#Maria Luisa
fucciwilliams · 2 months
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wgm-beautiful-world · 8 months
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Plaza de España en Sevilla, Andalucía, ESPAÑA
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drinkthemlock · 2 years
What would Philip and Marilu be like as parents
This is a really divisive question for me for some reason? Part of me says they’d be awful and part of me says they’d be… ok.
This turned into a huge character study so skip to the end for a straightforward answer :)
Marilu is an orphan (she’d lost both her parents by the age of four), and she spent her childhood with her aunt Allegra (who was kind but distant towards her children, following the aristocratic examples of the time) as a mother figure, and then her teenage-hood with her other aunt, Isabel, as a mother figure, who was definitely closer to Marilu than Allegra by the end of their development together. Marilu also heavily romanticizes that idea of idyllic motherhood that she views (see: projects) on the other women around her and thinks herself incapable of achieving. Let me explain: she is raised by a woman (Isabel) who, although happy in that current time, has unresolved trauma that influences her choices on child rearing. Isabel was mocked because of her poor education and exploited because of her naïveté as a teen, so she does the most to protect Marilu from a similar situation. But since this is the 1700s and women were treated like shit, this ends up backfiring and makes Marilu resentful of her “masculine” education because she feels it alienates her from other girls.
While all of this is very important, remember Marilu is rich, and women of her aristocratic background were not expected to be involved in their children’s life as caretakers. She rejects that position, but she cannot reject the privilege of her money. So even if she and Philip got elbow deep in enlightenment philosophy together they would still be very wealthy (get that bag pip).
Philip now. I’m very careful to delimitate the real Philip Hamilton from the fictional one I’ve created since I really don’t want to be disrespectful. Here is written how I view him as a character, not as a real person.
Philip’s dad put all his highest expectations on him, and he rejects that, which is in a way what makes him approach Marilu (resentment of their parent figures’ treatment of them, even if unconsciously). They become increasingly detached of reality together and then… well, he dies. And Marilu goes off the rails.
Now Philip and Marilu AS parents. They’d be good parents in the sense that their children would never want for anything because of their mother’s inherited wealth, but poor parents in the sense that they would try their most to love their children but would be unable to let go of their inherited insecurities. When they were grown, their children would be put in that uncomfortable position where they couldn’t exactly complain about their parents and their childhood but they felt something was Off. Or, maybe Philip and Marilu would be able to break the cycle. Who knows.
Thank you so much for the ask, anon! <3
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Céline (Jean-Claude Brisseau, 1992)
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fyblackwomenart · 6 months
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Maria Luisa Bartual
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totaly-obsessed · 22 days
Fc Bayern München Appreciation
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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ladamarossa · 1 year
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A Hyena in the Safe (1968)
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lamarchesacasati · 1 year
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1922 Man Ray, Marchesa Luisa Casati. 
"In 1922, Luisa visited a young and still unknown photographer named Man Ray. In his autobiography, the American tells the story of the photo that became the most famous of all the representations of the Marchioness Casati (...) "I drew a few where one could distinguish a semblance of face; On one of the negatives, we saw three pairs of eyes. It could have been mistaken for a surreal version of the Medusa. It was precisely this photo that delighted her: I had made a portrait of her soul, she said, and she ordered dozens of copies from me. I wish my other clients had been so easy to please. The photo of the marquise went around Paris. Figures from the most closed circles began to come, all expecting miracles. I had to leave my hotel room and find a real studio. » (x)
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iamlikegolddust · 1 month
How I think each Madrigal family member would write, Including oc Maria.
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babsi-and-stella · 20 days
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Monica Vitti by Pierluigi Praturlon, 1967.
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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Diana Vreeland after Diana Vreeland
a cura di Judith Clark , Maria Luisa Frisa
Marsilio Editori, Venezia 2012, 241 pagine , 250 ill. a colori,20x25cm, ISBN 978883172378
euro 34,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Diana Vreeland è un personaggio così carismatico e unico nella storia della moda da correre il rischio di rimanere congelata nel racconto della sua incredibile vita tra Parigi, Londra e New York. Fissata, ancora, nella continua riproposizione delle sue frasi e delle sue azioni memorabili. Tutti i materiali che portano il segno Diana Vreeland sono il racconto del continuo presente della moda. Sono la sequenza delle ossessioni, dei desideri e dei sogni che hanno preso forma da una precisa idea di stile e di moda, ma sono anche il racconto in sequenza di tutti i momenti in cui lei si è ritrovata a vivere. Apripista, che oggi appare non replicabile. Nello slittare costantemente fra il ruolo di fashion editor e il ruolo di fashion curator, Vreeland ha saputo giocare l'arma dell'interpretation, al punto da innescare all'interno del museo quella sovrapposizione allestitiva fra luogo della riflessione culturale e luogo dello shopping, come si è andata affermando nella nostra era del total living. Ciò che è al centro del progetto di questo libro sono lo sguardo critico e il gesto interpretativo che ancora oggi definiscono la personalissima grammatica curatoriale di Vreeland, sempre eccessiva e drammatica.
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drinkthemlock · 2 years
How would Marilu dress in a modern setting?
Hi anon!
This is an almost stream of conscience explanation of how I’d dress Marilu, so… terribly sorry if this is confusing :p
to begin, marilu in the 1790s was very much fashionable (she had enough money to be), so I think that would translate into those girls that are obsessed with designer handbags and jewelry made of real gold, and come to see fashion as a science.
okay that’s getting too complicated. just… jane birkin basic chic. just very slick and cool. but you can def go over the top on like party clothes and accessories though bc I know she’d go crazy.
(I was about to say “remember she is an european expat” but then remembered all they seem to wear these days is like $300 sneakers and expensive hoodie sets for some reason. so ew. scratch that.)
She’d definitely borrow big clunky jewelry and shoes from her aunt from the time where she lived in France in the 80s.
She wishes she could wear outlandish outfits for fun but she doesn’t out of fear of being judged so she goes OFF on Halloween. i’m talking blacked out eyes, animal bones, a birdcage over her head etc.
Also as a cute little reference to the fact she’s a girl from the 1700s (if in this AU she doesn’t remember her past life) is like incorporating classical elements into her outfits (neoclassical queen) or that popular trend of wearing corsets over or under almost anything. Also the hair! I love the ringlets and chignons of the 1790s so I’d try to pry that into her modern outfits too.
Marilu as a character is basically like “how to be the most insecure but also self centered person in the world at the same time” so that could also be incorporated into her fashion sense.
Ok anon this was a lot and if you can extract some outfits out of these explanations I salute you.
Thank you so much for the ask anon :))
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Céline (Jean-Claude Brisseau, 1992)
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tiny-librarian · 1 year
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Portraits of the daughters of Charles Emmanuel III and his second wife, Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg
They were done in 1733, by Louis-Michel van Loo. First is five year old Eleonora in blue, then in gold is Maria Luisa who was four, and last in pink is three year old Maria Felicita.
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
Quanto è dannoso, sterile, per un poeta essere felice.
Maria Luisa Spaziani, Geometria del disordine
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dinonfissatoaffetto · 3 months
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-Maria Luisa Spaziani, A sipario abbassato
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