#Maxine's Marines
acornminiatureslog · 1 year
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I like the hollander because it's the one gun mech in the setting that sold me on the idea of varied loadouts being a decent idea, lol.
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The One I've Been Waiting For {Part 13 of 13}
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Word count: 1.3 K
Summary: Billy Hargrove is just one of the many students you're supposed to help. The last thing you expect from your interaction is that he'll start flirtt with you... Much less that Billy would stir up feelings you'd rather keep hidden. Despite the mutual sentiments that soon enough start to grow, there are a lot of reasons for whatever it is to be left alone, and one of them is your age...
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
A/N: In this story, reader is 5 years older than Billy, who's 18.
 You're seated on Billy's lap on the armchair, softly swinging your legs. He's explaining about this new research he'll be participating in his internship. Billy is currently studying whales, and you've never seen him so excited about anything before. He even got you a necklace with a whale's tail pendant.
 “And that means I get to bring you when we go whale watching.” He says, pecking your lips. “The Marine Biologist and the veterinarian. We're a perfect match.”
 “No shit! Really?” You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck. “That will be amazing.” Kissing him again, you only pull away when the bell rings.
 “I'm showering!” Max yells from her bedroom.
 “Maxine, aren't you the official door opener?” Billy shouts back.
 “Well, since I'm at the top this time, I'll get the door.” You say, pushing yourself up and winking at Billy. Before you even open the door, you know who's on the other side because of the many voices. So you yell at the same time you pull the door open, at the top of your lungs. “YOU'RE ONE DAY EARLY!” You burst out, making them scream like scared, little babies.
 “Damn it!” Billy mutters from the inside, and you know you scared him too.
 Looking at the kids, you smile. They'll spend two weeks here with Maxine, but you guess they decided to make a surprise and show up earlier. “Come on in.” Stepping aside, you watch as the small army moves inside. Mike is carrying a box, which gets your attention. “What's that about?”
 “It's your first-anniversary gift.” Eleven answers as Mike puts it on the couch. “But you can't open until Wednesday.”
 “But now I'm curious!” You complain, walking over to the box.
 But Lucas and Dustin stand in your way. “Nah, nah. Wednesday only.”
 Showing off your tongue, you go back to Billy, sitting on his lap again. “Let's wake up real early and take a peak.” You whisper in his ear.
 “Definitely.” He answers, placing a soft kiss on your neck.
 You've been married for almost a year now. You and Billy had a simple party, for family and friends only. It was beautiful, and it happened on the beach. And Billy has been a responsible man now, a loving, gentle husband. There were times when he told you that he was scared to be like his father, but you told him then, and you'll keep telling him for as long as he needs, that he isn't.
 Some people say that you got married too early, still trying to find flaws in your life. But the truth is that every day with Billy is the best day ever. You do have some arguments, but you never go to sleep before settling things down. Love is the priority, and neither of you will let anything get in the way of that.
 But what really matters to you, is how happy Billy is. He tells you that almost every day when you wake up, still in bed. He thanks you for the life you've given him, for your love and patience. He says that he doesn't think he deserves this. But he does.
 When Maxine is done showering and comes to the living room, you smile to see how happy she is with the surprise. Life is good now, and it'll only get better.
 Billy's heart is filled with good things. Only good things. He left the past where it belongs. All the anger, the bitterness, the agony... She chased it all away. (Y/N), the light of his life.
 “So, Wednesday,” Maxine says, a finger pointing at (Y/N) and her brother. “You two will have an amazing romantic day at that super romantic hotel, and then come back here for your party.”
 “And open this huge box!” (Y/N) says, jumping on his lap a little.
 “And to open your gift.” Max rolls her eyes. “But until then-”
 “Beach. Pretty please.” Dustin asks in a fake begging tone. “I've been daydreaming about his for weeks. Can we just go?”
 “Go put on your swimsuits, kids.” (Y/N) is still speaking when they move. Billy caresses her side to get her attention and smiles at her when she looks down at him.
 “Why don't we go change as well? There will be a nice sunset today.”
 “Mmm.” She raises an eyebrow, a half smile on her lips. “The kids will crowd the house for a few days. And we'll have plenty of time to join them at the beach. Why don't we stay here and enjoy some alone time?”
