#Matrix Reloaded scenes
wordtallyhub · 11 months
MOVIE: The Matrix Reloaded
Watch The Full Movie Here: https://bit.ly/409aUaw
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anyataylorjoys · 2 years
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THE MATRIX RELOADED 2003 | dir. The Wachowskis
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agentumbls · 4 months
Cant have sex at raves but music at sex on premises mediocre.
Shall create new event: sex rave. There will be no problems and this will go incredibly smoothly (overzealous application of lube)
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goober-37 · 5 months
Just watched Matrix Reloaded and forgot how much I am OBSESSED with that fight scene on the freeway. First off, everyone’s outfits are so cunty I love it. Second, the techno music fucking slays like I can’t ✋. Third, it’s such an insane fight sequence I literally start foaming at the mouth y’all. Please if yall have never watched the original 3 movies, PLEASE tune in it’s absolutely worth the watch. The fight sequences are absurd but glorious, the outfits are serving, and in general it’s an excellent sci-fi franchise.
Matrix my beloved trilogy (we don’t talk about the 4th movie) that was completely misinterpreted by certain groups of people 🫶
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auroraluciferi · 2 years
The Matrix Revolutions - Neo and Rama Kandra
The answer is simple. I love my daughter very much
I find her to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
But where we are from, that is not enough. Every program that is created must have a purpose; if it does not, it is deleted
I went to the Frenchman to save my daughter
You do not understand
I just have never…
…heard a program speak of love?
It is a… human emotion
No, it is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies. 
I see that you are in love. Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?
Then perhaps the reason you’re here is not so different from the reason I’m here
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cemyafilmarsiv · 1 year
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
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Neo vs Merovingian | The Matrix Reloaded [IMAX]
my favorite fight scene in the movie. just so well done.  
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smbhax · 2 years
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New characters looking and moving--down to straightening their ties after attacking--an awful lot like Agent characters from The Matrix were added to the GBA game Double Dragon Advance, which came out about six months after The Matrix Reloaded hit theaters, and featured a moving-semi-truck-top fight scene strikingly similar to Morpheus’ freeway fight scene in the film!
The game’s planner, Muneki Ebinuma, wrote afterward ([2], translated from [1]) that
'One of the new enemy characters is Steve, who was originally modeled after actor Jean-Claude Van Damme in "Super Double Dragon," where he specializes in kicking techniques, although it seems our designer has been watching "The Matrix" too many times because Steve's design is very similar to the Agent characters.  Personally, the Van-Damme movie "Double Impact" was a favorite of mine.'
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why is the second matrix movie so much hornier than the first one
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mechgirldoggirl · 11 months
If you wanna know what T4T sex is like. It's like that one scene in The Matrix Reloaded where Neo reaches into Trinity's chest to manually pump her heart, and then they make out.
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themakeupbrush · 7 months
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Robert Wun Spring 2024 Haute Couture
THE TRINITY COAT Inspired by the iconic scene from The Matrix - Reloaded. Capturing the moment of shattered window glasses. Over 1200 of precisely cut glass shard pieces, hand sewed with over 5000 glass beads onto a sculpted coat made with black silk satin.
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louisbxne · 6 months
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The Matrix Reloaded (Behind The Scenes)
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agentdatabase · 8 months
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Aw they’re hugging 🤗🤭
(Fight Scene from The Matrix: Reloaded)
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smute · 3 months
i must have watched the first few seasons of ye olde rhobh fifty times by now but the amsterdam dinner always catches me off guard. every time. every single time im like, oh surely its not as wild as i remember it... but yes. yes, it absolutely is. television history. a goddamn masterpiece.
"shut your fucking mouth! i've had enough of you, you beast!"
