#sometimes Lucifer finds the study organized and he definitely did not do that
theeighthoftheeight · 5 years
//Personally it bother the mun that none of the brothers can sense or hear Lilith. It kinda makes sense for most of them, but like not Lilith.
I’m gonna be honest I think maybe Lilith is for a time too weak to even get there attention but as time goes on, and especially as MC shows up things have gotten easier to do , and may be that's when she can start actually manipulating things.
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honeyabyss · 3 years
Different ways to say I Love You (minus Luke)
Lucifer isn't the best at saying what he actually feels due to his pride getting in the way, but he makes it up with small gestures
he is very observant and often knows what you need before you know it
putting on the fireplace in his study when he notices you start to rub your hands or shift your legs to warm them subconsciously
refilling your cup/glass while he pours something himself
"You should have dressed better, I can see you're shivering..."
his snarky side comments might sound like he's annoyed, but he actually cares and worries
he will most definitely put his cloak around your shoulders and keep you close to him with a hand on your waist
he's conflicted between staying subtle and showing you off all the time
"Aren't they looking amazing today? Haven't you stared enough yet? You're making them uncomfortable!"
when you're in private he becomes more open and affectionate, but still tries to play it down
him moving with his work away from his work desk to the small coffee table, sitting side by side with you, just to have you close
when he's feeling stressed he tends to intertwine his fingers with yours, seeking the comfort and familiarity of you
Lucifer tries to give you the same he feels when he is with you comfort, peace, a place to hide from the rest of the world
"You are my save haven! I don't always have to be at my best when I'm with you!"
"Hey! Look what I've brought you home. Ain't I the best?!"
small gifts are a regular occurrence with the Avatar of Greed, which don't always have to be the most expensive, extraordinary or thoughtful ones
"I was on the way home when I saw this and thought of you...you needed this right?"
it could have been the most ridiculous thing like a single paperclip, but he'd be so proud to have noticed and remembered you were having troubles organizing your papers yesterday
him being a tsundere makes it hard for him to openly admit or show his love for you sometimes, his thoughts are full of you and he is constantly complementing you and how much he wants to hold you in his arms or kiss...but actually vocalizing or holding and kissing you seems to be way harder
though that doesn't hold him off to keep you close and hold hands in front of others, you're his human and everyone shall know, you're his and his alone, they'd be mad to try and steal you away
as his sin is Greed, hoarding stuff happens often, most of the times he sells them to be able to get money, but every single thing you'll give him will hold a special meaning in his heart, will show off your gifts to brag
but material love isn't the only thing he can give, he'll also gladly give you all his time
he'll randomly invite you to go take a drive with him, just get in the car and go, no set destination, just Mammon and you away from his brothers and all the others
when you're alone he'd still be nervous, but cuddling will happen a lot, though he is always blushing a bright red
"If I could choose to have one treasure in my whole life, I'd choose to only treasure you!"
being the Avatar of Envy, he is quick to loose his temper when you're talking or even dare touch other people, he'd be rather alone with you, but that doesn't always work, so being open and mindful about his sin is a must
"Soo what did you two talk about? Not that I mind...but you can also talk about everything with me, you know that right?"
he knows that his social skills aren't the best and that he doesn't know about to many normie topics, but he'll try his best to listen to you and come up with responses and ways to keep the conversation going
he wants to make sure you know he loves you so badly, but all he knows about love is from animes or games, so he often tries to recreate romantic scenes only to get thoroughly embarrassed
"d-d-don't laugh! This i-i supposed to be ro-romantic...."
he tries to keep you close to him as much as he can when you're outside
he knows how anxiety inducing it can be for him, when someone suddenly touches him, so he always asks you first, as embarrassing it is to ask you to hold hands or kiss, he feels better knowing you want this too
when he is playing his games, he dislikes it when you disappear out of his vision, wanting to make sure you're still there and letting you know he hasn't forgotten about you even though he is currently concentration on his gaming, he'll keep you in his lap with a furious blush on his cheeks and he might see the game over screen more often but it's definitely worth it
"You make me overcome my weaknesses, just give me time and I'll make you happy!
"The weather is nice...do you want to take a walk with me?"
Satan enjoys spending his time with you in any way possible, a simple walk, reading sessions, visiting your favourite places, discovering new cafés, exploring galleries and museums, as long as you're around he is open to try anything
lazing around in his room cuddled up next to you with a good book will stays his favourite though, he has you for himself and it feels reassuring to know you stay with him even on the normal and eventless days
Satan isn't too handsy, but he does keep your hand in his wherever the two of you are, even if you only making your way to the kitchen, he is not exactly jealous just happy to call you his and show it
the subtle intimacy of handholding speaks volumes to him, to others it may seem like the most ordinary couple thing, but he likes to experiment and if his stupid idea of only holding 2 fingers makes you laugh then it was a full success to him
no matter how much control over his sin he has sometimes he breaks too, after getting out all his anger, he tends to be exhausted and feels vulnerable, he'll just sit down with your hands intertwined and his head resting on your shoulder, seeking comfort and affection
"Have you smiled yet? I smile every time I think of you!"
Satan will leave small notes to make your day or send you messages on your DDD when he can't be around you
"Did I ever tell you that you feel like home to me? I hope I can be your home as well!"
so many praises and compliments, like you can just sit there looking at your phone and Asmo just coos
"You look sooo pretty!~ let's take a picture together to remember this moment!"
he will take a lot of pictures of you and him, just to look at for himself when he misses you, to show off to his brothers and Solomon, or to the whole Devildom through posting it on Devilgram
he simply enjoys to look at you, though it always ends in a warm hug , kisses and praises
he may not be very poetic or thoughtful with his touches, but he always gives it his all, some feelings he just can't describe in words so he just holds you close to show you his feelings
spa days, shopping tours and going into the club happen often, though he understands if you're not up to it some times, but he will whine and demand to spend you day differently with him
he can't help it he wants to spoil you and show you off, he's is almost never jealous, rather proud even when someone flirts with you, that doesn't mean he'll give you away
"Come here, let me just hold you. You fit perfectly into my arms..."
as the Avatar of Lust, physical touch means a lot to him, not only in the sexual way, but most in importantly in the way of craving affection, he wants to be hold and to hold you, give him all your attention and he'll be happy
"Thank you for staying and accepting me!"
sleepily walking through the hallways into the kitchen to keep Beel company while he has his midnight snack and just sitting next to him talking about your day
"Thank you for staying awake with me, do you want me to get you food as well?"
with Gluttony as his sin, food is big part of his daily life, but he doesn't just eat to satisfy his hunger, but also because he enjoys the food, no matter how hungry he is, he'll offer you even the last piece to make you happy
sharing new food and old favourites of his alike, Beel likes to share his food with you, as he feels less hungry in your company anyway
seeing you happy and full makes him happy and full as well, so he puts you first most of the times, letting you choose what you want and going along with your preferences
"Anything is fine with me, you can choose for us."
Beel is also very active, playing Fangol, training and etc, he often invites you to train with him or tries to teach you new stuff, if you don't want too that's fine as well, you can watch and he may try to impress you a little bit, but he won't train much when you're around wanting to rather spend time with you
bear hugs. just you walking basically anywhere and Beel suddenly hugs you tight against his chest, nuzzling your face and having a huge grin plastered on his face
his affectionate hugs and kisses come out of nothing, surprising but welcome, some times he forgets his strength and you'll have to remind him, he'll hold you very carefully then asking if this okay
"I feel complete with you, so just stay by my side!"
"Lay down with me, I nap better with you at my side!"
obviously nap time with lots of cuddling, he just drapes himself over you, holding you close and sharing his warmth with you...if you're lucky you'll even get a small goodnight kiss, but only if he's in the mood
Belphie is a bit too straightforward with his words and sometimes ends up being a bit mean when he doesn't really want to, so in crucial moments with you he tends to become quiet and seek out to hold and hopefully show you his feelings
Belphie isn't handsy but he loves to cuddle, he may not always hold your hand when taking a walk but as soon as you two sit down he'll hug you close without saying a word
when he finds you sleeping somewhere without him, he is a bit hurt at first but he recovers quick, he'll make sure you're resting comfortably, the pillow is soft enough and that the blanket keeps you warm, even going to the length to bring you his own blanket if fell asleep anywhere but you're room, without a doubt he'll feel tired after taking care of you and will fall asleep right next to you
"Sleeping without me...unbelievable...I'll just have to squish myself next to you then.."
his other passion stargazing always ends up with him hugging you and telling you about the different constellations and it's stories until you fall asleep...only when he is sure you're dreaming he dares to run his fingers through you hair and lowly hum a lullaby into the otherwise silent night
"Let's dream our life together and promise to make it true one day!"
as the prince of Hell, Diavolo only ever knew people who treated him with respect, always leaving him to feel lonely and out of place, but then you came and you weren't scared neither did you treat him like a prince, you made him your friend and soon more
with you he feels finally complete and he tries to show you his appreciation and affection any free moment of his time
he'd buy you anything you want not caring about the price, but please tell him that a small and thoughtful gift makes you just as happy as anything else
being with you always has him giddy and bursting with love, he can't hold back and will shower you in attention or at least watch you do your thing
"You're looking radiant my love! I can't believe you're mine!"
similar to Beel he has these affection attacks where he'll just suddenly have the urge to hug you and shower you in kisses
being prince requires a lot of paper work, which he dislikes, when you're around he'll indulge himself in a few more breaks than he should, ending in him having to work overtime much to his dismay
"Will you stay up waiting for me at home?"
He knows it's a selfish thought, but he loves the feeling of coming home to you and getting greeted, he feels at peace when you're there and wait for him
"I'll never have to feel lonely again, when I have you!"
as a butler time isn't something he has much of, so he some times feels like he can't give you enough, he'll try to meet as often as possible but often it's only for an hour or so a day
"Do you need anything else? More tea? Anything?"
He'll probably be stuck in his butler role and try to serve, completely disregarding himself, just grab him and make him sit down
Barb isn't used to physical touch and feels less comfortable to hold you in public, handholding is the maximum for him, he probably needs some time to get used to the more affectionate things
but when in private gentle touches, soft hugs and small kisses are his thing, just small reassuring stuff while you two relax and talk about daily life
he is more of a listener and he enjoys listening to your voice, it's one of his comfort things, hearing your voice means you're safe and that helps him keep calm a lot...he may not show it, but on the inside he is always worried for you living in between demons, he's on of them he knows how dangerous it can get
phone calls while he works happen more and more often as your relationship progresses, the need to see you gets stronger, but he can't just leave work, so you'll talk over the phone
"I missed you so I had to call. How is your day?"
night-time is his favourite, no work, no on watchers, just you two and your love for each other, if only it could be always like this
"One minute with you feels like eternal bliss, imagine our happiness if you'd stay with me forever!"
Solomon has watched many people die in his life, so he got used to not getting attached too much, falling in love with you wasn't planned, but he can't help feeling clingy with you now
he'd play it down, aloof as he always seems, but on the inside he is screaming at you to not go at the end of the day, just one more hug, one more kiss, maybe stay over the night?
he'd never say it out loud and every time he does say something affectionate something teasing or a 'just kidding' follows, scared he might seem too clingy
"You're my everything, without you I feel like I'm suffocating...just a joke I'm breathing fine, see?"
he's always touching you in some way, holding your hand, arm around your shoulder, his hand on your waist, back or knee, whatever he just wants to feel the warmth of your skin telling him you're still there
he has lived through so many human lifetimes and experienced so much, he's happy to share all the good stuff with you and show you the most wondersome places in all three realms
the bad stuff though he keeps to himself, guides you away and hopes you'll never experience it
"Hey! Surprise I was close by and I thought we could take a walk?"
Solomon loves spending his time with you in whatever way, just whisk him away to whatever activity you'd like, surprise dates are his favourite, he doesn't want to plan out his whole life
"Now is my favourite moment with you. Why? Because I'm with you!"
Simeon as an author has his way with words, being able to spin them just right so every moment will become perfect, but he's more used to writing than talking and he'll use that to his advantage
"Even in the darkest of nights, your beauty lightens the room!"
expect love letter, sweet notes and poems written by him, hidden your schoolwork, waiting for you on your desk in RAD, on your pillow at HoL, anywhere he can sneak them to he will
and trust me he'll get so happy when he finds out you kept every single one of his writings
he also loves cuddles but only in private, in public he'll restrain himself to simple handholding or guiding you through the streets with your arms linked together
he enjoys to spoil you with attention, doing whatever you want, often it leads to cooking where as Luke likes to join in too, long walks, reading sessions, late night movies and cuddles, or even just long conversations about everything and anything you two can think of
"My lamb, may you come over and help a poor author who has lost his inspiration to write?"
when he is stuck with his writings he likes to take a break with you and hold you tight in his arms listening to your suggestions until he feels inspired again, no pressure though he can keep writing any time he doesn't have to come up with something on the spot, just distracting him for a bit works too
"I may have found paradise in your arms tonight, do you think your heart may be so kind to let me stay?"
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cactus-stories · 3 years
SFW Alphabet Headcanons for Mammon :D
I used this Alphabet List made by @heauxzenji, thanks for the list, it is really nice!
