#m&m will forever hold a special place in my heart even long after i stop writing for them just... GAH love love love
gracetoldmeto · 2 years
Lemon Muffins and Gin
🎂 Happy Birthday Mello 🎁
dedicated to @mamaturtle11 for your inspiration and endless support ❤️💛
| 1.4k | canon compliant m&m | read on ao3 |
Years after leaving Wammy's, Mello shows up suddenly at Matt's door with a handle of gin. Matt knows Mello isn't here just to reminisce.
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Knock knock knock.
The loud and accented rapping on the door woke Matt who was haphazardly asleep on the couch.
“What the…” the tired redhead awoke but had to take a minute to get his bearings before responding.
Who could be knocking on his door at the 3 in the goddamn morning? He wasn’t late on rent, that wasn’t due until the 1st of the month, and today was only the 13th. His next-door neighbor was out of town, as he always announced to the building. Matt never understood why he would leave letters asking to look out for the cheap 300 sq ft apartment, but he did anyway. I mean, its not like there was anything better to do anyway.
The rapping on the door was even louder and more punctuated this time but Matt decided it wasn’t worth it to answer regardless of who it was.
“Go away,” he groggily shouted. “Some people are trying to sleep y’know.” Matt continued, unintuitively toward the door in his half awake and exhausted state.
But the door replied. “You’d be making a mistake to turn this away.”
Matt froze. He knew that voice. He pinched himself. Nope, not dreaming.
That voice had been ingrained into his brain ever since he was a kid, but he couldn’t place it, or maybe he didn’t want to place it. It seemed to be part of his DNA but he just couldn’t discern what sequence.
The voice spoke through the door again. “I know you are in there Matty. Open the fucking door.”
No way. There was no way. He must be dreaming.
Matt pinched himself again. He still didn’t wake up.
These occurrences only happened in his dreams, not reality. Matt continued to contemplate what he was hearing until two words sealed the deal.
“Mail Jeevas!” Matt heard this name spoken from the hallway. “I know you will open this door.” There was only one person with that stern of a voice who knew his name. His real name. Matt dragged himself from the couch and lumbered over to the door, unlocking the deadbolt.
Matt, as if this disturbance had happened dozens of times before, swung open the door only enough to fit his slim body against the door frame.
Matt looked him up and down. “Mello.” Matt said nonchalantly, even though he was beyond surprised, and a bit worried, at the sight he was seeing from his front door.
Mello had changed since Wammy’s. He’d grown quite a bit taller even though Matt still had a few inches on him. The black long sleeve t-shirt he’d always worn was replaced with a tailored leather jacket.
It looked good on him. It accentuated his angles and intensified his presence. It made a boy who was rough around the edges into a man who could cut you with a single gaze.
He had grown into himself.
He looked good.
“Took you long enough.” The blonde replied, obviously annoyed at the lack of response from the resident of the apartment door he was knocking on.
Matt annoyedly rubbed his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand. His goggles hung at his neck. “What the FUCK are you doing here?” Matt shot back at Mello, not moving allowing the blonde any forward movement into his home.
“I was in the area and thought you might want to catch up.” Mello responded. ”It’s been awhile, Mail he smirked.
Mello seemed earnest in his voice, but Matt knew this was not just a social call. Mello needed something from him, obviously. Why else would his best friend show face after falling off the face of the planet for years on end?
“Fuck off, Mels.” Matt turned and began to shut the door. He wasn’t interested in hearing any excuses the blonde had.
Saying yes to Mello meant saying yes to trouble.
Mello shoved his gloved hand between the door and the door frame with a powerful slam, preventing it from closing. Matt startled. Mello was strong now too.
“You can make time for me.” Mello tilted his head and antagonistically smirked again, knowing what Matt would eventually decide. Mello glanced toward his arm cradling a paper bag. “Besides, I brought gifts."
The full handle of gin was now over halfway gone, and Matt was drunk. He could handle his alcohol well. And so could Mello. But the challenge of going shot for shot with his oldest friend and favorite liquor was too inviting to pass up. The both of them combined had drank nearly a liter of booze in their stomach in total.
Mello was starting to get more and more irritable the more he drank. Typical. “Do you have anything to eat?”
Matt paused. His thoughts were trudging along at an incredibly slow pace. Each word he was about to say would get stuck on a distraction like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth. Thinking took an increasing amount of effort and time. “I think… I have some… muffins?”
“Hmmm?” Mello’s eyes lit up slightly as he replied, clearly intrigued.
“Le… Lemon muffins actually.” Matt continued. “Those used to be your favorite, right?” Matt had no idea why he remembered this fact, let alone why he bought the muffins to begin with, but for some reason it was important for him to remember. And wanted to remind Mello of that.
Mello paused, drunkenly processing one word at a time. “Favorite? I’unno, I guess… when we were kids.”
But Matt knew he was right. Mello’s complacency was usually an act. That blond bitch had a goddamn opinion about everything all of the fucking time. And Matt knew Mello loved those cute little pastries.
Back at the house, Mello bought 4 of them every time they went to the corner market a few miles down the main road.
Matt, on the other hand, used to sneak a fifth of gin out of the same market all the time by concealing it in his underwear. He was thankfully never caught, but there were an endless number of close calls.
Matt stood up and grabbed the plastic container of muffins from the pantry to bring back to the pair of them. He swatted his overflowing ashtray out of the way and placed the container on the sorry excuse for a coffee table before sprawling back on the floor next to Mello.
“What an interesting combo we have here.” Matt pointed out, hand on his stomach, palm on his forehead, drunkenly giggling.
Mello paused, hesitantly, “What do you mean?”
“Lemon muffins…” he pointe, “and gin!?” Matt continued to laugh. “I never thought I’d see us together with these two items ever again after we graduated.” …or left. Crap, wrong word. Mello had never graduated. Matt paused, realizing is mistake and turned away. His expression hardened.
Mello saw the nostalgia wash over Matt’s face, but he didn’t call him out on it. “Me neither.”
Matt turned back to Mello. “So,” another pause. Matt’s face did not soften in the slightest. He was going to regret asking this.
“What do you need from me this time?”
Mello swallowed another ounce of gin and nearly coughed. It was subtle. Matt did not notice. Matt bringing up business first? Interesting. Yet Mello replied promptly. “I need you to help me with a job.”
There it was. That’s how it was always going to be with Mello. An entitled bastard who thought he could run from everything and still end up on top. Pathetic.
Yet all it took was a few lemon muffins and gin to get back to where they started all those years ago. Such an odd combo, but the combination was unmatched.
Matt contemplated Mello’s comment. Getting involved with the leather-clad blonde was getting more dangerous by the day. Yet he couldn’t resist the naive promise he had made to his best friend when they were kids.
Mello may not be one to keep his promises, but Matt wasn’t like him. Mello had power. But all Matt had was the value of his word.
So, Matt took a deep breath and responded with an answer to one of the last important questions in his life. “What do you need me to do?”
Mello grinned. Matt hadn’t changed. This was almost too easy.
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multifandomxreader · 2 years
I heard you were looking for Bruno x male reader ideas 🤤
Ooo what about a Bruno x male reader where the reader is like a vagabond that comes to Encanto every year to hang out with the Madrigals? Kind of like a Snufkin and Moomin thing. Like they're kind of together/pining for each other?
One year that M!Reader returns he finds that Bruno isn't waiting for him because he's 'disappeared' so he travels even further in order to look for him, he still comes back every year to see if he's returned. After the events of the movie reader is reunited with Bruno and obviously he's super pissed but he's also so relieved that his favourite boy is back and alive.
Mayyybeeee they get married? uwu'
sorry you had to wait so long for this, hope you like it!
Bruno Madrigal x Male reader
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With your backpack heavy on your shoulders, you finally arrived yet again at la casa Madrigal. All year you would travel, you slept in a tent, and made your money by playing the guitar. You made great friends along the way and got to tell all your amazing stories to anyone who would listen. Every year you hung out with the family for a few days sometimes even weeks. You had never been one to settle down but with the family Madrigal, you wouldn't mind staying in the same place forever. When you sprained an ankle or had back pain Jullietta patched you right up with her cooking. Delores would keep everyone updated on your whereabouts and well-being and when you were close to the village Luisa would meet you halfway to help carry your baggage and gifts with pleasure. The Madrigals were basically your family.
They loved to listen to your tales, especially Bruno who hung at your lips every time you spoke. Even when most people wouldn't really talk to Bruno you saw him as the highlight of your visit. After years of your annual visits to the Madrigals you realized your feelings for the dark haired man. You had a while to think about them on your travels. You were certain he would be the one to make you stay and settle down.
You arrived with Luisa at casita, Camillo and Mirabel ran in your arms. You entered casita with the little girl on your back and a copy of yourself. The other family members came to greet you one by one. Julietta welcomed you with a plate of arepas and Isabella gave you a beautiful flower crown as a welcoming gift. Felix welcomed you with open arms "Here comes my favorite visitante!" The weather was perfect and a big smile was plastered on your face as you chatted with Felix and Agustin.
You tried to keep calm but your eyes couldn't stop wandering over to the door of Bruno's room. Agustin noticed the way you looked around, waiting for that one special person. You turned back to him "Where's Bruno?" Suddenly the room went quiet and the faces around you grimaced. Abuela straightened her back and spoke "We don't talk about Bruno" you were so confused and everything felt wrong. Julietta's hand landed on your shoulder and lead you to the kitchen where she let you sit at the table. While making you a drink she told you how Bruno had disappeared without a note.
The following days felt wrong without his presence, you tried to find him but when you realized he really was gone you stayed alone in his room. Your heart ached as you thought about the last time you had seen him.
The dark eyes look at you with admiration as you sing about the things you had seen on your travels and then a goodbye song. Your song ends and you smile at Bruno "Will you write a song about me by the time you return?"  he asks. "Look in the future and find out." You wink. Bruno opens his mouth"I don't want to" You give him a confused look. He takes your hands in his "I don't want to ruin our future with a stupid prophecy." You give him an understanding look and hold his hands tighter. "I'll be back."
Years passed as you looked for Bruno, asking every person you meet if they had seen the small dark-haired Madrigal.
You didn't find him.
Still, you returned to the Madrigals every single year. The smaller Madrigals had now grown into teenagers and the town had been growing too. Even though it was a delight seeing the colorful family your mind kept turning back to Bruno.
It was your annual visit and you arrived at the spot where Luisa would usually wait. Instead, you were met with Bruno. Your Bruno. Maybe a bit older and with more grey strands of hair. But still yours.
You dropped all your stuff and ran over to him. Grabbing his shoulders to make sure he was real. "How the fuck could you do this to me? I was so worried! I- I didn't know what had happened to you..." Bruno kept apologizing while you teared up. You threw yourself into his arms and you hit the ground together. You hugged the air out of his lungs. "I'm just happy you're back" you told him. His hands cradled your face and wiped your tears. "Te amo" he whispered before passionately kissing you, this time it was him making you breathless. You melted into the kiss. "I still want to hear that song"
A few months later you held the most beautiful wedding the town had ever seen, Pepa didn't ruin it (only because Bruno was marrying you). The whole family worked together to make sure you had the best day. Isabella took care of the flowers, and Julietta cooked a heavenly buffet with delicious desserts... You couldn't stop smiling and every time you met his eyes your heart could beat out of your chest. You finally found your reason to stay.
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mins-fins · 1 year
dandelions — lee seunghwan
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seunghwan has a little crush on a well-known florist, heo y/n.
tags :: lee seunghwan x m!reader , reader is a florist , seunghwan is kinda obsessed , he's also a "master" at love confessions , many flowers are mentioned , reader is a moon flower and seunghwan is a dandelion , fluffy fluff fluff
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lee seunghwan made a pit stop at the local flower shop almost every day after school.
his reason was quite the interesting one, you would think it's because of pretty flowers, or buying gifts, or simply because he enjoyed the air of the shop, but no, none of those were the reasons he could almost always be seen there.
it was because of the pretty boy.
now, seunghwan did have an interest in flowers, but the biggest reason he was there everyday was because heo y/n would always be standing there at the counter, decorating flowers with the most delicate of care, as if he was scared of hurting them.
seunghwan couldn't get over how pretty he was. how could someone look so good while just doing their job? he could never get an answer to that question. he swore he got prettier everyday, not that he looked different, but every other day when seunghwan walked into the store, he would notice another pretty feature on his face, and would fixate on it the whole time.
y/n seemed oblivious to how seunghwan was clearly in love with him, or maybe he was just annoyed, or maybe he just thought seunghwan's constant love confessions were some kind of joke.
but besides that, seunghwan wasn't gonna give up, because he wanted the male to know the exact feelings he was harboring towards him.
"seunghwan, your back" the heo looks up and smiles when he sees seunghwan walk in again. he places a bouquet of peonies into the glass vase beside him, leaning against the counter as he looks over at seunghwan.
"yep! back again!" seunghwan smiles, and y/n simply laughs.
"as always, how was your day?" he asks, blinking as his main focus is now on seunghwan. seunghwan swore he could stare at y/n forever, the way he leaned onto his hand and waited patiently with seunghwan's answer made him want to jump off a bridge.
in a good way, of course.
"my day was.. fine, but it's even better now that i get to see you" seunghwan says, smiling as he wiggles his eyebrows, beginning his usual flirting.
y/n chuckles, already used to it. "ah, i'm that special i see?" he replies, shamelessly flirting back, despite how he might've not been able to come off that way. "how sweet of you".
his fingers almost strategically move against the flowers before him, like a skill. seunghwan blinks, wondering how it would feel to hold his hand, just for a moment, not for too long, is it creepy to think such things? especially about the boy whose right in front of him.
seunghwan is way too focused on his hands to realize that y/n is staring at him like he's weird.
"earth to lee seunghwan".
"huh? what—?" seunghwan snaps out of his daze and looks y/n in the eyes, and the other snickers at how surprised he is.
"why are you staring at me like that? am i that pretty?" he asks jokingly, placing a bouquet of daises in the opposite facing vase.
"uh, yeah, you are" seunghwan has no choice but to answer the question honestly, since he knows y/n won't budge, used to such words from him already.
though seunghwan swears he can see a faint hue of red spread across his face.
"you and your.. dumb compliments lee seunghwan" he stumbles over a certain word, but replaces it with dumb right away. seunghwan finds the change strange.
he'll figure it out, he will.
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y/n finds seunghwan cute.
he's like a little kid who has a crush on their friends older sibling, always going to their friends house just to see their cute older sibling. y/n finds his love confessions amusing, though flattering. his heart unconsciously flutters whenever seunghwan calls him pretty.
he enjoys seunghwan's everyday visits, it's basically become apart of his routine. he'll stand at the counter, just doing his job, and at the end of the day right before it hits 3 pm, seunghwan strolls his to give y/n another plethora of compliments.
today was no different.
seunghwan walks in much more giggly than most days, like something amazing happened before that he wants to ramble about to y/n, as he usually does. "have good news, seunghwan?"
"oh, oh definitely good news!" he cheers, jumping up and down like a little kid. y/n smiles at how energetic he is. he almost can't contain himself, holding onto y/n's arm for balance.
"and what is this good news?" he asks, noticing how seunghwan is clutching onto his arm so tightly, as if he was gonna disappear into thin air.
"i got into the dance team! ah! this is so exciting!" seunghwan still doesn't let go of y/n's arm as he jumps up and down, almost making him lurch over the counter, like he was trying to pull him over it.
"that's nice seunghwan, you told me you wanted to constantly become apart of that team".
y/n feels seunghwan pulls his arm again, making him grunt. "okay okay, calm down seunghwan, i'm about to get pulled over the counter".
"oh" seunghwan isn't sure why he goes red, but he does, he lets go of y/n's arm in embarrassment and nervously chuckles. "sorry".
there's a moment of awkward silence before seunghwan breaks it.
"y/n i have a question" he perks up, y/n hums as he arranges a bouquet of tulips for an order he received a few hours earlier.
"yeah, hit me" he replies, so focused on the flowers that he wasn't even ready to process seunghwan's question.
"how long would it take for you to consider going out with me?"
y/n blinks, his brain failing to process the words in a way that makes sense. "what?"
"you clearly wouldn't accept a love confession now, so when would you prefer for me to ask you out?" seunghwan reiterates, no stutter in his words whatsoever.
y/n short circuits for a moment, as if he's a phone malfunctioning. he blinks, stumbles over words he was gonna say, and feels his face go bright red, he's sure it's burning up right now.
"i— uh.. tomorrow— i guess?"
was that the right answer? y/n can't tell, because seunghwan seems to pause and think for a moment, before smiling brightly once again, dimples on full display.
"tomorrow it is!"
"wait— you're serious—"
"i will go out with you heo y/n!" he yells in victory, sticking his fist up in the air as he bolts out of the door, feeling so victorious that y/n can hear him yelling down the street.
he just stands there, confused.
did he just get a date with lee seunghwan without having to do anything?
life really is a mystery.
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AUTHORS NOTE — seunghwan MY MAN!!! he is literally a dandelion like i can see it???? you just have to trust me on this okay 🤗?????
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
Bestie bestie, thoughts- daddy! Bucky and little reader cooking together is making my heart melt fr💖 ugh! Like imagine her getting him like a chef hat 🥺 one of those white floppy ones 😭😭 or like they both get matching aprons. Ugh.
Pairing: Chubby!Pâtissier!Daddy!Bucky Barnes x little!f!reader
Word count: 1,404
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, it's all fluff.
A/N: I don't know what you did but i was looking up matching aprons after i saw your ask and boom 💥 pastry chef Bucky thots 💥 attacked me and for that I thank you:"💜💜💜 So here we are. I'm sorry if I took too long and made you feel like I was ignoring your ask, I definitely wasn't💜💜💜 It was just really cute it got my mind going so thank you so very much🥺💜💜 Please enjoy xx.
Pie credit.
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heavenly sweet
“Daddy.” She turned around, giving Bucky her back, and he could only smile bigger when he saw the way she was bouncing on her ankles in excitement.
Bucky bow-tied her apron for her, lightly patting her back, “there you go, lil chef,” before pawing at her sides until she giggled.
“Thank you, daddy.” She beamed, letting Bucky help her up on the kitchen counter.
It was a special day for her today. She and Daddy were wearing their matching aprons for the first time, and Bucky was showing her how to make one of her favourites, blueberry pie.
Bucky didn’t get the chance to tell her yet, but the matching aprons gesture had him even crazier in love with her. The way she closely watched his reaction as he'd opened his gift and the way she was over the moon when he’d showed his content with it would forever be engraved in his mind next to all of the other precious memories starring her beautiful eyes.
