#Matthew 19:13-26
This Verse Secretly Undermines All of Christianity...
I just saw this and thought I would process it on my own.
This YouTuber doesn't sound like he's explored much beyond mainstream Western Christianity. He makes the bold statement that EVERY Christian sect finds indispensable the idea that Christ died on the Cross "for our sins". Period.
For the longest time I found that challenging too. He goes on to talk about many of the same things I've asked, "Why couldn't God just forgive us outright? Why must he go through a generational pageant to do something the God of the Universe could have done of his own accord in the first place?"
You can say this is a dumb question. I've been told this many times.
Yet I have never been the only one asking this.
Many, if not all Atheists ask this question. Frankly, many "Christian" answers sound a little unhinged.
Now, I don't think that his examples necessarily contradict the prevailing point of view though. All anyone has to do is look at the banking industry to see that credit on future earnings is a valid payment method. Now it's true that modern banking, and especially credit, wasn't developed until the European Jews, unable to make a living any other way, started lending during the medieval period. Jesuits came up with the idea of insurance, which didn't technically fall under the prohibition against usury. And with ongoing innovation, modern financial markets developed.
None of these, of course, would have been understood by the local people of Jesus' time and place.
What was understood was life and death.
And this is where I found my peace.
Sins can easily be forgiven, but sickness and eventual death? That's a whole other nut to crack. Now, to be clear, unfortunately even the most traditional Christian communities have started to obsess about how SIN must be atoned!
But there is a strain in the oldest Christian traditions that it wasn't primarily sin that was destroyed on the cross, but rather death, disease, corruption (of which sin is a derivation to be sure, but not the point).
Now it's easy to look around and say - "Look! it didn't work." I myself have had to say good bye to both my parents over the last several months.
However, there is a resurrection that is promised. And if Christ has done what he said he did, then there WILL be a general resurrection.
The key is to be prepared for that resurrection. Now we could go on about which denomination is best prepared, but I have little faith in denominationalism. I think it's a means to conquer and divide the faithful, pitting follower against follower. Soon the God who's being worshiped isn't the most High God, but the Deceiver who encourages us all to call each other heretics. I do not think most "Christians" are Christian, but rather following their own wisdom (1 Timothy 6:3-5, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 24:11).
Now I may be a false teacher myself for thinking such a thing and putting it out there, but I have faith that God will know his own. And while he loves the rest, and has given them life, that life will be so much less for the fact that they reject what he's given them.
I find the idea of a river of fire helpful - Moses and the Glory of God (Exodus 33:20-23), speaks to the idea that to human senses, God is Fire. The Story of the Three Holy Youths (Daniel 3) has also been seen as an illustration of man abiding in the presence of fire, as a proxy for God, unharmed. Pentecost is God's fire experienced by the faithful after his resurrection. How will Gods fire be experienced by the unfaithful?
I have no idea, but I doubt that it will be pleasant (Luke 16:19-31).
In short, I feel this video failed to land it's point. There's enough diversity in Christianity to survive this argument, though I do not think that most modern Christians are open to my resolution.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy upon me, a sinner.
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kmac4him1st · 6 months
Holy Week is a good time to remember what Jesus did for us. He was definitely crushed in soul in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is a good devotional for this week, I hope it helps you reflect on our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ!
Even though I am torn within, and my soul is in turmoil, I will not ask the Father to rescue me from this hour of trial. For I have come to fulfill my purpose — to offer myself to God. So, Father, bring glory to your name!” Then suddenly a booming voice was heard from the sky, “I have glorified my name! And I will glorify it through you again! John 12:27-28 Gethsemane literally means “oil…
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doulafaith · 7 months
Christ's Breakthrough
“His Abide”  Reading  Reflecting Responding To God’s Word while Walking it Out Context: Matthew 27: 1-66 Focus:  Matthew 27:51-52 “At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. The tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised.” Matthew 27: 51-52 Definition: Breakthrough – a military…
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THE DISCIPLINE OF FASTING The Spiritual Warfare Basics in 1 and 2 Samuel will cover important aspects about the importance of fasting. The Bible tells us about seven different kinds of fasts, and we will take a closer look at each of these. The discipline of fasting releases the anointing, the favor, and the blessing of God in the life of a Christian. So if you are not content to go through this…
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martyschoenleber · 1 year
Worst Trade Ever
We are a sports dominated culture like no culture before us. I include myself. A day isn’t complete for me in the Spring, Summer or Fall without an update on how the Phillies did. Ditto for the Fall and Winter in relation to the Philadelphia Eagles. Both those major sports sometime have so-called “Blockbuster Trades.” So maybe this metaphor makes sense to many. Here’s my version of the worst…
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candletocandle · 1 year
Lepers, Prostitutes, and Thanksgiving
Several years ago, a woman bought a frozen pumpkin pie to bake for Thanksgiving dinner
She burned the pie badly
Accidents happen
However, this woman did not take responsibility for her mistake
Instead, she took a picture of the burned pie and posted it on the pie company’s Facebook page
She actually blamed the pie company for “ruining her Thanksgiving dessert”
Internet reaction and memes aside, it’s apparent she did not have her priorities straight
She could have taken the time and effort to make a pumpkin pie from scratch
A frozen pumpkin pie is a convenience
If you think about it, a frozen pie is one of the easiest things you can cook 
No cooking skill required
In any event, it’s probably safe to say this woman did not have an attitude of thanksgiving
Her Facebook post revealed a sense of self-centered entitlement
It’s easy to look down on this woman, whether to make fun of her or judge her
However, are we much different than this woman when it comes to Thanksgiving?
