#Marco Bott x Reader
yuyuswrld · 7 months
O Captain, My Captain
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Series Intro
characters: various aot boys x reader
genre: SMAU with writing, romance, smut, angst
for my marco fans, there’s a little sneak peak at him at the end :)
notes: this series will be 18+ even though this introduction does not have any smut in it. please do not interact with me if you are under 18. all characters in this series are over the age 18.
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You learned that Eren Yeager was a stone wall incredibly quickly. It was a shock to you, considering how popular he was despite being unable to converse with someone he didn’t know well. You’d have steered away from him forever if it had been up to you. However, knowing your luck, you had to see him every day after all your classes were over.
It was a slip of judgment to allow yourself to be recruited as the next manager of the volleyball team. Sure, you had watched a couple of games here and there for school spirit, not to mention copious amounts of alcohol at the after-parties. But when one of your professors approached you on your way out of class, describing a great way to amp up your resume and get all-expenses-paid vacations, becoming a sports team manager was the last thing you expected.
“It’s kind of funny, actually,” Connie starts to explain after you walk into the gym, noting the tasks you'll be in charge of before you commit to the offer. “Our old manager, Hanna, got pregnant with one of my homies. Now she’s off giving birth and whatnot, so we’ve been down a manager.”
“So what does a manager typically do?” You question, shifting the conversation slightly to get to the point. The more you look at the different stereotypical characters running across the courts and the loud smacks that echoed throughout the gym, the more your desire to take the opportunity dwindles. Sure, cute boys and another achievement on your resume are great or whatever, but you really try to avoid getting committed to sports – especially after crashing and burning last time. You shudder as a chill runs down your spine at the thought before Connie starts talking again.
“Oh, um. I won't lie, I honestly have no idea what she did, either.” You stare at Connie in silence, cocking an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Uh, is there someone who does?” You ask. It's getting difficult to ignore your doubts about your decision to come here.
“Yeah, I think so. Let me go grab ‘im.” Connie jogs further down the court, interrupting someone as they finish their current spike. But as your eyes focus in on who was walking closer, you knew you we’re going to have the displeasure of meeting Eren Yeager.
Connie runs over to drag his brown-haired teammate over, who takes his sweet time walking over after sparing you only a glance. He is good looking, sure – but you aren't fooled by appearances, and you've heard far too much about him to even remotely consider him attractive from listening to Petra gossiping about him. She had a big mouth and somehow knew everything about everyone, the good and the bad, but it came in handy when it came to staying in the loop at school. Eren had a nasty habit of cursing out any girl who made an advance on him, citing his career and how a ‘bitch’ would only get in the way of it.
You think back to the memory of Petra sipping her drink, watching Eren walk out of school and head towards his Hellcat in the parking lot. You two had been sitting at the school’s cafe as you enjoyed your “study” date, which had inevitably just turned into a gossip session.
“You see that guy? That’s Eren Yeager. He’s on our volleyball team and he’s a fucking psycho.” She'd rolled her eyes as she recounted the gossip she had gotten from her friend. “Apparently Mina – y’know the one from our bio class? They hooked up at a party and afterwards he accused her of trying to sabotage his volleyball career. He even called her a psycho. That’s not even the only time he’s done it apparently. I know he’s cute, but stay away unless you want to end up on a true crime podcast.”
You brace yourself for the upcoming conversation as he nears.
“You’re going to be the new manager?” Eren says in a monotone voice, as if being forced by his mother to make small talk with a distant aunt. The displeasure of being interrupted is written all over his face.
“No – well –” You start before Eren cuts you off without hesitation.
“Usually Hanna prepares the towels, fills the bottles with water, and mops the gym after practice. Coach Levi's pretty anal about the gym being clean, so pay attention to that. You’ll want to learn about formations and strategies, too; Hanna fucking sucked when it came to game sense. You’ll work with the sports director Erwin to set up practice matches and travel plans. There’s probably more, but that’s your job, not mine.” He jogs back over to do spiking drills without another word. Your jaw slackens, scoffing at the attitude. What a little shit. Connie shrugs at you in an I’m pretty sure that’s right way. You smile at him, politely dismissing yourself before trudging your way back to your professor’s office.
“Absolutely not,” you say, dramatically sighing to emphasize the sheer disappointment you feel from the experience. “I only talked to Connie and Eren, which was already too much. You’d have better luck with a dog trainer or circus clown to manage them.” Your shoulders drop, but you prepare to defend yourself as to why.
“Please,” Professor Hange begs, their eyes beading with desperation. “I was the one who introduced the previous manager to the guy that got her pregnant. On accident, of course, but they’re totally on my tail about getting a new manager to fill the spot!” They spin around haphazardly before collapsing on their standing desk in an unconvincing sadness. “I’ll even see if they’ll pay you as if you were working a normal student job.”
You internally cringe, but are now forced to consider the prospects. Chewing on your lip, you respond. You know if you look back on this moment at any point, you’d want to go back in time and slap yourself.
“If you can make it a paid position, I’ll do it.”
Unsurprisingly, Professor Hange got their way in the end.
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next: part 1, reiner x reader
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luvbugs-blog · 1 year
getting saved by the aot boys
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including: eren, jean, marco, bertoldt, and reiner
warnings: none!!
author's note: struggling a little bit with school and figuring out when I will set aside writing time. but please please please send me your thoughts!
is this how you were going to die? in the arms of a filthy titan? well in this world, how else were you supposed to die? of old age? you weren't that lucky…you were overwhelmed with the stench of impending death, the titan's giant hand squeezing you so hard you thought you were going to break in half.
how could you allow yourself to be grabbed? oh, yeah, you were trying to save another cadet. selfishly, you thought that if you knew this was the outcome to begin with, you would have never tried to save him. you didn't want to die. you were going to leave behind your friends, your family… eren.
the two of you had just started going out, despite liking each other since you were children. but eren was too stubborn to admit he fully liked you until the night he was admitted as a soldier. he was so happy he passed the balance test, he just blurted out his feelings, much to your delight.
how was eren going to respond to your death? not that it matters, as you won't be alive to see it. black started to crowd around the corner of your eyes, but you swear you saw lighting out in the distance.
then you heard an animalistic cry. eren. was he coming to save you? just as the titan was lowering you into his mouth, you were thrown into the sky, before being snatched up by armin. as you hold onto armin with desperation, you look behind you to see eren's titan stomping on the titan's neck. you weren't going to die. tears sprung to your eyes as you held tight onto your other childhood friend. you were alive. you are alive.
armin found a space on the ground far from any other titans, but you refused to let go.
"armin. i always knew i was going to die by a titan. but it was so scary." he sighed, a started petting your head.
"i know. you're ok."
armin loaded you onto the cart to be towed back inside the walls, as you can hardly stand by yourself. the day passes, but you can hardly remember it. nurses come and go, replacing bandages and ice packs on your stomach, feeding you, and tending to your bruises.
eventually, eren runs in, looking around for you. when he spots you, a relieved look passes over his face. he quickly makes his way over, ignoring the nurses' attempts to get him to stop. kneeling beside you, he fusses over all of the gauze, apologizing profusely for not intervening faster. you jut grabbed his hand.
"thank you." he smiled and placed a small kiss on your forehead.
"YEAGER!" he definitely was going to be lectured for turning into a titan without permission, but this time, he couldn't care less.
this wasn't how the plan was supposed to go. they were supposed to take jean and armin. but somehow, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and taken with armin. you were only in the cart for three seconds to help secure armin's wig, and jean was standing near while mikasa, levi, and connie were helping him look like eren, much to his dismay. But before jean and you could switch places, the cart lurched forward, almost sending you and armin tumbling out. panicked, you look at armin, who urged you to stay with him. maybe the plan could still be salvaged. unfortunately, you didn't have any ODM gear on, no guns, or knives. nothing you could use to defend yourself.
"armin. the plan is going to fail! i don't look anything like eren!"
"it's fine. i'll think of something. don't worry." how can I not worry? after a few minutes, the cart seemed to slow, and two men came around the back with rope. they take a while to tie the two of you up, but after a while, they leave the two of you tied to chairs.
you don’t know where the men went, so you look at armin and try to speak with your eyes. what's going to happen? armin just gives you a reassuring glance, knowing that the others should be coming soon. it wasn't long before the men returned, one caressing armin's (fake) hair, the other advancing toward you.
"you don't fit the description of eren yeager," he said gripping your shoulder. "but you're too pretty to let go. Maybe little eren will come for you, and we can get our reward." his nasty hand begun to make its way down your body, which you tried to ignore. thankfully, before anything could happen, the windows break open, and mikasa throws the first man down. armin and you burst out of the restraints, looking around on where to help. the second man draws a gun at you, but is also quickly stopped when your boyfriend lands on him, after jumping in from the window.
with all of the kidnappers down, jean quickly runs up to you, as mikasa goes to check on armin. he draws you into a hug, which you gratefully return.
"had to take all my fun, huh?" you giggle at his little comment.
"glad a big strong man came to rescue me. thank you eren." jean's mouth gapes open. "HUH? i don’t look anything like that ugly guy!"
you just laugh and press a kiss on his lips. "thanks jean."
panting, you slid between houses, trying to lose this titan on your tail, but it was fruitless. it seemed to sense you, no matter how many times you ran away. this might be it for you. you lost your remaining gas trying to save your squad, but that was unsuccessful too, and now your ODM gear is useless. you tried looking around for any other squads that might be around. nothing.
this isn't how you wanted to go. you at least wanted to be seen, to be remembered in some way. but it looks like you were going to die alone, for a random cadet to find your body when they were doing cleanup. a small tear trickled down your cheek at the thought of leaving your family behind. your friends. marco.
the two of you had gotten together shortly after training. you wonder if he'll know you are dead, or if he'll hold onto hope that you are still alive, just lost. you lean up against the wall of one house you were hiding out in, and try to catch your breath. peering out the window, you see the titan chasing you get held up by another cadet. eyes roaming around for any way out of this predicament, you see a fallen soldier, with their ODM gear in tact. maybe you could make it. holding your breath, you sprint out and quickly try to remove the gas tanks. you start to sweat, knowing you shouldn't be out in the open for so long.
it wasn’t long before you heard stomping heading in your direction. how stuck were these damn tanks? you quickly decide to abandon the tanks, and just run, hoping you can figure out another plan in a quick amount of time. you sprint between houses before you start slowing. the adrenaline was gone, and you were winded. the titan rounds the corner, eyeing you. you start sprinting again, but not before tripping on rubble left by the surrounding buildings. this is it. your legs were so heavy, and your arms too weak. you were tired of running. you hoped marco would forgive you for giving up. just as the titan, starts reaching for you, you hear feet. human feet.
"y/n!" connie jumps from on roof and distracts the titan from the front, when marco jumps from behind, slicing the neck.
you scramble out of the way to avoid the already disintegrating corpse. marco comes and scoops you up, while connie follows behind. once the three of you are safely atop of the walls. marco sets you down, but you don't let go of him. you’re shaking badly, and marco just sits with you until you calm down.
"i thought i was going to lose you," marco whispers. you turn to look at him, and there are tears in his eyes. "but you didn't," you say as you pull him closer. "thank you." you press a sweet kiss on his lips, happy the two of you are together and safe. "you saved my life." marco smiles and you two sit close together before you refill your gas.
too bad you couldn't return the favor in the future.
you glance behind you on your way to breakfast before training. another trainee is following you. the same cadet that has been bothering you for the last few weeks. he's been trying to drag you away from friends to hang out with you, trying to sit down at the table next to you, trying to help you put on the straps for your ODM gear. it was nice at first, to feel like somebody liked you. but now it's just creepy, and you have no idea what to do about it. you're afraid that if you go to a commander, they will think you are wasting their time. it's not like they’ve tried to hurt you.
your friends have noticed it too, and are slightly worried. eren won't let you go to the stables by yourself. mikasa always walks with you. reiner and bertholdt always sit beside you during meals. jean is always by your side at training. you feel a bit like a burden, because your friends have better, more important things to worry about.
today, you are walking by yourself, as mikasa is busy helping eren after he hurt himself. and this stalker seems to have noticed that you don't have your normal bodyguard with you.
the thought makes you a bit angry. does he not think you can take care of yourself? you are one of the top trainees. you can definitely kick his scrawny ass. despite that, you still got a chill up your spine, feeling uncomfortable, so you pick up your pace a little bit. you make it into the dining hall, and see reiner and bertholdt already seated. you take a seat next to berty, and exhale a little bit, trying to maintain your breathing. bertholdt leans over and asks, "are you ok?"
you crane your head to look up at him. "i'm fine. just my little buddy over there decided to follow me here." the two of you quickly glance behind you, and see that your follower had begrudgingly had sat by his friends. reiner leans over, listening to your conversation, "why didn’t mikasa come here with you?"
you scoff. "i can take care of myself, reiner."
"oh no doubt. but, I just don't trust that guy."
"me neither," bertholdt frowns. you smile. you've had a crush on him for a while, and suspect that he likes you back.
"you jealous, berty?" you say, while smirking. he blushes and turns away. "don't be a brat." you just laugh and lean your head against him, which makes him turn an even darker shade. after a hot second, you jump out of your seat.
"where are you going?"
"don't you worry your head off, bertholdt. i'm just going to the bathroom." he pouts a little bit, which you think is cute.
"you shouldn't go by yourself."
"i'll be just fine." you were not just fine. apparently, the cadet was watching you leave, and grabs you, pinning you against the wall.
"is he your little boyfriend now?"
"why does it matter to you?" you say, shoving him away. "you don't mean anything to me, you fucking creep." you try to walk away, but he grabs onto your arm.
"i am her boyfriend," a voice says behind you. "so please, let go of her." the cadet turns, looking at bertholdt, who looked so intimidating, towering over him. "now."
he immediately let go of your arm, and sprinted away.
"oh! are you ok?" you smile at him. "my hero," you say, hugging the literal tree trunk of his body. he places a small kiss to your head. "oh yeah?"
you tilt your head to make eye contact and smile. "yeah. boyfriend."
this was the first expedition with the scouts, so it was understandable to say you were a bit nervous. of course, you have fought titans before, but you had never been so exposed in terms of no trees and no surrounding buildings. you were riding for a while with a senior member of the scouts, and the two of you rode alongside each other quietly, occasionally breaking the silence for small questions about the mission. the two of you were pretty uneasy, after seeing multiple red flares, but no evidence that there was going to be a retreat.
"squad Leader?" you waited until you heard a small grunt that she had heard you before you continued. "why are we continuing? do you think erwin somehow didn't see our flares?"
"no, I think he saw them. But erwin has a bigger plan in mind."
"oh." That wasn't the answer you were hoping for. but you couldn't express your worries as another member joined you explaining that a flank had been completely wiped out. your partner jumped into action.
"I'll spread the word! y/n! stay here!" she quickly rode off to inform the other parts of the formation. after 5 minutes, you felt a chill down your spine.
you turn towards the member who joined you when you started hearing loud footsteps headed your way. that's impossible! there would have been warning flares if a titan breached the formation. oh wait. the flank has been wiped out.
the footsteps got closer, and soon, your partner is kicked into the air, blood spraying everywhere. time seemed to slow, and you know you have to do something if you want to live. you veer your horse to the right, nearly missing the titan's foot, but in doing that, you fall off, causing your horse to scatter. this is it.
you lay on the ground, not sure what to do next. you can't outrun a titan. there are no trees around for you to use your ODM gear. the titan turns to you, and you lift your head to see where the next attack will come from.
blond hair moves in the wind, and you realize, the titan has a striking resemblance to -
"y/n!" reiner scoops you up, the ends of his ODM gear on the titan's back. While reiner is saving you, jean tries to target the female titan's nape.
"jean!" armin yells. you miss what happens next, because you are tossed to the ground, reiner flying to rescue jean.
your eyes widen when you realize the titan grabbed your boyfriend. you scream his name, but your ODM gear busted when you hit the ground. you don't have time to fix it. you're going to watch him die. seconds seemed like hours as you screamed his name, tears pouring from your eyes. You try to run towards him, but jean was holding you back.
you close your eyes, trying to block out what is happening, when you hear jean gasp. you immediately open your eyes to see that reiner had broken free.
he lands on the ground, grabbing you and armin. you exhale, letting him carry you from the titan.
he's alive. you're alive.
reiner is such a rock in your life. you are so glad you can count on him, knowing he will be there to save you, that he will never betray you.
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whats-her-quirk · 12 days
Secret Oath Chapter 5
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last || m.list
marco bott x fem!reader
18+ mdni
word count: 5k
chapter warnings: mentions of underage drinking, sexual innuendo, brief bi panic, reader sits in a shopping cart and conditions her hair
a/n: made it in just under the 2 year mark with a new update. guys...
♪ farewell andromeda (welcome to my morning) by john denver
When you’re not chasing grade schoolers from place to place, there are only so many things to do at camp. After hiking, swimming, reading, and just generally hanging out around a campfire in your free time, you tend to get a little desperate for a change of pace. With a little planning ahead, Ymir has secured everybody a night off for a Wal-Mart trip, and by the end of a long week, the idea of hitting up the only nearby grocery store is genuinely as exciting as a ticket to Disneyland.
Camp Shiganshina is at least fifteen square miles from anywhere, so walking to town is out of the question. You spend dinnertime trying to figure out the carpool situation, and it turns out not everyone is coming along. Bertholdt twisted his ankle playing basketball, so he’s staying in the cabin for rest, ice, compression, and elevation on Nanaba’s orders. Eren and Mikasa also decline for unknown reasons, but they’re always weird like that, and only Jean seems disappointed. That leaves seven of you, and there’s only one vehicle in the parking lot that can fit that many passengers.
Erwin is surprisingly chill with the idea of letting you borrow the company van. “Why take two cars when you can all fit in there?” he reasoned when you, Reiner, and Hitch went to ask him together. “There’s no sense wasting your gas, and you’ll be safer if you all stick together.”
“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll make sure everybody’s taken care of,” says Reiner, flexing so hard you hear a thread snap in his t-shirt.
Erwin laughs, big and exuberant and sincere. “Of course! You have my trust.”
After running back to the cabin to toss your wallet and other necessities in a bag, you meet in the parking lot outside the mess hall. Erwin and Miche are leaning against the front of the van chatting while everyone loads up. Hitch dances her way over to them, holding out a hand to Erwin. “Keys, please!”
Erwin dangles a keychain as old as the vehicle itself above her palm before quirking a thick brow at her. “You are not to go over 55 miles per hour on the state route. You are not to exceed 35 on the side roads. And everyone wears their seatbelts. Understood?”
Perhaps startled by his serious tone, Hitch dials herself back. “Yes, sir.” He smiles and nods as he drops the keys in her hand, and she scuttles away to the driver’s seat.
Miche nudges you with his elbow. “Will you text me when you get there safe?”
You roll your eyes, hiding how sweet you find it. “Whatever, dad.” He makes a face at you. You stick out your tongue.
“Hey loser, you got bitch seat,” Ymir calls for you out the sliding door of the van.
You whirl around. “Historia is the smallest, why can’t she sit in the back?”
“We drew straws or something, I don’t know. Got a problem with that?” You’re used to the sass, but when she nods her head to the back of the van, it clicks. Marco and Jean sit on opposite ends of the third row bench seat—of course the middle is reserved for you.
You squeeze your way between the two bucket seats in the middle row, making sure to step and lean on Ymir as much as possible as you climb over her, just to be annoying. Tucking your bag between your feet, you manage to wedge yourself between the boys, shoulder to shoulder.
“Cozy,” you chuckle.
Jean reaches for the handle above the side window, making a little more space between you. “It’s not that far, at least.”
You pat behind both hips looking for your seat belt before you realize Marco is sitting on it. You start to reach for it, freezing only inches from his ass. “Uh, Marco. Can you scoot—”
Marco looks down where your leg is pressed against his. “Oh yeah! Uh…”
He twists as far as he can, already buckled, trying to lift his hip out of your way. You reach under him quickly, but your knuckles definitely drag across his back pocket. You click your buckle and then sit stiff as a board, hyper-aware of the fact that you fully touched his butt.
“Jesus Christ,” Jean mutters, sending you and Marco into a fit of laughter as Hitch backs out of the parking spot.
The first several minutes of the drive are spent messing with the music. Ymir shouts for Reiner to switch over to the radio, but every time he tries, it switches itself back to the tape deck after a few seconds. The cassette won’t eject, so your options are a John Denver single or silence.
“Leave it, this is a great song!” Historia begs. Neither Ymir nor Reiner will say no to her, but at least it’s Take Me Home Country Roads.
You’re a little embarrassed at first, but Marco nudges you after the first chorus. “Come on, I know you know the words. Everybody knows this song!”
You can feel your cheeks burning. “You just wanna make me sing.”
“Maybe I do.”
Historia is already singing, and when you start, so does Marco. Jean pipes up, and so does Reiner, and soon, everyone is belting the chorus.
There are only two songs on the cassette, and the B-side must have been less popular, because nobody knows the words to it. The van quiets down, but Marco still hums along. When you give him a surprised look, he blushes.
“My mom loves John Denver. I recognize the melody.”
It’s funny when Take Me Home repeats and prompts a second singalong, but by the fourth time the tape flips over, no one is singing anymore. Hitch turns the volume down to a faint rumble, and before long, you pull into the nearly empty parking lot of the Wal-Mart.
You stumble out of the back seat, thankful to stretch your legs after being crammed in so tight. You shoot off a text to Miche, letting him know you made it to the store with no casualties, to which he replies k thx kid. You could truly gag.
“Do we need a cart?” Reiner asks as you approach the giant sliding doors.
“Better get a couple,” you reply, pulling one from the stack. You know you want to buy snacks, grab a couple packs of Gatorade, and probably beg Ymir to get you some alcohol to smuggle away, and you’re not carrying all that around by yourself.
“Is there, like, no one here?” Jean asks, stepping through the second set of doors. “I swear it feels like it’s closed.”
“Relax, there are other cars outside.” Ymir rides her cart past him like a scooter, pumping her foot for a few paces before jumping on the bottom rail and gliding down the center aisle.
“What do we need to get?” Historia asks, scrambling after her.
“I’m heading for food and drinks,” you announce, pointing your cart toward the grocery section. Marco and Jean drift that way along with you.
“I need another pair of flip flops,” says Hitch. She and Reiner start to head the other way, where you’re sure she’ll find much more than just a pair of flip flops.
“I’m out of shampoo,” says Historia.
“And I want one of those things that you can make a grilled cheese with over the campfire. Everyone get what you want and then meet back at the pharmacy. And…go!” Ymir takes a running start, then rides her shopping cart out of sight as you head for the groceries.
You lose Jean somewhere around the Pop Tarts.
“Where did he go? Wasn’t he just behind us?” Marco asks, pushing the cart beside you in the beverage aisle.
“Either he wandered off or he’s looking for us just as fast as we’re looking for him.” You stop to heave a twelve pack of purple Gatorade on the bottom rack of the cart, making the whole thing rattle. You try to hide how heavy you’re breathing as you reach up toward the top shelf for another multi-pack.
“Want me to get those for you?” Marco asks.
“Sure, grab a pack of blue ones, please.”
Marco loads them under the cart for you, then takes the handle with a smirk. “Woah, this is super bottom-heavy now. Gonna need to counterbalance with something.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Counterbalance?”
Marco chuckles. “Just get in the cart. You know you want to.”
“Ride in the cart? What am I, five?” You scoff, fully pretending that you don’t want to take him up on the offer.
“If we’re going to find Jean before Ymir destroys the pharmacy out of boredom, we gotta pick up the pace.”
You poke him in the chest. “Sir, you are being especially wild tonight.”
“Must be the fluorescents.”
Marco holds the cart steady while you flop inside the main basket. It’s a tight squeeze, but when you dangle your feet out of the front, it’s almost comfortable. Once you’re situated, Marco pushes you down a few more aisles while you point out the snacks you want, and he piles them on top of you. 
Armed with fruit snacks, cheese crackers, and a bottle of pre-made margaritas to make Ymir buy for you, Marco zips down the dessert aisle and grabs three boxes of Little Debbies. ”Guilty pleasure” he says with a bashful shrug. “I swear I’m not going to eat them all in one sitting.”
“I didn’t assume so, but hey, no judgment here.” You shrug, motioning at the mountain of snacks in your lap. You’re not terribly concerned with eating clean and healthy every day this summer, especially not when you’re sweating buckets and trudging up and down the hill all day anyway.
Marco laughs. “Maybe when I was sixteen and super active. But now I think that would end me.”
“Oh?” You can’t help it—you’re insanely curious. “Were you a jock in high school?”
Marco rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not sure I’d say that, but I played hockey for a long time.”
While you’d spent many afternoons daydreaming about him in football pads or tight baseball pants, something about the thought of Marco in a hockey uniform just makes sense. “Oh wow, hockey’s a big deal where you’re from, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, in Minnesota, it’s super popular. A lot of kids start playing pretty young.”
“Do you still play? I’ll admit, I don’t really know anything about hockey but I think it looks pretty cool.”
“I play on the university’s club team during the school year. We travel and play against other schools, but we’re a step below the official team. It’s fun, but none of us are going pro, you know?” Marco’s cheeks turn a strawberry pink, his eyes falling to the shelves of cereal boxes beside him. “Maybe you can come to a game sometime.”
“I absolutely will. I want to see you body check someone.” You’re giddy just thinking about it.
That makes Marco laugh. “Maybe if you’re lucky.”
You round the corner of the next aisle and finally find Jean with a tub of pretzels under one arm and a case of Red Bull under the other. He notices you laughing and riding in the cart, and he gives you a look.
“Um. Where am I supposed to put these?”
“Here, fine, but you have to help me get out.”
“Don’t crush my zebra cakes!” Marco pleads.
Jean puts down his snacks and pulls you up out of the basket while Marco holds onto the cart, making sure you don’t get dumped out on the floor. Once Jean’s stuff takes your place, the three of you head for the pharmacy.
You find Ymir in personal care, waiting with the cart while Historia picks out hair products. Their basket is full of sheet masks, candy, a fleece blanket, and four of those sandwich irons Ymir wanted. When you pull up next to her, she invites herself to poke around in your cart.
“Are you feeding an army?”
“No, just stocking up.” Shooing her hands away, you slide the booze into her cart. “A gift from you to me.”
“Wow, ok. How presumptuous.” She fakes a scoff, but you know she doesn’t mind or care.
“Oh. I thought you wanted me to get that for you,” Marco says. “I guess it doesn’t matter who buys it but—”
You don’t really intend to cut him off, but you’re surprised. “I didn’t think you were 21.”
“I wasn’t… until last week.”
“Marco!” You can’t stop yourself. It just comes out.
“Was it your birthday last week?”
Marco looks nervous. Almost frightened.
You push the cart out of the way to get closer. “Your twenty-first birthday?”
“And you didn’t tell us?” You’re yelling. You’re in the middle of a practically deserted Wal-Mart Superstore at 11 o’clock at night, and you’re yelling.
“Oh my god, yes,” Marco laughs, incredulous. “I didn’t want anybody to make a big deal about it. Now please calm down before you get carded and we all get in trouble.” He’s right, you’re causing a scene, and it makes your own cheeks burn. You don’t intend to forget about this, though.
