#at least people seemed to enjoy it 🥲
bilestat · 2 years
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actiniumwrites · 19 days
hii may i request a hurt/comfort scenario with kazuha and alhaitham where reader feels insecure about their looks >< no need to specify what they feel insecure about specifically but they just don’t think they’re pretty enough for charac !!!
synopsis: you don’t feel good enough for them. they beg to differ.
characters: kazuha, alhaitham x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, insecurity, crying, some humor, not proofread
notes: thanks for the request, anon! hopefully you enjoy this, i really liked how kazuha’s turned out. alhaitham was so difficult to write for this prompt though 🥲
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You don’t know when it started. When, one day, your brain decided to make the shift from feeling the luckiest in the world to feeling utterly trapped. Maybe it was the way people looked at him, or maybe it was the way you never felt deserving of him in the first place, but either way, it didn’t matter.
It started in little things. Most days it just consisted of you wallowing in your reflection anytime you caught a glimpse of it. A passing moment of painful recollection that makes you feel less than deserving of him.
“Are you alright?” your boyfriend blurts out randomly. It isn’t like him, you think. Kazuha has never been the type of person to waste his words so suddenly without thought. His words are usually sugar coated and flow gently in the wind so as to not evoke harsh emotions.
The question makes you visibly pause. Quietly, you clasp your hands together to stop them from the inevitable shaking. Your shoulders seem to droop a little further and he hates the way your bottom lip dips into a depressing tremble.
“I’m sorry,” you exhale defeatedly, bringing a shaky hand up to cover your mouth.
“What for? I don’t believe you’ve done anything wrong,” his gentle white brows furrow. You hate how concerned he looks. Couldn’t he just be angry for once? At least then you wouldn’t feel so insane.
You bury your face in your hands, trying to shield yourself from not only him, but the entire world. It constantly feels like you have prying eyes on you, tearing apart each and every feature on your body. And, just as you predicted earlier, the tears you’ve become long acquainted with begin to make their way to the forefront of your eyes until they’re too heavy to hold.
Kazuha gently pushes your hands aside, instinctively placing them in your lap so he could wipe away your sadness. Still, you hang your head against your aching chest and let the pain seep out through your voice, “Don’t you hate it? The way I look? Doesn’t it bother you?”
“Bother me? No. Of course not. I love everything about you. I could gaze into a thousand sunsets and the view still wouldn’t be as alluring as you are. There is no amount of stars in the beaming night sky or the deep red of fresh autumn leaves that could compare to you. Every time my hand aches to write a piece of poetry, it longs to write about you.”
You bashfully look away, trying to hide the smile appearing through your frown as you gaze out into the field next to you. Tenderly, Kazuha tilts your face back toward his as his ruby red eyes stare intensely into yours. You look back and forth between them before laughing quietly through your tears.
He hums proudly, shaking your shoulder a bit before leaning in to place a quick kiss to your lips, “and don’t try to deny it. You know every word I speak is nothing but the truth. I would never lie to you, honestly.”
Your eyes soften as you look at him, understanding now that your boyfriend is right. You’ve read his writing enough to know that whatever Kazuha found to hold truly beautiful was indeed actually beautiful. Because, in a world full of subjectivity, his word is like the law.
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Alhaitham is practically flawless in all ways. It’s something you’ve realized long before you began dating him — began being friends, even. Aside from his harsh personality, he’s handsome, intelligent, a good leader, and so much more.
It makes you question why he’s even with you. Most of the time, you only joke about it with him and sometimes he even laughs about it. But there are the times where it isn’t just a passing comment or silly thought in the back of your mind, but rather, a growing virus that spreads a dangerous, lingering toxin throughout your body.
“Is something the matter?” Alhaitham nudges your shoulder quietly from beside you. He’s nice enough not to embarrass you in front of the group, shockingly. Despite being his partner, he didn’t often spare you of his “cruelties.”
Your eyes snap to his and out of the faraway place of insecure thoughts you were trapped in for a moment. Silently, you nod and return to listening to the group of people presenting a project to Alhaitham for approval at the Akademiya. His eyes continue to linger on you for a second, not buying any lies you might make up to make it seem like you’re okay. As apathetic as he may be, Alhaitham has indeed found a place in his heart to care about you.
But you can’t help but feel insecure as you watch them. All of them are so attractive and everyone in the room looks so drawn to them, eager to get a word in after. It makes you wonder what Alhaitham even sees in you. A man like himself, he could have anyone in the world.
“I could.”
“What?” your head snaps to him in terror, whispering a little too harshly, “did I say that out loud?”
“No. I can read minds, so I know what you’re thinking,” your boyfriend says blankly. You stare at him in sheer panic before the tiniest of smiles breaks out on his face, “I was joking.”
You frown and shove him ever so slightly away from you, “Yeah, well you sure have a funny way of showing it.”
Alhaitham takes one step closer to you than he had before, assuming the position he was in before you pushed him away. Only this time, he gently loops his arm with yours, something he only does when he feels a little more like showing affection. He isn’t the most physically affectionate, but you know what he means by it.
“I’m serious. I know that look on your face,” he whispers from next to you before turning to actually face you, “I could have anyone in the world, so why do you think I chose you?”
“Out of pity? I mean, look around us. I’m not exactly the best looking here,” you mumble, attempting to fight off the growing lump in your throat. So maybe Alhaitham isn’t so perfect, because you sure as hell hate the way he shows comfort.
He sighs irritated, “No, you idiot. Pity is a form of emotion I’ve never felt for anyone, not even you. You’re above the rest of them, so don’t doubt it for a second. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t be standing here with you right now.”
“You’re so mean, you know? You don’t have to put other people down just to make me feel better,” you say, fighting a smile. He really should’ve taken a class on human emotion back in his scholar days.
Alhaitham turns away from you now, facing the presenters and ignoring your defense against his words, “I only speak truthfully. You are the only person in all of Teyvat that I want. You can choose to believe it or not, but that’s factual information.”
He’s right. Alhaitham hates lying because he sees no point in it. It’s something he’s told you a thousand times, maybe even more.
“Will you say it then?”
You still don’t believe him anyway.
He quirks a brow, “Say what?”
You hold onto his arm a little tighter, afraid he might slip away from you. That bit of doubt still lingering in your mind, “That you think I’m…you know…?”
Alhaitham sighs but gives in regardless. Staring you dead in the eyes with no room for any semblance of a lie, he whispers quietly, “Yes, I think you’re the prettiest person in all of Teyvat.”
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winterrrnight · 4 months
always? always.
PAIRING: frat!rafe cameron x gn!ex bsf!reader
SUMMARY: you and rafe were best friends, but you parted ways in high school for reasons unknown. but what happens when you get a text from him, asking you to come over?
WARNINGS: abuse, ward being a shitty dad, swearing, bruises, cuts, blood, hurt/comfort. it talks explicitly about physical and emotional abuse!
EDITH SPEAKS: so. this is actually one of my works for my 300 followers celly and it was requested by @bejeweledreverie, but I accidentally posted their request without any actual content in it 🥲 so anyways, Annie, I hope you enjoy reading! <3
I got a little carried away, and usually I don't write themes like this, I think it turned out pretty good! Let me know any thoughts you may have 💞 this is set right in the beginning of S1!
PROMPT REQUESTED: "you came." "you called."
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This is strange. This is never supposed to happen. Rafe Cameron, out of all the people, has texted you if you can come over if you aren’t busy.
Where is this coming from?
You stare at the text for minutes, trying to figure out maybe there’s something which will show you this is all just a bluff. But it seems genuine. Really genuine.
And that’s what is concerning you.
You have known Rafe since basically forever, and you were close when you were little. But something happened in high school, something which you still haven’t figured out exactly what it is, that he basically refuses to do anything but detest you. You’ve tried to understand what it is; tried your level best to separate each strand of the situation to figure what exactly did you do that made him act this way. But you returned with no luck, and the best thing you could do was accept it, and move on from it.
As you think more and more about the text, the more it bothers you. It tugs on your heartstrings and you start to feel concerned for him. Fuck it, you whisper to yourself and get up from your bed to go to him.
As you’re driving to his place, you turn the situation over and over in your head. Maybe it is a prank, maybe it’s just some practical joke.
Or maybe, just maybe, he actually does need your help.
Even though the last one seems the one which has the least probability to happen, yet you’re on your way, as if you’re still his best friend.
You park your car right outside Tannyhill and make your way to its porch. You take a deep breath, trying your level best to calm down your nerves, and then you ring the bell.
The moment swells as you wait for someone to open the door for you, the only thing audible in your ears being your own heartbeat. Finally the door opens, and Rafe is standing right opposite you, in a condition that makes you gasp.
His nose is bloody and there’s a deep cut on his right cheek. Sweat and sticky tears shine on his face, and he’s almost trembling when he’s standing, holding the door open for you.
“Rafe?” You mumble softly, your breathing erratic and your eyes wide as you try to comprehend the situation at hand. Rafe Cameron texted you to come over, and when you do, you see he’s beat up.
Rafe isn’t one to back up from a fight and you know that. If a fight breaks out at school, you know, no matter what, the other person is going to be the one left with bruises all over them. Not Rafe.
It’s never Rafe.
But right now, he’s almost on the verge of breaking down, all covered in blood, and you know exactly who’s the cause of it.
It’s been happening since you’ve known him. Ward has never been satisfied with him. He has always had a sense of control over Rafe that gives him a superiority complex and makes him think he can do whatever his heart desires.
And that’s what made Rafe so cold.
So cold from love, and touch.
But with you, he used to be relaxed. You were just kids, but you’d be comforting him, letting him know he’s okay.
But when your separation happened, you never knew how he’s been doing, but never also asked him, because Rafe never really responded well to you.
But now that he’s asked you to come, after not being close for years, you know this is something huge.
Rafe is avoiding all sorts of eye contact with you, his gaze drifting to his shoes. You are still standing at the porch, your eyes desperately trying to find his.
“You came,” he softly mumbles, his gaze fixated at the floor.
“You called,” you breathe out.
His eyes train up to yours, blue eyes – which aren’t icy how you usually see them, but soft and full of hurt. Your heart almost breaks seeing him in this condition.
He silently steps aside to make way for you. You enter inside Tannyhill, and you realize you haven't been in here in the last few years except for occasionally at a party Rafe has thrown which your friend has dragged you to. You had almost forgotten the hugeness of the mansion, and how silent it feels when there’s not many people in it.
Rafe walks ahead of you and climbs up his stairs and up to his room. You silently follow him, even though your mind remembers all the paths like the back of your hand.
Rafe reaches his room and he grips onto the door knob, and you notice his knuckles are bloody too; definitely from punching something a little too hard. You peel your gaze away from him, the blood and the bruises making you a little uncomfortable.
Rafe opens the door and you both walk inside. The room is completely disheveled; the pillows thrown around, the duvet all wrinkly and messed up, a cluttered desk, and the worst: a hole in the wall. You’re quick to connect the dots when you realize the hole and his bleeding knuckles are connected.
Rafe is now sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands and his fingers are pulling on his hair strands. You sigh at the sight and sit next to him, a small distance between you two. Rafe has never been one to like physical touch, so you’re careful to not touch him in any way, when your heart is breaking at the sight and all you want to do is softly caress his back.
He looks up from his hand towards you. “I’m sorry for calling you at such a short notice,” he mumbles. “I- I didn’t have anyone else to call,”
You shake your head at him, a sympathetic look in your eyes. “It’s okay Rafe. What happened?”
He breaks your eye contact and looks at the floor, his gaze not wavering. His forehead is creased from stress, and you can see his chest heaving as he’s taking deep breaths.
“It’s getting worse,” he whispers so faintly, the words get lost in the air around you. “So much worse,”
“Where is he right now?” you softly ask.
“Cameron Development,” he sniffs. “It’s just, I can’t fight back. When it's him, I can never fight back. I feel like a little boy, completely lost and vulnerable. He plays with my feelings. One day he’s telling me he’s proud of me, and the next? Hitting me like I’m some toy,” he whispers. “I’m, I’m done with this shit.” He looks up at you, his eyes boring into yours. “And you’re the only one who knows about it,”
You intake a sharp breath at his words, them striking a chord in you. You have never known what to exactly do in these situations, all you do is help him calm down, listen to what he has to say, clean up his wounds, and ask him to just hope for it all to end. But it's been years. It hasn’t ended yet. Why will it ever end any time soon?
You feel your own eyes pricked by tears, but you try your best to not let them fall. Rafe is so good at hiding his true feelings behind a carefully curated façade, no one ever suspects him to be going through so much shit.
“Apparently I need to get my shit together,” he chuckles dryly, when you both know there is nothing humorous about this situation. “Because if I don’t, I’ll be a shitty heir to the family business. I won’t deserve it,”
“Rafe, I know for a fact you won’t be a shitty heir. You’ll be good, heck, you’ll be great,” you say. “I have so much faith in you. That’s just how Ward is. I don’t want you listening to him, okay? He’s fucked in the head. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.” You get up from his bed and stand in front of him, letting out your hand for him. “Come on, I’ll clean you up, yeah? All that blood and stuff,”
He only nods at your words and takes your hand, and he gets up. You walk to his bathroom where he has a first aid kit kept. Rafe sits on the sink and you stand in front of him, the first aid kit in your hand.
You firstly take a wet towel to clean the dried up blood from his face. You rub it gently over his face, cleaning all the blood and sweat off him.
His breathing starts to slow, and his muscles start to visibly relax as he’s letting you carefully patch him up. You can see his eyes are fluttered close, the creases in his forehead now completely absent, and he looks relaxed.
“Listen…” You mumble softly, as you're preparing a cotton pad with some antiseptic on top of it. “You don’t have long left before you can move out, yeah? It’s all almost done. You’re almost done with it.” You smile gently, as you very carefully start to dab the cotton pad on his bruises. “You’ve been so strong all your life, and now, it’s almost done. You’ll live far away from Ward, where he can’t say anything to you, yeah?”
He winces a little as the antiseptic burns him, but he doesn’t push you away. He stays fixed in his seat, his eyes closed, as he hears your words and lets you treat him.
A silence falls around you both as you start to put the band aids where they are needed. You take a step back to look if you’ve covered him okay, and it looks like you have.
“All done,” You smile, screwing the cap of the antiseptic back and keeping it in the box. Rafe opens his eyes, a soft look taking over his features as he watches you clean everything up and set it all aside.
“I’m, I’m sorry…” he whispers quietly. You look at him with a confused expression on your face.
“What for?” You mutter, not really knowing where he’s coming from.
“For pushing you away, I didn’t want to do that. It was the shittiest thing I’ve ever done. You’re the only one who understands me, who listens to me. Everyone just thinks I’m this privileged boy with a shit ton of money,” he shakes his head. “But you, you’ve seen it all through it. And I don’t think I can ever be this way with anyone else.”
You sigh at him, his words starting to sink in me. “I just want to know why you pushed me away.” You whisper. “We were best friends, Rafe,”
“I- I hated seeing you hanging out with the Pogues,” he mutters quietly. “I didn’t like losing you to them.”
You think hard about what he’s saying, and you realize he’s right. When you started at a new high school, it was overwhelming to say the very least. Pope was one of your study buddies in your class, and through him you met the rest of his friend group. To say they were living their life to the fullest is an understatement. They were enjoying every single moment of it.
“I know they live on the edge, they like doing adventurous things, and you’ve always seeked adventure just like that,” he continues, “it just hurts so much seeing you get with them. We parted ways, and the only thing I thought I could’ve done was to hate you. And, now that I think about it, I was just being petty, I know. I just, I just wish to have you back,”
The tears start to roll down your cheeks, your eyes red and your heart loud. You instantly wrap your arms around Rafe, clutching him tightly to you.
“I’m sorry,” You whisper, my head in the crook of his neck. “I’m really sorry I did that. It’s my fault we separated. It’s all my fault and I’m really sorry about that,”
Rafe’s hands reach for your back as he gently rubs it, the motion soothing and relaxing. “It’s okay, it really is. I was being a little child,” he softly chuckles. He holds onto your shoulders and gently pulls you back, looking into your eyes. “Just, don’t leave me again, yeah? I can’t do this life thing without you,”
You nod your head at his words, a soft smile taking over you as you feel your tears coming to a stop. “I promise to be by your side.” you say, your words firm.
“Always?” He asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
You sigh at his words, your smile still tugging on the corners of your lips.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae
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crheativity · 7 months
Can we get a part three of This with riddle and Ruggie?? Thank you! 💜 it's fine if you can't do it btw!
SUMMARY: Someone's picked a fight with Prefect! But he isn't going to let anyone hurt you anymore. Not on his watch. Part 3! Part 1 w/ Cater and Azul can be found here, and part 2 w/ Vil and Silver can be found here.
WARNING: Riddle calls someone a coward. Also the words idiot and jerk are in his part. People get hurt in Ruggie’s part but it isn’t really gory or anything
COMMENTS: I’m so sorry this took so long, my hands have been in a lot of pain the past couple months and are only starting to get better 🥲 I hope you enjoy it! Ruggie and Riddle were super good ideas for this prompt, this was so much fun to write! Thank you for the request! Also, if anyone has any ideas for more characters they’d like for this series, feel free to send in a request!
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It must be raining.
You were just out in a storm. That’s all.
That would explain the crack of thunder that collided with your face and gave you a throbbing headache. The warm liquid blurring your vision and dripping out of your mouth and nose was just the rain, not some unholy mix of blood and tears. The chills that froze you where you stood was just humidity and the cold, not adrenaline and raw fear.
And yet, even with your desperate brain trying to come up with some reasonable explanation, the only thunderstorm you could see in front of you was a student you couldn’t recognise. Not with your head pounding like this. Not with the thunder in your ears.
There was something about the boy that scared you. That wasn’t uncommon - this school was full of terrifyingly promising mages. But the scariest thing wasn’t how he wielded his magical pen with deadly accuracy, or how strong he so evidently was.
It was just how much he seemed to be enjoying the mix of horror and pain, of blood and tears, that must have been so evidently and delicately splashed across your face.
His smile twisted as he raised his pen again, something in those cruel eyes of his setting off alarm signals in your aching head.
“This’ll teach you not to meddle where you don’t belong.”
The pen glowed, pure magic surrounding it as he prepared to shoot. His sadistic eyes were alight with entertainment. He knew what he was about to do. He didn’t care.
You squeeze your eyes shut and braced for the lightning.
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Your eyes snapped open just in time to see the lightning, arcing gracefully yet violently through the air.
Aiming straight for your assailant’s neck.
“What the- hey! Get this thing off of me!” The boy snapped, tugging at the heart shaped collar that had just appeared around his neck.
“I most certainly will not!”
Spinning around, you saw two boys making their way towards you. One was tall with short green hair, glasses, and a familiar symbol - a club - painted just below his left eye. He looked worried, his gaze flicking from you, to your assailant, to his companion and back again.
The second boy made your heart skip a beat.
His small frame shook with rage. His face, twisted with anger, had become as red as his hair. He marched straight past you, heading towards your assailant, his magical pen gripped tightly in his hand.
Uh oh.
The moment Riddle Rosehearts decides to get involved, heads roll.
“How dare you?!” He yelled. “Using magic in a fight is a clear violation of the rules! Did you think you could just shamelessly flaunt your rule-breaking and expect me not to see it?! And attacking the magic-less prefect of all people! If you really must break the rules, at least fight someone on an equal footing as you, coward!”
The courtyard was dead silent as Riddle verbally ripped into the student, chewing him out for several rule violations and other discourtesies.
“But the prefect started it-!” Your assailant protested.
“I don’t know what history you and the prefect may have, but in this instance you attacked without provocation and without warning!” Riddle huffed. “And don’t try to lie to me. I saw the whole thing.”
The boy visibly deflated. There was no getting out of this for him.
“I want to see your student ID. Now.” Riddle ordered.
The boy sighed, pulled his ID out of his bag and handed it to Riddle.
“Ah, Pomefiore, hm? Be thankful you’re not in Heartslabyul,” he snapped, handing the ID back to the student. “Although,” he added, “Vil Schoenheit is certainly not the most lenient of housewardens. He will deal with you appropriately.”
You felt a hand rest on your shoulder. Looking up, you realised Trey Clover had stopped next to you.
He gave you a small, strained smile. “Are you alright, Prefect?”
Riddle glanced back over at you, a little startled. It appeared he had forgotten you were here.
“I’m alright… I think.” You managed, sending both the dormleader and vice-dormleader a smile.
Riddle’s face somehow got even redder and he looked away. You would’ve thought it almost funny if the world hadn’t started spinning. You quickly grabbed Trey’s arm to steady yourself.
“Maybe not.” You added.
Trey reached over to support you. “Riddle, you know more first aid than I do. I’ll take him to Pomefiore and explain the situation to Vil, but maybe you should take care of the Prefect or something?”
“Very well.” Riddle made his way over to you, reaching out to support you. He gently led you over to a bench and pulled out a handkerchief.
“Please pardon me, I’m going to administer first aid to you now.” He spoke stiffly. You nodded dazedly, and then felt a pang of regret as your headache tripled in intensity. You focused on breathing steadily as he cleaned the blood from your face and examined your injuries.
“You’ll have a couple of bruises, but nothing serious, thankfully.” He sighed in relief and instructed you to apply pressure to your nose and angle your head downwards to stem the bleeding.
Slowly but surely, the bleeding stopped. Riddle sat with you quietly the entire time, silently supporting you. You got the impression that he didn’t quite know what to say or do, and just how close you both were wasn’t helping matters. That was alright, though. Just having him here was enough.
