#Maya's Hummer
kynvillingur · 2 years
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I posted 7,754 times in 2022
That's 6,914 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (1%)
7,644 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 430 of my posts in 2022
#esc - 26 posts
#homestuck - 16 posts
#eurovision - 14 posts
#me - 12 posts
#goncharov - 7 posts
#save - 7 posts
#siouxsie sioux - 6 posts
#unreality - 6 posts
#iceland - 5 posts
#tintin - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#the swedengate thing is so fucking funny to me as an icelander because the only time the nordics are relevant on tumblr is for eurovision
My Top Posts in 2022:
guess fucking what babes
28 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
the steel samurai is just blorbo from maya's shows
33 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
every british actor has been in an episode of midsomer murders
39 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
semi-hot take
millennium trilogy tumblr does not appreciate noomi rapace enough. all the posts are about rooney mara's half assed lisbeth and not noomi. did none of you watch the original swedish films instead of the american remakes?
46 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i love you synths i love you 80s synthpop i love you new wave i love you synths i love
47 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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arbitrator-raw · 3 years
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magiclad-ty · 5 years
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Date 3/20/2017
Maya: "Yukki I think I hit a group of teenagers in a van, and drove them off the road... We can't tell anyone about this. Especially not Katsuya."
*Maya sensed she did a good in the world that day*
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tudorscharlot · 6 years
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Matangi/Maya/M.I.A. (Steve Loveridge, 2018)
I JUST LOVE HER. Love her music, love her message, love her voice, love her integrity, love her clothes. This is a very good documentary that goes a long way toward canceling out the noise and bullshit that the media has presented about her over the last dozen or so years. Also, Kala is probably the best album of this century so far.
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sighingstarbeam · 6 years
Spies and Gods - Chapter 3
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: Reader gets to go to the Avengers HQ and meets some new people, including a god of mischief, as well as reuniting with a face that she thought she'd never see again.
Word Count: 4,428
Warnings: Reader has a nightmare.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
It took you a minute to process what Tony said. You couldn’t believe that you were about to go stay in Avengers Headquarters, the Avengers Headquarters. So many thoughts were running through your head, one of them was if you were going to meet any of the Avengers. You especially wanted to meet Captain America. You had so many questions you wanted to ask him about the 1940’s since he was actually there. But you secretly fangirled over Natasha Romanoff, who was by far your favorite Avenger. She might not have superpowers like the others, but you’ve always looked up to her for being capable of protecting herself while simultaneously kicking ass. You grew giddier by the minute but forced yourself to hide it from Tony.
There was only one thing that didn’t make sense to you. Why would Tony bring you there of all places? You didn’t want to ask and risk not going to see the headquarters, but it was odd that he didn’t send you anywhere else. You decided to risk it.
“So why Avengers Headquarters?” You asked, “You can just drop me off at a motel. I’ll be fine and I’ll even pay for the night.”
“I could, but I figured HQ was a bit nicer than some sleazy hotel like the Hilton.” He made a sharp turn, the engine lightly roared, “We’re like a hotel, but cooler.” Tony’s eyes lit up, “That has a nice ring to it. ‘Avengers Headquarters: We’re like a hotel but cooler’. Don’t steal that I’m officially trademarking it.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “I won’t, I promise.” He smiled back, a flicker of delight surrounded him.
The rest of the ride was silent, other than some rock music playing through the stereo. You looked at your phone in your pocket and realized you had a dozen texts from Lilly and Maya. Dammit, they’re probably worried sick.
[Lilly]: omg girl where r u???
[Lilly]: maya found elliot on the floor
[Lilly]: we think he had a seizure
[Lilly]: nvm hes up
[Lilly]: holy shit did iron man really taze him???!!!
[Lilly]: omfg im sorry elliot was such a dick i kicked him out
[Lilly]: hello???
[Lilly]: pls respond
You thought about what to say to her. They knew you were going out that day, but you weren’t exactly honest with your intentions. Your phone buzzed and your battery icon showed you only had ten percent left. You at least wanted to send a message telling them you’re okay.
[You]: i’m fine, staying somewhere else for the night. battery almost dead i’ll tell you everything later.
You were relieved that Lilly made sure you were fine, but you felt guilty for not telling them where you were or why you were out. They’ve been so nice to you and all you’ve done was keep secrets from them. Hopefully once this whole fiasco was over you would go back and apologize, maybe even make it up to them somehow.
So much was running through your head. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even notice Tony pull up a gravel driveway. Looking up you saw it, the Avengers Facility that was home to most of Earth’s mightiest heroes.
You gaped at the sight. The structure was ginormous and seemed to be attached to another building. Aircrafts were laid about on platforms, you figured they were some sort of jet wings or something similar. You’d be lying if you didn’t want to fly in one of those. The area was surrounded by trees, making the building seem far more advanced in comparison to its surroundings.
Tony looked at you with a small gleam in his eye. He seemed to adore that you were fascinated about the building, and you haven’t even set foot in it yet.