“Well shit,” Ymir quips. She reaches for the margarita bottle and shoves it into Marco’s hands. “Then you can buy the lady her liquor.”
“Yes ma’am.” Marco puts the bottle back in your cart.
Ymir pretends to gag. “Do not call me that.”
“Hey, kids!” Hitch sails by into the next aisle, waving, Reiner hurriedly following her with their nearly full cart. You all follow, rounding the corner before you realize you’re congregating in front of the contraception. It shouldn’t be a big deal—you’re adults, after all—but it’s not easy to be totally mature looking at a wall of condoms, especially with this group.
Hitch picks out a box of ultra thins, remarking, “For me,” as if you all really needed to know. Then she reaches for a box of magnums. Just as soon as you start to raise an eyebrow, she declares, “And for Bertie.”
“He wanted you to buy him condoms?” Reiner asks, sounding genuinely dumbfounded. Meanwhile, Marco looks pointedly at the tampons on the opposite side of the aisle, and Jean snickers like a complete dork.
“No,” Hitch smirks. “But he told me Annie is visiting next week. Gotta make sure he’s prepared.”
Ymir scoffs. “Fucking gross that they package those in gold like your jumbo dong is some sort of prize.” Then she reaches up to one of the higher shelves, asking nonchalantly, “Hey, baby, do you want warming lube this time? I think we’re almost out.”
It’s the kind of deeply intimate detail she normally has no problem sharing, but almost as soon as she says it, she freezes.
Reiner loudly clears his throat. “Who are you talking to?”
Nobody moves.
“Um.” Ymir rocks on her heels. Her eyes jump from person to person, searching. “Uh, Jean—”
Jean snorts. “Not even—”
“Ew. You’re right, that’s disgusting.”
“She was talking to me, Reiner,” Historia explains calmly. “Ymir is my girlfriend.”
Reiner barks out a laugh, but it fades quickly. He seems to realize she’s not joking just as Hitch and Jean fall apart, giggling. You have half a mind to abandon all your snacks and go hide in the van, you’re so secondhand embarrassed. You should never have gone along with this. 
Ymir crosses her arms proudly and leans against Historia’s side, though you’re not really sure if Ymir is winning or losing her own game anymore.
Hitch, pulling herself together, pats Reiner on the back. “Let’s go check out so we can get out of here.”
Fixing his own face, Reiner stammers, “Yeah. We should… yeah.” Almost tenderly, Hitch puts a hand on the front of their shopping cart, steering Reiner toward the registers as he follows behind.
Historia’s hands drop to her hips, and she gives Ymir a look. “Are you happy now?”
Ymir shrugs. “Pretty much.” Huffing, Historia takes off with their cart.
“Meet you at the front, baby girl,” Ymir calls.
Marco, his face beet red, reaches for your cart, but Ymir blocks one of the front wheels with her foot.
“Hold on, birthday boy.” She grabs a basic box of condoms and pushes it into Marco’s hands. His fingers don’t close around it—he drops it on the floor like it’s on fire.
Ymir snatches the box and shoves it back at him. “You’re gonna need these, trust me,” she snorts, and that familiar, overwhelming urge to smother her washes over you.
Marco, cheeks burning, flaps his lips a few times, but no words come out. Slowly, like he’s thinking hard, he puts the box back on the shelf.
You look away, your stomach dropping. You get that he’s embarrassed—Ymir is crossing a lot of lines—and it’s not like you didn’t pack a box of condoms in your suitcase, so you’ll have some if you need them. But now, you just want to get out of here because if you let yourself think about it for one more second, it’ll hit you all at once that Marco is just a really nice person who was never actually flirting with you and doesn’t like you back. 
You allow yourself one last glance over your shoulder to see if Marco is coming with your cart before you go lay in the road and wait for traffic.
Your breath catches when you see him drop a black and gold box, identical to the one Hitch picked out for Bert, into the cart.
Screaming in your head, you power walk past the checkout. Marco will have to pay for everything because there’s alcohol in the cart, so you wait by the exit like an idiot while trying to act casual, but really, how can you? You’ve only thought about Marco’s dick print a few hundred times, and those condoms practically confirm that he’s really and truly packing. And you want it. You want him so bad—
“Ready?” You blink and Marco is there, everything bagged up and ready to go.
Ymir walks by behind him, silently mouthing, “Jumbo,” and you don’t know whether to thank her or kill her where she stands. You hope neither registers on your face.
In the parking lot, you help Marco load the bags into the van. Now you’re the immature one, wondering which bag the condoms are in, whether they’re touching your Gatorades. You hope to god he bagged them with his damn zebra cakes so you don’t have to negotiate some kind of awkward, presumptuous handoff. He’s definitely smart enough for that. Of course he is.
When you buckle in for the ride home, it’s quiet in the van. Only Hitch talks over her shoulder to Historia about the big game of flashlight tag that Moblit and Hange have organized for tomorrow night. Ymir yawns heavily, and you’re pretty sure Jean already nodded off with his head against the window.
Reiner is silent in the passenger’s seat—if he’s not back to himself by tomorrow, you’re rounding everyone up to apologize. It was mean, what Ymir did to him, and you’re all pretty complicit. But sometimes Reiner bounces back from his moods miraculously, and sometimes he doesn’t. You’ll just have to wait and see what you’re dealing with in the morning.
The John Denver tape plays softly from the speakers. Beside you, Marco hums along, his long legs crammed in behind Ymir’s seat. Just as the silence is about to cross from uncomfortable to unbearable, Marco slowly but deliberately reaches out, lightly covering your hand from where it rests on your knee.
You curl into his side, and he starts to sing a little louder, just enough so that you can hear.
“Welcome to my evening, the closing of the day. I could try a million times, never find a better way.”
Before the drive earlier, you’d never heard this song. Now, upwards of six repeats in, you know at least some of the words—enough to mumble along a little with him. The chorus is familiar by now, an easy refrain of la la las that everyone who’s still awake can jump into.
Even if it’s a little awkward, at least you’re all either singing or snoring.
It wasn’t long ago that Marco told you that he felt safe with you. With your head on his shoulder and your hand wrapped in his, you’re sure you feel the same about him.
Before your first alarm goes off the next morning, you wake to the hushed sounds of Historia chasing Ymir out of bed. You can’t make out any clear words, just whispering and grumbling, but after a minute or two, the bed creaks. You roll over and crack an eye open just in time to see Ymir pull on her shoes and slip out the door.
You try to snooze a few more minutes before your alarm goes off, but it’s fruitless. Everyone is starting to rustle themselves awake, so you figure you might as well just get up and shower. Quietly, you gather your things and head out.
You pass the lodge on the way to the showers, where you spot Ymir on the upper balcony, sharing a porch swing with Reiner. They rock slowly, overlooking the hill that leads down to the lake. Good. As stubborn as Ymir is, you’re almost positive she’s up there apologizing. You hope he’s not taking everything too hard. Sometimes his feelings can be too big for him.
You leave them be and take a slightly longer shower than usual, your mind drifting back to Marco and the way he held your hand. You make sure to really take your time conditioning your hair and scrubbing down with your scented body wash. It’s silly, but you feel like you’re right on the precipice of something with him, and you want to look as nice as possible for it. As if it’ll last in this humidity. 
It’s a quiet morning when you return to the cabin to get dressed. Mikasa is already gone to do the wake-up calls (with Eren, because he can’t be trusted to get up on his own, let alone rouse everyone else). You expect a subdued breakfast. Maybe everyone who was at the store last night does.
Marco meets you at the front of the mess hall holding two styrofoam coffee cups. You’re getting used to the sight, but as you sit down next to him at the table, you see Jean already has his first cup. Marco hands his second cup to you.
“Oh, thank you. Does it–”
“Two sugars,” he says, and your heart squeezes. You try not to take it as a marriage proposal.
Glancing around, you don’t see the one person you were worried about. “Does anyone know where–” you’re about to ask, but you’re interrupted by a shockingly loud voice at the other end of the room.
You’re used to Erwin’s startling morning announcements. What you’re not ready for is Reiner standing at the fireplace next to him, smiling with all his teeth, shouting, “Good morning!” to the campers instead.
The campers look up, and Reiner doesn’t even have to give instructions. He simply points to the left side of the room, takes a big breath, and starts singing the first part of Down by the Bay, off-key but with heaps of enthusiasm. Erwin, pointing to his side of the room, comes in quickly with the echo, and the campers erupt. They’ve been working on the song in Nifa’s music lessons since the first week of camp, and they’re thrilled to sing it as a giant group.
You lean your chair back on two legs to ask Ymir, “What did you say to him?”
She simply shrugs over the bowl of cereal she’s already poured herself. “Don’t look at me. You know what he’s like at the asscrack of dawn. I didn’t say anything.”
“Liar,” you tease. She sticks her tongue out at you.
For all intents and purposes, Reiner does seem fine. But you saw the look on his face the night before. You can’t help but worry he’s just putting on a mask. 
You could send in a professional to get all the details from Reiner. Unfortunately, Hitch is posted up next to Erwin with a thermos of coffee, so she’s not going anywhere for the foreseeable.
Instead, you scurry up to Reiner yourself after breakfast and steer him out into the parking lot. “Hey. Are you ok?”
Reiner chuckles and scratches the back of his head. “What do you mean? I’m great.”
When you give him a look, he sighs. “All right, listen. Yeah, I was kind of messed up last night. But I thought about it, and I talked to Ymir this morning. The whole thing was partially my fault anyway.”
“Deep down, I always knew the two of them had something going on. I didn’t know they were actually dating, but I ignored the obvious signs on purpose. I think I was just trying to distract myself from…” 
He kicks the dirt, eyes cast down. “You know what you said about those snaps Galliard was sending me?”
 “I remember.” You’re careful to answer evenly, as excited as you are about where you think this is leading. You don’t want to freak him out.
“Well, I sent some back. And it turned into a whole thing. Because I think I like it.” Reiner hesitates between every sentence. “But instead of thinking about how that made me feel, I wanted to flirt with someone else. A girl. Because I don’t have to think as much about that.”
You give his shoulder a squeeze. “You didn’t do anything wrong. But you know, if you want to flirt with boys too, you can.”
Reiner clears his throat. “Is that… ok?” He asks so earnestly, it almost breaks your heart. He’s not asking if it bothers you; he’s asking for reassurance. For someone to give him permission.
“Yes. And if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. Or Ymir. Or Jean, or anyone. Nobody is going to be mad at you. I’m pretty sure Porco would be thrilled, actually.”
Before you can take another breath, Reiner wraps you in a bear hug. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you wheeze. “But you’re kind of crushing me.”
Reiner lets go, laughing. You both know you need to get moving to your next activity block. Reiner skips a few paces ahead, turning backwards to face you. “Gotta go. I have a wiffle ball game to win.”
“Go get ‘em!” Yeah. He’s going to be ok.
When the late June sun sets over the hill, you meet Hange and Moblit at the back door of the lodge. After making sure all the campers have a working flashlight (thanks to Hange’s messenger bag full of spare batteries), Moblit lays out the rules, and they’re all off into the dark to chase each other around.
It’s your job to hang around the perimeter of camp and make sure none of the campers go out-of-bounds into the woods or by the lake. With your own flashlight pointed down at the ground, you walk the path just past the tree line. When you hear a rustle in the leaves, you flick your light up, ready to point some little feet back toward the lodge.
Instead, you find a certain tall, broad, and dorky counselor stumbling out of the trees, the leg of his jeans caught in a prickly bush.
“Please help,” Marco chuckles.
While he points his flashlight at his ankle, you crouch down and shake his pant leg free.
“Thank you.” You can just make out his outline in the dark, shaded by the trees, but you can hear in his voice how hard he’s smiling.
“Any time.” You realize how close you’re standing, how much electricity hangs between you as you laugh awkwardly. You’ve never felt this alone with him before. You want something. Anything.
You lean a little closer, and he lingers, not pulling away. A hot wave of breathlessness washes over you, and you rise onto your toes, one hand ghosting over the back of his neck.
“Marco,” you whisper.
His flashlight hits the ground. Both of his big hands rest on the small of your back, and he pulls you in, capturing your bottom lip with his mouth, urgent but soft. You can’t help yourself. You throw both arms over his shoulders and squeeze, pressing your body against his, so close you can feel the pounding in his chest.
He gasps before deepening the kiss, letting your tongue slip past his lips. There’s nothing to say as you hold on a little too desperately, wrapped up in each other in the dark.
When you finally break apart, Marco is trembling. “I really, really like you.”
“I really, really hoped so.” You press one more light kiss against the hint of his collarbone that peeks out over the collar of his t-shirt.
Peals of laughter and flashlight beams from a few meters away startle you, and you hop back as a few campers chase after each other on the other side of the trees.
Marco retrieves his flashlight, and you wish you could see how hard he’s blushing. Instead, you give his hand a little tug. He laces his fingers between yours and gives a reassuring squeeze. “Come on,” you tease. “We should pay attention.” You have the rest of the summer to figure this out. Right now, you have a job to do.
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mirandasidefics · 27 days
Main Master List
Here is a list of links to all my Ao3 stories and SJMverse masterlists. My fics are all female reader inserts.
Requests are: OPEN. (Please specify if you want something other than afab/cisfemale).
ACOTAR Masterlist
Crescent City Masterlist
Throne of Glass Masterlist
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NON-SJM Fandoms
Ao3 Works- aconsultinghuntress26
Attack on Titan Masterlist
Black Butler
*My Immortal- Sebastian Michaelis x Reader
Mystic Messenger
*What I Want to Tell You- V x Reader
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cherry-romper · 15 days
M. Bodt. - Stay With me
Warnings: None.
Contains: GN!reader. fluff, comfort.
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This was the first day off you'd had in around 8 months. After all the training and fighting, it had become second nature to be constantly moving. Many of your friends had already gotten carriages to the markets in town, but you didn't feel like going. Maybe it was the feeling of sadness from finally being able to process everything or just sheer boredom, you couldn't tell, but you body wouldn't move. As much as you wanted to, you simply couldn't.
'By now, breakfast will have already finished,' you thought. You were still wrapped up in the warm sheets of your bed, your body sweating from the heat. You felt yourself sinking further into the pillow, letting out a groan of frustration. 'Why won't you move?' you cursed yourself for not being out of bed yet. 'Another day wasted. Why can't I do anything right?'
In the moment, you'd managed to tangle yourself in a web of self loathing. You couldn't help it. After watching so many friends die, after being saved countless times, after everything you'd been through, you still couldn't find the motivation to do something. Silent tears fell down your cheeks, soaking the pillow beneath your head. 'Weak.'
You debated just staying in bed the whole day, not showing face to anyone, not eating, not moving, just wallowing in self pity. But as it appeared, Marco Bott had other plans for you.
A knock came from your door. "Y/N, its me. Are you awake?"
'Oh, Marco,' you thought, 'always here to save the day.'
Along side Armin and Christa, Marco was one of the sweetest people you'd ever met, and one of the strongest. You fought with yourself to give him a reply, but to no avail. Your voice had escaped you.
Slowly the door began to open, the light from the corridor hurt you eyes a little. You watched as he made his way into the room. Quietly, he set down a bowl and two cups, then, from under his arm, a bottle. He made sure that they were all set out nearly before he turn his attention to you. His eyes widened a little when he saw you. "Oh my, are you feeling alright?" he asked, rushing over to your side. "You're burning up, Y/N," he rested the back of his hand on your forehead, his eyes examining you face, a small blush on his. The best you could do was nod in response.
He looked down at your sheets, "I think you should take these off, they're making you too hot." Again, you only nodded. Carefully, he peeled the sheets off of you. The two of you were close, so for him to see you in your sleep wear wasn't an issue; Marco wasn't the type to make a fuss about a little skin. He folded the sheets at the end of your bed and went to open the window. "There," he spoke, hanging his head outside a little, "the breeze should help cool you down."
The wind kissed your skin gently, it was just what you'd needed. You felt cooler already - and calmer. He hesitated at the window, looking out to admire the greenery. "Thank you," you muttered, your voice cracking a little.
He snapped his head back to you, a smile appearing on his face. "No worries! Actually," he walked over to where he had put the bowl earlier, "I brought you breakfast."
'You did?' you wheezed. Finally you had the strength to sit up right. You looked at him with a happy and confused look.
"Well, you see, I was waiting for you in the Mess Hall. I was the first one there this morning, so I knew you hadn't come to eat anything. When Mikasa came in, I asked her where you were, and she told me you were still sleeping. I got concerned, you're normally such an early bird. So, just as they were getting ready to clean up the leftovers, I nabbed you some." He held out the bowl in his hand, in it was a warm batch of porridge. He chuckled a little, his blush deepening. "I know it's not your favourite, but it's better than nothing!"
Once again, you were at a loss for words. You were happy, but your weak stature betrayed that. He looked upset, like you had just rejected him. He put the bowl back down on the table and sat down next to you. "Are you alright, Y/N? You don't seem yourself," he placed an arm around your shoulders. You stared into his light brown eyes, your breath caught in your throat. Your brain was wizzing around a thousand miles an hour. He was so sweet and kind. To think he's actually thought of you all morning, enough that he would go out of his way to bring you breakfast in bed. Words couldn't describe the gratitude you felt for this man. You simply hugged him.
He let out a gasp as his body tensed up. It didn't take long for him to hug you back though, as hard as he could. "Stay with me," you spoke.
"W-what?" he stuttered.
"Stay with me. Just for today. Please." You looked up at him through the hug. His mouth was agape and yet you could still tell he was smiling. You'd never seen him go so red.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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shingeki-no-alena · 11 months
Lost Promises (Chapter 3)
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Marco Bodt x Fem!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, Cannon AU
Warnings: Blood, injuries, future gore, future spoilers, future character deaths, cheesy moments, reader is Levi’s sister so she’s got some baggage (I’ll add more as they appear!).
Summary: After years of constant pressing, Levi has finally agreed to let his little sister, y/n, join the scouts. On the condition that she goes through the extra training of the cadet corps first, in hopes that it would help make her change her mind.
Chapter 2 || Masterlist || Chapter 4
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About a year has passed since Y/n began her training with the cadets. Over that amount of time, she has made friends with most of the girls in her barracks. When she is not hanging out with Marco, she is usually with some of the girls. She has also grown very fond of Sasha and Connie, them usually being able to convince her to have more fun.
As for her and Marco… well, she is completely smitten. After a year of denying and denying, she can now admit to herself that she’s developing feelings for the sweet, freckled boy. Feelings that are not just platonic. She would never tell, though. Just because she has accepted her own feelings doesn’t mean she is anywhere willing to act on them. She needs to focus her mind on her goals so she can get back to her family in the scouts.
Currently, Y/n sat under a tree that stood at the top of a hill. It was a ways walk away from the training grounds. Y/n had discovered this spot on one of her long nature walks she used to calm herself from a stressful day. The only other person that knew about this spot was Marco. She would invite him sometimes since she enjoys his company, and overall calm nature.
Since she has been with the cadets, Y/n has been sending letters back to Levi, Hange, and Erwin, giving them updates and reminders that she is doing fine. That is exactly what she was doing right now. Her pen scribbles against the parchment as the early afternoon breeze flies through her freshly washed hair.
To My Family,
I’ve been doing well lately. I am missing you all deeply still, but I have made friends to keep me company while I work to come back home. My closest friend right now is Marco. I mentioned him before, right? Before you start to freak out, Levi, he’s just a friend and a comrade. I know what I’m here for and I have been working really hard. Besides, he plans to go into a different branch, unsurprisingly. No, Erwin, I do not think I could convince him otherwise. There is, however, another friend I made who has centered his whole goal around joining the scouts. Him and his two childhood friends. He’s so passionate about it, in fact, that it’s almost worrisome. Oh! I have been taking a lot of nature walks. I even found this really peaceful spot no one knows about. It’s a tree on top of a hill. I’m sitting there as I write this. Also, tell Hange that I will be writing her soon in regards to her latest hypothesis.
Alright, well I have to get back soon, so one more thing. Send my love to the rest of Levi squad. Tell them I miss them, and I even miss Ouro’s smartass remarks.
That’s all for now.
Love, Y/n
Y/n smiled as she finished up her letter, imagining them reading it and smiling too. She proceeded to fold up the parchment, tucking it into an envelope, before gathering her belongings and heading back to the training grounds.
It was the cadets’ day off, so the training grounds were practically empty. Before Y/n could open the door to the sleeping quarters she shared with the other girls, the door had already swung open, revealing Hannah. She was one of the girls that Y/n had become friends with. Hannah brightened up seeing Y/n at the door.
“Y/n!” She chimed, grabbing Y/n by the hand, and pulling her inside the barracks. “I was just about to go look for you! Some of the other girls and I were about to use my new tea set.”
She led Y/n to where the group of girls sat around Hannah’s bunk. It was Mina, Mikasa, and Annie. Annie was one of the girls Y/n hadn’t talked to that much. Annie was quiet and very reserved. Y/n was honestly surprised she was joining them. She just assumed Annie was a big tea fan. Y/n took the open spot, next to said girl.
“Great! Now that we are all here, let’s talk about the boys,” Hannah said, mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows at everyone. Oh, good. A trap. At this, Mina grew excited and clapped her hands together, bouncing up and down in her spot. Mikasa reached out to pour a cup of tea for Y/n. Handing it to Y/n, Y/n took it graciously, thanking her.
“That sounds like fun! But you know Hannah, we have to start with Franz,” Mina started, smirking. Hannah blushed, immediately going quiet. “You two are so cute together!”
Hannah hid her face behind her hand, the other waving frantically at Mina. “Stop! I’m so embarrassed!” She squealed, playfully pushing Mina.
Y/n started to feel a bit out of place. Living with a bunch of traumatized soldiers, you don’t have such giggly moments with friends. She would joke around with the rest of her brother’s squad, but it was never like this.
Looking at either side of her, she noticed Mikasa and Annie, both with expressions of disinterest. Y/n felt a sense of relief, realizing she may not be the only one that feels this way. Before she could deviate a plan to escape, Y/n was brought into the conversation.
“Why talk about me and Franz when we could talk about the new couple in town? I hear Y/n and Marco always sneak off somewhere together!” Hannah teased. Y/n froze. Where did she hear that from? Mina gasped as everyone’s eyes landed on Y/n. Y/n heated up, taking a gulp of her tea. She hoped the tea would sooth her sudden dry mouth that developed from her nerves.
“Tell us, Y/n! What’s up with you and Marco? And where have you two been sneaking away to?” Mina interrogated, leaning forward in interest.
“We are just friends… W-We hang out a lot because he’s nice company and we just go for walks and stuff.” Y/n answered, quickly. She hoped they would just leave it at that and move on. Clearly, her “acting” was not good enough for the two insatiable girls because they surely did not leave the conversation at that.
“You are such a liar! Friends do not treat each other the way you two do. Trust me, Y/n, and I promise I am not making fun. I acted the same way with Franz before I realized that life is too short to just keep denying feelings that will not go away. And I tried. I was scared that he didn’t feel the way I did, but now I’m so happy that I took that chance.” Hannah said, reaching out to rest a hand on Y/n’s knee. Y/n pondered on what Hannah said for a moment before quickly shaking her head.
“Even if I did have feelings for Marco… We are going into two different regiments.” Y/n retorted. This was Y/n’s big defense for something that truly has a deeper explanation.
“Listen to me, Y/n. You have two years to love someone and be happy. When the time comes that you have to leave each other, that doesn’t have to mean it’s over. Even if it’s not every day, you could still see each other. And if you didn’t, at least you could say you had fun. I think it would be worth it, don’t you? If you spend your whole life focused on your future, then you’ll miss such beautiful opportunities like this one.” At Hannah’s words, Y/n felt herself grow a little conflicted. Most girls dream of falling in love and, up till now, Y/n did not care about any of that. She had goals of her own. But now, she doesn’t know what to feel because in a way, Hannah was right.
“But, what if I fall in love? A-And he doesn’t feel the same? Or, he leaves and I get hurt?” Y/n asked, feeling herself starting to get choked up, “I’ve never felt this way before. It’s scary because I know what it’s like to lose the people I love…”
The girls grew quiet. And, for a moment, Y/n regretted even saying anything. Until Mikasa piped in.
“Y/n… I understand how you feel… I have lost people I love too, and it is hard to meet new people for the fear that I will grow attached and lose them. Because of this, I feel so desperate to protect the family I do have left. The world is cruel like that. But, you know what? It’s also beautiful. I truly believe that if you don’t give this a chance, you will regret it way more than you will if it doesn’t work out.” She spoke. The girls all looked at her in shock. This was the most Mikasa had really talked, let alone pour her heart out. Y/n assumed she had been referring to Eren when she spoke about her protectiveness. She was always right by his side.
Y/n took some time to think about everything the girls have said. She still was not too sure. She decided that she would wait until she received on more sign.
“What do you think, Annie? Should Y/n go for it?” Mina asked, bringing Annie out of her silent thoughts.
“If she thinks it would make her happy, then she should.” Annie mumbled, giving Y/n her final sign. Y/n sighed and looked up at all of their hopeful faces.
“Okay… I will tell him how I feel.”
The boys sat around in their barracks, talking casually as the sun went down on their final day off for the week. Marco, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Bertolt, Eren, and Armin, all sat together in a corner of the sleeping quarters. They were having their own conversation about cadet life so far and things they would like to do before they graduate.
“I mean it would be nice if I could get to her, but it’s practically impossible with Ymir around. I can’t even get a word in.” Reiner groaned, complaining about his failed attempts at trying to talk to Christa. The sweet, blonde girl everyone refers to as a “goddess” for the fact that she spreads infectious kindness to everyone she meets. Ymir was a much taller girl, with tomboy tendencies, that is always attached to Christa at the hip.
“Yeah, you’re gonna need good luck for that one, big guy,” Jean laughed, throwing his arm over his knee. “At least you’re trying. Right, Marco? But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would ya?”
Everyone glanced at Marco with knowing looks. He was easily found out about his feelings for Y/n by the other boys, simply for the fact that he would not shut up about her. If he wasn’t talking about her, he was lost in his own thoughts that consisted of her. During the last year, Marco was quick to figure out how he feels about Y/n. It was obvious with how he always wanted to see her and hang out with her. How he looked at her way differently than the rest. He just knew that it wasn’t an option for him as she only ever showed care for her future. He also hadn’t told the guys about this fear yet, fearing they would tease him, or maybe even tell her for him.
“It’s complicated, Jean. She’s going back to the scouts in two years, and I will be going to the interior.” Marco diverted, pouting at Jean for always bringing this up.
“Exactly! That is two whole years you could spend with her. You could even see her while you’re in the MPs. Mikasa said she’s going to the scouts and that hasn’t stopped me.” Jean remarked, avoiding Eren’s dirty look.
“Marco’s old enough to know what’s good for him, Jean. He’s not doing anything wrong.” Eren hissed.
“All I’m saying is that Marco obviously has feelings for her, but he’s gonna miss his chance if he keeps making excuses for his fear.” Jean defended, furrowing his brows to match Eren’s glare.