Mammon is one of my favourite brothers, right next to Satan, and I can't say how much I enjoy headcanons about him, I hope you guys like it!
TW: none
A is for Adventure: something they haven’t done but have always wanted to
Definitely rob a bank. I mean, he has tried to, multiple times, but Lucifer has always maanged to stop him before he could do any damage. MC is complaining about not having enough money to buy something and jokingly says "we could always rob the nearest bank". He looks at them, mesmerized, blue eyes shining with expectation, until they explain it is just a joke...
B is for Butterflies: How they act when they’re nervous
Trembles a lot, his voice gets more squeaky and he's looking around for ways to escape. Really fast when running from people and will literally jump out of a window instead of facing Lucifer.
C is for Crush: what is it like when they have a crush? How do they know/act?
Acts like he doesn't care about them, but it's painfully obvious by how flushed he gets and how much he's stuttering. Would try to spend more time with them, using all the excuses in the book instead of just being honest.
D is for Date: describe an ideal date for them
Honestly, a simple day with them, maybe watching a movie or playing games. Snacks next to them and a bunch of blankets and pillows lying around.
E is for Essential: what is one thing they could NEVER go without
Apart from Goldie, I think it's lip balm. Boy's a model, he can't be caught with chapped lips. Most people don't notice it, so when MC starts giving him random lip balm flavours as gifts he treats them like the best thing ever, and make a fuss out of using it in front of them as much as he can (don't tease him tho, or he'll get a bit sad and probably stop it).
F is for Favorite: a favorite anything- food, place, smell, book, etc.
Apart from money, his second favourite thing is his crows. He finds them really cute, and always keeps the gifts they give him. He taught them how to swear and used to have them steal Lucifer's expensive pens before the older brother found out about it.
G is for Giggle: how they laugh/what makes them laugh
He has a really cute and high pitched laugh, and is absolutely not embarassed about it. Boy laughs at everything, can't keep a straight face to save his life, which ends up getting him in trouble with Lucifer often.
H is for Holding Hands: Do they like holding hands? Are their hands warm or cold? Pinky promises?
His hands are really warm, if he notices MC's hands are even slightly cold, he'll wrap his around them quickly, trying to help out. He loves holding hands while linking arms, keeping them as close as possible. Doesn't really do pinky promises, but that's mostly because he trusts them and doesn't need the affirmation as much.
I is for Inside Joke: something they do that everyone thinks is funny but they don’t understand
All of his brothers compare him to his crows because of the amount of times he runs his hands through his hair. They joke about him preening himself and very rarely caw around him.
J is for Jinx: Are they Superstitious?
Not really, he knows the risks of cursed objects and wrongly casted spells, but there's almost always a logical explanation in some book in Satan's room, so he's okay with it.
K is for Kiss: how do they kiss?
Lots of small pecks on their face before going for a longer kiss on their lips.
L is for Love Languge: what is their love language? How do they give and how would they like to receive love?
Definitely gives love via gifts, he can be pretty stingy with his money, so if he buys you something it's a clear sign that you mean a lot to him. Loves physical touch, run your hands through his hair or hug him from behind and he'll melt happily in your arms.
M is for Meant to be: how/when they know someone is “the one”
If he notices their compliments are genuine. Many people use him for his status, ãnd he's used to being offended and used as a punching bag, so genuine compliments are a breath of fresh air, and automatically makes you go up on his personal ranking.
N is for Nickname: a nickname they would have or their favorite thing to be called
Would absolutely use Treasure as a nickname, or Sunshine. He loves being called Pretty Boy, Good Boy, and Handsome.
O is for Organization: are they clean or messy?
Have you seen his room lmao?? Messy bitch and you know it, but he can always find everything he needs in his mess.
P is for Pet Peeve: What’s something they absolutely CAN’T stand?
Anyone making fun of Levi. He knows his brother is very insecure and as much as HE goofs around and makes fun of him, no one else is allowed to >:(
Q is for Quiet: What do they do for peace of mind
When he's stressed out and needs to take a break he plays Solitaire by himself. After MC moves in with them, he goes to their room and jumps onto their bed, watching them study or play games in silence.
R is for Rainy Day: Do they like rain? What about storms? How would they spend a rainy day?
Enjoys rain, hates thunder. Spends rainy days playing games inside, or wrapped in blankets, protecting himself from the loud noise with some loud cancelling headphones Levi lends to him.
S is for Soft: Describe their softest feature
Man is absurdly kind, helps anyone he notices struggling, and will hate it when it gets mentioned. Enjoys just knowing he did a good thing, and always ends up in a good mood afterwards.
T is for Telephone: are they a talker or a texter? How often do they use their phone?
Both, loves spamming people with texts if they don't answer right away. Could spend the entire day on the phone if it's with someone he likes. Alternatively, if it's someone he doesn't like, you can expect one worded messages and call being ignored constantly. He is more used to ignoring problems than confronting them.
U is for Unique: a random quirk they have
Really good with Math and numbers in general. His voice is surprisingly soothing, which surprises MC, considering how much they hear him screaming. It's really easy to fall asleep hearing him speak about something.
V is for Valentine: Are they the type to celebrate or not?
Absolutely, he'd be shy about it, but at the same time would want to do something big. Baby is conflicted.
W is for Wholesome: something extremely pure about them that makes you just *uwu*
How easily he blushes. He could just brush his hand against MC's and is already red all the way to his chest.
X is for Xenia: How they would entertain a guest/show hospitality
Probably the one that gives guests the tour of the entire place, offering snacks and making lighthearted jokes.
Y is for Youth: A fond childhood memory they have
Playing hide and seek with his little brothers in the Celestial Realm.
Z is for Zzz: Sleep habits. Do they cuddle in their sleep? Talk? What do they dream about?
Absolute cuddler, doesn't really talk or snore much. He sleeps naked or with underwear. Usually his dreams are about random everyday stuff, but sometimes he has nightmares about the Celestial War and hurting his loved ones because of his sin.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 3 years
what did our ghoulies do for the clergy before they became band ghouls and why were they picked out?
Ooooooh, love this!! Love getting to explore different clergy roles! I love getting to play with the origins of Era IV!
Since I also make a LOT of references to my ideas of leader ghouls, I'm gonna go ahead and link that headcanon here to avoid confusion! --> [Link]
Era IV Jobs Before the Ghost Project
Aether: Aether was summoned when the ministry decided to start training successor ghouls to the current ghoul leaders. Air had finally stepped down as Beta ghoul, and the ministry was afraid others would do the same. Ather was summoned specially to become the next Omega ghoul. While Aether has his own powers of healing that took over as his main duties, he mainly shadowed the head quintessence ghoul. This included a lot of traveling, learning about Earth and human culture, and working with many different types of ghouls. There was also a lot of personal assistance to the Emeritus line, as aether ghoul healing is more effective for demon blood than normal human medicine.
When Omega was on his tours, Aether took care of his business in his stead to test how close he was to being ready. Aether was never originally meant to take part in the Ghost project until a few albums ahead. But with Omega’s sudden departure and being needed back in the Clergy, Aether was once again tested by being a band substitute. Luckily, he was a natural and has been proving himself as the next head ghoul! Handling both responsibilities and the pressure of being the Omega Ghoul.
Cumulus: Cumulus has been around for a few decades and has served enthusiastically. Her first decade was as an assistant to Papa I- her summoner. Namely as his ritual assistant and with his paperwork. She has always had a good eye for detail and organization, with a queenly air of authority about her. But Papa believes in letting his ghouls flourish to their strong suits. Until Copia’s ascension, Cumulus has been the lively and loyal personal ghoul to Sister Imperator. Serving as everything from bodyguard, personal confidant, and even enforcer to the Mother Superior. Cumulus was the very first selected for the job of band ghoul when it was Copia’s turn to head the Ghost project.
Imperator wanted a ghoul who was smart, capable, and with a good grasp of leadership to help supervise the other ghouls. Cumulus was also vouched for by Air. Her and Cirrus were both personally trained by the older ghoul when he was looking for a successor for the Beta ghoul position. While neither were chosen for that particular duty, Cumulus is happy to be a part of the band. She still keeps in touch with Imperator and sometimes acts as though she is Copia’s manager. If something goes wrong or needs to be done, Cumulus is the first to know.
Cirrus: Cirrus has gone back and forth between two duties. Serving the current Imperator and studying under the former Beta ghoul, Air. Cirrus is a tough cookie and has been a ghoulish enforcer for many abbies. Essentially keeping ghouls and siblings in line when it comes to fights or rule breaking. There are always ghouls who make sure the will of the clergy is followed and those who commit crimes are punished. This was her preferred job, rather than work with Air. Who tended to find stuffy, traditional research more important. Cirrus, as calm as she is, prefers hands on work. She’s also worked security detail for all of the Papas but most importantly, Grand Papa Nihil. Cirrus is a long time bodyguard (and baby sitter) for the Grandpapa and Sister Imperator.
Cirrus was recommended by both Cumulus and Air- since they were both practically raised by Air to be potential leader ghouls. Nihil was particularly sad to see Cirrus disappear from his entourage, but agreed she would be a wonderful fit. Also Nihil and Imperator can agreed that Cirrus keeps Copia in line by her sheer intimidating presence and powerful aura. Cirrus would be lying if she said she didn’t also enjoy the chance to do something more fun and get away from the clergy for a bit!
Mountain: Although Mountain was summoned by Papa II, he was never strictly a ghoul for the Emeritus. Personally summoned ghouls tend to be bodyguards or close entourage for their Papal summoners. For a couple of decades Mountain was an effective and reliable body guard for Papa II. But Papa eventually realized his ghoul’s talents were being wasted. Stone ghouls have been shown to have natural strength beyond most ghouls and a good eye for architecture. Mountain has been responsible for helping build new cathedrals, quarters, and even clearing land. His level headedness and bluntness have also been excellent when working with Papa II, who has supervised many of these new buildings.
Mountain being assigned to go with Copia was actually a sort of ‘good faith loan’ from Papa II. Don’t get me wrong, Papa II does NOT like Copia. He finds him opportunistic and a usurping leech… However, Copia IS chosen by Lucifer. Papa II cares about his ministry MORE than he hates Copia. Since he hasn’t had Mountain as a bodyguard for years he decides to recommend him. After all, it also looks good on him for being generous enough to support the newest singer of the band. The Ministry was happy, mainly to let the Cardinal practice working with ghouls of different types and skill sets to delegate. On tour he was accepted and chosen for both his natural talents but to help balance out all of the incredibly strong personalities of the current ghouls.
Rain: Rain was a very behind the scenes ghoul, and rarely worked in the public congregation. He was the archivist assistant to the current head water ghoul, Delta. Delta is one of the oldest serving ghouls who now takes care of the Ministry’s protected collections of records. Rain has happily kept a quiet existence processing old and new registrations for the entire ministry. At one point Rain had studied directly under Delta with Water and Mist- all powerful water ghouls who are being trained for greater works. Rain loved playing music but never considered himself one to be ever picked for anything but reorganizing entire archives and dusting off old books.
Rain was recommended by Mist after her short stint with the Ghost project and Papa III. While she wanted to go on tour, she was needed elsewhere to train. She could vouch for Rain’s hard work and need to open up and embrace his potential. Copia was happy to take the water ghoul, as was shown to have indelible talent and an agreeable personality. The touring has definitely made Rain want to be more active in the ministry and with his fellow ghouls.
Swiss: Swiss was actually pretty high ranked before he became a band ghoul! While not part of the leader ghouls for the entire ministry, Swiss was the top ghoul in one of the main cathedrals outside of the head abbey. This meant he directed, advocated, and watched over all of the ghouls a part of the cathedral. Making sure all duties were done and all ghouls were taken care of. Swiss is a pretty strong ghoul in his own right. While he is fire he was born from two mixed ghouls of different elements. So he is well versed in different elemental energies and knowledge. His easy going nature and quick wit makes him a favorite among siblings and ghouls alike. Higher Clergy also worked with him to make accommodations and holidays for the ghouls.
Swiss was hand picked by Copia who worked with him pre Ghost project. Copia has always valued Swiss’s hard work and ability to get along with everyone he met. Swiss was agreed by Imperator and the ministry to be a great ghoul. Not just in vocals but bringing everyone together and interacting with the fans and staff. Swiss accepted the position with glee. He loves doing ceremonies at his home abbey, and a Ritual is nothing different- just bigger! Plus, Swiss will never turn down a chance to sing.
Ember: Ember has been strong but an entire pain in the ass of the Ministry for a LONG time. There have been many times he was almost sent back to Hell because he was difficult to control. Ember has calmed down in recent years, but he can still be a bit of a thorn in everyone's side. But he has so much potential within the Ministry, he’s too valuable of an asset. At first he was summoned as the potential candidate to be the next Alpha ghoul, for when Alpha eventually steps down. But to help him adjust to the responsibilities he had been shipped to many places with many duties. He’s been everything from a guard, to ritual assistant, to attack dog.
