seleniiium · 1 month
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Chione, goddess of snow and daughter of the north-wind Boreas.
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thewhispersofthewaves · 3 months
Honestly i think we're missing Leo calling Khione Elsa and expaining them the movie like olaf in the second film😭😭😭😭😭
Rick...if you're hearing this, I'm not angry, I'm just very disappointed
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uriangerswife · 7 months
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Chione: Cape Westwind | Part 1
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wayfind-er · 2 months
Death of Chione (Myth)
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The Death of Chione (Nicolas Poussin, 1622)
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Simple Retelling/Double Drabble:
The girl was silenced. Chione’s delicate lips, which had proudly declared herself as more fair and lovely than the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis herself, were parted by an arrow. The Goddess triumphed. Chione’s funeral was hastily prepared; despite her disrespect, she was the granddaughter of the Morning Sun and now the mother of twin demigods. The scent of burning wood filled the air: God of Communication, Hermes, and his half-brother, God of Truth, Apollo, watched as the lifeless body of their shared lover was consumed by flames. Their love had been Chione’s downfall.  Her father, Daedalion, tried to toss himself in the flames. He tried four times and was stopped at every turn. As if he had wings on his feet, Daedalion ran and tossed himself off a cliff instead. His body hurled towards Gaia’s embrace; the jagged rocks would soften his fall.  The half-brothers took pity. With a move of a hand, Daedalion changed: wings where arms once were, a crooked beak for a mouth, and sharp claws shaped. He was a hawk—stronger than ever. He hadn’t died a meaningless death like Chione, but his frustrations would be everyone’s problem as he took flight in his new form.
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From the "Death of Chione", Hermes and Apollo both become associated with Hawks as one of their sacred birds. Hawks are often associated with freedom, clearheadedness, and wisdom.
In general, Hawks are associated with multiple different Gods, which may be another reason why they are not often associated with Hermes. There are two myths where Hermes transforms someone into a Hawk, with Daedalion being one.
Interestingly enough, Chione ends up having twin demigods, one fathered by Hermes, Autolykos (a successful robber and trickster), and a second fathered by Apollo, Philammon (a successful musician).
Autolykos did a lot during his lifetime. He taught Heracles how to wrestle and named Odysseus—who he said to be the grandfather of. This makes Hermes Odysseus' great-grandfather. He was also the maternal grandfather of Jason, the famous leader of the Argonauts, a group of 50 Heroes tasked with finding Golden Fleece (the same fleece that Psyche was later tasked to collect).
This is just a random tidbit, but Jason is later mentioned in Dante’s Inferno as he’s punished for seducing and abandoning his wife. I find it super interesting how all these stories can be connected in one way or another.
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diana-thyme · 1 year
Greek Gods 101: Chione
Chione is a goddess of snow. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Paper Snowflakes
Fake Snow
Peppermints and Peppermint-Flavored Items
Snow Globes
Ice Cream
Spruce or Evergreen Branches/Leaves
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Playing in the Snow
Making Snowmen
Decorating Trees
Creating Winter Origami
Sitting Outside in Cold Winds
Making Ice Cream
Creating Fake Snow
She is not celebrated in any Athenian holidays.
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yourgodlyparent · 3 months
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Khione: Goddess of Snow
Khione kids ❄️Careful, composed ❄️Manipulative ❄️Can't stand incompetence ❄️Excellent fashion sense
No Cabin Assigned Yet Roman Aspect: Chione Link in bio for more Khione info ❄️
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Where do you find info on the myth of Choine, ive been trying to research them but all that comes up is stuff about Chione
Okay so the Chione (i spelt it wrong before oops those pesky o's and i's) I was referring to isn't the snow goddess, who I usually spell as Khione (though it can also be spelt with a C, making things CONFUSING) to keep things straight - BUT for our friend Chione with a C, I can help you out there.
Here's a wiki page she shares with other Chiones
Her father's wiki page expands on her more
And here's the Theoi.com page she's in as well as a couple screenshots:
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Chione is also known by two other names, Philonis and Leuconoe, but they're all basically the same person because they are all given the same story, give or take a few differences.
The oldest version, that I know of, is written by Hyginus in his Fabulae, where she sleeps with Apollo and Hermes and has Philammon (father of Thamris, a suitor of Hyacinthus btw) and Autolycus (grandfather of Odysseus). The first is Apollo's son, and the second is Hermes's.
Ovid also tells her story in his Metamorphosis - however, he also does it from a different angle (it's too long to put in as a screenshot you can find it on the theo.com page).
Before we continue, I would just like to say that Ovid purposefully wrote the gods in a worse light as a criticism of Emperor Augustus (they had political beef). So those myths where the gods are complete assholes mainly originate from Ovid - like Medusa's rape at the hands of Poseidon (Neptune), for instance. Or Athena (Minerva) punishing Nyctimene when her father raped her.
Both of those stories have older, very different accounts. Medusa had always been a monster in the OG Mythology, and Nyctimene first appears in Hyginus's Fabulae and Athena doesn't turn her into an owl to punish her, but to make her Athena's life-long companion.
(Trust me, I did the research on this - the Fabulae came before the Metamorphosis. Ovid was born towards the end of Hyginus's life, so while I couldn't pin down a specific date the Fabulae was written, we can infer it was probably before Ovid.)
In Ovid's telling, Chione was raped by Hermes (Mercury, since this is Roman) and later that night she slept with Apollo who was disguised as an old women (apparently she was into that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you do you Chione) and then gave birth to her sons.
In both accounts, we get the story of how she dies.
Later in life, she boasted that she was more beautiful than Artemis (Diana) because she caught the attention of two gods. Artemis, enraged, shot an arrow through her tongue and killed her.
RIP Chione. Hubris strikes again.
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creativesploosh · 1 year
I felt inspired by Undertale: Icebound's "Blossoming Bravery" theme, and decided to draw the characters from that AU.
