#Mandatory vaccination
avaantares · 1 year
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I was casually thinking about what to do for the "Da Qing" square on my @guardianbingo card, and this scene popped into my head fully formed. It made me laugh, so I couldn't *not* draw it. 😂
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nauticalpig-blog · 3 months
hilarious that when i was younger my brain went "oooh im so eeevil im so cruell and twisted >:)" like buddy. you wrote "thank you" AND "have a nice day" AND "i know it's been busy so i just wanted to say you're doing a good job :)" in the "notes for doctor" section of your vaccination form.
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muddypolitics · 3 months
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Mandatory vaccine
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quill-of-thoth · 6 months
Went to a training that contained mostly undergrad and graduate students today. Trainer: So it's vitally important if you work in biology that you have the Hepatitis B vaccine. However, it's mandatory for going into kindergarten so unless your parents opted out or you have some medical reason, you've probably already had it. Call your parents or PCP to check, next slide... Me, the person who is dragging the average age of the room up by being approximately a decade ahead of anyone: Hey when was it made mandatory, do you know? Trainer, visibly 20: Oh, forever ago, like the 90's
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kragehund-est · 1 year
people have called me antivax or anti science in the past for my suspicion of the covid vaccine. uhm... no. i was raised in an antivax household, the first thing i did when i moved out of my mom's house was get all my shots (in march 2020, you know the "beginning" of the covid epidemic in the us).
i kept up to date on research of covid treatments and their efficacy, even the "anti-science" or "alternative" ones that, strangely enough, turned out to have proven legitimate use. everyone around me stuck their fingers in their ears and chanted "trust the science, trust the science", about inconsistent and harmful cdc guidance... but i'm the anti science one for doing research and wanting proof. ok.
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batfamfucker · 1 year
I'm sorting vaccinations out for going to the US and I think Americans would genuinely have heart attacks if they found out British people (Idk if any other Europeans do this or anyone in general) have 'Chicken Pox Parties'.
Basically, if someone's child has Chicken Pox, they'll encourage their other kids (If they have others) to spend more time with their ill sibling. The 'Party' bit is more for the actual gatherings just for Chicken Pox. The parents will invite any of their friends who also have kids, or other parents they get along with from their kid's school, with the intention to make all of them end up with Chicken Pox. We have a massive 'herd immunity' mindset for Chicken Pox.
My sister had it the full three times. I used to sleep in my sister's bed as a kid because I didn't like sleeping in my own room, and I still did this when she had Chicken Pox. I had it once (Maybe twice but I can't remember), I have a scar on my arm from one of the spots. It was gross but we were never scared of it, it was just normal for us, it was like any other cold.
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robertsbarbie · 2 months
i haven’t watch this show since it ended and a SARS variation virus with high infection rate and rapid casualties 3 years prior to covid feels so
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mooshkat · 4 months
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pietroleopoldo · 8 months
I do my best to avoid talking about politics because I am well aware that my conservative parents and I agree on basically nothing and I don't want to spend the whole time arguing and it would be really nice of them if they tried to do the same with me. But do you think they do. Do you think they do
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deklo · 10 months
I totally get the blood test needle thing😭 everytime I get a blood test I just think obsessively about what if I move rn and have the image of the needle tearing my vein apart and out lol
AAAAA yeah i had to get a blood test specially when i was 17 and that’s when i panicked (i didn’t remember any blood tests from before so to me it was a Brand New Experience lmao) and an old lady in the waiting room had to help calm me down :/ 😭 i don’t even really know why it scared me so much 😭
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thebillyengland · 2 years
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icryyoumercy · 2 years
i keep thinking about that list of covid-vaccine side effects, and how it says '90% of everyone experienced side effects' and 'the most common side effect (9 out of 10 people) is pain at the site of injection'
and i just. i would argue that this isn't a side effect? it's a pretty straightforward effect of sticking a needle into someone's arm and then injecting them with any sort of substance?
