#Mandalorian Armor
syn0vial · 3 months
saw a delightful post about how the dent in boba fett's helmet probably indicates that his armor isn't 100% beskar, and one of the conclusions the post draws it that din djarin's armor is almost certainly better/more expensive than boba's. i want to say that this is even more the case if we're comparing din to expanded universe boba, whose armor is 100% durasteel. no beskar in that bad boy at all. it's literally the shittiest mando armor money can buy and when boba becomes mand'alor, his mandalorian friends basically corner him and block the door until he lets them swap it out for actual beskar.
no concrete explanation is given for why EU!boba buries his father's armor plates (which presumably contained at least some actual beskar) instead of just using them himself, but my personal headcanon is a combination of:
he doesn't feel worthy of wearing his father's armor
shitty durasteel armor was all he could afford when he was a teenager, which appears to be when he started wearing his trademark durasteel plates
he just likes having armor that shows battle damage. medrit, his armor-smith friend, even teases him about this, saying he can paint scuffs and dents onto his new beskar armor if boba would like.
related to the above: every single dent and scar on his armor is like a little message to the outside world saying, "i lived, bitch," and fett's reluctant to give that up :`D
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furious-blueberry0 · 1 month
The forging of the beskar'gam is a spiritual experience, and It’s an intimate ritual between the mandalorian, the Armorer and the beskar. 
It usually happens right after the Verd’goten, when the young mandalorian has finally demonstrated to be worthy of true mandalorian beskar, and not of the alloy that the younger ones usually wear.
Being present at the forging of their beskar’gam means that a part of their soul is going to be forged into the beskar as well, a soul that in the future, if one of their successors decides to forge their own armor from theirs, is going to live on alongside their legacy.
Forging a new beskar'gam from old ones can create a variety of experiences, which is always different for each person.
Lots of mandalorians have talked about feeling the war chants of ancient and glorious battles, of the way each blow of the Armorer’s hammer made their blood crave the action more and more, of how they could hear the voices of their family, chanting praises and love for them, of how, when they exited the Forge, their heart and spirit and become stronger than they ever were.
But not everyone finds strength or comfort from this type of forging.
Other mandalorians have talked of experiencing no glory or love from the beskar, what they heard were instead the screams of pain and rage of their lost loved ones, they felt each one of their deaths as if it was their own, felt a stab in their heart with each blow of the hammer, and felt what was supposed to be a spiritual experience, as something more akin to a form of torture that destroyed their spirit. Many mandalorians that have felt this kind of pain sometimes even renounce the warrior life, instead leaving their armor to gather dust as they live another type of life.
Those that forge their armor from new beskar are not going to feel echoes of ancient battles, or the voices of long lost warriors, instead they only hear the silence of a future and a song that still needs to be written, and the echoes of the hammer.
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the-baddest-of-batches · 11 months
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Survivor. 2023.
Trying out this piece in a familiar setting...because the baby clone running in the rain on Kamino is all grown up now.
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thegreenlizard · 8 months
Bare beskar
On the eve of marching to war, Obi-Wan makes plans and digs out his old armour. Musings on Mandalorian armour and culture, the ethics of commanding slave soldiers and how that affects one’s self-image.
Could be the same AU as “Not Obi-Wan’s first slave uprising” and “What makes a military genius” (where Obi-Wan is presented with a battalion of slave soldiers, says please and thank you, and starts plotting how to take down the slavers).
Obi-Wan has Mandalorian armour, courtesy of the Kyr’tsad who failed to kill him when he was seventeen and running for his life on Mandalore. The Jedi frown on such soldierly things, so the armour has mostly gathered dust in his closet for the past decade and some. But Obi-Wan has fought in a war before and recognises that no matter how good one is, sometimes armour is all that stands between bleeding out in a ditch and living to fight another day.
So on the eve of marching to war, Obi-Wan digs out his armour to clean and repair and condition every piece. He looks at its light green for peace and green for duty, the order’s wings on one pauldron/over his heart. He strips it all off. He has no right to wear any of it now, and the bare beskar is a statement of its own.