Please, go check it out, it's truly an incredible AU with an equally incredible soundtrack, spritework, and story!
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chelseacatgirl · 3 months
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Here are my new Kirby OCs, Jarek and Chione, who are Ryo's childhood friends, and their babies Lennon and Esme. They are Knuckelves *What Knuckle Joe is*. Chione and Jarek are born on Ice Island *From Kirby Squeak Squad for Nintendo DS* but currently live in a village on Frozen Hillside *From Kirby's Air Ride*.
More information about them:
===Hope you like them!
Drawn on ibisPaint X on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.
Kirby series (c) Nintendo
Jarek, Chione, Lennon, and Esme (c) Me
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g0atmama · 11 months
in which Chione meets Apophis 689 words I couldn't think of a title
It wasn't unusual to see one of the hatchlings with Lance anymore. This time, as he walked through the Crimson Badlands, he had little Chiome curled around his shoulders. She hated the heat, making soft noises of complaint to her father.
It was summer. The sun beating down enough to cause the air to shimmer even outside of the Badlands. And here, it felt like an oven. Everyone there had to have cooling magic to even stay awake. Lance did too. But for Chione, there had to be two spells. She wasn't t made for heat.
Lance was on patrol, laughing and joking with his fellow adventurers. Alesia, Jadu, Cecil, and Cedric. The latter had never met any of the hatchlings before, they were so excited to see one.
They walked for hours, taking out several pockets of monsters and allowing Jadu to cast small sealing spells to keep the area safe for the next few days. They found shade beneath an old bone, sticking up from the ground. They sat, watching Chione pounce on things the wind blew around.
Lance closed his eyes for a breath. He swore it was just a breath.
"Where's Chione!?"
Alesia's voice made them shoot open. Made him jump to his feet. He tasted his heart. Coppery. He was running before anyone else got to their feet. Shouting for her. Calling her name.
He skidded when he saw her. Apophis was sniffling her, landed on the ground. It had one pair of legs that it rested on, sniffing her mane. She chittered, leaning up to sniff it in return.
"CHIONE." Lance called.
Apophis growled. Landed, coiling up around the hatchling. She whined, trying to climb past the smoke-scales of the void serpent. Lance couldn't get close. Apophis wouldn't let him. He-
A roar.
Full of rage, that roar. He knew the source, as much as he didn't want to admit it. He knew exactly who that was. Even before the shadow passed over him. Even before the ground crackled and shimmered as crystals formed up, creating an arch over Apophis. A crystalline stalactite pointing down directly at the shadow serpent’s skull.
Did it even have a solid skull…? The thought was fleeting as Lance was knocked off his feet by the force of Hestia landing. Her wings were flared, making her twice as large. She roared again, earning the same from Apophis. The sounds shook the crystals, shook the ground. Chione cried out, a loud whimper that made Lance’s heart break.
He scrambled to his feet, only making it to his knees before Hestia sent out a blast of her crystalfire. Apophis attacked in return, voidfire hitting against the crystal. The magic was powerful. Powerful enough to make Jadu and Cedric, standing more than a dozen feet away, fall back. Lance had to cover his face from the shards of crystal and sand.
He couldn’t see what exactly was happening. Suddenly, there was a pained sound. From… Apophis?
The energy died down. Lance dropped his arm, pushing himself to his feet. Ice. There was… Ice. Ice formed up around Apophis’ feet, like tendrils reaching up to grab it. Chione was standing on top of the coil that trapped her before, tiny body made larger by her mane puffed up. She roared. It was such a tiny sound.
But roar she did. She roared, jumping down and running to her parents. She spun around between her mother’s feet. Lance couldn’t describe the feeling, watching as they both roared at Apophis. Crystalfire and… What exactly was that?
Chione didn’t breathe fire at all. It was pure ice. Ice, up at the crystal stalactite. A tiny blast, enough to make it fall while her mother kept Apophis in place.
Apophis’ body falling sent dust everywhere. When it cleared, Hestia stood in human form, picking up her baby and gently brushing her fingers through her mane. Chione chirred and chittered happily, completely unaware of how much danger she had been in.
As for Lance… He’d be sleeping on the couch. He already knew that. Maybe even on the floor in the lair, if she was really angry.
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mrneighbourlove · 8 months
Glass Love and Desire: Ch 2. Return to Home
A week went by with Malakath healing his injured body. He took his medicine for the first few days, then added workouts, physically getting in shape again. Soon he’d have to practice his pyro kinesis again.
Chione had been keeping a close eye on Mally. On the following day, when she had found him trying to do push ups with an injured arm, she had chided him severely, and somehow managed to convince him to wait another day. The second day, there was no stopping him, so Chione sighed exasperatedly and informed him if he made it worse, she was not fixing his arm again. Yet, it was an empty threat. The third day, Mally seemed like he was bored and wanted something to do. Chione put him to work, showing him how to pull weeds out of her garden. Mally had balked at first, scowling and giving a small rant in his own language. She did not relent and thrust the basket into his hands, insisting he pull weeds if he wanted something to do. He sulked at first, but then pulled up the weeds with her. 
Half the week had passed. The fourth day, Chione had found him looking through some of her books. She did not have many, most were about plants, but a few were on Naran culture. When Mally would point to a figure, she would give him the word in her tongue. He seemed especially interested with the pages about Daidan Drakes, eagerly pointing to the giant reptiles and then a map. Chione supposed he wanted to know where the drakes lived. The botanist could not help but laugh at his boy-like wonder over the drakes, but there was no chance she was pointing out where the reptiles lived on the map. A drake could swallow him whole! Drakes were not pets. The fifth day, Chione dragged Melly into the kitchen with her. She was trying to show him how to make fresh bread. He stood there, confused, until she showed him to beat and knead the dough. Once again, her efforts were met with a bit of protests, until she pointed sharply at the dough. Yet, he seemed to enjoy beating the dough like it was a punching bag. After the sweet bread came out of the brick oven, Chione offered him a piece with homemade jam. She wondered if he ever had jelly bun before as fast as he ate the treat. It was rather cute.