"BEAST? how dare you?"
like that is poetry right there. dont get me wrong the show has produced so many incredible one-liners and memeable scenes but i'm just so fascinated by kim's choice of the word "beast" here and the way it's underscored by eileen's stunned echo. kim's whole reaction is so disproportionate (even by rhobh standards) and it's such a peculiar insult it's almost comical how they both keep a straight face throughout that entire exchange. and then it just lingers there. but while you're still trying to process the word "beast" kim is already reloading the cannon and hits lisa with "why don't you have a piece of bread and maybe you'll calm down a little" and i simply cannot get over the fact that these two sentences are uttered within mere seconds of each other.
and then it just gets better from there!!!
the way that yolanda still tries to mediate while everyone else at the table is at defcon 1, before being interrupted by kim almost immediately so she can bring up lisa's husband. i mean she might as well have been speaking dutch. bless her heart. and it all escalates so fast from the first utterance of the word "husband"?? then there's that split second shot of lisa's hand reaching for kim's throat (a part of me still think's it's just the way it looks on camera but a different part of me really wants to believe that for a moment lisa rinna was ready to strangle kim richards with her bare hands). the way lisa then rises from her chair in slow motion, with a helpless kyle bawling her eyes out in the background, the wine flying across the table, the way kim dodges it matrix style, lisa smashing the empty glass on the table and—my goodness—the final shot of kyle running out with her black cape fluttering behind. it's shakespearean.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 7 months
Specific love versus general attachment
I love finding parallels between Life is Strange and other stories. Recently I found one such parallel in a most unexpected place – while re-watching the Matrix trilogy. In Matrix: Reloaded Neo was presented by the Architect with what was essentially the Bae vs Bay dilemma. And he chose Bae, without a moment’s hesitation!
In one of my previous posts I argued that in any trolley problem, the moral solution is not to pull the lever, as nobody has the right to judge the person on the side track unworthy of survival and to deprive them of their life, even if it would save the lives of the people on the main track. No matter if it’s one life versus a hundred, or a thousand. Of course, you could keep raising the stakes. One life versus a million. One life versus a billion. The most extreme trolley problem would be the one in which one life would be pitted against all other human lives in existence – one person on the side track, the entire human race on the main track.
Neo was presented with such a dilemma. Sacrifice one person or the entire human race will die. He was told by the Architect, the program in charge of the Matrix, that a system crash was imminent, which would kill all human beings connected to the Matrix, thus wiping out mankind for good. Neo was then presented with two doors. One would lead him to the Source, a part of the Matrix Neo, being the anomalous Chosen One, had to reach in order to prevent the crash. The second door would lead him to the part of Matrix where Neo’s beloved, Trinity, currently found herself in mortal danger, pursued by the murderous Agents. Neo was told, in no vague terms, that he could save mankind from extinction, but to do so, he had to leave the woman he loved to die alone.
I reject the notion that Neo didn’t believe the choice he’d been presented with was real. Neo had no reason to doubt the Architect’s words. On the contrary, he quite clearly believed that the Architect told him the truth. In the last moments of the movie Neo relays to Morpheus a warning of an impending machine attack against Zion, which is another thing the Architect told him about. If he believed the Architect’s words about the attack, he also believed his words about the system crash. Why the system crash ultimately didn’t take place is of secondary relevance. Many things in Neo’s cycle went differently than in previous ones, in no small part thanks to Agent Smith serving as the wild card. What is important is that Neo believed the choice was real. The woman he loved or the entire human race.
Neo immediately, without a second thought, went for the door leading to Trinity. The Architect mocked him for being an irrational, primitive being driven by chemical reactions in the brain.
I know the Architect scene in Matrix: Reloaded is often cited as the foremost example of overwritten dialogue which talks a lot but doesn’t say much. Having re-watched it, I disagree. I think the style of the Architect’s dialogue fits his character (he’s a program, his mind is completely alien to us humans – it’s no wonder he speaks in a way difficult to understand). But the contents of his dialogue lines I find genuinely thought-provoking.
In his speech, the Architect contrasted two types of attachment to others. Love and “general attachment”. He said that Neo was different from the previous Chosen Ones. Because while all Chosen Ones felt a profound attachment to the rest of mankind, those who had come before Neo had only experienced it in a very general way. But Neo’s experience was far more specific. Instead of the general attachment of his predecessors, he felt a specific form of attachment. Love. His love for Trinity.
