#Marketing. Integrity
englishsub · 2 months
book rec by me
so you want to get back into reading books but have no idea where to start and disdain booktok (if you get me started on this however i will become an unskippable cutscene so that's for another day). understandable. there is so much out there and it is all so overwhelming and you don't even know what you like now that you've been a decade out of the game. again, understandable. it does not have to be scary. i will help you. below i have created some categories that can get you started.
i want to read Literature
literary fiction, with crossover from historical fiction and magical realism
THE VASTER WILDS by lauren groff
THE FAMILY CHAO by lan samantha chang
OUTER DARK by cormac mccarthy
SEVERANCE by ling ma
IDENTITTI by mithu m. sanyal
PIRANESI by susanna clarke
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that won't break my brain
sci-fi and fantasy that is gentler on the brain cells. easier to grasp magic systems with multiple but not an overwhelming number of overlapping plotlines
KINGS OF THE WYLD by nicholas eames
THE JASMINE THRONE by tasha suri
THE CITY OF BRASS by s.a. chakraborty
A RIVER ENCHANTED by rebecca ross
BLACK SUN by rebecca roanhorse
THE FINAL STRIFE by saara el-arifi
THE BONE SHARD DAUGHTER by andrea stewart
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that forces me to lock the fuck in
i would not recommend picking these up as your first foray back into books after many years of not reading recreationally, but i'm not your mom.
JADE CITY by fonda lee
THE FIFTH SEASON by n.k. jemisin
THE RAGE OF DRAGONS by evan winter
A MEMORY CALLED EMPIRE by arkady martine
GIDEON THE NINTH by tamsyn muir
THE ART OF PROPHECY by wesley chu
horrify me!
there is far more to the horror literary canon than stephen king and dean koontz, i promise. consider looking up warnings for these.
TENDER IS THE FLESH by agustina bazterrica
THE RUINS by scott smith
CONFESSIONS by kanae minato
EPISODE THIRTEEN by craig dilouie
REPRIEVE by james han mattson
MARY by nat cassidy
DEAD SILENCE by s.a. barnes
AUDITION by ryu murakami
THE SALT GROWS HEAVY by cassandra khaw
don't care, i want romance
some of these feature crossover genres, like fantasy and horror.
VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE by isabel cañas
SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE by tia williams
HAPPY PLACE by emily henry
ONE DARK WINDOW by rachel gillig
i want QUEER romance
again, a mix of historical, fantasy, and contemporary crossover genres.
WE COULD BE SO GOOD by cat sebastian
IN MEMORIAM by alice winn
MOST ARDENTLY by gabe cole novoa
A MARVELLOUS LIGHT by freya marske
SPELL BOUND by f.t. lukens
SORRY, BRO by taleen voskuni
ONE LAST STOP by casey mcquiston
DELILAH GREEN DOESN'T CARE by ashley herring blake
i haven't felt anything since i read percy jackson/the hunger games in middle school/high school
adventure is still out there.
SCYTHE by neil shusterman
WE HUNT THE FLAME by hafsah faizal
SIX OF CROWS by leigh bardugo
GEARBREAKERS by zoe hana mikuta
i'll read anything that's not straight or white
many books in the above categories fit this, but here's even more, across a variety of genres.
BABEL by r.f. kuang
WHEN THE RECKONING COMES by latanya mcqueen
THE UNBROKEN by c.l. clark
IF YOU'LL HAVE ME (graphic novel) by eunnie
THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE THE TIME WAR by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by shelley parker-chan
"all ya books suck"
like any other genre or book age group, there are duds and there are standouts. ya is not special in this regard. try some of these!