“Okay, so we have our flour over there,” Bucky pointed to the half-full bag, “eggs and butter too,” he checked, walking closer to her, “and my sugar right here.” Bucky planted his hands on the counter, trapping her between them as he dropped his head to kiss, kitten-lick, and nibble on her jaw.
“Dada!” She squeal-giggled, her hands on Bucky’s round belly as he stood over her.
“Look at you, bonbon! You look like a real chef already! You doing the baking today? Hmm?” Bucky joked, peppering kisses on her face, his hands holding her waist.
“No, jus’ helping daddy,” she giggled more, hiding her face in Bucky’s chest, making him chuckle.
“The best help daddy could get, bonbon.” He kissed the top of her head with a satisfied smile.
There was nothing she loved more than watching Daddy work. With his hair pulled back into a small bun, his apron around his full torso, different smudges covering it, and his forearms having the littlest smear of flour on them, Bucky looked like art to her. The way he went about everything he was doing to make her feel included and the way he stole kiss after kiss from her when she was focused. Not to forget how sweet his kisses always were. It was all so perfect. She cherished every moment she got to spend with him, each one better than the last as Daddy made her the best treats that ever existed.
“Now, what do we do, bonbon?” Bucky quizzed playfully, wiping a hand down his apron so he could put the hair that escaped the bun back behind his ear.
“We put in our blueberries!” She replied, her hands eagerly reaching for the bowl of macerated fruit.
“Oh my god,” Bucky looked at her, faking shock and shaking his head.
“Did I say something wrong, daddy?” her voice went small so fast, immediately searching her mind, trying to remember if something went in before the berries.
“I might wanna slow down with teaching you or else next thing I know you’ll be taking over daddy’s bakery, bonbon!” Bucky chuckled, teasingly pecking her cheek.
She laughed with him when he tapped her nose, internally sighing in relief.
He was such a charmer and she was head over heels for him, “’m so proud of you, bonbon.” Bucky kissed her forehead.
“Daddy, can I put them in?” she patted her eyelashes, her hands in place on Bucky’s tummy and he couldn’t help but peck her lips.
“You sure can, lil chef," he said and she grinned at the name he'd started to use, wanting to earn it.
“Here, lemme help you, baby.” Bucky smiled, taking the bowl and holding it for her while she used a spatula to scoop the contents out and into their pie pan.
She was so happy they were doing this together. She was always at her most peaceful state of mind when Bucky would take her to the kitchen with him. Watching him work so passionately was her little self’s own version of bliss. Bucky had the softest aura about him. He was the kindest, most beautiful and most loving Daddy she could’ve ever dreamed of having, and her little heart vowed to appreciate every second with him, every second of him.
“Wait, dada, leave some. Wanna taste.” She stopped Bucky’s hand from slopping the bowl further so the rest of the fruits would fall out.
Bucky, of course, listened to her at once, giving her the bowl to hold on her apron-covered lap as he grabbed her a spoon.
She loved having a taste of the leftovers. Sometimes Bucky would catch her licking cake dough off the bowl in the bakery kitchen and no matter how many times he’d tell her it wasn’t healthy, because the eggs in the batter were raw, she’d still be licking that dough the second he’d turn his back. Bucky loved her too much to be stern with her, so he’d just make sure he was always there, moving the bowl to the sink after being done with it and laughing at her cute pout when she’d see it fill with water as Daddy rinsed it.
Bucky shook the pan to evenly distribute the berries on the surface, adoringly grinning at her attempts to catch a berry that wouldn’t roll and slide off the spoon. She eventually managed to scoop some, moaning when she slid the spoon in her mouth. Bucky’s food always tasted so good she was in love.
“Good, baby?” Bucky licked his lips, wiping his palms on his apron again.
“So good, dada.” She nodded, indulging herself with another spoon of pie filling.
“Give daddy a taste, bonbon,” he asked lowly and she held her spoon up for him, trying not to spill.
Bucky smiled gently, taking the spoon and bowl from her and setting them aside.
She didn’t have time to be confused before he was kissing her, his tongue sliding in to taste hers. Her eyes closed as a surprised moan got out only to be swallowed by Bucky.
She tasted like her with a hint of blueberries, so sweet; so delicious. Bucky’s hands cradled her face as he deepened the kiss, not able to get enough of her flavor, her soft lips or the tiny sounds leaving them. Her smaller hands settled on his chubby tummy, before sliding to his sides to hold him close, slightly clutching his apron.
Their mouths parted, the need for oxygen kind of forcing Bucky away though he still gave her lips a couple of short kisses as he tried to take his breath, his forehead resting on hers.
“So good indeed,” Bucky chuckled breathlessly and her face felt hot, her nose shyly nuzzling Daddy’s cheek to hide.
“Hey, look at me,” Bucky’s voice was so velvety and soft as his fingers brought her face back to his, “I love you, bonbon,” Bucky said, his blue eyes enchanting hers and she could only see, hear, smell and feel him.
Bucky was gorgeous. His tall frame towering over hers, making her feel safe. His pink lips wearing a tender smile that was only designed for her. His cologne surrounding her and filling her chest with warmth. His belly soft and full under her palms. His hair a little out of place as a few strands had slipped out of the bun and refused to stay behind his ear. He was flawless and he was her Daddy.
“I love you, daddy,” she returned with a timid smile.
Her hand went up to slide Bucky’s soft hair back behind his ear, stealing his heart all over again when she cupped his cheek and pressed a tiny kiss to his lips.
With her hand still holding the side of his face and her face tilted upwards, she then started telling Daddy what they had to do next, talking about covering the filling using the remaining pie dough and such, wanting Bucky to be proud of her. And he was, though he wasn’t hearing a word she was saying, he was the proudest.
As he watched her lips move and her hands gesture, Bucky could only think he’d gone to heaven because that must’ve been the only correct name for what he was experiencing in her angelic presence.
Of all the sweet things he's ever tasted, she was his one, true addiction and Bucky was gladly hooked.
Tags: @harrysthiccthighss, @tinystudentfirepurse, @lavendercitizen
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kimetsu-no-imagines · 3 years
submission request
its ur bf write me rengoku porn rn before i kiss you in electrical- u know what i want 😩 ——————————————————————————- a/n : !!!!!! anything for u babe!!!!! a request from my bf,,,,,,,how special,,,,especially when haven’t written on here in forever,,,,,, warnings ; mugen train spoilers!!!!!!!!!! s o m a n y!!!!!! mentions of rengoku/akaza fight, alternate universe where rengoku lives it’s what we all want anyway, pre-established relationship/rengoku is your husband, breeding/pregnancy kink, rengoku living and dying (figuratively) between your legs, “dirty” talk but rengoku is such a loving man i don’t think it should even be called that here, uhhhh body worship but with his eyes? its very vague but it is there, boy just loves you okay, also none of this is proof read or anything if that matters word count ; 2,728
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I’m Home
When you first hear about it, of course, like his fellow pillars, you’re terrified-thankful, naturally, that your husband at least hasn’t died, but the crow sent to inform you of the events of his mission, of his injuries, doesn’t exactly try to sugar coat anything, not even for you, his spouse.
Skull fractures from dodging the punch that would have smashed his eye completely, broken ribs from dodging yet another hit that, if he hadn’t moved back fast enough, would have gone through him and killed him-the details were gruesome, they were bone-chilling, it wasn’t as if you or anyone particularly enjoyed hearing about it, but one thing was for certain-you were relieved not to have lost him to this, to have lost anyone. Tanjiro and the others were so strong, so hard-working, and they were so young, with so much to live for-you couldn’t imagine how you’d feel if anything had happened to them, either.
There’s so much about it that pains you-not being able to have your husband home with you after he’d already been so busy with this mission and the ones before it, knowing how injured he was and how long it’d take him to recover at the Butterfly Estate, it was all… Torture. Not that you couldn’t go see him, of course-but Shinobu urged you to stay home and relax, you wouldn’t want to see him in the state that he was in, she promised you that much. Her crow did come by to personally update you on his condition every day or so, though-that was at least some amount of relief.
… Or, it would have been. You hadn’t seen any crow come by in a week or so, to the day-and yes, you kept track, because of course you did, you were an anxious wreck, and it’d already been months of your husband steadily recovering, or so you thought. Had he died from his injuries? Did something happen to the estate, were more people hurt? … Well. You supposed that was a silly thought, she lived so close to the Master’s own residence-no demon could get close enough to hurt them, with all the wisteria around both places.
You were so used to having your husband around to calm you when you thought about the worst things, like this-your heart hurt with anxiety and worry. What could you do but stand outside by the door, every day, for hours, just waiting for some sign, of a crow, of Shinobu herself, of anything?
It was another day that had gone by just like that-your feet and legs ached from keeping yourself up for so long, dried tear trails staining the sides of your face-you knew it was silly of you, you knew you should have tried to be at least a little stronger, for him if no one else, but… You just couldn’t help it. You hated this. You just wanted your husband back.
A dejected sigh leaves you as you watch the sun set for just one more moment before turning to go back inside, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes again-maybe tomorrow you’ll go up to Shinobu’s estate yourself. You couldn’t stand this for another–
“Hahaha! Now isn’t this strange! You’re running away from me!”
Your heart stops, and you freeze in place. What?
You feel him before you can turn to see him-chest pressed against your back, though soon you’re spun around and pulled up into a crushing hug anyway, and it’s all you can do to immediately start sobbing into your husband’s brightly-colored hair as you’re held.
“… Hello, my sweet,”  His voice is no longer booming and jovial like it was a moment ago, but soft, gentle and meant only for you, as he squeezes you to him-you want to worry about the injuries he was supposed to be recovering from still, but you don’t want this to end, either. You suppose, he must have just been coming around the corner and through the gate when you turned to go inside-not that it mattered, all that did matter was that he was… Here, holding you.
“You must have missed me terribly!” All hearty, he laughs with you again, even if all you can do is cry in his arms while he rubs soothingly at your back, “But of course I missed you terribly too! I tried many times to sneak out and come home to you, but Shinobu or one of the other girls always caught me-”
You missed his voice dearly, you did-and you were still crying, but you couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. It was something you usually did to quiet him, for sure, but right now you just… Needed him. And he didn’t seem to mind, hands happily and readily sliding down to hoist you up into his arms, never breaking from you as he carried you into your home.
“… Such a beautiful shouldn’t have quite so many tears upon it, you know,”He mumbles gently against your lips, and you sniffle as you finally reach up to start wiping at them, “I-I just missed you so much, Kyojuro, I was so scared-you were almost-you could have-”
“But I didn’t, and I won’t.” He interrupts you sweetly, but firmly nonetheless, shaking his head at you, “I am fine. I am healed, my love. I am still here to fulfill my duties-and I always will be. That includes my duties to you as your husband.”
“I…” It doesn’t feel like you should believe it-after what you’d heard of his battle, knowing he’d even just encountered an Upper Moon demon, this felt too good to be real or true, and yet… There’s such certainty and finality blazing in his eyes as he stares at you, all you can do is nod.
“… Alright.”
… Really, all you had intended to do this evening, now that you had your husband home with you, was cook him his favorite meal and go to sleep with him, in his arms, for the first time in who knew how long, at this point. Truthfully, that had been your only goal. You wanted him to rest, no matter how many times he told you just how fully recovered he was through the mouthfuls of sweet potato you so lovingly prepared for him-and yet… And yet…
Well, you suppose you simply didn’t account for him wanting… Dessert.
“It’s been so long,” The words are mumbled around you, your flesh, as he greedily, really voraciously eats and licks you up from between your legs-you’d already known him to be feral when presented with the sweet treat only you could provide him with, but this was something else entirely, “-it’s been too long, my love, don’t you understand how very hungry I am?”
You don’t, but by no means are you going to let that stop either of you. You missed his mouth just as much as he missed your taste.
“K-Kyojuro-Kyojuro, I’m-Kyo–”
… He’s never been one to tease or deny you. And yet just as you’re about to cum, so close to the edge you could have tasted it yourself, he’s pulling away from you. His lips and chin and… Well, his face, in general, are so shiny with you-you easily forget your frustration and get lost in the blissful look in his eyes as he cleans himself with his tongue. “While you certainly are the most delicious thing in this world, my sweet,” He crawls up the length of your body so quickly, so desperate to smash his lips to your own, “-as I’ve told you, it’s been far too long. I want to feel you cum around my cock this evening. But I’m sure you have no complaint either way?” Any other day, you’d want to hit him, to get that cheeky look off of his face, but… You also can’t say you don’t want that. Maybe you really don’t have any complaints either way. “… You’re awful,” You huff up at him, but you nod, “… But alright.” … And yet he stays still. It would be so easy-you’re properly soaked, and the pair of you are completely naked, and yet your infuriating husband is just… Sitting there, hovering over you with a smile on his face. It’s a soft, loving smile-but you’ve known him so long, you don’t miss the mischief in his eyes. “… Can I not admire you, my beautiful spouse? Even for a moment, after I’ve been gone from you for so very long?” It’s not a crime for him to stare at you so adoringly-really, you’d love it if you weren’t as damn horny as you were. But... It has been a long time. He’s teasing, but as much as that’s true, you know he’s being earnest, too-his eyes flicker all over your form so carefully, meticulously re-memorizing every tiny detail about you. “... Even more beautiful then before I left you, dear one,” The way he murmurs it, so absently, it’s almost more like he’s saying it to himself, but his eyes raised to bore back into yours after a minute-clearly, he wants you to hear every word of what he’s saying, absent or not. “... Would you like to know something I thought about while I was away?” His love renders you breathless, speechless-it’s all you can do to nod up at him. “During the brief hours of respite I would get, I would think to myself... What would it be like to come back to you, our home... How would it feel, the joy of it all... And then, another thought had started to occur to me,” A sharp gasp tears through you as you feel a few fingers suddenly and swiftly beginning their work at stretching you out-sneaky man, he’d distracted you from his hands with his voice, and even then, he kept talking like he hadn’t done anything, “... What would it be like if I could come home to the sight of you all swollen and glowing with our child...?” Those words rob you of whatever meager amount of breath you had managed to regain. With your child...? “... Oh, my love, you squeezed my fingers so nicely just now,” He marvels at the sight, the feeling of you, worrying his lip between his teeth-you’re so pretty like this, is what he wants to say, but his mind is suddenly consumed by the thought he’d put into both your heads a moment ago. You, glowing with the product of your love in your stomach. You don’t fail to notice the twitching of his cock where it hangs all hard between his legs. “Do you like the sound of that, then...? Do you want to carry my children, our children, my dear one? I’ll give it to you if you just say the word-after all, what poor excuse of a husband would I be if I didn’t?” His fingers move in and out of you faster, frantic and eager to prepare you for him, now, as he almost rambles on like that-his words set your body, your insides, on fire. You do want it, you realize-it’s not something you’d given much thought to before, but here, like this, right now after spending so much time worrying about losing him? You really do want nothing more. “P-p-please, please Kyojuro, I want-please give me your children, I want it, I want you, please make me pregnant, my husband, please-” It’s not meant to egg him on, truly it isn’t-you just can’t help but beg with how badly you want it yourself. But that doesn’t mean you don’t delight in the way he seems to snap, just the slightest bit, above you, quickly removing his fingers from you to replace them with his cock-what you’d been waiting for since he laid you down in bed earlier. That felt like an eternity ago right now, though. The stretch isn’t an uncomfortable one, with the care he’d still taken to prepare you-you missed it, if anything, you missed him. And it’s clear that he feels the same-he’s gone so tense above you, arms trembling on either side of you with the restraint it takes not to move. Somehow, he still manages to keep up that bright smile of his, too. “Do tell me when I can move, my love. This is a bit unbearable with how lovely you feel!” ... As hazy as your mind was with pleasure, you couldn’t help but giggle. Even now, your husband was so... Endearing. So cute. Your bring your hands up to hold his face as you nod your head eagerly, over and over, “Please, Kyojuro-please, I want it,” You can see that he wants to worry about you, wants to ask you again to make sure-but he can’t, his body betrays him, his hips instantly slotting themselves against your own, pulling back only to quickly bring themselves back down, his cock pressing and rubbing against every bit of your insides as it moves in and out of you, over and over and over, so fast-and your husband hardly even breaks a sweat. ... His being a demon slayer, and a pillar, at that, had its perks, you supposed. His stamina was one of them. But he seemed to already be losing his composure, too, with just how long it’d been since you’d gotten to be so close. “This-this is embarrassing, haha-I feel like I could burst at any moment already-just-just thinking about how-utterly perfect you’d look, ah-” His hips stutter, and he stills for a second, to keep his own pleasure at bay for a moment-though he makes up for it with the hand that shoots down to rub and stroke at what his cock isn’t already touching, “-goodness gracious-how perfect you’d look, pregnant, my love-” As if you aren’t ready to burst, yourself. Did he suddenly forget about denying you mere minutes ago...? “M-my husband-my husband, Kyojuro, please, m-me too, just go ahead, please-please give me your child, give it to me, please-” “You’re really as difficult as you are beautiful!” The very wind is knocked out of you as you find your legs suddenly on either side of your head, as he fucks into you with a very renewed, fittingly fiery sense of vigor and passion, grunting freely every time he feels you wrap around him again and again, “I truly did want to take my time with you this evening, my sweet-how irresistible you are like this-I’ll have to savor you another time-” This position, the wildness in his eyes, the feeling and the sight of him-yes, the sight of him, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t see the bulge appearing and disappearing from your stomach-fucking into you desperately, all of it is far too much for you, far too overwhelming, but of course he revels above you in the way you clamp down on him and make a sudden, abrupt mess all over the pair of you, not to mention the futon underneath you. “So beautiful-so beautiful like this, my love-I-just the sight of you, you’re going to make me-goodness-” He leans over you and folds you in half even further, nose brushing against your neck, “I-I’m going to-I’m going to give it to you now, alright? I swear it, my love, my dear one, I’ll-I’ll get you pregnant, I promise, I promise, I--” It’s so intense, he almost roars as it washes over him, as he fills you up so completely it leaks out of you, with how long its been since either of you had any form of... Release. Your legs are released, and they flop numbly down against the plush futon beneath you-your husband can barely keep himself up, but he at least tries to be careful as he collapses against you, chuckling so happily against your shoulder while you can hardly keep your eyes open, let alone say anything. You wish you had the sense what was apparently so... Funny, right now. “... I love you, _____.” The biggest wave of tranquility falls over you, hearing those words. You can’t quite say much of anything still, but he knows-he sees it in your eyes when he looks up at your face. You love him too. Right now, that’s all he needs. “I really am so happy to be home, dear one.”
