#Mary Saotome x Reader
hangesdarling · 6 months
Hello I’m aware your request are open so allow me to ask for Mary and/or yumeko with a fem!reader who’s shorter then them
(Idk if you write poly but I’d like it if it was and yumeko x Mary x reader please)
Yumeko and Mary with a shorter girlfriend...
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PAIRING. Yumeko Jabami x fem!reader x Mary Saotome
CONTENT. just yumeko and mary being the best girlfriends <33
A/N. i'm happy to do both hehe
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being yumeko and mary's girlfriend could be a lot of fun and disaster
they both like how much you're shorter than them as they find the height difference extremely cute
the first year you and mary were classmates, she would subtly tease you, snickering when you're right beside her because of the height difference but her teasing often sounded like flirting and when you teased her back, she'd become a blushing mess
the first time you and yumeko met, it was in a gambling room. after that game, yumeko found you interesting and was looking after you. she moved silently so you didn't notice her peeking over your shoulder which surprised you. she apologized for surprising you. she remarked how adorable you were when you studied your cards. a day never passed when she's not around you since then.
when you can't reach something on the shelf, mary would be the type to just reach it for you. no trouble, anything for her girlfriend, sure
on the other hand, yumeko would playfully lift you by your waist so you could get it, laughing more if you ever topple over each other (mary just shakes her head at you two)
mary thinks you look adorable when you borrow her clothes because they look longer on you, her bigger shirts might look like a short dress when you wear it
yumeko loves sharing her clothes with you too, and would probably wear some of yours despite how short it is on her.
yumeko always manages to convince you and mary to have slumber parties on weekends. you'd probably spend the night painting each other's nails a cute shade or playing different variations of poker
at bedtime, mary insists on being your bigger spoon while yumeko usually switches around so she can hug both you and mary (better keep her in the middle)
yumeko is the cuddliest so she would often hug you from behind, resting her chin on your shoulder or the top of your head while mary likes it when your face is buried in her chest
"you look like a cat, y/n," yumeko would say, poking your cheek. "eh? what does that mean?" you would chuckle. "when you cuddle into mary's chest, you look just like a cat. pretty cute," she would giggle, placing a soft kiss on your nose. (in reality, she just wants to cuddle you like that more often or have mary cuddle you both like a pair of felines)
expect to receive a lot of forehead kisses from both of them
when in a waiting line, they instinctively put you in front so they can put their hands around your shoulders or your waist
mary pats your head or ruffles your hair whenever you cuddle with her. a reassuring hand is her show of affection
yumeko always takes your hand, loving how it feels around her fingers
both adore you when you try on high heels but love whatever you put on nonetheless
mary and yumeko always tell you you're just the right size for cuddles and never fail to make you feel that way
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likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated, sweethearts <3
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heyiwrotesomethings · 10 months
Sending gifts to Mary secretly, thank you!
Mary Saotome x They/Them Reader
A/N: Here you go, hope you enjoy! Word Count: 1,471
“Yumeko, did you leave this on my desk?” Mary asked, somewhat suspicious of the small paper bag sitting right in the middle of her desk.
Yumeko circled the desk, hands clasped behind her back. “Nope.”
“Suzui?” Mary interrogated further, glaring suspiciously at the boy.
“N-no!” Ryota held his hands in front of his chest defensively.
“And Ririka had nothing to do with it either, nor Itsuki…” Mary grumbled, looking down at the returned texts on her phone. “I don’t like this.”
“You won’t open it?” Yumeko asked, eyebrows arched.
“Why would I look into a random bag with no indication as to who the sender is? In this crazy school? I don’t think so. I’m not stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s fine Mary. How bad could it be?” Yumeko asked, skimming her fingers over the handle of the bag.
Mary crossed her arms. “It could be a trap. I’m not opening it.”
“Hmm… then I will take the gamble. I wouldn’t want to see this gift go to waste.” Yumeko stuck her hand into the back and was mildly disappointed to to only find a pack of pens. Granted they were really nice gel-ink pens, but for all the fuss Mary was making, Yumeko found it very underwhelming.