- Feels about how bare unpainted beskar could be silver for seeking redemption, disavowing all ties (in that there’s no one and nothing to paint his armour for), for being an outcast (which in his heart, he has already decided to become), or all of them. Leading a slave army to war is really really not in the Jedi mission statement. Obi-Wan, having experienced his own stints as a slave, having brought up a padawan who was born a slave, and having already left the order once for an army of child soldiers—well, he has some feels about it.
- Obi-Wan’s closet doesn’t just have armour, it also has a veritable armoury of, ah, useful souvenirs from his various missions. Maybe it makes him a bad Jedi, but Obi-Wan has some difficulty with letting go of possessions that have saved his life. Such as the sniper rifle from Melidaan, a blaster from here, and a vibroblade from there…
- Cody’s/The 212th’s reactions to their Jedi whose luggage apparently includes a full set of arms and armour and little else.
- There’s a story that armour tells for anyone who can read it and I wonder if the clones could. There are only a few things that a completely unpainted beskar’gam could mean. Either it’s completely new and the owner hasn’t had time yet to paint it. But Kenobi’s beskar’gam isn’t new: the metal has scrapes all over it and some fittings are clearly newer than others. It could be second hand, but as the weeks pass, the metal stays bare. And even though some shinies joke about their shiny, very visible general, Kenobi won’t even put on a matte base coat, just thanks the men politely and keeps on shining. It has to be intentional.
- When Obi-Wan eventually repaints his armour, it’s in gold for the 212th and black for justice for the vode.
In the days between accepting his marching orders and shipping out to meet his battalion, Obi-Wan researches, plans, and packs. He sleeps fitfully and dreams of Melida-Daan, of Bandomeer, of Mandalore. He tears through the archives and with echoes of the Young in his ears, downloads anything that might help keep his men alive. With a growing cold like deep sea mines, he reads the clones spec sheets, reviews galactic law, and speed reads his way through the last few years of the senate’s bills.
He pulls out of his closet possessions unbecoming of Jedi—things he has kept because he has been unable to let go of the fear of . There’s his old XX sniper rifle from Melida-Daan. A blaster from here. A vibroblade from there.
And there’s the armour he got from Mandalore. It’s painted in green for duty and erin for peace, the order’s sigil on the pauldron. He can hardly stand to look at it. Standing here, at the eve of marching to war that is to be fought with slave soldiers, he has no right to wear any of it. Not the green of duty, for he has forsaken his duty to protect all sentient life in accepting command of an army of slaves. Not the erin of peace, for he is marching off to fight a war to force worlds to stay in a republic they don’t wish to be a part of. Not the sigil of the Jedi order, for he has already forsaken his vows in these actions—and has already decided to forsake his duty to the republic.
Obi-Wan strips the beskar bare. Before refitting the armour, going through the straps, buckles, replacing worn parts and reconditioning the rest. He spends sleepless nights in the salles relearning to fight in armour.
“Paint? I painted it when I was seventeen. I, ah, stripped it when I accepted the draft.” Kenobi grimaces, but sets his jaw and continues. “I couldn’t keep the paint I had after that.” There’s an odd, bitter clang to his words.
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archeo-starwars · 1 month
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star-wars-forever · 9 months
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Production Supervisor Louis G. Friedman wearing the Boba Fett costume, behind the scenes of Return of the Jedi
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notgonnaedit · 1 month
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I'll sleep better knowing they're protecting my books
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starfireproductions · 11 months
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Boba Fett
Like the other week, not a lot of time this last week for art as I've been focused on decorating the house and kit-bashing new figures for my collection. So a quicker piece adding to my grey scale collection of concept artworks from the end credits from The Book Of Boba Fett.
Full details can be found on my DA page here: https://www.deviantart.com/starfire-productions
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So I was bored earlier and started sketching Mandalorian helmets (as you do) and I ended up designing one for Satine:
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Here we have the original sketch and the digital coloured version side by side
I kept the colour scheme from Satine's main outfit, plus a lot of fanarts I've seen of her wearing armour tend to go for it being painted purple, which I really like, so I've continued that trend 💜
I added a lot of floral emblems, because I figured even in a universe where she's wearing a helmet, she still sticks to this idea of her aesthetic reminding people of the natural world that their actions devastated, and I added a few vines and leaves in the colour version as well
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Mandalorian tenets or the six actions.
