#Mary Ann and Oisin are next
theology101 · 4 months
Oisin: “Liked my Ping Pong ball trap? Figured you all wouldn’t be clever enough-“
Riz: “I’m gonna eat your fucking family, dude”
Oisin: “What?”
Riz: “I killed and ate your grandma’s boyfriend, I just killed your grandma and like six of your aunts and uncles and cousins, im going to eat them all and you. You got siblings at the Middle School?”
Riz: Gugkak family tradition, fucker
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voxmilia · 5 months
sb: hey vox, how's your ivy character study going?
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ratgrinders · 5 months
Ok here's an updated timeline of the Rat Grinders based on the new info we got this episode:
Freshman Year
On the first day of classes Kipperlily and the others meet and form their adventuring party. Kipperlily comes up with the name the High Five Heroes.
Kipperlily excels academically, but the High Five Heroes only go on easier adventures, presumably to ensure they will succeed rather than fail at something challenging.
Ruben is primarily an acoustic/soft rock musician.
Kipperlily begins to have childish rage and resentment towards Riz and the other Bad Kids, which start out petty but gradually grow in intensity over the next couple years.
Sophomore Year
An increase in hostility, one of the first meetings Kipperlily has this year is being jealous that Riz's dad was killed by Kalvaxus, that if a person has suffered immense magical hardship it is an unfair advantage in adventuring.
Kipperlily tries to find evidence of conspiracy with her parents and is enraged that they are boring.
A week after spring break the High Five Heroes go on their first quest to the mountains of chaos, chaperoned by Jace Stardiamond.
After this, the High Five Heroes seem to undergo a shift where their rage is amplified. Kipperlily's counselor files become much more venomous towards the Bad Kids, Ruben shifts to emo music, etc.
At some point after this Ivy and Oisin propose changing the name to the Rat Grinders. Kipperlily opposes this and Lucy is on her side, but Ruben votes against her because it makes her upset and Mary Ann also votes against her but doesn't explain her reasoning.
A piece of paperwork is submitted for Lucy to change her god, but another piece of paperwork is filed afterwards rescinding that application, presumably by Lucy herself changing her mind.
Towards the end of the year, after grades are finalized but before classes are over thus avoiding the pass/fail penalty, Lucy dies in the far haven woods near Aguefort. Presumably, she could have been resurrected in service of this unnamed rage god, but chose not to. She "stuck to her guns".
Kipperlily's rage towards the Bad Kids has transitioned from childish to venomous, she "hates them".
Junior Year
At some point between the end of Sophomore year and the beginning of Junior year, the Rat Grinders specifically request Buddy Dawn join their party as a cleric.
At 8:01 am, the first day of classes, Kipperlily goes to Ashgrove to dig up the rogue teacher's grave, thus forcing her to reveal herself and granting Kipperlily a pass for all her rogue classes for the year. Presumably she was aware of the rogue teacher's grave beforehand (information only available in Arthur Aguefort's office) but waited until the start of Junior year so she could pass all her classes for the year.
Kipperlily announces her bid to run for student council president, with a platform based on equity, equanimity, and fairness.
Kipperlily asks Jawbone about the creation of Yes! and the events of prompocalypse
Her counselor notes become extremely enraged, with her straight up wanting to kill Kristin and being angry that she can't get to her thanks to Fig's protection.
Oisin, Ivy, and Buddy are seen at Fabian's house party during the first week of classes. Kipperlily is not seen but is possibly there invisible. The Bad Kids are asked to do drugs but decline. That same night, mephits steal part of a cloud rider engine kept in Seacaster Manor.
At the school assembly the following day Principal Grix reveals he was notified of students doing drugs off campus, meaning its possible the Rat Grinders tipped him off in an attempt to get the Bad Kids in trouble.
Ruben performs presumably some kind of ritual at the Frosty Fair Folk festival, with the other Rat Grinders conspicuously absent. Simultaneously, Yolanda Badgood falls dead in the same place where Lucy Frostblade died, after Yolanda had been made aware of Lucy's change in god and was investigating it. Yolanda also refuses to be resurrected in service of the rage god.
The Rat Grinders are seen at the assembly addressing Yolanda's death and how all clerics would be moved to pass/fail. Most look bored, Mary Ann isn't paying attention, and Buddy is unconcerned.
Kipperlily and Oisin get caught trying to sabotage the Bad Kids' Last Stand exam, and Kipperlily kills Buddy. Ten minutes after the Bad Kids plane shift away, Buddy is revived by an unknown figure and he pledges his allegiance to the rage god.
Now the Rat Grinders are scheduled for another trip to the Mountains of Chaos and are on complete lockdown, hiding all of them from Adaine's divination magic.
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aabernants · 4 months
i like to think that Henry Hopclap is the Jawbone of The Rat Grinders …
His home is a safe space, not only to Ruben, but to the other Rat Grinders too. Ruben spends most nights at Henry’s and sometimes Henry will wake up in the morning with all the Rat Grinders scattered across his house sleeping. He gets a little shock for a second because he didn’t expect them to come over, but quickly calms down and goes about his morning.
Mary Ann burrowed under a pile of blankets and plushies on the floor in a corner somewhere.
Ruben in his own bed in the room that Henry offered to Ruben when he noticed Ruben coming over more than usual, Buddy curled up next to Ruben facing the opposite way.
Kipperlilly hidden under a blanket on the sofa sleeping as quiet as a mouse. She’s not trying to be stealthy, she’s just small and sleepy.
Ivy and Oisin on a beanbag in Ruben’s room that is somehow big enough to fit the both of them comfortably. They’re both leaning against each other and not even fully lying down in the beanbag.
Henry clocks where each of them are before writing a quick note on a loose piece of paper:
‘Running errands. food and drinks are in usual places, just don’t burn the house down. call if you need. love you guys. - Henry’
Henry sticks it to the fridge with a magnet before leaving for the day. He knows each of their personal struggles in their lives and all he wants is to let these kids know that one person in this fucked up complicated world is always there for them no matter what.
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trivanvanile · 6 months
Lucy Frostblade found Ankarna’s name. She learned of Ruvina’s sister and wanted to help her. Kristen just brought Cassandra back. She heard about the return of Cassandra. If Kristen Applebees, renowned mess of a cleric, could do it, why couldn’t she?