 At this awesome idea, Billy smirks. “It sounds way better than going to the beach with some kids.”
 “It sure does, love.”
 “I love it when you call me that.” He whispers, his thumb caressing her lower lip. And he does. It melts his heart every damn time. Hearing her use that word referring to him in that soft, honey voice... Drives him crazy.
 “That's precisely why I call you that, love.” Smiling, you stand up. “And you should enjoy some action while you still can. I'm late this month so any day now.” You say, stopping before the box. You were super embarrassed in the beginning when it came to these things, but Billy always made you feel comfortable. “What the hell can this be?”
 “You're late.” He says, and you glance at him before looking down at the box again.
 “Yeah, that's what I said.”
 “You're... Really late.” He repeats and, deciding to leave the box be, for now, you turn towards him.
 “... Are you keeping track of my period, Billy Hargrove?” Crossing your arms, you raise an eyebrow.
 “Yeah. I drive past the drugstore every day, I'm the one who buys you tampons most of the time, (Y/N) Hargrove.” That makes you blush, and you stick your tongue out at him before walking to the kitchen. “And...” He starts, following you and leaning against the sink as you take a bottle of water. “It's always a party when your period is over. For both of us.” With that stupid smirk on, Billy comes closer, pinning you against the sink.
 “Would you keep it down? We have a bunch of kids to be aware of.” You whisper.
 “How late are you, babe?”
 “I don't know. I don't really keep track of it. I only know it's coming because I have cramps.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look at the fridge, at the calendar. “Mmm... Been a while actually.”
 “So.” He mutters, his big hand laying on your stomach. “There's a possibility it won't be coming any time soon.”
 “What?” You nervously chuckle, pushing him away when you hear the kids coming. “I don't think so, Billy.”
 “Well, we're not always being careful, are we?”
 “And whose fault is that?” You ask, hands on your hips.
 “Fifty percent mine.” He answers with a smile.
 “Billy, forget it. I'm just...” Your voice fades as you take a closer look at the calendar. “...Around two weeks late.”
 “Kids!” He yells, startling you. “You gotta walk. I'm taking car one to the drugstore and car two won't fit all of you.”
 “What the hell, Billy,” Maxine complains, coming to the kitchen with her army behind her. “What do you need from there? We have the meds box, and it's full.”
 “I'm not buying any meds.” He says, as you just watch the scene, arms crossed. “I just need a pregnancy test.” And with that, he's off, leaving you with all of those wide-eyed kids.
 “Oh. My. God.” Dustin mutters.
 “Holy shit, I can't believe it!” Maxine shouts, and you slide a hand under your shirt, touching your belly.
 It's still too early to be sure, but you were never been this late before... And you remember feeling sick a couple of days ago. So maybe, just maybe, there's a tiny, fresh life growing inside you.
 “Maybe...” You whisper, a smile taking over your lips at the thought of having a baby with Billy. “Maybe.”
@aunicornmademedoit @alexa4040 @goth-cowgirl-03 @nyctophilic0vitnir @minispice-1
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sharky857 · 5 months
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Brain is currently whispering "cccrrrrriiiiinnnnggggeeeee.....!" but I'm gonna post The Cringe™ nonetheless. 💀
Like some fic had been marinating for over 20 years in my head before seeing the light, so did these "monkehs" here.
The group shot includes:
A capuchin monkeh (albino) named Maxine
An orangutan named Jordan
A Japanese macaque named Mintaka
A bonobo named Brenda
A lion-tailed macaque named Deneb
A "wtf-is-that-floating-monkey-even" named Xenia
Two colobi named Orion and Kaine
And yeh, I know there may be some differences between what each RL monkey & ape look like and what's in the pic. But here's the catch: only one of them is from Earth. 😏
Original idea was to recall those sort of movie posters with the BEEG™ looming baddie in the background and the rest of the cast in the foreground. Alas, I realised way too late that I did a whoopsie when arranging the several ref poses. 🙈
Everything's been drawn and coloured by the "I never really did this kind of anthro/furry/whatev they are, but I'll give it a shot" known as @d-structive 💖
Poses are from the ever-handy @adorkastock's sizeable stock. 👀
Background slapped together by yours truly with some PS filter named "cloud" + some PS brushes from the likewise ever-handy stock of Obsidian Dawn. 👀
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meiko3323 · 4 months
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am i really doing this...
