#Roan Fel
gillymugs · 2 months
Antares Draco my beloved
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Added some colors on this, maybe I’ll render
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warlordfelwinter · 8 days
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i put a little picnic zone next to caldarus so we can hang out
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th3j4germe1ster · 4 months
I finaly undrstand why Chappell roan makes me fel things‼️
I am so gay for Richard Lipschitz.
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legends-expo · 2 years
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deepspaceboytoy · 3 months
I actually don’t know if Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel had a kid I just assume that’s where Roan comes from. Legends mutuals will know what this is about
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bg-11 · 11 months
Personally, I never liked the idea of a Fel Empire. It sounds too sanitized for me.
I don't mind it myself. I guess since the Empire continued to exist, even after most of it collapsed, the Fel Empire was the best possible way to continue it. Just a shame Roan Fel made the fatal mistake of allying with the Sith.
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leiasbluelightsaber · 6 years
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Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers
“The Force is strong with my family.”
"Is every third human in this galaxy named Solo?"
“I say, sir, must every generation of Solos and Skywalkers act like this?”
“You’re a Skywalker! Act like one!”
“Family takes care of family.”
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willorcs · 7 years
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Star Wars Legends: The Fel Empire
"I am, by right of birth and choice, your true Emperor! Not this Sith usurper Krayt! It is to me that you owe your allegiance! I call upon you, my loyal stormtroopers, to join with me and take back our Empire which you have so long and faithfully served."
requested by: @cosmicjourney1995​
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thecabaggewoman · 3 years
The Skywalker family :
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wymanthewalrus · 3 years
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*marge simpson voice* “I just think he’s neat”
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Mace Windu’s lineage
Mace had two Masters
Cyslin Myr (new canon) a Force-sensitive Mirialan female, was the Jedi Master who trained Padawan Mace Windu in the ways of the Force. At some point before the operation on Hissrich, Myr and her apprentice traveled to Mathas, a planet whose inhabitants were suffering from the Niffin plague. Together, they removed a man named Drooz, who was pretending to be a Jedi prophet and healer to trick the inhabitants into paying him for spiritual advice. They openly confronted Drooz and arrested him, after her Padawan, Mace Windu disarmed him and planned to kill him. She luckily talked Mace out of it, convincing him that is a matter to be taken up with the court of law. 
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T'ra Saa (legends) was a female Neti Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order during the final centuries of the Galactic Republic. In the years leading up to the end of the Republic, Master Saa fell in love with her fellow Jedi Master Tholme, and served as his successor as the Jedi Watchman of the Kiffu sector. After the onset of the Clone Wars, the Neti Jedi Master served with distinction as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Saa proceeded to survive Order 66, along with Tholme and fled to Kashyyyk, where she took refuge with Tholme's former Padawan, Quinlan Vos and his family. Near the conclusion of the Second Imperial Civil War, T'ra Saa sacrificed herself on the planet Taivas, where the Hidden Temple of the Jedi was located. Forces of the reborn Darth Krayt launched a massive assault on the Temple, and were also prepared for a counterattack from Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile and the Galactic Alliance Remnant. Saa directed the energy of the Temple's reactor with the force and created a massive beam of light that tore a hole in the Sith fleet, allowing her fellow Jedi and allies to escape and eventually win the war. 
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Mace Windu had three Padawans
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1# Devan For'deschel was a female Human Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Near the end of the Clone Wars, For'deschel was present in the Academy when it was attacked by pirates and mercenaries under the command of the Dark Jedi Garth Ezzar. Ezzar engaged her in personal combat and killed her, although she was able to injure him before she fell.
2# Echuu Shen-Jon was a male human Jedi Master in the waning years of the Galactic Republic until its fall, and served as a Jedi General in the Clone Wars. During the war, he went into hiding and eventually re-emerged to fight for the Rebel Alliance.
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Stam and Naat were force sensitive siblings. Studying together at the Coruscant Jedi Temple during the Separatist Crisis which would plague the Galactic Senate for nearly a decade, Reath was selected as a Padawan by Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon while his sister remained at the Temple. Selected as part of Master of the Order Mace Windu's task force that was sent to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala from Geonosis, Reath and Shen-Jon rushed to the planet to fight during the opening salvo of the Clone Wars. While other Jedi entered the Petranaki arena Reath and his master joined High Council members Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi, along with Windu's apprentice Depa Billaba and several other Jedi in a mission to destroy several Trade Federation battleship cores.
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Completing the mission successfully, the group was then given orders to prevent Count Dooku from escaping to a hangar and leaving the planet. When the Jedi reached the area, they encountered Dark Acolyte Sev'rance Tann, a prominent General for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Engaging Tann in a lightsaber duel, Reath was quickly slain and Tann and Dooku escaped. Reath's death left both his sister and Shen-Jon in great emotional pain and suffering from the temptation of the dark side of the Force.
