pourrii · 1 year
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a bunch of matt&mello sketches
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baranedizille · 1 year
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DN sketches all violet and GOTHIC
Takada in red | Ochre | Blue | Yellow | Misa bonus
Separate pieces
Misa and Rem. Actually I’ve posted it before 
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Misa and that friend of her she used
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Matt and Mello (do not smoke, kids)
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los3rluver · 2 years
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Last date :,,,) (i'm not gonna finish this)
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allaboutthems · 4 months
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Matt definitely would do this and show it to Mello
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winxerblink · 1 year
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My toxic trait is never finishing a picture
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gracetoldmeto · 1 year
Lemon Muffins and Gin
🎂 Happy Birthday Mello 🎁
dedicated to @mamaturtle11 for your inspiration and endless support ❤️💛
| 1.4k | canon compliant m&m | read on ao3 |
Years after leaving Wammy's, Mello shows up suddenly at Matt's door with a handle of gin. Matt knows Mello isn't here just to reminisce.
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Knock knock knock.
The loud and accented rapping on the door woke Matt who was haphazardly asleep on the couch.
“What the…” the tired redhead awoke but had to take a minute to get his bearings before responding.
Who could be knocking on his door at the 3 in the goddamn morning? He wasn’t late on rent, that wasn’t due until the 1st of the month, and today was only the 13th. His next-door neighbor was out of town, as he always announced to the building. Matt never understood why he would leave letters asking to look out for the cheap 300 sq ft apartment, but he did anyway. I mean, its not like there was anything better to do anyway.
The rapping on the door was even louder and more punctuated this time but Matt decided it wasn’t worth it to answer regardless of who it was.
“Go away,” he groggily shouted. “Some people are trying to sleep y’know.” Matt continued, unintuitively toward the door in his half awake and exhausted state.
But the door replied. “You’d be making a mistake to turn this away.”
Matt froze. He knew that voice. He pinched himself. Nope, not dreaming.
That voice had been ingrained into his brain ever since he was a kid, but he couldn’t place it, or maybe he didn’t want to place it. It seemed to be part of his DNA but he just couldn’t discern what sequence.
The voice spoke through the door again. “I know you are in there Matty. Open the fucking door.”
No way. There was no way. He must be dreaming.
Matt pinched himself again. He still didn’t wake up.
These occurrences only happened in his dreams, not reality. Matt continued to contemplate what he was hearing until two words sealed the deal.
“Mail Jeevas!” Matt heard this name spoken from the hallway. “I know you will open this door.” There was only one person with that stern of a voice who knew his name. His real name. Matt dragged himself from the couch and lumbered over to the door, unlocking the deadbolt.
Matt, as if this disturbance had happened dozens of times before, swung open the door only enough to fit his slim body against the door frame.
Matt looked him up and down. “Mello.” Matt said nonchalantly, even though he was beyond surprised, and a bit worried, at the sight he was seeing from his front door.
Mello had changed since Wammy’s. He’d grown quite a bit taller even though Matt still had a few inches on him. The black long sleeve t-shirt he’d always worn was replaced with a tailored leather jacket.
It looked good on him. It accentuated his angles and intensified his presence. It made a boy who was rough around the edges into a man who could cut you with a single gaze.
He had grown into himself.
He looked good.
“Took you long enough.” The blonde replied, obviously annoyed at the lack of response from the resident of the apartment door he was knocking on.
Matt annoyedly rubbed his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand. His goggles hung at his neck. “What the FUCK are you doing here?” Matt shot back at Mello, not moving allowing the blonde any forward movement into his home.
“I was in the area and thought you might want to catch up.” Mello responded. ”It’s been awhile, Mail he smirked.
Mello seemed earnest in his voice, but Matt knew this was not just a social call. Mello needed something from him, obviously. Why else would his best friend show face after falling off the face of the planet for years on end?
“Fuck off, Mels.” Matt turned and began to shut the door. He wasn’t interested in hearing any excuses the blonde had.
Saying yes to Mello meant saying yes to trouble.
Mello shoved his gloved hand between the door and the door frame with a powerful slam, preventing it from closing. Matt startled. Mello was strong now too.
“You can make time for me.” Mello tilted his head and antagonistically smirked again, knowing what Matt would eventually decide. Mello glanced toward his arm cradling a paper bag. “Besides, I brought gifts."