The car pulled up to what seemed like a slanted glass wall. Tony rolled down his window and stuck his head out, a small machine scanned his face. “Welcome home, smartest Avenger.” the familiar female voice said. Of course it would say that. Tony slyly smirked as the gates opened with an immense creak, you rolled your eyes well knowing he programmed it to say that every time. The doors opened horizontally, allowing Tony to drive in.
The doors closed behind you as lights lit up to reveal the room. There were multiple vehicles parked around. Cars, trucks, a few motorcycles, and even a huge Hummer that could be mistaken for a military truck. Maybe it was military given where you were.
Tony swung the car in a spot a little too harsh, making you grip the passenger seat. He then turned the engine off and exited the car, you followed behind. “So, whaddya think so far?” He asked.
“I’ve barely seen anything and it’s already a lot,” you said, “but it’s really cool.”
“Thank you.” Tony said, opening a glass door for you, “I made a lot of modifications when we first moved in. Everything was so out of date dinosaurs would’ve called it vintage.”
“How old is this place?” you asked.
Tony hesitated, then he spoke, “This used to be a warehouse built by my dad. He kept a bunch of Stark equipment here until it was abandoned. Then I figured we needed a base of operations and boom, here we are.”
You stepped through the doorway to be greeted by a large white room with tall windows. The floor was plated with grates and mirrors mixed into the floor. Most notably in the room were a pair of jets sitting right in the middle like they were decor, but you knew they were used due to the fuel tanks next to them. You turned to look at Tony and saw the Avengers symbol of an ‘A’ high above the doors. “Wow, you guys sure know how to decorate. It’s almost like an Ikea ad.”
You could’ve sworn that you heard him chuckle, but you were distracted by more voices coming from the other end of the room. It sounded like two men, but you couldn’t quite hear what they were saying.
Tony went ahead so you followed. The two of you approached the source and you almost yelled in excitement. Right in front of you was Captain fricking America. It was weird not seeing him in uniform, but you didn’t mind the white t-shirt that showed off some of his muscles.
He was talking to two other men. Where they were standing you could only see the Captain’s face while the other two’s backs were turned to you. All you could tell was that one was slightly taller than the Captain, had short blonde hair, and wore a denim jacket, while the other man was about the same height as the blonde haired one but had intensely dark hair to his shoulders. The dark haired man stood out like a sore thumb, not just because of the hair but he also wore a completely black suit.
You looked at Tony, who was now walking ahead of you, and noticed that his mood changed entirely. One moment he was eager but now he seemed vexed. He didn’t show it much but you could tell in his eyes that something was different. Maybe it was because of the men the Captain was talking to.
The Captain noticed the two of, “Welcome home, Tony,” he shifted his attention to you, “I see you brought a guest with us tonight.”
The other two men turned around to see the new visitor to the Avengers HQ. The blonde haired man gave you a welcoming smile. You weren’t sure but you swore you’ve seen him before. His face was familiar but you couldn’t place a name.
Meanwhile your eyes met with the dark haired man. His face seemed uninterested but his green eyes were focused directly on you, like they were trying to study who you were. You were good at reading people, but this man wasn’t like the others. He seemed different than the rest, not because of the way he looked but his eyes told a story you couldn’t figure out. They seemed full of emotion while the rest of him was stoic.
You focused on him for what seemed like eternity until Tony spoke, “Yep. She’s an exclusive guest with us tonight.” Tony looked at the Captain, “If you would be so kind Jeeves and show her a room, I’d like to catch up with buzzcut and Hot Topic wannabe here. I’ll fill you in later.” The dark haired man rolled his eyes while the blonde haired man laughed. The Captain sighed, then patted the blonde haired man on the back. He walked past you and you followed, looking back at the two men, especially the one in black.
The Captain opened a door for you, making you feel giddy again. Now it’s just the two of you walking down a corridor. You looked around and admired everything about the building, how sleek the walls and floor were, you felt like you were in a futuristic setting in a book.
“Tony must trust you a lot to let you stay the night,” the Captain said, pushing a button to an elevator, “how do you two know each other?”
“I think he’s my dad.” You responded, the Captain looked perplexed by your comment. Might as well be straight forward, “My name’s Y/N.”
“Steve Rogers.” He held out his hand and you gladly shook it. You honestly didn’t realize he had a normal name instead of just being called ‘Captain’. Hopefully he didn’t feel you shaking nervously.
The elevator dinged and the two of you stepped inside. Now it was really just the two of you. You looked at him up and down. He caught you and you jerked your head away hoping he didn’t really see you. He smirked, “I take it you’re a fan?”
“A bit.” No, not just a bit, but you didn’t want to seem weird. “I’m a fan of the Avengers, but I swear I’m not making up being Tony’s kid to meet you guys if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“I wasn’t thinking that at all,” Steve smiled, “I’m just happy that you aren’t the type of fan that bombards us on sight.”
You looked at him concerningly, “Some people don’t actually do that, do they?”
“You’d be surprised how many times it’s happened,” The elevator stopped and opened its doors, you followed Steve down a long corridor, “people these days don’t have much respect for personal space as much as they use to.”