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3# Depa Billaba, a Force-sensitive human female native of the planet Chalacta, was a Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council during the final years of the Jedi Order. She was born on Chalacta and became a member of the Order at a young age, where she was trained by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Billaba was later appointed to the Council alongside her former teacher. She was killed during order 66.
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Kanan Jarrus, born Caleb Dume, was a Force-sensitive human male Jedi Knight who survived Order 66 during the Clone Wars. Living on thanks to the sacrifice of his Master, Depa Billaba, on Kaller, he met the smuggler Janus Kasmir, who taught him how to survive as a fugitive. Going into hiding, he forsook the Jedi ways for some time, swapping his blue-bladed lightsaber for a blaster. After working with the Twi'lek rebel operative Hera Syndulla during the Gorse Conflict, Jarrus decided to join her nascent rebel cell.
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Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive human male, was a Jedi Padawan, a freedom fighter, and a revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. He was born on Empire Day in 19 BBY to Ephraim and Mira Bridger. His parents' public criticism of the Empire led to their imprisonment, leaving Bridger an orphan on the planet Lothal as a child. He joined the rebel crew of the Ghost in 5 BBY and was trained in the ways of the Force by Kanan Jarrus. Bridger's abilities grew quickly, and a message of hope he broadcast in the Lothal sector inspired a number of rebel cells to begin working together to fight the Empire. 
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icyteaa · 3 years
So … I just read the recent manhwa. I don't know why, but I don't find anyone who talks about this, so I will speak up.
This picture:
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I don't know why, but this picture makes me very sad. I imagine the hardships Alberu had gone through since he was just a kid after his mom died, until he finally found a new family and friends (Cale and Co.).
My heart shattered as I thought about it. And I can't help but want to write something for him. So this is it. Headcanon that I dedicated to our beloved Crown Prince.
TCF Headcanon
[Found A Family]
Alberu dreamed last night. He didn't know he should say it was a good dream or a nightmare. He sure, finally met his mother again even if it's in a dream is a very good thing that rarely happens, but he too can't avoid the sorrow he felt after he wakes up from that dream. It makes him remember short but precious moments—the best memories he has in the twenty-four years he lives, mourning about it and wanting it to come back; to feel it again.
Alberu sighed without he can even resist. His morning felt rather gloomy because of that, but his responsibility as a Crown Prince in the middle of war never waited for him to get ready; so he took a bath and let the maid help him with the clothes. Push aside his feelings to the corner of his heart and wrap his prince-like behaviour that should never disappear in front of his people just like any other day.
He found a particular message in his communication device while he sorted all messages from his vassal and subordinate there. It's from his Aunt, Tasha. It's not something related to his duty, he thought, as he saw there were no formalities in the first greeting. So he just read it after he went through another meeting with noble about preparation for war and had a moment to rest for himself. Because responsibility always comes first than his own interest.
—If you want it, I can take charge of your task for today so you can visit your mother's grave. Don't push yourself too much. At least you can do that today.
Alberu chuckled. But there is no smile in his void eyes. Finally, someone brought it up. After all the silence his subordinate reluctantly acted in front of him, or even just normal behavior because they didn't know what date is today as they didn't have much care for the deceased person; someone finally showed care to him in the way most sincere than any bullshit talk all noble threw. And just like any year he passed, it's always and only his aunt.
Maybe that is why he has a rare dream today. Today is a special and gloomy day. He will never forget it. Nintheen years had passed, but he couldn't erase the grief in his heart. His most beloved person. The only one who is on his side in this cold palace. The only one who looked after him when everyone turned their eyes. The one who affectionately caressed him. It's just five years and still, Alberu can't get away from the sensation; or the fact he wants to feel it once more.
But remember the mountain stack in front of his eyes and duties that he should do today, he shook his head before answering his aunt's massage shortly. Rejected her offer softly before continuing with the paperwork he should read and sign. It's not the time for it. And he knew, he couldn't do it because it meant there would be people who see his weak side. And in this critical moment, that kind of weakness will be very dangerous if the enemies (any other princes or princesses) hold it.
Just like that, there is nothing different in Alberu's schedule. He read and signed paperwork—mountains of it, before he went to another meeting. And without even he realized, the time passed to the night as he found the moon shining brightly and illuminated his study.
It's tiring, of course. But it's not like he can complain much as this is the path he chooses himself. Alberu frequently questions his own decision. Why did he still stand when the favor of King had fallen from him? Why did he still choose to fight his step siblings to get the throne? Is it really just because of the power he will hold as the new King? Or is it because that is his right to have it? Is this continual tiring activity worthy enough for that?