The sixth day was a bit different. Mally kept trying to walk to the river, and for a moment, Chione thought he would return to Nuabi's homeland under the water. Yet, it seemed he just wanted to take a bath. She had tried to keep him as clean as possible, but ultimately, she understood the desire to have a relaxing bath. When he suddenly stripped with intention to show off his body, Mally had stood there, almost like he was a preening peacock in the Patriarch's Palace. Chione was no stranger to a male's body and sat there on the bank, waiting for him. Yet, Mally was not having that. No, he had splashed her with the water, earning an outraged squeal from the botanist, before he tried to drag her into the river. Chione ended up dunking him under the water and scowling since her clothes and hair were soaked. Later, the smug man kept pointing to his hair and holding out a comb to Chione. Grumbling, the Nara took the comb and worked out the tangles in his hair before braiding it, calling him an insufferable brat the entire time, saying he was lucky he was still healing.
Now, Mally was almost healed. It was shocking to see his arm recover from being broken so fast, but then again, she assumed water sprite biology was different than botanist. As Mally proceeded to test his body's strength again, Chione sat on a bench nearby and sliced the fresh mangoes from the trees she grew.
Malakath had enjoyed some of his time here. Whole house work was normally beneath him, it did help him gain his strength back. More so, he was becoming more and more enamoured with Chione. She was a fine specimen of a woman in his eyes. Yet, he was still frustrated by a few things. First off, no one had seemingly come to find him. Yes, they were on foreign lands to hunt down Waku that spread out like weed's roots, but he was a prince. He was sure his father was frantic in finding him. Or at the very least his sister. 
But perhaps that was the point. Was his defeat a weakness they couldn’t stomach? Perhaps his twin would take advantage of that to have the throne for herself. 
Even if his family wasn’t looking, what about the army? Not knowing this foreign land wasn’t an excuse. They should have at least followed the river. 
Then there was the language barrier between himself and Chione. All this care and attention and he couldn’t even hold a conversation. Sure they had communicated well with physical gestures and common sense, but Malakath wanted to speak to her openly. Although, it did, for now, have one advantage. He could speak plainly to her about anything with a straight face and he was sure she didn’t understand.
Grabbing the mango, he bit a large chunk of it. “I wonder if your lips are sweeter than this fruit.”
"Hungry again? I never knew Nuabi's children could have such appetites." Chione watched as he eagerly ate the mango. Peeling another, the botanist was usually careful with the knife as she sectioned the fruit into pieces. Yet, this time, her grip slipped from the juices and she managed to cut her index finger. Hissing softly, Chione shook her hand and then noticed the blood. "Damn it."
Malakath watched the blood closely. He found himself frowning at her pain. Wait, why should he care? He was a prince. Yet he did. Walking forward, he grabbed her hand, then held her finger. 
“Hold still.”
Focusing intently, he allowed his fire to gently laser in from his palm into the cut. There was a warmth from a source she couldn’t see, but a bright yellow glow like the sun came out from his clenched hand. When he was done, he let go and her finger had stopped bleeding. 
It looked as if her finger had been gently cartelized. Malakath let out a breath once he was done. “I believe that should suffice.”
"What are you doing?" Chione asked as he took her hand in his, inspecting her cut finger. She noted him frowning and staring at the blood. A small cut like this was not enough to maim her. Mally was acting as if she was terribly injured. It was rather endearing. "I'll be okay, it's just a cut---what?!"
The Naran woman was shocked when she felt his touch grow warm. The yellow radiating from his touch was unexpected. Yet, she did not pull away, too stunned to do so. As Mally released her hand, Chione did not realize he had fire magic, but rather thought it was some sort of healing technique. Her flesh looked slightly different around the cut, but it did not hurt. Perhaps this was why he could not heal himself, he was too weak, but now, his power had returned?
Blinking, Chione looked at her finger, curious, "How did you do that?"
“I am a prince. A lord of fire.” Malakath saw her point at her finger and assumed she wanted an explanation. He would reveal himself fully, he felt the power coming back to him. “Behold and witness me.”
Stepping back, he raised both hands into the air. Breathing the hot air around him and feeling the heat of the sun, he channeled and showed off an incredible display of fire. Rising high into the clouds, a tower of fire burned, a beacon of his power. With some alterations, he had it spread out to look like a Phoenix. Fitting, seeing he felt reborn.
Whoever Mally was, he most certainly was not a child of Nuabi, the water goddess. Startled, Chione stood up from her bench and backed away from the man, dropping her basket of fruit and peeling knife. What was this?! Was he a demigod? A fallen deity? A powerful magician? Answers eluded Chione for now, but she was more focused on not being turned into a pile of ash. While Mally had not threatened her before, she could not help but be cautious now.
Malakath stopped his display, all the flames dissipating. When he saw her reaction, he frowned. Was she afraid? She should be in awe!  Stepping forward, he held out a hand. “You have nothing to fear from me.”
Chione glanced at him, and then at his hand. The botanist still felt a little unsure. Though, she supposed logic would argue if he wanted to hurt her with such fire, Mally could have potentially done so earlier. Slowly, Chione extended her hand to take his, still cautious, but also curious. She looked at his palm and then turned it over to look at the top of his hand. Where did the fire come from? Did he just... summon it from nowhere? While the Nara was initially a little frightened, her inquisitiveness was also getting the best of her. If this man was not a child of Nuabi... what was he? 
"What are you?" Chione knew he could not understand her, but still voiced her questions. "... who are you?" Surely someone with such power was of great importance. Even so, what force could have washed him up at her doorstep in such a terrible state? "Are you a child of Atanna? Part of the blazing sun?"
He held her hand, another reaching to hold her by her shoulder. “I’m sure you’re fascinated by me. How I wish I could speak to you.”