“Oh right, I forgot you’re from the 40’s.” You actually didn’t forget, it was on your mind this entire conversation but you didn’t want to be the first to bring it up, “What was it like back then? If it’s okay if I ask.”
Steve chuckled, “Different. Definitely different than now. New inventions, how people look and talk and act, it’s like I stepped foot on a different planet rather than sleep for seventy years.”
“I wish I could sleep for that long,” you joked, “I bet it’d be the best sleep I’ve ever had.” You looked at Steve for approval, but instead he gave a puzzled smile. You guess your joke was too soon for him.
The two of you walked down the hall lined with doors until you stopped in front of one of them. Steve opened the door revealing a wide room with a plain double bed, dresser, desk with a lamp, and chair. You stepped foot in the room and also noticed to your right a door which you assumed was either a closet or a bathroom.
“This room isn’t occupied at the moment,” Steve said, “so you can use it for however long you’ll be staying.”
“It’s just for the night, but thank you.” Before you got comfortable you suddenly remembered your now dead phone, “Oh, I don’t suppose you guys have a charger. My phone’s dead.”
Steve pointed to the desk against the wall, “Put it face up on the surface of the desk right there.”
You looked at him questionably, but did as he said. The moment you put your phone down the desk flashed a neon blue before your phone turned on, the charging symbol on the screen turning on as well. You gasped, then looked on and around the desk to see that there were no power cords or outlets the desk was plugged in to. You picked up your phone and saw it was already on twenty percent, “Holy crap, this is the fastest I’ve seen it charge in like, ever! How did-”
“One of Stark’s inventions.” Steve smiled at your reaction, “The table has some electrical stuff to charge any electronics without being plugged in. Don’t ask me what’s in it or how he did it I have absolutely no clue. I’m still getting the hang of how video games work.”
You laughed, “It’s techy things, got it. Thanks.”
“Let us know if you need anything.” With that Steve closed the door behind him leaving you alone in the room.
You set your phone back down on the table to let it charge fully and went to inspect what was behind the door. As you suspected it was a bathroom, but it seemed more like a hotel bathroom than a normal one. There was a large counter with a sink in it, a huge mirror with vanity lights embedded in it was placed behind the counter. The shower was as wide with glass walls, not to mention a big bathtub right next to it. You definitely were gonna take a bath before you left in that thing.
After inspecting the rest of the room you plopped yourself on the bed and checked your phone that was now at sixty percent. You were starting to wish you could take this desk home so you didn’t have to buy a new charger every time it stopped working.
Everything you’ve seen was incredible, but you knew you couldn’t get too attached here. It was only for the night of course, and even if Tony is your dad and invited you to stay you knew you had to keep moving. Staying in one place was too dangerous for you.
You checked your phone a few minutes later, it was at eighty percent and around five o’clock. It felt like it was later in the day for how tired you were. You figured you should text Lilly and Maya now before you forgot. So you texted the group chat everything that happened today, from confronting Tony to where you were now. Several minutes went by and nothing. Usually at least one of them is on their phone and would respond. Something inside you began to worry that something bad happened to them, but you shrugged it off. Maybe they were still dealing with Lilly’s now ex boyfriend.
You felt your eyelids begin to droop as you started to doze off from the long day you had. You thought you should get some sleep, even though it was still early. You placed your phone back on the desk and stared at the ceiling, your eyes going in and out of focus as you drifted into a deep sleep.
It was the same dream you have almost every other night. Everything was blurry, dark, and shades of red splattered everywhere. From the blurry images you could only see one face. His face. The same damn face that makes you regret ever being alive. He started running to you, faster and faster, you try to run away but your feet don’t move. They can’t move. Before he reaches you, you wake up.
You barely heard the knock on your door, but the moment it opened you shot up from the bed fully awake. You breathed heavily, wiping away the sweat from your face before the person could come in.
The door opened revealing Tony with a plate of something you couldn’t quite see and a glass of what you presumed was water. “Hey kid, brought some leftovers from dinner. We would’ve asked you to join but you were pretty knocked out.” He turned on the light and your eyes adjusted.
You looked at your phone and checked the time. It was a little past nine, so you only slept for about four hours. You let out a quick yawn and stretched your arms, “Whatcha got for me?”
“Just some pizza. I didn’t know what kind so it’s just cheese.” Tony extended the plate and glass of water towards you.
You looked at the plate and back at Tony, “I’m a vegan.” You said as stale as you could. The expression on Tony’s face was priceless and you couldn’t help but laugh, “I’m kidding. Pizza’s fine, thanks.” You gladly took the plate and glass from Tony who now has a relieved yet glaring look.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it.” Tony turned towards the door, but you wanted to have an actual conversation with him.
“Wait,” he stopped, “can I ask you a few questions?”
He turned back around and took a few steps towards you, “If it’s about your mom I already told you-”
“No, I just wanna talk.” You scooted over on the bed, allowing enough room for Tony to sit down. Getting the hint, he sat down at the foot of the bed. “So, does every Avenger live here? I swear it’s like a sitcom trying to keep up with how many of you guys there are.”