Early Mandalorian culture, originating with the ancient Taung species, was believed to have begun as a religious warrior society, War was practiced as a form of ritual worship to their multiple gods and because of this, many of the Mandalorians' earliest conflicts were seen as holy wars and their warriors known as the Mandalorian Crusaders.
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After the Great Sith war where most of the Taung had perished , the Mandalorians began accepting beings of other races and species into their culture and transforming what it meant to be a Mandalorian. Those who considered themselves Mandalorian were bound by a single, unifying culture rather than any one race, and they believed that an individual was defined by their actions rather than the circumstances of birth.
Young Mandalorian children were taught a rhyme to help them learn the tenets of the Resol'nare (basic: six actions) These six tenets defined what it meant to be a Mandalorian, and any who wished to be considered as such was expected to follow them.
Ba'jur, beskar'gam, (Education and armor)
Ara'nov, aliit, (Self-defense, our tribe)
Mando'a bal Mand'alor — (Our language, our leader)
An vencuyan mhi. (All help us survive.)
This code is self-perpetuating and was directly responsible for ensuring the survival of the Mandalorian culture and society.
Wearing the armor (beskar'gam or ''iron skin'')
Once Mandalorians reach adulthood, they assemble a suit of armor that suits their needs and skills. It is both a tool and a symbol of their cultural identity. Aside from its defensive capabilities, armor served another function: in a group formed from so many different species, often times it was only the armor that displayed an outward sign of the culture that bound these individuals together. The paint scheme of a Mandalorian's armor occasionally represented a soldier's state of mind, or their personal mission.
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As many soldiers preferred the inconspicuousness afforded by camouflage, Mandalorians believed in the saying:
"It's one thing to see us coming, it's another to do something about it."
Speaking the language (Mando'a)
While most Mandalorians know and speak Basic and other languages, all are raised speaking Mando'a, the language of the Taungs. When among themselves, they speak Mando'a almost exclusively. The language itself is very fluid and simple, reflecting the culture of which it is a part, and like the culture, it has changed very little over the centuries.
Mando'a was often thought of as easy to learn, a trait highly desirable in a culture that regularly adopted adults from numerous races and species. But there were difference speaker of Basic had to adjust, including Mando'a's expression of tense, and its gender-neutrality.
It was not unheard for Mandalorians to speak other languages such as Huttese and Basic alongside Mandalorian as it was necessary to communicate with others when working as a mercenary or bounty hunter.
Defending oneself and the family
While the Mandalorians are best known as a warrior culture, they are also strongly family oriented. Each member of a family is expected to protect the others, garaunteeing their survival and through this, ensuring the survival of the clan and culture.
Adoption was extremely common in Mandalorian culture, to the point where even adults could be adopted. Because of the Mandalorians' constant connection to war, widows and orphans became an inescapable fact of life.
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Contribute to clans welfare
Each individual and family is expected to contribute to the welfare and prosperity of their clan, which in turn helps provide for the family and individual as needed. This act is far from the socialist prop it first seems, as it is a neccessity for a society that spends a great deal of its time at war to provide for such neccessities as food, shelter and manufactured goods when a large number of a clan's adults are on other worlds fighting.
Raise children as Mandalorians
It is a Mandalorian's responsibility to raise children in the traditions of their culture. However this is not simply an imperative to breed, as it might seem on the surface. Mandalorians often adopt their children, caring very little for blood lineage and bowing to the neccessities created by their lifestyles as nomadic warriors. This act is a mandate to perpetuate the culture, as are the majority of the Six Acts, by passing it down to both offspring and adopted war orphans.
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Rally to the cause of the Mand’alor
While the social structure of the Mandalorians is very simple, revolving around family and clan, each clan and family answering to itself, in times of war all families and clans are expected to answer a call to war by the Mand'alor, the leader of the Mandalorian people.