ive been marinating on this idea for some time now and finally decided to commit it to paper, meet my Arlefuri kiddo, Max! (short for Maxine) ❤️💙
inspired greatly by the queenoh of genshin lovechildren @KinohCanYouNot, as well as a bunch of my other friends that have ocs. i have such a profound admiration of yall, cuz this character creation thing is HARD AS H3LL. ive got so many notes jotted down, and i havent even started working out her wardrobe, let alone any lore. ive no clue even what vision shell have, what weapon shell wield, or what her personality is. idk how long itll take me to flesh all that out, i wanna be thorough and not rush so i can do her justice. i imagine this will be a background project ill slowly chip away at as i draw other things. but i figured id share this progress for now ^^
my sincerest thanks again to Kinoh, it is with your blessing that my Max here saw the light of day, thank you for your encouragement and faith in me 🙏
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hectic-hector · 1 year
15 Questions
Tagged by @aeshnalacrymosa
1. Were you named after anybody?
I have my maternal grandma’s middle name, if that counts. My mom wanted to name me after her, but she disliked her mother’s first name, Maxine, so she chose her middle name, Yvonne, as my middle name
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago, remembering a really bad time in my life
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not a whole lot
5. What sports do you play/have played?
I like bowling, even though I suck at it. It’s been a couple years since I’ve gone, though, since nobody I know ever wants to go bowling, and I don’t want to go by myself
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Whatever happens to stand out most, so it varies from person to person. Could be their colorful clothes, or neat hairstyle, or resemblance to someone else, etc.
7. Eye color?
Dark blue, sometimes mistaken for brown at a distance
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. That’s why the vast majority of movies I watch are family films, particularly Disney and Pixar
9. Any special talents?
Drawing and painting, and also I can recite the names of all 50 US states alphabetically in under a minute
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Painting, writing poetry, reading, collecting things. I collect teacups and saucers, souvenir spoons, pressed pennies, whale decor and figurines, particularly orcas, and Halloween cards
12. Do you have any pets?
Two rats and one cat
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I graduated 24 years ago, but my favorite subjects were English and ceramics
15. Dream job?
Marine biologist, bestselling author
Tagging (no pressure): @vanessafangirl13 @zafirosreverie @captaintrips9 @hectorisagoodboy @emi-g @emberkyrlee @omgcheez @lloronala​
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freakymcnastys · 2 months
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"possibly in michigan" a creepypasta book.
synopsis ; "who knows how some people turn to strange ones" - the show host is performing her last song when a certain man listening 'calls in' to request his favorite song. OR. while making phone calls the pizza man runs into someone else eating her target…
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devon (the pizza guy) - played by brandy
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maxine (the show host) - played by sabrina claudio
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"possibly in michigan" - side A
wet by dazey and the scouts "it keeps me wet, you know you keep me wet"
brutus by the buttress "i don't want what you have, i want to be you."
mariners apartment complex by lana del rey "they mistook my kindness for weakness."
clara bow by taylor swift "all your life, did you know, you'd be picked like a rose"
"don't they know, its the end of the world?"
chapters list:
born too late
extras list:
- love always, kat + devina <3
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max-ine66 · 1 year
Hello, I guess this is my intro My name is Maxine but you can just call me Max I'm 14 years old My pronouns are they/them at the moment but they can change since I'm genderfluid I like art, music, cartoons, and marine biology I'm looking for Friends with similar interests as me!
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hypnotisedmoon · 6 months
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My Sims!
from the first to the last
1. Lauren Ziegler - Tycoon 2. Sarah Lewis - Engineer 3. Maxine Grey-Ziegler - Chef 4. North Jay - unemployed 5. Emily Davis - Marine Biologist 6. Lisa Burton - Lifesaver
Lauren were married to Sarah some years ago. After some months of marriage, Lauren found out Sarah was cheating on her. They got divorced, and as Sarah was her first love, Lauren got depressed and needed to go to therapy. After one year doing therapy, Lauren met Maxine in a nightclub. They married later and had 4 kids together. Lisa is Lauren's best friend since they were in high school. Emily Davis just won the lottery, and spent all the money building her own house and buying the furniture. She didn't have money to survive, so she started dancing in the park and in night clubs. She got money enough to go to the college graduate as biologist, as it was her dream. After that, she could work as marine biologist. North Jay moved from her mother's house to start a life in another city. In one of her walks, she got abducted, and she returned as an alien. Ashamed of her appearance, she moved again to another city to find ways to go back to her normal life.