DIVINE RIVALS by rebecca ross
THE RED PALACE by june hur
EMPIRE OF SAND by tasha suri
LEGENDBORN by tracy deonn
i check out and read a lot of these books for free via my local library by using the libby app (you can even add your friends' library cards to gain access to libraries in places you don't live). when i'm feeling like reading via audiobook, i use libro fm!
look, no one HAS TO read diversely. no one is going to be reverse fahrenheit 451'd and locked in a room with no fanfic and only books and not let out until they work their way through the entire literary canon. but reading, and reading widely, and reading diversely, is what teaches people to form their own opinions and question the things they are told. it's why they hang up stuff like "READ READ READ!!" in grade school classrooms.
we live under systems that increasingly benefit from going unquestioned. no, of course reading ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by robin hobb is not going to dismantle these systems tomorrow, nor probably even in our lifetimes. but doing it will help set up a world capable of doing it in the future. and until further notice, we are all part of this wretched world. might as well read a good story while we're here.
anyway, i'm reading THE WEST PASSAGE by jared pechaček and the new cmq book this week.
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genericpuff · 2 months
Webtoons Is Making Moves - So Should You.
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We all saw it coming ages ago and now it's finally here. There's no more beating around the bush or doubting if anyone is "reading into it too much", Webtoons' use of AI in its more recent webtoons is not an accident, not an oversight, but by design, it always has been. And I guaran-fucking-tee you that the work that already exists on the platform won't be safe from Webtoons' upcoming AI integration through scraping and data mining. Sure, they can say they're not gonna replace human creators, but that doesn't change the fact that AI tools, in their current form, can't feasibly exist without stealing from pre-existing content.
Plus, as someone who's tested their AI coloring tools specifically... they're a long, LONG way away from actually being useful. Like, good luck using them for any comic style that isn't Korean manwha featuring predominantly white characters with small heads and comically long legs. And if they do manage to get their AI tools to incorporate more art styles and wider ranges of character identities... again, what do you think it's been trained on?
Also, as an added bit that I found very funny:
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Um, I'm sorry, what fucking year is it? Because platforms like WT and Tapas have both been saying this for years but we're obviously seeing them backpedal on that now with the implementation of in-house publishing programs like Unscrolled which have reinvented the wheel of taking digital webtoons and going gasp physical! It's almost like the platform has learned that there's no sustainable profit to be had in digital comics alone without the help of supplementary streams of income and is now trying to act like they've invented physical book publishing!
"The future of comic publishing, including manga, will be digital"??? My brother in christ, Shonen Jump has been exclusively digital since 2012! What rock have the WT's staff been living under that they're trying to sell digital comics as the "future" to North Americans as if we haven't already been living in that future for over ten years now?? We've had an entire generation of children raised on that same digital media since then! This isn't the selling point you think it is LMAO If anything, the digital media market here in NA is dying thanks to the enshittification of digital content platorms like Netflix, Disney+, and mainstream social media platforms! That "future" is not only already both the past and present, but is swiftly on its way out! Pack it up and go home, you missed the bus!
Literally so much of WT's IPO pitch is just a deadass grift full of corporate buzzwords and empty promises. They're trying so hard to convince people that their business model is infinitely profitable... but if it were, why do they need the public's money? And where are all those profits for the creators who are being exploited day after day to fill their platform with content? Why are so many creators still struggling to pay their bills if the company has this much potential for profit?
Ultimately even their promised AI tools don't ensure profit, they ensure cutting expenses. The extra money they hope to make isn't gonna come from their content generating income, it's gonna come from normal people forking over their money in the hopes that it'll be turned around, and from Webtoons cheapening the medium even further until it's nothing but conveyer belt gruel. Sure, "making more than you spend" is the base definition of "profit", but can we really call it that when it's through the means of gutting features, retiring support programs, letting go editing staff, and limiting resources for their own hired freelancers who are the only reason they even have content to begin with? That's not sustainable profit or growth, that's fighting the tide which can and will carry them away at any moment.
I'm low key calling it now, a year or two from today we're gonna be seeing massive lawsuits and calls to action from the people who invested their money into WT and subsequently lost it into the black hole that is WT's "business model". This is a company that's been operating in the red for years, what about becoming an IPO is gonna make them "profitable"? Let alone profitable enough to pay back their investors in the spades they're expecting? The platform and its app are already shit and they're about to become even worse, we are literally watching this company circle the drain in the modern day's ever-ongoing race to the bottom, enshittification in motion, but they're trying to convince us all the same that they're "innovating".
Webtoons doesn't want to invest in its creators. We as creators need to stop investing in them.