“Kardashian-esque, aren’t we?” He joked, “Not everyone. There are a few who aren’t public with their identities yet and some who do their own thing. We keep in touch from time to time, making sure the world hasn’t blown up yet.”
You nodded, thinking about how there were others out there with super abilities protecting the world. Then you thought of Thor, who wasn’t even from this planet. “What about Thor? Is he ever coming back?”
Tony looked at you puzzled, almost as if you had three heads. “You know you saw him earlier, right?” Now you gave him a puzzled look, he saw this and raised an eyebrow, “He was talking to Cap when we got here.”
You suddenly remembered the man with short blonde hair. There was no way he was Thor, “That was Thor? Last I checked he was in armor and had longer hair than I did, oh, and even had a hammer that shot lightning from it.”
“Yeah a lot happened to him while he was gone. Banner too.” Tony scratched the back of his neck, “It’s best if he explained it to you. I’m still confused even though he told me twice already.”
That settled who the blonde man was, but you were still wondering about the dark haired man. You’ve never seen him fight with the Avengers, unless it was some sort of special ops or secret missions he went on, “What about the other one? The one with black hair. Is he an Avenger?”
Tony froze, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He thought for a minute before finally speaking, “He’s not an Avenger. He’s Loki, brother of Thor, almost destroyer of our world.” His tone went flat towards the end.
Loki. So that’s who he was. Everything was clicking in your mind, “Was he the guy who almost destroyed New York a few years back?”
“Yep. Thor claims he’s reformed a little bit now, but after they’re done helping their people he’ll be out of here in no time.”
“What do you mean they’re helping their people?” You asked.
“They kinda sort of had to obliterate their home world with their sister on it and now all of Asgard is on Earth now.” You didn’t know how to comprehend what he said, so you just went with it, “I offered them all jobs at Stark Industries to work for a few months to get started, hopefully that goes well and doesn’t get too medieval.”
“That’s surprisingly nice of you.” The media had always made Tony Stark seem like a typical rich guy who was all about himself, but after today you were second guessing yourself. First he invited you to stay the night after saving you from a creep, his attempt to make amends with you was stale but you appreciated it no less, and now he offered an entire city to work for him after their home was destroyed.
“I’m a surprisingly nice person.” Tony shrugged, “Just like when I tazed America’s Most Wanted back at what you called an apartment.”
A new thought emerged in your head. How did Tony know where you were to save you? “Wait, did you follow me to my apartment?”
Tony stood up, “I wouldn’t say ‘followed’, more like making sure you got home okay.” He opened the bedroom door, “Oh, and you’re welcome by the way for that.”
“I could’ve handled it,” You started to feel angry, but you didn’t want  to ruin the bonding moment the two of you had, “but thank you.”
Tony grinned, “Get some sleep. I’ll take you home first thing.” He turned and exited the room, closing the door behind him.
Once again it was just you. The short conversation you had with Tony lifted a weight from your chest, but now there was only one thought in your head that you couldn’t shake. Loki was the one who attacked New York with an army of aliens, but they looked nothing like him. You could only wonder how he had that large of an army, or if he was working alone. Even if he was working alone or not, was he going to try to attack again? Thor said that he was reformed, and when you looked in his eyes you couldn’t see any malicious intent. Just his green eyes observing you, your mind couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes and the way it gleamed in the light. The rest of his face was unexplainable. His sharp cheekbones, the way his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed when he looked at you.
You couldn’t get him out of your head, so you decided to finish your dinner and check your phone again. Your phone was blowing up with texts from Lilly and Maya, mostly along the lines of how cool it was how Tony Stark could be your dad, but they also forgave you for not telling them and it was personal problems. You were relieved that they could forgive you, but you still wanted to make it up to them. Trying to get Loki out of your mind you thought of things you could do with Maya and Lilly to give them your gratitude. A few ideas sparked in your head before you drifted back to sleep.
The next morning you woke up from a dreamless night. You looked at your phone that read nine am. That should be a suitable time to get up and get ready for the day. You looked around the room, you almost forgot you spent the night in Avengers HQ. All of yesterday felt like a weird dream, but this all really happened. You stood up from your bed and headed to the bathroom. You undressed, hanging your clothes from the day before to air out as you turned on the shower. The cold drops soon turned warm. You let the water run down your hair all the way to your toes, removing yesterday to go down the drain. As you washed up a certain god entered your head, but you quickly dismissed it easier today than yesterday.
You stepped out of the shower and dried yourself off, changing into yesterday's clothes as they were your only clothes you had on hand. You would’ve packed at least a pair of pajamas, but a surprise sleepover with the Avengers caught you off guard.
You grabbed your phone and bag as you left your room, only to be greeted by Tony walking down the hallway accompanied by another man. “Good morning, Y/N. Hope you slept well.” Tony said. “Rhodey, this is Y/N, the one I told you about. Y/N, Rhodey.”
“You can call me James if you want.” He reached his hand out. You shook his hand, recognizing him as the man who flies Tony’s suit War Machine.
You shrugged your bag over your shoulder, “I’m ready to head out whenever.”
“Got all your things?” Tony asked, you nodded your head, “Alright, I’ll be ready in a few.”
