moonbeambucky · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 4987 Warnings: minor angst, fluff
Summary: After returning to Earth following Thanos’ defeat Bucky is haunted by the questions he couldn’t answer.
A/N: This is my submission for @prettyyoungtragedy Maya’s 10k (wtf) Challenge! My prompt was “Do birds sleep?” “I don’t know, ask Sam.” Thank you as always to my Sam 💕 @buckyofthemyscira for beta reading! gif not mine
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What happened? Where are we? Are we dead?
Something felt off. There was a wrenching pain in Bucky’s stomach, as if his organs were being rearranged within his body. Standing in the Wakandan forests Bucky remembered calling out to Steve, desperate for reassurance in his best friend’s eyes as he watched his hand dissolve right in front of him and turn into ash.
Steve was unable to give any reassurance, not to Bucky or anyone else around him. He didn’t know what happened except that they lost.
The light was blinding even from behind closed lids and when Bucky finally opened his eyes he was met with a glow all around him. There was light but no sun, there was nothing but an autumn sky set ablaze. This fiery world was cooler than he expected it to be and yet there was no atmosphere. He didn’t breathe nor did he need breath, there was no food and yet he never felt hunger.
Bucky was stuck in limbo wondering how to get out. If his life was truly over then he wanted to move on. After the life he’s lived he thought he deserved to finally rest but in his mind he knew he couldn’t. There was always more to do; more people to save, more lives to make a difference in, more chances to atone for his sins.
What happened? Where are we? Are we dead?
The questions plague his mind. He hears so many voices asking the same thing. They’re so close and yet muffled from a distance. Sometimes he sees the faces, strangers crying out in front of him. Some are shouting. Some are crying. There are babies, infants that couldn’t be more than a few hours old. They’re all alone, crying out into this golden world with no one able to help.
The faces try to touch him or one another but they never seem to reach. Fear is cemented in the depths of his soul making Bucky wish death would come for him. He feels trapped, like the Soldier again, but instead of a cryogenic prison he’s stuck in a bubble, floating on some plane of existence, surrounded by millions yet he’s all alone.
Time is different here and just like Bucky it doesn't seem to quite exist. He slips in and out of consciousness, unable to tell if there’s been any sort of temporal shift. Everything looks the same, always.
What happened? Where are we? Are we dead?
The questions are always haunting him but this time he recognizes the voice.
The endless landscape of orange stretches out for miles. He hears the voice again, Y/N’s voice and she’s scared. Bucky does his best to focus on her but his concentration summoned a mass of people instead. He hears her still, through the sea of souls. He thinks he’s calling out to her, willing his legs to run in her direction even though he isn’t moving at all.
He focuses again, thinking only about Y/N. She was fairly new with the Avengers before the Sokovia Accords tore them all apart. Even when Bucky doesn’t try he still causes destruction. But Y/N believed in him, fighting alongside him and Steve and bravely sacrificed herself along with the others so they could get away safely to head to Siberia.
She’s been on the run with Steve ever since and Bucky realized he never got the chance to thank her for everything. When she landed in Wakanda it wasn’t the right time as everyone was gearing up for a battle against aliens but now she’s here, kind of.
Exhausting every part of himself Bucky conjured up her image in his mind, silencing all voices but hers until just she was in front of him.
“Bucky!” Y/N cried out. “Bucky, what happened? Where are we?”
Her voice trembled with fear and Bucky would give anything to be able to wrap his arms around her. She fades away, disappearing as if he shut his eyes but Bucky wills her back. He needs her there.
“Are we dead?” she wondered as much as he did.
Bucky wonders if he’s in the moment between life and death, where the brain is still working until it realizes it doesn’t have to. Maybe his serum enhanced brain is working overtime. He wonders how long he’ll be stuck in this world before death. But if this is the end why is Y/N here? Or Sam? Or T’Challa? If his life is flashing before his eyes then why does everyone else look scared?
“Y/N,” he whispered but she was no longer there.
He’s not sure if she heard him before she disappeared or if she would be able to hear him if he called out to her now, not that it would make a difference. He had no answers to her questions and even if she were right in front of him again there was little he could do to comfort her.
Of all people Y/N deserved better. She joined the Avengers to help others, not live in the shadows of the world, losing her freedom the day she fought her teammates to protect a man she never met. The least Bucky could do was return the favor in some way, but here, trapped in this glowing abyss he had nothing to offer.  
Bucky is drowning in a sea of amber, floating along endlessly, aimlessly until suddenly he’s not.
With a deep gasp he’s pulled from the depths and his lungs expand, filling himself was an overabundance of air. As Bucky is dropped to the ground he feels the soft grass beneath him. There’s wetness between his fingers from the dew and his pants are soaking it up, staining his knees with wet circles. The air is crisp and light and he smells it, he feels it!
The wind is blowing softly against his skin and his heart skips a beat. He feels it again, his heart, beating in his chest and he sighs in relief. It’s only when he hears a voice that tears begin to flow steadily down his cheek.
Steve is by his side before Bucky can even stand up, embracing him in the tightest hold imaginable as if Steve Rogers is expecting the world to take Bucky away from him again. Bucky doesn’t care how strong Steve’s grip on him is as he savors the feeling of being held. Wherever he was he couldn’t touch anything, not even himself but now Bucky wants to touch everything, feel everything for the first time again just because he could.
He pulls back just a bit to focus on Steve, with both hands cupping his smooth face. Steve’s beard was long gone, his hair was short again and he looked just as exhausted as Bucky felt.
Everything was a blur once more as Sam, Y/N, Wanda, T’Challa and Shuri were suddenly surrounding them along with Natasha, Tony, Scott, Bruce, Clint, Rhodey, the talking racoon and a few others he doesn’t recognize.  
“It’s been five years Buck,” Steve said, struggling to smile, “It’s good to have you back.” He wiped his cheek and helped Bucky up before greeting the others.
“What happened?”
Bucky didn’t have to look to know that was Y/N’s voice asking the same question she asked from wherever they were. He wanted the answer as much as she did but he couldn’t handle the question, not from her, not after he was tortured by the fear and pain in her voice. He heard her questions go unanswered every moment in the orange void and now that she was in front of him again Bucky could barely look at her, unable to stop the guilt he felt for never being able to help.
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A week had passed since Bucky returned from what he was told was “The Soul World”, a plane of existence he and everyone who vanished had been believed to be placed.
In their final battle with Thanos they discovered more about the Infinity Stones than before. Each one was sentient and when Thanos initially snapped his fingers to use them to destroy half of humanity the Soul Stone decided it had a soul of its own and it couldn’t submit to the total decimation of billions. Instead it stored everyone in a world buried within itself.
The revelation has Bucky longing for the days when Howard Stark’s somewhat flying car was the wackiest thing he’s ever seen.
The information came from a face he’s never seen before, a woman who’s apparently travelled all over the universe, a powerful being nicknamed Captain Marvel but to everyone she was Carol.
The world wanted answers so the two Captains along with Tony, a god-like man named Thor and a robotic blue woman named Nebula took to the spotlight. They made a promise to all beings, humans or not, that they are not alone in their fight to live. Whether it’s Earth or another realm to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, there will be protectors fighting alongside them.
It was quiet as the world healed. Friends and families all over were reunited, and right here Tony scoops up a giggling toddler with dark hair and rich brown eyes staring back at him, reminding him that dreams do come true.
In celebration of life restored Tony planned on throwing the biggest party at the Tower. While Scott was excited to invite his loved ones over Clint said quiet goodbyes and returned to his family, he doesn't expect he’ll be back any time soon.
Aside from little Anthony running around the compound was peaceful, with everyone doing their best to get back to a routine. Y/N returned to her bedroom, rummaging through some boxes she still hadn’t unpacked before everything with the Accords went down.
Other members moved in to new rooms, with Bucky hesitantly exploring the surroundings of his new dwelling. His life was changing again but now after everything that’s happened he finally feels like he can settle down somewhere.
He has Steve and though Bucky will never admit it he’s even happy Sam is there too. He hopes Nat can help fill in parts of his past he can’t remember, and really he wants to get to know everyone, and have them get to know him too.
The content smile he didn’t realize formed quickly faded at the sound of her voice– Y/N. She’s asking Wanda a question in the hallway. Why is she always asking questions? Bucky can’t hear her voice without hearing her pleas for help. Guilt eats away at what little happiness he’s trying to preserve.
Bucky doesn’t want to avoid Y/N but he can’t seem to face her. He wants to apologize for so many things. He’s sorry that because of him Y/N had to fight her friends and get thrown in a prison, she was a fugitive and had to cut off contact with her family, she was stuck in a world where time didn’t exist and yet in every minute of every endless hour of every countless day of their infinite eternity all she wanted was someone to reach out. Bucky may not have had the answers but he could have been a friend and now he doesn’t think he’s worthy of even that.
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Laughter floats through the air as everyone is gathered together in the large common room of the compound enjoying a little pre-party party. Music fills the background though no one can actually enjoy a song, not when Peter Quill is enamored with Spotify. He skips past each song just because he can, moving from artist to artist and all across the genres with childish delight.
“Hey leave this one,” Carol shouts hoping Peter doesn’t skip over Def Leppard.
Carol leans back against the couch, bracing one foot against the coffee table as she knocks back a beer spiked with a little Asgardian mead, singing with a very drunk Scott beside her. Bucky recognizes the rift of the guitar playing over the heavy drum and exhales with content as everyone else joins in for the chorus.
“Pour some sugar on me! Oooh, in the name of love!”
He hides a cringey smile behind the bottle of his own drink at the sound of Natasha’s slightly nasal and very off key voice that pierces his ears. He’ll never tell her though and he suspects not another soul will dare either, well except for Rocket; he doesn’t seem to have a filter and the thought of a fight between the two does sound like fun.
Above her voice is Y/N’s, playful and hypnotic. The subtle innuendo of song is made sexier by the sultry way the words fall from her lips and the way her body sways to the beat. Bucky would be lying if he said she wasn’t beautiful, that the air wasn’t stolen from this lungs the moment he met her in the parking garage at that German airport, that in between all the fighting he wasn’t mesmerized by her in action, that he didn’t feel like absolute shit leaving her amongst the others to be captured as he and Steve fled.
Y/N’s eyes catch Bucky’s and he quickly looks away but with slow, calculated caution his eyes find her form again. His heart skips a beat from the wide smile that’s spread across her beautiful face. His own lips are pulled into a curve when he spots the crinkles around her eyes. Bucky likes seeing Y/N happy and he’d love to make her happy if he could only find the courage to talk to her.
When the song ends Quill continues his attempt at wanting to hear every song ever created all at once. Y/N plops on the couch beside Sam who is slightly annoyed when she begins to talk over him to converse with Hope.
Sam shoots an incredulous look towards Y/N, with wide eyes and flaring nostrils, “Do you mind? I’m tryin’ to tell a joke here.”
Y/N’s words come out amongst laughter, “Well I don’t think your jokes quite land Birdbrain!”
Bucky’s smile grows as does his fondness for her.
“Look you’re even putting Drax to sleep!” she pointed towards the brawny man whose mouth was stretched open wide mid-yawn.
“It’s true, the Bird Man exhausts me with his constant yammering,” Drax affirmed.
“It is so nice to meet a bird man,” Mantis said softly, with innocence filling her large black eyes.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Look at what you started,” he said to Y/N who continued to laugh.
Overhearing the conversation Carol spoke up. “I’ve encountered real bird men before. The Shi’ar are not to be taken lightly.”
“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be insulted now,” Sam remarked to Carol, “I thought you had my back, what happened to Air Force loyalty?”
Despite her tales of battle against the Shi’ar, Drax had fallen fast asleep. He slumped against Mantis who struggled to free herself from his crushing weight. He hit the cushions face first after she shimmied out from under him but it didn’t disturb his slumber at all. In fact, Drax’s snores began to rumble loudly and everyone looked around at each other, smiling deeply as they held back laughter.
Mantis moved to the other side of Y/N and broke the awkward silence apart from the loud snores asking, “Do birds sleep?”
“I don’t know, ask Sam.” Y/N burst into a fit of laughter at her own response and Sam threw his hands up into the air. “Oh come on now!”
There was no holding back anymore as roars of laughter filled the room. Drax continued to sleep through it all and Bucky fell for Y/N even more. She looked so carefree, so happy in a way he had never seen before and Bucky wanted to make her happy for the rest of his life.
Y/N got up from the couch, asking if anyone wanted a refill and Bucky thinks he could convince his legs to take him towards her. If he just says something, anything to break the ice then he could finally apologize and maybe that would open the door to something more.
As Bucky went to stand from the couch heavy vines wrapped around his torso and pulled him back. Bucky rolls his eyes hearing the tiniest pitter patter of claws against the floor and audibly sighed as Rocket sat next to him, barely causing a dip in the cushion.
“You and I have unfinished business.” Small sharp teeth flash as Rocket smirks and Bucky realizes that he is about to have this conversation again.
“Before you start the answer is no,” he huffed.
Squeezing himself next to Bucky, Groot’s sharp bark covered form scratches at Bucky’s arm. “I am Groot,” he said.
“No I will not leave him alone, he’s taunting me with that arm!” Rocket retorted.
“I am Groot.”
“No you idiot, he’s just trying to drive up his price.”
“I am Groot?”
“Exactly. He’ll grow a new one just like you.”
Bucky was stuck between Rocket and Groot, unable to move since the latter’s vines were still wrapped around him. He could break through the hold but Bucky didn’t want to hurt the kid, err, sapling. Instead his head dropped into his hands, one of which was definitely not ending up with Rocket.
As he picked his head up he saw Y/N back on the other couch, watching the whole scene in delight. Bucky shared a smile with her, finding temporary relief in the comfort of her sparkling eyes.
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New York has never been more alive than it is right now. The roar of victory grows more and more each night with people celebrating. Love and happiness cleanses the air, renewing the spirit of the city.
Overlooking the streets is Bucky, leaning against the railing of the balcony of the Tower, avoiding the party a few feet away. It’s in full swing with music steadily pumping and everyone is having a great time, everyone but him.
Y/N was inside, looking as beautiful as ever and Bucky, being the coward he is, is hiding outside trying to give himself encouragement to talk to her. He pinches his nose, and drags his fingers down his face as he lets out a deep sigh. He can do this.
Walking back in Bucky sees Y/N across the room talking with Nebula who looked as uncomfortable as Bucky felt. He’s definitely not one to let loose, not anymore, and definitely not when guilt is constricting every breath he takes.
Y/N is headed for the bar and Bucky makes his way to meet her, hoping he can will any words to leave his mouth. She smiles as he stands beside her, giving her drink order to the next available bartender.
Bucky becomes lost staring at her, unaware that someone has asked what he would like to drink. He’s nervous and fumbling his words and Y/N chuckles under her breath. The smile across her face doesn’t make him any less nervous and Bucky blurts out the first thing he can think of.
“Did you know some birds sleep in flight?” he asked with a little too much enthusiasm.
Y/N’s brows knit in confusion towards the random fact presented to her.
“Uhh….” he stammered, trying to collect himself enough to continue. “From last night, the uh... the question, ‘do birds sleep?’ So, they do, obviously, but s-some do so in flight. For instance, the alpine swift, it can spend most of its life in flight so uh, yeah that’s just s-something I know.”
Of all the things he wanted to say to her this was not one of them. Y/N doesn't say anything and not knowing what else to do Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, his hand burning against his overheated skin. Every moment of Y/N’s silence was torture and Bucky chastised himself internally for opening his stupid mouth.
“I’ve never heard of an alpine swift before.”
The lightness of her tone eased some of Bucky’s anxieties, prompting him to respond quickly. “They’re a migratory bird in Africa.”
As embarrassed as Bucky was for himself he was thankful Sam was on the other side of the room, not listening to Bucky rattle off facts about birds like an idiot.
“I could show them to you, if we’re ever in Wakanda again.”
The moment the words leave his lips he regrets saying them. The last time they were in Wakanda they fought a losing battle and lost years of their life. Bucky notices her smile is gone, she’s tense as she gulps down her drink.
“Yeah, maybe,” she spoke without enthusiasm, before giving him a quick goodbye and headed back to the others.
Bucky’s grip around his own glass tenses, feeling miniscule cracks stretching across the glass from the pressure. He swallows everything quickly and slams it on the counter, ignoring the possible shattered mess he’s left the unfortunate bartenders. Bucky retreats to the balcony again, feeling the weight of his recent faults. Once again, Bucky has let Y/N down.
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After saying goodbye to their friends from afar mostly everyone else has come back to the compound. A week has passed since the party and Bucky hasn’t spoken to Y/N, worrying that he’ll keep digging himself a deeper hole unless he avoids her completely.
It’s quiet in the halls. Steve had gone running earlier and Bucky declined the invitation. He was having trouble sleeping and didn’t have enough energy to deal with Sam that early in the morning.
When he finally gets out of his room he heads to the kitchen to make breakfast, but abruptly stops in the hallway as he spots Y/N. The coffee machine on the counter was gurgling as it began to brew.
Y/N is gazing out of the large window, smiling at the beautiful landscape, the deep green of the lush trees, the pure blue of the lake. She smiles as she inhales deeply, letting out a shaky breath. Bucky can see her eyes are glossed over, and for once he believes those are tears of joy.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, walking forward.