Malakath felt his groin area burn looking at her. She was gorgeous and it was becoming harder and harder for him to deny. “In some ways it’s been nice the way you‘ve treated me without knowing who I am. There’s an honesty in that. But I’m selfish I suppose. I want you to know who I am. I want to know more about you.”
Was Mally trying to assure her with his hand upon her shoulder? It was a simple gesture, but a sweet one from such a powerful man. Chione gave Mally a soft smile as he spoke, not understanding, but figuring there were words of reassurance. Perhaps she could obtain a partial answer in regards to his fire magic.
"Atanna?" Chione pointed to the sun, trying to mimic being hot by waving her face. "You're a child of the sun? The fire in the sky?"
“Atanna?” Was that a god? He pointed to the sun and all around him. “My people were crafted by a God called Exodrum. The Father of Fire and Power. I am an avatar of power.” He pointed at himself. “I am a Hasai.”
"Ha... sa... e?" Chione had never heard of such a name before. How could clarify the meaning? Was it the name of his people? Or the name of his divine parents? She thought for a moment, then spoke. "Nara." She gestured to herself, making sure to note her horns and tail for emphasis, and then to him. "Hasai?"
At last. He had a name for her people. Assuming she wasn't a unique one of a kind. His hand went down her shoulder to around her waist. With his other hand, he gestured towards her horns. "A Nara. Hasai don't have horns. May I feel them? I'm curious by the texture."
"Nara, yes." It appeared Mally understood what she was trying to insinuate. "We are the descendants of Daidan, the first drake to rule the desert and his lover, the sorceress, Aliyah."
The sudden touch on her hip nearly caused her to jump. Chione was not expecting him to touch her so casually. Being a... Hasai, Mally left no thoughts to personal boundaries, did he? Maybe this was normal in his culture. Then once more, the man motioned to her horns and Chione turned slightly red. This was going to be harder to explain.
She tried her best, "Sensitive. Um..." Chione remembered how he grabbed her tail. She motioned to her tail, then to her horns with a bit of a flustered face. "Sensitive. Like my tail, okay?"
Was she blushing? Malakath felt a sense of pride. Of course she was. He was a specimen of his man and he would be well suited and cared for in his hands. Grinning like a scoundrel, he put on a polite face. "I'll be careful." 
Gently, his hand went to her horn.
"Rrrrrrrrhhhhrrrrhnnnmmm." Chione could not suppress the purr rumbling up from her throat when Mally suddenly touched her curved horn. It was almost an automatic reaction from the pleasurable sensation. Snapping back to her senses, a shade the color of blood flooded her cheeks as she removed Mally's hand from her horn. "I told you my horns are sensitive, okay?"
Malakath was stunned by the *noise* that came out of her. All the bravado sucked out of him. Stepping back, he gulped down that insecurity. He then turned side ways, hoping she wouldn’t know his growing ‘Royal Rod’. “That was some reaction.”
"Oh, I'm not growling at you!" Chione noticed his surprised expression, and apologized. "It's just... a Nara's horns and tail are very sensitive, okay? It's an... erogenous zone." She wanted to smack herself. Sighing, the flustered botanist ran a hand down her face, hiding the blush. "I'm trying to explain this to you and you can't even understand me."
Taking a few breaths to calm himself down, he pointed to the outside world. “I can walk. I want you to show me where I am. Can you do that?”
"... you want to walk around?" Chione was grateful he was changing the subject per se. "Sure, we can do that."
Malakath strode out towards the smell of the river, not having a worry in the world.
"Is there something you want to see here?" Chione asked, noting him looking out over the river. "Be careful. I don't want to have to fish you out of the water again."
Malakath looked around, trying to see if there were any high peaks he could look from. “There has to be other Hasai around. I’m sure of it.”
"Are you looking for someone?" Chione noticed him glancing about the landscape. Was he trying to... figure out where he was? Maybe he did not know. She did live on the outskirts of the kingdom's capital. Maybe if she showed him on a map, he would have a better idea of where he was. "Here," Chione always took a map with her when gathering plants. It was easier to mark where spots were for gathering Kamazu plants or others for selling at the market. Opening her map, the Nara pointed to the river upon it. "Aaru. Aaru River."
Map seemed to be the size of the country. Or at least the territory. He gestured his arms out to have a larger size. “I need bigger.”
"A world map?" Chione noticed the gesture of his arms indicating he wanted a larger view. "I'm sorry. I don't think I have one, but..." She picked up a stick and started to draw in the mud from the riverbank. Firstly, Chione outlined the shape of Al-Daidan. Then, she etched Danjur. After that, she drew the borders which met her home of Omisha and Malus. Labrynna and Hyrule were last. Though, the writing was in her language. So, Chione did her best to clarify for Mally. "Al-Daida. Omisha. Malus. Danjur. Labrynna. Hyrule."
Malakath watched closely. He had names now for every country on the continent! So much territory! So much land outside the empire. And there it was. He pointed to a beach that was right on the border of Omisha and Al-Daida. “This is where we made landfall tracking the traitors. I was able to travel inland, to this jungle top. I must have fallen into the river here, and traveled all the way… here. To you.”
"Oh... here? The Kemet Beach?" Chione recalled the beautiful beaches with black sand. She tried to think of how many days it would take to get to that location from her home. The Nara held up three fingers, hoping he would understand. "Three days."
Three days? Or three weeks. Either way, the prince frowned at the information. Was that by mount? Or by *walking*? The thought disgusted him. Nevertheless, that was his reality. “I suppose we have quite the journey then.”
"Kemet Beach," Chione marked the spot Mally had indicated. She tapped her feet with the stick and imitated walking, following the river. Then once more, she held up three fingers. "Three days by foot."
Though, it begged the question, why did he want to go there? Nonetheless, if Mally deserved to leave, he was free to do so. Chione glanced upward at the sky and noticed the angle of the shadows. It was time to go to the markets! She had to hurry to set up her stall or her customers would be most dissatisfied.