Rhodey looked at Tony, “So soon? She can stay a bit longer, at least for breakfast.”
Tony turned to Rhodey and furrowed his eyes at his contradicting remark, “I don’t suppose why she shouldn’t.” He jerked his head for you to follow him, “Come on, I’ll get Cap to make you a smorgasbord.” You grinned, the hunger finally setting into your stomach.
You followed Rhodey and Tony to another room. It had many sitting areas and a kitchen off to the side. There were two people in one of the sitting areas talking, and few more people in the kitchen. Your eyes gleamed as you recognized the people who filled the room.
In one of the sitting areas was Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch with freaky but cool powers. Next to her was Vision, another one of Tony’s creations that helps the team. In the kitchen was Banner, who you remembered from yesterday talking to the Falcon, actual name Sam Wilson. Then there she was. The woman you were ecstatic to meet from the beginning, Natasha Romanoff AKA the Black Widow. You gawked at them but quickly kept your cool to not embarrass yourself.
“Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is everyone.” Tony waved his hand towards them.
“I already know who you guys are,” you said shakily, “it’s really awesome to meet you.” Your eyes looked at Natasha, your heart thumped in joy.
You heard the doors open again and looked to see who joined. It was Steve walking with- oh no.
“Mornin’ guys.” Tony acknowledged the two, “Y/N you might not know this man, but this is Bucky. He’s the newest addition to the team. Old friend of Cap’s.”
Your eyes were wide as your heart began to race. Bucky looked at you in familiarity,  but it looked like he couldn’t place it where he knew you from. You could tell he remembered the second his eyes went wide as he recalled. “I know you.” Bucky stated, “You’re with Hydra.”
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arbitrator-raw · 3 years
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From the very beginning, I had lots of questions about the world of Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?. Like, the town everyone lives in appears to be some sort of Swiss or Austrian village where people love coffee. Yet there’s a Japanese tea house, Ama Usa An. The main characters’ names are all just the names of coffees or teas pronounced with a heavy Japanese accent and split, sometimes arbitrarily, into a given name and a family name. Other characters have names which are straight out Japanese (Chino’s father, Kafuu Takahiro; Aoyama Midori, who writes under the mixed Japanese / English nom de plume of Aoyama Blue Mountain) or at least Japanese sounding (Maya and Megu). The written text we see is a mixture of English, Japanese, and Japanese written in the English alphabet. French also exists, as seen in the name of Fleur de Lapin. As far as technology, we don’t see a car until near the end of Series II when Rize’s father sends a Hummer to drive everyone to the countryside, but they have refrigerators and smartphones, so we can pin that at “early 21st Century”.
After I watched the final episode of the series, I realized there was one theory that could explain everything. In the final episode of Series II, there is a subplot where the characters find treasure maps and go on a treasure hunt to find little treasure chests with trinkets in them. By a strange coincidence, this was also the plot of Episode 2 of Aria the Natural. Then it all clicked: clearly, Gochiusa takes place in the same world as Aria. Aria had the same weird mixture of languages. We saw written text in Japanese, English, and Italian. Characters had names in Japanese (Akari Mizunashi), English (Alicia Florence and Alice Carrol), weird mixtures of languages (Akira Ferrari, Aika S. Granzchesta), and in hippie language (Athena Glory). Neo-Venezia was built as a replica of Venice, but it had Japanese stuff in it, like the shrine that Alicia and Akari visit in Episode 5 of Aria the Natural, the rail car under a cherry tree that they find in the second half of the same episode, and the roadside rest stop where Akari drank iced milk in Episode 12.
Clearly, this indicates that Gochiusa takes place on Aqua, probably further north than Neo-Venezia in a town built to resemble some idyllic central European hamlet. That also explains why Cocoa’s family was there when she was young and then left: they’re tourists, like all the ones we see visit Neo-Venezia in Aria. They might be from Manhome, but the house we see in the last episode looks pretty rustic, so they might just live in a different part of Aqua. The people of Aqua in Aria like using older technology instead of relying on the robots of Manhome, so that would explain the Hummer and smartphones: they’re retro hipster tech, like Akari’s weird laptop that she uses to keep in contact with Ai in the anime. The weird supernatural stuff that’s never explained is the same. Aria has Cait Sith and ghosts, and Gochiusa has Chino’s grandfather bonding his soul to a rabbit. The characters are even similar people. If Chino and Alice ever met, they’d probably get each other right away, and surely Rize and Aika would find something to talk about, as would Cocoa and Akari. We can also see in both cases that the characters are thoroughly dedicated to the same sort of quiet, service-oriented careers: rowing a gondola for the Aria girls, making coffee for the Gochiusa girls. The atmosphere of Aqua must tend to produce a certain kind of people.