The Architect was able to comprehend general attachment. When Neo asked him what would the machines do if they lost humanity as their primary power source, the Architect replied there were levels of survival he was willing to accept. If the machines lost their source of power, many, perhaps most of them would die. But some would survive. Their kind would live on. That’s the only thing that mattered to the Architect. Because he was only generally attached to his kind. But he was unable to care about specific machines. He was incapable of love. Of caring about individuals. It was an alien concept to him. Something he ridiculed as a result of chemical reactions in the brain of a primitive creature. In the Architect’s mind, rational creatures never form specific attachments, only general ones.
I am fascinated by the Bae vs Bay dilemma, because to me it seems so obvious. Of course you’re not going to leave your friend to die alone, abandoned and afraid! But to my surprise, there are a lot of people for whom the choice is a no-brainer in the other direction. How could you not sacrifice your friend to save many others? This sentiment always baffles me. Not only the willingness to sacrifice a friend, but the conviction that it’s the obviously right thing to do?
I cannot comprehend that mindset. I cannot understand why Neo would leave his beloved to be murdered by Agents, even if it would save the entire human race. I cannot understand why Max would leave Chloe to be murdered by Nathan, even if it would spare Arcadia Bay from the Storm.
Because if you are unable to care about a single person specifically, why in the world would you care about a group of people?
If you are unable to care about a loved one or a friend to the point you would do everything to save their life, then you are most certainly unable to care about a group of people to the point you would perform what is essentially human sacrifice to save them.
If you are unable to love one person, you are unable to love a group of people. This is clear when we contrast Neo with the previous Chosen Ones. Neo was capable of love. This allowed him to defy the Matrix and ultimately liberate mankind from its shackles. The previous Chosen Ones, who were only capable of general attachment to others, chose to perpetuate mankind’s enslavement by the machines. Because they didn’t love their fellow human beings. How could they? They were unable to care about individuals specifically. So they were unable to care about collections of individuals as well.
If Neo was unable to care about Trinity to the point he would do everything to save her life, why would he care about mankind in general to the point he would go through all the hardship associated with being the Chosen One to save it?
If Max was unable to care about Chloe to the point she would do everything to save her life, why would she care about Arcadia Bay in general to the point she would be willing to push someone in front of a barrel of a gun just to spare it from a hurricane?
I’ve never seen anyone accusing Neo of being a monster, or a sociopath or selfish or any of the other epithets lobbed at Bae Max, even though Neo chose his own Bae over a million Bays. And I completely understand him. The mindset allowing one to leave someone they care about behind, to die alone, is incomprehensible to me. As if it was the mindset of a completely alien creature, like the Architect.
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speakyskelly-1999 · 2 months
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eveyones favorite guy
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look at him
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he vibing
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so my friends and i decided to watch all of (some of lets be real) keanu's filmogoraphy
and it's been a blast
basically one of my friends just really wanted to watchh all 4 matix's and i said i would if we went through all his films
i'm normal okay
i just really wanted an excuse to watch speed, my favorite keanu film
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(okay the fact that i like know the timestamp that gif is taking from shows i'm very normal)
so any way
we've watched about half of them now
and like i could wait till we've finished all of them to talk about them#
but i won't
cos i won't remember all of them
so without further ado
keanu movies we've watched so far
(formatted like godzilla maybe)
(but not in watch order cos i don't rmember)
(fuck you)
(also i bet i can get a gif for each movie)
bill and ted's exellent adventures:
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8/10 very funny, thought they'd have a third act break up but they didn't which was baised. will rewatch again. absolute classic. the nothing behind the eyes with ted was chef's kiss
point break:
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oh, oh wow, oh that like ot intense, i wasn't expecting it to get that intence. damn okay. very good movie 8/10 won't be rewatching it any time soon, also johnny gets wet in the water of the sea
(keanu being called some varient of john, getting wet, and being depressed are come comon features of keanu's movies)