“Let’s not fight, guys! It’s really not a big deal! I just don’t want to give Y/n any stress, that’s all!” Marco pleaded, trying to disperse the growing tension.
“’I just don’t wanna give Y/n any stress, that’s all!’” Connie mocked, rolling his eyes, “Marco, you obviously like her a lot. Go for it, man. There’s no way she’ll say no. Hey, even if she did, she’d do it in the nicest way possible so it won’t hurt as bad.”
Marco deadpanned. “Gee thanks, Connie! That makes me feel so much better!” He said, sarcastically. Connie shrugged, leaning back on one of the bed posts.
“Ignoring the terrible execution of Connie, Jean, and Eren’s support, I think you should tell Y/n how you feel,” Armin cut in. “If you don’t, then you might continue to hide it for so long that it could affect your guys’ relationship negatively without you even having given yourself a chance. Wouldn’t you rather take a chance then feel sad, knowing you never tried?”
Marco looked down, knowing Armin was right. “What do you guys think?” Marco asked, motioning towards Reiner and Bertolt.
“I agree with Armin, personally. But I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, either.” Bertolt admitted, shrugging. Reiner nodded, “I think you should, if you care about her so much. And you obviously do.”
“Alright then, I’ll give it a try.”
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A/N: We’re on a roll now… Here’s Chapter 3!
All rights reserved. Please do not repost or steal my writing. Re-blogs are welcome!
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naeisscore · 9 days
The one that got away....
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"Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you" [Reiner Braun x reader]
Content warnings: angst, hurt no comfort, modern au, high school sweethearts, songfics, war, death, strangers to lovers, lovers to strangers, regret
Inspired by Katy Perry's The One That Got Away
Word count: 10.9k
A/n: not proofread, posted this on 2019 Tumblr and wattpad (using a different pseudonym) and I decided to repost it again
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Summer after high school when we first met
It was one, sunny afternoon when you and your friends passed by your usual hang-out place. You just finished taking the final exams with Mikasa and Annie, and it drained the hell out of you. Being worn out from taking a difficult exam did take a toll on you when it comes to your mental health and well-being. For weeks, you stayed up all night to prepare for the examination and there were countless sleepless nights, meals that were skipped, and of course, a lot of procrastination and spacing out in your dorm room.
Life sucks and is unfair at the same time. Those two girls are gifted, and like, it's natural for them to be genius and extraordinary. While you, you're so, plain, normal. You need to work hard to keep up with them.
Whenever there's a group study, you notice that they never read too much. They read it one time, and that's it. They immediately learned the lesson and retained the information.
You, on the other hand, are pretty much of an average type of student.
As usual, you dropped your overrated type of cliche-college tote bag on the picnic table as you sat next to Annie. You sighed out of exhaustion, your head still hurt due to lack of sleep, and you felt your eyes sting a little.
"I'm going to order on the nearby coffee truck. You guys want something?" Mikasa asked.
"the usual, please." You said, taking a deep breath.
As Mikasa lines up to the nearby food truck, you stare into space out of the blue, imagining that you're rather in another dimension, in another life, where you're chasing the degree that you always like. Wondering what life would be like for you if you took arts and design instead of marketing.
Your world turned upside down on that specific sunny afternoon when Mikasa's boyfriend, Eren, showed up unannounced at the picnic table with several familiar people, but not familiar enough to be acquainted with. He had brought his football teammates right after they won a football match against the opposing university.
You've recognized some of them, which you usually see passing by the hallway, some were unfamiliar, while others were your childhood classmates from elementary school or middle school, the same school you went to with Mikasa and Annie.
The only person who was able to catch your attention was the guy who recently passed by, the guy who has an intimidating brusque statue with dirty blonde locks that match his chiseled features and that striking hazel eyes, those stupid brown eyes.
From the corner, you eyed the boisterous blonde, laughing with one of his friends, and a certain pair of brown eyes observed you from afar.
"Didn't expect our sweet y/n to check someone out, an airhead gorilla-like Reiner, really?!!" Sasha shouted, loud enough for everyone to hear. Your face reddened to the sudden announcement, embarrassed by it. Few of their teammates heard, you hoping your friends didn't, and Reiner himself.
But Eren did.
"What? I-I'm not even looking!" you deny her accusation, looking away from them, blushing from humiliation. You swear you will kill Sasha after this. And now, you're imagining the scenarios in your mind as you plot your revenge against her. Maybe give her with Cheese sandwich with mothballs in it or maybe steal her lunch box for a week, no, for a month, or prank her by replacing her food with food clays.
Her reaction would be hilarious, priceless indeed, and you should record it in 4k.
Unbeknownst to you, Eren was looking, from you to Reiner. A mischievous grin appeared on his face as if plotting something more embarrassing than what Sasha did.
He approached you suddenly, dragging you to a nearby table where their teammates sat.
"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" you asked, caught off-guard by his sudden action. You tried to pull away from his grasp, but he was too strong. You don't feel good about this at all, that humiliation from Sasha was enough for the day.
You knew Eren before, up until now. he had something planned on his sleeve based on his body language.
"What? I'm trying to introduce you to him!" He chuckled.
"The hell, Eren?! You're not gonna do that, gosh, this is so embarrassing---" Eren pushed you against Reiner, too much that you almost stumble from your balance, his broad back was facing you, but he glanced back once he felt you.
And Maybe due to his alertness and strong instinct, he had grabbed your arm on time, preventing you from falling to the ground.
"Oops.." Eren innocently scratches the back of his head as if he didn't do something intentionally. This brat doesn't fail to get on your nerves all the damn time either from his little prank or dirty tricks on his sleeves. If he wasn't only dating Mikasa, surely, you will beat the shit out of him one day.
"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry!!" You blushed madly, avoiding eye contact with him. you're embarrassed, plus, he was attractive as hell!
"Reiner, I'd like to introduce someone to you."You try to be as calm as possible, even making sure not to stutter a bit or tremble from a feeling of nervousness. but deep inside, you were screaming internally as Eren continued his introduction of you to one of his friends whom you've heard that he considered a brother figure.
"I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you." You tried your best to hide your anxiety from the man, who caught your eyes a while ago, making sure not to stutter in front of him.
"Reiner." He lent his hand to you, and nervously, you took it, shaking his warm hand against your small ones. Those hands were big and calloused due to him being an athlete. You noticed he was still holding your hand, delicately.
"Wanna go somewhere with me after this?" He asked.
"I would love that." You smiled.
At that moment, you realized that your hands fit perfectly as if it was made for each other. You didn't know that this little interaction would start something between the two of you.
We'd make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
"Do you know guys?! I saw Reiner and (y/n) making out in his Mustang last Friday night!"You almost choked on your soda drink as you sat in the bleachers with your friends, and you almost fell on your seat as you heard what Connie had just said. You were sure that everyone in the bleachers had heard what he said.
"Connie, you asshole!" You shouted, throwing his duffel bag at him in the field.
"whoa, (y/n), didn't know you have it in you!!" Sasha elbowed you, smirking as she teased you about your night rendezvous with Reiner.
"C'mere, you little shit. I'll smack that shaved head of yours." Reiner had chased him all the way to the football field as your friends burst with laughter, filling the whole field with waves of laughter and cheer as you all watched the meathead of a guy chase his unfortunate friend being head locked with muscles and biceps.
And on my 18th birthday, we got matching tattoos
"How about a Hello Kitty tattoo next time?"You revert your gaze from him to the new tattoo that you both got, freshly embedded in your skin, comparing the matching tattoo to his. It was a little tattoo of a pair of wings, which symbolizes the hope of freedom, you saw this symbol from Armin's history book which he kept telling you for years, that history book was passed down from generation to generation, and that astounding symbol was called the wings of freedom.
"Fuck no, I prefer Spongebob over kitty." You laughed at him as he messed up your hair. Hello Kitty was your favorite cartoon character when you were a child, so, imagining it on Reiner, and seeing it embedded in his brusque figure made you giggle a little bit. It will look adorable in cute to a giant of a man like him.
"Hey! That's so rude, she's my favorite!". You scowled at him.
Matching tattoos on your birthday was what you asked Reiner for your birthday, which he gladly accepted. It's a minimal detail of white and blue wings but it means a lot, yours was white, while he was blue. You had this thought that instead of both wings on the tattoo, you should split it instead, symbolizing that it will only be complete whenever you're together, like a missing piece of a puzzle, because that's what you both are, you're each other's missing piece, and Reiner knew that.
A match made in heaven, symbolizing that you'd have freedom whenever you're with him, that you two should never be apart, like a pair of wings, hope, and freedom.
Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof
"What the hell, Reiner? We shouldn't drink, we're not 18 yet!" You glared at him as you followed him to the roof outside his window, crawling beside him.
"My parents aren't here. come on, y/n! It's just a zip, so stop being a killjoy."
Just a zip, but it ended as a hangover.
Talk about our future like we had a clue
"How many children do you want to have?" Reiner looked in your direction as you prepared the food that you put in the basket. He was lying in the grass, looking at you as if you were the only person that mattered to him. His gaze soften to the thought.
Weeks ago, you persuade Reiner to go celebrate your 2nd anniversary with him on a picnic date, an intimate, afternoon date to which he gladly agrees.
"I don't know, haven't thought of that yet, it's too early though, but as long as it's with you, I'm okay with how many. How about you?" You shrugged your shoulders at him, unaware of what future awaits in the future.
"How about 12?"
"Were you planning to have your football team?!"
"Kind of" yeah, with a little mix of you and him running around.
Never planned that one day I'd lose you
"I need to tell you something." You glanced back at him as he walked beside you on the sidewalk, walking you back home as the sun began to set. As the most protective guy and responsible boyfriend, it's appropriate to walk you home.
"What?" You asked.
"I'm joining the military."
"Are we going to argue over this, again?" You both just got home from a family dinner with his family. As soon as you went home, you both started to argue over things that were said during dinner. He started to pinch the bridge of his nose due to stress, and the heat of words that was exchanged that night. He never avoids his gaze on you, but now, it's different.
Reiner began to avoid his gaze on you.
" You shouldn't have said that in front of my family in the first place. what are you even thinking?" He was talking about your encounter at the family dinner with the Brauns, with his family.
"And what, you want me to lie? You shouldn't enlist in the military." You said simply as you both approached your front porch, Reiner followed behind you as you tried to open the front door. As you entered your shared home, he tried his best to avoid the conversation as much as possible.
Maybe this was some sort of coping mechanism for him since he was a child, by not talking things out, considering his lonely upbringing, growing up in a broken family.
His long-term coping mechanism was avoidance, by staying silent. Reiner was always like this, and what he did was walk straight out of your shared bedroom without even glancing at you, and yet, you still followed after him, hanging your coat first to the near rack in the living room.
"that's not your decision to make though." Reiner unbuttoned his pristine shirt, loosening his tie while looking at his massive figure in the mirror, not even looking at you.
His head hurts from your heated exchange of words, and Reiner deemed it unnecessary. He just wants to have a peaceful dinner with his family and girlfriend since he's preparing to leave for the military because he will be gone in the meantime. But you chose to ruin the evening for everyone.
"Now Gabi was upset about what you've said. You know she looked up to me the most, remember?" He spat back. You remembered that Gabi wanted to be a cadet like Reiner, and she always dreamed of bringing honor to the family, because it's tradition.
The dinner went into chaos when his mother brought up the topic to the dinner table about Reiner leaving for the military, how proud she is, and that his son is dedicated to the sake of their family's reputation, like bringing honor to their family type-of-bullshit. And what you did was to express your thoughts about it, that their contribution to a change doesn't change the fact that war will happen again because people were always the problem in the first place. And also, that killing people wasn't honorable, especially if there's a civilian involved, that it's not worth it, especially what your country was doing to the nearby nation, a genocide towards the opposing nation.
You damn know well this doesn't benefit Reiner at all. This was eating him alive, and Reiner didn't that life, a cycle that was doomed to repeat itself. It's not worth it for Reiner to risk his life like that, no, not your Reiner.
"Military has always been my dream." He added.
"Your dream? or your mother's?"
Reiner felt suffocated, not by the tie that he was wearing from the dinner, but by your piercing words
that were digging holes through his core, sucking the life out of him. Your words were just...cruel.
"You can fool yourself but you can't fool me, Reiner.
I know you always wanted to be a hero, but you're not the strongest man in the world, Reiner. There are other ways. There has to be another way. " You retorted.
"I don't want you to give your life for other people, I want you to live for yourself." You added.
You might sound cruel and downright way out of the line, but you don't have any choice but to say those words to him because he doesn't understand that it's just wrong, and it's the truth, and he's not seeing past that. You would rather tell him the truth than lose him completely.
"Look, you don't understand where I'm coming from, Reiner. You know that I care about you. I love you, okay?! And I will be honest with you."
You don't need to join the military to show your loyalty to our country. You don't need to prove something to anyone. You can show your loyalty by doing other things." You knew there was something in his sleeve that he wasn't telling you.
You know that there's something wrong the moment you utter your thoughts. You are too smart to notice his facade. You knew this. He had changed when your cousin died, and since then, Reiner wasn't the same anymore.
Marcel was dead, and you knew Reiner enough that he was blaming himself all his life. Marcel was your cousin, and since childhood, you heard from Porco how they got each other's back through ups and downs. They formed this brotherly bond together with Bertholdt and Porco. You've seen how they build their dreams, and how they treasure their friendships the most.
You also knew it was Marcel's dream to be a soldier, not Reiner's.
Sometimes, you've caught Reiner checking the news about business and stocks, even searching for the stock markets, and watching how to make 3D building structures on YouTube. You teased him several times about this, but he just shrugged it off. But deep down, you knew that Reiner wanted to be a businessman or an engineer, but the problem is, Reiner doesn't admit it even to himself.
He will fight his family and even his mother about his career path, that he doesn't want to be a soldier, that he doesn't want to bow down to the family tradition of a long line of generational soldiers.
But all his dreams and re-consideration to change his career went downhill when Marcel saved him while he crossed the streets. Your cousin saved him at the brink of death, and since then, Reiner has blamed himself that it should've been him dead, not him.
"It's my life, and I'm going to do what I want. Of all the people I know, I thought you were going to support me on this." He wanted to atone for what happened to his friend, even if it was not his fault, he was still owning up to the guilt.
"Yeah, but not like this!"
Everyone knew that it was an accident and no one was at fault for what happened. But Reiner was too traumatized to look past that. So, out of guilt and regret, he tried to be Marcel. Reiner easily adapts his big brother persona, his habits, and even his dreams.
There's a pregnant pause after you shout, but you say something out of the blue.
"It's not your fault."you're now standing behind him as you stare through at him in the mirror.
"What do you mean?" Reiner freezes from his spot, not wanting to hear those words from you, the truth. Those pitiful words, those it's-not-your-fault words because, he thinks he never deserves that, and he doesn't want your pity.
"It's not your fault." You repeated your words for him to hear. You knew he had heard you right, loud and clear. But he chooses to not hear it any longer. What you said was not a word of pity, but a word for him as a sign of comfort, that you'll always be there for him, that you understand, but still, he doesn't see it. He was somehow surprised by your bold words, unexpected of you to reveal what has been distracting him all those years, it's like you can see through his mind, and he hated that.
he can't believe that you knew, all along.
"It's about Marcel, right? It was an accident, Reiner."
"I don't know what you're talking about." He tried to steer away from the topic but you're still persistent towards the sensitive topic. You're crossing a very dangerous line, a line that he drew years ago. He will avoid the conversation by walking away from your shared room so that you'd never be able to cross that red line and go to that point.
If only he could walk from the other side of the earth so that you'd never bring up this topic once again.
but you followed him, again. You always fucking follow him. Why would you always follow him?
"I know it, Reiner, from the moment you changed.
You know you can talk to me, right? We're soulmates." You know it's not good to force people to talk about their depression and anxiety, but you still did, your desperation for him to choose a different path was much greater, because, it's your Reiner, the most dedicated man you've known for years.
You knew that it would eat him alive not talking about it, and that guilt was taking a toll on his mental health. You're afraid that he might attempt to take his own life one day if things go wrong, especially if he fully succumbs to depression.
"Reiner, their parents, my aunt and uncle served the military, if you joined, they will make you suffer throughout the training, they won't hesitate to send you to a deadly mission. That's just suicide!" You're well aware of their wrath towards Marcel's death, you know it's not Reiner's fault, it was never his fault. It was an accident, but somehow, part of his parents blamed Reiner for their son's death because they lost their firstborn, their heir.
"I don't care," Reiner said. 'I deserved it'. He wanted to add. But doesn't have the guts to say it.
"If Marcel was here, he wouldn't be happy seeing what you're doing."
"Do you even know what you're saying?" He glanced back at you, his cold eyes pierced through you, and his voice was now laced with anger due to your blunt statement.
"You know what I'm talking about, and I'm saying this because I will never give you up to humanity." You snapped as you chased him down.
"You need to save yourself, Reiner, this isn't you!"
"That's it." You knew you were at the limit of his patience. You had crossed the line. Those lines of patience that was hanging like a thread.
Reiner was the most patient guy you've ever met, even Eren cannot be on par when it comes to his patience. Hell, that guy has anger issues. Whenever you took hours to choose clothes and shoes at the store, he would patiently wait for you to finish trying different clothes, and whenever you're mad at him, even if it's your fault, he would lower his pride and apologize to you. But this time, it's different. This time it would be different.
"You don't tell me what to do, y/n. It's not like we're married or something."
"But we will, eventually, Reiner. Don't tell me you don't see that?" That future that you both built up during that picnic date was now, slipping away. He's slipping away.
'You still see your future with me, right?' You thought, eyes pleading to him to at least say something.
Reiner didn't say anything.
"You know, my father already abandoned my family when I was 3, and since then, it's been my duty." He convinced you, but it seems like he's more convincing himself.
"If you can't endure the possibility of me being dead someday since I'm a soldier, then you shouldn't date me in the first place." You were beyond shocked to hear those words from him, heartbroken from the hurtful words that he had thrown at you.
He has a point. Death will come one way or another, and you sound selfish in someone's point of view. But that isn't your point of view. You're trying to save the one you love from making the wrong decisions, and you want him to live for himself, not for others.
You're right, none of it matters in the end, and he can't see past that. Maybe he might, someday.
Right now, you can't find the right words to justify your point. You were out of words out of frustration and anxiousness. Your shame took over your form at the moment because you knew your choice of words wasn't right to pierce through him. He was too unstable to understand that.
You cannot pierce through him, your words were nothing new.
'I'm sorry." You said, looking at the ground out of
shame, unable to find the right words. He sat on the sofa, leaning his elbow to his knee as he held his head out of frustration.
"I'm sorry that you felt that way, but that was never my intention—"
"I don't know if this relationship is going to work."
in another life, I would be your girl
"What are you trying to say?" You asked tears started to pool in the corner of your eyes, you're trying as much as possible to fight the urge not to cry but failed miserably to no attempt.
"Are you trying to leave me? what about us? you promised!" You cried out. 
We'd keep all our promises
"I never thought that you would cross that line, you've gone too far, y/n. I never wanted to hear those words ever, especially from you."
"Fuck it."
"Yeah, you don't want me to die because you'll be alone? you sound so selfish right now, yeah, that's the right word." His words stung as if someone had stabbed you from the inside, and you couldn't pinpoint its location. Everything hurts. He was saying the most painful words to you, those words that you never expected coming from him.
"We need to break up."
You didn't understand how your words had an impact on him, that it'll become his final straw to uncleaved his childhood and lifelong trauma.
You had unscratched his temporary band-aids that he had attached for years, band-aids that didn't help that much as he grew up, you unleashed those painful memories that he tried to bury in the back of his mind. Those thoughts kept him awake in the middle of the night when he was alone. In one night, you ripped those all out, and you brought it all back.
Be us against the world
"I thought we were soulmates.."
"Yeah, we were."
In another life
He put on his leathered shoes again, wearing his coat that you hung on the racks a while ago. His retreating figure forever be etched in your mind.
I would make you stay
'"I won't bring it up ever again, please don't leave."
"Don't leave me."
So I don't have to say you were
The one that got away
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
You realized weeks ago that Johnny Cash didn't help you from getting your miserable and heartbroken ass out of the couch, considering it's you and your ex's ride-or-die song. Listening to it was making it worse. No ice cream chocolate cake, or even beach get-away can make you ease the pain.
You used to be the typical soft girl who's happy with the way things were, a girl who enjoys the company of books, likes taking a nap in the afternoon, and cooks different dishes whenever you have the time.
And now, you don't know how to return to your old self anymore, it's like she banished that instant, lost somewhere where no one else could reach her.
He took your heart one night, and he never gave it back. You felt scared and confused, and it hurt like hell especially that the one person you loved the most left you. It's like someone had abandoned you in a secluded place, and you freeze right on the spot where they left you.
You told yourself that if Reiner ever decided to come back that morning. You'll welcome him back with open arms and you're willing to work things out for him. This time, you will be kind with your words.
But he never did. He was gone. Right before you came back to the apartment, some of his belongings weren't in their usual place. He already packed his things and belongings and brought all of them along with him before you even arrived. That empty house was left with only your belongings, and also the furniture that you both bought in Ikea.
It doesn't help your case too that you received an email from the landlord that Reiner wouldn't rent the apartment in the next rent renewal. It's really over, you thought.
No messages, no texts, no mail. He had also blocked you.
since you cannot afford to rent on your own, you decide to move in with Annie.
Reiner also avoided you as much as he could. During every friend's gathering, he wouldn't be present if he knew you would be there too.
This was a hint that he's sending you and he's making it clear that he doesn't want to see you ever again.
Ever since he left, you have tried your best to adjust a little without Reiner being there. He was there right after high school where you met him. He was there when you were starting to build yourself from scratch. The typical high-school sweethearts. He always got your back, hearing your rants and frustration, he was there when your friends were busy and no one was there to accompany you. He was there as you laughed your ass out to his lame jokes, or even when watching his favorite Adam Sandler's comedy movies.
He was there when you're crying because you feel neglected by your parents. He was there when you felt you couldn't go on anymore, the stress had gotten into you because of schoolwork and homework. He was there to listen, he was your one-called away, your best friend. But then, he's gone.
What's the point of moving on if everything reminds you of him? He was almost everywhere.
Radiohead and Johnny Cash have been always your and his go-to playlists, during unexpected meet-ups, summer getaways, or night road trips. Those memories do not fade easily, and you don't think that they will ever will. What happened to your love story became a white noise, almost painful to endure the longer you heard it, and that "Johnny Cash" playlist was the only thing you could hear at this moment. To put it simply, Johnny Cash's playlist was one of your reminders of him and his memories, and you're not ready to let go of that.
Never one without the other, we made a pact
Wherever where he was, during his matches, lunchtime, birthdays, and holidays, you named it, everyone expected that you would be there too.
"You're my plus one, remember?" He said.
Because Braun belonged to you, and you belonged to him, you were inseparable the moment you met him, they convinced themself that no one can separate the both of you from being together, and Eren can attest to that.
But now, it's different.
Sometimes when I miss you I put those records on
"So, you still listened to that song, huh?" You snapped out of your thoughts as you heard Annie from behind. You almost forgot that she was there, since most of the time, you tend to space out a lot.
"No, I am not." You immediately hid your phone from her sight in your pocket, scrabbling the screen in your pocket to stop or skip the music. You looked away from her as you denied the obvious.
"your volumes are too loud, dumbass." She tapped her right ear, implying the earphones that you're wearing. At this point, you admit that fooling Annie was the most stupid attempt you've ever made to someone. Nice try, dumb ass.
"You are still in love with him." Annie had said that evening.
A few months had passed and still, you cannot move on from him, you can't get him out of your head.
You thought sometimes that it's almost impossible to get rid of his ghost. His influence on you intertwined to the point that none of the guys had that much of an impact on you.
You missed him, a lot. And you will gladly listen to Radiohead and Johnny Cash whenever you miss him, or whenever he popped up in your mind.
It's hard to move on from the person you love the most, especially if can't work things out due to miscommunication. But you need to accept the fact that it's over. He's gone, and will never come back.
You had nothing against him, he was a good guy, a reliable friend and senior to a bunch of freshmen, and a loving son to his mother. You wish him the best in life.
You know it will take you time before you heal from these wounds, but it's okay, you're going to be okay.
Annie was going to be a policewoman since it was her and her father's dream so, you're going to be alone most of the time from now on. Even Mikasa is going to get her Master's degree in her profession, so probably, you three would've parted ways.
There are things that you regret in the past, regret that keep you awake in the middle of the night. You only want what's best for him, but your words were bringing him down, like a reminder of his depression and trauma, and you're in no position to acknowledge his depression since he didn't bring it up first.
You regret pushing his patience like that, and right now, we're still wondering if things would be different if you never made that confrontation, regret that you should've chosen the right words, not the wrong ones.
But the thing you regret the most is that you weren't able to tell him how much he means to you, and how much you love him, that night.
If you could only meet your old self, you would probably strangle yourself, but what's done is done.
But at least, you can still listen to songs that remind you of the bad and good. at least, these songs will play for you an imaginary vision, the what-ifs, wherein, you two didn't drift apart.
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Someone said to you that Reiner got his tattoo removed. that pair of blue wings.
"I saw Reiner last week." Your eyes caught Jean's the moment he mentioned his name. Your ears perked up with curiosity, perhaps, excitement? knowing that you'll know what he's been up to.
"That tattoo you both got since high school, he had removed it from a tattoo parlor." A painful sting stabbed your heart as Jean said those words one evening as you went to a bar after a stressful exam.
"Sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to bring him to our conversation. I just thought you should've known." He gulped the beer that he was holding, drifting down his deep thoughts about something, maybe, about someone. He's been pinning over a certain person for years.
Besides, Mikasa had friend-zoned him longed time ago.
"of course, he would, he's joining the military and that's not allowed." You answered. There's a sudden pang in your heart that seems to cultivate as you drink away your thoughts. You tried your best to make an excuse, but you cannot fool your friends with this. Reiner had removed it for some reason.
"And that's a stupid tattoo from high school. That doesn't mean anything tho." that means a lot.
"That doesn't sound convincing." Jean looked at you with genuine concern, he knew you were trying to comfort yourself. From your reaction, you still haven't moved on from him. It's obvious. You can fool yourself, but not your friends.
"It's okay, Horseface! Besides, it was my idea to have that tattoo and, we did break up as well so it's only normal to have him remove it since we're not together anymore." You said it was okay, but the pain still lingers there.
He was getting rid of the memories of you, while you, you're still stuck in the same place where he left you.
As for you, you're doing as much as you can to hold onto things that remind you of him.
He got rid of the tattoo,
And you still kept yours.
Saw you downtown singing the blues
It hurts more when the news about him doesn't reach you through rumors, it fucking hurts when you see it with your own eyes.
You had visited the City of Marley with Annie after you spent the day going to several coffee shops and bookstores, right after spending a good amount on clothes, you parted ways since she needed to come back to the headquarters. Besides, she's going to visit her father tomorrow so she needs to leave soon.
You waved at her as she waved back, watching her figure disappear from the distance.
Then, an unexpected happened at a very unexpected time as you walked down the busy streets of Marley.
