#Marco the phoenix imagine
inquisitor-runa · 1 month
Who fell first and who fell harder - One Piece edition
Zoro: He fell first and harder
Law: You fell first, he fell harder
Kid: He fell first and harder
Luffy: You fell first and harder
Ace: He fell first and harder
Shanks: You fell first, he fell harder
Crocodile: You fell first and harder
Mihawk: You fell first and harder
Buggy: He fell first and harder
Sanji: He fell first and harder
Sabo: He fell first, you fell harder
Marco: You fell first, he fell harder
Doflamingo: You fell first and harder
Rob Lucci: You fell first and harder
Corazon: He fell first and harder (literally and figuratively)
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grandline-fics · 7 months
Terms of Endearment
DESCRIPTION:  You call them by a term of endearment without realising 
WARNINGS: none that come to mind.
CHARACTERS: Law, Kid, Shanks, Marco, Zoro | Ace, Sabo, Luffy
WORDS: 2,943
A/N: I decided to use Zoro as the final character. Since he and Ace tied in the poll, I might make a second one of these and use Ace and any others people may want.
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He knew it was irrational to be jealous of an inanimate object. Law knew that it’d be childish to use his Devil Fruit to take it out of your hands and claim your attention for himself. While he had enough restraint to not do that, the temptation to do so was still there. His eyes zeroed in on the book in your hand. He glowered and wondered if it was really that good, did it really deserve such intense, rapt attention that you were giving it. Your eyes were alight as you took in the words, your fingers already tucked behind the next page and ready to turn it as quickly as possible. Law watched you carefully, almost praying for your expression to turn to one of sudden boredom but it didn’t come. 
He supposed he was to blame this time, a lot of this was new to him. While your relationship had only turned to a romantic one recently, you’d both been close for a lot longer. Long enough for you both to be able to spend time together while doing entirely separate things. You only pulled your book out because he had medical charts to look over and update. Law made a mental note to try a bit harder from now on to make the time you had together one of quality.
Finally he sat back in his seat and rubbed his eyes, letting them relax from pouring over the extensive pages now neatly piled on his desk. Slowly he stood and walked to the sofa you were perched on, unmoving and seemingly unaware he was approaching. Law tried to bite back his jealousy once more, wondering how annoyed you’d be if he ‘accidentally’ sent that blasted book out into the depths of the ocean. 
When he sat down in the space beside you, he smiled softly when you leant back so you were against his side. One of your hands dropped to rest on his arm that was around your waist, your fingers lightly making soothing patterns against his tattooed skin. Law supposed this did count as quality time since it meant he could relax with you in a way he couldn’t with anyone else. He allowed himself the time to settle further against the cushion and press his lips against the back of your head. “Don’t forget you and Bepo are on duty tonight.” He reminded you, still having to act as your Captain when necessary. 
“Yes, love.” Your answer was light and casual that he didn’t realise what you’d said at first. Then it echoed in his head ‘love.’ His eyes widened and he peered at the back of your head. There was no way he misheard that. You’d called him love, not Law, not Captain. Love. There was no mistaking the way his heart skipped a beat in reaction. It sounded so right, so effortless the way you said it and he found himself wanting to hear it again. It was also clear that from your lack of reaction, you hadn’t realised what you’d called him because you were partially distracted. Law smirked and for a moment reconsidered his earlier distaste. Perhaps your book wasn’t so bad after all.
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Kid didn’t want to admit it but he was powerless against you. He was stubborn and hotheaded and did what he wanted even if someone had sound logic to convince him whatever he had planned wasn’t wise. If anything if someone did attempt that nonsense with him, he’d be even more extreme with his conviction to do as he wanted and would even think of a way to make his actions even more outlandish and dangerous. Even Killer had a hard time keeping the captain in a somewhat mature state of mind. You however were a different story. Anything you wanted, it was yours all you had to do was ask. 
Kid just never knew how to let you know that was the dynamic between you both. He was never afraid to speak his mind, if anything he yelled it to ensure everyone knew his thoughts. Yet he seemed to bite his tongue from confessing how he truly felt with you. He’d much rather have you beside him every day and enjoy the playful teasing and jokes than make things real and risk you not seeing him that way. Killer had told him one night to just confess already and trust that you felt the same. Kid had rolled his eyes and promptly kept his feelings buried in his chest. It was better, they were safer there than spoken out loud and unable to take them back.
He walked into the kitchen one evening to see you and Killer preparing the crew’s dinner. You looked over at the sound of his naturally heavy steps coming closer and smiled in greeting to see him stop in the doorway. “Here to help, Captain?” You asked, already knowing the answer before it came. Your smile grew when Kid let out a loud laugh and made a show of folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the doorframe. 
“Not unless you want me to poison the crew.” He smirked.
“You’d nurse us back to health if you did infect us though, right?” You joked before looking back to the food you were meant to keep an eye on instead of getting distracted by your handsome Captain. You had to keep reminding yourself to behave and actually respect the chain of command. To let yourself imagine he may genuinely feel the same as you did would only lead to heartbreak in the long run but still you flirted and teased him whenever you could. You supposed you were just a glutton for punishment. You slowed in stirring the food and looked around for the seasonings only to see the small jar on the counter near Kid. 
“Could you pass me that?” You asked nodding your head at what you needed. Kid followed your gaze and immediately pushed himself away from his comfortable position to lift the tiny item. He stepped forward and passed the seasoning into your waiting hand, hating and loving how the brief moment of his fingers skimming against yours brought him such a burst of joy. “Thank you, darling.” You smiled, turning back to the stove. While you hadn’t noticed what you’d said Killer did and he stopped cutting the vegetables to look Kid who was frozen in place, his eyes wide and cheeks turning the same bright red as his hair. 
Darling? The fuck did you mean darling?! Kid’s mind was short-circuiting as he scrambled to gather his wits together and make sense of it all. Had you called him that subconsciously because  was it possible that you felt for him too? God he hoped so because getting to hear you call him something so sweet again would be perfect.
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One of the great things about sailing with an Emperor of the sea like Shanks was the fact that there were many islands under his protection. Any time you landed at one for a visit or even for the excuse of resting from a long stretch of sailing, the locals welcomed you all so warmly that it turned into one big celebration. None of you needed to worry about night watches, chores or other duties and could just sit back and enjoy the peace until Shanks decided he wanted to get back on the waters again. 
As a crew, you were all used to just passing out and sleeping wherever you were at that time and waking up with aches from the uncomfortable positions you’d all ended up. However the town you were staying in was large enough to provide some rooms for you all in one of their inns. Some of you still needed to double up but the beds were extremely comfortable and who were you all to refuse such generosity? One night when the drinking and partying was only just beginning you slowly rose from your seat with a stifled yawn and forced yourself to finish your drink. Shanks was first to notice your movements. “Going for another round of drinks already?” he asked, coming across casual but he knew you weren’t yourself. 
“Nah, I’m turning in early.” You announced, playfully flipping off the crew when they started to boo you for being boring. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blame Beck, alright. I haven’t slept the last two nights. Goodnight.” You gave no further explanation and disappeared up the staircase to claim a room to sleep in. Shanks looked towards his righthand man with a small scowl. He hoped you hadn’t implied what he thought. Beckman could sense his Captain’s silent interrogation and waved away his worries. “Calm down Cap, you know I’d never make a move on them. It’s just been bad luck we’ve had a share a room together and I snore…apparently.” He explained with a shrug and long drink of his ale. 
Shanks had accepted the answer, knowing Beck would never lie to him. Yet as innocent as it all was, he couldn’t ignore the way he’d felt sick at the thought of you being with another of the crew.  While nothing had exactly happened between you both, it was painfully obvious that there was something there. A playful dance you both engaged in without making an actual step forward into committing and admitting you’d had feelings. Roughly Shanks rubbed his eyes, now wasn’t the time to be thinking on such things, not with alcohol in his system and you not being there to talk to like the adults you were. 
The rest of the night had helped to take his mind off things but it was all undone by the time he entered the room he’d been staying in the entire stay and saw you sleeping soundly in his bed. He was the only one in the crew that didn’t have to share his room with anyone else so why were you here? He approached the bed and shook your arm, watching your eyes crack open and he immediately felt guilty. You really did look exhausted. “Why’re you in my bed?” He asked, trying not to laugh as your eyes slipped closed again. 
“Furthest room…no snoring. Please honey, lemme sleep.” Your voice was thick with sleep and your breathing was growing deeper again. Shanks might have appeared calm but that was the first time you’d ever called him something like that and as far as he knew you’d never called anyone else on the crew something similar. That all but cemented his decision that things needed to be talked about when you were both awake and rested enough to deal with things. Finally he let out a sigh and climbed into what would be his side of the bed while keeping respectable space between you both. “Fine, only because it’s you.”
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Your relationship with the ship’s doctor was a fairly new one. You had both known each other long enough to know the general likes and dislikes and the atmosphere on the Moby Dick among the crew was always one of familial harmony so there was never any uncomfortable tension. You were both content to just take things easy and enjoy things as they developed naturally without needed to force things into a certain timeframe. Marco’s personality being so relaxed and carefree was infectious in general and it was no different in your relationship.
Marco stood from his desk and stretched, ready to find you and enjoy the rest of the day with you now that all pressing tasks he’d needed to complete for the day was done. He was just about to leave when Izou entered to talk about organising a banquet for Ace’s birthday. As the two were discussing everything you appeared and smiled at them both before entering the room. 
“Babe, did you see my-” Anything else that came out of your mouth was unfortunately drowned out by the increased heart rate in Marco’s ears. Instead he could only watch as you were busy looking for whatever it was that you’d lost. Marco would have considered himself steady and able to handle most situations but hearing you call him babe for the first time had certainly thrown him and you seemed oblivious to the fact that you’d done so. The only person who truly reacted was Izou, his laugh snapping Marco out of his trance and catching your attention too. “Babe, huh? Didn’t realise things were so serious with you two. Maybe we could plan the wedding too.” Izou teased. 
“What are you talking about now?” You asked with a small smile. You were used to Izou’s teasing like a brother figure would but sometimes he just didn’t make sense. When Izou saw that you weren’t aware of your subconscious slip-up he grinned wider. 
“You called Marco, babe.” He explained. You rolled your eyes and let out an amused laugh. As far as jokes went, it wasn’t the worst one he’d told you but he could do better. Suddenly you became concerned when Izou’s smug grin wasn’t slipping and you had to think. What had you said to Marco when you entered the room? Slowly you pulled your gaze to your boyfriend and he nodded. “Well looks like you two lovebirds need some alone time.” Izou all but sang as he left, no doubt hurrying off to tell Ace and the others about Marco’s new nickname.
“So…” You cleared your throat nervously and gave a small laugh. “Want to forget that happened? I swear I didn’t realise I’d even called you that.” The last thing you wanted was to make Marco think you were forcing him to a point he wasn’t ready for. Thankfully his broad smile was enough to make you relax, his naturally warm aura soothing your brief worries before they had a chance to escalate. Marco stepped closer to you, settling a hand on your waist. “Well even if you stop now, I bet all the others will start. Honestly I’d much rather hear it from your lips. Can I hear you say it again?”
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Zoro kept a firm hold on your shoulder as you stumbled, trying to twist weakly out of his grip. Any other instance he would release you if his touch made you uncomfortable but this was a completely different situation. After defeating a group of lackeys, one managed to make one last attack before falling unconscious. You’d been quick enough to intercept whatever it was he threw towards you and Zoro but when it was destroyed it still released a cloud of strange smelling gas. Zoro had been a safe enough distance but you weren’t so lucky. 
