#Master Luminara
ventresses · 1 year
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (3/?)
Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
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bluedeedeedoop · 4 months
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A late mother's day post!
I was chatting with @jedimasterbailey and she gave me the idea to make a mother's day art piece for Barriss and Luminara which yk i HAD to do ofc. but yeah. I cried a lot when making this and it didn't help the fact i soon read Bailey's fic "Traveling the Stars" which gave me MORE inspiration so here we are! please enjoy and go read the fic! it made me cry.
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zikkou-san · 2 months
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sweetyluvs · 1 year
So i was thinking about the ahsoka show (again) and it reminded me of the AMAZING costumes in the Star wars movies.
Luminara Unduli’s markings, skin color and outfit is beautiful and perfect.
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Shaak Ti’s lekku and Montrals are as big as they should be, and her skin color and the phenotypes on her face are done amazingly.
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Plo Koon is just perfect. like, how do you even do that?? its so good.
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Adi Gallia’s skullcaps are perfect. Done so well and the casting is good too ngl
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and guys don’t bullshit me about “well, in ahsoka, she’s actually gonna be doing stunts and the Montrals on her head will get in her way”.
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that is LITERALLY Luminara unduli and Shaak Ti kicking ass in Attack of the Clones.
(and to be clear; i don’t mean any hate to rosario dawson herself, she did an amazing job and her performance was incredible— i am just not so pleased w the lazy costume designers, not the actress)
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acruelerdonut · 1 year
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Hi Master Luminara :D
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haleandwellmet · 1 year
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🟢A Luminara in honor of the clone wars podcast I'm listening to 🟢
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starrymush · 4 months
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Luminara Undali My fave
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spacelesbiandisaster · 2 months
My favorites headcannons for Barriss Offee
And Luminara Unduli
And Commander Gree
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She and Luminara were the first one to ever suggest the clones made unique tattoos to encourage and praise their individuality. At first this was seeing was a break of the dress code (is that the right term?) for the military, but they found a way around the lawn and eventually tattoos become very common for the clones.
Barriss saved Commander Gree life during the First battle of Geonossis. He was shot and she carried him away from the battlefield passing by a handful of geonissians and, after that battle ended, she was also responsible for his treatment. That all make Gree very grateful, and he made sure to return the favor and cover her back in every mission they were sign together.
Barriss lost a lot of creche mates in the first battle of Geonossis and was inconsolable for quite a while, but on her second mission in the clone wars Commander Gree told her storys about the bothers he also lost that day and they ended up firming their bond even further.
Before the war Barriss and Luminara were send mostly into aide missions on neutral space (helping the people and expanding the republic) and spend a lot of time with senators to join funds for their missions. (That's why they can be seen in the Chanceller office in attack of the clones. They were very familiarized with the Senate)
Quite a few planets that Luminara and Barriss introduced to the republic end up joining the Separatist alliance. Barriss was quite stressed by the possibility to fight the people she once help.
Though their political influence Luminara and Barriss manage convincing the Mirial System to join the Council of Neutral Systems lead by Duchess Satine of Mandalore. Originally they were supposed to continue this kind of work and influence planets to either stay in the republic or take a more neutral approach and avoid war entirely, but Chanceller Palpatine cut all funds for this kind of mission.
Of course Barriss despise Palpatine for it (and she actually thought about bombing his office rather than the Jedi temple later on)
Luminara actually was the one to find Barriss and bring her into the temple. She promised Barriss parents to bring her back to meet them once she became a Knight, but didn't tell Barriss beforehand to not to induce a strong attachment towards people Barriss wouldn't get to have in her live on a regular base.
Luminara embroidered all Barriss hijabs herself since Barriss was a youngling.
The totem/statue (forgive me if this isn't the correct term. I still learning english) Barriss keeps in her dorm for her prayers was actually carved by her parents and Luminara gift her once Barriss learn about Mirialan religion and who that aligns with the Jedi teachings about the force.
Since then Barriss had been making prayers was a easier way to enter meditation, and she actually thought a few younglings to do the same (even the ones the weren't Mirialan)
The Jedi council (mostly lead by Saese Tin and Ki Adi Mundi) almost denied Luminara's request to make Barriss her Padawan fearing that the two of them were way too much attached to each other (similar how they refuse to give Ahsoka to Plo and choose Anakin over him) and we're planning to give Barriss to Deppa Billaba instead (That was away before Deppa took Caleb), but they untimely agree Luminara was the right Jedi for Barriss and that the Padawan would had a much difficult job openings up to a new master.