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aka-indulgence · 5 months
Me: doodling in public
Someone: you should make NFTs
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arborealhivemind · 1 year
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Improved Market Stalls
The market stalls, especially the food stalls in The Sims 4 are ...
It isn't much of a problem on residential/rental lots, especially if a sim has the cooking skill, or if a sim isn't vegetarian or lactose-intolerant, but it presents a problem when that's not the case.
This mod intends to fix that.  Market stalls, bars, and cafeterias will have their menus overhauled to include recipes from updates and other packs besides the one that the stall came from (custom recipes pending). Now, Sims (including vegetarian and lactose-intolerant Sims) will have a wider variety of food to choose from.
Installation Instructions
Unzip the file and drop the folder into your Mods folder.  REMOVE any packages in the FoodDrink_Recipes folder if you do not have its respective pack (EA recipes) OR if you do not have the custom food installed (custom recipes).
Suggested Mods
My Don't Waste Food mod allows Sims without the Selvadoradian Culture skill to finish their entire meal when ordering Jungle recipes.
Prefer a more alpha/realistic gameplay?  Check out qmBiBi's overhauls.
1.0 - First Release
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gayofthefae · 2 months
Just remembered all the money The Duffers threw away for 5 years on marketing Byler knowing damn well hardly anybody cared and not paying a cent for Milkvan content, merch, photoshoots, anything.
How could it be queerbaiting? They didn't even have to advertise them pre-season 4 but they said "no, we're gonna move money from our budget towards a 2017 photoshoot and AWAY from other important things on our budgeting list. Noah, tweet that they definitely aren't gay."
Like really just maximized story telling. We don't want you to know until we want you know but we're gonna subliminally open your mind to it. And somebody saw "they def aren't gay" and went "hm I'd never thought of them as gay before...honestly kinda good idea ngl".
For the Duffers to not make Byler happen would be inherently and exclusively malicious, a malice intended from the beginning. There weren't even enough people in 2017 to actually queerbait. Because there weren't enough to make money off of. The marketing tells us it was planned from long before people were on board. So either they planned to tell Mike and Will's love story or they planned to snub queer viewers for the sake of it, willing to make financial sacrifice to do so, both by investing in something people weren't buying and NOT INVESTING in something people WANTED TO BUY (milkvan content and merch) in order to convert people away from Milkvan and to Byler to also maximize the damage they were spending their money to create.
Lord have mercy if it's the second one because Jesus Fucking Christ usually showrunners hurt gay people to gain money, they don't usually PAY to hurt gay people because they just wanted to that bad.
Example of their weird anti-money marketing decisions
Other examples
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 months
#OOH #don't get me wrong i adore canon Mujika we love a pacifist girlie #but damn her pulling out a sword and baring her fangs is doing things to me #i love fanart that shows off her demon features fr #its probably because of the evil blood thing but i always thought she was a bit too human-looking yk #she is a creature let her show her fangs and claws 🥰 #also prev what doodles i need to see them (via @darklight-owl on this comic by @frozentothetouch)
My bad with the wording; the doodles I was referring to are the chapter 46 and 48 bonus sketches and the concept art from the art book and mystic code book that have been out for a while.
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The chapter 48 one shows her eating a whole chicken in one bite. The chapter 46 one isn't quite as noticeable, but it's a convenient visual divide between what could easily pass as human on quick glance—the angle purposely obscuring the sixth finger on hand with how they're posed—and her feet, which is what tips Ray off in chapter 45/46 that Mujika is a demon in the dark cave Sonju constructed since she was taking great care to hide her hands from him and Emma. The angle we see them at in the water further distorts their appearance, making them look even more alien, and I think it's an interesting way for Demizu to illustrate that mental divide the Grace Field children have of her at this point to an audience experiencing the series through the volume releases. She's a demon, yes, but she's not in the same category as the one they were chased by earlier or the ones they envisioned prior to escaping in their minds, and the easiest physical reminder of that is separated from her in their minds.