Eventually he found a spot with Papa III right before he went on tour as his bodyguard. Their energies actually worked very well together and he was one of the few before Copia who was able to give him the right outlets he needed. Ember was hand chosen to be a bassist by Papa III when Alpha had to return with Omega to the Ministry. Ember had originally asked to be guitarist, but the Ministry was interested in testing Ifrit to be the next Alpha ghoul. Ember was just happy to play but was absolutely thrilled when Copia asked for him to play head guitar.
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obeymeluv · 4 years
You Steal the Boys’ Clothes
Something I’ve been thinking of for a while.
It was rare the eldest was without his cape, as everything seemed to be a formal event and he must be dressed to impress. Being dressed to impress, however, means being clean so he gets it cleaned from time to time
Lucifer is a very organized, practical man. Constantly towing the line of obsessive for the sake of orderliness.
He knows where his cape should be, and that it’s not there
With a demon’s-only screech that warns Mammon to stretch his calves and run, Lucifer hunts down the three most likely suspects to interrogate them (Mammon, Satan, and Belphegor).
He tries to get a two-for-one by dragging Mammon into the study where Satan sits smugly with a book (because he knows he didn’t do it but MAN is he enjoying this!)
Imagine surprising not one, but THREE demons when you come shuffling down the hall with a Lucifer’s cape wrapped around you like a blanket.
It whispers and it drags and it absolutely DROWNS you.
Very charming. Ethereal, almost like some sort of wedding wear
Lucifer would’ve never imagined you’d be the culprit, and now his poor brain is trying to save and process the idea of you looking so sleepy-happy in his clothes
And the ex-angel falls all over again.
He catches the little cheek nuzzle and way you bunch it around your body, a foot poking out not to get tangled
Satan and Mammon will probably die laughing instead of at his hands, but Lucifer could really care less
Lucifer idly wonders where you’d curled up that he totally missed you, and escorts you gently but red-faced to your room
Satan and Mammon tag along, and when they see Lucifer come out with his cape they can only deduce he put you to bed.
With no homework to do and some money in the bank, Mammon was ready to spend the weekend tearing up the town with you!
He was fresh out of the shower and mostly dressed, searching feverishly for his beloved white and brown jacket
Mammon wasn’t the cleanest person by nature (hello, money hoarder and collector of interesting/valuable things) so he tidied up as he went
As he started to suspect one of his little brothers was holding the jacket for ransom, he sent out a group text asking about it
There were several typical smart-ass responses (Lucifer, Asmo, and Satan) and he was in the middle of a snark fight when you showed up at his door somewhere between bashful and chill
In HIS jacket
Mammon’s brain shuts down.
“It’s kind of a human thing,” you explain. “There is a one-jacket fee among couples. Usually it’s a hoodie.” you tease, reluctant to shrug it off, “But this seems to be your only jacket so I guess I could give it back.”
It’s very subtle, but he’s worn that jacket for centuries and no amount of detergent can disguise the scent that makes his heart skip a beat
Something about the smell of your skin and a hint of his has him purring
You hold the jacket out to him. Mammon wraps his fingers around it and swings it around until he’s holding it over one shoulder
The yellow takes over in his eyes a little more. Gets a little brighter and intense.
“You want to take anything else off?” he husks playfully
Your day out turns into staying in and Mammon is happy to trade his jacket for a shirt you can sleep in (like, forever. It’s fine. Whatever, dummy.)
It was actually really hard to steal Levi’s clothes because he lived in his hoodie and turtleneck. His RAD uniform was really just for show and that wasn’t what you were looking for, anyways. You didn’t want to chill in uniform.
He was very particular about his merch because certain shirts were collector’s items and he didn’t like people messing with his folding patterns
You went to Asmo with your dilemma and he found it absolutely ADORABLE. It was almost enough to make him jealous, really
Somehow (Asmo being Asmo?), the fifth- born was able to swipe one of the green button-ups Levi wore under his RAD uniform
His first thought was to alter the garment to make it fit you (matching outfits? YES!) but Levi would probably kill him. His big bro hated shopping for clothes unless he HAD to have them.
Asmo gets the bright idea to magically/temporarily alter the fabric to fit you. Maybe Levi will like it so much he’ll just give you a shirt! 💖 (Or get some fucking outside time and go buy more shirts!)
Levi catches his own scent somewhere outside of the door and his brain goes off. He hits the pause button at lightning speed.
No one else smells like him! They haven’t shared bath products in centuries! He already finished his laundry so what’s happening?!
His first thought is: Mammon broke into my room while I was in the bathroom and stole something to pawn!
Levi doesn’t even think to take inventory of his stuff, barging out of his room to hunt down his big brother
He’s yelling and whining before he even sees him. Then he sees you. In his shirt.
All the angry words die in his throat as the absolute mortification and adoration sets his face on fire
SO KAWAII! It basically makes up for your normie-ness.
Levi’s stuck standing there, blushing his head off and unable to say anything as his fists shake with joy and nervousness
He gets a nosebleed. One of his brothers are laughing at him.
You guide him back to his room to take care of him, Levi lets you and becomes very fascinated with the idea of you in his clothes .Lots of petting and figuring out you look DOUBLY MEGA CUTE when the magic wears off and you’re just in a pool of fabric.
He’s totally down for matching clothes and definitely lets you keep the one you’re wearing.
His wardrobe is very...interesting...to say the least
Colors and personal combinations aside, Satan actually has a very smart wardrobe. Lots of basics and easy layers.
You can’t steal his signature green sweater or the blazer he seems to live in, so you settle for an emerald knit sweater that has a bit of a v-neck/university feel to it
It takes Satan a while to notice, as he’s buried in a book. You two tend to gravitate towards each other and just enjoy a cozy, companionable silence
He’s just finished a book and is debating cracking open one from the stack to his left when the color catches his eye
The smooth, sly comment dies on his lips when he realizes he likes the damn thing because IT’S HIS
You look very cozy and warm. It’s a very ‘cuddle me’ kind of look.
Perhaps you could warm his lap? Or give his poor hands a rest under the hem?
Very cheeky and clever. Grabs you by the sleeve of it just to ‘answer his curiosity about whether it matched his nails’.
Does he have a cute university student kink? If he didn’t, he does now?
There’s a 50-50 chance of you guys having sex.
Will definitely want to hold you and cuddle you close, petting the fabric and whispering compliments into it.
If you don’t already have a business/academic attire, Satan will definitely suggest a few pieces because YES. This is a thing he loves and it DOES things to him.
He’s the type to let you think you stole something
Probably stages what he wants you to steal just so you take it
Honestly, I could just see him dumping some of his clothes on you because you’re dating now and this is a cute thing he read about!
It’s super likely he’s into couple outfits or coordinating outfits, so he’s either spent time in his closet pre-planning or asked you to try on a million things just because
This cutie pie purposely orders THE BIGGEST thing he can find so you can both fit in it at the same time
Asmo loves you to pieces no matter what, but seeing you in his clothes makes him squeal and hit a note Mammon has threatened to murder him over
Ever dramatic, this is like, THE BEST THING EVER
A MILLION Devilgram posts about it (safe ones, of course)
Do you guys spark a couple’s trend and spade of lover’s stealing each other’s clothes to snap a victory pic? Maybe
Probably fake faints at the sheer glory of you in HIS bomb ass clothes. Definitely fans himself
Spoils you rotten with compliments
This man is weak. “Gorgeous! Smother me.” as he falls back on the bed and gestures to his face
He won’t turn down the idea of sexy times (depends on your libido, comfort, etc.) but sometimes he makes raunchy jokes just to be funny. Smothering could also mean using him like a body pillow (which he’s totally okay with).
You get max cuddles and WILL be the envy of Devilgram
Beel felt a little guilty for leaving you at the House of Lamentation with his brothers
You guys were supposed to hang out after school but there was an emergency practice. The coach always got pre-game jitters and demanded a few last runs. He showered and ran back to the House, hoping you still had time for him.
He tiptoed quietly into his shared room, unsurprised to find you waiting there for him. You’d been caught in Belphie’s sleepy little aura by the looks of it,
Beelzebub couldn’t help the grin or little hum that made it past his lips. Your eyes were open but he didn’t know if you actually saw him. You looked super cute in his humongous bed though
You were getting sleepier and sleepier, your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Beel pulled the sheets over you and gentle untangled the arm you managed to latch on to
Maybe waking up to a bit of food would make up for everything! Beel toiled away in the kitchen, making a cute little snack tray for the two of you.
In reality, it could probably feed at least twenty, and he ate at least half of what he prepped.
Beel returned to the room with what he considered a decent amount (scraps, kind of, but enough variety! He tried! It’s the thought that counts!) and was surprised to see his sheets all tangled and half-kicked from the bed
You were wearing his jacket now, passed out and turned into the furry lining that usually went across his shoulders and neck
DId you sleep walk? He was trying to understand how you’d gotten into his jacket
Beel realized it was the first time you’d been in his clothes and it was enough to make his heart melt
Super huge on you, obviously (extra fabric everywhere), but so cute! He could basically swaddle you in his jacket
“They’re a restless sleeper,” Belphie yawned. “I thought it would help them calm down.”
It used to work on Belphie, so Beel could see why he resorted to it
Beel offered his twin some food, sitting carefully on your other side.
He shifted some of the parka fur away from your face, trying to fix your hair and nudge your chin up so your nose wasn’t buried in anything. He stroked your cheek a little, mesmerized by the sight of you and how you felt.
Belphie declined, muttering something about, ‘Stop looking like that and eat your food! Gross!’ before Beel settled for patting your head one last time and eating quietly
He’s another one that’s hard to steal from
You’d think it’d be easy since he sleeps all the time, but Belphie really only wears 10% of the clothes he buys
Yes, he’s a pajama snob and has all things comfy and cozy, but hardly any of them smell like him because he falls asleep anywhere with little issue (no special clothes required!)
You thought about stealing his blue cardigan with the pocket, but he’s always sleeping in it!
Belphie picks up on your train of thought, and the frustration, because you fall asleep thinking about it. Dreaming about coyly stealing his cardigan and being all cute and snuggly in bed
It’s enough to wake him up, shuffle to you, and break your sleep. He flops down on your bed with his cardigan unbuttoned and says ‘climb on’ while patting his chest
You’re obviously sleepy and confused and he loves it. Belphie slides you onto his chest and wraps his arms around you, resting bits of the fabric on your back as you settle into him
It’s not the same but it’s close enough
Would you be offended if he got you cow pajamas so he could snuggle you like his favorite pillow? He falls asleep wondering about the answer
He wakes up to see that Beel has covered the two of you with his favorite blanket.
You in his blanket? Against him? Slowly smelling of him and his clothes? It’s the best thing to fall asleep to.
Makes a joke out of your clothes-stealing quest by stripping one of his pillowcases off and putting you in it like a little sack. You have to stay on his bed now because you’re his pillow and all pillows stay on the bed.
“What? You wanted to smell like me! It’s something I use!“ Belphie defends as you wonder whether or not you like this human pillow thing while he snuggles you.
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prrplwtch · 4 years
Mamihlapinatapei. Simeon/MC or Satan/MC
Why not both 💜
30. “Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.” Satan x f!MC
Satan knew it was time to rearrange his book collection when for the second time that week he was unable to find the tome that he needed. Usually, he had a pretty good knowledge of where he put each book, but, as the book piles on his floor grew, it became harder and harder to keep track of them.
He really was not looking forward to spending the weekend doing it. To his surprise, when he mentioned at breakfast that he needed to organize the books in his room, MC immediately volunteered to help him.
“Two people can get it done faster than one, right?” she told him with a smile.
Satan appreciated MC’s offer – it was true that together they’d get through the task faster than if he was alone. Besides, he liked spending time with her. Satan had never felt that way before, but whenever MC was around him, it was as though the burning rage in his chest disappeared replaced by a light, hopeful, almost pure feeling.
They began reorganizing the books in the morning – Satan has hoped that if they start early, they could be done before the nightfall. He was very pleased with the new organization system he decided to try, where each bookshelf was dedicated to a certain subject matter and all the books on the given shelf were arranged alphabetically.
“Do you want all these to go on the history bookshelf?” MC asked, holding a stack of tomes in her hands.
“Yes,” Satan said, turning to her, “Except for the one on top – put it on the bookshelf by the window.”
Working together was, in fact, much easier than working alone, and the progress they were making was more significant than Satan had anticipated.
“I’m curious – where did you get all these books from?” MC said, picking up a few tomes from the floor, “You told me you do not travel to human realm often, but some of these definitely came from there.”
“Some of them are gifts,” Satan said, as he continued rearranging books on the shelf alphabetically, “But the rest I bought from a store here, that carries books from all three realms. They have a marvelous collection.”
“Oh?” MC said, “I’d love to go there sometime – I’m really curious to see what books they have from the human world.”
“If you want, I can take you there,” Satan said, looking over to MC.
“I’d love that,” she smiled at him, and Satan felt warmth rise in his chest. There were few things he enjoyed more than seeing her happy.
He watched as she picked up a few tomes to carry them to the other side of the room. Suddenly, he noticed a small stack of books on the floor right in front of her.
