#Managing Electric Vehicles Innovations
convergeai · 3 months
Driving Innovation: Exploring the Impact of AI on the Road to Smart Mobility
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with automotive technology is no longer just a concept from science fiction; it’s rapidly becoming a central part of how we envision the future of transportation. As cars become more than just a means to get from point A to point B, the role of AI in enhancing the driving experience and vehicle functionality has become increasingly important. This…
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batboyblog · 10 days
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #21
May 31-June 7 2024
As part of President Biden's goal to bring the number of traffic deaths to zero, the Department of Transportation has sent $480 million in safety grants to all 50 states, DC, and all the US territories. The grants will focus on trucks, buses and other large vehicles. Thanks to DoT safety actions deaths involving heavy vehicles dropped by 8% from 2022 to 2023 and the department wants to keep pushing till the number is 0.
The Departments of Interior and Agriculture announced $2.8 billion plan to protect public land and support local government Conservation Efforts. $1.9 billion will be used to repair and restore national parks and public land, restoring historic sites, as well as Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools. $900 million will go to conservation funding, allowing the government to buy land to protect it. Half the funds will go to the federal government half to state and local governments and for the first time ever a tribal Conservation Land Acquisition program has been set up to allow tribal governments to buy land to protect nature.
The Department of Transportation announced that it had managed to get customers nearly $1 Billion dollars worth of flight reimbursements. The DoT reached an agreement with 3 airlines, Lufthansa, KLM, and South African Airways to pay between them $900 million to passengers effected by Covid related cancellations and delays. This adds to the $4 billion dollars of refunds and reimbursements to airline passengers under the Biden Administration.
The Department of Interior announced $725 million to clean up legacy coal pollution. This is the 3rd pay out from the $11.3 billion dollars President Biden signed into law in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to clean up coal pollution and invest in communities that used to rely on the coal industry. The money will be spent across 22 states and the Navajo Nation. Closing dangerous mine shafts, reclaim unstable slopes, improve water quality by treating acid mine drainage, and restore water supplies damaged by mining.
HUD launches the first of its kind investment program in manufactured homes. Manufactured homes represent a major market for affordable housing and the Biden Administration is the first to offer support to people trying to buy. HUD hopes the program will help 5,000 families and individuals buy their own home over the next 5 years.
The Department of the Interior announced $700 million for long-term water conservation projects across the Lower Colorado River Basin. The Colorado River Basin provides water for more than 40 million people, electric power to 7 US States and is a critical crucial resource for 30 Tribal nations and two Mexican states. The project hopes to save more than 700,000 acre-feet of water in Lake Mead. In the face of climate change causing a historic 23-year drought, there is record low water levels at Lake Powell and Lake Mead. The Biden Administration has moved aggressively to try to protect the Colorado River and make sure there's enough water in the West.
HUD makes $123 million for fighting Youth Homelessness available. This represents the 8th round of investment in Youth Homelessness since 2021 for a total of $440 million so far. The Biden Administration is focusing on innovative answers, like host homes, and kinship care models, with emphasis on creating equitable strategies to assist youth who are most vulnerable, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and youth with disabilities. This is part of the Biden Administration goal of cutting homelessness by 25% by the end of 2025
The Department of Agriculture announced a series of actions to strength Tribal food sovereignty. The USDA will grant tribes in Maine, Alaska, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon and Washington $42 million through the Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat Processing Grants to support native animal harvesting. $18 million for projects under the Tribal Forest Protection Act. As well as $2.3 million to support the service of Indigenous foods in school meal programs. The USDA also plans its first ever class of interns specifically focused on Tribal agriculture and food sovereignty. The USDA also plans to host a first ever international trade mission focused on Tribal Nation and Native Hawaiian Community businesses.
Bonus: President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and Secretaries of Defense Lloyd Austin and State Antony Blinken traveled to Normandy France to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. They were joined by a handful of surviving veterans of the landings many over 100 years old.
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
Today's technology industry is all about one thing: selling dumb shit to idiots, then going bankrupt. You might not think that this is a profitable business, and you'd be right. One of these days, I'll figure out exactly why this keeps happening, but in the meantime, these companies sure leave a lot of waste behind.
There's the obvious things: office furniture, giant neon signs of the founder's head, the occasional electrical test gear. What you don't think of is transportation. Every big company, though, is gonna need at least one company car. You can't ask the employees to drive their own cars across town for a business meeting, and the not-really-a-taxi taxi service just shut down and set off a bomb in their headquarters to stick it to the landlord.
Usually, these cars are one of the first things to go. Cars are easy to get rid of, especially fleet cars. Everyone needs one, they're a durable store of value, and you can do skids with them. Mostly, though, they're too big for the auditors to miss, even when they're working in a hurry before the sheriff padlocks their access to the supply warehouse. That was the case with the local scooter rental company, which went belly up a few weeks ago and left electric scooters strewn all over the city, their modems blinking in search of a server that was now partially dismantled and used to mine Poochpoints in Southeast China.
