddenly, as they went over the edge, Malakath realized it didn’t need to bite him in half. All it needed to do was keep him in place. With a yell, they both plunged over a hundred feet down into a raging river below.
As they hit the water, the green skinned prince felt his lungs fill with water, and his mind went blank.
The war had reached the borders of Al-Daida from Danjur. Yet, the current Patriarch was not concerned with the battle reaching the heart of his country. The Hasai would have to cross miles of desert to even think of reaching the heart of his kingdom. Thus, there were only the occasional patrols or scouts which looked for any sign of Hasai activity. However, the Naran soldiers were unaware of the body of a luck dragon and Hasai prince floating down the Aaru River which connected Danjur and Al-Daida...
Chione had decided to venture out to the Aaru River early before the sun rose too high in the sky. The hotter it was, the more miserable it was to work in the heat. Besides, the Kamazu plant was easier to harvest in the early hours. The river was calm instead of turbulent from any fishing boats or importing ships, so it was easier to spot the moss growing on the side of the banks. With her tail, Chione held the basket while her fingers worked with precision to carefully remove the Kamazu plant from the surface of the water. It was a wondrous plant which could cure nearly any infection. Yet, it was difficult to grow in gardens due to the need of the plant requiring another host to feed upon for sustenance. It was both a giver of life and a seed of death.
Not wanting to get her clothes wet, Chione had opted to harvest the Kamazu plant in her undergarments. Her basket was nearly full. After setting it on the bank, she noticed a rather large patch that she missed near a log which had washed up on the bank. Approaching the plant, Chione stuck her hand into the water to pry it loose... when suddenly another hand grabbed hers.
Startled, Chione yelped and nearly fell backwards into the water.
A green skinned man with long black hair rose from the water, his body acting on pure instinct. He held on tight to her, barking out something in a language she did not know. His eyes were almost glazed over, and he clearly was out of his mind. When he was finished, river water spewed out of his mouth. He then collapsed unconscious once more, falling on top of the woman.
Stunned, Chione was about to show her fangs when the man suddenly... flopped on top of her. He did not move. The botanist was highly confused and flustered at the situation. This was not exactly how she planned to spend her morning, getting used as a pillow by a water sprite. At least, that's what she thought he was. Carefully, she moved upward onto the bank, dragging the green man out of the river. Rolling him over onto his back, Chione stared at him. The stories were true. Water spirits were incredibly beautiful. Curiously, she wondered if this was a water spirit or not, seeing that he was struggling to breathe and severely injured. Shouldn't water sprites be at home in the river? Perhaps he was attacked by a crocodile.
Not wanting to afford Nuabi, the mother of the water, by ignoring one of her injured children, Chione made the decision to take the green man back to her home. After ridding him of the heavy steel covering his body, the botanist hefted him onto her back, grabbed her basket with her tail, and carried him back to her modest abode, covered wall to wall in various plants. While she was no expert in healing, Chione could at least tend to his wounds until she could fetch a doctor.
Malakath rolled in his sleep, water coming out of his body and being replaced by a deep heat. He would not wake for another full day. Suddenly, as if a spell was lifted over him, his eyes opened and he looked around, startled by new and unknown surroundings. “Where am I?!”
The inside of Chione's home was like an urban jungle. There were plants of every species from Al-Daida on the windows, hanging from the ceilings, on pots in the floor, and even a few in a niche in the wall. She had done her best to tend to the green man's injuries with the Kamazu plant she had gathered earlier and provided him with dry clothes. It was difficult to know what would make a water sprite comfortable. Though, she did use her own chest wraps as a makeshift bandage. There was nothing else available for her to bind the man's injuries. The botanist was quite certain his right arm was broken, so she straighten the arm, bound it with a ripped portion of a sheet, and used a stick as a torniquet.
Hearing the man's voice, Chione walked back into the modest bedroom with a small plate of food and feverfew and poppies for his discomfort. It was by no means a feast, a few grilled fish, a sweet bun, and some roasted potatoes, but it was what she had for now. As she drew aside the curtain which served as a door, her stunning dark purple hair reflected a bit of light. Once more, she had donned clothing, but it left very little to imagination. The Nara culture was not big on modesty.
"How are you feeling?" Chione asked in her native tongue. She sat on her knees beside of him, noting his tension. She tried to show she meant no harm by pointing to the plate. "I have brought you food if you feel like eating."
Malakath calmed down not out of patience, but stunned contemplation when he saw this woman walk in. The way her tail whipped, the shimmer of her skin, the beautiful figure. Not understanding her didn’t matter. Her tone was alluring. For a moment, he stared at her, his golden eyes barely blinking.
The green man was staring at her. Was this his first time seeing a Nara? The stories said that water spirits near really had the need to visit land. Perhaps he was merely curious and taking in the sight. Then again, Chione supposed this was her first time seeing a water sprite too. The feeling was mutual. Her tail flicked in curiosity as she tucked some hair behind a curved horn.
"Eat." Chione mimicked the motion of bringing food to her mouth. She then pointed to the food on the dish. Afterward, she pointed to the herbs and then gestured to his wounds. "Medicine. You take both."
Malakath felt his stomach growl seeing the dish that was prepared. Carefully, he ate his food. Slowly, he chewed, cautious of any poisons. Had anything tasted wrong, his mouth could burn the food to ash, buy it seemed all was fine. Grabbing the herbs, he started to chew them, mistaking them for a salad.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Chione exclaimed when the green man suddenly tried to down the medical plants with gusto. It was best to drink the poppies slowly in tea or water and then to chew on the feverfew. Shouldn't water sprites know this?
He paused, eying her closely. It seemed she objected to that. Setting the herbs down, he watched her closely. By Exodrum, she was exotic. Was she reptilian, draconic? Draconic people was something reserved for Ocho. But he supposed if there could be other dragons around the world, there could be other draconics. Or was she a demon? Also an interesting possibility. But unlikely Malakath supposed. Demons harmed people. Or was she an Angel? He had to know if he was alive. “Be still.”
Slowly, he lifted a hand up to touch her cheek.
Chione felt exasperated, but she supposed maybe the injuries had known the water sprite a touch silly. She was ready to demonstrate what he needed to do with the feverfew and the poppies when suddenly, he spoke again. The Nara did not understand, having a puzzled expression on her face.
"Ah!" Chione was surprised when the green man suddenly touched her. While she did not want to offend Nuabi, this was... a bit close. He was lending closer still, looking at her with those eyes the color of the sun. Perhaps this was common in water sprite culture? She was unsure. However, when the green man went to touch her horns, the blush spread across her face furiously and she swatted his hands away gently with a shake of her head. There was no way he could know that the horns of the Nara were an erogenous area. "No, no, not there, not my tail either."
Malakath put on a face that was between a scowl and a pout. He wanted to touch the horns. Looking around, he suppose it was time he investigated where he was. “Excuse me woman, but I should get going.”
Carefully, he tried to stand up. Doing so, he winced a little as he felt his chest churn. “Not great, but not bad.”
The botanist almost laughed at the sulking, having to suppress a bit of a snicker. The amusement was rather clear on her face. She could not fault him though, not many races had horns.
"Hey! What are you thinking?!" Chione shook her head as motioned for him to get back on the bedroll. She repeatedly jabbed her index finger down, indicating that he should not stand. "You are still healing! You need at least a week's worth of rest before even thinking about heading... wherever you're going."
“I am Prince Malakath. I can go where I wish.” The Ocho pointed to himself. He was important. He could go where he pleased. Sure, he wasn’t going to be running anywhere, but in this state he could at least walk to the door.
"No, no! Come back, you're going to make your injuries worse!" Chione insisted, watching him wobble toward the doorway to her home. Standing in front of the exit, the Nara's tail flicked once, sharply, in irritation. Without words, she furrowed her brow and pointed back to the bedroll. If this green man died on her watch, Nuabi would most certainly be cross with her.
Malakath thought his options over as his anger rose. This woman was head strong. Normally he would like some feistiness, but he needed to get out. He could burn her with his abilities, but in his condition that might only weaken him further after. He slammed a hand over her shoulder on the door frame, looking her in the eyes. She didn’t budge.
The prince smiled. He liked her fearlessness. No, he supposed he’d have to give into the demands of this peasant. This close, she smelled good. When spoke again, his voice reached a silky tone. “Okay. If I must stay here, you’ll just have to take care of my every whim.”
The bang of his hand against the door frame caught her off guard only for a moment. He was angry. The green man wanted to leave. Yet, if he left now, then he would most likely not make it back to the river for the swim home. The water sprite even had the audacity to sniff her. Was he smelling for fear? For weakness? Nuabi's child or not, Chione was not going to be disrespected in her own home.
"Lay. Down." Chione hissed with her teeth showing and tail spiked. Even her hair seemed to stand on edge a bit. She expected him to snarl back at her, but instead, she heard... was that approval in his tone? Perhaps even a touch of a purr?
Malakath walked around her home, looking at various forms of pottery and plants. Gently, he rubbed a leaf of tropical tree. “Do you… garden. If you do, I like a woman who can use her hands.”
Finally! The green man was back on the bedroll. Now, hopefully, he would be a good patient and rest. Bending over slightly to get the medicine on the tray, Chione was not expecting him to suddenly grab her tail.
"EEEK!!!" Chione spun around, and quickly snatched her tail from the green man's hand, flustered. She shook her finger at him, as if scolding a child. Did he not know how to keep his hands to himself?! "No! No, no, no."
Malakath smiled evilly, patting his chest. “Oh ho ho ho. You can feel me if you’re curious. I can warm up my body at will when I’m awake.”
With another chuckle, he eyed her carefully. “You really can’t understand me, can you?”
The... the scoundrel! The green man thought this was funny, did he? Water sprites were known to be little tricksters. So, he thought this was a silly prank? Huffing with a pout, Chione was not sure what to do with this green man. She did not even know his name and here he was, teasing his benefactor. 
"Will you please be good and take your medicine?" Chione once again brought the green man's attention to the herbs. She made a drinking motion for the poppies and mimicked chewing for the feverfew. "It will help these," The Nara then pointed to his injuries, "Feel better."
Malakath was starting to clue in what she wanted him to do. Grinning, he gestured her to come closer, patting a seat beside him. He was a prince. Royalty. He should have her give him the drink.
"That's your bed, I do not need to lay down... well, technically, it's mine, but I'm letting you have it for the time being." Chione thought at first, he wanted her to rest too. Though, a nagging voice in her mind suggested he was up to mischief with that grin across his face. Sighing, the botanist then held up her hands in a manner of asking what he wanted.
