#Mangel Must
violetisderp · 1 month
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I have made Hebin Motel things.
I have decided that I didn't wanna change their designs cause I like them and I'm not creative and also just no. But I decided to swap their colors
Once I've colored them all I shall make doodles and stuff rhshahjdjahzhaha
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harvestheart · 8 months
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
102 - Owner of the Golden Coin
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Part 103
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Klaus and I got dressed and the next morning on the hunt for whoever sent the coin to us last night. Klaus bursts through the set of doors where we had kept up the vampires we took away their daylight rings from. “Rise and shine, Nightwalker Nation. If it was your aim to get my attention, then I must say you've been wildly successful. I am now singularly focused on your impending suffering.”
He turned his head in my direction where I handed him the golden coin getting into a fighting stance beside him. He kicked part of a shelf so some of the wood was broken into the size of a stake. “And to whomever sent this coin and took my wife’s brother and his wife and daughter... it's time to show your face.”
“You messed with the wrong family.” I threatened showing my fangs to them seconds before he flipped the coin into the air. Klaus staked one and bit another’s neck.
One vampire moved towards me but I raised my hand. “Invidia!” The vampire grabbed his head in agony before I grabbed him by the throat ripping his heart out.
Two more attempts the same thing where I bite into the neck of one draining them off all their blood. “Averte insiguinae, a tor a ver.” The other begins clawing at their skin like their blood was poisoned from my spell. Vamping forward I used my magic dragging the vamp towards me until I reached into his chest removing their heart too.
Klaus left one alive on the ground who was scrambling back to Marcel for help. “Man, don't look to me for help. Y'all lost your chance to trade loyalty for protection.” Marcel refused though, flipping the vampire onto his back.
My husband vamped over to me seeing that I had blood on my mouth like he did. “Go right ahead Rae.” He gestured down to the pleading vampire before I dragged him across the floor meeting my husband by one of the covered windows.
The vamp pleaded up to me with my hands on my hips. “No.”
“This would mark your very last opportunity to confess.” Nik warned him seeing a smirk on my face.
“Look, I don't know anything.” The vampire said to him.
Klaus grabbed the vampire by the back of his jacket and with his other hand he yanked the drape covering the window back. “Well, that's a pity for you, then.” The vampire without a daylight ring screamed and burst into flames.
“There’s someone still here…” Throwing my hand outwards I spun on my feet choking a woman with dark black hair who had picked up the coin.
Klaus put a hand on my shoulder telling me to stop before I could kill her. “Raelyn, stop.”
Dropping my hand the woman collapsed onto the ground gasping through her next words. “It's me you're looking for……Perhaps we should talk.”
It wasn’t that long before Klaus had trapped the woman in our basement and was being drained of vervain. He had chained her wrists and ankles to the floor with me remaining leaned up against the wall. “You know, for someone who organized this little summit, you're woefully short on details. So I'm going to ask you one last time. Where are you keeping Hayley and her family?”
“She’s not gonna say anything, Nik.” I pointed out seeing that she hadn’t moved to say a word. “It would take time but I could do a painful mind dive on her.”
Nik shakes his head waving his hand at me, sighing at the silence the woman was giving us. “No need, heretic queen. You’ve only just begun torture. I can handle this one and you can just watch.”
“You knew we'd have this little chat. No doubt you binged on vervain till your throat was red and raw.
And now, sadly, drip, drip, drip…All over the floor it goes.” My husband vamped forward moving the woman to sit upright and he shoved the meal chains further into her wrists.
She croaked up at him in a language I didn’t know. "Sein Mangel an vision... wird sein untergang sein."
My husband thankfully did know what she said. "His lack of vision will be his downfall."
She responded back. “That's what he always said about you.”
“He?” Klaus raised a brow.
She attempted to convince him. “You and I have a friend in common.”
My husband sat down in front of her while I made a confused face at her. “Oh, I sincerely doubt that.”
“It's true. August Muller.” The second the words left her lips I could see a slight change in my husband’s face like he recognized the name just a little bit. “I don't blame you for forgetting. It was a long time ago. Rostock, Germany. Spring. 1933.”
Nik vamped over to me grabbing me by my forearm dragging me upstairs and away from her. He slammed the door opened and then let go of my hand. “Nik, what does that name mean? I saw the look on your face.” Dropping my hands down at my sides I saw him run his hands through his hair pacing back and forth for a brief moment.
“Absent Elijah, my temper gets the better of me. It did today. And it did a century ago, with August.I am far from blameless, Raelyn. Although he got nothing less than what he deserved. In fact, I think I took it easy on him…” My husband sat down on the foot of the bed putting his hands together.
Raising my hands slowly I took a step towards him putting my hands on the side of his head. “Can…can I?”
“You’ll regret doing so, Rae.” He warned me with watery eyes.
Shifting my gaze down to his I met his blue eyes. “I’m here for the good and the bad," we said. I’m not afraid of you and I won’t walk away.”
“Rae…don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Nik moved his hands to hold my forearms before I entered his mind.
Opening my eyes I saw an old wooden cabin and my husband stomping up to the front door. “I don't want any trouble, Klaus!” A man with a crossbow swung the door, shooting him.
“As if I give a damn what you want.” My husband yanked out the weapons arrow vamping up and trapping the man against the wall. The veins underneath his eyes appeared before he shoved his hand inside his chest removing his heart. “After I kill you, I'm gonna hunt down everyone you know and everyone you love.”
Turning my head around I parted my lips seeing some town people coming in his direction getting ready to attack him. Klaus raised a coin in the air and I recognized it as the golden eagle coin we now had in our possession. “When you've had enough... pick up this coin.”
And it was from that point that he murdered them all until a woman stepped outside the house grabbing the coin that he dropped. “August…my beloved...Please. Mercy for myself. Mercy...for my daughter. Please, mercy for my son!” She begged where I saw a girl and boy come out. Tilting my head I felt like I recognized the boy from somewhere with that dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
Stumbling backwards away from him I gasped running my fingers through my hair feeling a tightness in my chest. “You…you turned them didn’t you…who are they?”
“Raelyn, I warned you of the monster I used to be.” Nik shook his head clutching his hands into fists in his lap. “But the rest never saw it coming. Some of them were guilty of hate. But most were innocent. And they all became victims of that...part of me I'd been forced to suppress. So, you see, in the end, I was the match that lit the fuse.
Feeling some tears fall down my face I shook my head needing to know who these people are because I swear I have seen that boy somewhere. “Nik, none of us are innocent once we turn. It’s against our new nature. Now tell me what was that family’s name?”
“My mistake was that I humiliated them, and in doing so, I empowered them with the most potent form of hate...That which has fueled my rage for a millennia. Shame. I gifted them shame.” He avoided my gaze when he finished the story whispering through tears of his own.
Lowering myself onto my knees I held his face in my hands so he would look me in the eye. “Who were they, Klaus? What were their names?”
“Greta Sienna….she had two adoptive children. Antoinette and…” He trailed off, wiping away tears. “Why do you care about them, Raelyn?”
Lowering my hands from his face I gasped finally remembering that name. “And Roman….he’s the boy that Hope likes at the Salvatore school….Caroline, hey what’s going on?” My phone started ringing when I pulled it out of my back pocket.
“Don’t freak out but Hope took off with a boy from school. Alina and Missy are heading your direction and they sent me a text saying they are going to see someone named Jackson. I’m coming your way to help find Hope.” She hung up the phone where Klaus rose to his feet.
He closed the gap between us seeing the look on my face. “What’s going on, Rae?”
“Don’t freak out. But the twins are coming home and Hope is off with a boy from school.” Holding my hands in front of me knowing he would get angry. Sucking in a breath I hope that the girls are going to be okay until we can get them all back together.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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Translating "Viking" Fra Norge til Amerika
So long story short, my grandmother (Not related but close enough to be called my grandmother) gave me some of her family's old books as a gift. The book I listed in the title was written in 1894 and brought over from her grandfather, Thor, to Odin, Minnesota from Oslo. It tells the story of the "Viking" which was a replica longship that was sailed to the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 from Bergen. I have been doing my best to translate it with the intention of giving it to her, at least in part.
I don't know Norwegian, so I've been doing my best to type what I'm finding into Google Translate and edit from there, while learning to read the language along the way. I have only gotten through a page so far and I think I'm running into syntax issues and some words that the translator simply isn't understanding. I was wondering if anyone could read this and let me know if this feels like it's going down the right track and maybe give some clarification. I'm assuming some of my issues are due to the fact that this is written in a style that's over 100 years old and thus uses obsolete spellings or words. I'm vaguely aware of the language split that happened around this time and think that's what's causing my issues.
I'm attaching an image of the page from the book as well in case anyone notices that I identified a letter incorrectly.
This is what I have input into the translator based on my reading
Saavel på denne jom på hin Side Atlanterhavet blir jeg ofte møtt med spørsmålet: Hva fikk deg til å ta del i dette eventyret?
Som Svar på disje spørsmålet jfal Jeg tillater meg følgende forklaringer:
"Bergens Havnemisjion" beghndte jin Birfjomhed 21de januar 1890. Denne Misjions Formaal er at være hiemmeværende sømænd til støtte og hælp jaavel i legemlig jom aandelig henfeede. On jådan misjionsgren er her jædeles nødvendig. I en jom Bergen med jå livlig søjart er her til enjver Tid aj Uaret en hel del søjolf. Under jit dels fortere, dels længere Ophold er her mange aj dem, fom de timelig og aandelig trænger, at der ræffes dem en hiælpende Hånd. Dette jar "Bergens Havnemisjion" jorjøgt. Og det er mit haab og min Tro, at Gjerningen her gud vedfjendt jig, jå den er blevet iffe jå jå til Beljigndlje.