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 10 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.3 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (09)
Next part (11) ->
A/N: This part was inspired on the song Treacherous by Taylor Swift
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
You can't believe you let Billy convince you into this. These parties were never your thing. They usually happen during the week, and on the next day, you can see the effects on those who went. Today is Saturday, but even so.
Maybe it was Billy's intense stare, or how he smiled and caressed your cheek as he asked you to go with him... Or how he said he wouldn't go without you because there would be no point.
Sighing, you look at yourself in the mirror, blushing at the memories. Your hair is styled with some waves, and they flow down your shoulders. The dress you choose is tight, perfectly hugging your body. Not too tight though, as the dresses Stacy and her friends wear. It's decent and delicate, pink and black... And you wonder if Billy will like it.
“(Y/N), Billy is here!” Your mother yells and you sigh, fixing your hair and leaving the bathroom.
Once you put the high heels on, you take your purse and go downstairs. Billy is seated on the couch, but his eyes find you immediately, and he stands up. “Hey.” You mutter, walking over a very weird Billy. He has his mouth half-open, eyes scanning your body. “Have you lost something?” Trying to keep the sassy tone, you cross your arms, heat spreading through your cheeks.
“I just never saw you on a dress before and...” He sighs, eyes meeting yours and a smirk coming to his lips. “You're stunning.”
Biting your lip, you look down, taking in the leather jacket and the red shirt underneath, which has a lot of buttons left open. “You look good too.” You mutter, running a hand through your hair. “Shall we go?”
“Sure.” Nodding, you start walking to the front door.
“(Y/N).” Your mother calls, and when you turn around, she's standing by the kitchen door frame. “Be back by ten, alright?”
Silently, you nod before waving and walking out.
The ride to the party is filled with small talk. Billy keeps stealing glances, a small smile that never leaves his lips.
Once you get there, a house you don't even know who lives in, you raise your eyebrows as you walk in. The music is loud, but the people are louder. The place is crowded, and you wouldn't want to be the one to clean this place after.
“So, what do you think?” Billy asks, mouth close to your ear.
“It's very loud!” You tell him, and someone bumps on you, making your shoulder collapse on his chest.
Billy gives someone a hard stare before looking down at you. “Wanna dance?”
“Come.” He takes your hand, guiding you to the living room, which has the furniture all moved, creating an open space. There are a lot of people here already, but they move aside for Billy. A lot of eyes lay on you, but you ignore them. “I don't even know if you can dance, pretty girl.”
“Oh, I do.” Smirking at him, you wrap your arms around his neck, and start moving.
Billy raises his eyebrows, clearly impressed as his hands encircle your waist. You're very, very close, and you can feel all of his body. Your cheeks burn, the proximity making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. The heels do make you closer to his lips, but still, he'd have to bend down to kiss you.
Kissing Billy Hargrove. You never thought you'd want to do such thing.
But here you are now, dancing with him, spinning around and colliding your back against his chest as his arms hold you close, moving to the hectic beat. And it's perfect, amazing. Not because of the party, but because of him. You want to be like this forever, in his arms.
“You? Here?” The voice, very familiar breaks through your stupor, and you come back to Earth. Steve raises an eyebrow, purposely ignoring the man holding you. “I could never convince you to come to these parties. Not even when we were dating.”
Billy gets tense behind you, arms holding you a bit tighter. “Well, that was because I never had a good reason to come. Now I do.” Shrugging your shoulders, you gesture at Billy. “Where's your girl?”
“Bathroom.” He says, looking around. “There she is. Gotta go.” He steps away, but stops suddenly, eyes focusing on Billy for the first time. “You try anything with her I–”
“Steve, go.” Cutting him off, you speak up. “I'll be alright, Billy treats me well.”
“He better do.” With one last angry stare, Steve walks away, and you breathe out, relieved.
“I'll get you something to drink,” Billy says, letting go of you. You turn around, giving him a look. “A soda. Just soda.” Smiling, he raises both hands in defeat. “I know you well, pretty girl.”
“Alright. I'll check the backyard.”
“I'll meet you there,” Billy says and you nod, starting to make your way through the people.
The backyard isn't empty, but it's not crowded as the house is. Blame it on the cold. It's freezing, and you wish you had brought a jacket. The yard is cute though. A single three and some wooden tables scattered around. There's a bench under the tree, so you sit there bracing yourself and rubbing your arms.
“Hi.” Someone says, and you find Tyler coming to join you on the bench. “You look absolutely amazing.”
“Thanks.” His tone sounds weird, and you move away from him a little.
“People didn't use to notice you, but they sure are now. And God, you're so beautiful.” He says, and you give him a confused glance. Why is he saying this? “How did you manage to stay invisible for so long?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you shrug your shoulders. “Because I'm not the type of girl guys like you pay attention to. And now that I'm with Billy–"
“You're with Billy?” He cuts you off, eyes following a small group of people walking by. “Is it official?”
“Mmm... We're... We're hanging out.”
“There's a big difference, see...” Tyler moves closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You immediately shake his hand away, but he keeps it on the backrest of the bench. “Because if you're with Billy, your off-limits. And if you're not... Well, I can have a shot with you.” Tyler run his fingers through your shoulder, all the way to the back of your neck. So you get up, not even trying to seem polite.
“I'm not interested, Tyler.” Bracing yourself from the cold, you look down at him.
“Look, you know Billy won't keep you. Save yourself a broken heart.”
“(Y/N),” Billy calls and you thank the heavens. Turning around, you find Billy coming your way. “Tyler.” He says in a weird, plain tone.
“Here.” He hands you over the can of soda, eyebrows furrowed. “Everything alright?”
“Sure,” Tyler speaks before you can, a humorless laugh escaping his lips.
“Wasn't talking to you.” He snaps, eyes coming to look at you.
“I'm fine.” With a half-smile, you tell him, craking the can open and taking a sip.
“Mmm.” Billy mumbers, and you can read the question in his eyes. “Here.” He says at the same time he starts taking his jacket off. “You're cold.”
“I'm not, really.” You protest, but he puts the jacket around your shoulders anyway. “I mean it, B. You'll be cold.”
“I'm alright.” He assures you. “And come. Let's get out of here.” Without giving Tyler a second glance, Billy guides you away, and you don't even try to resist.
You thought he was driving you home, but instead, he took you to a snack bar, where he bought you ice cream. And here, leaning against his car in the almost empty parking lot, you're having more fun than you were back at the party. The night is a bit cold, but the sensation Billy brings out makes you warm.
“Did Tyler say anything?” He asks, putting his empty plastic ice cream cup on the hood of his car.
“No, just... He said I'm pretty, that you'll break my heart so I should give him a chance.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down, putting your cup next to his before pushing yourself up, sitting on the hood of his Camaro. “But don't mind him. Nobody else knows what happens between us.”
“I won't break your heart. I'm scared you will break mine.” Billy says, a nervous giggle leaving his lips. “(Y/N), I...” He comes closer, his hand, on the hood, touching your leg. Then you fold a leg under yourself, your body leaning closer to him. It happens involuntary, as a need you have you didn't even know was there. “I use to act and think and feel like I was unbreakable. But you... You made me weak.” It comes out as a plead, and Billy ends the little distance between you two. His face is too close, and his blue eyes are everything you see as his hand comes to caress your cheek. “I'm completely at your mercy. I'll do anything you say”
You've never been this close to Billy. And yet, you want more. The whole world is out of focus, and even the gravity is too much. Your heart needs him, it wants him. “Put your lips close to mine...” Your voice is barely a whisper, as your mind tries to win the fight over your heart. You'd be smart to walk away, but Billy is quicksand. He pulls you in. His kindness, gentleness... His touch, his voice, his eyes... Every single thing draws you closer. “As long as they don't touch...”
“I'm in love with you,” Billy says, eyes never leaving yours. “I've been since I saw you for the first time but it only got stronger. When we're close, I want to kiss you, and touch you and look at you... And when I see you walking away all I can hear is the sound of my own voice asking you to stay.”
A smile takes over your lips. He's confessing it, he's saying it with all the words. Billy's heart is open... And he loves you. “Everyone warns me about you. They tell me not to fall for the bad boy and sometimes it scares me but... Your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should know.” Holding on the collar of his shirt, just to make sure he'll stay close, you look at his lips. “But nothing safe is worth the drive so...”
“(Y/N)...” He says, begs, pleads.
“This path is reckless... Treacherous... But I like it.”
And it's settled. You want him. And when Billy loses control, when he kisses you, you surrender. His lips taste like ice cream at first, but soon after all you can taste is him. And it's amazing, indescribable, inebriating. You've never kissed someone like that, you never wanted to kiss someone like that, and now you know why.
You've been waiting to kiss Billy all along.
And when you have to pull away, he holds you close, forehead touching as you both catch your breathes. The silence that follows isn't uncomfortable. It's the silence of two people in love enjoying each other's company.
“So...” Billy says after a while, his thumb caressing your lower lip. “I believe we're dating now.”
The different tone makes you laugh, playfully pushing him away and jumping off the hood. “What makes you think that?”
“A good girl like you wouldn't kiss someone she's not dating.”
“I'll make an exception for you...” With a smirk, you open the passenger door. “We can go back to the party if you want.”
“No way. I'm taking you home.” Billy gestures for you to get inside, closing the door for you.
“Are you for real?” You ask as he starts the car.
“You know my mother isn't home, right? She wouldn't even know.” Putting the seat belt on, you look at Billy. He has a smile on. The kind of smile you've never seen before.
“No, I want to make things right this time.” He glances at you, and your eyes fall on his lips, making you want to kiss him again.
Blushing, you nod, looking at the road ahead. “Alright.”
On the ride home, you listen to some music. And as he speeds through the streets, you sing out loud. Some people look with an angry face, eyebrows furrowed, but it only makes you sing louder. You're happy, like you never felt before.
The song is only turned off when he stops by your house, and you step out of the car. Billy walks you to your front door, and you stop there, turning to face him.
“I had fun tonight.” You tell him, a hand on the door handle, but with no intention of going inside.
“So did I.” He mutters in a low voice, stepping closer. Despite the high heels, he's still taller, so you raise your head to look at him. The darkness hides you both from curious eyes, and it makes you brave enough to move closer, holding on to his shirt.
“You know that if I cross the door with this jacket I won't give it back anymore, right?” You whisper, a smile on your lips.
“Take it, it's yours.” He whispers back, a hand caressing your cheek. “The jacket... My heart...” And he kisses you again, slowly, allowing you to feel the warmth of his lips and mouth against the cold of the night.
But he pulls away too soon, and you sigh. “What?”
“It's past ten, pretty girl. Get inside.” He places a kiss on your forehead, reaching behind you and pushing the door open. “See you tomorrow at school.”
“Good night, B.” Smiling, you turn around and step inside, but the door remains open until his car disappears down the street.
@multific @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @theodore-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85 @taisab02 @pascal-rascal424 @aleksanderblack @gruffle1
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ethanesimp · 3 years
Pairing: Ethan Torchio x Fem! Reader
Summary: Ethan isn’t the brightest—or the best—when it comes to surprises, so his attempt at proposing to you causes a few misunderstandings...
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Swearing, a tiny tiny mention of death, some angst, other than that it’s pure fluff and me projecting my obsession with old books onto the reader.
Request: Ethan planning to propose and acting super nervous and strange (a bit angsty bc the reader doesn’t know what’s happening) and ending in pure fluff.
Masterlist // Taglist link in bio
A/N: After more than a year of stepping foot into a bookstore for *cough* obvious reasons, I got to go to one yesterday. While looking at some second-hand books I had an idea that I decided to combine with @kawaiiwxnnabe​’s lovely request to bring you this. I hope you enjoy! <3 
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Ethan had been mindlessly listening to Damiano sing Amandoti when the thought of marrying you first seriously crossed his mind. It had been a thing he’d thought of countless times ever since he started dating you, but it had never remained with as much intensity as it had that time. 
Damiano, who had noticed his friend’s face illuminate all of a sudden, had a talk with him that once and for all convinced Ethan that it was the right time and you were the right person. He didn’t sleep at all that night because he couldn’t stop thinking about what would be the perfect way to propose to you. It was no secret to him—or anyone who knew you—that you were a hopeless romantic. 
There was nothing that made you happier than simple and small details that came from the heart. That was the reason why you had developed an affinity towards old books. Not only did they have a particular and special scent that reminded you of vanilla and chocolate, but some had the luck—as you liked to call it—of being embellished by notes on margins or dedications on covers. Whether they were about love, sorrow, or maybe even hate, they still showed a small glimpse into the life of the person who had once owned it. Those notes told a story that would prevail even long after they were gone from the earth. 
Ever since he had noticed that small obsession of yours, Ethan had tried to help you expand your treasured collection by bringing you back books he found at antique stores from every country the band played in. 
During a visit to Spain after he initially had his stirring thought, Ethan took the chance to visit one of the second-hand shops he’d found during a night stroll with Victoria, who had disappeared into a bakery. His main goal was to find something different from the usual books he brought back for you. 
After he walked into the store and vaguely told the old lady at the counter about his idea in the best Spanish he could muster, she smiled warmly at him and guided him to the very back of the tiny shop where a beautiful and worn out bookshelf sat in all its glory, filled with as many books as it could hold. 
He immediately started searching around for the perfect book, but it proved to be harder than he initially thought it’d be. After searching around for more than an hour, all he had found was a collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s tales and poems with a heartbreaking note to someone’s dead lover. While it had almost brought him to tears and was a special thing he’d buy to give to you later, it wasn’t exactly the best thing to help him carry out his plan.   
Victoria walked into the shop when he was about to give up and, fully aware of his plan, started looking around without saying a word to him. They both searched around the messy piles of books for something. It didn’t take long for her to stumble across three books held together by a lilac satin ribbon. 
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. All three contained a note on the very first page right under the title, but the last one stood out above the other two because, according to his basic knowledge of Spanish, it ended with the very question he wanted to ask ¿Quieres casarte conmigo? Or ‘Will you marry me?’. He bought all three of them after a huge smile and a thumbs up from Victoria.  
What he hadn’t expected was for them to remain hidden in a drawer he knew you never opened underneath piles of clothes. Ever since he came back from their small trip to Spain, Ethan had tried to ask the question about six times, but always ended up choking on his words and saying something else. In fact, the first time he ever tried, Ethan chickened out at the last second and ended up giving you the Edgar Allan Poe anthology instead.
You were still none the wiser to his plan even after he’d asked about your opinion on marriage a few times. Anyone would’ve probably caught up with what was going on already, but you were always so busy with things happening around you that you didn’t connect his awkward and nervous attitude with his questions.
You didn’t start giving his actions a second thought until one night… You had been cooped up in your office all day working on a new project you were supposed to present to your boss by the end of the week when you suddenly felt the urge to get up and walk around the house.
Ethan was casually sitting on the couch as he whispered unintelligible words into his phone. You supposed he was on a call with a friend or maybe his manager and was trying to be quiet to avoid disturbing you, but then he hung up the call with a panicked expression the moment he noticed you. After that, you started thinking back on the way he had been behaving ever since he returned and it all raised the suspicion that there was something strange going on. 
It didn’t get any better when he kept on acting weird. Simple things that he had allowed you to do, like using his phone to take pictures because it had a better camera than yours, now seemed to make him almost mad. He’d even snapped at you once when you tried to grab it to take a picture with him. Even if Ethan had apologized right away, it still didn’t calm you down, especially because he had gone as far as to change the password on it.
It almost felt like he was walking on eggshells around you and you didn’t like it one bit. Your relationship had always been about honesty and worked because of constant communication. Everything was just so strange that your mind couldn’t help but think of the worst.
You were an imaginative person who never had any difficulties when it came to envisioning things clearly. Unfortunately, that also applied to every negative thought that crossed your mind, so it wasn’t hard for you to start coming up with the worst explanations as to why he was acting so suspicious. It didn’t help much that he had been busier than normal because the band was wrapping up on their latest album, so you hadn’t had the opportunity to sit down and voice all your concerns, to ask if something was going on and if there was a way to fix it. 
The morning of your anniversary, you’d finally had enough. You had woken up, expecting to feel Ethan’s arm tightly wrapped around your waist and to receive a shower of kisses the moment he noticed you were awake, but no. There was no Ethan and the side of his bed was already neatly made.
Your disappointment only grew when he wasn’t in the kitchen or his small studio where he had his drums. You doubted he was in the house at all. 
It was a thing that wouldn’t have affected you much had he done it any other time, but with everything that had been going on as of late, you could only fear the worst. So, without being able to control yourself, you started making the worst conclusions. You’d always been fully aware that he loved you, but all the signs undoubtedly pointed at him meeting someone new… And maybe he was going to leave you for them as well… during your anniversary.
That was all you needed to break into tears. You climbed back into bed and cried for what seemed to be hours. Even since you got together, you had thought of him as your person, your forever. The thought of him leaving you broke your heart into tiny pieces.
Ethan arrived home only a few minutes after you’d buried yourself underneath all the blankets and cried out all your worries. When he was about to open the door to your bedroom, he stopped. Were you crying? 
He stood there in complete silence for a few seconds until he was more than sure that you were, in fact, crying. Ethan rushed inside and he felt his heart break at the sight of you looking so heartbroken, and it didn’t get any better when he heard a whimper come out of your mouth at the sight of him. You cuddled deeper into the bedsheets and turned away from him.
Ethan sat on your side of the bed and, as delicately as possible, he cupped your face into his warm hands and wiped your tears with his thumbs, “Amore,” He said in a quiet voice, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You tried to turn away from him, but his grip on your face stopped you from doing so. You placed one of your hands on top of his and gave it a firm squeeze. No part of you was ready to have that conversation with him because that was going to be it and you were going to have to watch him leave…
So, with a lot of courage, you spoke the first words that came to mind, “You know, i-it’s okay if you’ve found someone else,” You caressed his cheek softly as more tears started spilling down your face, “You can tell me if you have.”
His eyebrows furrowed at your words and the only thing he could do was shake his head no, “What? Found someone else? What would make you say such a thing dolcezza?”
Then, before you could even answer, realization hit him like a ton of bricks and he felt like the stupidest living being on the face of the Earth. He pinched his nose and sighed, annoyed at himself.
“Fuck… I’m so fucking stupid. Please don’t ever think of something like that. I was just… I-I,” Clueless as to what to say, Ethan pressed his lips against yours to kiss you slowly, hoping it spoke more than his words ever could. He could still taste a trace of the salty tears that had fallen on your lips and he couldn’t help but shed a few of his own at the thought that he’d been the one to make you cry.
After pulling away, Ethan pressed his forehead to yours and brushed his nose against yours while his arms held you as close as possible, “Will you close your eyes for just a second, amore mio? I promise everything will make so much sense soon.”