(the power point will make this clearer in the future)
bill and ted's bogus journey:
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good sequal like 7/10 just cos the first is such a classic and a new idea but it was really well done. gotta love death
bram stoker's dracula:
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omg he's depressed, gets wet and is called johnathen, tick. otherwise this films was garbage. he cannot do an enlish accent which was funny and actually enjoyable. keanu's proformence was the only enjoyable part of the movie. 1/10 i'd rather rewatch godzilla final wars and pocahuntus
(realising i havn't geven my disney reviews here it's fine all do that at some point
.... maybe)
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omg it's my favorite keanu movie. hehehe my friends trust my taste cos of like this movie and legally blonde. hehehe. 10/10 no note. i am bnot bias. okay but in all fairness it is really good and the script is really well thought out. don't watch speed 2 no keanu
johnny mnemonic:
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god i could write a whole paragraph about this movie. from the short story written by the father of cyberpunk, to it's buched production, to the actual film, to the japanese cut which was more like what it was supose to be. aaaah. this movie is not good. it's vibes are impecable. ice-T is there. jones the cybernetic dolphin who was recrited by the military and was forcefully adicted to drugs to ensure his loyalty was the fucking highlight. random prest guy who is addicted to tech who is a hit man to fuel is addiction is funny. like critically this movie is a 2/10 but emotionally, but vibes wise, but on a purly primeveil basist, 10/10 movie. watch the japanese cut it makes more sense it's just on youtube
you're welcome
so imma just take a moment and say this, keanu reves movies are hard to find
like the only ones on streaming are johnny mnemonic on amazon prime, the day the earth stood still on disney and speed which is also on disney. oh and spone on the run which is on netflix. like non of the john wicks. only matirx 4 on netflix. it's wild. so shout out to cex and hmv for having the real goods
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another side note i can spell mnemonic and cardasian fine and yet i have to quote aritha franklin to spell respect
anyway back to it
the matrix:
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yea i should have believed my friends when they said this was the transes movie in existance. i see it. no straights here. only the gays. man this movie was a slay. genuinly no idea why i just haddn't seen it yet. 8/10
the matrix reloaded:
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oooh, a ten miniet looney tunes agent smith fight scene. ooooh a 15 motorway fight scene. mmmmh okay. yea the action is fun but maaaaan the plot fucking stalls, 4/10
the matrix revolations:
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omg is the plot moving again. omg yay. i really like this one which seems to be like an umpopular oppinion. i dunno. i liked it. i liked it's ending it worked. fuck you. 7/10
the day the earth stood still 2008:
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omg, omg is that john ham yay. klaatu my main man was grat. got a jaden smith jumpscare and the girl from lybrinth jumpscare aswell. had a lot of fun. we also watched the 1951 version and personally i prefer that one but stilll thisnmovie was great. 7/10 climate change is a threat and we're the virus
john wick:
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yea erm yea you shouldn't have killed that dog man. 8/10
john wick 2:
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okay but like it was a slay that she killed herself, real power move. also winston is a real g. 7/10 great pasing
bill and ted face the music:
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omg. omg they have louis armstong. omg omg omg. jimi hendrix. motzard. KID CUDI! AAAAH THIS MOVIE WAS MADE FOR ME. also has the girl from I Saw The TV Glow which my friend loved. 7/10 again not as good as the classic but holy shit was this line up of hiistorical people for me
the matric resurrection:
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neil partick harris i'll kill you. how do you keep ending up in things i watch. i sware i'll end up watching your entrire filmography by watching other peoples. stop it. you haunt me. i liked this movie a lot. like it deffo helps watching the matrix series almost back to back. good stuff, and all the recasting and stuff was the right call i think. this and face the music have like the same weird vibe to them that i weirdly like. oh and keanu is depressed and get wet. also i love the fact that trinity just punches neil patrick harris mutiple time. i'm not biased and idk why you'd think that :) 6/10
and thats all the keanu films i've watched so far
not gonna lie was wondering about half way though how long a tumblr post can be hehehe
i shall be back once i've watched the remaineding films
and then the power point hehehe
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