Malakath pointed at his lap, then at her as he swirled the drink around. “I wonder about those horns. They’re radiant on you.”
What. A. Flirt. Chione was not sure whether to feel attractive or insulted. She was not going the type of person to just jump in bed with a stranger. No, that was not happening, not today. Not falling for his little trick, Chione took the cup of tea and mixed in the poppies. Then, she pressed it to his lips, still standing.
"Nice try, but I'm not falling for that." Chione knew the poppies would help him sleep. "Now, drink."
Malakath drank it, taking note of the strength she had guiding the tea. Without breaking eye contact with her, he finished it. “I’m going to take you back home with me I think.”
"Now, chew this." Chione held up the feverfew, holding it in front of his face, insistent. "And go back to sleep. You need to recover your strength so you can go home."
Once he had done so, the botanist felt she could breathe a little easier.
"Now, my name is Chione." She poked herself in the chest, "Chione."
“Chione.” That was simple enough to understand. Every culture of people had names. The Ocho pointed to himself. “Malakath.”
"Ma... lee... cat?" Chione was unused to such a foreign name on her tongue. The Nara tried pronouncing it right, but it still sounded wrong. "Hrm... Mally. You are Mally." She dubbed the green man with a smile.
“Mal-a-Ka-th. Ka-th.” Hearing the nickname, the prince scowled furiously. “I can get your name right, ‘He-own-e’, the least you can do is try to get mine right.”
"Nope. Mally!" Chione grinned wider at his obvious displeasure at the nickname. It did not bother her at all when he purposely said her name wrong. Covering him with a blanket, she gently pressed back on his shoulders so he would lay down. "That's what you get for being a flirt and grabbing my tail without permission. A gentleman asks before touching."
Oh? Now she wants to flirt? She had spunk, he would give her that. He leaned up closely, playing hard to cooperate. “I don’t feel like resting again yet.”
"Down." Chione simply used her brute strength to make Malakath lay back on the bedroll. It was a touch amusing, seeing that flash of surprise across his face. Fixing the blanket, the Nara then instructed, "Sleep. Rest." She pretended her hands were a pillow and rested her head upon them, giving the sign for sleep. "Sleep, Mally. You'll feel better soon."
“… Fine, I’ll play along. For now.” He grabbed her hand before she left him. Gently, he rubbed her fingers. She felt firm. “I wonder if this is your bedroll. Where will you go, but back to me.”
What was this? Now he was being affectionate with his touches? Perhaps he felt bad about his cheeky behavior. Either way, Chione supposed the poor man had been through a lot today, perhaps worse in the days past. 
"You'll be okay," Chione patted his hand for reassurance.
Closing his eyes, Malakath allowed himself the peace of recovery. The comfort of a beautiful woman, even a foreign one, helped ease his mind.
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/739289093975031808/glass-love-and-desire-ch-2-return-to-home Collaborative story written with @ridersoftheapocalypse. Prequel to The War of Fire
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22nd of Midyear, Turdas
I have written a letter for Avon to deliver to @speaks-too-soon . I have been granted a bodyguard of my choosing after all and who can I trust half as much? I only hope that she will agree. I have also narrowed my choices for who I shall select as my personal servant. My choices are, our junior stablehand, a Redguard who is very good with animals and appears genuinely enthusiastic about the care and keeping of guar. Or an Argonian maid, who has neither gone out of her way to make her deeds known, nor been so devoid of my sight that she appears to be of a devious nature. Both have merit for the journey ahead. Animal handling will be important as we cross a variety of terrain and come in contact with unknown situations. Yet, having a personal servant who can be trusted may prove invaluable when all other servants will be looking for an opportunity to be free of my service. I shall have to put it to them both and test to see what sins and secrets they hold before I make my decision. I've only a few days left before I must leave. How I wish I might have been able to enjoy myself at the Flaming Nix one last time, or to go and play with the warriors of the Fighters Guild or the Undaunted. I would have liked to pray at mother's manor at her shrines to the three. I find my mind drifting to all of the what ifs. What if I had stayed in Mournhold and never run? What if I had simply done as Ervis advised, and slain Urtisa back when she was first proving a difficult wife? What if I had followed Nabine? Oh, Nabine! Even after all these years apart, I cannot help but think of your handsome face. The way your lips curled into a devious grin right before you would use your vines to hold me down and tease me until I begged for any whim you would share with me. I think of the first time we made love, my leg still bleeding from where you had proven your point and I mine. I recall your breasts splashed in the blood of bandits who tried to steal your bow while you bathed in the river and how you had painted my face with your bosom. Why did you have to be drawn to Namira? I would have done most anything for you! Didn't I tell you that enough? Had you gone to Sanguine, to Merida, to Malakath, I would have followed! I would not have given up my gods, but I would have been able to stay by your side. And yet, I could not bring myself to do it. I could not take that first bite. I understand the religious need for you, and I would never judge it, you know I never have. Yet my own system of beliefs prevents me. And perhaps I could have pushed myself. Maybe if I had been able to take that first bite, I could have discovered that I was capable. Yet, we promised, didn't we? Always be yourself, always be honest and true to yourself. I know it was meant to keep our love pure, that we would never change for one another, that we would always be our best and most genuine selves. But I didn't want to be apart from you! Nabine, how I wish I could gaze into your piercing eyes one last time. If I must die, I wish it could be by your blade or the point of your arrow. At least then you would consume me and I could remain a part of you. I could stay with you the rest of your life, always a part of you. I was a fool for letting Rialas have any of your belongings. How I wish I could have them all with me now. How I wish I could use what little I have to contact you one final time. To ask your forgiveness. To make sure you are safe, that you are happy. Even if you have a new family, a new lover, children, I should like to know. I love you Nabine. I always will. May the three and the green and any other gods you follow, watch over you and keep you safe.
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josthecommision · 7 years
Villain concept: Butcher of Malakath
I had this concept of a villain I don't know if I will ever expand on but was wandering what people thought.
He is a zealot of Malakath who has hated Bretons and Redguards for their historical attacks on the Orc nation of Orcinium. His hate burns so hot that he has worked tirelessly to amass an army of Orcs and allies large enough to invade and conquer all those that have stood in the way of the Orcs.
Gathering a following among his tribe and the tribes man of other groups in new Orcinium in the dragon tail mountains, he still lacks the numbers for his crusade. Hoping to change that, he plans to search for the fabled hammer of Malakath, Volindrung and use it as a symbol of religious authority.
In an insidious note, in a gamble to spread even more discord across Tamriel, the Thalmor have actually approached him with a deal of support in exchange for his combat prowess, an offer the ambitious orc has begun to consider.
0 notes
mrneighbourlove · 7 months
Glass Love and Desire: Ch 5. Preparation for the Future.
The week after his wedding, Malakath was especially high in his glory. He didn’t care for the celebrations themselves; all that mattered was the rewards that were cultivated. All the Hasai loved him. He was the prodigal son; a new beautiful wife at his side and being a war hero gave him that honour. But events for Chione were starting to snow ball quickly. The Hasai, especially those deep in the Kikai Empire, wanted to know what kind of woman she was, and how she could be used politically.
There was very little time for a honeymoon period since Mally's people were eager to hear updates on their marriage. While Chione understood he had a duty to his kingdom, she did wish it was just a little more time for the two of them. Still, while he was away with meetings and diplomatic issues, she learned the Hasai language and tended to the beautiful garden that her husband gifted her. Within the short time Chione had been in the Kikai Empire, she had covered the greenhouse with a variety of plants. The botanist was currently trying to hybridize a Naran Kamazu with a Kikai Lily to produce a stunning red lily which could survive extreme heat and in a watery environment. So far, it was a waiting game to see if her efforts paid off in the end.
Still, it was a little lonely with limited interactions, waiting on Mally.
Coming through the door, Malakath entered with company beside him. Strolling in, the Prince gave his wife a kiss on the cheek. “How goes your experiment?”
"Mally!" Chione was delighted to see her husband after he had been in meetings all day. She purred loudly, her tail wrapping around his leg to pull him in closer for a deep kiss. Narans were especially affectionate with their mate. "I have growth for the hybrids. Soon, I hope to present you with a red lily. The white ones you have are beautiful, but imagine if I could grow these for you. It would be a blend of my home and yours, something truly ours."
“I like the sound of that. A mark I can leave on the lands of the Kikai Empire itself.” He enjoyed the deep kiss she gave him, a perk of a lovely woman like Chione. Pulling back, he licked his lips as he introduced his companion. “My dear Chione, may I introduce you to my confidant, Captain Bellum.”
The man before her was dressed in an onyx black uniform. With sharp blue skin and purple eyes, he was a Romtan. His gaze was analytic and stoic, and his tone was polite when he spoke. “Greetings, Princess Chione. We didn’t have a chance to speak at the wedding,”
"It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance." Chione's grasp of the Hasai language had improved immensely, despite Mally's sister teasing her about such a thick accent. "Captain of..." She paused, thinking of the right word. glancing at Mally for the correction translation. "Um... the fighters? All the fighters?"
"Simply a captain, Princess. I command my ship, the KE-Entrapment. There are many captains. Maybe one day I can be the first admiral of my kind in the empire." He smiled, breaking some tension. "I do lead the engineering department, however. I took the liberty in constructing your greenhouse."
"You built this?" Chione gestured to the greenhouse in surprise, but smiling so brightly at the revelation. Even her tail wagged from the thought of such a wondrous building in the stages of construction. Before she thought, the Naran blurted, "I want another one!"
Realizing what she suddenly said, Chione sheepishly then admitted, "I mean... it would be nice to have another one, but this one is plenty for now! It's just so... so at home. I feel at home in here with the plants. It's one of the best gifts I've ever received." She nuzzled foreheads with Mally, "My mate knows me well."
"You're a princess now, consider it a command." Bellum gestured to the plants she was making. "Tell me, Prince Malakath mentioned an experiment. What are you trying to create?"
"I do not wish to make a request of another greenhouse when I know the safety of the Hasai people takes precedence." Chione did not like the idea of being so demanding, but would not reject an offer of another building for her plants. "Only if you have time and wish to do so."
When Bellum inquired of the lilies, Chione bent down to show him the white Hasai lilies and Kamazu plant growing side by side. She explained, "This is a Kamazu plant from Al-Daida. It is good for all properties of healing, especially infection. Mally told me his favorite plant was the Hasai lily. He said the white lilies were good for increasing the hotness of a Hasai's flame in battle." She motioned to the tiny little buds starting to grow. "If these hybrids survive, I will have created a plant that is resistant to heat, thrives in soil or water, and may provide special healing properties to those who command fire here. A plus for all the souls in Kikai."