Y/N turned her head to find Bucky walking towards her. “Yeah, it really is,” she answered, wiping a stray tear that fell down her cheek. “Never thought I’d see it again.”
What happened? Where are we? Are we dead?
Her questions still swirl in his mind. Fear laced through every word, wondering where they were or if the sky will ever be blue again. The unknown was a frightening thought that plagued them all. Would they ever escape? Would Bucky ever see Steve again? Could he ever comfort Y/N?
Bucky winces as he bit down hard on his lip, unaware he had been mindlessly chewing on it while losing himself to the questions swirling around his mind like a hurricane.
He stares at Y/N again, and perhaps it’s the tears in her eyes that give him the final push to say what he needs to. “I owe you an apology.”
Y/N turned her head again, unsure of what Bucky is apologizing for.
“No, I owe you so much more. First a thank you, for putting yourself on the line for me in Berlin.”
“You don’t have to–”
“Please,” he interrupted, staring up at Y/N with big blue eyes that pleaded for her to let him continue. “You spent years on the run ‘cause of that choice and I never had the chance to tell ya how grateful I am for what you did. A thanks isn’t enough but it’s all I have to give.”
Y/N’s lips curved into a soft smile as she accepted his apology. She appreciated his words but even if he hadn’t apologized if given the chance she wouldn’t have changed a thing. It was bad enough Bucky spent most of his life as a pawn of Hydra, Y/N wasn’t going to idly sit by while he was being blamed for something he didn’t do.
The bubbling of the coffee maker stopped and Y/N asked if he wanted a cup as she went to grab her own.
“Yes– No,” he retracted. With a stiff inhale Bucky shut his eyes tight, unable to face Y/N for what he was about to say. Gritting through his teeth, “There’s something else.”
She stopped and turned to face him again and became concerned by the look on his face. Fear and regret were stirring in his eyes while sorrow was etched deeply in the downward pull of his mouth, and Bucky felt as if the weight of his guilt could never lift them again.
He began a few times, stuttering and unsure how to start, and then Y/N put her hand on his arm, whispering comforting words and he let out a strangled cry.
“You shouldn’t comfort me, not when...”
Bucky wiped his face harshly, dragging the tears from his cheek. He wrung his hands together as he took a few more inhales before gathering his words.
“I couldn’t comfort you. I couldn’t help you at all when we were… there. I heard your voice every day, and every day you asked those questions, and I didn’t do anything about it. I owe you my life and I couldn’t even answer a goddamn question.”
Recalling his feelings made him anxious so he paced in front of Y/N, refusing to look her in the eye as he continued.
“Sometimes you were there, other times it was just your voice but still… you were scared and I should have answered you. I should have done something!” Bucky is crying again, not bothering to wipe the tears anymore. He drops his head and with defeat lacing his tone he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Y/N stands silently in front of him, scanning the slope of his shoulders, hunched with a terrible burden he was never meant to carry. She chews on her bottom lip for a moment, remembering how awful it was to be trapped in that unknown world but her heart broke for Bucky, knowing on top of everything that happened he shouldered himself with an impossible belief, that he could have fixed things.
“Oh, Bucky,” she sighed, throwing her arms around his solid frame.
He stiffened under her touch, half unexpected, while the other part of him was frozen in place, unsure of what to do. Y/N was warm and soft against the hardness of his body and when she squeezed him a little tighter Bucky swallowed the lump caught in his throat.
Bucky felt cared for, loved even, all from her embrace. It’s all he ever wanted, what he dreamt about every moment while he was trapped in that world. Now she’s against him and Bucky finally let’s his fear go.
He relaxes against Y/N who shuffles a bit to adjust against the weight of his body though her hold is still firm. She didn’t know Bucky very well but it was no secret that he was deprived of kindness for too long. A gentle touch was the least she could give him.
Y/N smiled proudly when she felt his arms snake around her back, bringing her closer because Bucky needed it. He sniffed a few times, swallowing back his tears, allowing the comforting silence to wash over them both.
When his heartbeat returned to a more stable rhythm Y/N loosened the hug just enough to pull her head back to look at him. Her lips curved up to a soft smile and she looked at him like she was staring through to his soul.
“Bucky, I need you to know that I don’t blame you for anything. The choices I made to help you were my own and I would do them again without hesitation.”
His lips twitched, teetering on the edge of a smile and Y/N continued to stare at him with composed conviction in her eyes.
“And I certainly don’t blame you for not being able to do anything when we were trapped. We were powerless, all of us. Even if you could respond what would that have done huh? Did you know the answers?”
Bucky shook his head quickly in response. Though she had a point Bucky couldn’t let the guilty feeling go, “I could have…” he sighed, realizing the truth, there was nothing he could have done to change their circumstances. “You were so scared and all I thought about was wanting to comfort you.”
“Like this?” she asked, giving a little squeeze of her arms against him.
Bucky’s head hung down, but this time with a chuckle she managed to pull from him. “Yeah, like that.”
His massive arms squeezed her in return with just enough pressure to keep it comfortable. Y/N smiled back at him, beaming like the sun and the thoughts of kissing her quickly consumed his mind. Bucky’s tongue slowly swept across his lips wetting them but instead of leaning in he pulled apart from her; he was a gentleman after all.
Without breaking eye contact and before he loses his nerve he spits the words out he’s been holding onto for a while. “I know we don’t know each other well but I’d like to change that.”
His heart drops to his stomach like a solid rock as he waits for an answer. His nerves are bubbling beneath his skin like boiling water. Three simple words is all it takes for Bucky to feel relief.
“I’d like that,” she said, smiling back even wider than before. “There’s a path along the water and I think we’re long overdue for some fresh air.” Y/N stretches her hand out towards Bucky, “Will you walk with me?” she asked.
He takes her hand, joining them together like they were always meant to be linked. Bucky answers her question with ease, leaving his guilt behind as they walk together towards the future.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated :)
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pancakesfor2 · 5 years
Finally - B.B.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Stevetony if you squint
Word Count: 777
Prompt: Arguments over who gets to lead the mission which results in passionate making out against a wall later on.
Written for @prettyyoungtradgedy ’s 10k wtf challenge
Warnings: Implied smut
A/N: I’m so sorry for how late this is! But I finally finished it!
Masterlist in bio bc links are being a bitch!
“Barnes, Agent 15, you’re on the AIM mission, but you’ll have to decide who takes the lead,” explained Steve from the front of the briefing room where he stood next to Tony who was transferring the case file to your StarkPads.
The whole team could see the sexual tension between the two of you, so they’d been pairing you up at every chance they got. They figured that if you spent enough time together, one of you would eventually give in and confess your feelings. Unfortunately they’d forgotten that you were two of the most stubborn people on the planet so instead you dealt with your repressed feelings by sniping at each other every opportunity you could find.
You’d hadn’t lead a mission in a while, so you really wanted this one, especially since during your last AIM mission, one of their agents had shot you in shoulder, benching you from missions for the next six months. You were finally back on the field and now you wanted your revenge.  “I can do it!”
“I’ll lead!” said Bucky at the same time.
“No really I insist,” you said, trying to convince Bucky to let you take the job. “You must be tired from your last mission anyway, you don’t need to overwork yourself.”
“I was literally a freeze-and-play murder doll for 70 years, I think I can handle leading two back to missions agent.”
This was so unfair, “If Barnes just lead a mission then shouldn’t I get to lead this one?” you turned to Tony and Steve, looking for backup.
“Oh no, we are not getting involved in your weird foreplay. You can figure this one out between yourselves,” inserted Tony, with Steve nodding next to him.
“Sorry guys, we can’t help you here,” said Steve as he and the rest of the team filed out of the room, leaving just you and Bucky.  
“Thanks for the help guys!” You didn’t care what it took, you were leading that mission even if you had to kill Bucky to get it. Not that you’d actually kill him, you were hoping to go out with him at least once before you murdered each other, but that was a subject for another time. Right now you had to focus on proving that you were the right person for this job.
“Look y/n, let me lead this mission and you can do the next one,” Bucky tried to bargain, both of you knowing that your next mission was working undercover at a fish market, somewhere neither of you wanted to be.
“Funny,” you scoffed “I’m not an idiot. Why do you even want this so bad anyway?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he replied, taking a step closer to you in the now empty room.
“You could, but I asked first. You tell me and I’ll tell you.” You hoped he didn’t notice how you slid backwards as he got closer, your breaths getting shallower as he backed you into the wall.
“Come on doll, just give up,” he murmured.
Your eyes followed his tongue, as it darted out and wetted his lips. You wanted to kiss him so badly, it hurt.
“Fuck this,” you tilted your head up, closing the gap between you by finally kissing the man youd been pining after for months.
Bucky happily reciprocated, biting down on your lower lip and slipping his tongue into your mouth. Suddenly, all thoughts of the mission had disappeared from your minds, you were too wrapped up in each other to care about who got to lead what.
Steve and Tony stood outside the briefing room, debating whether to go in or not.
“Ten bucks says they’ve killed each other already,” bet the blonde.
“20 says they’re fucking on the table.”
“You’re on, but I’m not going in there to check.”
“Yeah neither am I — Friday, what’s happening in that room?”
“The two seem to be engaged in sexual intercourse on top of the conference table,” informed the AI.
“Fuck you,” laughed Steve, pulling a 20 from his wallet and handing it to Tony.
“Pleasure doin’ business with ya Cap!”
You and Bucky lay on top of the table in the middle of the room, completely naked, and panting from your recent activities. “Why the fuck didn’t we do that sooner?” asked Bucky, linking his metal fingers with yours.
“Because we were both too stubborn to make the first move,” you laughed in reply.
“But seriously, who’s leading the mission?”
“I think I deserve it for being the one to finally make the first move.”
“I don’t know babe, I might need a little more convincing.”
Feedback is always appreciated :)
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time-travel-bouqet · 5 years
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A/n: This little bundle of fluff is for @prettyyoungtragedy ‘s 10k celebration. Congrats Maya! I had to make a few tiny changes. It’s a stucky family fic but really this just focuses on Buck and his daughter. I also made a small adjustment to the prompt which was “If I wanted you, I’d still be with you” I changed it to “If I wanted you, I’d still have you” to make it make sense. Hope that’s ok!
Summary: Since Bucky became a dad he lives for the little moments.
Word count: 1840
Warnings: FLUFF
Thank you to my jov and best friend @the-wayward-robot for betaing this for me. I wouldn’t be doing this without you.
Bucky still has moments where he finds himself adjusting to the suburban life. Manicured lawns and sidewalks, neighbors that leave cookies on his doorstep for no reason. He wasn’t used to living like this. First it was Brooklyn in the forties where everything was covered in a sooty film, grass only found in the nearest park. Then there was no home, only flashes of color between the feeling of intense cold. He had been the one that cried the day the three of you closed on the house, sobbing in the empty living room that smelled like fresh paint and lumber as soon as the realtor drove away.
Sometimes there are moments when the fear that it may all be a dream sneaks up from deep within him in the dead of night, bitter on his tongue like the medicine his mother used to give him. But then you knee him in the back or Steve snores or he hears his daughter coughing down the hall and it vanishes back into the darkness from which it came, replaced by a happy sigh of contentment.
Mostly he finds himself in little moments of astonishment. Usually it hits him as a result of the smallest thing, like now as he sits in a lounge chair, shaded by the oak tree in his backyard, his daughter digging wildly in the dirt.  Sometimes when it gets bad he just comes out here and sits in the dewy grass, running his fingers along the roots in an attempt to ground himself. This is his favorite place and more than once Steve has found him asleep here and carried him to bed. He knows it’s probably silly, but just being next to something that’s been alive longer than him is a nice change, makes him feel a little more like any other dad spending time watching his kid traumatize worms.
His daughter’s voice in his ear calls him from his reverie, turning to find himself eye to eye with a dirt streaked face and a toothless grin. The braid steve had put in yesterday before he left for the weekend long meeting was in shambles from sleep and sweat, little specks of grass stuck in the curls at the bottom. You had tried to fix it before you went to brunch but she had played his heartstrings and he’d come to the rescue, rewarded with a kiss that still made his eyes water after six years. You had watched her run out the back door with a shake of your head, goodbye kisses given with a declaration of how much of a sucker he was.
“ His name’s Fred.”
Before he could register, a slimy coolness greets his cheek. Instinctively his hand swats it away only to be met with his daughter’s panicked cries.
“Daddy! You hurt him!”
Confused he shifts, finding his daughter searching frantically through the grass under his chair. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t kn-”. She cuts him off with a glare that makes her look just like you, tiny nose scrunched while two deep crevices form between eyes that burn through him with Steve’s blue intensity. He falls silent for a moment until she releases him from her stare, going back to her search.
“Can I help you look baby?” He asks softly, pushing a curly strand of hair behind her ear. It pops back out defiantly as she looks up and sighs. “No, he’s gone. He was the perfect worm too, longer than I’d ever seen.”
Her pout breaks his heart and leaves him desperate to fix it. “Well how can I make it up to you Brookie?”
Her eyes light up, every trace of sadness gone in an instant, the sound of you calling him a sucker echoing inside his head as she climbs in his lap.
“Welllll, I would love to take a walk...I got some new bubbles.” She grins at him like she had just walked out of the bank with a record breaking lottery payout. He nods and she squeals, jumping off his lap and running towards the door. “ I’ll get the bubbles, SUCKER!”
“Brooklyn Grace!” It’s a half hearted admonishment that leaves him biting his cheek to keep from smiling at how much she sounded like you.
Bucky would do anything for the squealing little girl in front of him, and today that meant blowing bubbles for her to chase as they walked down the sidewalk. He didn’t mind walking when it was him and Steve or him and you, loved it when it was all three. But when he was alone with Brookie he felt the stares more intensely, heard the whispers from the yoga pants clad moms more clearly.
Maybe it was because he is almost always clad from head to toe in black despite the heat. He likes black, it makes him feel more comfortable in his own skin. Maybe it’s traces of left over instincts from before this life, but he likes to give more credit to the way you and Steve look at him when he wears black clothes, and how often he ends up out of them.
“Looooook daddddyyyy, Mrs. Jennings got a puppy!” She runs ahead of him towards the bouncing ball of fluff at the end of a neon pink leash.
“Mmmhmmm.” Bucky hums, locking in on the ongoing conversation between Mrs. Jennings and her neighbor Mrs. Greer.
“He’s so odd… I like the other one much better.” Mrs. Jennings whispers to her neighbor from where she sits on the step, holding the thrashing leash and barely moving her head in a blatant attempt to be inconspicuous. Sometimes Bucky loved it when people forgot how well he could hear.
“I know… he’s so...dark and unsettling. Why do you think she wants to be with him too. Isn’t the other one enough?” Mrs. Greer replies from the porch chair as she drinks what looks to him like liquified grass. It reminds him of something you had made him and Steve drink after coming home from a friend’s fitness party. In over a hundred years he’d never seen Steve throw up that much. He laughs out loud before he could catch himself, causing all eyes to face him curiously.
He gives his daughter a wink as he blows bubbles off the wand. She rolls her eyes, looking so much like Steve it hurts as she goes back to petting the puppy in her lap.  “Don’t mind him, my dad tells daddy he should save some jokes for the right audience so he probably just thought you wouldn’t understand.”
God he loves that child.
The women smile, watching him stand a few feet from the sidewalk with bubble solution dripping sticky trails down his fingers as he blows bubbles for noone. They’re uneasy but his daughter is squealing with delight so he couldn’t care less.
“You know he tried to kidnap Kim, Erin, and I once.” Mrs. Greer whispers to her friend as she stirs the green froth in her cup.
Bucky grins, thinking back as he blows another round of bubbles. He hadn’t wanted to drive them to the PTO meeting but you had already volunteered to drive before getting a vicious case of the flu and Steve had been out of town, lucky bastard. The front seat was loaded with baked goods so they had to ride in the back, too polite to decline a ride they had already agreed to. It was a silent ride that had Bucky biting his cheek to keep from laughing at the sheer panic that filled the car. Sure he didn’t have to take the long way to school, and of course he didn’t have to park in the back in the darkest corner, but he had honestly forgotten about the child locks. However, the look of terror on their faces as they tried to get out was priceless and well worth the trouble it got him in. The memory has him laughing again and this time Brookie stands with a sigh, giving the squirming puppy a final kiss.
“Come on before we get another letter. Dad already threw away two before mom saw and we can’t keep getting lucky.”
He laughs, ruffling the remnants of her braid. “Go wait for me on the sidewalk, I want to say thank you to these nice ladies.”
She eyes him, too smart for his own good. “Mhmm...and I’m gonna eat my vegetables tonight.”
He hands her the bubbles and motions at the sidewalk with a grin. “Go.”
“Ok daddy.” She shrugs, running off as he turns his grin on the ladies. He lets it turn cold, more teeth than kindness as he steps up close enough for them to hear. He lets his eyes go a little wild as he takes off his sunglasses, tucking them into his back pocket before clearing his throat.
“Thank you for the kindness you showed my daughter.” Words of gratitude spoken in clinical coldness that leaves them fidgeting. “We’ll just be going now.” He turns, taking a few steps before turning on his heel. He catches his accussor’s eye, before somehow managing to make his smile more sinister. “And by the way, Tara...” He doesn’t miss the way she shivers in the June heat at the way he says her name. “If I wanted you...I’d still have you. I was the best you know.”
