knifedancer · 1 year
Love At First Sight - Bonus (Sorta)
While writing LAFS I had one question that kept popping up in my mind: “Is Felix going to be Argos in this? Does he have the Peacock miraculous?” Ultimately, I decided it would make the story too long and complicated to add that tidbit in. This bonus is what I think would happen if Argos was involved in this plotline. It can be read by itself or in tandem, it's sorta related and unrelated at the same time. Enjoy!
You can find the original on AO3 at the following link: here!
Main Story
Silly Thoughts
It had been about an hour since the akuma attack was resolved and Felix had confessed. He had not expected a reply nor a change in their dynamic to come from this…it just felt like the right time to finally tell her. It felt good to clearly state his feelings. Marinette, in her typical fashion, had stuttered and made excuses before hurriedly leaving. He had wanted to walk her home – since school was canceled for the rest of the day – but he held back the offer. Having known her for a while, he knew and could sense that her reaction was not borne from a dislike of him but rather of her own anxieties. If the emotions he sensed while she blushed and babbled were any indication, he dared hope that his feelings might actually have a chance to be returned… She just needed time to process, he would gladly give it to her. However, he still felt a need to check on her to be sure that she was safe. Today had been a traumatic experience after all, and he would be damned if Gabriel would take advantage of her lingering emotional state to akumatize her!
“Are we going to go check on your hen, Felix?” The peacock kwami giggled, flying about in a figure eight with excitement.
“We shall, just to be sure she’s alright. Duusu, spread my feathers!”
With a flash of blue, he stood transformed before his bedroom mirror. An unusual wave of nervousness came over him as he regarded his reflection. She had seen him dressed like this before, but he now felt worried what she would think of his miraculous suit. ‘She’s a designer…’ he thought to himself as he tugged at his hood and gloves as if trying to make himself more presentable. He felt like a bird attempting to preen their feathers in a way to attract a mate. He definitely blamed Duusu for this. He felt ridiculous. Taking one last look in the mirror as he attempted to smooth down the front, he steeled himself. ‘I’m just going to check on her. This isn’t a social call.’
He exited his bedroom window and ran along the rooftops. He paused when he came to the road in which she had been knocked over. Remembering the powerful desire to protect as her emotions went haywire – panic, fear, and concern – for him. It rolled off her like gentle waves in a low tide lagoon, gently plucking every heartstring in his chest. And the emotions of her new ‘admirer’ – unadulterated lust – had driven away his usual restraint against gross physical harm. The relief and amazement he felt from her after had been reward enough. But then he had had to carry her…his palms on her bare skin…he had felt his own emotions as high as hers in that moment!
Argos dragged a gloved hand down his reddened face at the memory before taking off again. Trying to clear his mind, he worked through the rest of the morning. After being shook free from the emotional overload in the classroom by her cry of pain, he immediately ran interference to delay the other idiots attempting to grab Marinette again. It was not much but Felix was sure it gave the two girls enough time to find a suitable place to hide. Then he sensed it… The terrifying fear and panic as she had huddled under that desk – so palpable that he could identify it even from down the hallway, like a thick miasma that threatened to choke him. Felix had known immediately who it was from. Marinette’s emotions, regardless of what she felt, were always tinged with a sweet aura all their own; almost like a pheromone that could only be felt rather than experienced by the traditional five senses. A sweetness that had drawn him in since that night at the Diamond Dance and led to his flimsy excuses to be included in their class, regardless of the danger he was putting himself in. Being exposed to it every day, his own affections had naturally grown for the girl…
However, in that moment, all he had wanted was to comfort her. He had lied about seeing Césaire leave the classroom, knowing the thought of Monarch being able to sense her emotions would have put her into a more destructive spiral. When Marinette had explained about the akuma and how she thought his own reaction was caused by it, his heart had thudded painfully in his chest. He had mentally cursed Gabriel; knowing his feelings were genuine but she would never believe his sincerity while this akuma was in play. At least he had an excuse to treat her as he truly wanted. Illogical as it was, this akuma attacking his crush suddenly felt personal and it left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Perhaps it was time to trade sides? Could he even be a hero? Ladybug seemed the understanding sort, but he had betrayed her before…would she trust him enough to let him work beside her again?
He would have to find a way, for Marinette.
“No wonder Duusu laughs at me… She’s not even mine and I’m already henpecked,” Argos mused quietly.