Although I had to fight off a lot of other scrappers when I heard the news, I still managed to fill an entire trunk full of the scooters. Which means it's finally time for me to go electric, although I admit that the conventional view of a motor vehicle by Big Government is not "thirty-six electric scooters leashed together and controlled like a dogsled, careening the back third of a Dodge Neon through the city at upwards of a buck-eighty." Really a failure of imagination on their part. That's why they need the forward-looking innovation of these brave founders who aren't afraid to go bankrupt doing whatever crackhead shit they came up with this week. Keep changing the world, that's what I say.
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Imagine not liking the Doctor’s plan to work with Agent O...
“Oh! You’re here. Perfect!” You walked around the console, arms wrapped with multicoloured wires, and proceeded over to Ryan where you transferred the mess into his arms.  
“Uh, what’s all this then?” The young man asked with a frown. Yaz and Graham squinted at the odd behaviour and watched you grin with wide eyes. 
“I’ve finally created the Miniaturisation Materialiser out of some coat hangers and a car tyre in the basement.”
“We have a basement?” Ryan’s question fell on deaf ears as you led the trio to what looked like a toaster sitting on the console. The appliance was hooked up to several wires that ran along the TARDIS floor into Ryan’s arms before disappearing below the panels under their feet.
You grabbed two slices of toast from a little glove compartment and placed them in the toaster, pressing the small knob down. There was a small sizzle until the toaster sparked small white electricity for a second and the bell rang.
The toast popped up and Yaz, Ryan, and Graham leaned in to take a closer look. 
“They’ve shrunk to the size of a grape.” Yaz commented.
You nodded and spun around with excitement. “I know! Isn’t it great?” 
Ryan chuckled but Graham tilted his head.
“It’s wonderful Y/n, truly. But wouldn’t it make more sense to create something that makes food bigger?” 
You squinted curiously, pondering over the suggestion. You lifted the toaster and scanned its outer casing.
“Like an Enhanced Extrapolation Enlarger ... yes, I think we can manage this easily.” You reached back and opened your hand, palm facing up. “Graham, give me your shoe.”
“My what?”
“Y/n, I hope you’re powering that thing safely.” The Doctor parented as she entered her travelling vehicle. She often found that when she left you alone for a day, you had created something new.
Nodding, you lowered the device and took the wires back from Ryan. “Don’t get your sonic in a knot. I rerouted the comms through the swimming pool and the navigation systems are funnelling from the carousel. All temporary.”
“Huh.” The Doctor mused as she reached the satellite screen. “Maybe leave the carousel funnel, I’m getting some great readings. Points for innovation.”
You beamed with pride. Turning to your friends, you gestured for them to walk to an open panel by the stairs. 
“So, how was it? I thought you were going to be back later.”
“O found something on the aliens.” Yaz replied.
“O?” You wondered, dropping the wires into the floor. The TARDIS doors opened once more and a familiar face walked in. “Oh.” 
You shoulders slumped when the guest entered the TARDIS, his eyes filled with wonder and awe at the interior. Spotting you, O smiled as he made his way over to you and stuck out his hand.
You eyed the friendly expression and stared at the open handshake. Then you turned on your heel and called out to the woman behind the console. 
The Doctor’s head popped up quickly at the question, her furrowed brows quickly darting up when she realised what the issue was. 
“Y/n, play nice.”
“We need all the help we can get.”
Laying down her expectations, the doctor disappeared once more. You exhaled loudly and looked back at O. One smile from him and you rolled your eyes before walking off in the opposite direction. 
Graham caught the tension flying from the pair and gently tapped O’s arm. “Why are they so mad at you?” 
O shook his head with a small smile. “You know, I don’t think they could quite figure me out.”
Masterlist here
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Swedish researchers say they have developed a new method of recycling batteries from electric vehicles that allows recovery of 100 percent of the aluminum and 98 percent of the lithium.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have presented the efficient way to recycle metals from spent batteries, and at the same time minimize the loss of valuable raw materials such as nickel, cobalt and manganese.
Furthermore, no expensive or harmful chemicals are required in the process because the researchers use oxalic acid—an organic acid that can be found in the plant kingdom.
“So far, no one has managed to find exactly the right conditions for separating this much lithium using oxalic acid, whilst also removing all the aluminum,” said Léa Rouquette, PhD student in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. “Since all batteries contain aluminum, we need to be able to remove it without losing the other metals.”
In the Chalmers battery recycling lab, Rouquette and research leader Martina Petranikova showed how the new method works—taking the pulverized components in the form of a finely ground black powder and dissolving it in a transparent liquid – oxalic acid.