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purpleplaid17 · 6 months
Jess Watches // Thu 28 Mar // Day 183 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Palm Royale (with B) 1x03 Maxine's Like a Dellacorte
When Maxine's auction antics land her in the Shiny Sheet, the ladies of Palm Beach become interested in knowing more about her.
I was giggling throughout. This ep finding the rhythm of tone and pace I had hoped it would. And the editing in the phone call between Maxine and her husband was very clever. Also, the wardrobe is to die for. Maybe literally for one person!
The Newsreader (with mum) 2x02 People Like You And Me
The country is rocked by a shock mass shooting in Melbourne. When Helen races to air with confronting footage of the aftermath, she is seen as exploiting the tragedy and public sentiment shifts against her.
I was rooting for Helen the entire episode until she spoke with Noelene. She was so dismissive and unhelpful. She should know we are stronger together and be kinder to her female coworkers. Especially ones as nice as Noelene.
Merlin 2x06 Beauty and the Beast Part 2
Uther, still bewitched by her, fails to see that Catarina is a troll.
Arthur fumbling his words when he thinks Merlin has been under his bed all night. What was he doing that Merlin shouldn't know about? The gentle way Merlin cradled Arthur's head after he passed out. Right infront of Gaius's salad. Arthur exiting quickly after Merlin goes in for a hug. It's okay to be vulnerable, Arthur. Let him hold you.
One Piece 1x03 Tell No Tales
Luffy, Zoro, and Nami meet Usopp in the Syrup Village a small, peaceful village. Usopp tells all sorts of lies about his adventures he has never been to his friend, Kaya, who has been sick in bed for over a year since she lost her parents.
The boy who cried "the pirates are coming" was right this time. Please someone other than a marine believe him. And if Kaya lived in the SW Universe she would be thriving with all that blue tea and soup. I hope she and Nami are able to remain friends after they save her. They do save her, right? Or is it too late. :(
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peonierose · 7 months
Make Me Admit Stuff: 1, 17, 22, 44, 71, 86
Luna and Bryce (feel free to answer for your other MC/LIs if you want too😊)
Hii Cari 🌸
Luna (F!OC) and Bryce (M!MC)
#1 - Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
Considering they texted each other? Or as they call it sexy times. Oh yeah definitely.
#17 - Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Luna and Bryce feel so connected to each other that they feel comfortable talking about anything to each other. As for their friends?
Luna can talk to her mom and her cousins about anything. As well as Maxine.
Bryce feels most comfortable talking to Luna, Sienna, his best friend Kainalu (still have to introduce him 😅😉) and Evie (Luna’s cousin)
#22 - Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Funny enough, Luna has this on her bucket list. And she definitely wants to swim with sharks 😍
For Bryce? It’s a big and loud no! He’s terrified of sharks 😅
#44 - Do you tan in the nude?
Luna and Bryce? Um…yes. But only if they’re alone not with others.
#71 - Can you curl your tongue?
Luna can actually do that. Bryce isn’t gifted enough to do that though he wish he could curl his tongue 😍
#86 - DJ or band, at a wedding?
As Luna and Bryce’s wedding is coming up, they’d probably go with a live band 🥰
Keiki (F!MC) and Koa (M!OC)
#1 - Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
Probably yes. Both Keiki’s and Koa last text messages were to each other 😍
#17 - Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Keiki feels most comfortable sharing anything with her best friend Alexis (Aubrey’s sister - Aubrey is Bryce‘s colleague and is a surgeon as well)
Apart from Alexis, her brother Bryce, Luna and Koa 🥰
Koa is most inclined to share anything about him with his best friend Keanu, or any of his 8 siblings (yeah I know big family) And of course with Keiki as well 🥰
#22 - Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Keiki who is studying to become a vet would love to swim with sharks 😍
And Koa who studies marine biology loves all marine animals 🥰
#44 - Do you tan in the nude?