"Well, I'm sure the Skurge and Ocho will enjoy the practicality of the plant. While I can admire it myself, I think I will enjoy its beauty more." 
Malakath patted his wife's back, enjoying the fact she and Bellum seemed to be hitting it off. "We're in times of peace right now. You can have all the greenhouses you wish."
"We still need a proper name for them," Chione thought a grandiose title was in place for the plant instead of a simple red lily. "What do you suggest, Bellum?"
"Oh, I dare not take away that honour from you. You're the artist after all."
"A good artist is always open to suggestions," Chione countered with a smile. "Mally? What about you? After all, they're my gift to you."
Malakath thought about it for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders. "I agree with Captain Bellum. It's your design. You're a princess of the Empire now. One day, you'll be a future Empress. It's up to you to leave your legacy. That means it's your name for your creation."
"Very well," Chione then stated, "Then I will call them kaji lilies, after the great fire that Mally controls, and many other fire users of the Hasai people. For the Narans, my native tongue, it will be Anwara Lilies, since their radiance will glow even with the lack of the sun."
"That's a beautiful name my dear." Malakath kissed her again, grinning happily. "Bellum, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes my prince. It is a very fine name. I shall go put the order in to start building other green houses, unless either of you need anything further from me?"
"I would like to request your knowledge of the military system , Bellum." Chione asked the captain with sincerity. "I still have much to learn about the Hasai people. What better way to learn about the military than from someone who is in it?"
“Excellent. If you have time, I can teach you the devil in the details that help keep the empire running. Perhaps you’d also like some self defense lessons?”
"There are no dragons left. Not anymore." Bellum seemed to speak with a tinge of regret, but not enough to rouse Malakath's suspicions. "I speak of hand to hand combat. Wrestling is merely a sport."
"Sport? In Al-Daida, it is the main way females subdue their males." Chione did not realize the Hasai people considered wrestling a mere pastime. "Very well, I'd be happy to learn, though you might have your work cut out for you. The only weapon I've ever held is my carving knife for the plants."
"That's fine. Everyone begins from nothing. Even Prince Malakath had to learn technique."  Bellum gave her a bow. "If you excuse me, I'm sure the prince can tell you where to find me." 
Watching the Captain leave, Malakath nudged his wife. "What do you think of him?"
"From what little you told me about him before, I thought he'd be ten feet tall and super imposing." Chione admitted to her husband, before pouncing on him, knocking him to the ground. Smirking from ear to ear, the Nara then said, "But he's wrong about wrestling simply being a sport," She leaned down to nibble on his ear, "It's a way of passion to the Naras."
"Oh, I agree. This is far better than a sport. Wrestling for us is combat. Passion is far better." Malakath grinned ear to ear.
"What better place to find passion than here?" Chione grinded her hips downward to tease him. "In the beautiful gift you gave to me?" She was quite bold when it was just her and Mally together, especially pertaining to intercourse. "Just imagine. Each time I come here to tend to my plants, I'll remember how handsome you looked, sprawled out underneath me, just like this."
"Then why don't we make a sweet memory?"
"And have everyone smelling how we fucked?" Chione mused, teasing. "Scandalous. Although, it is my greenhouse." 
The Nara slipped her tail into Malakath's pants, rubbing against his length. Her hands were busy sliding up his shirt, as her tongue traced from his navel to a nipple, giving a harsh bite, before going to his throat. She loved how his body was, and even more so, the noises he made for her.
They started kissing and feeling each up on another, getting more and more intense as they went on. Just as Malakath was pulling his member out of his pants, positioned right behind Chinoe with a horn in his other hand, his sister happened to come marching around the corner. 
"Chione, are you- HOLY EXODRUM! What the fuck are you two doing?" She looked away, extremely embarrassed by the site of them. "Why here?!" 
Malakath barely batted an eye. "I'm going to make love to my beautiful, strong wife. What does it look like to you?"
"Oh go fuck yourself. Just- please stop."
Chione was far from embarrassed. No, the Nara was actually very pissed. For the past two weeks, Silvia had made it her personal mission to interrupt any kind of mating session. Her tail twitched in irritation. She had tried her best to be kind to Silvia, but her sister-in-law had brushed off any attempts for conversation. Matter of fact, Silvia had been quite rude to Chione. 
"Tell her to leave." Chione growled, "We haven't fucked in days because of continuous interruptions, and my heat cycle is ending in two days. If you want a child, we need to try. Now."
"I wanted to ask you a favour here, I didn't know my brother was here!" Silvia still didn't dare look at them. "I'll leave you to your debauchery."
"Oh come sister. Stay. You might actually learn how to please a man."
"Go to hell brother."
"Wait outside if you wish to speak so urgently." Chione nipped at Mally's bottom lip, having little to no filter during her heat cycle. "With how vigorous your brother is, it won't take too long for a rut. If he only goes for one round, that is."
Silvia held her hands up in defeat and turned to leave. "Goodbye." 
Malakath grinned wickedly. Now his sister would know just how far behind she was.
"Finally," Chione purred in satisfaction as she wiggled her backside at Malakath. She made sure to move her tail out of the way as she lowered her head down onto her arms, on all fours. This was her favorite position, allowing him to thrust as hard, as fast, and as deep as he liked. "Some time for just me and you."
Silvia waited outside on a nearby balcony, tapping her fingers impatiently. An hour went by and there was no sign of Silvia. The last thing she wanted-
"Oh hello darling."
... was to be disturbed. "Hello father."
The Emperor smiled broadly, taking a seat across from her. "You know darling, you really need to learn how to knock. No one likes a pervert."
"I'm not a pervert, father."
"Your constant attempts to stop me from having grandchildren would say otherwise. From what I overheard, you can't make me believe you wanted to ask Chione an actual favour."
"I did..." 
"Oh my dear, dear Silvia. I'm impressed you're still wanting to keep yourself ahead of the game. You're not a quitter, I'll give you that." 
Silvia grimaced. For once she wished her father didn't want to play games. Yet, she never wanted to disappoint him either. "I never do."
After a very passionate and intense bout of love making, Chione was persuaded by her husband to at least hear Silvia's request. Five rounds of rutting had put Chione in a better mood to entertain the idea. Fixing her dress and her hair, the Nara walked through the curtains on the balcony, not realizing there was other present company.
"Silvia, what do you want that's so important you had to interrupt Mally and---oh!" Chione saw Emperor Chillowack and immediately extended a polite bow. It was customary in the Hasai culture. "I beg pardon, father-in-law, I did not know you were here as well. I hope I did not keep you waiting too long. Your son is quite..." She figured there was no way to sugar coat it, especially since Hasai noses were quite adept at scents. "Demanding."
"I'm sure he is." Chillowack winked with a chuckle. "Just pretend I'm not here. I would love to simply observe how my new daughter will get along with the old." 
Silvia held a stare at her father that was cold and distant, yet held a barely contained hatred.
"In all honesty, father-in-law, that remains to be seen." Chione replied candidly to the Emperor. While she would not show weakness around him, the Nara was not above being blunt. Mally told her that his father appreciated the brutal truth... most of the time. For some reason, he found it amusing. "I've little time to know Silvia, but more with Mally."
"Then you two should get to know one another. After all, you're both big cogs in the machine that runs the Empire. Best you both get along."
"That all depends if she's going to keep interrupting your son and I." Chione retorted dryly, "But I will endeavor to be a good sister-in-law."
"You shouldn't have to rush into such things just to spite me." Silvia sneered, but remained in her seat.
"You shouldn't have judged me before you knew me." Chione snapped right back, tired of taking Silvia's constant snide remarks. "I have done no wrong against you, yet you are rude, short, and view me as inferior all due to the fact that Mally and I wed before you have found a mate." She went straight to the heart of the matter. "Your fear of being replaced by a child of ours is irrational. You are his sister, and he cares for you. I seek no ill will towards you and wish you happiness like I have found with your brother."
She then added, crossing her arms, standing tall. "But if you insist on being petty like a young teenager, then I will not indulge you. I would like to be friends, since I have so few here, but I will not be belittled nor made to feel beneath you each time we speak. I am not Hasai, but I am Naran, and I do commend the same amount of respect as you."
"Fine. Be naive." Taking a deep breath, Silvia shook her growing animosity off, least for a moment. "I need your advice as a botanist."
"I'd rather be naive than prickly like you." Chione growled in annoyance, but was surprised at such a statement. "You want to know about plants?"
“I want to know about romantic plants.”
"Romantic plants?" Chione could not believe what she was hearing. "The language of flowers? As in, nine roses means 'our love is eternal'?"
“Yes. I need to know what the best bouquet of flowers to give a mate would be.”
"Red carnation, apple blossoms, white lilies, daisies, yellow pansies, and red tulips would make for a grand gesture," Chione stated off the flowers she knew that proposed intentions toward another. "Unless you rather settle for a single rose to declare love."
“Thank you.” Silvia was quick with her response. It was all she could muster.
"I do not have all of those species in my garden yet, but you are welcome to gather a few." Chione figured it would keep Silvia out of her hair for now by giving the woman what she wanted. "My assistant will help you."
“That’s good to hear.” Silvia stood up, and grasped Chione’s hands to shake them. “You have a good day, sister.”
"... good luck with your romantic endeavor." Chione was confused by Silvia's behavior for sure. Why the sudden change of heart? Yet, the Nara was not convinced. Silvia was probably using her for whatever small benefit she could get.
Chillowack chuckled at the sight of his daughter barely being able to ask for a favour. "Run along princess."
After he left, he smiled at Chione favourably. "It's no business of mine to say where you should or shouldn't make love, but I would advise caution doing it in a public setting. We aren’t savages dear."
"I apologize," Chione's tail twitched slightly, not exactly wanting to discuss this topic with her father-in-law, but a Hasai's nose never lied. "The fault lies upon me. Naran heat cycles are hellish to endure, and your son will not deny me. I will be more mindful of my surroundings in the future."
“Good to hear dear. I am very excited to know what you name your twins.”
"... twins?" Chione blinked, a bit caught off guard. "What makes you think there's going to be twins? Is it common for Hasai to have multiples?"
Chillowack looked surprised. “You mean he hasn’t told you? It's a royal tradition. Those who give birth to Ocho children always give birth to twins. One boy, one girl.”
"No, I... well... I'm not Hasai." Chione wondered how the cross between their two races would work. "Does that mean I will still have twins?"
“Well, Malakath is. His blessed seed will be enough.”