You nodded and kept your eyes closed as you felt him get up from the bed. You heard him open and close a few drawers, and look around for something for a while before he sat back on the bed. Ethan grabbed your hands in his and slowly slipped the three small books into your grasp.
You opened his eyes after a small sound of approval from him and smiled when you saw the three old books held together by a ribbon and the pretty pink rose that had been carefully been slipped into the first book and the ribbon.
You gently removed the flower and placed it on your side. Then you undid the simple knot and picked up the first book, “Wuthering Heights?” You questioned.
He nodded, “Yeah… At least I think that’s it. I hope I didn’t bring back some sketchy book or some shit,” Ethan scratched his neck and you giggled as you opened it on the first page. Your fingers brushed over the letters neatly written down in fountain pen.  
After clearing your throat, you started reading the first dedication out loud. Since your Spanish wasn’t exactly the best either, you had to pause every once in a while to translate all the words, “May 17, 1850… My dearest Helena, I hope this book reaches you in great condition, being apart from you is one of the hardest challenges I have ever had to face, one of the most painful as well. I hope you can find me in between these pages as you read and remember how much I love you, remember how much I long to be back in your arms and kiss your lips. Sincerely, Alejandro.”
You closed it and placed it back on the bed before opening the second book and doing the same thing with the third, “January 24, 1855. Carolina, nothing I’ve ever experienced has gotten close to being as terrible as not having you in my arms. Apologies are overdue… long overdue. Words have never been my strongest suit, yet I still hope I can coherently express just how much I love you, all of you. I’m afraid I’m already too late since you will soon be betrothed to someone else and there will be nothing I can do by then.
 “Still, I hope with everything in my being that this arrives sooner so you’re aware of how sorry I am. I hope you remember that I would do anything you asked without a single complaint just to watch that lovely smile I adore so much appear on your face. If you ever come back to me, I promise with every fiber of my being, and I’ll be dammed if I don’t keep my promise, that I will leave everything behind and escape with you. Anywhere, any time. So with that, I ask a question that will hopefully have a yes as an answer. Will you marry me? With love, Javier.”
Before you could close it, Ethan stopped you and timidly asked for you to open the book on the very last page. You did it and looked back at him with confusion at the sight of his writing on the page, “Read this one out loud for me. Will you Y/N?” You nodded and mumbled a small ‘of course’ before clearing your throat to get rid of the knot that had formed. 
“October 21, 2025… Y/N, my one true love, I’ve always hoped to make a gesture that will remind you of your treasured books. I’ve never been one great with words spoken out loud, so I sought inspiration from those before me who were just as in love with someone as I am with you. Ever since I met you I dreamt of one day settling down with you, of having our small home in the countryside as you’ve always dreamed of. Maybe even doing some of those cloying gestures people seem to do in fiction and dedicate to you the most beautiful love poems I lay eyes on. 
“I’ve wondered for a while how I could ever take the step that would bring me closer to that goal, yet every time I try, words seem to get stuck in my throat with no way out and I end up in square one all over again. It is with this note that I hope to finally take a step in the right direction because I know you’re it for me. You’re my person, my forever, and there’s nothing I would love more than to share my life with you. Sei la mia migliore amica e il mio unico vero amore. Ti chiedo di accettare il mio amore, il mio nome e tutto quello che sono.” (You are my best friend and my one true love. I ask you to accept my love, my name, and everything I am.)
When your eyes spotted the four words that followed, you slowly lowered the book, “Will you marry me?” You both said at the same time, although yours sounded more like an unintelligible mumble. Only then did you notice him down on one knee right in front of you. He held a velvet box with one of the most beautiful rings sitting inside of it 
A hand went to cover your mouth as tears started falling down your face. This time, happy and free of worry. You could only nod repeatedly, overcome with pure joy as your heart swelled with love.
He slowly slid the ring into your finger and grabbed your face to kiss you once again, “I’m so sorry I made you think something else was going on. I just kept backtracking every time I tried to tell you. Not because I was regretting the decision but because I didn’t want to lose you.”
You shook your head as a silent way of saying it was alright and brushed his hair back with your fingers, “The important thing is that you’ve done it and you’re not going to lose me, no matter how hard you try. I’ll always be right here because I love you and I’ll always be yours.”
205 notes · View notes
Okay after this I swear I will post something OTHER than smut, I promise. But here we go, first time with mister Park Seonghwa
Warnings: (oh dear god not as many as my previous one but whew) lingerie, dry humping, multiple orgasms (y/n receiving), oral (y/n receiving again), finger sucking (Seonghwa receiving), fingering, not really orgasm denial but at the same time yes? virgin reader, experienced Seonghwa, over-usage of the name angel, protected sex (I CAN SET A GOOD EXAMPLE), a bit rough at the end, squirting (kinda mentioned but I don’t harp on it), reader kinda blacks out twice from her orgasms sooooo there’s that too but I think that’s it? If I missed anything PLEASE TELL ME.
Note: this was originally written for Jeonghan of Seventeen, but I’ve been considering taking them off of my list of groups I write for cause I haven’t really felt inspired for them 🤷🏼‍♀️ but anyway, ENJOY
Word count: 3k so not as long as Punishment (WHICH IS STILL GETTING NOTES OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH)
You were ready. This was the next step in your relationship and an important step in your life. Staring at your reflection, you can’t help but blush. Why? Because you almost don’t recognize yourself in the mirror.
A white lace, two-piece set hugs your curves and accentuates your soft facial features, which is made up of a simple eyeliner and mascara pairing meant to highlight your favorite facial features. Your hair hangs loosely over your shoulders, brushing the sensitive skin there causing goosebumps to rise across your skin and a shiver to run down your spine. Or maybe that’s because of what’s about to happen. With your boyfriend.
Seonghwa and you have been in a steady relationship for a couple years that resulted in you moving with him to Korea a few months back. You aren’t exactly sure when you realized how important Seonghwa had become to you, and you DEFINITELY don’t remember exactly when you decided he’d be your first but you did know that it was the right choice.
Your phone chimes, notifying you of Seonghwa most likely leaving dance practice to head home as he always does. He has no idea what he’s coming home to, nor does he expect it. You and Seonghwa have been moving relatively slow in your relationship, the farthest being make-out sessions that he always ended with sweet pecks and the words “soon, love” always leaving his lips with a smile that made your heart flutter. But now you are ready.
The door opens and shuts, causing your heart to race and legs to tremble. You take a deep breath to steady yourself and calm your nerves.
“Y/n?” Seonghwa calls out, setting his bag down in the living room. “Angel, I’m home. I swear Yunho was trying to kill us today with this new choreography-” 
Seonghwa stops mid-sentence, mouth dropping at the beautiful sight before him. His hair is sticking slightly to his forehead, his hand coming up to push it back. And there you stand, hands held to your chest shyly as he looks you up and down. Clearing his throat, he looks away while blushing slightly.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve knocked. Were you changing?” he mumbles, avoiding your gaze as you giggle nervously.
“No. I wasn’t,” you reply, slowly walking forward and placing a cautious hand on his chest to feel his racing heartbeat. “I meant for you to see this. What do you think?”
Seonghwa’s tongue flicks across his lip, before biting it subconsciously and looking at you properly. His pupils blow wide slightly, looking at your seemingly innocent face while choosing his next words carefully. He takes in every part of you, lightly running a single finger from your hip up to your neck where a silky white choker rests. He pulls it slightly, feeling the soft and smooth material against his fingertips while you tilt your head slightly, closing your eyes and letting out a shaky breath.
“You look absolutely ravishing.” is all he says before pulling you into a heated kiss. His lips dance across yours, hands pulling you forward by your hips until you are flush against him. You moan slightly, his tongue swiping across your lips lightly before entering your mouth, feeling his way around. Pulling away slightly, both of you a panting mess as you look in each other’s eyes, foreheads touching and noses rubbing against each other. “Y/n. I want to make sure you are absolutely sure about this. And if you change your mind at any point, just tell me and I’ll stop or we’ll try again later or-”
You cut him off by pressing a kiss to his lips, catching him by surprise and making him sigh softly.
“I’m sure,” you mumble, blushing slightly as he rubs soothing circles on your hips, fingers slipping past the waistband of your underwear. “I’ve never been more sure of anything, Hwa. I love you, and I want you to be my first.” Seonghwa smiles, pressing a kiss to your lips before grabbing your wrist and guiding you to the bed, sitting down on the edge and patting his leg.
“Okay angel, but we’re taking this slow and I’m in control,” Seonghwa states as you straddle his lap, his bulge resting on the inside of your thigh causing you to shiver. You look down, but he grabs your chin, smirking while looking in your eyes. “Understood?”
“I understand,” you mumble, biting your lip as he flashes you a brilliant smile that causes your heart to flutter.
“Good angel.” Seonghwa kisses you again, this time more in control of himself as he wraps his arms around you, unclasping your bra and slowly removing it trailing the skin it passes with fluttering touches that cause you to shiver, whimpering against his lips. He pulls away to discard the article of clothing, looking at your now exposed breasts before cupping one in his hand. “Beautiful,” is all he mumbles before bringing a nipple into his mouth and sucking lightly.
A surprised gasp leaves you, followed by a low groan as your hands tangle in his messy grey locks, tugging slightly before moving your hips against his slightly. He groans against you, grasping your hips tightly in warning not to move. Whining, you look down at him as he glares at you, pulling away from your now abused and pointed nipple. 
“Don’t test me. I’m barely keeping it together as it is and I want this to be special,” he groans, leaning over you slightly while raising an eyebrow. Gulping, you look down and nod. “Good girl.”
Seonghwa returns to his work, licking and sucking at your nipple while pinching the other before switching to give it the same treatment. You're a moaning and whimpering mess, threading your fingers through his hair as he groans, pulling away after what feels like forever to look at his handy work. 
“Now, angel, is there anything you want off of me?” he questions, smirking slightly as you pout at the loss of stimulation. Looking him straight in the eyes, you tug on his shirt indicating you wanting it to be gone. Smiling, he slowly lifts it over his head and throws it behind you. He begins peppering kisses across your jaw and down your neck, stopping at where your shoulder meets your neck to lightly bite there, then laving his tongue across that spot. He begins sucking at it and nibbling, causing shudders to run down your spine. 
“S-Seonghwa,” you whimper, tugging his locks slightly. 
“What angel?” he whispers, blowing on the now bruised part of your neck before licking a strip up and across where your pulse is.
“I-I need m-more.” You’re a stuttering mess, trying desperately not to move your hips against his tempting bulge. Feeling him chuckle against you, he loosens his grips on your hips to move them in a slow rhythm against his own. “F-fuck.”
He groans into your neck, his hips bucking against yours as you begin moving faster against him. His assault on your neck becomes a bit more aggressive, groaning and cursing as both of your hips move desperately against each other, a warm feeling overcoming your senses. You whimper at the unfamiliar yet pleasant sensation. 
“Seonghwa. What is this?” you gasp, hips acting on their own as Seonghwa brings your lips to his in a heated kiss. “Feels g-good.”
“Angel, are you about to cum? Just from my hips? I’m not even in you yet,” he teases, hand reaching between you both to rub your clit through your panties, adding to the feeling before you feel your core tightening. “You can if you want. Go ahead and cum on my lap, angel. Don’t hold back.” 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you desperately thrust against his hips before a euphoric and sense depriving feeling washes over you, causing your toes to curl and your head to roll back as you moan out. Seonghwa slows his pace against you, whispering praises against your neck before pressing light kisses to help you ride out your orgasm. 
“We can stop here if you want, angel. Just let me know. You’re doing so well,” he presses a kiss to your forehead and cheeks, nipping your nose before pecking you lightly on the lips. “I don’t want to overwhelm my sweet angel.”
“No. I’m fine. I want to keep going,” you mumble, coming back to your senses slowly. Chuckling lightly, Seonghwa presses one last kiss on your lips before laying you down on the bed, supporting your head with pillows as he slowly kisses his way down your body, kissing each hip before spreading your legs slowly.
He smirks, lightly touching your sensitive core to see how wet it is. “Look at my sweet angel, all wet and ready for me. Part of me just wants to taste you.”
“Please!” you cry out, surprised as he dives in to lick a strip up over your panties, your head was thrown back and hands finding purchase in his hair again.
“What my angel wants, she gets.” At this, Seonghwa grabs your panties with his teeth and pulls them down your legs slowly, pulling them off completely before throwing them somewhere else with the growing pile of clothes. “Thank you for the meal.”
You are honestly struggling with breathing as Seonghwa licks up your core before sucking your clit into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you hitting his tongue. The vibrations go straight through your core and you almost scream, hips jolting as he picks up his pace in eating you out. Wrapping his lips around you and sucking hard before lapping up the arousal that seeps out of you, hands pinning your hips down. What surprises you the most is when his tongue pokes at your entrance, slowly pushing in and pulling out again. You whimper at the intrusion, slowly becoming more accustomed to the feeling as he continues to fuck his tongue in and out of you. He slowly gains speed, moaning against you as he eats you out like you’re the last meal he is going to have. The warm feeling returns, much more intense than before and growing faster. You open your mouth to warn Seonghwa but all that comes out is a scream as you cum hard, white flashing before your eyes as your body goes rigid.
Your ears are ringing and you hear your name being called in the distance, the white slowly dispersing and you see a very concerned Seonghwa above you tapping your cheek lightly.
“Breathe, Y/n. Come back down from it and breathe,” Seonghwa states firmly once seeing you come out of your high. “Angel, are you ok?”
“That was amazing,” you pant, completely shocked at the powerful orgasm you just experienced. Seonghwa’s hand gently strokes your cheek, followed by a peck there. What you don't expect is how now a painfully hard dick rubs against your core, causing a strained moan to escape his lips. Smirking, you reach between his legs and cup your hand over his bulge, giggling as he grunts into your neck. 
“Y/n, stop it,” he groans, hips bucking as you continue to rub him through his pants. “You can’t handle anymore.”
“Says who?” you mumble out, slowly unzipping his jeans and slipping your hand into his underwear and pumping him a couple of times before squeezing his base. Seonghwa hisses in your ear, a mumbled curse passing his lips as he slowly moves his hips to the same rhythm of your hand movements. “I think I’ll be fine, especially if I get to take care of you.”
Before you can continue working on Seonghwa, your hand is ripped out of his pants and he gets off the bed, pulling his jeans and boxers off swiftly and pulling a small package out of one his pockets, ripping it open before rolling a condom on his length, climbing back on top of you as soon as he’s finished. He brings his fingers to your mouth, parting your lips and sliding them in gently.
“Suck them, my love,” he grunts, voice raspy from the noises he was making earlier. “Make sure you get them nice and wet for me, okay?”
You nod, swirling your tongue around his digits before hollowing your cheeks and pulling off his digits, which drip with your saliva. Seonghwa smirks at you, moving down and slowly gathering your leaking juices on his fingertips before slowly sinking one into you.
Gasping, you close your eyes and hiss out, the sudden intrusion strange yet pleasurable. Seonghwa curls his finger in you, before slowly pumping it in and out of you enjoying your writhing body beneath him as he moves up to press kisses across your neck. He keeps a steady pace, being able to tell when you’re ready for another finger until he’s stretched you around three of his long digits.
The warmth returns, but before you get a chance to fully enjoy it Seonghwa pulls his dripping fingers out of your core, holding them in front of his face before sticking them straight in his mouth, cleaning them while moaning at the taste of you.
Diving into your lips, Seonghwa lines himself up with your entrance.
“Are you sure about this?” he questions, checking your eyes and face for any signs of hesitation. A soft smile followed by a gentle nod is all he needs before pushing himself into you, pausing at just the tip.
“A-ah,” you whimper out, wiggling at the stretching sensation that starts where you two are joined before Seonghwa pins your hips down. He’s panting with the amount of restraint he’s putting on himself not to just slam into you and fuck you senseless. A couple of minutes pass before you tap Seonghwa’s shoulder, indicating he can continue. This process of moving, pausing and resuming continues until Seonghwa has bottomed out in you, filling you to the absolute brim.
“So warm, so tight,” he grits out between his teeth, feeling the strain on his muscles. “Fuck baby, I never want to leave this pussy again.”
You’re a whimpering and whining mess, digging your nails into Seonghwa’s shoulders as you try to adjust to his girth and length. Taking a few deep breaths, you gently rut your hips into him feeling a fire ignite in your stomach and spread through your bloodstream. Seonghwa groans, head falling into your shoulder as he whispers praises in your ear.
“S-Seonghwa,” you hiss out, desperate for any kind of stimulation. “Move. Now.”
With that said, Seonghwa slowly pulls out until only his tip remains in you before moving forward again, causing a long groan to break free from your mouth. He continues this slow rhythm, your head lolling back as he begins sucking on the skin of your collarbones. But it’s not enough. 
“M-more. Please give me more!” you cry out, desperate for Seonghwa to snap and fuck you into oblivion. He slowly picks up the pace, hips snapping in a sharp rhythm that feels amazing but just not enough. “Damn it Seonghwa, if you don’t pick up the pace I’m throwing you off of me and riding you until I cum.”
At your challenge, Seonghwa stills his hips as he stares at you with blown out eyes and a sweat-covered brow, a smirk growing on his face as he chooses his next words carefully. 
“Are you challenging me, angel?” he questions, his smirk growing at how whiny you’ve got now that he’s ceased his movements. “Because while I’m enjoying our current arrangement, I’m perfectly okay switching it up a bit.”
“P-please Seonghwa. Don’t tease, and stop playing nice,” you beg, eyes pleading as you try to move your hips against his. “Just fuck me already-OH!”
Seonghwa adjusts his position, making sure his thrusts hit deep inside of you and causing jolts of pleasure to course through you. His pace has completely changed, his hips slapping against yours and echoing in the small room. You’re practically screaming at this point, panting out Seonghwa’s name in a mantra as he continues his relentless pace. 
Seonghwa grunts into your neck, feeling himself twitching inside of you and panicking at the possibility of finishing before you. His concerns are put to rest when you begin clenching around him, moans going higher in pitch and hips stuttering as they attempt to match his pace. Reaching between the both of you, Seonghwa starts circling your clit rapidly, sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you finally reach your high, a wet feeling spurting out of you and triggering Seonghwa’s own release.
Thrusting slowly in and out of you, Seonghwa and you ride out your orgasms while trying to catch your breath. After a few minutes of this, you grow uncomfortable and whine at Seonghwa who pulls out of you quickly and collapses next to you. 
“Angel,” he grunts, voice raw from what he just experienced. “Are you okay?”
Giggling, you allow him to pull you into a warm and sticky embrace after disposing of the condom. He can feel your heart-rate slowing as you calm after your orgasm. “I’m fine. More than fine, actually. That was amazing, Hwa. Thank you.”