This is something I've mentioned before on this post about some of my gripes with the series and how there's something to be said about the anthropocentric idea of humans being the pinnacle of intelligence demons strive to maintain and the organisms they desire to physically mimic (albeit at a larger scale and not exactly one-to-one), but it's something that I can accept given the target demographic of the series, this not being a series-original sin, and most importantly, the parasitic symbolism of those in the upper echelons of a hierarchical society needing someone beneath them in order to maintain their material comforts and define their sense of self and worth in relation to the world around them to avoid cognitive dissonance and doxastic anxiety.
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The mystic code book shows her and Sonju looking even more human like a lot of other early demon designs, though there's one sketch of her barring her fangs.
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And art book shows some designs further along in the process.
Some other demon designs under the cut for people who haven't seen them already:
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rigginsstreet · 2 months
Stranger things stopped being a show after season 2 and became merch like let’s be real. Any integrity for storytelling went out the window the second they realized they can just make it one long commercial to sell yall shit
And yall fell for it. Yall ate that shit up. Sad but glad I’m not yall stay safe 🙏🏻
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
Brand Integrity - The thing Hasbro struggles with
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Okay, let me keep up talking about DnD from a business perspective, though this time the topic is actually even wider and concerns not only DnD but also other franchises that Hasbro has the rights to. Because this is actually a pretty big... thing. It is not even just Hasbro, it is a lot of companies. It is something that technically everyone knows about, but... a lot of people doing the decisions seem to not understand: Brand Integrity.
So, what is Brand Integrity?
Basically it is a business concept or to be more exact, a marketing concept.
We all know that businesses and also franchises and general IPs all have their brand. To take a very simple example: The Brand of Pokémon is "family friendly entertainment with cute monsters". This is, for example, why the entire Palworld thing is so concerning for Nintendo, because Palworld very much immitates the style and look of Pokémon, while the content of the game very much does not fit the brand. From Nintendo's POV stuff like Coromon or Temtem is actually more acceptable, because it still fits the general brand, while Palworld very much doesn't.
But here is the problem that a lot of western companies have in this regard: They actually do not... understand what the core brand is from the perspective of their audience. And hence they will do things that harm their brand integrity, while refusing to do things that would actually not harm their brand integrity but could make them more money.
Causa: My little Pony
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To keep at Hasbro, let us talk about My little Pony, because from a business point of view this was very amusing. So, we all remember when a couple of years ago (let's not talk about how many, because I am gonna feel OLD) My little Pony: Friendship is Magic released, right? And we all remember, how that show surprisingly found an audience outside of the intended audience of little girls, right? That audience being adults, often adult men.
And this made Hasbro quite nervous about the brand integrity. And I will fully agree with them, that this nervousness was not entirely without a cause. Because, yeah, some of the bullshit that happened within the Brony fandom were definitely harmful towards the brand integrity. Especially those things that made a big splash outside the fandom. And also stuff like... Look, I am not going to kinkshame anyone. But if you do an all age convention, maybe not allow nsfw fanarts and body pillows be displayed openly in artist alley, when there are actually visitors there who might be underage kids?
But let me talk about the thing that Hasbro then did, that I consider quite stupid: They did not market towards the bronies at all. Instead acting as if the bronies did not exist.
And that was... kinda stupid. Like, they actually could have made money if they had released some better quality and more expensive figurines and things like that. One of the big things that Bandai did with PreCure in Japan was exactly that: They realized that they had a massive audience outside of the core audience of little girls and hence released merchandise specifically for that audience. But Hasbro? Hasbro didn't, because they were quite afraid that including stuff for the Bronies would harm their brand identity.
Causa: Magic the Gathering
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Now, I am not a Magic player, and Magic does a lot better than pretty much any other IP that Hasbro holds. And I am absolutely going to argue that the fact that the creative director is someone who was involved with Magic for decades absolutely plays into this. Because at least he seems to understand the actual brand.
We can absolutely argue about whether all the franchise tie ins Magic has been doing in recent years did harm the Brand Integrity - from what I gather voices among the fans do argue about that a lot. But I think something that you absolutely cannot argue about is one thing: AI absolutely did harm the Brand Integrity.
And yes, this is already foreshadowing on the DnD stuff, but let's talk about Magic first. Because if you have been following Magic News at all, you might have heard about this. How they tried to use AI in their products - and then were all Surprised Pikachu, when their audience went like: "Hell No!"