One night, Kipperlily finds Lucy bringing the rats back, with the rest of the Hi-5 heroes. And she confronts her cleric about what she’s doing, reminding Lucy they aren’t the Bad Kids. They don’t risk each others lives and put each other in danger. They stay *safe* by being cautious. The two argue.
Ruben and Oisin admire Lucy’s conviction. Mary-Ann tries to get them to stop. Ivy defends Kipperlily’s desire to keep the group safe. It’s not fair. KLCK brought her friends into it. It’s not fair. She forged a withdrawal of the God Change on Lucy’s behalf. Lucy strikes Kipperlily, hard enough to draw blood. Unknown to her, emboldened by Ankarna, Lucy draws on the Rage she feels to her party. She unintentionally drags her friends into the bloodlust. What happens is she desperately fights against her party. It never should have went this far.
At the end, Kipperlily and the others stand over Lucy’s body. Realizing what they’ve done, the bloodlust fading as Ankarna has protected her infernal form. And Ankarna uses this to make an offer. “I will give her back, when you bring me back.”
They all argue but Kipperlily convinces them all to go home and sleep on it. She’s careful. She hides the body, using all her rogue skills to cover up the crime. No one would believe them. And she remembers something she learned in Rogue Class. Devil’s Nectar. It’s her fault after all. Why force the rest of the party to bear this burden?
So when they next meet, with the help of Devil’s Nectar, she lies through her teeth. “We didn’t do anything. It’s unfair.” And she does it everytime they talk. The sickly sweet nectar, it almost burns at this point, to take. Its viscous drip down her throat is almost suffocating.
“The school should do more, we should try to change things. It’s not fair that Lucy is dead.” Kipperlily thinks, unaware that she has begun to believe her own lies. As she looks on, during the first day of Junior Year, she sees the Bad Kids. Fresh off their adventure with the Night Yorb. They must have it so easy. Kipperlily clenches her fist, and sets out to do what she promised, choosing to spare her friends from the burden of bringing a dead god back to life.
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who-is-there · 5 months
Deciding to write a fantasy high au where the Rat Grinders hide their connection to the overarching plan better than in canon. This is achieved by them actually (basically) stalking the Bad Kids everywhere, so they know more.
Or that was the plan. But it turns out that Kipperlily is really the only one sneaky enough to get away with it, so for the time skip between the beginning of Sophomore year and spring break, the Bad Kids keep accidentally finding the Rat Grinders watching them. It’s weird the first few times, but then the Rat Grinders are sort of- unofficially invited? to hang out with the Bad Kids? Like, they aren’t told when and where, but the Bad Kids usually just invite them into the conversation and talk to them more if they’re found out. Kipperlily encourages this because it means they’ve got more intell.
Except that’s not what happens. They ask Ruben about school, and the way he describes bard classes actually convinces Fig to give them a try. She introduces him to new music, and they start writing songs for each other to look over. When Fig starts her band, she asks Ruben and his band to be her first opener. The two have a decent overlap in audience, but they also pull their own listeners into each others music.
When Fabian asks Mary Ann about her tamagotchi friend, she’s the most excited they’ve seen her. Gorgug asks about it a little, and confines that it’s the small, complex kind of tech he’d never be able to make. The bad kids encourage him, and around winter break he comes in with a- strange looking bird that he says is named Chloe, but that’s not what it responds to. A few weeks after they come back from their spring break, Gorgug gives Mary Ann a construct of her tamagotchi, small enough to fit in her bag, and she cries.
Ivy tries to get Fig on the ‘mean girl’ idea, but Fig shuts it down pretty quickly. She introduces Ivy to Baxter, and Ivy now comes to the Manor solely to pet him. She meets Sandra-Lynn, who sees this girl that is almost her, and asks Jawbone to have a talk with her, just once. Ivy tends to be quieter nowadays, but a little nicer too, and Fig can understand her mom a little more with Ivy next to her.
Adaine and Oisin meet earlier, and the two talk more about their school work. Adaine apologises for not remembering him, and the two are a speed team in their class that semester. The first time Oisin made a comment concerning lower classes, Fabian pulled him aside and they have a talk about family, and what it means to use your class to help others rather than insult them. They both come out of it a little better.
Lucy and Kristin talk some. Kristin still likes hearing about other Gods, and Lucy doesn’t often get to talk about her ancestral religions. She helps Kristin and Tracker, since she doesn’t have anything against other Clerics or their religions. When Kristin gets doubt, she talks it out, and Lucy learns some spine from Kristine assertiveness.
With Riz, the Rat Grinders have been told stories from Kipperlily, so they expect things, but Riz isn’t like that. He isn’t dismissive or impersonal, and while he’s definitely- intense, there isn’t superiority there like they thought. When he talks about his dad or his home life, they don’t see a great backstory like Kipperlily wants, they see a kid at their age, that has to do twice as much for half the reward. They don’t know how to tell her.
But he does relax. With more people helping each other, Riz is a little less stressed. And the Rat Grinders, more than anything, see an adventuring party that are actually friends, that rely on each other and actually hang out together outside campaigns.
And then Spring break happens, and it’s a little better. The Rat Grinders convive Kipperlily to go on another quest, instead of to the mountains. Gorgug is more secure, Fabian’s more aware, Adaine has pushed her spells more, Riz is a little less stressed, Fig’s more focused and Kristin still doubts, but she’s better at taking about it. But it’s still bad. They still go through the forest, still have to deal with fighting and their fears, still get beat up and everything.
And when they come back, the Rat Grinders don’t see them getting praise. They don’t see all the great rewards for saving the world they expected. What they see, is a change to a deadline that was going to happen anyway, and that this group of people that were kind to them have gone through absolute hell. They’re tired, they’re scared, it’s rough. And then a week later, they’re running off again, after an endless night. And when they come back, it’s just more consequences and reprimands from a system that the Rat Grinders have been told favours the Bad Kids. And they realise that maybe Kipperlily doesn’t understand the Bad Kids as well as she thinks.