“Pens? Who the hell would want to give me pens?” Mary asked aloud, not really expecting an answer, but Ryota helpfully chimed in.
“Oh, weren’t you upset yesterday because you misplaced your favorite pen?”
“I wasn’t upset, just annoyed.” Mary clarified, because it was a very important distinction to her for some reason. “But the point is, if neither of you did it, then who? I only talked about it with you guys.”
“You were quite expressive about it Mary. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole class heard all of your complaints.” Yumeko teased, taking a seat at her own desk.
Mary glared at Yumeko and then looked down at the paper bag and pens distrustfully. So someone in her class had been eavesdropping on her conversations, hm? Well, Mary didn’t like that one bit. She did however, need new pens, so after carefully inspecting the packaging, she caved in and tore it open, placing the new pens in her pencil case and tossing the garbage out. All the while, she observed the classroom with a watchful eye, wondering which among her classmates gifted them to her and for what reason.
By the next week, Mary had lowered her guard concerning the mysterious gift, finally writing it off as the non-threatening gesture that it was. However, when she entered the classroom, she was faced with another package. This time, it appeared to be a neatly packed bento in a disposable box. Nothing that would give Mary clue nor cause to find the person who left it there.
“Good morning, Mary. Oo! What do you have here?” Yumeko weaved around the desks once she entered the classroom herself. “I thought yesterday you said you wouldn’t have time to make your own lunch today because of that early morning gamble we agreed to. I remember you weren’t looking forward to having to pay for lunch here. Highway robbery, I think is what you called it.”
“I didn’t make this. Someone left it here.”
“This early in the morning?”
Mary’s eyes glinted. It was early, so early, that there were hardly any other students at school. She already suspected one of her classmates. She could go to all the usual dens, see who was around. Process of elimination!
“Outta my way!” Mary stormed past Yumeko and out of the classroom to search the hallways and gambling dens. She found a couple of her fellow second year Hana classmates, but when pressed, they all claimed not to know what she was talking about. They couldn’t even offer up any possible culprits in their place. It was aggravating.
“Did you find your secret gift giver?” Yumeko asked once Mary strode back into the classroom.
“No.” She grumbled and crossed her arms. “Not yet anyway.”
Mary arrived just before classes begun that morning, noting that the rest of her classmates had filed into their seats. She slid into her seat and exhaled into her hands, rubbing them together vigorously. It had snowed last night, and the gloves she usually wore had a hole in one of them. She would wear them anyway, but in this school with its snooty, rich students, it would be a death sentence, so she would have to go without until she could get new ones… or until her secret gift giver did. And this time, she would be ready.
After going about her day, casually mentioning the weather and how cold her hands were to Yumeko and Ryota, she felt she has successfully planted the bait. She would catch them this time.
The next morning, she arrived to school early and hid in the corner of the classroom. She had reason to believe the gift would be dropped off at her desk like the times before, but she also rigged a small camera in her shoe locker just in case they switched it up and decided to put the gift in there. They must surely know she’s onto them by now after all.
Mary was almost falling asleep the the corner when the back classroom door slid open and she jolted awake. She stayed hidden, watching the figure step into the dark classroom. They crept to Mary’s desk and deposited a small box and that was exactly what Mary had been waiting for. Before the person could exit the classroom again as if they had never been there, Mary turned on the light.
“Ah!” (Y/n) yelped and tripped over one of the desk chairs, tumbling to the floor.
Mary cursed and strode over, “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah…” (Y/n) rubbed their ankle. “I’m fine…”
“Good.” Mary punched their shoulder.
“Why are you sneaking around and leaving stuff for me on my desk?”
“I know you well enough that I know you wouldn’t accept the gifts if I tried to give them directly so I thought it was best to remain anonymous.” They rubbed their arm anxiously.
“You looking for favors?” Mary asked suspiciously.
“What? No!” (Y/n) gawked, “Of course not!”
“Then why are you doing this?”
(Y/n) flustered, “I just wanted to do some nice things for you because… well, because I like you and I think you’re awesome. I didn’t think you’d want anything grand so I listened to what you would tell your friends and got you little things that I thought you’d like or find useful. You aren’t mad… are you?”
