#Masa Festival
julculture · 10 months
Masa Festival 2024 / L’appel à candidature ouvert jusqu’au 30 octobre
Dans le cadre de la 13ème édition du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (Masa Festival), un appel à candidature est ouvert au profit des compagnies et artistes africains ou de la diaspora pour participer à ladite édition.
Dans le cadre de la 13ème édition du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (Masa Festival), un appel à candidature est ouvert au profit des compagnies et artistes africains ou de la diaspora pour participer à ladite édition. Du 13 avril au 20 avril 2024. C’est la période durant laquelle va se tenir la 13ème édition du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (Masa Festival). Cette édition va se…
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music-musou · 3 months
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malibuzz · 6 months
MASA 2024 | Les 69 artistes sélectionnés connus
Ce sont au total, 69 artistes et groupes artistiques originaires de 19 pays qui ont été retenus dans la sélection officielle du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (MASA), prévu du 13 au 20 avril 2024. Au siège du Masa, sis à la Rue Toussaint Louverture à Abidjan – Plateau, Comité Artistique International (CAI) a retenu ce 14 décembre : 20 groupes artistiques en musique, 06 en théâtre, 14 en…
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nobuyukikakigi · 2 years
ここ福岡ではようやく秋の深まりが肌で感じられるようになってきましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。来たる11月24日(木)の19:00より、七月に上梓した拙著『燃エガラからの思考──記憶の交差路としての広島へ』(インパクト出版会)をめぐって、中国文芸研究会──その読書会のことは、拙著第二部の「残余の文芸のために」に書かれています──の行友太郎さんとオンラインで対談します。広島/ヒロシマの現在を「軍都」の歴史を踏まえながら問い、「破局の残骸を継ぎ合わせ、核の普遍史に抵抗する連帯の場を開く」(帯文)ことを追究する思考を芸術論を中心にまとめた拙著を紹介する機会を設けてくださった誠品生活日本橋の神谷康宏さんに心より感謝申し上げます。 一緒に観たテント芝居──『図書新聞』第3564号に行友さんが寄稿された今夏の野戦之月の公演「TOKIOネシア荒屋敷予想《鯨のデーモス》」の劇評「分解は止まらない」は…
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acumtv · 2 years
ȘTIRILE ACUM TV | 30-31.08.2022
ȘTIRILE ACUM TV | 30-31.08.2022
Știrile județului Bacău Iată care sunt cele mai importante titluri ale ediției: – Blues in the Garden Festival – un succes – Comanesti – 34 de cupluri au fost premiate cu diploma ”Model de Viata” – Peste 400 de elevi din Gura Văii vor avea masa calda in scoli
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thinkwinwincom · 2 years
¿Qué pasará cuando China desaparezca del cine popular?
¿Qué pasará cuando China desaparezca del cine popular?
Una captura de pantalla de la película. Regreso al polvoque se retiró de la transmisión en China pero todavía está disponible a través de copias pirateadas de YouTube.Captura de pantalla: YouTube Regreso al polvo, la película que causó revuelo en China como un éxito durmiente, fue retirada sin ceremonias de los servicios de transmisión en el país ayer, según múltiples informes en las redes…
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x0401x · 1 month
Tsurune —Tsunagari no Issha— Official Fanbook: Character Highlights
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Minato's Highlight
Things Gained and Things Lost
After overcoming target panic, Minato is filled with joy at becoming able to shoot the bow as he wishes, to the point he ends up preocupied with nothing but archery and doesn't put his mind into the sports tournament. And so, he is caught up in the desire to "shoot well", to "shoot more and more" at the regionals, not as a team but just by himself. As a result, he becomes overly conscious of Shuu and Nikaidou's shooting and loses sight of his own.
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"I'll leave him speechless!"
After the regional tournament, Masaki forbids Minato of shooting. He instead draws the rubber bow every day, just as he did back when he still had target panic, yet he takes it positively, declaring that he will "leave Masa-san speechless!". The biggest difference from when he was troubled by his target panic is that he now has friends to support him. As the ochi of Kazemai and for the sake of said friends, he takes on the task he has been given straightforwardly.
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Those Who Aim For the Top
Minato and Shuu have been deepening their bond through their bows ever since they were being instructed by Saionji. They acknowledge each other as comrades who have continued to shoot together. Their opportunities to draw the bow in each other's presence are limited, as they currently belong to different teams, but the bond that was connected through archery has remained unchanged from when they were children. As people who walk the same path and who are aiming for the top, they are conscious of one another.
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Seiya's Highlight
President and Vice-President Duo
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Seiya tends to get tunnel vision when it comes to Minato. Kaito is the only one in Kazemai who notices this. Seiya, too, is the only one who through what's inside Kaito, so when Kaito has a falling out with Nanao, Seiya urges him on with a, "Fight, Onogi Kaito", intentionally speaking in a way that Kaito would appreciate. They acknowledge one another as president and vice-president and balance each other out.
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Hardworking Person
As he was refused by Saionji to become her disciple, Seiya began doing archery in middle school. He kept training by himself while learning from Minato, earning enough skill in a short time to be able to line up with Minato and Shuu. Moreover, he boosts a stable hit rate in matches, so much so that Sase describes him as having a strong mentality. He supports the team as the club president and as the "naka" out of the five archers.
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Ryouhei's Highlight
"Archery's what matters most to me right now!"
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Blessed with a good physique, Ryouhei is actually a kendo dan holder. He is selected as the MVP of the archery club for winning the kendo section of the sports club against a senior, who had been undefeated for two years. While he certainly does have a vocation for kendo, it seems fighting opponents does not sit well with him. By the looks of it, archery, where one has to face oneself in a match rather than an opponent, is what suits him best.
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Realistic Words
Upon seeing Sae and Toujou in trouble at the regional tournament's venue, he immediately went to talk to them. He is so naturally considerate of others that Seo calls him a "natural-born nice guy". Moreover, when he visits the Fujiwara residence, he is able to tell Shuu, "So your family's rooting for you, huh" exactly as he thinks. Rouhei's honest words and actions move people's hearts without him even realizing it.
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Kaito's Highlight
All-Out Only!
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Kaito, who does not tolerate half-heartedness in anything, dashes out at full throttle even in the soccer match of the sports festival! Seiya cleverly takes advantage of this, making him run around too much and collapse from lack of stamina in the latter half of the game. He is the type of person to work hard and diligently at everything he does, but his stubborn attitude and rough behavior often cause him to clash with those around him, who tend to think that he is "scary".
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A Caring Personality
After the regional tournament, he immediately noticed that Ryouhei was not in good spirits and called out to him, for he has a caring nature and an inability to leave people to their own devices when they are troubled. He is also skillful with his hands, enough to be able to fix the central part of Nanao's bow, and is the second best cook amongst the Kazemai boys after Minato. When Nanao, who is good at getting people to spoil him, asks Kaito for a favor, Kaito often ends up looking after him without even realizing it.
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Loss and Pride
When the ochi, Minato, messed up the rhythm of the shooting at the regional tournament, Kaito was greatly affected, for he is supposed to follow after Minato as the oomae. The old Kaito would have probably lashed out at Minato, but due to his pride from being entrusted with the position of oomae, the first of the team to shoot, he insists that he was the one at fault. Although he understands that Nanao's argument is right, he ends up trying to shoulder everything by himself due to being so serious about it.
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Nanao's Highlight
The True Hero
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At first glance, it might seem like he enjoys being flashy due to his striking looks, but Nanao himself actually believes that "the true hero is the support role from behind the scenes", rather than someone who stands in the front and sticks out. He often acts out of consideration for others, doing things such as supporting his team with accurate tosses during the volleyball match of the sports festival, or calling Kaito out for trying to take all the blame for the loss against Tsujimine.
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Someone He Can't Afford to Lose to
Whenever Nanao gets into trouble, Kaito helps him, and whenever Kaito is faced with a problem, Nanao takes him by the hand... Ever since they were little, he and Kaito have had what was supposed to be a mutually supportive relationship. However, at some point, he began to think that he has to be by "Kacchan's" side. In order to take care of Kaito, he has to be ahead of him – his rivalry with Kaito is what motivates him.
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Shuu's Highlight
"I won't let anyone get in our way."
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Minato is special to Shuu, enough that when Nikaidou suddenly came up to him to pick a quarrel in elementary school, he responded by declaring, "I'll never let anyone else get in our way"—his first-ever rival. They are sworn friends aiming for the same heights and competing with each other. It is not as if they are together all the time like regular friends, but he is lonely when he is not able to see Minato at the dojo. Despite him rarely showing emotion outwardly, when Minato was unable to come to the dojo due to the car accident, gloom was visible on Shuu's face.