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fangirlingpuggle · 4 months
I've crawled out hell with my bare hands, ran across a field on glass, and beat an evil wizard in a poetry competition just to beg you for inkblade headcanons and scenarios, please please please please please please please please,,,
More Inkblade thoughts
The rat grinders end up spending more time with the bad kids because Lucy likes them and because Mary Ann and Gorgug are dating. Oisin is awkward and the first time he's alone with Adaine she basically threatens him and tells him knows he's possessed but he tries anything she will end him and no god will be able to revive him.
Oisin had a crush on Adaine before after that... he is in love head over heels.
Like Dragon's courting is vicious and they nearly kill each other and Oisin has had those instincts activated he is in love and full on courting Adaine at this point.
Every time they're in combat Ivy or Ruben or someone has to keep using a bonus action to snapping Oisin out of staring at Adaine destroying enemies with heart eyes. One time they have to spend full action pulling him up off one knee after Adaine using her furious fist spell to literally destroy a demon with one punch.
If enemies tried to target Adaine or kidnap her then they have to deal with Oisin and Aelwyn. She disappeared and the next thing 2 very pissed very protective and very murderous wizards right even to the kidnappers when the rest of the bad kids arrive there's Adaine being hugged by Oisin and Aelwyn and blood... so much blood.
Adaine takes Jawbones name after graduation (She surprises him with showing her graduation certificate... jawbone openly sobs for ages) and after marriage Oisin also takes O'shaughnessy as a last name.
As Elven oracle and full time OP adventurer Adaine does have to travel around a lot and have to do some diplomatic stuff for the academy(As Arthur Aguefort is not allowed in Fallinel anymore) but she will regularly stop meetings to answer her crystal to talk to Oisin and their kids and one of them will use teleportation spells to say goodnight to kids.
(Hope you liked these)
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adaines-furious-feast · 4 months
Some Rat Grinders headcanons:
Kipperlilly: More than anything hates how stereotypically halfling she is, to the point that she was actually able to kick a stealing problem when she was in middle school when she realised halflings were stereotyped as having "sticky fingers" and she couldn't let that be her (she does still steal, it's no longer an addiction)
Ruben: Has way too many siblings. Is neglected not in the same way as Adaine but more in the way Penny Luckstone is. His parents just do not have enough time in the day and being the third eldest means that there really isn't much attention on him.
Ivy: Her parents moved in the same circles as Kipperlilly's and they were actually best friends at Oakshield. As freshman year happened they started to have divergent interests and it's really more a legacy friendship than either of them really liking hanging out together. Also rebelling a bit against her very boring parents with her fashion choices.
Oisin: was pegged as a nerd in freshman year and even though his personality changed a lot over the next year he was never able to shake other people's first impression of him.
Lucy: went through a growth spurt in sophomore year that left her extremely self conscious about it, especially considering half her party is under four foot. Her clothes just being an inch or so too short really stressed her out and she would subconsciously always make herself smaller.
Mary Ann: has a whole bedtime routine and if it is changed in any way she cannot sleep. It causes considerable problems for the Rat Grinders in Junior Year. She tries to break out of that routine but it only gives her a new routine to stop her worrying about not being able to sleep. May have ocd.
Buddy: was adopted by his grandfather after his parents became slightly less evangelical as Bobby and were kicked out of the church. He worries about the "fact" they're going to hell a lot which makes him even more determined to make sure none of his new friends go down that route.
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chushanye · 4 months
i do feel really bad for the Rat Grinders because it doesn't matter how shitty they are at the end of the day they're vulnerable kids that got groomed into ending the world by two teachers. yes Kipperlilly's outlook on the world is deeply selfish and flawed, yes Rubin is fake and an attention seeker, yes Oisin is manipulative, yes Ivy is mean, yes Buddy is condescending and self-congradulating and yes Mary Ann is perfect the way she is BUT none of them would have been in the position to cause the ammount of damage they did if it wasn't for these GROWN MEN using them to meet their own agenda. the bad kids are rightfully mad at them, they've been terrorized and antagonized the whole season AND theyre also just kids. of course the bad kids have pettiness and anger pent up that would cause them to literally massacre their rival party and cuss them out and send them to hell but a lot of that anger was entirely missplaced as well. the grinders were puppets. and kids. and next episode Arthur is going to show up and "jokingly" take credit for the Bad Kids victory and at the end of the day all these kids got played by the system.
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
normally when people say x did nothing wrong they're talking about someone who did a lot of bad things, but they forgive them because they're their favorite. The thing is with Mary Ann is that she really hasn't done anything wrong that we know of. I'm sure she's an accomplice and part of the crimes the Rat Grinders, Porter, and Jace are a part of, but we don't know anything for a fact.
The worst thing she did was tackle gorgug really hard during tryouts, but that is what you're supposed to do in blood rush so you can't blame her for that. She really hasn't done anything wrong compared to her teammates. Even when the bad kids raid the Rat Grinders house, they don't find anything on Mary Ann, unless I'm forgetting something, other than her subclass.
Like there were plans for some of them, like Oisin researching how to take over another person's summons to steal the cloudrider engine, Ruben playing at Frosty Fair so they could corrupt the ground of the Thistlespring tree for their plans for Elmville. There were other things that they found, but nothing for Mary Ann.
Even in hostility or being dicks, Mary Ann hasn't done anything to the bad kids. Ivy was a bitch and racist towards Mazey and probably helped Oisin steal the engine, Buddy was condescending to Kristen and her god while vandalizing her locker. But that is kind of the worst thing they did to the Bad Kids pre-Ragenarock personally. But Mary Ann was just there, I mean she asked if Gorgug had mango soda, something she seems to like since she got one herself, but that's it. And Gorgug called her a freak for it.
Like if you map out the badness levels of the Rat Grinders, Kipperlily and Oisin are at the top since they have literally been a huge part of Jace and Porter's plan and actively tried to kill the Bad Kids. I'd say Ruben is alone on his own tier because he was doing stuff like corrupting the ground at Frosty Fair, but didn't actively try to harm anyone that we know of. Buddy and Ivy are the next tier and they're kind of just dicks. and finally Mary Ann who also has her own Tier because she hasn't done anything bad to the Bad Kids or other people that we've seen just yet.