“Prefect…” Riddle spoke so quietly you weren’t even sure he’d spoken. He was looking away from you, his face a light pink colour. He seemed embarrassed.
“What’s up?”
Riddle took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. “I… apologise for losing my temper back there. And also for not arriving and stopping him sooner. I’m truly sorry.”
You stared at him for a moment, then cracked a smile. “It’s alright. Although it would’ve been nice not to get hurt in the first place, it’s not your fault at all. You aren’t the idiot who tried to hurt me anyway.”
Riddle flinched at your ‘swear’. “Prefect!”
You grinned mischievously. “Wha-at? There’s no rule against calling someone an idiot, is there? Besides, you called him a coward earlier. If I’m going to get in trouble for calling someone an idiot then you should get in trouble for calling someone a coward.”
Riddle smiled and shook his head, his cheeks slightly pink. “Well then, I suppose I’ll have to watch my tongue. As Heartslabyul dorm leader, I simply must set a good example for my dorm members. Which means I must refrain from calling people… jerks.”
You gasped and clapped your hand over your mouth, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. “Riddle!”
His eyes lit up as you said his name. He looked at you so gently, so lovingly as you struggled not to laugh that you felt your face going warm.
Wouldn’t it be nice to stay like this forever….?
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A yell of pain shot through the air, wrenching your eyes open in fear. Stumbling backwards, you drank in the scene in front of you before realising in horror what had happened.
Someone had jumped in front of you.
A beastman, to be more specific.
The boy stood protectively in front of you, breathing hard, hackles raised. He had dirty blond hair and an outfit much too big for him. His right hand was gripped tightly around his magical pen, his left was holding his right shoulder. Blood was beginning to fall at his feet.
Wait, blood?
Scanning him again quickly and you saw them: shards of ice crystals stuck out of his shoulder at every angle. Your stomach twisted and you felt the bile rise in the back of your throat.
“Prefect, go!”
The boy turned at you and snarled. “Run!”
You stumbled backwards, stunned. A spell - another gift from your assailant - flew by your ear. Scrambling backwards, you cast your eyes around to find a place to hide.
Sprinting over and sliding into the hiding spot, you peaked your head around and watched.
It was brutal.
The boy who saved you - the boy you now recognise as your crush, Ruggie Bucchi - fought viciously, yet his opponent was not the kind to give up easily. For every spell Ruggie had, this boy somehow managed to dodge or deflect almost every single one of them, and fire off a few of his own.
Come on, Ruggie. You thought. Please be okay.
Ripping your gaze from the fight, you pulled a packet of wipes from your bag and forced yourself to clean your wounds. Anything to distract from what was going on.
After all, there was no way you could help. You were magicless after all, so it was probably best to just leave things to those who could fight, right?
A yell of pain forced your attention back on the fight. Both boys were now breathing hard, blood strewn across the courtyard. From the looks of things, neither boy could beat the other. Ruggie couldn’t break a hole in his defence and the other boy could barely hit Ruggie, who was sprinting and dodging like his life depended on it.
“Stay still, mutt!” The boy snapped, firing off spell after spell.
Ruggie didn’t even respond. His concentration remained on dodging and finding a weak point, but your assailant didn’t leave him time to cast a spell.
He just needed an opening.
Steeling yourself, you grabbed a rock and snuck around the two of them. You adjusted your grip on the rock.
Please, don’t let this hit anyone. You prayed, then stepped out into the open.
“HEY DIPSTICK, OVER HERE!” You yelled as loud as you could and then hurled the rock in his direction.
The boy whirled around and deflected the rock with magic in an instant. Seeing you, he seized his chance and prepared to fire off another spell. You squeezed your eyes tight and held your hands in front of your face.
“Laugh with me!”
No spell came. Opening your eyes, you saw the boy in front of you, clearly angry. He walked towards you rigidly, as if he was trying to do anything but that. He pulled his student ID out of his bag and handed it to you.
Then he turned around and walked away. Your eyes followed him as he walked a ways off, then stopped.
The boy whirled around, his magical pen aimed directly at you and began to cast-
And then was immediately knocked off his feet from a blast of wind magic.
Someone grabbed your arm. “C’mon Prefect, now’s when we run-“
Ruggie ran hard, tugging you along with him as you dodged through crowds of people, eventually slowing to a stop in front of some empty classrooms.
You gasped for breath and put your hands on your knees, trying to recover from your sprint. Glancing up, you saw Ruggie leaning against the wall, breathing hard.
He looked awful.
His shoulder looked worse, his uniform was singed and he smelled of smoke. He had countless scratches and scrapes. Yet despite all this, he caught your eye and smiled painfully.
“What… whatcha starin’ at, Prefect?” He panted, clearly exhausted.
“Your shoulder…” you managed. His smile fell and he shrugged - then grimaced.
“‘S fine. Don’t need to worry, shishish-“ he cursed and winced.
You walked over to him and looked him over. His face was ever so slightly pink as he looked away. He shook slightly as you tugged off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
Pulling out your packet of wipes, you looked up at him. “This okay?”
He glanced at you briefly, his face still pink, his ears flat against his head. He looked away again. “‘S whatever.” He mumbled.
You gently cleaned up his cuts and scrapes. Looking at his shoulder injury, you sighed. “I can’t do anything about that one. I’m taking you to the nurse’s office.”
“But-“ he protested, but fell silent when you cut him off.
“No buts. That’s serious, Ruggie. I’ll buy you doughnuts if you let me take you.” You added, hoping the bribe would work.
He hesitated, then smiled at you. “Fine. Shishishi, if I didn’t know better, I’d guess you’d care for me or somethin’.”
You simply stared at him.
He went red. “P-prefect-? Got somethin’ you wanna say? Haha…”
“Come on,” you said with a smile and a sigh. “Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
What a dummy. You thought as you pulled him along. I think I love him.
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♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
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hereticdrws · 5 months
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Mizu headcannons
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Warnings: panic attacks, nightmares, mizu being a dick in the beginning
a/n: every day I wake up and check tumblr to see if anyone has posted a new mizu fanfic so I have stupidly decided to take it into my own hands 🥲/j
- ⚔ - enjoy my lovelies - ⚔ -
• mizu is definitely very distant during the beginning of yalls friendship/relationship, mostly because she doesn't want to be hurt again (m*k*io)
•she also will try to push you away later on like, showing you her scars, revealing she's a woman, and js showing all her flaws (not all of them all of them but most) in an attempt to scare you away
•you both still love each other in a friendly way like when her clothes get cut up you sew them together, when she's hurt/sick you'll do everything in your power to heal her/protect her until she's better and vice versa
• while she does try and scare you away with her flaws she also tries to show you she doesn't care abt you by kinda being a bitch
As I walked behind her, I wasn't aware of the hole in the ground covered by snow and leaves, I ended up tripping falling into her back.
"Watch it!"
She said in an angry tone, glaring at me as I looked up to her from the snow.
"Get up, we don't have any time to take naps"
She sneered.
"I clearly wasn't taking a nap, I fell, you don't have to be such a bitch about it"
I said under my breath.
"What did you say?"
She said, almost seething.
"Didn't say anything"
I shrugged... she simply glared at me before turning back to the road, mumbling about me under her breath.
• she definitely becomes more bitchier once she realizes she has a crush on you
• when she realizes she has a crush on you she kinda freaks out, telling herself there's no way you would ever like her back because you were both women
•she tries to push you away even more when she realizes but you don't budge, mostly because you know why she's trying to push you away (I mean cmon, girl can't hide her feelings for shit tbh 😭)
• once you realize 'oh shit she likes me' you DEFINITELY tease the ever-loving shit out of her but in a low key way
I walked beside mizu into the crowd of people, we had just arrived in a town near kohana, mizus old village, after visiting her sword father. The crowd seemed to basically part once mizu stept through, making way for the 'man' but the second mizu passed all I felt was shoulders bumping me and pushing me away from her.. at least that was my excuse.
I grabbed her hand as to stay near her, pulling myself towards her and wrapping my arm around hers.
"What are you doing?" She said in a low angry tone, though the subtle blush creeping onto her cheeks proved her tone other wise.
"Trying to stay on my feet without being pushed down, why is there something wrong?" I said with a slight smirk, raising my eyebrow at the 'samurai not samurai'
•you are definitely the first to confess feelings for mizu, but mizu is the first to initiate the kiss
•she's taken of guard by you telling her how much/long you love her
•her eyes kinda brimmed w tears when you confessed because she was so used to the feeling of never being loved
•when you fist kissed she was definitely very passionate when it came to it, being the touch starved woman she is 😌 for ex: she would push you down onto the cot (small bed) and make out with you like you were her last meal, she would definitely leave marks but it would stay at that, nothing nsfw....... yet.
•when you too finally become a 'couple' mizu is like 1000% more protective of you, always has to have her hands on you, whether it be in a crowd, the forest, a brothel, or even a tea house, if any danger comes the first thing on her mind is to protect you and vice versa
• she's definitely a cuddler, like she has had damn near no loving touch in her life so when she finally dates you, she can't keep her hands off
•she isn't big on pda since she has to protect her identity and being vulnerable in any way in public is js asking for danger
•but she would still keep her hands near you, whether it be around your waist, your arm, or your hand
•she has a few nicknames for you. Ex: honey, baby, love, and doll or dove bit that's only special occasions 😌
• she's also definitely the type to get jealous, she can't stand when your around taigen because of his flirty nature, ofc if you wanted to be friends with him, she wouldn't stop you, she doesn't want you to feel controlled or stuck
•but she'll get kinda petty abt it like she'll start ignoring you and kind of avoiding you, but you'll talk it out and everything will be fine (ik ik lazy writing don't judge 😔)
•it takes awhile for mizu to open up about her past, like allll of it, but when she does your right there holding her, stroking her hair as she tells you everything
•when mizu sleeps she tends to have nightmares alot due to her past and present (girl cannot catch a break for the life of her) so some nights she'll wake up screaming with her chest pounding, flying to her feet into a defensive position, but once her eyes adjust she'll sink onto the ground holding her chest. You'll shoot out of bed, slowly coming towards her, whispering every move your going to make to her so you don't frighten her more, once she catches her breath she'll fall into your hands, letting you pull her back to bed.
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Ladies, gentlemen, and absolutely everyone else thank you for reading this, my asks are open for art reqs and any little oneshots or headcannons or literally whatever else I haven't written in ever 🥲 I hope you enjoyed, reblogs r highly appreciated!! I love yall tysm for reading 😊
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
❤️❤️Pac18+ Channeled Letter From FS ❤️💋
* take a minute to get into the mood of this reading. These are Five Piles. All channeled Messages from your Spouses. Some of them were irritated but sweet but a lot of them were funny as hell. They made me laugh. But anyway Take what resonates and what doesn't leave the rest alone. Enjoy them. Inhale and Exhale.. 🥲🥲💋
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Dear My Love,
Damn, I've been missing you all day today. I'm sorry I haven't got back to you lately. I've just been busy as always. Did you get my message? I hope that you've been working on yourself and not nobody else bullshit. I wanna make up for all those times I've missed with you. Again thank you for being my rock. I know it is your energy. I can feel it. Make sure you're working out, and staying out of trouble. I'm tired of you doubting our connection. We are meant to be. Don't you feel it? I'm coming home soon. I know don't see it yet but at least try to act like I'm there. I know right who tf am I say that that right. I want someone to complain to right now. There's a lot of pain I've been holding onto that I wanna let go. I can't. I can't even cry right now because I have to make sure my family and others are well. Of course, I wanna meet you. You're my wife. I don't know what the future holds for us. But let's not tend to look over there right now. I know I get caught up in the future as well. You are my favorite person in the world to me. I can't say too much it seems like I am supposed to keep quiet about this. But I just wanna say thank you for holding your ground baby. All the negative people don't pay them any mind because, in the end, they won't even matter anymore to us. I know I sound like I'm shitting on myself but I feel like you are so damn perfect I'm just me. Will you be my bride-to-be? Haha 😂🤣 I know I'm rushing. I just wanna get to know you already. Your energy fulfilled me. You and I are made for each other. What can I say? That I love you, my starlight. You shine so much on your own and you don't even know it. I'm giving you so much credit! You should give it to yourself more often. I can see the potential in you. Always look up at the stars and count them I'm right there looking at them too. Rose is red, violets are blue, I wanted to say, baby, forgive you. I know I suck at rhyme but that's all I can think of. 🤣. Anyways thank you for letting me air out my feelings for you and a little bit about my life. Thank you, my dear. Yours truly Best Friend.
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SIGH, My cupcake 🧁
My sweet darling cupcake, Where have you been all my life? Just sitting around. May I be completely honest with you? What the fuck happened to you? I mean I've missed you in my dreams. I don't see you anymore. Are you mad at me or something? Tell me what I did wrong so we can fix the issue. Like Tuh, TODAY! I hope you do not purposely ignore me. That shit is unfair. I’m sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a dickhead but you're being a dickhead to me. So what are you talking to someone else? Is there someone else on your mind? That's right I can say I'm irritated by you. But you're so damn lucky I can't stay mad at you it's so hard for me to stay mad at you. I mean look at you. You're my fucking cupcake. You are the most precious person in the world to me. I get overly possessive over you. I'll hunt someone down if they hurt you! Just say the magic word, my love. I'll fucking do it. You look so goddamn beautiful. You are a fucking goddess to me. My everything, my soulmate, my soul family. Yes! I've been dying to say that but I gotta little choke up for a second. But How are you doing? Are you okay? Whenever you're not feeling okay think of us. Think about our house together, marriage, babies, etc. Whatever you can think of us. Do it! I don't like it when you are feeling down it makes me feel down. Thank you for walking beside me, and now it's my turn to walk beside you. It's okay give me your burden. I'll carry them for you. I know I come off as aggressive, and dominant but that's just me being overly protective and worrying about you. You know damn well you would do the same for me too. Anyways I have to go. But I'll talk to you soon. Keep your head up. Don't let anyone disrespect you at all. Keep it pushing, if the people in your life were meant to fall off then fucking let them don't pick them up after they fucking fall. I'm sorry 💔. Let me catch my breath. I love you my sweet cupcake. (excited) I get so excited saying look at me all giggly now hahaha!!! Always keep your head up. My cupcake, you are forever mine never forget that. Please. Make sure to take it easy on yourself why don't you? I like it when you dress up all pretty. I love your body, face, and everything about you. I just wanna kiss your body. All up and down.
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Dear My teddy bear 🧸🧸
Ahhh, I wanna fucking scream 🙀right now but I'm cooling down right now. Okay, I'm calm now. I'm just so excited to talk to you. I don't know maybe it's me or it's just your fucking energy getting me all work up. I love when you are excited and work up like I am💋. Always teddy bear. How are you? I've missed you today. It seems like I haven't talked to you all day today. But what's been going on with your life? I hope you having a good day today. Make sure you are smiling too. I love it when you smile, shoo you probably smile right now as I'm talking to you. Can you hear me? Reach out to me. Oh, there's so much I have to say to you. I do. The first thing is. Did you eat today? I hope you did. Get your strength up. Did anyone fuck with you today? Like trouble you. I get it you have your difficulties to face, but I'm still here. I wanna be your knight and shine Amor. I know I sound like a fairytale dream guy or whatever but here's my thing though! Even if I'm so type of fantasy to you. You can pull me out, right? Whatever that stupid saying you die in the dream you die for real obviously not! Haha, but what I'm trying to say is if you are dreaming about me❤️‍🔥 that means I'm real to you. I'm manifesting you come into my life. I may know your face but I felt you before and your energy. It's is always the same I can tell that it's you. If that makes sense. I know I'm a fucking goofy ball! I think it's your energy I told you it's YOU!! HA! I love it though. But my sweet teddy bear! I wanna cuddle next to you. That's right I am a cuddle! Since I'm tall I like to get a cuddle. That's why I call you my teddy bear. You're so soft and warm 🔅. Whenever you're laying in your bed, you are not alone. Like Michael Jackson's song “You are not alone, I'm Here with You. Though far away I'm here to stay🍒. Because you are not alone.” some shit like that. Well, that's the song that came into my head I wanna send that to you. Holy snap! I think that I just put our wedding song Oops yikes my bad. Or you don't mind. ❤️❤️🧸❤️❤️. My gorgeous darling. How can I ever repay you? Not money but I wish I can snap my finger. You can fall into my arms just like that. Haha! Only like a fairytale movie. To be real! I like the villains more than the heroes. Do you ever realize that? Huh? Funny isn't it? They always make the villains describe our reality. Man! That's hilarious, isn't it? But anyways I wanna send you all the kisses! In the world, I hope you can feel them. Love you! I am coming to you in your dream so gear up. Love ya!
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My Hero
Oh, my hero girl! I've been missing your touch lately. This red string is meant for you. I can't attach it to someone else. It's not there, to begin with anyway. I know that I've to overthink a lot about things. I got bad supporters, people, and businesses that have just been fucking me over. I'm trying to wrap my head around this what I'm doing wrong. Do I deserve what I think I deserve? I know deserve you but then I don't sometimes. See! Overthinking again. Maybe if you were here then I won't be feeling this way doubting myself and our connection. I feel that we have something together. I mean look at you and look at me. Would date someone like me? Would you be with someone like me? After everything from my past that you heard all over the blogs, social media, and news. Would you? I know I wouldn't. I'm competing with myself. All the time. The more I think about the bad, the more I trap myself. I wanna wake up from this nightmare I've been working on. My hero, I haven't been okay lately. I had fallen sick not like that if you know what I mean just depressed lately. I've been wanting to talk to you but I figure I wasn't strong enough to do it. Well, I'm here now so that counts. I have a mindset of wanting new beginnings for myself. Because I deserve better than this. You understand me, right? Am I talking too much? I don't want to annoy you. Just want someone to talk to and understand me just for once. I isolated myself away from people. Going through a lot of ups and downs with some business stuff. Don't worry my little hero I got this. I thank you for your concern for me. That's one thing that I love about you. Everything about you is so special. We are match-made from heaven. We were to incarnate down here to be together. Maybe it's time for us to finally meet. What do you think? I mean if I'm toxic for you then stay fuck away from me. If I'm in a dark place why the hell would I want my hero involved with that? I would be hurt because these are my demon to face. But anyway. Can I tell you about my dream about us? I saw us on a beach just laying down on the sand holding you while hearing the beautiful breeze of the ocean. I think back at those dreams all the time. Sorry, I can't tell you to rest because I don't want to give the rest out right now. But my little hero is always here to save my day. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I think that sometimes I've burned myself out all the time. But I'm working on myself even more. I'm slowly freeing myself. I feel like someone is betraying me I don't even know who it is. Ugh, you're right. I won't pay them any mind at all. I'll try not to. Again thanks for letting me share my side. Now it seems like I've seen you before. Where did I see you? Hmmm did you go to the same school as I did? Or work at the same place before. Your face I can't get out of my head. I can never get rid of your beautiful face of yours. Yes! See!! Haha, I'm smiling 😂🙃😛you brighten up my day. I hope I did the same thing for you my hero. I love you and take care of yourself, please. Muah 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
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My Moonlight
When our fingers touch, my body goes into shock. Can you feel it? I sure can. There's no doubt in my mind that you are the one for me. I think that I've dreamt about you before. I dedicated songs to you before. Yours and mines are the same our soul. Once the two of us get together we are each other’s perfect match. You are the pieces to my puzzles and I am yours. The way you say things got me all twisted. Whenever I see your face I tried to find you again. But then I go back to sleep you're gone. My moonlight where did you go? Why did you disappear on me? I know isn't your fault. But I think that's crazy to say but you and I are Twin Flame or my other half. I love hearing your voice in my head. I daydream about you all the time. You come to like nobody's business! Don't worry I'm not ashamed of you. I tell my friends and people about you, but they all make fun of me like you aren't real. But to me you are real. I had vivid dreams about you. All the time. The way you say my name is so beautiful. Do you sing opera? It is so magnificent. I love it. When our soul combines. They are singing that we are each other’s forever. I never doubt that for a second. I know I got some bad friends, etc. But I don't pay those bitches no mind. Because they ain't my concern. I am! So you are my favorite person. I don't care if people think I'm crazy, or I need help because I talked to myself. Who doesn't talk to themselves? I'm sorry, I went down to an angry place let me breathe this out. Okay, anyways I look at the stars, I wish all the time for you to come into my life. I won't lie my life sometimes fucking boring. Ha 😂 I know you feel the same way too. But I know that I've been working to hard get my financials shit up. So I won't be able to talk to you. But whenever you're looking at the moon, you'll find me staring back at it. Because when the moon shines on your eyes that's my eyes glimpsing back at you. I know you can't feel me physically but feel me emotionally, and spiritually. We have a spiritual connection between you and me. I know you can feel and so can I. It may not be what you want all the time but it is worth the risk. I don't think you know how much you mean to me. You mean everything to me. I'm so proud of the work you've been doing for yourself. Let me give you around applause 👏🏾👏🏾 that's how much I'm proud of you. Thank you for being that much amazing to yourself. Don't feed into that anger. Whenever you are feeling angry or a negative thought came to mind burst that fucking ego. Shout it out if you have to. Shit call me and we’ll do it together. We are a partner no matter what. I know I come off as this softy but I don't care. I don't want anybody else touching you, or talking to you. I know sound possessive. I don't care I care about you so much. I can be a real fucking dickhead if I want to be but I choose not to be. Make sure you meditate and always remember what I said SELF-Control is important! Man, I gotta start making up homework for your ass! 🤣🤣😂 Anyways my other half I know you mean well. But I just wanna tell you!! You are my favorite person in the world. The Universe already blessed me enough with your light and energy. I'm just ready to enjoy it in person. How amazing you are. Thank you for choosing me. I'm glad you're my other half. Doesn't matter if we are soulmates, twin flames, or whatever. You still are my MOONLIGHT!! Forever & always. Promise me that you'll take good care of yourself. No matter what. Don't be surrounded yourself by toxic people, or energies if they try to block them. Like I said call me I’ll help you push them out of the way. I love you my darling, you already know. 🧸💋💋❤️🧸
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minjiarchive · 4 months
my way or fuck it out | jiu x fem!reader
i'll stop shit posting for now just to feed you all 🥲
warnings / smut, mommy kink (lolol i wish i could stop with the mommy kink with minji)
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Minji doesn't always choose 'fucking it out' as an option to handle bad behavior.
