#Masaki Sonezaki
rejaytionships · 2 months
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what if i got proposed to, and bill pokemon did it? haha just kidding.......unless?
(save the date: friday, august 30th, 2024)
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volos-wish · 1 year
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I'm making these for my friends and I think this is my favorite: Bill appreciation
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linneastarron · 2 years
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bill is literally just some guy (affectionate)
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durgaeludon · 11 months
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opal-sparks · 2 years
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I redrew my old Conquest AU for TeaShipping. I wanted to put a little more life into it instead of them just standing around like a bunch of dumb idiots. This is almost 6 years of improvement.
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mandolinrain · 2 years
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Bill Pokémon I love you and your cute kitty face
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sandygastle · 2 months
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so ages ago when i first saw official art of these two out of context i thought these were both women and went "oh i've never seen these characters before but the old games had a few really fun designs for their women!" and found out only afterwards that they were bill and celio.
anyways ever since then, i've seen them as lesbians. bill's a transfem butch lesbian and celio's a transmasc nonbinary lesbian.
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pkmnprideflags · 6 months
Pokémon Character Etymology Comparison
Most of the time, the translators of the Pokémon games will a choose a name with a similar meaning to the Japanese one; for example, Takeshi comes from ishi, "stone," so he got the English name Brock. But sometimes they give characters random names that have nothing to do with their originals.
Because I'm a nerd, I compiled a collection of examples of this across the main series games, with the meanings for both the Japanese and English names listed. This is gonna be a long post; buckle up, folks.
Guriin / Blue
Japanese Meaning: green
English meaning: blue. We’ve all heard of this one, but I couldn’t not include it.
Ayumi / Elaine
Japanese meaning: step or progress
English meaning: a lane. Possibly also chosen because it starts with E, as in Eevee? Sigh.
Shin / Trace
Japanese meaning: advance. Fits with the protags, Ayumi and Kakeru (to dash).
English meaning: uh…the protagonist is tracing his movements? He’s just a trace of what Blue was in the original games? It rhymes with Chase??? Who knows.
Dr. Yukinari Ohkido / Professor Samuel Oak
Japanese meaning: “ohkido” is a transliteration of orchid. Yukinari is similar to the given name of Unshou Ishizuka, the voice actor for Prof. Oak in the Japanese version of the anime; it’s unknown if that is related.
English meaning: So many questions. Why was he downgraded to a professor instead of a doctor? Why Oak instead of orchid, just ‘cause Oak sounds like more of an old man name? Samuel is similar to Salem Oak, a historic tree in New Jersey. Which is still a super random connection.
Nanami / Daisy
Japanese meaning: reference to a type of holly tree. Ironically is part of the Ilex genus, even though that forest is in a different region.
English meaning: the flower, duh. In Western cultures usually represents friendship and innocence. 
Masaki Sonezaki / Bill
Japanese meaning: First of all, yes, Bill kind of has a last name in Japanese. It has never appeared in the games, but was included in the Pocket Monsters Zukan, a supplementary material to Red & Green that is considered somewhat canon. Masaki comes from a type of shrub native to Asian countries, and Sonezaki is named after a region in Osaka, the city that that Bill’s hometown Goldenrod is based on.
English meaning: believed to be a reference to Bill Gates. Because computer man
Matisu / Lt. Surge
Japanese meaning: Seemingly a reference to Clematis, a genus of flower. I can’t find anything symbolically important about this flower that would apply to him.
English meaning: y’know, an electric surge. Could also come from “Sarge.” And they may have given him the specific rank of lieutenant because when abbreviated it kinda looks like lightning?
Kyou & Anzu / Koga & Janine
Japanese meaning: Doing these two together because their names correlate in Japanese. Both words are different ways of saying apricot.
English meaning: Koga-ryuu is a school of ninjutsu, and Janine is ninja with the syllables reversed.
Natsume / Sabrina
Japanese meaning: named after the Chinese jujube tree; big religious symbol in Islam, where it is rumored to be the Tree of Knowledge, and Buddhism through association with Vishnu.