Even in the final battle she hasn't hurt anyone. She hasn't had the ability to because of the slow, but she still hasn't hurt anyone or even tried. Now that she's not slowed and Fig burned her strawberry she's invested in the fight, but before that she really did nothing wrong that we know of. Now she won't be fighting though for the end of the world or to turn Porter into a god, she's fighting because she's pissed her strawberry got burnt so I can't even blame her.
Maybe we will find out in the final episode that she really is the biggest monster of the group, even worse than Jace and Porter. Maybe we find out that they keep her calm because she will slaughter everyone around her if they didn't. But for now we can sincerely say that Mary Ann Skuttle has done nothing wrong except be an accomplice.
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rainbowtransform · 5 months
Kipperlilly comes back to herself, screaming.
Jace Stardiamond is kneeling, staring at her with a smile. “Welcome back, Kipperlilly,” he says with ease, sititng back.
Kipperlilly look around, at her other party members. At Oisin, whose claws dig deep into Ivy’s arm, Mary-Ann is chucking rocks away from her and Ruben is tuning his guitar.
“Where’s Lucy?” Kipperlilly demands, her brain flooded with information of who and what she now worships. Their Lady, nameless and unneeding of one, who has brought them back to fulfill her will upon the earth; to worship Her as they would any other God.
“Next to you,” Stardiamond says, and gestures to Lucy Lucy Lucy, her eyes closed and one hand stretched as if to touch Kipperlilly’s dead body. As if to hold her.
“What’re you waiting for?” She snaps at Stardiamond, scrambling to pull Lucy closer. “Bring her back, too.”
“Patience, Copperkettle,” Stardiamond says sharply, and Ruben stiffens from behind him. Kipperlilly files that away, and adjusts Lucy so she’s comfortable in her lap, head leaning against her shoulder and cold hands clasped in Kipperlilly’s.
She doesn’t beg adults. But she comes close.
“Please.” She says, and Stardiamond leans over, one hand pressed against Lucy’s sternum. He closes his eyes, chants something, and Kipperlilly watches as color returns, pulse quickens, and then Lucy jerks forward, and then screams a guttural scream.
Kipperlilly moves with her, already planning on how to make her feel better before Lucy falls again. Her skin is cold, color gone, and Kipperlilly checks her pulse again.
Nothing. Stardiamond frowns, and then presses his hand against Lucy’s forehead. Closes his eyes, and whispers something in an ancient language that seems to hold power. Invokes a name that is erased from Kipperlilly’s mind as soon as it is spoken.
Lucy’s body jerks but no color returns. No heart beats. Nothing. Kipperlilly can’t lose her. She can’t lose her.
She can’t lose Lucy.
She can’t lose the one person always on her side.
She can’t lose date nights and sweet kisses, lunch dates where they’d pick what the other was eating. Study dates where Lucy would help Kipperlilly with her class and she’d help Lucy hide.
She can’t lose picnic dates in the forest, and the bone deep relief when Lucy’s magic washes over her. The look when she’d revive the rats they’d killed earlier, and how she’d shoo them off everytime.The smiles that follow wherever Lucy goes, the kindness that Lucy had despite her not being happy.
The morbid talks of death, how Lucy listened to Kipperlilly’s anger of those idiot Bad Kids. How she agreed with her, and gave points to Kipperlilly’s. How warm she felt when she pressed closer to Lucy.
She can’t lose how Lucy used to throw rocks at her window and make silly fades when she didn’t think anyone was looking. She can’t lose the wrinkled nose Lucy made whenever they brought her ice cream, and the way she’d almost glow in the dark of a room.
She can’t lose the soft smile that sits on Lucy’s face.
Kipperlilly can’t lose her. She can’t lose the one person who is always on her side.
She moves Lucy onto the ground.
“Come on, Lucy,” she begs. One of her hands cradle the back of Lucy’s head, so when she does come back she won’t hit her head against the rock floor, while the other cups Lucy’s cheek, checks her eyelids, checks her unbeating pulse. “You need to come back to me.”
Stardiamond and is staring at her with blank eyes. Like he’s done this before, or like he’s seen this beforehand. Kipperlilly cries, and cries and begs him to do it again, again, again.
He does. Over and over and over again, until the mark is burned so deep onto Lucy’s body, seared so deep into flesh that Kipperlilly thinks it sits right onto her own bones.
“That’s enough,” Oisin says, the wounds in Ivy’s arms already scabbing over.
“It’s enough when I say it’s enough,” Kipperlilly snarls, teeth bared as Ivy steps forward, ready to defend Oisin.
“Let her keep trying.” Ruben says, his voice filled with something Kipperlilly can’t place, and smirking despite the hurt in his eyes. “She won’t come back.”
“Shut up!” Kipperlilly shrikes.
“He’s right,” Mary Ann says, and Stardiamond sighs and flicks his hand at her party members.
“Go outside and wait,” he orders. “Once we’re done here we’ll see about getting you a new cleric.”
Oisin and Ivy look at each other. Ruben is looking away, lips tight while Mary-Ann doesn’t even look phased. But they obey the order, and Kipperlilly watches with bated breath as they leave.
As soon as the footsteps fade, Kipperlilly slumps. Her tears have splattered around Lucy’s face and it almost looks like Lucy is the one crying. She wipes them away, and looks up at the teacher who is supposed to guide them.
“But why?” Kipperlilly croaked. “Why won’t she come back?”
Stardiamond shrugs. “She doesn’t want to,” he says. “Maybe if you were stronger, like the Bad Kids. Or if you were sadder, like Riz Gukgak, she would’ve felt bad enough to come back.”
“What do they have to do with us?” Kipperlilly snaps, already feeling her incredibly short temper fray even more.
Stardiamond smiles, wicked. “Everything.” He says. “They have everything to do with this. If they were here, they could’ve taken this mission on. But who knows. If we kill them, maybe She could bring Lucy back.”
Kipperlilly pauses, a hand resting on Lucy’s chest. Searching for a familiar thump-thump-thump that she used to fall asleep to.
“Are they the ones stopping you?” She whispers.
The crystals that rise from the ground makes a hum, an agreement. Kipperlilly stares at them, then at Stardiamond who raises both hands. “She wants a deal,” he says.