Especially in the eyes of God?
Today, I would like to discuss two stories of Thanksgiving
A story about lepers and a story about a former prostitute
Let us pray…
Story #1: cleansing of the ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
Jesus was passing through Samaria when He was spotted by ten lepers from afar off
They cried out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
Interestingly, Jesus does not immediately heal these lepers 
Instead, Jesus tells them to go show themselves to the priests
As they go to the priests, they are healed
Only of these ten lepers comes back to thank Jesus for what He had done for them
Story #2: the anointing at Bethany (Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:36-50)
A former prostitute shows up at the house of Simon the Leper
She anoints Jesus by breaking an alabaster flask of expensive oil over His head
However, she was greatly criticized by several people who witnessed her action
“What a waste of expensive spikenard!”
“She could have sold the spikenard for 300 denarii and used the money for the poor!” 
So, what do these stories have to do with each other, let alone Thanksgiving?
Let’s go back and look at each story in greater detail
Story #1 revisited
Leprosy in the Bible refers to any variety of contagious skin diseases
In Jesus’ time, leprosy was often a death sentence
No matter how esteemed or rich you were, if you contracted leprosy, you were driven out of society into the fringes
You were not allowed to participate in daily societal activities or even go to the temple to worship
In the worst forms of leprosy, lepers would lose their extremities like their fingers, toes, ears, and even nose
Sometimes leprosy could even affect your vocal chords
This cruel disease robs its victims of feeling human
Is it any wonder those ten lepers cried aloud to Jesus for healing?
When Jesus responds to their pleas by telling them to show themselves to the priest, Jesus is testing their faith
A leper would only show themselves to the priest if they were healed
The priest would then have that individual undergo a cleansing ritual as prescribed in Leviticus chapter 14 to confirm their healing 
Only then could that individual officially reintegrate that person back into society
These ten lepers actually walked in faith to the priest, even though Jesus did not actually heal them yet
Somewhere along the way, all the lepers were miraculously healed of their leprosy
When the priest pronounced these men to be free of leprosy, they were allowed to re-enter Jewish society
Surprisingly, nine of these ten lepers did not return to Jesus and acknowledge what He had done for them 
When those men had leprosy, they would have given anything, done anything to receive healing
Yet, Jesus did not receive a simple thank you from them
Before we criticize these nine ex-lepers too much, are we any different?
When times are difficult and you go through trials in life, do you not pray more?
Have you ever promised God you would be more faithful, read the Bible more, be more active in church if He would only deliver you?
When God delivered you, did you follow through on your promises?
Did you truly thank Jesus for what she did for you or did you go back to living life as normal?
How often do we come to church faithfully every week, but don’t think about God the rest of the week?
Let’s go back to our second story
Story #2 revisited 
What’s the big deal about the oil anyways?
Before we can answer that question, let’s talk a little about spikenard
Spikenard was derived from a Himalayan aromatic plant of the Valerian family 
It has a very distinct fragrant aroma
The only other mention of spikenard in the Bible other than the Gospels is in the Song of Solomon in the Old Testament (1:12; 4:13-14)
Considering the origins of this plant, spikenard was not very easy to obtain
The value of the spikenard was estimated to be 300 denarii
One denarius was worth about a day’s wages 
Therefore, 300 denarii was almost a year’s worth of wages
To put this into perspective, let’s say you earned $20 an hour at your job
One day’s work is $160
If you worked for 300 days, that’s $48,000
I think it would be safe to assume spikenard is the stuff of kings
Now, why would a prostitute have spikenard?
A prostitute would not allure men with just her appearance, but also through smell
This box of spikenard would be considered invaluable by prostitutes
Now, let’s consider the act of breaking the box of spikenard over Jesus
Not such a minor thing, is it?
This former prostitute was so thankful for Being saved by Jesus, gave Him something back at great personal cost to herself 
This alabaster box of spikenard represented her former livelihood 
How long did she have to save to be able to purchase it?
Now she is giving it all to Jesus
That, brothers and sisters, is true gratitude 
Interestingly, her act of gratitude and self-sacrifice was condemned
Are we much different today?
How often do we judge and criticize others when they try to do something for God?
Putting it all together
Brothers and sisters, I want you to know you have a lot to be thankful for
No matter how bad things are going in your life right now…
…the fact you live in America automatically makes you better off than half the people in the world.
If you own a car, that puts you in the top 15-20% of the people living in this world
Even if you do not feel blessed, God has showered you with an abundance of blessings you may not even be aware of 
Brothers and sisters, will you be thankful to Jesus for all that He has done for you?