On this front I have to admit... I am not sure what Hasbro and WotC actually think the brand of Magic is. Because frankly, if they did not realize that the great artwork and detail in storytelling through the cards was not part of the brand, I honestly think they are not doing their job.
And yes, that brings us to...
Causa: Dungeons & Dragons
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Even before I started to obsess about DnD last year, I actually followed this aspect for a while from a purely "professional" Point of VIew, as it was quite interesting to see how this played out. And here I actually have a good understand what the Brand that WotC thinks they are selling is: "A core ttrpg fantasy experience for the whole family."
Ever since the start of 5e they really went in hard for that one. And don't get me wrong, I think some of the stuff they did was really good. That is stuff like working with sensitivity advisors to remove things like racism, misogyny and queermisia from the rules and the official worldbuilding. And this is very good and very laudible, because it did open up the franchise to a lot more people, who felt alienated by the way the franchise had been handled before.
The thing where they kinda misstepped though, was by generally scrubbing it so clean to make it very kid friendly. Older editions of DnD did have some sexual stuff in there, which 5e did away with entirely in fear that it might harm the new brand integrity.
The bigger point where they stumbled however was in misunderstanding a core part of the brand: The community aspect of it. That is how much of it has to do with homebrew, with community, with creating the game together. And they doubly did not understand it. Which showed in both the thing with the OGL - and the aspect of AI art.
Let's be clear: Nothing that Hasbro/WotC could have done would have been able to harm their brand integrity as much as the entire OGL disaster last year. Because this exchange between players was always a core aspect of the brand as the players understood it.
Them trying to take that away is, what pushed a lot of players to other ttrpg systems and loose confidence in the brand.
And they then trying to replace some art with AI didn't help. As like in Magic, the brand - as the players understood - absolutely involved the great quality art.
What they need to learn
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Something that western companies really do need to learn is, that you as a company actually have only so much influence on what your brand actually is. The fandom will define part of it. And if you try to define it against what the fandom actually thinks, it will harm your brand more than anything.
It is kinda funny to me, because I always have the comparison to Toei/Bandai, who ended up embracing the brand as understood by the fandoms.
I mean, heck. Digimon is a great example. Digimon was not profitable for the longest time - until they gave the fandom, what the fandom wanted. Instead of marketing Digimon exclusively to primary schoolers, they included the adult fandom.
This does not mean do everything to the audience's whimps. But... It really helps to listen to how your actual audience understands your brand.
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dailyexo · 11 months
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Chanyeol - 231108 Peace Integrated Marketing Facebook update: "大合照來囉~~"
Translation: "Here's are some group shots~~"
Photo links: 1, 2, 3
Credit: Peace Integrated Marketing.
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strategichannah · 21 days
The Currency of Trust: Building a Business on Honor and Integrity
Building trust and honor in business isn’t just good ethics—it’s smart strategy. Discover how it impacts sales, marketing, and customer loyalty! Dive into the latest blog to learn more. #CustomerLoyalty #TrustInBusiness #MarketingWithIntegrity
Trust is the currency of business The Currency of Trust: Building a Business on Honor and Integrity Written By that Hannah Jones Read Time 4 minutes Trust is the bedrock of any successful business. In a marketplace crowded with endless options, trust becomes the defining factor that not only drives sales but also cultivates loyalty and builds a brand’s reputation. But trust doesn’t just…
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starkjoy · 2 years
at this point if tomgreg doesn’t happen this season hbo marketing is 100% queerbaiting but I don’t even know if I care because the content is so funny
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userastarion · 1 year
has anyone stopped to think that maybe i want to see the barbie movie because i like those actors and i like the colors and i think it looks silly and has from the very first set photo that was leaked
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Michael Esposito Staten Island - Unlocking the Secrets of a Master of Influencer Marketing
In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, where trends emerge and evolve in the blink of an eye, influencer marketing stands out as a formidable force. Michael Esposito Staten Island: an Influencer Marketer Extraordinaire is a prime example of leveraging the power of social media personalities to promote products and services, which has become a cornerstone strategy for brands aiming to connect with their target audience authentically. But what sets apart the true master of influencer marketing from the rest? Let's unlock the secrets behind their success.