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No Intention to Let Go
When Sae says she wants to watch the archery tournament, Shuu says he "doesn't want her to see him fail". He was recalling the bitter memory of the prefecturals. He had been on a hit streak since the preliminaries and only missed the last shot. His heart was stolen by Minato's shooting, and for a moment, his mind distanced itself from his bow... He never intends to let go of it again. Before the regional tournament, which would determine who would compete in the nationals, Shuu renewed his resolution.
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Distance from His Family
Shuu, who used to conceptualize "family" as a different category than "friends" and "clubmates", was somewhat embarrassed to let his family watch the archery tournaments. However, thanks to Sae telling him that she enjoyed watching his match and their busy father rushing to attend the national tournament, Shuu's internal sense of distance from his family gradually began to change.
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julculture · 5 months
Masa Festival 2024 / Cybelline de Souza retenue dans la sélection officielle
Du 13 au 28 avril 2024, Abidjan va abriter la 13ème édition du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (Masa Festival). Dans la selection officielle dudit marché, la candidature de Cybelline de Souza a été retenue. C’est sa première participation et elle..
Du 13 au 28 avril 2024, Abidjan va abriter la 13ème édition du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (Masa Festival). Dans la selection officielle dudit marché, la candidature de Cybelline de Souza a été retenue. C’est sa première participation et elle y sera avec une pièce de théâtre qui est une autre forme de spectacle mettant en exergue le corps. “Que nos voix résonnent”. Tel est l’e titre…
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jamgrlsart · 6 months
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“Festive Foods” for @toh-holiday-kingo !!
Here’s two of our favorite moms supervising the preparation of holiday foods!!
Eda and King are making moon and star cookies to celebrate the Winter Solstice! (It’s a Clawthorne family recipe; I wish I could replicate it, but fairy eyes are in short supply where I live.)
The Nocedas are making Pasteles de Masa, a common Christmas food in Puerto Rico, a tradition passed down by Manny 😍. (This is something you can easily find a recipe for online if you want to give it a try! Set aside a good chunk of time.) (They are basically rectangles of root/plantain paste with savory fillings that are wrapped in plantain leaves and tied into little parcels to be boiled and eaten en masse. Kind of like tamales but nothing like tamales 😂.) (Look, as soon as I saw that Puerto Rican flag in Thanks to Them, I claimed Manny and now the Nocedas are doing all the Puerto Rican traditions.)
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holespoles · 4 months
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"Seimei Shrine, dedicated to the Heian-era yin-yang master Abe no Seimei"
Today, 3 March, is the festival of the Jyoushi. The Tale of Genji, Suma no Maki (chapter of Suma-direcrtion) describes inviting yin-yang masters to perform purification ceremonies during the Joushi Purification. In Japan, the custom of purifying and purifying oneself by the riverside in ancient China and the Hina-asobi (Hina-asobi) custom at court were combined during the Heian period (794-1185) and became the custom of the Hina-matsuri (Doll Festival). The photo shows Masa-mori and Hana-mori, which were awarded only this year, arranged in the style of Hina-decorate.
本日3月3日は 上巳の節句 。 源氏物語 須磨の巻には陰陽師を招き上巳の祓を行う描写があります。日本では平安の頃に古代中国の川辺で身を清め祓う習慣と、宮中で行われていた雛あそびが融合し、ひなまつり の風習となったようです。写真は今年限定授与の雅守と華守を並べ、雛飾り風にしてみました。
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diearydayarie · 23 days
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"—'cause I swore no one can survive him. I didn't, for godsake. Damn it."
"Is that supposed to be a bad thing?"
It wasn't supposed to be a bad thing. It was a good thing that i didn't survived the kwon soonyoung. Fakta, fakta, fakta, dan seribu faktanya, aku lega bisa putus hubungan dari kwon soonyoung si ayam kampus. I could never survived him. Aku enggak akan pernah bisa menggantikan peran si pacar perempuan yang menanggung akibat breeding kink-nya. Walaupun, soonyoung menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan bijak (entahlah, apa menikah muda termasuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan bijak?) Aku dengar mereka cukup bahagia, bayi merubah segalanya sepertinya, aku enggak sempat lihat raut wajahnya seperti apa, karena, kasihannya, aku pacar terakhir sebelum istrinya waktu itu. They didn't invite me. Understandable. So i did him a favor, five years ago today, he didn't get the invitation of my wedding as well.
Tapi, sama seperti hubunganku dengan kwon soonyoung, i also didn't survived my ex husband (or is it the other way around?). Too much noises, screaming, crying, dan bayiku enggak bisa tidur nyenyak selama 3 bulan terakhir sebelum kami pisah ranjang dan mulai bicara melalui pengacara kami. Don't worry, the divorce went well. I married him for a reason, I love him for always be the man, the man, the simple man, a man full of responsibility. Hari ini giliran dia yang menjemput anak kami di daycare dan menghabiskan waktu bersama di akhir pekan, sementara aku menikmati festival kampus. Kampus yang sama di mana aku menghabiskan waktu masa mudaku dan kwon soonyoung.
Lana menggaruk tipis hidungnya, "katanya dia bawa anaknya?"
"Yang jebol itu?"
"Bayi, sih, jadi kayaknya bukan," jawabnya. "Anak keduanya? Ketiga? Keempat?"
"And he managed to looked that hot?" Aku menunjuk ke arah panggung, tempat dia dan dua orang teman band-nya manggung. "Not fair, lana. Pasti itu keponakannya."
"Masalahnya, urgensinya apa kalau dia segala bawa keponakannya manggung? Itu bayi, loh, mau keponakannya atau bukan, it's not wise to bring a baby in this crowded, loud place, a festival! Unless he don't have someone to look after his baby that is."
True. Mau pakai teori apapun juga sulit dibantah kalau kenyataannya kwon soonyoung membawa bayi kecil ke kerjaan manggung band-nya. Apa istrinya juga sibuk kerja? Apa nanti aku harus kasih tau dia tempat daycare yang bagus?
Singkat cerita, aku menggunakan privilege sebagai panitia dosen yang bertanggung jawab atas acara ini untuk mampir ke belakang panggung. Toh, aku juga yang sempat merekomendasikan alumni seperti soonyoung untuk masuk ke dalam line-up festival kami.
Responnya, "No way in hell?"
"I know."
Soonyoung tertawa renyah dan apa kata lana tadi? Baby in his arms. Telinga kecilnya dipakaikan pengedap suara yang bentukannya mirip headphone dan bibir kecilnya sedang menyedot botol susu. Aku tersenyum, "reminds me a lot when my baby just this small and i need to bring him everywhere."
Soonyoung balas senyum. "Sehat?"
Aku mengangguk, "sehat," balasku. "Thank you for coming. Tadi keren banget, sama kayak dulu."
"Tadi nonton?"
"Yep," aku mengangguk mengiyakan, "cool as ever."
Soonyoung mengenalkanku dengan dua teman band-nya yang barusan manggung dengannya, kepalaku mencoba mengingat-ingat dua juniorku yang bentuk wajahnya tertinggal di laci memoriku paling belakang, jadi aku bilang, they looked familiar, though, I'm sure I've seen them somewhere, soonyoung mendengus dan berkata dasar memori ikan. Tepat setelah itu, bayinya soonyoung mengeluarkan pup dahsyat.
"Sorry," katanya, di nursery room, di fakultas kedokteran. Dua bola mataku hanya terfokus memerhatikan tangan lihai soonyoung yang mengurus pup, pampers, bola kapas seperti seorang professional.
"She's a baby, what are you sorry for?"
"I know," gumamnya, "hari ini aku banyak repotin orang-orang."
"Gara-gara bayi?"
"Iya," soonyoung mengangkat dua kaki mini bayinya sebelum menempatkan pampers bersih di bawah bokong lembut bayinya. "Ibunya ada jadwal interview. She can't miss it."
"Jadi bener ini keponakan kamu?"
Kepalanya tertoleh kepadaku otomatis, binar matanya terkejut, "hah? She's mine," ujarnya, "my third child."
Ah, soonyoung sudah sampai di panggung yang itu, ya, he's a father of three children. Aku tiba-tiba pengen tertawa terbahak-bahak, tapi sepertinya enggak etis. Jadi, dengan penuh hormat, aku memujinya, "soonyoung, that's amazing."
"Punya tiga anak?"
Aku mau bertanya apa breeding kink-nya telah mengkhianatinya untuk ketiga kalinya, but i don't think it's appropriate, "I mean, i enjoyed the motherhood, but, like, i had one and went through hell. Kamu harus baik-baik sama istrimu."
"Kayaknya aku kurang baik sama dia jadinya kita cerai."
"Oh, fudge."
Dia mendengus, "Yeah, fudge."
"Gak nyangka aku ketemu lagi sama mantanku di situasi janda duda."
Atensinya terbelah lagi dari onesie harimau yang dia keluarkan dari tas bayinya, ke aku, "The fuc—dge?" soonyoung menyumpal pacifier ke mulut bayinya. "Are you fudging with me?"