Men den har navt meget at, fjælig hvad bed øfonomijfe angår, jå det aj Mangel på Midler ojte har jaldt nofjå hårdt at holde Gjerningen gående.
This is what the translator gave back with some notes I've added.
As well (I think this must mean "Even on this side of the Atlantic" but I'm not sure) on this side of the Atlantic I am often met with the question: What made you take part in this adventure? As an answer to this question, I allow myself the following explanations:
"Bergens Havnemisjion" (Bergen's Harbor Mission ?) began in Birfjomhed on 21st January 1890. The purpose of this mission is to be a support and help for sailors staying at home, both physically and spiritually. Yes, a missionary branch is absolutely necessary here. In Bergen, with its lively sea life, there are quite a few sea elves (Possible slang for sailors? It gave me similar results in Danish and Norwegian) here at any time of the year. During jit partly faster, partly longer stay, there are many of them here, for they are temporally and spiritually in need, that a helping hand is given to them. (This sentence seems to be saying that some are in Bergen for a long time, some for a short time and they require assistance or work) This year "Bergens Havnemisjion" was founded. And it is my hope and my faith that the deed here, God forbid, yes it has become iffe yes yes to Beljigndlje. (No idea what is going on with this sentence. I think something structural like word order is messing me up.) But it has known a lot that, as far as the economy is concerned, the lack of funds has made it hard enough to keep the work going.
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thatanthagirl · 27 days
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When you completely love yourself your relationships and sexual expression reflect a consciousness much more evolved and mature. To begin with, the curriculum for relationships is “union” in oneness, in an embrace of the experience of divine love.
For a very long time during your journey, relationships have been based on duality consciousness. You have become weary of these types of relationships that do not work and do not fulfill your heart’s desires. Your relationships, for the most part, have caused you various levels of pain and longing. You are now yearning to gain a greater understanding of relationship.
Many of you are waking up to the distorted programming you hold about relationships and seeking to balance the masculine and feminine energies within your being.
First, it all begins with you. Your “significant other” is simply a mirror for you to evolve with and learn from. No one can love you more than you love yourself, nor can you love someone else more than you love yourself. Whenever you are looking for someone to give you the love that you are not willing to give to yourself, you create fears & attachments. You must embody the proper balance to attract the type of relationship you yearn for or the relationship will be based on neediness rather than oneness. This will never work, at least not for very long. Remember that in an unsatisfying relationship, both partners mirror for each other the imbalances of neediness, of ownership, of un- realistic expectations, control, manipulation and so on.
Whenever you are whole and complete within Self, with balanced feminine and masculine energies, you are in love with yourself and do not need someone else to fulfill you emotionally. You feel whole, happy and successful. You exude the joy of life with or without a partner. You do not feel the emptiness within that being needy and out of balance produces. When this balance is achieved, then and only then will the “I AM” of your being issue the call for the right relationship to appear in your life in alignment with your desire and your present pathway. Manifest from the heart the perfect creation that is inside of you.
Artist: Rose Soul Art
Empower Wholeness Intimacy
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rueroyale · 2 months
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Allergnädigster König,
Ew. Majestät weyhe hiermit in tiefster Unterthänigkeit ein Musicalisches Opfer, dessen edelster Theil von Deroselben hoher Hand selbst herrühret. Mit einem ehrfurchtsvollen Vergnügen erinnere ich mich annoch der ganz besondern Königlichen Gnade, da vor einiger Zeit, bey meiner Anwesenheit in Potsdam, Ew. Majestät selbst, ein Thema zu einer Fuge auf dem Clavier mir vorzuspielen geruheten, und zugleich allergnädigst auferlegten, solches alsobald in Deroselben höchster Gegenwart auszuführen. Ew. Majestät Befehl zu gehorsamen, war meine unterthänigste Schuldigkeit. Ich bemerkte aber gar bald, daß wegen Mangels nöthiger Vorbereitung, die Ausführung nicht also geraten wollte, als es ein so treffliches Thema erforderte. Ich fassete demnach den Entschluß, und machte mich sogleich anheischig, dieses recht königliche Thema vollkommener auszuarbeiten, und sodann der Welt bekannt zu machen. Dieser Vorsatz ist nunmehro nach Vermögen bewerkstelliget worden, und er hat keine andere als nur diese untadelhafte Absicht, den Ruhm eines Monarchen, ob gleich nur in einem kleinen Puncte, zu verherrlichen, dessen Größe und Stärke, gleich wie in allen Kriegs-und Friedens-Wissenschaften, also auch besonders in der Musik, jedermann bewundern und verehren muss. Ich erkühne mich dieses unterthänigste Bitten hinzuzufügen: Ew. Majestät geruhen gegenwärtige wenige Arbeit mit einer genädigen Aufnahme zu würdigen, und Deroselben allerhöchste Königliche Gnade noch fernerweit zu gönnen
Ew. Majestät
Allerunterthänigst gehorsamsten Knechte, dem Verfasser.
English translation:
Most gracious King,
To your Majesty is dedicated herewith in deepest humility a Musical Offering, whose most excellent part itself proceeds from your own lofty hand. With a respectful delight I remember still the quite singular royal grace when, some time ago, during my last stay in Potsdam, Your Majesty condescended to play for me on the clavier a theme for a fugue, and at the same time most graciously obliged me to enlarge on the same forthwith in your own highest presence. To obey Your Majesty’s command was my most humble duty. However, I noticed quite soon that, because of the lack of necessary preparation, the performance did not succeed as well as such a superb theme required. I consequently resolved and undertook immediately to work out completely this truly royal theme and then publish it to the world. This project has now been completed to the best of my ability, and it has no other purpose than this sole irreproachable one: to exalt, although only in one small aspect, the glory of a monarch whose greatness and might, just as in all the sciences of peace and war so also especially in music, everyone must admire and venerate. I make bold to add this most humble request: that Your Majesty deign to honor the present small work with a gracious reception, and that you further extend the highest royal favor to
Your Majesty’s,
most humble servant, the composer.
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globalgolf · 2 months
Apes Hill in Barbados kündigt neues Animationsprogramm an
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Luxusurlaube für mehrere Generationen werden immer beliebter, denn nach der Pandemie wird die Zeit mit der Großfamilie immer wichtiger. Apes Hill Barbados ist das Resort, das alles bietet, kündigt neues Animationsprogramm an. Während Barbados sich darauf freut, Cricket-Fans zur diesjährigen ICC T20-Weltmeisterschaft zu empfangen, hat Apes Hill ein neues Aktivitätsprogramm für Gäste angekündigt, die im Frühjahr/Sommer 2024 kommen. Es gibt keinen Mangel an Optionen für diejenigen, die einen aktiven Rückzugsort in der Karibik suchen, auf einer Insel, die mehr als 3.000 Sonnenstunden im Jahr hat. Yoga bei Sonnenuntergang, Golfturniere für Paare, Bootcamps, Padel-Tennis-Events, Wanderungen durch die Schluchten, Filmabende für Kinder, Kochvorführungen, Sportcamps und Ausflüge zum Süßwasserfischen sind nur einige der Aktivitäten, die den Gästen von Apes Hill im Jahr 2024 angeboten werden. Sunil Chatrani, Executive Chairman von Apes Hill Barbados, sagt: "Wir kultivieren hier auf Apes Hill ein neues Gefühl von luxuriösem Inselleben, und unser neues Aktivitätsprogramm trägt nur zu dem außergewöhnlichen Lebensstil bei, den wir anbieten.Das Programm bietet der ganzen Familie viele Möglichkeiten, sich während ihres Aufenthalts zu beschäftigen, sei es um sich zu entspannen, aktiv zu sein, die Natur zu genießen, Freundschaften zu schließen oder eine neue Fähigkeit zu erlernen. Unsere Lage und Umgebung ist der richtige Ort dafür." Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Die familienfreundlichen Unterkünfte von Apes Hill beginnen mit Villen mit drei Schlafzimmern im Innenhof, die von den natürlichen Korallen und Blättern von Barbados eingerahmt sind. Alle verfügen über einen privaten Swimmingpool mit Blick auf das Meer. Jede Villa ist so ausgerichtet, dass sie das natürliche Licht, die Brise und die spektakuläre Aussicht einfängt und so absolute Privatsphäre und Unterhaltung gleichermaßen ermöglicht. Nachhaltigkeit ist das Herzstück von Apes Hill. Auf der eigenen Farm werden frische Kräuter, essbare Blumen, Bananen, Brotfruchtbäume und Honig angebaut, mit denen die Restaurants 20th Hole und Noisy Cricket beliefert werden, die sich auf ein Farm-to-Fork-Menü rühmen. Der von Kritikern hochgelobte Golfplatz von Apes Hill - auf dem im Mai einige der berühmtesten Namen des Golfsports zu Gast sein werden, wenn er das erste Legends Tour Event der Saison ausrichtet - wird durch ein Bewässerungssystem gepflegt, das Regenwasser in einem 58 Millionen Gallonen fassenden Reservoir sammelt. Zusammen mit der Verwendung von lokalem Seegras, Mist und Kompost als Dünger und der Umleitung des Regenwassers durch Bioswales zur Auffüllung der Grundwasserreserven ist Apes Hill's Engagement für die Umwelt ungebrochen. Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados In Zukunft werden die Gäste eine Reihe von zusätzlichen Wellnessangeboten genießen können, darunter ein hochmodernes Fitnesscenter, ein Gesundheitsclub und Spa-Behandlungen. Die Personal Trainer, Yogalehrer und Padel-/Tennistrainer des Resorts stehen für Einzeltrainings und Gruppenaktivitäten zur Verfügung. Und wenn Mama und Papa mal eine kinderfreie Zeit haben möchten, können sie sich als zertifizierte Babysitter in ihrer eigenen Villa um die kleinen Gäste kümmern. Und während die Kinder mit dem auf die jüngeren Gäste zugeschnittenen Programm beschäftigt sind, können die Erwachsenen den 18-Loch-Par-72-Golfplatz von Apes Hill nutzen, der von dem verstorbenen US-Golfplatzarchitekten Ron Kirby entworfen wurde. Der Platz, der als "Must Play" bezeichnet wird, bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf das Karibische Meer im Westen und den Atlantischen Ozean im Osten. Er liegt auf einem der höchsten Punkte von Barbados, 1.000 Fuß über dem Meeresspiegel, und ist das am höchsten gelegene Golferlebnis auf der Insel. Das Resort liegt inmitten eines 475 Hektar großen, unberührten Geländes, in dem große Trupps von Barbados-Grünmeerkatzen umherstreifen. Außerdem bietet es ein hochmodernes Leistungszentrum und eine Driving Range mit Flutlicht, während ein familienfreundlicher Neun-Loch-Par-3-Golfplatz kurz vor der Fertigstellung steht, so dass die ganze Familie zum Abschlag kommen kann. Chatrani fügt hinzu: "In diesem Sommer findet nicht nur die T20-Weltmeisterschaft auf der Insel statt, sondern wir haben vor kurzem auch bekannt gegeben, dass wir Gastgeber eines neuen Turniers der Legends Tour, früher bekannt als European Senior Tour, sein werden, bei dem eine Reihe von Golfgrößen im Rahmen von 'Barbados Legends hosted by Ian Woosnam' im Mai auf unserem Weltklasseplatz abschlagen werden. Es gab noch nie eine bessere Zeit, um Barbados zu besuchen, und Apes Hill liegt genau im Zentrum dieser Zeit." Apes Hill Barbados ist stolz darauf, Ihnen die Runde Ihres Lebens präsentieren zu können. Über Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados ist das höchstgelegene Golfresort und die höchstgelegene Gemeinde auf Barbados. Es erstreckt sich über 475 Hektar mit üppiger tropischer Vegetation, einheimischen Schluchten und seltenen Panoramablicken auf den Atlantischen Ozean und das Karibische Meer. Eingebettet in die hügelige Topografie der Central Highlands und inmitten des geologisch einzigartigen Scotland Distrikts liegt ein 18-Loch-Par-72-Meisterschaftsgolfplatz, der durch modernste Golfanlagen mit neuester Technologie ergänzt wird. Mit seinem entspannten, luxuriösen Lebensstil ist Nachhaltigkeit das Herzstück des gesamten Resorts und der Gemeinde. Die atemberaubenden Residenzen, die sich nahtlos in die Umgebung einfügen, sind ein Highlight, das zeigt, dass Natur, Innovation und Technologie in der üppigen Landschaft die Oberhand haben. In Apes Hill Barbados gibt es elegante und moderne Residenzen, die von Villen mit drei Schlafzimmern im Innenhof bis hin zu Villen mit vier Schlafzimmern auf dem Hügel und Golfplatzhäusern reichen, die mit einem maßgeschneiderten Design-Service ausgestattet sind. Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Es ist ein Ort des Prestiges, ohne sich zu verstellen, und liegt an einem der einzigartigsten Aussichtspunkte, die es gibt. Apes Hill Barbados bietet ein unvergleichliches Abenteuer für die ganze Familie und ist ein natürlicher Rahmen für ein ultraluxuriöses Golfresort und eine Gemeinde. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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msmooreanimalfarm · 6 months
Beasts of England! Beasts of Ireland! Beasts of land and sea and skies! Hear the hoofbeats of tomorrow! See the golden future rise!
How does the life of an animal pass? In endless drudgery. What's the first lesson an animal learns? To endure its slavery. How does the life of an animal end? In cruel butchery.
Beasts of England! Beasts of Ireland! Beasts of land and sea and skies! Hear the hoofbeats of tomorrow! See the golden future rise!
Now the day of beasts is coming, Tyrant man shall lose his throne And the shining fields of England Shall be trod by beasts alone.
Pull the rings from out your noses Tear the saddle from your back! Bit and spur must rust forever, Cruel whips no more shall crack.
Beasts of England, seize the prizes, Wheat and barley, oats and hay, Clover, beans and mangel wurzel Shall be ours upon that day.
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ethology-conservation · 7 months
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einereiseblog · 2 years
Der Iron Blow Lookout ist ein freitragender Aussichtspunkt etwas außerhalb von Gormanston an der Westküste von Tasmanien. Erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über den Besuch dieses malerischen Aussichtspunkts wissen müssen, und sehen Sie sich einige Bilder an, die ich während meines Besuchs aufgenommen habe. Queenstown ist durch und durch eine Bergbaustadt. Seine Geschichte wurde von der Industrie geprägt und die Mehrheit der Menschen, die in dieser Region leben, ist immer noch auf den Bergbau angewiesen, um zu überleben. Der Aussichtspunkt Iron Blow ist eine historische Momentaufnahme der Bergbauvergangenheit Tasmaniens. Es ist das früheste große Bergbauunternehmen am Mount Lyell, heute nur noch eine große wassergefüllte Öffnung, in der einst ein reicher Erzkörper gefunden wurde. In diesem Leitfaden werde ich genau beschreiben, wie Sie hierher kommen, was Sie erwartet, und ein paar Fotos vom Aussichtspunkt. Ich werde auch eine kurze Beschreibung des Standorts beifügen und darauf eingehen, warum dieses Gebiet ein Beispiel für die schwerwiegenden Umweltauswirkungen des Bergbaus ist. Wo ist der Iron Blow Lookout? Der Aussichtspunkt Iron Blow liegt direkt am Lyell Highway außerhalb der kleinen Stadt Gormanston, Tasmanien. Es ist eine praktische Zwischenstation für diejenigen, die von Queenstown nach Osten fahren, gleich nach Tasmaniens landschaftlich reizvollster Straße, den 99 Bends. Unten habe ich den genauen Ort angeheftet, damit Sie ihn leichter finden können. Google Maps-Pin: „Iron Blow Lookout“ Wie komme ich hier hin? Nehmen Sie von Queenstown aus den Lyell Highway in Richtung Gormanston. Kurz bevor Sie die Gemeinde erreichen, sehen Sie links ein Schild, das zur Iron Blow Rd führt. Folgen Sie dieser Straße bis zum Ende, um einen großen Parkplatz mit ausreichend Platz für etwa 15 Fahrzeuge zu finden. Die Straße ist durchgehend asphaltiert und für jeden Fahrzeugtyp geeignet. Über den Iron Blow Lookout Der Aussichtspunkt Iron Blow ist ein freitragender Aussichtspunkt, der sich etwa 10 Meter über den großen Tagebauschnitt erstreckt. Unten finden Sie ein tiefes, metallreiches Wasserbecken, das die Leere gefüllt hat. Der erste Schuss auf Iron Blow war im Januar 1884. Eine Horde hartnäckiger Goldsucher kampierte im Linda Valley, um die Baustelle zu bearbeiten. Diese besondere Stätte war sehr reich an Metallen wie Eisen, Gold, Silber, Argentit, Tetrahedrit und Jalpait. Die Mine wurde 1929 fertiggestellt. Es ist eine auffällige Szene. Eine Mondlandschaft ohne jegliches Leben und ein zugegebenermaßen wunderschöner blauer Pool, der eher das Gefühl vermittelt, an einem vulkanischen Ort zu sein als in einer alten Mine. AUCH IN DER NÄHE: Nelson Falls Ultimative tasmanische Reiseressource Ich hoffe, Ihnen gefällt dieser Blogbeitrag. Verpassen Sie für weitere Reise- und Abenteuerinspirationen durch Tasmanien nicht meine ultimativen Guides unten. – 62 epische Aktivitäten in Tasmanien – Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in Tasmanien (beste Orte) – 26 erstaunliche Wasserfälle in Tasmanien – 35 Must-do-Wanderungen in Tasmanien Die Umweltauswirkungen des Bergbaus in Tasmanien Obwohl ich anerkenne, dass der Bergbau in Tasmaniens Geschichte und Wirtschaft eine bedeutende Rolle gespielt hat, ist die Gegend um Queenstown ein klares Beispiel dafür, wie verheerend die Industrie weiterhin für die Umwelt ist. Die Landschaft ist ziemlich einzigartig in Tasmanien, einer Insel, die normalerweise reich an dichtem Regenwald ist. Der Mangel an Bäumen und Vegetation in dieser Region ist auf anhaltenden „sauren Regen“ zurückzuführen. Dies ist das Ergebnis der Schwefelverschmutzung der Queenstown-Kupfermine. Nachdem ich ziemlich viel Zeit damit verbracht hatte, die natürliche Schönheit dieser Region zu fotografieren und zu dokumentieren, war ich am Boden zerstört, als ich feststellte, dass die Auswirkungen dort nicht enden. Viele der umliegenden Flüsse sind verschmutzt und nicht zum Trinken geeignet. Infolgedessen zirkulieren Schwermetallverunreinigungen weiterhin in den empfindlichen Ökosystemen.
