#Mayhaps we will revisit it someday when she has time
bilestat · 2 years
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rycbar-horcrux · 5 years
mayhaps reblogging those rings post was the best decision i made this week. your tags continue to bless the belexa ship time and time again. what would becky give lexi as a ring do you think? and how did they go about proposing to each other if they already did so? love to hear your thoughts 😇
Mayhaps the best decision you made this week was giving us that belexa fic. Now that right there was a blessing. It was a truly wonderful gift and maybe I love it a lot. 😁
Anyways, down to business. Perhaps surprising no one, I got a little long again. If time has taught us anything, it is that I apparently cannot control my thoughts on poison ivy bex and harley quinn lexi. But in my defense, there was a lot that i could say about these questions, some of which surprised me, and I really could have said more.
So the rings first. I feel like the resin rings happen earlyish into their romantic relationship. Cos they love one another but it’s too soon for some huge major action. Simultaneously it has been long enough that the inklings of ‘wow I could see myself spending my life with this person’ are here for both.
From Lexi, the ring is meant to be almost like a promise. Cos she remembers how Bex had been hesitant to believe that Lexi returned her feelings when they finally got together. Plus, this whole relationship is kind of a big deal to her. She’s ever felt quite like this before and that is a lil bit scary. But despite that, she is 1000% in and that’s what fuels the ring. She wants Bex to know just how just how much she loves her just in case it doesn’t always quite show or Bex doubts anything So like I said, she carefully picks the components for the ring, taking into account their meaning. Picking a strong, reliable wood (maybe something like oak), and a small but meaningful flower like the forget-me-not. But when it comes to it, she chickens out a little. When prompted, tells Bex that the choices were random and that she didn’t even know what they meant anyways. But of course Bex can see right through her. She doesn’t call her on it, but she knows. And Lexi knows she knows.
Now, Bex goes for a resin ring too, so whilst it is different in appearance, the two have rings in a matching style. First the wooden half, and she does something a wee bit different for that.
So, Lexi can get quite attached to her bats.They’re kind of reassuring weight in her hands. Whilst she’s far from defenseless without it, she gets an extra sense of power with it. All it takes is one little swing and she can unleash a world of pain on whomsoever deserve it. Not only that, but it’s pretty hard to defend yourself from a swinging bat. That hit’s gonna at least smart wherever it lands. It’s not just a tool to her, she can draw comfort and strength from it especially if she ends up feeling somewhat insecure or threatened when she’s out wreaking havoc on the town. Sometimes she’ll run her thumb over the base of the handle, the mostly smooth surface helping to quiet things down for her. Others she might rest it behind her neck, wrists carelessly dangled over it if she wants to appear confident are casually disinterested. But you get the idea. She’s so attached that she can identify it by the feel of the individual grooves, and can tell you the reasons behind any nicks on it that had been picked up over time. But whilst they tend to be on the sturdy side, things can happen, and they do break. And although she knows when to give up on a bat and replace it, she can never quite bring herself to throw the bits remaining of the old one away, at least not straight away. So when this ring stuff is going down, Lexi isn’t that long after having to replace her bat and has only just got into the swing of things with it. So Bex liberates the remaining handle of her last bat to use.
As for the flowers, I think she ends up creating something unique solely for this ring. Pour her heart and soul into making this complex, beautiful little flower. In a way, Bex has put so much of herself into making it that it’s almost like a part of her, which is maybe what she was going for. Kind of a symbolic to represent that for as long as she wants it, Lexi can always have at least this little part of Bex with her.
So that’s what Bex’s ring is, a symbol of reassurance. Of comfort. It’s Bex telling Lexi that she has received Lexi’s message and that she is here, and will be for as long as Lexi wants/needs.
So maybe sometimes after a long day or if Lexi is out and about and whispers start up in the back of her mind, Bex looks at the ring and watches the way the light glints off of the flower encased resin. The sight proving to be almost mesmerizing as she remembers the meaning behind the ring, Lexi’s voice ringing through her head louder than any of her thoughts could hope to. And maybe sometimes Lexi runs her thumb along the ring. Caresses the familiar wood as well as the smooth resin. Maybe that simple motion can bring a sense of calmness, of belonging, to her, maybe it can help her right the world when someone threatens to shake the ground she stands on. Maybe the pair can look at those rings, can look at the other wearing them and just be utterly filled up with a feeling of love, but not only that, the certainty of their love being returned. Maybe they look at those rings and see the promise and also the possibility. The possibility that maybe someday in the future, they could each have another ring. A ring that could have just as much meaning and warm emotion behind it. Maybe if you were to ask each of them, they would consider that possibility part of their promise in the ring. But that’s nobody’s business except there own now is it?
Now, your second question. Ngl, I need to think about the proposal more and flesh it out, but I can give you the bare bones that I already have.
Possible plot twist - the way I see it Lexi proposes. But I’ll come back to that in a minute. So it’d be kind of planned but not planned if that makes sense? The idea sat in the back of her head for months before she mustered the courage to properly think of it. And when she does, the whole situation seems surprisingly simple, cause why would she not want to marry Bex? But then that’s a whole other set of problems. Cause when should she do it? What should she say? Does she give her a ring? What kind of ring would Bex even like? Where should of she do it? Anyways, you get the idea. So she thinks things over even more. Plans out a couple of ways that it could go down. She puts some serious thought into the whole thing, cause this is a big deal to her, and she wants to try and make it perfect for Bex.