It was Mary’s turn to fluster now, having (Y/n)’s concerned eyes looking up at her from the floor.
“N-no! Why would I be mad? Get off of the floor, you look pathetic.” Mary tugged (Y/n) to their feet. “I just think it was weird, that’s all.”
“Oh…” (Y/n) looked down at the floor and Mary internally slapped herself.
“Not bad weird just—“ she groaned, “thank you,” she murmured, “for the pens and the lunch and stuff. It was very thoughtful. I just don’t like surprises or mysteries. I have to deal with enough guessing games when at least one person tries to cheat me in every gamble.”
“I understand.” They smiled shyly and then picked up the thin box they had on Mary’s desk. “Then, here. This is from me… although, I guess that’s pretty clear now.”
“You don’t have to give me this you know.”
“I know, but I want to.” They smiled and presented her with the box, “Please, open it.”
Mary exhaled and took the box into her hands. She slid the ribbon off and popped the lid off, revealing a pair of warm-looking gloves. Pastel polka-dots with a cream base.
“I didn’t know what color would be best… but then I saw these and they reminded me of your thermos. Do you like them?”
Mary slipped one onto her hand. It felt almost as warm as her face felt in that moment.
“They’re more durable then I thought they would be just by looking at them. They’re really nice. I like them, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” (Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief.
It was quiet for a long moment and then Mary cleared her throat.
“It’s so damn early that I haven’t had breakfast yet. Want to come with?”
“To the cafeteria?”
“Hell no,” Mary waved her hand, “that’s highway robbery. We’re going to the convenience store.”
“Sounds like fun.” (Y/n) followed her out of the classroom.
“Great, let’s go then. I need coffee.”
Mary slipped the second glove on and put her coat back on and they walked out of the school together. She was definitely going to treat (Y/n) to a couple warm treats once they arrived at their destination.
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azurlily · 9 months
Can I request mary dating hc’s
Yes and for some reason my tumblr us acting weird and not letting me format things normally. This won't have smut unless specificly requested. Idk here you gooo. Completely UNEDITED.
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Mary Satome Headcannons
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As a partner Mary acts much like she does with Yumeko. Except kinder, or in some cases meaner. When first meeting you she doesn't know how to act, does she like you or hate you? Does her heart beat too fast and she cant look at you? What's wrong with her?!
Mary's love for you is unconditional, and I truly mean unconditional. She's slightly obsessed, she sees you as being able to do no harm. (Even if you're worse than her.)
As a girlfriend, Mary definitely gives you gifts a lot. She feels the need to make up for being mean all the time, and she sees this as a good way. If you're the type to not accept gifts like that, she will pester you until you do.
As a girlfriend, Mary enjoys holding you hand. She doesn't care about the approval of others as much when she's around you. She trusts you not to hurt her, and this us one of her ways of showing trust. She gives you more than she has and never regrets it.
Mary is still rude as a girlfriend, that'll never change. Although she's rude for completely different reasons. If you happen to not be eating, sleeping, or you just aren't taking good care of yourself. Be prepared to get yelled at, she doesn't care who it's in front of.
Mary does enjoy flirting with you, seeing your face get red and seeing you look away gives her a rush. Sometimes she'll just hug you and/or kiss your forehead. Although those are reserved for private time.
Mary hates when Yumeko hugs you. She'll pull the girl off and hug you, it's almost like a python restricting you. She's more touchy than usual, feeling the (unnecessary) need to stake her claim over you.
As a girlfriend, Mary gamble's against you over stupid things. Unlike Yumeko, the stakes aren't stupidly high. No, she just wants to pay for the date, but if you want to pay this time... well she'll make you gamble with her. And when you lose (because let's be honest you're not that good) you have to let her pay, and deal with the shame of losing.
As a girlfriend, Mary also gambles with you. The two of you will sit side by side, while Yumeko and Ryota sit in front of you. Yumeko and Mary joke about how it's a friendly game, but halfway through you're not so sure anymore. In fact you worry about playing against Yumeko at all times.