“Oh my go-” They gasp in unison as Bucky turns, changing his face in an instant before he faces his daughter on the sidewalk, hands on her hips and eyebrow raised in a way he knows will cost him a scoop of ice cream for her silence.
“Chocolate?” He asks as she hands him the bubbles.
“I’m feeling indecisive daddy, so let’s go with strawberry too.”
“Fine but I’ve got the money so first you gotta catch me!” He teases, blowing bubbles that pop on her nose as he runs ahead of her down the sidewalk, happiness wrapped in a dark package.
“Hey that’s cheating man!” She screams, running to catch up to where he waits by the stop sign. She takes his hand to cross, giving it a little squeeze as she speaks. “Daddy can I get a ride?”
“Of course honey.” He pulls her up onto his shoulders where she falls quiet as they head home.
“Yeah baby?”
“I love you.”
“I love ice cream.”
A tiny giggle that makes his heart swell. “Daaaddddyyy!”
“I love you too Brookie.”
“And daddy…”
She leans in, pulling back his hair to insure he can hear. “I don’t care what those mean old ladies said… you are a perfect daddy for me.”
Moments like these were his favorites. Walks with his family on tree lined sidewalks, his daughter on his shoulders her feet kicking his chest, his hands sticky with bubbles. These were the times Bucky was sure he had dreamed up everything from before. This was home, him and Steve had gotten what they thought they never would.
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empyreanwritings · 5 years
Still Into You
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: language, mentions of sexual situations, a dash of angst
Summary: Your brother knows you better than anyone. He knows that your fiance is just a rebound. He knows that you’re still in love with Steve. And he knows that if he invites Steve to his engagement party, you’re bound to fall for him all over again.
A/N: This is written for @prettyyoungtragedy ‘s 10k Challenge! Congrats on 10k, boo! You totally deserve it! If you guys don’t follow Maya then you are crazy because she has some amazing stories under her belt that y’all need to check out!  My prompt is “Must you always reek of disappointment and judgement when you look at us” and is bolded below (: 
Feedback is always welcome and encouraged (: x
You move through the crowd with ease, occasionally stopping to say hello to an important CEO or politician. Your silk dress skirts along the floor, and you love the way people longingly glance at you as you pass them. You feel regal. Elegant. Ready to take on the world.
The music in the ballroom is pounding the walls, and the drinks are flowing all around you. Your skin is warm from the amount of alcohol you've consumed. You're not drunk but comfortably buzzed.
It's not every day you celebrate your brother's engagement. You intend to enjoy it as much as possible.
"Enjoying the party?" You hum into your fiancé's ear as he orders another drink at the bar.
He glances down at you and smiles. His arm has snaked its way around your waist, and he places a lazy kiss to your shoulder.
"I am now." He beams.
Brock Rumlow is an incredibly charming man. You two managed to get engaged just after six months of dating. He claims it's because he loves you so much, but your brother believes he has ulterior motives. You're one of the heirs to Stark Industries. Why wouldn't a man like Rumlow try to snag you before anyone else could?
It's a silly accusation, but you can never convince Tony of that.
You order yourself a vodka cranberry and scan the crowd to see if there are any familiar faces. You regret the action instantly when you spot him making his way through the entrance. Your blood runs cold in your veins, and a sense of betrayal lingers around you. How could Tony invite him after everything?
His eyes are on you when he realizes someone is staring at him. You quickly give Brock a peck on the lips before excusing yourself.
You've got to find your conniving older brother.
You find him surrounded by diplomats with Pepper standing proudly by his side. She notices the way your lips are set in a firm line and knows what's wrong. She couldn't believe it herself when she saw Steve Rogers' name on the invite list. Tony knew there was still some tension between the two of you. It had been a messy break up and neither of you got the closure you needed. Even a year later. . .you still seemed scarred.
Pepper couldn't help but feel like this was one of Tony's plans.
You greet her with a kiss to her cheek and ask to speak to Tony alone. He gives you a look - one that screams "GUILTY" in bright red, fluorescent letters.
"What the hell is Steve doing here?" You hiss. "You didn't tell me you invited him!"
"I'm sorry, I thought I was at my engagement party. I didn't realize I had to run the guest list by you?" He looks down at you, a smug smile on his face. "Don't you think it's time you two made up? It's been a year, Y/N."
"Yes, it has, and I am engaged!"
He waves his hands dismissively. His gaze shifts over to your fiancé, who hasn't moved from the bar since he got there. Brock was one of Tony's least favorite people, and he knew you were just using him as a rebound. You had been with Steve for five years before calling it off. When you threw yourself into a relationship just a month later, he knew something was up. You clearly weren't over Steve.
And now you were engaged to the same man you were rebounding with? After half a year? It absolutely baffled Tony.
He scrunches his nose in disgust and brings his attention back to you, which makes you roll your eyes.
"Must you always reek of disappointment and judgement when you look at us?" You huff.
Tony nods. "I can't pretend to like someone, it's not in our Stark DNA. I'm not sure how you've managed to do it for so long already."
You know what he's implying, and it sparks an irritation in you. You don't bother to argue. Part of you knows he's not entirely wrong. If anyone knows you better than yourself, it's Tony, but you'd never admit that out loud.
You storm back to Brock. You're aware of his eyes on you. He's standing next to Natasha Romanoff, one of Tony's colleagues. They seem to be engaged in a serious conversation, but his attention never strays from you. It makes you even more frustrated.
Damn him! Damn Tony! They were clearly in this together.
When you make it to the bar, you grab Brock by the front of his shirt and kiss him until you're both breathless. You pull back a bit to see the lustful look he's giving you, and your stomach drops. You feel nothing. Nothing! The logical part of you tries to reason that it was only because you were tipsy, and Tony put doubt in your mind. In the morning, you'd wake up and feel everything you were supposed to feel for your fiancé.
"What was that for?" He asks. His tongue darts out and wets his bottom lip. It's supposed to be sexy, but it makes you feel nothing but empty.
You give him a sly smile. "Just felt like planting one on you. Is that so wrong?"
I can't pretend to like someone, it's not in our Stark DNA. I'm not sure how you've managed to do it for so long already.
Brock shamelessly slips his hands down to your ass and gives it a playful squeeze. He grazes his lips over your ear and whispers about finding a closet somewhere. You agree, and as you slip away, you know Steve is watching you the entire time.
You and Brock return to the ballroom separately to make sure no one catches on to what just occurred. He's already situated back in his spot at the bar when you finally get the courage to return.
His cheeks are flushed, and you know he's feeling proud of himself right now. He thinks it's the best quickie you've ever had. But you? You're feeling completely unsatisfied. The more you think about it, the more you realize that you haven't orgasmed in a year. A year!
You hate it because you know that you wouldn't have realized it if Steve hadn't strolled back into your life looking the way he did. Between his piercing blue eyes that never left your form and the beard he's apparently let grow this entire time, you're going crazy. It's not fair to Brock, and you know it. You just couldn't help but compare everything he did in that broom closet to Steve.
You sigh and try to spot him again, but he's disappeared. You try to ignore the disappointment that's bubbling inside of you. Did he leave already? It felt like he had just gotten there.
Someone taps you on the shoulder, and you turn around slowly in hopes of catching a glimpse at your ex again. When you finally make eye contact with the stranger, your heart stops.
Of course, it's Steve.
"Care to dance?" He holds his hand out for you, and he notices right away the apprehension in your eyes. "I promise I won't bite."
You nod and take his hand, ignoring the way your heart hammers in your chest as you do. He leads you straight to the middle of the dancefloor, and you almost scream when Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran starts playing over the speakers. It couldn't have been a coincidence your old song with Steve would play now; you made a mental note to kick your brother's ass later for this.
Your chests are pressed together intimately as he holds your hand in his. You place your free hand on his shoulder blade, and he moves his down to the small of your back. But he doesn't just place his hand where it needs to be. That would be too quick for him. He lets his fingertips trail down your exposed spine, forcing goosebumps to rise wherever he touches, before placing his palm on the spot where the fabric of your dress meets your skin.
You curse at yourself for wearing a backless dress in this moment.
"You're engaged," he observes.
He smirks. "How long were you with him before you two got engaged?"
"That's none of your business, Steve."
"Tony said six months."
You clench your jaw, and he loves the cute way your nose flares in annoyance. "If you knew, why did you ask?"
"Cause I knew you'd get defensive," he quips."
You're beyond frustrated. Whatever game he and your brother are playing, you refuse to feed into it. He wasn't allowed to march back into your life and turn it upside down. It wasn't fair. He was the one that didn't want to take the next step in your relationship after five years. He was the one that drove you to another man - one who did want to get married. For so long, all you wanted was Steve and only Steve. Now that he couldn't have you, he realized his mistakes. It's how it always worked with men like him.
"At least he wants to marry me," you reply after a moment of silence. "The idea of marriage had you running for the hills!"
Steve looks at you like you have two heads. "I'm sorry, what? That's not how that went at all."
"Yes, it is! I remember the whole conversation. I asked if you ever thought about getting married, and you said you hadn't."
"I said I hadn't before I met you. But, of course, princess Stark didn't listen long enough to hear that part. You heard 'no' and stormed off!" You two have stopped dancing by now, and you're oblivious to the stares you're getting. "By the morning, you were gone! No note. No indication as to where you were. And you blocked my number."
You open your mouth to speak, but Steve's already talking again and refusing to let you get a word in.
"It's typical Y/N Stark of you to do that. You let your anger get the best of you, and you throw away five years of our relationship over a misunderstanding! So, don't you dare play the victim in this. This," he gestures between you two, "Didn't end because of me."
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, willing yourself not to cry in front of everyone. They've had a front row seat to your dramatic love life already, and you won't give them anything else to talk about.
"I can't do this right now," you whisper.
The hardness in his eyes disappears when he sees you're on the verge of tears. He tries to stop you, but you're already brushing past him and practically sprinting for the exit. You don't care that Brock saw your exchange. You can't that Tony saw. All you want is to get the hell out of there and get some fresh air. Everyone else be damned.
Steve finds you standing near the fountain in the hotel's small rose garden. There's a slight breeze that chills the night air, and you have your arms wrapped around yourself to keep you warm. He hadn't expected to find you here, but it was the first place he figured to look. It was the closest spot to the building where the ballroom was, and you despised running. You'd prefer to find some place close if it meant you didn't have to anymore.
He slips his suit jacket off and drapes it over your shoulders when he approaches you. You don't bother to fight him on it. You're cold, and you silently relish in the way his cologne fills your nose. It brought you a sense of comfort that you didn't think you were looking for until now.
Neither of you say anything. You simply enjoy each other's presence and listen to the sound of the water rippling through the fountain.
You are sure you look like a mess. Your perfectly pinned hair had fallen loose during your sprint out here, and you could feel the mascara running down your cheeks. For expensive makeup, you expected it to hold out through moments like this. Why else would you spend twenty-five dollars for a small tube? If it can't handle you having a complete meltdown, it's not very good makeup.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes, and his voice sounds so genuine. It's hard to stay mad at him. "I shouldn't have brought all that up now. It wasn't fair to you."
You take a seat on the edge of the fountain, letting your fingers dip into the cool water. You aren't sure how you should respond right now. There are a lot of unresolved feelings lingering between you two, but you know your fiancé is inside patiently waiting for you to return. It wouldn't look good for an engaged woman to confess her undying love for another man.
"I think I was waiting for something to go wrong between us." You swirl your fingers through the water, refusing to look up at Steve, who's already taken a seat next to you. "You were too perfect. Our life together felt more like a dream than reality. I think that scared me, so I found the quickest excuse to leave and took it."
"It's my fault for not realizing that's what you were doing. We were arguing a lot that last week, and Tony had warned me about your bolting signs."
"I'm sorry," you whispered weakly. You spent this year putting all the blame of your failed relationship on Steve, but you had been the problem all along. You ran away from your feelings because you let yourself believe that you didn't deserve someone like him. You let insecurities drive you away.
And you were the one who threw yourself into a new relationship right away. You got engaged to someone else, and you didn't even think about how much that would hurt Steve when the news got back to him. You just knew it would get back to him. He was friends with Tony after all.
You don't realize you're crying again until he reaches out and wipes a tear away from your cheek. The mascara smudges across your skin, but he can't help himself from seeing you as the most beautiful woman in this place. You'd never believe him if he told you, so he keeps that thought to himself for now. He'd try to remind you later.
"You don't have to be sorry. We both let the relationship sink. It's both of our faults."
The fact that he genuinely believes that makes it worse for you. Leave it to Steve freakin' Rogers to be the sweetheart in even the worst circumstances. If your emotions weren't all over the place, you'd probably strangle him for being so kind.
"Do you love him?"
You let out a nervous breath. That was the exact question you didn't want to be asked tonight. You couldn't lie about it anymore.
"No," you replied honestly.
"Do you still love me?"
"Of course, I do."
Steve brings his hand up to your cheek again and forces you to look up at him. He's sitting so close to you, you're not even sure when he moved this close, but you don't move away. You can't erase five years of love. You can't erase every feeling you've ever felt for him, no matter how hard you tried this past year.
You spent your entire relationship with Brock wondering what the hell you were missing, but you knew now: you were missing Steve. No relationship could ever compare to the one you two shared. Maybe if he hadn't come here tonight, you'd be able to make your relationship with Brock work. But he did show up, and now you needed to face reality.
You don't want to be with anyone besides Steve.
His lips are suddenly only a few centimeters from yours. You're intoxicated by the smell of his minty breath as it fans your lips. You want him to kiss you until you're begging for more. You want him to show you just how much he has missed you. You almost let him, too. Almost.
You place your hands on his chest and gently push him away. "We can't yet. I'm still with Brock, and I can't cheat on him. He doesn't deserve it."
He nods. He hates pulling away from you, but he understands why he needs to. You can't pick your relationship back up in this way. It would be bad karma, and you are a firm believer in all that kind of stuff.
"I've got to talk to him, but. . .wait for me?"
Steve lets out a small laugh and shakes his head. "Sweetheart, what do you think I've been doing this whole time?"
Your heart leaps inside of your chest, and you press a kiss to his temple. You couldn't believe you were about to walk back into the party and end your engagement, but out of all the decisions you made this year, this one felt like the right one to make.
It's time to go back home.
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nekoannie-chan · 5 years
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Pairing: Steve x Reader
Word count: 2788 words
Summary: You’re married to Steve, however, there are many rumors about him, what would happen if you misunderstood a situation and believed that the rumors are true?
Warnings: Maybe it is sad.
A/N: My native language is Spanish so if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
This is written for @prettyyoungtragedy ‘s Maya’s 10K (WTF) challenge! with prompt # 10:
“Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful?”
I took some inspiration from episodes 21 and 22 of the second season of the TV show “Desperate Housewives.”
In this universe the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and they managed to stop HYDRA in time, so Ultron or Vision was not created, nor was there a Civil War.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
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You had married Steve almost six years ago, you two had met after he had been thawed, and after the New York attack, you had started a relationship. Now you had two children, a girl and a boy, who were twins.
Since Steve had obtained a very important position after he and Fury managed to unmask HYDRA without S.H.I.E.L.D. fall; but a few weeks before that event you had married in secret.
Natasha had found Steve’s little secret almost two years after you had married, so that day Steve invited her to dinner with you so she could meet you, although, from the first moment she saw you, you knew she didn’t like you since then she always behaved very rude to you every time they came to meet.
You sighed and threw the newspaper away, you hated the false news that used to appear in any media, and you knew that Steve kept you as a secret to prevent his old and new enemies from hurting them.
You gave the snack to your children, while the twins ate you called to his cell phone, he didn’t answer.
“Surely he is in a meeting or a mission,” you thought to try to calm yourself down.
You watched TV distract you for a while the children were sleeping, there was an Avengers interview, but what left you frozen was the way Natasha behaved with your husband, you turned off the TV without even watching the interview.
You received a call from your best friend and he asked you if you had seen the interview, you said yes but now you feel confused, you didn´t understand what was happening, immediately your friend went to visit you, you were talking for a while about everything that had been going on and suspect things
“Y/N you must go and see if all that is true, I think your husband acts too weird,” your friend said.
“I don’t know, I’m afraid of what I can find,” you replied unconvinced.
“You need to know the truth,” she insisted.
“What if the rumors are true?” you asked afraid.
“I have a gun, so go calm and I’ll take care of the children and you can go on my car, so they won’t recognize you, it’s different from the car they know,” your friend offered.
She was right, Steve always refused to talk about his work with you, sometimes he said as an excuse that it was better that you didn´t know to prevent someone will hurt you if they tried to obtain the information and other were secret projects and therefore he wasn´t authorized to share the information with others who were not involved.
You were going to the Triskelion, you were determined to face that pair once and for all, so you didn’t mind driving more than two hours to get to the place.
Halfway while you waited for the traffic light to change, you saw something that caught your attention completely, a couple walking hand in hand towards a cafeteria, the couple looked too much like Steve and Natasha. You were so focused on what you saw that you didn’t notice the change of lights until the other drivers began to despair and heard the noise of the horn, you started and immediately looked for a parking lot.