Darüber hinaus wurde ein Großteil des Tarkine-Regenwaldes, Australiens größtem gemäßigten Regenwald, abgeholzt. Leider wird auch heute noch gerodet und gefällt, um die Expansion in der Bergbauindustrie zu unterstützen. Die vielleicht säuerlichste Anmerkung von allen ist, dass die aktuellen Erweiterungen von MMG Rosebury, einem in chinesischem Besitz befindlichen Schwermetallbergbauunternehmen, weiter in den Tarkine drängen. Und leider wissen wir alle, dass chinesische staatlich unterstützte Unternehmen nicht gerade das beste Interesse für Australiens oder unsere Ökosysteme im Sinn haben. Leider ist es genau das Gegenteil, und der neu vorgeschlagene Abraumdamm im Tarkine ist ein klares Beispiel dafür. Einstimmen auf eine nachhaltige Zukunft Der Besuch des Iron Blow Lookout ist eine Gelegenheit für Besucher und Tasmanier gleichermaßen, einen Blick in die Bergbaugeschichte Tasmaniens zu werfen. Es ist eine wichtige Erinnerung an vergangene Tage und eine Hommage an das Erbe hart arbeitender tasmanischer Bergleute. Diese Männer werden immer als Pioniere in unseren Geschichtsbüchern weiterleben und alles riskieren, um das aufzubauen, was wir heute haben. Aber als Außenstehender, der zugegebenermaßen an der heiklen kulturellen Kluft zwischen Bergbau und Aktivismus interessiert ist, ist klar, dass die Ausweitung des Bergbaus keine nachhaltige Zukunft für diese Region darstellt. Stattdessen hoffe ich, dass nachhaltiger Tourismus dazu beitragen kann, die Lücke zu schließen. Der Aussichtspunkt Iron Blow ist ein großartiges Beispiel dafür, wie man die Vergangenheit ehrt und gleichzeitig daran erinnert, wie verheerend Bergbaubetriebe im 21. Jahrhundert (insbesondere von der chinesischen Regierung geführt) sein können. Besuchen Sie die Website der Bob Brown Foundation, um zu erfahren, wie Sie den Tarkine-Regenwald retten und Menschen und Umwelt vor Offshore-Gewinne stellen können. VERWANDTER POST: 7 tolle Dinge, die man in Strahan und an der Westküste unternehmen kann Weitere Fotos vom Iron Blow Lookout Unten habe ich noch ein paar Bilder eingefügt, die ich während meines Besuchs am Iron Blow Lookout in Tasmanien aufgenommen habe. Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten im Westen Tasmaniens Die beliebteste Unterkunft in Westtasmanien ist Strahan. In dieser Region gibt es einfach so viel zu sehen und zu tun, und es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, mindestens ein paar Tage zu verbringen. Aktivitäten wie die Gordon River Cruise und die Zahnradbahn sind ein Muss, wenn Sie in Tasmanien reisen. Unten sind ein paar meiner empfohlenen Unterkünfte im nahe gelegenen Strahan sowie eine in Queenstown. Wheelhouse Apartments – StrahanEinzigartige Apartments in Strahan, alle mit Fluss- oder Seeblick. Diese Apartments gehören zu den am besten bewerteten Online-Apartments für West-Tasmanien! Überprüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit und den Preis für Ihre Daten in den Wheelhouse Apartments The Boat House – Strahan Diese erschwingliche Ferienunterkunft ist ein weiterer Favorit von Strahan und bietet Flussblick sowie eine Küche und einen Wohnbereich. Überprüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit und den Preis für Ihre Daten im Bootshaus Penghana B&B – QueenstownWenn Sie auf der Suche nach der besten Unterkunft in Queenstown sind, schauen Sie sich dieses 1898 National Trust Mansion B&B an, das nur 2 Autominuten von der Wilderness Railway und den Heritage Tours entfernt ist. Überprüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit und den Preis für Ihre Reisedaten im Penghana B&B Weitere tasmanische Reiseführer & Abenteuer-Inspiration Ich hoffe, Ihnen hat dieser kurze Leitfaden zum Aussichtspunkt Iron Blow in Tasmanien gefallen. Weitere Reiseführer und Abenteuerinspiration finden Sie in meinen anderen Artikeln unten. Ich verstehe, dass gerade dieser Artikel etwas heikel war. Der Dialog ist wichtig, um jedes Problem zu lösen, und ich würde gerne Ihre Meinung zu diesem Thema hören. Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar oder kontaktiere mich persönlich. .
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Stole Fence Rails, Must Replace Them,” Toronto Star. September 26, 1932. Page 2. ---- Fred Kresewiki Put Valuable Cattle in Peril, Court Is Told ---- Pleading guilty in county police court to-day to theft of fence rails and mangels from T. H. Russell and Hardold Saunders of North York, Fred Kresewiki was remanded a week on the promise of restitution. Kresewiki removed 100 rails from Mr. Russell’s farm and 50 rails from property of Mr. Saunders. One section of fence was 100 yards in length and had the break gone undiscovered, valuable cattle could have wandered on nearby railway tracks, police testified. The accused was instructed to rebuild the fence.
‘You’ve had a close call,’ admonished Magistrate Keith as he dismissed a theft charge against George Simpson. Alleged to have stolen a wheel and tire, Simpson said he purchased the wheel from an unidentified men for 75 cents following a conversation in a Danforth Ave. cigar store, and gave to a friend in payment for the use of his car during the summer.
‘It is illogical that you should be able to purchase a ten dollar wheel for seventy-five cents,’ commented the bench.
S. E. Hall must pay Leonard Snow $23 back wages within eight days. ‘I’ve paid out millions of dollars in wages and for materials in this province and never had any trouble with my men,’ Hall testified, asking time to make payment.
Ross Parkes admitted theft of a quantity of school supplies from S. S. No. 5 North Gwillimbury, and was remanded a week in charge of the Salvation Army.
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miyochan · 3 years
❦☦︎︎ The last ❦☦︎︎
❥ Chapter one {preview}
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Setting your cup down you rode the email again. With every word you grew more annoyed and thought about just dropping the job but the payment would be worth it. You sighed before closing the tab and started to get your gun ready. You would do this like always. Quick and fix without any problems. After checking your gun and making sure it worked, you took a few knives and sharped them.
You went to take a shower. The hotel might be rotten and would probably get closed in a few weeks because of the mangel of safety but for the few days that should be alright. Closing the door to the bathroom you stopped in front of the mirror and looked at your reflection. Twirling a look from your hair you noticed how damp and greasy it looked. You really need a shower, the flight was way to exhausting. You could clearly see your eye bags in the dim light if the room and how you skin got an unhealthy colour. You sighed again before striping out of your clothes and under the cold water of the shower. Even tough the water was ice cold it felt relaxing. You closed your eyes and thought about your client. Why was he so obsessed with an old man who owned a shabby cafe. You shook your head and turned off the water, it didn’t matter. As long as you got your money it was fine and you couldn’t care less.
You slipped into your pyjamas. The silky material comforting you in some odd way. You climbed into the tiny bed and closed your eyes. Everything is gonna be as usual. You could feel your breath slowing when you begun to fall asleep.
Your sure your stay in Yokohama would be just as usual. You do what you have to do and leave. No strings attached to anything or anyone.
Today you would only check the place out. Who was there, where the old man was, how many windows and how easily you could break them. Just the normal stuff. After getting fully dressed you hid the knife in your boots and another few on a holder attached to your leg. Taking your keys and phone you headed outside the hotel. No one spared you a glance, you looked unnoticeable. Following the map on your phone you saw the buildings. It looked quite old but the rusty red colour gave everything a nice setting. Walking towards the front door you opened the door and stepped inside. You were greeted with screaming.
“Kunikida~ I’d din’t know you would be so kinky in public”
You just starred at the grown man mocking each other before a waitress interrupted the show you were just seeing.
“Please stop it, we have other guests. Keep quit, please.”
She said all that with a calm small. Wow. That woman must handle these things daily. You put on your friendliest smile and smiled warmly at the waitress.
“Hello, I would love to order some coffee and a cupcake. I would like to eat here if that would be possible.”
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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Tonight, as they were preparing to light the Menorah for the third night of Chanukah, a community member was assaulted outside the Chabad House in Lexington, Kentucky. A car pulled up, nearly hitting the volunteer camera crew and the driver began yelling obscenities. A community member who was assisting in the lighting, stepped between the assailant and the Chabad house as several children were in the front room. The attacker grabbed the man and held his arm, dragging him for a block, then ran over his leg before speeding off. Before he left for the hospital, the community member insisted the light of the Menorah be kindled. We stand with the Lexington Jewish community. We must learn from the Maccabees and this brave community member. We do not back down in the face of evil! We must ALL take on the responsibility of being the light - stand up for our community, our people, and for what is right!
Chabad of the Bluegrass
Leibel Mangel
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strictpunishedhubby · 4 years
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Regeln, Gebote und Verbote seiner Frau hat ein Ehemann immer genauestens einzuhalten, sonst sollte sie ihn immer streng bestrafen, da Ehemänner dazu tendieren, Nachsichtigkeit von ihr als Schwäche auszulegen. Sie verhalten sich auch diesbezüglich wie kleine, ungezogene und freche Rabauken, die nur durch unnachgiebige  Bestrafungen zu führen sind, und ihnen muss Zucht und Ordnung beigebracht werden! Wenn sie seine Disziplinlosigkeit und Ungehorsam ohne demütigende und schmerzhafte Zurechtweisungen hinnimmt, haben Ehemänner sogar das Gefühl, es geschehe nur aus Gleichgültigkeit ihm gegenüber ihn, und somit ein Mangel an Liebe zu ihm! Deshalb ist jedes Fehlverhalten von ihm möglichst umgehend mit einer gehörigen Tracht Prügel auf seinen nackten Po zu beantworten.  Dazu haben sich Schläge mit dem Kochlöffel, Rohrstöcke und Teppichklopfer sehr bewährt, wenn sie mit der notwendigen Härte auf seinen nackten Po erfolgen. Der Erfolg zeigt sich, wenn er während seiner Züchtigung heftig weint und schreit, und er anschließend sich reumütig gibt und aufrichtig um Verzeihung bittet. Also erziehe Deinen Mann immer mit der notwendigen Konsequenz und Härte, wenn Du ihn liebst! Er wird Dich umso stärker lieben!