English meaning: Psychic, brain, and possibly a reference to Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Kanna / Lorelei
Japanese meaning: contains the word for “cold”; full name comes from the Canna lily, which ironically must be moved to a warm location during winter.
English meaning: supposedly after a famous maritime disaster site in Germany, which means “murmuring rock.” We went from flowers to death and destruction so fast
Wataru / Lance
Japanese meaning: cotton; and also a reference to a Japanese dragon-water-god.
English meaning: ok bulbapedia’s stretch here is that lances were used in medieval legends to fight dragons. But that’s stupid. They just chose a cool name
Dr. Utsugi / Professor Elm
Japanese meaning: from a Japanese shrub in the hydrangea family.
English meaning: the elm tree, continuing the trend of the Japanese doctors being named after shrubs & getting localized into tree professors.
Akane / Whitney
Japanese meaning: the madder plants, which are associated with the color red because of the dye they produce.
English meaning: white (or possibly whiny). Dunno how she became associated with an entirely different color.
Shijima / Chuck
Japanese meaning: several options here. There’s a cultivar of the haworthia genus, the word silence, or a term meaning four islands. 
English meaning: to throw. Possibly a Chuck Norris reference as well.
Mikan / Jasmine
Japanese meaning: citrus fruit, specifically oranges.
English meaning: name of a plant; likely chosen as a pun on “mine” or “mineral.”
Yanagi / Pryce
Japanese meaning: willow. Often seem as a solemn tree; notably only grows in colder or temperate locations.
English meaning: it’s an ice pun haha
Ibuki / Clair
Japanese meaning: Chinese juniper plant, popular in Japan for its use in bonsai art. Also “breath,” a pun on Dragon Breath.
English meaning: Lair. As in a place that dragons live. Wooooo
Itsuki / Will
Japanese meaning: Zelkova tree, popular once again in bonsai and also for furniture and drum making.
English meaning: willpower.
Mitsuru / Wally
Japanese meaning: to be frail; also influence from “vine” and “crane,” possibly referencing the practice of giving origami cranes to those who are ill.
English meaning: supposedly from “wallflower.” I think it’s weird to focus on the social effects of his condition when the Japanese name is so focused on the physical aspects of it but whatevs.
Old Man Hagi / Mr. Briney
Japanese meaning: the Japanese clover plant.
English meaning: brine, salt water.
Mari & Dai / Gabby & Ty
Japanese meaning: mari is “ball;” Bulbapedia posits this might refer to the end of a microphone, but I’m not convinced. And dai is a topic of an interview.
English meaning: from the verb “to gab,” and…possibly a reference to TV?
Mayumi / Lanette
Japanese meaning: from a type of spindle plant. It’s in the same genus as the plants Bill and Celio are named after.
English meaning: from LAN (local area network) and net, as in internet.
Azusa / Brigette
Japanese meaning: another spindle plant.
English meaning: bridge, a device to connect several networks, like how Pokémon Box connects to RSE. And then the same suffix as Lanette.
Director Kusunoki / Captain Stern
Japanese meaning: camphor tree
English meaning: the stern of a boat. No idea why his title was changed.
Higana & Shigana / Zinnia & Aster
Japanese meaning: Higana refers to the red spider lily, a plant commonly associated with death and the afterlife. Shigana, literally translated as “this shore,” refers to the mortal world, with higana (“other shore”) referring to the afterlife.
English meaning: Both flowers. Zinnia is usually associated with remembering an absent or distant, but not necessarily dead, friend. Kind of a watered-down version of the Japanese name. Aster is named after a Latin word for star, and is usually associated with faith and wisdom.
Tsutsuji / Roxanne
Japanese meaning: the rhododendron species of flowers.
English meaning: you guessed it, rocks.
Tessen / Wattson
Japanese meaning: passion flower clematis, the same genus referenced in Lt. Surge’s name.