After 5 years, you saw him again. fortunately, far enough for him to not see you from a distance. You noticed some changes about him, he grew taller, his build was more muscular and his fashion sense was more mature compared to high school, making him look more intimidating compared to the last time you saw him.
You've heard he had finished his military training, from being a cadet, he already earned his reputation in the military and was able to climb through the ranks. His hard work finally paid off instantly.
Suddenly, you saw him go out of the bar with another woman, a pretty one.
You don't think you've seen her somewhere nor know her from a certain place, but from the way she looks, she's not from your hometown. So you concluded that maybe she's not from here.
She's far prettier too, more confident, and looks like the cool type. You bet she wasn't as toxic as you are. You're nothing compared to her.
This is it.
You haven't seen him that peaceful back then.
This is the part where you'll need to close one of your chapters.
He moved on, and he's happy.
And that's all you cared about. His happiness.
Even if you're no longer part of it.
It's time to face the music, I'm no longer your muse
"Will you love another woman even if I'm gone?"
"I don't think I ever will."
You're no longer her June, his muse. He's no Johnny Cash anymore, so it's time to end this hope in your heart that someday, time may bring you both back together.
It's not going to happen, it will never happen, he's already with someone now.
You're just part of his broken, and miserable past. A girl who brought up his mental illness and existential crisis when things don't go your way. Of course, he wouldn't settle for something like that.
You're part of the problem, a girl who brought back his trauma, a past that he erased years ago.
The way he held her waist brought you on the verge of tears like someone had stabbed you straight up to the heart. Your heart crumbles from staring at them, there's some longing on your part, well, maybe, you shouldn't have looked.
The fire inside your heart was now flickering, slowly dying out from what you were seeing.
You're delusional for expecting him to come back. And it's not his fault that you refused to move on.
Pathetic. How life can be cruel like this?
You never felt stupid until then, stupid for loving the same person for years.
It's time to close this chapter in your life.
It's time to move on.
"Dr. Yeager!" You're not surprised to see Mr. Yeager in the hospital setting, he was Eren's father, and you had known him since your childhood.
"I'm glad to see you, y/n, but not here." He said. You smiled at him, a reassuring one that it's going to be okay.
"so, how have you been?" you passed out earlier on the street as you were walking outside to attend your campus. Good thing Mikasa was able to catch you on time, preventing damage to your head. As you were brought to the infirmary, the head nurse in the university suggested that you need to be brought to a hospital as soon as possible to run some tests on you.
'I'm good, but my eyes are kind of hazy. I felt weak too. I'm kind of thirsty too." You can see that he's not happy seeing you here, in this setting, in his workplace. You as his patient and him, as your doctor.
"So how's my diagnosis? Am I going to die?" You joked.
"No." He shook his head as he looked at you, his glass was a gleaming reflection of the light above the room.
Not yet.
"I'm sorry to tell you this, y/n, but based on your test, you have acute kidney failure."
"You only got a few years to live."
You froze dead in your spot, as you saw a familiar figure walking towards you in slow motion, like in the movies. But this wasn't a fairytale, nor an iconic romantic movie. This is reality.
Of all the faces you've encountered throughout your life, the unfamiliar and familiar ones, this wasn't the one you expected to see the most, especially right now.
To be honest, he was the least, and the last person you expect to see here out of this place, a freaking public park in the middle of a big city.
It's like everything that happened for the past years is coming back again, all the good, and the bad memories.
The last interaction with the man you loved was forever engraved in your mind, the same man who walked away from your life on that one fateful night.
He's standing in front of you from a good distance, not too close, but enough for you to hear him.
"What?" your mouth slightly agape as you looked at him in shock, to the point that you didn't notice that he was getting nearer as time went by.
You're not even friends with him since then, hell, he cut you off since that night, he doesn't want to see you and doesn't want to do anything with you. He wants to stay as far away from you, and he made that clear years ago. It's been 5 years since then, and he never reaches out to make amendments. So why now?
No matter how Annie and Bertholdt tried to reconcile the both of you, even if not as lovers, but at least just as friends, he never did. It won't work no matter what effort your friends gave, and there's nothing left for you to amend. that message was clear.
You wanted to avoid this situation more than those useless emergency meetings with your boss, but you damn well can't now. He's here, in his full Braun glory.
You snapped out of your thoughts and strode away, walking past him. You looked anywhere, anything except his hazel eyes.
Suddenly, it's suffocating, and you're more determined to leave the public place as soon as possible.
You don't care if you'll turn out rude for ignoring him. You don't care at all. It doesn't even matter.
Your motto is, 'If he was here, then there's no reason for you to be here either.' and you keep repeating that over your head for several years now.
"Wait." He followed you, chasing you as you moved to walk away from him. His steps were bigger and you knew he would catch up to you if you didn't speed up. God, that stupid long legs of his.
You felt nauseous, you wanted to puke, but none ever came out of your mouth.
"Y/N, wait—" he pleads.
"If you just—" In a split second, he caught up to you, holding your wrist firmly, not too tight, and pulled you against him which forced you to turn around.
"You look pale. You okay?" His eyes softened as he stared at your face, looking at you with concern. The same face that he had only seen in pictures for years which was probably outdated. The face that was living rent free in his mind, 24/7. That face that he hadn't seen in years.
"thank you for the compliment." You said sarcastically.
"Sorry. That sounds rude." He scratches the back of his head, not intending to offend you or whatsoever.
"I shouldn't be here, I'm leaving." You'd rather leave than have him see you again, especially like this.
"Please.. It's been a while since I last saw you. Can't we talk?" He asked.
"I just passed by, then I saw you. Just wanted to know how have you been?" A lie, it's not usual to see a soldier in this area, specifically him, a high-ranking official. unbeknownst to your knowledge, he went to this exact place just to see you. He wanted to talk, alright?
"I'm okay."
"From what happened in the past, I.... I apologize. Please, let me explain" He said.
"You never gave me chance to explain, so why should I let you?" You spat out.
He only realized how bad his situation was when it was too late.
You're right all along and he was stupid enough not to realize what was happening right before his eyes.
That incident in Paradis City, where he learned the corruption inside the capital, how they kept people as prisoners on their land. The military he was in, and the government he served kept a concentration zone for Eldian families, whom they considered as immigrants in their land.
You see, the Marley government succeeded in invading a small portion of Paradis Country. For those who were caught, the government released a mandate that separated family members who don't have Eldian blood from their Eldian families, like the one he witnessed in the camp when a Japanese mother was separated by force from her children and Eldian husband, and vice versa.
A month ago, he and his team were ordered to kill hundreds of people in the internment zone, soldiers like him were sent because there were several riots inside the camp, to the point it set the whole building on fire. They thought it was some act of terrorism. He was so ignorant not to notice that those people fought for their lives, he should have known that it wasn't terrorism from those people, they were fighting back only to defend their loved ones since the government sent an order to kill Eldians in the internment zone one by one. Those people were innocent and only discriminated against because of their bloodline and religion.
This week, Reiner also suspected that Mr. and Mrs. Galliard intentionally took Gabi as a recruit. Because no cadet in training would be accepted that easily in a year and sent to a mission. He speculated that they did this to get revenge on him.
That day, a realization hit him hard, as if he woke up from a deep and long dream, nightmares full of terror and death of his comrades, and full of nightmares without you.
Every night, Reiner has nightmares about the innocent people he killed, crying and pleading with him for their lives. But he can't defy a military order, especially from the higher-ups. He signed up for this, and he would pay the price afterward. Since those incidents, he always woke up in the middle of the night, panting and crying for no apparent reason, traumatized by everything that happened for the past few years.
'She was right, all along, she was telling the truth. Because, to put it simply, she cares.' He thought. He understands now how heavy this profession is, and you knew all about this because you belonged to a military family from generation to generation. You knew how it might take away everything from him. Your words haunt him, every night.
"No, what I mean is. Why are you approaching me? It's not normal." He was taken aback by your statement.
It's not normal to talk to your ex like nothing happened, especially if that said ex never wants to see you ever again.
"Not if it's you." You can't read what was in those eyes, his motive was still unclear to you.
10 years had passed since you two broke apart, and it's been 7 years since you last saw him. You could say that the both of you changed a lot, while you, of course, become thinner than usual, paler, and weaker as time passed by. He wonders why.
But at least, you got your degree right after college and now working as a writer for a well-known publishing company, not the marketing one that your parents urge you to.
While Reiner, throughout the years of battle and war, you've heard from your colleagues that he's a Vice Commander in the military, and of all the people, you know he deserved that spot the most.
"So, I've heard you are not feeling well. how have you been?" How did he know that you were sick? You thought. Maybe he heard it from their mutual friends from your hometown since you went home a lot more than usual for the past 10 years.
Unbeknown to your knowledge, that one afternoon in the barracks, Reiner had heard a conversation from a distance when one of their mutual comrades, Hitch, asked Annie Leonhardt through the phone, and on a freaking loudspeaker, why does she spaced out a lot these past few days and Annie answered that it's about your well-being. Annie had mentioned that you were rushed to the hospital the other day, Mikasa had informed her through calls because she's the one who brought you to the infirmary.
Annie also talked about how she applied for a 1-week leave since she's planning to visit you at the hospital. That's how important you are to Annie and Mikasa, they treated you as their sister.
'I already told you just now that I'm fine. Are you deaf or something?'
"I should be the one to ask you the same thing, how's life been treating you?" You reverted the topic about you and changed it. But Reiner doesn't fail to notice your body language and the typical-aversion-of-gaze that you're indeed, lying. You're far from okay.
"Things have been okay to me." He answered simply. Looking at the ground, ashamed to tell you the truth that it's been a living hell for him for the past 10 years, how his mission damaged his morals as a human, and how he became a murderer for killing hundreds, no, thousands of innocent people.
His oath was to defend the country and serve its people, but he realized that he was doing the opposite.
He was never a hero, and he will never be.
He was a monster sent by the Marleyan Government for genocide, like a programmed robot whose only purpose is to destroy all kinds of life. He hated himself and was ashamed of how monster he had become.
there's a dead silence that seems to surround the both of you. That eerie sound of desperation to have a normal conversation. As you sat in the park, you watched the kids play on the swings, how carefree they were like no amount of responsibilities was holding them down.
You both wished you could be a kid again.
Reiner wanted to ask what are you up to, and how was your family. Are you somewhat happy with how things are? But who was he to initiate a conversation? He's the one who ended it all.
You both are strangers to each other, but with history. He was long gone in your life, not even considering giving you a chance to explain yourself that night.
On the other hand, you're busy wondering where was the guy you've been scheduled to meet today. What's taking him so long? He should be here by now. You will kill him if he didn't save your ass here. You thought.
"I see. you still have that." He chuckled, seeing the wings tattoo on your wrist after all these years. You looked at him, then at your wrist.
"Of course, it's my first tattoo." You rolled your eyes at him, and immediately hid your wrist away from his curious eyes, grasping it away with your other hand.
Ah, he was talking about the tattoo you got on your 18th birthday.
Why did you still have that?
That's the question that you keep asking yourself.
"This doesn't mean other things." You tried to explain yourself.
He had removed his matching tattoo years ago, so what made his heart flutter now knowing that you keep yours all these years?
a single brand of ink but still brought back painful memories.
The ink seemed to fade for years but the memories didn't.
"(y/n)! I brought you some food." A guy shouted from a distance, waving his hands. Reiner noticed how your attention switched from him, then to the guy behind him. Seeing how your mood changed just from the mere presence of another person. You smiled at the guy behind him, forcing Reiner to glance back to see who the guy was.
Your smile was your greatest asset, the one that he loves the most, and you rarely do it now. But he's seeing it again.
The guy lifts his hands cheerfully from a distance, holding the paper bag full of food. This guy never failed to make you smile, he was a cheerful and honest guy, a great company, which sometimes, wants you to smack him in the head for being straight to the point, even if no one asked about things, he would say it right away.
You respected his dedication to his job, driven by his dreams and passion. His idealistic persona and calm demeanor outshine other people, his smiling face and urge to understand every situation made you choose him from the rest.
He makes a beeline step towards you, approaching you with a smile, his eyes study your composure, how uncomfortable you were due to the presence of someone you least expected.
When Reiner glanced back, the guy noticed who was causing your anxious demeanor.
"Hey, Reiner. Didn't expect you would be here." The guy said, smiling at the blonde muscular man who was sitting across from your seat. He laid down the paper bags and beverages on the table, sitting beside you.
"Marco." Reiner acknowledges. So, Marco Bott, a respected guy with a calm demeanor on the Rugby team, a guy with an excellent judge of character, was one of the juniors they interacted with during their senior years. He was one of the guys he trained for the rugby team, alongside, Connie Springer.
"I didn't think you two were dating." He had assumed, because from the look of it. You're comfortable being around him, even giving him a small smile despite your discomfort.
Is Reiner too late to pick things up from what he had left? where have words been left unsaid since that fateful night?
"ah, no, are you out of your mind? I'm just here to accompany her since Annie and Mikasa couldn't make it. Plus, I'm her assistant." He raised his professional nametag proudly, showing how he managed to earn his job and reputation as your successor in the industry.
"ah, sorry." He chuckled, relief that you're not seeing someone.
There was a lingering pang in his chest a moment ago, and he froze on his spot. Reiner thought he couldn't breathe for a second.
Marco had invited him to eat lunch with him and y/n since he brought food. Reiner had this urge to buy something, so he went to a nearby coffee shop and beverages shop to buy some Iced Coffee and Iced Tea from Starbucks from a nearby store, on his way back to the park, he saw a vending machine of sodas, took a Coca-Cola drink, and bottles of water.
He remembered how you used to buy a bottle of soda, like a lot whenever you both went to the grocery stores back then.
One time you got sick, and that same day, you had asked him to get you a soda drink, a Coca-Cola, and pizza as he made his way home from a guy's night out. This led you to call him names such as being a grade-A asshole because the moment he came back, he bought you juice instead of soda because last time he remembered when you drank soda while you're sick, your symptoms worsen.
He chuckled at the memory of you while walking down the streets.
When he returned, he placed the drinks on the table. Reiner handed you a soda, your favorite one.
"She can't drink that. It's bad for her health." Marco said when he saw Reiner handing the Cola drink in his hand to you.
All this money can't buy me a time machine, no
"what do you mean?" Reiner asked. It was your favorite drink throughout the years since high school up until you guys moved together. So why would it be bad for your health?
There's no way you couldn't drink that, you wouldn't dare to resist a soda since it's your favorite drink. Unless...
'Marco." You warned.
Can't replace you with a million rings,
"She's been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease," Marco added. This is the thing you hated about Marco, he was bringing up personal matters in the conversation. He could've said something else.
I should've told you what you meant to me
Reiner can't believe what he's hearing. Everything came crashing down to him, he froze from his spot, unable to find the right words to say. He's feeling...numb, angry, and... scared.
Scared for your life.
"how's her treatment so far?" He had bombarded Marco with questions because he'd answer all of them instead of you. The guy is honest, while, you're the type of person to be annoyed when people meddle with your matters, especially with your warning to Marco a while ago.
"It's none of your business, this is a personal matter." You added.
"Aside from that. There's no point." I'm already at my last stage.
'Cause now I pay the price
From what he experienced all these years, from the bombs that killed the enemy soldiers from foreign countries to the explosions that destroyed millions of worth of infrastructure and properties, he was never afraid of those, except for this moment, he had never felt this scared before.
Reiner likes to think that he's one of the strongest men alive, with no fear and conscience for all the things he did. That was no freaking way he could feel fear, even in front of his enemies on the battlefield. But he never felt fear like this before, the thought of you dying, that he'll outlive you, that hearing one day from your mutual friends that you passed away, gone from his life forever. He can't picture a life without you in this world.
He's a man in the frontline, he's the one who should be at risk for being dead.
Not you, god, not you.
He now knows what fear is, and that's the fear of losing you.
Reiner can't imagine a world without you, a lifetime without you. 
He began to contemplate what he said in the past, that he never wanted to see your face ever again. Reiner didn't mean it, but it seems the gods were cruel enough to make those words paint back to life.
"why didn't you go with the treatment?" He chased after you, not wanting to hear him pestering you. It's funny how the table turned, back then you chased him a lot to confront him, but now he's doing the same damn thing.
The pavements of the side streets seem to carve your heavy footsteps as you watch him stop in his tracks. A while ago, you walked out, and he asked to walk with you, and of course, you declined.
What's that for? Ex doesn't do that.
Even with your refusal, he decided to follow you like a lost dog.
"What?" You deadpanned, looking at his towering figure.
"That's not for you to decide." You returned his words that night and he never failed to notice, even the small details.
"It is!! We were schoolmates, and... friends!! We had a lot of history together so of course I care about you!" He said in frustration.
"Former." You added.
"What the hell do you want from me, Reiner? You made it clear to stay as far away from you, and I did."
"You know I didn't mean it. All of it." Reiner held your wrist, not letting it go as he held it firmly in his grasp. His hazel eyes looked at yours back.
" but you still said it." You said.
"I'm sorry for everything that I've said to you, y/n. I'm sorry for walking away from you, I know what I did was unforgivable, just please, let me make it up to you."
"I don't need that. It's all in the past now."
"And what's the point of that freaking treatment? It doesn't change anything."
"What do you mean? Of course, there would be!" He convinced you, but he's more convincing himself from his tone.
"You think I'd refuse this easily to save my own life? You don't know how desperate I was before to just give it up now!"
"That's not what I mean—" Reiner reasoned out.
"You don't have the right to say that there would be, what happened to me for the past 10 years, No, you don't have a freaking idea what I'be been through before I refuse the treatments." You spat out.
"I'd lost my only parent who cares about me, my dad..." you added.
"Dad donated his kidney for me." You continued.
"After a year of that stupid kidney transplant, he got sick and died. Then what? My body had rejected what he gave to me."
"It's all for nothing... this doesn't make any sense."
"I'm tired from all of this." You revealed.
"Please, at least try.. there's still hope. I know there will be some changes if you just don't give up." Reiner pleaded.
" you don't get to tell me that, Reiner, you can't even help and save yourself!!" You shouted. You're trying to hold back your tears for so long, but it keeps coming out of your eyes.
"From who?" He asked.
"From you!!" You answered.
"I.... You're right." Reiner swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words to say. He was ashamed of how the years turned him into this kind of man, a shameless one, a hypocrite.
"You're right all along, it doesn't matter. All of it." He replied, Reiner said. He stared blankly at his hands, those hands that were tainted with shame, guilt, and everyone's blood.
"I became a monster, and..... our unit, I killed a lot of innocent people, including children. I'd never had a reputation and honor on this path to begin with. I should've listened to you. I should've chosen my dreams, I should've chosen us." Reiner cried out.
"I almost died once, from one of the missions, and the only thing that came to my mind at the moment was you. I'd never felt desperate to survive before, and till then, I realized how much time I wasted being far away from you. I shouldn't push you away."
"I'm so sorry for what happened to you, I'm so sorry that you lost your dad, and I wasn't there to comfort you, and I'm so sorry for everything that I've said to you that night. You don't deserve to live like this. You never deserve any of this!" he was blaming himself for everything, how he wished he could turn back time to spend time with you.
Time is a ticking bomb, and you're currently at the edge of it.
"You deserve to live a long life. Yours is different from mine, your life does matter. Just... go with the treatment, please...for me." Reiner held you, and you tried to get away from his grasp.
"You know life isn't fair." You answered.
"It isn't... but you deserve so much better," Reiner said.
"I wasted so much time on this, for us. I shouldn't pushed you away. If I wasn't an asshole back then, these times that have been wasted all these years should've been spent for us being together." Reiner said.
"What made you think that I still want that? What the hell, Reiner? You can't come back in here like everything's normal. What do you want?" You asked, frustration laced in your voice.
"I had this sudden urge to see you, okay?! That's.....why, y/n! I woke up from the bed and realized you weren't there, it's empty. Like, I woke up from this deep slumber and you weren't there..." He's like a man snapping back from a long-term amnesia, more like, a man waking up from a 10-year comatose.
Reiner wanted to apologize to you, to say sorry, for leaving you, for walking away from your life, that night. But he can't find the right words to say.
"Of all the times and places, why now? Why not then?" He made it clear that he doesn't want to see your face ever again, and that was enough for you to not fight for him anymore.
Because you're used to him being gone in your life for a long time.
It started with you staring at him from afar, away from his sight, until one day, you just...stopped. You continued to keep a distance from him Until it became your routine to avoid him in every gathering, and get-together.
"I heard from a conversation that you were rushed in the hospital, and...and I can feel it that there's something wrong," Reiner says, voice low as you urge him to speak his thoughts more.
"that doesn't concern you, we're not even friends, we're strangers!! Don't come crawling back at me when you feel empty inside." You became someone he used to know, and as long as he's gone too, it's as if, part of you were gone too, lost in the abyss.
"Yeah, you're right, i felt empty for years because you're gone!!" He snapped back in frustration.
"And I still love you!!" He confessed.
"And I'm so sorry for pushing you away." His voice was more desperate for you to hear him, to understand him like you used to.
"I'm so sorry, okay," he said.
"I should be the one who's apologizing, you know?" You added. 
"I shouldn't bring up your mental health, especially if it's really hard for you to open up. I learned my lesson not to meddle with other's business and not to care... at all." You simply replied.
"But that's all in the past now, right?" You deadpanned, suddenly in control of the conversation, trying as much as possible to be strong enough to utter the words. But deep inside, you're trying your best to fight the tears in the corner of your eyes, threatening to run down your cheeks as the words start to slip away.
"This doesn't matter now, this, what you're doing, it doesn't make any sense!" You lashed out, trying to push him away as he pulled you in his strong arms.
He paused for a bit as if he was thinking of something that he wanted to say.
Reiner was building his courage to say the things he wanted to. He should've done this a long time ago, but he didn't. He was never brave, he was always a coward, and he would take accountability for the actions that he had done.
"I wanted to make things right, to make it up to you as much as possible." He looks into you, engraving the memory of you in his mind, your lips that used to kiss him at night, your eyes that drown him by just looking at it.
He switched his gaze from you to your soft hands, taking your hands in his, staring at how small your hands were compared to his big ones. He held it gently as if it would break if he didn't.
"I know you will push me away, but I'm still in love with you. and that's already enough reason for me to fight for you, for us. There are no days that you didn't come up in my mind."
"Just please, give me a chance. please, give us a second chance." he pleaded.
The pain always lingers here too, creeping back on you during sleepless nights, forever instilled in you. You thought that as long as he's gone from your sight, you're fine.
But no, you were wrong, the pain keeps coming back no matter how much you bury it in the deepest pit of your mind.
'Please say yes, please, just fucking say yes.'
"I don't know, Reiner. I'm not really sure about that." You hesitated.
"Isn't it too late for that?"
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crazychaoticizzy · 2 months
TRACK 2: The Bends
Following their high school careers, the original five in the band Heart Attack begin rising through the ranks. Despite their slow ascent to success, they make it in the end. Even with everything that went wrong.
CONTENT: multipart fic, rock band au, slow burn (I mean it), love triangle, angst, mentions of drinking, violence, blood, mentions of guns, major character death
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AOT masterlist
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EREN: I brought it up in my mom’s garage when we were all freshmen, I think. We were all playing a game together and Mikasa came in. I wanted to do it then because all of us were there, and it had been forever since we’d all been in the same spot so when would we get that chance again?
Armin, I remember, seemed super reluctant. I don’t know if money was a problem though, or if he genuinely didn’t want to do it. I never found out, either.
ARMIN: Yeah, I wanted to do it, it sounded fun. But as a hobby. I didn’t want to do it often. Eren wanted to turn it into a career, and . . . I just couldn’t do that.
JEAN: The problem with the idea was we were all dirt poor. Eren was the only one living with a family that wasn’t working their asses off to make ends meet or living paycheck to paycheck because his dad was a doctor.
ARMIN: We brought that up. I told him, “Not everyone can do what they want on a whim.” It was the end of that conversation, but on my sixteenth birthday a week later, Eren had rented me an acoustic guitar.
CONNIE: After that, we all knew that we were doing this, whether we wanted to or not.
Armin groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. He hated this. He hated coming to Eren’s house every single day when he could be working and trying to help his grandfather get out of debt.
Eren was explaining how to play the chords to him (since when did he know how to play?), but Armin wasn’t listening. He stared at Eren’s hands with an absent expression as they moved, switching dates he could work around in his head and running through the long list of assignments due in his mind.
He swore he was going to die of stress before he even turned eighteen.
“Dude, if I’m boring you just say that.”
Armin hummed, moving his gaze to Eren’s face and the teasing smile that played on his lips. “What?”
“You’re spacing out. Didn’t know I was that uninteresting.”
Armin took a moment to process Eren’s words before shaking his head. “Sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Oh.” Eren dropped his hands from the guitar’s neck. “Something wrong?”
Armin shook his head, running a hand over his face and through his hair. “Just tired.”
The day before had been one of the rare days where Armin didn’t need to be at Eren’s house. He’d worked the entire afternoon, switching jobs at about 6:30 before going home after midnight.
But after he returned home he remembered the pile of class work he needed to catch up on and ended up passing out at his desk without making a dent in it.
His days had started blurring together. He couldn’t remember anything taught in class and his reaction time to things was getting slower and slower the longer he went without sleep.
He hated everything.
“Do you need help with your work? I could do it for you.” Eren put the guitar to the side, leaning closer to Armin.
Armin took a second to respond before shaking his head. “No. I don’t want your failing ass to tarnish my perfect grade.”
“Well that perfect grade is gonna get bad at the rate you’re doing things anyway.” Eren paused. “Sorry.”
Armin waved him off. “It’s fine. It’s whatever.” He groaned and laid back on the concrete floor. It was cold, and Armin thought this must have been the best thing to ever happen to him.
He let his eyes close for a minute. Or two. He wanted to sleep, and at that moment nothing could have felt more comfortable than the hard floor beneath him.
Eren shoved Armin’s arm, making him hum in irritation and open his eyes. Armin turned his head, finding that Eren was now lying beside him.
“I’m serious, Armin. Do you need help? Even if I’m not the one to do it, I’m sure one of the guys would be happy to.”
Armin shook his head, waving Eren off. “It’s fine. I’ve been thinking about dropping out anyway.”
“What?” Eren sat up, hands squeezing his knees as he looked down at Armin. “Why?”
“It’s just too much. My grandpa’s behind on payments and he got an eviction notice the other day. He tried hiding it, but you know him.”
Eren nodded. He knew that Thomas Arlert was holding onto the last strands of health he had for Armin’s sake. The old man tended to have things slip from his mind easily, so what likely happened was that Thomas hid the eviction notice and forgot where he’d placed it, making him ask Armin without thinking.
“We can help you guys out.”
Armin shakes his head. “We’re fine, Eren. I have it under control.”
What Eren wanted to tell Armin was that he shouldn’t need to have it under control. He wanted to tell Armin that he should be living, not struggling to scrape by. He wanted to tell Armin that he didn’t need to do everything by himself.
But Eren had said all those things before, in one way or another. Some of them he had said more than once. But every single time, Armin shot him down. It was clear to Eren that Armin didn’t want help.
That never stopped him from offering, though.