That's only when it comes to other people though.
She's the leader in her group and sometimes her position can bleed into your relationship and sex, which is why she didn't tolerate the way you teased her all night during dinner with the other girls.
It was an innocent game after all – but that's if you didn't get her wet in the process of teasing her earlier. You enjoyed watching her flushed and fucked out face every time you touched her under the table,
Minji doesn't take your game very lightly and in fact, she lays out all the different ways she could handle you on the drive back home.
She sat in the passenger seat of the car while you were seated at the back. The distance seemed good for now, she was able to settle whatever the fuck happened earlier in silence.
“Any reason you wanted to tease me tonight?” Minji texts, hearing your phone chime from the back of the van. You smile to yourself, knowing it's a message from her since she's the only one awake in the car.
Your single-worded message is funny to her, she knows you'd never be that bold if she was on top of you.
“You're being such a brat, I hate it.” She doesn't really hate it, it just gives her a bigger excuse to be rough with you.
Minji notices your smirk grow bigger in the rear-view mirror, you aren't subtle at all, she suspects. She's prepared for a message that's going to get her wet (again) or another snarky remark from you.
And if she could pick, she'd rather want the message that would get her wet.
“It's not a big deal, unnie.”
Minji slacks her jaw at your text, it's like you're purposely trying to get on her last nerve. This conversation was going nowhere at all and not in the way she wanted to handle it. Minji is a composed woman though, working her thoughts by herself, so she thinks of ways to approach her last few texts to you since you'd be arriving at the dorm soon.
She quickly types the one phrase that always has that effect on you, “Is that so?”
You could say she gave you a million chances tonight, turning down all those opportunities to be good just to turn her on. And you don’t process how severe you've already made the situation, Minji can take a little more of your games, you're sure of it.
Minji isn't really having it with you this time, she knows that her messages will never get through your head until she does something – touch you, fuck you. You aren't close to deserving a simple request like that and with the time you have left until you reach the dorm, she doesn't have the patience to take care of your mess anymore.
“Tell Bora she's sleeping alone tonight, you're coming with me to my room.”
“It's a shame that you don't get to be loud tonight,” she speaks, her voice low and calm while she positions you on her lap, “because you obviously want to be a smart ass and you don't know your place, do you?”
You're honestly losing your shit and you don't know how to reply. She isn't wrong, she's never wrong, but you don't want to admit that she's right.
It's embarrassing to say the least.
You feel humiliated just squirming when she's barely touched you, skin already feeling sensitive. You choose not to say anything and nod at her words instead, which is a horrible idea for tonight.
She slaps the side of your thigh, not as hard as she would if she slapped your ass instead but still left a lingering sting.
The way heat traveled to your center almost immediately made you question what unhealed part of you was so attracted to that. Maybe it's the disciplining part in this, her voice, or maybe everything about her has you down to her mercy, all of the above could work.
“I do know my place, I'm sorry mommy,” your words slipping out faster from the desperation.
“Good, now,” her fingers gripping your jaw, making sure she has your full attention, “you're going to take my fingers, okay? Don't fight it.”
One second, you're clenching around nothing, another second, and you clench around her slender digits.
She pumps her fingers in a monitored pace, stretching your cunt out with each thrust. Your mouth fell open, letting out moan after moan as your legs spread wider for her. Minji keeps your legs there, using her one free hand to push your thigh open.
“Tell mommy how sorry you are.”
“I'm sorry... I'm sorry,” you whine, stuttering over your pleas when her palm starts rubbing faster against your clit.
She enjoys herself, loving how easy it is to fuck this side out of you, hearing you beg for her. Minji finds you so pretty like this, all open and flushed out for her as you let her do whatever she wants. Although she can't see your face directly, she knows the rush she’ll get seeing your flustered face afterward.
Minji doesn't think it's enough though. This is your punishment, it's not supposed to be quick and easy,
“Are you getting close?” Minji asks.
“Yes, please, I'm gonna cum.”
She wasn't sure who gave you permission to cum but you were far from earning that now.
Minji's question was soon followed by her fingers slowly leaving your entrance, the pressure on your clit gone. Your soul entering your body again once the pleasure is all taken away. It would be a long night of edging if you think you'd be let off that fast.
You cried out, “No, no, please! I'm sorry for misbehaving earlier, I promise it won't happen again...”
Minji believes you, you're so good for her already. Words are important to her play though, she'd always remind you to use your words when you forget which is often lately. But you're lucky that Minji is a patient girl because she has no problem with giving you reminders, she understands that it takes time.
She hasn't had all her fun yet – so she isn't satisfied. You're aware of how embarrassingly quick it took for you to get close, it wouldn't be fair if she didn't tease you just a little bit more.
“And how are you going to prove that to me?”
Her fingers were covered in your slick, making it easier to spread it throughout your folds, your breath picking up when her thumb rolls over your clit. Minji hears you very clearly and uses it to her advantage, running a few more strokes along your swollen bud.
She wants you broken down to your lowest, having you reach your high multiple times that you can't speak without sobs coming out.
Minji pulls every muscle in your body to its peak, hips jerking up and your walls tensing tighter. It feels too good that you almost forget to answer her question in which you scrambled to speak before further consequences,
“I-I'm sorry, please... I'll let you fix my attitude by making me cum as many times as you want.”
“Good girl, baby,” Minji praising, “I'll fuck you so hard that you'll think twice before acting up again.”
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iamchriswife · 3 months
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chris sturniolo x angelina hamilton
chapter one
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Liked by SkylarHamilton, MattSturniolo and 583,726 others...
sturniolotriplets TOUR DATES! TICKETS GO ON SALE AUGUST 9TH 2:30 PST 5:30 EST! Excited to see you guys 🦌🦈🦇
nicksturniolo Bats on top 🦇🦇🦇
chrissturniolo 🦌
user crying from europe
-> skylarhamilton ME TOO GIRL!! 😭😭
user raaah they all look so good 😍😍😍
skylarhamilton praying to god you just randomly switch up and come to the uk 🙏🙏🙏
-> sturniolotriplets Another time maybe 🤷‍♂️
-> skylarhamilton SCREAMING WHAT
-> skylarhamilton NICK PLS BE YOU I LOVE YOU 💕💖💗💞
-> nicksturniolo Love you more!!
-> skylarhamilton I DIED.
-> mattsturniolo Lmao me too
user id beg my mom to go but she just wouldn’t let me 🥲🥲👎
mattsturniolo See y'all there 👋👋
Skylar Hamiltons birthday had been hectic already and it was only lunch time. First of all Skylar had woken up way before Angelina which was unplanned as Angelina had saved the decorations for the morning, the girls cake hadn't been finished by the bakery, some of her presents still hadn't come in the mail and most of the teenagers friends hadn't knocked at the door to join her party.
Angelina had tried her very best to make do with what they had. Turning blowing balloons up into a 'party game', picking up a cake that didn't fit the theme from the stores instead, and was currently trying her best to make a fun party even though only three out of the twelve girls invited had shown up.
What annoyed the siblings was that they had notice. It wasn't like it was a rushed invitation that had been handed out at the start of the week. No, in-fact they had invited people at least two months before to know what to prepare for, the girls who hadn't shown up had been in the group-chat that was made and were seemingly excited about it all.
But what pissed off Angelina more than it did Skylar, was that the girls who didn't show up were hanging out together and posting it on their public stories on every possible social media account possible. Lord knows she was damn near pulling up and screaming in their faces, but she kept herself calm.
So Angelina sat on the sofa and watched Skylar and her three friends; Jess, Sophia and Charlie. They were currently playing a stupid game one of them had bought over. It was some type of card game that had them rolling on the floor in laughter, so Angelina couldn't complain.
All she was waiting for now was the doorbell to ring. Her phone sat on her thigh, refreshing her texts every few seconds (sometimes minutes as she would zone out or get distracted by the teenagers in-front of her).
Once the doorbell rang she would be able to collect Skylars main present, the one she had bought not too long ago after doing quite a lot of research after the teenagers ramble in the kitchen one morning a few weeks ago.
"That's not even funny! I'm just— I'm—!" A cackle tuned itself in too Angelinas ears. Jess was struggling to catch a breath whilst speaking, Skylar and Sophia were both laid back on the carpeted floor with their hands on their stomach. The sound of laughter not even escaping their mouths as they were laughing that hard. Angelina smiled to herself, snapping a few pictures of the three that she would make sure to send to them all like she had been doing all night.
The TV played quietly behind them, a youtube video playing of the brothers their car, discussing something random topic each time Angelina would pass by. Skylar seemed to enjoy their channel a lot, along with the friends sat in the living room, and Angelina didn't really watch any youtube at all so she was open to anything. She would consider herself a 'fan' but not like the type she's seen occasionally on her for you page.
The dark skinned girl snapped out of her thoughts as the doorbell rung, the teenagers in-front of her not even noticing in the midst of their fit of laughter. Angelina stood up and walked towards the door where her friend, Maya, stood behind the wood.
Maya smiled towards Angelina, "Hey! How are you?"
"I'm good you? You have the thing?"
"Yeah I'm good, and of course." Maya smiled towards the dark skinned girl. Lifting the small, sealed envelope that was sat in her hand. "I would stay but I gotta run, tell Skye I said happy birthday!"
Angelina nodded with a smile, shouting a 'thanks' as the girl walked back towards her car, shutting the door and moving back into the living room. The group of teenagers were now sat on the sofas, the TV's volume turned up slightly as they were all focused on the current video playing.
Charlie looked up as Angelina walked in, "Hey, where'd you go?”
"Got something for the birthday girl." Angelina smiled, gently chucking the envelope onto her sisters lap which caused Skylar's eyes to drift downwards and her eyebrows to raise.
"What is it?" Skylar questioned, Angelina only shrugging in response and plopping herself down on the other sofa. Sophia and Charlie only smiled as they encouraged the girl to open the envelope quicker.
Inside the envelope was a small sheet of paper, small graphics decorating it. "Read it out then!" Sophia sighed, nudging Skylar in the ribs. Skylar only beamed a bright smile after skimming through the note.
"Dear Skylar, you are invited to the Sturniolo triplets verses tour in Orlando Florida on the eighteenth of October. Unluckily for you, your sister will be joining you but I hope you have a good time. Your flight leaves in three days, get packing."
The four girls squealed all together, jumping up and down in a small group huddle. Skylar separating herself from the other three and jumping onto Angelina, hugging her tightly.
"Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome Skye, just know you're doing the dishes for three days."
tags: @st7rnioioss @its-jennarose @timmyscomputer @kriissy4gov @liz-stxrn @sunrisemill @mattssluttywaist @riasturns @mx0qin @junnniiieee07 @sturnzsblog @mattslolita @ariieeesworld @alorsxsturn @nonameisthegameandilovejake
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cupidjyu · 10 months
the sweetener you are
hyunjae x reader (idea from the anon who requested childhood friends to lovers!)
summary: when a mysterious man moves into the apartment next door, you realize that he’s your childhood best friend who’s disappeared for years. he changed, his life seeming to have soured. but you could just be his sweetener, the one to make him smile again
genre: best friends to lovers, and boy-next-door sorta thing, hurt/comfort for him because he deserves the world, nightmares, healing, one bed trope, youre forced to move in with him hahaha am i evil, back hugs, he acts "drunk" when tired (dont ask why, it was just an excuse to write him being clingy), hes flirty ish and teasing, hes shirtless for like one second (BECAUSE.), sleepy love confessions, kissing, is there tension? i can't tell myself, “sweetheart” good god notes: school started so expect much much less after this... so see you in a bit 🥲🥲but hope u enjoy!!! this is literally just yumi who needs to stop writing long interpretations of their love for hyunjae in the form of fics + song inspo! word count: 12.7k
You coughed. You choked. And then you glared straight at Younghoon who was staring back in complete alarm. Setting the unfinished glass down on the counter with a loud clink, you clenched your jaw with unspoken curse words that threatened to escape your lips.
“This tastes like dirt,” You garbled out. Rushing over to one of your cupboards, you pulled out one of those small sugar packets that you liked to swipe from those cute coffee shops. If it was free, why not take a few? Ripping the paper open, you poured it into the drink that didn’t even look like it belonged on this planet. It was both… green and yellowish-blue at the same time.
Younghoon gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth dramatically. “That’s not healthy!”
“But it tastes so bad,” You whined. “It needs a sweetener.”
He glared, dragging his hand all the way down his jaw in an unattractive way. “It’s an herbal drink. It’s meant to taste bad. Think of all the health benefits you could’ve gotten out of that without the sugar.”
“You made this?” You scrunched up your face in disgust.
“No, I–” He laughed nervously. “My mom did. I promised her I would finish it.”
You narrowed your eyes. “And you couldn’t because it tasted so bad. So you’re making me finish it.”
He gave you a pained smile as he stepped away. “I– who said that?”
“Why’re we even friends?” You questioned before jabbing a finger at the door. “Get out.”
Younghoon pouted but he eventually obliged, opening the apartment door. “You still owe me money for that overpriced tiny piece of cake by the way.”
“It tasted good!” You shot back.
“It did not.” He sighed. “It’s just you with your horrible sweet tooth. Don’t even– hey…” You noticed him peeking out of your door and into the hallway. And then he leaned back in, searching your face with wonder. “Someone’s moving in next door.”
You brightened with interest at that, practically jumping off where you were sitting on the kitchen counter. Bounding over to the door, you poked your head out under Younghoon’s, just like they did in the cartoons. Squinting your eyes, all you could see was a tall man with a cap on that covered most of his face. 
“Who’s that?” Younghoon said, slightly too loud for your liking.
With a groan, you elbowed him in the ribs. “Shh…how would I know? Though... he does look better than that old dude who constantly yelled at those courtroom TV shows like he was the judge.” It was like the apartment next to yours was cursed. Magic wasn’t real here. Or at least, in this world. But you still believed that a witch had strolled by and casually placed a hex on Apt 245 for the fun of it. For the time that you’ve been here, you’ve seen about five people move in there. And they were never happy. 
Once, there were two parents who had to deal with multiple children who would not stop crying. You hadn’t slept a wink the whole time they were there. They did receive a noise complaint though. Another time, there was a teenager who couldn’t even properly pay off the rent. He didn’t have a job. But he could somehow afford the loudest speaker where he would play the most gut-wrenching, saddest music ever. He got evicted.
But this man… well–he looked decent. Really. No evident curse here. Or at least, yet. When he turned around, you could see that he was very tall and… broad. Apparently, that was the first thing you noticed. He also seemed to pick up the moving boxes with ease and when he had stepped just the slightest to the side, you could see the impossibly perfect slope of his nose. Also a very odd thing to notice.
Younghoon grasped your arm, pulling you back into your own apartment.
“Don’t fall in love.”
You gaped at him. “What? I don’t even know who he is.”
He raised an eyebrow. “But he’s tall. And broad. And has a nice nose. I know you. I know your type.”
“You do know me,” You mumbled sheepishly. “But still!” You poked him harshly. “I won’t fall in love. I probably won’t even see him for like– a month. Or he’s going to be cursed and moved out like the others. Don’t worry.”
Your friend narrowed his eyes in skepticism but he eventually nodded. “As long as you don’t bump into him tomorrow or something.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “Of course. I won’t fall in love.”
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You didn’t fall in love. You fell onto the floor.
And you also happened to bump into him the next day ironically enough.
If only—if only—you decided to pick up your mail yesterday like you were supposed to, this wouldn’t have happened. And by this, you meant being distracted by a cup that rolled out of your new neighbor’s door and then walking straight into his chest. 
You squeaked in horror. “I’m sorry!” And then you stepped backwards, tripped on your badly-timed untied shoelace, and ended up on the floor in the middle of the hallway.
When you looked up, there was a pretty hand that reached out to help you up. Taking it with burning cheeks, you could finally see what this man looked like up close and without a cap.
And you would have expected maybe one of those boy-next-door romantic moments where you would fall into his arms and start dating the next day. Oh, and also kiss and eventually get married. But no, you—
The man—Hyunjae—gaped at you with comically wide eyes. 
“Y/n,” He breathed out.
As long-lost childhood friends, the most sensible thing to do was ask how he was. But you often defied expectations, positively or negatively, and so instead you lunged forward, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him into a tight hug.
Hyunjae, whom you’ve known since you were just young kids, has been your best friend for as long as you could remember. He used to be on the elementary school track team while you… were on the bleachers trying to tell the difference between subtraction and addition. But luckily, Hyunjae was both a smart and kind kid and so he had stopped in the middle of his running to sit with you and teach what your teacher couldn’t do properly.
He was always one year older, always more mature and experienced. But he tended to throw that away just for you and join in on playing games with you when he should’ve been studying for an exam. But he did so to cheer you up. He was sweet like that and you adored spending your afternoons after school with him.
The two of you even got to experience those dreadful high school years together, except there was always that haunting realization—that he would eventually graduate first. But he always reassured you.
“It’s just one year, silly,” He joked, pulling you into a side hug, one that perfectly portrayed his understanding of your worries. “I’ll text and call you all the time. Promise.”
Promises were often broken and this wasn’t any different. For when he had left for college, he never contacted you ever again. You had tried to reach out, but he never responded. And so, for your whole college term, you never saw Lee Hyunjae, your supposed “best friend,” ever again.
And you should have been mad—no, furious to see him again. You should have pushed him away and went on with your life while skillfully avoiding him. But just the simple sight of him brought back all those fond memories–baking cupcakes, falling asleep together just after screaming over a horror movie, holding each other when life just gets too much... And so you found yourself buried into his chest, holding him tightly.
“Hyunjae,” You whispered again, shutting your eyes in both contentment and fear of him pushing you away again. 
But you felt two hands snake around your middle, hugging you back. There were a million questions running through your mind at that moment, wondering why he had disappeared but welcomed you so easily. But you set them aside, choosing to just melt into his still familiar embrace.
Finally though, you managed to pull away, looking at him with a fond smile. He smiled back. He had grown even more handsome than before. He managed to become taller, broader, and more charming all at once. His features were sharp, more mature. Something about him–the way he was dressed in a literal suit–really portrayed to you that he really was an adult now, as opposed to the teenager who procrastinated on science projects.
“How are you?” He smiled, almost too polite for your liking. You could see the way he stood, awkwardly and with fidgeting hands. And that was when it all hit you like a truck.
Your eyebrows suddenly furrowed, your lips pulled into a scowl, and your eyes narrowed as you stepped forward. “How am I? No. How could you–” You banged a fist on his firm chest. “–leave me–” Another punch. “–like that–” He stepped back in growing alarm. “–and act all polite and uneasy as if we weren’t best friends for years?” Both of your fists lingered on his chest, your strength growing weak from frustration. 
“Y/n, I–” He winced.
“Actually, I hate you.” You glared. But your words differentiated from your actions when your hand came to smooth down his crumpled tie. “I don’t want to see you ever again. You’re an absolute asshole and I–” But your eyes met with his, his gaze amused and soft. And then you sniffled, looking down at the ground, the urge to cry suddenly overcoming you.
Hyunjae laughed quietly. “I’m sorry. If you would allow me to explain?”
“Great,” You grumbled. “Then do so. Since you’ve owed me an explanation after all these years.”
He glanced at his watch. “I have work. Tomorrow, maybe? Trust me.”
You looked at him in bewilderment. “Work? But you haven’t even unpacked yet.” You eyed his apartment with the door open. There were multiple boxes strewn about, some not even open yet.
“Emergencies,” He sighed. That was when you noticed just how exhausted he looked. “I have to go.”
“Oh,” You stuttered. “Okay. I– good luck?”
Hyunjae smiled, pinching your cheek just like he had done all those years ago. He seemed to be completely unfazed over the fact that you just punched him in anger. “Thank you.” And he was locking the door behind him and heading for the elevator. But just as he was walking away, you felt the need to call something out. Just a few words.
“Hyunjae?” You said.
He turned around, tilting his head. You never knew just how well work attire suited him. He looked almost… attractive. But god, what were you thinking?
“I missed you.”
He smiled but he never quite gave you a response as the elevator ding had interrupted him. Instead, he just gave you a small wave. 
It was odd. Awkward. But one step at a time, you figured. It’s been years after all.
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The next day, as promised, he had shown up to your door. This time, since it was the weekend, he was wearing a simple white shirt. One that still never failed to accentuate his broad shoulders.
But initially, you thought it was Younghoon and not a guy who you haven’t seen for multiple years. So you may or may not have opened the door with your hair like a bird’s nest and your sleepwear on that… wasn’t meant for the general public to see. Apparently, Hyunjae fits in the general public category now. Best friend? No, you hate him.