“No thank YOU, angel” Seonghwa states, pressing a light kiss to your temple and working out the knots in your hair. “You shared a moment so important to you with me and put your faith in me. And there are no words that can express how much I appreciate that.”
“Mmmhmm,” is all you can manage, Seonghwa’s soft fingers running through your hair and his honey voice soothing you to sleep. “I always knew it would be you, Seonghwa. Because I love you.”
Seonghwa smiles, pressing a peck on your lips before settling in for the night, deciding to properly clean up the mess when you both wake-up. Right as you fall into consciousness, you hear his angelic voice say one last sentence that sends your heart fluttering out of your chest. 
“I love you too, Y/n. Forever and for always, I will love you.”
210 notes · View notes
tommymykink · 3 years
Thank you, Professor. (One shot)
Summary : Professor Shelby saves you (kinda) from a potential assault. Things get heated when he meets you in your room to support you.
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Words : 2289
Warnings : mature content, smut
Pairing : Tommy X Reader (M/F)
(Note : this is my first smut ever! I hope you like it. Please let me know your thoughts)
You sat on the edge of the bed with your head hung, feeling heavy with all the emotions you had to go through that day. Sitting beside you, Professor Shelby, gave you occasional pat on your back, rubbing circles, to let you know he is there for you.
“Thank you Professor. If it wasn’t for you I would have lost it today. The day started off so bad already, and now this. I would have been so broken”, you trembled and burst into tears.
Professor Shelby embraced you in a hug. He stroked your hair and whispered, “It’s okay, I’m here”.
Your day started off with an argument with your favourite Professor, Mr. Thomas Shelby. You were so disturbed by it already, and then you suddenly heard the news of your friend’s accident. You had to rush to the hospital to see him, leaving Professor alone in the café where you two met to discuss over the recent event your college was organising. He could have been your company at that hard hour, but you decided not to tell him what was going on and simply left without a word. It made him furious so he didn’t try to stop you. But later when he came to know the news about your friend from one of your classmates, he grew worried and felt immensely guilty for behaving that way. At night, around 9:00 AM, he decided to pay you a visit in your dorm and apologize. It was then that the whole disaster took place.
Professor Shelby found a man in your dorm room, wearing ragged clothes, and he was so drunk that he could barely stand. He was holding your picture frame with one hand and jacking off with the other, moaning and cussing at you for not being present. It made Professor Shelby’s blood boil. With an angry howl he stormed towards the man. Grabbing him by his shirt Professor Shelby was almost on the verge of beating him senseless, when the other inhabitants of the building came running to stop him, when they heard the commotion. The man was arrested and the watchman fired but Mr. Shelby did not care about any of those. He paced up and down the corridor, fiddling with his fingers nervously. His only concern was to see you safe.
You were in the car, returning to your dorm, light hearted. You were relieved to see your friend was fine. You weren’t allowed to meet him yet, but the doctor said his condition was stable and that he was resting. You smiled at the thought of getting to see your friend the next day. You closed your eyes, taking in the cold breeze from the open car window, the slow music that the cab driver had put on soothed your ear and made you more relaxed. You took your phone out to check and immediately started panicking seeing so many missed calls from Professor Shelby. You wanted to call him back but your throat felt dry and you were scared out of your wits. So instead you told the driver there’s an emergency and asked him to drive faster.
When you finally reached, you were walking through the corridor towards your room, your mouth dry with fear while your nervousness manifested in the form of cold sweats in the back of your neck. When Professor saw you, his eyes widened and he ran towards you. He pulled you in a tight hug. You were shocked and caught off guard by this gesture but before you could react he pulled you by your wrist, almost dragging you to your room. He pushed you on the bed to make you sit there. Then slamming the door shut he turned towards you.
“Where were you?”, asked he, rather irritated.
“Why do you care?!”, you replied coldly, furrowing your brows.
“Drop that attitude Ms. (Y/N) you don’t talk to your Professor like that”, he said, raising his voice with authority.
Fearing this would turn into another argument, you lowered your voice and requested him to calm down and sit beside you.
“What’s going on? Why did you call me so many times?”, you asked softly.
He looked up at you with tender eyes and then let out a deep sigh. It was then that he told you everything and your heart broke into a million pieces.
“Why Professor?”, you asked with a shaky voice, still holding him tight.
“Why what?”, he asked, confused.
“Why do you care so much?”
“Because… . “, he let out a deep sigh.
“Because you’re special”
A shiver ran down your spine, both because of his words as well as his breath on your neck. You closed your eyes, thinking thoughts. How you have always admired him, how your hands explored your body and you exploded with pleasure every time you stimulated yourself, thinking about him. You bit your lips, feeling guilty, trying to push aside those thoughts. Because of course, he is your Professor after all. You were about to speak when a range of sensations ran through your body when you felt his lips on your neck. Your eyes widened and you looked at him, surprised.
“Ahem…..sorry”, he said nervously, feeling guilty.
Without second thoughts you crashed your lips onto his, pulling him by the back of his neck to bring him closer. Tommy slid his tongue inside your mouth and began a sensual dance with yours. You lost yourself to the intoxicating taste of his lips. Just as you were about to unbutton his shirt he stopped short.
“We cant do this, this is wrong”, said he breathing heavy, his forehead pressed against yours. You kissed him again not wanting to stop what you started. He did return your kiss but after a while pulled back.
“Fuck why can’t I stop?!” He crashed his lips onto yours again, sensually nibbling your lower lip.
“Who’s asking you to stop?”, you whispered in between kisses.
That’s all he needed to hear. With his strong arms he picked you up and threw you onto the bed, rather aggressively. He hovered over you separating your legs, guiding them around his waist. He kissed you with such animalistic zeal that you forgot he was that same soft, gentleman Professor of yours.
“Professor!”, you moaned, as he slowly kissed your neck down to your collar bone. In this compromising situation, you calling him Professor turned him on even more.
“You naughty, naughty girl”, he chuckled against your neck which made you shudder.
Everywhere he touched goose bumps appeared and your core was dripping wet already. You wanted more of him. All of him. You slowly slid down your hand to reach the hard bulge you felt against your thigh. It made him moan in your mouth.
Suddenly, Professor broke the kiss, panting heavy.
“I’m asking this to you one last time. Is this what you really want?”, he whispered.
“Ye……yes Professor. I want all of you”, you managed to whisper between pants.
“Good girl”, he kissed you, smiling against your neck. “I’ll go get the protection, you wait for me alright?”
You whined. You didn’t want to wait for so long. It made him chuckle. “Don’t worry, it won’t take long. I kept it hidden in the bathroom in case I ever needed it.”
So he has always wanted to fuck you? Your desire increased ten fold at the very thought of it.
He planted one last kiss on your lips and left to get the condom. Meanwhile, you decided to put on your best lingerie.
He came back rather quickly. As soon as he entered the room, his jaw dropped seeing you in that red lingerie tight against your skin.
“Holy shi…..”, even before he could finish, you pushed him onto bed. Slamming the door shut and locking it, you turned around and almost jumped on him. You straddled him and sat on his lap, kissing him wildly. You fumbled with his shirt buttons, but with his help you managed to open it and threw it across the room.
“You have no patience do you?”, he chuckled in between kisses.
“Your fault, you left my pussy aching”.
“Is that what you say to your Professor eh?”, you felt him smile against your chest.
“Sorry Professor but it was you who started misbehaving first”, you whispered in his ear which made him groan with pleasure.
“You dirty little girl”. With a quick snap he unhooked your bra and flung it across the room.
“Wow you Goddess!”, he exclaimed. He rubbed your nipples in circular motion which made you whimper uncontrollably.
“Your breasts are very sensitive aren’t they?”, he said with a smirk, fondling them gently.
“Ye….yes Professor”, you managed to say, panting heavy.
“Alright then let me take you to heaven”. With a quick motion he put your hands behind you and held them tightly in place. You shuddered in anticipation when you felt his breath on your left breast. He gave you one quick smirk and licked your nipple in one clean stroke. You let out a loud moan, your body shuddering at the sensation. He licked a second time, a third time and then took your nipple inside his mouth, encircling your areola with his tongue. He softly kissed, sucked and nibbled on it, before moving on to the other nipple.
You tried to free your hands so that you could grab and pull him even closer than he already was, but his grip was way too firm.
Your loud moans echoed inside the room, anybody passing by would understand what sinful pleasures are being committed inside. But you didn’t care. There you were, a captive in your Professor’s arms, letting him savour every inch of your skin. The pleasure that he was giving you took you to some other dimension, making you lose yourself. You enjoyed every bit of it and wanted the moment to last forever.
He slowly put you down in bed and hovered over you. He kissed you deeply and slowly slid his hand down to your aching core. Removing your panties quickly, he lightly touched your clit, drawing circles on it. You let out a loud moan in his mouth, feeling his warm touch.
“Mmmm Tommy”, you gasped biting your lips.
“You call your Professor by his first name now eh?”, he lightly slaps your dripping cunt. You whimpered uncontrollably, loud enough to wake up the entire neighbourhood.
“Oh you liked that, don't you, you dirty girl”, Tommy smirked, slapping your pussy one more time. He slapped your cunt a third time, a fourth time, a fifth time, until you felt light headed and lost count.
Tommy then rubbed circles on your clit and lightly nibbled your ear. He slid two fingers inside your vagina, curling his fingers, thrusting in and out.
“Your little noises are music to my ears babygirl”, he whispered.
You were aching with pleasure so much, you could feel you’re close.
“Professor……I’m……close…..”, you whispered.
Tommy quickly opened his pants and his underwear along with it. You slowly slid your hand down to his stomach and then further down and grabbed his hard member. A groan of pleasure escaped his chest as you gave it quick strokes. But before you could put his cock inside you, he got up on his knees and with a quick motion flipped you over. He pulled your hips up and locked both your arms behind you tightly. Then he teased your wet entrance with his cock a few times and your whole body trembled at the sensation.
“TOMMY STOP FUCKING TEASI…..”, before you could finish he thrust into you with full force. You gasped loudly, feeling him deep inside you. He started thrusting painfully slow at first, but then increased his pace slowly, hitting you in the right places. You let out loud moans and uncontrollable whimpers.
With his thrusts getting more and more violent, your pleasure got higher and higher and you could feel your walls clench around his cock. He groaned with pleasure and you felt his hard member throbbing inside you. Just as you were about to reach your high, Tommy pulled out of you. Before you could protest, he flipped you over. Hovering over you he whispered, “I want to see your face when you come for me babygirl”.
You bit his lower lip and he slid him inside you again and began his animalistic thrusts. You were so close, so so close. You held onto your Professor’s broad shoulders, digging your nails into his soft skin. You bit his shoulder and immediately licked it to soothe the sensitive skin. His hand traced all over you, as if he was memorising by heart every nook and corner of your body. He left open mouth kisses on your neck, shoulder and bosom. His loud moans vibrated through your skin making your body tremble uncontrollably.
You felt his hard cock twitch inside you as he reached his high.
“Come for me babygirl, come for me. Yesss, yesss!”, he groaned. He kept thrusting in and out of you with vigour, until he felt you reach your climax and come all over his cock.
He collapsed onto you, the rhythm of your heavy breathing synching with him in perfect harmony.
“Good girl”, he left a trail of kisses on your neck, before getting up and lying beside you. You nestled against his chest, smiling.
“What next Professor?”, you asked, blushing.
“Maybe dinner tomorrow? I should ask you out on a proper date”, said he planting a kiss on your forehead. You smiled, closing your eyes. Resting your head on his chest, you let out a deep breath. You were so ready to explore this new chapter of your life.
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [PROLOGUE]
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The most painful thing in this world,
is losing your home. Your place-to-be.
No matter how dire the situation,
if you are surrounded by people who love and care for you.
No obstacle is invincible. 
Then ーー Where do I belong?
Having long lost the place I once considered home.
I spent many years in a place which would provide for me. 
I had food, a roof above my head, a warm bed to sleep in at night.
But could I truly call this my home? 
Those doubts would lurk in the back of my mind, keeping me up at night.
Until one day, I was made a special offer. 
If I complied, I would be given the thing my heart longs for the most.
ーー A new home.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Outside
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Sharon: This is the place, right...?
( Woah...Amazing. I’ve never seen a house quite this big. They even have a garden! )
*Knock knock*
Sharon: Excuse meー! My name’s Sharon. I’m supposed to move in here today! 
( No response...? How strange. They should have been informed through the Church. )
*Knock knock*
Sharon: Hello...? Anybody home...!?
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Sharon: ( What to do...? There doesn’t seem to be anyone home right now. It’s already getting dark. I can’t just stand here all night either. )
Sharon: ...Huh? Did the...door just open by itself?
( Does that mean I can go inside? I feel a little hesitant just entering someone else’s home butーー I was told I could live here so it should be fine, right? )
She enters the manor.
 Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Entrance Hall
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Sharon: Just as I thought, the inside is equally spacious. I can’t imagine just one person living in such a large house all by themselves. Cleaning must take quite some time as well.
She puts down her suitcase.
Sharon: Phew...
( ...It’s so quiet. Almost as if the house is deserted. I wonder if the owner is out at the moment? In that case, I should probably wait in the living room. )
Sharon looks around.
Sharon: I guess it’s...that way?
Sharon: ...!!
( I...Did I just...step on something? It felt...strangely soft and... )
???: ーー Oi.
Sharon: ...Kyah!
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Sharon: ( A person...!? Oh my gosh. I just arrived here and the first thing I do is step on someone! )
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???: ...
Sharon: I’m terribly sorry! I didn’t think there would be someone lying on the floor and...!
( ...Speaking of which, what were they doing down there anyway!? ...Sleeping? No way, right? When you have a house this large, you definitely don’t need to use the floor as a bed... )
???: Haah...
Sharon: Oh no! Are you feeling ill, perhaps? In that case, I shall call a doctor right away!
???: ...You’re loud. How am I supposed to enjoy my Rachmaninov when you’re screaming the place down? 
Sharon: Rach...mani...? ...E-Either way, if you’re not feeling sick, then what were you doing on the floor?
???: Wasting his time away listening to music rather than making himself useful, per usual, I would assume. Well, I suppose it is best not to have any expectations of this man in the first place, as he will only let you down in the end.
Sharon: ...!? 
( A voice...? Out of nowhere...!? )
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Sharon: ...Wah!!
( Where did he come from...? )
???: Now, who might you be?
Sharon: Ah...I’m sorry! My name’s Sharon. I’m an orphan at the Catholic orphanage downtown. I was told by our related Church that the resident of this manor has been so kind to take me in. Are you...perhaps the owner?
???: ...I see. It seems you are the next...sacrifice.
Sharon: Excuse me?
???: Nothing. I was simply talking to myself. ...Ahem. My name is Sakamaki Reiji. The second eldest son of this family and one of the residents here. ...The man you had the ‘honor’ of meeting earlier is Shuu. While you may not suspect so given his deplorable behavior, he is - quite unfortunately - my elder brother.
Sharon: Reiji-san...and Shuu-san, was it? It’s a pleasure meeting you both!
Shuu: ...
Reiji: I assume that is your luggage over there? A room has been prepared for you. We will have one of our servants bring everything upstairs.
Sharon: Thank you very much!
( Thank god...So there wasn’t any mistake after all. )
Sharon: Oh! Right! I actually brought a little gift with me! They’re homemade muffins I made this morーー
Sharon: ーー ning...!?
Startled by the loud noise, she drops the box with muffins.
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???: YOU FUCKIN’ BASTARD!! I swear once I get my hands on youーー! 
???: Ahaha! I can’t believe you actually fell for that one! Lame-o!
Reiji: ...
Shuu: Haah...
Sharon: ( H-Hold on, hold on, hold on! Eh? Eeeeh!? I’m not dreaming, right!? That person just punched a hole through the wall!? )
Reiji: Ahem. ...Allow me to introduce. The one who destroyed the wall is the youngest son, Sakamaki Subaru. Next to him is Sakamaki Ayato, the eldest of the triplets. 
ーー You two, explain this situation at once!
Ayato: ...Che. Reiji. I didn’t do anythin’! Not my fault that Subaru ate those prank chocolates I left out on the kitchen counter.
Subaru: Fuck off! You definitely did that on purpose! ...I can still feel my mouth burnin’...!!
Sharon: ( ...Prank chocolates? I guess he means those filled with mustard and other spicy condiments, right? I didn’t know people actually bought those. )
Ayato: Of course! I was hopin’ to catch Kanato. Can you imagine what kinda face he would make when poppin’ one of those bad boys in his mouth?
???: ...Say, did you hear that, Teddy? ...I hope Ayato sleeps with one eye open tonight. He might just run into...unfortunate accident.
Sharon: ...Eh!?
( Another person just appeared out of thin air!? )
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Ayato: Keh. The lunatic’s here.
Reiji: Sakamaki Kanato, the middle triplet. 
...Kanato, If you wish to commit a homicide, please do so outside of the walls of this manor. It takes forever to remove blood stains from the carpet.
Kanato: I don’t recall having to take orders from you.
ーー However, you’re lucky as I happen to be in a good mood right now. I believe I heard someone mention muffins? 
Sharon: ...Ah, yes! I made these myse...Huh? ...Oh.
Shuu: It’s not blood, but I think the carpet will need some cleaning regardless.
Reiji: Good grief...
Sharon: Oh no...! The box must have slipped from my fingertips when I heard the sudden crash and...
Ayato: Ah-ahー Look what you did, Subaru. It’s always the youngest child causin’ trouble.
Subaru: HAAH!? All of this started ‘cause you left those stupid chocolates out!
Sharon: ...They turned out really good too. What a shame.
Subaru: ...!! ...O-Oi...You...Um...My bad.
Kanato: ...Unforgivable. 
Sharon: Eh?
Sharon: ( W-Why is he getting upset at me all of a sudden!? It was obviously just an accident!? )
Um...I’m not sure...I could make some new ones later?
???: There, there, Kanato-kun~ Relax! Even if the muffins were wasted, there’s a delicious snack just waiting to be devoured...
Sharon: ...!
( Someone wrapped their arms around me from behind!? )
???: ...Right here~ ...Nfu~
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Sharon: ...Eh!?
( I-Is he talking about me!? )
Reiji: ...And finally, the youngest triplet, Sakamaki Laito. 
Ayato: Oi, Laito! No way you’re gettin’ the first taste again! I still haven’t forgotten last time!
Laito: Eeeh~? It’s not my fault you’re so slow, Ayato-kun~ However, if you’re so insistent on taking a bite out of her, I wouldn’t mind sharing, you know? I’m sure it’d make for a refreshing and thrilling experience~
Ayato: Geh! In your dreams, you perv!