Brothers and sisters, we all have been stricken with the leprosy of sin
It is a fatal disease and the prognosis is eternal death
However, Jesus loves us so much He gave His life for us, so that we can be cleansed
We can have eternal life if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior
Not only that, Jesus wants us to be kings and queens to reign with Him forever
Yet, oftentimes, we are so caught up in this current life, we are not thanful for what He has done for us
We are afraid to sacrifice what we have for Him
And we don’t consider the cost that He paid for us
Closing: Jethro
My wife and in-laws don’t really like to buy toys for my son Jethro
Maybe he can have something on his birthday and at Christmas
They don’t want to spoil him
That’s a good thing and I respect that
However, personally, I don’t believe in that limitation
If you know Jethro’s story, then you know we’ve been through a lot in the first three years of Jethro’s life
Therefore, I buy him toys whenever I feel like it
I just enjoy the surprise and joy that comes upon his face when he unexpectedly receives a new toy
A few weeks ago when I was working on the computer (on this very message), Jethro gets up from where he was playing nearby
He comes to me with the newest toy I bought him
He shows it to me and says something that surprised me:
“Daddy, I like this toy very much.  It is my new favorite toy.  Thank you, thank you so much for buying it for me.”
Needless to say, I was very surprised and very touched to hear that unsolicited display of gratitude
And there’s been several times when Jethro wakes up in the morning and the first thing he says to me is, “I love you, Daddy”
This made me think
Do I show the same gratitude and love towards my heavenly Father?
Have I thanked God for the simple things in life?
Have I told Him how much I love Him?
Brothers and sisters, will you thank Jesus for all that He has done for you?
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moonhoures · 1 year
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warning: every post will include smut! minors do not interact! (18+)
these will be posted at midnight (CST) from Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st. the links will be added accordingly after each one is posted!
* titles are subject to change up until posting date!
go to the bottom of this post to join the taglist! ↓
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1. Video Games | Enhypen Jay
— angry sex + makeup sex
2. One Night Stand | Seventeen Hoshi
— anonymous sex + roleplay
3. Relax | Ateez Yeosang
— bath sex
4. Insatiable | Enhypen Sunghoon
— biting kink + blood play [vampire!au]
5. Merciless | Stray Kids Hyunjin
— bondage
6. Countdown | TXT Taehyun
— brat taming
7. All Of Me | Monsta X Jooheon
— breeding kink / creampie
8. Stargazing | Monsta X Changkyun
— choking
9. Sunday Morning | P1Harmony Jiung
— cockwarming
10. Cowgirl | Ateez Wooyoung
— costumes
11. Pretty When You Cry | NCT Jeno
— dacryphilia
12. “It Just . . . Slipped” | Stray Kids Chan
— daddy kink
13. Play Thing | Twice Mina
— degradation
14. Open Wide | BTS Taehyung
— dom!idol
15. Score | Stray Kids Minho
— dry humping / thigh riding
16. Wicked Games | NCT Haechan
— edging / orgasm denial
17. Watch Yourself | Seventeen Jeonghan
— mirror sex
18. That’s My Girl | Twice Jihyo
— mommy kink
19. Thin Walls | ZB1 Matthew
— masturbation
20. I Can See You | The Boyz Sangyeon
— office sex [coworkers!au]
21. Sit | Blackpink Rosé
— oral
22. Good To Me | Seventeen Wonwoo
— overstimulation
23. Kiss Me Thru The Phone | Stray Kids Felix
— phone sex
24. Beautiful | NCT Jaehyun
— praise kink
25. Focus | Ateez San
— sex tape / filming
26. Knew Better | Seventeen S.Coups
— spanking
27. First Time For Everything | (G)-Idle Soyeon
— squirting
28. Bad Day | Wonho
— stripping
29. Hotel Room Service | TXT Huening Kai
— sub!idol
30. Three’s Company | P1Harmony Keeho & Theo
— threesome
31. Weapon | ITZY Chaeryoung
— toys
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🕸️ Taglist 🕷️
to join the taglist for this event only, please comment on this post! asks or comments on any other posts will not be valid.
edit: if your age isn’t visible on your blog you will not be added! you must be 18+ to be eligible for this taglist. thank you!
if you’d like to join my other taglists, you can do so here.
if you have any questions, i suggest sending those through my inbox!
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macrolit · 2 months
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The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century.
As voted on by 503 novelists, nonfiction writers, poets, critics and other book lovers — with a little help from the staff of The New York Times Book Review.
NYT Article.
Q: How many of the 100 have you read? Q: Which ones did you love/hate? Q: What's missing?
Here's the full list.