Kind of.
Not really.
Stumbling to the door, you flung it open, your eyes barely open. Immediately, you were met with the sight of just. Long legs. Not very helpful.
“Who–” And then you looked up, only to meet Hyunjae’s eyes. Choking on your spit, you straightened up. “Hello,” You blurted out in a monotone voice.
He raised an eyebrow and tilted his chin down with amusement. “And who’s the uneasy one now?”
“Sorry, I…” Your eyes trailed down to what you were wearing. With an internal gasp, you stepped backward. “I’m going to– change.”
He widened his eyes and then his gaze also traveled down. His cheeks were oddly red and he cleared his throat, looking away.
You cringed and shut the door in his face before he could even say anything.
Now in proper clothes that were for the general public, you opened the door again. He was still standing there with that same smile. The same kind, caring one he always regarded you with even when you were just kids.
“Where should we talk?” You asked. 
His eyes glanced over to his own door. “My place?” He offered quietly. “I have unpacking to do.”
You stared at him silently. And then you nodded with an excited smile. “I can help.” 
“Oh no,” He laughed softly. “You don’t have to. I’m fine on my–”
“You don’t look fine,” You interrupted. And without thinking, your hand came up to cup his cheek, turning him to face you. “You look tired.”
He stared at you wordlessly before sighing. “I guess I am.”
“So let me help.” You grinned. “I’m using my vacation days from work right now anyway.”
He could only mutter a shy “okay” as he opened the door for you to enter. Looking around, you found that the only things that he had unpacked lacked much of any personality. He took out the necessities and a bunch of… work. Papers, a computer, work suits and the like.
“You seem busy,” You remarked as you walked over to the box labeled “decorations” only for there to literally be one single plant that looked like it needed to be watered. In fact, it was on the brink of death. Immediately, your face was contorting in worry and you turned to where he was just standing at the entrance with an embarrassed expression. “What… happened to your initial dream?”
He approached you and peered into the box. “What dream?”
“The one where you wanted to have a place full of pretty plants.”
“Yeah well,” He laughed bitterly. “Circumstances change aspirations.”
You gulped nervously at his change of tone. Something was bothering him. Something, in particular, caused him to move here. You led him to the couch and sat next to him.
“So what is it? Why did you cut everyone off and– disappear?” You asked cautiously.
He looked at you for a long minute like he was trying to figure out a response for himself. And finally, he just sighed in defeat.
“Like what?” You prodded.
“A lot. And I wouldn’t want to lay them all on you.” He gave you a weak smile. You regarded him with a soft look in your eyes, searching his face for any sort of answer. All you could see was a flame that had long been put out.
“Then tell me one.”
“One?” He bit his lip nervously. “One…”
“Just one,” You said gently.
“Like the one where the place I used to work at didn’t treat me right? That they refused to give me anything?” He mumbled, his voice trailing off with embarrassment. “So I moved here so that I could get away? That one?” 
You froze at his words. You processed them and that was when it began to make sense. He wasn’t going to work yesterday. He was going to an interview. His computer was open to job openings and the papers weren’t reports. They were resumes.
“Hyunjae,” You whispered. But he was already distancing himself, standing up from the couch. You gazed at him with concern as you stood up, only for him to take a step backward.
“Why are you…” You frowned. “It’s okay, you know. Did you think I would look at you any differently?”
His jaw clenched. “Well, I did cut you off because I didn’t want to worry you. You always told me I would be successful, the best. So how exactly could I face you after they…”
“That’s not your fault. And I’m sorry for putting that on you,” You mustered, stepping closer. This time, he didn’t step away. He allowed you to do anything. He let you trail a hand down to his wrist, holding it gently. “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me more. I’m sorry.”
He watched you with slight surprise, and with his lips pulled into a straight line, he whispered a small, “I should be the one who’s sorry.”
You shook your head with a smile. “Don’t be.”
He stayed silent at that, simply studying your features. You could tell he still wanted to apologize. But then the corner of his lips lifted slightly. “You grew up.” His tone was gentle, so kind, just like you’ve always known. It was a little quieter than before though, more closed off as if he was afraid–scared of what you would think of him.
You laughed bashfully. “And so did you.” Your hand trailed up to his shoulder. “Did you start working out?”
He smirked. “Why, do you like my progress?”
You snorted. “Could improve.”
He scoffed yet he only looked at you with fondness. The two of you simply stood there, in the midst of his empty apartment, just staring at each other. And then you giggled. He laughed as well before reaching forward and pulling you into his arms, squeezing you so tight that you felt the air leave your lungs.
“Ah–” You choked. “Hyunjae. You’re killing me.”
“I’m showing you my newfound strength,” He joked, stepping away. You were about to refute but instead, you felt your gaze wandering to his arms. Since when were they so toned and–
“Very funny,” You weakly replied. Escaping from his persisting soft gaze, you stepped away and approached the various boxes. “What can I help you with?”
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Hyunjae didn’t have much. Apparently, all those large boxes contained about three small things. 
“I overestimated,” He replied with a sheepish smile when you asked.
Most of his things were put away yet when you looked around, the apartment was void of any joy or charm. The only boxes that were left were his clothes which he claimed he could do another day. After putting away his single cup and plate–that’s all he had apparently–you turned around only to see that he was crouched, bending towards that same plant that you pointed out. Its leaves were drooping and the stem wilting, as his fingers gently prodded at it. When you looked closely, you could see a melancholy look on his face, a small frown tugging on his lips.
It was true, that Hyunjae had many dreams when he was younger. That was normal for many people. But to witness it all dissipate before your sight, no sign of light behind his eyes, you couldn’t help but feel your heart clench.
Walking over, you crouched down next to him. He gave you a forced smile.
“Kind of sad,” He remarked with a disappointed sigh. “I bought it only for me to fail to take care of it.”
“You can always buy another one.”
“Mhm,” He hummed dully. “Sure.” 
You watched him wordlessly, observing the way his gaze fell when one of the leaves broke off. Shaking your head, you suddenly stood up.
“Let’s go out.”
He looked up at you in surprise. “What?”
“I’ll be your tour guide of the town,” You joked. “I know everything.”
Standing up with you, he stole a glance at his phone. “I can’t.”
“Why?” You pouted.
“I’m waiting for my result from the interview.”
You sighed and took his wrist in yours, pulling him to the door. “You need to get your mind off that for a second.”
“Please?” You looked up at him, even batting your eyelashes. “Just for a moment?” You also exaggerated a pout.
He blinked in shock, his eyes trailing over your expression. “What are you doing?”
“Making you feel bad. Is it working?” You held back a grin.
He huffed out a laugh. “Definitely. Fine, just for a moment.”
You grinned and you were already pulling on your shoes and bounding out the door, leaving Hyunjae to smile to himself.
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“This is a convenience store.” You pointed at it with a bright smile.
He rolled his eyes. “I know what a convenience store is.”
You laughed and led him to the next block before abruptly stopping. “This is the karaoke bar,” You said, pointing at the nearby building.
“Fun,” He muttered.
“We should go one day.” You smiled. “Actually no.” You scowled. “I got drunk there once and I think they banned me because I was dancing on the tables.”
Hyunjae turned to you in slight shock. “You? Drunk?”
“What?” You widened your eyes in surprise. “What is it?”
“I just… you always said that you hated the taste of alcohol,” He replied in wonder.
“Times change.” You grinned, nudging his shoulder. He gave you a small smile back.
Then, you led him to your favorite spot. The central park in the middle of town. It was a beautiful day out, the sky bright and blue. You loved to sit at one of the benches, watching birds fly by or kids play happily on the playground. 
“Wait here.” You patted the seat. And then you were running off, nowhere to be seen. Hyunjae simply sat there, observing the calm atmosphere. When you came back, you were holding a stick of cotton candy in your hand. It was large, almost covering your whole face. Hyunjae chuckled, taking it from you so you wouldn’t trip on the ground.
“Aren’t we too old for this?” He questioned.
You shook your head. “I still love it.”
He took a bite and turned to look at you with furrowed eyebrows. “It’s so sweet.”
“That’s why it’s good!” You stared at him like he was the craziest man alive.
“It’s because you’ve always had a sweet tooth.” He frowned, gently placing it back in your hands. 
“Fine,” You scoffed. “If that’s how you treat your best friend.” And you were taking a bite on the opposite side. When you pulled it away from your face, you were startled by a loud laugh. From Hyunjae, specifically. Turning to him with wide eyes, you could even see him smiling.
It was not like the other smiles that you’ve seen so far. Those ones were small, lacking much of any emotion. But this one was wide, full with amusement and happiness.
“Wha– oh,” You huffed, realizing that there was cotton candy on your nose. Hyunjae laughed even louder and suddenly he was leaning in to gently wipe it off with his finger.
“Cutie,” He whispered fondly, his other hand gently cupping the side of your face.
Your heart stuttered at the word. “Wh-what?”
He gulped, pulling away like he was burned. “Oh, I…”
You quickly recovered, instead scooching even closer to him so that your shoulders were touching. “You think I’m cute? Even when I’m all grown up?”
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“I missed your smile,” You stated as the two of you were walking back to the apartment complex.
You had expected him to point out that he had smiled other times before. But instead, he gazed at you with soft eyes.
“I did too. It’s been a while since I’ve felt so happy,” He said. “All thanks to you.”
“Of course!” You beamed, looping an arm with his before pulling him closer. “You can always count on me.”
He didn’t respond this time. But his expression said it all. Thank you, thank you, thank you, was all you could see in his dark brown eyes. Smiling, you bumped your body playfully against his.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” You asked.
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Again, you found yourself in his apartment the next day. Apparently, he had just gotten back from running and he needed to take a shower. So, you were looking through his boxes full of clothes. You sorted through them, folding them until you came across a hoodie. You didn’t recognize it, but the fabric of it was so… soft and warm. Your hands held onto it, contemplating what it would feel like if you just–
The door to the bathroom creaked open. You gasped and shoved it behind you, greatly hoping that he didn’t notice you staring at it longingly. But alas, you just had to have slow reflexes at this moment.
“Do you like it?” He asked. “Put it on.” 
You laughed awkwardly, turning to face him, only for your protests to come stuttering to a stop. Your eyes trailed down from his damp hair to his… whole torso. His bare torso. He was shirtless. Right out of the shower, water droplets sitting prettily on his collarbones, traveling all the way down to his chest and his– he definitely works out. 
“Oh,” You breathed out, your cheeks flushing red as you frantically looked away. This was not how you expected to reunite with your best friend after so long. 
“Sorry,” He replied, his voice low. “My shirt’s in there.”
You nodded, refusing to look up. It was quiet for a moment, too quiet that you contemplated just shoving his clothes into his hands while dutifully avoiding the sight of his bare chest. 
But then he was right beside you and he smelled so, so good as he leaned over you, his hand gently grasping your waist. To take a shirt. Very unnecessary but it still left you inhaling sharply. Feeling yourself go dizzy as you stood there, eyes trained on the ground, and every single muscle in all of human anatomy completely rigid until you were sure he was properly dressed.
Taking a peek, you were met with his teasing smile.
“Everything okay?”
“Yes,” You mustered.
“You were staring weren’t you?” He leaned even closer, his eyes searching yours with amusement. His hand gently lifted your chin up, making you swallow thickly at the way he was gazing at you with a small smirk. 
“I wasn’t,” You whispered shakily.
“Hm,” He hummed. “You look a little flushed though.”
“It was nothing,” You shoved him away, feeling like your face was on fire. “You shouldn’t just walk around like that. It’s…”
“Mhm.” He only continued to smile wider. “Whatever you say.”
You groaned, abruptly turning away to hide your reddening cheeks. But then your eyes landed back on that same hoodie.
“I know that look on your face,” He teased, picking it up. “You like it.”
“I don’t.”
“Okay,” He simply replied, shrugging and turning around. You were just about to question his suspiciously short response when out of nowhere, he whipped back around and pulled the hoodie over you. Immediately, you were encompassed in warmth and– did he always smell this good? And why was he staring at you so softly with that stupid fond smile and why was your heart beating a mile a minute and–
“Hyunjae,” You groaned. “What was that for?”
But he stayed silent, simply examining you wearing his clothes. You tilted your head.
“Do I look good?”
His breath hitched and now it was him with reddening cheeks as he backed away. You stifled a laugh as you stepped forward, cornering him against the edge of the kitchen counter.
“And I know that look on your face,” You teased back. “You like it.”
His eyes fluttered, almost like he was fighting the urge to look over your body once again. He inhaled deeply and then he straightened, leaning over you this time. With a subtle smile, he whispered something that left shivers down your spine.
“I love it.”
Oh my god. You treaded backwards, suddenly feeling conscious of everything. His eyes on you–all over you–the way the shirt clung to his body, the rushing thought of the fact that you saw him without it on just a few minutes ago–everything came over you like a bucket of ice water.
“I–” With wide eyes, he only continued to approach you, the scent of his shampoo overcoming you quickly. You couldn’t come up with a comeback anymore. At first, you thought that this was just friendly banter, the type that you guys would do in the school cafeteria. But this–this was something different. With the way he was looking at you with darkening eyes, you weren’t quite sure this was that “friendly banter” thing anymore.
“Shut up,” You blurted out as you pulled the hoodie off you and thrust it into his chest.
“Why?” He grinned. “I like this game.”
You raised your eyebrows. “What game is this exactly?”
“The game of making the other person flustered.” 
You stood there for a moment, thinking. You couldn’t quite come up with a verbal comeback. So you could instead…
Taking a step forward, you hooked a hand around the back of his neck, letting your touch linger there for a moment. A stuttering breath was caught thickly in his throat as he looked down at you in bafflement.
And then you let your fingertips trail around, down his neck, across his collarbone, slightly pulling down the hem of his shirt and stopping just at his chest where you could feel his heart thump erratically.
Your trace on his skin left sparks flying in your heart and when you had looked up, you knew that Hyunjae was experiencing the same thing.
He was looking down at you, completely speechless and his eyes round in shock. You smiled in triumph, leaning close to one of his reddening ears.
“Then I win.”
And you were heading for the door. But just as you turned around, you could see Hyunjae who was still leaning against the counter, cheeks now red as he stared down at the ground. You giggled, closing the door behind you.
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The next time you saw Hyunjae, unsurprisingly, he looked exhausted again. In fact, he didn’t even recognize you at first with how he was gazing off into space rather than unlocking his own door.
“Come over tonight,” You offered.
He raised an eyebrow. “To do what?”
You choked. “Not that. Movie night!” You winked, patting his shoulder before leaving for the grocery store. You made sure to mentally add popcorn to your list.
And so, when it was pitch dark at night, you had opened your door to Hyunjae, fidgeting nervously at the entrance. You laughed, grabbing his wrist and pulling him in.
“Don’t be nervous.” You grinned. “It’s just me.”
As you set up the movie, you couldn’t help but notice Hyunjae looking around your apartment. He seemed to be taking in all of your decorations, and the fact that you had more than one cup and plate. You smiled.
“We can go shopping if you want,” You spoke up. “For your apartment.”
He glanced at you in shock. But he eventually nodded with a small smile, that same one you noticed that he often forced when he was tired and down.
Now sitting on the couch, side-by-side but never quite touching, the two of you watched a movie. It was a comfortable silence and whenever you would glance at Hyunjae, he would notice and turn his attention back to you. And every time you would make eye contact, you made sure to give him a bright smile, one that showed him that “I’m always here for you.”
"Staring?" He teased.
"In fact I am," You replied. "Forget the movie, you're the award-winning feature."
He laughed again. The same bright one at the park.
"I didn't take you to be such a flirter," He remarked.
"I'm not," You refuted. "You really are amazing."
He gave you a smile that wasn't so convincing. "If you say so."
Near the resolution of the film, you found yourself scooching over to him, letting your shoulders touch. But that wasn’t exactly enough, so you lifted his arm so that you could rest your head on his chest, his body warmth easily spreading to yours.
“What are you doing?” He muttered.
For a second, you thought he might actually be annoyed. But, when you looked up, you could see his softening eyes and the slight blush on his cheeks. You huffed in amusement and you only persisted, snuggling close to his chest. Eventually, he gave up on the whole tough act and he let his arm wrap around you, rubbing your arm in up-and-down motions.
You didn’t notice that you had fallen asleep.
Though you did briefly remember two… moments. One of them was him cautiously bringing you to your bed. The other being a warm hand softly caressing your cheek.
You woke up alone. Good! Who else did you expect? Rubbing your eyes, there was a constant sound ringing in your ears. The doorbell, you groaned. Stumbling to the door, you were hoping maybe… Hyunjae? But instead, it was your landlord. You furrowed your eyebrows in concern.
She sighed, shaking her head.
“Bad news.”
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When it was Hyunjae this time who had invited you over, you were pleasantly surprised. Opening the door, you could see him sitting at the table, staring intently at his computer.
Tilting your head, you were about to ask what he was looking at. But then he suddenly jumped up, the chair almost falling over. There was a bright smile on his face as he rushed over to you.
“Hyunjae?” You looked at him in confusion.
“I got the job,” He exclaimed. “I got it.”
“You did?” You gasped. “That’s so– that’s amazing! Congratul–” You inhaled sharply when you felt two hands grasp onto your waist. And suddenly, your whole world shifted once you realized that he was literally picking you up and twirling you around. You laughed shyly as you allowed him to, watching fondly at the way he smiled so, so freely.
Once he had slowed down, there was an impending thought in the back of your mind that appeared from all of the adrenaline. He could put you down and you could lean in and maybe… maybe– press your lips to his as an extra cheer. Mentally slapping yourself, you felt your cheeks grow hot. Again, what were you thinking?
His hands were still on your waist, the both of you out of breath. You smiled, giggling softly. He smiled back, his eyes bright and sparkling.
“I’m proud of you,” You finally said.
“It’s all thanks to you,” He replied.
“Hm, well,” You huffed. “Guess who lost their apartment.”
He gaped at you. “What?”
“Not permanently,” You groaned. “But there’s been a technical problem that has to be investigated and fixed. So I can’t stay there for the meantime.”
He looked at you, deep in thought. And then his hands tightened on your waist. “Then stay here with me.”
Now it was your turn to gawk at him. “What?”
“Please.” He smiled. “I owe you.”
You blushed. “I didn’t do much.”
“You did.” He walked forward, nearly caging you against the wall. “Everything. You’ve helped me get this job.” Another step forward. “I’m indebted to you.”
“H-hyunjae,” You stuttered, trying your best to avoid stealing a glance at his lips.
“Just temporarily.”
You made a mental pro and con list. Pros–He was your childhood best friend meaning that he knew you best. Cons–what if things changed? What if you… fell? And you didn’t mean physically.
With a hesitant sigh in defeat, you responded quietly. 
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When you and Hyunjae had art class together, you learned a little bit more about him. He was always the one who enjoyed the sketching, the outlining with the black pen, and shading in grey. You, on the other hand, were the one who would color in between those lines with vibrant colors, brightening the picture into something truly complete. 
That was how you complimented each other. People often painted him out to be cold and blunt, but you always saw past that. It was always you who thought that he was the sweetest person you’ve ever met–the one who took care of you when you were sick and who pulled you away from passing cars.
Just like one of those art projects, you began to liven up his apartment with your own things. Of course, you didn’t bring everything, but the simple pieces of your toothbrush next to his and your coat hung up on the rack, were enough to make the puzzle feel just complete.
Soon enough, the evening came which brought the dilemma of where you would sleep.
“The couch,” Hyunjae spoke up, walking out of the bathroom again, with damp hair. But at least he was fully clothed this time. Still, that vision was practically ingrained into your mind.
“You’re right.” You nodded in agreement. “I’ll–”
“Not you,” He huffed. “Me.”
“Oh,” You breathed out. Abruptly you stood up in defiance. “No!” You blurted out. “That’s rude.”
He looked at you entirely unimpressed. “I’m being a good host. A gentleman.”
“Exactly.” You scowled. “You’re going to make me feel like I’m intruding. And look who invited me in the first place?”
He sighed, glancing at the bedroom door. “There’s only one bed.”
“Then we’ll share,” You replied, completely sure of yourself. Hyunjae didn’t respond so you lifted your chin high and walked past him and into the bedroom as odd as it may sound. However, in the corner of your eye, you could see that his ears were slightly red.
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You may have underestimated the sheer awkwardness. Just a bit. Maybe a lot.
The two of you stood on either side of the bed, facing each other, contemplating the fact that this would be the first time you would be sleeping together. Actually, it wasn’t really awkward per se. It was more… hilarious. You pursed your lips, trying to stifle your laughter, while Hyunjae’s cheeks were puffed out in embarrassment.
Again, as the bolder one, you climbed under the sheets first. Still, Hyunjae was just standing, hesitating. You squinted up at him through the darkness. 
Even under the dim lighting, you could see that his cheeks were incredibly flushed. 
“I think I’ll just go back to the–” He couldn’t even finish his sentence because you were grabbing onto his hand and pulling him down into bed. He didn’t really protest though as you could sense him slowly melting into the warmth of it.
The lamp was off now and you were both succumbed to darkness. It was silent, only the sound of Hyunjae’s calm breathing. You weren’t exactly tired right now. You knew that it would take you a while to fall asleep. But that was fine! You would just wait until he fell asleep first.
Except, when you turned on your side to face him, you could see him staring back, big, round doe eyes on you. So, scratch that. And now you were cold which you weren’t used to. Your apartment was usually the perfect temperature, but this one left you shivering all over.