Sharon: ( Taste? Bite...? Why are they talking as if I’m their food!? )
Shuu: ...Strawberries.
Sharon: Eh?
Kanato: What are you talking about? I don’t see any strawberries around.
Reiji: Shuu. Explain yourself.
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Shuu: Your panties. They had strawberries on them.
Sharon: ...!!
( When did he...!? Ah! When I stepped on him...! )
Ayato: Pfftー!! Strawberries! How old are you, five? That’s hella lame!
Laito: Hm...~ Strawberries are not bad but with such a lovely body, I’m sure you could pull off something a little more erotic~
Subaru: ...
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Laito: Oh, my bad~ I forgot baby bro was in the room. I suppose talking about a woman’s underwear is still a little too much for him to handle.
Subaru: S-Shut up...!!
Reiji: ...Enough! No more on this topic! ...Haah. Is it really that much to ask for you lot to behave? Just for one day?
Ayato: ーー Anyway, Reiji. Who’s this chick anyway? Tonight’s dinner?
Sharon: D-Dinner...!? I’m sorry but...Why are you all talking as if I’m food or something!?
Ayato: Shut it! Nobody asked for your opinion, Ichigo Pantsu.
Sharon: I-Ichigo paーー!? I have a name...! ...It’s Sharon.
Ayato: Yeah, yeah. I-chi-go Pa-n-tsu.
Laito: Hm~ This Bitch-chan does smell sweet just like strawberries. Perhaps I should call you ‘Ichigo-chan’ instead~?
Kanato: She really does. I’m sure her blood would taste just as sweet...Oh? What’s that, Teddy? You’d like to have a taste? Fufu...Good idea. I was just feeling a little peckish myself.
Reiji: Haah...I shall be in my study room. ...Ayato, Kanato, Laito. Please treat our new resident with some respect. It would be a shame to lose another one so soon.
Sharon: ...Wait, please! I’m afraid I don’t quite grasp the situation yet!
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Reiji: Haah...Good grief. You must not be very smart, are you? Did you truly believe you would be allowed to stay here for free?
Sharon: ...Eh?
Laito: Nfu~ He’s right, Ichigo-chan. Everything in this world comes at a price. In your case...That would be the delicious blood pumping through your veins...
Sharon: M-My blood...? 
Ayato: Heh. You seriously haven’t realized?
Kanato: Teddy...Humans are truly so foolish, aren’t they?
Subaru: Che...Stop beatin’ ‘round the bush already and just tell her.
Shuu: We are Vampires. So the only thing a human such as yourself would have to offer, is your blood.
Reiji: In return, you will be allowed to stay here in this manor. Food, clothes and all other daily necessities willl be provided as well.
Sharon: Vam...pires? That must be some sort of joke, right? It was the Church who arranged this place for me! They would neverーー! 
Besides...Vampires only exist in fairytales!
Reiji: Good grief. This is why I simply cannot deal with humans. Not only are they incredibly foolish, they are horribly naive and trusting as well.
Subaru: In other words, you were set up. Just deal with it.
Sharon: ...
( No way, right...? This has to be some sort of mistake? Or a bad dream...? )
Shuu: Pwaah...Anyway, you guys do as you please. I’m going to my room to nap.
Subaru: I’m leaving too.
Reiji: Well then, if you’d excuse me now.
The three of them leave.
Sharon: ...
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Laito: Oh dear~? Is that despair I see in your eyes? You poor little thing! Don’t worry, Laito-kun wil make sure to comfort you. After all, there is no better cure for betrayal than pleasure.
Ayato: Don’t be so down, Ichigo Pantsu! It’s not that bad of a deal! You get to offer your blood to Yours Truly after all!
Kanato: Fufu...I’m sure we’ll get along just fine. If you’re lucky, you might even make it into my precious collection one day~
Sharon: ...!!
She suddenly pushes them away.
Ayato: ...Woah!?
Laito: ...Aah~ Not bad, Ichigo-chan! I like myself a feisty girl at times!
Kanato: Ugh! ...What are you doing!? I nearly dropped Teddy just now.
Sharon: ...
She runs upstairs.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Hallway
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Sharon: Haah, haah, haah...
( Say, God...? )
( Is this my penalty...? )
( Are you punishing me for my crimes of the past...? )
I just kept on running and running.
As said question repeated itself inside my head.
That must be it.
Those guys were exactly right. 
Humans are foolish. I was foolish. 
Foolish to believe I would be given a new home.
After all, people like me.
ーー They don’t deserve a happy ending.
[ Dark Prologue ] ->
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icequeenbae · 4 years
Stay with Me (m) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Long-distance relationship, established relationship, grumpy Baek, smut
Warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, upset sex (is there such a thing), oral (f receiving), consent is not explicitly stated but implied
Word Count: ~2.6k
Summary: Baekhyun was upset because you had to leave again. His frustration made things escalate to an unexpected extent. He might’ve just wanted to make you late for the plane though.
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Let’s celebrate my first ‘writing comeback’ anniversary together ❤❤❤  [February 17, 2020 – forever]
Author’s Note: Soooo… This was actually the first fic I wrote after many years of my writer’s coma. Wasn’t going to post it, but it’s important to save the date. A year ago during a business trip I was listening to Baekhyun’s ‘Stay Up’ in the backseat of a cab, and it suddenly got to me in a very new and profound way. As soon as I got to the hotel, the doc was created. Countless sleepless nights later, I can admit that I haven’t really stopped writing ever since.
Baekhyun isn’t just my bias or my favourite character to write, he’s so much more special to me than that. I’m not sure how long this journey is going to last or where it leads me, but so far he’s gifted me with one full year of this magic. He’ll always have a precious spot in my heart 🤍
Okay, done with the sappy times now (no). As usual – big thanks to @baekshoney​​​ for having a look, and I hope you guys enjoy this little oneshot!
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This was one of those days. One of the days you hated, and Baekhyun didn’t do much to make it better for you. On the contrary, he was sulking since early morning. First, because you’d left him alone in bed and he woke up being cold. Then he just kept getting annoyed with everything. Why were you having coffee for breakfast again, when you should sleep on the plane? Why weren’t you packing snacks, when the airport food always made your stomach upset? You should’ve definitely worn one of his hoodies, since none of yours were warm and comfy enough, did he have to remind you?
Yes, this was the day you had to fly back home, leaving him behind once again. Which was exactly what brought his tsundere ways to the surface. He was just… upset.
‘Baby, it’s not the first time I’m going home, I’ll be fine,’ you grinned at his grumpy expression and poured him a cup of coffee as soon as he sat his butt down on the kitchen stool.
Baekhyun wasn’t exactly subtle in how he felt about you going away. The two of you had been doing this ‘long-distance thing’ since the very beginning of your relationship. You’d met during your first ever trip to Korea around two years ago and instantly clicked – just like that – not spending a single day without at least a quick message exchange with one another.
It was tough at times. There was no way for you to see each other more frequently, and you were often apart for months. Granted, you were keeping in touch religiously – texting every single day, having video calls every other night (whenever you could manage the schedules and time zones), posting ambiguous pictures on social media only for each other to understand. Still, you missed each other so terribly…
‘I don’t understand why you have to go anyway, you can just stay here with me,’ Baekhyun grumbled, eyeing the kitchen floor with a frown. You pursed your lips to contain the coo about to fly out of your mouth at how cute he was, pouting and complaining. Like an angry little bird. Before you could stop yourself, you reached out your hand and ruffled his already messy bedroom hair.
The way his nose scrunched up meant he wasn't in the mood to be playful. You sighed and leaned on the corner of the kitchen table.
‘You know I have work to get back to, Bae, I can’t be on vacation all year long.’
He was being rather childish about your departure, especially when you were already fully dressed and ready to go. The only thing stalling you was that Chanyeol, who insisted on being your ride to the airport today, hadn’t come to pick you up just yet, giving you some time to smooth over your boyfriend’s feathers.
Truth be told, you were only holding up the appearances for him. It was very possible that you were even more upset about having to go than he was. In fact, every time your week or two together were nearing an end, you felt nauseous at the thought that you wouldn’t be able to see his face, or hold his hand, or feel his warm breath on your skin, or kiss the tiny mole on his cheek.
In all honesty, you were... a mess. You only displayed yourself as calm and collected during your goodbyes because you knew his moodiness was merely a tactic to conceal his pain. So, you tucked your own feelings away to make it a bit more manageable for him. In reality, you broke down as soon as you arrived home and walked into your lifeless apartment. Each time, you had to find excuses and avoid talking to him via video messengers during those initial weeks, pretending to suddenly be swamped at work. You realized that seeing your eyes all red and puffy from crying every night would most definitely break his heart and worsen his longing. That you knew, because seeing him unhappy was excruciating. You wanted more than anything to deliver him from any further suffering.
It took all of your self-restraint not to reach out for his warm embrace or let the tears flow freely. He’d probably not let you go then, always telling you to just stay with him anyways. But you were both adults and had commitments, although hundreds and thousands of miles apart.
As your eyes were beginning to prick from observing his state and getting overwhelmed with your own feelings, you decided it was safer to move out ten minutes early, despite the call from Yeol not coming through yet. Anything to not let Baekhyun see you cry or cling to him desperately the way you wished to in that moment.
‘Well, you can pout all you want, I’m going to get my stuff,’ you said in an airy tone trying to elevate his mood slightly.
He stopped you in your tracks, grabbing your wrist. You gazed at him, confused as to what he meant. He was still looking down, eyebrows knitted together and chest heaving with almost anxious breaths.
‘No,’ he repeated, softer this time, but still not making eye contact with you. Instead, he tugged at your wrist and pulled you closer to him. You felt his grasp weaken until your wrist was free, however, your waist was not. His arms snaked around it, and he pulled you into himself, basically nuzzling his face into your chest.
‘Baekhyun?’ You squeaked, doing your best to fight off the goosebumps that littered your skin immediately after the contact. Your body never once asked for permission to react to him, and this time was no exception. His right hand traveled down your spine to the curve of your ass as his nose nudged one of your breasts. You shivered, grabbing at his shoulders, and he suddenly growled, knowing, sensing that your nipples had already perked up underneath the fabric of your bra.
Although he was trying to put you into one of his many oversized hoodies all the time, it was summer, so you were wearing a sundress (like any sane person would). Lucky for Baekhyun, this type of clothing made it even easier for him.
He rose from his seat and hoisted you up so abruptly that you only managed to yelp and grab at his neck for balance. You were then placed on the empty side of the dining table away from the leftover breakfast. Looking down at where your boyfriend’s hands were, you watched him frantically pull your dress up, before coming to your senses and trying to stop him.
‘Bae… What are you doing? Yeol is gonna be here any minute, we can’t just f…ugh!’ You cried out in surprise as he yanked your hips forcefully up to his face, completely ignoring your words. There’s no way he was going to...
‘Baekhyunie, please stop, you know I’m going to be late, what is…’ He didn’t even let you finish your rant, leaving a trail of insistent wet kisses upon the sensitive skin along the panty line while leading up to your protruding hip bone. Breath caught up in your throat, you couldn’t get the rest of the sentence out even if you wanted to. Did you really want to? With his head right there between your thighs, his dark burning eyes looking at you – completely immobilized by him – in the most intense and intimate way possible. His lips were glistening after he ran his tongue over them habitually, and when he leaned in and licked at your still clothed center, you belatedly realized that you weren’t even breathing. The realization only came with the wheezing gasp you’d let out, when your legs wrapped around his head as if on cue. Like fuel to the fire, your responsiveness only spurred him on. You didn’t even have time to realize that your boyfriend had already moved your panties out of the way when his impatient lips were on you again.
‘B- Baekhyun…’ You muttered, reaching your hand down to give pushing his head away a feeble try. ‘We can’t do this now, please stop... the airport…’
His ears seemed deaf to your reluctant pleas as he only employed more of his tongue to make you lose the last bits of your sober mind completely, melting and thrashing underneath his touch. He eased one of your thighs off of his shoulder, pushing it up and spreading you out before diving back in, paying no attention to your increasingly disheveled state.
At this point you could only sob, speech incoherent, all attempts to push him away or close your legs futile. And that alone made him grow feverish with the need to be inside you, to feel you once again before he had to let you go.
He was really good with his mouth, as usual, so by the time one of his hands left your thigh to tease you a little further with his long deft fingers you were so ready to take more that you barely registered the burn of two digits sliding inside. You were still a little sore from the night before, which you’d spent making love for hours on end, knowing that you won’t be touching each other anytime soon. But that was meaningless now.
His tongue expertly swirled around your clit, while his wrist found a familiar angle that always made you get vocal. Your back arched instantly as you cried out his name, barely grasping that you were still tugging at his soft locks and possibly causing discomfort. It was clear that your release was mere seconds away with your legs shaking and inner muscles clenching, and that was exactly where Baekhyun wanted you. Aching for his touch, needing him as much as he needed you. Just the two of you, caught up in the act of lustful desperation.
He’d worked his tongue diligently, almost pushing you over the edge by sucking on your most sensitive spot for just a second, and... then you suddenly felt him pull away.
‘No, no- what?’ You could barely form sentences, let alone complain, but your frenzied tone made his already rock-hard flesh twitch. His pants were down in seconds, and there wasn’t even a thought of pausing to get a condom on or cool off a little bit. You were both on the verge of getting overwhelmed by this passionate longing when... your phone suddenly lit up, indicating an incoming call. Before you could snap out of the moment you were having, Baekhyun had you flat on your back, all slick and ready for him to push inside. And that he did — in one quick and rough movement, filling you up and giving you no time to even make a sound before his hips tested you out with a couple of low amplitude thrusts. The table moved slightly, soft clanking of tableware falling on deaf ears. Meanwhile, Baekhyun grabbed onto your hips, lifting your ass in the air for more control over the penetration.
‘Baek, I swear… You have like 2 minutes before Chan-’ A vicious thrust reached further than before, definitely getting your friend’s name out of your mind for good. And anything else for that matter.
Baekhyun snapped his hips as if he wanted to get as deep as humanly possible, as if he wanted to literally ruin you, and you could only scratch at his forearm while losing yourself in the feeling of his hips colliding with yours and the delectable sounds the action produced.
‘Baby,’ Baekhyun suddenly breathed out hoarsely, eyebrows knitted together as if in pain, ‘I can’t hold it off-’
Hearing his voice so strenuous and somehow vulnerable, you threw your head back and closed your eyes, spreading your legs further apart to allow him to better angle his powerful thrusts.
Your limbs were starting to grow numb and the veins on your neck popped when you moaned, and that’s when Baekhyun let out a strained ‘ah’, holding you in place by the hips to give you his erratic final thrusts.
In that moment you felt like something snapped inside you. Your core was tight around your lover’s cock, your body shaking in pre-orgasmic bliss, and you’d never experienced it this way. You felt so full and content in this moment when he was still moving his hips and groaning stiffly above you, riding out his high. There was nothing else he needed to do to take you along. The sensation of his warmth inside you made you pulsate, wailing so loudly that Baekhyun had to cover your mouth with his palm. He kept going for a bit to prolong your orgasm and let you slowly come back to your senses.
Your eyes stared vacantly at the kitchen ceiling and your throat was dry, although Baekhyun’s hand was still clasped over your mouth. When both of you managed to catch your breath, you just gazed at each other for a few long moments. You were so spent that you couldn’t even read the semi-blank expression on his face. He slowly slipped his palm off of your face, still hovering over your body.
‘Baekhyunie…’ You murmured, touching his cheek gently. He was usually lowkey annoyed whenever you went on to kiss the little mole on his face instead of his lips. This time, however, he only lowered his head further to let you do your thing. You pressed your lips to the tiny dot on his skin, leaning back onto the table to find his eyes with your own.
‘I love you,’ he suddenly whispered in a broken voice, then cleared his throat and started over. ‘I really want you to stay with me.’
It was… bittersweet.
You winced, feeling him pull out, and accepted his help sitting up. Holding your boyfriend close by the shirt, you nudged his nose with yours and looked up to his sad dejected eyes.
‘I know, Bae,’ your voice sounded as uplifting as you could manage. ‘I will find a way to come see you on tour in the next couple of months, I promise.’
Baekhyun was about to say something else if not for the sudden ring of his phone that made both of you snap out of your tiny little world.
‘Dang, I bet it’s Yeol. Pick up!’ You pushed your boyfriend towards the phone and eased down from the table, grabbing the tissues to clean up quickly.
‘Yes,’ Baekhyun responded.
‘Are you two fucking?!’ Your nose scrunched up at Chanyeol’s vulgar shout.
‘Yes?’ At this you paused and smacked Baekhyun’s pec for the shameless (yet truthful) response. ‘Whoa- feisty. Chanyeol-ah, better hang up before you hear her- Ow!’ He raised an arm to defend himself from your playful hits.
‘You realize that if you do not come down in ten you’re most likely missing the flight?’ You heard Chanyeol reply after a frustrated sigh.
‘Not a problem for m-’ Baekhyun was interrupted by your yell.
‘We’re gonna be down in ten, please check the fastest routes to the airport, Yeolie!’
You ran out of the kitchen barely catching Baekhyun’s grumbling as he repeated after you.
‘Yeolie. Why the hell does she even call you that. It’s not like you- What? Shut up, you bastard!’
You smiled to yourself. At least his friends knew how and when to mess with him. If you weren’t there… They got him. He'd be okay. And with that you were happy for now.
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A/N:This piece was my reintroduction to writing, and I’d love to hear any type of comments you have^^  Thank you guys for all the interaction and amazing responses so far, I cherish each and every one of them. You're the best <3
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levisgirll · 3 years
hi cutie! 💖🥺
i got request for u because i know you'll make an awesome work 🥺 what about Levi's marriage proporsal headcanons/fic? i just thought he will be so sweet~ :D
you don't have to do them if you don't want to!~
take care mina, have a good day 💖🥺✨
𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
text: Heya An 🥺 tysm for your sweet words and for this amazing request!! and I would GLADY do this request :,) (i rlly hope you like it 💖) Also have a great day!! and make sure to take care of yourself, love you! ✨. this really gave me feels writing this i-
synopsis: Levi has decided to propose to Y/N after such a long tough journey and finally out of the walls. The end of the battle and the war. He wanted to live outside the walls with his only special Y/N. How will he proposal Y/N though? And how will he act?
soft & cute fluff, modern au ♡ —
Finally...Levi is going to do it 'Today'. No more backing away. He had it all planned out and everything. Why was he still...hesitant?
"I wonder how Y/N will react....will they even like the ring I got for them..?" Levi said as he was hold the ring box and looking at it.
'Wait....Will they even say yes?' He put it back on the drawer and start pacing around.
