#Marasiah Fel
symeona · 5 months
hi excuse me! i found one of your drawings unsourced on pinterest and found you here because it thankfully still had your name on it ^_^ ive looked through your archive and couldnt find the post link, but id like to reblog, like, and share it from its original source instead of reposted!
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id really appreciate it if you could give me a link to your post for this drawing, i love it so much, its gorgeous! have a nice day!
You're the sweetest person ever TTvTT🩷
Thank you so much, unfortunately seems like I don't have that drawing posted anywhere? Idk why I deleted it 💦 Anxiety? Probably? To this day I don't feel 100% comfortable with posting my stuff so it doesn't surprise me (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Anyways, I have another version of this drawing, hope that makes up for it lol
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swlegends · 8 months
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Skywalker Family Ladies + Royalty
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thisiseditsandstuff · 2 years
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STAR WARS: LEGACY — Marasiah Fel
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Calling all fans of Star Wars: Legacy comics! Don't miss your chance to meet writer @corinnabechko at LegendsCon on September 9th & 10th in Burbank, California!
Buy tickets now on Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/3I9YZBj
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a-k-a-l-i · 12 days
The Skywalker Invasion
Family Revelations
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The Jedi Council Chambers was filled with Jedi Knights, masters, and senators. Yoda’s eyes were closed, focusing on the Force.
The newcomers were occupying different rooms at the temple, as the Jedi Masters believed they shouldn’t have the time travelers interact.
“We need the names of the people you met,” Mace Windu asked, a frown forming on his lips.
“I met two men, both claiming their name to be Skywalker,” Plo Koon said slowly, turning to look at a certain Jedi Knight who was surprised.
“That’s impossible, I mean no disrespect, Master, but I too have met someone claiming to be a Skywalker,” Aayla was quick to inform them.
Anakin crossed his arms, “I would also like to join this confusing conversation, my padawan and I met this boy, going by the name ‘Ben Skywalker’ I’m now curious to know who these others are.”
Ahsoka nodded her head in agreement.
Obi-wan stroked his beard.
Padmé came forward, “Jedi Masters, I have met two women, a young girl, and a young man, one of the women says she is the empress of the Fel Empire, which just happens to be our galaxy.”
Yoda now hummed, “the last names, I need, yes, to uncover the truth. Your hand you must raise, if you met one, going by the name Skywalker, you must.”
Four people raise their hands.
Aayla Secura.
Anakin Skywalker.
Plo Koon.
Master Yoda.
“Going by the name Solo,” Yoda continued.
Padmé Amidala.
Bail Organa.
Adi Gallia.
Mon Mothma.
Obi-wan Kenobi.
Each raised their hand.
“By the name Fel.”
Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa were the only ones.
“And do not forget the young one who goes by the name ‘Jade’, she was in the company of one ‘Luke Skywalker’.” Mace Windu reminded. Yoda nodded.
Anakin’s brows furrowed, more Skywalkers?
“Something on your mind, young Skywalker?” Yoda prompted, his face softening.
“The…other Skywalkers, I’m curious,” Anakin sighed.
The old green Jedi Master chuckled, “revealed, everything will be, with time.”
“I believe we should gather everyone and question them all at once, they must be very powerful if the Force reacted this way,” Ki-Adi Mundi proposed.
“Agree, I do, talk with them, gain their trust, we will.”
Gathering the newcomers, the Jedi Council led them all to a large room where privacy can be assured.
Luke and Leia found each other and crashed into each other’s arms, happy to know that the other was safe. Mara and Han only laughed quietly at the sight.
Ania looked around, noticing that she shared certain features with other people in the room. Her eyes stopped on a woman.
Marasiah turned, her face broke out into a grin. The two girls ran forward and brought each other into a hug.
“It has been so long, cousin, I am delighted to know that I will have a familiar face with me here,” Marasiah exclaimed. Someone cleared their throat behind them, and Ania saw her other cousin.
“Why, Cade, this is turning out to be a family reunion.”
Cade chuckled, “a very weird one, the Force is a tricky one.”