(He doesn’t say Our Lady. Not like how Kipperlilly’s mouth forces it. He says she. Her mind whirls, ten steps faster than she is.)
“Then let’s make a deal,” Kipperlilly says, one hand covering Lucy’s.
Stardiamond laughs. “Smile, Kipperlilly,” Her Lady says. “You got what you wanted.”
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ratgrinders · 5 months
Every Rat Grinders/Bad Kids Interaction
Alright, here’s a compilation of every single Rat Grinder/Bad Kid interaction so far this season, mostly made for my own reference. This only includes meetings the characters have directly, either via magical/technological means, talking, or seeing the character face-to-face. This doesn’t include times information about the Rat Grinders was revealed without the Rat Grinders themselves being present, such as times the Bad Kids only mentioned the Rat Grinders in passing. Under the cut, because its LONG.
Episode 3: Not All Who Wanda Are Lost
The Bad Kids meet Kipperlilly in the morning, signing up for class president, where she reveals she had passed rogue classes for the year and that her platform is based on fairness.
She points out Ruben across the courtyard where he is getting swarmed for autographs.
Fig goes to bard class disguised as her new emo girl persona “Wanda Childa”, pretending to have a crush on him. After she gets kicked out of class she comes back in later through the window, this time not disguised. Ruben sneers at her, then when Fig sees he has a call from Lola Embers he says “I have to answer that later.”
Episode 4: Under Pressure
Fabian gets a Nat 20 to search for Kipperlilly in the cafeteria and while he doesn’t see her, gets a “twinge of some kind of sense”.
Mary Ann tries out for the Owlbears, seeming nonplussed. She absolutely demolishes Gorgug with a tackle, made possible through some sort of enchantment magic. She makes the team and leaves unceremoniously, uninterested in hanging out with them further.
Episode 6: Party Politics
Oisin, Ivy, and Buddy are all seen at the party at Seacaster Manor (Kipperlilly is not seen, but the Bad Kids discuss the possibility that she was there, just invisible).
Buddy is off to the side of the party with a cup full of water, “positive but deeply judgmental”. The Bad Kids approach and talk about how Fabian’s father is in hell now, how Kristin was the chosen of Helio and defected, and how Buddy feels about the rest of his adventuring party.
Oisin and Ivy are playing beer pong at a table when Adaine walks up and talks to him, with Ivy occasionally interjecting. They discuss how they shared a glyphs class in Freshman year, how he got buff over the summer and that’s why no one recognizes him, how his family is rich and he could provide her with money if she needed it, and how his tattoos function as a conjuration aid. After Adaine leaves, Oisin misses every single shot, which Ivy makes fun of him for (later revealed to be a calculated ploy, as seen in episode 17).
Ivy calls out to Fabian razzing him about his ping-pong table, and when he says “fuck you” and she responds “is that a threat?”, he runs away.
Fig disguises herself as Lucy Frostblade and hides a distance away, catching the attention of Ivy (but not Oisin). Ivy seems surprised and makes a hand motion asking if they should meet, but when Ivy excuses herself and starts to come over Fig runs off and skateboards away.
Ivy comes up to Fabian’s room where the Bad Kids are investigating, and when Fabian lies about doing snuff asks if there’s any for her. She also asks about Fig’s fishnets and if she skateboards. When Mazey comes up and asks if they should play Twister, Ivy insults her and Mazey looks crestfallen. Fig offers to play Twister with Mazey which intimidates Ivy into silence, while Fabian stays with Ivy and blows off Mazey. While everyone else is downstairs playing Twister Kristin stays in the room with Fabian and Ivy third-wheeling, until Oisin comes up to the room and says that he and Ivy have to go.
Episode 7: Stress Tested
Kipperlilly has hired a bunch of food trucks for her campaign and is giving out food at lunch in the courtyard. She’s standing on a platform with Mary Ann next to her handing out flyers. The Bad Kids walk up and talk to her, with Kristin wearing a salsa hat that Kipperlilly is unimpressed by. Kipperlilly says that she wasn’t at the Bad Kids’ party because she was studying, and when Kristin asks why she was studying since the rogue teacher found her and she passed all her classes, Kipperlilly just stares at her in silence. When Kristin mentions her goddess died, Kipperlilly responds really loudly “how can you cast spells?” in an attempt to discredit her, and the other Bad Kids jump in to cast a bunch of spells on Kristin and counteract this.
Fabian clumsily reaches out to Ivy at school and Ivy is snarky and cold to him, saying “You missed your shot, Playboy” since she knew Fabian has been recently hanging out with Mazey. 
Episode 8: Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival
Ruben is performing at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival, with the other Rat Grinders conspicuously absent.
Ruben disguises himself as an old man in an attempt to get the Bad Kids to do drugs, but is caught. He then leaves to go do his set with his band, “My Clerical Gnomance”. As he is playing however, he is interrupted by Principal Grix showing up and casting disintegrate on him. Ruben continues to play while the Bad Kids fight Principal Grix, giving out bardic inspirations to the Bad Kids, and especially to Wanda Childa who he sees in the crowd. He’s written a song just for Wanda and dedicates it to her in the crowd.
Episode 9: Vulture Clash 
When the Bad Kids come out of the Vulture Dimension Ruben is being kept in a hold person spell by Principal Grix, poised to strum down on his guitar for an incredible piece of bard magic. When the Bad Kids break hold person Ruben strums and gives everyone a bardic inspiration. Fabian jumps up on stage and says “I’m actually a huge fan” before leaping off and destroying Grix.
Fig as Wanda Childa begins to leave in a minor illusion bus, and Ruben frantically runs after her. After this, he is nowhere to be seen at the festival.
The Bad Kids discover the body of Lucy Frostblade near Lake Shimmerstone, with a rune in her chest preventing her from being resurrected. Kristin uses her clerical magic to free her from being trapped in the cursed domain of this deity, and Lucy and Yolanda hold hands as they move on to the domain of Cassandra.
Episode 10: Cursed Out
All of the Rat Grinders are seen at the school assembly talking about the death of Yolanda and how all clerics will be moved to pass/fail. Most are unconcerned and/or bored.