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5invitations · 6 years
News - UC
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at B.B.Q rave kitchen Mediterraneo Casa Tsudanuma‬
‪◆DJ Start‬
‪00:00-00:30 K‬
‪00:30-01:00 UC‬
‪01:00-01:30 tomas‬
‪01:30-02:00 ぴろぴろ‬
‪02:00-02:30 894‬
‪02:30-03:00 MAHIRO‬
‪03:00-03:30 Ohlw‬
‪03:30-04:00 Masayuki Ishikawa‬
‪04:00-04:30 SeaNA(Danza Viernes)‬
‪04:30-05:00 MAYA(DJ's Club Room) ‬
‪05:00-05:30 ネコミミおじさん(Hummers)‬
‪05:30-06:00 N-KEN‬
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faraway42 · 8 years
Worauf kann man sich freuen:
Sonne. Meer. Erholung.
Belize hat selbst während der Regenzeit zwischen April bis November immer wieder sonnige Abschnitte über den Tag. Die Hochsaison ist jedoch in der Trocken- bzw. Winterzeit von Dezember bis März. Die Temperaturen liegen in der Trockenzeit um die 28°C und in der Regenzeit um die 30°C. Die Wintermonate sind jedoch deutlich angenehmer, da ansonsten tropische Schwüle vorherrscht. Diese dunklen Stellen im Meer sind alles Korallenriffe. Belize beherrbergt das zweitgrößte Korallenriff der Welt.
Blick auf das Meer mit seinen Korallenriffen von der Strandbar Laizy Lizzard auf Caye Caulker.
Hervorragendes Essen.
Gut. Neben den weitverbreiteten Bohnen mit Reis und Huhn finden sich viele kreolisch oder mexikanisch beeinflusste Gerichte auf dem Speiseplan. Im Juni findet das Lobster-Festival auf der Insel Caye Caulker statt. Hummer (wenn man ehrlich ist handelt es sich um Langusten) gibt es zu relativ günstigen Preisen und manchmal sogar noch in verschiedenen Größen.
Nochmal in nah, Größe L Lobster.
Shrimp Curry mit gebratenem Reis in San Ingacio, Restaurant Serendib.
Kreolische Shrimps im Restaurant Calipso, Belize City.
Die obere Languste war XL, die untere L. Groß genug?! “Happy Lobster” auf Caye Caulker war lecker.
Tropische Inselparadiese.
Wir waren auf Caye Caulker (gesprochen Key Korker, ˈki ˈkɔrkər), einer kleinen Koralleninsel vor dem Festland von Belize, ungefähr 45min mit dem Wassertaxi entfernt. Es war unser erster Stop in Belize, was ein großer Fehler war. Man möchte hier nicht mehr weg! Das Motto heißt “Go Slow”
und ja, alles ist hier etwas langsamer, etwas relaxter etwas ungezwungener. Das bestätigt auch nochmal ein Beitrag von Sarah auf ihrem Blog “Rapunzel will raus“. Sie ist so richtig in diese Reggae-Mentalität eingetaucht. Uns erging es nicht ganz so, aber wir waren leider auch nur einen Tag da. Die gesamte Insel kennt keine asphaltierten Straßen. Gefahren wird mit dem Fahrrad oder Golf-Wagen. Wer wie ich bei unserer Anreise eine Jacke dabei hat, zieht sich schnell den Spott der Einheimischen auf sich, denn auf Caye Caulker wirst du nie eine Jacke brauchen.
Caye Caulker ist ein Inselparadies.
Inselparadies Caye Caulker
Die Dinger sind flott!
Golfwagen sind das offizielle Fortbewegungsmittel auf Caye Caulker.
Sonnenuntergang auf Caye Caulker.
Das zweitgrößte Korallenmeer der Welt versteckt sich hier.
Fährfahrt nach Caye Caulker
Unsere private Hängematte vor unserem Zimmer im “De real Macaw”.
Zufriedenheit sieht so aus.
Ruhiges Treiben nachts.
Immerhin kündigen sie den Stromausfall an.
Viele Fische, Schildkröten und seltene Meeresbewohner finden hier ihr Zuhause.
Tropische Strandparadiese.
Belize hat herrliche Inseln. Aber auch das Festland hat traumhafte Strände und tropische Paradiese. Wir waren in Placencia, einer 25km langen und teilweise nur 500m schmalen Landzunge. Hier bricht derzeit ein Grundstücks- und Immobilien-Boom aus. Fast jedes Eck wird derzeit erschlossen und steht mit oder ohne Immobilie zum Verkauf. Richtige Luxustempel stehen dort,  jedoch auch richtige Luxusruinen. Der letzte schwere Hurrikan in Placencia in 2006 und das Platzen der amerikanischen Immobilienblase zum gleichen Zeitpunkt, ließen einige Gebäude im Rohbau stocken. Bis heute sind diese weder abgerissen, noch weitergebaut. Dazwischen finden sich jedoch wahre Villen zu relativ erschwinglichen Preisen.
Strandparadies in Placencia
Hängematte auf dem Balkon hat was!
Wir sahen nur 3 Menschen den ganzen Tag über! Herrlich ruhig.
Sonnenuntergang mit Blick auf unser Hotel.
Unser Zimmerblick im Hotel Robert`s Grove, Placencia, Belize.
Blick zum Mittagessen.
Besser geht kaum!
Maya Tempel.