Mary hates it when the president comes with a 50 foot radius of you. Not even joking, she'd threaten Kirari over you. Of course she'd be scared as hell while doing it, but she isn't letting that bitch anywhere near you. She also hates Ririka coming near you at first too, over time that changes.
"I dont love you, love is a very strong- I'm lying! Dont cry please- my god!"
There has definitely been a time when she's said something along those lines. You cried and her reaction switched up real quick. She was apologizing like never before, and that memory will be ingrained in her mind forever. She hates the idea of you not loving her, and she hates herself for saying that.
Mary takes you on dates like it's nobodies business! That girl would spend every dime she had to make sure you're happy. Then she'd make the money back by gambling with some idiots. Higher stakes probably, and she'd bring Yumeko to watch. She'd bring you too, but that's so you can see her in action.
Speaking of, as a girlfriend, Mary loves your validation. She literally lives for it. If you tell she did anything right, she's thinking about it all day. Sure, she acts like it isn't a big deal, but Mary treasures you more than herself.
So I'm gonna circle back to the being mean thing. So before the two of you dated, Mary wasn't the nicest towards you. She didn't treat you like a house pet, but she was a bully. She'd made you cry at least once, and while she personally couldn't tell how she felt. Mary knew she didn't like seeing you cry.
Of course, because you has to build trust, Mary has to earn it. Mary had visited you in your classroom, giving you small tips on gambling or maybe even just talking to you. She enjoyed her time with you, and would usually leave the classrooms as red as a tomato. It's not her fault you're so kind to her!
Mary definitely made you gamble her and the agreement would be like: 'you have to do whatever she says for a week if you lose and vice versa.' Mary had pretty much forcer you to go on dates with her, and by the end of the week she'd ask you out. She gave you the chance to say no, but you didn't and that made her all the happier.
After that there were many bumps in the road of yalls relationship, just like any other. You two were ready though, and hell you could maybe just imagine marrying this girl. Maybe.
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amirixoxo · 1 year
Could you do Mary Alastor Angel Mic and Blitzo with a reader that sing swing style songs.
OFC!wow wasn’t expecting and crossover fics but that’s super cool! Great ask!
Mary, Alastor, Angel dust , Blitzø and Mic x gn!Swing singer
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. Okay personally I think behind the tough girl act she’s actually really soft and sweet, a romantic if you will
. She will lay her head in your lap while you play with her hair and sing to her
. She LOVES your voice
. Mrs girl will do anything to hear it
. gets you all kinds of gigs
. takes you shopping for outfits
. “ don’t worry about price. I’ll pay .” . Will not have it any other way
. goes to as many gigs as she can
. brings her friends too
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. You meet him at a gig
. definitely acted like critic the first time he met you
. “ you didn’t live during that era did you darling~?”
. until you (metaforicly) bared your teeth at the one and only radio demon
. “ if your gonna be such a dam critic ‘radio dick face at least let it be helpful. I know what I got and I know how to use it! My music is my music! Got anything else to say?!”
. he will never admit it to you but that is the exact moment
. Invited you onto his show after that
. To you he seemed to start to like you because he kept having you back
. after you start dating he’s gonna be a lot softer
. “ I found this while I was out! I think it would suit you well, because I found you a opening at one of the more upper bars “
. as implied gets you gigs
. always at gigs in the front row. Doesn’t want any low life getting ideas
. definitely has preformed with you a few times
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Angel . Probably meet him through work
. reminds him of his childhood in a way
. well the small positive parts of it
. you two dress up all the time
.“ hey toots does this dress make my ass look big “
. you two lend clothes to each other all the time
. you also make music together
. Angel can get emotional so when he’s down you sing to him for comfort
. “ ya know your really good at that. … thanks dollface.”
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. Met you while staking M&M
. bumped into him backstage
. knows a lot about show business so vent to him if you please
. definitely didn’t steal any of your dresses
.“ hey blitz have you seen my- oh!”
.“ don’t I look sexy “
. “ you look great hun but I need my dress “
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. His energy when he finds out you sing
. Invites you on his radio show all the time
. “ wow! You look stunning honeybee !”