"Well... I um..." Chione was not sure how to react to this news, but supposed it was not a bad thing. Names. What names would Mally like? What did she like? "I've always liked Zannah for a girl. I thought it was very regal for a lady." She thought for a moment more, "Maybe... maybe Nihilus for a boy. Or Seras. Both are strong names for a son." Curious, she then asked, "What about you? I'm sure you've discussed names with Mally before."
“Please, not my place. Naming was exhausting enough with him and Silvia.”
"Names hold meaning in many cultures, father-in-law," Chione reminded the Emperor with a small smile. "If anything, I want our children to be healthy, to be strong... and to be happy."
“Happiness? Oh that is just adorable.” The Emperor stood up, shaking his head. “Strong and healthy, I certainly hope so. But take it from me. Don’t promise happiness. You’ll often be disappointed. Good day dear.”
As the Emperor took his exit, Chione was rather confused. What kind of parent would not wish for their child's happiness? Even her parents, who were not rich by any monetary standards, gave her a lovely and happy childhood. Dismissing the thought, Chione returned to the inner sanctum of her greenhouse to check on the sprouts of the kaji lilies. She hoped the flowers would bloom soon so she could present the plant to Mally as a gift.
About a month in, something miraculous occurred. Silvia had stopped openly antagonizing her sister in law. And Chione received the first evidence that she was pregnant. When the news reached the other members of the royal family, there was a thick air of joy, but also tension. The birth of a new line was a momentous occasion, but one that always had a hint of vulnerability around it. The prince did not hesitate in taking precautions. "Chione. I won't have any arguments. You're going to have a bodyguard wherever you go."
Over the moon at the news, Chione was determined to be the best mother possible. She was excited for the arrival of the twins. Already, she had set to designing a nursery and collecting adorable baby clothes. Often, she wondered whether her children would have horns or a tail like her, or perhaps favor their father more in inheritance. 
Yet, the pregnancy had not been easy. Chione had extreme morning sickness, confined to her chambers due to the fatigue and nausea, but luckily it had passed by the time the first trimester concluded. The doctors hounded her, but the Naran had lost her temper at several of them, hating to be touched by the foreign hands. After one doctor nearly lost his hand, Mally had at least ordered the physicians to leave her be for the time being. The arrival of the second trimester promised an easier storm to weather.
Though, Chione was a little concerned. Thus far, there was barely any bump visible. She had heard tales of many Naran women only showing evidence of pregnancy in the last trimester, so she tried not to fret over the thought too much. For now, Chione was spending time outside with Mally, enjoying the fresh air. The ten guards with them, however, she thought was a bit of overkill. If it made Mally feel better, Chione supposed she could tolerate their presence.
But the promise of a constant babysitter was a bit of an irritation.
"My darling, are you sure it is necessary?" Chione gently ran her fingers through his hair as he used her lap as a pillow. Both were enjoying the breeze and clear sky, the perfect day for a romantic picnic... despite extra company. "I will not argue with you, but we are in the palace. Surely it is quite safe here?"
"You never know my dear. There are certain political families that would love nothing more than to prove themselves our superiors and take the throne from us. While you are pregnant, you will be more vulnerable than usual." Malakath held his head, feeling a slight migraine. "I will not risk your health or the future of our line."
Malakath smiled slyly. “My dear. As much as I would love to, nothing would get done. So no, it will fall to someone else. I’ve trusted Bellum to find a suitable person to be at your side.”
Entering a doorway to a dojo, the captain gave a bow. “Princess Chione. Prince Malakath. Welcome.”
"Oh, what a shame, how would the palace survive without you?" Chione teased her husband lightly when he smirked at her. "While I understand, I cannot say I'm a bit disappointed. I am, after all, the perfect excuse to pull you away from your duties."
As Mally led her to a dojo, Chione admired the lovely structure. There were no such places in her homeland. All of the fighting was in the gladiator rings or 'the pits' as her people referred to the area. Once Bellum greeted both of them, Chione gave the captain a smile.
She said warmly, "How are you fairing, Bellum? Has Mally granted you the rank of admiral like I've asked him to do so?" Chione was not above some goodhearted banter with her husband, resting her head on his shoulder. "Do remember that you promised when the title was granted, I'd be the first to get a tour of your lovely ship."
"I did. And that will come soon. But first, business. I would like to introduce you to Zarun Thel. First Lady of House Thel, and your protector." 
Malakath was completely surprised when he saw an Ocho step forward. The civil war had reduced their numbers to- well to be blunt, Malakath thought his blood family were the only ones left. She was certainly beautiful, and he had no doubt that she would be an excellent fighter. The woman, garbed in an unique onyx black armour with red striping among the shoulders gave a firm bow. 
"Princess Chione. It is my honour to serve as your bodyguard."
"It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Zarun." Chione was surprised to see an Ocho as well. She was expecting a Skurge at most, but this was far from her expectations. Not to mention, the woman was absolutely stunning. "I do hope we will be fast friends."
"Likewise ma'am." Zarun shook her hand by the forearm in a firm handshake. "I won't let you, or Prince Malakath, down." 
Bellum nodded. "Lady Zarun will be your sword and shield. I'm sure you won't be disappointed."
"If you have Bellum's vote of confidence, then you have mine." Chione returned the handshake, being mindful of her claws. "I thank you for taking this job."
Malakath eyes went up and down the other Ocho. She was beautiful; incredibly so. Her eyes had a steep confidence, her hair was cut sharp, and her lips were flowerily. Above all else she smelled like- 
Shaking his head, the prince felt his breath hitch. No. Why were these thoughts coming to him? He had mated with his wife. He was bound to her. He should not even be physically capable of feeling this way. Rather silent, he eyed both women back and forth. Finally, he gestured for Bellum to come forward. "Captain, walk with me. We shall leave the two women to... get to know one another while we discuss our project."
"As you wish my lord. Princess. Commander. I wish you both well."
"Tell me, Lady Zarun, I'm curious, what do you know of the Naran culture?" Chione asked as she motioned for the bodyguard to take a seat on a pillow next to the tea table. "I'd be rather happy to answer your questions if you have any."
“Naran? I was only given cliff notes. I know that you come from a desert across the sea, you have abnormal physical strength, and you have a cultural taste for jewelry. I must say that your Hasai is rather good.”
"My people are from Al-Daida," Chione clarified for Zarun with a soft smile. "We are supposedly the descendants of Aliyah, the sorceress, and her lover, the great drake of the desert, Daidan." She offered her bodyguard a cup of tea. The leaves were from the variety of plants from her greenhouse. It was soothing and calming. "Indeed, we are strong, and yes, I do appreciate fine jewelry, but there is certainly more to me than such trivial little things."
She encouraged Zarun, "Ask me your questions and I'll ask you a few in return. It is nice to get to know a friend in such a way."
"Very well." Zarun seemed to be deep in thought, then answered honestly. "Your horns. Can you use them in battle? Do you know magic if you are a descendant of a sorceress?"
"Of course!" Chione replied enthusiastically. It was refreshing to have someone else to talk to besides her husband or a servant. She took the tip of her finger and poked her sharp horn. "Naran horns are incredibly resilient. If broken, they grow back. Very useful to use to pierce or gorge." She then gave a slight shake of her head, "Some Narans are blessed with magical talent, while others possess strength. I, unfortunately, do not have magic to use, yet I was blessed in other ways." She motioned to the tea that was in the pot. "I was able to implement the usage of my ancestor's green thumb. She turned the desert into an oasis for us."
"You can manipulate plant life with magic? That sounds beautiful. Part of me is glad you fit so well in the Empire then."
"It's not a very flashy type of magic, but at least I can ensure that the Empire will never be hungry." Chione mused, "Though, here of late, I feel very drained by the pregnancy. I must admit, it's a bit out of sorts for me to lack such energy."
"I am more than willing to lend a hand when need be." The bodyguard walked around with the princess, keeping a steady pace. "I believe it's your turn for questions?"
"I have to admit, you are an Ocho," Chione asked Zarun, rather bluntly, but figured there was no reason to sugarcoat things. "I thought Ocho were all part of the royal family. Why are you working as my bodyguard?"
There was a little bit of regret on Zarun's face, but she kept her tone steady. "When the Waku went to war with the royal family, Emperor Chillowack called upon all the royal houses for support. Fighting the Waku was a struggle on its own. Fighting the dragons, it became a long term slaughter. Because the Emperor held the Crown of Exodrum, he was the most powerful Ocho among us, so we followed any order he laid out with obedience. Even if it meant dying with honour. And that, ultimately, is what occurred." 
Reaching a balcony, Zarun pointed out the countryside in the distance next to the volcano. "Out there, in the distant plains. That's where my family laid down their lives fighting two dragons. We were allowed to command armies of Skurge and Romtan, but for my family, for the rest of the Ocho, honour dictated that we lead by example. That put us right in front of all the carnage. When all the fighting was done, I was one of the last remaining Ocho outside of the royal family. Certainly the last of mine. Now only a handful of families remain."
"Oh..." Chione did not realize there were other Ocho families besides her husband's. There was still a lot left for her to learn. The pain in Zarun's voice was evident. Loss was a wound which never went away, even with the passing of time. The pain only became easier to deal with as the years passed. "I'm sorry for the loss of your family." 
The Nara frowned, and then gave Zarun's hand a soft pat as a gesture of comfort. "I know what it is like to lose someone you love. My parents have been gone for a few years, but I still miss them." She gave a brief pause and then stated, "I hope you find someone one day that makes you as happy as Mally makes me. Then, you can have your own family again. No, it won't be the same, but still..." Chione gave a small smile. "It will be less lonely for sure."
The Ocho smiled, feeling a sense of comradery between herself and the princess. "Indeed. I take it you've enjoyed your time here in the Empire so far?"
"The Empire is very different from Al-Daidan, but I have enjoyed my time here." Chione supposed that was a half truth. She was enjoying her time here, but felt so... alienated. There was hardly anyone here who she could consider a true friend. "It'd be nice if I could... go outside of the palace." The Naran gave a defeated sigh, "Mally is insistent that I remain within the walls for my safety, stating he does not know how the people will react to me."
"Well... you're safe with me. If the prince's first concern is safety, then that matter is settled. I can take you to see the countryside."
"Really?!" Chione lit up like fireworks in the sky, grasping both of Zarun's hands in excitement. She had her hopes up now. Even her tail wagged from the thought of visiting the lush countryside with so many new plants. "There's so many new plants I've yet to gather for my garden! I mean, of course, Mally told me he'd have them delivered here, but I want to see them in their natural environment! It might give me the opportunity to make more hybrids!"
