#Mammon will find like some spare Grimm somewhere
theeighthoftheeight · 5 years
//Personally it bother the mun that none of the brothers can sense or hear Lilith. It kinda makes sense for most of them, but like not Lilith.
I’m gonna be honest I think maybe Lilith is for a time too weak to even get there attention but as time goes on, and especially as MC shows up things have gotten easier to do , and may be that's when she can start actually manipulating things.
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devildomdoofus · 4 years
“Wheely Cool” - Part 1
MC shows The Brothers (Part 1) and Undateables (Part 2) what Heelys are.
I want to thank @true-intha-blue for the amazing idea and I hope that they are blessed beyond their wildest imagination✨
too cute for your own good
In the devildom.
Were Heelys?
When you explained what they were to him, he couldn’t quite understand why you used them when you could just walk to wherever you needed to go. It was much simpler and was much less of a hazard for everyone and everything.
When you added that they could get you where you needed to go faster, it only confused the poor man even further. Just be punctual?
Whenever he saw you scoot past him with your toes up and the wheels rolling on your shoes, he’d shake his head and turn away, attempting to unsee what he just saw. What in the realms made humans come up with such an invention?
It took you practically a century and a half to convince him to at least try them for himself. How, you might ask?
One word: Diavolo.
He convinced the eldest by using a pair them himself (which you taught him to use) and doing so with the biggest smile on his face. If Diavolo enjoys them, they couldn’t be that nonsensical... right?
When Lucifer finally tried using them, he didn’t shake or falter in the least, bit of course he didn’t. What else did you expect from The Avatar of Pride?
And maybe you were imagining things but you thought you saw a glimpse of a smile on his face.
Still, no matter his successful attempt, he didn’t use them all that much afterwards anyway. He simply prefered the old fashioned way of getting around. His own two feet.
Having said that, he did dedicate an entire room for you to wheel about as you pleased without fear of you running into anyone or anything. It had little obstacles for you to move around, a race track, miniature ramps
He had it all set up just for you, seeing as these pair of wheels in shoes made you so happy.. which in turn, made him happy too.
The room just eased his anxieties a bit
Yo, did ya just say Heelys?!
Wait right there, let him go get his own pair and you two can have a race!!
Yes, you heard him right and he hopes he heard you right, too. He’s got his own pair of Heelys stashed away.
He and Levi got a few pairs a while back whenever they first came out and the portals for taking trips to the human world were open to everyone.
But, when they got back to the H.O.L, Mammon barely had them for 2 minutes before Lucifer forbid them both from using “whatever the devildom those things are” because Mammon kept bumping into very fragile, very valuable items.
Now that you had a pair, maybe Lucifer would be a little more lenient? He hoped so anyway.
He’d meet up with you in the hallways or open corridors and you two would race from one end to the other.
He even tried showing off and done little tricks like speeding down one side of the hall and doing parkour over tables and vases... maybe this is how they became banned in the first place?
Aaaaand look at that. He got caught.
You had to assure Lucifer that you two would only use them outside or in areas where there weren’t valuable items. It took a day or two of persistent begging, but eventually he yielded.
Depending on how enthusiastic you were about them, Mammon would either buy you a plethora of stylish, limited edition Heelys/Heelys parts, customized to your liking, OR he’d get you two a matching pair and have your initials etched into the sole of the shoes. Of course, he’d have “The GREAT Mammon” etched into his.
He wouldn’t tell you immediately upfront, but he couldn’t put into words just how much sharing something like this between the two of you, meant to him.
OMG!! Heelys?! Are you kidding?! What pair did you have?!
He then proceeds to show you all of the ones he had bought with Mammon, as well as the ones he bought later just because they were EXTREMELY LIMITED edition Ruri-Chan pairs/TSL inspired pairs.
His favorite pair was one which had wheels and laces that lit up in multiple colors.
Though because of Mammon’s stupidity and the following ban that Lucifer put on them, he never really had the chance to use them all that much.
Until now.
Just like Mammon, Levi assumed that with you using a pair yourself, Lucifer might be a little more lenient... or at least not as harsh in punishment?
You two now had a ‘secret club’ in which you would meet up while everyone was busy doing their own thing, and wheel all around the devildom. Up and down sidewalks, finding a local skatepark and scooting around there, and much more.
Lucifer found about it.
He was... actually very happy. You had, seemingly with ease, gotten his recluse of a brother out of the house and enjoying something that wasn’t on a screen or clogging up the Akuzon delivery truck yet.
Just don’t bring the ‘secret club meetings’ into the House and all will be fine.
As much as he hated the world outside of his room, he enjoyed sharing such things with you and seeing you happy much, much more.
He’d use the excuse of ‘sudden clumsiness’ to hold your hand while wheeling somewhere side by side.
You best believe his face is strawberry red for the remainder of your time together.