The old and the new way.
In order to retain their heritage in the face of outside influence, Mandalorians placed a high value on rigorously carrying out the Resol'nare's tenets in a daily manner. However, interpretation of the Resol'nare differed, and at least one group of Mandalorians, the New Mandalorians, potentially followed an alternate interpretation of the Resol'nare by doing away with personally-owned sets of armor and refusing to aid the Mand'alor.
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The New Mandalorians was the pacifist movement who placed great importance on the virtues of pacifism, neutrality, and nonviolence rather than martial prowess and military strength as the Old Mandalorians did. They were led by a Duchess of Mandalore up until its dissolution following the coup in 19 BBY.
Similar to Death Watch, the Old Mandalorians were exiled from Mandalore, but unlike their Death Watch counterparts, did not seek vengeance on the New Mandalorians. Instead, the Old Mandalorians resettled in other parts of the galaxy and worked for the highest bidder, maintaining their Mandalorian warrior heritage as bounty hunters, mercenaries and other professions.
"Here's why you can't exterminate us, aruetii. We're not huddled in one place—we span the galaxy. We need no lords or leaders—so you can't destroy our command. We can live without technology—so we can fight with our bare hands. We have no species or bloodline—so we can rebuild our ranks with others who want to join us. We're more than just a people or an army, aruetii. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we can certainly kill you."
― Mandalore the Destroyer
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We were children, and they sent us to war.
[Alt Text: four image post beginning with a cadet running through the rain on Kamino, a puddle reflecting Umbara beneath him. There is text reading WE WERE CHILDREN and it follows with a bloodied clone trooper slamming a rifle into the ground where a broken clone helmet sits. He is screaming. There is text behind him repeating GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS, GOOD SOLDIERS DIE. The next image is prceeded by the words AND THEY SENT US and depicts the same man in clone armor which is greyscale standing in front of a half melted skull. Lines indicate mandalorian armor on top of him, like a ghost of the future. He looks broken and sad and the text reads YOU HAVE BECOME SCARS, AND DENIAL...and above the last image is are the words TO WAR followed by a red dominated image of the same clone in green and yellow mandalorian armor now. He turns away from a lonely clone trooper helmet and dc-15s blaster which are set in front of a monument reflecting past clone's shoes. It appears he is walking away. The text in the image is YOU ARE MY DESTROYER.]
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squidsponge · 1 year
Sims 4 CC: Bo-Katan and Mandalorian Nite Owl Armor Set
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Beskar for all!
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After years of being tired of seeing poor Bo stuck in Boba's ill fitting armor, while being impaled with a rocket she doesn't canonically wear, much misery in blender was had to ensure that bespoke armor for your Mandalorian ladies is finally here!
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In a star system where pink martinis flow like molten steel, one woman, who was totally supposed to get her own armor in season five before Disney bought Lucasfilm (the design was awesome), and her sister took what little intel they could scrape from the son of a time traveling himbo in gleaming beskar, and decided to bury the hatchet.
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Did a terrible fate befall the Wren family during The Great Purge, causing Sabine to shed her armor and forlornly grow her hair out?
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Din really has no idea who that is, sorry-
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But in a better galaxy where Jango's sons all have a different explanation for what happened to the beloved Chancellor of the Republic and the only Duchess is a woman who is happy to grant her sister control over Mandalore's defenses if it means no more of Koska's bottomless rootbeer floats, we'll never find out.
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I'll be making a version of the armor with rain ponchos, as well as a set of forehead braids for Koska and finishing up Bo's headset, so stay tuned for that :)
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New Meshes, three different armor styles
Handpainted textures
Everyday, formal, athletic, party, hot and cold weather, and Batuu
Can be found in outerwear and jumpsuits
Helmets are in brimless hats
Custom thumbnails to make them easy to find
Public on June 23/23
You can follow the squid's cc tag for more updates :)
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annag-loves-pizza · 4 months
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At this Comic-Con we were the only two mandalorians, we were literally surrounded by Hazbin Hotel cosplayers 😅 (I saw an amazing Sir Pentious cosplay tho 👀)
(Now the song “Poison” is stuck in my head, both Italian and English versions)
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faerieomenart · 6 days
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My Mandalorian oc, Jaemi (she/her), a badass armorer, but also a complete goof who can't talk to pretty women without getting flustered (good thing she has a helmet, ig).