You took the glasses that your friend always had in the car and picked up your hair, you hoped they didn’t realize that it was you, you entered the cafeteria, and you sat in a place where you could see and hear them but they couldn’t see you. You noticed that Steve didn’t wear his wedding ring.
You asked for the first thing you saw on the menu, you were most cared to listen to what they were talking about, you didn’t recognize the people they were with, by photos you knew some of their coworkers, the only ones you knew in person were Romanoff and director Fury, although it was possible that the other people also worked in S.H.I.E.L.D., because of the way they talked, it didn’t seem like they were partners.
This time Steve and Nat’s mission was simple, pretend to be a just engaged couple to get some information from the suspects because the business that these people had was wedding planning but the real business was the illegal sale of weapons.
“How long have you been in a relationship?” asked one of the suspects.
“Four and a half years,” Steve replied.
“And you have thought about what kind of wedding would you like,” the other suspect asked.
“Not yet, we have seen some ideas but we have not liked anything,” Natasha said.
The suspects show them some ideas but none seemed to convince them.
“I have a question, have any of you been married before?” One of them asked.
“No, we don’t, we want this to be forever …” Natasha intervened before anyone suspected Steve was lying.
Then you saw they kissed, you had seen enough so that you didn´t finish listening to the conversation, you had verified that the rumors were true, you left the money that covered your food and the tip on the table although you hadn´t eaten much and left from the cafeteria with your heartbroken. You return to your home immediately, you wanted to run away but you are not going to leave your children alone or with his father.
Four and a half years … the twins were four years old, which meant Steve had started cheating on you when you were pregnant.
You still didn’t believe what you saw in that cafeteria, you felt betrayed, as if during all these years you had lived in a lie, maybe he was with you just for the children and not because he loved you.
Besides, you didn’t know his friends, he always told you the same excuse and what if you were the lover?
What if you were not legally married and the wedding had been a very well planned farce?
Maybe that was the reason he kept you as a secret and Natasha treated you so badly.
When you arrived at the house, you vaguely told your friend what had happened and what you had decided to do, you knew you had her support.
You weren’t going to wait for him to hear more excuses or lies, you had to get out of there immediately, and you put in a suitcase that you had borrowed from your best friend some of your belongings, you hadn’t noticed the presence of the twins in the door frame.
“Mommy?” your son called you.
You turned and saw the little ones holding each other hands, for a moment you stopped, you sat on the bed.
“Come here, my babies,” you called them
They approached, the boy sat next to you while the girl sat on your lap.
“We’re going on a trip for a few days,” you informed them.
“And daddy?” your son asked.
You knew how much they loved him but you couldn’t break their hearts too, maybe after a while, you would tell them the truth.
“No, dad doesn’t come, he has a lot of work,” you explained and the children saw each other a little confused.
“Can we take Cookie?” your daughter asked.
“Sure, and Rufus too,” you replied when you saw that your son was going to ask the same thing.
Your son took his sister’s hand to go to their respective stuffed animals in their bedrooms.
You would not go in your car, it was obvious that they were going to locate you, nor your cell phone, you had enough money for two months at least, and then you would worry about how to get more.
You could not leave the country or go with any family because it was obvious that he would find you and you will be in problems, you wanted to disappear so you remembered that a few weeks ago you had seen in the supermarket some rent cabins in a place very far.
It was perfect, nobody would look for you there. You rented the cabin as soon as you arrived at the place, the best, they didn’t even ask your name so you didn’t have to lie, the children looked happy and they forgot that their father wasn´t with you.
You saw yourself in the mirror and you sighed, you felt that you weren´t as beautiful and young as Natasha but at least you would have liked him to tell you the truth, you had no idea how to explain what happened to your children, you weren´t sure if they would understand the seriousness of the matter.
Steve arrived at your house, he missed you a lot because the mission instead of taking it one day, took two more days because they had immediately started working on a plan to catch the enemies and also felt a little bad for the mission, he had never liked having such missions where he had to be a couple of his partner. The mission had been much better than they expected;  they not only obtained the information also they caught the criminals and secured the weapons that the criminals had, he had been so busy that he didn’t even notice that you didn’t answer the messages he had sent to you.
“Doll?” he called you when he entered.
He didn’t hear any response, so he looked into the kitchen but you weren´t there.
“Kids?” he called, although later he felt silly, obviously you weren’t going to leave the little ones alone.
Terror seized him when he heard no response again, he began to check the house.
“Maybe they went to the supermarket or took the children to the park,” he thought
He found your cellphone in the bedroom when he checked the second floor, went back down and saw that the keys to your car were where they always were, and your car in the garage. He knew perfectly well that you didn´t use another transport when you went out with the children.
He called your best friend and she said she didn’t know where you were, he called all the places that thought you could be, you weren’t there it was like you just disappeared, no, rather Steve was sure that some of his enemies had kidnapped you.
He immediately called Fury, he needed to find you as quickly as possible and save them from the danger in which he believed you were.
The following three weeks were eternal to Steve, he hardly slept, the only thing that mattered him was finding you alive and safe, it was not possible that you had simply disappeared, he had checked at all airports, at all places that had thought you could be, several members of the organization participated by order of Fury in the pursuit, Clint also participated, he could understand what Steve felt, surely if his family disappeared he would also lose his mind.
That day you had decided to go to the supermarket, you let the children choose the cookies, however, you didn´t realize that someone had discovered you, you kept shopping, nor did you notice that the person had followed you to the cabin.
“Cap, I found them,” Clint informed him.
Steve immediately arrived where Clint was waiting for him.
“Barton, are you sure they are there and safe?” Steve asked incredulously, he was completely surprised at where you were.
“I found them in the supermarket and followed them here, your wife looks a bit sad, that’s all, although before you enter, I think you should listen to her, I don’t think anyone has kidnapped them but rather they ran away from you,” said Clint.
“It doesn’t make sense …” Steve felt confused.
“I just think you should know her motives first,” he said.
Steve nodded and went to the cabin, knocked on the door, you went to open the door as quickly as possible so that the children didn´t wake up but you got a big surprise to see him there.
“Doll, I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he greeted as he opened the door further and entered the place.
“Sure come in,” you murmured.
You leaned out to make sure Natasha wasn’t with him until you don´t see another person outside you closed the door and went to the room where Steve had already sat.
“Hmm, what about the children?” he asked, not seeing them.
“Upstairs, taking a nap,” you replied.
You were in silence for a few minutes, which suddenly became very uncomfortable.
“What do you want?” you asked suddenly.
“Why you run away? I’ve been worried all these weeks believing something bad had happened to them “he questioned.
“You’re a cynic, after everything you did you still ask me that” you couldn’t believe he was looking for an explanation
"I'm sorry, I know I have had a lot of work and I have hardly been with you but I will ask for vacation and go wherever you want," he tried to apologize.
He thought it was because he hardly spent time with you and the kids, in the past, you had had a few discussions about it, but now he wanted to fix things. You slapped him with all your strength because you couldn't stand that he acts like an innocent and lies to you again.
“What the…?”
“Do you think I don't know that you cheat on me with Natasha? I know you are getting married soon, at least you would have had the courage to tell me “you claimed.
“What are you talking about? I don't date her” he sounded very confused and actually in his mind he didn't know what you were talking about.
"Don't lie, I listened to the cafeteria conversation ..." you started to say.
Steve opened his eyes, now everything has sense, it was a misunderstanding, he had no idea how to fix it but he would try because he didn't want to lose you.
"That was a mission, you can talk to Fury if you don't believe me, there is nothing between Romanoff and me, Y/N you are the only one I love, I just care about you and our children," he interrupted.
"She's prettier, younger, and more talent than me," you said.
You felt like nothing in comparison to Natasha.
"For me, you are the most beautiful, seriously there is nothing between her and me," he tried to take your hand.
“Do you have…? I saw you kissing her,“ you asked by removing her hand to keep her from taking it, you needed to know the truth.
"Nothing happened, she kissed me as part of the mission, seriously Y/N, you're the only one," he assured you.
"You never tell me anything about your work, I don't even know who your co-workers are, you never tell me anything," you recriminated, you felt that at any moment you were going to cry.
"I do very dangerous things ..." he began.
"You always say the same, so you want me to believe you and have confidence?" you were tired of the same excuse.
"Give me another chance, please, I don't want to miss this, I'll tell you everything, we will go with Fury and you'll know everything there," he promised.
“I don’t know …” you weren’t convinced.
“Please Y/N, you are my only reason to continue, one last chance please,” he begged, almost crying.
“Will you still love me when I am no longer young and beautiful? You know I will grow old before you “you felt the tears fall down your cheeks.
“I don’t care about that, I will always love you,” he said.
He approached you, wiped your tears with the back of his hand, and gave you a little kiss, he was still afraid you would reject him.
“All right, just one chance,” you said.
“Daddy!” the twins shouted, they already woken up.
They ran to him and Steve took two children, now that he saw you, he felt better, nothing bad had happened to any of you.
“How have you behaved? Have you been good children? ”He asked.
“Yes!” They answered in one voice.
“Mom said that you had a lot of work,” said the little girl.
“I had it but I finished it,” Steve said.
“Are you staying with us?” The boy asked.
“Yes, what do you think if we stay another week and spend the four of us time together and have fun?”
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you. Steve”
Now Steve was going to fix the mistake he had been making for years and you were going put on time they had lost in recent weeks.
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All Shades of Blue
Summary: Y/N falls completely head over heels with the blue-eyed stranger at the bar. And he has no idea.
Scenario: “It’s love at first sight but they don’t remember you after a drunk night out.”
Word Count: 3896 words
A/N: It’s important for me to tell you that I’ve never been in love with someone I’ve dated, but I’ve fallen in love with people I didn’t know on the regular. This is for Maya’s (a.k.a. @prettyyoungtragedy) 10K (WTF) Challenge! Congratulations on the milestone - that’s a number I can’t even begin to fathom in any capacity (people, dollars, puppies). I am completely in love with the stories you tell and the way that you tell them. I hope you all enjoy this! (The ending is a little open ended, I know. I don’t intend for this to have a second part, but you also never know what could happen).
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Y/N quickly raised the shot glass to her lips, slamming back the hard liquor before the rational part of her brain could talk her out of it. She could not, however, hold back the scowl on her face or the shudder that wracked her body as the tequila burned her esophagus on the way down. She placed the shot glass back on the table and immediately reached for her double spiced rum and diet soda, hoping it would prevent the tequila from making a second appearance. One of her closest friends, Natasha, gathered the three shot glasses in her hand and slid of her stool.
“That was sufficiently awful,” Natasha said, a bright grin on her face. “Another round?” Y/N nodded her head, taking another long sip from her drink as she looked over at their friend, Wanda. The younger girl’s cheeks were already flushed from the little amount of alcohol they had consumed, but she nodded nonetheless, requesting another vodka cran.
“Maybe just a single this time, Nat,” she called after her. Wanda shook her head, her long dark hair moving against her bare shoulders. “She’s not going to listen to me.” Y/N smirked as Wanda rubbed a hand over her face, before turning her attention to her friend. “Now. Are you going to tell us what’s behind this impromptu night out?” Wanda raised an eyebrow as she watched Y/N take a drink to save herself from answering the question. “Not that this wasn’t desperately needed, but we all know that Y/N L/N doesn’t go out on Friday nights.”
Y/N sighed, ducking her head before saying, “Winifred told me not to come in tomorrow.”
Wanda’s jaw dropped at Y/N’s admission. “Are you fired? Do you think she’s firing you?” Natasha arrived back at the table right at that moment, three fresh drinks in her hands.
“Wait, you got fired?” Natasha’s eyes widened in surprise, before she shrugged. “I mean, this is probably a blessing in disguise. You fucking hated that job. And that stone cold b-”
“Guys,” Y/N finally interrupted. “I didn’t get fired. At least, I don’t think she’s firing me.” She took a deep breath. “I think she’d going to promote me.”
Natasha and Wanda both looked at their friend, their expressions blank, if not a little confused. They glanced at each other quickly, before Natasha said, “wait, then why are we getting wasted?”
“You made it sound like we were drinking to forget something bad. This sounds like a celebration, Y/N!” Wanda exclaimed, her voice now adopting a more excited tone.
Y/N raked her fingers through her hair, finishing off her old drink and quickly moving on to the next one. “I know I should be excited, but damn it - I’ve been Winifred's assistant for a year now. I basically run her life. And I feel like I’m constantly working. I can’t tell you the last time I went on a vacation.” She threw her hands up. “What even is the point of working to make a living if you can’t enjoy any of it? I barely have a life now, what’s it going to be like when I have even more work to do?” Y/N dropped her shoulders as Wanda reached her small hand across the bar table to squeeze her friend’s hand. “I figured it would be nice to have a last hurrah with my best friends. Before Winifred Barnes takes over my life even more than she already has. God, I couldn’t even tell you the last time I went on a date.”
Natasha raised her drink, smirking at her friends. “To saying fuck you to Winnie Barnes tonight. To friends and alcohol and getting Y/N laid before she’s forced into a life of celibacy.”
Wanda and Y/N laughed loudly at the redhead, raising their glasses nonetheless to cheers in solidarity.
Y/N felt loose. She felt free and uninhibited and happy. Though she supposed five doubles with a few tequila shots peppered in there would do that to a girl. The bar had been empty when the girls first arrived there a few hours before, but as the clock approached midnight, more and more bodies poured in from the New York streets to take advantage of the cheap drink specials that were offered until midnight.
Wanda was in the middle of telling her girlfriends about her most recent date, some musician who called himself ‘The Vision’ - Natasha and Y/N tried their very best not to laugh in their friend’s face at that - when a large body on his way to the bar stumbled next to their table, the attached arm reaching out to brace himself on Y/N’s shoulder. Y/N let out a small yelp at the surprise intrusion. The man immediately righted himself as soon as he caught his footing and looked down at Y/N.
“Jesus, I am so sorry. Y’okay?” Y/N nodded - not even a drunk frat boy could dampen her spirits at this point - and she turned to tell the man not to worry. Her words caught in her throat when she met his bright and earnest blue eyes, his deep brown hair falling around his cheeks. His eyes were so blue - Y/N wasn’t sure if she had ever seen that shade before. Her initial thought was that they were almost a cerulean blue; though, the longer she looked, she realized there were darker flecks of something like steel or royal blue near his pupil, and a lighter ring around his entire iris that she would akin to baby blue or even sky blue. His eyes reminded her of early summer mornings at her family’s cottage and she felt an immediate sense of calm when he looked at her.
The sound of Natasha clearing her throat pulled Y/N from her own mind. That was when she realized she had been staring a little too long at this guy.
“Yeah, sorry, I spaced out for a second there.” She grinned sheepishly at the man, who returned her smile effortlessly. “I’m okay. Don’t worry about it.” He gripped her shoulder before moving on.
“Guys,” she sighed, a stupid grin on her face. “I’m in love.”
Wanda and Natasha grinned at each other, before leaning forward. Wanda’s eyes twinkled with alcohol and mischief when she said, “go buy him a drink, Y/N. Or introduce yourself. We did say tonight was about getting our girl laid.”
Y/N felt her cheeks flush at the thought of approaching her blue eyed soulmate. “I can’t.” She shook her head. That annoying, rational part of her brain was breaking through the haze caused by the alcohol; it was having her second guess the part of her that was urging her to introduce herself.
“Y/N, you are a strong and independent woman,” Natasha told her, her voice stern. “You can approach a man. You can buy him a drink, you can ask him out, you can take him home if you want to. Fuck the gender rules. Do what you want.”
Knocking back the last mouthful of her drink, Y/N nodded her head, Natasha’s quick pep talk doing exactly what she needed it to.
“You are so right, Nat. I’m gonna do it.”
Y/N stood from her stool, eyeing where the blue eyed man was standing, his broad back facing her. He appeared to laughing with an equally large friend. She squared her shoulders, bidding a “wish me luck” to her friends and walking in the direction of the bar. She took slow steps in his direction, her mind running a mile a minute -
‘Okay, okay. You can do this. Just take a deep breath and introduce yourself. The worst thing that can happen is that he’s not interested and then you can walk away knowing you tried. Oh god, what if he’s not interested. What if he doesn’t like my face? I mean, I like my face. I think it’s a decent face. No, it’s a great face. I have a great face. And a great personality. I’m funny. People like funny, don’t they? Of course they do. That’s why those Netflix comedy specials are so popular. Am I too drunk for this? Maybe I’m too drunk for this. I can walk a straight line though. It feels straight. That’s probably a good sign. Yeah, that’s definitely a good sign. You’re just drunk enough to loosen up. Have a little fun. God knows you need fun. I wonder how much he benches? He could 100% pick me up with no effort.’ -
Y/N could hear his deep voice break through her inner monologue as she approached the bar. Her soulmate’s friend - a blond with eyes not quite as blue - looked over the brunet’s shoulder, smiling as they made eye contact. She returned his warm gesture with a polite smile, immediately walking past them and making a beeline to the hallway left of the bar where the washrooms were.
‘You are an idiot.’
When Y/N pulled herself together, she left the washroom, abandoning her mission of speaking to the blue eyed man.She was just going to have to look elsewhere for a warm body to bring home tonight, one that was a little less intimidating.
She worked her way through the crowd, her arrival back to her table drawing attention from her two friends and a couple of new additions.