. you are all mic talks about
. Aizawa hates you for it
. Speaking of Aizawa, Mic drags him to your shows every chance he can
. Introduces you to Jirou
. Who helps you with recording and other things
. used your music in a poetry unit for his class
I hope that I did it justice and you enjoyed signing off
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... I may have decided to include Kakegurui characters to the list of x reader/ headcanons...
Here's the list:
Yumemi Jabami;
Mary Saotome;
Itsuki Sumeragi;
Kirari Momobami;
Ririka Momobami;
Sayaka Igarashi;
Runa Yomotsuki;
Midari Ikishima;
Kaede Manyuda;
Yumemi Yumemite;
Terano Totobami;
Erimi Mushibami;
Miyo Inbami;
Miri Yobami;
Sumika Warakubami/ Kawaru Natari;
Nozomi Konebami;
Miraslava Honebami;
Ibara Obami;
Rin Obami.
You can ask as many characters as you want, I'll gladly answer them 💕
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mirobami · 2 years
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TERANO TOTOBAMI: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
RIN OBAMI: 1, 2, 3. 
RIRIKA MOMOBAMI: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  
SUMIKA WARAKUBAMI: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
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cherxyx · 1 year
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summary: Which Kakegurui characters would mostly likely do this…relationship edition
warnings: The reader is mixed, chubby, and has curly hair. It’s suggestive a little bit but I don’t go into detail, pet names (good girl, lil brat), gambling, lesbian reader, GUN USEAGE IN A INAPPROPRIATELY WAY
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Which one to…needs their favorite girl to give them an enjoyable reward after winning a game. While you give them hickeys, they mostly grab your ass even if it can’t all fit in their hands.
MARY SAOTOME, Runa Yomozuki, Kirari Momobami
Which on to…When you're struggling to feel at your best, leaves praises about your appearance and personality. Even sends a note with your favorite foods.
Runa Yomozuki, MIDARI IKISHIMA (hear me out), Yumeko Jabami, Sayaka Igarashi
⚠️Before continue you are consenting to suggestive content ⚠️
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Which one to…Make you pleasure yourself while filming while in front of a mirror. Commenting with the phrase "good girl, cum for me princess"
Yumeko Jabami, Itsuki Sumeragi, Kirari Momobami
Which one to…overstimulate you to the point when all that you can do is stutter-cry and pass out. “Don't pass out on me at this point, you brat, I'm not through with you,” they say while they grab you aggressively by the face.
MIDARI IKISHIMA, Sayaka Igarashi, Runa Yomozuki, Mary Saotome, Yumeko Jabami
Which one to…Fuck you with a gun.
Midari Ikishima
Which one to…play with your belly and make sure to give you kisses all over.
All of them
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
S/O always wins the matches out of lucky
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Yumeko, Mary, Suzui ]
[ Kakegurui Compulsive gambler ]
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This idea get stick in my head for a while and I finally get the oportunity to write it!! Yeey
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Yumeko Jabami
Your streak when winning bets was what atracted her in the first time. When you confessed to her that it was for your lucky she got surprised and quickly excited, now she wants to see more! For Yumeko isn't really difficult to believe that is lucky
She notice that you actually wins don't all the time, whenever you actually lose a bet is because it was something insignificant or becouse the next one will give you something much better
Yumeko doesn't really undestand how your lucky works, but it doesn't matter, she just want to see more of it, and, of course, she is always encouring you to take risk to see how your lucky will work this time!
Also, she will drag you around the school to try differents games to see how your lucky works in everyone
One time you confessed to her that you didn't even know how to play the game you just already win, hearing that make her super excited and even proud!
She isn't really worried about you becoming a pethouse, your lucky always help you to avoid it, and even if you get to be one its just part of the fun of taking risks (and in the end you will get away from this)
If your lucky works outside of the gambling too she gets really excited of see how is that will favor you. You two even start making bets of how you thing your lucky will favor you that day
If you somehow favor her with your luck she will thank you but tell you that it isn't need it!