As a matter of fact, she’s still considering things as the moment occurs. It’s like she looks at Bex and all of the questions, all of the doubts and worries just melt away and the words practically slip out. And maybe just lets them. Then quickly follows up with a sort of mishmash almost ramble covering all of the sentiments that she had thought about. It’s maybe not the most eloquent of the speeches that she’d planned, but it’s also not the shortest/ most abrupt. And of course Bex accepts, though she does almost question it at first, just reminds Lexi that she only wants this if Lexi does too.
But I’m going to cut myself off there because now I’m thinking even more about it. I do plan to revisit it and some point when I can give it proper justice so I don’t want to ruin things too much. I will say that it is really something though.
Now Bex, she’d love to be married to Lexi, but like I said earlier, I don’t think she’d eagerly push for it. She wouldn’t want to do that to Lexi; put her in a position where she might have to consider something she doesn’t want to do or let Bex down. All Bex wants is for Lexi to be happy, regardless of whatever role that means she takes in her life. Whether that meant they’d initially stayed friends, or never put a label on their relationship, or never took that one major step, or whatever. She’s just happy to give Lexi the love that she deserves in whatever way Lexi needs it. So she doesn’t ever put any thought into proposing. That’s not to say that she doesn’t sometimes imagine what things would be like if they were married. She would love to be able to call Lexi her wife. To watch Lexi absolutely going to town on a group of deserving goons and say ‘that’s my wife’ in a mixture of pride and awe. To answer the almost questioning look as she holds up a man who’s insulted Lexi and made her doubt herself. To forget about her talents and answer the question with a solid punch to the face and a snarled ‘that’s my wife’ as she defends her. To be dragged by a dressed up Lexi to a Disney marathon at a nearby cinema, an small shrug and almost exasperated ‘that’s my wife’ offered in answer to the amused looks she receives.
But at the end of the day she reminds herself that all of those married moments and so much more already happen. The imagined emotion is all the same, it’s only the wording of what Lexi is to her that is different. And does that really matter?
So I feel like the only way that poison ivy Bex proposes is accidentally, the whole thing’d almost be a joke actually. It’d be first thing in the morning maybe, both still tired. Lexi’s half sprawled at the table whilst Bex is leaning against a counter on the other side. And Lexi is grumbling cos she wants some of Bex’s coffee but Bex is playfully hoarding it. She needs it, and if Lexi wants some then maybe she should make her own. Then finally she jokes ‘Maybe we should get married then. You’d have the whole what’s mine is yours thing to play off of.’ a small chuckle escaping before she finishes, ‘sides, plenty of people say we’re like a married couple anyways.’ It’s then that she’s suddenly wide awake, brain catching up with her runaway mouth as she turns fully to Lexi. Small smile dropping as she stares wide eyed at Lexi’s shocked face. Then for a heart stopping moment she can’t read anything off of Lexi’s face, for the first time in so long Bex actually has absolutely no idea what she is thinking. So she starts to panic, starts to wonder if she’s ruined things, and opens her mouth to try and play things off as a joke but Lexi’s quiet voice stops her. ‘Maybe we should’. And Bex blinks, Lexi’s face coming more into focus. She takes in the initially almost hesitant look that quickly disappears as her resolve must grow. The touches of a smile growing, the previously darting eyes now meeting hers, solid and sure. The question must be visible on her face as a sense of disbelief, hope and maybe a touch of wonder swirl inside her. Lexi just gives a single nod, reassuringly solid as she stands, moving around the table and closer to Bex. Nothing could stop the wide grin that grows on Bex’s face, widest and brightest that Lexi had ever had the pleasure of seeing, as Bex also steps towards her. Lexi almost worries about the rest of the world, because something that bright could surely only belong to the sun but she quickly decides that she doesn’t care. No, the rest of the world could remain forever bathed in darkness, whilst she stayed within these four walls with Bex. And the coffee would be absentmindedly places on the table behind as Bex finally reaches Lexi. Lexi quickly searing upwards on her tiptoes to claim Bex’s lips in a kiss before Bex could take any other action.
Now, neither of these involve engagement rings, but I’m not sure that they bother getting them? Cause the resin rings would just have so much weight tied to them, both initially when they got them, and most definitely by the time that proposals happen. So I feel like that kind of emotion would be kinda hard to top. Plus I don’t think they’d have a very long engagement. Nor do I think either would be hugely bothered over having a massive wedding. So I can see them going ‘right so we want to get married, let’s just do it’ and eloping. Road tripping either alone or maybe with some close friends and just doing it. Maybe they do it in Vegas, similar to Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn in the comics. I mean, they both want it, so what’s the sense in waiting? Plus maybe the idea of how people react to the pair returning with matching rings amuses them. Cos you just now that even after they’ve been together for so long (and let’s be real, the pair aren’t exactly hiding their feelings), people still talk about the pair just being really good friends. There’s got to be at least one gossip rag that mirrors that, and tbh the pair love to mess around with them and see how far they can push things before they finally report it correctly. It just calls out to their villainous mischievous sides.
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