Aku menunjukkan punggung tangan kananku, gave him a closer look on my empty ring finger, "we were supposed to celebrate the fifth year anniversary today."
Soonyoung menggelengkan kepalanya, almost giggling but for whatever reason, he zip it, "gila."
"That's my line?" ucapku, menatap dua pasang mata kecil yang mengedip-ngedip ke arah langit-langit ruangan. "How old is she?"
"Sepuluh bulan," jawab soonyoung. "Officially divorced when she was seven months old," jarinya menarik zipper onesie bayinya ke atas, lalu mengusap pipi gembulnya lembut, "we were trying to make everything alright, she was the part of the plan—she was the blue print actually."
"Oh, wow?"
"Iya, aku tahu kok, we shouldn’t have brought her to the world, that's what we thought," katanya pelan, "when we broke up, she was two weeks pregnant with my baby. Our parents is overjoyed, baby will fixed things they said, y'know, bring up the old flames or something."
"Don't worry, my parents said the same thing too," sepasang netra soonyoung bertemu dengan milikku, bibirnya terbuka sedikit seolah mau berkata oh jadi bukan aku aja, aku mengamini perkataannya, "mereka bilang, aku dan mantanku harus pergi honeymoon lagi, lalu punya anak kedua, and voila! Divorce is not on the table anymore."
"Lalu? Apanya yang lalu? Aku aja enggak sanggup lihat mukanya, gimana mau bikin anak sama dia?" tukasku, soonyoung meringis, "but that was not the case for you, isn't?"
Kami sama-sama menatap bayi sepuluh bulan yang sedang bermain sendiri dengan kaki mininya. Soonyoung mendesah berat, "obviously."
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rubahlicik · 4 months
PokeTrip to Bali
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Setelah 1,5 hari ikut event pokemon Indonesia journey, akhirnya pagi kemaren aink nyempetin buat ke Sanur.
Masa iya ke Bali tapi ga mantai ya kan??
Tapi, setelah kemaren ke pantai aink semakin yakin kalo aink bukan anak pantai. Well the scenery is good, tapi aink ga begitu nyaman liat air dalam jumlah banyak (?)
Dengar debur ombak disertai suara angin ternyata ga bikin aink syahdu wkwkwk.
Aink lebih suka pegunungan, nikmatin alam dari tempat tinggi.
Cuma bentar doang aink di Bali, itu pun sibuk event dan sibuk istirahat karena ngedrop. Sad :(
Buat pengalaman pertama kali ke Bali, aink cukup senang. Minus sakit doang sih kalo dari faktor internal sebenernya.
Kemaren aink nginep di hotel bintang minus. Murah, tapi apa adanya dan horror wkwk
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Aink sih aman kamarnya, cuma kamar mandi aja agak serem. Ini foto kamar temen. Di malam terakhir dia digangguin sama yang ngisi di lukisan
Pas datang ke Bali, aink langsung ngeluh panas. Pantesan bule sini banyak pake baju minim, gerah parah. Trus dimana mana banyak bakar dupa.
Terlepas dari peruntukannya, aink suka wangi dupa. Bikin tenang, kek kerasa banget disuruh relaks.
Aink agak kurang nyaman sama patung patung yang jumlahnya banyak. Keren sih jadi kayak festival, full decor dimana mana. Tapi aink jadi banyak salah liat, yang aink kira orang ternyata patung pake sarung🫨
Mana uda ijin lewat sambil bungkuk wkwkwk, malu
Denpasar bersih banget, ga banyak sampah kayak bandung wkwk. Salut sama masyarakatnya yang ga nyampah sembarangan. Baru nemu sampah di jalan tuh pas ke pantai.
Trus, jalannya kecil dan banyak jalur searah. Kalo salah belok atau ada jalan ditutup muternya jauh banget. Makanya kemaren aink milih full gojek aja dari pada sewa motor. Jalannya bikin pusing.
Lagian disana gojek murah, ongkosnya ampir setengahnya di Bandung. Cuman ya gitu karena kondisinya jalannya, nunggu gojeknya dateng jadi lama banget wkwk
Oia, aink pas mau ke bandara dianter temen naik motor lewat tol laut.
Seru banget naik motor lewat tol. Agak laen emang Bali nih.
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Ini foto aink ambil pas mau landing di bandara. Pas naik motor aink ga berani keluarin hp. Takut jatoh wkwk
Biarlah jadi memori otak saja
Aink masi pengen cerita soal eventnya, tapi ntarlah next post
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shiningwonderland · 3 months
Otoya Ittoki (Repeat)
Translator: Mae (twitter: itoshikimaegirl)
Proofreader: Raz (twitter: agnadance)
Editor: Aoi (twitter: AoiTsukihime)
QA: Rei (twitter: wolfe_raine)
November - Analysing Going Nowhere
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After the festival, the school was closed for three days. Today is my first day back since then.
Haruka Nanami: … Good morning.
Tomochika Shibuya: Good morning, Haruka.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good morning, Nanami-san.
Masato Hijirikawa: Good morning…. …? What’s this? You seem unwell. 
Haruka Nanami: Oh, I-I’m fine. I’m just a little tired….
Back then….
At the school festival… Otoya-kun tried to kiss me. And then…. 
I pushed him away with all my strength. The thought that he might hate me now… is a little scary.
It’s been on my mind for days, even keeping me from being able to sleep. I’ve been trying to consider what would be best for Otoya-kun and myself….
Do I…. Maybe I like Otoya-kun romantically…?
On and on,  my thoughts swirled around until I wasn’t sure what to think anymore.
After the school festival, we didn’t have any contact with each other.
Before the stage performance, we said that we would kick off the festival and then have a meeting after to reflect on how we did. 
Now I’m worried we’ll be too nervous to meet up.
I wonder how I should act when I see him again.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Oh, that’s right. I saw your performance! You both looked wonderful.
Haruka Nanami: T-thank you very much.
Masato Hijirikawa: Mm. Adding a dialogue exchange in the middle was a rather nice touch too. 
That part where I messed up a little, is that what they thought it was?
Masato Hijirikawa: However, it would be good if you worked on your vocalization and enunciation a bit more. 
Masato Hijirikawa: Even if you don’t plan to perform onstage in the future, it would be easier to convey your ideas to vocalists if you have a certain level of singing ability.
Masato Hijirikawa: The earlier you begin, the better, especially when it comes to vocalization. Tsukimiya-sensei said that whether you can build a foundation in your teens or not makes all the difference later on. 
Haruka Nanami: Right. … I’ll do my best.
Tomochika Shibuya: Now that you mention it, Ringo-chan seems to struggle with vocalizing well, huh? 
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ringo-sensei must have slacked off when he was a student.
Otoya Ittoki: Mornin’!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good morning.
Masato Hijirikawa: Morning.
Tomochika Shibuya: G’morning! 
Haruka Nanami: Eh… um… g-good morning….
I can’t face Ittoki-kun properly, so I turn my face away.
Otoya Ittoki: Morning! Haruka. Hey, why are you looking away?
Haruka Nanami: That’s…. 
Otoya Ittoki: Is it ‘cause you don’t like me?
He leans in, closer and closer.
His face being so close makes me blush—it reminds me of how we almost kissed.
Haruka Nanami: That’s not… true… exactly. But….
Otoya Ittoki: But what? Actually, are you still thinking about “that”?
Haruka Nanami: That… that’s….
Natsuki Shinomiya: … Huh? What’s going on? Things feel a bit off between you.
Masato Hijirikawa: Did something happen at the school festival? If you’re troubled, you can talk to me about it.
Masato Hijirikawa: I may not be of much help, but I think I could at least offer some advice as a friend.
Otoya Ittoki: How to say this…. At the school festival, I got a little overexcited. I tried to kiss her and she ran away…. 
Haruka Nanami: Eh, u-um. You shouldn’t say it so casually!
Otoya Ittoki: Eh? I shouldn’t? But that’s what happened….
Masato Hijirikawa: Ittoki…. Come here for a moment. I need to talk to you.
Hijirikawa-sama grabs Ittoki-kun’s shoulder firmly.
Otoya Ittoki: Eh… um…. Wait…. Masa, that look is terrifying….
Masato Hijirikawa: Just come here!
At last, Ittoki-kun surrenders and allows himself to be dragged away by Hijirikawa-sama. 
Tomochika Shibuya: Masayan is the type who stays cool when he’s upset. Those types are always scary when they get angry.  
When they return after a few minutes, Otoya-kun’s face is pale. … I wonder what happened to him. 
Ringo Tsukimiya: Good morning, everyone~ Come on, hurry and take your places. 
Tsukimiya-sensei arrives and everyone takes their seats. 
But….There’s a noticeable amount of empty seats. Maybe people got sick after the school festival….