English meaning: you guessed it, watts
Asuna / Flannery
Japanese meaning: from asunaro, a type of cypress tree. Ironically would not be a good tree for Lavaridge Town, as it is not drought-resistant.
English meaning: flames or something? I’m not convinced this is a real name
Senri / Norman
Japanese meaning: senryou, an herb often used for Japanese New Year decorations; also 1000 li (Chinese unit of measurement), a distance equivalent to over 300 miles. Yeesh
English meaning: you guessed it, normal
Nagi / Winona
Japanese meaning: the Asian bayberry plant; also a word for calm/lull.
English meaning: wind, wing, or winnow, a verb that means to remove chaff from grain via a strong gust of wind. Her Japanese name is calm, her English name is a forceful gale.
Kagari / Courtney
Japanese meaning: from kagaribi, bonfire.
English meaning: from “country,” likely to go along with Team Magma’s land theme.
Ushio / Matt
Japanese meaning: tide
English meaning: likely from the “mast” of a ship.
Izumi / Shelly
Japanese meaning: spring, as in a water location
English meaning: you guessed it, shell
Purimu / Glacia
Japanese meaning: primrose, a flower with some species that have adapted to cold climates; or possibly the adjective prim, meaning formal to a standoffish - or cold - extent.
English meaning: omg glaciers
Daigo Tsuwabuki / Steven Stone
Japanese meaning: last name comes from a plant that contains a kanji meaning “stone.” Daigo comes from the Indian coral tree, the blooming of which is associated with impending typhoons and drought. Makes me think of how Steven starts investigating Groudon & Kyogre way before anyone else, as if he can sense what’s coming.
English meaning: steel and stone. Why are the english names so not complex in gen 3
Datsura / Noland
Japanese meaning: from datura, a group of poisonous flowering plants.
English meaning: presumably from the word “knowledge” cuz he’s a buff nerd
Rira / Anabel
Japanese meaning: from lilac, which might just be the color of her hair.
English meaning: bulbapedia claims it comes from “ability” but I don’t buy it
Ukon / Spenser
Japanese meaning: from turmeric, the spice and plant.
English meaning: supposedly from “spirit”
Jindai / Brandon
Japanese meaning: both a reference to a plant and to ancient times (lit. “age of the gods”)
English meaning: supposedly from “brave”
Hiisu / Tucker
Japanese meaning: from heath, the plant type. Unrelated to Hisui.
English meaning: supposedly from “tactics”
Kogomi / Greta
Japanese meaning: ostrich fern
English meaning: “guts” or “great”
Jun / Barry
Japanese meaning: probably from Junichi Masuda, longtime composer and contributor to the Pokémon games.
English meaning: No one really knows! It was his first default name in Diamond and Platinum. It’s what the anime dubbers chose for him when he first appeared, and it’s been his name ever since.
Ayako / Johanna
Japanese meaning: no one knows for either of these names! Ayako has a lot of meanings, many of which have to do with kimono designs for whatever reason.
English meaning: ultimately comes from Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious.”
Mizuki / Bebe
Japanese meaning: from the dogwood genus of trees & shrubs. Notably not related to the group of plants the previous storage developers were named after. Fun fact, Selene also has this name in Japanese.
English meaning: BBCode, a programming language used to format forum messages.
Hyouta & Tougan / Roark & Byron
Japanese meaning: doing these two together since their Japanese names correspond. They’re both named after different types of gourds.
English meaning: Roark is rock & ore; Byron is iron.
Makishimamu Kamen / Crasher Wake
Japanese meaning: literally, “Maximum Mask.” Thought to come from the orchid genus Maxillaria.
English meaning: Crashing waves & wake.
Merissa / Fantina
Japanese meaning: an herb genus; also a Western name, indicating that she’s a foreigner.
English meaning: phantom, and also fantasia, a type of tango.
Akagi / Cyrus
Japanese meaning: bishop wood tree, known for its red bark.
English meaning: a Persian name associated with the sun. Likely chosen to fit with the Commanders’ planet names.
Puruuto / Charon
Japanese meaning: Pluto, fitting with the other Commanders’ planet names.