"We can ride a Manticore. Come on, you're going to love the sights." Grabbing her hand, the Ocho was quick to lead the Nara down through the palace, down every hall to the monster's stables. Here, in zoo-like cages, various monsters were lying about. An incredibly large Wyvern rested, a few Basilisk's slithered in coils, some Griffins were putting together a nest, and finally, there was the Manticore.
Opening the cage, Zarun let out a whistle. "Myhrra, come!"
From the shadows of the cave corner, a large beast walked forward with heavy paws. The monster had the body of a lion, but on its rear was a massive scorpion-like tail with a rounded spiked tail. It had leathery wings upon its back, and its face was like a man with the main and jaws of a lion. Seeing Chione, it smiled with hunger. It seemed Zarun was on this behaviour right away, flicking fire at its feet. 
"No! She is not food! This is Princess Chione. She's going to be a friend."
"A what now?" Chione was barely able to inquire what the hell a manticore was before being dragged by Zarun to the stables. This was new. She had never seen this part of the palace before. There were so many beasts in here that were new to her. Of course, Chione was a bit biased, since in her opinion, there was nothing which could compare to the majestic sand rays of her homeland. When the beasts licked its lips, Chione's tail stood on end for a moment, before flicking in warning. She would fight if necessary, though, thankfully, Zarun calmed her creature. "Are all your pets so bloodthirsty?"
“All the best creatures are.” The way Zarun petted the main of the creature made it almost seem docile, the way it slapped its foot up and down in happiness. Almost wasn’t good enough when it still had maddening eyes staring at Chione, yet it didn’t make any moves. Grabbing a saddle, the Ocho attached it to her pet, then instructed Chione to climb aboard the back. It was about the size of a horse, so just about enough room to fit together. “She won’t bite. Unless I command it~”
"If she bites, I bite back. Just warning you." Chione climbed up on the saddle, the feeling rather foreign. In Al-Daida, she rode the sand rays, camels, and every other mount without such equipment. She was curious as to why the Hasai used such a thing for their pets. "We do not have these in Al-Daida."
“Manticore are rare, even in the empire, so I’m not surprised. Myhrra here I found as a kitten. Trained her to be my companion in battle. Other Ocho gravitated to beasts like griffins, basilisks, or even minotaurs. Since they’re all mostly dead, I’d say I chose wisely. Come on Myhrra, show the princess what you can do.”
With a roar that sounded more like a woman screaming than a cat, the Manticore spread its leathery wings, then with a few paces of running forward took off into the air. Soon enough, the pair was flying over the walls of the castle.
As soon as the manticore took off into the air, Chione was laughing in absolute delight. This reminded her of the flights on the sand rays. It was not as smooth as the ancient rulers of the desert, but it was still wonderful to experience the wind on her face again. It made the kingdom feel a little less foreign, and more like home.
With a slap of the reins, Zarun had her beast take them down with a dive towards the hillsides. Carefully, they flew over rice farmers, going into the lush countryside. “That’s good you’re taking this so well.”
"In my homeland, there are sand rays that are larger than the palace." Chione told Zarun with her arms wide for emphasis. "I miss riding on them. Miss seeing them. Their calls were like music echoing across the desert."
“That sounds beautiful Princess. I can’t say we have anything like that. Least, not since the dragons.”
"I was rather saddened when Mally told me there were no more dragons here," Chione gave a small sigh. "I was hoping to see one. Yet, he told me the dragons and the Waku were evil."
“Corrupted is more accurate. They weren’t always that way. We used to have a powerful and peaceful relationship with the dragons, and the Waku were some of the greatest in our empire. But greed and pride spread through them. There are some beasts that are similar, like Wyverns. Look like dragons from foreign lands, but less intelligent and smaller. There’s also the Krayt. But we avoid them where we can, unless it’s to hunt.”
"It is a sad day when all an individual cares about is power and cannot see what is enough around them." Chione looked out over the farmland, her tail flicking in excitement. "There's so many beautiful plants here. Thank you, for bringing me to see all this. I really appre---um..." She paused, noting that quite a few Hasai were staring at her. "... do I really look that odd?"
"Oh, the Hasai used to have horns and a tail?" Chione did not know that piece of history. Taking Zarun's hand, she was so eager to explore, but knew better than to go running off into the countryside. Malakath had warned her that not everyone was friendly. "I don't want to interrupt their day. I know they have work to do."
Zarun nodded to Chione before addressing the crowd. “Your princess demands you carry on your tasks! We are merely observing. Dismiss your gazes!” 
The farmers did as they were told, going back to their livelihoods.
"... that's... effective?" Chione could not believe how fast the people returned to their jobs. "I mean, I don't want to startle them, I just want to be... well... nosy." She admitted sheepishly, "For lack of a better word, I'm curious."
“You can travel wherever you wish. This is your land to observe. You are royalty, and even if you are not originally of these lands, you carry within you holy blood. Your respect does not need to be earned, it is cemented upon you already.”
"While I appreciate all the given respect, I don't want to be..." Chione had to think for a moment, translating in her head. "Perceived as a tyrant. I don't want the people to fear me, or think I'm merely a trophy for Mally. I want them to know me for me."
Zarun observed Chione rather curiously, a raised brow at her thinking. “That’s rather noble of you. If you feel that way, observe. See what you can do to give back to the citizenship. Or perhaps find something worthy of fighting.”
"Mally rarely addresses the topic of his people," Chione then asked Zarun, looking around the area. "What do they need? I might not be able to do much, but I will try."
Zarun gestured to the landscape, at all the people around them, and when she spoke, she did so with reverence. “What do they need? Nothing but to keep the machine that is the Kikai Empire running. As the workers of our land, they keep up all the happiness everyone could ever need. As leaders, those who are of royalty and chosen might hold power as both a weapon but also a tool. It’s up to us to share that power with the people. You want to stand out? Give them a project. After the civil war, much of our beautiful land was scorched. Perhaps you can share techniques or create inventions our people can use?”
Chione wanted to argue that people needed more than a job to feel happiness. Love, friends, stability, food, there was so much she could say a person needed. Yet, a fulfilling purpose was different as well. Taking a look over the land, the Nara thought for a minute. Just because the land was scorched did not mean nothing could grow.
"... do they need more food?" Chione asked Zarun. "I know of very resilient plants that will grow in any type of soil. Of course, it will need some treatment, but I have an idea of what will work." She pointed with her finger, "And spilt the water flow to run in-between the fields instead of having the farmers having to go get it. Irrigation is important."
Zarun smiled at the idea Chione crafted. “It will be done. Would you like to see the forest fauna for inspection?”
"Yes, please!" Chione started to follow Zarun, but stopped, noting some of the farmers lacked the proper equipment. "... and safety needs to be first and foremost. I see a lot of these people do not even have gloves. Some plants are poisonous or could cause a bad reaction. Please make note I want the people to have the appropriate gloves, clothing wear, and boots. Boots are important when working with such heavy farming tools."
“I’ll make a note in my report, princess.”
It only took a couple minutes of flight until the pair found themselves going through the forest line. Landing on the road, Zarun made sure to look around first before letting Chione off the Manticore. “You can look around, but don’t walk too far away.”
The forest was oddly quiet for a place of nature. Chione was quietly observing the different types of plants. Though, one certainly caught her eye. It seemed to be... watching her? It moved as she moved. Curious, she flicked her tail one way and then the other, watching the plant mimic her movements. 
"Zarun," Chione called to her bodyguard. "What is this? It... copies me."
“Ah, that’s the Dabara Bush. It can sense movement next to it. In a bid to not be eaten, it follows the movement next to it to scare off animals. We have used it as a detection mechanism against pests in times of war. As long as you aren’t five feet in front of it, it won’t move.” Carefully, Zarun drew her sword. “The trick, however, is sometimes they can grow alongside Deku Baba. I’m sure you’re aware of the man eating plants?”
"The only man eating plant I know is extremely rare called a Jawstalk Mantrap," Chione told Zarun as bent down to observe the Dabara Bush with her tail thudding against the ground in excitement. "Grows to extraordinary lengths and can swallow a man whole. I only save a preserved one, once." She then said, "We can use these in the fields to keep away flies and other pests. They don't feed on other plants, right? So it can be a symbiotic relationship!" She suggested excitedly, "Minus the Deku Baba, of course."
“That would be ideal. Grab some seeds, I just need to feed Myhrra. She gets antsy if she doesn’t eat every 7 hours.”
"Very well," Chione then asked Zarun, "Does your manticore eat fruit? I saw some berry bushes along the way."
“Alas, only meat.” Grabbing a slab of chicken from a sack, the Ocho tossed it in the air. The Manticore rolled its tongue over its teeth, then snatched it with one gulp.
"As long as it doesn't develop a taste for Naran flesh, I'm good." Chione then asked, "... can I pet her?"
“You may. Just don’t show any regret with fear. It’s like blood for a shark.” 
The manticore waited, its spiky tail resting as it smiled that monstrous grin.
Chione approached the beast. It was dangerous, that was for sure. Not to show any fear, right? She stepped closer, hearing a small, rumbling growl. So, Chione did the only thing she knew to do, and growled right back, giving the manticore a harsh pat on the withers.
"Don't test me, poofy," Chione told the manticore sternly, chiding it. "I'm nauseous all the time, I want to eat until I puke, my feet are swollen, and my boobs are huge. Go on, test me and see what happens. I dare you. I'll rip out a fang and feed it to you. I'm small, but I can still toss around your emperor like a rag doll."
The Manticore paused, tilting its head. As it seemed like it was about to let Chione pet her, it raised its tail over its head and fired off three metal spikes. Behind the princess, a man who was charging with a blade let out a death rattle as his chest was filled with the projectiles. Before he could even fall to the ground, the smiling Manticore leaped over Chione to swallow the would be assassin whole.
Zarun was quick to draw her katana, watching as other figures emerged from the undergrowth. “Princess, stay close!” 
A number of red skinned men brandishing weapons strode forward. The hatred in their eyes was clear. “For our fallen brothers and sisters! For our children! Die!!!” ______________________________________________________________
Written with @ridersoftheapocalypse, prequel to War of Fire.
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mrneighbourlove · 7 months
Glass Love and Desire: Ch 3. Folded into the Empire
Chione's garden had expanded massively when the spring season came along to Al-Daidan. The waters were higher and flowed from the Aaru River to many farms near the riverbanks. As ridding the garden of weeds, Chione gathered the many vegetables to start canning to save for provisions. There were plenty of herbs to sell and flowers for the upcoming festival to celebrate the goddess of bountiful harvest, Haneen. It was going to be a good day at the market to sell all her goods.