Like Mammon, Levi would buy the both of you a hefty amount of Heelys/Heelys parts, customized to each of yours’ likings. Not a single bit of Grimm was spared in decking out the pairs that you had. You two had to have the best looking Heelys in all of the three realms, of course.
Plus, your time together with shared interests made his brothers jealous and that was a major, well needed boost to his ego.
Beg your pardon? Heelys? You mean the things Mammon and Levi got banned for because it made Lucifer angry?....
please proceed.
Now, normally Satan wouldn’t bother with such a ‘trivial’ thing. Similar to Lucifer, he’d much rather just walk to wherever he needed to go and was, by nature, rather punctual. Heelys just weren’t an interest of his.
Having said that, if using such things could be a pain in Lucifer’s ass, he’d delightfully reconsider. Just don’t expect him to be good at it.
Despite his uncertainty, he got the hang of them surprisingly quick. Be it his ‘fast-learner’ skill or the accelerant from pure spite, he mastered the art of Heelys in a matter of seconds.
Now to put these bad boys to use.
He bribed Mammon and Levi to pull out their pairs of Heelys and came up with multiple plans to irritate Lucifer the most. (Having caught wind of the idea, Belphegor joined in as well, but mostly during moments he wasn’t tired/asleep)
He’d pretend he was still ‘practicing’ using the Heelys and bump into things on purpose, causing them to break, you all came up with a ‘drive-by handshake’ to do directly in front of the eldest as he was walking, he’d place a set of wheels around the House so Lucifer might slip on them and fall on his ass, etc.
Eventually the ‘Anti-Lucifer Heelys Squad’ just became the ‘Heelys Squad’ because he‘d grown accustomed to them and rather enjoyed them for what they were.
And if it meant spending more time with you, then he loved them even more.
Sorry, what? Heelys? Ahh, is that a famous brand of stilettos?
Oh, you meant the shoes with wheels.
Wait, didn’t Mammon and Levi get a nasty punishment from Lucifer over those things?
Either way.. eh, not really his style.
However, he did enjoy roller skates because it meant he could go to skating rings to party and dance till his ankles ached.
So he met you in the middle and bought a pair of ‘detachable skates’ for a couple of his fashionable shoes so that whenever he’d meet up with you and you were using your Heelys, he’d snap his skates on and roll with you.
He enjoyed sharing such a thing with you so much that he started buying you various, high end pairs of Heelys/Heelys parts and outfits to match them.
He’d also take pictures and videos of you wheeling around, up and down hallways, along sidewalks, practically whenever and wherever you were rolling about.
Just don’t forget to take pictures and videos of him too.
He eventually collected enough content to make a new segment in his vlogs/blogs and would brag about the two of you for hours and hours. Mostly bragged about himself but you were thrown in there plenty of times too.
If you’d like, he’d host parties in which everyone would wear their Heelys or skates and just have a ball.
Such a delightful new development and he was going to explore every aspect of it, if it meant it made you happy in the process too.
Huh? What are Heelys?
Oh, you mean the things Mammon and Levi got in trouble with?
He never considered using Heelys because he didn’t really need to. He was perfectly capable of getting to where he needed to go, as quickly as he wanted to, with his long legged strides.
Although, if it meant he could get to his next meal even faster, he’d certainly try them out.
Could he maybe rest a hand on your shoulder, though? He’s a big guy and the miniature, unpredictable wheels now attached to his feet do very little to ease his nerves of slipping and falling onto his bum.
It takes a time or two before he finally gets the hang of it.
When he does, that big dimpled smile appears on his face and he’s grabbing your hand and leading you into the hallway so that he could race you to the kitchen, seeing who could get there the fastest.
Obviously, he wins, but you assume his empty belly was to blame for kicking him into high gear.
You bet him two human world cheeseburgers that you could beat him the next time you race.
Shouldn’t have said that.
Every time the race is to the kitchen or a bet is made with food, Beelzebub is always the winner.
He’ll often poke, prod and lovingly tease you into a bet so that he could fill his belly a little extra with whatever it was you wagered. You would comply because it made the both of you happy.
You were happy sharing a hobby with him and making him happy with food, and he was happy for the same reasons. You and food.
A win-win on many fronts, he felt.
At some point you bought him a pair of Heelys with cheeseburgers on them and he loved them so much, he kicked off his other shoes and put the cheeseburger Heelys on immediately. He wouldn’t be caught dead without them.
He returned the favor and bought you a pair with whatever design you enjoyed most with multiple sets of matching wheels.
If you were close before, you had become even closer and it was all due to a pair of shoes with wheels.
Heelys, huh? Didn’t Mammon and Levi get in trouble over those things?
Like some of his brothers, Belphie didn’t really have any use for Heelys.
His reasons were because it required too much energy to wheel around everywhere, he didn’t move enough in general to begin with to ever need to wheel around, and on many occasions, his brother Beel would carry him to where he needed to go.