100. Tree of Smoke, Denis Johnson 99. How to Be Both, Ali Smith 98. Bel Canto, Ann Patchett 97. Men We Reaped, Jesmyn Ward 96. Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments, Saidiya Hartman 95. Bring Up the Bodies, Hilary Mantel 94. On Beauty, Zadie Smith 93. Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel 92. The Days of Abandonment, Elena Ferrante 91. The Human Stain, Philip Roth 90. The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen 89. The Return, Hisham Matar 88. The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis 87. Detransition, Baby, Torrey Peters 86. Frederick Douglass, David W. Blight 85. Pastoralia, George Saunders 84. The Emperor of All Maladies, Siddhartha Mukherjee 83. When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamin Labutat 82. Hurricane Season, Fernanda Melchor 81. Pulphead, John Jeremiah Sullivan 80. The Story of the Lost Child, Elena Ferrante 79. A Manual for Cleaning Women, Lucia Berlin 78. Septology, Jon Fosse 77. An American Marriage, Tayari Jones 76. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, Gabrielle Zevin 75. Exit West, Mohsin Hamid 74. Olive Kitteridge, Elizabeth Strout 73. The Passage of Power, Robert Caro 72. Secondhand Time, Svetlana Alexievich 71. The Copenhagen Trilogy, Tove Ditlevsen 70. All Aunt Hagar's Children, Edward P. Jones 69. The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander 68. The Friend, Sigrid Nunez 67. Far From the Tree, Andrew Solomon 66. We the Animals, Justin Torres 65. The Plot Against America, Philip Roth 64. The Great Believers, Rebecca Makkai 63. Veronica, Mary Gaitskill 62. 10:04, Ben Lerner 61. Demon Copperhead, Barbara Kingsolver 60. Heavy, Kiese Laymon 59. Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides 58. Stay True, Hua Hsu 57. Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich 56. The Flamethrowers, Rachel Kushner 55. The Looming Tower, Lawrence Wright 54. Tenth of December, George Saunders 53. Runaway, Alice Munro 52. Train Dreams, Denis Johnson 51. Life After Life, Kate Atkinson 50. Trust, Hernan Diaz 49. The Vegetarian, Han Kang 48. Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi 47. A Mercy, Toni Morrison 46. The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt 45. The Argonauts, Maggie Nelson 44. The Fifth Season, N.K. Jemisin 43. Postwar, Tony Judt 42. A Brief History of Seven Killings, Marlon James 41. Small Things Like These, Claire Keegan 40. H Is for Hawk, Helen Macdonald 39. A Visit from the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan 38. The Savage Detectives, Roberto Balano 37. The Years, Annie Ernaux 36. Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates 35. Fun Home, Alison Bechdel 34. Citizen, Claudia Rankine 33. Salvage the Bones, Jesmyn Ward 32. The Lines of Beauty, Alan Hollinghurst 31. White Teeth, Zadie Smith 30. Sing, Unburied, Sing, Jesmyn Ward 29. The Last Samurai, Helen DeWitt 28. Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell 27. Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 26. Atonement, Ian McEwan 25. Random Family, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc 24. The Overstory, Richard Powers 23. Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage, Alice Munro 22. Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Katherine Boo 21. Evicted, Matthew Desmond 20. Erasure, Percival Everett 19. Say Nothing, Patrick Radden Keefe 18. Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders 17. The Sellout, Paul Beatty 16. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Michael Chabon 15. Pachinko, Min Jin Lee 14. Outline, Rachel Cusk 13. The Road, Cormac McCarthy 12. The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion 11. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Junot Diaz 10. Gilead, Marilynne Robinson 9. Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro 8. Austerlitz, W.G. Sebald 7. The Underground Railroad, Colson Whitehead 6. 2666, Roberto Bolano 5. The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen 4. The Known World, Edward P. Jones 3. Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel 2. The Warmth of Other Suns, Isabel Wilkerson 1. My Brilliant Friend, Elena Ferrante
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hauntedppgpaints · 3 months
Hottest Player on Each Team Poll Results!!
I've got the piping hot results of the poll I posted last week, served fresh and ready to be read! The final count was 319 submissions!
Leon Draisaitl, 215 points
Mat Barzal, 188
Nico Hischier, 178
Roman Josi, 167
Jeremy Swayman, 153
Matthew Tkachuk, 152
Claude Giroux, 138
Alex Lyon, 123
Sidney Crosby, 119
Brady Skjei, 114
Detailed tallies, pie charts, fun facts, and odd answers are below the cut! Sorry about how the teams are paired together, there's a 30 image limit on posts :(
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one of two teams to have both goalies in their top three, the other being the Jets
19 unique answers
Funny other answers included: jamie drysdale rip, Donald Duck, Travis
22 unique answers
one person put Patrice Bergeron
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20 unique answers
2 people put Erik Johnson
weird answer: that one teenager that Tanger beat up
24 unique answers
2 people put Chris Tanev, one person put "it was hanifin"
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21 unique answers
23 unique answers
one person wrote Jonathan Toews. one person wrote Tommy Hawk, the team's mascot
with 13 of them, the blackhawks take the lead with the most non-answers. one of them was "skipping racist logo team". another was "this team is ugly".
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23 unique answers
25 unique answers
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19 unique answers
someone put "Nick Robinson" as an answer. that's not a player. i don't know who that is.
18 unique answers
someone put "the ginger". someone else put "that cat guy"
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20 unique answers
someone put "anyone but Leon"
27 unique answers
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21 unique answers
someone put Wayne Gretzky
23 unique answers
2 people put Connor Dewar. 1 person put Brandon Duhaime. 1 person just wrote "Bordeleau"
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21 unique answers
One person put PK Subban. One person put Chris Wideman
17 unique answers
One of the weirdest answers across the whole poll: "they all looked pretty ugly when they beat the pens in OT that one time"
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21 unique answers
someone put "one of the hughes kids"
17 unique answers
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24 unique answers
one person put Henrik Lundqvist
16 unique answers
one person put "not that one guy"
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20 unique answers
One person put Claude Giroux. One person put Nolan Patrick. 5 people put Gritty
16 unique answers
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28 unique answers
4 people put Anthony Duclair. 1 person put Tomas Hertl
22 unique answers
1 person put Buoy
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22 unique answers
someone said "anyone but the goalie"
21 unique answers
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24 unique answers
another weird answer: "that sid lookalike kid mitch or marner or something"
23 unique answers
one person put Jason Zucker
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23 unique answers
one person put Clayton Keller. one person put "that weird luke kid"
28 unique answers
one person put Nolan Patrick. one person put "Steve Aoki #77". Steve Aoki is a DJ. There is no #77 for the golden knights. i have no idea where this came from.