English meaning: Jupiter’s biggest moon. Not a planet. Good job, guys
Ryou / Aaron
Japanese meaning: Japanese clethra tree
English meaning: likely from arachnid and arthropod
Kikuno / Bertha
Japanese meaning: both the English & Japanese names share the theme of being similar to Kikuko/Agatha. Like Kikuko, this name references chrysanthemum.
English meaning: has the same sound as “Earth.”
Goyou / Lucian
Japanese meaning: five-needle pine; also enlightenment.
English meaning: light, possibly also illusion or hallucination
Shirona / Cynthia
Japanese meaning: white-fruited nandina, a flower associated with growing love and good homes.
English meaning: epithet for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon; possibly chosen to contrast with Cyrus.
Kokuran / Darach
Japanese meaning: the pantropic widelip orchid.
English meaning: Gaelic word for oak. Probably a reference to Prof Oak tbh
Neziki / Thorton
Japanese meaning: staggerbush, a kind of plant.
English meaning: from “thorn.” Staggerbushes do not have thorns.
Banjirou / Benga
Japanese meaning: the guava fruit.
English meaning: the Malabar kino tree.
Tetsu / Curtis
Japanese meaning: iron
English meaning: comes from a French word that means polite or courteous
Ruri / Yancy
Japanese meaning: from lapis lazuli
English meaning: similar to “fancy” I guess.
Nobori & Kudari / Ingo & Emmet
Japanese meaning: up-train & down-train, respectively. Refers to global train track directions.
English meaning: Ingo is believed to be a pun on “ingoing” train, so you’d think Emmet would be some pun on outgoing, right? Nope. He’s a variation on “emit.” Why? Who knows
Dento, Poddo, & Kohn / Cilan, Chili, & Cress
Japanese meaning: the brothers are all named after corn: dent corn, pod corn, and…just corn.
English meaning: in English the brothers are named after herbs and plants: cilantro, chili peppers, and watercress.
Hachiku / Brycen
Japanese meaning: black bamboo.
English meaning: it’s an ice pun
Shaga / Drayden
Japanese meaning: from the fringed iris, therefore tying him further to Iris. 
English meaning: shortening of “dragon’s den.”
Vaabena / Anthea
Japanese meaning: from a flower genus that symbolizes “tender love.”
English meaning: epithet of Hera, the goddess of women and family. Also has some added musical symbolism - her name is similar to anthem, and Concordia is similar to concord, another word for harmony.
Giima / Grimsley
Japanese meaning: comes from a shrub; but also may reference words for the devil, deception, and the transliteration of “boogeyman.”
English meaning: grim or grimace + sly
Katorea / Caitlin
Japanese meaning: from Cattleya, a genus of orchids.
English meaning: roughly similar to Japanese name, with possible influence from “castle.”
Kakitsubata / Drayton
Japanese meaning: the Japanese iris, connecting to Drayden & Iris’s Japanese names. Also contains an anagram of tatsu, a word for dragon.
English meaning: similar to Drayden. And kind of similar to dragon if you squint
Karumu / Calem
Japanese meaning: from calme, calm in French.
English meaning: looks similar enough to the word calm, but it technically comes from a Scottish name meaning “dove.”
Sana / Shauna
Japanese meaning: either Latin for “healthy” or Arabic for “brilliance.”
English meaning: probably just chosen because it’s similar; technically comes from the name John, meaning “God is gracious.”
Dr. Platane / Professor Augustine Sycamore
Japanese meaning: French for plane tree.
English meaning: sycamores are not plane trees; however, to be fair, Augustine Henry is a cultivar of plane trees. Officially headcanoning Henry as his middle name now
Koruni / Korrina
Japanese meaning: from cornichon, french for gherkin. 
English meaning: vaguely similar to Japanese; also, the words KO and arena.
Gojika / Olympia
Japanese meaning: the midday flower; also time.
English meaning: an unrelated genus of flower; also Olympian (godlike, superior).