A few suitors had tried to approach Chione with intentions of a courtship, but she had turned them down, saying she was not ready for a relationship. In reality, Chione did not want to be a concubine for a noble. Some were only interested because of her looks. Others pursued her because her father was famous for making maps across the continent. She was happy with her flowers, the garden grown by her mother, and the memories of her family here.
Al-Daida was rather quiet for another pleasant afternoon. What the people didn’t know was that the Hasai Civil War was about to come to a vicious and climatic end upon their land.
On this day, Prince Malakath dueled the last of the Dream Dragons. The creature had transformed into a living nightmare, taking on wings, fiery scales, and venom tripping from its fangs. 
Battling the creature over the sea, through the skies of Danjur, the battle came to an end in Al-Diada. Everyone, including Chione, saw a comet of fire fall to the earth. In a fantastic display, a detonation of flames and embers scattered across the earth. Across the impact zone, sand turned to glistening glass, the radius of a small town having formed. And, in the middle of it all, Malakath stood over the dead dragon.
"What was that?" Chione had no clue it was Mally and a dragon. She thought it was perhaps a meteorite that fell to earth. It was too far away for her to tell what was truly going on but she had other matters to attend to for the day.
As the day went by, news quickly spread in town on the matter. 
“Did you see what happened? It was like God fell to earth!”
“No! It was a beast fighting a man!”
“The matriarch sent out guards to investigate.”
“There’s a holy demi-god of emerald and fire! He killed a dragon! The guards are bringing the body and the being here!”
Chione was never truly interested in gossip, but the rumors about a green man certainly caught her attention. Yet, she never voiced such and merely listened. Her people were still unsure of the newcomers. Were they a threat or were they a friend? It was best to leave these matters to the Patriarch and his council.
Soon enough, however, she didn’t have to hear rumours. 
Adorned in armour, a scimitar at his side, and tattered flowing cape, Malakath was paraded through the city to the Matriarch’s palace with the body of the dragon being dragged behind him by guards. 
The prince had managed to convince the local Militia he was a Royal blessed by god, and that the dragon would be a gift for their people as a sign of good will. He had managed to learn a basic amount of Chione’s language to communicate with them.
Chione had heard the rumors of the green man visiting the palace of the Patriarch and Matriarch. She wondered if it truly was Mally or someone else from his race? She hoped it was not his sister. Either way, if it was him, Chione wondered what his intentions were. The bontanist never thought she would meet him again after he returned home. Still, it was not her place to question things. So, she waited... waited to see if he would visit her or if he even remembered her at all. 
Tending to her garden in the early hours of the morning, Chione found a black snake, hiding in the growing strawberries. 
"Oh, it's good to see you here," Chione spoke to the snake. "You're eating the pests which try to devour my plants, aren't you?"
Of course, there was no reply from the snake. It merely laid there in the shade, fat and happy from so many mice. 
She told the snake, "You may stay. Enjoy your feast."
The snake simply hissed back at her.
"Now, now, don't be fresh." Chione left the snake to gather fruit from the growing mango trees. She took a few from the lower hanging limbs and gave a small sigh. Looking at her finger where the faintest of a scar resided, Chione wondered if Mally still enjoyed mangos. He ate so many when he was here. Going to her bench, she decided to peel a mango to enjoy as a snack. After slicing it into pieces, Chione nibbled on the juicy fruit and looked out upon her garden. Maybe it was time to... actually find someone, to have a relationship. Loneliness was starting to creep up on her. After her parents passed away, for the longest time, she just wanted to be left alone to process her grief. Now, she wondered if it was a sin to want to move on.
Suddenly, a voice spoke behind her in Hasai. “Hello Chione.”
Coming back into her life with a new freshly pressed cape and armour Malakath smiled brightly at the Nara.
Chione was so startled by the voice, having been deep in thought, almost dropping her fruit. Hurriedly standing from her bench, she whirled around and saw... Mally?! He was really here?! What was he doing back in Al-Daida? The rumors were obviously true of a man coming to the palace with a dead dragon as a tribute. 
"Mally?!" Chione's surprise was evident across her face. "You're here?!"
He took her hand, and gave it a gentle kiss. Then, he spoke in her language. “I came back. To see you again.”
"You came back to see---wait." Chione realized her was speaking in *her* tongue. Her mouth fell open as he kissed her knuckles, charming as ever. She was so stunned, but only for a moment, before asking questions. "How did you... where did you learn to speak Naran?! How did you find your way back?! Why were you fighting---no, no, no, wait a minute, I'm mad at you." The Naran crossed her arms, giving a small pout. "You kept me waiting and worrying that something was wrong."
“Mad? At me?” Malakath held his hands up, a sarcastic defense. “I took the time to learn. I understand well, but still need practice… speaking.”  
Malakath held her by the waist and led her to a couch, sitting down with her. “I was engaged… in a civil war. The other side were godless, devil worshipers. Stop them, I did.”
"You left, and then I hear rumors about a green man fighting a dragon, of course I'm mad at you! Doing something so reckless!" Chione swatted his arm lightly, not enough to hurt, but to get her point across to Mally. "Civil war or not, you need to be careful! I was thinking I was going to have to fish you out of a crater this time instead of the river."
As he led her to sit once again, Chione then supposed she could at least recognize his feat to learn her language. "Though, I am grateful you took the time to learn Naran. If you stopped these devil worshippers, then..." She asked, "Why did you come here to see me?"
“Because I came to realize something. Over this last year, there’s only one thing I could think about. After all the fighting. That’s you Chione. I can’t get you out of my head.”
"Fighting dragons and evil devil worshippers, you've certainly been busy." Chione was a bit flustered when he openly admitted that he had thought of her. It was very forward of Mally, for sure. "Me? You're a general, Mally, I'm just... a botanist."
"Militarily, I hold the rank of General. But I am actually a prince."
"... A WHAT?!" 
Chione was absolutely mortified. He was royalty?! She had him pull weeds! Wash dishes! Scrub dirty clothes! The Patriarch and Matriarch never lifted such a finger for trivial work! She scolded him like a child for being stubborn! What he must think of her!
Malakath chuckled at her reaction. "I'm a prince. Prince Malakath of the Kikai Empire."
"I... I..." Chione had no idea how to express her feeling of absolute surprise and extreme mortification. She had no idea he was a prince from another nation. If she had known, then she would have taken him to the palace for proper accommodations. The Nara was confused as to why he did not make his way there and stayed with her. Yet, at the moment, more than anything, she felt... incredibly small. 
Finally, Chione spoked, very quietly. "I... I'm so sorry." She apologized, her head bowed and staring at the ground. "I didn't know or I would have taken you to the palace."
"Hold your head high." Malakath spoke more boldly. When she followed his instructions, he lifted her up more with a gentle hand under her chin. "There we are. Straight and beautiful. When you found me, you saved my life. I'd have asked nothing more. I am grateful to you. I had no knowledge of where I was. My life was in your hands."
Mally was not... angry with her? Looking up at the prince of the Hasai, Chione supposed she should have realized he was of great importance. Yet, the armor she took off him at the river made her think he was a soldier or a general. The thought of Mally being royalty never crossed her mind since the noble families never donned armor for fighting. No, there were always guards or soldiers to protect them. 
"It was the right thing to do," Chione told Mally softly, "I didn't want to see you suffer, but I did not have enough money for a doctor."
"And yet, your actions brought me back to health. Without you, I would be dead. My people, I, have you to thank for aiding us." He held her hands in his own, his light smile upon his lips as he looked fondly into her eyes. "I must ask, have you thought of me since our departure?"
"Thought of you? Of course, I have!" Chione almost laughed at his question as his calloused fingers rubbed over her hands. How could she forget him? The green man she found in the river? "You flashed into my life like a lightning strike. You were here, and then you were gone."
"Have you thought of me... on a deeper level?"
"... do you mean the kiss you gave me?" Chione asked, her cheeks turning a touch pink. "That was... unexpected, but not unwelcome."
Malakath enjoyed the sound of that. “Welcomed. Is that an experience you want to go through again?”
"I... don't know the customs of Hasai culture, but usually affection, true affection, in such a manner of kissing is reserved for those who wish to court one another." Chione did not want to offend him but she did not want to assume either. "It's different than just... a night of passion."
“And, what if my true intentions in coming back here were to make you my wife?”
"...! But... I-I..." Chione was flabbergasted. Her? The wife of a prince? A prince of a foreign nation? "I... I have nothing to offer you." She appeared to be incredibly shocked but also a touch sad. The stories always told nobility marrying within their status. Families arranged marriages from an early age. A commoner marrying into a noble family or even royalty was unheard of in Al-Daida. "You're a prince and I... I'm just me."
Malakath looked slightly disappointed.  “Where’s that confidence you had when I first met you? This self pity is not your true character. I have seen it. You have strength in you. I have seen your Matriarch. I am not impressed. They will not do anything for themselves. If they consider themselves a royal, you must be holy above them.”
Confidence? Perhaps Chione had a touch of confidence before she knew he was a prince. He was just an everyday man then to her. But now, the knowledge of him being royalty, it did make her feel inferior. The royals were not cruel to their commoners, but knew how to keep them in place. Yet, here Mally was, comparing her to divinity. It was almost too sweet for him to say such words. If the guards of the palace heard, it would surely cause a ruckus! 
"I meant status and a dowry, Mally," Chione explained to the prince. "I'm not a noble. I have neither of those. Is it... different in Hasai? Do I not have to have these things to... to be with you?" She carefully placed her hands on his chest, leaning in a little closer. "You compare me to the divine, but I want no place among them. I'd rather be mortal, be here with you."
“My family only if we continue our line. Someone of your strength, and who is willing to do work, they would accept you. Hasai royalty do not sit on their chairs. We lead and forge the future.” Malakath, held her hands close to her chest. “Come with me. Marry me and I will help you achieve your best self. All I need from you is your love.”
Would his people really accept her? Mally had no reason to lie. If he did not have intentions toward her, he would have never returned at all. She would have just been another stranger in his life which was lost to time. Al-Daida held nothing for her here. Perhaps taking a chance would result in a better future besides loneliness. 
Leaning forward, Chione nuzzled her forehead against his. This was the deepest gesture of affection within Naran culture. She had thought of Mally often, and she did miss him. While love could blossom within time... was it wrong to deny the fact that she did feel something for him?
"... I'll become one with you, Mally." Chione agreed to Mally's request of her marrying him. She did not want him to leave, and he did not want to leave her. Perhaps, happiness was in her future after all.  "... may I take my plants?"
Malakath was overjoyed. Rubbing his forehead against hers, he purred. "You may. Chione, there's something I wish to show you. Consider it an engagement gift." 