With that being said, he did enjoy the idea of pissing off Lucifer...
And using Heelys to do so was a simple enough tactic that, come to think of it, didn’t actually require that much energy anyway...
Fuck it. He’s in.
It took him a few seconds to get used to them but eventually he was able to master it and move with ease. Though not without an attempt at feigning drowsiness and falling down on top of you as an excuse to be very close to you.
He’d use the same tactics as Satan, where he’d bump into things and pretend he was still practicing, leaving sets of wheels lying around the House so that Lucifer might slip on them, and ‘accidentally’ crash into the eldest brother, saying he couldn’t figure out how to stop.
After some time, he came to enjoy them for what they were instead of as a tool for pettiness due to the fact that you two spent much more time together having fun and enjoying each other’s company that wasn’t napping or being lazy.
Yes he still slept and lazed about as normal, but now, whenever he was awake, he spent those moments with you rolling everywhere your hearts desired.
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obeyme-kaidii · 4 years
Obey Me Tips
General Obey Me Gameplay Advice
I really love Obey Me. Really really really love it. I love the characters and the stories, and I really love the fan content that’s been created for it. I’ve never been involved in a fandom before, but I have to say it’s pretty amazing finding like minded people to interact and share these things with. I’m not brave enough to write fanfic, but I can give game play advice and do math, so that’s why I write these guides.☺️
My advice here is either from personal experience or because I did the research and the math so I could figure out the answer. I’ll always have proof to back up my assertions, if you’d like to see for yourself if my theories hold water. (I’ve even started a free account on my iPad just so I can thoroughly test all my recommendations from the perspective of a non-paid player.)
Please keep in mind that my advice is geared towards players that view finishing the normal mode lessons/main story as their priority. You may prefer to collect outfits or bloom all your favorite cards, and that’s quite alright too.
So without any further ado, here are my general gameplay tips and advice.
An ideal team consists of 3 Demon cards and 3 Memory cards per type.
But a team with only 2 Demon cards and 2 Memory cards per type is also viable for the normal mode lessons at this stage in the game (up to lesson 40).
This is because of the 2.6x type boost for primary types and 1.9x type boost for secondary types per level. The boost only applies to the cards that match the types on that level - so on a level with Envy as its primary type, the Envy stat on your Envy cards will receive the 2.6x boost.
So while that 2.6x boost is pretty awesome, the 1.9x boost is nothing to scoff at either. And if you have 2 Demon and 2 Memory cards of each type, then you can guarantee that all of your cards will receive some sort of boost on all the new levels.
For the first season of levels (lessons 1 - 20), you can get by with just a single team of 3 Demon cards and 3 Memory cards because the type boost for those levels works differently and applies to all cards, not just the ones that match the types for the level.
(And don’t forget you can only use 1 Demon card per brother on a single team. So if you have two Greed cards, but they are both Mammon, you’ll only be able to use one Mammon at a time. Don’t waste your time powering up both of them.)
Powering your cards up evenly is the best way to advance in the game.
I don’t know how it got started, but at some point everyone became convinced that the best way to advance was to work on a single card at a time. And that’s simply not true. In fact, it’s pretty bad advice if I’m being honest.
Things get more expensive as your cards get stronger and you get less strength for the effort. When you level your cards evenly you’re able to get more strength combined for the amount of Grimm you spend.
(If you’d like to see the math on this, I have a whole 4 part series that breaks it down bit by bit packed with examples.)
This advice applies to stars too. Bring all your cards for your teams to 1 star, then 2 stars etc. Sometimes you’ll already have the mats on hand to unlock more stars on cards of certain types, and that’s totally cool and fine to do. But when you are short on mats and trying to figure out what to work towards next, remember to strengthen your weaker cards first.
Use Grimm to level up your cards.
You do receive a small portion of experience in battles that will help your cards gain levels. But because of the mechanics of the battles and how long they take, I really don’t recommend grinding them for experience to save a few Grimm.
Maybe if you had a ton of free time and nothing better to do, I guess? But it’s just not worth the trouble to me. I think it would be a better use of your time to use the “x3” or “x5” button and just get it over with, and then go read some smutty fanfics, where you get pounded by the demon(s) of your choice. 🙃
It is worth mentioning though that the addition of the “SKIP” feature for battles where you overpower your opponent by a large margin makes it much easier to earn experience through battles, but you’ll still occasionally be given a Surprise Guest to entertain. It’s up to you to decide if that delay is worth the experience.
Stars are overrated.
I already mentioned how for most of the game my cards only had 3 stars. And that’s because the amount of time and effort you have to spend to farm hard mode materials in pretty crazy. It’s just not worth the effort to get hung up on them. You’ll quickly find yourself struggling to advance if you get distracted by the stars.