At first you’d insisted you were fine but after walking a few paces your balance started to sway and your mind was beginning to cloud. Zoro became concerned by the glazed look in your eyes as you tried one more time to pull out of his unwavering hold, glaring at him. “Jus’ let me go! I don’t know you.”
His eyes widened at your declaration, not only because you sounded so dazed and confused. It was not like your usual bright and familiar way of speaking that made him happy to hear but it was also because hearing you say you didn’t know him filled him with more concern than he was willing to admit. He needed to find Chopper quickly to treat whatever it was you’d been hit with. For now he had to try and keep you calm and prove you were safe with him. “Course you know me. We’re crew-mates, remember? It’s Zoro.”
Abruptly you stopped and bumped into his chest, lifting your head to stare at him, trying to force yourself to focus on his face. Your hand reached out and clumsily gripped his face, tugging him forward enough for you to see his features better. Zoro could see your pupils were blown wide, whatever had been in that vial was some sort of hallucinogenic and he hoped that that was all it was. It could be better dealt with than a poison. Not that seeing you so wary and untrusting of him was any better. Your suspicion didn’t subside when you finally let go of his face and shook your head. 
“You’re not Zoro.” You finally declared, trying once more to get away from him. This time you succeeded only enough to make it a couple of steps but without him there to keep you stable you fell forward. If Zoro hadn’t been there you would have landed face first into the pavement but he caught you swiftly around the waist and lifted you to settle you over his shoulder, deciding that this way of carrying you was the best option. “Definitely not Zoro.” You weakly grumbled into his back as he began walking again. 
“Oh yeah, why’re you so sure of that?” He asked, deciding to at least play along.
“You’re too grumpy…” You explained and added as you fell unconscious. “Zoro’s grumpy but he’s a sweetheart. My sweetheart.” Immediately the back of his neck heated and he froze in place but he couldn’t say or do anything else because thankfully Chopper, Usopp and Nami appeared to regroup and find Luffy. Zoro quickly explained to Chopper that you’d been hit by something but offered no further details. 
“Did you get hit too, Zoro? You’re looking really red.” Chopper asked in concern. Quickly Zoro cleared his throat and shrugged as he laid you on the ground so Chopper could treat you. 
“Uh yeah, might have been. Don’t worry about it though.”
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hello how are you it if my first time asking but what do you think it would be like if white beard had a daughter and she went on shanks crew like he haven’t seen his daughter for years and then he see her on shanks crew
also I love you writing you my favvvv
Imagine being Whitebeard's daughter on Shanks's crew
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A mildly naughty bit under the undercut. Also, I'm having to change how I indicate action, instead of using Asterix *, I'm going to change them to [ ].
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Marco: Pops, Shanks's ship is on the horizon, signaling they wanna talk-yoi.
Whitebeard: [rolls his eyes,] Fine let him aboard.
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As the Red Force is pulling itself parallel to the Moby Dick
Whitebeard: [spots you working on the rigging] (y/n)?!
You: dukes [knows you're going to be in trouble, so you try to duck into the galley to avoid him]
Whitebeard: Young Lady, I fucking saw you, don't try to hide from me! Come here.
You: [shuffles in front of him] Hi Pops
Izou: oi, oi, don't go getting familiar with him.
Whitebeard: [holds up his hand] No, it's okay, this one is my biological child.
Ace: You have a bio kid? Why didn't you tell us!?
Whitebeard: I was trying to keep her safe, [turns to you and gives you a pointed look,] which is why I left you on Sphinx, where it's safe.
You: It was boring, so I snuck aboard the supply ship, that you send us every month, and hopped out at the nearest port.
Whitebeard: That supply ship is captained by Doma!
Thatch: Shall I go draft a summons letter sent to him?
Whitebeard: yes, thank you. [Turns back to you,] You should have stayed on Sphinx. Yes, it's boring, but that's because it's peaceful. Do you have any idea how rare and valuable peace is? Why would you leave?
You: Because I wanted more! I wanted to see the world! I wanted to fight strong opponents! Because I'm your kid!
Marco: [mutters loud enough for Whitebeard to hear.] Personality is fifty percent genetic.
Whitebeard: [Ignores him.] I understand that... urge to see the world. But why him! [Jabs a finger in Shank's direction]
Shanks: What's wrong with me?
Benn: [pats his captain's head] We've been wondering that for years.
You: He makes me laugh.
Shanks: [puffs up his chest with pride and cheekily sticks his tongue out at Benn]
Whitebeard: Please tell me you aren't in love with this misfit.
You: Sorry, I can't help who I fell in love with, [shrugs.] He makes me happy, and he treats me well.
Yassop: [yells from the deck of the Red Force] That's an understatement! He spoils her rotten, and she gets first dibs on any treasure we get. And he buys her anything she wants.
Whitebeard: [rubs his chin thoughtfully] First dibs, huh?
You: I also send funds home, back to Sphinx.
Whitebeard: I suppose I'll allow it, then.
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That evening
The Crews: [have somehow started a boat party]
Shanks and Whitebeard: [chatting around a table ladened with food]
You: Daddy, will you pass the rum?
Shanks and Whitebeard: [reach for it, accidentally touch hands, and lock eyes]
the crews: ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)
Shanks: (☼Д☼) !! *Books it for his ship*
Whitebeard: [hot on his heels] AKAGAMI!
Marco: wow
Benn: That was a mean thing to do, (y/n).
You: ଘ(✿˵•́ ω •̀˵) ? I didn't do anything, [lying].
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cyborg-franky · 8 months
How they walk by your side
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Hand in hand. Ace, Marco, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Penguin Hand in hand but swaying your hand as you walk. Usopp, Luffy, Killer, Perona, Corazon
Linking arms. Thatch, Marco, Sanji, Franky, Brook, Killer, Shanks, Sabo
Pinky fingers linked. Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Perona, Shachi Arm around your back. Ace, Sanji, Franky, Law, Shanks, Corazon
Arms wrapped around you so it's impossible for you to walk. Luffy, Shachi, Sabo, Corazon
Hand in your pocket. Thatch, Sanji, Kid, Buggy, Penguin
No contact but it still feels warm, thats just how they are. Deuce, Izou, Zoro, Jinbei, Law, Kid, Kuro, Zeff, Crocodile [hires someone to hold your hand] Everything all at once, so many hands. Robin
Puts his hand in your pocket even when he's not there. Buggy
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Hello! Ok so can I request a whitebeard pirates x child reader?
Basically reader has this big fat crush on shanks and everytime that shanks visit the Moby dick reader would give shanks flowers, cards, and candies
Shanks also has this huge ego boost often making comments how he's reader favorite which anger the whitebeard pirates
Ace was so ready to strangle shanks but reader gets between them and there like "Stop fighting! if you keep this up I'll go with Mr shanks and his crew!"
Ace is heartbroken, thatch is sobbing on the floor, while everyone else is stunned LOL
-👻 anon
Puppy Love (Shanks x gn!child!reader x Whitebeard pirates)
Part two
A/N YALL GET YOUR GRILLS READY CAUSE I COOKED HERE, I loved making this im not really into crack fics so I wanted to keep it as real as possible but while still adding that spec of dramatics of it and I think I found the perfect balance
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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At first, the Whitebeard pirates thought it was normal. Dokucha was quite the amicable child, after all, and it was not unheard of for them to give small gifts to guests who came on the ship.
The first time Dokucha had seen the red-haired Captain was when the yonko was visiting the Moby Dick on business. Upon spotting the man Dokucha was quick to sneak into the clinic and steal some candy to hand to him.
“Here, Mister Shanks,” they said shyly, handing the candy to said man
Shanks took the candy from the child and thanked them for it
“For me?”
They nodded, a faint red hue blooming on their face as they fidgeted, their upper body spinning back and forth to keep their nerves down
He chuckles softly, giving the kid a small smile and ruffling their head
"Thank you very much, kid," he said as he turned to leave
They squealed happily once he had stepped off the boat, the red hue now taking over their face entirely as they replayed the event on their heads
The Whitebeard Pirates looked on in confusion at the small kid who had grown so fond of the red-head captain
“Ne, is he coming over again?” Dokucha questioned, lying their head on the railing watching as the Red forced slowly sailed away
“Pops needs to discuss some more loose ends with him, so he will be back soon,” Jozu answers absentmindedly
“How soon?”
He looks at the little one before shrugging
“A couple days, maybe a week.”
“Why are you so curious, Dokucha?” Izou asks with a raised brow at the child’s sudden interest
“Nothing!” They said, grinning ear to ear as they went into the ship a skip to their step on their way
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The pirates brushed it off as the kid simply being excited at the fact that someone out of their family was coming to visit; they were very wrong.
On the next visit, Dokucha had begged Vista to make some flowers for them and had even sneaked into the kitchen to steal some of the edible flowers to make a small bouquet.
“Here Mister Shanks”
“For me?” Shanks asked with a slight grin on his face as he took the small bouquet and gave the little one a thankful look
“Dokucha, did you make this?”
“Yeah, I made it for you,” they mutter shyly with a shrug
Shanks bends down to the child’s height
“Thank you very much; it looks like you worked hard to make it so pretty.” he takes one of the flowers and tucks it behind their ear
“Here, now you look pretty as well.”
Their face explodes with red at the gesture, a lovesick look on their face as they watch him go
The crewmates raise their eyebrows at this behavior; Ace is the first to speak up
“Hey, that idiot is trying to steal Dokucha!” mutters Ace as he elbows Marco
“That’s just how Dokucha is; you know how friendly they are,” he says with a grunt at the hit
“No, No, Ace is onto something here; he’s definitely up to something,” agrees Thatch
Marco rolls his eyes as he leaves the two to talk their conspiracy out
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Turns out he should have heeded their words as he now felt the same feeling crawling up his skin as he watched his youngest sibling yet again approaching the man with another small gift, a small golden coin they had found on their last island
By now, Shanks had started expecting it, so when the kid approached them, a smirk appeared on his face
“What do you have for me today?” he said, scooping the small child up
“I found a pretty coin for Mister Shanks!”
He backs up slightly to look at the coin the child had raised
“You’re spoiling me here, kid. What has my favorite Whitebeard up to?”
They shrug
“I played with my brothers again.”
He chuckles softly
“You’re adorable; I might have to steal you; we need some of that energy in the red Force,”
Dokucha’s response was stopped as they both turned at a hot feeling enveloping them
“Red-haired Shanks,” Ace growls, a tight grin on his face as his fire flickered around him
“Don’t get me wrong, I'm still eternally grateful for you saving and taking care of my brother, but I won’t sit still and watch you steal Dokucha.”
“Would you be so kind as to put my dear sibling down?” Thatch says, a similar tight smile on his face as he swings around his kitchen knives
Marco stared at the confrontation unfolding before him, his eyes drilling into the opposing captain, waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in
“Stop! If you hurt Mister Shanks, I will be mad at you forever! And I will go on adventures with Mister Shanks!”
Thatch gasps at their words
“Dokucha…you are breaking my heart!” He said, grasping at his chest at the sight
“Ah, Thatch-nii!” They said, jumping off Shanks's hand and running to their brother
“Is you’re heart okay?! I’m sorry! I'm not mad at Thatch-Nii!” They cry
Thatch rushes forward to the kid, embracing them in a hug
“Don’t you go running off with anyone else, okay? I won’t allow it.”
“Is your heart okay, Thatch-nii?”
He chuckles
“Don’t worry, I‘m fine. I would just miss you too much if you were to leave.”
“That being said, you are not going with Shanks.”
Shanks chuckles at this, a sly smirk growing on his face
“I don’t know. I might just steal the little one.”