A husband must always strictly adhere to his wife's rules, commands and prohibitions, otherwise she should always punish him severely, as husbands tend to interpret her forbearance as weakness. In this regard, too, they behave like little, naughty and cheeky bullies who can only be led through unrelenting punishments and they must be taught discipline and order!. In this  If she accepts his indiscipline and disobedience without humiliating and painful reprimands, husbands even feel that it is just out of indifference to him, and thus a lack of love for him! Therefore every wrongdoing is to be answered as soon as possible with a good beating on his bare bottom. In addition, blows with a wooden spoon, canes and carpet beater have proven to be very effective if they are done with the necessary hardness on his bare bottom. Success is shown when he weeps and screams violently during his chastisement, and after that he is repentant and sincerely asks for forgiveness. So always educate your husband with the necessary consistency and severity if you love him! He will love you all the more!
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
My Heroes
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“Are you sure you want to do this?" Shawn asked, looking down the snow covered mountain and back at me. He looked petrified. Something which I found hilarious considering he regularly went into dangerous situations, putting his own life at risk to help others. He was an Emergency Response Doctor and worked both in the hospital and out in the field, quite often in highly dangerous and ‘touch and go’ situations.
The other guys laughed at his uncertainty. “We'll be fine Shawn,” Connor, one of my brother’s friends, and a fellow doctor spoke.  They had all taken me for a ski getaway for an early birthday present.They all work as doctors, Connor in PEDs, Dave in Orthopedics and Brian as a heart surgeon.
“We’ve done this route about ten times already,” Brian added.
"Yeah, you have,” My brother spoke, emphasising the fact that he had not be present on previous occasions.
"Just shut up!" I commanded, sighing. "I'm going. Who's with me?" I asked, a smile starting at the thought of the thrill we were all about to get.
A chorus "yeahs" and "hell yeahs" returned, and then we were off. All racing one another down the mountain. I couldn't see the others, who must have been a few metres behind me, but I knew they were there, and desperately wanted to turn to try and catch a glimpse of Shawn making his way down the mountain.
The wind was exhilarating! So fresh, and clean compared to life back in the city. I found my mind wondering slightly as I made my way further down the track, having already down it several times, I didn't feel like I needed to be as cautious. Boy was I wrong!
I was making my way around what I thought to be the final bend in the course, when I was faced with a massive pile of freshly placed snow. They had changed the course trajectory, and there was nothing I could do about it now. Rocketing as I was towards the freezing wall.
My body hit it with such force that the air was literally knocked out of me for a few seconds, but worse than that was the fact that my left leg went one way, and the rest of my body, the other, I heard the snap, before the pain consumed me. The next few minutes were a blur of fear and agony. I was too cold, and in too much shock and pain to even cry out for help, so when Connor finally came to a skidding holt beside me I was a blubbering mess.
"Ester, can you hear me honey?" he asked, taking my hand and pinching my thumb to try and elicit some sort of response. He let go when I groaned,just wanting him to make the pain go away. Not to cause more. And where was my brother? I was a barely twenty year old, stuck on a snow covered mountain, on my birthday severely injured. I needed Shawn.
Within a matter of minutes there were more hands on me, a flurry of activity and noise that I could hardly decipher. "What the hell happend?" Someone asked, Dave I think.
"I'm not entirely sure, but I came round the corner, and she was here, I haven't started vitals yet, but she did respond to pain stimuli which is a start." I could feel myself teetering on the edge as the two doctors spoke, but I wasn't going to give in. I didn't want to be unconscious in the middle of nowhere as my brother and his friends worked on me. Reaching my hand up I tried to feel for one of their hands, but when I felt nothing I began to get frustrated.
"Ester, can you hear me honey?" The same voice from before spoke. Definitely Dave. This was confirmed when I managed to open my eyes and found him smiling grimly back at me.
In that moment my head wasn't straight and before I'd even processed what my body was doing, I was moving. As I tried and failed to sit up, ignoring the intense pain that was coming from my shoulder and pelvic area, I managed to catch a glimpse of the ground surrounding the lower part of my body. It was red, red as if someone had obtained a can of red paint and discarded it carelessly into the snow. Shock took over as I realised the source of the vibrant liquid. Me. I suddenly felt very faint, and could feel my chest tightening.
"Ester, honey, you have to stay still. I'm pretty sure judging by the angle of your arm that your shoulder is dislocated. You'll only hurt yourself more. Let us look after you okay. Let us do our jobs." Connor half chastised, half begged me as he helped me to situate myself again.
"My leg, there so much blood!" I gasped feeling quezy at the sight of my mangelled limb.
"Sweets, don't watch okay, it'll just make it worse, you have to try and stay still okay? We don't know how much damage you've done until we can get you to the hospital." Connor explained grabbing my hand again in comfort.
I lay there not really aware of what was going on around me just wishing I could be anywhere but here. "Ester, baby?" Finally I broke out of my state and came to reality.
"Shawn?" I whispered, making eye contact with him as he lent over me.
"I'm right here, bug, I've got you. I'm going to unzip this jacket for a minute okay sweets, we need to see what other injuries you have." he explained, before carefully but quickly removing my only source of warmth, immediately earning a moan of protest.
"Shhhh, Just a minute okay, then we'll get you extra rugged up okay?" Brian spoke for the first time, removing the bag he had been carrying from his back and starting to remove blankets.
I had laughed at him earlier in the morning, remarking that it was as if he was going for a camp out in the snow, not for a mere ride on the trails, but now I couldn't help but feel extremely greatful.
"Right, Princess, you're  breathing way too fast at the moment. I know you're in pain, and you're probably scared. But I need you to try and slow it down." Brian spoke as he moved the last layer of clothing covering my stomach. There was no disguising the sharp intake of breath as he surveyed my mid-section. Everyone was silent for a minute as Brian examined me ever so gently. The others watching his every move. I couldn't help but feel slightly like a bug under a microscope, especially given the crowd that had started to form. It felt like every two minutes someone new was asking the guys if they had called for an ambulance. The answer to which each of them took in turns to patiently answer with a "yes", reassuring the by-standers that they were doctors, and knew what they were dealing with.
"Connor, I can't be sure, but I think she's got some broken ribs, her breathing is inhibited, and she's got some serious bruising forming, her left shoulder is well and truly dislocated too." Dave finally spoke, agreeing with Connor's theory, before starting to readjust my clothing, protecting me from the bitter cold.
" It's possible that it's internal bleeding or a bruised spleen." Brian put in as they all shared a little glance above my head.
I couldn't help the groan that left my mouth as this new information sunk in. They thought I was bleeding from the inside out?
"Ester, I need you to tell me where it hurts honey," Shawn spoke, holding my hand in silent comfort. When I didn't respond Connor took my hand and pinched my finger once again.
"Ow!" I glared up at him, earning a smile.
"Good to see the princess is still as feisty as ever!" This caused everyone to laugh. Even me, but the fun was short-lived, as my body was once again bathed in pain.
"Make it stop!" I begged, squirming around uncomfortably.
"Just stay still baby." Shawn tried to sooth me while also trying to help Dave.
"But it hurts and I'm cold." my teeth chartered as if agreeing with what I just said.
"I know you are princess," Brian spoke softly.  I sighed before starting to close my eyes.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  "Hey, follow my finger okay," he called, trying to get my attention. Begrudgingly I opened my eyes again, and was met by glare that immediately made me squint. I did as asked though, before I heard him answer a question I hadn't heard be asked.
"Definate concussion, pupils unequal and slow to respond, though it's hard to tell the full extent here without the proper equipment. Keep her talking Shawn."  Brian muttered, moving around my body to help Dave with whatever he was doing.
"Wow," I heard him let out a low whistle, my heart rate spiking in response.
"Brian!" Dave groaned,  seeing the panic that had begun to set in.  "Would you keep it down.  The poor kid's heart is already racing,  and you're not making it any better.  You're terrifying her," he spoke.  Stopping whatever he was doing to look up.  "Ester, can you feel this honey?" he asked, before I felt an odd sensation on my foot. Nonetheless I could feel it,  so I nodded causing all four of the doctors to such in relief.
"That's good news Princess.  It means your leg isn't as bad as we first thought! " Connor looked much more excited than I felt, but I smiled back as convincingly as I could in my haze. I tuned out for a few minutes, but soon what they were saying caught my attention. Well some of it. Something about having to "apply pressure to my leg" to stop the bleeding, and sedation. That was all it took before I started to panic again.
"Just take nice deep, slow breathes Princess, you can do it, here give me your hand, " Shawn spoke, noticing my obvious terror and changed breathing. I couldn't believe how calm he was as he took my hand gently in his own again , and laid it against his chest. "Copy me. In, out, in out, that's it," he praised as I finally managed to follow his lead. "They won't hurt you bug." I wasn't sure I trusted him,  but the sincerity and intensity with which he met my gaze won me over.
"Oh-okay," I spoke in barely a whisper. My head was starting to hurt from the noise.  The crowd, the guys conversing with one another.  "But my leg," I whimpered as another round of panic hit me.
"Look at me bug," Shawn commanded,leaning over me, blocking out the surrounding crowd that had previously filled my peripheral vision.  "I won't let them hurt you. Hell, they'd rather die than hurt you.  We're not going to do anything until help gets here okay? We can't, it wouldn't be safe." he added as if to try and make his point even clearer.
10 minutes later
As I stood waiting for the stupid satellite phone we had been given by the service people at the bottom of the run, I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. There was my baby sister, who was meant to be celebrating her 20th birthday, laying in the snow, half- conscious with a flood of blood coming from a gash on  her left leg along with what looked like a probable fibia fracture, another open wound on her head,  and bruises so bad after only a few minutes that she looked more like a blueberry and less like a person.
Finally the phone connected and I was put through to the Emergency Department. This is doctor Shawn Mendes  head of Emergency Response. We have an incoming pediatric trauma with an eta of 45 minutes possibly an hour."
After going though the motions all the while being consumed with worry and guilt,  I made my way back over to Ester. Connor who had taken over comforting her for me, looked up, his expression bleak, and somewhat pained.