Alberu can't help but let out another sigh. As time passed and he had let his subordinate get a rest while he finished a few more paperwork, he let himself not act as a strong prince without weakness to be pointed out. His too much absent-mindedly thought made him not realise someone had already transported into his study and observed him with absolute silence.
"You look more tired than normal, hyung." Alberu jolted when he heard the man's voice. His face narrowed with a big frown and his body all tensed up, before he realised his body again after he saw whose voice that he heard. He scoffed when he found the man so-called his sworn brother, stoicly staring at him while sitting on the couch opposite him. He huffed under his breath, "Can you step into my room with more proper attitude just like any other noble do?"
Unfortunately, the man is a few people that he can't really scold or punish even with any improper behavior he did in front of the Crown Prince. So even after receiving just a shrugged shoulder from the man as an answer to his sarcasm question, he just let out another sigh. Really, he didn't know why this man could be very unafraidly approach him. And then again, he didn't know too why he himself was never really angry because of his behaviour. He shook his head and reached another paperwork, "So, what business did our busy young master do in my study this late at night?"
At least Cale, the name of a young master that weirdly came to his life just a year ago, didn't come with an empty hand. They have yet another small meeting, discussing things they should prepare for war while Alberu finishes his paperwork left. It may be close to midnight when they finally end their discussion and Alberu finished his work. He stretched his stiff body before letting out another sigh. As time passed, it seemed he was too comfortable enough to let this young man see his un-prince behaviour somehow, so he didn't care and did it while Cale still observed him silently.
"Aren't you push yourself too much, hyung?" The reddish brown eyes observed him thoroughly. Cale rose his eyebrows with disbelief, as if Alberu's appearance right now made the young man pitited him. Alberu eyebrows rose too, "And whose mess do I take care of the most?" He said jokingly. Yeah, joking because even if he looks quite not like what the man did as he roamed and spread mess, it's too for the greater good of Roan Kingdom. They two know well about that. But still, found Cale scoffed when he heard Alberu complain, sure amusing to be watched.
"Seriously, your highness. I just state the fact, but it looks like our sun is too tired and wronged his subordinate without him even realizing." Cale stood from his couch and bowed in proper manner this time. Alberu could see unpleasant glints in the young man's eyes as they stared at each other, "Then I will take my leave so our sun can rest."
Alberu chuckled. This type of sulky face Cale has made him a bit better. It looks like teasing this young master can make his stressed out body more relaxed. "It's hyung." Alberu rose one side of his lips, "If our beloved hero can help this tired human, how about accompanying me with a few glasses of wine?"
They have a quiet night with just the voice of glasses collided with each other. He let his sober fly away as the wine passed his throat. His memories of his mother filled his mind. He didn't even realize that he talked about his memories with the young master. He didn't remember much, but he knew Cale heard his stories patiently until his body flopped into the table and his consciousness faded.
"I miss my mother." Alberu heard himself mourning as his body was lifted and Cale carried him in the shoulder. This can happen just because his consciousness disappeared bit by bit, and he wasn't in the state to care about pride. He is sad. And he really misses his mom. Cale, who is still by his side, is the only place he can mourn as he pleases.
He could see his way to the bed not smooth as the weak young man staggered to support him. Nevertheless, Alberu succeeded in plopping on the bed surface before Cale dragged his body again so he could lie down properly. He saw Cale's face that sat on the edge of bed. The young man still shut himself even if Alberu wanted to hear his response. It makes him a bit upset, so he scoffed, "You don't even react. Are you don't care about that either?"
Cale sighed softly. Alberu felt a warm hand in his forehead pat him stiffly after that. "If I didn't care, I would have left you alone a long time ago." Alberu shut himself as he felt the warmth caressed his head. It is surely not as soft as his mom did; but he can feel the same warmth. The one he really likes, and the one he really misses. His body relaxed more as the hand adjusted the hand move and running in his head more gently. "If you care … don't die. Don't leave me alone."
The hand stopped for a moment before doing his task again while another one moved the blanket to Alberu's neck to keep him warm. "I'm not planning on dying." He can hear Cale's voice. That voice calmed him down; like a lullaby his mothers always sang to make Alberu sleep. And finally, Alberu shut his eyes slowly and his consciousness faded fully as he heard the last sentence from the young man, "Rest, hyung. You deserve to have it."
In his dream, he met his mother again. But unlike today, he can feel this is going to be a good dream he has tomorrow as he finally comes to the realization that, he isn't alone. His mom couldn't support him again nor caress him, but someone had filled the hole in his sorrowful heart. Someone had reached his hand toward Alberu. Someone who can he call his younger brother—dongsaeng. Maybe he will not admit it openly, but he knew his heart had already accepted the man's existence.