She told Mally, "I need to go to work now. It's time to sell my plants." This would be difficult to explain. Well, it was best to make use of the riverbank's mud while she was here. The Nara jotted a picture of the market, and her selling plants. It was noticeable that the figure was her, due to her curved horns. Then motioned to herself. "I need to go to work."
“You need to help me.” Malakath pointed to himself, then her. He then realized something. Grabbing a stick, he drew a crown in the sand. He then pointed at himself more confidently. “I am royalty. You will be greatly rewarded for your time spent helping me.”
"You... want to see the Patriarch?" Chione blinked at the drawing of a crown, misunderstanding his meaning completely. She drew a Nara with long, angular horns underneath the crown, and gave Mally a look of puzzlement. "Patriarch of the Nara? I doubt he'll see you. He won't see us common folk."
Yes! She was finally clueing into who she was! “Yes! I’m royalty! I’m Prince Malakath! Come on, we can leave now!”
"...?" Chione heard him say his own name and then gesture to the crown. Wait, was he saying he was a noble? Perhaps the Hasai were demigods and lived a mortal life, even with such power. When Mally gestured to the beach again, the realization finally struck Chione of what he wanted. "Wait, you want me," She gestured to herself, "To take you," She then pointed to the spot on her crudely drawn map. "To Kemet Beach?"
The prince nodded his head with a great amount of enthusiasm “Yes! You know the land! You will be my guide!”
Chione busted out laughing at his enthusiasm to travel to Kemet Beach. At his expression of displeasure, the Nara uttered one word with a shake of her head.
"No." Chione shook her hand in dismissal. "No, no way. There's drakes, crocodiles, and venomous snakes along the river and I don't have a boat. There's no way I'm walking there."
Malakath had certainly learned what her word was for ‘no’ over the week. He took her hand again. “I can’t afford to wait. I need to go to my people now. They need me.”
"Crocodiles." Chione etched the reptile in the mud alongside a huge drake. Then, she shook her head once more. This was the only way to get him to understand. He seemed sincere, but she was not taking him into a death trap of a landscape. "Drakes. Not safe."
“I’ve killed Dragons.”
"Are you really that insistent upon going?" Chione sounded exasperated. 
This was going to be difficult. She tried to think of a way to get him there without the river. There were sand rays, but that was a long shot. Sand rays were really picky about who they allowed upon their backs to be carried across the desert. Not to mention, sand rays required a token for their efforts. What could she offer? 
Touching the jingling adornment one horn, it was all the jewelry Chione had left. Her family was gone. It was just her now. To part with it was nearly an unbearable thought. Sand rays adored shiny trinkets and she was sure it would be accepted. But... if Mally had to go, she could not deny him. After all, with that kind of power, he had to be someone important. Perhaps his Hasai deity would look upon her with favor.
It appeared she would not make it to the market today. The desert was just a short walk away from her own humble abode. Chione silently motioned for Mally to come with her. Returning to her home, she packed him a bag full of food to last the journey. Instead of three days, the sand rays could get him there in one. Once she was finished, she urged Mally to follow.
Malakath was pleased by this course of action. She was doing the correct thing in helping her. Once she was prepared, he followed her lead. Like it or not, she had part of his safety in her hands.
It was an odd structure to approach. There was a set of stone stairs leading to nowhere in the beginning of the vast desert. Chione stood still for a moment, taking in the surroundings. Then, she whistled as loudly as she could. A few minutes passed, but she waited patiently. It was only when the ground started rumbling horribly that she noted Mally's alarm.
"It's okay! It's okay!" Chione assured him. It was not long before the sand ray rose from the ground with a deafening echo emitting from its mouth. As the massive sand ray urged from the desert, Chione quickly knelt on the stairs to nowhere. Tugging Mally's shirt insistently, she nearly dragged him down as well. Sand rays were noble creatures, back from the times of the ancient nomadic days of her people. It was an incredible creature, larger than most dragons, but docile to most.
The gargantuan sand ray stared at Chione with those black eyes and then at Mally. It was waiting to see who summoned him. Taking off the adornment from her horn, she held it in her upturned palms as an offering with her head slightly bowed. She made sure to speak with the most elegance she could muster. 
She asked, "Please, oh guardian of the desert, will you take my friend, Mally, to Kemet Beach? I believe there are some like him there and he wishes to return home. I offer you this trinket, adorned with black opals, as a tribute for his passage."
The sand ray clicked in response, eyeing the horn adornment. Pleased with the offering, the sand ray then extended one of its long whiskers to grasp the jewelry. Then, in a flash of an eye, it had absorbed the minerals from the gold and opal. To the sand rays, precious gems or jewels were a source of energy. Then, the beast lowered its head so Mally could walk onto his body.
Malakath watched in wonder at the creature. As he walked on, he turned to Chione, offering a hand. “Come on. We need to continue forward.”
As Mally extended his hand, Chione gave a sad smile and shook her head. It was rather sweet that he wanted her to come, but she could not. She held up one finger, then pointed to her horn, then to him. The trinket was only good for passage for one.
"I'm sorry," Chione gave a soft wave to him as the sand ray started to move. "But this is where we part ways. If you come back to Al-Daida again, come by to see me. I'll miss your company."
Malakath stared like a reptile, his gaze eying the gem she sacrificed to the creature. Was that what was required? A trinket? 
Looking at his hand, the prince pulled off a Ruby ring that had been given to him by his father as a gift for his 18th birthday. He could simply get another one. He walked forward and placed it in her hand. “Use this. Come with me.”
"...?! What? No, no, no, this is yours!" Chione protested, not wanting to sacrifice the ring to the sand ray. If a Hasai was part of a divinity, even a small chance, it would not be right to take such a precious token from him! "I'll have to find a way back. It would be useless for me to go with you---hey!!!"