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22 unique answers
one of two teams to have both goalies in their top three, the other being the Ducks
26 unique answers
one person put Jesse Pollock. :|
2 teams are tied with the most amount of single-vote answers: the Rangers and the Panthers both had 10 players only voted for once.
4 teams are tied with the least amount of single-vote answers: the Senators, the Penguins, the Lightning, and the Maple Leafs all had 2 players only voted for once.
2 teams are tied with the most amount of unique answers: the Sharks and the Golden Knights both had 28 unique answers
2 teams are tied with the least amount of unique answers: the Senators and the Penguins both had 16 unique answers
Unsurprisingly, the top three teams that have the biggest gap between first and second place are the Oilers (195 points), Islanders (149), and Devils (145)
The top three teams with the closest gap between first and second place are the Sharks (2), Ducks & Canucks (3), and Blue Jackets & Blackhawks (4)
7 teams have a goalie in 1st place: Jets, Sharks, Wild, Red Wings, Blue Jackets, Bruins, and Ducks
18 teams don't have a goalie in their top three. Shame.
the team with the oldest 1st place is the Wild, with Marc-Andre Fleury being 39 years old
the team with the youngest 1st place is the Sabres, with Owen Power being 21 years old
A breakdown of first place nationalities:
Canadian: 15
American: 10
Swiss: 3
Swedish: 1
Dual citizen (Swedish/Canadian): 1
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holyspiritgirl · 2 months
What is Spiritual Warfare and how to overcome it with the help of God?
• Spiritual warfare is the idea that there's a battle going on between good and evil forces. In Christianity, this means a fight between God and His angels against the devil and his demons. It mainly happens in our minds, hearts, and spirits. It’s about resisting bad thoughts, temptations, and influences that go against what God wants for us. Though we believe that Jesus has indeed already defeated Satan by dying on the cross and coming back to life, the enemy still tries to lead us to sin in order to push us away from God, thus spiritual warfare.
• “Symptoms” vary since the devil attacks you where it hurts the most, to make you as vulnerable as possible; but here are some of the most common ones:
- believing that your not worthy of having a relationship with God or talking to God therefore feeling the need to distance yourself from him
-self destructive / sabotage / harm temptations
-paranoia / overthinking
-strong headaches / body aches
-temptations towards sin such as lust, gluttony, laziness, anger.. etc, depends on your weaknesses
-self hatred & self doubt / doubt in faithfulness
-hopelessness, fear, anxiety
-random depressive moods & replaying bad memories … the list goes on!
• Living a life more aligned with God’s will is seen as a threat to Satan and his purposes, leading to increased attempts to discourage or derail one’s faith journey. With a deeper relationship with God often comes a greater sense of purpose and mission, attracting more challenges and obstacles from evil forces trying to prevent one from fulfilling God’s plans. Our Father allows these intensified battles to refine and strengthen our faith, helping us rely more on Him and grow spiritually.
• Here are some bible verses that may help you during those tough times battling spiritual warfare :
-Corinthians 10:13
- Psalm 91
-Ephesians 6:11-18
-Isaiah 54:17
-Galatians 5:17-26
- Peter 5:8-9
-Romans 8:37-39
-Luke 10:19
-James 4:7
-John 16:33
-Deuteronomy 3:22
-Matthew 4:10-11
• Let me know if you’d be interested in me posting those verses and talking about some of them with you guys, sort of like a bible study kind of thing. It’d be a pleasure ;)
Have a blessed day 💞💓👼🏻
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souliebird · 1 year
[[soulie's masterlist]]
and then I met you [matt murdock x reader]
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
Season one:
ch: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
Season 2:
ch: 26 | 27
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coffee maker [matt murdrock x reader]
the coffee maker breaks
punish the wicked [matt murdock x reader]
the devil wants out
get low [matt murdock x ofc]
matt gets off early and he's not the only one
addict [matt murdock x reader]
your life revolves around matt. his doesn't revolve around you
sugar skulls and altars [frank castle x ofc]
she makes him feel like Frank Castle
Kin (AMC)
last call for sinners [michael kinsella x reader]
The weight of the world feels like it is on Michael's shoulders and you are there to make sure he doesn't crumble under it
the man and then nothingness [tim drake]
He doesn’t want to be Nothing.
He runs and runs and runs and he doesn’t even know where he is going. Not until there is gravel under his feet and he’s flying past pristine hedges.
Wayne Manor is in front of him and Tim forces his legs to move Faster.
He knows he shouldn’t . He knows he shouldn’t - but between Nothing and Batman, Batman will probably win
Or: Tim Drake is 10 years old and really, really, needs an adult.
the multiverse series [tim drake x jason todd]
Jason Todd is traveling through the Multiverse and gets stuck in a world where he never died. He seeks out Tim Drake for help but this Tim is not what he expects at all.