Now confused, the Jedi Council watched as Ania, Marasiah, and Cade all chatted together.
“You’re…related?” Adi Gallia wondered, her eyes wide. Ania nodded. 
Now this just got more interesting.
“But, how?” Obi-wan asked, his face scrunched.
“We have the same ancestor,” Cade crossed his arms.
“And who would that be?” Mace narrowed his eyes.
“Anakin Skywalker.”
Said man faltered, “w-what.”
Luke, was just as confused, they too were related to his father?
“Anakin Skywalker? Here?” Han groaned.
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came forward, his arms crossed against his chest. The time travelers’ eyes widened comically, gasps were heard, and disbelief rang throughout the Force.
Bail Organa coughed softly, “maybe you can tell us what Knight Skywalker means to you.”
Luke casted his gaze over to the man who claims to be Anakin Skywalker, and there he is, standing in all his glory. Anakin Skywalker.
“He…well…Anakin Skywalker is my father.”
Ahsoka’s eyes grew, oh dear, how is Master going to get out of this one?
Leia nodded, “He is…my biological father, Luke and I are twins,” her face soured slightly as she admitted the fact. She had not forgiven him yet, but in the light of things, she believed it was best to just go along with it.
Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin giggled, “we’re his grandchildren!”
“Jacen is the eldest, then it’s me, Jaina, and our younger brother, Anakin!”
The elder Skywalker felt his face grow hot, his heart racing a mile a minute. He caught the gaze of his wife, who sent him a reassuring smile, she too, was having a difficult time handling this.
“Your last names?” Kit Fisto asked politely.
Han sputtered, “what!? How do you kids have my last name!?”
Jacen looked unimpressed, “it’s cause we’re your kids.”
Anakin Jr. put his hands on his hips, “and Leia is our mother.”
Leia and Han paled at the thought, scooting away from each other.
Mon Mothma could only sigh. A red headed boy stepped up, blue eyes twinkled when he saw his grandfather pale.
“The name’s Ben Skywalker, I’m Luke Skywalker’s son.”
Luke turned sharply to stare at the red headed boy. But, who is the mother? The only woman who popped in his head was the one who was standing next to him. Mara Jade.
Ki-Adi Mundi put his hand under his chin in thought, strange.
Nat and Kol also stepped up, introducing themselves, garnering another round of surprise coming from the Jedi of the Old Republic.
Allana quietly said her name, stating who her father was, making Jacen go red and Jaina to laugh quite loudly, teasing him relentlessly. Ania had a small on her face, watching the smaller versions of the first Skywalker-Solo lineages goof off. 
“What about Marasiah Fel then? If I remember correctly, you said Ania was your cousin,” Mon spoke, trying hard to ignore the fact that the people of the future are Jedi Skywalker’s descendants. Does he ever follow the rules?
“My great great grandmother is Jaina Solo. Ania is Jacen’s descendant, and I, Jaina’s. Making us cousins,” explained the future empress, her hands folded neatly across her stomach.
Ahsoka now only had one question remaining on her mind and she was sure it was on everyone else’s.
“Who’s the mother of Master Skywalker’s children then?”
Several pairs of eyes snapped to her direction making her fix her posture, not wanting everyone to see her as only a child padawan.
The senators and Jedi Masters looked at the future Skywalkers who looked anywhere but at the front of the room where the people of the Old Republic stood.
“W-we don’t know,” Leia finally spoke up, “we thought…well, we thought that our father had a one night stand.”
The people of old looked highly skeptical of this theory.
The other time travelers muttered their own theories, some stating that they thought she was also a Jedi, possibly a smuggler, and other crazy stories.
“We just know she would have to look like Leia, since I look like my father, at least according to Be–I mean Obi-wan Kenobi,” Luke explained.
The auburn haired master coughed as he was now put in the spotlight.
“I’ve noticed that Miss Leia Skywalker,” Shaak Ti started, making Leia sour instantly, “young Allana Solo, young Jacen Solo and Miss Ania Solo all share close resemblances to Senator Amidala.”