When Mally yanked her onto the sand ray, she saw the whisker take the brilliant ruby and break down the gem for energy. Well, so much for protesting. The stubborn man just had to get his way, didn't he? Chione gave him a brief look of annoyance before sitting down on the sand ray. She gave the immense beast's head a pat as it rumbled in appreciation. At first, the creature simply shifted through the desert dunes, getting a bit faster and faster... until with a giant flap of its wings, it started to soar through the sky.
Malakath watched in wonder as the creature took off through the sky! It was a marvelous feeling to have the air through his hair and hit his skin. Spreading his arms out, he laughed in triumph. “Yes! I’m king of the world!”
"Seems like you're enjoying your first time on a sand ray." Chione snickered a little at his awe of flying throughout the desert sky. Though, it was not a good idea to stand for too long. Gently, she tugged on his pant leg, indicating he needed to sit. "Brace yourself. When they land to get more speed, it will be bumpy."
Malakath took his seat beside her, his grin looking almost radiant. “Chione. This is magnificent.” 
He found himself staring into her eyes, a little longer than normal.
"Ramlah Rayan." Chione patted the sand ray underneath her hand, speaking in her native tongue. It was what Mally heard as she spoke due to the language barrier. She was trying to tell him what the beautiful and majestic sand rays were called. "I loved to watch them in their flocks when I was small. You should wait and see when many of them travel together. Leaping and twirling, playing like kids."
Malakath found himself just liking the sound of her voice. Was soothing, like glass he supposed. He nodded along, eying the way her hair flowed through the wind.
It only took a few hours via sand ray to arrive at the other side of the desert. Kemet Beach had black sand from the nearby volcanic mountains which surrounded the Malus border. It was a lovely landscape, providing rich fertile grounds to the borders of Omisha as well. Stopping at another stairway to nowhere, the sand ray waited patiently while Mally disembarked. Chione soothed the sand ray with a few words of praise, asking it to stay nearby so she could have passage back home.
Stepping off gracefully, Malakath took Chione’s hand. “I suppose thanks are in order.”
"Yes, this is Kemet Beach," Chione assured Mally as she carefully took his hand to steady her steps while dismounting the sand ray. "This is where you wanted to come, right?"
Malakath looked at the sand she pointed out. He had certainly received reports of black sand, but had not seen this area himself. The location his ships made landfall on were full of yellow sand, not black. He walked around, scanning for signs of his people. “There has to be someone nearby…”
Taking a breath, he looked to the sky and raised his hands. Once again, he fired a pillar of fire into the sky. The flames burned brightly and acted as a prime beacon. As his flames fizzled out, he took a deep breath, glancing back at Chione as he took a seat. “I suppose we’ll just have to wait.”
Once more, Chione was amazed by the beautiful display of fire. Yet, she then noticed the crackling underneath Mally's feet. Excited, she tugged at his arm and gestured to the striking glass forming with streaks of colorful sand.
"Look! Look!" Chione bent down to observe the formation of glass, which was speckled with the various colors of black sand. "Isn't it beautiful? This can also happen when lightning strikes sand. It takes its own shape unless molded by careful hands. This is very expensive, all the nobles have a piece."
Looking down, Malakath's eyes widened. Sand meeting fire, of course! For someone of his talents, he could craft whatever he chose! Perhaps, a gift was in order. 
Motioning her to step back, he fired a stream of fire at the sand. Carefully, and it took a few attempts, the end result was a necklace made of glass. Picking it up, Malakath could feel that it was fragile as it was dazzling, but it would hold its form as long as it wasn’t dropped. “Here. For you.”
"... you want me to take this?" 
Chione carefully took the crafted glass and stared at the marvel of such a fine piece of jewelry. There were no precious gemstones or gold embedded into it, but nevertheless, it was still beautiful. Though, she mistook the purpose of the piece. Chione thought it was a head piece instead of a necklace. So, she took one end and attached it to the left horn and then the right, a small section of the necklace drooping over her forehead. Horn adornments were very popular in Naran culture, as a way to show off and to signal status. The more adornments, the richer the individual.
Malakath watched in wonder as she placed it upon her forehead. She made her own intent behind beauty. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone, even a Hasai, as beautiful as you my dear.”
"Thank you for the horn piece," Chione knew that a sign of thanks in Naran culture was to briefly touch heads. Females were usually gentler with approach, rubbing foreheads for a moment or so, while males were more heartier, maybe even a headbutt for those who were close. She did not think it would be a good idea to suddenly do this without knowing his people's customs. The last thing she wanted to do was offend. So, she could only smile as a token of thanks for the time being. "I'll be sure to wear it as often as I can."
Malakath looked around, spotting a good tree that could shelter them from the elements. “I’m going to set up a place for us to camp for the night. It shouldn’t be too long I hope until we see other Hasai.”
Nightfall at Kemet Beach was quite a scene to witness. The setting sun made the black sand sparkle with an iridescent light. Yet, since the beach was in proximity to the desert, the temperature was rather cold. Sitting in front of the fire, Chione really wished she had brought better clothes from her modest home. Then again, she really had not planned on accompanying Mally to Kemet Beach.
Turning the fish, Chione checked to see if the meal was done and then offered the largest one to Mally. When he stared at it, the botanist then took another fish roasting over the fish and eagerly bit into it. The flavor was wonderful. 
For a treat, she had gathered a few coconuts from the surrounding palm trees. Now, that had been an amusing event. Mally had been ready to throw a fireball at one of the fruits, but Chione climbed the tree with ease. She was not sure if his sudden strident words had been from concern or surprise. With her strength, it was no feat for her to climb the tree nor to open the coconuts. The Nara simply bashed two of the coconuts to split the fruit in half.
Rubbing her arms, the Nara inched slightly closer to the fire. While she could tolerate extreme temperatures from the desert, the cold at night was not exactly kind.
Malakath was doing his best to not visibly shiver from the cold. His homeland didn’t have cold nights like these, so frigid and cold. Yet he would not look weak in front of Chione. 