A series of ficlets I wrote on Tumblr starting in 2015.
winterwitch dog [bucky barnes x wanda maximoff]
some houses [ original work]
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nerdygaymormon · 1 month
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Unfortunately, we have a tendency to look for differences and to classify people in categories, we determine who isn't worthy to participate in church or to receive God's blessings. This is the opposite of what we're called to do.
"For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."--Samuel (1 Samuel 16:7 KJV)
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."--Christ (Matthew 19:14 NIV)
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."--Christ (Matthew 22:39 KJV)
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."--Christ (Matthew 25:40 KJV)
"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."--Christ (John 13:35 KJV)
"Love does no wrong to others"--Paul (Romans 13:10 New Living Translation)
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."--Paul (Galatians 3:28 NIV)
"he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile"--Nephi (2 Nephi 26:33)
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men;"--Joseph Smith (Articles of Faith 13)
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zepuckinghockey · 2 months
NHL Wedding Season 2024
We're back again for another summer of NHL weddings! If you'd like to see last year's, check out this post.
If you see something wrong or someone missing, let me know! I'll continue to update this list until September when the weddings fizzle out. I appreciate the replies, reblogs, and asks with corrections and additions ❤️
6/7/24: Adam Larsson: (private wedding, no idea)
6/19/24: Jake Evans: Brendan Gallagher, Joel Edmundson, Tyler Toffoli, Nick Suzuki, Joel Armia
6/22/24: Max Jones: Trevor Zegras, Jacob Bryson
6/26/24: Adam Fox: (looked to be just family)
Josh Anderson: Nick Suzuki, Max Domi, Nick Foligno, Seth Jones, Cam Atkinson, Scott Hartnell
6/29/24: Ryan Pulock: Matt Martin, Noah Dobson, Casey Cizikas, Oliver Wahlstrom, Adam Pelech, JG Pageau, Josh Bailey, Mat Barzal, Anthony Beauvillier, Cal Clutterbuck, Bo Horvat, Simon Holmstrom, Pierre Engvall, Mikey Reilly
Jake Oettinger: Mason Marchment, Tyler Seguin, Ty Dellandrea, Wyatt Johnston
7/3/24: Mason Marchment: Jake Oettinger, Tyler Seguin, Ty Dellandrea, Brandon Montour, Mike Carcone, Owen Tippett, Sam Reinhart
7/6/24: Nic Hague: Cody Glass, Owen Tippett, Zach Whitecloud, Alec Martinez, Shea Theodore, William Karlsson, Keegan Kolesar, Nic Roy
Brendan Gallagher: Cole Caufield, Nick Suzuki, Carey Price, Jeff Petry, Chris Wideman, Tanner Pearson, Nate Thompson, Philip Danault, Christian Dvorak, Jake Evans, Sam Montembeault
7/7/24: Adam Fox 2.0: Ryan Reaves, Kevin Rooney, Will Cuylle, Vincent Trocheck, Jacob Trouba, Barclay Goodrow, Alexis Lafreniere, Blake Wheeler, Jimmy Vesey, Jonathan Quick, Ryan Lindgren, Braden Schneider, Sammy Blais, Ryan Donato, John Marino
7/10/24: Elias Lindstrom: (haven't seen any NHL guests)
7/11/24: Jared McCann: Jordan Eberle, Yanni Gourde, Vince Dunn, Jamie Oleksiak, Jaden Schwartz, Matty Beniers, Will Borgen, Kailer Yamamoto, Justin Schultz, Andre Burakovsky, Ryan Donato, Darnell Nurse, Brandon Tanev
7/13/24: Jack Campbell: Tyler Toffoli, Jake Muzzin, Kyle Clifford, Evander Kane
Alex Carrier: Frederick Gaudreau, Mathieu Joseph, Jimmy Oligny
Pierre Engvall: Simon Holmstrom, Owen Wahlstrom
Andrew Mangiapane: Johnny Gaudreau, Rasmus Andersson, Mikael Backlund, Noah Hanifin, Erik Gudbranson, Mack Weegar, Troy Stecher, Jonathan Huberdeau
Kyle Connor: Zach Werenski, Evgeny Svechnikov, Connor Hellebuyck, Tony Calderone
Eetu Luostarinen: Niko Mikkola, Lundell Anton, Aleksander Barkov
Tyler Madden: Alec Turcotte, Akil Thomas
Zack MacEwen: (haven't seen any NHL guests)
7/18/24: William Carrier: Mathieu Joseph
7/19/24: Kaapo Kahkonen: (haven't seen any NHL guests)
7/20/24: Jamie Benn: Tyler Seguin, Joe Pavelski, Jordie Benn, Jason Robertson, Roope Hintz, Joel Kiviranta, Miro Heiskanen, Esa Lundell, Ben Bishop, Luke Glendenning, Ty Dellandrea, John Klingberg
Alex Killorn: Yanni Gourde, Pat Maroon, Brandon Hagel, Nikita Kucherov, Victor Hedman, Zach Bogosian, Anthony Cirelli, Luke Schenn, Ryan McDonagh, Tyler Johnson, Blaine Gabbert, Cam Brate, Andrei Vasilevskiy
Thomas Chabot: Josh Norris, Brady Tkachuk, Tim Stutzle, Mathieu Joseph