Ringo Tsukimiya: … Ah…. Oh my, seeing it like this, the numbers have dwindled a lot.
Ringo Tsukimiya: As some of you may know, during the school festival, a student who was breaking the no-love rule was discovered by Shiny…. The principal detained them.
Ringo Tsukimiya: The student was judged as a serious offender and consequently expelled. 
Murmur. Murmur, murmur. 
The classroom erupts in turmoil.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Alright, alriiight. Settle down~ See, you all may underestimate how strict the no-love rule is, but….
Ringo Tsukimiya: It’s an absolute decree from the principal. No one in this school, no—no one in this industry—can stand in opposition to him.
Ringo Tsukimiya: So, please. Please do not put yourself in the line of fire. 
If you fall in love, you’ll be expelled from the academy. It’s something I’ve heard about many times. Even the principal has said it….
But…. I still can’t believe someone was actually expelled. 
Classmates who were laughing here a week ago are gone now. They must have had dreams of their own.
Haruka Nanami: Sensei!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Hm? What is it, Haru-chan?
Haruka Nanami: What exactly did the people who were expelled do?
Whoosh. The class seems to gasp in unison.
H-huh? Did I say something funny?
Select the phrase!
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ダメ・・・・・・でしょうか? Did I… say something wrong? (+5 Love +10 Music)
Ringo Tsukimiya: Specifics… that’s a pretty daring question. But, very well. I’ll tell you. 
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す、すみません。P… pardon me. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Ringo Tsukimiya: You’re fine, Haru-chan. “It might be me in the future,” right? I’d want to know too.
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どうしても知りたくて。I’d really like to know. (+10 Love +5 Music)
Ringo Tsukimiya: Quite the enthusiastic one, aren’t you? I wonder if you’re in love too? Hehehe. But, alright, I’ll answer your question.
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Ringo Tsukimiya: Well, there’s been a variety of behaviors, but I think one of the most obvious ones was the kids who were kissing in the garden.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Even though they were caught the moment they kissed, they tried to smooth things over which only incurred Shiny's wrath.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Well, it did seem like some students got off with just a suspension, but it’s up to Shiny in the end. 
Ringo Tsukimiya: There aren’t any hard and fast rules, exactly. It’s just up to Shiny and whatever suits his whim at the time. 
Ringo Tsukimiya: Well, I understand getting passionate during events, but please look after yourselves. 
“Alright.” The class rings out in agreement, bowing their heads obediently. 
Select the phrase!
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気をつけよう。I’ll be careful (+5 Love +10 Music)
I don’t want to get expelled….
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やっぱり恋愛はいけない。It’s true—it’d be bad to fall in love (+0 Love +0 Music)
I… have to avoid falling in love with him….
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なんで恋愛はダメなんだろう Why can’t we fall in love? (+10 Love +5 Music)
Thinking on it, I don’t really know the reason.
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Otoya Ittoki: I’m really sorry!
During lunchtime, Otoya-kun came to my seat, put his hands on the desk, and bowed.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Otoya Ittoki: I wasn’t thinking. I’ll never do anything like that again.
Haruka Nanami: Um….
Tomochika Shibuya: Hey, just what did you do to him?
Masato Hijirikawa: Nothing much. I simply instructed him on how to treat women and girls. 
Masato Hijirikawa: I also scolded him and told him not to be careless when bringing up his love life, since there’s the no-love rule.
Tomochika Shibuya: Well…. I guess anything’s fine if it makes things less awkward….
Haruka Nanami: U-um…. I’m… also sorry… for running away. 
Otoya Ittoki: No, it was all my fault. Um, so….
Otoya Ittoki: I’d appreciate if we could just go back to normal, without making it a big deal.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah!
Haruka Nanami: Ah, but…. Um, romance is off limits…. If you upset the principal, you’ll get expelled…. 
Haruka Nanami: I really want to see you become an idol, Otoya-kun….
Otoya Ittoki: Right, thanks. I’m happy you feel that way.
I wondered what would happen after the other day, but I’m glad things seem back to normal.
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After school, Otoya-kun called Tomo-chan and I—and then Hijirikawa-sama and Shinomoya-san—to the rooftop. 
Otoya Ittoki: Oh, nice. You guys actually showed up. 
Tomochika Shibuya: Of course we come when called, but we don’t exactly have a ton of free time, so if this is for something trivial, I’m gonna be mad.
Otoya Ittoki: It’s not trivial at all! I’m super serious.
Natsuki Shinomiya: It's something serious? 
Masato Hijirikawa: That’s enough preamble. State your business.
Otoya Ittoki: Right. Hang on. So, we know there’s a no-love rule, but aren’t you curious why the principal made that rule?
Haruka Nanami: What…?
Otoya Ittoki: … I mean. We’re going to be singing a lot of songs about love and romance.
Otoya Ittoki: They always tell us that we should be singing with all our hearts, that we should put our feelings and souls into our songs in order to try and convey our visions and emotions. 
Otoya Ittoki: But… if I become a professional and sing about love and romance without knowing anything about them, I know I won’t be able to reach the audience.
Otoya Ittoki: But even so, the principal is dead-set on banning “love” at this school. It’s completely ridiculous!
Tomochika Shibuya: Maybe so, but… He’s the one who made the decision. There’s no way we can reason with him.
Otoya Ittoki: But if he feels so strongly about it, there must be a reason, right? That’s what I want to find out.
Otoya Ittoki: I love singing… and, just until a little while ago, I was happy as long as I was able to sing. But… that’s not enough. I’d like to be able to express myself and convey my thoughts properly.
Otoya Ittoki: I believe that songs can convey what words or music on their own cannot. 
Otoya Ittoki: I guess I just want people to know who I am. I’m here. This is the person I am. 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to be able to convey myself through song. If I remove “love” from who I am right now, I think I’ll definitely turn into a boring version of myself. 
Haruka Nanami: That won’t happen. You’ve always sparkled from the first time I met you.
Otoya Ittoki: Really? Then don’t I sparkle even more now? I’m really happy right now. If I lost the love I feel, I’d be half as charming. For sure.
Otoya Ittoki: I don’t want that. I want to sing about myself with all my might. I want to put my feelings of love and affection into my songs. 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to shout “this is me!” I want to be accepted as I am.
Otoya Ittoki: In order to do that, I have to do something about the no-love rule.
Haruka Nanami: Otoya-kun….
Otoya Ittoki: That’s why… I just wanted to ask for your guys’ help.
When Otoya-kun says that, we all look at each other.
Masato Hijirikawa: Still, the person we’re up against is the principal of Saotome Academy. 
Natsuki Shinomiya: It might be quite difficult, huh….
Tomochika Shibuya: What about you? Do you want to find out? Or do you want to let it lie?
Tomo-chan turns and asks me.
Tomochika Shibuya: If one were the principal’s age, you might just take the stance from the time that “idol’s shouldn’t fall in love.” 
Tomochika Shibuya: Wanna risk it all to find out?
Select the phrase!
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音也くんが知りたいなら。If Otoya-kun wants to know…. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: For me…? Ah, what the heck, I’m really happy. Thanks, Haruka.
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah, yeah, your relationship is great, we get it.
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それほどでも…………。Not that much…. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Eh, really…?
Haruka Nanami: I think the principal must have considered it deeply. But… I guess I might want to know…. 
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私も知りたいかも。I kind of want to know too (+10 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I think the principal must have his own reasons. 
Haruka Nanami: However, I don’t think it’s right to blindly follow him without knowing what those are. 
Otoya Ittoki: I thought you’d say that. Thanks.
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Otoya Ittoki: As for our official strategy: first, I’m going to ask the principal directly.
Otoya Ittoki: While I’m doing that, I want you guys to ask the other teacher or anyone who knows about the principal’s past. 
Otoya Ittoki: I’m certain the principal must have failed in a romantic relationship in the past. That’s why he’s so against it. I’m begging you guys. 
Natsuki Shinomiya: Wow, a decoy strategy? It sounds kind of exciting. Okay. I’ll go along with it.
Masato Hijirikawa: Since you’re my friend and you’re asking with such urgency, of course I can’t refuse. Very well, I’ll help out however I can.
Tomochika Shibuya: Sheesh, I guess that’s it, then. I’ll give it all I’ve got!
Otoya Ittoki: You guys! Thank you!
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Otoya Ittoki: … Let’s go. Okay?
Haruka Nanami: Right….
Afterwards, we had a brief strategy meeting, and it was decided that Hijirikawa-sama would ask Tsukimiya-sensei and Tomo-chan would ask Hyuga-sensei.
Then, Shinomiya-san heads to the library to research into the principal’s past while Otoya-kun and I distract him from interfering with anyone else. 
Knock knock.
Otoya-kun knocks on the door to the principal’s office. 
Shining Saotome: Occupied!
Otoya Ittoki: Occupied, I see—wait, this ain’t a bathroom stall! … Oh, well…. Principal, I’m coming in!