He landed on top of the scaffolding that wrapped around the scorched roof of Norte Dame and gazed down Rue Gotlib toward the bakery she called home. His heart flipped in his chest as he realized he could make out the barest hint of the fairy lights she had strung up on her balcony. He took a steadying breath, reminding himself that he was only there to pass by without being seen and prepared to leap to the next rooftop. Just then, a flash of familiar red appeared in his peripherals. He turned toward the north, seeing the hazy shape of Ladybug swinging in his direction.
Argos paused and decided this was likely the best time to make contact, to make his new objectives known to the hero – no akumas and without her timer running down. Perhaps without that mangey cat that always ruffled his feathers! Even when he held the Dog miraculous briefly, something about Chat Noir just did not sit right with Felix. Perhaps it was the blond hair? Was a side effect of the black cat miraculous the human equivalent of dander? He shook his head free of such thoughts. The purple suited villain shifted and leaped, taking a route further away from his original goal. Argos knew when he was spotted – the red figure stopped and took up a defensive stance – and slowed his approach to seem less threatening. He needed this to go well.
However, as he landed at the opposite end of the large rooftop, Argos paused and narrowed his eyes. This was not Ladybug!
“Who the hell are you? Where is Ladybug?” He pulled out his fan, holding it like a weapon at rest to not agitate the person in front of him but allowing him the easy access to fight should he need it. The red-spotted stand-in’s eyes flashed and narrowed – he wished the miraculous cloaking allowed him to clearly read her emotions. Instead, he could only glean what he could from her body language and the muted, muddled sensations that danced just out of reach.
“The name’s Scarabella. Let’s just say that the Lady was preoccupied,” she replied coolly.
“So it was your incompetence I should blame for all the time it took to defeat the akuma today,” he scoffed. Marinette had to suffer for hours while this… this…knock-off hero took the reins? What had Ladybug been thinking?!
Scarabella’s spine straightened with a snap, he didn’t need to see her eyes to know that the hazy emotion he was sensing was scorching anger. “Excuse me? This coming from a villain that betrayed us and all of Paris – scratch that, betrayed the world – and for what? So you could dress up like some reject popinjay to dance around on rooftops and make people disappear?”
Argos winced; this was not how he wanted this to go. He sighed and tucked his fan into his hood. “Look, when I saw someone else wearing the mantle…I reacted wrong. I assume you have some way to contact her? Or her kwami could? I need to speak with her.”
Suspicious eyes narrowed upon him, “What is the message?”
“I won’t say, I have no idea who you are or how close to all this you are. Just let her know that I mean no harm. She can even bring that damn cat, if she so pleases.” Argos’ lips pulled back into a snarl, not disguising his distaste for the other half of the Parisian hero team. “I just need to speak with her on a miraculous matter.”
Scarabella regarded him with narrowed eyes for a silent moment before her body shifted into a more relaxed posture, her arms crossing her chest as she leaned back on her heels. “Fine. I’ll let LB know. I can’t promise that she’ll meet you. She’s been far more cautious since your...incident.”
“Understood, I expected nothing less.” He placed a foot on the edge of the roof, turning his body back from whence he came while keeping his eyes on the temporary bug. A wicked grin split his face. “Oh, and don’t bother following me unless you want to chase after one of my creations tonight.”
He heard a scandalized noise as he launched himself from the roof. He had a fair maiden to check on.
It didn’t take Argos long to make it back to Rue Gotlib and settle in on a rooftop adjacent to the bakery, hiding himself in the long shadows cast by the dying light. Being especially cautious, he pulled his hood forward to hide his magenta eyes as he gazed into her bedroom window hoping for a glimpse of the young designer. She wandered into his field of view, he felt his heart dance around in his chest – Marinette’s hair was down, her face washed clean of the little makeup she normally wore, and she took up lounging on her chaise as she sketched in her pajamas. She was stunning! He reached out with his senses and immediately met her emotions – the sweet aura wrapping around his consciousness like a blanket and the peacock holder involuntarily smiled. “I’m really a goner, aren’t I, Duusu?” He whispered to himself, knowing the kwami would find this hilarious later.
He watched as she flexed her toes, bobbing her head to a tune he couldn’t hear from his vantage point, her lips mouthing words he wished he could hear. Argos probed a bit further with his powers to gauge her emotional state: peace, joy, calm, with a hint of nervousness. His smile turned fond. ‘That’s my girl, never letting a thing weigh her down for long…’
Argos heard the familiar sound of a yo-yo and he pressed himself further into his shadow as he looked around for the source. Suddenly Scarabella appeared flipping over the back of the roof and landed onto Marinette’s balcony. He felt the bluenette’s curiosity followed by her happiness as she bounced up and shut her curtains. He narrowed his eyes, watching the spotted stand-in duck through a trapdoor and into the confines of Marinette’s bedroom, then observed a pink flash filter through the opaque material of the curtains.