“Stop” A commanding voice booms
“Ace, stand down,” Whitebeard mutters
Ace’s flame flares more as his jaw tightens
Whitebeard turns his sight to the Red-Haired captain
“Boy, stop taunting my commanders.”
Shanks raises his hand in a forfeiting motion
“Couldn’t help myself,” he chuckles
“Well then, are you done messing around?” Thatch asked after a moment of silence, scooping up the child and putting them on his hip
“I think it is time for me to take my leave,” sighs Shanks, a small smile growing as he says this
“Hey, kid, say hi to Luffy for me, will ya?” He said, glancing at Ace
Ace rolls his eyes at this but grumbles out an agreement his way, a similar smile on his face
Shanks nods at this and takes his leave, jumping back to the Red Force and preparing to set sail
Dokucha whines at this, struggling against Thatch’s hold to try to follow after the redhead
Thatch looks down at the child struggling against his grasp
“Don’t.” He said bluntly
Marco glances at the small struggle before sighing and crossing over, pulling the kid from Thatch to sit on the other side of his hip, nodding at the chef in assurance
Dokucha tries to take advantage of the handover to wiggle their way out of their grasp but is unable to escape their brothers’ firm hold
“There isn’t escaping, you little troublemaker; no use trying,”
“But I want to see Mister Shanks off!”
“I know, bud, but you can’t run off with every stranger you see,” he said, ruffling their hair
They pout
“But it’s a handsome stranger!”
“And what if they're bad people? They could steal you away, you know?”
“Mister Shanks can steal me any day,” they sighed with a dopey smile
He lets out a small chuckle
“Your something else, kid,” he says, giving their head a light pat
“No, Marco-nii, Shanks is something else! So handsome and strong!”
He scoffs at that
“What are we, invisible?” he grumbles, walking into the ship
Ace and Thatch watched them walk away, the latter looking up at his Captain
“Hey, old ma-
“You’re not going after him.”
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Guys let’s be honest Dokucha is just voicing much of you are thinking, I think they are intrusive thoughts voiced out, honestly I keep re-reading and I keep laughing cause I just think of you guys doing that
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portgasdbru · 5 months
whitebeard pirates groupchat
wb pirates (ace, izo, marco, thatch) x reader; ace x reader
cw: funny/crack, drug mention, a little bit suggestive
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trashytoastboi · 6 months
Hello! Can I request headcanons of Cracker, Katakuri, Usopp, Marco with S/O waking up finding a bug in their bed? This happened with me and my BF and we were freaking out haha
Hi hi! Of course~ Honestly bugs and beds... nope. Don't want any strange bedfellows thank you very much. Sorry for the long wait and hope you enjoy ~
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Headcanons: Cracker, Katakuri, Usopp, Marco x S/O – Waking up and finding a bug in their bed
> Gender neutral
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Charlotte Cracker
🍪 Cracker took a long time, detailing his day and laughing at the idiots at World Government, he walked right past the marines and they didn’t even know it’s him. To further his little taunt he stood RIGHT beside his own wanted poster and those idiots never even picked it up. Cracker did this often and boasted of his tales before bed, to his partner who always willingly listened. He enjoyed the attention, how attentively {Name} listened. “Well enough about me-” he cut his own story short upon seeing how sleepy {Name} was. 
🍪 He crawled into the obnoxiously large bed, right besides {Name}, doing his usual routine. Surprisingly when he wasn’t boasting about his own achievements, or speaking enthusiastically about his family he could be quite affectionate towards his partner. Maybe it was his pride as a lover, or something of the sort but he had a strange softness to his biscuit coated heart when it came to {Name}. He pulled them closer, pressing a soft kiss to their shoulder. He felt a tickling on his thigh, he chuckled thinking it was {Name’s} hand. Until he realized that unlike him, {Name} wasn’t exactly tall enough, with long enough limbs to reach his thigh the way they were laying. So what was tickling his thigh? 
🍪 Cracker decided to ignore it. Surely it was nothing. The prickly, tickling sensation kept moving. Squirming, he could not ignore it. It stopped for a moment and {Name} shrieked at the sudden feeling and practically launched themselves from the bed, entrusting Cracker to find the culprit. He scoffed at seeing their terror, when he lifted the blanket. A monstrosity, some hundred legged demon wriggled and wreathed all over the bed. It set its sights for Cracker and aggressively squiggles towards him, Cracker would tell everyone it was his partner who shrieked high enough to crack glass, but it was him. He discovered he'd rather face an admiral instead of a centipede. 
🍪Cracker unleashed the full force of his devil fruit, making sure there was no possible way for this foul creature to survive. Sure {Name} was scared and grossed out but the extent Cracker went to seemed like overkill. Even after all of that, practically decimating his entire room…He noticed it again. Nonchalantly marching along as if nothing ever happened, the centipede was alive and well, its presence tormented Cracker. Eventually {Name} worked up the courage to approach it, trap it in a container and toss it out the window while it sailed on the wind until probably landing safely somewhere to strike fear to everyone else. 
🍪 Cracker was exhausted. He refused to go to sleep in his room, not until enough time has passed and he was double- no triple sure that it was clean and free of insects..He felt itchy and thought about how long the centipede tickled against him. One thing he can say for certain is he now knows that he has a fear of centipedes. Well any creature with more than four legs already raises his danger bells, this was just the epitome of it. What’s worse, it was a giant centipede! It’s unnatural how it could even get that big. 
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Charlotte Katakuri
🍩 Katakuri is very soft, and finds he really enjoys the nights when he can sleep next to his partner. Their presence is so warm and comforting, evoking the same kind of fluffy and comforting feelings as his tea time. Katakuri rarely expressed this but you could easily tell, he acted noticeably softer and more gentle during these times when his heart felt at ease. With one of the most comfortable beds to ever be created and his partner, what more could he need for a restful night. He had prepared a small plate of snacks, something light to go with a late night beverage, he relaxed with {Name} sharing snacks and talking about the day. 
🍩 After that Katakuri so naturally snuggled against {Name} well seeing that he is as tall as he is, {Name} was designated the role of little spoon every time. Once they tried to be the big spoon but they made Katakuri burst out in laughter. Everything seemed peaceful, although it was warm so Katakuri opened a window in the hopes of a pleasant breeze to come drifting through. Although the breeze was not the only thing that came drifting into the room. 
🍩 Maybe the slightest hum of wings was not enough to alert them. Not even when it got louder, and closer. Until Katakuri felt something tap against his cheek. He thought nothing of it, until it moved. He casually brushed it off and it fell to the bed and made its way towards {Name}, the slightest tickle of an antenna gave them an itch. Although they didn’t expect to feel something when they went to scratch what was tickling them. They went to have a look, maybe they left something on the bed earlier? They spotted some odd creature. A scorpion? The silhouette seemed to match, but they had never heard of a scorpion that had an antenna? It started flying and {Name} shrieked to high heaven - Not a scorpion. 
🍩 Katakuri could see {Name} panicking, being chased by some very tiny thing that had them running for their life. So nonchalantly asked them what the problem was. In their panic Katakuri heard {Name} complaining about ‘it’ crawling into their ears and tickling their brains. The idea actually sounded quite disgusting even by his standards.  He easily captured it in a mochi cage and threw it outside to ease his partner’s concerns. Katakuri didn’t even see it for that long but the sheer terror that it evoked in his partner was strange. {Name} described in great detail about earwigs and all the horrific old wives tales that exist about them. 
🍩 After hearing the tale about how they’ll crawl into your ears and lay eggs Katakuri started sleeping with earbuds in to prevent such. He brushed it off saying that he’s not affected but {Name} knew otherwise, plus Katakuri no longer opens the windows. So there’s something to suggest that maybe he’s not as unaffected as he makes himself out to be. 
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🏹 Ussop said goodnight to all of his lovely little plants, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow and he kept telling {Name} that he’d be there in a few minutes. In the meantime, {Name} prepped the bed making sure it was all comfortable and ready to turn in for the night. They knew Usopp could get stuck with his plants for hours, talking to them, tending to them and deciding they’d turn in before him. They got comfy and were in a half asleep state. 
🏹 They’d just managed to lightly fall asleep, they felt the weight shift and the bed dip when Ussop climbed inside. He was talking to himself about the to-do list for tomorrow to remind himself of everything he wanted to attend to. He climbed under the blanket humming to {Name} with some random lullaby. {Name} shifted closer out of habit and all was well until something very evidently came crawling on the bed. {Name} could faintly make out the silhouette of the thing coming closer, closer, - it wasn’t big enough to have significant weight but they could see the blanket move underneath it so clearly it was big enough to do that. They silently watched as it got closer before being unable to take it anymore. 
🏹 {Name} didn’t know what it was but they flailed, and flung themselves all over the bed to get away from it. Usopp obviously woke up from all the panicking wondering what had his partner so riled up and perturbed. When Usopp lifted the blanket to catch the culprit it revealed a spider. Eight legs, walking along like nothing could go wrong. Usopp chuckled and scooped the spider onto his hand “Don’t worry this little guy won't hurt you.” He reassures {Name} while admiring how pretty the little fellow looked. {Name} was terrified, reassured and surprised to see Usopp so unphased while he let the spider run around his hand and arm. 
🏹 Usopp moved the spider to a container and he took it outside, while {Name} just remained inside, confused and too scared to look in the bed. Maybe they should just sleep elsewhere; they wracked their brain until they heard Usopp return. He fixed the bed and invited them to lay beside him. {Name} asked if there were any more bugs, evidently afraid to return. Usopp reassured them that it was just that little guy. {Name} told Usopp just how surprised they were to see him handling that with no issue ever, he’s never found bugs scary and rather on the cute side. 
🏹 {Name} was too scared on their side of the bed and scooted closer and closer until they were practically sleeping on top of Usopp. Not that he minded all that much, he thought them being afraid of a little spider was adorable. They protested that they’re cute until they bite, Usopp couldn't really argue with that but explained he’s never been bitten. 
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🍍 Marco quite enjoyed his midday naps, granted if everything was quiet enough to permiss that. He even roped {Name} into joining him and it almost became routine when they would disappear for an hour or two to just rest and recharge before getting back to the grind. He didn’t even bother opening the bed and threw a soft blanket on top instead, without checking it. Had he checked things might have been different for the two of them. He plopped down and awaited {Name} wondering why they were so late. 
🍍 {Name} arrived to find a very half asleep Marco who greeted them with a sleepy tune and an interrupting yawn. They walked over and plopped over, smiling as they saw Marco’s resting face. The moment felt so serene and peaceful, warm and comfortable. {Name} wished it would last forever until they felt some hard, cold thing MOVING next to them. A slight hissing sound arose and they froze, a snake is easy no big deal. But this didn’t feel like a snake. It was smaller, still sizable and more rigid. 
🍍 “Marco-” {Name} called softly, trying not to move, “Marco!” They called a little louder, before reaching up and shaking him. Marco woke up, flustered “What’s wrong? Enemies? Marines?” he searched around, when {Name} shuffled closer to him “There’s something behind me…Take it away please” Marco was confused but noticed the genuine fear that lingered in their expression. He came closer and reached behind them, to feel something. For a moment relief washed over him, it was probably a random item. He thought that until it moved in his hand and Marco threw whatever he was holding across the room with a muffled shriek. 
🍍 Marco and {Name} skedaddled to the polar opposite side of the room and looked for any sign of movement and there it was. Red, brown and black amalgamated onto a palm sized insect. An intimidating and shrill hiss escaped the creature, Marco did the only rational thing. He took {Name} and left the room before burning it, the flames would leave nothing behind. After watching everything turning into ash, Marco seemed relieved. Until he saw something JUMPING at him through the ashes.