“Okay. But if you ever need help you know we’ll help you.”
Armin hummed in acknowledgement, closing his eyes again. Eren didn’t say anything else. Instead, he got up to put the guitar back in its box and left Armin on the floor. Eren walked into his house to retrieve a thin blanket, walking back out to gently place it over Armin’s sleeping form.
Eren walked back into his house, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he propped open the garage door and sat at the dining room table. He could see Armin’s golden hair from where he sat, and he held his phone up to his ear as it rings.
“Hey, Armin’s thinking about dropping out.”
Jean was silent on the other line. “What?”
Eren made a sound of affirmation. “He said he and his grandpa are about to get evicted.”
Eren heard Jean silently curse. He heard the rustling of blankets and another questioning voice that sounded suspiciously like Marco. “Is he seriously thinking about doing that? What about wanting to be valedictorian?”
Eren shrugged as if Jean could see him. “I don’t know, Jean. But he’s on the brink of failing anyway, so I don’t think he’d reach that goal even if he stayed in school.”
Jean huffed. Eren heard more rustling and the soft clanking of metal. “Alright. I’ll call Connie. See if we can scrape something together to help out.”
Eren nodded. He didn’t say anything else for a moment, just listening to the soft shuffling around coming from Jean’s end. Again, he heard a voice that sounded a lot like Marco’s, but he didn't comment on it. Something inside of him always said they were more than friends.
Jean’s voice finally came through again. “Okay, I’ll call Connie now.”
The call fell silent. Eren expected Jean to hang up, but when he didn’t, he lowered his phone to press the red button before Jean spoke again.
“Armin’s gonna be okay, okay? We’re all gonna be okay.”
Eren nodded. “I hope so.”
Another moment of silence followed before it became so suffocating Eren had to hang up. He sighed, standing up from the table and walking up the stairs to retrieve his headphones from his room.
He got a text from Marco moments later. Marco had sent multiple photos of his schoolwork for Eren to copy down onto Armin’s papers. After digging through his bag, Eren found the assignments organized neatly in a folder and started copying everything down.
While he was at it, he tried to improve his own grades.
Armin dropped out two months later
He didn’t tell anyone. He simply stopped showing up to school. He stopped going over to Eren’s house, and he tried his absolute best to avoid everyone.
He didn’t want them to be disappointed, especially after they had done so much to help him.
The Arlert’s finances were better. They were no longer living paycheck to paycheck or were behind on any payments, but at what cost? Armin spent all of his free time working, picking up whatever hours he could at his three jobs and accepting the occasional offer of whatever people needed him to do in exchange for money. He had no more social life and no time for himself. When he wasn’t working, he was sleeping.
It seemed like he had completely abandoned his friends. But one day, a warm Tuesday in the summer when his schedules aligned perfectly and he didn’t have work, he walked to Eren’s house. He followed the sound of music playing and found that there were people gathered around the open garage.
Connie, as excited and energetic as ever, smacked his wooden sticks against the drums, keeping the time by tapping his foot against the floor. Marco’s hands moved across the keyboard, occasionally switching a couple knobs at the top to change the sound. Armin watched Jean’s fingers move across the fingerboard of his guitar with ease, and he watched Eren’s lips move centimeters from the microphone.
They sounded good. Maybe not hit material, like The Beatles or Queen, but they had the right sound. They kept the same consistent, obvious beat and overlaid their own tracks over it. They were in tune, and surprisingly were all working well together.
Armin stayed to the side. He stood behind most of those gathered around and just listened to the music flooding down the street, so loud you could probably hear it a few blocks over.
When they finally stopped, they were all sweating. Eren smiled out at the people watching and bowed dramatically as sweat dripped from his chin. Jean heaved heavy breaths beside him, turning to Marco to flash his teeth with a look that said, We can actually do this.
Armin couldn’t help the soft smile that stretched across his lips. He clapped with everyone else, watching as his friends began unplugging the amps and speakers and everyone else began to walk away one by one, a few dropping coins or bills into an open guitar case.
When Eren finally noticed Armin standing there, a wide grin crossed his face. He let go of the mic, which would have fallen to the ground if Jean hadn’t caught it by the stand, and sprinted across the driveway to Armin. Eren knocked into him with so much force it almost pushed them to the ground, but he didn’t care because it felt like Eren hadn’t seen Armin in forever.
They stayed like that for a moment. Eren practically squeezed the life out of Armin before Jean yelled, “Get a move on, loser. You’re not the only one that missed Armin.”
“Fuck off, Jean.” Eren gave one last squeeze before releasing the blond. Eren flashed him one last smile before he went back up the driveway. Armin followed suit, looking around at the set up they had.
There were actual drums now. It was no longer just boxes placed on sticks for Connie to practice hitting, there were drums. The guitars were different, too. Jean had a sleek black bass with a dark red strap instead of the acoustic guitar he shared with Armin, and Marco had a proper set up for his keyboard.
Armin’s lips tilted up. He liked seeing this. He liked seeing that even if he wasn’t there, everyone still continued with what they wanted.
He was glad to know his absence wouldn’t be an obstacle, because he was sure he would never be able to join them.
Armin turned his head when Connie held something out to him, his lips curved up in a smile that showed all of his teeth. When Armin looked down at his hand, he saw that Connie was holding out an instrument case.
Armin’s brows furrowed as Connie bent over to leave it at Armin’s feet. Armin kneeled beside Connie and unlatched the locks, opening the case to reveal a vintage Gibson SG. Armin’s jaw fell open, and he stared at the cherry stain of the wood.
“We found it at a thrift store,” Marco said. He walked over, kneeling down beside Connie. “It was a crazy markdown. Only like thirty bucks, I think. We looked online and found a lot for over a thousand dollars. Isn’t that crazy?”
Armin nodded. He closed his mouth and looked up at Marco. “Who’s it for?”
“It’s for you.”
Armin blinked, registering Marco’s words. “What? No, I-I’m not part of this. This is all you guys.”
“You want to be in the band with us though, right?” Connie asked. He sat with his legs crossed, leaning forward. “You can't be in the band if you don’t play an instrument or something, and everyone knows you can’t sing.”
Armin let out a soft chuckle. “I can’t, guys. You know how busy I am.”
“We aren’t doing this without you.” Eren plopped himself on the ground beside Armin, aggressively hitting Armin’s shoulder. “This is all of our thing. We do this together. Right, Jean?”
“Huh?” Jean looked up from his phone, still tapping at it as he looked at where everyone was gathered on the floor. “What?”
“Just say yes.”
“Last time I said yes I was pinned to the floor and Connie drew two dicks pointing at each other like guns on my forehead. With Sharpie.”
They laughed, and Armin felt out of place. He didn’t remember that happening, so it must have been recently.
“The point is”—Eren turned his attention back to Armin—“you’re part of this. We started this with you and we’ll be damned if you aren’t there with us when we keep going.”
Eren took Armin by the hand, intertwining their fingers and giving it a firm squeeze. And then Connie took Armin’s other hand, doing the same thing. And then Marco reached over and squeezed Armin’s knee. Jean, of course, was not paying attention until Eren threw a stray pen at his head and forced him to kneel beside them and squeeze Armin’s shoulder.
“It’s the five of us, guys.” Connie smiled, looking up to meet each of their gazes. “Now, until we’re too old to be jumping around on stage, promise?”
Eren squeezed Armin’s hand tighter, as if doing so would pass the unspoken message along to Connie. “Promise. We’re Heart Attack, right?”
That was new, too. Last Armin knew, the band didn’t have a designated name. It had barely been two months since he stopped showing up and already it felt like so much had changed.
Jean squeezed Armin’s shoulder tighter, reaching over with his other hand to squeeze Marco’s. “We’re gonna be the best fucking rock band in the world. The best of the century.”
If only it were that easy.
CONNIE: Man, I could not tell you what happened those last few years before we moved. I don’t think anyone can, actually. I just remember that it was stressful as hell.
JEAN: We didn’t really do much. We were still in school and starting tog eat our first jobs, so we were mostly trying to balance everything out without looking like zombies.
EREN: We moved to Berlin almost right out of high school. It probably wasn’t the best idea, but I don’t regret any of it.
“Do you guys really think we’ll make it?” Jean asked, laying back on the hotel bed with his arms crossed behind his head. “I mean, we’ve been living in this hotel for like a week and a half.”
“It’ll come,” Eren said. He scrolled through the different channels on the TV, eventually stopping on an American program. “We just need time. We need to find jobs that’ll keep us afloat for a bit. And then we’ll start our gigs up again.”
“Well if we don’t find somewhere soon our instruments are gonna get ruined in the van.”
They fell silent, the only sound being the water from the shower head in the bathroom.
Eren looked around for spots where they could put their instruments and equipment, but didn’t find a single empty space. The room was too crowded with all of their suitcases, and even if they didn’t have their own luggage there was no space big enough to put much.
“We’ll find a place,” Marco said. “We can start looking tomorrow. Surely there’s an apartment or something available for rent, right?”
Jean blew air out from his mouth. “I hope so.”
They were silent the rest of the night. They took their turns showering after Connie and started winding down. The TV still silently played, though the channel had been changed as each person took control of the remote.
It was half past midnight when Armin came into the room, his hair disheveled and his eyes tired from work. His black polo was untucked and one of his pockets turned out when he reached in it to grab something.
He brought out a piece of paper so folded it took him a moment to open it. When he did, he walked between the beds, careful not to step on Eren, and flicked on a light.
“Dude, it is past midnight. Turn that off,” Jean complained, pulling the blankets over his head.
“You weren’t sleeping anyway.” Armin whispered, careful not to wake Connie or Marco up. He kicked off his shoes and sat on the other bed with his legs crossed. “But look at this.”
He held the paper out. Jean stared at Armin with dead eyes before Eren reached up from his place on the floor and yanked it out of his hold. Eren held it up as he read it, holding it in the light so he could see.
“Live music performances?” Eren looked up at Armin as he nodded. “At Quasimodo? I thought they only did booked gigs with bigger artists.”
“They want to try something different. Apparently a few record companies approached them and asked them to do this,” Armin explained. He stood up from the bed and walked across the room to his suitcase, kneeling down to grab a change of clothes. “From what I overheard, these labels are looking for the next big thing. They want something new because people are getting tired of hearing the same music. It’s in a month or so, but they want to start getting people now.”
Eren nodded as Armin grabbed a bag and his glasses and stepped into the bathroom. The sound of water hitting the wall soon filled the room as Eren sat up and leaned against the bed.
“This is a terrible idea,” Jean said. Eren looked up from the paper. “I mean, yeah it’ll give us more recognition, but Quasimodo is a jazz bar or something like that. People don’t go there to hear what we do.”
“But if it’s an open night then people should be expecting all kinds of music anyway,” Eren countered. He set the paper to the side, laying back down. “People will give us a chance. We just have to take it.”
Jean exhaled, closing his eyes and turning over. “Whatever,” he mumbled.
It was completely silent moments later, save for the muffled sound of Armin’s shower.
Eren couldn’t take it. He put his AirPods back in his ears and laid back down, pressing play on his phone before closing his eyes and trying to drift off.
When Armin walked back into the room, his hair damp and falling in his eyes, everyone had fallen asleep. He tiptoed around Eren, cautious not to make any noise, and slipped under the covers beside Connie. He reached over to flick off the light, checking his phone once more before turning over and going to sleep.
Thomas hadn’t texted or called since Armin moved. Of course, Carla checked in on him daily and gave Armin updates, but it wasn’t the same. He wanted to hear from his grandfather himself that he was doing fine.
Armin fell asleep hours later, his mind haunted with thoughts of how his grandfather was doing.
You joined Heart Attack in Berlin early on. Did they ask you to?
MIKASA: No, actually. Well, some of them wanted me to come along if I wanted, but I remember Eren called me one night and said very clearly, “You shouldn’t throw your life away just to follow us. There are better things for you in Shiganshina.” He kind of put a lot of emphasis on the fact that he didn’t really want me to follow, even if he didn’t explicitly say it.
I thought about it a lot. I talked to my mom about it and she just told me to do what I wanted. She said she had the store under control and that I didn’t need to worry about keeping it afloat, because that was the reason I had been so hesitant. A couple weeks after they had moved, I followed.
When Mikasa knocked on the door, Armin was the one that answered.
He wore a white T-shirt and blue pajama pants that made Mikasa think he had just gotten out of bed. His blond hair was touseled and he wore his glasses. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he greeted Mikasa, not quite registering who it was until she pushed her bangs out of her face.
“Mikasa? I thought you were staying in Shiganshina.” Armin leaned against the doorframe, resting his head against it and crossing his arms.
Mikasa shrugged. She shifted her weight and crossed her arms as well, fidgeting with one of her backpack straps. “Well, I never really decided, but I wanted to come here with you guys.”
Armin slowly nodded. He glanced over Mikasa, taking in her pulled back hair and the way she kept shifting her weight like she had done something she wasn’t supposed to.
He thought about Eren for a moment, and how he might react when he saw that Mikasa had traveled the two hours from Shiganshina to join them. He knew that Eren wanted her to stay in Shiganshina—he claimed it was because Mikasa would have a better life there, but Armin thought it was more for his own benefit.
He straightened himself, opening the door wider. “Sorry. I’ve just been standing here. Uhm, do you want to come in?”
Mikasa nodded, quietly thanking Armin as she grabbed her suitcase by the handle and stepped into the apartment.
She looked around as Armin closed the door behind her. It seemed like he was the only one home, based on how quiet it was.
There was no furniture. Well, there was, but the only pieces were a table and three chairs. Majority of the space was taken up by Connie’s drums and Marco’s keyboard. Jean and Armin’s instruments were packed away in their cases and set to the side.
Mikasa raised an eyebrow in question and looked at Armin, who was locking the door. “No furniture?”
Armin hummed, looking at her and then their living room. “Yeah, we, uh, we can’t really afford a lot. But we have a table? You can put your stuff there.”
Mikasa slowly nodded, letting out a soft laugh. She moved her suitcase beside the table leg and shrugged off her backpack.
“Are you hungry or something? We have cereal, probably.” As Armin spoke he moved around the table and started opening cabinets and the fridge, listing off a few items. “I can make you a sandwich, or leftover pizza. A salad, maybe? I don’t know what we have.”
Mikasa shook her head. “No, I’m alright. Where’s everyone else?”
Armin shut the fridge door and leaned against it. “Work. They all have morning or day shifts.”
Mikasa nodded again. The two of them exchanged awkward questions that only required a short answer for five minutes before they finally got back into their old groove. By the time Jean, the first to get off his shift, had come home, Armin and Mikasa were seated at the dinghy wooden table and laughing.
Jean was followed by Marco an hour later, and Connie thirty minutes after that. They moved to the floor where the five of them sat in a circle with cold leftover pizza from the fridge until Eren came home.
And when he did, the wave of annoyance that washed over him was clear.
It wasn’t obvious or boisterous, but the way his grip tightened on the doorknob when he saw Mikasa told her all she needed to know. He walked further into the apartment with heavy steps and closed the door behind him with more force than necessary.
The five of them quieted, watching as Eren stalked across the living room and disappeared down a hallway. No one dared speak a word even while Eren came back out, already changed into a new set of clothes, and began moving around the apartment like no one was there.
Eren eventually looked up at them after he’d made himself a bowl of greek yogurt and blueberries. He held eye contact with each one of them for at least five seconds before furrowing his eyebrows and shrugging. “What? Can I not eat?”
Jean cleared his throat, making Marco glare at him. The tension in the room steadily builds until Connie couldn’t take it cracked a stupid joke that got him teased by Jean and Armin. Mikasa softly laughed along, eyeing Eren as he settles between Armin and Connie.
When he looked up at her, she averted her gaze. Instead of looking at him, she looked at the door. The wall. Marco. Anywhere but Eren.
Her gaze caught on a piece of paper haphazardly taped to the wall. Mikasa squinted to read the blocky text on it.
“What’s going on at Quasimodo?” she asked, looking around the circle. She couldn’t read the finer text below the large letters that spelled out OPEN NIGHT.
Armin hummed in question, looking over at the piece of paper. “Oh, they’re having a night where small artists can go and play for free. It’s gonna last a couple days. We’re gonna be performing on the nineteenth.”
Mikasa hummed as Armin looked at the clock—the only other item decorating the apartment. He stood up and dusted off his pants before excusing himself and going down the same hall Eren had earlier. When he came back, he wore a black polo with the restaurant’s logo above his left breast. He grabbed his keys before saying goodbye to everyone and leaving.
Mikasa assumed Armin must have been the middle friend between her and everyone else because when he left she felt like the four others were staring at her, waiting for her to say something.
“So . . .” Mikasa drew the word out, thinking of what to say. “How has everything been going?”
Jean blew out a breath, leaning back against the wall. “Good enough. We have the space to practice but nowhere to play.”
“That’s just because we haven’t been looking in the right places,” Eren said. He turned his gaze to Jean, one of his eyebrows slightly raised. “We just need to get our name out there. Then people will pay attention to us.”
“People won’t pay attention to us if they don’t know who we are, dipshit.” Jean rolled his eyes. Eren shot him a glare that made it seem like he might kill him later.
Silence fell over the room again. In those few moments, Mikasa’s thoughts wandered to the Instagram page she’d started for her mom’s business and how online sales had shot up.
“Why don’t you get an Instagram?” she suggested. “Or like, Twitter or TikTok or whatever. Some kind of social media to promote yourselves.”
Mikasa felt like shrinking in on herself with the way their eyes turn to her. She felt like their gazes were scrutinizing her, almost judging her for speaking out.
She knew they would never. She only started feeling that way after no one spoke for what feels like hours.
“That’s a good idea,” Marco said. He switched his gaze to meet Eren’s. “Lots of people use it to promote themselves, why don’t we?”
He held Eren’s gaze for a moment. It seemed as though the two were having an argument in their thoughts until finally, Eren exhaled.
“Yeah. Sounds good.”
The topic changed after that. To what, Mikasa didn’t know. What she did know was that she had been indirectly designated to create and (probably) manage the new account, and then later asked directly by Connie since, as he put it, “You’re the only one with the divine, God-given level of intellect and marketing skills to do a fantastic job at managing us.”
She put little effort into it. She’d gone to the bathroom while the remaining four talked about going to bed and as she stood at the sink after washing her hands, made the account heartattack5 on both Instagram and TikTok. She made the profile picture a silly photo she had taken years ago of the five of them on Halloween. In it, they held their hands out and had their eyes closed as if doing an exorcism of sorts. On the floor in front of them was a drawing of a zodiac from a show Mikasa had long forgotten about.
Maybe it wasn’t the best profile picture, but it worked until she could get a better one.
heartattack5 also wasn’t the best username, but she came up with it in the spur of the moment. She knew no one else would have better ideas, so she just went with it. As she was leaving the bathroom she began finding everyone’s profiles and following them.
On her way out of the bathroom, she bumped into Eren.
By that point, the light in the living room was turned off and the only thing brightening the hallway were the slivers that came from beneath two of the bedroom doors and a weak night light that was plugged into the wall.
They stared at each other for a moment. Eren’s piercing green gaze sliced through her, reading her every thought and learning her darkest secrets.
“I told you not to follow us,” he said. He spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb the others that had already retreated to their rooms.
“You don’t tell me what to do.” Mikasa slipped her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. She shifted her weight to one of her legs and crossed her arms. “I came here of my own volition, not because of you.”
“And yet this was the first place you came. You didn’t even go to wherever you’re staying first to drop off your bags.”
“Well.” She ended it there. She had tried coming with a defense to whatever Eren might throw at her while she was driving, but her efforts had proven fruitless. Instead of retaliating, she shrugged.
Eren sighed, running a hand through his hair. It had grown out a bit, the ends now resting at his jaw. “Please go home. I don’t want to drag you down with us if we aren’t successful. You have something guaranteed at home.”
“It’s not home without you guys,” she said, though it sounded like she had added guys as an after thought. There was an awkward pause between the final two words, and hearing it made Eren pause.
He looked at her, pressing his lips together. He knew Mikasa tended to lean towards people’s whims and do what they wanted, but goddamn she could be stubborn as hell when she wanted something. She stood in front of him, her feet planted so firmly in place Eren didn’t think a tornado could move her.
He finally exhaled and breathed out, averting his gaze to the seam where the hallway ceiling met the wall. “Fine. Whatever.”
Mikasa bit the inner corner of her lip to keep from smiling. She gave a soft nod, tilting her head down so Eren didn’t see the look of triumph on her face.
She moved to walk around him and gather her things, ready to get out of their hair for the night and sleep in her car or find a hotel, but Eren gently placed a hand on her shoulder. She could feel its warmth through her sweater, and she turned her head.
“Just stay. You’re already here.”
“I don’t want to impose,” she whispered, though after she said it she realized how useless it was to say it. She had already come by completely unannounced and likely overstayed her visit by a few hours.
“It doesn’t matter. You can sleep with me in my room.”
Mikasa stared at him, and for a moment it seemed like she was the one reading Eren’s thoughts and learning his secrets. She gave a soft nod, turning to follow Eren as he opened his bedroom door and flicked on the light.
Unsurprisingly, it was bare. There was nothing up on the walls and two of Eren’s suitcases are open with clothes pouring out of them. There was a pile of boxes in one corner, and in the opposite was a mattress without a frame.
Mikasa held back a chuckle. Eren closed the door behind her, leaving it open a finger’s width, before going to lie down on the bed.
Mikasa awkwardly stood for a moment before joining him. In her mind she made a barrier that neither she nor Eren were to cross that night, and was adamant about keeping it. She laid on her stomach and turned her head away from him, her arms beneath the pillow. Eren laid on his back, staring at the ceiling and thinking, This is why those fuckers gave me the biggest room for myself.
In the following days, heartattack5 had gained almost two thousand followers.
Mikasa tried posting consistently. She stayed up at all hours of the day filming content with her phone and then editing the clips in the late hours of the night.
She’d changed the profile picture to one where Connie sat at his drums, Eren sitting in front of them while the other three leaned against Connie. She tried to get video of all of them playing their respective instruments and nicely framed photos to post.
She’d made a routine. She would wake up at the crack of dawn, around the time Armin returned home from his shift, and shower. She’d eat breakfast and spend a couple minutes each morning either pacing around the empty living room or laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling or scrolling on her phone. When the first person woke up—Marco, usually—she would chat with them for a bit before she began recording and taking pictures.
As the others woke up she would record them, too. She found that people enjoyed short slice of life videos alongside the more planned ones, so some days she would just record an exchange between all of them for hours.
Then, she had dinner in the room she shared with Eren. She sat crisscross on the floor and sifted through the video she’d taken while she ate. She had a pile of drafts saved up in both Instagram and TikTok, and she was always adding more.
Then, later in the night when she came out from the room to bid Armin a good shift and talked at the dinghy table with everyone else, she finally put her phone down. She’d leave it in the room on the charger and tried her best to push follows and views and likes and comments from her mind while she talked to her friends.
When they would start going to bed one by one, Eren was always the last to leave. He stayed awake with her until she was ready to go to bed, even if his eyes were dropping and he kept jerking awake. She’d finally laugh and say she’s going to bed even if she wasn’t tired, just so Eren could get the sleep he needed.
And at night, when Eren was snoring so loudly it practically shook the walls, Mikasa unlocked her phone and checked the account. When the numbers of new people were low, it left a harsh blow to her self esteem.
She would finally put her phone facedown on the wood floor and close her eyes, trying not to let the numbers or new ideas to get more people flood her mind.
The barricade she’d mentally made that first day she slept in the same bed as Eren was always there, but every night it was knocked down. Every morning she woke up with some part of Eren tied up in her, whether it be their arms pressed together or his hands on her waist or her head tucked into his chest.
In the morning when she found out where they had let their guard fall, she felt at peace.
“Come see us at Quasimodo tonight!”
In the video, Eren screamed at Mikasa’s phone before she panned over to Connie, who had his tongue out and his pointer and pinky finger on one hand up. It was short and ended there, but Mikasa had added a soft overlay of Heart Attack’s song “The Bends” to the background.
It was the best performing video she’d made, and it had only been posted at ten that morning.
Mikasa smiled with pride every time she checked her phone and the numbers skyrocketed. It started at 50, and then 100, and then seemingly out of nowhere shot up to 2,000 somewhere between eleven and noon. By the time the band was at Quasimodo getting ready for their gig, she was beaming at the white 37,000 in the bottom left corner, a number that went up every time she refreshed the page.
She didn’t know what it was about this one that did so well, but she wasn’t complaining.
Mikasa sat by herself at a table close to the stage. She could barely see whoever was playing beyond the bodies crowded together in front of her, but when she heard Eren’s voice she would move.
She kept her phone face up on the table, reading every single notification that came up on her phone.
Eren, peeking through the curtain during an intermission while the drums were being set up, watched Mikasa obsess over her phone. He noticed the way her eyes seemed to sparkle at the growing numbers, and some part of him thought to talk to her about it later.
But he moved his gaze around, and at a table at the back of the club spotted a blond man sitting with one other person. Eren didn’t recognize the brown-haired woman, but he knew who the blond was immediately.
“Guys.” Eren turned toward the others, the faintest grin on his face. “Erwin fucking Smith is here.”
Connie’s eyes practically popped out of his head with how much he had widened them. “Are you being serious right now?” he asked in disbelief.
“The Erwin Smith? Owner of Scout Records?”
Eren nodded. Jean lowly whistled and straightened himself. Armin ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath that fell somewhere between a chuckle and a gasp of disbelief.
Marco, who had been drinking water, set the plastic bottle down. He put a hand on Jean’s and Eren’s shoulders, gently squeezing. When Eren turned his head, Marco had a vibrant smile on his face.
“This is our chance guys. We can finally break through and get on the radio or something.”
“That’s if he likes our music,” Armin pointed out. Everyone turned to him. “If he doesn’t then there’s no chance.”
“Which is why we make him like it.” Back to Eren. “We play the best we’ve ever played. We aren’t in Mom’s garage anymore. We put our hearts and souls into this.”
A moment of hesitance passed. Eren met everyone’s gaze, holding each of them for ten seconds. His piercing green eyes seemed to look into their minds, reading every desire they’ve ever had.
Finally, they all slowly nodded. An agreement passed between them and they exchanged a smile. When the stagehand called to them to say they were ready, Jean began lazily playing a quiet tune on his bass.
Eren was the first out. He grabbed the microphone and scanned the crowd. He noticed Mikasa walk closer to where the band stood to take pictures, and his smile widened when he met Erwin Smith’s gaze.
“This is Heart Attack.” Eren flashed his straight teeth again, winking at one of the girls closer to the front, before Connie started the upbeat tune to their debut song, Armin joining in soon after.
Eren tried his best not to let his gaze wander to the booth Erwin sat at. He tried to keep his stare on the wall or the people at their tables, but he always found his eyes moving back to Erwin.
Not knowing what to do every time they made eye contact, Eren winked at him. Erwin had no reaction except a subtle eyebrow raise, and Eren immediately regretted his decision.
After they had bowed and strolled off, Eren ran a hand over his face and groaned. The group of them found Mikasa on the ground floor and walked to the table she’d reserved. Eren pressed his forehead against the wood and began tapping his foot against the floor.