“Y/N!” Natasha greeted, with a broad grin. “We thought you had gotten lost.” Y/N smiled softly at her friend, her eyes darting to the tall blond and brunette that had joined their table.
“Who are your friends?” Y/N asked, pulling herself back up into her chair.
Natasha turned to the blond man, her hand resting on his forearm. “This is Steve. We work together. He’s a junior partner with Stark.” The blond man - Steve - rolled his eyes, but the grin never left his face.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he said, sheepishly.
“Modesty isn’t a good look.” Natasha leaned forward slightly, winking discreetly at her friend as she said, “and this is Steve’s friend, Bucky.”
Y/N took a deep inhale before turning to the tall and ridiculously thick man standing far too close to her. He was smiling down at her, his eyes full of mischief. “It’s nice to meet you. Again.” Bucky chuckled at his own attempt at a joke.
She forced a chuckle, lifting a hand to meet his in a handshake. “Hi, Bucky. I’m Y/N.”
“Can I buy you a drink, Y/N?” Bucky nodded down at her empty glass. “Looks like you’re running a little low there.”
“Sure,” she said, letting out a breath. “That would be great.”
Y/N’s fingers fumbled with the keys in her hands as she tried - unsuccessfully - to unlock the front door of her apartment. The alcohol she had been drinking all night was having an obvious effect on her motor skills. The large hands roaming over her hips, her waist, her stomach, and the undersides of her breasts, and the pair of soft lips trailing along the side of her neck, weren’t doing anything to keep her focus. She let out a soft squeal when he nipped at the underside of her jaw and pushed his hands away from her.
“Okay, okay, you need to hold on.” Y/N pushed her hair away from her face, her chest rising heavily as she fought to settle her breath. “I don’t think my neighbours would like it very much if we continued this in the hallway.”
“But doll, you’re taking so long,” he complained, raising a hand to run a finger down the side of her neck. His lips quickly followed the short trail he created along her skin. “And I want to ravish you.”
A soft groan slipped from between Y/N’s lips at his words. “Okay, okay,” she relented and breathed a sigh of relief when her key slipped easily into the lock. A quick turn of her wrist opened her apartment door and Bucky’s lips were back on her.
He turned her between his palms, meeting her lips in a feverish kiss, their heavy breaths mingling. The door slammed shut behind them, with Bucky wasting no time, lowering himself to grab the backs of her thighs in his hands and lifting her from the ground. On instinct, Y/N wrapped her legs around his hips, unable to stop the moan from leaving her at his display of pure strength. Her fingers of one hand found purchase in the collar of his t-shirt while the other gripped his shoulder while he easily carried her weight.
“Bedroom,” came his gruff voice against her lips. Y/N hummed in reply, relishing in the feeling of his soft lips against hers. A moment passed without Bucky moving when she realized he had been asking her where her bedroom was.
“Right, shit, sorry.” Y/N broke the kiss, shaking her head and Bucky found himself grinning at her. “Down the hall, the only door on the right.”
“Aye, aye.” And this time, he moved quickly, now desperate to get every article of clothing off of the girl in his arms.
Winifred Barnes was going to be the death of her. When the ringing of her cell phone pulled Y/N to consciousness only a few hours after she had fallen into bed, completely spent and exhausted after a few rounds with the guy from the bar. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as rolled over and picked up her phone.
“This is Y/N.”
“Meet me at the office in thirty minutes.” Winifred’s voice was sharp in her ear. Without a goodbye, her boss promptly hung up on the other end.
Her head was absolutely pounding, and her mouth felt drier than any desert. Taking a deep breath, Y/N eased herself into a sitting position, trying her best to ignore how the room felt like it was spinning. As she slipped out from underneath the blankets, her sole focus on getting herself a cold glass of water, Y/N realized the she was alone in her bed. Her immediate reaction was to roll her eyes. Of course the first guy she had brought home in over a year had ditched her before the sun had even come up. Sending a quick text to her girlfriends, Y/N sped through her morning routine, praying that a shower would be enough to mask the lack of sleep she had gotten and the excess of tequila she had consumed.
Y/N: Turns out Blue Eyes didn’t realize that we were soulmates. NAT: Explain please NAT: Also please enlighten us as to WHY you are awake at this hour? WANDA: That sucks! Tell me he was worth it tho? Y/N: When Winifred calls I answer. Y/N: He was completely worth it. Which makes it even more annoying. And completely devastating. WANDA: Text us later when you have an idea of when you’ll be done. Maybe the three of us could have a night in? NAT: I’m in.
Twenty-two minutes later, Y/N was looking - somewhat - like a real human being and was flashing her i.d. badge at the security guard who watched the elevator. He regarded her momentarily, before bidding her a brief ‘good morning’. She slipped into the empty elevator, letting her body rest against the side and closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer to whoever might be listening in the universe that Winifred wouldn’t keep her in the office for her entire Saturday. She was pulled from her own thoughts when a loud voice called, “could you hold the elevator please?”
It took every fibre of willpower Y/N had not to let the door close in the newcomer’s face. Holding back an eye roll and a snarky comment about being on time, she placed her hand in front of the door’s sensor, waiting impatiently.
As she focused on balancing the coffee she had picked up on her way in for herself and Winifred along with her laptop bag and purse, she felt the person slip by her into the elevator. Y/N immediately dropped her hand, pressing the button to close the doors with a little more aggression than was probably warranted.
“Thanks for that. I’m running super late.”
Y/N, once again, held back the urge to roll her eyes. Instead she plastured a smile on her face, turning to face the man. “No problem. Happens to the-” She felt her mouth dry up as she took in the man standing next to her. It was him! The man that had slipped from her bed before she had woken up. The man whose facial hair she could still feel between her thighs. “You!”
His eyebrows pulled together and his jaw loosened as he looked at her, his confusion completely evident on his face. “Me?” The complete lack of recognition on his almost annoyingly perfect face sent Y/N into immediate panic mode. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting a small glimpse of the embarrassment she was feeling show on her features.
“Sorry,” she muttered, shaking her head. “You’ll have to excuse me, I thought you were someone else.” She smiled sheepishly at him as the confusion slipped from his face and was replaced with something more comforting. “It’s way too early, and if I’m honest I’m a little hungover.”
He didn’t remember her. This man had taken her in ways she had barely known were possible; she had fallen asleep with his thick arms wrapped around her, told her best friends she was in love and he didn’t remember her. Nat and Wanda were going to mock her mercilessly for this one.
She felt the flush deepen on her cheeks as he chuckled, ducking his head to run a hand through his hair. “I hear ya. I’m not feelin’ so hot myself.”
“Rough night?” Y/N kept her gaze on the coffee tray she was holding, hoping she sounded nonchalant. Just two strangers conversing casually about their Friday night activities. Activities that had nothing to do with one another.
“You could say that.” Then he leaned in, his voice low as if they were conspiring together. “But let’s keep that between us.”
Y/N smiled tightly, nodding quickly as the elevator doors opened on the top floor of the building, and she stepped out without another look at her elevator mate. She heard his heavy footsteps following behind her at a slower pace than her heels clicked against the floor.
Y/N was hyper aware of the man from last night, from the elevator - she wasn’t sure exactly how to refer to him in her mind. Especially since she couldn’t recall his name at all, something uncommon - following a few paces behind her. What the hell was he doing on this floor? Winifred would probably claw his gorgeous face off for disturbing her so early. Even though she clearly had no problem pulling Y/N into the office at an ungodly hour.
Winifred was sitting behind her desk as Y/N approached, a smile stretched across her cheeks as she greeted her boss. “I brought you coffee.” Winifred simply quirked an eyebrow and returned her gaze back to the stack of papers in front of you.
“I’m meant to have an early meeting, but apparently no one in this world knows what it means to be on time. Including my assistant.” Y/N glanced at the clock on the wall - she was five minutes early.
“Is there anything I can do for you right now, Winifred?” Y/N chose to say instead, knowing that pointing out her lack of tardiness to her boss wouldn’t help her case. 
“I’ve forwarded you a few emails. I don’t have the time to respond. Take a look at them, will you?” With a quick nod, Y/N turned on her heel and collided with an extremely solid chest.
“Whoa there.” A pair of large, warm hands gripped her biceps to steady her. “You alright, doll?”
At the pet name, she had vivid memories of his rough voice in her ear, calling her doll, telling her how good she was, how good she felt. Before Y/N could respond to his question, Winifred’s sharp voice sounded behind her. “You’re late.”
Y/N felt a twinge of sympathy for this guy. Clearly he knew nothing of the wrath of Winifred Barnes if he had the nerve to show up late for an appointment with her. She was about to offer to get him a coffee, or tea, something to save him from her boss, but her words caught in her throat when a bright grin appeared on his face.
“Oh, c’mon, I’m not that late.”
“Late is late, James. I thought I raised you better than that.” James rolled his eyes in a manner that Y/N could only describe as affectionate. Meanwhile, her mind was running a mile a minute. Her soulmate - her gorgeous, funny, blue eyed soulmate, the very same man who had fucked her senseless only a few hours before - not only did not remember her at all, but was her boss’s son? This was far too much for Y/N to process.
“If you’re quite done groping my assistant, shall we get going?”
Completely ignoring the coffee Y/N had placed on her desk, Winifred pulled her blazer around her shoulders, propping her purse into the crook of her elbow. “Y/N, set up a lunch with Maria Hill next week will you? And I’ve finalized the guest list for the fundraiser for the children or the homeless, or whatever it is that Stark is trying pull more money for. Make sure that’s sent Sarah before you leave.”
Sharon, Y/N mentally corrected, but kept her mouth shut. “Was… was there anything else you needed me to do today, Winifred? Your phone call this morning seemed… urgent.”
Winifred fell silent, regarding her assistant cooly. Y/N tried not to squirm under her gaze. “No. That will be all. Lock up when you leave. James and I have a breakfast reservation and I’ll be out for the rest of the day.” Y/N bit the inside of her cheek to prevent her from telling Winifred where exactly she shove her breakfast reservation. Instead she simply nodded.
“Have a lovely breakfast.”
Without another word, Winifred turned on her heel, strutting toward the elevator. James, however, remained where he had been standing, regarding his mother’s assistant as she took a deep breath.
“Sorry about her,” he said finally, breaking the quiet that had settled around them. “She means well.”
Y/N smiled thinly, nodding at the tall man. “You should get going. You’re already late.”
“Right,” he said, sheepishly. “Have a good day, Y/N. It was nice to meet you.” With a small wave, he turned away from her, picking up his pace to catch up with his mother.
Y/N let out a deep breath, her hand coming up to push hair out of her face. “What the actual fuck?”
Y/N: You guys are not going to believe my morning. NAT: Considering it didn’t involve hot and dirty morning sex with your soulmate, I can’t imagine it’s too exciting. WANDA: Nat, don’t be rude. I’ll be off at 5, let’s meet at my place around 7? Can we order from that Indian place around the corner? I could really go for some curry! Y/N: Sure thing! It’s a date.
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sweeetmonstrosity · 6 years
Little Beans
Summary: In which family night doesn’t end the way anyone expects.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Pregnant!reader
Warnings: Simply fluff.
Square(s) Filled: Falling in love
Word Count: 1788
Link: AO3
A/N: This here is for Maya’s ( @prettyyoungtragedy ) 10k writing challenge! My prompt was “Shooting someone because they made you spill your Cheerios is still attempted murder!”  And this fills a square on my @star-spangled-bingo card also! 
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You were miserable. Being 7 months pregnant with a super soldier’s baby was really draining sometimes. It didn’t help that there were two tiny beans - that took after their father – growing inside you. They were depending on you to help keep them as healthy as possible while trying not to murder the man-children known as their uncles at the compound.
The ‘normal’ symptoms of being pregnant didn’t bother you. Morning sickness happened maybe twice your entire pregnancy. You didn’t really get the ‘strange cravings’ you always heard about like pickles and chunky peanut butter or ice cream with anchovies. You just got into wanting normal snacks and were extremely possessive over them.
Last month you were on a Cheez-its kick. One night you were in the common room watching a tv show with Wanda when you heard the rustle of the bag. Immediately, you knew it was your snacks for your babies and someone else was eating them. You didn’t think anything of the small yelp that was heard, all you knew was you needed those crackers.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I’m gonna need you to let go before you break my finger.”
Hearing your husband is when you noticed you were now in front of him with his fingers bent at an unnatural angle. Immediately you let go of his hand and began apologizing to him. But because you panicked a bit that you had broken his finger, your husband sent you to the room. “The babies and my girl need all rest they can get. Now, go. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Of course, you listened, but it being a Friday night, meant it was family night. Which also meant you were only allowed to lay down for about an hour before you were politely carried out of your room for game time. Which is what lead to “TCAA” which stood for the cheerio assassination attempt.
You hadn’t eaten dinner because nothing sounded good, so while everyone was playing some game Sam was teaching Steve and Bucky you grabbed the last of your Cheerios. “Y/N, sweetheart, come in here after you get your cereal. I need your help!” You could hear Steve call out from the common room.
Once you’re sitting next to him on the couch Sam wins the game and the boys get up and move to the open space behind the couches. While you were eating your cereal, the man-children started making bets about whose skills are the best, which is never good during game nights. That didn’t bother you though, everyone knew to leave you alone when you were eating, so you were perfectly fine with what they were doing. However, you did notice that they kept getting – unintentionally – closer to where you and Steve were sitting.
That’s when the disaster of the TCAA began.
You stood up because you were having little pains in your stomach– which you figured out fairly quickly were contractions – when Pietro and Sam had run behind you and Steve while Clint was shooting at them trying to prove his aim was best. However, instead of hitting either of them, Clint’s practice arrow had hit your bowl and cracked it spilling your precious cereal all over the floor. The crash of the bowl hitting the floor cause time to still and when it resumed all hell had broken loose.
When you heard your bowl crash to the floor, instinct had you pulling Nat’s gun out from the bookshelf and take a step forward. When the glass crunched under your foot that’s when everyone noticed the gun in your hand. But before anyone could register anything other than that, you had pulled the trigger, twice.
After pulling the trigger you looked away from your targets and you noticed Tony was standing in front of you. His nanotech Iron Man hands were on and he had both bullets in his palm and you stared at him wide eyed with your mouth slightly open.
That’s when your husband finally snapped back into the moment and walked over to you. “Doll? Why? Why did you shoot at them?” He inquired and stared at you in disbelief.
You furrowed your brows and rubbed your stomach when a sharp pain hit, “they shot my cheerios, Stevie. That was all I had left, a-and they made me spill them.” You could feel your eyes begin to water and sniffled softly as the pains began to happen every couple of minutes. Looking up at Steve, once the pain leveled out for a minute, you could see he was slightly worried. You knew pulling a gun out wasn’t the right thing to do, obviously. It was just cereal, but it was the only thing you felt like eating at the moment. The only thing you felt you could keep down with the pain lingering around in your stomach.
“Shooting someone because they made you spill your Cheerios is still attempted murder!” Steve chided and when you gasped out, he didn’t think anything of it, yet. Something happened but you weren’t exactly sure what is was just yet. The one thing you knew for sure was you felt weird.
“I know Stevie. It was wrong, I know that! They shouldn’t of – oh shit.” You look down to the floor and freeze. Your husband doesn’t notice you cut yourself off and keeps on with his rant. Ranting about how shooting teammates isn’t the nice thing to do and how food isn’t ever a thing to fight over. When you finally grip the fact that you were going into labor, you looked up at him you felt your heart swell with pride. Because in that same moment in which your water broke and he was ‘disciplining’ you for shooting at the team, you knew saw he was going to be a damn good father.
Your husband paused in his rant long enough to notice you were digging your nails into Bucky’s arm and doing your Lamaze breathing. He looked behind you to see Tony had your hospital bags in hand while on the phone with Pepper. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Tony, why the hell do you have the baby’s bags?” He blurts out question after question and you nod at Bucky to cover his mouth while you sit for a second.
“Stevie, I need you to calm the hell down. Alright?” Bucky finally interrupted Steve’s questioning.
“If it’s really that complicated to understand Steve, your wife’s water just broke. The Rogers’ twins are coming, we need to get Y/N to the hospital.”
Steve looked terrified for a split second and you calmly called out his name and watched as he switched right into protective ‘daddy’ mode and jumped into action. He got you to the car, gave Happy the instructions of how to get to the hospital and told the rest of the team where to wait, and you were off.
Once you were at the hospital, things moved quickly. It was a surprise to even the doctors and nurses how quickly your body got ready to deliver your twins but there was no stopping labor once it started. Within six hours of arriving at the hospital you were left with a little boy and a little girl in your arms.
These small tiny little beans were a product of yours and your husband’s love. Holding them in your arms, you felt your heart overflow with love for your two little beans. You knew the exact moment your husband love for them grew a million times over.
Watching your husband fawn over your babies made your heart soar. It was such an overwhelming sight to watch his entire being light up like the fourth of July with love for the twins. Doing the mother-baby skin to skin contact, you couldn’t help but coo at them. This was such a surreal moment of having them in your arms. You let Steve do his father-baby skin to skin to let him have his bonding time before the troops came in to visit.
“Y/N? Do we have to let everyone come in, sweetheart? Can’t they just wait to see them until we get back home?” Steve whined at you. You laughed softly trying not to wake the babies and shook your head. “Babe, their family. If you don’t go get them, they will destroy the hospital trying to find our room.” Rolling his eyes he kisses the twins and you then leaves to find where the team is waiting.