Reaching into a sleeve in his cape, the prince took out a rectangular device. This box was carefully crafted to capture real to life images, printing out pictures of said images. Scrolling through the selection of images that had been recorded, the prince found what he was looking for; a massive glass house ready to be filled with plants. 
"See here? I had a greenhouse built for you. I hope you like it."
"An engagement gift?" Chione repeated, realizing Mally had been so confident that she was going to say yes, he had already prepared a present for her in his homeland. It was rather confident of him in manner, but it only caused her to laugh. The entire time Mally had spent with her, he had oozed confidence. "You are definitely sure of yourself."
When Mally pulled out the strange looking object, Chione gasped in surprise as floating images suddenly appeared. What kind of magic was this? The greenhouse was absolutely marvelous and gargantuan in size. This was... all for her?
Her eyes were transfixed on the image of the greenhouse as she murmured, "It's mine?"
“It’s all yours. Say the word, and I’ll take you to your new home.” Malakath smiled with wonder as he put the pictograph away. He knew this gift was the perfect idea.
"I want to go with you." Chione knew this place held nothing for her but memories. Her parents would have wanted her to be happy, whether it was in Al-Daida or somewhere else. Maybe now, her fate was intertwined with Mally's. "But... will your people accept me? I don't know your language, your customs... I will have to learn."
“The Empire is made of different species. We are all Hasai. You marrying me, an Ocho, will not be looked down upon. For the matter of blood, God has a way of working things out for the Ocho.” Malakath lifted her up by the hands, grinning. “You will be given the time and care to learn much. Now that matters of engagement are settied, is there anything you need to take with you? Any goodbyes?”
"Besides my plants?" Chione thought of her few items in the humble home she had. "Just my clothes and my mementos of my parents. It shouldn't take long to pack."
“I have transportation that’s ready to retrieve us. Gather your things while I signal them here.” Giving her a kiss on her cheek, the prince made his way outside as he readied to launch a firework into the air with his pyrokenesis. His mind wandered to his encounter yesterday with the Dragon. With its final breath, it cursed him. “You will never know true happiness, Prince Malakath. Nor glory. Your bonds will be tainted, and your children shall inherit the power you can only dream of. May that fact drive you to envy and doom.”
Malakath sneered at the thought. He was going to have all the happiness he could dream of. And with Chione as his wife, the next great link in his family's chain was secured.
The Kikai Empire was located on a continent far from Al-David’s across the sea. It was known for lush farmland, beautiful mountains, and the most beautiful trees. Mt. Frey, a dormant volcano, stood as a monument overlooking the empire. A month into arriving, Chione was being drilled on Hasai culture and language on the boat ride over.
She learned about the caste system of different Hasai. The blue skinned and purple eyed Romtan, who couldn’t conjure fire themselves, but still supplied much contribution to the empire through engineering and metal work. The snow white skinned Skurge, the main source of protection of the Empire, fire benders who made good soldiers, but also bakers. There was a quick lesson on the Waku, traitors and devil worshippers who had to be expunged. Then finally, the Ocho. Demi-Gods who had their bloodline blessed by Exodrum, God of Fire and Evolution.
Malakath was excited when he finally saw his home in the distance on the final day of the trip. Rushing into Chione’s tutor lesson on Hasai language, he smiled brightly. “Come to the deck, we’re here!”
There was so much to learn. In the days leading up to the arrival, Chione had done her best to learn about the Kikai Empire. The caste system, the culture, the customs, the traditions, the dos the don'ts, and what would be required of her as the role of Princess Consort. There was so much to memorize. Honestly, Chione felt a little overwhelmed but so much information, but did her best. Learning the Hasai language was a bit challenging for her, but once she understood the basics, it became easier. 
Currently, Chione was trying her best to write in the Hasai language, but her penmanship was sorely lacking. Writing in Naran and now Hasai was completely different. While she was grasping speaking the language, writing it was harder than she anticipated. Still, the Naran kept trying to make the correct strokes.
As Mally busted into the room, Chione nearly dropped her quill from the sudden intrusion. Nonetheless, she was delighted to see her intended. The tutors had kept her quite occupied with lessons.
"Mally!" Chione never did drop the nickname. It was her endearment for him. Others, of course, she could tell disapproved, but she did not care. She would use proper titles only if necessary. Yet, when it was just him, she wanted to express love in her own way. "We are almost to the... ah..." She had to pause to translate the word in her head. "Island?"
“Very good.” Taking her hand, Malakath promised to speak with her in Hasai when around others, but he would speak Naran when alone with her. Reaching the deck, she pointed to the bay they were driving into. “This is my homeland. The very origins of the Empire are located here.”
"It is beautiful," Chione was amazed at the sight from the blimp. Malakath described how it was just simply one of the newer wonders his people had recently created. Never in her life had she seen so many plants. Yet, she had never been so high in the air before either. A sand ray could only leap so far into the sky. "It is so... green."
She looked around, a little confused and gestured to the sky around them and the land ahead. "You said you were the blood of a dragon, yes? Where are the dragons?"
Malakath held his breath, slowly talking and choosing his words carefully. “They’re gone Chione. They became corrupted by the Waku. It wasn’t the outcome we wanted, but we had to destroy them. It was them, or the rest of the Empire. My subjects, their children, their futures.”
"Oh... I'm sorry it came to that." Chione sounded disappointed as she looked out at the sky. "I was really hoping to see one," She explained to Mally, not meaning any offense, just curious. "I've seen Daidan Drakes, but I've never seen a dragon."
Malakath gave his fiancé a pat on the back. “We have Wyverns, as well as creatures far more unique than a dragon. Put them out of your mind my dear.”
"There is so much to see and so much to learn too." Chione asked Mally as the blimp continued inland. "I want to know, but sometimes, it feels so daunting---oh my goodness! Is that your palace?!"
Descending downwards onto the landing pad, the Red Palace was in full display. A marvelous piece of architecture full of towers and arches. Built in a courtyard she could see a massive greenhouse that was ready for her. “Welcome home Chione.”
"This is... home?" Chione was dumbfounded. This was far larger than the Matriarch's palace. As Mally led her off the landing platform, the Nara stared in wonder at the regality of the Hasai Palace. "How do you not get lost?"
“You’ll learn.” Malakath could see his family approaching. He braced himself , but was quick to brace Chione. “You have met my sister, so you know what she’s like. My mother, Empress Keara, is a Romtan, married into the family. She might take interest in you, she might not. She’s rather aloof these days. My father, Emperor Chillowack, is the type of man who uses friendliness as a weapon. Don’t show any weakness around him, he might use it against you.”
This certainly was a lot to process. It did not seem that Mally's family would hold any love for her. Then again, Chione expected that the royals would not outright welcome her. She was a foreigner, she held no immense power, and she had no titles. There was nothing the Nara could offer to Mally's family. Though, Chione was not foolish enough to believe every issue would be sunshine and rainbows either. She knew the life of a royal was harsh, never knowing who to trust. If Mally told her to be careful, she would do so. It was a rather frightening feeling to realize that within these walls, it was a high possibility that he was the only one that she could trust.
"Is there anyone besides you that I can rely on?" Chione asked Mally rather quickly in Naran as she held onto his arm tightly. "... I will be careful."
“I have a close friend, a colonel Bellum. Loyal, and wise. You can trust him as well. In time, you might find others.” 
Landing, a red carpet was rolled out for the prince. Standing at an impress, 6’7ft, Emperor Chillowack, another Ocho, opened his arms to the couple. “At last, the Hero of the Civil War has arrived! Welcome home my boy!”
The Emperor spoke in a very proper, upper class accent, unlike his children. The Empress eyed Chione, but it was almost robotic, glazed over in her analysis of the Nara. Silvia merely folded her arms, a small squint at Chione forming. With a flamboyant wave of his hand, the Emperor cheerfully addressed his son. “Malakath. Please introduce me to your chosen mate.”
With a graceful bow, the prince gestured to his wife as if she were a precious treasure. “This is Chione, my fiancé, and soon to be princess.”
The Emperor smiled, offering a hug to his son, then Chione. “You have exquisite taste in jewelry.”
Chione felt a prickle at the base of her tail when setting eyes on Mally's father. There were no indications the man was a threat. Yet, there was a part of her instincts which screamed to run, to avoid this man at all costs. Was he even a man... or perhaps a monster? While Chillowack gazed at her up and down, she felt physically sick, like he viewed her as inferior, as a specimen, as some *thing* to be under his heel. No, no, Mally warned her not to show weakness. She had to put on a mask, even if the man unnerved her. Figuring out Mally's mother and sister could come later, for now, Chione had to tangle with this... beast. There was no way she'd lose.
"Your son heat sand and make for me." Chione spoke in the Hasai language as best as she could, giving the Emperor a polite bow as the tutor had taught her. To accept a hug from him, that was not a line she wanted to cross. But weakness... she could not show it. So, instead, she would show strength. Squeezing the Emperor tightly, not enough to cause pain, but enough for display, Chione actually lifted him off the ground slightly. "It nice to greet you, soon father-in-law!!!"
Emperor Chillowack immediately hugged her back, letting out a chortle. "Oh my! Excellent form on this one~" 
When he was set down, he gestured to the palace behind him. "I look forward to having a daughter who might be able to throw her strength around! Please! Unload your belongings, then join us for dinner! We have much to discuss about ourselves!"
"I discuss what can." Chione agreed with a smile, not letting her guard down in front of the man. It was easier to play along for now. Perhaps, if he needed her worthy, the Emperor would eventually leave her be. "The Hasai tongue is... what is word? New? I do best to answer questions."
"I'm sure you will." The Emperor and the Empress were the first to turn to leave. Princess Silvia glowered a little more at the pair, then turned to leave.
Malakath was quick to take his wife's hand, leading her in. "I think that went rather well."
As Silvia glared at her, Chione did not allow the disdain to get a rise out of her. She merely smiled in return.
"... I did squeeze him rather hard." Chione murmured into Mally's ear as he led her inside the palace. "Maybe I shouldn't have?"
"No, you showed him your strength. That's won you over a great deal in his eyes. I don't know if you'll ever win over my mother, so don't worry about that."
"As long as I have you, I believe I'll be fine," Chione leaned in to rub her forehead against his once more. "I still have more to learn to become known with your culture."
At the dinner table, a large sushi dinner was presented for the prince and his fiancé. Sitting closer to the head, Malakath made sure his wife was being treated fairly. Silvia, however, couldn’t stop going back and forth with daggers in her eyes at her brother, Chione, and her father.