"It's not great mate, Brian's pretty sure she's got air in her lungs, and she's about to pass out."
I felt my own heart rate rise as I took in my sister's form. Shaking my head slightly to try and clear my mind I nodded "Helicopter is about 2 minutes out. The hospital just got a GPS location on it."
"Ester look at me," I called moving to lean over her again so she could see me without moving. "I need you to stay awake okay? Can you do that honey?"
She made the smallest noise to indicate "yes", before going quiet again.  Whether it was the shock or she was simply in so much pain she didn't know how to process it, the silence was concerning, and as a doctor, my biggest concern was to keep her talking.
"Tell me what else hurts okay," Connor chimed in, seeing what I was trying to do, and that I may need some help.
"My other knee, and like it's kinda going down into my private area." She blushed at having to tell four males, and basically a crowd of strangers this piece of information.
"Just there? Or the whole area?" Dave called from down by her leg.
"Whole area," she whispered clearly terrified.
"Okay,I can't really see a whole lot with all these layers in the way, but when the help arrives we'll take a look," he explained moving up towards her head slightly so he could talk to her more easily.
"No don't touch it! Dave! Please!" she begged hysterically, tears once again running down her face. He was quick to notice the change in her demenor, and acted quickly to try and calm the situation again.
"I'm not going to hurt you honey, but I need to have a look so we can assess how bad your injuries are." The look of pity and sympathy on his face was one I saw was shared with the two other guys as I looked to each of them.
The pain she was describing was consistent with sciatic pain.  If what we were all thinking was correct,  then she was doing a great job at hiding her discomfort.
We all shared a knowing look. On the one hand it was good that she could feel her legs and pelvic area.  But sciatic pain was excruciating at the best of times, and now was not that.
We spent the remaining time trying to keep her calm, and alert.  Both of which were proving difficult, especially as the initial shock wore off and the gravity of the situation she was set in. This was compounded when she somehow overheard Brian and Dave discussing the fact that they would need to remove the clothing on the bottom half of her body to stem the bleeding and stabilise her legs.
"No please!" She begged again, it was clear from the way her voice shook as she spoke that not only was she done,  but she was terrified. But she couldn't give up yet, she needed to fight. We needed her to fight, it was proven that patients who believed in their recovery were much more likely to live a full life after experiencing trauma. I sat next to her for a minute trying not to cry myself, as I watched Connor try to calm her. Then it came to me.
"Sweetheart listen to me," I spoke looking her right in the eye. "Right now the most important thing is that we get you to the hospital  in the most stable condition possible.  We think you've got a fractured fibia,  and you definitely have a dislocated knee and potential ciatic damage. Trust me when I say the least of your problems is being slightly exposed in front of your brother and his friends. We're all doctors. We've seen it all before princess. Nothing's going to happen,”I promised.
"But what if they can't fix me?" she whispered so quietly that I almost didn't catch it. I was slightly taken aback by the question. Luckily Brian had stood moments before reaching for the pocket knife that he always kept in his backpack when she voiced the fear, and so he was the one to answer.
"You listen to me Poppet," he started in a gentle yet commanding voice.  "You're going to be just fine. You've got four of the best doctors in the area working on you right now."
"Im just scared," she responded, small tears rolling down her face and mixing with the blood that had started to dry from the laceration on her head.
"Ester your brother here is the head of the Emergency Response team, Connor's the head of PEDs, Dave's the head of Ortho and I'm of the Cardiovascular Department.  You are completely safe okay. I know it may not seen like it right now, but you will be okay." His tone softened slighty when he saw that she seemed to be taking on board what he was saying. "You're doing great Poppet," he added, gently stroking the side of her face, as she looked up at him.
"Tell me everything?" she asked some uncertainty still evident from the way she was gripping my hand like a vice.
" Of course, Princess you're in charge!" he agreed before saluting her jokingly. This seemed to lift her spirits a bit, as a small smile graced her face. " I'll even make you a deal. You let us do what we need to do and I'll make sure you have all the chocolate you can eat when you're discharged."
"Thanks Bri," I whispered when she wasn't paying attention. 
" Don't sweat it! Just doing my bit.”
Third person
5 minutes later
None of the four young doctors could admit it, but they were all beyond relieved when the helicopter landed, and two paramedics stepped out, bringing with them all the gear they might need. “Who do we have here?” One of them asked as he knelt next to Ester.
“This is Ester, she’s my little sister. Twenty. We're not exactly sure what happened, but basically blunt trauma.” Shawn filled the new medics in as the three other doctors went about unpacking the several bags of medical supplies, getting ready to begin more in-depth observations and stabilisation before transfer to the hospital. “We've started some basic observations, but we were limited till you got here.Possible bruised spleen, broken ribs and collapsed lung with bruising, severe concussion, dislocated left shoulder, air in chest cavity. Possible spinal, elevated hr 135, increased breath sounds, unequal, left side diminished somewhat, deep laceration to the left leg, and severe fracture to the fibia, lacerations on the face, abdominal/thoracic, dislocated right knee and suspected sciatic nerve damage.”
As Shawn rattled off the long list of injuries that they had found just from the initial observations the gravity of the situation started to hit him and he found himself having to actively calm himself so that he was able to concentrate on helping his sister. He felt like a duck, sailing smoothly on top of the pond, and paddling furiously underneath. Luckily for him his friends were better at keeping their emotions in check than he was… at least in this situation.
Brian wasted no time,taking a stethoscope that one of the paramedics handed him and listening to Ester’s chest. “Yep, there’s definitely a collapsed lung. I can hear the air. I’m going to need to put a tube in.” he grimaced as he stepped back, allowing Shawn, who had come to a little more when the other medic had handed him the penlight he had been using and asked him to check that he was correct.
"Pupils are fixed and dialated, we need to get her off this mountain now. Someone hand me a knife and Connor, can you get a line in mate? Standard of saline and pain meds please."
"Princess can I have you're hand. I'm going to give you some stuff to make you a bit more comfortable," Connor explained as he went about gathering the necessary equipment, before locating a vein and cleaning the area. " Sharp scratch bubs," he warned before the metal broke the skin, causing her eyes to water slightly. "All done, you should start to feel a little more comfy in a minute," he smiled encouragingly as Ester lifted her hand and gave a thumbs up before taking his hand in hers.
"Ester we need to remove these pants so we can stop the bleeding and splint your knee and leg," Shawn spoke earning a groan.   "I know lovely," he agreed, feeling sorry for his sister.  It had to be humiliating to be exposed like this. "You're okay sweets," he added as she cried out when the doctors moved her limbs into place to gain better access to the effected areas.
" Here, can you suck on this for me?" he asked as he handed her the green whistle, a device that held pain medication, and often sent patients a little loopy. "It only works if you keep using it honey. Focus on breathing it in okay," Shawn spoke trying to keep his sister's attention anywhere but Dave and her legs.
"This is going to hurt like hell,"  Dave whispered. As he moved around to help Shawn start to maneuver her right leg. "Look at the knee cap. She's really done a number on herself."
"I know feel horrible. I'm her brother. I don't want to see her like this," Shawn knew he wasn't technically meant to be treating her, but right now it was exactly that,a technicality. He would be damned if he would let his sister suffer. 
It was only a matter of seconds before she was begging them to stop, but they all knew that it would be more painful to stop the process half way through so continued despite the increasingly desperate sobs of their patient."Ester listen to the sound of my voice Princess," Brian spoke when they had finished, both legs satisfactorily taken care of for the time being.
Once he had gotten her a little more calm he broke the next lot of bad news.
"I need to put a chest tube in, and I need you to be brave okay."
"No," she answered immediately trying to shake her head that was now restricted by a spinal collar.
" Listen to me," he continued, " Right now your lung has a hole in it, and air is building up in the wrong spot and stopping it from inflating properly."
No more was said as they all went about numbing her up,  but once the first incision was made they felt terrible.  None of them could understand how someone that was in so much pain hadn't passed out. Ordinarily they would have put her under, but with unknown injuries it was far from safe.
" And we've got it, " Connor spoke as he checked for breath sounds.
From there everything was much more smooth sailing. They finished hooking her up to the necessary equipment- blood pressure (low at 90/50),  heart rate 160 beats per minute, oximeter and oxygen. 
When they were finally ready to leave the surrounding crowd clapped for them, and yelled out well wishes for Ester,  though she didn't hear many as she was now so loopy from the green whistle that she was trying to tell Connor that she loved the way the sunlight lit his hair, and that he should think about going into modelling. When they all started laughing she looked around very indignantly (well as best as she could)  and told them to ' not even talk' which only caused them to laugh harder.
- 35 minutes later-
They arrived at the hospital and the whole process was started again.  CT scans, x-rays, ultrasounds and surgery the list went on.
"I honestly don't know how she didn't pass out." Brian sighed as he and Connor stood just outside the door to the room in the intensive care unit she had been assigned.
" Shock," Connor answered.
The conversation was cut short however when they heard her voice " No, just leave me alone!"
"But Ester, I need to check your obs. I need to make sure your temp has come up," Dave tried to reason as he and Shawn stood beside the bed looking dismayed. "You've done so well so far!"
There was so much going on, that even now in my own room, nurses were in and out of my room, doctors trying to ask questions, I couldn't catch a break, I hadn't even been able to pass out. What a way to spend your birthday.  As if on cue, Dave walked in, my chart in hand.
"No," I cried, "just let me sleep!"
"What's going on?" I heard Connor ask as he came to stand by my bed with Shawn (who hadn't left my side) and Dave.
" She won't let me do her obs,"  Dave sighed causing me to glare.
" I just want to sleep!"
"Come here bug, Shawn spoke opening his arms wide, knowing that above anything else I needed love.
"Can Dave finish checking your vitals now?"