The door opens with a creak.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~ I will answer your question!
Otoya Ittoki: What do you mean “answer?” I haven’t asked anything yet!
Shining Saotome: HA HA HA!! I know what students are thinking as well as the back of my hand!
Otoya Ittoki: ….
Principal. By any chance, have you realized what we’re up to?
Shining Saotome: Hehehe. The title of school principal is no joooke!
Shining Saotome: BUT. It’s rude to ask a lady her age, you know. I cannot tell you what age is ME. I’m still a big idoool.
Otoya Ittoki: No, principal, you’re not a lady. Anyway, I don’t want to know the age of some old man to begin with.
Shining Saotome: OH. What a heartless thing to saaay! What would your parents look like if they heard that? 
Otoya Ittoki: You already know, don’t you? I don’t have parents.
Shining Saotome: … Yes, that’s true…. I take it back. My apologies.
Huh? The principal, just now—he was speaking normally….
Otoya Ittoki: I’ll ask you flat-out! Why is love forbidden here?
Otoya Ittoki: We’re going to sing about love and romance without even knowing anything about it! It’s ridiculous! 
Shining Saotome: …. It’s not ridiculous!
Otoya Ittoki: Answer me, old man!
Shining Saotome: Because it’s not allowed.
Otoya Ittoki: That’s not a good reason.
Shining Saotome: ….
Is it just me, or…. Principal, you don’t seem to be as spirited as usual. Why is that?
Shining Saotome: Without love, no songs can be born. No people can be born. But love….
Shining Saotome: Immature love only brings misfortune.
… Eh? The school principal is speaking normally!
Otoya Ittoki: Well, listen here. Is it bad to like someone? 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to do things for that person, and even smiling at them alone makes me happy. 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to do whatever I can for that person. Is that feeling also a sin?
Shining Saotome: If we regulate even the act of having feelings, there would be no more students! If it’s only the feeling, I’ll allow it. 
Shining Saotome: BUT dating is no good, no good, no good! Only feelings are allowed! Only one-sided love is allowed!
Shining Saotome: Even if you actually have feelings for each other, if you don’t confirm them, they will remain unrequited.
Otoya Ittoki: Like I said, what makes that so wrong? Wanting to be together forever, knowing that we both feel the same way.
Otoya Ittoki: I don’t want to deny my interest in others! It’s natural, isn’t it? Even you think so too, right, Principal? 
Shining Saotome: Feelings are not a sin. However, feelings that are too strong bring tragedy. 
Ah, the principal looks terribly sad again.
However, it’s only for a moment before his expression returns to normal.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~! That’s all I’ll say! Now, if you’d kindly, hurry up and get out of here.
Otoya Ittoki: What’s that? Aren’t you just dodging the question? I’m not going anywhere.
Otoya Ittoki: I just want to know why you’re so against love! You jerk!
Ittoki-kun pounds on the principal’s desk. A book that was sitting there falls down, sending a piece of paper floating to the ground.
Otoya Ittoki: Huh? That’s…. 
Ittoki-kun reaches for the letterhead by instinct. But…. 
Shining Saotome: Absolutely not, not, nooot!
The principal hurriedly grabs the paper and hides it behind his back. 
Shining Saotome: A-anyway! Sometimes it’s better not to know! Otoya-san, please take that to heart!
Ah…. The principal just called Otoya-kun by his name. 
Shining Saotome: Never mind that and just get out of here! AND, if you try to look into ME, know that it’s use-use-useless! Kindly give it uuup.
The door closes as we’re ejected from the room.
Otoya Ittoki: Darn it!
Otoya-kun strikes the door with a loud thud.
Haruka Nanami: Um… Otoya… kun.
Otoya Ittoki: … What?
Haruka Nanami: Why are you so worked up about the principal?
Haruka Nanami: Besides just learning about the no-love rule, you seem like you want to know about him in particular, Otoya-kun.
Otoya Ittoki: … Earlier, I mentioned I don’t have parents.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah.
Otoya Ittoki: I don’t think my father was around when I was born and my mom died when I was very young. Honestly, I don’t remember much about them.
Otoya Ittoki: Just that…. My mother used to sing to me. Apparently she was a person who loved singing…. I don’t remember anything else.
Otoya Ittoki: The reason why I’ve been able to live well is because there was an older guy who’s been helping me from behind the scenes. 
Haruka Nanami: ….
Otoya Ittoki: I never learned who exactly he was—I never met him.
Otoya Ittoki: I only… saw him through the window one day. I watched his back as he was leaving the orphanage. 
Otoya Ittoki: I thought that he had long legs. I also remember thinking his feet were big. I remember it well because he left footprints. 
Otoya Ittoki: Well. One time, I saw the principal on TV, and the way he looked from behind, he reminded me of that older guy in the moment. 
Haruka Nanami: The principal?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah. But the old man is a very famous idol, so I told myself it couldn’t possible be true. Still, I wondered….
Otoya Ittoki: Besides, the principal was my mom’s favorite idol, so…. I wanted to meet him no matter what.
Otoya Ittoki: I understand now. That man’s song was full of love. That’s why it ended up being such a hit. 
Oh, I think he means the song “For love….”
When the principal was an active idol, that song was a huge hit. It’s true that it’s an incredible song. I love it myself.
Otoya Ittoki: How could you not know love?! That old man… whenever I used to feel alone, I’d listen to his songs. 
Haruka Nanami: Really?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, sometimes I’d even cry while listening to it. It was my emotional support, that song. 
Otoya Ittoki: So, I thought… if I could sing too, I might be able to give someone else emotional support. Someone who needs it. 
Otoya Ittoki: Maybe I want to be needed by someone. Maybe I just want someone to look at me.
Haruka Nanami: Otoya-kun….
He’s probably been lonely for some time. 
Otoya Ittoki: Having an idea like becoming an idol is naive, sure. But I don’t regret choosing this path. 
Otoya Ittoki: I think it’s the best way for me to live my life. But since I’ve started, I’ve had a lot of hardship. 
Otoya Ittoki: I actually wanted to be an idol because of him, so that’s why I applied to this school. 
Otoya Ittoki: I obviously couldn’t afford the tuition, so I’m here on scholarship. If I don’t debut as an idol, I’ll be spending the next five years doing odd jobs around the agency. 
I… didn’t know that…. 
Otoya Ittoki: Anyway, that’s why I was so focused on him. I can’t believe he’s so determined to keep the no-love rule. 
Otoya Ittoki: I thought something must have happened to him. Something he’s been dragging behind him. 
Otoya Ittoki: Idols are in the business of selling dreams…. Why does he say such a hollow thing? Isn’t that way too lonely?
Select the phrase!
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やさしいね You’re rather kind (+10 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: You’re really kind, Otoya-kun. You’re worrying about the principal and trying to do something to help him. 
Otoya Ittoki: It’s not like that. I just wanted to do it. It was actually kind of selfish of me.
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うん Yeah (+10 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I feel the same way. I hope the principal’s problem will be solved.
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愛情って大事だよね。Love is important (+20 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Otoya-kun, you were lonely too. But, now you have everyone else. … and I’ll also be by your side. 
Otoya Ittoki: !!! Haruka. You always know exactly what I want to hear. 
His large hand cups my head. Feeling Otoya-kun’s warmth, I find myself wanting to be his support too.
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Afterward, we all meet back up in Otoya-kun’s room.
We deliberately chose to gather in the dorms because we were afraid we might be interrupted by the principal if we were inside the school
I wonder if it was a good idea to enter the boy’s dormitory…?
Otoya Ittoki: My roommate, Tokiya, said he’s going to be late today, so we can talk as long as we want. So, how’d it go? Did you guys find anything?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Shining Saotome. Real name: unknown. Height: 6’6”. Weight: 220 lbs. 
Natsuki Shinomiya: His debut single, “For Love…” was a massive hit, selling 20 million copies. His career up to that point is a mystery. That’s what I found.
Masato Hijirikawa: In short, everything aside from basic information is unknown….
Natsuki Shinomiya: … That’s right.
Masato Hijirikawa: Well, it was the same on my end. A few years ago, another student also tried to find out more about the principal’s past, just like Ittoki.
Haruka Nanami: What happened…?
Masato Hijirikawa: That student disappeared from not only the school but from the entire industry.
Masato Hijirikawa: “If you want to be an idol, don’t look into Shining Saotome’s past.” That’s what seems to be the unspoken rule in this industry.
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah, same here. I was told not to ask about the principal.
Tomochika Shibuya: However! I was undeterred. I did a little digging and found some info.
Haruka Nanami: What kind…?
Tomochika Shibuya: Well, I heard that the school principal used to have someone precious. But remember, it’s just a rumor. Still….
Tomochika Shibuya: I heard that, even now, a large amount of his money is transferred to a private account periodically. Though, it might just be some kind of donation….