You’re better off doing events to get new cards and waiting for Levi’s Otaku Bootcamp to roll around, and doing the hard mode battles then. And if you just absolutely have to have some hard mode mats - buy the extra levels from the current event so at least you can get extra event points (and thus more rewards).
Only spend your Demon Vouchers in sets of 10.
That guarantee of getting 1 SSR card is pretty gosh darn important especially for free players that don’t have DV to waste. I know it’s tempting to spend them as you earn them, but try to resist the temptation. My biggest regret is that I didn’t spend my DV more wisely when I first started.
Don’t waste your DV on Chapter A.
Besides the UR cards, all of the cards in Chapter A can be won in the event Nightmares. So unless you really really want one of the OG Demon UR cards (which I admit, they are all pretty awesome), don’t do it. And if there is a specific UR card you want, you should try to wait until the birthday event for that demon for a better chance at getting that specific UR card (assuming they continue the pattern of releasing birthday Nightmares for all the brothers).
Invest in Chapter M when you get the chance (be sure to use 10 DV at a time).
This is important to free players especially because it’s the best way to get Memory cards. Odds are you won’t be able to get enough points for the new events to win the SSR or UR Memory cards so you’ll have to get them somewhere.
(Replaying the old events in Lonely Devil is also another good option because the rewards were much cheaper and easier to acquire than they are now.)
Don’t neglect your Memory cards.
I really cannot emphasize this enough. I know they give less strength than the Demon cards, but they are still really important in terms of not only strength, but also their special skills that can boost your strength during a dance battle (or hinder your opponent).
Glow sticks are amazing.
I love glow sticks. I always try to use the type specific glow sticks first, and save my rainbow glow sticks for when the type specific ones aren’t enough. And if you’re a free player, the rainbow ones are arguably the best way to spend your Raven.
But please don’t waste your glow sticks. If you can’t beat a level after 1 shot, take a break and look at how you can strengthen your team before trying again. You’ll be surprised at how much easier it’ll be to advance if you just add 5 levels to a card on your team whenever you get stuck.
Rainbow glow sticks - grant you a 30% boost to the Strength of the card you equip it to
Single color glow sticks - grant you a 10% boost to the Strength of the card you equip it to
If you are 10,000 strength stronger than your opponent, you have a really good chance of winning with 2 stars.
If you go for 20,000 - 30,000 strength over your opponent, it’s pretty much a guarantee at getting 3 stars.
There are exceptions to this where special skills come into play (especially in boss battles), but this has been my experience when advancing through the normal levels.
If a level is giving you trouble, try to counter the opponent’s special skills.
This was especially important for the boss battle with Diavolo at the end of Lesson 40. His combination of skills was absolutely brutal.
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My original recommended team was over 50,000S above Diavolo’s S and I barely filled the bar halfway. But when I switched to a team that focused on countering all of his skills, I was able to win with a considerably weaker team.
(Yep, you’re reading that right. Beel was only level 10.)
The cards with the Abilities that can counter these skills are found in the new event Nightmares. Both the UR cards and the SSR card will have whatever the featured Ability is. The SSR cards will simply neutralize the opponent’s skill when it’s activated, but the UR cards “reflect” the skill back to your opponent so that they are cursed instead.
Only buy DV from the 99 DP offers that are available when you level up.
Or during special sales like Solomon’s Summoning Sale. Or specific packages in Mammon’s Rip-off Sale.
Sometimes you’ll need to spend some DP because you have no DV left and really want a chance at a specific card, but try to avoid doing so as much as possible. Your DV and DP will go further and last longer if you save and spend it wisely. This is especially important for free players who have to balance card collecting with building stronger teams.
Whenever you have Grimm to spare, dump it into Chapter G.
This will be your primary way to earn Raven. And Raven is a great way to buy rainbow glow sticks, additional Demon Vouchers, and now even card pieces for certain SSR and UR cards.
They also have the outfits for all the brothers demon forms which are pretty neat. I do own them all, but that’s not exactly necessary and definitely not the best use of Raven. 😂
If you need friends for the daily AP, just add all the top players from the current event.
The top players are the ones most likely to be active, and know how to use the feature to add friends. (Let’s not talk about how long it took me to figure that out when I first started playing, ok? Lol) So they’ll be the ones most likely to accept your friend request and send you AP daily.
On my free account, I just started at rank 1 and sent requests to everyone down to about rank 200 or so until I had 50 friends. And then whenever I had some new spots open up, I’d do the same thing again. I’d also check my Friends Request section to see if I had any new requests from other active players.
Oh, and I periodically remove friends that haven’t played in over 2 weeks. No sense in keeping them on my friends list when there are plenty of new people and active players who could use the free AP and send me some as well.
That’s all I’ve got for now! I hope these tips help you out some if you ever find yourself stuck and uncertain as what to do next. ❤️
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