'Ugh...I cant believe this...I am actually being nervous? Fuck...I find killing 40 titans at the same time way easier than this...so much for used to being called humanity's 'strongest' solider'. Fucking hell.'
He stopped, and turned around. 'No...If I don't then someone will take Y/N away from me.' That got him back up and he finally took out the ring box he had there for a month now. He will do it. Today.
Levi is such a private man and he loves that only between you guys. Not really a big fan with bringing everyone together and all, he couldn't even think words clearly when he looks at you and stutters, so how will he do that with EVERYONE here while proposing and saying what he thinks his ‘cliché’ speech? Hell no.
He wanted it to be so special. He wanted to remember this memory and grave that in both of your minds. He was going to propose to his lover this evening.
He had the idea already figured out, and it took him around a month to prepare it and get it perfect. He was doing this all while seeing you everyday, and had to try and hide it from you. Which kind of made you a bit of suspicious. He would usually go out during the afternoon to that 'same' expensive ring shop and stand there for 3 hours trying to pick the perfect ring.
"Um...Sir, I can help you if you would like?" The retail assistant would say as she approached Levi who had such a serious look, as if he was making a life or death decision. "No. I need to pick this, cant be someone else." He would say and his eyes glued to the collection of beautiful rings. He takes a long time to buy that ring just for 'you' that day. Nothing but full of his love all poured into it as he finally picked one.
He called up the people to set up and get ready with the preparation today at 10pm.
After he hanged up, he went to his contacts and pressed 'My Dearest'.
Y/N picked up, “H-Hey Love, how are you hm?" Shit. Why did I fucking stutter, I hate my life. He would say cursing himself under his breathe.
You picked that up, and started to chuckle which made his heart flutter. "I'm alright love! Just out with Sasha and Christa shopping....Is something wrong?"
Levi: "No. Can I see you tonight at 10pm? I will pick you up." Please say yes for this....
"Hmm...Yup sure! See you then, Love you!" You said that so cheerfully that he wanted to see you 'now' and hold you.
"Great. I love you too Y/N." He said that and he was holding his phone so tightly. This is it.
It was 10pm, and Levi has picked you up. You looked so amazing and beautiful to him, that he just stood there and gazed at you so lovely, losing his focus.
You started to blush, "Levi..." you said as you waved your hand at him.
"Oh...Um...You look gorgeous." Fuck Levi why do you keep messing up, I haven't even take them there yet.
Levi then took you to one of the top 10 hotels that they had, but this one was special. It was a beach resort hotel! When you both got in to check in, everything was made in glass, sparkling everywhere. But you were the one sparkling beautifully to him.
"Oh my god Levi...I did not expect this! If you told me we were going to a beach resort I would have dressed up so pretty."
“Tch, dont be silly. You are already pretty.." He said that as his cheeks had a faint red blush.
As you guys checked in, you sat and laid on the bed on your back. “Hmm, so what is the occasion Levi?" You go straight to the point which got him off guard. Of course you would ask.
"Nothing, Just that I remembered you wanted to come here so I decided to take us both here today" His heart was now racing. He was actually going to do it. You looked outside and saw the beautiful beach shore.
“Oh lets go check it out!!". You got excited and got up from the bed.
“No! Not now...lets get comfortable and change. I even bought you a gift. If you want to wear it...and we can head to the beach shore, Hm? Ill see you there.”
Weird. Levi would always go to places with you and he has always waited for you, but today was different.
As you changed to the outfit Levi bought for you, you went towards the sliding glass door to open it and stepped outside to find Levi.
As you stepped outside and wore the sandals that was there, you headed  towards the beach shore which was kind of dark. Not much lights.
“L-Levi..!!” You yelled out, a bit nervous. As soon as you called out his name, lights started to brighten as you were approaching the shore and you see beautiful decorations that was hanged up, full of beautiful roses, lilies and others that were glooming with the light.
You see Levi standing by the shore, and he turned around. “Y/N.”
He called out your name instead of ‘love’ which meant that he was serious.
You started to get worried. What's going on? You stopped and stood beside him looking at him.
“Remember...When we first saw the ocean...and first stood at the beach shore.” He said that as his grey eyes were looking at the waves that were driven by the wind so calmly.
“Yea...I do remember it clearly. It was one of my best moments.”
He continued. “We...won, and some of our comrades survived, but...we did it and got through it and I am glad you are here alive with me.” He started to sound....sad? “I never expected this new lifestyle and to be honest, I am glad I am living it with you by my side....You.” He stopped and turned around to look at you. “Stood by my side till the end Y/N, and believed in me, but...not only that but you also saw me as a human being while everyone thought I was heartless. You gave me hope, and you started to make me feel that I deserved to be loved, and I don't think anyone would have made me feel like this if it wasn't for you.”
You stood there so startled, you eyes started to widen. Is Levi really saying this all...? You knew he was a bit talkative with you only but, this....this is different.
Levi then took out what looked like a seashell..? He was looking at it then, handed it over to you.
“Oh wow, this is so pretty!” You said amazed by how it looked and you looked back at Levi.
“Levi, Thank you for your sweet words...I am so happy hearing that from you.” You said while holding on to it, you couldn't stop smiling.
Fuck just say it Levi. “Y/N, I know I have been the hardest to love....so I want to recreate this beach shore memory with asking you something....”
As he was saying that you noticed the seashell, could open? So you did that...and you saw a beautiful diamond ring shining. You froze.
He held your free hand with both of his warm hands and caressed it, “Y/N, will you...m-marry me?” He said that as he looked directly to your eyes that was open up.
Silence. This made Levi worry so much. He looked down but then noticed tears dripping, which made him look back at you so quickly and you started tearing up as the wind started to blow your hair and the ocean waves crashing.
“Yes...I want to be your Mrs. Ackerman. I want to live the rest of my life with you!!” You said that while crying and this made Levi panic, and he quickly hugged you, covering you with his muscular arms and....he started to cry with you too.
“Y/N, thank you. I won’t fail you, I can’t wait to have moments like this for the rest of our lives.” He went back, and looked at your beautiful face, and proceed to kiss your forehead so lovely.
“Y/N!!! Levi!!” You both got startled and looked to the other side and you saw...all of your friends!
“Oh my god....guys!” You saw everyone from Levi’s squad including Hanji who was screaming out your names and all your friends started to run towards you guys.
You then noticed, the whole beach shore started to brighten and you saw beautiful wedding decorations hanged up, heart balloons, a huge long table filled with delicious savory, desserts and drinks while soft jazz music started to play.
Connie and Sasha rushed with celebration poppers and popped that to everyone and confetti's were all over both of you and everyone started to laugh including Levi.
He actually rented out the whole beach shore just for this special occasion to make a special experience, and even planned a surprise celebration after that with all of your friends.
This went on for what left like forever, and everyone headed back after congratulating both of you and you both went to your beach resort room.
You guys did not sleep that night and actually stayed up together talking about how this special evening went, about the future while holding hands, being cuddled up and leaving each other soft kisses throughout the conversation.
Now, everytime you think or even go to the beach shore, you think of Levi’s amazing romantic proposal. This man really took a long time figuring this out and wanted it special cause you deserved that.
And, whenever you look at his steel grey gaze, you saw the love he had for you, and you saw your soon to be husband that you will spend the rest of your life with.
ᴏᴋᴀʏ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ʟᴏɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴀɴᴅ it ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴀʀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇʟᴛᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ !! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅs ᴛʜɪs ᴄ: IF ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ! ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ 🥺 ♥
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The monster trio Destroying their s/o Nest !
{The idea of the trio destroying their omega's nest was really funny to begin with}
Warning: None, well there is slightly little bit if bad language
Monkey D.Luffy 🍖🍖🍖
🍖Luffy didn't know what happened
🍖One minute he was care freely running around than the next he tripped landing on a pile of clothes blankets and stuff animals .ect
🍖In all honesty he didn't think much of it, I mean it just clothes...
🍖But No!
🍖This dumb meat brain picks it up stuffing the items into whatever drawer or closet he could find, thinking he did a good "clean up" duty.
🍖And just runs off to continue playing with Usopp and Chopper.
🍖Later on when you return with Sanji from the local market that the Sunny is currently dock at.
🍖"Thanks for the help, (Y/n)." Sanji said as he and placed down the groceries in the kitchen.
🍖"No prop." You smiled leaving the cook to his work, the blond gleefully started cooking for dinner knowing he has a lot to do.
🍖With Luffy on the crew he won't just be feeding one person more like an army in fact.
🍖(Y/n) left as they walked back on deck feeling the warm air and relaxing atmosphere around them it was all quite but all good things must come to an end.
🍖"Hey, (Y/n) check out this beetle it's as big as my hand look look!" (Y/n) turned seeing their captain, (Y/n)'s alpha their bonded mate.
🍖Luffy happily ran to his omega wanting to show them the bug which they flinch at, (Y/n) despised insects just as much as Nami and Sanji does so naturally they back up a little away from their lovingly childish alpha
🍖"No thanks Luffy but I'm going to take a nap."
🍖"Yeah! Than I'll take one with you." Luffy jumped around excited to spend time with his s/o.
🍖Placing the bug down rush after his omega following them down to a specific room below deck.
🍖When (Y/n) open the door they seemed a little confused thinking they must have walked into the wrong room.
🍖No this is the right room
🍖What happened ? It's all gone!!!
🍖An omega's Nest usually a place where an omega can be comfortable, whether if they are in heat or just having a bad day.
🍖But where's (Y/n) nest?
🍖"Luffy where i-is my n-nest?" (Y/n) questioned pointing at the empty room infront of them tears building up into their eyes body trembling as they point to the "missing nest" looking over their shoulder at Luffy who seemed confused.
🍖The alpha could scent that their omega is in distress and anger.
🍖"Nest? Huh?... All that was in there was a blankets and pillows what nest?"
🍖"Luffy what happened to my nest?" At this point Luffy's s/o was in full blown tears sobbing and whimpering.
🍖"(Y/n) I don't know what you're saying? All I did was clean up you know being grown up like you said." Luffy laughed being clueless like always.
🍖"Luffy you idiot!" (Y/n) yelled slamming the door in Luffy's face.
🍖Don't worry he didn't stay clueless forever, Nami saw the he thing go down.
🍖Gave him a hell of a beating.
🍖Afterwards explains to him what he did wrong in the most simplest way possible to screw it through his thick head.
🍖(Y/n) with a tears stain face and a sad look quietly took out blankets and pillows where every they could find some scenting a few stuff animals, working on repairing thier nest little whimpers leaving thier lips everytime the fortress flops apart.
🍖Soft knocks traveled from the door catching (Y/n) attention.
🍖"hey~" Luffy's head peaks through a purr leaving his mouth as he tries to lighten the situation and calming his omega.
🍖"What?" (Y/n) says wanting to sound mean but it came off more of a sob.
🍖"Sorry. My omega." Luffy placed his strawhat onto (Y/n) head it was filled with his scent calming down the sad omega, the hat (Y/n) wore many times before Luffy wouldn't easily let others wear it, other than those who he trusts with all his heart.
🍖"I'll help you." Luffy sat down on his knees next to (Y/n) taking up a few pillows into his arrms
🍖"Thank, you Alpha." (Y/n) wrapped their arms around Luffy's neck taking in a long breath of his scent.
🍖"Can, can you also scent a few things, please."
🍖"And I'll start with you!"😚
Roronoa Zoro ⚔⚔⚔
⚔Yes Zoro knows what nesting is
⚔The only way he knew was when his s/o direactly came up to him and told him.
⚔He didn't mind he secretly thought it was cute, rare to see such a adorable omega, his omega crawled into their nest looking all comfy and happy.
⚔But over time he started missing clothes, he just shrugged it off, not really caring cause he knows you have been sneaking some of his stuff into your nest.
⚔Like every omega they want their alpha's scent near them for comfort emotional times or during heat.
⚔He couldn't care less
⚔but he'd still scent anything you ask, he would even do it when you don't ask.
⚔But there's one thing (Y/n) wanted more than any piece of Zoro's clothes in their nest
⚔Zoro's haramaki.
⚔It was hard for them too just go up and ask him for it, he'd say no cause he usually carrying his swords with it.
⚔So all they could do was steal it when the marimo was in the shower.
⚔It was successful!
⚔The green haired swordsman, Alpha didn't noticed it was missing till he tried placing his swords in thier place but instead dropped to the ground though to the missing Haramaki that was not around his hips.
⚔At first he thought he must have misplaced it.
⚔He even ended up looking in the laundry room but no luck.
⚔Until his omega that means the whole world to him came to his mind, you must have seen it right?
⚔At first you denied it, "No. I haven't? Last I saw it you were wearing it." (Y/n) try their best to keep Zoro's off their tail and laying to your alpha feels like your betraying them.
⚔Somehow he ended up looking in your nest, he felt bad about invading your privacy but he has to have his Haramaki back he just gotta.
⚔But it was also weird that (Y/n) stop asking for stuff to be scent or being scented themselves.
⚔Zoro dig through the tent like nest pulling out blankets and throwing pillows out.
⚔Found It! His precious Haramaki.
⚔"Why would (Y/n) lay?" Zoro mumble to himself putting the Piece of clothes back on.
⚔"No! Stop destroying my nest!" A voice yelled at the alpha from behind as he was tackled to the ground.
⚔"Why did you had to find it this soon, I was going to give it back later." (Y/n) pouted giving Zoro puppy eyes tugging at the material around his hips.
⚔"So you took it, you know it's not good lay to you alpha, little omega~" Zoro smirked in quick movement pinning his omega down beneath him sitting in between their legs.
⚔"Bad Boy/Girl~ but why my Haramaki?" Zoro purred sending shivers down your spine the omega in you turned on by your dominant alpha, just hovering over you.
⚔"I wanted something... you use everyday."
⚔"Well I'm going to have to punish you, I skipped too many training and napping sessions looking for this."
⚔"Wait, alpha-" (Y/n) was shut up before they could finish as the alpha above took them right there and then...
⚔Next thing you took was his bandana😏
Sanji Vinsmoke 🚬🚬🚬
🚬Sanji loves your nest, his in there everytime when you allowed it made him feel so special. Because he is. He is your alpha mate duh. especially when you have your heat😏
🚬Butttttttt now his currently in a huge crisis.
🚬how did it happen... well...
🚬A while ago he finished making some delicious tropical drinks for the ladies and yours is made the best of the best.
🚬He made it exactly to your liking with every thought of you in mind, it made his alpha very pleasing to serve you.
🚬Despite what genders his omega is or how they met, he'd be on his hands and knees giving you all he has.
🚬He happily bouncing into the room where his omega's nest was built.
🚬"Look what daddy brought you my pup~" Sanji sang kneeling down to the nest opening the cover looking in the nest like tent.
🚬His smile dropped when his s/o was nowhere to be seen, thinking you must have left for the bathroom or something?
🚬"Oh well."
🚬Suddenly the ship rocked, a wave or one of Luffy's stupid doings.
🚬.... That was the least of his worries...
🚬The drink slipped from the tray spilling into (Y/n) nest!!!!
🚬This was the end of him.
🚬That bring us to how he ended up in this situation to begin with.
🚬"No no no no no no !!!" Sanji panic pulling out the wet blankets and pillows with some of his shirts or pants.
🚬You just recently gave him free access at anytime to be in your nest, after this your not going to near your nest in his life time again
🚬He broke your trusts
🚬He shattered his nesting fantasies
🚬Its all down the drain
🚬is what he currently felt like while pulling all the wet stuff out.
🚬At some point the blanket he was pulling got stuck so he pulled harder bringing down the hole nest came crashing down.
🚬Now his fucked.
🚬Sinking to his weak knees as he tears drip from his eyes he got to an ugly sobbing, and his scent change to a gloomy disgusting scent one that he doubt you would want to be scented in.
🚬And worst of all fear of you declining a bond between the two of you.
🚬(Y/n) opened the door immediately catching the sight of their alpha on the floor kneeling infront of the door his forehead though the floor boards.
🚬"Daddy, what happened?" You looked at your destroyed nest behind him and his scent made you hold you nose shutting it tightly for the first time, glance back down at the blonde, worried and confused.
🚬"Huh?" (Y/n) titled their head to the side not getting anything he said, kneeling down on front of him, "Its okay, I can just fix the nest stop crying, is okay alpha." (Y/n) purred letting off a relaxing soft and sweet scent as he cooled him down his nerves stopped sky rocketing.
🚬Rubbing his back helped and your soft caring loving words lighten his atmosphere and his hopes.
🚬"Yes, daddy?~"
🚬"it's okay I'd never hate you for something that wasn't your fault, is fine your honest with me and tried to make it all better."
🚬"My pup~" Sanji yelled his mood completely turned squeezing the daylights out of his s/o
🚬"But you not allow in my nest for the next 2 weeks."
🚬*Sanji Instantly cried again*😭😭😭
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
rating things my bf has said during secks | rafe cameron x reader
summary: you jump on the tik tok trend of rating things your boyfriend, rafe cameron, has said to you in bed
warnings: SMUT, cursing, seriously this is disgusting. im going to hell
word count: 1.6k
a/n: oh boy folks. this one is literally...so filthy i can’t even breath right now. please enjoy. 
pope jj kie sarah topper kelce
“Don’t hold back, baby.”
-I didn’t
-he loves to hear me scream
Face buried in a pillow, wrists pulled behind your back and trapped in Rafe’s tight grip, he plowed into you from behind. You’d missed Rafe’s touch so much, having been gone for a week on vacation with his family. The texts and videos you had exchanged were down right sinful, but they were nothing compared to the real thing. You missed the way he bruised your hips, the way he held you down and pounded into you until you saw God. He missed your tight little pussy, the look on your face when he made you cum on his dick, your sweet little moans and the way you screamed his name.
But the lewd noises were currently being muffled by the pillow your face was shoved in, and Rafe couldn’t have that. He twisted your hair in his grip, pulling on it and lifting your head up off the pillow.
“There we go. Don’t hold back, baby. I want to hear you,” He growls, yanking a little harder on your locks and thrusting deeper into you. You obeyed, letting your curses and moans out into the air, adding to the sinful atmosphere of the room.
“i’m gonna f*ck you until you beg me to stop”
-true to his word
-couldn’t walk for a week
To say Rafe was pissed was an understatement. But the fury that burned within his eyes didn’t scare you. In fact, you felt your cunt start dripping in response. His hand gripped your throat, knuckles bruised and bloodied from the events earlier in the night. He slams you back into the wall and making you moan.
“You think you’re funny? Talking to that fucking Pogue in front of me? Did you see the way he was looking at you? Well, he already got his, now it’s time for your punishment.” He hikes your dress up and practically rips your panties off. You scream as he plunges his fingers into you, starting out at a brutal pace, fingers curling to hit your g-spot.