🍍 They shut the door and Marco called for someone who was better at dealing with such things than he was. To his surprise it was easy to find someone…Enthusiastic about bugs amongst the eccentric crew. They were excited while ‘admiring’ the fine specimen which they identified as a parktown prawn. Marco didn’t care what kind of creature it was but more to the fact that his whole room had been overturned by its existence. 
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 5 months
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Mf with academic validation issues who grew up in an emotionally neglectful family gets 1 compliment once
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Save my boy Deuce 🩵🩵🩵
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stillxnunpxidintern · 5 months
Marco x Reader - You're Mine Now
Mature content/1 8 + mdni, Off screen consent, roleplay
( Hope you all enjoy this little smut piece)
After a long day of dealing with medical students, patients and bullshit policies, You had finally finished for the day and was walking through the underground car park with your heels clinking against the concrete, echoing across the empty car park, oh how you couldn't wait till you could kicked them off.
The lights were starting to flicker on and off in the area you was a parked in, that would just be be luck you. Gripping your bag a little tighter you pulled your car keys out and that when the lights in the whole car park went out for a few second but that was all that was needed.
A large figure had snuck up behind you within in those few moments that it was completely dark and then pain exploded across the side of your head as you went down like a sack of potatoes with your bag falling just out of your reach. While still dazed by the impact you tried to reach for your bag as there was a can of pepper spray in it. 
While your head pounding more you were picked up and making you squeezed your eyes shut as the movement as you took some deep breaths to try to stabilize yourself.
An arm then wrapped around your waist tightly keeping you close and upright, as a hand slipped under your blouse moving up toward your left breast and squeezed it before pinched your nipple between their fingers through the fabric of your bra.
Your head was still swimming as your response to the groping was delayed but soon you began to struggle but your movements caused you still, as it took a few moments before the pain ebbed away enough that you began to frantically struggle, more forcefully till you were pushed up against the wall as both wrists were pinned behind your back with one hand. 
Something was slipped over both your wrists before whatever it was begin to nip at your skin as it got tighter. With both hands now secured behind your back, the hand began to wonder over the rest of your body as they started kissing down the left side of your neck. 
You let a shriek out as they bite down on the junction between your neck and shoulder as their wondering hand slipped under blouse and bra, rolling your right nipple between their fingers again making your gasp.
“Did you think for a second that I wouldn't know, that I wouldn't get you. Oh Pretty Bird you should know by now you're mine-Yoi” A familiar voice whispered in to your ear as then bite down harder.
You cried out again struggling more to get away but they had a strong hold on you, keeping you pressed against the wall.
"I've been watching you and I saw you with that golden eyes bastard, flirting with him, touching him, biting your lip when he looks at you" the voice growled, "You should know that associating with Cross Guild while being friends Newgates is going to cause you problems, Pretty Bird" they informed your with anger seeping in to tone.
You knew that voice all so well now, as it belonged to that bastard Marco Newgate, fellow Doctor who was always trying to touch and corner you when ever he got the a chance but you knew he was powerful as he was apart the Whitebeard Mafia family, high up in the family and worked as the family doctor as well.
Knowing who it was now you struggled even harder, wanting to get far away from this man but you were pinned against the wall even harder by his large body stopping your movement and knew it would be leaving marks on you.
“Don’t be like that, you’re really going to enjoy this Pretty Bird-yoi” He spoke, kissing your neck as he slipped his free hand down under your skirt.
He began stroking the curve of your ass a few time before removing his hand from under your skirt, as he grinded against your ass and you could feel how big and hard he was.
When he moved away from you give a sigh of relief however that was short lived as you soon found yourself being spun around and slammed back against the wall causing you cried out in pain.
Looking up as he towered over you over like normal, but this time with he was staring down with a feral grin made you feel scared as he placed a hand under your chin tilting your head up and claiming your mouth with his own and kissed you with a bruising force.
While he was kissing you, you did everything you could to struggled against him but with your wrists tied behind your back and Marco pressing you against the wall, it was impossible for you to get away from him.
He then pulled away and looked down at you still grin, and you watched as he pulled something out of his pocket. Seeing the item made you suck a breath in as you looked at the ball-gag that the blonde Doctor held in his hand.
You closed your mouth instantly keeping your lips tightly shut refusing to open when he pressed the ball-gag against your lips and a sighed escaped his lips as he shook his head.
“The hard away it is Pretty Bird-yoi” he said pinching your nose close and just waited.
You held your breath for as long as you could but the burning in your lungs became to much causing you to gasp as the need for air become too much. With your mouth wide open taking in air Marco popped the gag in your mouth, watching as your lips half closed around the ball.
Stepping backwards from you Marco admired his handy work so far with your lipstick smeared across your lips and your mouth stretched around the gag. He groaned at the image of what your lips would look like wrapped around his cock, oh he was definitely going to enjoy that little hot mouth of yours later.
Invaded your personal space again Marco used a knee to inch your legs open enough that he could slip his hand under your skirt for a second time. His fingers stroking the satin fabric of the underwear you was wearing and smirked at your, finding that they were damp.
“Well, well well, the lady doth protest too much methinks -yoi” he smirked
A quiet muffed moaned escaped your lips, as he stroked the front of your underwear a few more times before he slipped fingers under and ran them over your slit before dripping them in to your warm tight cunt, feeling you clench around his fingers made him groan.
“Oh Pretty Bird I am looking forward to fucking this little hole later and claiming it as mine” he remarked, pumping his callous fingers faster and scissored you, making you moan around the gag again before withdrawing his fingers and sucking them clean.
"You taste divine Pretty Bird yoi" he commented.
Marco then pulled out a slim blue vibrator from his coat inner pocket and held it in front of you, your eyes widen at the sight of the toy. You were frozen at sight of the vibrator before you shook your head and began to struggle like your life depended on it, which it did.
You some how managed to get a few steps away from him but quickly found yourself being pushed back again wall and with a hand wrapped round your neck now while the this insane doctor glared down at you.
“You aren’t going anywhere till I say I so and I’ve gotten my fun out of you yoi” he growled, baring his teeth at you as he tighten his grip for good measure to remind you that he was the one in charge, then released his hold.
He roughly grabbed and lifted your left leg up, expressing your covered cunt and you tried again to get away but was useless attempted as Marco slipped the toy inside you causing your moan and once your leg was back down again you rub your legs together moaning again.
Marco began to caress your legs before taking your jacket's belt and knelt down in front in front of you, tying the belt around your ankles tightly, stopping you from even trying to run now.
Standing up he smirked down at his little hostage admiring his work again as he slipped his hand under your underwear once again and lazily rubbed your clit in circle, making you moan as you clench around the toy before pulling his out and getting whine from you.
“Such a pretty little slut yoi” he smirked and stroked your face.
Sitting in the driving seat Marco open up an app that was connected to the vibrator, selected the playlist he wanted and pressed play on it.
"I created this playlist especially for you yoi" he laughed, looking at you in the back from the mirror.
You glared at him, confused as to what he meant and quickly realized what he meant as the first song play the vibrator buzzed along to the song beats. The first couple of songs that played caused the toy to pulse slow and low making you to moan softly around gag.
As soon as the 5th song came on it had you was squirming around the back seat as the pulses became stronger and rapid, causing you to arch your back as you got closer and just as you were about to cum the song changed to slow and low pulses, denying you of your release.
"You'll only be coming around my cock, screaming my name Pretty Bird yoi" Marco laughed.
During the rest of the ride you was writhing in pleasure as the pulses kept changing between slow & low to strong & rapid, it was driving you crazy.
When the car had come to a stop and the music had finished, the backdoor open go show Marco staring down at his pretty little slut as you had drool dripping from around the gag and your face was completely red. Him could see that your pupils were nearly completely dilated and him smirked as you eyes locked with him and glared.
“Pretty Bird you look so good, I’m going to enjoy eating you yoi” he said licking his licks, as you swore at him but the gag ball muffled but he got the gist of what you said and tsk you.
He pulled you out of the car and threw you over his shoulder which allowed him to slap your ass a couple of times for fun before caressing your red cheeks which made you squirm as you tried to wiggle free but Marco kept a strong grip on you as he laughed at your reaction.
Entering the house that he taken you to, you were able to look around as you were carried through the house and saw just how luxurious everything was. Once in the bedroom you was thrown down on the bed landing on to your stomach and started wiggle your way off the bed as Marco pulled out a pair of leather handcuffs from a draw.
“Where do you think you’re going Pretty Bird?” he growled, pulling you back to the middle of the mattress.
He then took a knife out that he kept on his person and dragged the blade across you back making you stiffen, afraid that he would cut you if you moved again.
He placed the knife at your wrists and cuts the zip-tie off, so with your wrist free you went to attack him but Marco was quicker and grabbed both wrist as he replaced the zip-ties with leathers cuffs, making sure they were secured nice and tight.
“You look so good yoi” he said licking his lips as he lent down and kissed the back of your neck, dragging the knife down the rest of your body till he reached you ankles and cut the belt off. He lent over you and slotted his knee between your legs just enough that he could reach under your skirt and grabbed your soaked underwear, ripping it from your body with ease and discarded them to the floor.
“Always knew you were a little slut, who else would have soaking wet underwear like you did while being held hostage” he laughed, "You're just begging for it"
You turned your head and watched as he placed the knife on the side table within his reach.
“In case you misbehave Pretty Bird" he advised you.
Marco ran his hands up and down your legs a few times before resting them on the top of your thighs, squeezing hard enough that they would leave bruises, marking his property again and making sure you knew it.
He lent down leaving another mark on your shoulder making you jump and scream around the gag at how hard he bite.
“Oh I own you now yoi” he declared.
He than ran a hand up your leg again till he cupped your cunt, enjoying the feeling of how wet you were. Marco then rubbed circles in your clit causing you to buck your hips and moan, needing your release badly.
Marco pulled the vibrator quickly out getting a muffled whine from you, as your now empty cunt clench involuntarily at the loss.
Hearing those little noises from his pretty little hostage had the blonde doctor smirking as he discarded the toy somewhere in the floor.
“Don’t worry, you’re be filled up real soon Pretty Bird” he chuckled as he hears you making protesting noise.
He then lifted your hips up and kept your head pressed down into the mattress, spreading your legs further apart to show off your glistening cunt. Oh he couldn't wait to bury his cock in that tight little hole that was just begging to be fucked by him.
A growl caught his attention making Marco turn his head to see white Maine Coon with its furry standing on ends at the door.
“Sorry Moby but there only one pussy in this room that I'm playing with now yoi” he spoke, looking at you before moving from the bed to the door, pushing the feline out and locking it.
“So Pretty Bird, shall we start the real fun” Marco said with a feral smile as he undressed, keeping his eyes on his prize, making sure you didn’t even think about moving.
Standing behind his prize again, Marco pumped his cock a few times coating it with pre-cum as he run the head of his cock up and down your slit getting a little a moan out of you as he then lined himself up.
He grip your hip with one hand and while he pulled you backwards he slammed into your cunt, making you scream around gag at the sudden fullness of his cock being impaling you. Your brain went blank as you weren't able to think about anything as he pulled out only to slam back in, you making cry out again.
He began to alternate his thrusts between going hard and fast to slow and long. Driving your body wild as he kept hitting the right spot and soon you were needing your release again.
You could feel your release approaching and began to tighten around Marco cock and just as you were about to cum he pulled out completely and changed your position so that you were now laying on your back and he moved your legs so that they were around his waist then pinned your arm above you, making you look at the blonde man.
With this new position, Marco could lean over your with a predatory smile on his lips as he looked at you as if you was his main course before slamming back into and watching your face as pleasure took over you again.