The young female senator was now under scrutiny of her colleagues, the Masters of the Jedi Council, and the people of the future.
“Master Ti is right,” Aayla said in her heavy accent.
“Skywalker, do you have anything to say about this?” the face of Mace Windu was clouded, as his anger seeped through. The ones bearing the last name Skywalker all turned to the Korun master.
“What did I do?” The Skywalkers exclaimed in unison, making Mace quickly back track his words.
Anakin wisely kept quiet, his own thoughts getting to the better of him. I have a family…Padmé  and I made a legacy oh how I wish we could talk in private.
Padmé, feeling a headache coming on, could not help the joy that spread through her. She and Anakin made a family, their family made a family and so forth. She was excited and words could not describe the feeling. Oh no, the Jedi Council, she forgot about them in the heat of the moment.
She took a glance to her husband, giving him an unnoticeable nod.
The blonde Jedi Knight coughed, making the attention come his way. 
“Contrary to your…beliefs, I’m married.”
The entire room was not prepared, as a matter in fact, those weren’t the words that they expected to come out of the patriarch of the Skywalker clan’s mouth.
“To who?”
“Me,” Padmé stepped up, her head held high, this wasn’t how she imagined she would reveal their marriage, but no time like the present, right?
Bail and Mon were extremely surprised, their colleague, who had no interest in romantic relationships, was married? They had told her to pursue such things, saying that it was a wonderful thing to be connected to a person, who would love and cherish you. Yet, here she was, steps ahead of them.
“Hm, how many months, were you?” Yoda asked, his glimmer stick thumping softly. 
“Two and a half years, just after the Battle of Geonosis,” Anakin answered, his voice firm, Obi-wan pinched the bridge of his nose.
Force, help me.
“This is going against the Code–”
“What code?” Luke was now confused, while he was thrilled to know that he was a product of his parents’ love, at least he hoped so, he wondered about the code they seem to obsess and worship.
“The Jedi Code states that one should not hold romantic attachments,” Anakin explained to his son.
Kol was now laughing, “that wasn’t in the Code, as a Jedi Master myself and knowing history, Luke Skywalker made the Code after he rebuilt the Order and it never stated that.”
“How can one person, especially a Skywalker, change a code that existed well over two thousand years?” An angered Agen Kolar grit out.
“Rebuilt the Order?” Anakin had a bad feeling about this. Mara rolled her eyes, this was becoming too much, they’ve been here for hours and she needed some rest.
“The Jedi Order was destroyed, Jedi were killed and an empire, under the rule of the sith,  rose the day Luke and I were born, allegedly,” coughed Leia.
There was nothing but silence.
Pure unadulterated silence.
“Take a break we will, come back later, we must, to your rooms, the padawans will take you,” Yoda finally decided, he needed the Force to show him the way.
There were no signs or sounds of disagreement, they moved out of the room, leaving only a few Jedi left in the room.
“Skywalker,” Yoda called out to Anakin, “expel you, I will not, need you here, the Force demands. Until the agenda of the Force is finished, your status of your knighthood, you may keep,” he hobbled away with Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Shaak Ti.
 Anakin slumped against the wall in relief.
Obi-wan was disappointed. That much was obvious.
But he couldn’t place it.
Was he disappointed at his padawan? At himself? At the Code?
What had happened?
When Yoda had called a recess break, he inwardly refused, he wanted answers.
What happened to him? Anakin? The padawans?
Sitting in a meditation position, he searched the Force for guidance.
Though a small part of him was happy, happy that Anakin had a family, though the Code absolutely refuses such a thing. Spending the small amount of time with the Solo children, he could already feel fondness growing, and knowing it was his padawan’s great offspring, made his fondness grow.
Somewhere in his mind, he was proud that the Skywalker lineage were accomplished Jedi Masters, or politicians.
At least he found the answers to that, knowing how much Anakin hated politics.
Padmé was–is–good for him, no doubt about that, she grounded Anakin when he could not, she gave him peace, peace that the Jedi Knight so often searched for, looked for, meditated for.
He only hoped that it did not end in disaster.