If tomorrow he felt embarrassed because of his mourn in front of the young man, let it be the story for tomorrow. Just for today, he felt content. Because finally he realized; he had found a family.
I labelled this as TCF Headcanon, not AlbeCale because I want to write this not as AlbeCale stan, but as a fan of Alberu Crossman. I love him and I want him to be happy after all he has gone through up until now.
Please shower Alberu more love. Not just because of his looks or his relationship with Cale, but because of his entire existence. He deserves it🥺
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acquaintedwithrask · 3 years
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Hunter and Roan are Team Relax for the STVBB this year! I already did my reference sheet, but I wanted to do something a little more interesting and dynamic, and it’s been literally a year since I’ve drawn these two dumb fel touched idiots anyway 😭 ❤️ so stoked to be drawing them more this month as the art fight kicks off next week!
Roan belongs to @roanathos-niluthiad
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haunted-hunter · 3 years
Cheat Sheet- Hunter
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Name: “Hunter”.  Not his birthname, but it’s his name now.
Alias/Nicknames: Alters include “Mace” and “Embren” among others yet to be discovered.  Nicknames are Hunts, Red, and Crocodile :)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (depends on how long DH’s were trapped in those crystals, BLIZZARD.  But anywhere from 27-35, which is pretty damn young since Sin’dorei can live pretty long)
Zodiac: Pisces
Abilities/Talents: Enhanced strength and durability, accelerated healing, flight, heightened poison resistance (alcohol lol), and ability to metamorphis with some of his demons’ traits.  He wouldn’t say so, but he has talent for rune and portal magic.
Alignment:  lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / evil
Religion: None
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Thalassian, Eredun, Orcish, and that’s all!
Family:  Hunter doesn’t know his family, but:
Beldar Embren Quarry- father, deceased or missing
Faelynn Ginivieve Summerwind- mother, deceased or missing
Someone else but that’s my secret for now :))
Friends: Roan of course (they’re more than friends 👀 but y’know ), Rask, Bran, Nova, Calowren, Perchedon, Vellinora, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few.  Mostly Demon Hunters!
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / partnered / engaged / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: white / blonde / brown / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue  / gray / green / black / other (Felfire)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
Height: 7′5″
Scars: All tattoos are done along the lines of faint scars, but the most notable scar is the now-tattooed ring around his neck.  There are also blackened scars around his eyes from when he clawed them out himself.
Preferences: Let me preface by saying that Hunter doesn’t have strong emotions toward foods one way or another.  Food is just a means to an end; fuel to keep the demon-fighting ability alive.  His taste buds are fucked up by the fel in his body, like when you have maybe burned your tongue on something hot, so he isn’t great at distinguishing or caring about flavors. dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter (honestly he doesn’t care either way) || spring or autumn (again, barely makes a difference to him) || past or future (he sees no future for himself, but can’t remember much about his past; however, some of his most peaceful moments were the simple days of just fighting the Legion, and those days are now gone.)
Songs that remind you of them: Check out the #endless playlist tag on this blog!
Tagged by @fel-temptation thank you :)
Tagging: @roanathos-niluthiad​ @lateoctobermoon​ (whichever character you wanna do!)
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the-kouchfort · 4 years
Get inside the Kouchfort
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Last Song: Veteran of the Psychic Wars by Blue Oyster Cult
Last Movie: The Secret of Roan Inish
Currently Reading: Storm Warning by Mercedes Lackey
Currently Watching: My YouTube sub queue. (Most Amazing Top 10, Dollightful, Bernadette Banner, Rachael Macksy, The Mathews Fam, and a lot more)
Craving: Food. The kind you eat, not the kind you drink. I am VERY TIRED of having to drink my food -.-
Tagged by: @safrona-shadowsun Tagging: @fel-temptation @gentek @jemini-arts @momma-mentor-ffxiv @odessii-dragonblade @sir-camelot @the-zombee-cat
And I’d love to get these from @dduane, and @neil-gaiman (two of my favorites for quite some time now), but I doubt they’ll see this post ^_^
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galacticshq · 4 years
ANONYMOUS said: who would you guys like to see from the Star Wars legacy era?
heya ‘non ! we’d love to have some legacy era characters !
lumiya, syal antilles, tahiri veila, danni quee, alema rar, mirta gev, vestara khai, tenel ka djo, darth talon, darth maladi, khedryn faal, wynn dorvan, natasi daala, rosh penin, darth wyyrlok III, roan fel, gar stazi, kir kanos, bhindi drayson, morrigan corde, fehlaaur'aitel'loro /fehlaaur, morlish veed, jariah syn, deliah blue, marasiah fel, ran harkas, hondo karr, gunn yage, anj dahl, ganner krieg, azlyn rae, ahnah rawk, antares draco, t'ra saa, sigel dare !
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