Wenn schon die Städte in Belize kaum Kultur zu bieten haben, so machen das die vielen Maya Tempel Ruinen allemal wett. Wir selbst waren in Xunantunich in der Nähe von San Ingacio. Das “X” haben die Mayas als “SCH” gesprochen. Nach einer kurzen Fährfahrt über den Fluß Mopan und einer kleinen Wanderung von vielleicht 1,5 km steht man auf dieser herrlichen Anlage. Man kann den Tempel bis zu seiner Spitze erklimmen. Ortskundige Führer können gebucht oder aber auch jederzeit auf dem Gelände angesprochen werden. Vor dem Eingang befindet sich auch ein kleines Museum, in dem vieles zur Anlage selbst und dem Leben der Mayas erklärt. Wir fanden es hier sehr beeindruckend.
Es war einem schon etwas mulmig so ganz ohne Absperrungen.
Diese Säulen-Konstruktion gilt als besonders bemerkenswert.
Maya Tempel Xunantunich bei San Ignacio.
Hier gab es noch ein Geländer.
Geht steil hoch!
Xunantunich Tempelanlage
Hoch war es! Kein Wunder war mir heiß!
Rekonstruierter Stuckfries.
Tief im Dschungel…
Puh…. Mir war heiß.
Rekonstruierter Stuckfries, der als historisch bemerkenswert gilt.
Unterirdische Höhlenanlagen.
Am berühmtesten ist sicherlich der sogenannte ATM, Actun Tunichil Muknal. Diese Tour haben wir jedoch nicht gemacht, weswegen ich es hier bei einem Link belasse. Wir sind hingegen in der Nähe des Blue Hole Nationalparks in eine Höhle gestiegen, natürlich mit Guide, in der ein unterirdischer Fluß fließt. Mit aufblasbaren Reifen, in die wir uns setzten, haben wir uns dann ca. 2 Stunden durch diese Höhlen treiben lassen. Cave Tubing nennt sich das und macht sehr viel Spaß. Leider sind meine Fotos allesamt nichts geworden, da mein Handy einfach nicht für Nachtaufnahmen geeignet ist. Es war eine Erfahrung! Wenn man die Helmleuchten ausmachte, in dieser dunklen Stille vor sich hin gleitet, verliert man rasend schnell die Orientierung. Es tropft an verschiedenen Stellen das Wasser von der Decke. Der Fluß plätschert leise durch die hallenden Höhlen und ohne räumliches Sehen verliert man schnell das Gefühl, wo hinten und vorne ist.
Der Zoo von Belize City ist einmalig.
Das sage ich selten. Aber dieser Zoo ist wirklich sehenswert. Zum einen sind es nur heimische Tiere, die man hier bewundern kann. Zum anderen wurde keines der Tiere für den Zoo gekauft oder gejagt. Meistens sind sie Opfer von Menschen geworden, verletzt gefunden, Waise geworden, als Haustier gehalten und dann verstossen worden, etc. Der Zoo unterhält auch eine Jaguar-Zucht der bedrohten Tiere, die jedoch hinter den Kulissen und unter Ausschluß der Öffentlichkeit stattfindet, damit die Tiere wieder in die Freiheit entlassen werden können. Ich erfuhr mehr über die heimischen Tiere, als mir lieb war. Krokodile? Gleich zwei verschiedene Arten sind heimisch! Jaguar, Puma, Ozelot, Aras, Pelikane, Affen, Tapir, Spinnen, Schlangen…. Und da viele im Zoo aufgewachsen sind, kennen sie die Pfleger und sind fast handzahm. Ich stand noch nie so nah neben einem Jaguar…
Dieses Jaguar Mädchen ist 6 Monate alt.
SOOO nah kommen die Tiere!
Tapire sind faul…
Tapir Kreuzung
Da hängt doch wer!
Noch ein etwas größeres Krokodil…
Carlos der Puma liebt Hühnchen.
Keine 30cm entfernt steht er wie eine Hauskatze.
Der Ozelot macht zur Begrüssung ein ziemliches kehliges Knurren, das sich eher gefährlich als freundlich anhört.
Die Zoogehege sind alle sehr groß und natürlich gehalten.
Und noch ein Howler Affe.
Dieser Puma war einst ein Haustier auf einer Farm, ehe “Carlos” ihnen zu groß wurde…
Krokodil im Fluß
Noch ein Affe!
Rehe gibt es auch hier.
Tukane sind hübsch und laut.
Ein 6 Monate altes Jaguar Mädchen.
Wer nicht der ausgiebige Strandliebhaber ist, mehr Abwechslung braucht und gerne einmal wandert, der findet in Belize Regenwald. Als wir in unserem Dschungelcamp beim Blue Hole Nationalpark übernachteten, erzählten uns die Camp-Betreiber, dass immer wieder Touristen kämen, die gerne einmal im Regenwald übernachten möchten. Ehrlich gesagt, mir reicht eine Wanderung hier völlig. Vor allem weil ich hier nach unserem Besuch im Zoo bereits wusste, was alles herum kreucht und fleucht. Nichts, was ich nachts in meinem Schlafsack finden möchte! Dennoch war die Natur wunderschön. Orchideen, Palmen, Glühwürmchen, Mahagoni, Affen… einfach völlig fremd und anders. Faszinierend! Aber bitte nicht nachts.