After about 10 minutes, he returns shaking his head and smiling at you. Slowly following in behind Steve, you hear the arguments begin of who gets first dibs on holding them and what they are going to be called when the twins get older. You smile brightly at Pepper as he shushes everyone and walks over next to you while everyone else crowds the room. She brushes a finger over your baby girls’ cheek and coos at her while Tony does the same with your little man. Looking around the room, seeing everyone’s eager faces Steve announces you both have picked out the twins god-parents.
“So, for their god-parents, we picked Bucky as their godfather and Pepper as their godmother.” You watch as Tony lights up like a star and you know he takes that as he is honorary godfather too.
Letting everyone get a chance to hold the babies, listening to them comment on how adorable they are and who they look like right now, you wait for the question. No one had known the names you picked out for the twins, just you and Steve did. Finally, Vision asks, “What are the little human’s names?”
Steve leans down and kisses your forehead and nods at you to let everyone know. You smile and happily exclaim, “here our little boy is Steven Grant Rogers Junior. And over here is baby girl is Sarah Rebecca Rogers.”
You look over to Bucky and see his eyes slightly mist over and notice as he holds Sarah a little closer to his chest. Looking around to see everyone had a bit of misty eyes, as they were talking about all the different things they can’t wait to teach them. From fighting to shooting to archery and building things. Watching everyone interact with the twins and talking about the future, that was the second you knew you and your husband weren’t the only ones who had fallen deeper in love with the babies.
No one was fighting against the feelings in the atmosphere. In fact, everyone was embracing everything that was going on.
The entirety of the Avengers had fallen in love and the world would come to know, no harm would ever come near the Rogers’ twins.
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Damsels In Distress. Part One.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader. There’s also a little Stucky if you squint, like really squint.
Summary: Bucky and Steve don’t usually get captured, but their missions don’t usually involve zombies. Now he has to deal with the fact that the emergency alarm went out to not only the team, but to you, his girlfriend. This is not the way to a girl’s heart.
Warnings: A lot of swearing. Zombies. Gore but not in excessive detail. Death but not any main characters. Let me know if I missed any?
Word Count: All up - 7439. Part One - 2322.
Prompts: “I’m going to kill Steve Rogers and his boyfriend.” “Which one?”
A/N: This was written for @prettyyoungtragedy​ MayaWTFChallenge. I’m sure it was due ages ago. Prompt is in bold and in this first part. It took me forever to write because I kept changing the idea and I wanted to write something short and yet here we are with over 7k words. I’m not kidding about the swearing, and I edited myself so there’s probably a bunch of errors. Have fun! 
Part Two. Part Three.
A lot of crazy shit has happened in the world, and no, Bucky doesn’t mean which idiot is president, what wall will be built where or the nuclear capabilities of the country’s enemies. He’s thinking more of the Nazis who got their hands on some weird space rock, super soldier serum and created some truly odd weapons and a walking red nightmare. Aliens showing up and invading Earth with an actual God, which Bucky could believe in the aliens, hell he’d been telling Steve for years that they weren’t alone, Gods took a little longer to accept. Then there was what happened to him, which he has come to terms with, shit, he’s still processing Steve no longer being a sick and scrawny ball of anger. And Jesus Christ, even a girl that can move shit with her mind is somewhat believable in the grand scheme of things.
But zombies, specifically zombie super-soldiers. Bucky draws the line with this shit.
They. Just. Won’t. Fucking. Die.
They are so fucking screwed.
This is worse than that time that Steve tried to shave his head with Bucky’s straight razor, or the time that Bucky decided that letting Shirley down by dancing with Dot at the local hall was easier than talking, or even worse that when Steve slugged Joey in the jaw and then promptly got his fat-head almost dusted because he was still a bloody twig.
Hell, this is worse than hearing that Steve STILL tries to blow things up with motorbikes, which really is a feat in itself, and that he jumped on a grenade back in basic, and that he jumps out of planes without a parachute on unless Bucky intervenes. Even worse than that day in DC they don’t talk about anymore, or that day in Leipzig they don’t talk about either.
Now they had to add getting themselves ambushed by zombie super-soldiers.
“We’re screwed” Bucky mumbles to Steve.
Steve’s eyes are flicking around, watching as the soldiers, zombies, whatever the hell they are, surround them. Bucky knows that Steve’s gonna move, that he’s gonna try and take them and hit them with everything he’s got, not that they haven’t already. They’re riddled with GSWs and stab wounds from Bucky, and smatterings of bruises and broken bones from Steve, but it hasn’t stopped them. Instead, it’s just made the skin hang, blood clot and the bones shift beneath the skin with loud sick movements that make Bucky want to hurl. The only ones that have managed to stay down are without heads or have had their heads obliterated by the shield, Steve or Bucky’s fists or enough bullets to make them stick to magnet. It’s enough to make him heave a sigh for the ages.
The M249 Saw is all but useless, so Bucky lowers it gently to the ground, it’s his favourite, besides he’s down to his last bullets and they won’t stay down. His hands snake to pull out the M9 Bayonet and the Gerber that he keeps at his sides and then presses his fingers discretely to the comms unit in his wrist. Steve’s eyes find his and there are no words, just a silent question of are you ready to do this? Bucky nods sharply before moving like lightening, slashing and stabbing his way through the horde while Steve attempts to punch his own group of zombies into next century. They won’t last long at this rate but they’re gonna take as many of these fuckers with them.
He’s right, like always, he thinks as he feels the pinprick and looks down to see a frighteningly large syringe sticking out of his stomach. It hurts and his legs go slack immediately, as well as his hands and he has to watch the two coveted knives drop carelessly to the ground, it makes him angry. Steve is next to him in an instant, anger radiating off him not unlike how the sun radiates heat, he can feel it in his pores. The shield is brought up in front of them to finally do what it was made to, shield them from fire and blows, but Steve’s face changes from anger to horror and both of their eyes trail to were another equally frightening syringe has made its way into Steve.
“Screwed Stevie.” Bucky repeats, his tongue starts to go slack and his head lolls.
Steve’s grasp is slipping and he’s falling, his shield clanging to the floor and sounding like an obnoxious pot lid in the middle of the night. Bucky wants to smile because the alarm went out and Steve is here. But. He frowns, remembering that you will be getting the alarm too. Shit.
There’s a coffee cup in your hand that you definitely don’t remember grabbing and you’re standing in front of the “War room”, willing yourself to enter. Bucky named it that, deciding that the team couldn’t have a boring conference room as they space for planning “super-secret and sometimes morally-questionable superhero missions.” Now it has a map, a switchboard that Shuri installed after all of Bucky’s incessant whining – which really has no use other than looking like it came straight out of a movie set. He had even threatened everyone to call it the “War room” or they would feel the wrath of the Winter Soldier. Dramatic little shit.
You pinch the bridge of your nose. This was not how your day was supposed to go. You were supposed to meet up with Shuri at a reasonable time to discuss possible weapons, try on the suit she secretly made for you, and then wait for Bucky to return so you could have a much-needed conversation about how you were bored out of your mind. But no, instead you had been woken by the shrill alarm coming from EVERY single electronic in your place at 0247.
There was already bickering in the “War room”, you heard it long before you found yourself in front of the door, something you were still getting used to. Summoning your strength, you push the door open and walk into the room, and to say that it falls silent is an understatement, you could hear a pin drop if anyone did drop one. Obviously, none of them are aware that Bucky had added you to the “Avengers Assemble” alarm.
Shuri is standing on the other side of the table with an expression that reads I’m so done; Natasha is to her left looking relieved? Sam’s standing with his arms crossed to the right and Clint is lounging on one of the chairs in front of him, feet up, looking like he’s watching a goddamn movie.
Sam goes to talk first, going so far as to open his mouth only to close it just as fast when you hold up a finger to silence him, emitting a vibe that very clearly says I’m really not impressed. He’s taken aback but they all take note, and no one goes to speak. You run your hand through your hair, you should have tied that shit up.
It’s all tense, with specs already on the table display and there’s a definite lack of two certifiable dumbasses. Clearly something has gone wrong.
“I’m going to kill Steve Rogers and his boyfriend” you say in a strained voice.
“Which one?” Natasha asks.
Sam squawks. Like a bird. You should have recorded that shit for future blackmail purposes.
“Aw you know, yay big, huge flirt, has an affinity for knives, kinda murderous?” You wave your hand around above yourself to indicate Bucky’s height and they all let out small, if not nervous laughs.
Sam, however, is laughing just a touch louder. “Isn’t he your boyfriend?”
“He can be Steve’s when he’s being an idiot.”
“He’s always an idiot…”
“Indeed, he is. But seriously, what happened?”
Silence again, which simply put means shit’s FUBAR and that no one knows what’s happening. You flop down onto the chair with a heavy sigh, chugging the rest of your coffee – not that it’s going to do anything, but you like to give yourself the illusion that it does.
Nat runs her hands over her face, pulling the skin taunt before speaking. “Bucky sent out the alarm. But we couldn’t start because he, somehow, installed a failsafe that meant it couldn’t be accessed until we were all present.”
And there it is. Her tone is… off, somehow, like she’s still trying to understand the situation. Because usually you’d have to wait for them to call you, whether it be that they were on their way back or that a certain someone had sustained an injury, but today Bucky had made sure that you’d been called. Maybe he was already starting to guess at your restlessness.
“Shall we get started?” Shuri asks.
It cuts the tension and she pulls up the small videos that were taken at the time the alarm was activated. It’s a minute long, both of the cams on Steve and Bucky’s uniforms capturing the madness. They start and you grip the table, fingers making indents in the thick metal.
“What. The. Fuck.” Sam speaks first, a full thirty seconds after the videos end, vocalising the confusion they are all feeling.
“Zombies.” Clint says with conviction.
Sam shakes his head. “Nope.”
“You hear me. Nope. Na da. Wanna hear it in Spanish? No.”
Nat let’s out an exasperated sigh and shoots the two men daggers. “This was supposed to be simple recon. Something went wrong, but they should have been able to handle this.” She admits.
They should have. Steve and Bucky together are like a tsunami, once ready to fight, you do not get in their way, it’s a sure-fire way to end up broken. But they also haven’t seen anything like this, and you had never said anything, secretly hoping that they would just disappear. Sure, they’ve dealt with aliens, mutants, super-soldiers. But zombie super-soldiers clearly had not crossed their minds.
You trace the indents that you had made a few times, knowing what you need to do and feeling the bile rise in your throat. You have no other option.
“I have.” You say.
Chaos erupts around you. Each of them talks over one another, asking the same questions as well as muttering about how they can’t believe that. You hadn’t said anything about zombies, not when they had come across your mangled body on another simple recon mission, not when you recovered and not when you started to fall for a certain super-soldier. And why would you? According to anything official, you were another victim of HYDRA’s experimentation, turned into a super-soldier against your will, or that’s what everyone had guessed. It was the only explanation for you surviving being severed almost in half.
The destruction of the facility you had been found in along with the lack of any intel from their servers meant a dead end that, not even Shuri, could pick up and you had all decided it was over. Until a few weeks ago when there had been whisperings and some intel found in the most precarious places, which Bucky and Steve had insisted on checking out.
And now you had to break it to them.
You pick a question at random, a seemingly easy on. Why do you know what they are?
“They’re a result of experiments gone wrong, the same one that made me.”
They all physically recoil, except Shuri of course but you knew that already, they go so far as flinching and you must hide the hurt. “You’re a zombie?” Clint sounds too far away.
A bitter laugh escapes your lips and they all look slightly scared, you didn’t mean that. “They’re the rule, I’m the exception, or accident, however you want to put it. Seriously, I don’t think they expected me to survive, and like, not become a mangled mess like the rest of them.”
“What’s the rule?” Shuri asks the question but she already knows the answer, she’s the only one who knows the whole truth, other than Bucky who you know took this mission because he wanted to be sure that they were gone, wanted you to have a shot at a normal life.
“Don’t play God?” you offer.
Nat is pale. You can see the gears shifting in her head, she’s thinking and thinking and working through the intel they already have, the mission gone south and your confession. You know she’s worked it out when it looks like a lightbulb has appeared above her and she gives you a look of shock and fear.
“They never stopped.” She says in almost a whisper. No one goes to interrupt her. “Project Rebirth. The Winter Soldier program. Weapon X. They never stopped trying to recreate Steve, and Bucky. But without the serum, they didn’t have anything stable to work with.”
“Until now.” You say.
That tells them everything they need to know. Bucky and Steve weren’t dead, they were something much worse, captured. The only two living super-soldiers with the serum walked straight into the hornet’s nest armed with only fly swatters, unaware that it was all planned.
“Can they be killed?” Nat asks.
You shrug. “Decapitation seems to work alright?” You offer with a grim smile. “Or going to town on their heads.”
“Good enough for me.” Nat raises her head at Sam and Clint and they both think for a second before nodding in agreement. “Let’s go get our boys.”
Sam comes up next to you and places a hand on your shoulder, the earlier shock gone and he’s trying to be comforting. He knows how much Bucky means to you, and Steve, and all of them for that matter. “You got a suit?”
Shuri is already standing there with a wolfs grin, the same she usually sports when she knows something no one else does and she gestures for you all to follow her to the lab.
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mayday1284 · 6 years
That’s All I Need... Maya 10k WTF Writing Challenge
Hey, here ya go! I wrote a Steve x Reader insert of about 1,850 words.
Warnings- not really any, a nightmare but it isn’t described, and wayyy to much cooking!
tagging @prettyyoungtragedy cos she created the prompt and the challenge
Prompt- 5. It’s the middle of winter and you’re stuck in a log cabin with someone you hate, trouble ensues.
Steve Rogers. A name that makes my skin crawl. America’s Golden Boy gets on my nerves, and if it weren’t for the fact that I need to be a functioning part of this team, I would be so far away from him.
So, you can imagine my delight when I was told we were going on a mission together, in the woods, in the middle of winter, with no one else. Tony Stark I will cut your-
 The gentle sunlight moves behind the pine trees dancing in the wind. I’ve spent most of this long, painful, and awkward car ride staring out of the window. Steve’s hands tightly grip the steering wheel painting his knuckles with white.
 “That can’t be comfortable, can it?” I shouldn’t have broken the silence; poor Steve looks like he’s gonna have a stroke. Can he even have a stroke?
“Well, don’t ask me, I barely noticed.” He chuckles between the words making the conversation seem less like we’re stuck in a pit with no way to get out. Bad analogy? Maybe, I’m too tired to really think anymore.
Stretching I speak, “How long till we get there? I’m ready to pass out.” Steve glances at the GPS, pondering the roads and the time.
“Shouldn’t be too long.” He glances at the sky before turning onto a dirt road.
 The door creaks open and dust flies all around, swirling as it falls back to the wooden panels. I flick on the light switch as I cross my fingers that it doesn’t burn down. The hallway illuminates and I peer down to the kitchen. Success.
Steve marches past me, his shoulder blade clipping mine. Jeez how rude is this guy?
The kitchen is mostly empty, dishes and silverware neatly stacked in fives, the pantry filled with canned food and nonperishables, plus some things like flour and sugar. Hopefully I can cook with these things.
There’s two small bedrooms and a living area with a fireplace and a metal door with small windows looking to the outside world. Grey sheets and woolen blankets on each bed and one - count it, one - bathroom. Awesome, this should be fun.
We set out to bringing the bags in, all duffel bags, it’s the easiest way to pack and move. Steve sets his in the bedroom on the right, so I guess I’ll take what’s left. Get it, get… never mind.
Barely three words are spoken that night.
“I’m off, night.” Steve doesn’t waste time lingering in the doorway, walking off to presumably shower and get to bed, something I’ll be doing soon. But for now, tea.
I dust myself off as I stand moving to start my kettle. I’m smart, and bringing an electric kettle is a must for someone like me. Grabbing a mug, I plunk the teabag into it and wait for the water to boil. The sky changes into colors of lavender and baby blue as the sun lowers even further. I miss the woods when I’m in New York. I mean for Steve, it’s all he’s ever known - city, city, freezing ice, and more city.
Why am I thinking about Steve? This is me time, where the only trace that he’s here is the sound of running water. He better not take all the hot water, that jerk.
 I quickly finish my tea and wait for a few minutes to make sure I have hot water. Maybe that’s not how it works, but it eases my mind quite a bit. The shower goes my fast, and before I know it, I’m cuddled under fleece and wool, half asleep. And yet my mind moves back to my housemate. Why does he bother me so much? I barely speak to him. Well one thing’s for sure. This is gonna be a long week.
 The sound of birds wakes me up, funnily enough, Steve isn’t standing over my bed saying, ‘wake up its 4 AM’. Ok, maybe that is an exaggeration, but 5 AM is still too early, even in my book. Unlike the rest of the Avengers, I never received military training. I was a special person with some amazing powers to heal. At least, that’s how Fury put it.
I meander into the kitchen, throwing my hair into a ponytail. Time to make German pancakes.
 ------ Steve’s POV-----
 I awake to the smell of sugar and flour being cooked. Y/N. Well someone’s up early. Pulling myself up I grunt, letting my shoulders catch up to me. The scent drags me into the kitchen as I’m taken aback by the sight of Y/N humming and dancing about the small kitchen, her hair a mess and clothes wrinkled. This wouldn’t be easy.