“Dude, what is wrong?” Connie asked. He had ordered a glass that had some caramel colored liquid Eren couldn’t identify and was playing with the straw between his fingers. “You are like, stressing. Which is understandable since Erwin Smith is here, but-”
“I winked at him.” Eren lifted his head. From the corner of his eye he would see Jean lifting his glass to his lips.
“Huh? Who?”
“Erwin Smith.”
Jean laughed, lowering his glass and covering his mouth with a fist. He cleared his throat to cover his laugh and looked away. Eren shot him a glare.
“Why did you wink at Erwin Smith?” Jean teased.
“I don’t know. It just . . . happened.”
“How do you just happen to wink at someone?” Armin asked. He smiled, teasing Eren, “Was there something in your eye?”
“No! It just . . . I don’t know! But I’m scared. What if he’s homophobic, man? What if that’s the only reason he won’t talk to us is because he thinks I’m gay?”
Marco tensed, but the subtle way he straightened his shoulders and tightened his grip on his cup went unnoticed by everyone except Jean.
Jean’s eyes moved to look at him. He didn’t turn his head, but when he saw the fake smile on Marco’s face as he made a comment Jean didn’t hear, he gently squeezed Marco’s knee.
A soft guitar melody filled the air, a stark contrast to the harsh music that had previously filled the club. Marco turned his head to the stage where a girl in a short cream dress, her hair tied out of her face with a red ribbon, sat on a stool and strummed her guitar. He watched for a moment before turning back to the table.
“I genuinely think I might die,” Eren said. He was leaned back in his chair now, his legs splayed so far out beneath the table that they hit Connie in the shins.
“Sit up right.” Connie playfully kicked Eren’s legs. “Your legs are too damn long for you to relax like that.”
The group laughed. When Armin turned his head to watch the girl on the stage, his gaze instead caught on Erwin Smith, who was standing up from his table.
His eyes followed the man, watching as he bowed to the woman sitting with him and shrugged on his coat. The woman smiled and waved at Erwin as he left the booth, and Armin’s eyes widened as he realized that Erwin Smith was walking towards them.
Armin turned his head to face the table so quickly he thought he pulled a muscle. He coughed to catch the table’s attention, and when they turned to him he quietly said, “Erwin Smith is walking this way.”
Eren’s eyes slightly widened. He craned his neck to see around Armin and immediately straightened when he saw that his friend was telling the truth. He slapped his hand against the table as of warning Jean and Connie to stop bickering.
He cracked a stupid joke right as Erwin began passed behind him. No one even understood what he had said, which earned him questioning glances from everyone at the table before Erwin positioned himself between Eren and a Mikasa’s chairs.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” he said. He placed a hand on the back of Erin’s chair, making sure his presence was noticed.
As if anyone wouldn’t notice if Erwin fucking Smith was looking directly at them.
“Nah, you’re fine,” Eren said. He regretted it immediately because who talks to a celebrity like that? He cleared his throat, trying to put up a front that said he knew what he was doing here. “Can I help you?”
Erwin opened his coat, reaching into a pocket that must have been inside and pulled out a business card. He held it out to Eren. “I’m the owner of Scout Records. I really enjoyed what you boys did tonight. I’d like you to sign with the company, if it interests you.”
Eren, who had been looking up at Erwin as he spoke, moved his gaze to the business card. It had a sleek design, one single dark green line moving across the entire card underneath the words Scout Records. Beneath all of that was his name and basic information, including an email and phone number to contact.
“Of course, I’ll contact you again at a later date if you haven’t decided, but this is your choice.” Erwin moves his gaze from Eren’s and meets that of everyone else around the table. “All of you.” His stare paused on Mikasa. “We can even find a spot for your publicist.”
Mikasa’s heart skipped a beat as Eren nodded. Publicist. She didn’t consider herself that, but the title had a nice ring to it.
Erwin bowed his head, bidding the group goodbye before turning and walking out of the jazz club.
The group waited until the door had closed behind Erwin before they started cheering. This was it. This was their shot.
Maybe they really did have a chance in this industry.
When they returned to their apartment that night, they popped open a cheap bottle of wine and drank from plastic cups to celebrate. They spilled the liquid haphazardly on the floor and counters, but didn’t bother to clean it up. Even Mikasa had set her phone to the side and allowed her head to become buzzed.
She regretted it the next morning, of course, because she was a lightweight and the headache she woke up with felt as if it was splitting her skull apart. She knew she woke up much later than she normally did because Eren wasn’t beside her in the bed and she could hear voices coming through the wall from the living room.
She stood and stretched, pulling a hoodie on over her tank top before opening the bedroom door.
“No, if we call him right now we’ll seem desperate.”
“Aren’t you the one that has been praying we’d get noticed for years? And when we finally do you don’t want to jump on that opportunity?”
“I’m playing smart here, Jean. If we contact them too early then we’ll seem excitable and naïve.”
“Please, Eren. He offered us. We won’t look pathetic if we call and say we accept his offer.”
Eren exhaled. Mikasa saw him press his lips into a thin line. “We have to play the long game-“
“If we play the long game then we’re gonna get dropped-“
“What would you know about this shit anyway? It’s not like you have a fucking degree in-”
“And you know anything more than I do?”
Their voices continued raising and they continued talking over each other. The pain in Mikasa’s head became so evident she could feel it in her fingers. Her ears were ringing, and she had one finger pressed to the inner cartilage of her ear as she aggressively grabbed Eren by she shoulder.
“Shut up,” she said, letting him go. “It’s too early for the two of you to be arguing, and I’m pretty sure everyone else is still sleeping.”
Mikasa walked over to the fridge and opened it, taking out the carton of eggs. She grabbed a cup from the cabinet. She pulled two eggs from the carton and spilled both of them into the cup. After throwing the shells away, she grabbed hold of the cup before taking a deep breath and downing its contents in one go.
Her face scrunched and her eyes closed. She held the last but in her mouth, reluctant to swallow before gulping it down. When she opened her eyes, she saw that both Eren and Jean were looking at her with the most horrified expressions me she had ever seen.
Mikasa gulped one more time, trying to get the taste out of her mouth, before washing the glass and saying, “What?”
Eren blinked. Jean ran a hand through his hair.
“You just drank two raw eggs,” Eren said.
Mikasa shrugged, setting the glass down in the sink and turning around. “So?”
Eren blinked again, though this time it was more aggressive. He put his hands on the edge of the faux marble counter. “You just drank. Two raw eggs,” he repeated.
“What the hell is wrong with you.” Jean jokes, though it seemed as though some part of him was genuinely bewildered about what could possibly make Mikasa drink raw eggs.
“Yeah.” Mikasa leaned against the sink behind her and crossed her arms and ankles in front of her. “It’s a remedy for hangovers. My mom used to do it when she had one, and that one time I came back from a night of drinking she gave it to me. It worked, so.” She shrugged again.
Eren blinked a few more times before shaking his head and straightening. Jean, however, still looked baffled at Mikasa’s actions, but he eventually shook it off and continued eating the bowl of cereal in front of him.
Mikasa blinked a couple more times in confusion before shaking her head and continuing about her day. She took a seat at the dinghy table and stared at the grain in the wood. She wondered for a moment how her parents were doing, but when she reached for her phone to text them, she realized that she had no idea where her phone was.
It wasn’t in her room. If it was then it would have been the first thing she checked in the morning. She scanned the table and didn’t find it there either.
Panic began settling in as her gaze frantically traveled around the room. She didn’t want to tell anyone because a phone isn’t all that when you really think about it. Except for her it is. That’s her life. Her job. Her livelihood, if she loses her phone then she loses her memory card and she’ll never get it back.
Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck.
“Are you looking for this?” Jean came up beside her and held something in front of her, the familiar polaroid of Mikasa and Eren at their eleventh grade prom catching her eye.
She looked up at Jean as she gently took it from his hands and nodded. “Yeah. Thank you.”
Instinctively, she checked the time. 11:34. It was so much later in the day than she thought.
Jean returned her nod. “Yup.”
He put his hands in the pockets of his sweats, awkwardly standing beside her. Neither of them said anything. Mikasa wanted to break the silence, but she didn’t know how.
“How’s it going with Marco?” she decided to ask. Jean and Marco had never officially came out, but they were obvious enough that the band knew about it—or that something was there, at least. No one was sure if they were officially together or not. Not to mention the way they look at each other when the other isn’t paying attention.
Jean nodded. “Yeah. It’s going good.”
Silence enveloped the room again. It was Mikasa’s fault, really. She shouldn’t have asked such a dry question.
Jean began drumming his fingers against the edge of the counter, the consistent noise driving Mikasa crazy. Her still present headache was not helping.
“I think you guys should call Erwin.” She couldn’t take the silence anymore. Or the tapping. “He’s the one that offered. He wants you guys with his studio.”
Jean blew out a breath. “Yeah. Tell that shit to Eren. That asshole won’t let up.” He crossed his arms and looks up, staring out the window. “He thinks playing the long game will better our chances of going big. You know what’ll help us go big? Accepting the offers we fucking get.”
Fantastic. Mikasa had led Jean on a spiel. At least it was better than his insistent tapping.
“Not to mention it’d better your chance of making it, too. Prove to him that you don’t have to be at home to be successful or happy.”
Jean and Mikasa held each other’s gazes. She always treaded carefully around him, especially with the history of feelings they had. She didn’t quite know if he had gotten over her completely, but his situation with Marco must mean something.
“You should tell him,” Mikasa said. They both know who she was talking about.
“He knows,” Jean replied. “He just . . . I think he’s scared.”
Mikasa nodded. She understood. Maybe not entirely, but she got it. She knew how it felt to pine after your best friend for years, but she didn’t know how it felt to feel that way about a girl. Especially when your family is as religious as Marco’s.
“It’ll be okay,” she said. “Let him figure it out.”
“I know. I’m trying to. I am, but . . . You know me.”
She did. Jean Kirschtein was loud about the love he had and who it was for. He was the love interest in cheesy rom coms that did grand gestures for no reason just to declare his love. He was the one that would run into the airport minutes before your flight to win you back. He was the one that would travel halfway across the world just to give you flowers. He was the one that would somehow gather his graduating class to orchestrate a dance just to ask you to the prom.
He was the one that was being forced into silence to give his love time.
“It just sucks.”
Mikasa offered a soft smile, though it was clear that it did nothing to help. “I know.”
They sit in silence for a bit. It’s not as suffocating and choking as the one before, but there is still that air of tension about it. Jean leaves the main room after he drops his cereal bowl in the sink, the fake ceramic clinking against its metal walls. Mikasa watched him go, waiting until she heard his bedroom door close to pull out her phone.
She pops open the case. Eren had given her Erwin Smith’s business card before they had all started drinking. He said she would keep it safe, and she did.
She flipped it over, copying the number into her phone and holding it up to her ear. She listened as it dialed, biting her nail as she waited. It felt like she sat there forever, and she pulled the phone away to hang up when she was sure no one would answer.
“Erwin Smith’s office. How may I help you?”
Mikasa’s lips stretched into a wide smile as she quickly brought the phone back up to her ear. “Hi, I’m Mikasa Ackerman. I’m calling to talk to Erwin Smith about the offer he extended to the band Heart Attack last night. At Quasimodo.”
She heard shuffling on the other line, before a couple clicks. “Yes, of course. He told me to keep an eye out for your band. I’ll schedule a time for him to contact you. Expect a call at around 2:45, alright?”
Mikasa nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
The woman on the other line gave Mikasa a few more details, such as what number to expect the call from. She made sure to say that Mikasa would not receive a text or email, that it would be a call only from a number Mikasa had to write down to remember.
Two hours later, Mikasa sat in the bathroom hiding from everyone, on the phone with Erwin Smith himself.
“You did not,” Eren said after they had received a package. He looked up at Mikasa, who was sitting at the table and eating a bowl of pomegranate seeds.
“What?” She looked up from her phone, hiding a smile. She had seen the box earlier in the day, and only brought it inside for someone else to open and be surprised by.
Eren carried the box over to the table and dropped it, ripping the tape with his keys and opening the cardboard flaps. He revealed emerald green tissue paper wrapped around something else, an envelope with the band name written in gold sitting on top.
In the top corner of the envelope, Scout Records was stamped in capital letters.
Mikasa gasped, feigning surprise as she set her phone down and stood up. She walked next to Eren, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Congratulations!” she said, though it wasn’t convincing. She wasn’t a very good actor, and this situation was no exception.
Eren looked at her, his gaze piercing. “You called them.”
Mikasa nodded. She held Eren’s stare, refusing to back down and apologize. She watched the gears in his head turn before he turned his head, facing the wooden table as he laughed.
He slapped his hand on the table, catching Mikasa by surprise when he also wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.
“Thank you so much, Mikasa.” Without thinking, Eren kissed the top of her head. “I think I genuinely love you.”
Mikasa’s cheeks burned. She managed a soft smile as she pulled away enough to look up at Eren’s face. He was beaming, his smile so wide it showed all his teeth and so bright Mikasa swore the room had lit up.
Mikasa’s own smile widened. “Well if we had gone with your timeline then they would have forgotten about the offer. I have a meeting with him in a little bit about terms and conditions and stuff like that.”
“You’re meeting with him?”
Mikasa nodded. “I’m your publicist, aren’t I?”
Eren laughed again—a soft, breathy laugh that made Mikasa’s heart beat so loud she couldn’t hear anything else.
Eren let her go after saying something she didn’t catch. He woke up Jean (who had been sleeping on the couch while watching women’s boxing. Mikasa was positive he just turned something on for background noise) before going down the hall to bother Connie, Armin and Marco.
Their exclamations of happiness soon filled the apartment, and while they were yelling and jumping around, Mikasa slipped into the bedroom she shared with Eren and changed into something more presentable.
She switched her T-shirt and shorts for a black dress that had puffy sleeves. She put striped black tights on beneath it and spent too long deciding whether or not to wear a jacket over everything.
She decided not to, instead throwing it on her side of the bed and looking herself over in the mirror. She flattened stray hairs and fixed a bit of makeup, finally grabbing her bag before walking back out into the main room.
“And would you look at that! Annie Leonhart wins her first ever match fresh out of the Warrior program.”
Mikasa walked to the front door as she looked at the TV. She began slipping on her shoes, tying the laces up as she watched the blonde girl on the screen lift her fists in triumph as she walked around the rink. There were red stripes down her cheeks, ones so bright that Mikasa thought she was bleeding before realizing it was makeup.
“Now, we know that the Marleyan Warriors produce fantastic athletes, but I think this is the most potential we’ve seen in one. Don’t you think, Keith?”
“Absolutely. Annie Leonhart lives up to her title of the Female Titan. She comes in with such a loud presence and makes sure you know she’s there.”
The blonde girl bowed, the camera following as she steps out of the rink and down the walkway. The commentators—Theo Magath and Keith Shadis, Mikasa reads off the screen—continued talking about her performance, replaying clips from her match against a much stockier woman. It was a wonder that Annie won, they were saying.
“What are you watching?” Mikasa asked. She stayed by the door, but spoke loud enough so Jean could hear her from his spot on the couch.
Jean shrugged, muting the TV and standing up. He stretched his arms above his head and groaned. “I just turned something on. It’s women’s boxing, though. I think.”
Mikasa nodded, reaching over to the rack beside the door to grab her keys and wallet. “Okay. I’ll be back. I have a meeting with Erwin, but I’ll bring food later, so don’t eat anything.”
Jean smiled, turning off the TV and looking over at her. “Thank you.”
The corners of Mikasa’s lips tilted up, and she gave another soft nod before opening the door and leaving.
Connie’s scream of excitement was so piercing it had a little girl across the street covering her ears, mustering the harshest glare she could towards him.
“Connie, shut the fuck up,” Jean said, swinging an arm around the drummer. “We’re gonna get kicked off the streets.”
“Jean.” Connie gripped Jean’s opposite shoulder, the popsicle in his hand millimeters from falling off its stick and onto the floor. “Not only did we get offered a spot at Scout Records, but Mikasa also called to confirm we still have it. And we do! So now tell me, why shouldn’t I be screaming at the top of my lungs about this?”
Jean rolled his eyes, but a wide smile spread across his face as the two of them found a table to sit at. Marco, Eren, and Armin were still in the store looking for something to eat, so Jean and Connie slid onto the benches across from each other as they waited for a few minutes.
Jean opened his mouth to say something when they settled in, but he saw the rest of the band practically bouncing out of the convenience store with bright smiles on their faces. They were whooping and hollering, careful not to drop their ice creams or popsicles as they jumped around.
Connie joined them, hopping up from his seat and grabbing Marco’s and Eren’s hands. He shook them, his poorly made spongebob popsicle forgotten on the table. It was mostly finished anyway, the only remnants of it being a small pool of flavored water, so Jean picked it up and threw it away.
Someone jumped on him from the side, making Jean lose his balance for a moment. He wrapped his hand around the bar of the trash can before looking over at Marco.
The smile on his face was so wide it showed his dimples. His eyes were shining and his grip around Jean was tight. He was radiant—absolutely perfect in Jean’s eyes.
“We made it,” Marco said breathlessly. There was still the disbelief he had when Eren had originally told them about their record deal in his eyes. “Oh my god, we fucking made it.”
That’s how Jean knew how ecstatic Marco was. He never cursed. Never in a million years did a word as light as crap even leave his lips.
Jean couldn’t help but try and mirror Marco’s smile, but the attempt was fruitless. Nothing could ever shine as bright as this boy he loved so dearly.
“Hell yeah we did.” Jean wrapped his arms around Marco, holding him impossibly closer. “We fucking did it!”
Jean kissed Marco on the cheek in an action that could be passed as chaste, however it was anything but to Jean. Marco hugged Jean impossibly tighter, smiling at him with the soft grin that made Jean fall in love in the first place.
The others pounded on them after that—first Eren with a tackle so aggressive Jean and Marco almost fell over, and then Connie and Armin with pushes that rivaled Eren’s.
They caught themselves before losing their balance, and their laughs rang through the air so loudly that the same little girl Jean had seen glared at them again, this time along with her mother.
They began walking as they separated, Eren and Connie both walking backwards so they could talk without creating an obnoxious line of people.
“Alright guys, let’s talk first studio album. What are we thinking?” Connie held his hands out, welcoming ideas. “Personally, I think we should do the opening track about how birds are government property and are spying on us.”
Eren scrunched his face as Armin chuckled. “What the fuck?” Eren said. “The birds are watching us?”
“Well yeah.” Connie shrugged his shoulders, as if his revelation about birds was as common as grass. “Why don’t you see them in the rain?”
“Because they hide from the rain like any other being with instinct,” Jean said, a faint smile playing on his lips.
Connie pointed at him. “False. It’s actually because the birds are robots, and if they get wet then they sizzle and fucking die.” He tutted. “The government can’t have that.”
Jean and Marco laughed. They stood close together, their hands brushing every now and then.
“We are not making an album about robot birds, Connie,” Eren said. “That is so stupid.”
“Well what do you propose we make it about? Because the only other thing that’s good to write about is love, and I remember you saying very explicitly, ‘Love is a bullshit idea that makes soft sound.’”
Eren gasped dramatically. “I said no such thing.”
“We literally said you should write a song about Mikasa and you went on a whole rant,” Armin said.
Eren rolled his eyes. “I do not want to write sappy love songs. That’s cheesy and none of us have anyone anyway.”
Jean didn’t comment, but he glanced over at Marco. Marco kept his gaze ahead, fondly smiling and switching his gaze to whoever decided to tease Eren about his thing with Mikasa.
That’s when he saw it. A sleek, bright red sports car speeding on the street. The windows were blacked out, but someone’s arm was hanging out of one. Jean squinted, trying to see what they were holding.
The person started to climb out, tightening their grip on the object in their hand. Jean couldn’t recognize any significant features about them except the pale yellow hoodie they wore and the red smeared across their cheeks.
They held the object up, fumbling a bit to keep it in their hand as the car sped around. They howled when they almost dropped it, and lifted it.
It was a gun. The light glinted off the metal of the barrel as they haphazardly pulled the trigger, hitting a spot in the grass.
Jean wrapped his hand around Marco’s elbow. Marco turned his head, about to inquire about what Jean needed just as the bassist was about to tell them they needed to go.
But he didn’t get the chance. His words got caught in his throat as another gunshot sounded and Marco stumbled against him.
Jean held him up, trying to steady him with Armin’s help as Connie and Eren looked around. Eren fumbled with his phone as he tried calling the police after he spotted the car. When Jean pulled his hand away to readjust his hold, bright red blood, warm and sticky, stared up at him.
JEAN: We all watched him die. He just crumbled against us and . . .
ARMIN: Blood was coming out of his mouth. He was choking on it trying to talk and I- [sniff] There was nothing any of us could do. We just stood there trying to help but we couldn’t.
EREN: I think about it, sometimes. Especially when I’m alone at night. I think that if I had been faster with my phone then the police would have been there faster, and maybe we could have saved them.
JEAN: The only thing I saw when I looked up was blonde hair. Whoever shot Marco had already gotten back in the car while it was speeding away.
CONNIE: Marco was . . . He was everything to us. Heart Attack lost their heart that day. [wipes tears] It was fucking hard after that.
EREN: We spent a long time not doing anything. It would have been longer if Erwin hadn’t threatened us with losing our record deal. We came up with “Holiday.”
ARMIN: Marco wrote the keyboard track for that. Before he died. It was the last song of ours he had something to do with.
JEAN: [voice cracking] I need a minute.
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sorry this is so late life got unexpectedly busy 😭
anyways hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your day <3
TAGLIST: @arlerts-angel @conniesrockstargf @fvckingeetar @pluckyduxck @hoejosblindfold @beaniebaby12 if you's like to join the taglist please comment or DM to let me know!
next part >>
25 notes · View notes
minx-scribbles · 1 year
all apologies (part two)
warning: nsfw 18+, suggestive language, drug use, alcohol use
pairing: rock band au! college au! armin arlet x fem!reader
synopsis: Y/N meets the band and enjoys a little pregame with Sasha and Connie. But that blondie keeps looking at you...
tags: tequila...
notes: pregaming losers, we love it. i think the next part will be my absolute favorite. tehe
word count: 2.3k
part one | part two | part three coming soon
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The drive to The Rocks seemed like it went by in less than a minute when in reality, the drive was fifteen, plus having to stop at the gas station to get Jean his energy drink. Sasha ushered you in, and you picked out a snack to chew on so you wouldn’t get bored at the bar since it was so early and no one would be there for another hour. 
The high was still messing with your brain and you didn’t want the panic to rise while you were in public so you didn’t make any eye contact with the cashier, even though your brain was telling you that they one hundred percent know you are higher than a kite right now. Sasha was pretty good at being a trip-sitter, which is a good thing since you are a lightweight with anything. 
Once all four of you arrive in the back parking lot of the bar, you all launch yourselves out of the crowded vehicle. You were excited about the fact that you were going to be seeing a live show, and from what Jean and Connie were saying, they all got special back-stage passes. But you knew that they were being sarcastic. 
Connie wraps his arm around you and Sasha’s shoulders while Jean leads the way into the back door. The alleyway was surprisingly clean with only a few weeds peeking out from the foundation of the other buildings. The large black door that read, “Employees Only!” in red sent a warning to solicitors. 
Jean opens the door and holds it for the three of you and with the dim lighting. The backroom that you were led into is what you guessed was the breakroom for employees. It was lit up softly with multicolored LED lights and decorated with comfy leather seating that you could literally sink into. There were three different doors with different signs that read, “Stage”, “Dressing Rooms”, and “Exit to Club”. Actually being in the building was giving you butterflies; you were nervous to meet the rest of the group. Will they like me? Will they think I am weird? You felt yourself rubbing your hands together nervously. 
Sasha knocks you out of it, “Hey, do you need something to drink.” Her golden gaze looked worrisome, “Connie, I knew you letting her take a hit was going to make her sick.” Her eyes stare daggers into the tall man between you two. 
Connie doesn’t respond but does roll his eyes at her and leads the group over to one of the inviting couches. You all plop onto the couch with Connie’s arm still wrapped around the both of you; and to be honest, it was grounding you. 
Now that you were seated and not as overwhelmed with the new environment, you could hear some music coming from the door that read “Stage”. You notice Jean was on the phone pacing around the room, chattering to someone about how they are late or something. He sighs as he puts his phone in his pocket, “Well that was Floch and he said he won’t be here for another 40 minutes since he has to do something with his girlfriend.”
You finally had the balls - probably the weed - to ask Jean who this person was, “Who’s this Floch dude?” 
Connie speaks up this time with an annoyed look, “He’s a douche that doesn’t care about this band. He always puts his wants before the band’s needs and I’ll give it to him, he’s fucking killer as a DJ and a producer so they can’t really risk losing him at all.” 
All you can think about is how can they risk losing him if they go to a university full of talented musicians and artists. Like hell, you’d do it if you knew what the hell all those buttons meant. 
Jean continues Connie’s explanation, “Floch is amazing, and we have tried to see what other producers go to MIA but not many have the same vision as us. They like their own things and so do we, and Floch seems to genuinely enjoy our music. That’s the main reason why we haven’t thrown him to the side. Plus, we get more people to come when they see that Floch is the DJ while we play.” Makes sense.
Sasha joins in, “Yea, I mean, if he wouldn’t slack all the time I really feel like he would get somewhere with producing. But he’s always with his numerous girlfriends being a man-whore.” Numerous? Damn. 
Jean shrugs and walks over to the stage door, “Whatever, he will only be a couple minutes late so it’s better than most times.” He almost leaves all the way before pushing his head back in, “if you guys wanna come watch, you definitely can.”
That makes you perk up and you look at Connie and Sasha with excited eyes. Connie notices and stands up, taking you with him by the hand, “Sure, let’s go see.” The three of you that were on the couch follow the tall man through the door. 
Stepping into a small dark entryway - you assume the wing - that leads two ways, you almost trip from something on the ground. You look down to see long black cords connected to the large machines to your sides leading out to the stage to your right. The left led to backstage. You tried your hardest to not step on any of the big black cords laying everywhere. Jean continues to the right towards the stage. 
The dance floor inside the club was massive. Two bars sit on opposite sides of the room with the stage sitting in between them in the back of the building. The stage wasn’t disappointing either. It was huge, big enough to hold all of the scattered band equipment that was littering the floor. The band equipment looked picturesque and it was impressive to see such expensive machines owned by university students. But with how Jean bragged about his band, it seems like a reasonable investment. 
The musicians on the stage left you breathless. How come this school has such attractive students? The four of them all notice the group and put down their instruments to greet Jean, Sasha, and Connie. 
The tallest one with dark, almost black, brown hair and light brown eyes seems to brighten up when he sees Jean. He softly smiles at Jean as they give each other an intimate hug. After they pull away, you notice that the boy has style. He was wearing a mesh jacket that left the eyes wandering over his exposed tan skin. His black ripped jeans were held up with a black belt with silver accents, with black combat boots to complete the look. He had silver wire bracelets and a chain that laid nicely on his chest. His chest was also painted with multiple freckles, along with his face. Noticing his face, you saw he put on the prettiest shimmering highlight and a smokey eye. Jean’s boyfriend was so beautiful, it made you jealous of him. 