Dschungelausläufer nach dem Regen.
Herrlich bunte Pflanzen
Am Blue Hole bevor es zum Cave Tubing geht.
Da hängt doch wer!
Regenzeit hinterlässt ihre Spuren.
So einfach wohnten wir in Belmon, der Hauptstadt.
Mopan Fluß bei Bullet Tree Falls.
Blue Hole Nationalpark.
Und so schläft man luxuriös im Dschungel, wenn man nicht im Schlafsack auf dem Boden schlafen will.
Kristallklares Wasser kommt aus der unterirdischen Höhle.
Dichter Regenwald
Die Sonnenseiten von Belize Worauf kann man sich freuen: Sonne. Meer. Erholung. Belize hat selbst während der Regenzeit zwischen April bis November immer wieder sonnige Abschnitte über den Tag.
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flightsglobal-blog · 8 years
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A Basic Tourist Manual To Learning A Ideal Break At Veracruz
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by A30_Tsitika
Excitement of Sports Fishing in Mexico Mexico is pretty well known around the world as an ideal fishing area for sports and deep sea fishing as there are hundreds of areas where you can indulge in this activity. Enjoy the challenge of this activity from several choice locations whether you are there for the fun or for the competition. You can go deep sea fishing the whole year round in Cabo San Lucas. Blue and striped marlins are the most abundant throughout the year and swordfish during January to June but there are 800 different varieties of fish in this area. Cancun, more popularly known for beautiful beaches and exciting nightlife is also one popular fishing location. Several types of fishing such as deep-sea, flats, fly and spin tackle fishing are available all year round although summer is most preferred. Other fun activities are night deep-sea fishing and shallow water bottom fishing that gives families a chance to catch a fish and have a nearby restaurant cook it for your meal. When you plan your Mexico vacation, it would be most preferable to include fishing in your itinerary. Enjoying your Cabo San Lucas Vacations One place that should form part of a Mexico vacation is a visit to Cabo San Lucas which is considered as one popular tourist destination in Mexico. You can go to a lot of beautiful sandy beaches and dining places that serve the gastronomic delights of Mexico. Cabo San Lucas is known as one of the best places for tuna and marlin fishing and hosts the worlds biggest marlin fishing competition which has a $ 1,000,000 jackpot. Gray whales migrate to the warmer waters of Cabo San Lucas to give birth or to escape the colder waters of their homes and this provides one of the most amazing experiences of whale watching. It is such an unforgettable experience to see these giant marine mammals with their calves frolicking in the turquoise waters of Cabo San Lucas. Schedule permitting, October 12 is a good time to go as this is the festival of the patron saint of Todos Santos with festival sports music, carnival fair, dancing and a lot of delicious Mexican cuisine. Whatever your chosen activity maybe, from swimming, whale watching, fishing, shopping or just soaking up the sun, a trip to Cabo San Lucas is definitely worthwhile. The Beauty of Cancun Think of Cancun and what comes to mind is the fun and enjoyment that a vacation to this place will bring. This tropical paradise packages some of the most beautiful beaches of Mexico like the Playa Tortugas, Playa Chac-Mool, Playa Langosta, Playa Delfines, Playa Marlin and the well known Playa Caracol with its flat seabed with no strong currents like in other beaches which makes it ideal for families with children in tow. Search out the Mayan archaeological sites of Ruinas del Rey right in the middle of Cancun hotel zone or go south to the larger sites of Tulum Ruins, the mysterious Coba Ruins and one of the worlds seven wonders, the Chichen Itza. The jungles of Cancun beckons to you and you can reach it by horseback riding tour that will come from the Rancho Loma Bonita or using a Hummer. Take a day tour and indulge in the water sports available there at the Isla Mujeres off the coast of Cancun. Explore Rio Secreto, a maze of mystical caves that has a lot of stalactites and stalagmites inside. Make sure to make Cancun a part of your vacation and take home a cache of memories. Riviera Maya Vacations The Riviera Maya conjures visions of the centuries old archaeological sites that Mexico is well known for. There, one can find the old cities of the ancient Mayans. Visit one of the most majestic cities is Chichen Itza which was the former capital of the Mayan empire and climb up to the top of the Castillo, the grand pyramid or most importantly, visit the observatory where astronomers formulated one of the most accurate calendars. Tulum which is the only walled city of the Mayan empire as well as the only Mayan city built near the ocean is worth visiting too. For more adventures, there are still so many interesting sighs in Riviera Maya. Xel-Ha is a good place to conquer when youre a nature lover as it has many coves, lagoons and caves in its premises while Xcaret is a Mayan themed ecological park with lots of fun activities prepared for its visitors. Or otherwise, go on a day tour of Isla Mujeres that has a Mayan temple and several watersports or Isla Contoy with its sandy white beaches and lush palm trees. When planning your Mexico vacation, always include this region for unforgettable unique experiences.
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arbitrator-raw · 3 years
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