Rouquette produces both the powder and the liquid in something reminiscent of a kitchen mixer. Although it looks as easy as brewing coffee, the exact procedure is a unique scientific breakthrough. By fine-tuning temperature, concentration and time, the researchers came up with a new recipe for using oxalic acid, an environmentally friendly ingredient that can be found in plants such as rhubarb and spinach.
“We need alternatives to inorganic chemicals. One of the biggest bottlenecks in today’s processes is removing residual materials like aluminum,” says Martina Petranikova, Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. “This is an innovative method that can offer the recycling industry new alternatives and help solve problems that hinder development.”
The aqueous-based recycling method is called hydrometallurgy. In traditional hydrometallurgy, all the metals in an EV battery cell are dissolved in an inorganic acid. Then, you remove the “impurities” such as aluminum and copper. Lastly, you can separately recover valuable metals such as cobalt, nickel, manganese and lithium. Even though the amount of residual aluminum and copper is small, it requires several purification steps and each step in this process can cause lithium loss.
With the new method, the researchers reverse the order and recover the lithium and aluminum first. Thus, they can reduce the waste of valuable metals needed to make new batteries.
The latter part of the process, in which the black mixture is filtered, is also reminiscent of brewing coffee. While aluminum and lithium end up in the liquid, the other metals are left in the “solids”. The next step in the process is to separate aluminum and lithium.
“Since the metals have very different properties, we don’t think it’ll be hard to separate them. Our method is a promising new route for battery recycling – a route that definitely warrants further exploration,” says Rouquette, who published her results in the journal Separation and Purification Technology.
COOL IDEA: Scientists Power Tesla on 9,400-mile Journey With Rolled-up Printed Solar Panels
Petranikova’s research group is involved in various collaborations with companies to develop electric car battery recycling and is a partner in major research and development projects, such as Volvo Cars’ and Northvolt’s Nybat project.
The research was funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, BASE Batteries Sweden, Vinnova.
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rabbitcoolcars · 3 months
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1937 Hispano-Suiza K6, complete with an original, one-of-one woody wagon body by Franay.
Technically, it’s not a “wagon” but a “Break De Chasse,” which is French for “Shooting Brake,” and no doubt it was intended as a utility for hunting and other activities. There might be more opulent longroofs, but you’d probably have to go to the Sultan of Brunei’s warehouse to find them. Instead, we went to the Mullin Museum last week.
Somewhat ironically, the K6 was actually a simplified lower-end model when it was new, as the French side of the company was struggling in the mid-1930s with a bunch of amazingly exotic cars that very few people could afford, but all Hispanos are serious exotica today, and 1937 was the last full year of production at Bois-Colombes before the French side became strictly an aero-engine company, though the Spanish side continued on longer.
While cars like this are still blue-chip collector cars and probably always will be, there isn’t as much interest in pre-war exotics as there once was. Their stories are still worth telling, however, and this Hispano is still a work of art.
Though often thought of as a French automaker, and this K6 was built in France, Hispano-Suiza means “Spanish-Swiss,” and was founded in Barcelona by Swiss engineer Marc Birkigt, along with financial manager Damián Mateu in 1904. Born in Geneva in 1878, Birkigt was mechanically gifted from an early age and graduated from engineering school in 1898, briefly working in the watch trade and a gunsmith during his military service, but it was railways and electric locomotive work that brought him to Spain.
Hispano-Suiza was an outgrowth of two earlier, failed ventures Birkigt had worked for. The first was an electric vehicle company, La Cuadra, that wanted to make an electric bus, later followed by a two-cylinder, Panhard-like car. When that failed the company was taken over by José María Castro Fernández, who took over and had Birkigt engineer another car, the four-cylinder Castro, only for his finances to fail and the firm become as Hispano-Suiza in June 1904.
Birkigt was an engineer on par with Frederick Henry Royce, and the early Hispanos boasted lots of innovations, including combining the engine and gearbox into a structural unit that could add rigidity to the chassis, and they were well-liked. The company’s fortunes were greatly boosted when King Alfonso XIII bought a trio of 20-24 Tourers at the 1905 Barcelona show, and when Birkigt designed his first truly great sporting car in 1908, he returned the favor by naming the T-headed, high-revving monster the “Alfonso XIII.”
Royal patronage was great, but Spain was a poor country with terrible roads, and Hispanos were expensive cars. In 1911, the firm set up a satellite factory at Levallois-Perret in Paris and later moved to Bois-Colombes, with Birkigt soon taking up residence there. While the Alfonsos and other Hispano Suizas had lots of competition success, WW1 was spent mainly on aero engines, and Birkigt’s OHC airplane V8s were light, powerful, and durable, and their design later informed Hispano’s cars.
After the war, the ultimate Hispano-Suiza car, the H6, debuted in 1919. Production would last until 1933, although a few were finished in 1934 and, if you had enough money, you could buy one as a one-off even later.