Sebastian Aho: Teuvo Teräväinen, Jesperi Kotkaniemi, Seth Jarvis, Antti Raanta, Nino Niederreiter, Jesper Fast, Jani Hakanpaa
7/22/24: Michael Bunting: Mitch Marner, Auston Matthews, John Tavares, Jake Muzzin, Morgan Reilly, Fred Anderson, Wayne Simmons, Alex Kerfoot, TJ Brodie, Kyle Clifford
7/26/24: Jake Lucchini: (haven't seen any NHL guests)
7/27/24: Connor McDavid: Leon Draisaitl, Darnell Nurse, Zach Hyman, Evander Kane, Cody Ceci, Evan Bouchard, Vinny Desharnais, Brett KUlak, Connor Brown, Ryan Mcleod, Derek Ryan, Stuart Skinner, Philip Broberg, Warren Foegele, Devin Shore, Kyle Turris, Luke Gazdic, Zack Kassian, Patrick Maroon, Sam Gagner
Carter Verhaeghe: Matthew Tkachuk, Aaron Ekblad, Evan Rodrigues, Stolarz, Ryan Lomberg, Nick Cousins
8/3/24: Travis Sanheim: Travis Konecny, Scott Laughton, Shayne Gostisbehere, Joel Farabee, Morgan Frost, Tyson Foerster, James Van Riemsdyk
Connor Ingram: (haven't seen any NHL guests)
Cody Glass: (haven't seen any NHL guests)
8/4/24: David Pastrnak: Taylor Hall, Tukka Rask, Patrice Bergeron, Brad Marchand, Zdeno Chara, Charlie Coyle, Hampus Lindholm, Jeremy Swayman, Linus Ullmark, Torey Krug, David Krecji
8/9/24: Alex Tuch: Shea Theodore, Zemgus Girgensons, Tage Thompson
8/10/24: Tyler Johnson: Yanni Gourde, Ondrej Palat, Mathieu Joseph, Ryan McDonagh, Alex Killorn, Pat Maroon, Reese Johnson, Adam Gaudette
8/17/24: Cale Makar: Gabe Landeskog, Nathan MacKinnon, Erik Johnson, Bo Byram, Darren Helm, Andrew Cogliano, Josh Manson, Kurtis Macdermid
Zachary Sanford: (haven't seen any NHL guests)
Mike Amadio: Zach Whitecloud, Ben Hutton, Brett Howden, Nic Hague, Nic Roy
Andrew Copp: JT Compher, Tyson Jost
Ryan Johansen: Colton Sissons, Luke Kunin, Roman Josi, Matt Duchene, Dante Fabbro, Cam Atkinson, Ross Colton, Miles Wood
Roope Hintz: Tyler Seguin, Esa Lundell, Patrik Laine,
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braidlottie · 1 year
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day 1 / soft sex with chad meeks (i changed it sorry!!)
day 2 / spitting with taissa turner
day 4 / packing with van palmer
day 5 / vibrator with jackie taylor
day 7 / spanking with sidney prescott
day 8 / threesome with taissa turner and van palmer
day 10 / bondage with shauna shipman
day 12 / car sex with sam carpenter
day 13 / filming with quinn bailey
day 14 / size kink with chad meeks
day 16 / blindfolding with taissa turner
day 17 / edging with jackie taylor
day 18 / thigh riding with shauna shipman
day 19 / eating out with nat scatorccio
day 20 / strap on with sam carpenter
day 21 / overstimulation with chad meeks
day 22 / phone sex with taissa turner
day 24 / praise kink with nat scatorccio
day 25 / mommy kink with lottie matthews
day 26 / aftercare with sidney prescott
day 27 / cockwarming with van palmer
day 29 / masturbation with quinn bailey
day 31 / semi-public sex with shauna shipman
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sweetiepoison · 7 months
Famous Baby (social media blurb)
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@yourusername: The last two months 💛
[tagged: @Shawnmendes, @Justinbieber, @yourbff1, @yourbff2]
Load more comments…
Fan#1: the holy trinity 😇 (@yourusername, @yourbff1, @yourbff2)
-> bff1: more like the unholy trinity 😅🤭
->bff2: no fr if only you guys saw the gc 💀
->yourusername: jail immediately if it got out
Fan#2: pls I love how unserious they are
Fan#3: I would pay to see their gc
->Fan#4: literally same
Fan#5: excuse me ma’am are you and @justinbeiber making music together?!
->Fan#6: my dream collab
->Fan#7: (y/n) would be the one to get Justin to return to music
->Fan#8: Y’ALL she liked the original comment!!
->Fan#9: I can’t wait for this music to come out!
JustinBieber: My fav singing partner now and forever 🤍
->yourusername: I fangirl when I get to sing with you 🤍
->Fan#10: they are the definition of platonic soulmates
Fan#11: Okay miss girl I see you at the all stars weekend go ahead and get you a man 👀
->Fan#12: Maybe she already has one 👀
->Fan#13: yoo, don’t play with my emotions like that
->Fan#14: I could totally see Justin setting her up though #wingman
->Fan#15: I’m calling it rn, her and Matthews
->Fan#16: Idk who that even is, but if he can make our girl happy I’m down
->Fan#17: @AustonMatthews
->Fan#18: Thank you for the @ girl bc damn he is fine
-> Fan#19: Or her and @Williamnylander
->Fan#20: Literally either way’s a win 🤷‍♀️
Yourbff: my girl looking good always!