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Mary Saotome
Seen that you always win make her suspicious, Are you cheating? Some kind of trick? If is it you should stop before someone catch you, or at least hide it well
But lucky is an answer she wasn't expectin, and she won't take it either, but when you insist that it is lucky she will give up in questioning you, just saying that you should be careful
The more she sees you gamble the she is confused, Mary can't bring herself to understand how the hell you do it, but she refuse to accept that is for your good luck
The day she finally accept it it was after you win a gamble once again you go to her and confessed that you didn't even know how to play the game that you just won
She get shocked but quickly drag you away from everyone to scold you about it, more than mad she's worried. She told you that you shouldn't trust neither depend that much in your "lucky"
Mary won't stop you from gambling (thats how the school works after all) but will make you promise that you'll be more smart and careful with the gambling and your lucky, no taking too much risk (even try to get you away from Yumeko)
She may don't admite out loud, but she's scare that you will end as a housepet, Mary HATES that system and will hate if you end being a victim of it too
If your lucky works outside of the gambling too she will most of the time just brush it off, she will never admit but she's really intrigued
In the case you somehow use your lucky to favor her she will get flustered and scold you, saying that you shouldn't doing things like that and she already told you to not depend in your lucky, but at the end will shyly thank you
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Ryota Suzui
Lucky or not he always gets worried whenever you gamble. Suzui has been a housepet for a long time, if it wasn't for Yumeko's help he would still be a pet, and he will hate for you to have that fate too
But when he start noticing that you win every gamble he start thinking that you're a prodigy or super smart, like Yumeko or Mary
When you tell him that it was actually lucky he's shocked, he just stares at you for a moment and ask you to repeat yourself, maybe he just misheard you! But when you tell him that is really lucky he panic a little and ask you a million of things
It took him a while to calm down, but at the end he will accept it. Even now that he know you have an incredibly luck he still worries about you
Suzui follow you around whenever you go to gamble, most of the time he gets super nervous but try to calm himself down, he believes in you and your lucky!
He always try to convince you to not take risk, but if you really wants he won't stop you, just watch and wish you the best
Once, after winning a match you tell him that you don't even know how to play the game you just played and he almost faint! In that moment he gets all panic and beg you to not gamble anymore, at least for the rest of the day
If your luck help you outside of the games too it will take him a while to notice, and even so whenever your lucky works it surprise him (in a good way)
If you ever use your luck to favor him Suzui will get super flustered! Thanking you a million of times, but also saying that you don't have to do that (just for his shyness)
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schoolsecretary · 2 months
~ "Oh my... This soundtrack is soooo good for poker app!... Yuriko should notice this, I think so... YEAAAAH she would like it."
- (...)
- Okay... What will happen if I try to change the combination and do...
- Ikishima.. Do you want to talk at our party this Friday? Suzui and Mary will wait us in their apartment. Will you join us?
- Midari, I don't want to gamble with you anymore without any reason, but I feel that you can be a good person. I made a decision, you can join our gambling family... I think, that you will help me to gamble with Kirari again...~
- Only Kirari... Again. Seriously. YUUUMEKOOOO...
- No. She was only my gamble partner. Always.
- Ikishima. Shut up. I've come here to you only for a serious talk. President election is still available. Forget about student council. We are friends now. We can be more than gamble partners... Try to think about others, not only about yourself. Don't behave yourself this way. Do you understand?
- Yumeko. . .
- But I will wait for you in our room! This Friday! You and me, Mary and Suzui. Oh.. And one important thing.
- Don't forget about Nishinotoin-san... Mary Saotome wants to see her at our party too. See you soon.
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📌📂 https://pin.it/6jzGVF4Ri
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umeumeumee · 4 months
Hello everyone!… I’d like to briefly apologize for my absence of posting… basically, i’ve been struggling on deceidng which fic i should work on. i have several ideas/requests in my drafts that are either completely done, partway done, barely done, or have just been drafted and there’s like nothing there. i’m hoping that this pole will help me decide what to finish up!