With 6.6 or 8.0-liter straight sixes, the H6s were glamorous in the same way Isotta-Fraschinis were, but often much nicer to drive and far superior handlers thanks to their very rigid frame, friction dampers, and other advances. Hispano-Suiza was an early adopter of four-wheel brakes and brake boosters, and H6s could hit up to 85 mph. They were also beautiful, and when Harley Earl was tapped to design the 1927 LaSalle, he essentially copied the H6.
Over time, the Spanish and French factories, separated by management and geography, grew apart in ways that few modern concerns would. Barcelona often fielded a wider range of more humble products and also built lots of commercial trucks and wagons. Bois-Colombes built only the finest cars and aeronautical engines. In many cases, Spain built a design far longer than France would. Both were happy for the success of the H6, and there were many other types in the 1920s that came and went.
The depression threw a big monkey wrench into this situation just as Bois-Colombes was getting ready to launch the 54CV, 9.4-liter V-12-powered J12 in 1931. Although it had some lesser models, Hispano-Suiza’s French side was essentially all-in on top-tier luxury cars. In 1933 even the “Junior” chassis cost more than a fully-assembled Bugatti Type 57.
The K6, with a simple OHV 5.2-liter, ~120-hp straight-six, and 3-speeder with a dry-plate clutch, was created to offer something more affordable but preserve the quality and image that the H6 had so carefully cultivated. It could not reverse the economic tide for the company, but it did sell pretty well for a very expensive car during a time of economic calamity. Plus, it was well-made and nice to drive. Carrosserie Vanvooren provided the “off-the-rack” K6 bodies, but this was always a coachbuilt car.
While less expensive than the 220-hp J12s, the K6 was nevertheless a car for the privileged few. This one, chassis 15121, was first owned by Maurice Solvay, businessman grandson of Belgian chemist and inventor Ernest Solvay and husband of French actress Josette Day. By the time Solvay bought it, however, the end was near for the car line at Bois Colombes.
The Spanish Civil War threw that side of the company into chaos, though car production continued in Barcelona until 1943, while the French side was slyly taken over by the Government in 1937. They had it focus on aviation and defense contractor projects, and car production was wound down in 1938. The company continued as a defense contractor for another 30 years, but the two sides were permanently split.
Chassis 15121 was originally a cabriolet sedan, but in 1948 Solvay decided to turn it into a Break de Chasse, and turned to Franay, an old-line coachbuilder founded by former carriage interior maker Jean-Baptiste Franay in 1903 and later run by his son Marius.
Franay was one of many automotive ateliers in Levallois-Perret, the beating heart of France’s custom coachbuilding scene before WW2 and after (Chapron and Figoni et Falaschi were very nearby). While postwar Franay creations are usually pretty over the top like those of Saoutchik, the order here was functionality and beauty. Mission accomplished.
The car had a series of owners after Solvay’s death in 1960, including Renault designer Philippe Charbonneaux. It had a light restoration in the 1980s, and then a more comprehensive one when Peter Mullin bought the car in 2002, including replacing its Water Buffalo-hide interior
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mbari-blog · 2 years
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To mark International Women in Engineering Day, we’re celebrating the achievements of MBARI engineer Alana Sherman. #WomenInEngineeringDay
With an undergraduate degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in bioengineering, the Chicago native is always up for a challenge. Interested in developing tools to solve complex challenges, she came to MBARI to tackle the problem of ocean access. Today, she leads MBARI’s electrical engineering group, where she develops innovative technologies and underwater vehicles that are transforming how we access and study the ocean. She manages the team of electrical engineers as they work together with scientists to build and deploy cutting-edge ocean technology. (Image: Monterey Bay Aquarium)
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Alana works with various teams to enable their study of the ocean—from atoms to ecosystems. In addition to designing, building, and testing new instruments for marine science, she goes out to sea to test, deploy, and service MBARI’s research equipment. She was a pivotal member of the team that developed the Benthic Rover II. About the size of a small car, this autonomous rover travels across the muddy seafloor taking photos and measuring how much oxygen bottom-dwelling animals and microbes are using over time. Information gathered by this rover has helped scientists understand how carbon cycles from the surface to the seafloor—data fundamental to understanding the impacts of climate change on the ocean. Alana, the mother of two young boys, often jokes that the rover was her first child.
According to the 2020 Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum, 49 percent of all professional and technical workers are women, but just 15 percent of the engineering workforce is made up of women. Highlighting women’s achievements in a traditionally male-dominated field reminds us how important it is to include a variety of perspectives and experiences in STEM fields. The more diverse a group of people designing new technology, the more inclusive and innovative those tools will become. 
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henchy5824 · 1 month
19 for ask game meme?
Ohoho! *rubs grubby paws*
This might be a little bit of an odd one, but bear with me.