He kept the fire going, making it blaze bright with a snap of his fingers every once in a while. Looking to the Nara, Malakath flexed a smile. “It’s amazing you live in a country with cold nights like these.”
"Thank you for stoking the fire again," Chione offered Mally another fish and piece of the coconut. "At least the trees block a bit of the wind."
Malakath looked around, staring up at the stars. He liked to imagine he could feel the heat, even with them so far away. Scooting closer to Chione, the Ocho scratched his chin. "I wonder how much your people would be open to becoming part of the empire."
Chione noticed Mally staring at the sky. Was he looking at the constellations? Taking a small piece of driftwood, the Nara staring outline some of the stars. Then, she connected the stars to show the various constellations in the sky.
"Daiden the Drake. Aliyah the Sorceress." Chione named each for Mally. "Amek, the Mother of All. Temsah the Great Jaws of the River."
Was she pointing out constellations? Malakath supposed he could do the same. He pointed upwards, pointing at other stars. "Ghidorat, the Great Destroyer. Mothberra, the Cosmic Flame. Both in tandem, flying in each other's path." 
Gently, his free hand reached out to grab hers.
"My father was an astronomer, and my mother sold flowers." Chione knew he could not understand her, but it still felt nice to talk. "He once gave my mother a piece of a fallen star as a gift. We buried her with it. Then I buried him with the piece of her horn." It made her sad to think of her parents. "I'm their only child, so... I miss them. But sometimes, when I look at the sky, I think they're still there. Watching from the heavens."
When Mally took her hand, Chione gave it a soft squeeze.
Malakath looked to see her expression soften. Her eyes seemed different, filled with remembrance. Something lost perhaps? When she squeezed back, he spoke gently to her. “I wish you would come with me. I know that every motion you’ve made has been one of kindness to help me, yet you seem content staying here. I could provide so much more for you.”
"It'd be nice if we could understand each other," Chione laid back on the leaves she had gathered earlier to use as bedding. "Maybe one day. Come, you need to rest." She patted the spot beside her. "Let's sleep."
Malakath eyed the spot beside her. Walking over and lying down, he took a breath and waited for her to lie beside him.
"I hope you sleep well." Chione slept curled up, with her knees to her chest. Most Naras slept this way to conserve heat at night. It was not long before she was snoozing peacefully.
Malakath watched her slowly shiver. She shouldn’t have had to be like this. Carefully, he wrapped his arm around her, providing body heat to the Nara. 
“You’ll be okay.”
The early morning sunrise caused Chione to stir lightly. She did not want to get up yet, even though there was work to be done. Her herbs and flowers needed to be watered and weeds needed to be pulled. True, she did miss market day, but the botanist could always sell some goods to the local apothecary. Comfortable, Chione purred slightly at the warmth, not wanting to move, and snuggled further into the source. In her half-asleep mind, she had forgotten about being at Kemet Beach.
Malakath was in deep sleep, perfectly content as he rested. His body had naturally spooned Chione, holding her closely, his arm still comfortably around her.
Talking. Who was talking? Chione grumbled softly and started to blink open her sleepy eyes... when she saw men with weapons in front of the extinguished campfire. Alarmed, the Nara jumped to her feet, nearly tripping over Mally in the process. These men resembled Mally's race, but were a different color. When they brandished their weapons at her, Chione hissed, on edge at their sudden appearance. What did they want?!
One of them stepped forward, grabbing Chione by the foot and dragging her away. As she hissed and roared in defiance, the albino skinned soldiers pressed an ax to her throat. 
Just as another raised a blade to strike her down, he was suddenly kicked away by Malakath. 
“Away you fools!!! I command it! Lay a hand on her and you won’t see another sun!”
The other soldiers were quick to obey, fast to back away from the Nara. Once he felt that they were going to stay in line, Malakath walked over to her, helping her up on her feet. “Are you okay?”
Chione yowled when one of the guards dragged her, kicking him in the balls. When the other suddenly put the weapon to her throat, she froze, leaning her head back in the sand as far as she could away from the blade. Had she come all this way to die?! As Mally saved her from being hacked to pieces, Chione was still on edge, her tail spiked and her eyes narrowed. These men seemed to listen to Mally, but she did not trust them not to hurt her. Taking his hand, Chione got to her feet, and peeked over at the intruders, standing very close to Mally. It was obvious the Nara was frightened. Her tail curled around his leg tightly to prevent him from running off as she tried not to tremble.
"Soldiers. They're my soldiers." Malakath held her shoulders, rubbing them to calm her down. Bloody Skurge. Loyal Hasai, perhaps to a fault. He turned his gaze back to them. "And I'll ram my fist through the face of any who dare harm her." 
"And who is she, that she's so important?" 
The prince turned his gaze to who would dare speak in such a term. His eyes widened when another Ocho rode towards him on the back of a Griffon. "Sister?" 
The Hasai Princess had green skin like her brother, except her hair was black with white streaks. Unlike her brother, she was adorned in fully battle armour, with arm bands that had emeralds in them. Her mount stared daggers at Malakath and Chione, ready to strike if given the command. 
"Indeed. I must say I'm... happy, to see that you are alive, Malakath." 
The prince cleared his throat, and stood up straight. Sure she was. She had a duty to look for him and bring him back home, but if he had died on this journey, that would only help her own plans as future Empress. "It is good to see family."
Turning to Chione, the prince gestured to his sister. "Chione. This is Princess Silvia. My twin sister." The prince made a motion that he and her were bonded together. "Silvia, this is Chione. She is a local that helped save my life and nursed me back to health. I would be greatly upset if anything happened to her."
Mally was trying to soothe her, Chione understood this. His words had a reassuring tone. Yet, Chione was still quite spooked from the incident. While her tension eased slightly, she stayed glued to Mally's side, eying the guards with disdain. When the woman on the griffon approached, Chione noticed the similarities between her and Mally. The beast did not seem happy nor did the lady. Who was she? Was this woman his family?