"Fine." I conceded snuggling in to Shawn's side. Feeling the most comfortable I had all day. Little did I know, but that was the start of a very long recovery  One that had ups and downs. No matter how down hearted I got though the guys never gave up. They were my heroes, and I made sure to tell them  After Brian had gotten me my chocolate as he promised of course.
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My Heroes
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“Are you sure you want to do this?" Shawn asked, looking down the snow covered mountain and back at me. He looked petrified. Something which I found hilarious considering he regularly went into dangerous situations, putting his own life at risk to help others. He was an Emergency Response Doctor and worked both in the hospital and out in the field, quite often in highly dangerous and ‘touch and go’ situations.
The other guys laughed at his uncertainty. “We'll be fine Shawn,” Connor, one of my brother’s friends, and a fellow doctor spoke.  They had all taken me for a ski getaway for an early birthday present.They all work as doctors, Connor in PEDs, Dave in Orthopedics and Brian as a heart surgeon.
“We’ve done this route about ten times already,” Brian added.
"Yeah, you have,” My brother spoke, emphasising the fact that he had not be present on previous occasions.
"Just shut up!" I commanded, sighing. "I'm going. Who's with me?" I asked, a smile starting at the thought of the thrill we were all about to get.
A chorus "yeahs" and "hell yeahs" returned, and then we were off. All racing one another down the mountain. I couldn't see the others, who must have been a few metres behind me, but I knew they were there, and desperately wanted to turn to try and catch a glimpse of Shawn making his way down the mountain.
The wind was exhilarating! So fresh, and clean compared to life back in the city. I found my mind wondering slightly as I made my way further down the track, having already down it several times, I didn't feel like I needed to be as cautious. Boy was I wrong!
I was making my way around what I thought to be the final bend in the course, when I was faced with a massive pile of freshly placed snow. They had changed the course trajectory, and there was nothing I could do about it now. Rocketing as I was towards the freezing wall.
My body hit it with such force that the air was literally knocked out of me for a few seconds, but worse than that was the fact that my left leg went one way, and the rest of my body, the other, I heard the snap, before the pain consumed me. The next few minutes were a blur of fear and agony. I was too cold, and in too much shock and pain to even cry out for help, so when Connor finally came to a skidding holt beside me I was a blubbering mess.
"Ester, can you hear me honey?" he asked, taking my hand and pinching my thumb to try and elicit some sort of response. He let go when I groaned,just wanting him to make the pain go away. Not to cause more. And where was my brother? I was a barely twenty year old, stuck on a snow covered mountain, on my birthday severely injured. I needed Shawn.
Within a matter of minutes there were more hands on me, a flurry of activity and noise that I could hardly decipher. "What the hell happend?" Someone asked, Dave I think.
"I'm not entirely sure, but I came round the corner, and she was here, I haven't started vitals yet, but she did respond to pain stimuli which is a start." I could feel myself teetering on the edge as the two doctors spoke, but I wasn't going to give in. I didn't want to be unconscious in the middle of nowhere as my brother and his friends worked on me. Reaching my hand up I tried to feel for one of their hands, but when I felt nothing I began to get frustrated.
"Ester, can you hear me honey?" The same voice from before spoke. Definitely Dave. This was confirmed when I managed to open my eyes and found him smiling grimly back at me.
In that moment my head wasn't straight and before I'd even processed what my body was doing, I was moving. As I tried and failed to sit up, ignoring the intense pain that was coming from my shoulder and pelvic area, I managed to catch a glimpse of the ground surrounding the lower part of my body. It was red, red as if someone had obtained a can of red paint and discarded it carelessly into the snow. Shock took over as I realised the source of the vibrant liquid. Me. I suddenly felt very faint, and could feel my chest tightening.
"Ester, honey, you have to stay still. I'm pretty sure judging by the angle of your arm that your shoulder is dislocated. You'll only hurt yourself more. Let us look after you okay. Let us do our jobs." Connor half chastised, half begged me as he helped me to situate myself again.
"My leg, there so much blood!" I gasped feeling quezy at the sight of my mangelled limb.
"Sweets, don't watch okay, it'll just make it worse, you have to try and stay still okay? We don't know how much damage you've done until we can get you to the hospital." Connor explained grabbing my hand again in comfort.
I lay there not really aware of what was going on around me just wishing I could be anywhere but here. "Ester, baby?" Finally I broke out of my state and came to reality.
"Shawn?" I whispered, making eye contact with him as he lent over me.
"I'm right here, bug, I've got you. I'm going to unzip this jacket for a minute okay sweets, we need to see what other injuries you have." he explained, before carefully but quickly removing my only source of warmth, immediately earning a moan of protest.
"Shhhh, Just a minute okay, then we'll get you extra rugged up okay?" Brian spoke for the first time, removing the bag he had been carrying from his back and starting to remove blankets.
I had laughed at him earlier in the morning, remarking that it was as if he was going for a camp out in the snow, not for a mere ride on the trails, but now I couldn't help but feel extremely greatful.
"Right, Princess, you're  breathing way too fast at the moment. I know you're in pain, and you're probably scared. But I need you to try and slow it down." Brian spoke as he moved the last layer of clothing covering my stomach. There was no disguising the sharp intake of breath as he surveyed my mid-section. Everyone was silent for a minute as Brian examined me ever so gently. The others watching his every move. I couldn't help but feel slightly like a bug under a microscope, especially given the crowd that had started to form. It felt like every two minutes someone new was asking the guys if they had called for an ambulance. The answer to which each of them took in turns to patiently answer with a "yes", reassuring the by-standers that they were doctors, and knew what they were dealing with.
"Connor, I can't be sure, but I think she's got some broken ribs, her breathing is inhibited, and she's got some serious bruising forming, her left shoulder is well and truly dislocated too." Dave finally spoke, agreeing with Connor's theory, before starting to readjust my clothing, protecting me from the bitter cold.
" It's possible that it's internal bleeding or a bruised spleen." Brian put in as they all shared a little glance above my head.
I couldn't help the groan that left my mouth as this new information sunk in. They thought I was bleeding from the inside out?
"Ester, I need you to tell me where it hurts honey," Shawn spoke, holding my hand in silent comfort. When I didn't respond Connor took my hand and pinched my finger once again.
"Ow!" I glared up at him, earning a smile.
"Good to see the princess is still as feisty as ever!" This caused everyone to laugh. Even me, but the fun was short-lived, as my body was once again bathed in pain.
"Make it stop!" I begged, squirming around uncomfortably.
"Just stay still baby." Shawn tried to sooth me while also trying to help Dave.
"But it hurts and I'm cold." my teeth chartered as if agreeing with what I just said.
"I know you are princess," Brian spoke softly.  I sighed before starting to close my eyes.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  "Hey, follow my finger okay," he called, trying to get my attention. Begrudgingly I opened my eyes again, and was met by glare that immediately made me squint. I did as asked though, before I heard him answer a question I hadn't heard be asked.
"Definate concussion, pupils unequal and slow to respond, though it's hard to tell the full extent here without the proper equipment. Keep her talking Shawn."  Brian muttered, moving around my body to help Dave with whatever he was doing.
"Wow," I heard him let out a low whistle, my heart rate spiking in response.
"Brian!" Dave groaned,  seeing the panic that had begun to set in.  "Would you keep it down.  The poor kid's heart is already racing,  and you're not making it any better.  You're terrifying her," he spoke.  Stopping whatever he was doing to look up.  "Ester, can you feel this honey?" he asked, before I felt an odd sensation on my foot. Nonetheless I could feel it,  so I nodded causing all four of the doctors to such in relief.
"That's good news Princess.  It means your leg isn't as bad as we first thought! " Connor looked much more excited than I felt, but I smiled back as convincingly as I could in my haze. I tuned out for a few minutes, but soon what they were saying caught my attention. Well some of it. Something about having to "apply pressure to my leg" to stop the bleeding, and sedation. That was all it took before I started to panic again.
"Just take nice deep, slow breathes Princess, you can do it, here give me your hand, " Shawn spoke, noticing my obvious terror and changed breathing. I couldn't believe how calm he was as he took my hand gently in his own again , and laid it against his chest. "Copy me. In, out, in out, that's it," he praised as I finally managed to follow his lead. "They won't hurt you bug." I wasn't sure I trusted him,  but the sincerity and intensity with which he met my gaze won me over.
"Oh-okay," I spoke in barely a whisper. My head was starting to hurt from the noise.  The crowd, the guys conversing with one another.  "But my leg," I whimpered as another round of panic hit me.
"Look at me bug," Shawn commanded,leaning over me, blocking out the surrounding crowd that had previously filled my peripheral vision.  "I won't let them hurt you. Hell, they'd rather die than hurt you.  We're not going to do anything until help gets here okay? We can't, it wouldn't be safe." he added as if to try and make his point even clearer.
10 minutes later
As I stood waiting for the stupid satellite phone we had been given by the service people at the bottom of the run, I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. There was my baby sister, who was meant to be celebrating her 20th birthday, laying in the snow, half- conscious with a flood of blood coming from a gash on  her left leg along with what looked like a probable fibia fracture, another open wound on her head,  and bruises so bad after only a few minutes that she looked more like a blueberry and less like a person.
Finally the phone connected and I was put through to the Emergency Department. This is doctor Shawn Mendes  head of Emergency Response. We have an incoming pediatric trauma with an eta of 45 minutes possibly an hour."
After going though the motions all the while being consumed with worry and guilt,  I made my way back over to Ester. Connor who had taken over comforting her for me, looked up, his expression bleak, and somewhat pained.
"It's not great mate, Brian's pretty sure she's got air in her lungs, and she's about to pass out."
I felt my own heart rate rise as I took in my sister's form. Shaking my head slightly to try and clear my mind I nodded "Helicopter is about 2 minutes out. The hospital just got a GPS location on it."