“I’m gonna fuck you until you beg me to stop,” He growls.
“i want everyone to know how hard you were f*cked’
-pulled me in close and bit my neck hard
-hot af
“Look at you, being such a good girl for me, taking my cock so well,” Rafe moans as he slows the speed of his thrusts, staring down at where your bodies met and the juices of two orgasms leaked out of you.
“Does anyone else know what a little slut you are? How good you are taking cock?”
You moan as he juts into you particularly hard and he reaches down to to squeeze your throat.
“I asked you a question, baby.”
“No, Rafe. No one knows what a good little slut I am for you.” The grin that appears on his face is devilish, his movements stopping completely, making you whimper. He leaned down until his mouth is by your ear, breath fanning across your neck making you shiver.
“I want everyone to know how hard you were fucked,” He purrs, strangely tender despite the darkness of his words. The he suddenly bites down on your neck, making you shout before his hips start snapping into yours. He continues to make large, dark marks across your body as he fucks you into the mattress.
“you c*m when i say you can”
-don’t tell me what to do
-jk yes daddy
Rafe had been edging you all night. It started at dinner, a special birthday dinner for him with all his close friends. Under the table, his fingers had rubbed your sensitive nub until you were right on the edge, then pulling away as dessert was served, knowing full well that you were his real dessert for the night.
The second the two of you got home, he commanded you to meet him in your bedroom, naked and waiting. You did exactly as he said, it was his birthday after all, and you were the best present he could get. When he arrived in the bedroom, he was removed only his tie, wrapping it around your wrists and binding them tight. The next couple hours was spent with a vibrator on your clit, your legs shaking as you constantly came close to the edge but never tipped over.
Every now and then, Rafe’s mouth and fingers would join in the fun. Licking up your juices or teasing your nipples. Sometimes he would pull your panties on, leaving the small vibrator pressed up against you while he sat back and watched you squirm. You were crying by this point, all this pleasure with no release driving you crazy.
“Please, Rafe! I can’t take it anymore, I need to cum!” You whimper. The vibe is suddenly removed from you, replaced with a hard slap to your pussy that makes you scream.
“What’s my name?” He growls.
“Daddy! Please!” He smirks down at you, eyes filled with an animalistic hunger.
“You cum when I say you can.”
“you look amazing rn”
-awe shucks
-was said in a very tender way
“Fuck, Rafe, I’m gonna cum!” You moan as Rafe slams into you, fingers playing your clit like a beautiful instrument.
“I’m close too baby…fuck…cum with me,” He groans, his movements sloppy as his words start to become true. You reach up, fingers tangling in his hair and pulling him down to meet your lips. The kiss is loving and passionate and hungry and pure all at once. You moan against each other as you both meet your releases. He stills inside you, pulling out all too soon for your liking and scooting down the bed to stare at your leaking center. Seeing his seed dripping from you did something to his head, making his dick harden again slightly and his love for you grow. His fingers reach out, scooping up his cum and shoving it back into you lightly, making you whimper quietly.
He sits back up, leaning over you and placing sweet kisses around your face before landing on your lips. He pulls back, staring at your face covered in after sex bliss. He loves you like this, absolutely fucked out.
“You look amazing right now,” He smiles softly as you blush, covering your face with your hands. He shakes his head and pulls them away cuddling up to you and placing several more kisses to your neck as he holds you tight.
“you’ll pay for that later”
-i deserved it
-my a$$ was red
You’d been to enough Kook parties with Rafe to last you a life time. You were bored, left in the corner to pout while Rafe paid attention to anything but you. You were honestly tired of it, and you were going to do something about it. Finding Rafe talking to Topper by the pool, you walk up to him with wide innocent eyes.
“Hey, baby,” You coo before turning to face Topper, pressing your back up against Rafe, making sure your ass was situated right on his crotch. You spend the next few minutes in deep discussion with Topper, not even looking or speaking to Rafe. Every now and then, you would move to adjust your dress, rubbing your butt against his quickly hardening cock.
“Aw, I’m out,” You say, referring to your drink, starting to walk away.
“I’ll come with you,” Rafe says, taking your arm and practically dragging you away. He leans down and growls in your ear, “You’ll pay for that later.” The words made you ruin your underwear.
Instead of bringing you to the kitchen for drinks, he leads you out to his truck, shoving you into the passenger seat. When you arrived home, he brought you to the bedroom and bent you over his knee, hiking your skirt up and shoving your panties down. His hand met your ass, over, and over again, until you were soaked all over his lap. He lifted you up moving you onto the bed, placing you down gently in contrast to the harsh slaps he had just given you.
“Such a little fucking tease,” He whispers before unbuckling his pants and pulling his cock out, preparing to absolutely destroy your cunt.
“who’s pu$$y is this?”
-i knew exactly who’s
-(spoiler) it’s his
You always knew your wedding night with Rafe would be one to remember. Your bedroom life was already incredible, you just knew he would pull out all the stops for your special day. And you were right. It had started long before the bedroom, sneaking off during the reception for him to bury himself under your beautiful white dress and devour you, or you kneeling in front of him, sucking him until his covered your lips in white, suited perfectly for a bride like you.
When he got you all to himself after the party, you knew you were in for it. The sex was rough and passionate, using positions where he could always look you right int he eye as he made you scream his name. You were all his and his alone, and you would be for the rest of your lives.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He growls as he fucks into you, rubbing you clit and squishing your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him. Already three orgasms deep, you found it difficult to focus. But the look of pure passion and love glowing in his eyes fanned the flame inside of you.
“It’s yours, Rafe, all yours. Forever and always.” You breathe. He grins at you, meeting your lips in a fiery kiss as he fucks you with all the love in his body.
taglist/moots: @ilovejjmaybank @broken-jj @vindictive-hearts @wtfkie @jjmaybby @dontjinx-it @butgilinsky @rekrappeter @diverdcwn @rafecameron @prejudic3 @starlightstarkey @https-luna @sunnypogue @obxmxybxnk @jjmayybank @bluesiderudy @socialwriter @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @peachydrews @outerbanksbro @poguestyleskye @softstarkey @bricksatanakinswindow @mdlyncline @poguemackin @downbytheouterbanks @ptersparkers @prkerspogue @moldisgoodforyou @outrbanks @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @tempestuousjj @stargazingstarkey @anxietyandtacos @uwubonebabie @joshy-obx
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dreamiesdotcom · 3 years
[01:43a.m] Knowing his love was the most unique you've felt. It was the beautiful kind of love. It was the 'you give me strength', 'you're my weakness', 'you make me not know if I want to burn the world or make it a better place for you' kind of love. It was the 'I was scarred and scared but you gave me hope' love. It was the messages of missing him and replies of 'I'm coming home', saying you're feeling down while on call and hearing 'I'm on my way', getting lost and laughing at his sigh and 'stay where you are and I'll find you' love.
In short, it was the kind that made you realize all the things you've endured were cruel but essential to your soul as it had led you to your better half.
Heavens, hell. All that you could swear on. You adore this man so bad you see flashes of him in every day since you learned what it meant to hold someone dear.
High school.
"You're doing that face where you're obviously trying to think about something your pretty little mind obvious can't grasp," Renjun grunts, and you could hear his brows furrow in his tone, "Stop it. What are you thinking?"
'I'm addicted to wrong things, love. Sleeping on the floor instead of the bed, putting milk before cereal just to get you annoyed, wanting to do inappropriate things with you, love, like maybe kissing you in the middle of this packed train and holding hands underneath the table as you try your best to not snap at the girl trying her very best to take you away, love.'
"'m too dumb to think, let alone speak," you joke, muffled by the collar of his uniform.
But truth was, you just didn't want anyone else to see how flustered he could get with the words you wish say in between your 'this is my stop' and 'see you soon'.
I love you.
"Truth or dare!"
"You didn't even spin the bottle!"
"Quitters losers," your best friend grins.
"Fuck off," you mumbled. "This is bullying. Truth."
Because he holds your hands, even when looking away. He tickles your palms with lines and unrecognizable hearts, devil forbid you knew he drew them on your skin. Because he's there. Because he exists. Because you're hopelessly, helplessly—
"Do you have feelings for anyone in this room?" She winks. She knows. Of course she knows. You blush and look away.
A gentle squeeze on your entwined hands, hidden underneath his jacket that he laid strategically in between the space you two sat at. Why?
You look back at her dead in the eye and glare.
"Kiss Renjun."
Because he doesn't pull away. Not in disgust, not even awkwardness. If anything, he holds tighter and smiles delightedly. Because you're drunk on the luster of his eyes and there's barely any second thoughts running in your mind when you reciprocate the press of his lips, chaste pecks after chaste pecks until you're gasping for breathe and he's diving in without a care for the audience. It's you and him alone together in this world. It was as if the lights flashing in front of your eyes weren't enough, a touch of his hand and fireworks exploded in the back of your mind as if holding a festival in celebration of the closure of summer.
It could've been the alcohol. It should be the alcohol. Except, there's no other taste in your mouths but the sweetness you're sharing as you drink the nectar hidden behind each other's lips. In the haze, you wonder, how could you have lived so long without doing this?
Oh God, I love you. I love you.
"I've been meaning to ask you something, my light," he smiles, making your eyes widen, and the other people present cheer. He starts to get down on one knee with nervous safety in his gaze.
And you think, oh God, I love you, I love you, I love you. Oh God, let me have him. The demon inside you kneels before the heavens and repents in hopes that it'll lighten the taint in your soul, if it would make you a little more deserving of him. He smiles and you think oh God, it's him, he's the man I'd give my heart to for ever and ever and ever.
"Will you marry me?"
He would always be the youthful kind of love, the 'I thought of you today' love, the 'I have my favorite candy on me right now but I want to taste it from your mouth' love. He's silly and sweet and your special friend, your first love, your forever love.
Even if he's kneeling not in front of you, but your best friend.
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gyuluster · 4 years
one last present | (f)
“Soobin gifts you something unusual, but oddly perfect.”
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oneshot | established relationship! au | 1.7k words
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s u m m a r y : soobin has one last birthday present to spoil you with, and you certainly did not expect it.
w a r n i n g s : literally just fluff, so much fluff, soobin is best boyfriend, a little nerd information about animal disease but nothing too grim, a little kiss at the end ):
a u t h o r ‘ s  n o t e : hello hi this sounds all over the place but idc because it’s @soobmint birthday and this is tailored very much to her liking anyway happy birthday chae i love u so much <3
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The said boy furrowed his brows, bottom lip jutting out slightly at your words. Despite the image being extremely adorable, you refused to submit.
Choi Soobin had spoiled you enough.
“But, ____,” he began, getting up from the sofa the both of you were cozily settled upon. A few of the opened presents fell on the carpeted floor from his lap, and, letting out a noise, he instantly dropped to his knees, picking up the objects.
“No buts!” you exclaimed, crossing your arms. “You’ve gifted me half the shopping mall! You can’t expect me to accept more!”
The pout was more prominent with every word of refusal. “Honey,” he murmured, and the endearment had your heart skipping a beat. He propped the fallen presents atop the coffee table before you, standing up straighter once again. “I like buying you gifts. I mean, It’s your birthday after all.”
Indeed it was so. Of course you knew, but your boyfriend made sure that you never forgot — the excitement which radiated from him these past few weeks almost became unbearable, knowing he was planning all these lavish outings and presents, but you could not help but go along with his wishful preparation. His pure, unadulterated joy at wanting to make your birthday as special as possible truly touched your heart.
“And plus, after this one, there are no more.” 
When you answered him with a raised brow, quite unconvinced, he raised his fist into the air, a little finger erecting. “Pinky promise.”
“Pinky promise, huh?” You could not help a small smile escaping. “That serious?”
Nodding, he hovered the finger closer to you. “This present will be your absolute favourite.”
Looping your own pinky with his, he helped you off the sofa, making sure you didn’t drop any of the gifts around you. Then, wrapping the rest of his fingers around your hand, he led you out of his living room.
Taking a long journey into the hallways, you both turned to the kitchen, a vast marble sensation of countertops and island bars, courtesy of his parents’ wealth. Catching sight of the wall-length, transparent doors, Soobin held out his free hand, careful to be quiet as he opened the doors into the nature beyond.
The Choi’s garden was another world entirely — perhaps bigger than his house, a fine collection of all the fruit trees, bushes and flowers, scattered upon the lush grass, freshly trimmed this morning. You closed the door after you stepped into the cool evening air, the sun on its way to descent below the horizon.
“Where is this present, Soobin?” you asked him, curious as to why he steered you outside. He only answered with a knowing smile, converse quiet against the grass, hand on yours unwavering.
Your confusion only grew as, swiping past the trail of gran old oaks and birches, you ended up upon the small pond right at the end of your boyfriend’s garden. It shimmered with the golden light of the dying sun, a few crickets resonating around its edges. The little reservoir was your favourite place inside his domain, a lilting peace always exuding from the calm waters, lapping against the slight bank. 
However, as your eyes wandered, there was a new addition, settled beside the pond. “What is this?” you wondered out loud, gazing over the small, wooden structure, slightly bigger than a sandcastle. Its detail was incredibly intricate, a tall arc carved out in the front, a moving creature fidgeting at the edge. The roof was slanted, like that of a miniature cabin, and your previous interest had only heightened, tugging on the sleeve of Soobin’s white shirt.
“Stay here,” he said, letting go of your hand for a moment. Carefully stepping along the edges of the pond, he kneeled next to the wooden construction, leaning in as his hands slid inside the open doorway. You crept a step closer, craning your head forward to catch a glimpse, but when you saw your boyfriend murmuring sweet nothings to the unknown inside, you stopped.
That was when he brought his hands out, now very much occupied. 
A gasp escaped you at what was revealed.
Two small ducklings snuggled in the folds of Soobin’s hand, making soft quacking noises as his finger stroked each of their heads softly. Your face morphed into one of infinite tenderness as a smile curled instantly upon his lips at the reaction.
Slowly, as not to disturb the animals, he walked over to you, eyes never leaving their faded yellow coats. Only when he stepped before you he looked up, sharing some of his elation within your gaze.
“My last present,” he declared. Hovering his full hands closer to you, he added, “Here.”
You did not dare answer him, holding your hands out as, ever so gently, Soobin dipped the ducklings into your care. Their webbed feet clung onto your palms as they curled against you, welcoming your warmth. Your nerves had to be thanked for that, rising with each caress of their feathers against your skin. 
Your eyes lifted to the boy before you.
He was not wrong at all — this really was your favourite present. “How…” you got out, but of course he knew, of course he knew that you had wanted these creatures for so long. 
It wasn’t exactly a secret that you wanted ducks — it was certainly a bizarre first pet to have, but you always found these types of birds adorable. Whenever you and Soobin would walk through the parks in your city, you would rush to the waterworks within nature, and stare at the families of ducks for hours on end. Sometimes, the poor boy had to haul you out of the forests, but he always found his heart turning in on itself whenever he stole a glimpse of your excited smile.
So when he ended up in the animal shelter one day, weeks before tonight, in search of these animals, he saw these two baby ducklings, and instantly made sure to whisk them away within his pond, hiding them and their little cabin from your curious footsteps. 
Until this day. When now, they nearly slept with the gentle stillness you kept them in.
He could see it in your eyes. You were already in love with them.
“What…” you gulped, thumbs caressing their tiny heads. “What did you name them?”
Soobin’s hand crept up to his neck, scratching awkwardly. “You better not laugh.”
You narrowed your brows. “Why?”
He pointed at the left duckling. “So this one is Aristotle,” he began, awaiting your teasing, “And this one—” pointing to the right, “—is called Plato.”
There was a long silence before you burst into soft laughter. 
“Hey!” he exclaimed, locking his hands behind his back. “I told you not to laugh.”
“I’m sorry, baby!” you gasped out, grinning. “I didn’t realise one semester of Greek Philosophy could change you this way.”
“Stop!” he whined, stepping closer as he observed the slumbering ducklings. “I don’t know, I just really liked the ring of it, okay?”
“Awww, don’t worry, Soobs,” you reassured him, nudging his leg with your foot. “I like the names.”
It was his turn to give you the unconvinced raise of his brows. “I’d bring out my pinkie, but my hands are a bit occupied.”
Satisfied, he nodded, watching you tend to your living gift with your fingers. “There’s something a little wrong with them, ____.”
Smile fading, you glanced up at him. “What do you mean?”
He crossed his arms. “The lady at the shelter mentioned some time of...preen malfunction?” 
You knew exactly he was inferring to. “Malfunctioning preen glands?” Your fingers brushed against the base of the ducklings’ tails, feeling an odd texture around their feathers. “I researched this while I was looking for ducks as pets. It means that their feathers don’t dry properly, which can be really dangerous for them.”
“Oh my God,” he muttered. “I should have looked into it further!” He groaned, swiping away his hair from his line of sight. “How am I going to take care of them properly?”
Your stare upon him seemed to calm him down. “Soobin, it’s okay.” Gingerly, you patted their backs. “I know how to treat this.”
“I’m sorry for putting this responsibility on you, honey,” he mumbled, taking one final step to you before planting his hands on your shoulders. “I wanted you to have some ducklings, but seeing these sick ones just...it did something within me.
“I felt like I had to get them somewhere safe, ____. And the only safe haven I could think of was you.”
Your eyes widened, his touch all the more prevalent. Soobin noticed, cocking his head. “What are you looking at me like that for?” 
His hands crept up, sliding from your neck to hold your face in his slender fingers. “Do you not realise that I associate you with all the good things in the world?”
You swallowed a lump in your throat, refusing to let the sting of tears win over you. “There’s a reason I presented you with the ducklings, honey. If you’re so good to me, then little Plato and Aristotle will forever be loved.”
Oh, God. How could you fight the waterworks after that?
Raising upwards, you closed your eyes as you captured Soobin’s lips, insides singing at how he welcomed the touch. His fingertips stroked your cheeks as he leaned further into the kiss, moving against your mouth like a lovestruck fool, yearning for you and everything you represented. 
As the sun fully descended, you opened up slightly for him, the boy clinging onto your bottom lip till a soft moan escaped you, causing him to lose nearly all of his senses. He might have gone further, may have teased his tongue along the swell of your mouth, but he held back. 
If it weren’t for the creatures nestled in your hands, he would have dared, but he pulled back, breathing a little panted as his thumb caressed the apple of your cheeks. 
“Happy Birthday, ____,” he whispered, eyes swirling with lifelong affection.
“I love you, Soobin,” you replied, lips curving upwards.
Then you looked down at the slumbering ducklings, smile growing.
And I love you two, too.
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