“MC, careful!” Satan exclaimed, but it was too late.
Demons were blessed with fast reflexes, and he was by her side in a split second – but that was not quick enough to prevent her from falling. Next thing Satan knew, both of them were on the floor, with MC half-laying on top of him.
“Ugh, why do I never look where I walk,” MC complained, then looked at Satan, concerned, “Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Of course not,” Satan replied, “Demons are not as fragile as humans are.”
“Thank you,” MC smiled softly, “For saving me.”
It was at that moment that Satan suddenly became acutely aware of the fact that she was lying on top of him. Bright blush rose in his cheeks, as he’d realized just how pleasant and soft her body felt pressed so closed against his. His heart raced in his chest when he noticed MC, too, was blushing ever so slightly.
Satan found his gaze drifting to MC’s lips – he would have been lying if he said he’d never thought about it. He noticed MC’s eyelids flutter as she bit her lower lip. Was she…thinking about it too?
They both remained absolutely still for a moment. He knew he wanted to give in to his desires, and yet he was scared. What would this mean for us?
Before he had a chance to act upon his impulse, there was loud banging at the door.
“Satan,” Mammon’s voice called out, “Lucifer asked to tell ya that he wants to see ya in his study.”
Upon hearing Mammon’s words MC sat up, and Satan immediately missed the warmth and softness of her body.
“Very well,” he replied with a sigh, “I’ll be right there.”
“I’ll be waiting for you,” MC told him, smiling gently as she put her hand over his, “Please return soon.”
Satan could hardly stop himself from smiling upon hearing those words, as he felt warmth spread through his body. Now even the impending meeting with Lucifer could not ruin his mood.
30. “Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.” Simeon x f!MC
Simeon and MC were in the kitchens of the House of Lamentation. It was the Cultural Exchange week at the Academy and the next day was dedicated to the human realm, so MC wanted to bake various desserts from the human world to share with her classmates.
When she first asked Simeon to help, he was surprised by the request. Though he liked sweets, he was not very good at baking. As it turned out, MC had already asked Luke to help, but he had to work on a group project and, hence, was not available.
Simeon did not need to ask why MC did not turn to Solomon for help.
“Please don’t tell him that you helped me,” she pleaded, and Simeon agreed. Neither of them wanted to have that conversation with Solomon.
In truth, Simeon was glad that MC asked him for help – they’d grown quite close in the past few months. He always felt so happy and at peace whenever she was around, and any time he saw her smile, a warm feeling would rise in his chest. All he wanted was to make her happy.
Simeon marveled at the confident way MC handled herself in the kitchen – though there were a few cookbooks on the table in front of her, she did not look into any of them. The focused expression on her face as she was measuring out different ingredients for a new batch of cookies made Simeon smile.
“You must have baked quite often back in the human realm,” he said, as he picked up the tray of cookies and carried it to the oven, “To get this good at it.”
“I have,” MC looked at him over her shoulder and smiled, “I really like it – it’s very calming. Though, it took a while before I learned to bake properly. I used to joke that I’d sell my soul to become a great baker. I must say, when I first found myself in the Devildom, I was worried for a moment that my sale was successful.”
Simeon laughed and shook his head – humans should really learn to be more careful with their words.
“It’s very impressive,” he told her.
MC paused for a moment, and Simeon noticed slight blush appear on her cheeks. Must be from all the heat from the ovens.
“I…thank you,” she said, before turning back to the measuring cups.  
As Simeon walked back towards MC to pick up another tray of cookies, suddenly, he noticed MC wince as she dropped one of the measuring cups.
“MC, what’s wrong?” he asked immediately, worried.
“I’ve had a headache since the morning,” MC told him, still wincing, “And it’s suddenly gotten worse – probably because of how hot it is in the kitchens.”
“I could help you,” Simeon offered, coming up to MC.
All angels had healing abilities, and though some were more gifted than others, there was not a single one who could not take care of a simple headache.
“I wouldn’t want to bother you,” MC said softly, as she looked into his face.
“I would be happy to help,” Simeon said earnestly, and MC nodded.
Simeon gently put his hands on both sides of MC’s face, softly pressing his fingers to her temples.
“Close your eyes,” he told her, and MC complied.
Simeon focused – he had not healed anyone in some time – and a moment later he could feel her pain melt under his touch.
“Oh,” MC said after a moment, as she opened her eyes and looked at him wide-eyed, “It’s completely gone.”
“I’m glad you are feeling better,” Simeon smiled softly.
“Thank you,” MC murmured, looking him in the face.
It sook Simeon a moment to realize that he was still cupping MC’s face in his hands. Her skin was soft and warm under his touch, and though he knew he should pull away, could not bring himself too. There was something so utterly intoxicating about holding her so close, about the way she looked at him through half-lidded eyes. Blush rose in his cheeks as a gentle smile appeared on MC’s lips.
It would be so easy to lean in and kiss her.
His heart raced in his chest at the thought, as his blush deepened. He had imagined doing it before, although he chased those thoughts away – any involvement between an angel and a human would bring nothing but heartache to both of them. He knew he needed to move away…
And yet, now that she was so close, he was too weak to do what needed to be done.
Suddenly, a loud ringing sound of the kitchen timer broke the spell that had fallen over them.
“Ah, time to take out the cookies,” MC said, taking a step back and heading towards the oven. Simeon’s heart pounded in his chest, as he leaned onto the counter and took a deep breath. He was about to give in, if not for the timer…
It’s for the best, he thought, then smiled sadly – even he did not believe that.  
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ohbeaby · 4 years
Part 1
The man had made him and taken everything from him. This is how he saw Lucifer, he was everything he loathed about himself, wholly created from wrath and anger that Lucifer simply discarded, a pressure that finally burst forth into a being that had no meaning. A person with no personality.
“He’s so much like you.” People would say to Lucifer when Satan was younger.
“Well that is to be expected, he was part of me.” Lucifer would explain with such pride.
“How stubborn, just like you Lucifer.” People would complain when he was frustrated as an adolescent.
“It’s quite annoying if I’m being honest.” Lucifer would mutter with such arrogance.
“So intelligent! He must get it from his father.” People would whisper behind his back.
These little comments built over time. No matter how many things he tried, how much he learned in any subject, how mastered he would become in spells and potions, everything he did would be attributed to a man who didn’t even want him. A man that would constantly hold his position above him over his head in any form he could.
It was painful, a constant rage towards a man he could never even touch let alone kill. He wanted to be free, to finally just be a person, he didn’t even think of his personality as his own, just some fragmented part of Lucifers that he had broken off and thrown away.
Just let him go.
He’d tried begging in the beginning, in his own way.
“Who am I?” He’d question when he first started speaking.
“You are Satan.” The brothers would reply, thinking his small mind couldn’t comprehend the horrid truth of his existence.
“What am I?”
That question was always met with an awkward silence before someone would just reply: “A demon.”
Even as a child he knew he was the odd one out of the brothers, they told stories of the celestial realm and a woman named Lillith. While he was treated as a brother by most of them, Lucifer always seemed to find a way to treat him perpetually as a child.
When he first started getting introduced into Devildoms society he could never get out from the long shadow Lucifer cast. He had little reason to hope that a student from the exchange program would treat him any differently than the demons of Devildom.
“Hello, how are you today?”
“I had the highest grade in my potions class for the last test, I’m pretty happy about that.”
“You’ve always been good at potions haven’t you? Wish I had that much talent!” They’d laugh.
He was perpetually waiting for the day they’d compare him and Lucifer, it was bound to happen eventually.
“Gah! You’re so stubborn sometimes!” They’d playfully whine at him when he teased that he wouldn’t study with them without a promise or a deal.
“What can I say, I see a chance to make a deal and I’ll take it.”
“Okay what if I help you out on cooking duty? I’ve been wanting to learn some of your recipes anyways.”
Maybe they didn’t know? Could they possibly be so oblivious to those around them that they couldn’t see the similarities between him and Lucifer? Everyone else could see them.
“Woah! What is that?”
“Just an old alchemy machine. Built it a few decades ago.” He said in passing, he was focused on his book, not the strange antics of the human in his room.
“You built this? You’re ridiculously smart, you know that right?” They looked right at him, fully focused on him. On only him.
“So I’ve been told.” He laughed a bit sadly.
Maybe they were just too stupid to understand who they were around. Their ignorance was solely because of their obliviousness, not an actual recognition of differences.
“Satan was one apart of Lucifer. He burst forth as Lucifers bottled up wrath towards God. I guess you could say that Lucifer is Satan's dad, though it’s not surprising since they act so similar.” Satan overheard in the halls one day.
This was it, the moment the human would finally just join in with everyone else and treat him like a mini Lucifer.
“Really? I wouldn’t have ever guessed. They’re so different, I can’t see them being the same person.”
Stop being ignorant human, stop giving him hope, stop being oblivious.
“You live with them don’t you, surely you’ve noticed how closely they act.”
Just agree.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lucifer pull a prank or build a machine for the hell of it so I have to disagree.”
Lucifer had come into his bedroom at one point. He’d missed a few days of classes and the eldest was wondering just what the blond was up to.
The room he was greeted with took him by surprise. He was used to the disastrous state of the room but it seemed particularly bad. The typical flying books were whipping about with exceeding frenzy while the piles seemed to have doubled in size, teetering and threatening to fall over on any unfortunate guest.
“What are you doing?”
“Leave. I don’t want to see you.”
“You’re just going to bury yourself in all this mess?”
“It’ll be more bearable than what the alternatives are at the moment. Leave.”
It was a few hours later that a soft knocking was heard at the door. None of his brothers would be stupid enough to try and talk to him, certainly Lucifer had informed them of his currently state, over exaggerating how dangerous he was like he always does. Like they all do.
“Satan? Can I come in please?”
It was you. Why were you here?
“No. Stay out.”
Please don’t leave him. Don’t leave him. It hurts to think you’re comparing him to Lucifer. What does he even want from you?
“Okay. Can I just sit here at the door? I just don’t like the thought of you being alone like this.”
Why do you even care? Why don’t you just go running to Lucifer or any of his other brothers, they’re more a person than the thing he is.
“I don’t care. Just stay out.”
Does he really want that though? Of course he does but does he? He doesn’t even make sense to himself. He hates this human.
“I will!”
There was a small laugh in your voice, did you really find this so funny?
“Just know I’ll listen if you need me to.”
“Because I can tell you need the company? I don’t know what has caused you to be so upset but I do know that you don’t deserve to be alone through whatever it is.”
What’s caused him to be so upset? It was the humans fault he was like this. This dumb human couldn’t just comform and see him like how everyone else saw him. This dumb oblivious human couldn’t just see that he wasn’t a person like the rest of them.
“You. You’ve upset me as you put it.”
“Huh? Can I ask what I did? Maybe it’s just a case of miscommunication?”
“No. I heard you loud and clear. You’re just a dumbass.”
“Well that’s a bit harsh. I may not be the brightest bulb but I certainly don’t think I’m a dumbass!”
There was that dumb laugh again. He hated it so much. He hated how open and friendly they were acting. He hated them.
“Are you just blind then? Willfully ignorant? I knew humans were oblivious but you seem to be holding the first place spot.”
“I still have no idea what I said though.”
“It’s more a matter of what you refuse to do.”
“And what’s that? I’ll do it if I’m okay with it.”
No...no he didn’t want them to compare him to Lucifer. If they start thinking about it they’ll see just how similar they are. How much better Lucifer is. They’ll leave.
“Just shut up.”
“Uh-uh. You said I need to do something. Tell me what it is.”
“No shut up.”
“I can be just as stubborn Satan. I’m not leaving until you spill what I need to do.”
Why wouldn’t they just drop this? Just stop...please...don’t make him have hope.
“Just...you can’t laugh, got it? It’s pissing me off.”
“Full serious mode engaged.”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I, now tell me what I need to do.”
This is stupid. This stupid human wouldn’t just leave him be. Why did he have to get stuck in a house with such a nosey pest.
“Tell me, how do you see Lucifer and I?”
“Eh? Lucifer and you?”
“Yes. Just...how would you describe each of us?”
“Well that’s a tough one! Give me a second to think.”
Tough? Why would it be tough? It’s easy, just describe Lucifer and you’ve described a better him. He’s the chaotic wrathful being who doesn’t even have a damn personality.
“Well starting with Lucifer I’d say he’s pretty arrogant. I get that he has a lot on his plate but he’s letting himself just walk around with a stick up his butt for no reason. I wouldn’t say he’s a bad person but he definitely needs a break. He’s pretty organized though so I’ll give him that. Wish he’d crack a joke for once in his life.”
“And me?”
“Funny and witty. You’re always cracking me up with your clever comebacks and wisecracks. I can always count on you to make me laugh when something gets too serious. You’re also really playful? Like you love teasing your brothers. Also I’d describe you as a prodigy who is aware he is a prodigy and wants to show it off.”
Funny. This stupid human just found him funny. How pathetic. At least they called Lucifer arrogant.
“I guess I would also say Lucifer needs more hobbies. You have what looks like a million but I really don’t know what Lucifer does in his free time. Have you ever tried teaching him anything?”