Since the day I met her, I’ve been crushing on Y/N L/N. And I have no way to explain it. After Peggy, I never thought I would love again, but she ran in and crushed my world. Problem is, I’m too awkward to do anything about it.
She glances up, noticing me for the first time, obviously shocked.
“How long have you been there, creep?” She giggles as the words leave her mouth.
“Not too long, long enough to see you scorching your… what are those?” I smirk, glancing down at the pan.
She glares, flipping the flat disk of flour, then turning back to me.
“For your information, they are called German Pancakes. My grandma used to make them all to time.” Y/N plates one and dusts powdered sugar on it.
Her arms balance two plates on them as she walks over to the small oak table in the corner. “Bon Appetit!” A smile moves across her face as she gestures to the table.
Smirking I sit down. “Finger food?” Confusion flashes before she remembers.
She grabs a fork and sets it down in front of me, clearly anxious to see what I think. I pick up the fork and cut a small bite before eating it. Her gaze remains on me the whole time, awaiting my response.
“Alright, I will admit that you make an amazing breakfast.” She pumps her fist in the air.
“Yes! I will take it.” Her gaze falls, and she sit next to me. “So, why do you never talk to me? Do you not like me?” If only you knew.
“No. I mean, yes. No, I- I mean, I don’t dislike you. Why do you avoid me?” I place the fork down next to the plate.
“Well, you make me mad. I never did anything wrong, yet you avoid me like the plague.” A sigh escapes her lips and she looks at the pancake.
‘’Alright then, let’s change that.”
“Ok, Capsicle- “
“Have you been talking to Sam?”
“Don’t interrupt me. I was about to say I’m willing to try.”
“That’s all I need, doll.”
  ----Y/N’s POV----
 The sun sits low again as I wait for Steve to finish cooking, I’ve been banned from the kitchen till he’s done, something about it being a surprise.
The smell of potatoes, canned beef, and corn wafted throughout the small bungalow. Call my interest piqued.
“Dinner is served.” Steve enters holding two plates, a massive grin on his face.
“Finally, I thought I would starve,” I remarked.
I look down at one of the plates and instantly recognize it as Shepard’s Pie, something my daddy used to make when I was younger. Steve clearly could tell because he was rubbing his hands together in excitement.
“But, how do you know how to make this?”
“My mother made it for me because the ingredients were cheap, and we weren’t exactly millionaires.” An almost bitter expression coated his face quickly.
“Well…” I place my hand on his. “Thank you. And I’m gonna say we eat this masterpiece before it gets cold.” He smiles before going to get salt and forks.
“Oh Steve Rogers, what am I going to do about you?” I mutter under my breath. I would be lying if I said the man wasn’t attractive, but now that I was able to learn about his personality and past in a new light, I was trouble.
The dinner was divine, and I showered him with praise for it, all of which he deflected to his mum for teaching him to cook. We both cleaned the kitchen, belting Broadway songs the whole time. The night quickly settled down as both of us parted into our separate rooms for sleep.
However, mine was quickly interrupted as I heard voices in the night, they sound pained and troubled. Knowing there was only one other person in the house, I crawled out of bed and crossed the hall.
“Steve?” My voice came out in a harsh whisper but received no response.
The door creaked open and I looked to see Steve tossing and turning, mumbling unintelligible words. I settled next to the bed and hesitantly reach to his arm, rubbing up and down it.
His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, lifting me then flipping me on the bed, sitting over me.
“I mean, I know I’m attractive, but I never pegged you for that type.” I smile and ignore the pounding in my chest as I suddenly realized I was pinned underneath the 220 pound super solider who could snap me like a toothpick if he so pleased.
“Y/N,” My name was whispered in the dark and I realized he was crying. So much for the toothpick snapping.
My right hand slipped under and out of his grasp, reaching to hold his cheek. I tenderly smiled at him and watched the hero break his walls and fall down, quite literally. I slip him off me before holding his head in my lap, stroking his blond locks.
Words aren’t spoken for at least 30 minutes. He finally looks up at me and gives a weak smile.
“You don’t have to hurt on your own Steve, I’m here, so is the rest of the team.”
“Heh, guess I’m too used to being lonely.”
I give a play smack. “Well stop it.”
His eyes almost change, as does his demeanor.
“May I…” He licks his lips, searching for words. “May I kiss you?”
“Yes, Steve, I would like that very much.”
He sits and wraps his arms around my shoulders before connecting his lips to mine. His lips are chapped, but still soft. It’s gentle, as if testing the waters before you dive in. Arms locked together before his hands move to the small of my back. I gotta say, not bad for the time gap since his last kiss.
Soon we must pull away and his blue eyes stare deeply into mine. The room is silent, and he lets out a sigh, placing his forehead on mine.
“Guess I have to stop hating you now, huh?”
“I thought you already did, doll,”
“Hmm, well I’m warming up to you.”
 A laugh escapes his lips, one not held back, to its fullest extent. I miss hearing that float through the tower. It seems more intimate in this small bedroom in a cabin in the middle of nowhere city.
Guess I must thank Stark for sticking us here. That bastard.
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fandems · 2 years
Ugghhjj shes so adorable my gay heart cant take it 😶😶😶👉🏻👈🏻
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nekoannie-chan · 5 years
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Pareja: Steve x Lectora
Palabras: 2660 palabras
Resumen: Estas casada con Steve, sin embargo hay muchos rumores sobre él, ¿qué pasaría si malinterpretaras una situación y creyeras que los rumores son verdaderos?
Advertencias: Quizás es algo triste.
A/N: Es mi entrada para Maya’s 10K (WTF) challenge! con la frase #10:
“¿Me seguirás amando cuando ya no sea joven y hermosa?”.
Tomé un poco de inspiración los capítulos 21 y 22 de la segunda temporada de la serie de televisión “Esposas Desesperadas”.
En este universo se evitó la caída de S.H.I.E.L.D. y lograron detener a HYDRA a tiempo, por lo que no se creó a Ultron ni a Vision, ni hubo Guerra civil.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
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Hacía casi seis años te habías casado con Steve, se habían conocido poco después de que él hubiera sido descongelado, luego del ataque de Nueva York habían empezado una relación. Ahora tenían dos hijos, una niña y un niño, los cuales eran mellizos; quienes eran la adoración de tu esposo así como sus hermosos ojos.
Desde que Steve había obtenido un puesto muy importante cuando él y Fury lograron desenmascarar a HYDRA sin que S.H.I.E.L.D. cayera; unas semanas antes de ese suceso se habían casado en secreto.
Natasha había encontrado el pequeño secreto de Steve casi dos años después de que se habían casado, así que ese día Steve la invitó a cenar con ustedes para que ella te conociera, aunque a partir primer momento en el que ella te vio supiste que no le habías agradado, desde entonces ella siempre se portaba muy grosera contigo cada vez que llegaban a encontrarse.
Suspiraste y lanzaste el periódico lejos, odiabas las falsas noticias que solían aparecer en cualquier medio, sabias que Steve los mantenía en secreto para evitar que sus enemigos tanto viejos como nuevos les hicieran daño.
Le diste la merienda a tus hijos, Mientras los mellizos comían llamaste al celular de él, no contestó.
“Seguramente está en una junta o una misión” pensaste tratando de calmarte.
Viste la tele para distraerte un rato mientras los niños dormían estaba pasando una entrevista de los Vengadores, pero lo que te dejo congelada era la manera en la que Natasha se comportaba con tu esposo, apagaste el televisor sin siquiera terminar de ver la entrevista.
Recibiste una llamada de tu mejor amiga y te preguntaba si habías visto la entrevista le dijiste que sí pero ahora te sientes confundida, no entendías del todo lo que estaba pasando, de inmediato tu amiga te fue a visitar, estuvieron platicando un rato acerca de todo lo que había estado pasando al igual delas cosas que sospechabas.
—T/N debes ir y comprobar si todo eso es verdad, yo creo que tu esposo actúa demasiado raro—dijo tu amiga.
—No lo sé, tengo miedo de lo que puedo encontrar—respondiste poco convencida.
—Necesitas saber la verdad— ella insistió.
— ¿Y si la rumores son ciertos?—preguntaste temerosa.
—Tengo un arma, así que vete tranquila yo cuidaré a los niños y llévate mi carro, así no te reconocerán, es diferente al que conocen—ofreció tu amiga.
Ella tenía razón, Steve siempre se rehusaba a hablar sobre su trabajo contigo, algunas veces decía como excusa que era mejor que no supieras para evitar que alguien te hiciera daño si intentaban obtener la información y otras veces que eran proyectos secretos y por lo tanto no estaba autorizado a compartir la información con otras personas que no estuvieran involucradas.
Ibas hacia el Triskelion, estabas determinada a enfrentar a ese par de una vez por todas, por lo que no te importaba manejar más de dos horas para llegar al lugar.
A mitad de camino mientras esperabas que cambiara el semáforo viste algo que llamó completamente tu atención, una pareja caminando tomados de la mano hacia una cafetería, la pareja se parecían demasiado a Steve y Natasha. Estabas tan concentrada en lo que veías que no notaste el cambio de luces hasta que los otros conductores empezaron a desesperarse y escuchaste el ruido de los claxon, arrancaste y enseguida buscaste un estacionamiento.
Tomaste los lentes que tu amiga siempre traía guardados en el carro y recogiste tu cabello, esperabas que no se dieran cuenta que eras tú, entraste a la cafetería, te sentaste en un lugar donde tú podías verlos y escucharlos pero ellos no alcanzaban a verte. Notaste que Steve no llevaba su anillo de casados.
Pediste lo primero que viste, te importaba más escuchar lo que hablaban, no reconociste a las personas con las que estaban, por fotos conocías a algunos de sus compañeros de trabajo, a los únicos que conocías en persona eran a Romanoff y al director Fury, aunque si era posible que las otras personas también trabajaran en S.H.I.E.L.D., pero por la manera en la que conversaban no parecía como si fuera de compañeros.
Esta vez la misión de Steve y Nat era sencilla, hacerse pasar por una pareja recién comprometida para obtener un poco de información de los sospechosos, ya que el negocio que tenían dichas personas era de planeación de bodas aunque el verdadero negocio era la venta ilícita de armas.
— ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan de relación?—preguntó uno de los sospechosos.
—Cuatro años y medio—respondió Steve.
—Y han pensado en qué tipo de boda les gustaría—preguntó el otro sospechoso.
—No aún no, hemos visto algunas ideas pero nada nos ha gustado—dijo Natasha.
Los sospechosos les enseñaron algunas ideas pero ninguna parecía convencerles
—Tengo una pregunta, ¿alguno de ustedes ha estado casado antes?—les preguntó uno de ellos.
—No, para nada, queremos que esto sea para siempre...—intervino Natasha antes de que alguien sospechara que Steve mentía.
De pronto viste como se besaban, ya habías visto suficiente por lo que no terminaste de escuchar la conversación, acababas de comprobar que los rumores eran ciertos, dejaste el dinero que cubría tu comida y la propina en la mesa aunque no habías comido mucho y saliste de la cafetería con el corazón roto. De inmediato ibas a regresar a tu casa, querías huir pero no ibas a dejar a tus hijos.
Cuatro años y medio...los mellizos tenían cuatro años eso significaba que Steve te había empezado a engañar cuando estabas embarazada.
 Seguías sin creer lo que habías presenciado, te sentías traicionada, como si durante todos estos años hubieras vivido en una mentira, quizás él estaba contigo nada más por los pequeños y no porque realmente te amara.
Aparte no conocías a sus amigos, siempre te decía el mismo pretexto y ¿si en realidad tú eras la amante?
¿Y si legalmente no estaban casados y su boda había sido toda una farsa muy bien planeada?
Quizás ese era el motivo por el que los mantenía en secreto y Natasha te trataba tan mal.
Al llegar a la casa, le contaste vagamente lo que había pasado y lo que habías decidido hacer, sabías que contabas con su apoyo.
No ibas a esperarlo para escuchar más excusas o mentiras, tenías que salir de ahí inmediatamente, guardaste en una maleta que le habías pedido prestada a tu mejor amiga algunas de tus pertenencias y de tus hijos, no habías notado la presencia de las criaturas en el marco de la puerta.
— ¿Mami?—te llamó tu hijo.
Volteaste y viste a los pequeños tomados de la mano, por un momento te detuviste, te sentaste en la cama.
—Vengan mis amores—los llamaste
Ellos se acercaron, el niño se sentó a tu lado mientras la niña se sentó en tu regazo.
—Vamos a ir de viaje por unos días—les informaste.
— ¿Y papá?—preguntó tu hijo.
Sabías que ellos lo adoraban pero no podías romperles el corazón a ellos también, quizás después de un tiempo les dirías la verdad.
—No, papá no viene, él tiene mucho trabajo—explicaste y los niños se vieron entre sí un poco confundidos.
— ¿Podemos llevar a Galleta?—preguntó tu hija.
—Claro y también a Rufus—respondiste al ver que tu hijo iba a preguntar lo mismo.
Tu hijo tomó de la mano a su hermana para ir por sus respectivos peluches en sus recámaras.
No te irías en tu automóvil, era obvio que iban a localizarte, tampoco te llevabas tu celular, por suerte tenías dinero suficiente para dos meses al menos, después te preocuparías de cómo conseguir más.
No podías salir del país ni ir con ningún familiar porque era obvio que te encontraría, querías que desaparecer así que recordaste que unas semanas atrás habías visto en el supermercado unas cabañas en renta en un lugar lejano.
Era perfecto, nadie te buscaría ahí. Rentaste la cabaña en cuanto llegaron al lugar, lo mejor, ni siquiera te habían preguntado tu nombre por lo que no habías tenido que mentir, los niños se veían felices y parecían que habían olvidado que su papá no los había acompañado.
Te viste en el espejo y suspiraste, sentías que no eras igual de hermosa y joven que Natasha pero al menos te habría gustado que él te dijera la verdad, no tenías ni idea de cómo explicarle lo que pasaba a tus hijos, no estabas segura si entenderían la gravedad del asunto.
Steve llegó a la casa donde vivían, los extrañaba mucho ya que la misión en vez de tomarle un día, tardó dos días más ya que de inmediato se habían puesto a trabajar en un plan para atrapar a los enemigos y también se sentía un poco mal por la misión, nunca le había gustado tener ese tipo de misiones donde tuviera que hacerse pasar por la pareja de su compañera, a pesar de que la misión había resultado mucho mejor de lo que esperaban; ya que no sólo habían conseguido la información sino también habían atrapado a los delincuentes y asegurado las armas que tenían, había estado tan ocupado que ni siquiera notó que no habías respondido los mensajes que te había mandado.
— ¿Muñeca?—te llamó al entrar.
Le pareció raro no escuchar respuesta alguna, se asomó a la cocina pero tampoco estaban.
— ¿Niños?—llamó, aunque después se sintió tonto, evidentemente no ibas a dejar a los pequeños solos.
El terror se apoderó de él al no escuchar respuesta de nuevo, empezó a revisar la casa.
“Quizás fueron al supermercado o llevó a los niños al parque” pensó
Encontró tu celular en la recámara, revisó el segundo piso, volvió a bajar y vio que las llaves de tu auto estaban donde siempre así como el vehículo. Él sabía perfectamente que no usabas otro medio de transporte cuando salías con los niños.
Le habló a tu mejor amiga y ella le dijo que no sabía dónde estabas, llamó a todos los lugares que se le ocurrieron, simplemente habías desaparecido, no, más bien Steve estaba seguro que alguno de sus enemigos los había secuestrado.
De inmediato llamó a Fury, necesitaba encontrarlos lo más rápido posible y salvarlos del peligro en el que él creía que estaban.
Las siguientes tres semanas le parecieron eternas a Steve, casi no dormía, lo único que le importaba era encontrarlos vivos y a salvo, no era posible que simplemente se hubieran desaparecido de la faz de la tierra, habían revisado en todos los aeropuertos, en todos los lugares que se le había ocurrido igual en la búsqueda participaban varios miembros de la organización por orden de Fury, Clint también participaba, podía entender lo que Steve sentía, seguramente si su familia desapareciera también perdería la cabeza.
Ese día habías decidido ir al supermercado, dejaste que los niños eligieran las galletas, sin embargo no te diste cuenta que alguien te había descubierto, seguiste haciendo las compras, tampoco habías notado que te habían seguido hasta la cabaña.
—Cap, los he encontrado—le informó Clint.
De inmediato Steve llegó a donde Clint le había indicado, él lo estaba esperando.
—Barton, ¿seguro que están ahí adentro y sin ningún daño?—preguntó Steve incrédulo, estaba completamente sorprendido del lugar donde se encontraban.
—Los encontré en el supermercado y los seguí hasta aquí, tu esposa se ve algo triste eso es todo, aunque antes de que entres, creo que deberías escucharla, no creo que alguien los haya secuestrado sino más bien que huían te di—comentó Clint.
—No tiene sentido…—Steve se sentía confundido.
—Simplemente creo que deberías saber sus motivos primero—dijo.
Steve asintió y fue hasta la cabaña, tocó la puerta, fuiste a abrir la puerta lo más rápido posible para que los niños no se despertaran pero te llevaste una gran sorpresa al verlo ahí.