So my background is in IT, and during my schooling we unsurprisingly had to write essays about various topics. Those topics were, unsurprisingly, sometimes only loosely connected to what would count as "IT". Among which was telecommunications. The essays I had to write on that were long, contrived, technical in ways I don't even want to think about anymore (or maybe I do but that's because I'm a masochistic degnereate, lol) and most of all: I was in absolute agony researching them. It were those kinds of essays that had to meet a certain word count and hit certain key points.... you know... The most unimaginable shit any teacher could possibly come up with.
But ob boy, did it make me AWARE of what radio waves are and how much shit actually works via those... which is 100%... the answer is 100% of all our modern technology runs off of that shit.
I think you can guess where I'm going with this...
Did you know that the most modern types of frequency bands we have managed to harness for our convenience are ALSO very short? At least for home applications.. So if you buy a router that boasts 60 GHz tech, it's going to work within about 10ft (3m) of unobstructed space and then the signal just farts out of existence because the wavelenght is SO SHORT. This is also the reason why 5G technology is such a big fucking deal and it has been one of the biggest innovations in that field since at least the early 2000s (if not earlier) because it is true fast broadband that is affordable for the average consumer.
The nature of how all of this stuff works is inherently fascinating.
And even though when I had to write those essays back in the day, my partner had to actively stop me from trying to chew my fingers into bloody nubs, I nevertheless had some fun recently revisiting those previously written words for reasons I will elaborate upon shortly:
Which brings me neatly to our favourite strawberry pimp! Alastor.
Seriously, NOBODY is talking about how this guy should be frequency manipulation GOD. Probably because this is kinda very niche and technical and I wouldn't expect anyone to actually sink that much though into a fictional OC character back in 2005-2010 (I only thought about that stuff because I was forced to, after all, lol).
Injecting this very real and technical mumbo jumbo with some hellish magic and you have the perfect vehicle for a whole range of cool things that could be achieved.
Including, but not limited to:
-Control computers and any device that allows inputs via radio waves. Imitating yourself as a human interface device (bluetooth/2.4GHz/5GHz wifi/etc.) so you could type and use the mouse cursor with your mind? Yes. Flipping channels on a tv without a remote like that one kid in the X-Men movie? Yes, that. Sending and recieving text and/or voice messages on your phone without having to hold it in your hands? VERY Yes. Also: VERY on brand for this magnificent bastard.
-Attack people with the various ways our squishy and inadequate nervous system runs off of electrical impulses. For example: You can make people's hearts beat unevenly if you attack the (roughly) 10 Hz range. You can also give people something akin to barotrauma using something similar only attacking certain parts of the lungs...
So when people on social media go: Oh Alastor is sooo evil and Charlie is being manipulated because she doesn't see it.... Nononono, bitches. YOU don't understand. The man is actively shying away from all the really hideous and sadistic shit. Almost all of which would be 100% invisible to Charlie. Imagine the loan sharks instead of getting ripped appart by eldritch tentacles and a giant monster man, they just....dropped because their hearts had stopped beating. Or they lost all sense of self and wandered off because they forgot what they came here for. Charlie would go: "Huh. Weird, but ok. Conflict avoided."
Of course, Alastor could probably also do something like liquify someone's eyeballs by spiking a high frequency pulse towards that and then laugh at them until they grow new ones... but that would be telling.
So whenever someone tries to pull bullshit on you like that: you pull out the frequency manipulation and how Alastor is decidedly not doing all that.
You can basically win stupid prizes by playing stupid games. Hooray!
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youjustwaitsunshine · 2 years
small rant just because: Neither F1 nor FE are contributing to car development or to solving the major mobility problems we face in todays world in a way that justifies them jetting around the world to break carbon parts in another place every other weekend.
It's entertainment, first and foremost, the rest is gimmicks, and I'm not saying you can't enjoy it, but to act like either of the series are bringing important technological advances for the future of mobility that couldn't be made without competition on track is ridiculous.
Sure, F1 has impressively efficient hybrid engines and FE powertrain development is impressive as well as them using low-emission fuel to power their generators, but the problem we're facing with mobility today in the world as is doesn't get solved by either of that. Electric cars or modern hybrids are expensive, can often only get repaired by brand-certified specialists with the right software and the infrastructure needed to charge those cars isn't in place and there is often low interest to change that (at least where i live). And even if all this was in place, most people can't just up and decide to trash their old car and buy a brand new electric vehicle, set up a charging port at home and go on without a problem.
There's over 1.4 billion motor vehicles in the world and keeping up the longevity of those while working on sustainable fuels and new filters should utopically (is that a word) be the focus. Of course, it doesn't make money so that isn't the focus of any car manufacturer, but 'electric mobility development through racing' is as much greenwashing as is saying 'buy our electric car next, do your part for the environment'.