Yeah Keiki is not really into tanning in the nude.
Koa has done it, and he thinks it’s okay.
#71 - Can you curl your tongue?
Neither Keiki nor Koa can do that 😅
#86 - DJ or band, at a wedding?
Koa and Keiki would probably get a DJ who’d play their chosen playlist 🩷
Thank you so much for sending in this ask to me Cari 🩷 I loved sharing more about my MCs / OCs 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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acornminiatureslog · 1 year
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The crab is my favorite trooper mech for if I actually had to run an army. I love that the considerations that they gave it to be good and flanking and harassing also just make it a solid reliable easy to patch back up mech. If I ever get put in charge of a bulk supplied army,I want crabs
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johngarfieldtribute · 10 months
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Julie Doing “Stuff” with Famous People (23rd post)
Director Busby Berkeley shows Julie the ropes on the set of THEY MADE ME A CRIMINAL above.
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On his last film, Julie and Shelley Winters get guidance from director, John Berry who sets up a scene in HE RAN ALL THE WAY.
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Eleanor Parker and Julie are comfy on the floor absorbed in the comic pages in a scene for PRIDE OF THE MARINES.
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Priscilla Lane spoon feeds Julie in a promotional photo for DUST BE MY DESTINY.
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And the two pose for PHOTOPLAY magazine with a smoldering kiss!
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The photo caption for this pixelated pic reads: “Who says Harpo won't talk? John Garfield had a grand chat with the elfin-faced comic.”
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From a magazine feature: “Inhibitions fall down and go boom: John Garfield and (actress) Kay Aldridge were prettily for their picture against the deck tennis net aboard the S.S. America when…
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…the net suddenly broke and Mr. Garfield and Miss Aldridge hit the deck. They tried to get up again and missed connections, all which made for a lot of fun for Fink.” (Not sure who Fink is!)
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Julie chats with With Photoplay magazine writer, Maxine Arnold.
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Julie clowns with his wife, Robbe and actors, Richard Conte and Alexander Knox. I read somewhere Julie helped Conte early in his career.
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wvsteria · 2 years
post event starters call!
can double as a starter/plotting call. 
for the after effects of the ball or whatever really! 
if we do a new thread here, then most likely we’ll end the event thread (a swap-aroo if you will)
( 3 / 5 ) audrey rose | sarah jeffery | descendants | 22 | not aware
prince phillip ( @papcrrings​ )
daphne blake ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
erica reyes ( @irongcld )
( 1 / 5 ) dani powell | aurora perrineau | prodigal son | 32 | aware
malcolm bright ( @mccnlighht )
( 1 / 5 ) tara carpenter | becky g | scream | 19 | not aware
zed necrodopolis ( @hiddenpxpercuts​ )
( 2 / 5 ) bucky barnes | sebastian stan | marvel | 32 | not aware
mark sloan ( @papcrrings​​ )
matt murdock ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
( 4 / 5 ) arya stark | bailee madison | game of thrones | 19 | not aware
sansa stark ( @mgrhee )
cersei lannister ( @withinthem )
catelyn stark ( @papcrrings )
robb stark ( @skyfcll )
( 3 / 5 ) missandei | nathalie emmanuel | game of thrones | 33 | aware
rhaenryra targaryen ( @mgrhee )
drogon ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain )
blathers ( @mvsicinthedvrk )
( 2 / 5 ) reva sevander | dewanda wise | star wars | 28 | aware
leia organa ( @mcrcki )
ezra bridger ( @skyfcll )
( 1 / 5 ) bail organa | adam rodriguez | star wars | 30 | aware
leia organa ( @mcrcki )
( 2 / 5 ) emily fields | cassie steele | pretty little liars | 25 | aware
spencer hastings ( @viicnna )
hanna marin ( @mccnlighht )
( 1 / 5 ) ekko | jonathan daviss | arcane | 20 | newly unaware
noah czerny ( @mvsicinthedvrk​ )
( 1 / 5 ) laenor velaryon | jordan fisher | house of the dragon | 24 | not aware 