P.S i put this pole for 1 week when i meant to put it for a day. sooo… I’ll post something tomorrow or the day after <3!!
bruh this list could go on forever so please vote😭😭😭😭
incase you don’t believe me, here’s proof…
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release me
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hangesdarling · 6 months
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⁀➷⊹ ࣪ ˖~. kakegurui masterlist ♤
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💋 - smut, 🍷 - angst, 🎀 - fluff, 🌷- suggestive
♤ midari ikishima
she's all mine — 💋 | 2.1k words | Midari and Kirari are trying to win you as their housepet.
pillow fort — 🎀 | 1.1k words | Midari comforting you through transition pains.
bad idea — 💋🎀 | 1.9k words | Crossing paths with Midari may have been a bad idea at first.
♤ kirari momobami
she's all mine — 💋 | 2.1k words | Midari and Kirari are trying to win you as their housepet.
♤ rei batsubami — [nothing yet]
♤ mary saotome
Yumeko and Mary with a shorter girlfriend... 🎀
♤ yumeko jabami
deception — 🎀 | 1.0k words | You’re a housepet that caught Yumeko’s attention.
Yumeko and Mary with a shorter girlfriend... 🎀
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⁀➷⊹ ࣪ ˖~. requests are open! ♡ || rules when requesting
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hello! can i req a Mary Satome x fem! reader where reader is oblivious to mary’s hints and clues? maybe mary says onetime like “maybe we can be more than friends, y/n.” and she’s like “omg! so like bffs??” and mary’s like Omfg and leaves, maybe later, idk like mary kisses the reader and she’s like “HUH” idk how to end it but maybe something cute at the end? Ty!!
What Isn’t Clicking?
Mary Saotome x She/Her Reader
A/N: Thanks for the cute request. Hope you like the result! Word Count: 900
“Oh my god, Mary! You did it!” (Y/n) stood from her chair so fast, it scrapped against the floor. She wrapped her arms snuggly around Mary’s rigid shoulders and hugged her tightly, even shaking her a bit in her excitement.
“You totally saved my life! What would I do without you?”
“You’d have a tag around your neck and have not a single yen to your name, probably.” Mary grumbled, her cheeks just a tad rosy from the attention. She attempted to distract herself by counting and neatly packing away their winnings.
“So true bestie. Gambling is hard enough without everyone trying to cheat all the time. I barely knew the rules as they stood, so they shouldn’t have felt the need to try to cheat at all! Good thing I can count on you to tell me what’s up, you’re the best.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Mary held (Y/n) out at arms length so she could get up from her seat, but did not protest when (Y/n) looped her arms around one of hers only a moment later when they exited the gambling den. “Let’s get lunch.”
They left their competition to wallow with their heads in their hands, (Y/n) still singing praises on Mary’s behalf. When (Y/n) began turning in the direction of the cafeteria, Mary pulled her back on the path to the school’s main entrance.
“Let’s go out to eat, I don’t feel like dealing with Yumeko and Ryota today. It’ll be my treat.”
“Really? Another reason why you are my best friend to add to the list!” (Y/n) grinned.
Mary inhaled deeply. Now might be a good time to finally broach the subject she had been working up the courage to ask about for nearly a half a year.
“Do you ever think about being more than friends?”
(Y/n) blinked twice, then smiled wide… oh, here it comes! She must be going to say yes with a smile that cute! Mary felt like her heart just might pop out of her chest.
“Like best friends forever?” The clueless reply came and for the first time since they met, Mary felt compelled to shake her like a rag doll. She took another deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“That’s not what I meant. At all.”
“What did you mean then?” (Y/n) titled her head to the side, “Super mega ultra best friends for ever? Hey, why are you walking so much faster all of the sudden?” (Y/n) picked up the pace so she could keep up with Mary’s stiff strides.
“Let’s just play the quiet game until we get to the restaurant.” Mary needed some time to recover from this new level of obliviousness (Y/n) had just unlocked.
“Ooo, this place is nice. Look at all these couples. It kinda looks like they’re all on dates.” (Y/n) chuckled.
Mary chose to ignore her observation in favor of checking in with the host. They were then ushered to a table and left alone with the menus.
“You actually had a reservation? When did you start planning this?” (Y/n) asked.
“A couple weeks ago.”
“Well, I think it’s really sweet that you decided to let me tag along. You try not to act so sentimental, but you really are a softy at heart. It’s been hard to find a moment to relax since Yumeko came along and Ryota can be so awkward. I never know what to say to him.”