The other person who had the perfect smokey eye was a girl that was originally at the microphone at the head of the stage. Her black pixie-cut hair was styled to look like a mess but it looked too good on her. Her pale skin had no blemishes other than a cool scar that illustrates her left cheekbone and pretty dark eyes. Her petite, but jacked, figure was emphasized by the sheer thigh-highs and short lace-decorated skirt. Her tall leather-buckled boots fit perfectly with her leather jacket. Black leather garters hook onto the thigh-highs, making her thighs look even better. She seemed shy but nice, giving you a small smile. 
The man who had his arm around her shoulder fit her whole aesthetic. He had a longer leather jacket on, and like Jean’s boyfriend, that left little to the imagination from having no shirt on. His lightly tanned skin was a portrait. Tattoos that were so close together, there seemed to be barely any room for more tattoos. A silver chain dusted his broad chest along with one singular black bracelet and black nail polish to pull it all together. His baggy jeans covered his pointed leather boots. He had multiple ear piercings, including a bar on his right. He also had a cool black septum piercing, making his light green eyes pronounced. He seemed cool, but a little smug. The smirk that he was wearing kind of wanted to make you slap him, but he was too pretty for that. 
The last one looked the prettiest to you. With layered blonde hair with brown roots and a matching scruff on his jaw. His bright blue eyes looked shaded, but his pink lips spread to give you a kind, bright smile. He didn’t have any piercing other than a pair of silver diamonds. His pretty pale skin was covered by a tight-fitted black tank top that stretched on his broad shoulders. His loose fitted, worn-out jeans hug low on his narrow hips. His hands had small tattoos with multiple silver and black rings. Black combat boots peek from the hem of the jeans. This man stood out among the other darker-aesthetic people in the room. 
Sasha took the liberty of introducing you to all of her friends, “Guys this is Y/N, be nice or I’ll beat the shit out all of you.” Everyone smiles but the tall boy holding onto the pretty girl rolls his eyes. Sasha continues her introductions, “the one that is loving up on Jean is his boyfriend Marco, and that couple is Mikasa and her douchebag boyfriend Eren. This blondie is Armin.” 
Everyone crowds around you like you're a new puppy, asking you questions about what your major is and where you originally lived. You don’t mind too much, everyone was just too attractive, oops. “Well I used to live in a smaller sized city, it isn’t too far from here. I realized I wanted to do something bigger with my art so I decided to come here to study.” 
Marco asks if you have liked MIA, “So far, I’ve loved it. Seeing all these creative ass people helps me let loose and destress.”
Eren quips, “Plus you will be letting loose in a few minutes when we start playing. Trust, it’ll help, especially since we have the best singers at MIA.” His arm pulls Mikasa in closer and a light pink blush dusts her face. Marco also gives Eren a small smile. 
From what you have seen, you wouldn’t doubt it. Their set-up just looked veteran level and their outfits look so effortlessly perfect on the group. The black drum set, although it had the best shine you've ever seen, had white paint splattered on the sides and black lettering with the band name Embers and Stones on the front. The guitars and bass were similar but had different phrases and stickers littered all over them. Even their large speakers in the corners had multiple stickers on them; some of them with memes and some with band names. 
Armin speaks up, “Speaking of playing, we should probably start preparing for a crowd. The bar opens in like 20 minutes.” All the members agree and they give their goodbyes to you, Connie, and Sasha. Connie leads the three of you off stage to the bar to start off with the pregaming. 
Once at one of the bars with three bartenders who seem to be preparing for a large party, Sasha orders shots, “A round of three tequila shots, please.” The bartender gives a nod and walks away to start cutting limes. 
Your stomach churns at the thought of tequila, “Damn Sasha, tequila this early? It’s only like 8:45.” You internally shed a small tear. 
Connie and Sasha give each other a look and smirk at you. “Oh, this is just the beginning sweetheart,” Connie says to you while putting his hand on your shoulder. “Sasha and I know how to start a party, and end a party.” He pulls away to grab his phone from his pocket, getting a text. 
Sasha nods, “Yea, once it starts it doesn’t end until one of us blacks out.” That was hopefully sarcastic, but we’ll see. 
In three minutes of Sasha and you talking about the best types of liquor to take shots of and Connie stressfully texting, the bartender arrives with three blue translucent shot glasses full with salt and lime hanging onto the rim. 
Sasha gets so excited that it reminds you of a toddler seeing its favorite toy. But Sasha quickly turns over to Connie and grabs onto his phone, “Stop texting her, she’s obviously still being a bitch and treating you like shit. Let loose man.”
Connie looks at his empty hands and back at Sasha with a mock-shocked look, “Sasha it’s not like that anymore. She’s just… going through it right now.” You just sit there witnessing the confusing argument. 
“Since when have you had a night where you weren’t there to comfort her while you were OUT. Like at a PARTY. With your FRIENDS. She doesn’t let you do shit with your friends ever. She just wants you to be obsessed with her 24/7,” Sasha states back while holding out his shot. “Take the shot and I’m holding onto your phone for the night. Hitch can come later.”
Connie looks defeated as he takes the small glass, “Fine but if she goes berserk, that’s not on me.” 
Sasha shrugs and puts his phone in her tiny purse that barely holds her necessities. She grabs the remaining two shots and hands one to you, “To a stellar night!”
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angelsdevils · 6 months
A Titan's Heartache: Marcel x Reader Master List
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key:  ♡ sfw //  ☆ nsfw //  ♤ Pay attention to titles //  ☁ angst//🖤depression mentions
Disclaimer: All characters featured in the story have been aged up for the purpose of the narrative. In the original Attack on Titan (AOT) series, characters, including the main cast, stair their military at the age of 12. However, in this fanfiction, the characters are older individuals. The decision to age up the characters was made to ensure that the events and themes explored in the story align with a more mature and responsible context. 
For reference, in the original Attack on Titan storyline, the year 845 is when the story begins, and Marcel for example is approximately 12 years old when he dies. But in this fanfiction, in the year 845 Marcel is 18 before the main story starts. When the main story starts Marcel is 20 years old (2 year time skip) from the prologue. 
WARNING: Keep in mind there are gonna be some spoilers in this story if you aren't caught up then let me know and I will remove you from the tag list. The tag list is also from people who wanted to be tagged in my previous AOT stories.
Plot: Marcel Galliard, a former accomplice in breaking Wall Maria, meets the reader during the 104th Regiment Corps training. Despite falling in love, Marcel bears the burden of leading a secret mission that could harm his new connections. As their romance blossoms, Marcel faces internal conflict between duty and love. He is now faced with consequences of his past actions, and there is a chance that it could ruin the love he has and the friends he created.
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If you wanna be tagged, let me know <3
Tag List: @missmadness123 @galactict3a @pseudophyllus @staymoarmyzen @black0pirate0cat @rl800 @reiners-milkbiddies @bobateasilverpearl @sapphire-gemm @beansofskittles @cockonoi @mochalate @sunaraii
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Master List | Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
©[@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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sugarreiner · 2 years
Comforting Jean || Jean Kirstein x Reader Headcanons
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Jean is always needy for your attention when you’re around, so it’s easy for you to understand that’s something’s wrong when he’s not
It always breaks your heart when you find him all alone in your bedroom, eyes closed with his hands on his ears.
Seeing his pretty face without his beautiful smile hurts so bad that you always take him in your arms and he’s always so thankful to you for this
« I’m okay baby, don’t worry… »
But he’s not okay
Marco’s death still haunts him…
« I’m here Jean… I’m here for you… »
He always wraps his arms around you and pulls you as close to him as possible, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as you caress his long soft hair
« Let it go Jean… Just let it go »
And your words are always enough…
You can never prevent yourself from crying too when he burst in tears in your arms, holding you tight
His sobs and his trembling shoulders break your heart into a thousand of pieces
His pain is also yours
You’ll never get used to see him cry like this
« I miss him so much… »
«  I know Jean… I miss him too… »
«  Never leave me Y/n… I wouldn’t survive… »
Feeling his tears running down your neck is the most painful sensation to you… you love him so much…
«  I’m here Jean… and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll never leave you… »
«  I love you so much »
You spend the next hour babying him, kissing his forehead, caressing his hair and his back to comfort him until his calms down and eventually falls asleep in your arms
You’re always happy when he finally sleeps, lying on your chest with your arms around him
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whxre4hange · 2 years
aot characters at uni headcanons :) (because i am miserable at uni and wanna romanticise things)
how did this guy get to uni? i guess we’ll never know. i guess we’ll never know
if it’s zoom, he’s most definitely causing chaos
i’m talking spamming the chat for whatever reason
“haha funny meme”
pretending he’s frozen when the prof (levi) calls on him
“jaeger, i can still see you blinking.” “IM NOT BLINKING ITS JUST A GLITCH- oh- shi-“ *goes back to silence and ‘frozen’ state*
and if it’s in perso, he’s still causing chaos.
“PROFESSOR CAN I ASK A QUESTION?” “yes, you can.” “where’s joe?” “who’s joe?” “JOE MAMA!!!!!!!”  “10% off your first assessment.”
im wheezing
*corrects the spelling mistakes on the slides like the petty girlboss he is*
his major? probably something really really really vague
is there a bachelor of edginess?
no? okay well probably studying something in humanities / science
does he study?
lmaoooo…..do pigs fly?
but does he somehow get a perfect gpa?
cause hes the main character, duh
if you don’t count the 10% professor levi deducted because of the joe mama joke
i dont really have anything else to say about him
but i would hate to have him in my class
you know that really well dressed, quiet girl that always catches your eye in your lectures?
ladies, bros, and non-binary hoes, may i introduce mikasa ackerman?
she picks her electives so they match up with eren’s 🥺 
and in those classes
hoooo boy
she’s basically a mum
or a dog mum
keeping eren on a leash, if you will
honestly i see her doing a liberal arts degree, with a major in literary studies (i headcanon her as a lit student im sorry ahh she just has that vibe)
like eren, she has a perfect/almost perfect grades
and that’s because she actually STUDIES
like i said, shes really quiet and reserved & basically talks to no one except eren
but damn is she a boy magnet
*cough* JEAN *splutter* 
he’s most definitely a geography student. dont @ me. i dont take constructive criticism. nor do i take criticism in general.
he’s either the teacher’s pet or hated by the teacher because he keeps correcting them
there is no in between 
like mikasa, studies 24/7
unlike mikasa, either does realllly really well or really really bad
he’s a polarising figure okay
and maybe his results are cause he doodles in his textbooks half the time
it’s not even a textbook at this point it’s a fkn sketchbook (lmao my partner’s maths book in high school was filled with the most amazing intricate doodles and basically no maths but he somehow got high 80s so uh) but yeah thats how i see it
daydreamer :D
especially in grades
wears a cardigan
soft boi incarnate 
goes out of his way to help confused freshmen 
cause he’s wholesome like that
“i study food. and by study, i mean eat.”
mediocre grades at best
im sorry T_T i love her but i can’t see her being bothered at uni
messes around with connie half the time
or tries to at least
poor connie is trying to study
she is that one kid who brings a whole ass meal into class and eats it very loudly
“okay so if we look at the chemical structure of ca-“ *slurp slurp, BITCH*
there are food stains all over her textbooks and the notes connie forced her to take
okay but he had no idea what he wanted to do in uni
so he just did what sasha was doing
food science buddies :D
much to sasha’s chagrin, his grades are better than hers
because he’s actually STUDYING
they aren’t perfect grades but they’re good
he’s pretty quiet in class
he’s just tryna pass
and control sasha
idk which one’s harder
i envy the man tho
commerce. major. or smth to do with business
he is so goddamn cocky im sorry it drives me insane
well dressed rich boi vibes
to his credit, he studies really hard and his grades are really good :)
he chooses electives so that they measure up with marco’s :D
i dont have much to say about him
simps for mikasa and mikasa only
loyal frat boi ig???
music major PLSSS
i see him either being the nerdy boy wearing sweaters that plays ukelele/ acoustic guitar on the stairs (surrounded by fangirls)
or the boy with the kazoo that won’t quit (still surround by fangirls cause who doesnt love a kazoo?)
or both :D
when he sees jean sadly listening to ‘glimpse of us’ while thinking about mikasa 
he decides to jump in w a little bit of musical zang. cause he’s supportive
please see https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g82qI-jdRw4 for reference
you won’t regret it
it isn’t a rick roll i promise
like armin, a vvv sweet boy
will help any of his classmates in need :D 
basically stuck to jean like glue
she’s a double major of law and political science
we love a girlboss academic queen
QUEEN? did ya see what i did there???
cmonnn laugh
SUCH a model student and shes so helpful and sweet aaa
everyone loves her
its impossible to hate her
soft girl mixed w light academia aesthetic :D
she is an angel incarnate 
perfect grades perfect social life perfect everything 
also a perfect girlfriend
*stares pointedly at ymir*
studying criminology because it has similar units to law
and someone in particular is doing law
you catch my drift?
she really doesn’t wanna go to class but will go if historia is going
*historia*ns will say theyre just friends
but we all know better :D
she doesn’t talk to anyone unless its historia
and shes got such a resting bitch face that no one dares approach her
even the professor is scared to call on her
she gets mediocre grades, but they improve when historia forces her to study
hanji my beloved <333
she’s a professor
the crackhead professor everyone likes
probably chemistry / physics / human bio
something sciency
100% will use her students for her experiments
with consent ofc 
it’s the 21st century after all
veryyyyy disorganised
will 1000000% forget she had class 
turns up 15 minutes late and fuming at the lack of organisation
“you are, professor”
i love her sm
i hate all sciences but i would study it if she was teaching it
you know shota aizawa from mha?
that. he’s that guy
he does not fucking want to be there
what does he teach? probably politics or something to do w humanities
he calls his students ‘brats’
but affectionately
right?????? RIGHT????
his dead eyes scares all of the students so much that no one dares say anything
even when he’s asking  them questions
all silent
except for eren
who he tells to shut up 24/7
“class is cancelled because i don’t want to be here. go home, brats.”
if you dare fail his class…just write your will okay?
10000% a history teacher aHHHH
(totally not biased because i love history)
he’s so passionate about what he does! 
he definitely does re-enactments of battles with help from his students
kinda like rengoku’s spin on a history teacher
is really enthusiastic! 
all of the students love him
some love him a lil toooo much
cmon, you see it too right?
takes students under his wing
a ball of sunshine
best professor ever
ahhhh it makes me so happy thinking about it
first, i would like to establish that we love reiner in this household
and if you don’t agree, LEAVE
seriously tho the guy needs a hug, therapy and cookies
i headcanon him as a humanities and psychology student!
he just wants to learn about the world and make it a better place okay ):
i could also see him as training to be a psychologist
the therapist-type of psychologist that is (clinical psychologist for all you fancy smartpants out there)
studies very very hard!
he throws himself into his work 100000%
all or nothing
speaking of which
he’s all about taking care of his education and his physical fitness too!
soft gymbro reiner
the nice gymbro that drinks respect women juice daily
yeah we stan him :D
probably really popular amongst the ladies and the gays but is too clueless to recognise it
okay first, she’s definitely doing criminology
with the aim of going into the police force
(where i live, you have to do a degree in crim before working as a police - i think :D)
cmon she is canonically in the military police
there is no way she wouldn’t do it in uni
she never ever ever turns up to class
she just doesn’t like people okay
she would much rather be curled up in her dorm with her noise-cancelling headphones
doing her classes online
but if she’s on zoom
camera off, mike off
catch berty dragging her grumpy ass to exams
*camera cuts to annie who isn’t even planning to do exams at all*
she doesn’t study much
she’s really passive about uni and she doesn’t really care
but she does really well, she has a talent for crim :’)
girlboss incarnate
he is doing a very very very broad humanities degree
our aimless lil boi :’(
managed to do a few crim units to match with annie
( a simp)
always shows up to class
perfect attendance
but thats only because he hopes that annie will be there
which she never is
really quiet but sweet
mediocre to good grades but nothing out of the ordinary
he’s kinda the boy next door vibes
always wears the same blue sweater
mommy? i mean sorry mommy
sorry it just keeps slipping out
thats what she said 
she is a very homely and sweet honours student!
like reiner, probably a psych student
cottagecore aesthetic. i dont make the rules.
shes still a student but everyone thinks she’s a professor cause she’s so talented and smart and- adulty?
she has her life together, on the surface
but uh
yeahhhhhhh if you catch her in her natural habitat, her hair is all askew, notes are everywhere and shes crouched on all fours scribbling away at her work
immediate rich daddy boy’s vibes im sorry
“MY FATHER SHALL HEAR ABOUT THIS!” - porco malfoy 2k22
most definitely studying humanities w/ a major in international law and political science
gee i sure hope he doesn’t run into reiner in the humanities building
THAT would make for some drama
and we don’t like drama in this household!
no, that isn’t popcorn in my hands you see
100% the chaddiest chad to ever chad at the university of chad
i wanna put a forewarning that i have a thing against zeke so proceed w warning
he just gives me bad vibes okay ;-;
he is that professor who wears a trench coat to every single class
even if it’s summer
black. trenchcoat.
his response to every criticism aimed at him? “no bitches?”
i cant fault him for that
like i said, he’s a professor
of political science probs
very very charismatic
the classes he teachers are like a cult fr
they really realllly admire him
like alot alot
okay i think that’s all i can do :’) cause the only other marley person i know well enough to headcanon is colt and im still sad about how he died :(
i hope you enjoyed ! likes/reblogs/shares/comments are appreciated :) lemme know who you want me to do next in the replies xx
might do a part two hehe! i hope you enjoyed :) reblogs (w credit), likes and comments appreciated and encouraged x
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luvbugs-blog · 1 year
underrated character deaths from aot (m version):
marco b.
moblit b.
marlo f.
miche z.
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whats-her-quirk · 2 years
secret oath chapter 4
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last || m.list || next
marco bott x fem!reader
18+ mdni
word count: 5k
warnings: masturbation, pining, sexual tension, a sexy game of chicken, dirty thoughts
After karaoke night, you think about Marco constantly. In fact, it’s hard to stop thinking about him. With every wake up call, every meal, every evening campfire, your mind always wanders back to him, whether he’s nearby or not. It’s particularly bad during morning showers, since they’re the one blessed time when you’re truly alone with nothing but your thoughts.
As you rinse out your hair, eyes closed to keep the soap and water out, images drift into your head like dreams. You think of Marco’s bright smile and speckled cheeks. You paint his body in your mind—strong, broad shoulders, sunkissed olive skin. You picture him shirtless at the pool, your mind’s eye tracing his abs to the curve of his hips to the tan lines just below his waistband and on the tops of his thighs.
This time, when your hand slides between your legs, you don’t stop it.
It’s early. You got up before everyone else, before anyone even knocked on the cabin door for wake-up. No one else is showering, and the chances of a camper walking in are slim to none. You can be quiet, you know you can, so with your middle finger, you swirl over your clit, pressing against those little nerves of pleasure while you fantasize about Marco.
You imagine how he strips off wet swim trunks after he’s done at the pool. Your body tingles as you touch yourself the way you like, thinking about how large he is, how he looks when he’s soft vs. hard. You bet his cock is as pretty as the rest of him and almost moan, but instead let the sound out as a slow exhale.
It feels a little gross, almost creepy to think about him like this, but it feels too good. You’re paired up with him for small group today, and you’re not sure how you’ll face him, but fuck it. You can’t stop now—you don’t want to. You think of his big hand resting on your thigh, about the time he caught you by the elbow so you didn’t fall down. Fuck, you want his hands on you. You rub a little harder, a little faster, remembering almost against your will that if you rode him, you’d be his first pussy, maybe even the one that ruined him for anyone else…
With a gasp, the slow heat of orgasm rushes to your belly. It’s a small crest but enough to give you a rush during the comedown. You brace one hand against the wall as you slow your breathing, savoring the tremors inside you as water rolls down your back and shoulders. It feels good, your first real release in weeks, and even as the satisfaction slips away, you’re still thinking about Marco. You’re so fucking insatiable.
You rinse the trickle of slick off your thighs before turning the water off and reaching for your towel. When the shower sputters to a halt, you can suddenly hear someone carrying a tune on the other side of the cement block wall—in the guys’ showers.
Immediately, you’re embarrassed. You’re sure, positive even, that you didn’t moan out loud, right? There’s no way whoever is singing over there could have heard you over both your shower and theirs, but what if… No. They couldn’t have. But you can’t help but wonder who it is, if it’s Marco on the other side, just like the other night when you were 98% sure it was him humming your song in the cabin.
You don’t want to wait outside the door—that would actually be legitimately creepy. You take your time brushing your teeth at the sink and wrapping your head in a towel, lingering near the doorway, casually, until the singing gets louder. As quietly as you can in your shower flip flops, you take a few steps back, hoping you’re hidden behind the wall. After a tense few moments, Eren passes by outside, wearing a low-slung towel around his hips and singing what you can now recognize as a Celine Dion ballad. Apparently, now that he’s revealed his impressive pipes, he has no problem showing them off.
Frankly, you don’t really care what Eren thinks of you anyway, so there’s no use in hiding any longer. As you stroll out of the shower house, following him back to the cabin at a distance, you’re almost surprised he doesn’t drop his little brown towel when he wails, “Baby, baby, baby!” before disappearing into the boys’ cabin to a chorus of curse words.
You’re finishing the last dregs of your coffee on your way out of the mess hall when you feel a tug on your arm. Zofia, looking panicked, quickly blurts out that she forgot her sunglasses in the lodge yesterday. You’re supposed to head to the barn for a horseback ride with Hange this morning, but Zofia insists that she can’t ride without her glasses or else she’ll “probably lead the horse into a ditch.” You wouldn’t want that, so once you finish your head count, you flag down Marco.
This morning, he’s wearing loose dad jeans over gray New Balance tennis shoes—both of which he’s incredibly capable of pulling off. He’s rolled up the sleeves of his t-shirt, highlighting those shoulders you can’t get out of your head. He looks so good, it’s almost unfair.
“Hey, will you take my group with yours while I go grab something Zofia forgot?”
“No problem, see you in a sec.” He holds out a hand to Zofia. “Are you excited to see the horses?”
Just before you take off jogging toward the lodge, Zofia nods and wraps her little hands around Marco’s wrist, gluing herself to his side. You have to force yourself to leave before you get too distracted by how sweet it is.
The barn doors to the lodge are wide open, which is a bit odd this early in the day, but whatever. Zofia told you she couldn’t remember where she laid her sunglasses down, but she was positive the last place she had them was in here, so you start by checking all the tables, the windowsills, and the bookshelves. When they don’t turn up, you hit the deck to look under the couch, thinking they might have gotten kicked underneath by accident.
Someone speaks so suddenly it makes you jump, and you bang your elbow on the bottom edge of the couch. While you rub your buzzing funny bone, you pop your head up to find a black-haired man in heavy work pants and thick boots. He has a jacket tied around his waist over a faded white t-shirt and a bandana sticking out of his pocket. You’ve never seen him before, but by the way he confidently leans against a push broom, you assume he must work here.
“Hi,” you reply, hopping up off the floor. “I’m looking for a little purple pair of sunglasses. Have you seen—?”
The man, who is shorter than you thought before you stood up, reaches into his pocket and pulls out Zofia’s sparkly purple glasses. “Found ‘em on the railing of the balcony this morning. Tell the kid to be more careful where they leave their stuff,” he says before slapping them in your outstretched hand.
“I will, thank you!” You’d stay and chat, but Hange is probably waiting for you to get started with the ride, so you take off toward the stable.
You’re a little winded when you get there, all the way on the other side of the mess hall, but Zofia gives you a big hug around your legs, so you know the jog was worth it. You pat her on the back and then quickly guide her around to where Hange is giving instructions along with the stable manager, Ness. The camp keeps an impressive number of horses on site, but even perpetually haggard Ness seems charmed by how eager all the campers are.
Some kids take to the horses immediately, but others are more hesitant, especially those who haven’t ridden before. But Ness trains his horses well, so they’re impressively docile while you get each camper situated and comfortable in their saddles.
Once all of the campers are lined up and ready, Ness takes the lead, trotting his own horse up to the front of the line. Hange says they’ll slide in somewhere in the middle, then asks you and Marco to stay at the end of the caravan. The trail you’re taking is a very clear, direct path through the woods with almost nowhere to stray, but it’s a good idea to make sure nobody gets lost or left behind.
Ness leads the group out at a walking pace, and the line accordions until everyone is moving. You leave a gap between the last camper and yourself. Marco’s horse sways side to side for a few steps before he guides her to walk beside yours.
“Have you ever ridden before?” you ask.
“Nope, first time.” Marco’s horse shakes her mane and drifts a bit to the left. “You?”
“Yeah, but only a few times, mostly in groups like this. You’re doing fine though, maybe hold the reins a little more firmly.”
Marco pulls up on his reins, and his horse settles into a straighter gait, falling into step with yours. Marco gives you a big grin. “I’ll be fine if you stay with me, then.”
Your cheeks feel incredibly warm suddenly, so you stare ahead at the trail. Ness has already disappeared into the trees, and Hange is leading the second leg of campers onto the trail proper now. Nobody’s horse has gone astray yet, though if you had known you were taking a forest trail, you could have told Zofia she wouldn’t really need her sunglasses. You live and learn.
Which reminds you to ask Marco, “Have you met all the staff yet? Because I ran into a guy this morning that I think is a groundskeeper, but I’ve never seen him before.”
“Hmm. Tall guy with a hat?”
“No, that’s Kenny. This guy was like, pretty short.”
Marco ponders. “I don’t think I’ve seen him. But you’ve been here longer than me, so if you don’t know him, he must be new?”
“Yeah, I guess he must be. I’ll have to ask around some more.”
For a few paces, you continue along side by side. The group has pulled ahead a bit, but you can still clearly see that none of the campers have taken their horses off track. Marco ducks under a low-hanging tree branch, bicep flexing as he pushes it up and out of your way.
“Thanks.” Seeing his toned arms on display brings back memories of earlier that morning, when you let your fantasies run away with you. Marco is so kind and thoughtful, but he’s also strong and athletic. It makes you wonder which he’d be in bed—rough or gentle. Or maybe he’s both.
You shake your head, trying to clear your mind. Now’s not the time. But that does remind you of something else you’ve been wanting to say to him.
“Hey, about the past few nights…”
Marco, reins held taut, slows his horse down. “Uh huh?”
You feel comfortable with the distance between the two of you and the last camper—he’s talking to the person in front of him anyway—but just to be safe, you try to keep your voice low. “I’m sorry that nobody will leave you alone since the sex stuff came up. We’re kind of used to having no boundaries. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I can say something to everybody.”
Marco snort-laughs a little. “Thanks. It was a little embarrassing at first, but actually, I’m kind of glad, in a weird way.”
“You are?”
“Yeah, it’s like…” He thinks for a moment. “I’ve never really felt comfortable talking about this kind of stuff with anyone. But with everyone being so open about it, I don’t know. I don’t feel judged. I can tell the teasing is well-intentioned.”