Fig disguised as Wanda Childa catches Ruben on a bus, where she talks to him about a true crime podcast that’s discussing the death of Lucy Frostblade. Ruben really wants to see this podcast and Fig asks for Ruben’s email address so she can email him the podcast using a burner email. Ruben says he has to leave because he’s getting mobbed for autographs even though he and Wanda are the only people on the bus, and Fig dimension doors away. 
Kristin talks to Buddy in the hall about the recent pass/fail news for cleric class and about how chill Buddy is, that he leaves the wrath to Sol. Buddy is concerned about Kristin’s brother Bucky being led away from Helio like she was. He says his grandfather Bobby can come and teach the cleric class so they don’t move to pass/fail. Kristin leaves to go check on her brother and gets protective when Buddy says he can do that if she can’t. Buddy needles her about her dead god, and Kristin responds that she’s coming back for the second time, and Helio only came back once.
Episode 11: A Very Merry Moonar Yulenear
Fig enters Ruben’s dream disguised as Kipperlilly, shaping the environment to look like the crime scene of Lucy Frostblade, and says to him “you need to take the fall for this”. Adaine appears ethereally next to her as the Elven Oracle. After Fig says this, Ruben puts a hand to his mouth and from between his fingers what’s described as blood is squeezing out.
Episode 14: Dawn of Justice
In the cafeteria while Kipperlilly is doing a campaign presentation chants in support of Kristin break out. Kipperlilly walks by the Bad Kids’ table to confront them, and when Kristin needles her about devil’s honey Kipperlilly breaks composure and insults her, “It's really nice how charmed everyone is, by how little you fucking care.” A fight almost breaks out with Fig, Fabian, and Gorgug squaring up while Ivy and Oisin try to calm them down. Riz hisses and Mary Ann comments on it, Fig messages her that she could do better and Mary Ann doesn’t know what she means. She asks Gorgug if he has mango soda and Gorgug gets mad. Buddy tries to calm them down and that they should walk in the light of Helio and Kristin says “he’s almost right”. Kristin tries to give Mary Ann a stuffed squishmallow, but Mary Ann already has that one and that she’ll donate it. Adaine says she thought the wizard was cool, and gets a Message from Oisin just saying “sorry”, and the Rat Grinders leave.
Buddy is the student volunteer proctor for the Bad Kids’ Last Standard Exam, set to revive them if any of them die. The Rat Grinders protest saying he’s biased, but the proctor doesn’t budge saying that Buddy has sworn an oath that will strip him of his connection to Helio should he refuse to revive them.
Episode 15: The Last Stand
Kristin is teleported up on the ledge next to Buddy thanks to Adaine’s Scatter spell. Buddy turns to her and says “This is remarkable”. When Kristin eats the Eye of the Vulture King and is granted True Sight, Buddy asks “Everything all right?”, and behind him, aiming a crossbow at the proctor, is Kipperlilly. Kipperlilly sees that she’s been caught, smiles, and slits Buddy’s throat before being teleported away by Oisin. 
Episode 16: Untapped Rage
10 minutes after the Bad Kids leave the Last Stand, Buddy is approached by a 15 foot tall figure who violently revives Buddy back to life with a red gem in his chest, with Buddy saying he worships a nameless god of rage now. Then both Buddy and the figure vanish.
Episode 17: The Name 
Fig tries to enter Ruben’s dream but cannot interact with him directly, though she does see his house and feels that his dream is violent and enraged, but also scared. She also sees a version of Ruben, before his shift to an emo aesthetic, walking scared into the Far Haven Woods.
Fig, disguised as Wanda, goes to Ruben’s house and knocks on the door. She doesn’t get a response but a window opens, though it is unclear who is in the window. Fig as Wanda gets shot with a crossbow by Fabian and Kristin Two in the bushes and pretends to be dead, and after some time passes Gorgug with Enlarge cast on him retrieves her body.
Fig goes to Porter’s office and attempts to give him a fake version of the dead god’s name, with Riz, Adaine, and Gorgug hiding nearby. Through a combination of Riz’s blindsense and Adaine’s detect thoughts, it is revealed an invisible Kipperlilly had been hiding invisible on the lockers the whole time, the same way Riz was hiding.
At Fabian’s birthday/election party, just as his home and everyone in it are lifted into the sky thanks to a cloud rider engine, Oisin telepathically messages Adaine to say “You didn’t see the storm coming? Must not be a very good oracle”.
Episode 18: Rock the Boat
Oisin is heard in the distance chanting in another language, and soon after multiple dragons begin encircling Seacaster Manor, currently aloft in the clouds.
Oisin's dragon ancestor shows up, with Kipperlilly, Oisin, and Jace Stardiamond on her back. All are invisible, but are seen by Adaine and Gorgug thanks to their See Invisibility and True Seeing respectively. Both Oisin and Jace cast a spell, Gorgug makes two wisdom saving throws, and then Kipperlilly breaks a Rune of Recall teleporting all three of them away.
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theology101 · 5 months
Galicaea murdered Cassandra and Sol murdered Ankarna - which is why Kipperlilly Did That
We learned in Revelations and Revivifications (Episode 11 of Season 2) that it was her Clerics from Fallinel who murdered Cassandra. That's just straight up a fact. Now, we don't know exactly what her role in this is but, "As Above, So Below." If Galicaea's top priests are making this move, then Galicaea was down with it.
I've heard a lot of people refer to the wolf aspect as if it was some 'real' version of the faith that's been corrupted. It isn't, it's an Older aspect and its one that Tracker and Co. love a lot more but both of them are a result of worship.
We learned about this 'Last Great Sylvan War' around 900 years ago about the proper way to worship Cassandra. While the High Elves who settled it went with "Erase the goddess - to understand mystery is a heresy," I'm guessing they also heavily influenced the Wood Elf/Non-High Elf variant of Galicaea into being more in line with their version. Obviously a remnant survived in folk religion like with Tracker and other Werewolf communities, her revival reveals that prior to her, there hasn't been any serious challange to Falinel statement.
I think that then Sol started marching North. Gallicaea had claimed Night as hers and hers alone, by deceiving their shy and naive sister and then went to finish the job with Ankarna. But her? No way they could convince Ankarna to kill herself, especially now that her sister was 'dead' (Cassandra technically managed to live via the Quasi-Reality inside of Sylvaire, Kristen more redefined her and allowed her to be alive outside of the Nightmare Forest).