Unconsciously, you began to shift closer to his body. He’s always been the warm one. That used to be your strategy to not freeze to death when the two of you would walk down the winter festival together.
Suddenly though, you felt an arm across your waist and steady breathing on the side of your neck.
“Hm?” You hummed in confusion, wondering if the chest against your shoulder was just a hallucination. 
But then he replied in a quiet, lower voice.
“Is this okay?” He whispered.
Oh, this was more than okay. You were familiar with his embrace. But to feel it just moments before you fell asleep brought a sudden bout of tranquility.
“Perfect.” You smiled to yourself, curling up to his body in which he held you closer in response. It was warm, comforting, just perfect. It didn’t take you a while to fall asleep anymore. 
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When you awoke, you were slightly—no, very confused about why it was still dark out. You were pretty sure the room should be bright with natural light from the sun. Or maybe you’ve just gone crazy. But that was when you glanced at the time. It was still the middle of the night.
When you turned to your side, that was also when you realized that it was Hyunjae who had woken you up. Unknowingly at that. His arm was still around your waist but this time, his hold was almost painfully tight. If you looked closely, you could see that his eyes were screwed shut, his eyebrows twitching with small stuttering breaths escaping him.
But, you’ve always heard the saying that you weren’t supposed to wake someone up from a nightmare. So you hesitated, keeping your hands close to yourself, worriedly watching. At some point, he jolted awake by himself.
Now, his breathing was even faster and he had shot up, looking around frantically. Blinking your eyes sleepily, you turned on the nearby light and sat up with him.
“Hyunjae?” You whispered, looking him over in concern.
He turned to you in a growing distraught state and he widened his eyes. “Are you–”
“It’s just me,” You muttered. “Bad dream?”
Hyunjae froze for a moment but he slowly nodded. And usually, it was you who initiated the hugs. But this time, he was the one who lunged forward, holding you close to his chest. His hands grasped onto you tightly as he buried his nose into your neck.
With the way he was holding you so tightly, so… desperately, you wondered if this had happened before. But still, you allowed him to just hold you close, your own arms coming around to gently pat his back.
You didn’t know when, but he eventually pulled away. He refused to look you in the eye and so you brought a gentle hand to the side of his face, coaxing him to face you.
“How long has this been going on for?” You frowned.
He shut his eyes. “A while.”
Your heart clenched at his quiet response. For the past few days, you had thought he was feeling better, less exhausted. But behind the bedroom door, it must be different.
“Do you… want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know…” He trailed off.
“You don’t have to tell me–”
“...what they’re about.”
“Oh,” You breathed. “The nightmares?”
He nodded with tired eyes. “But while I was gone–away from you–people I’ve loved, everything I’ve cherished seemed to disappear before my eyes. It wasn’t just work it was… a lot.” His voice was quiet, hard to hear but it was loud enough that you could hear each and every heart-twisting emotion.
You stayed silent, your hand finding his to stroke the back of it soothingly.
“I felt hopeless.” He frowned. “I guess those nightmares felt like I was reliving that all over again.”
He didn’t say anything after that. You watched him cautiously, wondering what exactly to do. But then you felt his hand tighten on yours slightly and that was your cue to shift even closer.
He glanced at you with an ashamed expression that only made the pit in your stomach drop even more. Slowly, slow enough so that he could back away if he wanted to, you wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close against you. Almost instantly, he was breathing out a low sigh of relief as he nuzzled even further into your embrace.
“You’re not alone anymore,” You whispered. “And… thank you for trusting me enough to tell me.”
He didn’t say anything, but when he held you back, it was a perfect answer. The two of you stayed like that, in the dead of night, just holding each other until you began to feel drowsy from his warmth. It wasn’t the first time that you’ve done so. The only difference was that it was always you who needed that extra piece of comfort. It was never Hyunjae. Seeing him open up was different but something that you were most grateful for.
“I never replied to you the day we met in the hallway,” He spoke, interrupting your thoughts. 
You pondered for a moment, recalling the memory. “When I said that I missed you?”
He nodded. “I didn’t reply because I was afraid you would still be mad at me for leaving you so abruptly.”
You smiled softly and shook your head, your hand coming up to the back of his head to stroke his hair soothingly. His eyes widened slightly in shock but he quickly melted into your touch. “I was angry at first.”
He laughed quietly, though his voice was watery with unfallen tears.
“But now I’m not,” You whispered. “I promise. I’m just happy to see you again.”
He pulled away to look up at you, searching your face to make sure that you were telling the truth. When you only gazed back with utmost sincerity, he let a small smile tug on his lips.
“I missed you,” He had finally replied, answering your statement from before. “More than you know. It was hard without you.”
Your gaze softened once you noticed the sparkle of a few tears in his eyes and when he blinked, your sleeve was immediately coming up to pat his cheek, drying the ones that had broken free.
“I missed you too,” You responded and gently, you were pulling him back into bed. And this time, without hesitation, he was hooking both of his arms around you, tightening you into his chest.
“...so much,” He muttered sleepily. “I missed you so much.”
“You have me now.”
“Always.” And you felt his hand grasp yours, guiding it to where his heart was, thumping in a soothing rhythm. “In here.”
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You were the first one to wake up. It seemed that Hyunjae’s nightmare and tears had left him too exhausted to even notice you unwrapping yourself from his protective embrace. And so, you took it as your duty to cook something decent for him to wake up to.
Except maybe Hyunjae did notice because he opened the door shortly after. You probably should have placed a pillow in his arms before you left. He walked out and you had to stop yourself from cooing because that would be a little bit… weird. But you couldn’t help it because the sight of his hair tousled and messy, his eyes barely opened and puffy from the tears, and his lips pouted adorably, left you smiling with endearment.
“Morning sleepyhead.” You grinned, turning the stove on. 
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he shuffled over to where you were standing behind the kitchen counter. 
You tilted your head in amusement, wondering how he managed to navigate with his eyes barely open. “Are you feeling better?”
Again, still no response. You watched as he circled the counter, positioning himself behind you. And then you gasped quietly once you registered the strong arms that enveloped your waist, pulling you into a warm hug, your back now pressed up against his chest. You could even feel his nose nuzzling into the back of your neck, breathing deeply.
You simply just froze, unable to do anything. Once you realized he wasn’t going to move anytime soon, you turned the stove off and simply allowed him to hug you to his heart’s content. He let out a sleepy hum. Or was it a whine?
“You’re clingy in the morning,” You mused.
“Mhm.” Even his morning voice was cute.
And when you said sleepy, you meant it. Literally–you were pretty sure he fell asleep while back-hugging you in the middle of the kitchen. You practically had to hold on to the counter to brace his weight and when you stole a glance over your shoulder, you had to stifle a laugh. His cheek was smushed into your shoulder and his eyes shut in content.
“O–kay,” You heaved, forcing your body to turn around. And still, he would have almost collapsed into you if you hadn’t planted your hands on his shoulders to hold him up. His head lolled to the side as he peeked an eye open to look at you drowsily.
You chuckled and your hand came up to his hair to ruffle it. Immediately, he was leaning into your touch and when your hand traveled down to cup his cheek, he was nuzzling into it like a puppy.
“I missed you,” He slurred, his voice huskier than usual.
“Mm, you said that already,” You hummed teasingly, a smile threatening to spread across your lips. “Hyunjae.”
“Hm?” He smiled lazily.
“You’re acting drunk and it’s like–” You glanced at the clock. “Seven in the morning.”
“And what about it? I missed you,” He grumbled, an adorable frown on his lips.
“Ah,” You sighed, shaking your head. “Go splash water on your face, you dummy. Then you’ll wake up properly.”
He still didn’t budge. And so, using every single ounce of your strength, you had to carry him all the way to the bathroom as he was still clinging onto you like a koala.
After a few minutes, with the sound of the bathroom sink splashing in the background, you finally managed to start cooking something. But then the door clicked open and you looked up. Hyunjae, his eyes finally open, was blushing so hard that you couldn’t even conceal your laugh anymore.
“Missed me?” You remarked.
He winced in response, his cheeks continuing to flame red.
“I don’t know what got into me,” He muttered, refusing to look you in the eye.
You beckoned him over and he finally looked up at you shyly.
“It was cute,” You teased. “You’re cute when you’re sleepy.”
“And what else?” He quickly recovered.
Your breath hitched. Ah, you thought. There he was. The usual Hyunjae when he was fully awake. The one who loved to tease you until you were blushing and hiding your face. 
“Don’t do this again,” You groaned.
“Do what?”
“You’ll have to elaborate on that, sweetheart.”
You raised an eyebrow at the nickname, completely unfazed. But when your eyes traveled down, that was when you realized just how close he was. He continued to lean forward until he was caging you against the counter, both of his hands on either side of you. It wasn’t the flirting that got you, it was his body encompassing you so, so effortlessly, making you feel smaller than you really were. 
He chuckled. “Cat got your tongue?”
Oh, this is definitely how best friends act. You were one hundred percent sure about that. 
He smirked, tilting his chin down, as his hand traveled from the edge of the counter down to your hip. 
Fifty percent. 
His eyes wandering elsewhere–somewhere along the lines of your lips.
One percent.
“The breakfast is going to burn,” You stuttered.
He simply licked his lips, his gaze fixated on yours.
“I can always try something else.”
You were screwed.
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The first day of Hyunjae’s new job was the very last day of your brief vacation from work. With a sigh, you scrolled through the shows and movies, only for you to ultimately turn off the TV in boredom. You weren’t going to beat around the bush and refuse to admit that you felt lonely without him. Of course, you saw him in the morning, already dressed in a suit (that fit amazingly on him, dare you add), but it was only for a short moment.
He still had nightmares but they were becoming less and less frequent. Sometimes, when they happened, you would just pull him closer and he would immediately relax with a small sigh, almost like you had the superpower to eliminate his night terrors.
And sleeping together never was awkward again. In fact, you adequately enjoyed it–his arms around you and vice versa. Did best friends regularly cuddle at night and gaze at each other for so long that your heartbeat started to speed up? That… you weren’t quite sure about.
Yawning, you found yourself lying down, spreading across the couch. You didn’t even do much today yet your eyes still threatened to shut close.
At some point, you blinked your eyelids open once you heard the door unlocking. Sitting up, you smiled softly at the sight of Hyunjae opening the door. His tie was already loose and his hair was blown up from the wind. Squinting your eyes, you then noticed that he was practically stumbling into the entrance, almost like all of his coordination had dissipated. 
His eyes were droopy and his lips pouted from what you would guess to be exhaustion. Everyone’s first day of work was like that. You watched as he set down his work bag and walked over to you, very… very slowly.
“How was work?” You questioned, looking up at him.
And just like last time, he didn’t respond. Silently, he leaned forward and literally–very literally–laid on top of you. His body weight pulled you back down to lie on the couch and his arms were snaking around you as his legs tangled with yours. Speechless, you felt as he nuzzled back into your neck, just like he’s begun to do so often now.
“You look gorgeous today,” He whispered, his voice very oddly slurred.
Your breath hitched. “Are you drunk?”
He looked up at that and you practically choked on air once you realized how close his face was to yours. And then he smiled languidly and shook his head.
“Are you sure?” You searched him for any sign–red cheeks, the scent of the alcoholic drink–yet you couldn’t find any. 
“I’m just tired,” He mumbled, planting his face back into the crook of your neck.
“Okay,” You laughed. Gently, your hand came up to his broad back to rub it in circles, the material of the suit rough and honestly quite unsatisfying. But still, you persisted once you felt his tense muscles slowly soften. Slowly though, you came to a stop. “Hyunjae.”
“Hm?” He hummed.
“You need to take a shower,” You huffed. “C’mon.” With all of your power, you pushed him up and off you. Again, his head tilted to the side with a tired smile. You laughed and shoved him until he finally obliged and went off to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, you were left there, contemplating his strange behavior. He never acted this clingy before. Not even for the years that you’ve known him. It was only after that particular night that he started to… do this.
When he was done showering, he stepped out. You had hoped that he would be more awake now, but it seemed he was even drowsier than before–too tired to even dry his own hair. With a click of your tongue, you motioned him over to sit down. Like a puppy, his eyes brightened at the sight of you as he obediently followed.
“You’ll catch a cold,” You ridiculed with a worried frown.
After finding a towel, you stepped in between his legs. Carefully, you began to dry his damp hair, marveling at the way his hair curled up after a shower. You rubbed his scalp, making your way around and behind his ears. When you peeked at his expression, you stifled a laugh at the way he basically fell asleep under your touch.
Once you deemed his hair dry enough, you were about to walk away but instead, he abruptly stood up, swaying slightly. And then he fell forward, pulling you into a warm embrace.
You smiled fondly. “Tired?”
It seems that when Hyunjae was tired, he never answered any of your questions, funnily enough. A lot of his answers were just “I missed you” or a small hum. But this… this answer was different. It was spoken so quietly, so softly yet it perfectly resonated through your ears. 
“I love you.”
Before you could even say anything or really do anything, he was reluctantly pulling away and heading to the bedroom. Your lips parted as your eyes fixated on absolutely nothing. Just– space. Your whole body had gone rigid as you simply stood there, processing his words. You couldn’t even blink. 
Best friends… say that too, don’t they?
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It started to become a pattern for the whole first week of his new job. When he was actually fully awake, he told you that the work was demanding yet he never looked so happy and content. Sometimes, you wondered what his past work was like, but you never prodded.
But, because the work was just so demanding, every single day, from Monday to Friday, he came home exhausted. And any person would expect him to just head straight for bed. But like you said, it was a pattern, a usual thing, that he would cling on to you. Apparently, something had shifted in him. Originally, when you saw him exhausted, he would become closed off. But after… that night, he acted almost intoxicated. Not on a drink. But simply off being tired.
You found it endearing actually. His voice was always quieter and he often stumbled over his words this way. His eyes were dazed and soft on yours and he also became ten times heavier as he liked to lay all of his weight on you when he pulled you into a hug. He constantly just seemed to be in a completely different mindset–one that was very… loving and… yeah– different.
He liked to say things too. Slurred and quiet, but he still very clearly said them. You could never figure out if he meant them or if he was just tired and rambling things for the fun of it.
He said “I misssed you” a lot. Occasionally, he would blurt out that you looked pretty or beautiful. Or, it would be a small “hi” accompanied by a shy smile. Sometimes, if he was too tired to say much, he would just giggle over nothing in particular. But… there was one specific phrase that he would say out of the blue.
“I love you.”
That one always left you perplexed. It could be a… platonic thing to say, right? Where did the word “love” come from? You didn’t think much of it, but you couldn’t help but feel some sort of spark of light in the very depths of your heart.
It was weird, really. An out-of-this-world, alien-like thing for a best friend to say. The words I, love, and you arranged in that particular order were never syllables Hyunjae ever let fall from his lips. He never spent any particular ounce of breath to say them. 
Yet now he did.
For some odd reason.
But again, he was just tired. Surely.
And just like before, the pattern started all over again. The week was coming to a close so maybe you wouldn’t hear those words again after this. But you didn’t really mind altogether. With a tired sigh, you walked out of the room, now changed out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable.
Right on cue, the main door was unlocking, and once again, the pattern began to unweave itself. He would walk in, with the occasional misstep and stumble. And like usual, he looked tired. Though, you envied his ability to still look… attractive. And then he would look up, search for a particular someone, and do that stupidly lazy smile–the one where his eyes weren’t focused on anything but you.
“What are you doing here?” He giggled–he giggled now, apparently.
You eyed him, completely apathetic. “You let me stay here temporarily, remember?”
He blinked at you with an adorable pout. And then he nodded. “You’re right.” He smiled. “Aren’t you smart?” He pinched your cheek. 
Scowling, you wrestled his hands off. And for the first time this week, you finally decided to question his bizarre behavior.
“Why are you acting like this?” You whined, holding him up by his arms so he wouldn’t fall over you like he had done the day before.
“Because I missed you,” He grumbled, his eyes struggling to stay open. “Now let me–”
“Agh,” You groaned. But still, your hands fell to your sides as you let him wrap his arms around your torso, bringing you close to his chest. Whatever made him happy, was your motive. And totally not, I secretly enjoy this.
It was quiet for a few moments, just the sound of his slow breathing against your earlobe. For a minute, you worried that he had fallen asleep already, but he spoke again.
“Have I mentioned how uncomfortable this suit is?” He mumbled. “It’s very hot and–”
You didn’t even say anything. With a sigh–one that wasn’t particularly annoyed, but more… doting–you stepped away. He stared at you in both drowsiness and slight confusion, but his eyes slowly widened once he realized that you were taking off the jacket for him. Gently, you pulled it off his shoulders and down his arms, your eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration.
He was quiet, simply watching as your fingers grasped his tie, unloosening it with a sharp pull, causing him to lurch forward, his lips startlingly close to yours. 
“Interesting,” He teasingly remarked, but his voice was still slurred.
“Shut up,” You snapped yet there was no malice behind your tone.
Your hands then came up to his collar, unbuttoning the first few buttons to reveal slightly past his collarbones which… you’ve already accidentally witnessed before. With a friendly pat on his shoulder, you deemed him undressed enough. He slowly turned his gaze to you and your breath hitched at the sight– his work attire now loose with his hair slightly messy… ah. Not to mention, his tilted head and sleepy expression that only made things worse.
Clearing your throat, feeling your cheeks burn, you scrambled off somewhere to shove a change of clothes into his hands and left abruptly, your heart thumping. Soon enough–you didn’t know when because you were busy contemplating all of your feelings and the meaning of life–he walked into the bedroom. Undoing the made bed, you motioned him to climb in. Obediently, he followed and you pulled the blankets over him.
“Y/n,” He muttered, grasping your wrist before you could walk away.
“...love you,” He whispered.
Again, he was just rambling. He was just saying things. He had stumbled over his words and his voice was quiet, so that meant that he didn’t mean it. He didn’t mean any of it. It was all fake–
“I love you,” He repeated—clearer, louder this time without an inch of hesitation. And this time, he was looking straight up at you, his cheeks slightly pink, flushed.
Maybe it was more real than you had thought.
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The first week was over, meaning Hyunjae was more situated at work and most importantly, less exhausted. On the first day of his new, non-intoxicated-on-fatigue persona, he had simply greeted you and strolled past. You wouldn’t admit it fully to him but that simple interaction that did better fit what you guys were–best friends–left you feeling empty inside.
But it was fine. It was just a one-week thing.
Until it wasn’t.
The next day, the pattern appeared again, but it wasn’t… like before.
He was fully awake this time yet he still–
“Hyunjae?” You stammered. The arms wrapped around your waist tightened further as he stood behind you, hooking his chin over your shoulder, and breathing out a low sigh. And now that he was newly… conscious, he did more. His hands began to wander over you in soothing shapes and he pressed his chest further against your back.
“Just stay here with me.” 
You could see his soft smile in the corner of your eye. With a bothered huff, you glanced back at him, only for you to inhale sharply at how close he actually was and how… nice his cologne smelt. Oh, and his hands were still wandering.
“I thought you only acted like this when you’re tired?”
He shook his head, shifting even closer, his warmth encompassing you comfortingly.
“Do you want to know something about me?”
“I know a lot about you,” You joked.
But he was quiet, a serious silence befalling the two of you. You gulped and whispered a small “what is it?”
You could hear him huff out in amusement, his hands never failing to leave your waist. “While I was away–when I was at my lowest–I thought of someone all those years.”
And for some reason, you knew exactly what the answer was. 
But still, your voice tremored. “Who?”
A squeeze on your waist.
Shutting your eyes, you breathed out a shaky sigh and looked down to where he was still hugging you from behind. Your heart was thumping and you were sure he could hear you. And even if he could make out the pounding, he never budged once. Not once did he stop tightening his arms around you and not once did he cease to bury his nose somewhere into your skin, leaving shivers down your spine.
With your heartbeat practically reaching your ears, you nudged him and turned around so that now, you were facing him. Without his dazed, sleepy look, it was just his soft eyes and the slightest tug of his lips, an endeared smile. Without his exhaustion that often left him sluggish, it was just his firm, stronger arms that held you so easily.
“Hyunjae,” You whispered. 
“Sweetheart,” He replied, his voice gentle and content. And before, you wouldn’t have paid a single ounce of attention to that nickname because it just seemed like how best friends would fool around. But now… things were different and you weren’t sure how exactly. And so the name sweetheart now left your cheeks flushing.
You swallowed thickly, your breath shortening. “Do you know how much you confuse me?”
His smile only grew. “Elaborate on that.” A pause. “Sweetheart.”
You sighed, biting your lip with mortification. “That. The nickname.”
“Sweetheart? You never said you didn’t like it, I can stop if you want—“
“Don’t!” You rushed to say. You blushed more once you realized he was teasing you again, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Not just the nickname. Everything.”
“Like what?” He stepped closer if that was even possible.
You gazed up at him and you were sure you looked frustrated right now, judging by his fond smile. He always said you looked cute when mad.
“You say that you miss me all the time.”
“Because I do.” He dipped his head lower to look at you with those foolish, puppy-like eyes. “I think of you whenever I’m at work.”
“But,” You exhaled shakily. “Do you realize that you say something else?” 
You were sure he wasn’t aware. He didn’t seem to be in the right state of mind whenever he was exhausted. So maybe, he would just stare at you in utter confusion, deny it, and this whole… feeling fiasco would be done and dealt with. But then—
“That I love you?”
Your lips parted in surprise and you peered up at him, wondering if he was just taking a wild guess. But no, the soft, genuine look on his face said it all.