Opening his eyes, he left his room and went to the cafeteria. Already there was talk about the strange occurrence of the strange beings who appeared out of nowhere.
Force help him.
Force help Anakin.
Force help the galaxy.
The appearance of the Skywalkers could either mean two things.
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jadecrusades · 2 years
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Illustration by Tsuneo Sanda, “The Heroes of Star Wars Comics.” May, 2007.
In May of 2007, Dark Horse Comics published “Star Wars: Panel by Panel” Volume 2, whose title pages included an illustration by Tsuneo Sanda. The impressive artwork, measuring 29” x 20”, depicts 110 characters, animals, and vehicles from Dark Horse’s line of Star Wars comics. The art was also distributed as a poster for Star Wars Celebration IV, and later republished as the cover to a Hyperspace Fan Club exclusive comic in 2008. Mara Jade appears on the right side of the piece, in front of the Acklay.
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starryrosebud · 2 years
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Marasiah Fel🤝Cade Skywalker looking so much like their ancestors, Padme and Anakin.
Funny thing they both have the “Skywalker” temperament😅. But Marasiah is a politician AND a force user!😁
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sweusource · 5 years
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Star Wars Legends: Ania Solo, Cade Skywalker & Marasiah Fel 
aka The Rise of Skywalker
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leiasbluelightsaber · 6 years
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Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers
“The Force is strong with my family.”
"Is every third human in this galaxy named Solo?"
“I say, sir, must every generation of Solos and Skywalkers act like this?”
“You’re a Skywalker! Act like one!”
“Family takes care of family.”
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symeona · 5 months
Sym my love do you have any sexy fresh legacy rework?? 💖💝💞
👀 ok I do have some old stuff I never posted, I don't think??
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And some preview of what's to come once anxiety decides to let me hgjvj
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willorcs · 7 years
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Star Wars Legends: Every generation has a story.
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thecabaggewoman · 3 years
The Skywalker family :
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legendsliveon · 5 years
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I am happy to announce a fanworks event celebrating the original extended Skywalker family!  Any type of fanworks are welcome that focus on the Legends Skywalker lineage. Ben Skywalker, Jaina, Jacen, Anakin, and Allana Solo are the most popular of course, but don’t forget about Shmi Skywalker, Ania Solo, Cade Skywalker, Pooja and Ryoo Naberrie, Marasiah Fel and any other members of the Skywalker/Solo/Naberrie line! Those who married into the family like Mara and Tenel Ka are of course welcome too.
I’ve made a prompt list, but if you’d rather go freestyle, that’s fine!
Sunday, 2/23: Tatooine
Monday, 2/24: Flight
Tuesday, 2/25: Lightsabers
Wednesday, 2/26: Home
Thursday, 2/27: Parent & Child
Friday, 2/28: Trial
Saturday, 2/29: Legacy
The only rules are don’t be hateful, (racist/ableist/queerphobic/sexist/etc.) and let’s not do anything nonc*n/dubc*n. Please tag your posts #LegendsFamily, or @ this blog @legendsliveon.
~~~This is a Legends event. Do not include Kylo or other Disney material.~~~
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galacticshq · 4 years
ANONYMOUS said: who would you guys like to see from the Star Wars legacy era?
heya ‘non ! we’d love to have some legacy era characters !
lumiya, syal antilles, tahiri veila, danni quee, alema rar, mirta gev, vestara khai, tenel ka djo, darth talon, darth maladi, khedryn faal, wynn dorvan, natasi daala, rosh penin, darth wyyrlok III, roan fel, gar stazi, kir kanos, bhindi drayson, morrigan corde, fehlaaur'aitel'loro /fehlaaur, morlish veed, jariah syn, deliah blue, marasiah fel, ran harkas, hondo karr, gunn yage, anj dahl, ganner krieg, azlyn rae, ahnah rawk, antares draco, t'ra saa, sigel dare !
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star-wars-fashion · 5 years
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Dress for Marasiah Fel
Veloudakis Gold Fall/Winter 2015
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sweusource · 5 years
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