“Teaching him something? Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, just to teach him? I like helping people learn so maybe I’m just weird.”
“You’re very weird.”
“Agreement has been achieved.”
“You sound like Leviathan.”
“I’ve been getting that a lot. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing though. He’s pretty cool.”
“Leviathan. Cool? I really can’t see how.”
“Ever seen him code? It’s weirdly mesmerizing.”
This was weird. What was this human trying to achieve?
They came spilling through the door that had been opened by a stray strand of magic. Maybe his subconscious had opened the door?
“Uh, little bit of warning next time?”
“Get out, I’ll kill you.”
“Don’t think Diavolo would like that too much. Man, your room is a wreck, where even are you?”
“I said leave.”
“I can’t leave you in here like this. These books look like they could fall at any second, you could get hurt.”
His tail whipped around beside him as he stared in the direction the human was. They were just sitting prey. He could just kill them or throw them out.
Why couldn’t he bring himself to?
“You’re being stupid.”
“That makes two of us. You’re trying to just stay in here. At least let me sit next to you or something.”
“And why would I agree to that?”
“I don’t know, maybe for the company. I don’t think you’d be entertaining this conversation if you didn’t want some kind of company.”
Leave. Leave leave leave. He was going to kill you. He was upset and always ended up hurting the people around him.
He didn’t want you to be scared of him.
“Ah there you are! Woah, I love the tail.”
“I’ll kill you.”
“I seem very much alive right now so I think in the long run I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll eat you.”
“Beel threatened me with that earlier too, do you guys just have a preference for humans or something? What do we even taste like? Chicken?”
“Why do you even want to know that information?”
“You say strange threats and I ask strange questions. Balances out the strangeness.”
The human was so close now, sitting next to him on the bed. They didn’t seem scared of him at all, if anything they kept looking at his horns and tail before settling on his face. Just analysing him, as if they were only curious about him.
“Do you want a hug?”
“A...why would I want that?”
“Well you’re crying but I don’t want to make you more upset by touching you without asking. Some people don’t really like hugs.”
Crying? When did he start crying? Why was he crying?
“Hey, do you want to vent? I get it, sometimes you just need to yell about your problems and stuff yeah? I usually write everything down and then burn the paper, but if you just need to yell at me I can take it!”
Yell? No he didn’t want that. Why couldn’t he get the tears to stop? His vision was so blurry now.
“Satan?” They slowly reached out and put a hand on top of his, just gently rubbing the back of it. “Please, tell me what I can do?”
“I...I…” He took a deep breath. “Just...why?”
“Why don’t you see him in me?”
There. There he said it. Now they couldn’t avoid saying that he and Lucifer were the same person.
“You mean Lucifer right?”
He could only nod.
“Well you aren’t anything like him so it’s a bit hard for me to say I see him in you.”
“We were once the same person. That doesn’t just go away.”
“Well I guess not but I honestly don’t see you and him as the same person. You two are much too different to be the same.”
Satan didn’t know what to do with himself. He was internally fighting a bunch of urges he’d never dealt with before. What was happening to him. What was this human doing to him?
Did he like it?
“Why? Why are you here? Why do you care? Do you find this funny? My pain a simple amusement to your mortal eyes?”
The questions were spilling out of him faster than he could think to stop them. He hadn’t been this confused on anything in a long while. Every answer he’d wanted in the past had an answer, why weren’t you giving him an answer?
“Well I care because you’re clearly hurting. Lucifer said not to disturb you because you were having some sort of episode but I just didn’t think that was a good idea. I don’t like seeing you upset.”
They brought his hand up to their chest and held it tight.
“I don’t want you to be alone if you're in pain, you don’t deserve that.”
“I’m a demon. Your kind would consider me a monster, a beast. Why don’t you just run?”
“To be honest I am a bit scared but it’s not really of you. It’s more just a constant fear of this place in general.”
There was that dumb laugh again.
“But when I’m with y’all I can’t help but feel a bit more at ease.”
“Even now?”
“Yes, even now. You’re not some savage blindly killing people Satan. To me you’re not just a demon.”
The books that were flying around the room fell to the ground and the teetering towers collapsed around them but neither were in the way of any of them. The human looked started and let out a small squeak of surprise, jumping a bit closer to Satan who hadn’t taken his eyes off them. His expression was unreadable but the human could tell it wasn’t threatening, just curious maybe.
“What am I?”
“What am I?”
He’d asked this question so many times when he was younger. A curious question that was really a plea for an explanation for his existence, a meaning besides just a wrathful being.
“You’re a person Satan, a very strong and powerful person, but a person nonetheless.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well I think it means you get to be whoever you want.”
“Whoever I want…”
Satans eyes shifted to a spot somewhere above the humans head, concentrating on something. Suddenly they pulled the human close and wrapped his arms around them.
“Wanted that hug after all?”
“Shut up.”
“Didn’t take you for such a cuddler.”
“You’re annoying.”
“Not the worst thing to be.”
Satan laughed softly before squeezing the human a bit closer to him. He didn’t notice how his tail had also begun weaving its way around them until they started poking at it.
“Is the tip poisonous? Like scorpions?”
“Well you’ll know if you die in about 30 minutes wont you?”
“Oh ha ha. Wise ass.”
“Seems to be one of my defining characteristics.”
The two chatted back and forth like that for a bit. It was easy. This was nice. It was peaceful.
Satan was...happy.
“Human. I thought I told you to stay away from here.”
In the door staring down with barely hidden concern was Lucifer.
Of course. How could Satan forget. Lucifer was here to take away what little he had, couldn’t even get a whole hour of peace.
“Yeah but I felt like the company might serve him well.”
“You need to not be so nosey human.”
“Well so far it seems to be helping more than hurting.”
“Just come with me. Satan let them go.”
Part 2
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voreconnoisseur · 5 years
Ob.ey Me! Be.el/MC(Reader)
Soft, safe vore with some initial fearplay before turning into fluff. I fixed the formatting.
You’d been witness to the last time someone had carelessly messed with the books in Satan’s room. He and Lucifer had ended up temporarily switching bodies, freaking everyone out in the process. Luckily, everything had worked out in the end, but you were afraid you would not be so lucky with your situation.
You’d borrowed a stack of books from Satan’s room (that is to say, you got Mammon to steal them without asking) in a frantic effort to pull an all-nighter for a quiz in Devildom History. Lately Lucifer had been praising you about how great of an example you were to his brothers, and you were kind of scared about how peeved he’d be if you suddenly dropped in marks. You’d made a big mistake, however, as one of the books once again had a curse on it. (Why were so many objects randomly cursed around here? Perhaps such was simply the nature of demons.)
The book had casted a hex on you that shrunk you down to about half the size of your D.D.D.. To add insult to injury, it had almost crushed you after the fact. And unfortunately, your D.D.D. hadn’t shrunk with you, since you’d had it over on the table while you were reading. And you could no longer reach that table, because you were now on the floor.
You were starting to think your study session was not going to happen.
You made your way over to the door of your room, which you had thankfully not closed completely. You were able to squeeze through the small space between the door at the frame with little effort. Now, to find someone to help you...
Not Satan. He’d probably just step on you for taking his things. Lucifer would likely do the same, or maybe something even worse somehow. You briefly considered talking to Levi as well, but you got the feeling that he might try to dress you up like a figurine or something. That left Mammon, Asmo, Beel, and Belphie. Whoever you encountered first.
You had a long stretch of hallway ahead of you.
After what felt like hours of trekking (but was probably more like 20 minutes), you saw someone emerge from their room down the hall.
You waved your arms frantically and ran toward him. At the time, he was drawing closer to you. You were in such a hurry that you crashed into his foot. Thankfully, he noticed you instead of stepping on you.
The world lurched as Beel snatched you up and brought you close to his face.
“What’s that? Why would someone leave a dumpling out here?” he asked aloud, licking his lips. It was then that you’d noticed the familiar glossy state his violet eyes were in. You’d caught him looking like this many times before, staking out the kitchen to try and prevent him from eating all the food. Beel sleepwalked sometimes. And worse still—sleep-ate.
Oh no.
You squirmed in his hand, trying to get him to realize what he was doing.
“BEELZEBUB! It’s me! Not a dumpling!”
But he was already placing your tiny body into his mouth.
The demon’s lips closed around your legs, which he then pulled into his mouth with a quick slurp. Trapped now between Beel’s jaws, you cold feel his tongue tasting you, covering you in saliva. He let out a soft moan, still deep in his trance.
“Mmmphhh... ssho good.”
His tongue flipped you over and you panicked as you realized he was pushing you toward his teeth. You grasped tightly onto the muscle, and somehow barely managed to squirm out of the way of the grinding death trap to your side.
Beel’s mouth was filling up quickly with saliva. Before you even had a chance to breathe after your brush with death, or call out again, the tongue you were grasping shifted. And it was far too slick for you to hold on.
Beel swallowed. Hard. The saliva drained away behind you, and shortly after, you could feel your legs following suit. Strong and *very well practiced* muscles dragged you downward. You frantically grasped upward at Beel’s tongue, trying to hold on, but your hands were slippery, like everything else.
“No, no no no, BEEL! Stop!”
Instead, he swallowed again, forcing you all the way down into his throat. Peristalsis pulled you deeper, kneading at your body and making it difficult to breathe. Eventually, you hit Beel’s empty stomach with a splash.
This was the worst possible place you could be. Knowing Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony, you’d be digested in minutes, maybe even seconds, leaving his stomach empty once again. You’d seen him eat and presumably digest inedible objects occasionally. There probably wouldn’t even be a trace of your clothing or bones.
Poor Beel wouldn’t even realize what he’d done.
The thought broke your heart. That was the last straw. You started kicking up a fuss, determined to make it out alive, and as soon as possible. You punched and kicked at the stomach walls, only to have them clench tight around you. Curse his rock solid abs!
Beel still didn’t seem to have noticed your predicament. You kept squirming, briefly wondering if he had ever eaten anything else alive. Beel was a kind soul, but you still weren’t entirely sure it was beneath him to pop something alive in his mouth, provided it tasted good, just to sate his hunger. He was a demon, after all. Would he even let you out if you did get his attention?
No. You were friends. Of course he would.
Suddenly, Beel spoke up again, flooding you with relief.
“Wait, what’s happening? Oof, my stomach...”
You could feel a new pressure against you, as if something was pressed up against Beel from the outside. If he said anything like “I’m hungry” with a stomach full of you, you would immediately flip your lid.
“Beel! In here!” you cried.
“Y/N? Where are you?”
“I’m in your gut, stupid!” You gave another shove, hoping he’d be awake enough to connect the dots.
“Ow... In my... Why are you in my stomach? How did this happen?”
“I got shrunk by one of Satan’s books and ran into you. And you were half asleep. You ATE me, Beel. Now please, let me out before I die in here!”
You felt Beel’s stomach tighten around you again. Despite the slickness, you were held pretty firmly in place.
“That might be a problem.”
“What? Why?!” You managed to force yourself to shout despite the pressure on you. “Just make yourself throw up or something!”
“I don’t throw up food that has gone down into my stomach. I don’t think I even could if I tried.” You remembered Beel had mentioned this a few times before, but at the time, it hadn’t been nearly as life threatening. You’d thought it was a joke, and now...
You could feel Beelzebub’s heartbeat above you speeding up. He was probably just as worried as you were, though he was rather stoic and didn’t always show his worries in his tone of voice.
“But I’m not food, Beel. Try anyway. It can’t hurt.”
You were squeezed and thrown about as Beel doubled over, coughing and hacking, trying his hardest to get you out, but nothing worked. Eventually, you could hear him slump to the floor, breathing heavily. You fell, too, to the squishy bottom of the organ you were entombed in.
“It’s no use. I can’t do it. I’m sorry...”
You felt awful for Beel; even more awful than you did for yourself. This really wasn’t his fault. It was just how his body worked. You weren’t ready to give up yet, though. You gave Beel your best attempt at a belly rub to make him feel better (you knew how much he liked them, though you weren’t sure how it would feel from the inside). As you ran your hands over the soft ripples of his stomach, you spoke.
“It’s ok. I know you didn’t mean to do this. I’m sorry for calling you stupid, too. It’s going to be alright. Let’s find someone to help us; I bet Lucifer will know what to do.” Beel moaned at the suggestion.
“Lucifer is going to kill me for putting you in danger. That’s not even an exaggeration.” You were pretty sure Lucifer WOULD kill Beel over this, but maybe once you were out you could convince him otherwise. You kept massaging Beel and added:
“We can deal with that later. I’ll stand up for you. Though, I won’t be able to stand up too tall... Anyway, he’ll definitely help me out, even if just for the sake of the exchange program.”
“Alright. Let’s go wake him up.”
“...And that’s what happened.” Beel sighed, having explained the situation.
Lucifer was silent for a moment, and then spoke, a familiar edge creeping into his voice.
“Were it any of our other brothers, I would assume this was some kind of asinine prank in poor taste, but seeing as it’s you, Beelzebub, and at this hour, I believe it. Come here.”