Barriss were supposed to have a few more tattoos, but she refused to make them in Curruscant and actually was waiting for the end of the war to return to Mirial with Luminara to make them, as they did with all the others.
Barriss used to a lot shyer was a youngling and Luminara had to work really hard on her socialization to Barriss even talk to people outside her creche mates and creche master.
Being with so many clones during the war brought these timid tendencies back and it took a while to her be able to give her squad direct orders (she usually gave the briefing to Gree and he told the rest of the soldiers)
She absolutely hate her military title. Being called Commander Offee felt wrong, so she instructed her soldiers to always call her Padawan Offee. The shines never called that though (bc they thought it was disrespectful), so Gree gave them a hard time about it until they learn to respect her wishes.
Barriss was with Luminara during the prison of Ziro the Hutt and help her master to redirect a crashing ship that was about to hit several civilians on the street. This action end up killing to persons inside a house (that being Trace and Rafa Martez parents), and Barriss never forgive herself for it.
Her and Luminara actually tried to help the Martez sisters after the death of their parents, but the Jedi council keep them away from Curruscant, always in battlefronts. That was the reason she started to resent the order as a whole.
When she discover that Ahsoka Tano were on Geonossis (on the second battle) she planned on thank her for saving Luminara from Ventress on a previous mission, but she end up panic and doing the awkward bow we all know and love.
For some unknown reason Master Skywalker casually asked Barriss to go hanging out with Ahsoka everytime they were in the temple. Not that he needed to ask anyway. After geonossis the girls set studying sessions and lightsabers training on every opportunity they had.
Luminara was also very supportive of their friendship and believe that being around Ahsoka would help Barriss overcome her asocial tendencies (which was very much true)
Barriss is vegetarian. This is not a Mirialan thing, rather a initiative Barriss took on her on. That brought a lot of funny situations with her very much carnivorous girlfriend.
Barriss isn't very good with a light saber and relays mostly in the force during her battles (but this is practically cannon at this point after seeing her fight without a light saber during Tales of the Jedi)
Ahsoka actually helped her to become a little better at dulling and that's why she was so natural at dual heading on the Wrong Jedi arc, bc she picked up so much of Ahsoka's style. (She never master it though)
She thought Ahsoka a lot of the military strategies she memorized for her own missions and hopped that her lessons would be helpful since Ahsoka were send to even more battles that her.
One of her last living creche mate was Naddar (Kit Fisto's Padawan) and when the news about his death by the hands of General Grievous reached her she started to freak out fearing for Ahsoka life. She would had visions of the battles of the 501s and made holo transmissions regularly to check on Ahsoka.
The other crash mates that survive the Geonossis battle include Dante and Ahmar (the other inquisitors recruits from tales of the Jedi)
Barriss chose to stay in Coruscant after falling a mission that cost the lives of several clones on her battalion. She thought she could focus in her healing studies for a while and scape the horrors of war, but instead she saw scars in every Padawan and Jedi knight she knew and a Curruscant left to rotten under crime lords control.
And the worst part about that was the Luminara couldn't be around for her.
When the council began to push a promotion of her to a Jedi Knight just so she could lead a whole legion (they needed more generals after all) she finally snapped and planned to leave the order, but on her way out she discovered a group of protests that claim to fight against all the violence of the war. Among these protests she was introduced to Letta and her husband who played a part in Barriss's radicalization. (Barriss was not the only one to blame for the bombing and no one can say otherwise!)
After meeting Darth Vader she immediately knew that was Anakin, but never got the chance to have a conversation/confrontation with him. If she had given the chance she would ask for Ahsoka (and Vader would have kill her)
She did access the files on missing Jedi the inquisitors had I discovered that Ahsoka was supposedly death, but without a vision confirmation. She didn't believe that for a second thought, bc I somehow could feel Ahsoka present in the force, even if was weekend.
She also find about Luminara "prison" and was planning on suggest that Luminara should join the inquisitors (bc she believed the empire could be a good thing given how fck up the republic was) but never had a chance since she scape on her first mission.