Tomochika Shibuya: The rumors say he might have a mistress or an illegitimate child.
Masato Hijirikawa: But isn’t Saotome supposedly a bachelor? Why not make her his wife instead of keeping her as a mistress?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Now that you say that, that would make sense, hm.
Tomochika Shibuya: Since it’s a rumor, take it with a grain of salt. I mean, the school principal has been single for a long time, right?
Tomochika Shibuya: Maybe it’s because he’s been single for a while that he’s envious of couples? 
Otoya Ittoki: No way! The principal isn’t like that. That’s not the kind of guy he is….
In the end, we can’t reach a real conclusion. Realizing that it would probably be better not to pry into the principal’s past any further, our classmates decide to let sleeping dogs lie.
And having decided that, they head back to their rooms.
Otoya Ittoki: Wait…. Just a lil longer. That’s okay, right?
Haruka Nanami: Y… yeah.
I’m the only one Otoya-kun stops from leaving.
Otoya Ittoki: Remember that piece of paper that fell out when I hit the principal’s desk earlier?
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Otoya Ittoki: Actually, I wasn’t sure if I should tell you guys or not…. I’m a little concerned about something….
Haruka Nanami: What are you concerned about?
Otoya Ittoki: I only caught a glimpse for a second, so maybe I’m wrong….
Otoya Ittoki: It was an old letterhead, and written in a woman’s writing: I want your dream to come true. Become a pro for sure.
Otoya Ittoki: It said something like that. At the end, it was signed like “I’m really sorry. All the best, Kotomi.” 
Otoya Ittoki: My actual mother…. She was called Kotomi. … Is this a coincidence?
Haruka Nanami: EH?!
Otoya Ittoki: If my mother is related to the principal in some way, he might know something about my father. 
Otoya Ittoki: But I don’t know how to bring it up, ugh….
Saying that, Otoya-kun sighs sadly.
Otoya Ittoki: Sorry. I’ve kept you too long. I just wanted to tell you. 
Haruka Nanami: It wasn’t any trouble. Thank you for talking to me. Um… Otoya-kun… are you okay?
When I see his anxious expression, I feel worried.
Otoya Ittoki: If I say I’m not okay, will you stay with me until morning?
Select the phrase!
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はい、でも恋愛禁止令が・・・・・・。Yes, but the no-love rule….  (+20 Love +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Sorry. That was a lie. I’m kidding. But it’s true that I want to stay with you.
Haruka Nanami: U-um…. Er…. I want to stay with you too. So, if it’s just for a while….
When I say that, Otoya-kun gently takes my hand and smiles.
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あの・・・・・・少しだけなら。Um… just a little bit (+10 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Er…. I-if it’s just until Ichinose-san gets back. Here… Otoya Ittoki: Yeah. That’s fine. I feel like being near you right now.
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朝まではさすがに・・・・・・。Until morning is a bit… (+0 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: B-but…. Since I want to be with you too…. So… that….
Haruka Nanami: I’ll stay until Ichinose-san… gets back…. 
When I say that, Otoya-kun smiles happily.
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Suddenly, Otoya-kun makes a serious face and looks into the middle distance.
Is he thinking about the school principal?
Otoya Ittoki: If he’s loved before, I wonder if the principal had a bitter experience with love in the past. That’s right—idols weren’t allowed to fall in love in those days.
Otoya Ittoki: But what if he fell in love anyway? And… what if he got his heart broken?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah. No matter how firm a rule it is, the heart wants what it wants.
Otoya-kun mumbles as he rolls over to lie on his back.
Otoya Ittoki: … that makes sense, right?
Haruka Nanami: Eh…?
Otoya Ittoki: Maybe he just couldn’t stop himself…. Wait, that’s it!
With a jolt, Otoya sits up.
Otoya Ittoki: In that case, it’ll be fine if I prove it! Never give up. There’s no thought that can’t be carried through!
Haruka Nanami: Otoya… kun?
From the side, Otoya’s face is full of confidence. He looks happy.
But, for some reason, my heart feels uneasy. 
I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen in the future.
Still, if I’m with Otoya-kun, I feel like we can get over it together.
I gently place my hand on top of Otoya-kun’s.
Mini Game
Ringo Tsukimiya: Riiight. We’ll do a written test this time. Practical skills are important, but knowledge is important too, so do your best.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Studying doesn’t require much practice, so as long as you do your homework and reviews, you shouldn’t have any problems.
Ringo Tsukimiya: The format for the test is the same as before, but it might be a little harder than it was then.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Choose the correct answer from multiple choices. Now, begin!
S Rank
When I get to school the next morning, I find Otoya looking a bit down.
Seems he got a low score on his test.
Haruka Nanami: Um… cheer up…. If you study hard, I’m sure you’ll get a better score.
Otoya Ittoki: Right, I’ve decided! Every day from now on, let’s come to class 30 minutes earlier! That way we can study together. 
Otoya Ittoki: If I study first thing in the morning while seeing your face, I’m sure I’ll be able to get a good score.
Haruka Nanami: Understood! I’ll start coming to school early tomorrow!
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Chapter End
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lamyaasfaraini · 2 months
Shoooccckkk pas liat announcement ini yg tadinya cuma spill2 skrg udah fix official yah.
Jujur selama ini belom pernah nonton mreka manggung live padahal kesempatan banyak bahkan di panggung kecil sekalipun. Pernah di event yg sama pengisinya SO7 tapi beda hari beneran belom jodoh ih yaaa gustiii.. Malahan ktemunya bukan lg manggung sama Eross doang itu jg, tahun 2011 di Java rockinland inimah sempet minta foto yakan wkwk. Sama wkt Blur konser blio nonton di festival bareng aku tepat di blkg aku bgt mau minta foto lg ngga tepat yaa wktnya haha, etapi kalo vincent di VIP secara fans berat Blur.
Dari jaman SMA sampe kuliah yg lagi suka2nya bgt nonton gigs ngga jodoh aja nonton SO7 live. Aku ngga klaim diriku Sheila gank jg yg sampe jadi membernya, aku fans secukupnya aja yg mengagumi karya mereka sejak SD vidclip lagu "Kita" muncul di TV. Telinga bapakku yg tajam sama musik2 ear catching jg lsg komen saat itu "eh siapa ini band, lagunya simple tapi enak" begitu komentarnya inget bgt pdhl msh SD akutu wkwk. Mana jadi sontreknya Lupus Milenia yg lg hype saat itu yg jadi Lupusnya Irgi, yg jadi Lulunya Agnes monica dong haha lawas abis. Jadi lagu "Kita" identik sama lupus jg ituu. Karena kebegogan ini ngefans lah ceritanya, kalo western tuh ya jaman Boyband hype jd suka Westlife kalo band indo aku suka SO7 sampe beli majalah fantasi yg edisi heuseus mreka dpt posternya jg inget bgt msh ada Sakti dan Anton, mreka pake blangkon gt wkwkwk aku awet2 bgt tuh poster ngga di tempel2 di tembok krn lebar weh.. Sampe di hina sama sepupuku katanya mreka ini muka2 ndeso jawa (padahal dia bapaknya org jawa dan suaminya skrg jawa bgt. Memang gaboleh sekate2 tuh bener adanya haha), tp ttp akumah suka weh.
S07 dulu sangat terkenal bgt bgt, sampe tiap manggung fans fanatiknya edun2, pernah tuh jd headline berita wkt mreka manggung sampe ada yg meninggal desek2an duh naudzubillahimindzalik. Ngeri sih fans militan.. Saking hypenya mreka banyak artis2 yg sentimen atau "iri" mungkin ya.. Termasuk edy brokoli yg sentimen pake kaos bertulisalan "f*ck sheila on 7" wah jaman itu panas bgt emg. Yah gmn jg ttp yg lagi diatas daun mah ada aja hatersnya yah. Tp mungkin mreka udah damai yah. Beberapa tahun belakangan ini bukannya SO7 dinobatkan sbg band tanpa haters yah? Saking humble dan ngga "so ngartis" nya mreka.. Humblenya kaya gmn? Ah udah tau lah yaa berita ttg bersahajanya mreka kaya apa jg udah banyak terekspose.
Satu2nya album mreka yg aku punya dlm bentuk kaset itu album ke 3, yaitu 07 Des. Wkt itu udah SMP dan tracklistnya semua ngga ada yg gagal, dlm album ini semua member bikin lagu dong~ Eross pun menyumbang suaranya. Oiya pas album ini Anton udah out tp Brian belom masuk. Album pertama dan album ke 2 kisah klasik untuk masa depan itu masih SD kelas 6 kalogasalah, punyanya VCD bajakan gt yg nyampur sama album ke 1. Belom ada keinginan beli2 kaset sama uang sendiri, karena selama ini selalu dibeliin Bapak kaset2 Ori atau DVD ori. Beranjak abg dah ngumpulin uang sendiri trus beli lagu2 yg udah dewasa yah ituuu wkwkwk. Terlebih bari dibeliin walkman sony digital yg saat itu harganya ngga murah, senang bukan kepalang pas punya walkman, abg tea udah menyendiri di kamar dengerin lagu2 hype pada jamannya. Walkmannya udah termasuk radionya, kalo bosen sama kaset2nya tinggal switch ke radio. Yaampun good old days!