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1. Authentic Relationship Building: At the heart of effective influencer marketing lays genuine relationships. Masters of this craft understand the importance of forging authentic connections with influencers whose values align with their brand. Instead of viewing influencers merely as a means to an end, they invest time and effort in building trust and rapport, fostering long-term partnerships that yield sustainable results.
2. Strategic Selection Process: Not all influencers are created equal, and recognizing this fact is key to success. Masters of influencer marketing employ a meticulous selection process, meticulously vetting potential collaborators based on factors such as audience demographics, engagement rates, and content relevance. By carefully curating their roster of influencers, they ensure that each partnership maximizes impact and resonates with the intended audience.
3. Impeccable Content Integration: Seamless integration is the hallmark of effective influencer marketing campaigns. Rather than treating sponsored content as a mere advertisement, masters of the craft prioritize authenticity and relevance, crafting compelling narratives that seamlessly weave the brand's message into the influencer's existing content style. By aligning the brand message with the influencer's authentic voice, they create an immersive experience that captivates audiences and drives engagement.
4. Data-Driven Optimization: In the world of influencer marketing, data is king. Masters of the craft leverage analytics tools to track and analyze campaign performance meticulously. By monitoring key metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates, they gain valuable insights into what resonates with their audience and refine their strategies accordingly. Whether it's tweaking content formats or adjusting targeting parameters, data-driven optimization allows them to continuously improve campaign effectiveness and drive tangible results.
5. Community Engagement: Beyond individual partnerships, masters of influencer marketing understand the importance of community building. They foster vibrant online communities around their brand, leveraging influencers as catalysts to spark conversations, drive user-generated content, and cultivate brand advocacy. By nurturing these communities, they create a sense of belonging and loyalty that extends far beyond the confines of a single campaign.
6. Adaptability and Innovation: The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and masters of influencer marketing are adept at staying ahead of the curve. They embrace innovation and aren't afraid to experiment with new platforms, formats, and trends. Whether it's harnessing the power of emerging social media channels or embracing immersive technologies like augmented reality, they constantly push the boundaries of what's possible, keeping their campaigns fresh, relevant, and impactful. Final Thoughts, mastering the art of influencer marketing requires a combination of strategic foresight, creative ingenuity, and relentless dedication. Michael Esposito: Staten Island’s Master of Influencer Marketing, exemplifies this by prioritizing authentic relationships, strategic selection, impeccable content integration, data-driven optimization, community engagement, and adaptability. True masters of the craft, like Esposito, unlock the secrets to driving meaningful connections, fostering brand loyalty, and achieving lasting success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
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acemerotechnologies · 6 months
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Acemero is a company that strives for excellence and is goal-oriented. We assist both businesses and individuals in developing mobile and web applications for their business.
Our Services include:
Web/UI/UX Design
CMS Development
E-Commerce Website
Mobile Apps
Digital Marketing
Domain & Hosting
API Integration
Our Products include :
Support Ticket System
Direct Selling Software
Learning Management System
Auditing Software
HYIP Software
E-Commerce Software
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whitebunnie · 6 months
Navigating Google's SERP Evolution: How Major Algorithm Updates Influence Search Results
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and how they are influenced by major algorithm updates is crucial for businesses and marketers alike. Google's algorithms continuously evolve to deliver more relevant and user-friendly search results, impacting website rankings, visibility, and ultimately, digital marketing strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the fascinating journey of Google's SERP evolution, exploring the influence of major algorithm updates and providing insights into navigating these changes effectively.
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arborealhivemind · 1 year
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Improved Market Stalls 1.0
Over time, EA added a variety of regional recipes and market stalls — except they didn't care to integrate any of them.  This mod fixes that.  Initially, this mod was just going to focus on the missing recipes, but as there are multiple market stalls (even non-food ones) that could use improving, this mod was built from ground-up to be expansible.
The first release of this mod focuses on the above problem. Dishes that were added via SDX and updates were added to their respective food stalls, as well as recipes from other packs (looking at you, Weddinhg Stories).