The full handle of gin was now over halfway gone, and Matt was drunk. He could handle his alcohol well. And so could Mello. But the challenge of going shot for shot with his oldest friend and favorite liquor was too inviting to pass up. The both of them combined had drank nearly a liter of booze in their stomach in total.
Mello was starting to get more and more irritable the more he drank. Typical. “Do you have anything to eat?”
Matt paused. His thoughts were trudging along at an incredibly slow pace. Each word he was about to say would get stuck on a distraction like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth. Thinking took an increasing amount of effort and time. “I think… I have some… muffins?”
“Hmmm?” Mello’s eyes lit up slightly as he replied, clearly intrigued.
“Le… Lemon muffins actually.” Matt continued. “Those used to be your favorite, right?” Matt had no idea why he remembered this fact, let alone why he bought the muffins to begin with, but for some reason it was important for him to remember. And wanted to remind Mello of that.
Mello paused, drunkenly processing one word at a time. “Favorite? I’unno, I guess… when we were kids.”
But Matt knew he was right. Mello’s complacency was usually an act. That blond bitch had a goddamn opinion about everything all of the fucking time. And Matt knew Mello loved those cute little pastries.
Back at the house, Mello bought 4 of them every time they went to the corner market a few miles down the main road.
Matt, on the other hand, used to sneak a fifth of gin out of the same market all the time by concealing it in his underwear. He was thankfully never caught, but there were an endless number of close calls.
Matt stood up and grabbed the plastic container of muffins from the pantry to bring back to the pair of them. He swatted his overflowing ashtray out of the way and placed the container on the sorry excuse for a coffee table before sprawling back on the floor next to Mello.
“What an interesting combo we have here.” Matt pointed out, hand on his stomach, palm on his forehead, drunkenly giggling.
Mello paused, hesitantly, “What do you mean?”
“Lemon muffins…” he pointe, “and gin!?” Matt continued to laugh. “I never thought I’d see us together with these two items ever again after we graduated.” …or left. Crap, wrong word. Mello had never graduated. Matt paused, realizing is mistake and turned away. His expression hardened.
Mello saw the nostalgia wash over Matt’s face, but he didn’t call him out on it. “Me neither.”
Matt turned back to Mello. “So,” another pause. Matt’s face did not soften in the slightest. He was going to regret asking this.
“What do you need from me this time?”
Mello swallowed another ounce of gin and nearly coughed. It was subtle. Matt did not notice. Matt bringing up business first? Interesting. Yet Mello replied promptly. “I need you to help me with a job.”
There it was. That’s how it was always going to be with Mello. An entitled bastard who thought he could run from everything and still end up on top. Pathetic.
Yet all it took was a few lemon muffins and gin to get back to where they started all those years ago. Such an odd combo, but the combination was unmatched.
Matt contemplated Mello’s comment. Getting involved with the leather-clad blonde was getting more dangerous by the day. Yet he couldn’t resist the naive promise he had made to his best friend when they were kids.
Mello may not be one to keep his promises, but Matt wasn’t like him. Mello had power. But all Matt had was the value of his word.
So, Matt took a deep breath and responded with an answer to one of the last important questions in his life. “What do you need me to do?”
Mello grinned. Matt hadn’t changed. This was almost too easy.
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emoprincey · 1 year
Dukeceit and Mattello have the same vibes send tweet
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stormofstarlight · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @aqualee !!!
Three ships: Anxceit, analogical, loceit (can you tell who my favourite characters are lol).
First ship: I think the first thing I ever shipped properly was Mattello (Death Note) and they're still the blorbos of all time.
Last song: Idk honestly it's been a while since I listened to a music on purpose.
Last movie: Glass Onion.
Currently consuming: Diet coke and pretzels :)
Currently watching: I don't really watch much TV but I've recently been watching Lilsimsie's legacy challenge on YouTube. I'm also halfway through Wednesday so I need to finish that bc it's so good.
Currently reading: Lord of the Rings. Very, very slowly...
Currently craving: Some free time to work on my crochet.
I'll tag @chaoticpanenergy @randomw07 and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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mailjevas · 2 years
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places these here and runs away
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Matt: Do you smoke weed?
Mello: Near, plug your ears.
Mello: Yeah.