“It’s been harder to spend time alone with you since those two idiots started tagging along, that’s for sure.” Mary grumbled.
“Aww, you really like me that much?”
“Yes,” she answered a bit harshly, “I like you more than I like anyone else.”
“Careful Mary,” (Y/n) giggled, “People might think you reeeeeaallllly like me if you keep saying nice things like that.”
“Oh, for the love of god!” Mary spoke loud enough that some of the other patrons turned to look her way as she stood to lean over the table and grab (Y/n) by the front of her jacket. “Just get over here!”
She pulled (Y/n) further over the table and kissed her hard. When she pulled away, she found a baffled look had washed over (Y/n)’s face. When she let go of (Y/n)’s jacket to sit back down, (Y/n) just sort of fell back instead of consciously deciding to sit.
“Oh,” she breathed, realization finally dawning, “oh, oh wow.”
“Do you get it now?” Mary blushed, the reality of her impulsive decision had finally hit her.
“Do you really mean it?”
“Why would I kiss you if I didn’t want to?”
“I don’t know! I just never thought you felt that way!”
“Well, not like I haven’t been pretty obvious this whole time. So… so what do you think? Was that okay? Did you like that?”
(Y/n) nodded, then said, “Yeah, yeah I did. Could we maybe… do it again?”
“Yeah… but maybe not right now.”
Mary’s eyes flicked to the side and (Y/n) felt her cheeks warm when she followed her eyes to the various patrons who were looking their way.
“Yeah, maybe later.” She whispered.
The rest of lunch went without incident and they left hand in hand and satisfied. When they returned to the school gates, (Y/n) pulled Mary towards the trees with a smile that held a bit of mischief. They may have arrived late to class sometime later.
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azurlily · 1 year
Mary Saotome Masterlist
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Forbidden Love| Mary x Ririka
Deating Headcannons
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amirixoxo · 1 year
Love your stuff how about a mary midari and yumiko with a demon reader that prey on gamblers and greedy people please. ^-^
sorry this took so long I’ve been dealing with some stuff as of lately but I hope you enjoy
Mary Midari and Yumiko with a greed demon reader
Mary Satome
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. You had been following Mary for a long time
. With her excess of winning and cheating you were just waiting for her to cross the line and take her soul
. but… it changed when Yumiko came along
. She had changed but you kept an eye on her
. until the time her and Yumiko tricked that douche bag into loosing
. you could tell she changed
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. You never really wanted her soul
. In a way she was pure
. The same with Mary you changed your mind about her and decided to slide a few tricks for her opponents to fall into
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. You should of had her soul a long time ago
. but something always stoped you
. the way she acted while playing was… odd to say the least. Yet, charming
. needles to say you didn’t step im physically but she would pay for it in the end
again I am soooo so sorry this took so long and I hope you enjoyed it
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Mary Satomen, a gambler, who loved money possessed something of greater means than money. That possession of hers were you. No matter, how much she denied you brought her the most joy, in her uneventful life. A sunshine, to her darkness.
The best thing about you? It was your hugs, when she would melt in them. Nuzzling her head, inhaling your scent. To have you in her arms, was a luxury not everyone possessed.
She loves to be the small spoon-it gives her a feeling of comfort. A feeling that she does not have to prove herself to anyone, to you. She loved how warm they were, how your warmth made her day better. To have you in an embrace, which no one would get was a luxury which everyone did not possess.
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mirobami · 2 years
Hmmm what about 💛 with Mary? Would be nice :D
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♣ CHARACTER: m. saotome
♣ HC:💛  
♣ A/N: HEYYYY this might be my first platonic request omg i’m so excited
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MARY texts you all the drama and she even takes you out somewhere so that she fills you in on everything. You know that meme that goes “when you’re spilling tea and the tea walks past you”? That’s you two. She’s the one that knows everything and the second she hears something, she’s sprinting to tell you. You have a crush on someone or an enemy? She’s writing everything down and she’s telling you everything. She tells no one else, only you. You two have the best gossip sessions and even have whole sleepovers where it’s you two talking about everything that is going on in the school. Bonding time at its finest.
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