So I think that the Human Priests of Highcourt and the Elves of Fallinel agreed to wipe them out. Sol's paladins burnt their way up the coast and conquered it - we know that the land of Elmville is native Halfling territory, but right next to it is the Mountains of Chaos which was, in my opinion, their true target. Sol wanted the aspects like Conviction, Fire, Rage, Etc. while he gave Helio Summer.
Meanwhile, Ankarna? Her turning Infernal wasn't something done to her, it was something she/her priests did. Why would they do that? Because they're being invaded. The Giants probably took on a more leadership based roll compared to the far less capable to defend themselves Halflings, Goblins, Aaracockra, arguably even Orcs. Turning more and more evil, brutal, and extreme is a result of her being back further and further into a corner. It was a defense of the other races and for her own life.
I think that, while adventuring in the Mountains of Chaos for Spring Break, the Rat Grinders found out about Ankarna's priests and believers being wiped out, maybe one of her ancinet and long forgotten temples. That was it and it would have been it, if Kipperlilly didn't learn about Cassandra. I think her sheer, burning jealousy made her want, above anything else, to bring back a Goddess herself.
And her solution was going to be Lucy Frostblade. And for about two weeks, Ankarna was brought back with Lucy being her sole worshipper. And this is what I think happened next: sweet, kind, Lucy Frostblade's Ankarna wouldn't be the warlike aspect. She'd be like how she was before the Humans and Elves attacked, a kind and loving goddess.
Except there's a problem. There's another worshipper - just one.
Jace Stardiamond, draining power from the corpse of the long dead war goddess.
So, he and Kipperlilly somehow get in contact (my money is through Oisin secretly being a sorceror the whole time and just Acing wizard classes with 0 effort) and together they agree there's only one solution - kill Lucy Frostblade so their version of Ankarna can remain. The High Five Heroes kill Lucy and all begin worhsipping Ankarna (all under the influence of Devil's Honey.) Kipperlilly, Oisin and Mary Anne are all in on it (symbolized by their Blue backgrounds) but Ivy and Rueben refuse to go along with the murder but, since they're not in the way, they're able to be devil's honeyed into not knowing (Symbolized by their red background).
Ivy's weird reaction to Fig? She always 'knew' that Lucy was alive - she's not important to the plan anyways, so she doesn't need to be included. Some random lie is fed to Ivy to explain why Lucy isn't recognized as 'dead.' Reuben though? Kipperlilly can still use Reuben - use him to proselytize and spread the word of Ankarna - so not only does he need to be aware of the details around Lucy's death and all the Ankarna stuff, he also can't know the Ratgrinders killed her. He clearly still thinks highly of her - I think that vomitting the 'blood' in his dream was Fig breaking the Devil's Honey barrier in his mind.
Which is why, as Gertie told us, Kipperlilly ordered two bottles RIGHT after break. They need to keep him in line with the plan.
Jace changed the records in the school so that Yolanda never realized that she switched gods from Ruvina, and used his own spells to fuck with the name and hidden it (clearly there's a difference between the rune on the paper, which no one could read, and the translated version in Fallinel which has been sat for a thousand plus years), and did the same to the body. Yolanda, trusting him as Vice Principal, tells him about her fears, he goes with her into the woods and then instantly kills her in the clearing.
The plan is to take Ankarna from the Dead/Undead form (but now conscious thanks to their efforts) back to being actually alive via a Cleric believing in her.
Of course, in the mean time they need a Cleric. Make him expendable, but still useful. Make the cleric be a Priest of Helio or Sol so that they can kill him, immediately planeshift into Heaven behind him, eliminate his soul and then Oisin and Kipperlilly sneak into the office and bring back the Goddess. In fact, I bet they're gonna fling Buddy Dawn's soul into the void and using the death of a cleric of Helio, Ankarna will return. Killing Buddy was the act of Conquest they needed.
Rueben is obviously in doubt, trying to get help from his Uncle (skipping Forest Animal Murdering and asking for a ride home?), but I think Oisin is in it for the power. Mary Anne is a Kobold, and I think Oisin's Grandma is the dragon her tribe is sworn to so she just follows him around.
I don't think any part of Jace Stardiamond's section of the plan, the bit about the return of Ankarna, has anything to do with Kipperlilly running for preisdent or their quest against the bad kids. Killing Buddy in the Last Stand was just a conveint series of events but as Brennan said in the adventuring party - it looked like killing Buddy was already on the table. That wasn't a freak out move, it was on the agenda, she just wasn't there yet.
For the Presidency, unlike the Ankarna plot where only Oisin and Stardiamond are conspirators, all the Rat Grinders are in on it because they all seem to have personal beef. Except for Oisin and Mary Anne, who seem to be fine with the Bad Kids as a whole, just still on Kipperlilly's team for the race.
For that, Kipperlilly frames the Loams for embezzling, pocketing the money, and then using Ankarna's nightmare king form to kill the Loams when it looked like she was being to thoroughly looked at. Now she has money for both Schemes and the Campaign. Stardiamond tells Reuben to move Frostfaire to the Thistlepsing Tree (just to fuck with the ground and, if I had to guess, be the reason why Gorgug has been getting angrier and angrier as the season's gone on. Specifically, he seemed to really 'Get Mad!' when fighting Grix).
Kipperlilly knows about Buddy's grandpa so after Yolanda gets killed by Jace, Kipperlilly tells Buddy to ask his grandpa to apply while Jace puts the question to Mazey (a decision he should've made himself, to be honest). Bobby's here just to get Kristen expelled, and when they they decided to take the last stand, she grabbed a Rage Shard, strapped it on an arrow, and aimed it at the proctor.
I think that, as the ultimate 'fuck the bad kids' move, the Proctor would go angry and huge and the party would be forced to kill him. Not only does he die, but they were the ones who killed him which would MURDER their grade. I would guess.