Akebi / Aliana
Japanese meaning: from the chocolate vine.
English meaning: from the genus Aliana, and possibly a liana, a type of woody branch that grows from the ground.
Bara / Bryony
Japanese meaning: their word for rose.
English meaning: the bryony plant.
Korea / Celosia
Japanese meaning: Correa genus.
English meaning: Celosia, a genus in the amaranth family.
Nariya Ohkido / Samson Oak
Japanese meaning: nariya-ran is a name for the bamboo orchid, making his full name an orchid genus. Nariya is also similar to Yukinari.
English meaning: keeps the similarity to Samuel, but otherwise has no special meaning.
Kaki / Kiawe
Japanese meaning: kaki means fire; also, the Asian persimmon,
English meaning: kiawe, a species of tree often used for charcoal and long-lasting firewood.
Raichi / Olivia
Japanese meaning: transliteration of lychee, a tropical tree.
English meaning: from a flowering plant called maile, and possibly also the rock olivine.
Rurina / Nessa
Japanese meaning: from the Cupid’s Dart flower.
English meaning: lots of options here. There’s nesses, a type of shoreline; the infamous Loch Ness; the Greek name Nerissa, meaning “from the sea;” or a Cornish word meaning second.
Omatsu, Otake, & Oume / Charm, Clover, & Coin
Japanese meaning: respectively, pine, bamboo, and plum; these three combine to form the symbols called the Friends of Winter in Chinese art, which symbolize perseverance and resilience.
English meaning: all three are named after objects that are believed to be lucky.
Tsuiri / Tuli
Japanese meaning: the beginning of the rainy season.
English meaning: supposedly from “Tulip.”
Sharon / Anthe
Japanese meaning: possibly from Rose of Sharon, a Biblical term referring to an unknown flower; likely also from the word for “gauze.”
English: the Greek word for flower; possibly also chrysanthemum.
Yura / Vessa
Japanese meaning: from “Yuraa!!”, Spiritomb’s cry before it battles the player.
English meaning: from vessel.
Paldea & Kitakami
Kaede / Katy
Japanese meaning: from the word for maple.
English meaning: possibly referencing katydid (bush crickets).
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aporic · 7 months
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[start I.D.
a digital sketch of Matis/Lt. Surge and Sonezaki Masaki/Bill from Pokemon. They both have dark brown skin. Matis is fat, has bleached short locs, tattoos, and is wearing a black t-shirt and green pants. Masaki has a short black afro and is wearing a pink polo shirt. Matis has two feet balanced on two magnemite, and holds onto a third magnemite like a steering wheel with one hand. The other arm holds Masaki. Matis looks concerned and intrigued, sparkles around him as he looks at Masaki; Masaki is yelling with wobbly lips, blushing.
end I.D.]
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rachelordwayart · 3 years
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That feel when you get rescued by a ten-year-old AGAIN...
alternate caption: "back on my Billshit"
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rejaytionships · 21 days
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- 2024/08/30 -
i now pronounce you woman and (male)wife!!!!!!!!
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volos-wish · 2 years
Bill confirms Reguri canon 2023
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durgaeludon · 10 months
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[start post description:
digital drawing of the pokemon Spinda and Flaaffy. Spinda is frowning deeply while holding a tablet. Flaaffy's wool is overgrown and tangled, and he looks slightly monstrous. His ears are pointed up like horns.
Masaki Sonezaki/Bill and Matis/Lt Surge as pokemon =ouo=
end description]
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
I wish the Pokemon community made more Bill content. He is really cute and I would like to read more x readers with him, or just more fan content in general. It'd be nice.
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wolfietheangel · 3 years
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celio likes bill a little bit! (i mean okay cmon. go onto celio’s bulbapedia page and TRY to tell me that he isn’t gay for bill)
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boxdev · 3 years
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thinking about making let's go style charms for the pokemon storage system developers for myself and the two other people on the planet who even know who the boxdevs are
kanto and johto down hoenn sinnoh unova kalos alola and galar to go 
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