—Muñeca, los he estado buscando por todos lados—saludó mientras abría más la puerta y entraba al lugar.
—Claro pasa—murmuraste.
Te asomaste para asegurarte que Natasha no estuviera con él, al no ver a otra persona afuera cerraste la puerta y fuiste hasta la sala donde Steve ya se había sentado.
—Hmm ¿y los niños?—preguntó al no verlos.
—Arriba dormidos—respondiste.
Estuvieron unos minutos en silencio, que de pronto se volvió muy incómodo.
— ¿Qué es lo que quieres?—preguntaste de pronto.
— ¿Por qué te fuiste? He estado muy preocupado todas estas semanas creyendo que algo malo les había pasado—cuestionó.
—Eres un cínico, después de todo lo que hiciste todavía me preguntas eso—no podías creer que buscara una explicación.
—Lo siento, sé que he tenido mucho trabajo y casi no he estado con ustedes pero pediré unas vacaciones e iremos a donde quieras—trató de disculparse.
Él creía que era porque casi no pasaba tiempo con ustedes, en el pasado habían tenido unas cuantas discusiones respecto al tema, pero ahora quería arreglar las cosas. Le diste una bofetada con todas tus fuerzas porque no soportabas que se hiciera el inocente y te volviera a mentir.
—Pero ¿qué…?
— ¿Crees que no sé que me engañas con Natasha? Sé que se van a casar pronto, al menos hubieras tenido el valor de decírmelo—le reclamaste.
— ¿De qué hablas? Yo no salgo con ella—él sonaba muy confundido y realmente no sabía de lo que le hablabas.
—No mientas, escuché la conversación de la cafetería…—empezaste a decir.
Steve abrió los ojos, ahora todo tenía sentido, era un malentendido, no tenía ni la más mínima idea de cómo arreglar las cosas pero lo intentaría porque no quería perderte.
—Eso era una misión, puedes hablarle a Fury si no me crees, no hay nada entre Romanoff y yo, T/N eres a la única que amo, nada más me importan tú y nuestros hijos—te interrumpió.
—Ella es más bonita, joven y talentosa que yo—dijiste.
Realmente te sentías poca cosa en comparación a Natasha.
—Para mí tú eres la más hermosa, en serio no hay nada entre ella y yo—trató de tomar tu mano.
— ¿Hasta dónde han llegado? Te vi besándola—preguntaste quitando la mano para evitar que la tomara, realmente necesitabas saber la verdad.
—Nada ha pasado, ella me besó como parte de la misión, en serio T/N, eres la única—te aseguró.
—Nunca me dices nada de tu trabajo, ni siquiera sé quiénes son tus compañeros, nunca me cuentas nada—recriminaste, sentías que en cualquier momento ibas a llorar.
—Hago cosas muy peligrosas…—empezó a decir.
—Siempre dices lo mismo ¿así quieres que te crea y tenga confianza?—ya estabas cansada de la misma excusa.
—Dame otra oportunidad por favor, no quiero perder esto, te contaré todo, es más iremos con Fury y ahí sabrás todo—prometió.
—No lo sé…—no estabas del todo convencida.
—Por favor T/N, ustedes son mi única razón para continuar, una última oportunidad por favor—suplicó casi llorando.
— ¿Me seguirás amando cuando ya no sea joven y hermosa? Sabes que envejeceré antes que tú—sentías que las lágrimas caían por tus mejillas.
—Eso no me importa, te amaré siempre—aseguró.
Se acercó a ti, limpió tus lágrimas con el dorso de su mano y te dio un pequeño beso, aún temía que lo rechazaras.
—Está bien, nada más una oportunidad—le dijiste.
— ¡Papi!—gritaron de pronto los mellizos, que ya se habían despertado.
Corrieron hasta él y Steve cargo a los dos niños, ahora que los veía se sentía más tranquilo de que nada malo le hubiera pasado a alguno de ustedes.
— ¿Cómo se han portado? ¿Han sido niños buenos?—les preguntó.
— ¡Sí!—respondieron al unísono.
—Mami dijo que tenías mucho trabajo—comentó la pequeña.
—Lo tenía pero ya lo terminé—dijo Steve.
— ¿Te vas a quedar con nosotros?—preguntó el niño.
—Sí, ¿qué les parece si nos quedamos una semana más y pasamos los cuatro tiempo juntos y nos divertimos?—propuso.
—Te amo T/N.
—Te amo Steve.
Ahora Steve iba a arreglar el error que llevaba años cometiendo e iban a ponerse al corriente de todo el tiempo que habían perdido las últimas semanas.
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Damsels In Distress. Part Three.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader. There’s also a little Stucky if you squint, like really squint.
Summary: Bucky and Steve don’t usually get captured, but their missions don’t usually involve zombies. Now, Bucky has to deal with the fact that the emergency alarm went out to not only the team, but to you, his girlfriend. This is not the way to a girl’s heart.
Warnings: A lot of swearing. Zombies. Gore but not excessive. Death but not main characters. Let me know if I missed any?
Word Count: All up - 7439. Part Three - 2423.
A/N: This was written for @prettyyoungtragedy MayaWTFChallenge. Due ages ago. Part Three and the prompts are in the first part. I hope you enjoy this. Thank god it’s done and thank god it’s uploaded. Woo.
Part One. Part Two.
Nat explains that the explosives are set and that they need to get out of there. She also explains that the scientists have already been taken care of, and their guards, it’s only the soldiers that are left. It doesn’t take long to get underway and you all reach a fork in the hallway. Nat quickly signs a word you all recognise, hostiles, and you all flatter against the walls.
Your hand comes up to your mouth. “Sam, Clint, any chance you can light the fuckers up?”
They had been given comms and the sound of Clint’s voice brings another smile to Bucky’s face, hooray for another disaster assassin. “I’m about to rain fire!” Clint declares.
Sam is huffing and mumbling something like why the fuck did I get stuck out here?
A series of explosions rock through the place, masking the footsteps of the five zombie super-soldier things, that appear in the crossroads, obviously on their way to check on their prized super-soldier prisoners. It’s a surprise for everyone. Bucky goes to pull out his katana, stepping forward, ready to deliver the blow, and Steve has his shield raised, ready to throw.
Turns out they don’t have to. Nat has already vaulted herself into the middle and has turned one into a shish kebab before she slices it’s head off and then the other. And your glaive is up, moving swiftly through the air, slicing at their heads and making one roll, and then the next and then the next, their bodies dropping unceremoniously to the ground with loud thuds.
Bucky is about to protest, or yell in triumph or hell, congratulate you on your job well done as master executioner when your hand shoots out over his mouth and silences him. He always lets his mouth run.
“I swear to God Bucky, don’t say a fucking thing.”
You’re talking so low you doubt even Nat can pick it up. Bucky really, really, has the urge to lick your palm.
“Don’t engage if you don’t have to. You need to get to safety, do you copy?” You’re head swivels to Steve who still has his shield up ready to throw, he lowers it though and nods slightly. It does not bring you comfort, getting Steve to stand down has been the Avengers biggest failure, especially when Bucky is involved.
You retract your hand but leave a finger on Bucky’s lips, indicating him to say silent. Any other day he would have messed around and tried to bite it. Today though? He’d probably earn a punch in the face.
Nat knocks the wall for attention and then signs We have to get moving, pointing at the way the zombie soldiers came from and you all start off that way. Everyone, except Bucky, who is now crouched over the headless bodies and pilfering their knives, ammo and to his delight, two smoke grenades and three normal grenades. Christmas has come early.
There’s a throat cleared in front of him and you’re standing there glaring at him, but your hand is out.
“Seriously?” You raise your eyebrows.
Bucky holds up his loot like a cat with a canary and smiles.
You really want to say something, but instead you wait until he places a smoke grenade in it as a peace offering and you pull him to his feet. Both of you follow Nat and Steve, who have not waited, but your hands don’t part.
Finally, you reach the main hall where you split to take cover, Nat and Steve going to the right and you and Bucky to the left. Each side offers a large pillar to take cover behind. You all peek at the scene in front of you and it makes the colour almost drain from your face.
There’s about fifty of the zombie soldiers – heavily armed and ready to fight – patrolling and generally looking ready to tear the place apart to find you. A silent stream of curses on your lips as you yank Bucky back to cover, Nat does the same with Steve and you see her look over you with a worried expression.
Distraction? She sighs out.
Bucky is suddenly pulled close to you and he can’t help but grin. His breath is hot on your neck and even though there’s an impending sense of doom, his hand rests on our waist, yours on his shoulder, and if anyone were to look right now, it would not look like you were talking. You don’t want to talk, or fight. There’s something else on your mind. You have to focus.
“Buck.” Your voice is barely a whisper. He hears it plain as day. “Want to use those grenades?”
He’s trying his hardest not to groan, not with you, and the zombies, so close. All he wants to do is kiss you senseless, but he needs to shove that thought down to a more appropriate time and god, the way you’re looking at him, you’ve never been more beautiful. His forehead rests on yours and he takes in a deep breath. He’s smirking though because your cheeks are flushing red and he can hear your breath pick up.
Reluctantly he lets you go and pulls out the smoke grenade in one hand, and another grenade in the other. Your hand leaves him, taking out the smoke grenade that he gave you and you quirk your brows, slightly nodding your head in the direction of the horde.
It seems that he’s on the same page because there’s a twinkle to his eyes and the smirk turns impish.
“Be ready.” You speak softly into the comms.
Nat and Steve squint at you both, there’s judgement on their part at your embrace but you both raise your hands in unison to show off the grenades and they shake their heads. They did say you two were in sync, you reckon it’s time to test that theory.
You both step back, slipping from the safety of the column and without a countdown pull the pins at the same time. His smile is not unlike a child on Christmas day and that’s all you need. The smoke grenades are lobbed first, landing in the middle of the zombies, filling the room, and then Bucky throws another grenade. This one does not smoke.
All hell breaks loose.
“Everything all good?” Sam’s voice is laced with worry.
You’ve already ducked through the room, the smoke masking your movements, and you bring the glaive down hard onto the neck of a zombie. The blood splatters everywhere. “Yeah. You know Bucky. How about you?”
There’s a yell not unlike Tarzan over the comms and you’re greeted by Clint. “Where do they keep coming from?”
Through the haze you can see Bucky, perched on top of machinery you have never seen in your life, rifle up and smiling brightly as he starts to provide cover fire in the form of taking out kneecaps with deadly accuracy. The zombies crumble to the ground. It’s only a slight reprieve, their bones shifting loudly and sickly as they writhe in pain before they’re popping back up, but it’s long enough to get the drop on them and remove some heads.
Gun are knocked out of the way with loud clatters and knives clink every time they hit armour or the metal of Steve shield. Each clatter, clink, slash, splash, gurgle and thump make up a sickening soundtrack to the fight, one that you know too well, one that you wish you didn’t miss. The act of killing them is, in a way, cathartic.
Nat is to your left somewhere, her blonde hair and slight frame bobbing in and out of the smoke that is slowly turning the room into a memory straight out of your clubbing days, hazy, thick with sweat and filled with blood, piss and shit. Well, okay, not exactly like clubbing, but not at all that different.
She’s slashing with the katana in a way that suggest this isn’t her first rodeo and you need to remember the sheer glee Clint had showed when Shuri have revealed them - surely, they had sparred before. And she generally uses batons, so there isn’t much she needs to alter in her style, which is hypnotic to say the least, flipping and gracefully taking down each foe like it’s a ballet.
Steve – who doesn’t know when to back down from a fight – hasn’t used his katana. Instead he is favouring the shield like always, using it to decapitate the lucky zombies, and to beat the skulls of the unlucky ones into pulp.
There’s a vibe in the room between the four of you, each with varying amounts of blood splatter painting you, Bucky with the least, but you can feel it. You were all made for this.
Bucky is watching you from his perch, attempting to provide cover fire that wasn’t working well to begin with and is now not really working at all. Nat is graceful and Steve is a hurricane, but you are nothing short of a vision, gruesome, brutal and splattered with blood that reminds him of a Jackson Pollock painting. You’re glowing and thriving, and he can just tell, you were made for this.
The rifle is over his shoulder and his hand ghosts over the katana, but he doesn’t pick it up, after all, he’s a sharpshooter or a brawler, nothing in between, and he jumps into the fray. His metal fist flies into the head of one of the zombies, causing it to concave horribly, and then he’s kicking another into the path of your glaive. Blood splatters. You smile. He smiles. Another head is rolling.
Punch, kick, rip, destroy, push into the path of you or Nat, or even Steve whose hands are more blood than anything. A pattern that repeats for some time, interrupted only by the addition of Sam and Clint who somehow found their way into the room. It smells horrible, taking Bucky back to the war and his nose burns, but everything is clear to him and all he can see is your brutality and the way the blue looks on you, and yep, he’s in love with you.
After what feels like eternity - even he’s panting and that’s a hard thing to accomplish - the horde thins, and it becomes more bodies and blood and each passing moment means less and less. His eyes stay with you and he watches as a zombie buries a blade into your chest.
He’s there before he knows it. Did he develop the ability to teleport in the last few seconds? Who knows? His hands are already on the offending zombie, the bones cracking beneath each punch until he’s sure the body is more mush than anything else. And then he wraps his metal hand around its neck and the other around the body, pulling, yelling, until it pops off like nothing he has ever seen before.
He tosses the mangled body and head to the side and he starts towards you, his hand coming up to brace you and he’s so scared. Sure, you’ve suffered worse, hell you were torn in half when the team first found you, but witnessing it is much, much harder than sitting by your side as you heal. He’s staggering, especially when your hands pull out the knife, sword? You drop it to the ground, turning on your heel and using the glaive you surprisingly did not drop, to decapitate an advancing zombie.
You turn and your eyes fall on his. “Wow.” Is all you say.
He sways and his voice is small. “Baby…”
Your hands are on his arms, the metal from the glaive against him and you’re looking at him with concern while the blood pours out of your chest like a sick waterfall. He wants to be sick.
“I’m good.” You say with a smile. Bucky can’t do anything but gesture to your chest. “I’m not gonna drop dead.”
He’s got to look around, he can’t keep staring at the blood and your concerned eyes. He watches as Clint slices through the remaining zombie soldiers with a crazed glint in his eyes, Sam kicking them to Nat who is behaving like a methodical executioner. One down. Next please.
Only Steve is watching with wonder and horror at what is happening in front of him. They look like shit. It’s not long before the zombies stop coming, prompting Clint to collapse onto the only clean patch of ground and stare up into the ceiling like it holds all the secrets of the universe. Sam is nudging at Clint’s legs and trying his best to pick off all the gore that has found its way onto his suit. Nat is crouched next to Steve and checking him over for injuries like a mother hen and he’s waving her off begrudgingly. No one is paying attention to you being stabbed, well Steve is, but he’s not making any movements. Bucky hears Nat assure Steve that you’re fine. Fine his ass.
The glaive clatters to the ground for the first time, one hand finding his and the other resting on his face. He leans into it. He knows he has to look, he doesn’t want to, but he has to. His eyes flit to your chest to see the blood clotted, but already stained your pretty blue outfit red. It brings tears to his eyes.
“Buck… are you okay?” you ask.
He leans his forehead against yours and takes a deep breath. “It’s blue.” He’s breathless as he says it, so quiet, so gentle, so loving, and he wants to swallow the confession down, but he can’t.
You’re looking up at him and he wants to look away because it’s like looking at the sun, too bright, too warm, too much. And he’s like Icarus, flying to close and ready to be burned, but he doesn’t care. Really, he doesn’t.
“Of course it is Bucky.” You say back, equally quiet. There are tears in your eyes. “I love you.”
There are the words, the ones he had been struggling with, the ones that had found a home in his throat until you showed up to recue him, decapitating zombies and wearing the same blue that he is.
You say it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. And really, it is.
“I love you too.”
Nat blows up the place when the jet is at a safe distance. You don’t see it. All you can see is Bucky.
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prettyyoungtragedy · 6 years
Hi can I sign up for your writing challenge? Prompt: “Should we tell him? - “No, have you ever been on the receiving end of Justice Rogers’ disapproving frown? It’s devastating.” with a Bucky x Reader I think (also I'd post it to my writing blog @keepgrindingwaywardsoul)
Hiii of course! I am so excited thank you so much! It’s all yours! :D
Maya’s wtf challenge!
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prettyyoungtragedy · 6 years
Congrats on the 10K!!!!! And I feel like I might be in over my head asking this, but could I do the Serial Killer AU with Steve? Please?
Oh my god I was hoping someone would take this! I AM SO EXCITTTEDDD! it’s all yours!
Maya’s wtf challenge!
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prettyyoungtragedy · 6 years
YAY LYDIAAAAA!!! I’m already shook bubba!
Maya’s wtf challenge!
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prettyyoungtragedy · 6 years
Hi Maya!! Congrats on the well deserved 10k followers! 🎉🎉I’ve always admired your writing so much ever since the first time I read them on AO3❤️ I usually don’t join challenges, but I would love to join yours with prompt 17 (if it’s still available) 💖💖
Hi Love, thank you so much omg! You are too sweeeet I die!! and of course, prompt 17 is all yours!
Maya WTF Challenge
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