“You… knew?” You stuttered.
“Of course I did,” He chuckled softly. “And I meant every single one.”
Eyebrows furrowing, you stepped backward from shock. As you avoided his eyes, you missed the nervousness and the unsureness that flitted across his face. But, just that one step away left chills down your body–as if being away from Hyunjae and his embrace wasn’t even natural anymore.
And so you stepped forward again. Immediately, you could hear a low sigh of relief escape Hyunjae’s lips and feel his hands snake back around your waist protectively. You weren’t sure what expression was on his face though, as you were very adamant on staring directly at his tie–his chest. You knew that he could still see your reddening cheeks, but you still preferred not to look him in the eye. 
“That,” He said quietly. “You’re also quite confusing too.”
“Stepping away and stepping back,” He spoke softly. “Looking me in the eye but refusing to when I say that I love you.” One of his hands left your waist to gently guide your chin up. “So look at me now.” 
“I…” You trailed off, feeling yourself go weak just from his soft, loving gaze.
“And one more thing.” He tilted his head teasingly.
A pause. A great moment of silence.
“You don’t say it but you show it.”
“Hyunjae,” You breathed out, your heart beating like a loud, intense drum.
“I wasn’t completely unaware.” He smirked. His hand had already left your chin and found its place back to your waist, yet you found yourself staring straight into his dark eyes, stuck in a trance. “I know that you dried my hair with a towel–that you even undressed me. I know that you took care of me.”
You did do that all on your own accord, simply because you thought that you were being a perfectly good friend. But now that you thought about it–you didn’t have to. You could have easily pushed him off, and told him to do everything on his own but you didn’t. And it was all because you–
“So tell me then,” He whispered, his voice quiet–only for you to hear, almost like he wanted you all to himself. “What are we?”
You held your breath, your cheeks growing hot. Your hands rested on his chest and you could feel his heart pound, exactly like yours. He felt the same, you realized. With a shaky sigh, you gazed up at him.
“What do you want us to be?”
He hummed, a soft smile on his lips. “What do I want?” 
He slightly reworded your question and you wondered why. But you nodded, your eyes studying his features. His handsome features. They were sharp when you had met him in that hallway. But his keen eyes, the angle of his eyebrows, his perpetual frown–they were just soft, soft on you. No longer was there a frown, but just an affectionate smile.
“What do you want?” You repeated his question, your voice hushed to a whisper.
He leaned in, his gaze warm and gentle, his eyes wandering over each and every detail of your face.
“I want to love you.”
You had expected to inhale sharply, gasp maybe–but no. Because everything made sense to you now. His kind words, his soft and fleeting touches across your body, it all pointed to one thing. And so, instead, you smiled shyly.
“Then love me.”
And just like that, his grip on your hips tightened and he turned you around so that your back was facing the door. He was walking you backward until you felt the hard surface against your shoulder blades and he was leaning down, close enough that if he inched further, he would be kissing you. But he didn’t–not yet.
“May I?” He muttered, looking over you with slight concern. 
You nodded, embarrassingly with a bit too eagerness. He laughed softly and then he was fitting his lips against yours as your eyes fluttered closed. The press of it was gentle and tender as he tilted your chin up and angled himself so that it was more comfortable. The kiss was unlike any that you’ve experienced before. It was like the tension that had built up before had completely broken down, as you allowed yourself to just fall.
Fall, physically, almost because you felt your knees go weak, with only the door behind you to hold you up. But his hand traveled back down to your waist, hooking you in against his body, keeping you steady as he muffled a groan against your lips. You couldn’t hear anything but his breathing and the thumping of your own heart. 
All you could think of was him–how he could so easily change from rough to soft, how he could push forward so quickly but pull away so easily to allow you a gasp of breath, and how he could make your heart pound yet lull it into a steady rhythm of love. He kissed like he could devour you, but if you decided to peek an eye open, you would see his adorably furrowed eyebrows and his flushed cheeks, showing that he wasn’t anything like that.
He was just a man who needed a bit of a sweetener in his life.
With a quiet noise, he pulled away. Immediately, his eyes searched over your features, making sure that you were okay and that he didn’t do too much. But, when you gave him a smile, your eyes flitting nervously, he grinned and leaned in to grant you another soft kiss.
“How long?” You laughed shyly.
“I came to the realization when you tried to cheer me up whenever I was tired. But I think I’ve already felt this way for a while.” He replied. He pinched your cheek again. “All those dates and extra care that you gave me…very cute thing to do.”
Your eyes went wide. “You… noticed?”
“I notice a lot of things, sweetheart,” He teased. “Like how you’re grabbing onto my suit to pull me into a kiss right now.”
“O-oh,” You stammered, letting go of his crumpled collar. “I didn’t realize I–”
He shook his head and before you could finish your sentence, he was cupping your cheek–something that he’s never done before–and guiding you back to his lips. And this time, his tongue swiped against your lip, making you gasp quietly.
“You taste like candy.” His gaze fixated on your lips.
“I didn’t know you could…” You had to stop for a second to catch your breath. And it wasn’t just because of his exceptional kissing, but it was the beat of your heart, of all of your love. “...you could kiss like that.”
“What can I say?” He tilted his head with a teasing look. “I guess I have a sweet tooth.”
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“Trust me on this,” Younghoon whined. “I followed the instructions to the very dot. They’ll taste good. Promise.”
You eyed him skeptically but still, you picked up one of the cookies that he had baked. They looked a little… off, but it should be fine. Taking a bite, you took note of the odd texture, and then the taste started to register on your tongue.
You coughed. You choked. And then you threw the cookie back on the plate. 
“Bitter,” You gagged. “It’s so bitter.”
“What?” He cried. “Are you kidding me–”
Your eyes lit up once you remembered your boyfriend who was sitting next to you on the couch. He was busy on his computer, doing some sort of work report but you ignored that, turning to him and grasping his collar tightly. You pulled him in, pressing your lips to his, causing him to let out a small “mmph” in surprise.
But almost instantly, he turned into jelly from your touch, a smile growing on his lips as his eyes fluttered close. He had tried to deepen it desperately but you pulled away shortly after, leaving him to chase after your lips adorably.
Younghoon gawked. “I’m right here.”
“So?” You shrugged, smiling innocently. “At least he tastes sweet.”
“Oh my god,” Younghoon mumbled, getting up to throw the cookies into the garbage can. 
Meanwhile, Hyunjae was staring at you in a daze, his cheeks flushed. But, he quickly recovered and he was quick to pounce on you, pressing kisses all over you once Younghoon had left.
“A warning next time would be great.”
He was now hovering over you on the couch, caging you under his arms and his computer long forgotten. The position left you flushing but it was also the perfect one to knee him in the stomach.
He winced in pain. "What was that for?"
"A warning, you said," You mocked. "When literally yesterday you kissed me up against a wall in your own workplace."
"That's an exception." He smirked. "You liked it, didn't you?"
"I..." You blushed, remembering the way he had kissed you so fervently, dressed in that suit and tie, the thrill of getting caught still running through your veins. "It was alright."
"Sure, sweetheart," He whispered in a teasing tone. He looked annoying handsome like this, with that amused smile that contrasted his soft, loving gaze. "Then I'll make sure you like this one."
Oh, how you despised him.
And then his lips were on yours again, swallowing up any shy noises that threatened to escape you. But just before he did, he had whispered three quiet words against your lips.
"I love you."
And how you loved him too.
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cellophaine · 9 months
Sad Girl (Part II)
Read Part I
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, not a happy ending.
Author's Note: Sooo, I severely overestimated how much free time I would have, and as it turns out, I have had not a lot and will have none free time for the next three weeks. My irl project is quite literally consuming me on top of the packing for an across the globe trip, so I won't be able to work actively on any writing project at all 🥲 I will be back to writing and posting in late fall/early winter! (hopefully)
P/S: I might write a part 3 to make up for the angst but uhm ... please don't come for me over the ending 🫣
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Judging by the sound of people and traffic outside, Matt knew he had slept in. Not that it mattered since it was a Saturday, and he had nowhere to be, especially after a night of going all out on a celebration with Foggy and Karen on the occasion of winning a big case for their client. With the new bonus lined in their pockets, Foggy gave a passionate speech about the grand plan of upgrading the office; Karen daydreamed about a proper heater for the upcoming winter while Matt zoned out, occasionally chiming in with a witty remark. He didn't enjoy his win as much as he should, as a part of him wished he could see you and tell you about it instead. He knew you would be happy for him and listen to every detail, just like you did whenever he told you about his day, when he wasn't in a hurry to leave.
The talking clock announced the time and date, and as Matt shifted back to the bed, a thought struck him. It had been three months since his last illicit affair with you. Matt sighed, pressing his face into the pillow at the thought of you. He had been thinking about you more and more every day. Matt blamed it on his coming to the acceptance that what you and he shared had long dissolved into thin air, becoming something that never was before you met. But the history was still there, at least for him. It didn't get to disappear. It stayed in his head, haunting him like a shadow at the edge of his conscience, waiting for a chance to occupy his thoughts whenever he found his mind strayed, and if he had to admit it, he didn't want to let it go. Matt replayed the last night he spent with you over and over, prying for little details of what had gone wrong, only to come up with none. You were curt with him, and the rebuttal he came up with was you were tired. You even said it yourself. Matt left you alone that night after that, and he even made sure that the two of you were okay. But he guessed it wasn't enough, as you completely shut him out afterward.
From time to time, Matt would stop by your place to check on you, to see if the wind chime returned, only to be disappointed by its absence. He would perch on the rooftop of your building, listening to the sound of your soft laugh alongside your favourite show. Matt was so close, yet so far away from you. He had gotten used to the silence, but he hadn't used to not seeing you, being around you. Even though a small part of him was crestfallen that you didn't seem to miss his presence, it made him happy to see you were still doing well. Even if it was without him.
Turning on his back, with his hand stretched over the empty space beside him, Matt couldn't help but wonder why you cut all contact with him, and why he had been so bothered by the fact. He could take the hint and accept a rejection, but he couldn't understand why your silence hurt him the most of all. Something was missing; Matt could feel it so clearly when he returned to his apartment at night after your arrangement was abruptly over. His place didn't have your scent, your candles, or even the overpowering aroma of the ointment you applied on him when he needed it. He even missed the coarseness of your fine cotton sheets on his too-sensitive skin. Yet, none of these little things could even begin to compare to how often he found himself missing your presence most of all. Your steady heartbeat and the way it quickened when he touched you. Your comforting scent when he buried his nose into your neck. The way your thighs found their home around his waist when he fucked you into the mattress, your bodies moving together in a desperate attempt at getting closer and closer until you were joined in one body made of flesh and bones. It wasn't just the sex that he missed. His heart involuntarily yearned for your laugh, your presence, being around you. He remembered how your apartment smelled like the tea you drink and how it would be cold by the end of his visits. He missed the way you seemed to know what he needed by paying attention to his body language and the way he conveyed his needs without words.
Matt ran a hand over his face and sighed heavily. He needed to take a walk, to allow his mind to be uninhabited by you.
As Matt padded barefoot through the apartment, he was reminded once again of you by the soft floral fragrance in the sweater you left at his place. It was you he smelled, a warm and sheer powdery iris that he could never mistake for someone else, and a mix of his own scent, too. When he first noticed it in his closet, his heart fluttered when he realized what it was. Now, with its new place on the top of a dining chair, the faint floral was a reminder of what you were to him. He wished he could restore it to your scent and your scent only so he could hold onto you a little longer. Matt caught his stray thought and steered himself away from reminiscing. It was dangerously close to the territory he couldn't afford to enter. So he shut it out.
He really needed that walk.
The air was crisp and clear, which made everything around him stand out more. Matt took a moment to take in his surroundings. The neighbourhood felt lively amongst the aroma of coffee, steaming broth, greasy food and freshly baked pastries. The revving of a motorcycle passed by him, making his brows furrow over the loud noise and the waft of smoke it brought. He smelled more food, more body odour, but amidst all that chaos, something familiar arose. The scent reminded him of you. And once again, his thoughts strayed as if he couldn't help himself.
How could he have predicted the way things ended with you? Even if he knew beforehand, he couldn't prevent it from happening. It simply wasn't meant to be. You and him both knew what you were getting into, and it was nothing more than a casual exchange. And if his exclusion from your life was what you wanted, he would respect that. Still, Matt couldn't make sense of his desolation. It confused him, all the thoughts running through his head, all the ache wrapping around his heart like cellophane, circling around the truth buried so deep that he couldn't feel it for what it truly was. It was almost as if his heart already knew, but his mind refused to acknowledge it.
The iris scent got stronger, and Matt directed his attention toward it. His heart seemed to recognize it before his senses caught onto it, beating faster as it came closer, accompanied by the rhythm of a heartbeat he knew so well. It was unmistakenly you, your scent, your voice, as all the tangible signals drifted to him. He was aware that you hadn't seen him yet; his feet involuntarily picked up the pace, closing the distance between you. You were closer to him now, the closest in months. He listened to your voice as you chatted with your companion, unaware of him. And when you finally saw him, Matt could tell as the breath in your throat hitched. He took a deep breath, bracing himself to say hi, a soft smile on his face.
It was only seconds, yet it felt so long as your jacket brushed over his on the busy pavement; the brief contact ended before it even began. You kept walking further away from him as Matt's heart dropped in the realization that you didn't stop to acknowledge him. The familiar ache took hold of his heart and squeezed again. Matt brushed the feeling off by taking his own steps forward and away from you, only with less certainty and excitement. He was still close by when he heard it. The conversation you had with your companion.
"Hey. You okay?"
The woman's voice was full of concern.
"Uh, yeah, I'm … I'm fine."
There was a touch of hesitation in your voice.
"Are you sure? You look like you saw a ghost."
A small chuckle.
"I feel like I did."
A brief pause and a small yet determined exhale later.
"Don't worry. It's nothing."
His heart dropped even further at your words; the pain grabbed and pulled at his heartstrings violently. What you said to your friend manifested a bitter taste on his tongue, making his stomach churn. You pretending not to know him and ignoring him hurt him more than he realized. How could you? How could you act like the ink on the pages of your story had washed away so completely that the history you shared became a blank book? Why did he become nothing to you?
Matt wanted to know the unbridled truth and get the closure he was owed. He deserved that much.
About a week later, Matt waited for you to return home at the front of your building instead of the usual spot at your fire escape. It was late, almost time for him to go back to his apartment so he could start the patrol for the night. But that could wait.
Matt buried his hands into his pockets to shield them from the wind nipping at his skin. Leaning onto the brick pillar at the bottom of the steps, he closed his eyes, trying to calm his heart rate, reminding himself that it was just you, the woman he had known so well. But his logic persisted. Maybe he didn't know you at all. He could barely understand himself these days. Who was he to say that he knew you for who you really were?
His heart picked up its pace again once he heard the sound of your voice neared. You were laughing alongside the familiar voice from last week; the slightest slur in your words was enough for him to know that you were tipsy. The uneven clicks of your heels on the ground became steadier as you made your way toward the entrance and stopped when you approached him.
Matt stood up straight, clearing his throat softly.
"What are you doing here?"
You wasted no time. Your voice was cold, and your demeanour was curt.
"I need to talk to you."
Your companion's voice interrupted him.
"Who are you?"
You pulled at your friend's sleeve, and after a brief pause, she released a small gasp and a soft "Oh". She then turned to him, her voice stern, leaving no room for any other interpretation.
"My friend doesn't have anything to say to you. So you can–"
"Mindy. I got this."
"Are you sure?"
Matt listened as the conversation wrapped up, with Mindy getting into a cab and you promising to call her if you wanted to talk. You closed the door, waiting until the taxi pulled away before returning to him, still keeping your distance.
"What do you want to talk to me about?"
Matt took a small step forward.
"About what happened between us."
"There is nothing to talk about. Nothing happened."
The blankness in your voice made him feel like his skin was pricked with needles. He scoffed, bewildered with disbelief at your outright denial.
"I wouldn't call cutting off all contact, out of the blue, without an explanation, nothing."
When you didn't say anything, he continued.
"Why did you shut me out? It's like our relationship meant nothing to you."
His words seemed to get to you as you snapped back at him.
"There was nothing between us. There was no relationship."
You enunciated your words, making your intention clear.
"I cared for you the same way you cared for me. Isn't that something?"
The harsh puff of air escaped from you was scornful, and Matt knew he was getting somewhere.
"No. You don't know what you're talking about."
"Of course I do. What do you mean by that?"
You stepped closer until you were inches away from him. You were so close that Matt could feel the tension in your body, the way your fists clenched into themselves, the way your heart pounded in your chest.
"You want the truth, Matt? The truth is I didn't want to set myself up for more disappointment, so I did what I thought was best for myself."
His brows scrunched together at the meaning behind your words.
"What kind of disappointment?"
You sighed heavily.
"The kind that came from knowing I could never be more to you. I thought you cared for me, Matt."
Your voice had gone quieter, so small that he felt like it took all of your strength to physically say it. He softened at that, and his hand reached out to find your cheek.
"I did. I still do."
But before the contact happened, you took a step back, avoiding his hand.
"No. You don't care about me like the way I cared for you. I was just your side piece that you could fuck whenever you–"
Matt was so taken aback by your firm conviction that he didn't register the latter part. He didn't care about the way you seemed to shy away from him and grasped your arms, pulling you close.
"You're more than that to me! You're my friend."
His chest heaved in exertion. He didn't know what else he could do to convince you. When you spoke, it was the way your voice shook that broke him.
"That wasn't enough for me, Matt."
Your hands came up to hold onto his arms, your grasp weak, but it gave Matt some hope. You swallowed hard.
"I lov– I liked you, so much that my heart hurts whenever you didn't stop by."
His heart rattled in its cage, wanting to break free at your confession. Your voice was so small, yet your words carried so much weight.
"I thought we could be more, but you confirmed that it wasn't in the cards for you, so … I did the best thing for both of us. I didn't want to waste anymore of your and my time."
Matt loosened his hold, his head dipped as he hoped you were looking at him.
"You knew what it would be like to be with me. I would go out and I might get hurt, and I didn't want to leave you by yourself worrying about me in case something happened."
You tore yourself away from his grasp, your voice raised in what felt like exasperation.
"You don't get it! I already went through those worries when we were still sleeping together. I was always worried about you when you got injured, when you came to my place just a little later than you said you would. I would be worried sick. So don't feed me that bull shit. I knew what I was getting myself into."
Matt fell silent, and for the first time, he lost his defence. So he returned to the start of it all.
"We agreed to be casual."
"Then why did you act like my boyfriend? Cuddling me to sleep? Making sure I was okay after a shitty day at work? I thought it was you showing that you cared about me more than just a fuck-buddy."
Your anger only intensified at his attempt at calmness.
"You're worth caring for. I didn't regret anything I did for you."
You chuckled, the sound bitter to his ears.
"Right. It doesn't matter anyway. You already have someone else waiting for you at home."
Confusion clouded his thoughts.
"What are you talking about?"
You scoffed in disbelief.
"I'm talking about Karen Page."
"What about her?"
"Don't pull that shit with me. I know you're together. I could tell by the way you acted throughout the interview and the photoshoot."
"You got it wrong. We used to date, but not anymore. We're only friends. Please, you have to trust me."
He could hear you moving toward him before feeling a jab of your finger at his chest; your face was closer to his for the first time in months.
"I don't care what the two of you are anymore, okay? It looked like that from my end. Do you know what it feels like knowing that you were made the other woman? I even defended you before my friend, saying that you actually loved me. I was so fucking stupid."
Your last words were dripped in a teary tone. Matt was speechless as you sobbed; the sound made his body throb with pain as if he was dealt with a thousand cuts. He noticed the way your heart thundered in your chest, but it wasn't out of dishonesty. It was out of the hate and love you had for him, both surging at once. Your heart thumped vigorously for him; your body burned with fervour because of him. He was too stubborn to see the signs for what they were: the affection and devotion you saved for him, reflected through the little things you did for him. You didn't have to say it. Your feeling for him was tangible and real, like the feel of your finger prodding at his chest. Real like the tears on your face at the expense of his unintentional ignorance.
Your hand fell to your side. Your anger subsided; now you were depleted, and Matt hated that he was the source of your distress.
"Please, understand where I came from. I didn't want to be a home wrecker. I just couldn't do it anymore."
He nodded. The silence stretched as the two of you let the confession infuse the air between you. Matt had asked for the truth, and he got it. Yet it was so suffocating that he felt like he couldn't breathe. All of your cards were laid on the table, and it was his turn to reveal his.
You sniffled, and your voice sobered up. But Matt could still hear the shakiness in it.
"Anything else you want to tell me?"
The words were at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't bring himself to say them. He held his cards close, afraid to confront the aftermath. After all, he had so much to lose.
You took his silence for your answer. You trained your voice to be cold again.
"Right. I hope you got what you came here for."
You brushed past him and ascended the steps, leaving Matt where he was: at the front of your door, in the cold autumn wind, alone. Like he always had been.
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*Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!* Follow my side blog to receive notifications whenever I post! @cellophaine-archives
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
Idk why but I need some Willy angst…like you met at the end of last season and decided to officially start dating in the off season spending it all together in Europe but once you’re back in Toronto and the season starts you feel like he’s lost interest or is embarrassed by you because he doesn’t want you going out in public with him nor does he introduce you to the team and other WAGs. And Willy does it because he’s worried the public eye and comments will be horrible to you so he wants to keep you away from that and emulate the chiller lifestyle you got to have in Sweden but he can’t communicate his reasoning so you tell him you want to end things because you can’t love someone who doesn’t want to be seen with you and he breaks down, and it’s the first time you see him cry🥲
Well, to be fair we all need a little Willy angst once in a while 😉 I absolutely love the idea bb! And I hope you’ll enjoy reading it, just as much as I did writing it ❤️
・✶ 。゚
Gonna give it to you, in capital letters | William Nylander 🖋️ 1️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
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"We need to talk…"
A message nobody wants to get, and definitely not one William Nylander ever expected to receive. Especially not at this particular moment.