‘Do Scarabella and Marinette know each other?’ he wondered, filtering through the emotions flowing from the building for any threat. He watched with confusion as the side door of the bakery apartment opened silently and Césaire exited, looking both ways before running down a neighboring alleyway. ‘Was she…Scarabella? What does Marinette have to do with this?’ A sinking sensation formed in his stomach.
He ran down a few rooftops before crossing the street and circling back to the balcony from behind, keeping himself hidden. Argos listened and watched as the bluenette came up to the balcony to watch the waning sunset turn to dusk, murmuring quietly to herself or perhaps on the phone? The blond felt as if there was a riddle here that he needed an answer to… Bracing himself, he leaped one last time and landed on the balcony behind Marinette – who jumped and spun around to face him. “Argos?!” He felt a wave of worry and nervousness overcome the girl; her body shook from the sheer force of the panic that was rising.
Mentally cursing himself for ruining the calm she had finally achieved and unsure of how to proceed, he made a flamboyant bow. “Evening, Marinette! I thought I heard a bug buzzing about and found you instead… mind if I rest my feathers upon your lovely roost?”
…and, beneath all that, a hint of something warmer.
Argos straightened with a smile he hoped was disarming – Adrien was always much better at putting people at ease than Felix – and observed her. ‘No phone. Then who was she talking to?’ His magenta eyes flickered over the rooftop with interest, pretending to assess the decorations in the space while he looked for any pets or god-like beings…he found none. “Beautiful space you have here. Very cozy.” Keeping his posture relaxed, he stepped closer to the bluenette by the balcony rail.
“Oh, heh, thank you. I like to come up here to design and relax, you know?” He watched as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, exposing her earlobes. Earlobes that sported familiar dark colored earrings.
His mind flashed back to this morning with a more discerning eye. He remembered pulling the silky threads of her hair back into a braid, exposing the nape of her neck and ears…. which were conspicuously free of earrings, and he froze for a moment as his eyes widened slightly. Puzzle pieces started to click into place in his mind. ‘No…it couldn’t be…’
Clearing his throat, he smiled and motioned towards her ears. “Pretty earrings, are they a family heirloom?” A fresh spike of panic lanced into him so quickly that he physically winced. That was confirmation enough. His heart sank as he recalled what he had done to the heroine…who he now knew was his beloved. He, Felix Fathom, was the cause of her grief and suffering. He had betrayed the one person he treasured most. ‘Duusu, what have I done?’ The guilt, which rose like bile in his throat, solidified his decision.
“Ye-yes, how’d you know?” Marinette’s voice was jittery and nervous. He’d play along for now as he processed this information.
“Just a guess. You never take them off.” He replied, leaving the except for earlier today to himself. Argos felt her panic ebb with a thin thread of relief. “Honestly, I came here to check on you after the akuma today…” he spoke softly as he looked towards the horizon. Curiosity. Relief. The hint of warmth was back too.
“O-oh… Fel—ah, Argos, you didn’t need to do that. I appreciate your concern though…” He didn’t need to read her emotions to know that she was embarrassed and blushing. His cheeks felt a bit warm too.
“As you know, you mean a lot to me.” Argos turned towards her again, their eyes meeting silently. His voice dropped to a whisper and he reached up to cup her cheek, basking in the warmth of her skin through the magical material. “I wanted – no, needed – to talk to you. After what happened today, I realized I could no longer stand on the sidelines… My priorities and goals have changed. I can no longer play the villain while those I care the most about are caught in the crossfire...”
“What…what are you saying?” Surprise, shock, and hope edged out the lingering nervousness.
Argos’ magenta eyes glowed as he smirked, “I’m saying that I’m on your side, my Lady.”
Marinette’s eyes grew wide, her conflicting emotions ran the gambit so quickly that he struggled to pick up even one in the tidal wave of input as it crashed over him. However, what he did pick up gave him hope: relief and, trailing behind the wave, a hint of pure joy. From the edges of his vision a little red kwami peeked out of a nearby flower planter, impossibly big eyes filled with hope. Felix dropped his transformation and leaned in close, never letting his eyes leave her bluebells as the smirk grew into a teasing smile.