Keeping his pace hard and quick, Marco was loving the look of pure pleasure on your face as you lips moaned around the gag loudly, red face and tears falling from your eyes as your impending climax was fast approaching.
A few more deep thrusts had you coming undone with a screaming as your inner wall gripped tightly around his cock, making the blonde to grunt as he gave a few more thrusts before he came and filling you up.
After catching his breath Marco grinned down at you and grabbed his phone from near by and open the camera as he started recording as he pulled out watching as his seed dripped out of the you onto the bedsheet. Once he was happy with the video he had, he put the phone away and lent over you undoing the gag, watching as some drool run from the corner of your mouth.
He then claimed your mouth as his began to rub circle in to your clit making you moan into the kiss then began to fuck you with his fingers pushing his cum back inside of you and soon you were coming again with a cry. Pulling his fingers out he and let go of your mouth as he put his fingers in your mouth and said to clean them. With no other option you cleaned them swirling your tongue around his fingers, earning a little groan from him.
"Oh Pretty Bird you look you’ve had your brain fucked out, like the good little slut that you and soon you won't be able to escape from me at all yoi" Marco laughed, pulling you tightly against his body as he laid next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as his hand spread possessively over your stomach, "You're bound to me" he muttered into your ears as he then kissed down your neck,
You swallowed hard at the implication of his words.
Sunshine streamed through the large window in the bedroom with you being tangled up in the sheets. Opening your eyes you let a groan out before noticing that you were the only one in the bed and let a sigh of relief out, your sore body couldn't take more from Marco.
Rolling away from the sunshine you stretched out on the bed before noticing that another person was in the room making your shriek and grab the sheet to cover yourself up.
There at the end of the bed was Thatch Newgate, a brother of Marco who was head-chef at one of the high-end exclusive restaurants in the city and the 'occasional' enforce for Edward Newgate when it was needed.
He looked uncomfortable being there as his head was turned to side with his cheeks reddening with embarrassment.
"Marco asked me to escort you to his office," he informed you.
You narrowed your eyes at him for mentioning the bastard name and stood from the bed wrapping the sheet around yourself with it trailing behind your.
Thatch lead your through the hallways of the Newgate Mansion, keeping an eye on you as he to you to where that bastard of a man was.
Soon you arrived at a wooden door and before Thatch could knock on the door and announce the you, you had slammed the door open and marched into the office glaring that blonde Doctor. It was then that Thatch made a hasty retreat from the room not wanting to be anywhere near the two, knowing what was going to happening.
While you were still glaring at the man you picked up the closest item and held it tightly in your hand, ready to throw it in an instant.
"Ah Darling you've to come join me, you look simple ravishing in that bed sheet yoi" he smiled at you and was rewarded with a book to the face but unfortunately it missed him.
"You complete and utter bastard" You growled, stalking toward him with your hands clenched into fist, "Who do you think you are" You demanded standing in front of him.
He watched you carefully as if you were a caged animal who was ready to attack, so Marco knew what was coming when he saw your hand moving to a metal figure on his deck.
“Don’t Pretty Bird” he warned you
You narrow at him not listening to his warning as you went to grab the figure and Marco hand shoot out and grabbed hold your wrist pulling you sharply towards him and into his lap.
"I told you not to Darling yoi" Marco told your affectionately, kissing your bare shoulder.
"Don't Darling me," You corrected him angrily, "You changed the game, you bastard" You spoke, trying to pry his arm off your.
"Come now Darling, it was all in the name of role-playing yoi," he said nuzzling your cheek, "It made it more exciting didn’t it, you definitely enjoyed it from how wet you were" Marco purred
"I don't appreciate being pistol whipped and tortured by a vibrator while being abducted" You countered pinching his arms, "So you would rather give your wife a concussion than play by the rules" you questioned him.
"I was playing by the rules by you set. You said to abduct you and work you up, which I did, you didn't say I couldn't bring toys in it and you've been eyeing up that vibrator for so long, I thought I would treat my brilliant wife to it" Marco answered and kissed your cheek as he pulled at the sheet covering your beast.
"And the pistol whipping?" you asked
"A calculated risk that worked out pretty well. I didn’t use a real gun, just simple a replica and with a little more weight to make it feel real yoi" he explained, as he successfully pulled sheet down.
"It still goddamn hurt and don’t think for a mo.....ah" You moaned before finishing your sentence as Marco palmed your breasts and rolling your nipples between his fingers.
"What you were saying wife yoi" he commented, as he continued playing with your breasts.
"You utter bastard, this is cheating" You replied through a moan, head falling back against your husband shoulder as your chest heaved.
"What else do you expect from a member of the Newgate family, I don’t play fair you know that" he laughed, bringing his lips to your neck.
"I've get you back for this" You promised
"Oh I look forward to it darling wife but for now I think someone deserves to be punished for throwing that book and given I have some paperwork to do, I think I’ll have you be a good little cock-warmer until I’ve finished all my paperwork" Marco started, "And then if you're a good girl through your punishment, I'll reward you by fucking hard against desk and fill you up, making you nice and full again" he finished, smirking against your neck lavishing it with kisses and bites
"I promise to be a good girl, Doctor Newgate" You purred and looked up at innocently at him, knowing what it did your husband and wiggle your ass in his lap.
Marco groan, you were tease and knew it as you smiled to yourself, you got off his lap so he could free himself from his trousers as you tied a knot in the sheet, so you weren't completely exposed as some of his brother still haven’t learnt the art of knocking first.
He grabbed your and pulled you back to him this time facing him, as he kissed you swallowing your moans as you sunk down on his cock, arching your back till you taken it all. You felt full and panting as you lent against Marco chest, as both legs hung either side of him.
“Such a good girl yoi” he prised you, pressing a kiss into the side of head, “Now keeping being good till I finish” he said, moving closer to the desk which made you moan quietly at the movement as he started working on the paperwork.
With the quiet of the office and the constant scratching of the pen on paper, it you relaxed and zoning out that Marco would give a quick thrust making you moan and making sure that didn’t fall sleep or he would slip a hand down and rub your clit what had you clench around him but warned you be good as else, as he played with you for a few moment before going back to his paperwork, it left you wanting and needing more, as the ache in between your legs become unbearable.
Eventually when Marco finished with the paperwork he pulled you backward so your back was against the desk and the change in position made you moan as you looked up at Marco, who could see desire and need on your face.
“You're been such a good girl, Pretty Bird, it’s only fair I reward you yoi” he said before kissing you and gave a few thrusts which drew more moans from you, as he unknotted the sheet letting it fall to the floor.
He pulled you off of him which made you whine at the loss and clench around nothing but he quickly shhed you as he turned you around and pushed you over the desk before slamming back into you making cry out.
“Harder, faster please Marco” you begged, turning your head to look at him
“How can I say no, when you’re singing so sweetly for me yoi” He answered.
Doing what you begged, he went harder and faster, hands tightly on your hips leaving marks as he kept thrusting, you both moaned as you were clenched around his cock more as you got to closer to your release. Marco moved a hand to in between your legs and began rubbing your clit which had you crying and not long after you came a scream, squeezing tightly round the Marco which trigger his released. He came with grunt as he pressed his front against your as he panted next to you before pulling out, kissing the back of your neck before moving and sitting back down on his chair.
Standing up from the desk you could feel his cum dribbling down your thighs before you were pulled back on to Marco lap and was kissed gently by him.
“You did so good Pretty Bird“ He said, “Couple of minutes rest and I think a shower is is in order yoi”
“A nice hot shower sound heavenly” You answer with a tired smile and kissed the underside of his chin, enjoy the peace before you both head back to the bedroom, " or maybe a bath?"
"Whatever you want my Darling Pretty Bird" He answered you
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henrioo · 1 year
Relationships: Platonic! WhiteBeard Crew x Child! Reader, Platonic! Edward Newgate x Child! Reader, Platonic! Marco x Child! Reader, Platonic! Thatch x Gn! Reader, Platonic! Ace x Gn! Reader, Platonic! Izo x Child! Reader
Warnings: Mention of child abuse
Synopsis: What to do when no one in this world wants you? And what to do when for the first time you find someone who wants you?
Word count: 1,9k
Notes: This is my first imagine after a while without writing so I might be a bit rusty, I apologize for the translation English is not my main language. I'm going to apologize for the pronouns, the idea is to write with a neutral reader but how I translate the fics is difficult, since the neutral in Portuguese and English are different. I ask that you forgive me and read Imagining the pronouns that feel most comfortable
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His life was difficult from the beginning, his mother was the lover of a married boy from the small island where he lived, so when he found out that he had impregnated his mistress, he didn't like to become aggressive and abandon her. Your mom could have handled that awful situation in any number of ways, but she decided that blaming you for screwing up her life was the best way to go, so when you were born expecting to be welcomed with open arms and comfort, you were met with stares. disgust and disgust.
Of course, you weren't at fault, you were just a child like any other, pure and sinless. At first your mother wasn't really bad, as long as you didn't cry and cuddle her things would be fine. But as you grew up and became more like your biological father, something inside her awakened. A terrible fury awoke. It was then that the abuses prompted.
You weren't exactly rich, but soon she started to lose control and spend all her money on gambling, she started stealing both meals and even selling her clothes or toys to get more money. When you reached the age of twelve, it was clear from your appearance the suffering life you had had, your old and dirty clothes, your hair and skin not cared for, your eyes without hope and life. You're living in a world that made it clear it didn't want you, so life seemed meaningless.
So you ran away. Of course, your "mother" didn't mind going after you, maybe for her it was even better that the focus of all her anger finally disappeared. You ran as far as your legs could take you, farther than the small town they lived in. It was clear that you couldn't leave the island being so young and alone, so all you could do was run to a neighboring town that was further away from where you were born. At least there you could guarantee that you would be safe and far enough away from your former guardian.
It wasn't easy, you were small and fragile, you had to live off the pity of others and steal food in most cases. The adults were cruel and some even attacked you when they saw you stealing, throwing stones or leftover rotten food. Don't you think the people who want to help you all had their own problems, who would want a stupid kid to support? You knew that nobody wanted you, not your mother, not your father, not even those adults in the new city. You were just a burden. That's what you believed.
Then one day you saw the market getting more crowded, lots of unknown people were walking around and the traders looked both happy and worried at the same time, you weren't curious why. Getting ready for another day you bumped into a young man, the trick was simple: pretend to have accidentally bumped into someone and steal their wallet quickly. You were already getting better as the months went by, but just as you turned to run towards the alleys, a hand firmly gripped your wrist and you were forced to stay put.
"Easy there little one, you have faster em-yoi" The yellow haired guy said laughing, how did he realize that you stole his wallet? Desperation began to course through his veins and his stomach twisted at the thought of the motivation he could receive.
"What do you have there, Marco?" Another man approached, he had a long chestnut color and was carrying several bags. Next to him was another younger boy, shirtless and with black hair.
"What is it, a child?" The black haired one asked looking at you, he looked curious and confused.
"A petty thief, I guess" Marco, you seemed to understand, said and then took back the small bag of coins from your hand. You instinctively started pulling your arm hard as the tears started to flow, you didn't want to stand there and find out what your motivation for stealing was.
"What?! I can't believe you were stolen by a child!" The black-haired one spoke laughing, for him everything seemed like a big joke.
"I didn't get robbed, Ace-yoi" Marco corrected "I caught him before they could get away" He then turned to you, his eyes were serious though not causing the anger and disgust you were used to seeing. "Aren't you going to explain yourself? Small-yoi" He chuckled.
"Poor thing, he must be scared with that scowl on his face... Don't talk to him, talk to me, yes?" The man with the topknot placed the bags on the floor as he knelt down to be at your height, he reached out with his arm as if he was going to catch you. Scared, you simply screamed while using your legs that were loose to defend yourself, the problem was that you hit the guy square in the face.