Masih mengikuti album2 mreka sampe kuliah kali yaa, lagu2 wajib masuk list karokean harus ada S07 bgt. Sobi gigsku fya yg skrg tinggal di jepang sana fans berat S07 jg, apalagi kakaknya si kak aya, blio sheila gank sih sampe ikut membernya. Konser di Jogja aja mreka datengin. Duh coba fya udah balik indo trus kita dpt tiket, seneng kayanya mengenang jaman muda.
Trus gmn kudu war? Inidiaaaa problemnya! Sbg gen milenial kami ngga terbiasa war2an gini, dulu ngga gini bgt perasaan huhu. Wkt konser SO7 di Jkt aja susahnya minta ampun, yg ngga dapet banyak bgt pada apdet kekecewaan di igs, banyak bgt. Dan pas hari H konser cuma 1 org kawan SMP ku yg nonton berikut dia jg org media yg bisa aja pny jatah tiket dr ordal huhu. Ada bgt pesimisnya, kalo dpt mungkin rejeki bgt yah. Karena gamungkin cuma org Bdg yg berburu tiketnya, pasti konser di Bdg peminatnya banyak bgt bgt. Di sisi lain pgn bgt tp dptin tiketnya ko sesulit ituuu hiks. Tgl 1 Mei itu sebentar lg loh deg2annya dari skrg wkwk. Semoga emak2 yg udah super jarang kokonseran ini dapet rejekinya yah wlpn saingannya sama yg Fomo dan calo, tp ya coba dulu aja. Jgn lupa siapkan perasaan kecewanya yaa kan udah biasa dpt kekecewaan.. Eey~
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kitsmits · 3 months
Mono no Aware Bonus Scene!
25.5: “Plans and Purple Elephants”
This is a scene I originally wrote to include either in Chapter 25 or 27, but it didn’t really fit tonally in either. However, I still really like the scene and it does establish the start of some important character dynamics, so here it is! Enjoy :)
There was something strange happening.
Earlier that day, Sorano Kaede had arrived at Urahara Shoten bearing something entirely unexpected: food. Hot, homemade food. Ikkaku and Yumichika trailed in after her, arms laden with bowls and plates; they must have been on Kaede-watching duty, something Renji was glad to be exempted from on account of his training with Chad.
“Thought we could all use a pick-me-up for training,” she explained, directing Ikkaku and Yumichika to lay everything out. The smells alone drew Renji closer, despite his wariness of the woman. Everything just smelled…irresistible. There was some sort of shredded meat, still steaming and coated in a spicy sauce; fresh chopped vegetables and herbs; and was that rice yellow?
“Are those….tortillas?”
Renji nearly jumped at the sound of Chad’s voice behind him. Kaede looked up at the tall teen and smiled. “Yes - flour, not corn, I’m afraid. I couldn’t get the masa here.”
Chad’s eyes were wide under his thick bangs. “You made all of this?”
“Well, I couldn’t really sleep last night,” she admitted, tucking her hair behind her ear with a shrug. “And to be honest, I get kind of bored with Japanese cuisine after a week or so. Guess I’m just used to spicier food.”
“I haven’t had fresh tortillas in years,” Chad said, looking at the food like he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. “Not since I left Mexico.”
Kaede’s brows shot up. “¿Eres de México?”
Chad blinked in surprise. “Crecí allí. ¿Tú hablas español?”
That was when the weirdness really began. Renji looked on, growing ever more perplexed as the two spoke with mounting enthusiasm. He couldn’t believe his eyes, much less his ears; Chad had said more in the past couple minutes than Renji had heard, well, ever. Not only that…“The hell are they even talking about?”
“Beats me,” Ikkaku said through a mouthful. Clearly, he had no qualms about eating food made by Aizen Sousuke’s freakin’ wife. “Sounds like gibberish.”
“It’s Spanish,” Yumichika said with an exasperated sigh. “And they’re talking about some festival called the ‘Days of the Dead.’ Apparently, it’s coming up in a couple of weeks.”
“They have festivals for the dead? That’s creepy.”
“Says the Shinigami,” Yumichika retorted. “It makes sense, though; death is a universal truth, even for us.”
“Yeah, fair enough,” Renji conceded. Then something hit him. “Wait - how do you understand what they’re saying?”
“Because unlike some,” Yumichika answered, delicately picking at a tortilla, “I actually listen. You’d understand them too if you just opened your ears a bit. Shinigami don’t have language barriers; technically, we aren’t even speaking Japanese right now, it just seems like we are because it’s the predominant language for the Humans around us.”
“Wait, we can do that?” Ikkaku scratched his shaved crown. “I had no idea…”
“More like you just never noticed it before,” Yumichika corrected. “Also, the food is perfectly safe. I watched her make everything. It’s a bit spicy for my taste though, and far from what I’d call ‘aesthetically pleasing.’ The appearance alone puts me off.”
“I think I’ll pass, then,” Renji grumbled even as his stomach did the same. “Not a fan of spicy stuff.”
“More for me,” Ikkaku said, though it was barely intelligible as he shoveled a filled tortilla into his mouth.
As Ikkaku continued to stuff his face and Yumichika continued to sit and watch, Renji decided to pay more attention to the conversation between Chad and their mysterious new ally. At first, their speech continued to sound like fast-paced gibberish, but with a little concentration, Renji started to make out the words between the two of them.
“…have to show you some photos I took the last time I was there,” Kaede was saying. “They came out beautifully, if I do say so myself! I always found it fascinating that the calaveras for el Dia de los Muertos resemble skulls - kind of like Hollow masks, don’t you think?”
”I never considered that,” Chad admitted.
“Makes me wonder if at some point, people were more aware of Hollows’ existence around them, you know?” She smiled. “Or they’re just another classic ‘memento mori,’ and I’m thinking too much about it!”
”I haven’t seen a Dia de los Muertos celebration in years,” Chad reflected.
“Do you miss it? Mexico?”
“Sometimes. Mexico is a beautiful country, and it's where I made all of the memories I have of my Abuelo. But if I hadn't come back to Japan, I would never have met Ichigo, Inoue, and Ishida, and I probably would have never gained the powers that allow me to fight alongside them. I wouldn't trade that for anything.”
Kaede’s smile turned wistful, even sad. “I can get that.”
“What’s going on here?”
Renji, Ikkaku, and Yumichika spun around to attention at the sound of Hitsugaya’s disapproving voice.
“S’e bwa foo,” Ikkaku tried to explain with his cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk’s.
“Ooo, what kind of food is that?” Matsumoto asked at the same time, darting around her captain with an excited smile.
A vein visibly throbbed in Hitsugaya’s forehead. “How many times do I have to say it? This is a meeting to discuss Aizen Sousuke, not a dinner party!”
“Pretty sure you only said that once,” Renji pointed out. “Just now.”
“Well, I think all meetings would be better with a meal,” Matsumoto declared, already armed with a full tortilla. She took a bite and moaned, her eyes rolling up into her head. “It’s so good!”
“I hope I haven’t offended you, captain,” Kaede herself said, turning from her conversation with Chad. “I just wanted to do something nice for everyone, since our first meeting was…what it was.”
“An’ you can’t train on an empty stomach,” Ikkaku added while reaching for another tortilla. Yumichika slapped his hand away. “Ow! What’s that for?!”
“Save some for others,” Yumichika admonished.
“Why? You aren’t eating any of it!”
“Are Inoue-san and Kuchiki-san joining us?” Kaede asked, ignoring the Shinigami squabbling over her food.
Renji almost answered, but caught himself. He didn’t care if this woman brought a whole tray of taiyaki to win them over; he wasn’t about to divulge Rukia’s whereabouts to Aizen Sousuke’s wife.
Someone else did that for him.
“Oh, Inoue-san and Kuchiki-san went to Soul Society last night,” Urahara announced, sauntering over with his fan in one hand and cane in the other. “I believe they plan to train together at the 13th Division’s grounds.”
Renji wanted to strangle the man. That was privileged information, and he was just declaring it willy-nilly in front of an associate of their enemy?! Sure, Urahara claimed she was a former associate, but when it came to Aizen, Renji had learned not to trust anything on the surface. He remembered that day on Sokyoku Hill all too well, still saw Aizen’s hand puncturing Rukia’s chest in his nightmares.