“Does this mean I can have that kiss now?”
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orangeispice · 1 year
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I'm back with another crack meme, let's see how well this one does
If it does as well as my New Yorker Post then I'll make a navigation list for the memes :D
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jadewestwriter · 1 month
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xeebs · 1 year
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some more spiders 👾🔆🎸🕷️
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tikklil · 6 months
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Consuming Media™️ with the Gang
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mother-lee · 28 days
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knifedancer · 1 year
Love At First Sight - Silly Thoughts
Thinking about miraculous intrinsic effects and how that might impact Argos/Felix while writing 'Love At First Sight: Bonus'. How he would fan out his coat tails dramatically in front of his desired partner/mate…led to this giggle-inducing image in my head.
Young adults. Post Hawkmoth. Post Argos Redemption.
Main Story
Bonus, Sorta
“What….is….happening?” Marinette’s bewildered whisper was nearly drowned out by the lively guitar music, her forehead creased in confusion and curiosity. Wayzz and Tikki floated over her left shoulder, the turtle kwami sporting the same mildly fascinated look an animal documentarist might have watching a rare species while the red bug kwami looked unimpressed and bored. All three pairs of eyes focused on the flashy display of blues, purples, and greens before them; augmented by the occasional trilling of a flute.
Wayzz cleared his throat and adopted a more serious expression before speaking softly. “Observe, the male of the species. It is said to be legend in some cultures that the flamboyant display is a divine sign of incoming monsoon.” He paused and all three tilted their heads as the tapping of feet increased, then reduced yet again.
Tikki snorted, “I wish a monsoon would come end this. Where’s Plagg when you need him?”
The turtle continued as if she had not spoken. “Their call is often described as haunting…” – another flute trill – “…if loud. Only the male has the beautiful plumage to display, which they can do for only short amounts of time—”
“Not short enough.” The bug snarked over Wayzz’s calm voice.
“Tikki!” came Marinette’s affronted whisper.
“…Their feathers are considered to ward off bad energies or provide luck and protection in certain cultures.”
All three blinked as the display before them expanded and grew to be more colorful.
“Good grief…” Tikki sighed in exasperation, bringing her small nub of a paw up to rub at her face.
“In the spring the male’s tail will come in fully, which they will fan it open and shake them, in an effort to attract a mate—”
“A WHAT?!” Marinette whisper screeched, her eyes bulging as her face reddened. She peeled her gaze from the deadpan kwami and back towards the man in front of her. Viewing the strange performance that he was exhibiting in a new light, she rested her chin behind interwoven fingers while deep in thought.
“The peacock wishes to charm and be selected as a mate, Grand Guardian,” Wayzz stated simply.
“Hmph, certainly new. When was the last time we had a male peafowl holder?” Tikki mused to her fellow kwami while her chosen deliberated silently.
“Oh goodness, not for a couple millennia. He was a Buddhist monk, if I recall correctly…took a vow of celibacy…” the turtle hummed softly, his eyes following the ostentatious movements.
The bug kwami patted the young woman’s cheek, gaining her attention. “It could be worse, Marinette. Remember when Chat Noir left dead mice on your balcony?”
The bluenette cringed, “Ugh, no, I had hoped to forget that phase forever.”
Tikki giggled, “Plagg wasn’t much better. When he decided to court me in the 13th century, he brought a large slice of Pont l’Eveque into the miracle box.” Marinette looked horrified. “Took it at least a century to air that out. The miraculous temple was very displeased.” Both kwami shuddered at the memory.
With a loud bang, all three jumped and returned their attention back to the dancing young man before them. “Pyrotechnics?! Okay, that’s it!” Marinette got up and stormed over to the boombox, cutting the music and leaving a breathless Argos stumbling to a stop.
“I like you too. Pick me up for dinner at 20:00, nothing too fancy,” the bluenette called out over her shoulder as she walked away.
“Wait! You didn’t let me finish!” The blond protested tiredly, panting from the exertion.
The young woman paused with one foot hooked on the fire escape ladder, looking at him fondly. “It was a lovely dance, Felix.  I especially liked when you shook your—ahem, 20:00. Don’t be late.” With that, she disappeared over the side of the roof and back towards her open apartment window.
The original story that this silly thought came from, Love At First Sight, can be found on AO3
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keylimeart · 1 year
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🌻 you're the sunflower think your love would be too much 🌻
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