As the servants brought out the food, Chione was stunned by the amount of uncooked fish placed in front of her. Did the cooks think her too skinny? Surely, all this food was not just for her on this plate. Glancing at the other plates, Chione realized it seemed similar to the others, and wondered how she was going to eat all of the food. Wasn't fish supposed to be cooked before eating? The last thing she wanted to do was be rude or insulting. It was probably a good idea to at least try the food. 
"Thanks prepare food for me." Chione tried her best to express gratitude to the servants in her limited Hasai language, and then to Mally's family, despite his sister's constant scowl. "Thanks for invite to table. What is called?" She pointed to the plate of sushi in front of her. "In Al-Daida, fish... uh... heated? No, no..." She took a moment to try to think of the correct translation. "In pan. In fire. Prepped?"
"Oh! That's adorable! No, this is sushi! The rice and fish is okay to be eaten raw! What you do is pick up the food like so with these utensils." The Emperor raised the chop sticks, showing off. "Then you dip the food into sauces like so! It adds flavour darling." 
Malakath slowly eyed his wife, giving her a nod. He had prepared her for the use of the dinner ware in his culture. He hoped she had practiced enough.
"Su-shi?" Chione repeated, looking at Mally for clarification. Once he gave an approval, the Nara reached for the utensils. It was rather odd not using her hands to eat food. Most of what she used to fix at home required only the usage of her hands as a utensil. Yet, she learned rather quickly how to use the chopsticks. Copying the motions of Chillowack, Chione tried a bite of the sushi with the brown sauce. It was... very salty, and the texture of the fish mixed with rice was certainly different. It was not a bad taste, she was just unused to such food. "Different than Al-Daida. Different but good."
"Oh that sounds wonderful dear! I'm glad you can enjoy our culture! Oh do tell us about yourself! I noticed your parents didn't join us. I hope they weren't closed off to an interspecies romance." 
Malakath held his breath, watching closely at how his father tested Chione's boundries. His language, while playful, had a hidden edge to it. While the Ocho often needed to mate with other factions of Hasai, or even species to not inbreed, there was still a great deal of care to not sully their genes with completely inferior beings. They were always blessed to have full blooded Ocho children, but the wrong partner could breed weakness. Malakath knew that, and his father would look out for that. 
"I sad to inform Emperor parents are um..." Chione expected such a question. It was only natural to be curious about her parents just as she was about Mally's. She quickly realized she did not know the Hasai word for death. Using words she did know, Chione explained to the Emperor, "Not on earth. Not here. With Amek, in not life."
"Oh, my condolences dear. I suppose death comes to us all at some point. Perhaps they would want to hear about how you've come to love my son? It is so good that one of my children could find love."
Silvia scowled for a moment, but continued to eat her sushi.
"Your son, I fish out water in river." Chione figured there was no reason to lie. The Emperor would find out one way or another even if Mally had not told him all the details. "He ready go leave, not rest to heal. I fix and feed. Time spent together good. He leave. I miss. He come back," She then gave Mally a soft smile, "Then take me Kikai with him."
“That’s such a wonderful story. Thank goodness you found him. Without my darling little Angel, we would have never turned the tide of the war. I am so grateful to you my son. You ended the dreadful dragons and brought us peace! I am so thankful that on top of this special occasion, you’ll be able to continue to bloodline with your wonderful marriage. Truly a prime candidate for the throne.”
While Malakath beamed brightly, Silvia actually looked hurt for a moment, then turned away in disgust.
Evidently, the Emperor struck a nerve with Silvia when referencing the fight and a lover, Chione could tell by her future sister-in-law's disdain for the topic. The Nara felt a bit of pity for Silvia. Yet, she had to keep up appearances for now in front of Mally's father. It would not be easy to keep this man on his toes since he was so invested in his son's future. More than likely, Chillowack would have his nose in every detail of their life. It was best to be careful and to be cautious. 
"I want Mally," Chione told her future in-laws, "Be happy."
“Oh. Don’t we all.” Chillowack smiled, but for none of the right reasons.
Malakath simply took his gin and basked in his sense of accomplishments. He knew that his sister would certainly try to triple her efforts to obtain the throne, and of course he’d have to be careful, but that was for tomorrow’s worries. In a week, he would be married. Then it would only be a matter of time of having twins of his own. In his eyes, he was the prince victorious.
The Emperor wiped his mouth with a napkin, before shifting the subject. “I heard you have quite the green thumb. Malakath insisted on constructing you quite the greenhouse. I expect you to fill it up.”
"My mother garden. She teach me." Chione was eagerly awaiting to see the greenhouse, but exercised patience. Perhaps she could keep his attention off Silvia for now if he was interested in her. It would not hurt to be a little talkative, as much as she could, right? "Many plants. Kamazu plant best for injuries. It grow in water."
“If you need water, we can hook up irrigation for you.” It was the first time the Empress spoke. Seemed that the conversation had taken a turn to capture her interest. Even Malakath was surprised by this.
"I thank for kindness." Chione smiled brightly at Mally's mother. Maybe she liked to enjoy the presence of every plant beautiful and green as well? It could be an attempt to know her better, to earn her favor. "You and me, garden? I grow flowers for you."
“Perhaps. I just like tinkering.” And just like that, the attachment to the subject was leaving her. 
Having finished his meal, Malakath listened to his fiancé, proud of her being able to keep the conversation up. However, that was muddled when his sister had to put in a snide remark.
“It’s you and I. Even then, it’s not a full sentence. Hope you do learn better.”
Malakath cleared his throat, then spoke out an insult he hadn’t taught Chione yet. “Maybe you need to learn some manners first sister. But then it’s very much like you to be a soulful skank when you feel upstaged by someone prettier than you.”
Silvia rose from the table with a slam, but her father didn’t seem bothered by it. If anything, he was entertained. The princess pointed a finger right at Malakath. “Anything can happen. To you or your desert peasant. You’ll regret choosing her, as she’ll come to regret choosing you.”
“I very much doubt that. And I doubt, if you want to even have a chance at the throne, you have a choice in your love.”
At that comment, Silvia sneered and turned to leave. “We’ll see how long until she gets sick of you, brother.”
The rest of the family merely shrugged as she left. Chillowack in particular yawned. “Well, I would love to smell your roses every now and then.”
"You welcome visit greenhouse." Chione still smiled at Mally's mother, despite her sudden disinterest. "You welcome with me."
Though with Silivia's snide remark, Chione felt embarrassed at her butchering of the Hasai tongue. She was trying her best to grasp the language, but only had a couple of weeks practice while traveling to the island. Though, when Mally spoke up on her behalf, she did not quite understand all the words, but knew from his tone it was certainly an insult to his sister. Yet, the threatening insinuation from Silvia certainly caught Chione's attention. It made her angry. She did nothing to deserve such treatment! There was no way the Nara left her homeland for such hostility from others she barely knew!
Frowning at Silvia, Chione watched as she tromped away in a huff.
Malakath held her hand, giving her a reassuring smile. “Would you like to see your greenhouse?”
"Yes, please!" Chione wanted a positive note to the beginning of her time at the palace. "And my plants?"
“Already taken there. You two love birds go have fun!” 
Malakath stood and gave his father a respectful bow. “Thank you for the early dismissal.”
"I thank for food and talk." Chione copied Mally's mannerisms and then followed him outside. Giving a sigh of relief, she felt comfortable to speak Naran to Mally now in the absence of many watchful eyes. "That was exhausting. Your mother is disinterested, your father is too interested, and your sister hates me. I suppose it couldn't have gone better, no?"
“Perhaps. If we were in another world. My mother is apathetic to most things. I think she liked you, in her own way. You got her able to talk about a subject. For my father, you kept him engaged and happy. That’s good enough. As for my sister, Silvia will be a rival. Her anger stems from her need for the throne. She will have to sacrifice much to be Empress if she hopes to catch up to my success.”
"I suppose that is acceptable for now, though your sister could be a problem in the future," Chione seemed a little nervous about that aspect. "When we do have... um..." She could not believe she was saying this aloud. Children were a future thought, not one of the present! The Nara wanted some time with Mally before a family was started. "A family one day, I don't want her trying to harm our children."
“I will not allow that to happen. We may have been born from the same womb, but I will not hesitate to tear out her heart before she harms the ones who I have given my own to. As for when we have children, I believe we should wait until after our marriage.”
“I would never dream of it.” With that comment, he trailed a finger along one of her horns. “When I take you, it’ll be at the height of passion as husband and wife. You, my princess. Me, your prince.”
"Hrrrrnnhhhmmppppnnnn." Chione could not suppress the delighted purr at Mally gently tracing one her horns. It was instinctual, not something she could control. Even her tail started to wrap around his leg to pull him closer. Still flustered, she relaxed her head on his shoulder as she linked arms with him while walking to the greenhouse. "Only if I don't jump you first."
“When Hasai bond, they bond for life. We especially value our first times. I’m sure you ‘jumping me’ would be memorable, but let’s do so somewhere with some space.”
"... oh." This was new information. Then again, she supposed Mally probably wanted to inform her of this instead of the tutor. While she knew Hasai were a monogamous culture, Chione did not know of the bond. "I... um... does it matter if it's... my first time?"
“No. Just for us.” Malakath raised a curious brow. “Would it be your first time?”
"... no." Chione admitted, looking downcast. "There was a man who my parents fancied for me to marry and I did like him, but... he turned out to be more interested in the opposite sex than me."
“Ah. His loss I suppose.” Malakath reached the door of the greenhouse, and opened it to a fantastic sight. “Our gain.”
"... oh!!!" Chione was not expecting to see her plants already prepared for her in the greenhouse. She was expecting it to be mostly empty except for the plants she had brought from home. Yet, here it was, full to the brim of some species the Nara had never seen before. "This... this is..." She struggled to find the words, absolutely amazed. There was even a fountain in the middle! With fish! "This is something from one of my dreams..."
“And I can make all your dreams come true. Go. Enjoy yourself my dear.”
"Are you coming with me?" Chione looked around the greenhouse in complete and utter awe. Never before had she seen such splendor in the form of plants. She could not stop the smile from spreading across her face. "Some species I do not know yet from your island. You could tell me!"
Malakath allowed himself to be swept up in the euphoria of Chione’s love for life, chuckling as he swaggered over. “Very well. I’m a particular fan of cherry blossoms and dragon lilies.”
Giving her a pat, the prince breathed in the air around him. There was nothing that was going to stop him from having the perfect life he wanted. ______________________________________________________________
Written with @ridersoftheapocalypse Prequel to War of Fire.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/739289093975031808/glass-love-and-desire-ch-2-return-to-home
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/741968339918848000/glass-love-and-desire-ch-4-love-desire-and
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