The actual effort in regards to environmentally friendly transportation should be made in progressing public transport infrastructure, especially in rural areas and making it affordable to use as well as limiting the power that gas, oil and (speaking from my point/country) car lobbies have over the government, which of course is not in the interest of the car lobby and will obviously not be forwarded by any car racing series where big manufacturers whose higher ups have their fingers in government pies pay entry fees.
Obviously, apart from the development argument, transportation is the same, questionable sponsors are the same, CEOs with shady government relations who always manage to just stay on the fringes of major scandals are the same.
Enjoy F1 and FE as you want, I certainly do, I have fun watching both series, but in the end both of those series are only furthering the interests of car manufacturers and contribute little to the goal of sustainable mobility for everyone and it's important not to lose sight of that for the sake of petty arguments of which tax evader has the moral high ground (spoiler alert: neither). I still watch motorsports because yes, the innovation is super cool and impressive but it's still innovation with the goal of getting money in the pockets of the car industry and not with the altruistic goal of improving the world we live in.
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aeautoevcharger · 6 months
Nanjing AEAUTO wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday!
Christmas is coming, Nanjing AEAUTO sincerely wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday! Thank you for your continued support and trust in us.
Nanjing AEAUTO is a leading company focusing on intelligent driving, power system software and hardware integration, vehicle integrated development, and optical storage and charging solutions. We always insist on continuous innovation to provide users with more advanced and smarter products and services.
In the past year, we have continuously worked hard to develop and improve, and launched a series of high-quality power system vehicle solutions and V2G charging station to achieve efficient storage and fast charging of electric energy, intelligent adjustment according to user needs, and provide More convenient and reliable charging service.
Here, Nanjing AEAUTO wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday! In the future, we will continue to uphold the concept of innovation and provide users with more advanced and intelligent one-stop charging management solutions. Looking forward to working with you!
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rahulbishnoi · 7 months
Better CSR by IHG
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HOTEL - IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group)
Address - 225 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5V2X3 Canada
Energy Conversation - IHG hotels implement cutting-edge technologies to conserve energy, from LED lighting to advanced HVAC systems. These measures not only reduce their carbon footprint but also lead to significant cost savings.
Waste Transformation: Through recycling and composting, IHG diverts a significant portion of waste from landfills, employing innovative waste-to-energy solutions at select locations.
Hazardous Substances Management: IHG prioritizes guest and environmental safety by carefully selecting and managing chemicals used in cleaning and maintenance.
Sustainable Transport: IHG encourages eco-friendly travel options, offering electric vehicle charging stations, bike rentals, and supporting local public transit systems.
Market Factors: IHG remains at the forefront of sustainable hospitality by monitoring trends and engaging with suppliers to source eco-friendly products.
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Mobility Innovations: A Look at the Latest Technological Advances.
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In a rapidly evolving world, how we move has undergone a remarkable transformation. Mobility innovations are at the forefront of this change, revolutionizing the way we navigate our cities, reduce our carbon footprint, and embrace sustainable living. In this blog, we will embark on a journey through the fascinating realm of mobility innovations, shedding light on their paramount significance in modern living.
As technology continues to advance at breakneck speed, our mobility options have expanded beyond imagination. From the humble beginnings of walking to the invention of the wheel, from the automobile revolution to the era of public transit, the history of human mobility has been nothing short of extraordinary. However, with urbanization and growing environmental concerns, there has never been a more critical time for continuous innovation in mobility.
The Evolution of Mobility
Wheels of Progress
The journey of human mobility traces back thousands of years, from the earliest forms of transportation, such as walking and riding animals, to the groundbreaking invention of the wheel. This section will explore the historical context of mobility and the pivotal role played by innovations like the wheel in shaping human civilization.
Milestones in Transportation
Delve into the major milestones in transportation that have defined different eras of human history. From the mass production of automobiles in the early 20th century to the advent of public transit systems, each development has significantly impacted the way we move.
Necessity of Innovation
As cities expand, and the world faces pressing environmental challenges, the need for continuous innovation in mobility becomes evident. We will discuss how rapid urbanization and environmental concerns are driving innovation in transportation and inspiring new ways to move efficiently and sustainably.
The Rise of Electric Mobility
Electrifying Change
Introduce the concept of electric mobility as a sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based transportation. Discuss how electric vehicles (EVs) are transforming the automotive industry and addressing environmental concerns.
Green Benefits
Highlight the environmental benefits of electric vehicles, including their role in reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality. Explore how electric mobility contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future.
From Cars to Bikes
Explore the growing popularity of electric cars and bikes as precursors to the rise of electric kick scooters. Show how these innovations have paved the way for more eco-friendly and efficient forms of urban transportation.