"Thatch!" Marco and Ace screamed together and quickly his arm was released as both men turned to help their friend who was on his ass on the ground and holding his nose that was now bleeding.
You didn't wait another second before running through the crowd at te market. You heard voices shouting behind you but didn't turn around to find out if they were following you. When you were far from the city, deep in the woods, and your feet were already hurting, you knew you had run enough. You threw yourself against a tree while catching your breath, you had run too far and you hadn't even been able to eat, so now you were tired and hungry.
Not having the courage to go back to the market and have the chance to meet the same men and receive even worse punishment, you decided to curl up in the grass and get some sleep. Maybe at night you could go back and try to eat leftovers from the restaurants, it wasn't worth the risk of getting hurt if you went back too soon. So closing your eyes you let the light breeze and ambient heat settle you as they carried you off to dreamland.
Something was wrong. You were sure of that when you woke up with a jump, you frantically looked around, there didn't seem to be anything wrong, but your whole body said otherwise. You got up and started running while looking back trying to figure out if you were being followed. You could hear the sea and must have been starting to get closer to shore when you hit something firm and landed on your butt.
You screamed in pain and looked up in confusion, that's when you saw… A giant! You had never seen someone so big and immediately your eyes widened in shock as you thought how it was possible for someone to be so big. He had his hair tied back in a headband and wore a nice outfit but he was definitely not an ordinary person, in the background you could see a huge ship and several people walking with boxes and bags, both inside and outside.
"Then that's it?" He spoke, not to you, but to some men beside you.
"Look, we were going to look for you and you came running towards us!" Ace you recognized said excitedly "You gotta show me that kick again shorty, Thatch is still pissed off that you broke his nose!" Then he burst out laughing.
"Don't laugh about it" A man with long hair and strange traditional clothing spoke with some disappointment. He wore makeup and was extremely handsome. "Isn't this child too small?" He said looking at you.
"I told you he was tiny" Marco shrugged "But he had more quick ones to rob me in the market today, I thought it would get your attention, oyaji-yoi" He said looking at the huge man.
"Hm… let's see" the man raised his hand towards you and you immediately tried to run, but he was faster by grabbing your shirt from behind and pulling you off the ground. You fit in the palm of the man's hand and now too far off the ground you couldn't run away. "So, brat, what's your name?"
You looked around desperately, who were these people and why were they so interested in you? You initially thought they just wanted to punish you for stealing one of the members, but now your head was spinning and you thought you could be sold into slavery. You didn't want that! Then your body reacted and you bit down with all your strength on the man's palm, of course that didn't seem to have any effect, the only thing that changed was the man's face, which formed an irritated frown.
Tears were already starting to flow and you curled into a ball while thinking what they would do to you... That's when everyone started laughing, your face burned in embarrassment as you looked at everyone without understanding anything.
"They has grit, I like that!" The man holding you would laugh like he heard the best joke in the world.
"I told you" Marco laughed "When he realizes he's in an ugly situation he reacts, smart brat…"
The tall man placed you on the ground and knelt down to appear less threatening, the others beside him were smiling as if everything was going extremely well. You didn't understand exactly what was going on, but you were too scared to run away, so you just stood there waiting for someone to explain the situation.
"Let's try again, what's your name brat?" He said and now he looked a little less intimidating, although his face was still serious.
"(Y/n)" you said in a low voice, afraid to answer, you didn't know what they wanted with you.
"Hm… A good name for a little fighter… Tell me, are you alone?" You shyly nod your head "Don't you have a family?" Again you wave with a certain fear, then the man opens a gentle smile while moving his hand to lightly caress your hair "So come be my son, become part of my family, brat! You have fighter blood and don't give up easily , I like that" He chuckled again.
Did you look at him confused, son? What was this man saying? "You… You're not going to sell me into slavery?" You asked shyly, the men around made a little shocked face and looked really offended by your question.
"Slave? We are pirates but we still have morals!" The long haired man spoke.
"Yes, you don'twhat do you need to worry about, no one here is going to sell you or hurt you-yoi" Marco smiled patting him on the head "We just want you to be part of the family."
"Do you want?" His eyes glistened with newfound hope, were you really listening to that? Did anyone want you? "Do you want me? Really?"
The men seemed to understand their predicament, their gazes becoming softer and their smiles gentler.
"Yes, I want you as my son" The huge man said "My name is Edward Newgate and from today you are part of our family, brat, so don't worry about anything anymore, understood?"
You nodded as you felt tears welling up, for the first time being from joy. You were now wanted, you were now part of a family, with a father, brothers and you would have people wanting and loving you. You finally understood what this love you saw on the streets was and you were happy.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Notes: I hope you enjoyed it, if you can tell me what you think I'll really appreciate it, it's my first story after a lockdown so I'm a little unsure, you can ask for a story too!
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grandline-fics · 3 months
The Grand Line's Bounty List
Have to now split the Masterlist into multiple posts now because of the amount of links.
Law The Moment They Started Seeing You Differently Seeing You Differently Part Two An Angry Confession You Need Liquid Courage To Act Lazy Mornings With You Comforting Him On A Bad Day You Get Pregnant After A One Night Stand You Call Them A Term Of Endearment They Touch Your Cold Hands/Feet At Night They Hurt You While Controlled The Little Things They Love With You Confronting Your Feelings After Being Silently In Love Prompt: Accidental Kiss You're There To Ease His Pain They Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else You Say Their Name In Your Sleep The First Time They Hear You Sing Prompt: Jealousy Kiss w/Do You Have Any Idea How Much I Want To Kiss You Right Now? You Try To Hide Illness From Him
Kid The First Time They Hear You Sing You Call Them A Term Of Endearment They Touch Your Cold Hands/Feet At Night The Moment They Started Seeing You Differently The Little Things They Love With You You're Shorter Than Him Their Favourite Moments To Kiss You The Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else You're His Opposite Prompt: Jealousy Kiss w/Do You Have Any Idea How Much I Want To Kiss You Right Now? Prompt: Accidentally Saying 'I Love You'
Killer He Has A Crush On A Strawhat! Reader The Little Things They Love With You You Say Their Name In Your Sleep
Ace Lazy Mornings With You You Call Them A Term Of Endearment You're Serious Until You See Something Cute They Hurt You While Controlled The Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else They Finally See You Jealous The First Time They Hear You Sing The Crew Interfere To Get You Together Prompt: Jealousy Kiss w/Do You Have Any Idea How Much I Want To Kiss You Right Now? Prompt: Taking The Hit For Them Prompt: Secretly Dating w/Desperate Kiss
Marco You Call Them A Term Of Endearment Lazy Mornings With You They Finally See You Jealous The First Time They Hear You Sing
Katakuri The Have A Nightmare You Marry Someone Else
Rosinante/Corazon They Catch You In Their Clothes
Doflamingo Immune To Your Charms, Ch.2, Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5
Other Masterlists:
Red Hair Pirates, Cross Guild, Marines, Revolutionary Army
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Imagine having deep discussions with the Whitebeard pirates
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Ace: Have you ever wondered why the world government opposes people so far away from them, doing what we do?
Marco: [mutters] I wish you would just stop saying odd shit.
Whitebeard: well we're breaking the law, obviously.
You: It's a little deeper than that. It's because what many pirates do, is the same thing the world government does.
Marco: We are not similar in any way.
You: no, think about it, what does the world government do? They lay out a bunch of rules and if you don't follow them, they use violence to force most of the world into following them. And if a nation elects not to join the world government, or can't afford to join, they raid and pillage those islands and take their citizens as slaves.
Izou: On the other hand, if a nation does join the world government, they have to pay heavenly tributes, because if they don't, the Marines will raid and pillage your country. But if they pay the heavenly tributes, the marines will protect their nation from outsiders, like pirates and non-world-government-nations.
Whitebeard: However, on top of paying the heavenly tribute, the average person also pays local and national taxes, so it's a heavy burden for some countries.
Marco: Oh my gods, it's like a protection racket, that common thugs run, just on a massive scale.
Whitebeard: and, like many pirates.
You: they don't like pirates, for the same reason they don't like common thugs, because you all are muscling in on their turf.
Thatch: so most governments are just organized, and socially acceptable, thuggery.
You: Not all, look at Alabasta for instance, King Cobra has a lot of social programs for his people. Food programs and affordable housing for the poor. Medical programs that put a doctor in every village and a bunch of other stuff. The people should receive something back from their government besides 'protection'.
Ace: I know a lot of nations that are in the world government have a large lower class that they exploit labor from and bleed them dry with taxes, tolls, and fines. I can never forget what I saw at the Grey Terminal out of the Goa Kingdom's Great Gate.
Thatch: That's because in "normal society" they value wealth, and look down on and take advantage of people who don't have it. Meanwhile, in pirate culture, we value strength and look down on and take advantage of those who are weaker, like how we raid other crew's ships because we can, and they can't stop us.
Izou: [sighs] That's an oversimplification If I ever heard one.
Thatch: [steps into Izou's space bubble.] You got something to say to me?
Izou: I've been to both world-government nations and non-world-government nations, and I can tell you that they value both strength and wealth. It's just different classes value one over the other. The upper and more privileged class values wealth, and daintiness because they can hire the strong. While the less privileged value strength, because it helps them survive, because they don't have money.
Thatch: I know that, did you forget I grew up poor as shit, mister little daimyo's vassal-boy.
Izou: And I was a wandering beggar minstrel before that, also keep Oden's name out of your mouth.
Thatch: how about you fucking make me?
Marco: [hops between the two men and dramatically claps his hands together like a clapperboard.] Aaand scene, that was a brilliant performance, gentlemen.
Ace: it was almost hard to tell that you two are actually friends.
Thatch: [huffs] Alright, I'll take it back, I'm sorry Izou.
Izou: I'm sorry too
You: you all are too fighty.
Ace: bitch, you're the most stab happy out of all of us.
You: I am not
Whitebeard: Just last night, you stabbed Vista's hand with a fork because he kept reaching over your plate.
You: ... I did do that, but only after asking him to stop three times. Which is more than reasonable, he's a grown-ass adult, and he, and his fuck ass mustache, should know basic table etiquette by now.
Ace: and then you stabbed me for no reason, with the same fork!
You: that was for good measure, just in case you got any ideas!
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cyborg-franky · 9 months
Their reaction when you give them your number
Some headcanons!
SFW GN Reader Chars: Ace, Robin, Marco, Kid, Killer, Buggy
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He’s been flirting back and forth with you the entire time you’ve been working. He came in for his brother's friend's birthday but has spent more time talking to you and honestly? You didn’t mind. He was cute, funny, and very sweet. His flirting was a little awkward at times, you guessed as handsome as he was he had some self-esteem issues. But the more you talked with Ace the more his confidence grew.
It was late and pretty quiet, he chatted to you about his brothers as he leaned on the bar, you cleaned and got ready to close, just enjoying his voice, and how genuinely caring he seemed. It was then you grabbed a piece of paper, wrote your number on it, and slid it across the bar.
“What’s that? How much of a tab did me and those idiots wrack up…” He hummed and flipped the paper over, his eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up when he saw the number. You couldn't help the sly smile on your face when you could see the blush on his cheeks, even in the low light of the bar.
You sure hoped he’d call. He chuckled and put it in his pocket, trying to act cool about it even with his cheeks on fire.
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She had to have been the most beautiful woman to have ever set foot in your store. The way she walked around in her summer dress, the fabric flowy in the breeze, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear as she picked up a huge heavy book, her eyes scanning each with a smile on her lips.