You can’t help but clutch your heart. “Aw, Marco. That’s actually so sweet. But I'm serious, if you need me to like, gag Ymir with my socks, just say the word.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. I, uh…” Marco’s horse shakes her head, and he chokes up on the reins again. “I feel very safe around you.”
You’re surprised that he’d choose that word—safe—after knowing you for only a few short weeks. It feels special, something you aren’t quite sure how you earned, but you’re thankful for it either way. Your heart aches softly, sharing his vulnerability. “Thanks. I feel the same with you.”
Marco looks down, pink blooming in his cheeks. “Cool.”
Somehow he always knows the cutest, dorkiest thing to say.
Since nobody got lost on the horseback ride, your spirits are high at lunch and going into free time. After checking in with your campers, Jean runs up and shakes you by the shoulders.
“The blob is finally blown up.”
You slap your info binder on your legs. “Shut up, really?”
“I am so effing serious.” Jean is getting much better at watching his mouth when there are children present. Even if it’s abundantly clear what he’s censoring, he’s blurting the words out less often.
You grab Jean by the wrists. “We have to get everybody to go to the lake today. We HAVE to.”
“Pardon?” Marco asks. “The what is what, now?”
Your mouth drops. “You don’t know what the blob is?”
“Uh, no. Should I?” 
Your head swivels back to Jean, eyebrows raised. “We need to educate this poor child.”
“Did you say it was something that blew up?”
Jean puts a hand on Marco’s chest. “It’s an inflatable, not an explosive, I assure you. Just put on your swimsuit and come to the lake with us. You’ll see.”
On his other side, you link arms with Marco and lead him toward the counselor cabin. “Just wait. You’ll love it.”
After you’re changed into your suits, you tromp down to the bottom of the hill, below the lodge. Word has obviously gotten around, because just about everyone is at the lake, and a line has already formed at the diving dock. At the end of the 10 ft. wooden platform is the blob: a giant, primary-color-striped inflatable roughly the shape of a big body pillow.
“I see where it gets its name,” Marco says. “But what does it do?”
“Just watch.” You hang onto his arm, excited for him to see it for the first time.
Marcel, the lake lifeguard, climbs up the steps to his chair. Once he’s seated with his rescue float in his lap, he blows his whistle. “Ok,” he announces. “One at a time.”
Only campers who have taken the swimming test already are allowed in the lake, so the vast majority of them already know what they’re doing. First in line is Falco, who scrambles up the ladder to the diving platform. With excellent form, he hops off the edge, landing on his butt in the center of the blob, his legs out straight in front of him. Once the wobbling inflatable settles, he scoots himself out to the red stripe near the edge of the blob.
Then Reiner climbs the ladder.
“Wait, is he going to—” Marco starts to ask.
With a loud whoop, Reiner leaps into the air. When he lands in the center, Falco is catapulted off the edge of the float, limbs flailing wildly at least fifteen feet in the air. Falco tucks into a cannonball  just in time to hit the water, and by the time he surfaces again, Marco is laughing so hard he’s crying.
“Oh my god,” he gasps, doubling over into your side. “That’s the best thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Told ya.” And because he doesn’t pull away, you wrap one arm around his waist, letting him lean against you while you find places in line.
One of the bigger fifth graders jumps next, but because of the weight difference, Reiner doesn’t get much air. He more so somersaults off the edge of the blob into the water.
Marcel tweets his whistle. “No flips.”
Reiner waves at him as he paddles to shore. “Sorry, dude!”
Because the campers are smart enough to know that they get flung the farthest by an adult, Marco is elected to go next. You can tell he’s excited regardless by the way he rockets up the ladder. At the top, he winds himself up and then jumps, and even from several feet back, you can hear him cackling as the camper shoots into the air with a screech of delight.
Gabi goes next, meaning Marco has to basically crawl off the blob on his own, but all the while, he’s beaming. Once she’s ready, Gabi shouts for Bertholdt to launch her. He just can’t seem to escape her, no matter how hard he tries. Bert tiptoes off the edge, letting himself land as gingerly as possible, but it doesn’t make much difference. She goes flying, and you hear her squeal, “Yeet!” before the big splash.
“Hey, hey!” You turn away from the main event long enough to see Miche coming down the hill with Zeke, Eren, and Mikasa in tow.
Campers actually scream, and you get it. To them, Miche and Zeke are higher-level adults than you, which makes them infinitely more entertaining to bother. And in the case of the blob, they’re ready to throw themselves at Miche’s feet for the privilege of being flung by him.
Miche strolls right up to you and nudges you harmlessly off balance with his elbow. After you stumble, you look up at Marcel, conspicuously pointing at Miche.
“Is this allowed?”
Marcel just rolls his neck and ignores you. Figures.
Miche snickers and nudges you again. “Shut up. The blob is my calling.”
“You’re like 200 pounds of pure muscle. These kids should have to sign a waiver before you launch them into orbit.” You know you’re only stroking his ego, to which he crosses his arms and looks up smugly, but you can’t help it. It’s too fun to razz him.
“And what am I, chopped liver?” Zeke tucks his chin over Miche’s shoulder, which he’s just tall enough to reach on his tiptoes, before Miche shrugs him off.
You give Zeke a good-natured eye roll. “Well go on, then. The kids are waiting.”
Zeke slaps Miche on the back, which makes Miche grimace, but the two of them head over to wait their turn by the platform.
Mikasa joins you while Eren spreads out a beach towel by the shoreline. “What’s with him?” you ask.
She cracks a smile. “He can’t swim.”
Jean practically shoves you out of the way. “You’re kidding. Jaeger can’t swim?”
Mikasa shakes her head before glancing over her shoulder. “Sinks like a rock, for some reason.”
With his hands on his hips, Jean hoots with laughter. “Oh my god. This day keeps getting better. Hey, Eren, do you want us to get you some floaties?”
Eren sits up on his towel, scowling behind dark sunglasses, and lifts his hand as if to flip Jean off before pounding his fist into the marshy sand beside him.
You swat at Jean. “Be nice, dummy.”
He scoffs. “To Jaeger? No way.”
Freshly dripping from the lake, Zeke flicks Jean in the back of the head as he walks by. “Leave him alone,” he warns. Jean scowls after him, rubbing his head before falling into a conversation with Mikasa.
A hand slides into yours, pulling you a few paces backward. It’s Hitch, wearing a mischievous smile. You try to ask her what she’s up to, but before you can, she physically points you toward where Zeke is drying his face on a towel.
“I haven’t gotten a chance to ask you,” whispers Hitch, “but don’t you think Zeke looks so good with his hair grown out?”
Last summer, Zeke’s hair was much shorter in the back, but he’s sporting a small bun more often than not this year. Not that you spend much time thinking about him, but, “Yeah, it looks good honestly. I thought you were going after Erwin though.”
“I am. But it doesn’t mean I can’t…” You watch Hitch’s eyes shamelessly rake up and down Zeke’s figure. “Go window shopping,” she concludes. 
You snort and mumble back. “His abs are ripped, I’ll give him that.”
“He’s hotter than any gym teacher I ever had in school.” 
Hitch gasps when Zeke takes half a step in your direction and smirks, giggling and hiding her face in an incredibly obvious way.
“I don’t know what to do with her,” you tell Zeke, feeling a little embarrassed yourself, but you should know better than letting Hitch talk about men when they’re within earshot. These are cabin-only conversations.
Historia and Ymir arrive in time to watch more blob action—mostly the boys taking turns jumping in until all the kids have gotten sufficient air time. Not all of the campers disperse, but a lot of them get tired of jumping and climbing after a while and go to splash in the shallow water or play on the inflatable trampoline before they need to go shower off for dinner.
Even Porco shows up, waving to his brother and asking if he needs any help keeping an eye on things. “I closed the pool early since everyone was down here anyway,” he says, crossing his arms and leaning against the lifeguard chair.
When you hear a shrill laugh behind you, you don’t expect it to be coming from Mikasa. Jean has lifted her over his shoulder and is walking into the water. She laughs and kicks her feet until he drops her in the waist-high depth with a splash, and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen her express such pure joy before.
He might actually be getting somewhere with her after all, you think.
“Ladies, ladies. None of you are even wet yet.” Reiner motions to the dock ladder. “Who’s up?”
“Me!” Hitch volunteers. You worry a bit for her string bikini, which is technically not to camp dress code, but she’s smart enough to hold her boobs when Reiner pops her into the air. She lands in an elegant pencil dive and surfaces with her swimsuit intact.
“Someone who can actually fling him should go next,” Ymir points out. Miche and Bertholdt play rock, paper, scissors for the honor, and Bertholdt wins. The weight difference still isn’t quite pronounced enough to even faze Reiner, but he gets a good five feet of air.
When Bert starts to roll himself off the side of the blob, Marcel blows the whistle at him. “Gotta wait, bud,” Marcel calls out, and you swear you see him smirking. Bert sighs, then waits for Zeke to give him a little bounce into the lake. 
Mikasa goes next, seemingly expecting Jean to follow after her. She screams when she sees Miche climbing the platform, and despite her fit build, she still rockets at least ten feet straight up before splashing down.
It wouldn’t matter who went next—aside from maybe Erwin, nobody could launch Miche, and Erwin doesn’t come to the lake anymore. Not after fully losing his swim trunks after a dive early last summer. He was so embarrassed that, to your knowledge, he has refused to swim at camp ever since.
Marco’s warm hand slides over your shoulder. “How about you go next?”
“That depends. Do you want to follow me?”
He laughs. “Yeah, I wanna see you go flying.”
You stick your tongue out at him. “Do your worst.”
Once you’re up on the platform, Miche watches you over his shoulder. “Bounce me, bounce me!” he cheers like he’s ten and not almost thirty. You roll your eyes dramatically before he faces forward like he’s supposed to for safety. You take a couple steps back for a running start, but even with the highest jump you can manage, Miche still merely flops off the front of the blob like a dead fish.
After crawling to the launch spot, you cross your arms over your chest, not wanting a wardrobe malfunction of your own. Behind you, Marco counts down his own jump. “Three… two…”
He never hits one—you just feel yourself lift into the air. He jumped early just to scare you, and it works. You scream involuntarily, flailing until you land with a splash.
Water rushes up around you, and your foot actually touches the bottom of the lake. You kick off the wet sand, propelling yourself back to the surface. 
“Marco!” you scold playfully, wiping water from your eyes. All you get in return is a big, thousand-watt grin in response before Jean bounces him in after you.
When Marco resurfaces, he shakes out his floppy, wet hair like a golden retriever, then looks side to side. His face lights up when he finds you, and for a moment, you forget everything else. You forget that there are people watching, that you’re not the only two people swimming in a secluded lagoon in some kind of romance novel scenario. Because the way he looks at you, so joyful and eager, is nearly overwhelming.
You open your arms as Marco swims toward you, and without so much as a moment of hesitation, he scoops you up, tucking you into his side as you cling around his shoulders and wrap your legs around his waist. His bangs drip on your arm as you try to keep yourself from shaking with excitement.
He carries you to the shallow-ish water near the shore, where most of the staff members are splashing around. You let go of Marco, a little embarrassed that people saw you wrap yourself around him, but he stays close to your side, and it’s comforting.
Historia squeals when Ymir dips under the water and lifts her up on her shoulders. Ymir confidently spins around, holding tight to Historia’s legs. “Who wants to play chicken?”
“Me, oh my god. Me!” Hitch grabs for Bert’s arm. “Be my partner. Pleeeeease!”
Bert shrugs away. “I don’t wanna play. Besides, I'm way taller than everyone, it's such an unfair advantage.”
“Oh, how modest of you,” Hitch says, splashing him for good measure. “Where’s Reiner, he’ll—” 
You point to where he’s leaning against the lifeguard chair, talking to the Galliards, but Hitch can only pout for a second before Zeke wades up to her.
“Hop on.”
Hitch is quick to oblige. Zeke lifts her out of the water, hands wrapped around her thighs, and they start the first chicken fight. Hitch and Historia lock fingers almost immediately, both of them giggling as they wrestle, trying to knock the other off balance. While Zeke mostly anchors himself down in one spot, Ymir has a more active strategy, moving and twisting until she helps Historia, who you know to be deceptively strong, finally pushes Hitch backwards, toppling her and Zeke together.
Ymir flexes her biceps in the air, her girlfriend perched daintily on her shoulders.“Who’s next?”
“Us!” Reiner charges back into the water, dragging Porco behind him by the wrist.
“Oh, this is about to be good,” you murmur to Marco.
“Top or bottom?” Reiner asks. Ymir barks out a laugh, but Porco just rolls his eyes before diving under Reiner’s legs, lifting the larger man with ease before flipping his wet hair back out of his face. Though Porco is the shorter of the two, he’s strong and sturdy. You suspect his choice is less strategy and more about showing off for Reiner, who seems only concerned with flexing his muscles for Historia.
Jean swims up beside you and shakes his head. “What a mess.”
“Do you think we should tell him about Historia and Ymir?” you ask. Even if Ymir doesn’t want him to know, you’re starting to feel kind of bad for him.
“Nah,” Jean says. “He’ll figure it out when he realizes Porco has a crush on him.”
“Ok, but do you guys actually know if either of them likes guys?” Marco asks. “Just an honest question.”
“Porco is gay, he flat out told me,” says Jean. “I’m not sure Reiner knows what he likes.”
“If you ask me, it seems like someone is getting jealous.” The three of you look on as Reiner reaches for Historia’s waist and manages to tip her over. Ymir glares at him, and something tells you that it’s not just because she lost the game. You won’t be surprised if she gives up on her own charade soon.
Jean pairs up with Mikasa for the next round because Eren won’t even get his feet wet. Even though Reiner is twice her size, Mikasa is able to push him over after a short struggle. Practically everyone in the lake is cheering for you to go next, though you need no convincing, and neither does Marco.
When he lifts you up on his shoulders, you can barely think about the game. You’re not concerned with winning—all you care about is the fact that it’s Marco’s big hands resting on the tops of your thighs, his head between your legs. When Mikasa grapples your hands with hers, your muscles tense, thighs squeezing against the sides of Marco’s neck to try and keep yourself from falling. You hold out as long as you can, stomach swirling with the filthy thoughts of other things you’d like him to do between your legs until your arms finally give out.
WIth a splash, you and Marco hit the water together, making Jean and Mikasa the champions of the chicken tournament. It’s getting close to dinner time, and everyone wants a shower after swimming in the lake, so you wrap yourselves in your towels and trudge back up the hill together. 
You stick close to Marco’s side so your arm can brush his, reluctant not to be touching him. Now that you’ve started, it’s hard to stop. Maybe it’s obvious that you want to be near to him, but when he reaches out and holds your hand, you smile and decide that you don’t really care.
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medowlarken · 2 years
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tagged 🔞 are 18+ ONLY, minors will be blocked
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Jean Kirstein / Reader 
Rated Explicit 🔞 (canonverse, sexual content, violence)
[ao3 link]
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Jean Kirstein / Marco Bott
Rated Explicit 🔞 (underaged drinking, sexual content)
[ao3 link] [tumblr link]
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Connie Springer / Reader
Rated Explicit 🔞 (post-canon, sexual content, unhealthy coping mechanisms)
[ao3 link]
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Jean “borrows” his mom’s car (school caste au - Rated T)
Jean finally lets you do his makeup (modern au - Rated T) 
Headcanon Posts:
random 104th headcanons (x)
104th headcanons but it’s about relationships (x)
nsfw aot headcanons 🔞 (x)
nsfw headcanons: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and Jean 🔞 (x)
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levieske · 2 years
𝟏.𝟑 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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The next morning, Cora remembered waking up sore because of the position she had been reading in for hours the previous night. She stretched and massaged her shoulder blades, finding momentary comfort. Getting the covers out of her way, Cora got out of her bed before checking her phone. Mikasa had sent her a text.
Springer’s café as usual?
Cora quickly typed an affirmative reply. Finals were approaching and Connie’s mother’s bookstore-café was the perfect place to study and drink good tea. The ambience was quiet and cozy, and the owner was a nice woman who happened to be a friend’s mother. Many other students in town went there for the very same reason.
Checking the hour, she realized she had plenty of time to get ready at a normal pace. After taking clothes from her wardrobe, she walked into the bathroom outside her tiny room. Cora took a quick body shower and changed her comfortable home clothes for the beige hoodie and the ripped black jeans she had grabbed. She untangled her dyed honey blond hair, leaving her straight locks in a loose ponytail to wash her freckled, sand skin. Cora did her characteristic waterline eyeliner and applied mascara on her lashes. Back in her room, she put on her combat boots and rushed to the kitchen to munch some cookies. On the counter her parents had left her some money, knowing it was very likely she would spend the morning studying at the café. She picked the money and put it in her wallet, placing it back inside her messenger bag. Taking her ring binder and her literature textbook along with her pencil case, Cora put them inside her bag. Her eyes laid on the journal and she paused, deciding to take it too with her.
After brushing her teeth and combing her hair, undoing the ponytail in the process, Cora put on her denim jacket. She hung her black bag on her shoulder and texted Mikasa that she was on her way before placing her phone in her pocket. She got out of her apartment building and walked to her parked bike.
After the ten-minute ride to the café, Cora found her goth best friend already sitting in their usual spot. Mrs. Springer waved at her once she passed the threshold. She was a blond, short woman who resembled her child, Connie. She was very kind and always wore an apron with cute, cheesy lines. She had inherited the shop after Connie’s grandfather’s passing and, after some renovations, she turned the old library into a bookstore-café.
It wasn’t a big store but it wasn’t claustrophobic either. By the entrance stood the counter, where Mrs. Springer had displayed sweets and baked goods. Forward the entry, there were tall wooden bookcases filled with all kinds of books, including first-editions Mrs. Springer had inherited. Everything was in good condition, much to Cora’s surprise the first time she had gone to check them out alongside Armin. To her right were the café seating arrangement, illuminated by the huge windows that had let her see Mikasa inside.
After giving Connie’s mother her order, Cora turned right and sat on the leather chair, taking her bag and jacket off and hanging it on its backrest. Mikasa smiled at her briefly, lifting her eyes from her notebook and laying her pen down.
“So, tell me, how was the journal?”
Cora eyes’ shone. She smiled back and started taking her things out of her bag, including the journal. Mikasa snorted at the sight of it, shaking her head. Her tiny pigtails, earrings and necklace followed her movements, mockingly.
“It’s quite good really. I stayed up quite late yesterday reading it.” The blonde answered, tapping the journal. “I really like his writing, so deep. A truly tormented mind.”
“Don’t tell me you’re yearning for a dead old man.”
Cora gasped at her friend’s accusation, shaking furiously her head.
“I’m not yearning.” She stated, proceeding to defend herself. “All I said was that I liked his writing.”
“What does he even talk about?”
“Well, he wrote about his life in Trost and the shady deals he made.” This irked some interest in Mikasa, making her tilt her head. “The last entry I read said he was being forced to join the military.”
“So, he was a thug and then a soldier.” The black-haired teen affirmed. “How depressing.”
Cora shrugged and put the journal back inside her bag, deciding to read it after she had neatly written out her literature notes. After opening her textbook, she took some pieces of paper out of her ring binder and started writing down the highlighted text, comparing the information with the notes the teacher had given them. In front of her, Mikasa started doing her calculus homework. Not too long after they began working, Ms. Springer got to their table with Cora’s mint tea in hand.
Cora thanked her, enjoying the cool smell the tea emanated. Mrs. Springer smiled and then looked at the entrance.
“Hello, mom!”
Connie Springer, her son and Mikasa’s calculus classmate, burst into the otherwise quiet café. He stuck out his buzz-cut, announcing his arrival. He was shushed by a client, who happened to be Annie from PE, and he mumbled some apologies. Exaggeratedly, he walked in a sneaky way to her mom, who only shook her head at his shenanigans. She smiled warmly at him, giving the same smile to his friends who tailed behind him. Jean and Marco, two best friends who she shared literature with. Also, close friends with her too.
Cora couldn’t stop her head from turning around and watch them approach her table. Marco’s black hair messily parted over his forehead, revealing his freckled-skin and his sweet, honey eyes. He smiled kindly at her before focusing his attention on Connie’s mother. He greeted her and Jean did as well. Cora turned her gaze to her textbook, away from his handsome face and strong chest hidden under the blue hoodie he was wearing.
She blinked a few times, trying to stop thinking about him and get her attention to the task at hand. Unfortunately for her, it seemed the world didn’t want her to study literature right now.
The chair next to her moved, making an annoying creaking sound, and she saw Connie sitting down. A few tables away, Annie scowled at the buzz cut maniac that had just arrived, irritated by his presence. Cora looked at him with a raised brow.
“You don’t mind us sitting here, right?” Connie assumed.
“You’re supposed to ask before you sit, Connie.” Marco, the forever gentleman, reprimanded him.
Cora looked at Mikasa, who shrugged and kept working.
I’ll take it as a yes then.
“It’s okay, guys.” She assured, staring at Marco’s warm eyes. “We don’t mind.”
He sat down on her other side, at the end of the table, and started taking things out of his backpack. Connie mirrored his actions, although Cora was more than 100% sure he wouldn’t do anything other than crack jokes and distract them. Previous study sessions had proven that.
“We weren’t really going to sit anywhere else, though.” Jean plopped on the spot next to Mikasa, who was sitting on a sofa, across from Cora.
Cora rolled her eyes at her ash-brown-haired friend. Jean took his laptop from the bag he had been carrying, setting it on the table. He adjusted on his seat, conveniently getting a bit closer to Mikasa. His movements shook the earring he had recently got done on his left ear. It was a silver cross hoop that stood out, all thanks to his undercut fringe hairstyle.
Cora’s goth friend didn’t react to his closeness at all. She kept solving her homework and Cora sent Jean a raised eyebrow look. He just winked at her and turned on his laptop. She rolled her eyes and continued writing literature notes. Although she was scribbling them down, her mind wandered to her interaction with Jean. She still couldn’t believe her friend was being serious when he confided in her that he had harbored a little crush on Mikasa. The two of them barely interacted at all, mainly because of having picked different classes. When they did speak it was usually because Cora was there and, even then, they only had exchanged a few words. Cora wished it was just Jean wanting to hookup with her, since the rejection would hurt much less in that case.
After all, Mikasa had always liked girls.
Marco’s voice drew Cora out of her dazed state.
“You’re studying literature?” His eyes went from her notes to her, already knowing the answer to his question. Still, the blonde nodded, waiting for him to continue. “Do you want us to study together?”
“Yes!” Her eager tone caused a teasing smile to appear on Mikasa’s lips. Cora kicked her subtly under the table before looking back at her honey-eyed boy. “Of course, if you don’t mind…”
“I am asking you, aren’t I?” Marco laughed, infecting her with his cute smile.
On the other side of the table, Jean pouted.
“Marco, you never ask me to study with you.”
Marco gave his friend a look Cora couldn’t decipher and Jean raised his hands in a surrendering manner. He let it be, starting to type again on his computer with a foreign smile. Connie’s gaze went from Marco to Jean, letting his pen down before he chipped in.
“Don’t worry, Jean,” he patted his friend on the shoulder, “no one wants to study with me either.”
“That’s because you’re annoying.”
Cora would have expected it to be Jean the one to reply to him with such a sassy remark, only to be surprised when she recognized Annie’s voice. She had gotten up from her seat, passing by on her way out, white hoodie in hand and all. Her icy blue eyes scrutinized Connie’s crouching form, as a vague attempt to hide from her.
She was both an athlete and a good student, usually silent and quite moody. Her study session seemed to have been put on an abrupt stop, all because of their chatting. Thankfully, it was Connie the one to concentrate her wrath.
“Sorry!” He quickly stuttered, almost knocking Cora over as he kept pressing against her.
Annie walked off, putting her hoodie on before nodding at Mrs. Springer and leaving her store. Jean chuckled once the blonde was out of sight, while Marco shook his head and Cora snorted. Mikasa just silently watched the exchange.
“At this point you’re going to leave your mother without clients.”
Cora openly laughed at Jean’s comment and Connie frowned at both of them.
“Oh, shut up!”
Their laughs died down a bit later and Connie’s mother got to their table, their orders in hand. She set the beverages and baked goods in front of the respective clients, and gently slapped Connie on the nape.
“You have to quiet down a bit. I can’t lose one of my usuals.” She reprimanded her son, who nodded, crossing his arms.
His mother moved back to the counter and Jean snickered. Under the table, his buzz cut friend kicked him and huffed. Jean scowled, caressing his hurt leg. After that, all of them went back to doing their schoolwork. From time to time, they had to ignore Connie’s awful jokes and try to focus back. Cora and Marco worked together, sharing their notes and solving each other’s doubts.
Some hours went by and it was already lunchtime when they started collecting their belongings. Cora put her ring binder, textbook and pencil case back inside her messenger bag, briefly looking at the journal. She didn’t have the chance to read it, too engrossed in Marco to even think about it. She made a mental note about continuing it after lunch.
“So… Are you doing something next week?” Jean asked, the question being directed to Mikasa and Cora as his eyes went from one to another.
“Study?” Cora guessed, looking at her close friend with an arched dark eyebrow.
“My mother’s going on a little vacation out of town with her boyfriend.” Jean explained. “I thought you all could come to my house on Saturday and have a movie night.”
“Sounds good to me.” Cora nodded. It wasn’t like she would be spending the entire day studying, after all. She turned her head to look at her best friend. “Meeks?”
The black-haired girl lifted her eyes from her phone, nodding to her.
“I’ll go too.” Her response made a smile appear on Jean’s mouth. “Who is coming too?”
“Aside from us, Ymir and Historia.” Marco replied, adjusting the bag on his back. “Eren and Armin… I’m not sure.”
“I’ll convince Armin.” Cora quickly assured him, getting a blond strand of her hair out of her shoulder. “He’s probably worrying about not having revised enough. Eren will probably go too.”
The black-haired teen gave her a kind smile, which she returned.
“See you on Monday, then.”
Cora couldn’t hide the heat on her cheeks. Her eyes clung to Marco’s retreating figure, the shy smile she had on her lips getting bigger. On her left, Mikasa spared her with a knowing look, adjusting the straps of her bag. She didn’t open her mouth until both Jean and Marco had left their sight and Connie had gotten back inside his mother’s shop. Probably going to annoy her further.
“Just tell him already.”
The black-haired girl chuckled as she started removing the chain that held her bike in place. Cora stepped next to her, mirroring her actions with her own bike. She looked at her friend with a raised eyebrow, her smile twisting into a pout.
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Cora.” Mikasa moved her bike to the road, the blond following suit. The goth looked at her from the corner of her eye. “I already know you like him, there’s no point in hiding it now.”
“Yes, I like him, but I can't just tell him!” She huffed, hopping on her bicycle. Biting her lip, she turned around to her friend. “He doesn’t know, right?”
Mikasa just shook her head, snorting.
“I’m just teasing you, you’re fine.” The blond almost exhaled at ease. “He’s still oblivious to your flirting.”
“I’m not flirting.”
“Right. You can barely talk to him without blushing and giving him ogling eyes.” The goth batted her eyelashes, mimicking Cora’s supposed actions.
The aforementioned softly hit her friend’s arm, laughing away the embarrassment that had blossomed inside her.
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