Electric Kick Scooters: A Game-Changer
Defining Electric Kick Scooters
Define electric kick scooters and outline their key features, such as their compact design, electric propulsion, and ease of use. Explain how these scooters have quickly gained popularity as a convenient mode of urban transportation.
Urban Mobility Revolution
Provide statistics and insights into the exponential growth of electric kick scooter-sharing services in cities worldwide. Discuss how these scooters are reshaping urban transportation, reducing traffic congestion, and providing affordable alternatives to traditional commuting methods.
Technological Advances in Electric Kick Scooters
Powering the Future
Explore the latest innovations in electric kick scooter technology. Discuss advancements in battery technology that have led to longer ranges, faster charging times, and improved energy efficiency. Highlight the role of cutting-edge materials and design in enhancing scooter performance.
Smart and Connected
Delve into the integration of smart features in electric kick scooters. Explore how GPS tracking, mobile apps for ride management, and connectivity options are making scooter rides more convenient and enjoyable for users.
 Safety and Regulations
Safety First
Address safety concerns associated with electric kick scooters, emphasizing the importance of helmet usage, speed limits, and responsible riding practices. Provide practical tips for riders to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the road.
Evolving Regulations
Explain the evolving regulations surrounding electric scooters in different cities and countries. Discuss how governments adapt to the rise of electric scooters and what riders need to know to comply with local laws.
The Future of Mobility
Beyond Tomorrow
Speculate on the exciting future of mobility innovations, with a particular focus on electric kick scooters. Discuss potential advancements in design, materials, and sustainability that will further shape the world of urban transportation.
Changing Cities
Explore how mobility innovations are influencing urban planning and reducing traffic congestion in cities. Highlight the role of electric kick scooters and other emerging forms of sustainable transportation in creating smarter and more efficient urban environments.
Join us on this captivating journey through the world of mobility innovations, where the wheels of progress never stop turning. Discover how the latest technological advances are not only changing the way we move but also paving the way for a more sustainable and interconnected future.
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heightofcelebrities · 9 months
How does Elon use his intelligence?
Elon Musk, the CEO and founder of multiple companies, including SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, is known for his remarkable intelligence and visionary approach to business and technology. He uses his intelligence in several ways:
Innovation and Problem Solving: Elon Musk is known for tackling complex, ambitious projects and pushing the boundaries of technology. His intelligence enables him to identify problems and develop innovative solutions. For example, with SpaceX, he aims to make space travel more affordable and sustainable, and with Tesla, he aims to revolutionize the automotive industry with electric vehicles.
Multidisciplinary Thinking: Musk's intelligence extends across multiple fields, from aerospace engineering to electric vehicles to neural interfaces. He often applies knowledge and insights from one field to solve problems in another, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to innovation.
Risk Assessment and Management: Musk is not afraid to take calculated risks in pursuit of his goals. His intelligence likely plays a role in evaluating these risks and developing strategies to manage them effectively.
Leadership and Vision: Musk's intelligence is evident in his ability to articulate a clear vision for the future and inspire others to join him in working towards these goals. His leadership skills are crucial in rallying teams and resources behind his ambitious projects.
Learning and Adaptation: Musk is known for his voracious appetite for learning. He actively seeks out new knowledge and information, which helps him stay at the forefront of rapidly evolving industries. His ability to adapt to changing circumstances and technologies is a testament to his intelligence.
Long-Term Thinking: Musk is known for thinking about the long-term implications of his work. His intelligence likely plays a role in considering how his projects will impact society, the environment, and the future of humanity.
Communication: Effective communication is essential when dealing with complex, cutting-edge technologies and ideas. Musk's intelligence allows him to explain his vision and ideas to a broad audience, which is crucial for gaining support and funding for his ventures.
Influence and Advocacy: Musk uses his intelligence to advocate for causes he believes in, such as renewable energy and the colonization of Mars. His influence in the business and tech worlds allows him to promote these causes effectively.
It's important to note that while Musk's intelligence is undoubtedly a significant factor in his success, he also benefits from hard work, determination, and a willingness to take risks that set him apart as an entrepreneur and visionary.
Source: https://heightofcelebrities.com/
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mobiosolutions · 10 months
As the UK strides towards a greener future, electric vehicles (EVs) are more crucial than ever. But how can we make EV adoption seamless and efficient? The answer lies in custom app solutions tailored for the electric vehicle ecosystem. From real-time charging station availability to smart energy management, these apps are revolutionizing how we interact with our EVs. 🇬🇧
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candytheartmajor · 10 months
5 Things I learned about Online Labor
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1. Exploitation in Silicon Valley
              Silicon Valley is known as the tech capital of the world. It is the most technically diverse and productive place in the world always innovating new technologies. Since 1957 Silicon valley has been viewed as having an informal place of work that sacrifices the appearance of hierarchy for an atmosphere of family. The informality of this environment discourages the formation of unions.