Jaemi is Mandalorian Nightsister? Idk how else to describe it. She was taken away by pirates at a young age as a sort of peace offering, and she wasn't really wanted anyway because she couldn't seem to grasp magic nor had any interest in it. I forgot what age she was, but it was young. Anyway, some Mandos ran into the pirates and ended up coming across Jaemi and adopted her, to make the story short. Jaemi is fully aware that she is from Dathomir, though she does not remember anything about it from when she was a child. So she shows her respect for her heritage through her facial tattoos inspired by the Nightsisters, and designed her armor to resemble their clothing as well.
Drawn: June 6, 2023.
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dragonjadearts · 1 year
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quick concept I had for Luke in mandalorian armor. I know most of the time his outfits are black, but I really adore the cream/white looks from New Hope and ESB, so that was the main inspiration for this
Also this was inspired by a fic idea that I had, so if you want to read that, you can read the bullet list under the cut below
Atin — Stubborn, tenacious, capable of endurance [ah-TEEN]
At some point after S2 ends, Din gets in contact with Luke and they start co-parenting Grogu
Then Din decides to stop avoiding responsibility like a plague and take up the mantle of Manda’lor
He and Bo-Katan and several other clans retake Mandalore
They set up in Sundari first, focusing their efforts on rebuilding there as a start
At some point, Din reaches out to the New Republic and starts negotiations to respect Mandalore as its own independent system
Luke and Din continue to talk and eventually Luke moves out to Sundari so Din can be close to his son while Luke continues to teach him
They start to rebuild Keldabe, which is in much worse condition
Din leaves for a while to finish up proper negotiations for a treaty with the New Republic, leaving Luke in his place to make sure no one on the ruling council acts outside of his general wishes
Luke heads out to Keldabe to focus on rebuilding efforts there
His focus is on setting up farms and moisture farms to rebuild the soil in one of the old districts that’s so badly bombed that it’s barely habitable
The bio dome is still up but is badly damaged
The work is set back by frequent sandstorms that get in through the cracks in the bio dome, causing workers to take shelter until they pass and wrecking the farms
Eventually the air in Keldabe gets bad enough that every worker wears their armor/helmet outside at all times to filter through the air
Luke is called back to Sundari by the Armorer who gifts him a set of armor built out of Obi-Wan’s old armor which Bo-Katan found in storage on Concordia
The armor has been shored up and redesigned to better fit Luke’s body/fighting style
It’s light and doesn’t have space for extra weapons since Luke doesn’t use them
It’s been painted in cream and Luke takes some extra paint to decorate the helmet with two circles in white and pink to mimic the two suns of Tatooine
He returns to Keldabe to continue his work
At some point Din comes back and lands in Sundari with some senators to show off the work they’ve been doing
They stay in Sundari for a few days but Leia and a few others want to see Keldabe. Leia wants to help but at least one of the other senators wants to judge the current strength of the Mandalorians
Din reluctantly agrees
In order to visit they have to wear goggles and filters. They don’t wear helmets because buy’ce is sacred and while Luke is considered allit, these random ass senators certainly don’t
They head out to Sundari and Luke greets them. He doesn’t see Leia at first because she’s in the back and he’s wearing his helmet
Luke eagerly explains the work they’re doing as he leads them through Keldabe’s broken down castle to The Hub
When they get there, Din lets them know they can take off their filters if they’d like
Luke takes off his helmet
Ta-da, identity reveal
Idk where this will go from here honestly, that’s all I got so far but if a better writer than me wants to do this fic, I will give them free reign if they promise I get to illustrate it for them
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limnsaber · 1 year
I feel that it’s not outside the Creed for outsiders to have beskar (jewelry, art, gifts, etc) but it would be outside the Creed for non-Mandalorians to have beskar armor. The armor is sacred and the vow and the helmet are one 👍
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