#the beer virus chronicles#vaccines are precious puppies#i wonder if there's ever been a study#with say tetanus boosters#because we know tetanus vaccines last easily fifty years#but the boosters are supposed to happen every ten? twenty?#so it should be possible to set up a pretty low-effort long term study#where everyone who comes in for a tetanus booster#without immediate need/potential exposure#is asked if they want to participate in a study of vaccine side effects#if they don't they just get their shot and are asked to report any and all side effects#if they do they get a fifty/fifty chance#of either the vaccine or equal amount of NCl solution#of course the whole thing needs to be double blind#and they are sent home with all of the forms and questionaires and everything#and then we just wait until there have been say 1000 people who agreed to do this#which should be fairly quick if it's international#or somehow coupled with mandatory boosters#and then we have a reasonable base line#of people reporting pain at the site of injection#in the absence of any sort of vaccine side effects#so that when it comes to vaccine side effects#we can say '9 out of 10 people experience this'#'but x out of 10 people experience the same from just having a needle stuck into their arm'#so at least the statistics could be corrected for it#you could possibly even call in the same people twice#like with dunno three months between#one time for the vaccine one time for the controll#so that they will receive their booster in a timely fashion#but people still get the data on side effects
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bluewaterhigh2005 · 2 years
being a politics student is actually just about extracting the most braindead takes from any piece of incomprehensible literature written prior to the 20th century and being like. wait this guy was onto something actually :) when he absolutely was not onto something.
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loptrcoptr · 2 years
Horse purchasing saga update:
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lamortwrites · 2 years
I was really brave and I stayed late after work to get my flu & covid jabs and I made small talk with both the volunteer admin lady AND the nurse and I got them both in the same arm and normally it's the flu one that hurts really badly but this year the covid one hurt worse and she didn't do the cotton wool pressure thing even though she had them out ready and she didn't even give me a lil circle plaster and there wasn't even that area where you awkwardly sit around for 15 mins trying not to make eye contact w the other people who've had their vaccine in case you go into anaphylactic shock AND the sticker I got is IDENTICAL to the one I got last year so now my ID badge looks really boring AND on top of all THAT I don't have any chocolate in >:(
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
I've been reading so much about rabies and cats and there are so few cat owners who keep their cats up to date on rabies vaccinations and buds please keep your kitty's jabs up-to-date and please please please keep your cats inside and please treat any cat with an unknown vaccination history as a wild animal and don't try to touch it or pet it or catch it.
The most recent survivor of the Milwaukee protocol is an 8 year old girl who contacted rabies through scratches from feral cats that lived in a colony at her school.
Don't touch strange cats even if they're friendly, and teach your kids not to touch strange cats either. (For that matter teach your kids not to touch strange dogs either, but decades of stray eradication and mandatory vaccines means that the US is one of the few places in the world where cats are more likely to be rabid than dogs)
Also did you know that there's one case of transplant-acquired rabies recorded in the US? The recipient got a kidney from a donor who died in an accident and nobody was aware the donor had rabies. The recipient died of rabies, which is a bit of an extreme flavor of graft failure if you ask me. Terrifying!
Anyway. If you, too, want to have nightmares about rabies you can search my website (www.ms-demeanor.com) for "keep your fucking cat indoors" and scroll to the section on rabies and read some nightmare fuel (like the case report on the family that moved across 3 states with their 13 barn cats, unaware that one was incubating rabies).
Did you know that in 1994, 665 people in New Hampshire had to be given post exposure prophylaxis for rabies because of one infected kitten that had contact with a racoon before being brought to a pet store?
The only way animals are tested for rabies is to examine their brain tissue. The animal is killed in order to do this. If your pet is exposed to rabies they stand a much, much, much better chance of being quarantined instead of being euthanized for testing if you have kept their vaccinations current.
Please keep your pets' vaccinations up to date, and please keep your cat indoors. There's a risk of exposure even for indoor cats, so make sure they've got their shots.
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