You’d met William last season, just before the playoffs, at a coffee shot downtown and quickly, you’d developed a connection of some sort.
Initially, it was a relaxed and easy-going friendship, kept low-key as you had recently ended a relationship, and casual due to William's hectic schedule.
Nevertheless, it was a strong friendship.
But then, gradually, things started to escalate a bit. You stood by William throughout the playoffs on the sideline, offering support, aa you both simply relished each other's company. Thus, what began as a casual friendship, involving late-night conversations and casual coffee meet-ups, gradually shifted towards something more intimate and physical.
As William faced the highs and lows of the games, dealing with intense stress on good and bad days, you remained a constant source of support for him. Usually, you were his go-to for random talks. However, one night, after a particularly tough loss, he felt a need for more, and made a move on you.
It was subtle, neither too eager nor forceful. He merely became a bit touchier and more sensual in his tone and behaviour, melting you completely under his touch.
Admittedly, William was undeniably attractive. Most people thought so, and you were no exception. However, despite the cheeky banter, friendly flirting, and shared laughter, you both maintained a platonic relationship until that fateful evening.
And it was nothing short of incredible.
The sex had been gentle and sensual at first, before you’d both been eager to explore each other further, and soon it had become rather heated and intense.
Yet, it also resulted in something more.
At first, you reckoned William probably just needed some physical release due to all the ups and downs of the matches. But as it turned out, he longed for much more than that. William seemed to want you around all the time, or at least to swing by late in the evening after games or when he returned from away matches.
It kind of felt like you were his dirty little secret, but honestly, you didn't dwell on it much. His schedule was all over the place, not your typical 9-to-5 routine, so you didn't read too much into it. Well, at least not in the beginning.
And just when you were thinking it might be a good idea to chat about what was going on between you two - not that you were necessarily in need to put a label on it, you just wanted to know if William was still keen on you - he completely surprised you by inviting you to join him in Europe during the off-season.
Initially, you were a bit taken aback and hesitant since you'd only been going out with him for a few months. But William was persistent, and since the idea sounded pretty intriguing, you thought, "Why not?" and decided to go with it.
And boy, were you glad you did.
Your time in Sweden was absolutely amazing. William showed you all around Stockholm, shared his favourite spots and eateries, introduced you to Sweden's hidden gems, and treated you like royalty.
He whisked you away for romantic dinners, really putting on his a-game in the dating department. And before long, he opened up about wanting you to be his. Which in casual-Swedish-27-year-old-guy speak, basically meant you were now dating seriously.
You were over the moon about your time in Scandinavia. You witnessed a different side to the easy-going forward, experienced his more tender side first hand, and had mind-blowing sex for weeks.
And then, just when you thought that was it, he took you to other European places. Places you'd never even heard of and couldn't quite pronounce, making you feel like you were in a fairy tale - so much so that you had to pinch yourself to believe it was all real.
However, despite the pinching, your fairy-tale had to come to an end at some point, and you had to return to reality and everyday life in Toronto.
But returning to Toronto turned out to be way different from what you had expected.
William, the guy you'd just spent over a month with every single day, suddenly kept his distance and limited your interactions to phone calls or late-night chats after training and games.
It felt odd.
You genuinely believed that during the off-season, you both had connected on a deeper, more intimate level, taking your relationship several steps further. But William's actions contradicted those feelings.
He didn't take you out for dinners anymore, nor did he seem interested in meeting up during the day or having you over if there was a chance someone else might be around.
Even when you mentioned being at the arena to support him during a home game, he just told you to head straight to his place instead of waiting for him while he finished showering.
It was like you were suddenly back to being his secret, hidden even from those closest to him: his teammates.
When you were alone, he talked about them incessantly, sharing every little detail about his teammates, the ones he was closest to, and those he felt played best with him. Yet, it felt like he didn't want them to know anything about you.
And before long, you'd had enough.
William was an incredible guy, and your feelings for him ran deep. But this situation was becoming uncomfortable and unpleasant. It felt somewhat absurd that he could be jovial and happy around you at any hour, but as soon as you weren't snug in his condo, you became a stranger to him. Or someone he'd call just to chat.
In a way, you felt ridiculed. And eventually, you decided to take the mature step, safeguarding yourself from potential heartache by ending it.
However, you wanted to handle it properly, so you texted him to arrange a meeting.
"Hey, can we meet up sometime soon? We need to talk…"
Across the city, William felt a pang in his heart as he read your text.
He had just finished today's workout and was about to head for a shower when he saw your message, causing him to gulp in an attempt to remain composed in the locker room.
However, his expression didn't go unnoticed by his teammates.
"Hey, everything okay, Willy?" Auston asked, a hint of concern in his eyes as he observed his Swedish teammate.
"Yeah…" William attempted to reply, but his tone lacked conviction, after reading your text multiple times.
"You're sure?"
And William knew he couldn't hide the truth from his closest friends.
"No… it's y/n…" He let out a deep sigh.
"Is she okay?" the team's captain, John Tavares, chimed in, wearing a slightly concerned, paternal expression.
"I don't know… she just sent me 'the text'…" he spoke softly, trying to conceal any hints of disappointment, though failing when he showed your message to the boys.
"Ooh… that's the worst…" Auston replied, attempting a light hearted comment to lighten the mood. "That can only mean one of two things: either she's dumping you… or she's knocked up."
However, despite Auston's attempt at humour, it did little to alleviate the situation. So instead, Tavares stepped in, offering his support.
"She probably just wants to talk about your relationship," he said, flashing a reassuring, warm smile. "Making sure you're still into each other, you know, communication."
William tried to reciprocate the kind smile and nodded lightly.
"Yeah, that's not exactly my greatest talent…"
"I know, so maybe this is your chance," the elder teammate suggested. And with those comforting words in mind, William agreed to meet you at his condo in 20 minutes. He then quickly wrapped up in the locker room and made his way out.
As William made his way back home, a strange sensation settled in his chest. He had never faced a situation where a girl might be pregnant despite using protection – at least not to his knowledge. Additionally, he couldn't quite comprehend why you suddenly wanted to end things with him.
And this was a new scenario for him. Typically, he would be the one ending things with girls, sending them the text about how things weren't working out. But now, finding himself potentially on the receiving end of a breakup, he couldn't quite wrap his head around it.
So, when you stood in front of him in his living room, tears threatening to spill, William felt another tug at his heart.
"Willy," you spoke softly, attempting to sound confident and self-assured, despite having rehearsed this moment multiple times, knowing you most likely wouldn't be able to remain composed. "I think we need to stop seeing each other…"
You felt the tears welling up but tried to hold them back by controlling your breathing.
"Y/n… I don't understand… I mean, why? I thought we were having a good time," William replied, matching your subdued tone.
"I think we both know why…" You silently hoped he would reach the same conclusion as you, but William's thoughts were far from aligning with yours.
In his mind, William ran through potential reasons you might have: Your schedule is too busy and unpredictable,' You’re away too often,' 'I’ve found someone else,' or 'I just don't have feelings for you.' 
However, your actual words were far from what he anticipated.
"I know you're embarrassed about me… and I just can't love someone who doesn't want to be seen with me or introduce me to their closest friends… you're keeping me as a secret, and I know I can't ignore my feelings for you, which only makes it even more hurtful… But I'm tired of feeling ridiculed by this… so, I can't be with you anymore…"
You’d given up on holding back your tears midway through your heartfelt speech, letting them stream down your cheeks as you spoke from the depths of your heart, despite the aching pain in your chest.
William was baffled. Embarrassed? You believed he was embarrassed about you.
His eyes widened, fixed directly on you as his mind scrambled to form comforting words, to assure you that this wasn't the truth. But the words seemed trapped, unable to escape his lips.
"And although it hurts like hell," you continued, briefly looking upwards, trying to gather your tears, and sniffled lightly. "I try to understand. I mean, we had a wonderful time during the off-season when you had plenty of time. But we were away from this normal, everyday life, and you didn't have all those girls around like you do here… so perhaps, you've just lost interest in me since coming back, which is okay – I mean, I can't change the way you feel… I just…" You took in a deep breath, gathering the courage to continue. "I just wish you'd told me, so I wouldn't look like a fool, like I do now…"
Silence enveloped the room after your heartfelt confession, your voice almost cracking near the end of your final words. 
But William's mind was in complete disarray. And your words cut deep within him as he realised the weight of his actions.
"Fuck…" he softly mumbled to himself, briefly looking down before meeting your gaze.
Your body seemed to fold into itself, arms wrapped around your chest in a stance of defeat and vulnerability. Your eyes held a soft yet sorrowful expression, and William could tell you were truly hurt.
And as he had admitted to Tavares, William wasn't the greatest at expressing his emotions. But now, he was beginning to realise the extent of the damage caused by his lack of communication. And this was his chance, as the captain had mentioned.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to find the necessary words.
"Y/n… I'm not… I'm not embarrassed about you," William's chest felt heavy, emotions stirring within him. "Shit…" He threw his arms up in frustration, finding it immensely difficult to speak. "It hurts like hell hearing you say that… Why would you think I'm embarrassed about you? Or that I've lost interest in you?"
His words came out sharper than he intended, emotions bubbling to the surface, as he couldn't contain his frustration, realising that he was the cause of your pain. 
"Because you don't want to be seen with me anywhere… you only want me around here, in hiding, and you never want me to meet any of your friends and teammates, Willy…" Your voice rose as you cried out, mirroring his frustrations.
"I'm just trying to protect you, y/n!" William almost shouted, surprising you with the intensity of his response. "I just… I want to keep you safe and away from all of that!"
"Protect me from what, Willy? Because from what I can see, you don't want to be seen with me or let anyone know that we're dating," you firmly shouted back, not entirely convinced by his defence.
"That's not at all how it is! You don't get what it's like."
"Then please explain to me what it's like!"
William took a deep breath, struggling to control his emotions from boiling over. You were pushing all the right buttons, and he knew you had every right to do so.
"People can be cruel, y/n… the media, people online… and I don't want you to experience that," he exhaled. "I'm NOT embarrassed about you, GOD, I can't believe you'd think that… I just – I want to shield you from all the awful things people say about me… and other players and their girlfriends… I fucking love being with you, and the last thing I want is for you to be scared away by those who post hurtful comments online or make up lies to stir up drama between us…"
Now, it was William feeling the tears welling up.
"But then why wouldn't you even introduce me to the team? You always talk so much about them, but for some reason, you don't want them to know about me! Don't you see how that makes me feel?"
William sensed himself becoming overwhelmed, realising the depth of the situation, and he couldn't hold back any longer. A tear escaped and trailed down his cheek, as he tried his best to explain. 
"I didn't want to drag you into my world, y/n! It can be messed up, and you deserve so much better…" His voice cracked, tears flowing uncontrollably.
And witnessing William cry evoked a wave of emotions within you.
You had never seen him even close to tears. In fact, you had never seen him display anger or hurt, nothing beyond hockey, and even that only extended to minimal frustrations. William was always known for his calm and composed demeanour, never letting his facade crack. Yet tonight, you had cracked him wide open, causing him to spill his thoughts and feelings.
"All I wanted was to keep everything easy going and wonderful between us… just like it was in Sweden. It was so perfect, and when I realised you were the one, I wanted to be with, I guess I just tried to do whatever I could to keep it that way… so you wouldn't leave me."
“Willy,” you softly breathed out. “Why didn’t you tell me all of this? That this was how you felt…”
Your question resonated with the right reason, prompting a timid smile to form on his lips as he let out a sigh.
"Because I'm not good at this… explaining everything and talking… feelings, y/n…" he softly admitted, your eyes locking in a heartfelt moment of deep honesty.
Relaxing your tense posture, a bit, you slowly moved towards him, flashing a soft smile.
“Willy, I want to be with you… I know I don’t fully understand your world, but it’s part of you, and… I want all of you, no matter what,” you reassured him, coming to stand so closely that your bodies gently touched.
William sniffled before managing to form proper sentences, briefly looking downwards as his hands found their way to rest on your hips.
“I’m sorry, y/n… I just thought it was better to keep you away from it, you know…”
“I know, those were your best intentions,” you softly smiled, gently resting your hands on his chest. “But Willy, if you really want me around, in your life, you have to let me in… for better AND for worse…” 
“I do, y/n… I do want you in my life… I just don’t want you to be scared away,” he timidly admitted.
“Don’t worry, babe. It takes more than that for me to leave,” you tried to ease the tension, and fortunately it seemed to work.
“Good…” William sighed in relief, his forehead gently meeting yours.
“Just promise me one thing,” you said, looking up at him again.
“Next time if you have these kinds of thoughts, please just tell me… I can’t read your mind, and I NEED you to let me know what’s going on inside that pretty big brain of yours,” you chuckled lightly. “You have to use your words – in capital letters, please,” you emphasised, prompting a chuckle from William as well.
“I promise I’ll try to do better,” he replied with a smile, before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on your soft lips.
It was a huge relief for him to finally get everything off his chest. Realising that this was mostly due to his not-so-well-thought-out plan, he now saw a great chance of having you in his life for much longer.
“By the way,” William suddenly added as your faces withdrew slightly. “The team does know about you… in fact, they know all about you.”
“Yeah, so really, you haven’t actually been that much of a secret…” he chuckled, seeing your baffled reaction. “But I guess that’s just one less thing for us to check off then.” 
“You’re really something special Nylander… did you know that?” you chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, and now I’m yours something special,” you merely replied, before pulling you in for a deeper and more heartfelt kiss this time. 
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wint3r-h3art · 1 year
More Than You Bargain For | Sinfully Yours Au
Summary: Sugar Daddy! Strange is back. It's been five months since the events of The Beginning. Nothing was more blissful than spending your first summer at Lake Como by your doctor's side, but of course, there was always something or someone that may have ruined just that.
W/C: over 2K
Warnings: smut: cunnilingus & angst. Plot heavy that lead to the next part. Mentioned of Odin, as well as an appearance of Loki & Thor 😈 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI.
A/N: My writing for Strange is a little rusty, but this idea has been floating for some time. I just think that their arrangement is a bit messy, especially when feelings do evolve. 🥲 As usual, no beta. If I missed anything, I do apologize. If you enjoyed this, please comment & reblog for support. I love hearing about your thought on this little Drabble.
*** Do not copy, repost, or translate my works anywhere else!!
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Sweat trickled down your neck as you felt his lips skim along your collarbones. Your back ached as his body pinned you against the wall of the villa. Rough fingertips dug into the soft skin of your hips, imprinting his touches straight to your bones.
The cool breeze from the lake did nothing to cool down the fire he set upon your senses as he slid his tongue along the slippery seam. Every part of you buzzed and hummed with anticipation of being discovered. What would they say about the well-respected Doctor Strange, down on his knees with his face buried between some woman’s legs? 
The age gap between the two of you has never been an issue–or at least that’s what you assume. The arrangement that you came to be was purely out of desperation between needing financial support from him, and him needing companionship from you. You made a deal with him some five months ago, and looked how far you have come now with your sundress hiked up to your waist, and the good doctor’s face buried right between the legs.
The sex had always been easy because you had always had a crush on him since your day as the barista from a small coffee shop he frequented. He was also quite understanding about this whole arrangement as well, which begged the question as to why he was single in the first place. But you kept that to yourself because your job was to be his sugar baby–to be his arm candy, and to make him look good. It wasn’t your job to ask him questions that he doesn’t want to answer.
And quite frankly, you were too attached to him to want to know why he wanted to stay single.
A muffled, tortuous moan slipped past your lips when you felt him parting your folds with his tongue as he settled into a feast. Your legs trembled. Your hand in his hair, bunching and pulling at the soft strands until he let out a low, rumbling groan that reverberated straight into your pussy, pulling you closer to the edge. 
He was spreading you open with his hands as if he was trying to plunge his tongue deeper inside you, and you couldn’t help but ground your hips to meet your mouth.
“Stephen…” you sobbed softly, trying to not make any loud noises because there were people up front.
Thor Odinson had invited Doctor Strange to his summer home here at Lake Como since the doctor was a good friend of his father, Odin Borson. 
With the state that the two of you were in though, you weren't quite sure if Thor would ever invite you to his home ever again if he walked in on the two of you fucking like a bunch of horny teenagers behind his villa.
Stephen Strange didn’t reply to you as he thrust his tongue into your drenching pussy. Your hips churned as your pulse pounded to your clit. Each shallow penetration continued to push you further and closer to your release. 
He was your heaven and hell wrapped into a six-foot-something, forty-year-old man. And when he started to suck on your clit, your brain turned into a puddle.
You came with a strangled moan as your body clenched and trembled. Your thighs clenched tightly around his head, but that didn’t seem to bother him much as he continued to drink all of your releases. 
It felt like an eternity though as you stood there waiting on Strange to finish what he was doing. Your body felt warm from the Italian summer air and well from what your doctor was doing to you. Your legs felt almost boneless and you had to brace yourself against the wall of the villa.
You looked up, and Strange wasn’t in a better state than you as his hair was messy, standing up in various directions. His face was flushed. Lips gleam from the remnant of your little act. You helped straighten his clothes of course, because everyone would be suspicious if he returned looking so disheveled and so…relax now.
He smiled and looked at you as you helped him fold the sleeves of his linen shirt, revealing the many tattoos he adorned.
“They're gonna know,” you mumbled.
“Nobody’s going to know. They probably think we’re exploring the house or something.”
He failed at trying to reassure you, especially when he looked so…smugged.
“Besides, Thor is a friend–everyone here are friends. Nobody cares.”
Yes. Your friends. Not mine.
“Even his brother?” 
Loki Odinson. Thor’s younger brother had never gotten along with the doctor. Even when you and Strange first showed up here, you didn’t feel the welcoming air around him like the rest of the family. The two men could not stand each other. Something about Strange humiliated the younger Odinson during his Ph.D. days.
Again, their history had always been vague, and you weren’t close enough to ask questions. 
“Loki is…Loki. Acknowledging him will not do you good. It is best if you’re not acquainted with him.”
“That bad?”
Strange chuckled. “Depends on your definition of ‘bad’. I think of it as a friendly banter between old acquaintances”
You stared at him with the expression of ‘Are you kidding me?’. Strange just chuckled again.
“Don’t worry, ok?” His large hands clasped over your shoulders.
You chewed on your lips briefly before you nodded. Stephen placed a kiss on your forehead before heading back to the party first, leaving you here to your worried thoughts.
As Stephen Strange disappeared out of your line of sight, you heard another footstep approaching, and of course, who else would that be beside the one person you dreaded to be alone with the most?
Loki noticed your expression and he stopped and leaned against the stone railing that overlooked the lake. A mischievous smirk quirked at the corner of his lips as he observed you for a long moment.
“The doctor is a bit too old for you, don’t you think?”
“I’m a full-grown adult…my decision is my own.”
Loki chuckled as he raked his long slender fingers through his hair. Oh, you definitely exceeded his expectation alright. Perhaps this was why Strange picked you. He was never the type to go for someone with no backbone.
“Of course. I just thought it’s funny that you would be with someone twice your age…especially when you can do so much better.”
You could feel the heat flooding your face. You couldn’t tell what his intention was. 
“I did a little research–,” he continued. “Y’know as one would when an outsider suddenly got invited to a private gathering. I’m not here to judge, but I do applaud you for the sort of scheme you’re playing. Never thought that Strange would be into the whole sugar daddy thing, but hey, when your ex of over five years dumped you and married some guys she met just a little under a year, I would do something out of the ordinary too.”
His words sting you deeply, and you were trying very hard to now show him any sort of emotion to satisfy his little jab.
“What is your point then, Mr. Odinson?”
Loki chuckled as if he found this whole situation funny.
“Nothing at all. Just curious about what the two of you are going to be…Strange is not the type to settle that easily, and I don’t think he would settle for someone…well…”
“Someone like me?”
Loki smirked. “Oh darling, I think you can do so much better than the doctor. I would hate to see your heart get broken. That’s all.”
“What makes you think that I’m going to get my heart broken when you already know that this is just an arrangement.”
“Sweetheart, I can see the way you were looking at him…It is more than what you bargained for, and to be quite frank with you, I don’t think he’s worth it.”
Loki took a few steps toward you until he was in front of you. His designer cologne permeated the air around you, filling you with nothing but his scent.  
“There’s plenty of fish in the sea. Why settle for one rich guy, when you’re surrounded by plenty here?”
You couldn’t miss the gleam in his eyes as he stared at you with a newfound interest.
“If money is what you want, it shouldn’t be a problem, and of course, it doesn’t hurt that I am much closer to your age than he ever is.” 
Anger that was simmered beneath your skin was finally boiling over. It was never about his interest in you. It had always been about looking at you like you were some sort of a whore, wanting nothing more than money. What you had with Strange was more than an exchange of money and sex–it was about seeking solace in each other–About filling the void of the loneliness that only the two of you understand. He warned you of the way others would perceive this sort of arrangement, but you just didn’t imagine it was going to be this way. Perhaps you were naive after all.