He was about to give the hat-wearing man a piece of his mind when he spied the look on Hitsugaya-taicho’s face. The diminutive captain was positively glaring at Sorano Kaede - well, Renji was pretty sure that was a glare; he wasn’t overly familiar with the range of Hitsugaya’s expressions. The captain squared his shoulders and walked over to the woman with such deliberation that everyone around them had stopped speaking. Sorano Kaede watched him with a look of resignation, like she was expecting whatever dressing-down he was surely about to give her.
He stopped a few feet away from her - and bowed.
“Sorano Kaede,” Hitsugaya began in a formal tone, “please allow me to apologize for my behavior the last time we met. There was no reason for me to attack you out of malice.”
Renji’s eyes went wide as saucers. This was turning out to be a weird day. He wasn’t the only one surprised; Yumichika’s tailored brows had risen, and even Ikkaku had paused mid-bite. Only Matsumoto didn’t seem overly shocked by the scene, a small, affectionate smile on her face as she watched her captain’s actions.
Kaede’s face was difficult to read at first. She seemed surprised as well, but there was something deeper to it, something Renji couldn’t quite place but that resonated with him nonetheless. Then her eyes softened, and she lowered her own head.
“You have every reason not to trust me,” she said. “There’s nothing to apologize for. I do appreciate you doing so, and the humility and self-awareness it takes. Your division is lucky to have you as their captain. I’ll do my best to be the asset I promised to be.”
She bowed back to Hitsugaya, and when she straightened back up again, she smiled. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way, would you care for a tortilla? There's plenty of food left to go around."
"No, thank you," Hitsugaya replied stiffly, although Renji thought he could detect a bit of reluctance in the child-sized Captain's tone. "I'd prefer we all begin talking strategy as soon as possible. We're on a deadline."
"That is true." Kaede began resealing the containers. "The food will still be here when we finish."
"Ugh, but I'm still hungry!" Ikkaku complained loudly; even so, he shoved the last of his second tortilla into his mouth and stood up.
“As we are all aware,” Hitsugaya began once they'd all gathered in Urahara's small back room, “we only have an estimated three months before the Hogyoku awakens fully and Aizen comes to destroy this town. Considering the vastness of his reiatsu alone outclasses nearly every Shinigami in Soul Society, it is essential that we spend what little time we have honing our individual skills to as high a level as possible and preparing strategies that will give us the best odds of defeating him. To that end,” Hitsugaya's eyes slid to Sorano Kaede's, who sat directly across from him, “we require all the information you have on his abilities, especially in regards to his Shikai, Kyoka Suigetsu.”
Kaede met Hitsugaya's gaze evenly. “What do you know about it so far?”
”That he can create illusions that trick all five senses,” the young captain answered, “and that you only need to see it once to be affected.”
”That’s…well, it’s partially correct,” she conceded with a small frown. “But it’s not that he creates illusions; it’s called kanzen saimin, perfect hypnosis, because it relies on the power of suggestion.”
Ikkaku scratched his head, his brows forming a deep crease in his forehead. “So…like…does he make you see things, or does he…what the hell does he actually do, then?”
She sighed. “Purple elephants.”
“What are you thinking of right now?”
Ikkaku blinked. “Well…purple elephants, I guess…”
“Are there any in this room?”
“But could there be?”
“I mean - no! They wouldn’t even fit!”
“But now you’re imagining that there are purple elephants in this room.”
“Of course I am! You keep talking about it!”
“That’s the power of suggestion,” she said. “If I were using Kyoka Suigetsu right now, you’d actually see purple elephants in the room, exactly as you’re seeing them in your mind now. And it wouldn’t just be sight: You’d smell them, hear them, you’d even be able to touch them. Every sense you have would tell you that there are purple elephants in this room right now, no matter how illogical that idea is. That is what Kyoka Suigetsu does: it tricks your senses. But in order for it to do that, you have to have the idea in your mind in the first place.”
“Okay,” Ikkaku shrugged. “So…I just don’t think about purple elephants.”
Kaede shrugged. “Okay. Then don’t think about a shirtless Yamamoto, either.”
“Wha - ugh!” Ikkaku doubled over, clutching his bald head as though in pain. “Why the hell would you - I can’t stop thinking about that now! Agh, I need to bleach my brain!”
Hitsugaya grimaced, unable to stop his own mind from conjuring an image of the head captain without a shirt. “Okay. We get it.”
“You sure? ‘Cause I hear that Unohana-“
“Yes! We get it!” Hitsugaya crossed his arms. “So how do we counter it?”
“You don’t,” Kaede answered bluntly. “Or rather, you can’t. You’ve all been exposed to it at one point or another, right? You’ve all seen his Shikai release?”
“I haven’t.”
Renji started a bit at the sound of Chad’s voice again. For such a large, imposing figure, the teen was way too easy to overlook. Then he blinked, realizing what Chad had just said. “That’s right - you never saw him release his Shikai, and neither did Ichigo or Orihime! So we just have to make sure none of you see it!”
“And what do you expect that to do?” Kaede countered. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you think Kyoka Suigetsu is the only thing to worry about, you’re sorely mistaken.”
Renji’s brow twitched with annoyance. “Then why don’t you tell us something useful for a change, instead o’ just telling us how wrong we are about everything?”
She sighed. “It’s not just a matter of closing your eyes when you hear him say ‘Shatter.’ He can release Shikai without the incantation, so you’d have to close your eyes every time he draws his sword. Not exactly practical in an active fight. And if you think that you’d have the upper hand by simply avoiding the hypnosis, you’re again mistaken. Remember that every Shinigami fighting at your side is already under its thrall - and he doesn’t have to reactivate Shikai in order to use it on them.”
A chill hit Renji like a sudden cold front as her words sank in. “Wait…you’re saying that he can use that power without releasing his Zanpakuto? Just because we’ve already seen it?”
”That’s exactly what I’m saying,” she replied.
He wasn’t the only one shaken by this; even Hitsugaya had gone a little pale, though he tried to keep his stoic facade. “Even so…battles are decided by reiatsu. The full force of the Gotei, even just the captains and lieutenants…we’d dwarf him. He can’t control all of us at once, no one has that kind of reiatsu volume or control.”
“First of all,” Kaede said, holding up a finger, “he can, and he does. Back when we were…together, he was able to trick the senses of captains and lieutenant-class Shinigami from a wide distance. Once the suggestion’s been planted, it’s just a matter of spending a little more reiatsu to keep it active, and he’s got more than enough to spare. Second, Kyoka Suigetsu isn’t the most dangerous thing you’ll face from him.”
”You mean the Arrancar?” Hitsugaya asked. “They’re strong, but if we fight without limiters-“
”I don’t mean the Arrancar,” she said with a shake of her head. “And I don’t mean his own battle skills, either. It’s the mind games.”
A shadow came over her eyes as she spoke. “He will get inside your head - in fact, he already has, in one way or another. If you have any sort of grudge against him, he will use it to misdirect your gaze. If you have any fears about facing him, he will use them to psyche you out. He will rile you up to make you reckless, and in the next breath, he will make you feel overconfident or hopeful. He will use your own comrades against you, and even if you realize what’s happening in real time, there will be nothing you can do about it. You can’t warn them, or vice versa, because he’ll make it so you can’t hear each other’s words or see each other’s signals. You can’t even be certain of who you’re really fighting; all it takes is a bit of misdirection to alter your perspective.”
Cold dread sank low in Renji’s stomach. He hadn’t considered the full breadth of Aizen’s abilities; even having felt the man’s monstrous reiatsu, he couldn’t imagine the scale of power Kaede was describing.
But it seemed she wasn’t finished. “It’s not just that he can manipulate your senses; he can, and will, manipulate your mind and your feelings, and that, he can do without a Zanpakuto. For him, it isn’t enough to simply defeat an enemy physically; he wants to break you down psychologically first, shattering your sense of self, security, and sanity before he ever strikes your body.”
Something about the way she spoke chilled Renji to the bone, and not just because of the scenarios it put in his mind. It was something deeper, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Matsumoto spoke up then, her voice almost uncharacteristically quiet and reflective. “Is that what he did to you?”
That. That was what Renji couldn’t put his finger on. The way Kaede spoke of Aizen wasn’t just as someone experienced in working with him; from the sound of it, she’d been on the receiving end, too.
“I thought you said you weren’t deceived by him,” he pointed out, trying to wrap his mind around these new, conflicting bits of information.
It was Urahara who responded, speaking so low and with such ice that, for a moment, Renji didn’t recognize the shopkeeper. “Deception isn’t the only way to manipulate someone.”
“The point is,” Kaede plowed forward, “it’s not something you can just train for. There are a few people among the Gotei who might be able to counter his reiatsu, but he will have planned for that. He always has a plan.”
“Which is why keeping Kaede secret is so important,” Urahara interjected. “You all focus on preparing for the battle you can fight: the Arrancar. We will deal with Aizen Sousuke.”
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