As Mally gestured to the woman and then himself, Chione hesitantly leaned forward a little and gave a few sniffs. Yes, his scent was similar to hers. The two had to be siblings. Yet, the woman had a radiating aura of malice. While Chione did not like her, she was being cordial for Mally's sake. She did not want anything negative with weapons to start again. When Mally spoke her name a few times, she tried the foreign title on her tongue.
"Sil... vi... ah." Chione repeated after him, asking for clarification if she was pronouncing his sibling's name properly. "Mally. Sil-vi-ah?"
“That’s good Chione. Silvia.”
“Mally? You pick up a pet Malakath?” The prince frowned, holding onto Chione protectively. Seeing that this was a subject to not be poked at, Silvia pointed to a boat pulling up by the shore. “Father wants to see you back at the homeland to report your findings. Immediately.”
Malakath slowly nodded, sighing. “Give me a moment with her?”
Silvia pondered this, before nodding back. “Very well. Two minutes. The rest of you, prepare for liftoff.”
Once everyone had given the prince space, he turned to Chione. He gestured to the two of them together, then the boat. “Will you come with me Chione? I know I can be good to you.”
Not protesting when Mally pulled her closer, Chione watched the woman with careful eyes. No, she did not like her. Something was *wrong* with that woman. As Silvia departed, Chione released a breath she did not release she was holding. She also did not mean to wrap her tail around his leg so tightly. It was a bit embarrassing to feel so afraid and then immediate relief. Sheepishly, she uncurled her tail from around Mally's leg so he could move freely.
However, when he pointed to the boat, then the two of them, Chione was very surprised. He wanted her to come?! Away from her homeland? She barely knew the man! What was he thinking? Those people just threatened her! No, it was bad to jump to conclusions. Perhaps things were different with his people. Something was causing all of them to be on guard. She helped him because it was the right thing to do, but was not going to follow him any further. While he was obviously important to his people, and Chione had no clue Mally was a prince, she was not ready to go with him.
"I'm sorry, but my home is here." Chione shook her head lightly, not wanting to hurt his feelings. "You are very sweet, but I know nothing of you or your people. You seem very important to them. You're a someone, I'm... a no one." She gave him a gentle nudge toward the boat. "You belong with them. I belong here."
Malakath had picked up on a few words from Chinone. Some numbers, and yes and no. Speaking in her tongue, he shook his head and held her hand to his chest. “You… are not… a no one.”
"You're sweetheart." Chione gave him a soft smile as he held his hand close to his heart. It was nice having company for a time. She was often by herself, with only her garden for company. "Go home. I'll be okay."
Malakath, placed a gold ring into her palm, shutting it close. "This is for you to give to the flying beast. You keep the glass I gave you."
The prince looked into her eyes one more time, letting go of Chione. For now. "And this, is so you don't forget me." 
With one hand around her waist, and the other gently caressing a horn, he leaned in closely, planting a warm, pillowy kiss upon her lips.
Jewelry? Why was he giving her jewelry? Oh... the sand ray, it would need a trinket to take her back home. It was so kind of him to be considerate to part with a golden ring. Chione did not want to have to sacrifice the beautiful horn adornment he made for her. It was her sole treasure.
As Mally pulled her in closer, earning a loud purr from touching her horn, Chione allowed herself to be kissed by the strange man who was washed into her life by the Aaru River. Maybe this was a way his people said goodbye or expressed thanks. She was not sure, but she supposed one of her own customs was not harmful if he wished to try his. As the kiss parted, Chione rubbed her forehead against his as a sign of affection.
"Be safe, Mally."
Malakath longed to take her. But that was not his destiny as of today. Instead, he simply made his way back to the docked boat.
Getting on board the deck, Silvia was watching him closely. “Careful brother. A kiss can lead to a bond.”
“I know what I’m doing sister. Who I choose to love is my choice.”
“Just be careful.” Silvia went over and hugged her brother. “Don’t think otherwise. I was worried for you.”
The prince crossed his arms, unconvinced. “Really now?”
“When I become Empress, I want you to see my triumph.” Least she was honest, he thought. “Is there anything I can get you Malakath?”
The prince paused, an idea coming to him. “Yes… yes I do. Go along the shore until we find another Nara. We need a local that can teach us the language of their people.”
Silvia didn’t laugh at the idea, her own mind thinking it over. “You want to see her again, don’t you?Are her people a resource, an ally, or an enemy to the Kikai Empire?”
“They are a strong people. I think they have the blood of dragons, like us, sister.”
“…Fine. We can do that.” Silvia raised a curious brow. “You know, we could pick up a few others from this continent. Could do us good to get accustomed.”
Malakath nodded. Turning back, he saw Chione taking off back into the air. Clenching his fist, the prince made a promise. “I will see you again."
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/738965846876160000/glass-love-and-desire-ch-1-foreign-prince-in-a
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/741967992284381184/glass-love-and-desire-ch-3-folded-into-the
Prequel to The War of Fire, written with @ridersoftheapocalypse
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shinkai14 · 2 years
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Here’s a drawing of my Ancient Egypt Signer oc Chione.
Left (with lighting effects) right ( without lighting effects)
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uriangerswife · 7 months
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made a new ffxiv OC and playing her on an Alt. Her name's Chione and she is one of Halone's ice servants
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hidden-insights · 2 years
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Here we goo ! New page !
The investigation continues.
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phoraminal · 3 months
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I was redoing an old piece and it happened to be a mini comic. Well, originally all one page but I decided to break it up this time AND change it a bit to suit the characters featured this time better.
Chione and Myles are absolutely an OTP of mine <3
I love these two so much~
There are a lot of mistakes here and there, but it's an attempt at improvement.
Also, the characters are Twili and do not have visible aspects of their anatomy, but JUST IN CASE, I'm gonna tag it as mature.
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shoujo-dreamland · 1 year
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