2. Hidden Exploitation around the world
              There are levels to the exploitation within silicon valley. Another group that is exploited, but often overlooked is those who are considered unskilled workers. These are people who participate in factory jobs that manufacture the products for companies like Apple and Microsoft. These people are unfortunately forced to work in poor conditions, are underpaid and underappreciated. An example of this would bet the Chinese manufacturing company Foxconn where workers were forced to live in dormitories within the factories with multiple people to a room. In 2010 eighteen assembly workers committed suicide as a result of the working conditions.
3. Slavery in the Modern Tech Industry
              A material that is very valuable to many companies within Silicon Valley, is cobalt. Coltan is a product that is put into many different electronic devices and products, such as phones and electric vehicles. 80% of the world’s coltan is found in Congo which has the largest cobalt mine in the world. Congo has a history of being exploited. From 1885 to 1908 Congo, known then as Belgian Congo, around 15 million people were killed in the production of rubber. The coltan nine uses cheap labour and exploits children in the cultivation of coltan. These children are kept in slave like condition, being paid barely anything and often risking their lives. (Trusolino, 2023)
4. How you are being exploited.
              As consumers of digital media, we are not only consuming content, but creating it. We are employees that keep the social media platforms of our choice alive. Though this is still morally questionable we still have the added benefit of enjoying the content we produce. This is not always the case. Lisa Nakamura in her articled titled The Unwanted Labour of Social Media where she discussed the unpaid and unappreciated labour of people of colour, specifically woman of colour online. These people take the roles of moderators on different platforms, policing misogyny, homophobia, and racism. Even though what they do is important they are often met with vitriol. These people should not have to take on these roles and if they do, should be compensated. (Nakamura, 2015)
5. The rise of Neoliberalism
              Neoliberalism was a concept firmly rooted in North American politics and government in the 1970’s. The theory liberates the individual to be able to freely use their entrepreneurial skills within the institutional framework. The results of this concept are the free market, free trade, and the privatization of property. The problem with this concept is that the government is absolved of a portion of its responsibility to the people, dropping useful programs that help facilitate peoples growth. It only benefits the people who have the ability to obtain entrepreneurial skills and discourages employees from unionizing.
Related sources:  
Nakamura, L. (2015). The Unwanted Labour of Social Media: Women of Colour Call Out Culture As Venture Community Management. New Formations, 86(86), 106–112. https://doi.org/10.3898/NEWF.86.06.2015
Trusolino , M. (2023). Lecture 5: Political Economy of Social Media: The Consumer and Free Labour [Power Point Slides].
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newsnigeria · 11 months
Kogi pupils who built electric tricycle, SUV bag scholarships
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The management of the Korea-Nigeria Friendship Institute of Vocational and Advanced Technology, Lokoja, has offered full scholarships to three pupils who built a sport utility vehicle at an exhibition. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the beneficiaries of the scholarships are pupils of St. Peter’s College, Idah, who recently wrote their Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations. The pupils — Samson Emeje, 29; Yusuf Ayuba, 20; and Tenimu Abubakar, 18 — had invented and exhibited an electrically-powered tricycle and SUV at the 2021 and 2022 STETSCOM Science Exhibition. Presenting the admission letters to the pupils on Wednesday, the Rector of the institute, Williams Charles, said that they had exhibited rare technical skills and deserved to be aided in advancing their talents in order to be useful to society. Charles said that the institute had been recognised globally for manpower training in advancing science and technology, thus contributing to the growth and development of the state. He said that the institute’s management was moved into action by the feat displayed by the pupils at the 2021 and 2022 STETSCOM Science Exhibition by inventing an electrically-powered tricycle and SUV. The rector praised the pupils for showing their innovative skills by using locally-sourced materials, stressing that people with creative minds were special humans for their abilities to put things on paper and translate them into reality. While commending Gov. Yahaya Bello for his unflinching commitment to the institute, he appealed for more support in order to meet the demands of the forthcoming resource inspection by the National Board for Technical Education. Charles called on politicians, corporate organisations and the government to beam their searchlights on young people with natural skills like the three pupils to afford them the opportunity to undertake the life transformation courses being offered by the institute. One of the beneficiaries, Emeje, who spoke on behalf of his colleagues, thanked the rector for the gesture, saying that studying at the institute was a dream come true. Emeje, who attributed the talent to God, said that he got the inspiration from his childhood and that he had often constructed such innovations with ease. He thanked the management of NKFI for the scholarships and for giving them the opportunity to realise their dreams. On his part, the Principal of the college, Mr Zakari Jonah, commended the institute for the scholarship, promising to create awareness among secondary school students to embrace the institute to further their academic pursuits. Jonah implored governments at all levels to go to the grassroots to identify talents and develop them through technical and vocational education in order to make them self-reliant. NAN Read the full article
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