But Kristen saw her, and could prove that another student directly interfered with the test (via undergoing a zone of truth). So instead, Kipperlilly indirectly interferes and puts the 'lets kill Buddy' part of the Main Plan into effect. Probably would have happened anyways (they're in a pocket dimension alone, great time to kill a man tbh)
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pandomech · 3 months
I absolutely love making lists and the idea of Kipperlily Copperkettle killing the rest of the High Five Heroes to turn them Rage Star controlled is eating at my brain so here is my list of the one by one deaths of the High Five Heroes and some prologue for the events as a whole. Kipperlily is groomed by Porter due to her known anger issues as well as the known dislike of the bad kids from the group as a whole, eventually leading to her accepting the path of rage on her own, this allows the High Five Heroes to start grinding on higher level monsters than just rats and other low level monsters off the books explaining the time where it was thought Lucy Frostblade was going to be Ankarna's Champion. Porter then sets the plan to Rage Star the entire group and has Kipperlily deal with them.
First is Ruben Hopclap, due to his laidback nature normally he likes to pick on Kipperlily, siding against her just to see her mad for fun, maybe in hopes she will chill out and due to this she goes for him first. While he is isolated, Kipperlily sneak attacks him, a deep stab into his shoulder, he's still alive, a panicked scream rings out as the knife is pulled and then attempted to be plunged back in, as he is able to turn and try to struggle, a hand pushing against her face as he tries to make out the melody to cast a spell, his voice is to shaky to do the proper vocal components, he was never in this type of danger before, a knife enters his head as he dies. He is the first to die being afraid he quickly accepts the offer of revival, not knowing what he signs and slowly loses his memory while under the Rage Star's control.
Then is Oisin Hakinvar and Ivy Embra, they were always teaming up to get what they wanted in votes, it was so annoying to Kipperlily, she had no help in this party and she was going to get the majority now. They were together like always when Kipperlily and Ruben attacked, Ruben casting something to restrain Ivy as she would be harder to take down compared to a wizard as Kipperlily went after Oisin, a swift dagger and he was already down, Ivy watched completely stuck as Kipperlily turned to her, Ivy can't close her eyes as her own throat is slit. Both are offered revival, both accept as what other option is there, the amount of time between Ruben and their deaths is the reason they remember that bit more after the Rage Star's effects.
Next is Mary Ann Skuttle, she never explained anything, that was so infuriating, if she just said why if any of them said why maybe it would help Kipperlily to understand but no, none of them were any help, and now Kipperlily would hear her speak. She was just buying soda from the vending machine again, like always, but this time no one seemed to be around thanks to the help from some teachers, a stab into her back, shocked eyes as she twisted around, Kipperlily was spun around with her, as the three others attacked as well, despite the shock no screams came out, how annoying defying her until the end of her stupidly silent life. When revival was offered she sighed then accepted who could choose anything else, remembering mostly everything after was fine, life could go back to being the same.
Finally Lucy Frostblade, she was always early to the monster grind spot, Porter had destroyed the trees nearby overtime, who cared about trees, it was finally time to get control with her favorite for last. Lucy greeted the others as they arrived, only to be confused as they seemed different, a knife flew to her throat, she dodged barely as the others started battle, a Monster conjured, an arrow flew for her head, unfamiliar rock music started up, all as she ran, a dagger flew into her leg, an arrow cut her shoulder, she thought of all the magic she could cast to try to fight back, get away, she couldn't bring herself to fight her friends or even run from them, she healed herself as Mary Ann tackled her, the monster stomped on her leg as she screamed asking what's wrong with them, Kipperlily sliced her throat, not wanting her to suffer any longer, she'd be back soon anyways. The offer of revival was offered, the pros and cons explained, Lucy stared back, not wanting to become like her brainwashed friends, not wanting to abandon her god, not wanting any part of this anymore she refused, of course not, in what world would anyone accept, as she waited alone for a new offer of life to come. Meanwhile Kipperlily watched as she wouldn't get back up screaming for her to awake like all the others, turning to Porter with fury, going to yell in anger only to yell in pain as she even thought of defying him, she turned back to look at Lucy, no tears left as she and the Rat Grinders left as well, they'd need a new Cleric.
Buddy came, Buddy died, was revived like the others, he was the newest, Kipperlily has no grievances about ending his life. He was released of the Rage Star with all his memories of it's control in tact, the control seemed so natural that he didn't even waver when he made a brand new god, nor when he and Bakarath were meet by Kalina.
Kipperlily lies somewhere in hell, burning, screaming with rage, she didn't deserve this fate, she was just getting what she deserved, why was she here.
Lucy was revived after being moved from the empty abyss of rage to Kristen's personal afterlife, She wanted to get to her friends, talk to them, they were brainwashed after all, who could blame them for their actions.
... and that's my brainrot on full display, I've been thinking of these collective moments since the end of the season, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the angst, have an amazing day.
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your-enby-antihero · 5 months
Blimey 🫡🇬🇧🫡🇬🇧🫡🇬🇧
The most to her the icon the legend the most straight woman that has ever lived, K2. What a soldier, that divine intervention literally had me rolling on the floor. Also so fucking hype for the Rat Grinders fight next episode cause once and for all they’ll get to see the Bad Kids on home territory ready to kick ass. Here is my hope for the order in which we fuck up the Rat Grinders and co.
Oisin (Because truly I was rooting for him and then he was a fucking turn coat. How dare he send his old money grandma to pick his fight for him and lead Adaine on with his awful ping pong skills)
Kipperlilly (it would be so funny for her to go down quickly because it would make her the most mad)
Buddy (Send him to Helio for real so he can hop on the YES! train I need him to be the sole prophet of that god because you cannot tell me he doesn’t give off that Buzzfeed energy)
Ivy (more specifically let Mazey at her, revenge for twister)
Ruben (Let Wanda Childa kill him even though she’s so tiny)
Mary Ann (either she is the last Rat grinder standing and she joins the Bad Kids or she is killed mercifully)
Jace (He deserves to go down via area of effect just because he really does not matter enough to me to kill him directly)
Porter (Let Gorgug get the most crits in his life to pound this man to sand and let Fig help. I want his death to be slow and PAINFUL cause he is the scummiest scum bag ever.)
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housesunstone · 4 months
So i made a Kipperlilly scrapbook mood board edit if you haven't seen it its here. I want to make the rest of the rat grinders in the same fashion so pls help me pick
Please reblog to get more reach
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