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rookhunty · 3 years
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I think they’re cute
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winged-bat · 3 years
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cthulhuliet · 3 years
Thinking about how Mello eats chocolate all the time and inevitably gets some on his face, and Matt notices and is just like "oh hold still dude" and licks the pad of his thumb and wipes off the chocolate at the corners of Mello's mouth and then Matt smirks back at him going "got it" while Mello is just internally going
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los3rluver · 2 years
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How Matt got his hair green
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allaboutthems · 6 months
Mello's big personality. Because someone's gotta tell the waitress that Matt got the wrong order, or that his food was cold, or what have you, and it's not gonna be Matt!
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Lovely Confession
(So here’s Deathnotetober day 5: confession, 23 days late. I feel dead inside.)
There I stood, weighing my options outside my bathroom. My roommate, Matt, was in there brushing his teeth while I was out here, twiddling my thumbs considering confessing my feelings for him. On one hand, I could keep living my life like this. Me and him just existing here. Me, daydreaming about him and wishing to make him mine. And Matt, sitting around on his video games with whatever he thinks about going on in his head, utterly oblivious to my pining. 
And if I told him, what would happen? Would he reciprocate my feelings? Would he stop being friends with me? Would he just say ‘cool’ and go back to his computer? I never know with him. He was just so quiet and mysterious. 
“Hey, Mello.”
I snapped out of my trance and looked ahead of me.
“What are you doing?”
Matt was there, done with his teeth brushing.
“I spaced out waiting for you to get done.”
“Cool, what were you thinking of?” Matt curiously tilted his head, damn it, he was cute.
“What kind of stuff?” Matt asked, leaning closer to my face.
“Just stuff!” I threw my hands up and walked over to my bed to flop down, “It’s a secret stuff.”
“Ohhh,” Matt flopped down next to me, “Can I hear?”
“I’m debating telling you.”
“Ohhh, tell me, tell me, tell me! Come on, Mello, I gotta know!” Matt bounced up and down.
“Mmmmm.” I looked away from him.
“Pleassse! I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
“Now you’re getting annoying.”
Matt gasped, “Mello, how could you! I’m your best friend no matter what! And you can’t trust me with secret stuff!” Matt fell down on the ground with one hand over, “Oh, you wound me!”
I blushed a little; Matt was so dramatic sometimes. Only ever around me, though, which made him even cuter.
“Then perish.”
Matt stood up, then laid next to me in bed, “Then you shall sleep with a corpse.” 
Good thing he had his eyes closed because my face was redder than his damn hair.
“Matt, you’re not sleeping here.”
No response.
“Matt! Answer me!”
“ I have become a corpse. I can not answer. I am dead.”
I snorted, “Ok, BB. Goodnight, then.” I threw a blanket over him and went to go sleep in his bed.
A few minutes afterward, Matt turned to face me, “Honey,” he addressed me, “Why have you left bed?”
“Don’t call me that,” I mumbled.
“Oh, why not?” H asked, sitting up.
“Because!” I snapped, also sitting up.
Matt dropped his happy-go-lucky tone to speak, “Mello, what’s up with you?”
“It’s just- I-” I couldn’t tell him. I was too much of a coward.
Matt looked down at the ground, “Are we not friends anymore? Did I do something wrong?”
“No! It’s- I uh-”
“You don’t like me anymore. That’s what it is, right? Because I’m stupid and annoying.” His voice cracked; I could tell he was on the verge of tears.
“No! Of course not!” I had a thought this could happen. He’s always had abandonment and anxiety issues, “I’m acting weird- because I love you! Obviously!” 
Oops. Guess that just slipped out. Well, no taking it back now.
“R-really?” Matt beamed.
“Y-yeah. Why else would I be so nervous around you.”
“Aww!” Matt jumped up and ran to hug me, “I love you too!” Matt said as he nuzzled my cheek.
“To be clear, we both mean love in a romantic way, right?” I asked as I sat him next to my side.
“Well, I AM.” Matt grinned as he leaned against me.
“Thank goddd. I was so worried you wouldn’t like me.”  I fell backward on Matt’s pillow, relived.
Matt put his head on the pillow next to mine, “So. Do we date now or something?”
“I mean… I guess? What do you want to do as boyfriends?” I asked.
“Well, we’re here. And it’s late. We could sleep in the same bed, I guess.” Matt suggested.
I took a deep breath and leaned my head on his shoulder, “Sure.”
“C-cool.” Matt stuttered.
I stretched out and put my head down. Matt followed suit, and for a while, we just stared at each other before Matt put his arms around me and held me. It was nice. Laying there. Not a care in the world.  Just the two of us, together.
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