You felt entranced and intimidated by her in equal measure. Each movement was poised and elegant. She glanced over her shoulder and saw you staring at her, the sparkle of mischief in her eyes reached the sly smirk. 
Grabbing an arm full of books so big you could murder a man with she set them down on the counter and you had to try and remember how to talk again. “Is it okay if I buy a coffee and read one of these?” You nodded, she could have robbed you and you would have thanked her.
As she paid for her books you quickly wrote your number on a note and slipped it in one of the books as you placed it in a bag for her. She bought her coffee and books and sat down on one of the big armchairs. You gripped the edge of the counter when you noticed she went right for the book you’d put your number in.
Robin saw the piece of paper and shot you the most wickedly sinful smile you felt your heart would explode.
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He came into your work at least once a week, maybe more, and his order was always the same. He was a creature of habit but never boring. You always stood and chatted with him between his order and bringing it to him. He was polite and handsome and always had this lazy smile on his face that you found yourself looking forward to seeing.
Marco always had a kind word for you, would comment on your hair, how you wore it that day, how your new shirt was nice and suited you. He was full of compliments but he never came across as creepy. You adored his voice, his laugh, and how he always had a crazy story about his friends.
You felt like you knew them. 
One night he came in with some of those said friends, a rowdy bunch but just like him, polite and chatty. You set down the tray of drinks and Marco leaned back in his seat taking his. “They make the best drinks, it’s why I come back all the time,” Marco said before sipping his drink.
“Yeah, right, that's the only reason.” Thatch teased and got a nudge. You didn’t know what the man meant by that but Marco met your eye and gave you a sheepish smile.
The group all started to leave and the man with the big hair, Thatch, came over to pay the bill. “Hey, I think you and Marco might have a sweet spot for one another, sorry if I’m misreading that but… maybe you could give me your number, to pass on?”
You blinked, processing what he was asking before grabbing a coaster and writing it on. Thatch paid and practically ran to Marco and brandished the coaster at him. “Got you a present!” Marco looked at it, then back at you. You watched as the smirk on his face grew and he placed it in his pocket.
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His entire group was loud but you didn’t mind. You were used to his sort coming to this bar, parking their motorbikes outside, and stomping into the bar with their heavy boots and loud voices. They’d been polite enough to you though.
Serving them rounds of beers when they raised their hands, always paying. You knew this group pretty well by now. The red-haired man who was the leader spoke with you casually. He leaned on the bar and laughed at jokes and comments yelled over the room at him.
“Got anything fun planned this weekend?” You asked as you handed him another beer, he took a swig before thanking you. You could see him thinking over your question, you always had a feeling he and his gang got up to all sorts. Maybe he was debating on what he could tell you.
“Nah, unless you wanna finally fess up to being into me an’ wanna hang.” He said, the smirk on his painted lips, showing his teeth. He was cocky and overconfident but God daaamn did it work.
“What makes you think I’m into you?” You asked, well, he was right but still.
“Babe, I just know, so gunna give me your number or do I have to beg?” Kidd asked with a gleam in his eyes. You loved feeling you had all the power in this situation. You met his eye before ripping off a piece of a poster hanging up behind you and putting your number on.
“You don’t have to beg, this time.” You chuckled and handed it to him. He laughed loudly and put it in his jacket pocket, looking smug.
He’d won.
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Killer came into your shop every other week, always for something for his bike. It could be a check-up, a new decal, a sticker or just to get someone to clean it. He was a man of few words but he was pleasant to be around. His small talk was never dull or seemed forced, he enjoyed hearing your stories and learning about you.
Sometimes you even got to hear his voice, get to learn about his life; How he was part of a group who drove around together. You were very intrigued by him. The way he’d take off his helmet and all that blonde hair would come tumbling out, you could have sworn the world become slow motion whenever he did that.
He was gorgeous. 
“Going for a drive this weekend?” You asked when he set down his helmet, one of the mechanics working on his bike already. He shook his head “Just thought I heard something when I’d started her,” he said and stared across the room.
Killer didn’t leave, didn’t go for a walk, instead while his bike was being checked he simply stood and talked to you. It was nice, he was a good guy. The mechanic came in and handed you the paperwork. You looked it over.
“Good news! The small issue has been fixed and since your in here all the time we won’t charge the normal rate,” your heart was beating when you sneakily wrote your number on the paper and handed it to him. 
He said his goodbyes and walked away, reading over the paper before he noticed the number, he turned and looked at you. Wordlessly, effortlessly cool he just gave you the thumbs up and grinned.
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He was a strange guy, how he seemed to think he was so slick every time he came in. Acting like this wasn’t the 18th time he’d been in this week. He was strange, sure, but he was cute and no one had made you laugh so much. Sometimes you didn’t think he meant to be funny on purpose, his charm was just a silly guy.
But as goofy as he came across he was still unreasonably handsome and had his own brand of charisma that had you so taken with him. He came in on his way back from work and asked for his regular order, which you knew by heart now. 
He would go on about his day, complaining about someone called Shanks that he worked with. The way he told his stories was so over the top and so hilarious that you couldn’t help but stand there chuckling and hanging on to his every word.
“So yeah, that dickhead set me back like 20 minutes.” He mumbled and sipped his shake, eating a few fries “Well, hopefully, your weekend will be better.” you said as you refilled the napkin holder.
“I’ll still be in though, I gotta get my fix.” He said and held up his drink, you weren’t sure if that was all he meant either. “Oh no, I won’t be in, I have the day off.”
He seemed crestfallen at that news, deflating in his seat with a frown. “Ah..” he mumbled as he stuffed more fries into his mouth. “But maybe we can arrange something?” you pulled out a napkin and wrote down your number, setting it next to him.
Buggy had been drinking at that moment, he stared at your number and snorted, his shake and the straw shooting to the back of his throat, causing him to splutter, some of his drink coming out of his nose as he became a flustered mess.
You laughed and watched him grab at handfuls of napkin to clean himself, wheezing as he did so, trying and failing to calm himself down, he croaked out “Sounds great…”
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Hey! Hey! Hey! 😝 I'm back
Anyways can I request a whitebeard pirates x fem child reader? (Maybe 5 years old?)
Reader is half bunny and she's always shy and a bit of a coward and her ears are always down like this
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She's always with whitebeard (on his lap, beside him, or on his shoulders)
The crew gives her nicknames like buns, baby bun, bun bun, Cottontail
Oh and the crew is a little protective over reader because she's the smallest crew member on board 🥺
Maybe like the crew is trying to connect with reader? They thought that Marco would be the first one to connect with her (besides pops ofc) because he's quiet and calm but ironically she connect with ace first
Anyways don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink! Thank you~ ✨
Birds of a bunny ( Whitebeard pirates x F!rabbit!child!reader)
A/N okay okay lets ignore than its been an eternity and get straight into saying that despite me ABSOLUTELY COOKING HERE I kinda butchered the request din’t I ? I kind alet myself go but I just really wanted to get to one of your request at the least cosmo
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Whitebeard hums, swishing around his drink and gulping a considerable amount
“They’re looking for you again,” he states, glancing at a small furry ball on his shoulders
She unfurls herself from her position, moving her drooping ears to uncover her face
“I know:..”
“They’re trying.”
“I know, I know that they are good people, but… they are so rowdy.”
He snickers at that, glancing away from her
“I think you should talk to them.”
She shakes her head at that
“Don’t be a brat. You have to talk to your brothers eventually, and if this is how it will be, then I Will have that be now, Boys.”
She looks at Whitebeard, her eyes widening as she shakes her head vigorously, not liking where this was headed
She squeaks as she jumps off his shoulder. As he reaches for her, hopping her way through the deck, attempting to get away from the crew as they all lunge to try to take hold of the bunny girl
She quickly made her way up to one of the lower crow nests, tucking herself small in the corner of it, ignoring the calls of the males down below
She is not alone for long as Ace, ever the nimble one, makes his way up into the crow’s nest, followed quickly by a half-transformed Marco who perches on the crow’s nest, their entrance being received by sobs from the kit
Ace sighs at the sight, swiftly picking her up
“No! Papaw! Papaw!” She cries, trying to get out of Ace’s hold to run back to the now retreating Captain as he heads for his quarters
“Hey, Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes
“Dokucha, It’s okay, take deep breaths for me.” Marco follows only to wince at his suggestion and was met by higher wails
“No! No! I want Papaw!”
He hums, dipping her
She shrieks as she suddenly finds herself upside down, giggling when he pulls her back up, her ears bouncing as she did
“Heard a laugh.”
She shakes her head, digging it into his shoulder
“No?” He questions, dipping her once again, grinning when her laughter followed on the way back up
“Well, I’m glad you are feeling better, Baby bun,” smiles Marco
Dokucha turned her attention towards the man, staring at him for a moment, her eyes glancing towards her limbs, his arms currently transformed into a pair of wings, his legs turned into two sharp, very sharp talons that gripped into the wood of the nest
“Bright aren-
He stops his words as she begins wailing again, turning her head away from him and trying to dig herself into Ace
“Hey, Hey, what’s wrong? It’s just Marco, I know he looks weird-
He receives an unimpressed glance from the phoenix at that
But he won’t hurt you.”
“No!!” She hollers
“He’s going to eat me,” she bellows
He stills at that, glancing down and back up to his brother; quickly understanding the situation, he stifles a snicker as he gestures toward Marco
“Baby bun, look at me.”
“No! I don’t taste good,” she wails
“Just look for a second.” her sobs continue as she dares to take a glance, her sobs lessening at the sight of a now fully human Marco standing in front of her
“See? Just a normal person, that was just my devil fruit,” he explains, reaching for her only to sigh as she scooched back
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“Baby bun, come on, I swear I'm not going to hurt you,” Marco stated once they had returned back to the Deck of the ship; much to the surprise of the rest, she had decided to remain with Ace rather than anyone else despite all the warm and more peaceful greetings he had with everyone
“Marco, you’re terrible,” Haruta muttered
“I didn’t think you were the type to scare little girls,” Vista piped in
An irk mark began to grow on his forehead at the jabs his crewmates threw at him
“Shut up,” he grumbled
“Man, I had the wrong impression of you, Commander Marco,” Saber added in
“I always thought you were a good human, but I guess my first impression of you couldn’t be farther from the truth,” Kutatsu commented
“The next one to make a comment will be to see what kind of man I am,” he snapped, brows furrowed
“Gee, see that Cottontail? Now he wants to eat us. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you!” laughed Thatcher as he looked at the girl in Ace’s arms while pointing at Marco
She glances at the chef, her lips beginning to tremble once again
“Hah?! What’s wrong, Cotton tail?!”
“You’re going to eat me!”
“What?! What gave you that idea, Cottontail!?” He questions a devastated look on his face as she repeated the words he mocked Marco for no longer than a minute ago
Izou chuckles at the scene unfolding
“You have something to share, Izou?!” Thatcher asked, glaring at the sniper, tears prickling in his eyes
“I believe she is referring to your… extravagant hairdo.”
“Cottontail! I'm not a bird, I swear! It’s hair! It’s hair,” he wailed, trying to hug the girl, only for tears to cascade down his face comically as she backed away from him, digging herself closer into Ace’s Embrace
Marco gives a pat on the man crying on his knees
“It’s alright, Thatch; I will protect her,” he mocks
“Shut up, you damn chicken” he wails
He grits his teeth at that, a sharp smile on his face
“You’re on cleaning duty for a month.”
“What the hell, man?! I'm a commander; you can’t do that,” he wails
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Okay im going to do school assigment and im going to write another request hopefully!!