Later on she tried to rescue Luminara, but by that time she was already death.
She couldn't rescue the body, but make sure to build a memorial/grave to Luminara on One of the moons of Mirial. She does visits regularly to bring flowers and meditate hoping to feel her master trough the force (which she managed to do)
On her last fight against Lynn she actually got stabbed on purpose to teach her friend a lesson and could heal herself very easily once they get of the cave (okay, this is just me being in denial but imagine how funny would be Lynn freaking out about Barriss dieing and Barriss being like "lmao did you really thought I was going to die from this? Girl I'm not Quin Gon Din, I can take a scratch!")
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tup0ika · 1 year
Clone Wars characters as quotes I have heard
Pt. 7???
“That kid just dropped his garbage on the ground, someone should kidnap that kid” - Mace Windu
“Echo can you get me a milk of water” - Fives
“Smells like sweaty flowers” - Bly
“Cinnamon Almond?” - Anakin
“What other stuff do wolves eat? Cinnamon almond?” “Other cats” - Rex and Fives
“For example shut up” - Cody
“My shoulders are to sexy” - Ahsoka
“I love how I said it starts with F you and said incomplete” - Obi-Wan
“So if I have 2 abiotic squirrels in my fridge” - Hardcase
“Ooh that’s nice here and ooh it’s not nice here” - Gree
“If both of my parents are blonde how does my brother have green eyes” - Fox
“Is poop yogurt?” - Jesse
“Yo how big are your feet?” - Thire
“People over there shut up” - Rex
“I don’t get payed enough for this” - Ponds
“Omg the scars are so prettty” - Kix
*talking about a mission plan* “why are you here?” - Luminara
“A capacorn?” - Tup
“You guys need to take your meds” - Depa
“I have ADHD and I didn’t take my medication” - Hardcase
“Can I get my apples?🙁” - Echo
“Because your baby doesn’t work” - Gree
“Grades,Graduation,Future” - Alpha 17
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podsn · 1 year
Barriss finds out what the empire did to her master
Anyways more Barriss because why not 🤧 so I had an idea. If Barriss survived order 66 I’d like to think she found out what the empire was using her master for and so I made an animatic of it
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ap-5 · 1 year
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friend-myth-kill · 3 months
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Friend: befriend them Myth: mythologize them/worship them/they can't kill me if they aren't real Kill: kill them
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bluedeedeedoop · 2 months
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Barriss and Luminara on Mirial when Barriss is getting her new tattoos! commission piece for @jedimasterbailey!
Okay this one i enjoyed drawing so much, i basically had creative liberty on it which was such a blast but i actually love the finished product so much and yes i did cry a bit because they make me emotional. i love their relationship so much they are so mother daughter it makes me physically ill okay bye
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forgottenchapterszine · 10 months
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Our next contributor preview is by @grumpycrayon! Some wonderful art featuring Luminara in action.
Remember the link is for our shop! Pre-orders open January 13th of next year.
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Wonderful Women Bonanza: Round 1
Vote for the woman you think is best from the entire Clone Wars Era
Eleni Syndulla vs Luminara Unduli
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All posts under the "wonderful women bonanza" tag on this blog
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tredawakandan · 1 year
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Haven't rewatched the star wars movies in awhile but got sad after I rewatched a scene lately. The scene being Rey hearing all the Jedi before she defeats Her Grandaddy 😅.. Initially I thought it was cool hearing all the voices again , but then I began to realize something (I'm sure everyone already knew this😭) . Everyone is already confirmed dead that she hears except Ahsoka🧐. Now I began to think Well Jedi are able to use Telepathy to an extent etc 😅 .. But after I was done coping I had to go back and check off every Jedi that was heard. Yep They're all dead😢💀💀💀. Ahsoka being one my favorite characters in star wars+ her show currently airing just hit me in the gut🥺🤕. Welp hopefully she doesn't die anytime soon relative to our real world time🤔. I'm guessing since Dave Filoni created her... In his new alleged movie that will happen in a couple of years(that complete the journey of Mandalorian, Ahsoka etc) will feature her dying😢. Cheers to her till then 🥂
Bonus: I never knew she was only 5 years younger than Anakin😂
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