eddard stark ( @svnlvght )
( 0 / 5 ) kiara carrera | madison bailey | outerbanks | 22 | newly aware (and now a vampire)
( 1 / 5 ) jacen solo | jacob elordi | star wars | 27 | not aware
winter celchu ( @skyfcll​ )
( 3 / 5 ) rue | celeste o’connor | the hunger games | 20 | not aware
eurydice ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain​​ )
katie gardner ( @svnlvght )
katniss everdeen ( @nightwhispcrs )
( 2 / 5 ) kang sae byeok | jung hoyeon | squid games | 25 | not aware
ji yeong ( @mccnlighht​ )
kim jihyo ( @devilsmenu )
( 4 / 5 ) pietro maximoff | jesus castro | marvel comics | 29 | aware
emmeline vance ( @svnlvght )
stephanie tanner ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
loki laufeyson ( @mischiefxmuses )
lorna dane ( @devilsmenu )
( 2 / 5 ) america chavez | herizon guardiola | marvel | 23 | aware
james sirius potter ( @svnlvght​ )
azari t'challa ( @devilsmenu )
( 6 / 5 ) alaric saltzman | andrew koji | the vampire diaries | 34 | aware
rebekah mikaelson ( @viicnna )
elena gilbert ( @mccnlighht​ )
mabel pines ( @mccnlighht )
hayley marshall ( @ofxbloomed )
katherine pierce ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
alec lightwood ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
( 1 / 5 ) willa lykensen | chandler kinney | disney’s zombies | 20 | aware
addison wells ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain​ )
( 6 / 5 ) roxanne weasley | zendaya | harry potter | 21 | aware
dora tonks ( @mgrhee )
nancy thompson ( @withinthem )
anne wheeler ( @viicnna​ )
ginny weasley ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
fred weasley ( @svnlvght )
fleur delacour ( @mischiefxmuses )
( 3 / 5 ) cindy berman | emily rudd | fear street | 25 | not aware
marco del rossi ( @hiddenpxpercuts​​ )
reggie peters ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
noah foster ( @devilsmenu )
( 4 / 5 ) lucas sinclair | keith powers | stranger things | 23 | aware
eddie munson ( @recklcssabandon​​ )
maxine mayfield ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
henry creel ( @mischiefxmuses )
jamie/nine ( @devilsmenu )
( 5 / 5 ) rachel green | haley lu richardson | friends | 27 | not aware
joey tribbiani ( @jessiwrites )
marta cabrera ( @svnlvght )
monica geller ( @nightwhispcrs )
carrie bradshaw ( @viicnna )
ororo munroe ( @rainbowmuses )
( 5 / 5 ) rosita espinosa | lindsey morgan | the walking dead | 31 | not aware
aerith gainsborough ( @hxartbreaker )
daryl dixon ( @ofxscavengcrs )
siddiq ( @mgrhee )
andrea harrison ( @withinthem )
glenn rhee ( @softsliders19 )
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2024skin · 2 years
tagged by my beloved, @bug-casserole
17 questions
Nickname: max (if you consider my deadname or Maxine to be my full name)
Sign: taurus
Height: 5"2
Last thing I googled: sally face shot glass
Song stuck in my head:
number of followers: 33
amount of sleep: 6 hours or 12+ there is no in between
lucky number: 444
Dream job: marine biologist
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Movies/books that summarize me: sharp objects + brave
Favorite song:
Favorite instrument: electric bass
Aesthetic: maxcore
Favorite authors: don't have one
Favorite animal noises: meow meow ribbit
random: I stole blue marble Polaroid film a few weeks ago and I just started using it tonight and it's pretty :)
random #2: I'm behind on one of my final papers and I'm gonna get screwed on it really soon :p
Thank u kc for the tag uwu. I tag @shou1ds3pt and @catgirlkatya and @existential-static and @xwiredearbuds2014x and @sapphic-schizo <33
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goth-cowgirl-03 · 1 year
New Billy Hargrove & Eddie Munson stories
OK, so my two favorite characters from Stranger Things are Billy Hargrove and Eddie munson. We already know about two of my stories for Billy (Baby harrington and That blue 1979 camaro) and I believe for eddie (The witch and the freak). So here are the others. Wattpad: GothCowgirl03
Updated added two more
Billy Hargrove-
1.Baby harrington: Roxanna harrington is quiet and a loner, what happens when Billy Hargrove meets the quiet girl.  Strangers to friends to lovers Steve's sister, with a twist
2.That blue 1979 camaro: After the event of season three but not in season 4. Joan moves with two sisters, and mom to Hawkins. She befriends the young Max, after Max sees Joan driving Billy’s car. But he’s not dead.  Back from the dead AU!