"Ester look at me," I called moving to lean over her again so she could see me without moving. "I need you to stay awake okay? Can you do that honey?"
She made the smallest noise to indicate "yes", before going quiet again.  Whether it was the shock or she was simply in so much pain she didn't know how to process it, the silence was concerning, and as a doctor, my biggest concern was to keep her talking.
"Tell me what else hurts okay," Connor chimed in, seeing what I was trying to do, and that I may need some help.
"My other knee, and like it's kinda going down into my private area." She blushed at having to tell four males, and basically a crowd of strangers this piece of information.
"Just there? Or the whole area?" Dave called from down by her leg.
"Whole area," she whispered clearly terrified.
"Okay,I can't really see a whole lot with all these layers in the way, but when the help arrives we'll take a look," he explained moving up towards her head slightly so he could talk to her more easily.
"No don't touch it! Dave! Please!" she begged hysterically, tears once again running down her face. He was quick to notice the change in her demenor, and acted quickly to try and calm the situation again.
"I'm not going to hurt you honey, but I need to have a look so we can assess how bad your injuries are." The look of pity and sympathy on his face was one I saw was shared with the two other guys as I looked to each of them.
The pain she was describing was consistent with sciatic pain.  If what we were all thinking was correct,  then she was doing a great job at hiding her discomfort.
We all shared a knowing look. On the one hand it was good that she could feel her legs and pelvic area.  But sciatic pain was excruciating at the best of times, and now was not that.
We spent the remaining time trying to keep her calm, and alert.  Both of which were proving difficult, especially as the initial shock wore off and the gravity of the situation she was set in. This was compounded when she somehow overheard Brian and Dave discussing the fact that they would need to remove the clothing on the bottom half of her body to stem the bleeding and stabilise her legs.
"No please!" She begged again, it was clear from the way her voice shook as she spoke that not only was she done,  but she was terrified. But she couldn't give up yet, she needed to fight. We needed her to fight, it was proven that patients who believed in their recovery were much more likely to live a full life after experiencing trauma. I sat next to her for a minute trying not to cry myself, as I watched Connor try to calm her. Then it came to me.
"Sweetheart listen to me," I spoke looking her right in the eye. "Right now the most important thing is that we get you to the hospital  in the most stable condition possible.  We think you've got a fractured fibia,  and you definitely have a dislocated knee and potential ciatic damage. Trust me when I say the least of your problems is being slightly exposed in front of your brother and his friends. We're all doctors. We've seen it all before princess. Nothing's going to happen,”I promised.
"But what if they can't fix me?" she whispered so quietly that I almost didn't catch it. I was slightly taken aback by the question. Luckily Brian had stood moments before reaching for the pocket knife that he always kept in his backpack when she voiced the fear, and so he was the one to answer.
"You listen to me Poppet," he started in a gentle yet commanding voice.  "You're going to be just fine. You've got four of the best doctors in the area working on you right now."
"Im just scared," she responded, small tears rolling down her face and mixing with the blood that had started to dry from the laceration on her head.
"Ester your brother here is the head of the Emergency Response team, Connor's the head of PEDs, Dave's the head of Ortho and I'm of the Cardiovascular Department.  You are completely safe okay. I know it may not seen like it right now, but you will be okay." His tone softened slighty when he saw that she seemed to be taking on board what he was saying. "You're doing great Poppet," he added, gently stroking the side of her face, as she looked up at him.
"Tell me everything?" she asked some uncertainty still evident from the way she was gripping my hand like a vice.
" Of course, Princess you're in charge!" he agreed before saluting her jokingly. This seemed to lift her spirits a bit, as a small smile graced her face. " I'll even make you a deal. You let us do what we need to do and I'll make sure you have all the chocolate you can eat when you're discharged."
"Thanks Bri," I whispered when she wasn't paying attention. 
" Don't sweat it! Just doing my bit.”
Third person
5 minutes later
None of the four young doctors could admit it, but they were all beyond relieved when the helicopter landed, and two paramedics stepped out, bringing with them all the gear they might need. “Who do we have here?” One of them asked as he knelt next to Ester.
“This is Ester, she’s my little sister. Twenty. We're not exactly sure what happened, but basically blunt trauma.” Shawn filled the new medics in as the three other doctors went about unpacking the several bags of medical supplies, getting ready to begin more in-depth observations and stabilisation before transfer to the hospital. “We've started some basic observations, but we were limited till you got here.Possible bruised spleen, broken ribs and collapsed lung with bruising, severe concussion, dislocated left shoulder, air in chest cavity. Possible spinal, elevated hr 135, increased breath sounds, unequal, left side diminished somewhat, deep laceration to the left leg, and severe fracture to the fibia, lacerations on the face, abdominal/thoracic, dislocated right knee and suspected sciatic nerve damage.”
As Shawn rattled off the long list of injuries that they had found just from the initial observations the gravity of the situation started to hit him and he found himself having to actively calm himself so that he was able to concentrate on helping his sister. He felt like a duck, sailing smoothly on top of the pond, and paddling furiously underneath. Luckily for him his friends were better at keeping their emotions in check than he was… at least in this situation.
Brian wasted no time,taking a stethoscope that one of the paramedics handed him and listening to Ester’s chest. “Yep, there’s definitely a collapsed lung. I can hear the air. I’m going to need to put a tube in.” he grimaced as he stepped back, allowing Shawn, who had come to a little more when the other medic had handed him the penlight he had been using and asked him to check that he was correct.
"Pupils are fixed and dialated, we need to get her off this mountain now. Someone hand me a knife and Connor, can you get a line in mate? Standard of saline and pain meds please."
"Princess can I have you're hand. I'm going to give you some stuff to make you a bit more comfortable," Connor explained as he went about gathering the necessary equipment, before locating a vein and cleaning the area. " Sharp scratch bubs," he warned before the metal broke the skin, causing her eyes to water slightly. " All done, you should start to feel a little more comfy in a minute," he smiled encouragingly as Ester lifted her hand and gave a thumbs up before taking his hand in hers.
"Ester we need to remove these pants so we can stop the bleeding and splint your knee and leg," Shawn spoke earning a groan.   "I know lovely," he agreed, feeling sorry for his sister.  It had to be humiliating to be exposed like this. "You're okay sweets," he added as she cried out when the doctors moved her limbs into place to gain better access to the effected areas.
" Here, can you suck on this for me?" he asked as he handed her the green whistle, a device that held pain medication, and often sent patients a little loopy. "It only works if you keep using it honey. Focus on breathing it in okay," Shawm spoke trying to keep his sister's attention anywhere but Dave and her legs.
"This is going to hurt like hell,"  Dave whispered. As he moved around to help Shawn start to maneuver her right leg. "Look at the knee cap. She's really done a number on herself."
"I know feel horrible. I'm her brother. I don't want to see her like this," Shawn knew he wasn't technically meant to be treating her, but right now it was exactly that,a technicality. He would be damned if he would let his sister suffer. 
It was only a matter of seconds before she was begging them to stop, but they all knew that it would be more painful to stop the process half way through so continued despite the increasingly desperate sobs of their patient."Ester listen to the sound of my voice Princess," Brian spoke when they had finished, both legs satisfactorily taken care of for the time being.
Once he had gotten her a little more calm he broke the next lot of bad news.
"I need to put a chest tube in, and I need you to be brave okay."
"No," she answered immediately trying to shake her head that was now restricted by a spinal collar.
" Listen to me," he continued, " Right now your lung has a hole in it, and air is building up in the wrong spot and stopping it from inflating properly."
No more was said as they all went about numbing her up,  but once the first incision was made they felt terrible.  None of them could understand how someone that was in so much pain hadn't passed out. Ordinarily they would have put her under, but with unknown injuries it was far from safe.
" And we've got it, " Connor spoke as he checked for breath sounds.
From there everything was much more smooth sailing. They finished hooking her up to the necessary equipment- blood pressure (low at 90/50),  heart rate 160 beats per minute, oximeter and oxygen. 
When they were finally ready to leave the surrounding crowd clapped for them, and yelled out well wishes for Ester,  though she didn't hear many as she was now so loopy from the green whistle that she was trying to tell Connor that she loved the way the sunlight lit his hair, and that he should think about going into modelling. When they all started laughing she looked around very indignantly (well as best as she could)  and told them to ' not even talk' which only caused them to laugh harder.
- 35 minutes later-
They arrived at the hospital and the whole process was started again.  CT scans, x-rays, ultrasounds and surgery the list went on.
"I honestly don't know how she didn't pass out." Brian sighed as he and Connor stood just outside the door to the room in the intensive care unit she had been assigned.
" Shock," Connor answered.
The conversation was cut short however when they heard her voice " No, just leave me alone!"
"But Ester, I need to check your obs. I need to make sure your temp has come up," Dave tried to reason as he and Shawn stood beside the bed looking dismayed. "You've done so well so far!"
There was so much going on, that even now in my own room, nurses were in and out of my room, doctors trying to ask questions, I couldn't catch a break, I hadn't even been able to pass out. What a way to spend your birthday.  As if on cue, Dave walked in, my chart in hand.
"No," I cried, "just let me sleep!"
"What's going on?" I heard Connor ask as he came to stand by my bed with Shawn (who hadn't left my side) and Dave.
" She won't let me do her obs,"  Dave sighed causing me to glare.
" I just want to sleep!"
"Come here bug, Shawn spoke opening his arms wide, knowing that above anything else I needed love.
"Can Dave finish checking your vitals now?"
"Fine." I conceded snuggling in to Shawn's side. Feeling the most comfortable I had all day. Little did I know, but that was the start of a very long recovery  One that had ups and downs. No matter how down hearted I got though the guys never gave up. They were my heroes, and I made sure to tell them  After Brian had gotten me my chocolate as he promised of course.
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