You could feel something push against where you laid, and you could hear Lucifer’s voice emanating from the spot, so you could assume he had put his ear up to Beel’s belly to hear you. As he did, it happened to let out a loud groan, almost as if in protest.
“...Y/n? Are you still alive?”
“I’m okay!” you called out. “Just a bit stuck.”
“You’re not hurt?”
“No, I’m fine actually.”
“Then stand back. I’m going to cut you out.” The ”edge” had taken over Lucifer’s voice. He was definitely pissed, but this wasn’t fair! You didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
“Wait!” you cried. Beel’s organs had become very tense again, his body preparing for the upcoming disembowelment. You knew he wouldn’t fight back, either. You had to stop this now.
“It was my fault. I was the one who stole Satan’s books. Don’t cut open your own brother just because I did something stupid.”
“...You’re right. I did expect better from you, Y/N. I have an idea.” You could feel Lucifer’s head move away, and then his hand give a few quick taps to the spot it once rested. “I think I’ll leave you in there for a few more hours as punishment.”
“Won’t Y/N die!?” Beel objected.
“No. The curse they’re under is intended to be a deterrent to thieves, not a death curse. It’s supposed to make the victim too small to take anything. The purpose would be defeated if they were swiftly killed by being stepped on or something like that. They should be immune to any bodily harm until it wears off.”
“But if it wears off while I’m still inside—“
“It won’t. Come back tomorrow, and I’ll have Barbatos teleport you out. In the meantime, I’m going to have a good night’s sleep.”
There was no use arguing with Lucifer. You slumped to the soft, slick bottom of the sack you were in and stared blindly upward at the roof of what would be your new home for the next few hours.
“I’ll come back tomorrow, then.” Beel said dejectedly. You felt him move to leave and let the swaying of his body relax you. At the very least, neither of you were going to die. You weren’t particularly uncomfortable, either.
You waited until Beel had returned to his room and sat down (presumably, you couldn’t see). You felt him press his hand against you rather delicately before addressing you.
“Belphie’s out somewhere right now, which is probably for the best. I don’t know if I could face him right now...” You could understand. You’d rather it just be the two of you anyway. You pushed your tiny hands up to his, wondering if he could feel it at all through the layers of flesh. “Are you okay in there? I don’t know if there’s anything I can do if you’re not.”
“I’m completely fine,” you replied, and it was the truth. “It’s pretty comfy in here, actually. What about you, Beel? I’m more worried about you. I did kick you a bit, after all.” You were squeezed gently as Beel laughed quietly.
“I don’t think anything you could do would upset my stomach.” He paused for a moment. “Actually, if anything, it feels really nice having you there. I don’t feel hungry at all. Is this what it’s like to feel full?”
You couldn’t answer that. Instead, you started to rub Beel’s stomach walls again, hoping he’d find the feeling pleasant. You were starting to really appreciate the texture of your surroundings: it was warm and soft, and now that you weren’t in any danger, you felt extremely safe inside the demon you’d made a pact with. You ran your hands in large circles, over and over again, letting the repetition and quiet gurgling soothe you into almost a trance.
“That feels... really nice...”
You noticed in the darkness that you were slowly beginning to be able to see something. Beel’s stomach had a soft red glow that appeared when you rubbed it, almost as if it were blushing. You were glad you were hidden from sight, as you were certain you were blushing a bit too. It was probably some kind of magic to do with his being the Avatar of Gluttony. It didn’t make you feel uneasy or anything, so instead you just appreciated the fact you could now see a little.
“I guess I can’t study anymore for that test tomorrow,” you complained. “Well, if I fail, I fail. There are worse reasons I could have failed it.”
“Wait, what test—“
Beel was interrupted by someone opening the bedroom door. You suddenly heard Belphegor’s voice, full of suspicion, question:
“Beel, who are you talking to?”
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dance with the devil
For Day Two of Klaroline AU Week 2019: Crossovers and Fusions.
Happy KC AU Week! @klaroline-events
This is for all the Lucifer fans and is based off this picspam I made several months ago.
ao3 link: here
word count: 1668
summary: Detective Caroline Forbes of the LAPD questions an eccentric nightclub owner who claims to be the devil, not knowing that he'll change her life.
LAPD clusters around the sidewalk, bright yellow caution tape separating the bullet-ridden, bloodsoaked body of the young blond from the public. Uniforms take statements from shock blanket-covered witnesses, and crime techs swarm the scene, picking up shards of glass and bullet fragments with tweezers and gloved hands.
As Caroline Forbes, formerly Forbes-Lockwood, approaches the scene, sensible boots tapping out a rhythm against the pavement, she eyes the bright flickering sign from the nearby nightclub The Abattoir. She’s immediately grateful for the sunglasses shielding her eyes, tossing her blond ponytail over her shoulder as she arrives besides her ex-husband Tyler.
“Care,” he says, greeting her with a civil nod. Their divorce was finalized two weeks ago, and based on the tightness of his jaw, he’s apparently still not over the fact that they now share custody of their seven-year-old daughter Lizzie.
“Detective Lockwood,” she replies coolly. “Fill me in.”
Tyler struggles not to sneer. He definitely used to be a lot more supportive before they separated. “It’s pretty basic.” He turns towards the body. “College student Camille O’Connell was leaving The Abattoir when she was gunned down by a nearby driver. Based on the cocaine we found in her pocket, she likely owed some low-level drug dealer some cash or something, which makes sense. She wasn’t exactly rolling in it.” He nods towards the nightclub. “O’Connell used to work here as a bartender. Maybe this is where she formed some connections.”
Caroline hums. “Any prime witnesses?”
“One. The nightclub owner.” Tyler grimaces. “Says his name is Niklaus Mikaelson.”
Following the slope of Tyler’s finger, Caroline eyes the man he’s pointing to. Niklaus Mikaelson is a mouthful of a name for a multifaceted man. At first glance, he looks nothing like the rich club owner he apparently is; dressed down in a Henley, dark jeans, and boots, a subtle string of wooden beads around his neck, he wouldn’t be out of place traipsing around in the woods. The devil, however, is in the details: if one looks more closely like Caroline is, they’ll spot the expensive authentic leather of his boots and the handsome Rolex around his wrist or the sleek smartphone he’s slipping from his pocket, a model that Caroline’s quite sure hasn’t even been released yet. Mikaelson is also undeniably pretty: expressive stormy eyes, a dimple grin, mussed sandy curls, lean but muscular.
“So,” is the first thing Caroline says to him as she arrives besides him, “Niklaus Mikaelson? Is that a stage name or something?”
Mr. Mikaelson shakes his head, eyes twinkling strangely. “God-given, I’m afraid.” He pauses, studying Caroline. “You know, you look familiar. Have we met before?”
No, they haven’t. He’s likely seen her in one of the few chick flicks that she starred in before she decided to follow her mother into law enforcement, but to keep his mind from wandering to the full-frontal nudity role that really made her stand out to the public, she quickly shakes her head. “Yeah, five minutes ago.” She purses her lips. “And I’m the one asking the questions.” When he hums in acknowledgement, she nods. “Tell me about your relationship with the victim.”
“Well,” Mr. Mikaelson says consideringly. “Cami used to work here a few years ago; she was trying to gain admittance into a prestigious undergraduate psychology program. She’d dropped out from college when she was younger to help her twin brother with some family problems. I pulled some strings.” He frowns. “She was about to graduate, so she came by to thank me.” His eyes flicker a shade darker. Caroline blinks, swearing she spots a glimmer of red in his pupils. “Then someone decided to end her life.”
Huh. So Mr. Mikaelson definitely had some personal investment here. Could he have been in a relationship with the victim? What kind of strings had he pulled for her?
“Did you know the shooter, Mr. Mikaelson?” Caroline asks.
He grimaces at the name. “Please, call me Klaus,” he requests with an easy smirk. “And no, but we did have an interesting little chat just before he kicked off.” His smirk becomes a bit subdued. “I asked him why he did.”
“Like to play cop, do you?” Caroline cocks a disbelieving eyebrow.
Klaus chuckles. “No, I like to play in general, Detective.” He eyes her form appreciatively and smiling amicably at her. “What about you?”
Caroline ignores his question, delving forward with her investigation.  “So you had a conversation with a dead guy?” She knows that it’s her case, that she’d insisted on it to Tyler, but why does she always interviewing the weird guys?
Frustratingly, Klaus shakes his head, but his eyes are still indecipherable. “Oh, no, he wasn’t quite dead.” He taps his elegant fingers along his upper thigh, drumming out a rhythm that only he seems to be able to hear or make sense of. “His soul hadn’t crossed the threshold.”
It takes all of Caroline’s willpower to keep her expression neutral and calm. “I see,” she replies sharply. “Did he tell you why he did it?”
The nightclub owner fixes her with an amused glance. “Why, money of course. You humans love your money.” He says it ever so strangely.
“Yes,” Caroline retorts, suddenly defensive. “Yes, we do.” She raises her chin pointedly. “And, uh, what planet are you from? London?”
To her surprise, Klaus tosses back his head and laughs full-bodied. The sound, although charming and handsome, catches the attention of several of the uniforms, and they turn to stare at them. Amongst them is Tyler. Caroline nearly flushes. “Yes,” Klaus admitted. “He also said, ‘I just pulled the trigger.’”
“Now, don’t you think that’s interesting?” She lifts her head, fixing Klaus with an appraising glance. “Cami was shot to death by a drug dealer and looks like Cami herself kept the guy pretty busy.” Her ponytail swings over her shoulder with her movements. “You know, it’s sad, it’s ugly, but it’s not rocket science. Something probably went south between them. She gets riddled with bullets, and a nice little act of God takes him out.”
Something dark passes over Klaus’s eyes, and his lips press together tightly, voice becoming strange. “You know, it doesn’t quite work like that, Detective,” he tells her.
Caroline hums, tapping her foot against the pavement. “It’s quite a neatly wrapped little present for the LAPD, don’t you think?” She raises a critical eyebrow. “Why don’t you tell me something?” She pauses. “How did she end up dying in a hailstorm of bullets, and you get away without a scratch? I think that’s interesting. Don’t you?”
“The benefits of immortality,” Klaus says.
“Immortality.” Dryly, Caroline shoots back, “Mm, of course. Uh, you spell that with one or two M’s? I always forget.”
“What will your corrupt little organization do about this?” Something about the way Klaus says it makes Caroline look at him strangely. There’s something off about it, something strictly non-human, but she can’t put her finger on it.
A moment later, she shrugs it off, shivering, and focuses on his question. “Excuse me?”
“Will you find the person responsible?” Klaus asks her directly. “Will they be punished? Will this be a priority for you?” He fixes her with a stern look. “Because it is for me.”
Under his gaze, Caroline bristles. “You’ve got some balls on you, pal.”
At her remark, he looks delighted, eyes twinkling, anger slipping away like mercury. “Oh, thank you very much, but they’re really...quite average.” He smirks.
“I bet.” Caroline allows an edge of steel to slip into her voice. She’s used to her colleagues and the public underestimating her as a woman and as a detective, but she won’t stand for it.
“Now, are you sure that we haven’t met?” Klaus ignores her warning. “I could swear I’ve seen you naked.” He looks considerate now. “Have we had sex?”
A wave of anger washes over her, her vision flashing red. “We’re done here.” Her boots scrape against the pavement as she storms away 
“Uh, Detective! Wait!” Klaus chases after her. “Someone out there needs to be punished,” he says as he catches up to her and matches her stride. Something about the way his accent caresses punished strikes her wrong. “We’re not done.”
Turning her back on him, Caroline peels off in the opposite direction, heading towards one of the uniforms. “Yeah,” she calls behind her. “Yeah, we are.”
If someone had told Caroline later that this was the moment her life would change, that this man, this nightclub owner, who looked like an angel, claimed to be the devil, and would sometimes smile like a demon would uproot everything she had ever known, she wouldn’t have believed them, but it would entirely be the truth.
Not much later, Klaus Mikaelson would show up everywhere on the Cami O’Connell case until they finally found the killer, a former classmate named Aurora de Martel. He would try his little “desire is my superpower” trick on her and fail, though he would somehow use it to trick Aurora into stuttering out her confession. Eventually, he would somehow convince Caroline’s boss, the police chief, into letting him become a consultant. Then she would see him every single day at work.
Soon, he would save her life over and over again while she danced around his flirtations and rolls her eyes at his claims of being devil, even when he introduces her to his bartender Marcel - apparently a demon - and his brother Elijah the angel. He would meet her daughter Lizzie and treat her better than even Tyler at times despite inching away desperately whenever she launched herself at him to hug him. He would belittle and irritate Tyler too, but both men would begrudgingly work together.
Unbeknownst to her - and to him, Caroline would fall in love with him and Klaus with her, and when he revealed his true devilish form to her and when she finally believed him, she wouldn’t recoil. 
Because she would be in love with the devil.
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Fantasy Fest Series: Demon of Mine || Bu Fan [Demon!AU]
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Credit to @buyuefan for the gif, which sparked inspiration for this fic!