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softonshanks · 1 month
A quiet night
Word count: 980 words
Characters: Marco the Phoenix x female reader
Plot: This one was a request by the lovely @kazenomegaminowanpisu who asked a one shot in which the s/o woke up without Marco on her side and she went to his office and she tried to convince Marco to sleep cause it was getting late, but Marco insisted not to... So the s/o sit down on his lap and sleep (just marco adoring her while she sleeps). I guess it came out a little bit sadder than I wanted, but I hope you'd still like it.
Author's note: Very important thing before you dive in, @kazenomegaminowanpisu is a very talented artist, make sure to check her art and commission her some stuff <3
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Y/N woke in a cold bed. Her arm reached out across the blankets to find only air and empty space where Marco had been. The thin and blue moonlight trickled through the slats of the cabin window, casting long shadows over the room. She sat up, brushing sleep from her eyes. It was late—too late, by the look of the moon. Maybe two in the morning. She exhaled, feeling the pull of worry stir inside her. She dressed quickly and slipped through the door, careful not to wake anyone else. The air outside was cool, with a soft breeze pushing off the sea, and the ship creaked faintly with the swells of the waves. The stars above were scattered, sharp points of light.
She walked the deck with soft steps, peering through the dim light for any sign of Marco. The crew was quiet, most of them lost to their dreams. A few kept watch, their shoulders hunched, heads tilted to the sea. She stopped and asked the first one she saw.
“Have you seen Marco?”
The man shook his head. “Not since he came to sleep with you”.
She moved to the next one, a wiry man leaning against the mast, picking at his nails. He shrugged when she asked.
“No idea. Probably off somewhere thinking too much again.”
The girl nodded. She knew that was true. Marco could be like that, disappearing into himself, tangled in thoughts. She crossed the deck slowly, the wood cool beneath her feet. She passed the galley, the medic room, the empty crows’ nest. No sign of him anywhere. It wasn’t until her eyes fell on the faint glow of light spilling from under a door on the far side that she remembered. His office.
She moved toward it. The door was half-cracked, so she pushed it open with one hand. Marco sat at his desk, leaning back in his chair, a stack of books and papers spread in front of him. His eyes were fixed on a worn notebook, his fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose. He didn’t look up at first.
“Marco,” she said, softly. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her.
His head lifted slowly, his blue eyes a little foggy with exhaustion. “Hey. I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“No. You just weren’t there.”
He gave a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He looked away again, his hand tracing over the pages of the notebook absently.
“What are you doing in here?” she asked, stepping closer to him. Her fingers brushed along the back of his chair.
“Just thinking,” he said quietly. “Whitebeard wasn’t doing well tonight. Worse than usual. I gave him some medicine… it helped a little.”
His voice faded, and she could hear the frustration hidden in it. He stared down at the desk. “But it’s not enough. None of it’s enough. No matter how hard I study, no matter how much I try to learn, I can’t… I can’t heal him. All I do is push it off a little longer.” He clenched his jaw, his hand balling into a fist. “I’m just… delaying the inevitable. He’s going to die.”
The girl watched him, her heart sinking. She understood the weight he carried. It wasn’t just responsibility; it was love, the fierce kind that made it impossible to accept failure. She knelt beside him, her fingers trailing over his arm. “Marco,” she whispered, her voice soft but steady. “You’re doing everything you can. Whitebeard knows that. We all do.”
His jaw tightened, but he didn’t say anything. She cupped his face with her hand, guiding his gaze back to hers. She pressed her forehead to his. “You’re not a god, Marco,” she said gently. “You’re just a man. You can’t control life and death. You’re here for him now, and that’s what matters.”
He closed his eyes, letting her words sink in, his breath shallow and heavy. She kissed his forehead, soft as a whisper, and then again, on the bridge of his nose, down to his lips, lightly. She lingered there for a moment, her hand still resting on his cheek.
“Come to bed,” she said. “You’re tired. You’ve done enough for tonight.”
Marco shook his head slowly. “I can’t. Not yet.”
She frowned but didn’t press him further. Instead, she slipped onto his lap, curling her body against his. “Fine,” she murmured, resting her head against his chest. “But I’m staying here, then.”
He smiled, this time a little warmer, and his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. She nuzzled deeper into him, her body molding to the contours of his. His heartbeat was steady against her ear, the faint rhythm comforting. Minutes passed, her breathing slowed as sleep started to pull her under again. Marco watched her, his fingers gently stroking her hair. He could feel the soft rise and fall of her chest, the warmth of her body melting into his. The lines of her face were peaceful, calm in the way only sleep could bring. He kissed her forehead, soft and slow, his lips brushing her skin like the lightest touch of wind. His hand cupped her cheek, and he kissed her again, a quiet reverence in his movements.
In the stillness of the night, with the weight of the world heavy on his shoulders, Marco found a small moment of peace in her. He held her as she slept, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on her skin. There were no answers in the books, and no cure for what was coming. But right now, in the quiet of the ship, he let himself forget it.
Just for a little while.
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portgasdwrld · 7 months
☆ Kano high club! part.1
➔featuring; whitebeard pirates, f!reader, reader is in a relationship with Ace, Sun pirates
➔warning: might contain mature content beware, talks quickly about topics such as prostitution, traffic
➔summary: Jimbei visits the Whitebeard pirates to advise them of an incident that occurred over the past weeks where a bunch of pirates kidnapped mermaids from the Fishmen Island. After collecting enough informations and investigating, the Sun pirates realized that the girls were stuck on a small island working under Kano High Club, an “exotic” club exploiting the young girls. That’s when they decide to put on a rescue plan where you become the main key⚔️
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The morning is slow on the MobyDick until a familiar ship is recognized far away. It’s indeed the ship of the famous Warlord Jimbei,captain of the Sun pirates from the Fishmen Island. Being a good accointance of Whitebeard, the pirate left in charge of observing any coming threat, happily screams the news across the ship. The sun hasn’t risen completely yet, so they just watch their friend’s ship slowly come closer, as the sun guides them to the MobyDick.
As the familiar blue man steps in the boat, he’s welcomed with cheers and enthusiasm which left him smiling a little before he politely greets the captain Whitebeard.
-Whitebeard, it’s been a while!
-It has been, glad to see you’re doing fine Jimbei!
-Oi Jimbei! Got us any sweets from your island? They are so good!
The question is soon followed by cheers and agreements from others as they watch the man curiously.
-Sorry, I haven’t had the time for any present.
-Don’t be sorry for that, we are pirates we don’t expect any gifts!
Whitebeard comments as he laughs earning acknowledging nods from mostly. The old man brings some sake to his lips.
-Oh Jimbei! Good morning-Oi!
Marco greets him as he walks towards the group of men. It’s still pretty early in the morning, but as one of the main doctors of the ship and commander of the 1st division, he takes the responsibility to check up on Whitebeard’s health before the rest wake up. He approaches the medicines and verifies the data. He nods as everything seems to be alright.
-Oh Marco! How have you been!
-I have been great! It’s nice to you!
Jimbei nods and he can’t help but browse around the big ships in research of a friend.
-Ace is still sleeping?
The Warlord asks with a chuckle which sparks giggles and teasing comments.
-He has a girlfriend now, forget about him waking up early!
-All hopes of Ace becoming a morning person is gone!
Jimbei furrows his eyebrows curious to who could’ve possibly caught the heart of his stubborn and reckless friend. He smiles at the teasing remarks of the crew towards the 2nd commander relationship.
-I didn’t expect Ace to be the type to be in a relationship.
Jimbei comments as he sits down.
-She joined the crew not too long ago, she’s a great fighter and has a great spirit. She’s in my division.
Marco explains, but the attention suddenly switch to a brunette behind him, which is none other than the man in question: Ace. He walks down the stairs with Yawn, simply wearing some comfy shorts and some sandals. He rubs his eyes and they open in shock at the view of Jimbei. His smile curve his lips as he screams the Fishmen name with enthusiasm.
-We were just talking about you-oi!
Marco comments with an amused smile. Pops laugh at the view of his son happily hugging their friend.
-Im just too popular, it seems like
Ace jokes as he seats down with crossed arms and a smug expression. One of the crew member is quick to hit the back of his head , humbling him.
-you were not with Y/n?
Someone ask while some giggles bloom between the men. True high school girls when it comes to the 2nd commander.
-Nah, she slept with the girls yesterday.
-I didn’t know you were the romantic type
Jimbei teases the younger man with a friendly smile. Ace smiles wildly and lean back on the chair.
-What can I say~
The young pirate replies with a content expression as he remembers your smile, which soften Jimbei’s eyes glad to see his friend happy.
Falling in love with you was what least he expected in his adventures on the sea, but it’s what he’s the happiest about. He found someone he loves and love him back, and that itself is something that he still finds difficult to believe. It seems that everything is too good to be true. Good friends, a nice family and a beautiful soul as his girlfriend. What more can he asks for? So he deals with the teasing because at the end of the day, it’s in his arms that you sleep, it’s your heart that he owns.
-So, Jimbei what brought you here so far from home…
Whitebeard starts as he put down the bottle of sake and stares deeply into the man in front of him. Jimbei lower his head for a moment, collecting his thoughts, before taking a big breath and looking at the old man.
-Kano High Club…
A silence fall on the deck as they wait for Jimbei to continue, but the anger that he feels is well felt to the others. Everyone’s expression darken as they expect to hear the worse.
-…An exotic pleasure district on a small Island named Kawala. With heaven-like scenery focused on the beauty of the sea and the hot weather, hundreds of women are abducted and brought to that island to work as slaves…
Jimbei tighten his fists that are resting on his thighs.
-Couple weeks ago, a group of pirates arrived at Fishmen Island and kidnapped multiple mermaids even while well-knowing the possible implications of dealing with an island under an Emperor protection. I believe that like multiple empty-headed pirates, they think nothing will happen to them if it doesn’t affect financial benefits.
-Tell us who they are !! We are going to beat them up!
-No one mess with Pops name !
A young men with black hair yell angry and it’s soon supported by other screams and angry comments. Whitebeard lift his hand to bring the silence back so Jimbei can continue, which is automatically brought.
-With my crew, we did our own investigation, believing we could probably bring the girls back without bothering anyone.. but the things we saw there was almost at the Celestial Dragon behaviour… the place is highly secured with guards all around the island, the plaza and mansion. Although the security might be lighter inside the club and house, probably not trying to scare away the guests…
-So the security is highly tightened at the entrance, making it almost impossible to enter, but once you’re in, there is a chance.
Ace says bringing everyone’s attention to him.
-Exactly. A family member of one of the victim decided to risk it and she sold herself to the island. She’s able to help us gain information. It’s hard to contact her, but it’s because of her that we collected valuable information.
Jimbei looks down again remembering the bravery of that young girl who was willing to lose her life to save her older sister. She was willing to do anything to help them, disregarding anything concerning her security. The pain held inside that body was a representation of the harsh reality where kids a felt the need the grow up fast to survive.
-As much as I wished we didn’t have to involve no one to endure this mess, she has been of high help and we can’t let all her efforts and pain go to waste!
Whitebeard gaze is heavy and dark as he stares at him.
-We are going to show those idiots who they decided to mess with.
His deep voice echoes and its seriousness almost terrifies as each of his words feels heavy.
-We are just going to need all the information you have so we can plan a solid plan-oi!
-Then we will crash this island and save everyone stuck there!
Ace adds to Marco with a serious stare. Jimbei smiles a little satisfied that he knew he could count on them. Somehow he felt reassured that he will be able to hold his promise to this young adult who jumped eye closed all to save her sister, and bring an end to this hell of island.
PART 1 IS DONEEEEEE IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS SERIE! I hope YALL are too because there is so much that is going to happen !!
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