Fan#21: The fact that she went to the all star game for Justin and then sang with him for his first performance in a while, they are so wholesome
Shawnmendes: My favorite person to see in the audience
->Fan#22: I know y’all see this comment too 👀
->Fan#23: like can they pls get back together
->Fan#24: That would heal my 14 yr old heart
Fan#25: I was a team Shawn girl back when it was between him and Harry and I’m gonna be one now
Fan#26: Shawn and (y/n) holding hands was not on my 2024 bingo card
Fan#27: (y/n) is serving body!!!!!
Bff2: soooo…..same thing next weekend?
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bootleglesbian · 3 months
available bootlegs
this is everything i currently have available (updated 06/18/24). if you have anything to trade i generally prefer that but i am open to gifting any of the titles that are not starred! as a rule, if no cast is listed or only some members are listed, that means that i do not know the cast but i am happy to send a screenshot if you would like (and if anyone is interested in helping me identify unknown casts or dates of any files, let me know!).
green = video, pink = audio, starred = trade or donations only
*Anastasia (Hartford Theatre pre-Broadway run - Christy Altomare, Derek Klena)
*Anastasia (Broadway - Christy Altomare, Derek Klena)
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Broadway, 06/24/18 - Melissa Benoist)
Beetlejuice (Broadway, 10/31/19 aka Halloween)
Book of Mormon (Broadway - Ben Platt)
Come From Away (Broadway - Jenn Collela)
Falsettos (Proshot)
Falsettos (Broadway - ORC, not proshot)
Falsettos (Tour - Max von Essen, Nick Adams, Eden Espinosa, Nick Blaemire, Audrey Cardwell, Bryonha Marie Parham)
*Falsettos (Tour - Max von Essen, Nicka Adams, Eden Espinosa, Nick Blaemire, Audrey Cardwell, Bryonha Marie Parham)
Freaky Friday (La Jolla)
*Ghost (Broadway - Caissie Levy)
Hamilton (Broadway - Lexi Lawson)
Hamilton (First National Tour - Michael Luwoye, Solea Pffeifer, Joshua Henry, Emmy Raver Lampman, Isaiah Johnson, Jordan Donica, Mathenee Treco, Ruben J. Carbajal, Amber Iman, Rory O'Malley)
*Hamilton (Chicago Act 1 only - Karen Olivo, Ariana Afsar, Samantha Marie Ware, Miguel Cervantes, Joshua Henry)
*Hamilton (Broadway - OBC, not proshot)
*The Last Five Years (Off-Broadway - Betsy Wolfe, Adam Kantor)
*Lempicka (Broadway, 03/38/24 - Eden Espinosa, Amber Iman, Andrew Samonsky, George Abud, Natalie Joy Johnson, Zoe Glick, Nathaniel Stampley, Beth Leavel)
*Mean Girls (Broadway, 02/22/20 - Renee Rapp, Erika Henningson, Barrett Wilbert Weed, Grey Henson, Kate Rockwell, Krystina Alabado, Kyle Selig)
*Mean Girls (National Tour)
*Mystery of Edwin Drood (Broadway - Stephanie J. Block, Betsy Wolfe, Jessie Mueller)
*The Prom (Alliance Theatre pre-Broadway - Caitlin Kinnunen, Anna Grace Barlow)
*She Loves Me (Broadway - ORC proshot)
Waitress (ART pre-Broadway run - Jessie Mueller, Jeanna de Waal, Keala Settle, Drew Gehling, Joe Tippett, Dakin Matthews, Christopher Fitzgerald, Eric Anderson)
*Waitress (Broadway - Jessie Mueller, Keala Settle, Molly Jobe, Drew Gehling)
*Waitress (Broadway - Sara Barielles, Chris Diamantopoulos, Charity Angel Dawson, Molly Jobe, Will Swenson, Christopher Fitzgerald)
*Waitress (Broadway, 06/19/17 - Betsy Wolfe, Drew Gehling)
Waitress (Broadway, 12/14/17 - Stephanie Torns, Jason Mraz)
Waitress (Broadway - Shoshana Bean, Jeremy Jordan)
*Waitress (Broadway - Shoshana Bean, Jeremy Jordan)
Waitress (Broadway, 02/03/19 - Sara Bareilles, Gavin Creel)
Waitress (Tour, 08/26/18)
Wicked (Broadway, 02/01/15 - Caroline Bowman, Kara Lindsey)
Wicked (Broadway, 02/10/13 - Donna Vivino, Ali Mauzey, Kyle Dean Massey, Randy Danson, Adam Grupper, Catherine Charlebois, F. Michael Haynie, Tom Flynn)
Wicked (unknown - Eden Espinosa, Megan Hilty)
*Wicked (Broadway - Stephanie J. Block, Annaleigh Ashford)
*Wicked (Broadway - Lindsay Mendez, Katie Rose Clark)
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