Title: Demon of Mine Pairing: Reader x Bufan Genre: Witch!AU + Demon!AU + fluff  Word Count: 2,202 words Summary: Magic can be tricky, especially when you accidentally summon a demon into your home.
A/N: My first fic in the Fantasy Fest series! At the time of me writing up this fic, demon!au is currently in the lead in the poll. Who else better to play the role of a demon that Bufan himself? Also, a disclaimer: everything is pretty much more or less fictional. I made up a few things as far as summoning demons go and I also didn’t want anyone to get any ideas, lol. Everything is under the cut because this is the longest fic i’ve ever written I think, oof. Enjoy demon!Bufan! 
Warning: mild cursing, brief mention of blood
ya’ll asked for demon!au
so i gotchu boo
you come from a family of witches 
magic has ran through your family blood line for generations, dating back to the early 1400s
contrary to popular belief, your family did not practice black magic or served the Devil
instead your family used magical skills in order to heal others, even opening an apothecary as a family business
all throughout your life, you loved learning about the functions of different types of herbs and ingredients and using that knowledge to create all types of potions and concoctions 
you also had an affinity for spell-casting and charms
every so often, your parents would go on business trips and travel across realms, bringing back new knowledge of spells and potions that you had never heard of 
sometimes they were gone for months or, rarely, a year
it did feel strange being on your own for long periods of time, but you grew accustomed to it
it also meant you were left in charge of running the apothecary, which you were all too eager for
as you flipped to a page in one of your many ancient potion-books to find the cure for nightshade rash for one of your clients, you scanned the ingredient list and saw that one of the ingredients was virtually illegible due to the fact that the ink was rubbed away over time 
“damn. how am I supposed to make this potion now?” you sighed. “guess i’ll have to ask grandma.”
after closing up the shop so that no customers wandered in, you headed to the back room. shelves lined the walls and were filled with all sorts of magical ingredients, all neatly organized according to their use. the soft sound of the fire crackling under the fireplace and the bubbling of the cauldron hanging above it filled the room. books and papers written in latin littered the tables and floor messily, the aftermath of your charms studying session from earlier
with a flick of your wrist, the books and papers levitated and swirled in the air for a moment before tidying themselves into organized stacks. another flick of your wrist, everything including the furniture moved on their own and cleared the center of the floor
“hm... what was the spell that mom used?” you said to yourself.
you had never summoned your deceased grandmother before, let alone any spirit for that matter. usually it was your mother who did the spirit contacting
looking through a spell book, you stopped at one particular spell and figured this was what you were looking for 
how to summon a loved one
according to the spell, all you had to do was draw a magic circle, provide a drop of blood and say a simple incantation. the circle will automatically summon the one you love, which you figured was your grandmother in this case
sounds easy enough
oh boy were you in for a surprise
you carefully used a piece of white chalk to carefully replicate the image  of a large summoning circle, carefully sketching intricate patterns as you go. facing the fireplace, you slowly inhaled and exhaled, a stream of wind leaving your mouth and extinguishing the flames, turning the room almost pitch black. with that said, you lit a few candles around the circle. gently running your index finger over the other, a small incision appeared. tilting your finger, you let a drop of blood fall into the circle. it was time to start the ritual.
closing your eyes, you channeled all of your energy to your core and began reciting the spell incantation. feeling the magic run through your veins, you felt the air pick up and stir around you, creating a vortex at the center of the circle. shadows danced along the walls to the sound of your chanting that grew in volume with each repetition. the once tiny golden flames were now a roaring, brilliant amethyst. 
your words came to a halt as you finished reciting the spell. the room around you also fell into a complete silence. opening your eyes, you were prepared to greet the spirit of your grandmother
except it wasn’t a spirit
hell (no pun intended) it wasn’t even your grandmother
floating in a fog of purple smoke above the summoning circle was a massive male figure around 6′3′’. his hair was a blood crimson, mirroring his glowing eyes beneath his closed lids. aside from wearing slightly loose black pants and a long trench coat, he was completely shirtless 
(you were lowkey checking out his abs ooh la la)
but what caught you the most off guard was the lilac tint of his skin, the onyx curled horns above his head, deadly talons instead of fingernails, and the powerful presence of obsidian wings that were tattered and torn at the edges and looked at least twice your size
“oh shit i just summoned a demon”
at the sound of your voice, the demon’s eyes snapped open and glared at you with what you believe was murderous intent
you were going to die tonight 
you were a healer, not a fighter rip you
just as the demon made a move to step out of circle, the spell broke. the magic that kept him afloat disappeared in a flash
causing him to plant face first onto your wooden floor
you knew you probably shouldn’t have found the idea of a potentially dangerous demon in your home funny, but you couldn’t stopped laughing at how someone so scary looking could be so clumsy
meanwhile the demon only winced in pain as he stood back up and rubbed his face before shooting you a look of disbelief
most people would faint, pee their pants, cry, or at least scream in fear at the sight of him
but here you are laughing at him
who tf were you?
“are you done?” he deadpanned after watching you laugh at him for three minutes straight
wiping away a stray tear, you barely managed to settle down and responded, “y-yeah i think i’m good. are you?”
you felt the need to laugh again... until you realized that the spell you used was meant to summon:
a loved one
and it summoned this random demon 
wtf was that supposed to mean
“wait, who the hell are you?” you interrogated
“my name is bufan. i’m a formidable demon of the Underworld!” his loud, deep ass voice boomed before leaning down his height to make eye contact with you
you felt your heart flutter a bit at how close he was
“that’s uh... nice...”
“just... nice....?”
awkward silence
“so who are you and why did you summon me?” bufan questioned, raising a dark eyebrow at you
“oh! i’m (y/n). i kind of summoned you by accident,” you sheepishly admitted
“how do you accidentally summon a demon?”
“how do you accidentally trip and fall while getting summoned?”
damn you got him there
“anyway,” you coughed, “all i wanted to do was summon the spirit of my dead grandmother, not a demon. i’m not even sure why the spell summoned you in the first place. not to be rude or anything but can you go back to where you came from? I'm really busy and need to talk to my grandmother so i can start this cure already”
"i can't unless you give me your first born child"
“....say what now”
you gaped at his serious poker face before slowly watching it contort into a shit-eating grin. then he broke into a boisterous laughing fit that shook the whole room with its intensity
you pouted when you realized he was pulling your leg. “this is payback for earlier, isn’t it?”
he calmed himself down to a few chuckles, “i was just trying to break the ice. it’s not every day i get summoned to a cute little witch’s home”
you nearly forgot how much of a smooth talker demons were
blood rushed to your cheeks at his words
definitely not because he called you cute
(it definitely is)
“but i’m telling the truth when i say i can’t exactly go back. that’s not how this spell works. i’m already bounded to you by blood”
you wondered what he meant by ‘not how the spell works’
“the spell book doesn’t say anything about it either,” you sighed. “i guess that means you’re stuck with me for the time being- hey! be careful with that!”
you snatched a bottle of naga venom from bufan who already was snooping around at all of the magical ingredients and things around him
“you’re awfully calm. aren't you afraid i'll take your soul or something?" he says
"bold of you to assume I have a soul"
you were joking of course and he, being a demon, could sense that you indeed did have a soul and grinned at you
“just... try and behave yourself, ok?”
“i’ll be on my best behavior”
bufan was not on his best behavior
you should have known never to trust a demon smh
having bufan around was like taking care of three year old child
he’s constantly asking you questions every time you’re trying to make potions and just genuinely trying to annoy you
“(y/n), what’s that?”
“dragon’s breath”
“and that?”
“alicorn tears”
“this empty jar says teeth. who’s teeth?”
“it’s about to be yours in a second after i punch you in the jaw if you don’t stfu”
“are all you humans so snippy?”
“oh my god”
“more like oh my lucifer amirite”
you were a unicorn’s hair away from hexing him jfc
for someone so big, he was also extremely sneaky and sly
he’s always trying to play pranks on you and using his powers to his advantage
such as using his invisibility to randomly pop in front of you or poke your sides or face when you were doing something
or hiding your phone and other necessities all over the house and sending you on an entire scavenger hunt
despite his childish tendencies, bufan was also quite reliable 
for some reason, he grew to be protective of you although he knew you could protect yourself with your own powers
whenever you traveled home alone at night, he insisted on flying you home on his broad back
which you secretly loved bc flying with bufan was always fun since he would always make it feel like a roller coaster ride by flying in loops and various speeds
there were times where bufan even acted like a mother figure which was both intriguing and terrifying
“(y/n), did you eat yet?”
“no i don’t have any time to-”
*proceeds to make eight different types of meals for you*
in addition, he always had liver medicine on hand and you have no idea how or why???
whenever you were having a bad day, he never hesitated to listen to your problems even if they didn’t apply to him as a demon
over the next few months of bufan living with you, your once quiet and uneventful home was now constantly filled with laughter, annoyed yells, and bustle. you found yourself noticeably happier
but a part of you always wondered if your happiness was only one sided
“bufan,” you called out to him one day while fiddling with your wand
he made a grunting sound from the couch that was situated a few feet from you, indicating that he heard you and was listening
“do you regret being summoned by me?” you nervously asked
no answer
feeling your heart drop when he failed to respond, you assumed the worse and laughed quietly to hide the sadness in your heart
“it’s okay if you do. i wont hold it against you,” you nodded timidly
hearing his footsteps approach you, you faintly remember hearing your wand drop onto the floor before he pulled you close to him
you’ve never felt so tiny oml
“what makes you think i regret being here?” he questioned, clearly confused as to why you were suddenly bringing this up
you shrugged, “i don’t know... i mean, you were kind of forced to. do you miss being on your own?”
“do you?”
it took you a moment to quietly reply, “i’ve gotten used to feeling alone, so if you wanted to leave, i would let you”
bufan could hear the loneliness that lingered at the edge of your words. little did you know, he already knew how much you meant to him from the very first day he met you. there was no way it was an accident. he pulled you tighter to him before kissing the top of your head
“silly little witch. who says i’m going anywhere?”
you tilted your head up at him in surprise, “you’re saying that if you had the chance to leave, you wouldn’t take it?”
“you couldn’t get rid of me even if you wanted to”
and you swear that that was the moment you knew you had fallen for a demon
maybe performing that spell wasn’t a mistake after all
perhaps the universe knew that bufan was meant to be your loved one
because there was no better feeling than always coming home to a certain demon of yours
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maximumsuckage · 7 years
Dreamscape, part 2
Link to Part 1: https://maximumsuckage.tumblr.com/post/167175722147/dreamscape 
Description: Sam, Dean, and Jack discuss the Norse death goddess Hela.  Across the country, a werewolf child turns up dead.
Word Count: 3125
A/n: I am so so so sorry if I ruin this by adding more, but tis the season of NaNoWriMo and this is the closest thing I've had to a plot in ages, so I don't care if it's fanfic and not original.  lemme know if anyone is interested enough to be tagged in updates, no worries if nah
  “So lemme get this straight.”  Dean wrapped his fingers around the coffee mug as he looked down at the book Sam had dropped in front of him.  “You have a dream about our old dead buddy the Trickster, only he’s a giant crazy monster, and he tells you some crap and sends you on a quest to find his freaky death goddess daughter to be the Jedi Master to your freaky angel padawan?”
Sam let out a slow breath.  “No, Dean.  I mean, yeah, but you’re ignoring the point here.  Jack isn’t the first archangel offspring.  It makes sense… we knew Gabe was Loki.  I just never realized he was Loki.  Like, the actual god.  He had a whole life outside of Heaven…”  He trailed off, looking down at the book, not for the first time wondering at how little they actually knew.  “And he wasn’t a giant crazy monster.  He was an archangel.  Without the vessel.”
Dean waved a dismissive hand and sipped his coffee.  “Whatever.  So monster Gabe wants you to find his freaky death goddess daughter.  And what, exactly?  We don’t exactly have a great record with pagan gods.”
“Yeah, but Dean, this could be an opportunity.”  This was pointless.  They were going in circles, still, like they had been for forty minutes already.  “I know that it’s a risk, but-”
“But nothing.”  Dean gestured with the mug of coffee.  “We’ve already dealt with Death himself.  We’re not getting the attention of one of his death god lackeys too.  Mr. Miyagi the kid yourself, fine.  But if we get her attention and she gets pissed…”
“Then we take her out too.”  Sam stood.  “We’ve taken out stronger things than-”
“Than an archangel Nephilim?  An archangel Nephilim who’s had thousands of years to hone her powers?”  Dean raised an eyebrow and sipped his coffee.  “Look, I get it.  The kid’s not all bad.  Might grow up to be a superhero.  Who knows?  But we do know that a goddess named Hell is not someone we want to tussle with.”
“Hel with one L, not two.”  Sam pointed.  “Or Hela, in this translation.”
“Hela then.”  Dean paused. “Wait, wasn’t that the bad guy in that new Thor movie?”
“That settles it.  No.  If she scares Thor, then I don’t want to deal with it.  Wherever she’s holed up, she can stay there.”  He downed the rest of his coffee, made a face at the dregs, and got up.  “Come on.  We’ve got a werewolf to catch.”  Without letting Sam have time for another word, he left the kitchen, heading back towards his own room. 