3. rose colored boy: Hayley loves the 80′s, she wears the clothes, listens to the music, even has the hair, and drives a 1984 corvette, but the thing is she lives in 2023. What happens when she suddenly wakes up in the 80s, but in a world where worn monsters become real. A time travel AU!
4. Hey lover: Vivian Mayfield is the older sister of Maxine ‘Max’ Mayfield, Before they moved to California, Vivian and Billy became close after a night of abuse from Neil, but the question is how close have they become, and will Neil notice? Warning: Stepcest.
5. Ain’t that some: Billy Hargrove meets the older sister of Jane hopper one day after a fight with his father, he takes a drive, then a walk to the forest. Meeting the young girl, drawing an animal in the grass. Friends to lovers, Jim hopper’s daughter. 
6. Lucky man: Billy Hargrove gets to meet the girl driving the old beat up farm pick up school, when they are assigned to a project together. Friends to lovers to ex to lovers
7. Dirty: Billy finally makes his way back to california, and speeds most day working at the surf shop and surfing, when One day his workmates drag him to a stripclub, where he meets a stripper named Angel. Surfer!Billy Hargrove x Stripper!OC 90s California AU!
8. Mixtape of the soul: Billy hargrove was brought up with a strict military father moving place to place, when he's sat at a bar with a couple of his marine friends. He meets the fire, festy, independent, bella. A woman in leather, with motor between her legs, and heart of gold. They make a deal, but not everything is what it seems behind closed doors. Purple heart 90s AU!
Eddie Munson-
1. The witch and the freak: Della is known as a witch, her boyfriend a freak, their styles clash, but they love each other too much. Another insert. 
2. Hard times: Valentina is Eddie munson’s girlfriend, they are one in the same, but the couple face hate foe their age difference, so what happens when Eddie is framed for murder. Valentina is younger by a couple of years, and this is just insert. 
3. The chief's daughter: A 16 year old Eddie Munson meets the 13 year old chief's daughter, when she was sent to the police station from school because she got into a fight again. A few years go by and now with Eddie in his third year of high school and The chief's daughter being in her junior year. A spark leading to a romance is started. 
4. The mockingbird and The crow: Blair is an 18 year old college freshman, when she meets 24-5 freshman Eddie munson. 90s College AU1
5. Need a favor: Eddie finally graduated High school in 86, but he never left Hawkins, why, not many people know, but one thing is that he is not to be messed with, as he is part of the Hawkins own biker club. Biker AU!The shit in 86 didn’t happen. Age-gap Sunshine!OC x Grump!Biker!Eddie.
6. Live off: When the mornings start for the students of Hawkins high, they hear two different music blaring into the parking lot, one heavy metal, and the other country. A van and a truck park next to each, to different styles, and pairs of boots stepping out. The van, Eddie munson, the resident freak and metal head. And The truck, Annabella Higgins, the resident cowgirl, and rodeo princess. Eddie Munson x Cowgirl!OC
7.Heat Haze: Abigail lives in a world where you are either Alpha, Beta, or Omega, for she has shown yet. Butting her body for some reason reacts to the scent of the freak of hawkins high Eddie munson. Who had shown as an Alpha. What happens when she starts smelling, and most of the male student body can smell it, but only one knows it to be theirs. “MINe” The voice of Eddie munson sounded from the end of the hall, making everyone look at him, then the shy small quiet girl. A/B/O verse
8.Magic man: when Eddie and his band stop at a bar in a small town, they meet a young woman with a voice like Joan Jett with a hint of cherry from the runaways. The brightness a farm girl. It was love at first sight, but the life of a rockstar is not always easy. A star is born 90s AU!
For those I think will like these stories: @billysbabyy @billyhargrove-s @billyhargrovetitties @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eddiethefreakkmunson @eddiethetwisted @eddiemunsxn @billy-eddie-steve-babygirl @billyhardgrove @andvys
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pantherandtheseagod · 2 years
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