[*] indicates that the recipe module is required
City Living
Wedding Stories provided us with new Chinese and Indian recipes and, while City Living recipes were available at the Tartosa food stalls, Wedding Stories recipes were not. Additionally, the developers seemed to have missed the Vegetarian Butter Chicken recipe and the Lunar New Year SDX recipes were nonexistent.
Snow Escape came with a wide variety of Japanese recipes.  For the sake of brevity, I only added food types that are not already repesented in the menu (Maki, Onigri, Yakisoba) and a vegetarian option for one already represented (Ramen).
The Mexican food stall has some recipes from Jungle Adventures and the Latin American cuisine SDX.  As I am not Mexican, I had to do research to confirm if a recipe was in Mexican cuisine and I welcome feedback from more knowledgable Simmers.
Similarly, the Morrocan food stall has recipes from Discover University and the Arabic cuisine SDX.  I welcome feedback from anyone more knowledgeable on Moroccan cuisine.
Chicken Stir-fry*, Minced Pork Noodles*, Rice Cake*, Steamed Fish*
Wedding Stories: Mud Carp, Roast Duck, Sweet Buns, Vegetable Dumplings
Vegetarian Butter Chicken*
Wedding Stories: Butter Chicken, Dal Makhani, Gulab Jamun, Palak Paneer
Snowy Escape: Avacado Maki, Tuna Maki, Onigri, Miso Ramen, Beef Yakisoba, Veggie Yakisoba
Chili, Chips and Salsa*, Elote*, Pan de Muerto*, Fish Tacos, Tofu Tacos
Jungle Adventure: Bunuelos, Empanadas Verde, Platanos Fritos
Luxury Party: Ceviche*
Knafeh*, Zaatar Manaeesh*
Get Together: Pita and Hummus Tapas*
Discover University: Fattoush Salad, Tabbouleh Salad, Shish Kebabs, Beef Wrap, Chicken Wrap, Falafel Wrap
Discover University
As the kebab stall seemed to be more of a pan-Arabic cuisine, I did not add the Moroccan dishes from City Living.
Knafeh*, Zaatar Manaeesh*
Get Together: Pita and Hummus Tapas*
Snowy Escape
City Living's selection of Japanese recipes is heavily limited in comparasion with Snowy Escape's, so there weren't many recipes added to the menu.  For consistency's sake, I only added recipes already represented on the menu.
In addition, the Festival of Light has Pufferfish Nigiri.
City Living: Dango, Nigiri
Mountain Food
City Living: Dango, Ramen
Festival of Light
City Living: Dango, Nigiri, Pufferfish Nigiri
Festival of Youth
City Living: Dango, Nigiri
Festival of Snow
City Living: Dango, Nigiri, Ramen
Jungle Adventure
The food stall for Jungle Adventure appeared to be pan-South American, so I included all the recipes from the Latin American cuisine update and the Brazilian cuisine update, including drinks.  It did not seem to include Mexican recipes, so only one recipe from City Living (Empanadas) was added.
As Sims tend to waste food when they get the "Overwhelming Flavor" buff, I suggest my Don't Waste Food mod.
Acaraje*, Asado*, Brigadiero*, Chimis*, Chimichurri Skewers*, Chripan*, Churrasco*, Hallacas*, Pinchos*, Pollo a la Brasa*
City Living: Empanadas
Luxury Party: Ceviche
Caiprinha*, Coquito*
Wedding Stories
As mentioned above, Wedding Stories stalls already integrated City Living recipes into their menu.  I only needed to add the recipes from the Lunar New Year update and the Vegetarian Butter Chicken.
Chicken Stir-fry*, Minced Pork Noodles*, Rice Cake*, Steamed Fish*
Vegetarian Butter Chicken*
Growing Together
This one was slightly harder to choose for as it's essentially a sampling of multiple cuisines.  I didn't want to flood the menus with every regional recipe available, I decided to go with a recognizable recipe from each of these cuisines: Brazilian, Korean, Middle Eastern, and Polynesian.
I plan to update this stall continuously as EA adds more recipes.
Around the World
Aracaje*, Japchae*
Island Living: Poke Bowl
Discover University: Shish Kebabs
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