“I have a cousin?”
Sam jumped at the voice.  Jack definitely shared that little trait with Castiel.  He glanced at the direction Dean had vanished in, and sighed.  He had no idea how long Jack had been listening, and lying would only upset him.  “We’re not sure,” he decided on, sitting down and pushing the book towards him.  “I had a dream about Gabriel- your uncle- and he told me to look for this goddess, who, according to the lore, is his oldest daughter.”
Jack pulled the book closer and studied it, his eyebrows creased together.  “Gabriel,” he said slowly.  “He was in the Bible.  He told Elizabeth and Mary that they were pregnant.  He is good.”  He glanced up at Sam, worried.  “Right?”
“Yeah.  Yeah, he was good.”  Sam decided that they didn’t need to get into the semantics of good when it involved the Trickster.  He’d come over to their side in the end; right now, that was what mattered. 
“Was?”  Jack caught the past tense, head tilting in that painfully familiar way. 
“Lucifer killed him.”  He decided not to sugar-coat it, just ripping off the metaphorical Band-Aid.  “Gabriel was stalling so we could save people.  He knew he was going to be killed.”  He paused, figuring somebody didn’t go through the work of filming a pornographic suicide note if they didn’t know they were going to die.  “He loved your father to the end, I think.  He attacked Lucifer, but now that I think about it, I don’t think he could have killed him, even if he had the ability to.”
Jack looked back down at the book, considering the information, filing it away in what he knew of the world.  “But, he had children.  This goddess is my cousin.”  He touched the picture, running his finger down the sketch.  One side of her was a young lady, lovely if stern, while the other side was a garish image of rot and desiccation.  That didn’t seem to bother Jack, whose impression of the world was still fresh and new.   
It had, however, bothered Dean, who, when Sam had first set the book down, made a comment along the lines of, “this zombie freak your new girlfriend?”
“We don’t know that for sure yet,” Sam was quick to point out.  “Gabriel didn’t give me anymore information…”  Because he was too busy trying to bite my lips off, but Dean and Jack don’t need to know that and why the hell was he doing that anyways I’m not into him I’m straight straighter than Dean anyways like maybe we were friends at the end but only barely and… “and we don’t even know if she’s alive, or good or evil, or if she’s even his daughter.  Sometimes the lore gets mixed up over time, and things aren’t usually that accurate.”
Jack tilted his head.  “But it says here that she was.”
“Yeah, but that was written by humans.”  Sam settled in for a lecture on mythology, which could either go very smoothly or would throw Jack into a mental tailspin.  “A lot of the lore we have is based on old stories.  A long time ago, they were just told word of mouth.  Like… like I’m telling you right now.  And to keep people’s interests, storytellers would exaggerate.”
“Exaggerate.  A small lie.  To make it bigger than it really is.” 
Sam made a small agreeing gesture in his direction, not sure if Jack had read the dictionary or if Dean had covered that particular lesson.  Probably Dean, exaggerating away all the carbs he was drinking to hide the still-raw grief.  “So if every storyteller exaggerates the story a little bit, and then the inflated version gets written down…”
“It might be completely different from the truth?”  Jack looked up at Sam, hopeful, and Sam found himself smiling. 
“Yeah.  Exactly.”
Jack nodded and looked down at the picture again, considering it through this new lens.  “But Gabriel is my uncle.  That’s not exaggerated.  And he does know her, because he told you to find her in a dream.”  He looked up at Sam, hopeful.  “How hard would it be to find her?”
“Well, I don’t know, and Dean’s scared of her.  He doesn’t want us to find her and then it turn out that she’s the bad guy.”
“Why would my uncle be friends with a bad guy?”
Sam really did not want to get into the gray morals that seemed to permeate Gabriel’s pagan lifestyle, and thankfully, he was saved by Dean’s walking in.  “Case,” he said pointedly.  “Wolf clan.  New York.”  He looked over at the book, then pointed at the image.  “Bad guy,” he said to Jack, like that settled it.  “You guys ready to go?”
Jack nodded, hopping up, eager to please Dean.  “Yes.  I had my bag packed last night.  And I didn’t forget extra underwear and socks this time.”
Dean frowned.  “Extra?  You had extra last time.” 
Jack grinned, pleased.  “Yes, for myself.  But I packed for you both as well.  When you wear the same pair of socks every day, it gets-”
“We get it.”  Dean rolled his eyes and headed for the car. 
Sam, for lack of a better response, patted Jack on the shoulder.  “Thanks, bud.  What would we do without you?”
“Probably stink,” he said, dead serious, and followed Dean, a spring in his step at being useful to his guardians, like a puppy.  A wolf puppy, Sam reminded himself, one that was loyal, but could bite. 
A week previous
Fairpoint, New York, was a pleasant little tourist trap in the Adirondacks, somewhere beyond Old Forge.  A main road led visitors to a plethora of family owned motels and campgrounds, winding through little shops owned by kindly retired folk or kids in their twenties irritated at being forced to take over the family business.  A lake nearby allowed for swimming or sailing, though it was quiet now that the season was beginning to turn.  This time of year, the draw was the beautiful shades of red and yellow and gold that graced the ancient trees, and hiking trails winding through the surrounding mountains allowed tourists the opportunity ample opportunities to soak in the autumn aesthetic. 
The only issue was the werewolves.  Those townsfolk who had lived there for more than a generation knew about them- the clan out in the woods, who feasted on deer and moose and bear and avoided civilization like the plague.  That was the original purpose of the village, after all.  Keep the werewolves in the wilderness, away from the more human haunts.  For a long while, the wolves had been quiet, and only the occasional foray into town for medicine or booze by one of their runners told the old folk that they were still active. 
But that had all changed when a child turned up dead. 
He was not one of Fairpoint’s- he was branded by the mark of the wolves, a symbol like four claw marks slashing the shoulder, and he was thin and gaunt, buried in a shallow grave that was unearthed by the excessive rains.  It would have been ignored by the local cops, who, as a rule, kept only to Fairpoint business, except for the fact that it was a clear murder: his heart had been ripped from his chest cavity.  The organ was missing. 
It had to be a wolf, because no fox or coyote or bear would simply take the heart and run, and besides, attacks by wild predators were excessively rare, saved generally for foolhardy hunters (real hunters, with deer and stuff- they had no idea about Winchester-type hunters) who got between Mom-bear and cub.  The thinness was a problem as well- though many wild populations were thinning, white-tailed deer refused to stop breeding, and their population boom allowed not only food for ticks, but for the wolves as well.  Any children glimpsed traipsing through the woods were well-fed, bordering on chubby if not for all the running and playing they did, so a dead child whose ribs were clearly visible?
That was foul play, for sure. 
So, it was with a great deal of nerves that Sheriff Harry Baldwin found himself hiking through the woods, sweating despite the autumnal chill, cop car left behind at the deepest hunting cabin he could drive to.  His twelve-gauge was slung over his shoulder, heavy now that he had to hike with it, and shot shells clinked in the pockets of his jacket.  The gun was only for protection from bears though.  He didn’t fear the wolves.  His family had been there for ages, and he had the feeling there had been a bit of interbreeding- every time the full moon rolled around, he felt peckish for bloody burgers.  It was a craving he didn’t share with anybody, but a very real craving nonetheless, and he liked to imagine the wolf blood in him (even if it was imaginary) made him a better cop. 
There was a stitch in his side by the time he heard a howl that clearly came from a human throat and not a coyote, and he leaned against a tree, panting.  “Hey,” he called out to the trees, knowing one of the wolves was there, even if he couldn’t see them.  “It’s me. Sheriff Baldwin. I need to talk to Alpha Melissa."
A wolf warrior stepped out.  She was a pretty girl, curvy with big eyes and an easy smile, wearing a deerskin jacket over a Doctor Who t-shirt and skinny jeans.  “Officer Baldwin!  Hi!  If we knew you were coming, we would have sent a truck out for you.  What’s up?”  Before he had time to respond, she darted off, and then returned with a bottle of water that she offered out.
He took it gratefully, draining it in a few moments, and then wiped his mouth.  “I’m here on business, Charlotte.  I need to talk to Melissa.”
Charlotte nodded.  “Yeah, of course.  I’ll call a ride to town.  Seriously, next time you need to come out here, just call one of us.”
A few minutes later, Harry was on the back of an ATV, clinging desperately to the waist of Travis, another wolf warrior who was a few ranks higher than Charlotte.  Harry wasn’t exactly sure how the ranking worked here, as the wolves were an independent nation it seemed, yet still had access to ATVs and Poland Spring and, apparently, Doctor Who.  Harry never asked.  He figured, that was their business and his business was Fairpoint. 
The town itself blended into the surrounding forest, log cabins trailing wood smoke into the sky.  A group of barefoot kids were playing soccer in a clearing that served as the town square, laughing and occasionally snarling at each other with teeth too long and sharp for a normal child’s mouth.  Occasionally, there would be a splash of blood on the hard-packed earthen ground, but that only drew more laughter.  Several deer were hanging from a pole, blood dripping into buckets on the ground.  Their glassy eyes seemed to watch Harry as he dismounted the ATV, waiting for the warrior to lead him to the pack leader. 
“Wait here,” Travis said sharply, and disappeared into the largest of the cabins. 
Harry obeyed, but it was with a frown.  He had spoken to Melissa many times.  She was older, a calm leader, giving off the vibe of a Victorian era queen rather than a werewolf pack leader roughing it in the woods.  Never had she kept him waiting. When he became sheriff, she had arrived in Fairpoint for the ceremony herself, congratulating him personally, and after that they had struck up a professional relationship that seemed to border on more than friendly (or at least, so Harry hoped.  He may have had a teensy crush on the pack leader). 
But never before had he been commanded to wait for an audience.
One of the children was on the ground, crying. Somebody had yanked one of her pigtails too hard, and now a few of the boys were jeering at her.  Harry took a step closer to break it up, but then the smallest of the girls snarled as she intervened first, her face twisting, hackles raising, hands twisting and breaking into claws with an audible snapping of bones.  The boys raised a laugh at her as well, but then the beast-child leapt forward, throwing the biggest boy to the ground with a thump.  He tried to change as well, but she slashed him across the face, and he stayed down. 
Harry stood, frozen, watching as the smallest hopped off the largest and walked over to the bullied girl to pull her to her feet.  The boy on the ground sat up, the scratches on his face already healing, and snarled at her, but it was weak and small and ignored.  The girl was alpha, and both knew it.
“I’m goalie!” she declared, human again, sprinting towards the two sticks that comprised the goal.  With that, the fight was forgotten, and the game was back on.     
“Sheriff Baldwin?” 
Harry turned away from the kids to the familiar voice of Melissa, the pack leader.  Middle aged, with a few scars across her face suggesting old triumphs, she exuded the aura of a warrior, despite her torn jeans and sky-blue sweater.  Harry always felt a little subpar next to her, aware that maybe he should put in some time at the gym and maybe avoid the pastries Sally Parr, the town administrator, brought in every morning.  “Yeah.  What’s going on?”
She gave him a thin-lipped smile and gestured for him to come inside.  He followed, grateful to get off his aching feet. 
“Whiskey?” she asked once he had been seated in front of her desk, which was little more than a homemade table.
He waved it off.  “I’m on the clock.  I’m here to talk about a murder.  A child, about ten, was found a few miles outside of town by a hunter.  Poor kid was starving before he died.  Heart ripped out of the body.  Coroner hasn’t told us whether it was taken out before or after he passed.”
Melissa’s brow creased as she turned back to the desk, a small glass of whiskey in her own hands.  That was new.  Harry had never seen her touch a drop of alcohol in all the time that he knew her.  Although, granted, it was more phone conversations than anything else. 
“Shit,” she said, and all hope that she didn’t know about the murder flew from Harry’s mind.  He hoped they weren’t going dark.  He had no idea what they were supposed to do if the wolves went dark.  That was on him, but half of Fairpoint didn’t even know about the wolves, so how would they fight-
Melissa drained the whiskey like it was water.  “I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this,” she murmured, gazing at the golden drops clinging to the side of the empty glass.  “I prayed that it wouldn’t come to this.”
“Come to what?”  Harry leaned forward.  “Melissa, if any of your guys did this, you know I can’t protect you.  This whole settlement is already illegal.  If there’s murder too…”
She stood, slamming fingers that broke and twisted into claws into the wood of the table.  Splinters of wood flew to the floor.  “They are not my guys.  Not anymore.”
“Mel?”  He tested out the nickname cautiously.  “Something’s going on.  Tell me what’s going on so we can prevent anyone else from turning up dead.”
Now her teeth were elongating, and her voice dropped to a growl that resonated within Harry’s chest.  “A strange wolf came.  He corrupted some of our youth- now they wish to summon him.” 
“Him who?”  Harry sat back a little, trying to remain calm in the face of the half changed alpha in front of him.  “Mel, calm down, okay?  We’re friends here.  I want to help.”
She glared at him, normal cocoa-brown eyes now feral yellow, and then took a breath.  “Him,” she repeated, forcing her voice back to its normal register.  “The original Wolf.  Fenrir himself.”
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