 You were about to open your mouth to say something, but a voice interrupted.
“Is this how you are trying to flirt, Loki?” came Strange’s voice, making the other man’s head whip back. You could see Loki’s expression change as he straightened up to his full height. Anger? Annoyance? You couldn’t distinguish between the two, but you could see the way his thin lips pulled into a straight line. His deep green eyes darkened with stormy clouds. 
“Couldn’t keep your clammy little hands to yourself, huh?” Strange was now standing right beside you, with his arm around your waist as he offered the other man a friendly, yet cold smile.
“Oh, you know. Couldn’t help but entertain your little friend here…”
“Girlfriend,” Strange corrected, and you could feel heat spread out onto your face and straight to the tip of your ears.
Being called his girlfriend was definitely, and definitely welcoming. The thought just never occurred to you that he was going to say it out loud so casually.
Unless he really didn’t mean it like that.
Loki noticed the unhinged expression on Strange's face, and he knew when the battle was lost. As much as he hated it, Loki conceded with a smirk. 
“Of course. How could I ever be mistaken? Perhaps another time, Ms. Y/L/N.”
You watched as the dark-haired man walked back into the house without so much as turning back. His slender form disappeared behind the white door, and for the first time, you found yourself breathing again.
Strange now rubbed your back in a slow, soothing motion.
“Well having him hitting on you was definitely not on my bingo card, but I supposed, it means that I am lucky enough to find someone as enticing enough to pique his interest.”
“I think he just wants to hurt you by trying to get on with me,” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“I can’t blame him for trying…”
You turned and looked up at him, clearly confused by his words. Strange didn’t say anything more, other than pulling you back to join him with the rest of the party.
More questions have arisen. Were you two officially dating now, or was the doctor simply trying to get Loki off of both of your asses. You would never know because, by the time you could even form a coherent thought, you were greeted by the people at the party again.
If only you knew the truth…
“Am I really your girlfriend?” You asked after sometimes later, when the people started to settle down and mingle in smaller groups. You could still sense Loki’s gaze across the garden as he eyed the two of you.
The question somewhat surprised him. He thought he was being more than obvious and clear when he declared you just as that. Strange was oblivious to the conflict you were battling inside your head.
“I thought that I was being clear earlier.”
His tone was neutral, which made you perceived it as if he was being nonchalant about the whole ordeal. Perhaps it was the wine or perhaps it was Loki who made you question everything that has to do with Strange. Whatever it was, slowly consumed your thought, and you found yourself not wanting to be here anymore.
“Well, under the circumstances that those words were said out loud, I cannot be sure.”
Strange turned and looked at you. Clearly confused.
“If I said yes, does that make you feel better?”
Something about his tone that ticked you off. It was like something in your head snapped.
“It’s not about how I feel, Stephen…I just want to know what’s going on. For all I know, you only said that I’m your girlfriend just to get Loki off our asses…”
“Is that how you think of me?”
He was offended at the fact that you would think of him like this—like some sort of an asshole. I mean, he was like that once upon a time, but he was different now.
“I—I don’t know. It just sounded like that when you came out of nowhere and declare me as your girlfriend. We have never discussed it before. I just—“
“What? Repulse by that idea?”
You opened your mouth then close. Every words that you try to say suddenly get twisted. You weren’t a fan of that at all.
“Do not put words into my mouth,” hurt laced every words of that statement. Even Strange could see the way your eyes were suddenly watered, and the way your jaws were clenched tightly as you stared ahead. “I am trying to understand you, but all you do is avoid answering my questions.”
“Y/N…please just don’t…” he raked his fingers through his hair in a frustration matter.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to humiliate you in front of your friends today…I’ll be here and be pretty like what you paid me to do.”
Strange now really turned and looked at you with exasperated look, yet his mouth wouldn’t open to say anything more. Had he screwed up for not admitting the truth? Was he even good enough to even call you his girlfriend? That, he was really unsure about.
As much as he wanted to blame Loki for this, he knew better that it was him who was the coward in admitting his own feelings.
This was definitely more than he bargained for, alright.
"Brother...You're awfully quiet this evening. Would you mind indulging me in what you are scheming at the moment?"
Loki turned to Thor, who was quite perceptive today. He was more observant than usual, which made him a bit more annoying than anything.
"Something is off between those two, and I am trying to figure it out..."
Thor followed the path of his brother's stare and found that you and Strange barely looked or talk at each other. You had your arms crossed over your chest, barely acknowledging the doctor beside you.
"Careful now. It's not your business," Thro said softly. His voice had always been so deep and rumbly, even if he wasn't trying to sound serious.
"Did he say that she's his girlfriend?"
"Why do you want to know?"
Loki didn't answer.
"Loki...Do not--and I repeat, do not insert yourself in their affair."
The dark hair man smirked in triumph. "I don't know, brother. I just got the best idea around."
Thor raised an eyebrow and waited for Loki to continue.
"How do you feel about roping Doctor Strange to become your CMO for your company?"
Thor had considered the possibility many times before, but Strange had always wanted to work in New York. Moving him all the way to Norway to become the CMO of Odis Therapeutic not only cost them a lot of money but also required a lot of convincing as well. the man just wanted to teach more than anything. Putting him in the C-suite could be the best decision he ever made or the stupidest one..Mainly the man demanded a lot, and he just didn't know if that was worth it or not.
"Why the sudden recommendation?" Thor asked
"I just think we need a brain like him in our company. That's all." He smirked even though he had another plan in mind that involve you in it. "So...What say you?"
Thor chewed on his lips momentarily before chugging the last remnant of his drink.
"It wouldn't hurt to ask him again..."
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A/N: CMO: chief medical officer.
I just thought it would be neat to have Thor as the CEO of a biotech company. Anyway, what do you guys think Loki is scheming? Is he not ready to give up on our reader just yet? Let me know.
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cardboardheartss · 5 months
NEWJEANS Members Tarot Reading Analysis
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Today I will be doing an analysis on NWJNS members energies and their openness!
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Hanni is really sweet ngl!
She is one very shy person, I mean… you can tell with her body language on camera lol!😭
Hanni seems really honest and gets down to the nitty gritties! She will not sugarcoat at all!
Hanni MIGHT also not enjoy being in the spotlight too?! I think it might be because of all eyes being on her, K- roaches , and just the downsides that come with fame!
Overall, her energy is REALLY chilled!
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Firstly… I need her to go on HIATUS ASAP! She is one stressed pookie!
I randomly do readings on how BLACKPINK and BTS members view NEWJEANS members, and for her cards… it’s always in rx… every single time.
She may have that sunshine personality but in reality, she’s very overwhelmed! But with her being Dani, she will continue to show off her brighter side to make Bunnies happy.
Ms Gurl even has 4 plants in her room! 4 GINORMOUS PLANTS, in every corner and that means she’s really working on protecting her energy!
But I hope she’s okay tho!☹️💔
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This girl talks!!😭
Like she will talk, and stand up for herself, she don’t gaf…
When I ask her to pull out a few cards, 10 of them end up flying out about 10 times a row. And that time I have no energy to read all of that lol 😭
also… she needs to be VERY careful! She should NOT be trusting of anyone and everyone, because we all got snakes lurking in our yards.🐍
she better make all her “friends” sign NDA’s like… SERIOUSLY! I don’t really know her friends, but she needs to be very very VERY careful!
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I’m actually surprised with this girl
she’s just like Hyein! She talksssss!
she’s really blunt as well !
Haerin is really all about getting that bag! And she happy with her status rn!
She’s like REALLY proud!!!
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very guarded! Difficult to read and get answers out of!
She feels overwhelmed and tired, SHE NEEDS A BREAK!
also happy for that bag too!
good at making connections with people.
she also feels like she doesn’t have enough space for herself?!
As you can tell, I couldn’t even get too deep because she’s VERY guarded! I wish I was like her ngl!🥲💔
NEWJEANS as a group overall
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I don’t wanna get into tooooo much detail but…
I just need them to start working together properly and more maturely.
This industry is TOUGH! And hella competitive! They need to learn to at least stick to each other and be each others support system.
And I’m not saying they aren’t a good team! I just need them to be more lenient on one another!🤎🐌
Thank you for reading!📦
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pommunist · 1 month
Hey! I'm sending this to you since you seems quite attached to pomme, you'll possibly understand a little what I'll say here ^^ (you are not obligated to respond or anything, you can delete if you want!)
I can't help but feel a litter bitter at the ccs and community being sad, saying goodbye to their eggs, and closing theirs character's arc. I'l very happy for them that they could have closure and a real end, but it's bittersweet when some of the eggs disappeared without having the opportunity to say goodbye... I would have love to have just a little reunion or some closure for the French ccs arc
Also seeing the ccs and viewers regret the eggs, while they had the possibility to see them once more, reunite, and even close with peace this chapter, I feel sad and left out that we didn't got that and that a lot of people acted as if nothing changed before... Now that all the eggs are gone, people talk about the "end of qsmp", but I guess it wasn't that important when it was only the French that were left out :(
I still send a lot of confort for everyone struggling right now, I had this feeling in march when we lost the French admins, and I hope everyone will be fine in the end, and continue to follow all the wonderful streamers we met <3
hey anon ! i would be lying if i said i don’t share some of your feelings that you expressed and tbh there was multiple times when i wanted to rant about this but then it hit me like what’s the point ?
misery won’t feel better if more people are miserable with us, we’re all losing something in this anyway, let’s at least be happy in the community we have because there’s not much else left 🥲
i understand people who kept hoping, who kept following the server because they still wanted to enjoy their favorite characters and their stories. i’m glad that those who got to have a somewhat proper ending were able to have it, even if i wish others could have had the same opportunity.
also i feel like a lot of people kept hope because there was still some things that could be saved and rebuilt on if qstudios decided to get their shit together and fix their wrongs, but it feels more final now. even I who stopped watching since lea first spoke up i still wished that things could get better, even if i would stop being a part of it
and hey let’s look at the bright side, a lot of people are sad now but we got a headstart on grieving 😎 catch up everyone ! /j
one thing I’m hoping for is that even if QSMP was to like fully fully end, people would keep holding Qstudios accountable for their treatment of the admins until they rights their wrongs !
also fuck yeah everyone let’s keep watching the wonderful ccs even if they dont play on the server, not only are they great streamers but also it’s an amazing opportunity to learn languages yippeee
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saw @strollist do this and it seemed fun so...
who is your favourite driver?: 2024 MIAMI GRAND PRIX WINNER LANDO NORRIS!!!!!!!!!! I've loved and followed him since his first fp1 as a test driver for Mclaren in 2018 and i've been DOWN FOR HIM EVER SINCE!!!!! 👑
Lewis also holds a very special place in my heart though 🫶 i've been a fan of F1 since i was 6 years old in 2007, and the first ever race i fully watched on telly was the canadian GP of that year - where he won for the first time. so i'll always be a Lewis fan deep down too
do you have any other favourite drivers?: Oscar Piastri is my no.2, i adore that man with every fibre of my being 🧡
i'd also class Max, Charles and Fernando as favourites of mine as well though
and logan, i just want him to do well 🥺
Also not on the current grid, but Sebastian Vettel is my all time favourite next to Lando and i fucking WEPT alone in my room for a literal HOUR when he announced his retirement. and then again at the end of his last race. and sometime still when i think about it - i'm tearing up right now 🥲
who is your least favourite driver?: Lance Stroll... 🫣😬🤷‍♀️
do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: driver's mostly, just so happens that my two faves (Lando + Oscar) drive for Mclaren, which has been my favourite team since 2007.
the drivers matter more to me, but i will say that my love for Lewis made me a Mercedes fan for a long time.
And in the famous words of Seb Vettel - everyone is a Ferrari fan 🏎️ 💨💨💨
if you like teams, what team do you pull for?: Mclaren's been my home for 18 years. TEAM PAPAYA 🧡
how long have you been into f1?: it's consumed my life for eighteen years now, but i've only recently begun to outwardly show it because @panevanbuckley became a fan so i've had someone to share it with... and now i've started i don't think i could ever stop. seriously. my friends all think i'm crazy
what got you into f1?: my dad has been a fan since he was a kid and i grew up watching him watch races, until i apparently had nothing to do one sunday and i watched one with him. been hooked ever since.
do you enjoy fanfic/RPF: i do. i think as long as its a) respectful, b) not unconsensually shared with the people involved, or c) misrepresented as anything other than fiction then there's no issue with it.
that being said if a driver came out and said they had a problem with it, i wouldn't consume anything they wouldn't want out there if that makes sense.
how do you view new fans?: as long as they're respectful and not causing problems i encourage and welcome every new fan to the sport - whether its through media, DTS or anything else.
if you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: williams. i want to see them do well so much like they used to. plus i'd shut the logan replacement rumours down straight away. 😤
are your friends and family into f1 as well?: the only one who comes close to my level of love for F1 is @panevanbuckley
but i'm slowly trying to get another friend of mine into it just as much, she makes us f1 themed bracelets 🥹
also my dad is a long time fan.
are you open to talking to other fans/friends?: yessssss! i'm shit at keeping up a conversation about literally anything else but F1 will have me chatting for HOURS
tagging: @panevanbuckley obvs, + anyone else, i'd love to see peoples opinions
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dudadragneel · 2 months
Hey guys! It's me!
Well, here is the Lee Knows High School AU!
I hope you'll like it 🥲
High School life was not easy, it was the time of your lives where you had to decide what you wanted to do and there were a lot of exams to do throughout the year.
But, it also had its good things. It was the time when first love happened, the time to get to know people, the time when love blossomed.
It was no different for you. Since the beginning of high school, there was a group of boys that always stuck together and caught the attention of many, boys and girls. And you became their friend and a friend of yours was dating one of the boys as well.
There was one whom you always stayed with, Lee Minho, he was a dark-brown-haired boy with the cutest smile, almost looking like a bunny.
You interacted with him the most and the boys never understood how you two weren't dating yet.
It was only in the third year of high school that you both decided to take it to the next level, and he was the one who made the first move.
You both started dating and would go out on dates whenever possible and also liked to go out with the other seven. They looked like brothers and sometimes it felt like they were glued to each other.
It had been a few months since you started dating so things were still "awkward" between you two, with both being shy sometimes, and that almost killed the others.
Since it was getting close to midterms, everyone was kind of desperate, wanting to up their grades, it was utter chaos. In between this chaos, you invited Minho to a study date. Neither of you had any intention to do something else other than study and you were good with studying at the school library. Quite honestly, it became a double, triple, whatever date with all of them and your friend going as well, but you weren't complaining.
On the day of the date, Minho was nervous, spending time with you still gave him butterflies in his stomach. At least he thought it was butterflies but something seemed off.
When he met the boys on the way to school, they started teasing him right away.
- Hey, what's with the face?
- I feel weird.
- What? Are you nervous? You two have been dating for a while and you're still nervous to meet y/n?
- I guess I am.
- Woah! I can't believe you.
He was nervous, or at least he thought so, but he was almost too nervous for that to be normal.
Minho felt more than butterflies in his stomach, and an eerie feeling lingering around but he associated that with having a "date" with you.
- It will go well. It'll be at school after all. Don't worry about it too much.
- I guess you're right.
He said with a smile and a deep breath before making his way to school.
The group had different ages so they weren't all together in one class and went their separate ways. The ones that were in your class were Minho and Chan. The latter being the oldest had this responsible air to him, he always made sure everyone was okay, receiving the attention they deserved, and eating well.
Minho sat beside you in class and Chan sat behind him and he always looked at you two with a fond smile.
You kept exchanging glances with Minho throughout the class. When break came you all gathered outside to eat.
You and Minho kept feeding each other earning even more teasing from the boys, and you couldn't help but laugh, while Minho looked at them menacingly.
Although you were enjoying the time, Minho couldn't say the same. For some reason, the food wasn't sitting as well as he hoped, each bite tasted bitter and was hard to swallow. You might've been dating for a few months but you knew when he wasn't in top condition, whenever that happened he'd be more quiet, even though he tried to act normal. You picked up on his behavior but decided not to annoy him with questions. You trusted that if he felt unwell he'd tell you.
The rest of the morning passed by with a lot of boring classes and all of you couldn't wait for lunchtime and the so-anticipated study date.
Finally, the bell rang and to say you left the room in a flash was an understatement. In seconds the whole group was gathered and heading to the cafeteria to get lunch.
The school offered really good meals so eating there was quite nice actually and of course, it was the most awaited time of the day. Having a nice meal was a must since you'd have another class later that day, after the date.
To you, the food was spectacular, and Minho wished he could say the same but just like before, every bite was going down weirdly. But he kept eating nonetheless and kept believing that he was just nervous and once the date started he'd feel calmer.
Lunchtime was over in a flash and Minho's heart and yours were almost beating out of your chests in anticipation of the date.
All of you gathered your stuff and went to the library, which thankfully had only a few people.
You found a table big enough to fit all of you and within minutes there were tons of books and notebooks scattered around, and a few of them losing their minds over everything they had to study.
You and Minho were surprisingly focused on studying and helping each other. There would be a hand touch here, a shoulder touch over there and everyone just watched the two love birds.
For the majority of the time, Minho was actually paying attention to your explanations and focused on the activities but then things started to go slightly wrong.
The eerie feeling from earlier that day, made itself known again when his stomach let out a quiet gurgle and he thought that something was threatening to come up. He didn't want the "date" to go wrong so he thought that it was better to excuse himself now and hopefully come back feeling better.
Unfortunately for him, you had noticed something was wrong but didn't want to pressure him into telling you, after all, it was a fairly new relationship, and you didn't know what boundaries you could cross.
Minho himself didn't notice but he'd gone a little pale, but not enough for someone to say out loud to him that he wasn't well, and there were tiny beads of sweat on his forehead. Putting down the pen he looked at you.
- Excuse me, I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
He said politely and walked away, maybe more hurriedly than he wanted. And not only had you picked up on his behavior, but the boys also did.
- Hey, boys. Is there something wrong with him? He's acting a little strange.
- We don't know actually. He just said he was nervous about the date.
- I hope it's just nerves then.
You said while you looked back at him leaving the library.
The walk to the bathroom proved to be a little worse than he thought, being up made him feel a bit queasy. Whatever it was that was lingering around, was now really apparent. He felt cold sweats on his back, and it was getting harder to breathe as if the air had suddenly become stuffy.
He got to the bathroom and ignored the boys who were there and entered one of the stalls and by now he was really starting to feel unwell.
Minho leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes trying to take deep breaths. But he still felt suffocated and it seemed like it had gotten hot all of a sudden.
He loosened his tie and took off his coat trying to cool down a bit. But things were just getting worse.
A sudden wave of nausea caught him by surprise making him suppress a gag he wasn't waiting for.
Now the fear had successfully been installed, everything he feared was happening. He wanted to throw up and he wanted to go home, but he didn't want to worry or disappoint you.
The gags just kept coming and when he heard the boys leaving he allowed himself to bend over the toilet, still trying to control his body.
He started to spit out saliva and breathe deeply when the nausea kept getting stronger, he didn't want to throw up.
But at some point, he realized that he'd been gone for a while and that the boys and you might be getting worried.
He took a few deep breaths and straightened himself, he was ready to leave when his stomach suddenly contracted making him gag again, and this time he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it in.
Minho quickly turned around, bending over the toilet as a queasy wet burp brought up chunks of the lunch he just had.
Shit. He cursed under his breath, the last thing he needed right now was to get sick. He squeezed his eyes in pain as the first wave hurt his throat but didn't have much time to catch his breath as two streams came out consecutively.
After, he just spat out saliva and took deep breaths to recollect himself. Praying that no one entered the bathroom in the meantime and heard him tossing his cookies.
He grabbed his coat and went to the sink to rinse his mouth and upon looking at the mirror he noticed he got sweaty and his eyes were a bit red.
He wiped his face, tightened his tie, and put on his coat, then got a mint to get rid of the awful taste of vomit.
The sick boy walked out of the bathroom hoping that none of you would question him about his appearance if it was that obvious.
He got back and sat down again, grabbing his pen like nothing had happened. You wanted to ask him if he was okay but thought that maybe that could upset him, but thankfully one of the boys did that for you.
- Hey, Minho, is everything okay?
The oldest of the group asked.
- Yeah. There are just a lot of people there.
What a lame excuse he thought to himself but it was the best he could come up in the spot.
He thought that this vomiting episode would be an isolated one but at the same time, he wasn't feeling better he was worse because the nausea just wouldn't fade away. And to add a lot to his misery, you still had class and he was wondering if he'd be able to sit through it, he just wanted to go home and be sick in peace and away from everybody, especially you.
The bell rang signaling that the next class would begin, you all gathered your stuff and got to your respective classes. You held Minho's arm and gave him a soft smile which he returned, although still feeling off.
The class was tiring, there was way too much information to get into your brains, the perks of 3rd year of high school.
Minho was paying attention for most of the first half but 50 minutes into class, he started to feel incredibly unwell.
The nausea from before had definitely gotten stronger the past few minutes, he could feel the food swirling around in his stomach.
Looking at the pages, the words doubled and his vision was getting blurry and distorted and for some reason, he had a slight headache.
Without noticing his leg started shaking because he was anxious and he was sweating again. He kept on muffling queasy burps and resting his head on his hand, clearly in pain.
You and Chan kept looking at him and then at each other, trying to figure out what was happening.
At some point, Minho was breathing heavily, as if he'd ran a marathon and couldn't get enough air in, he felt shivers down his spine, his body telling him he wasn't well.
He tried his best to suppress a gag with his hand and succeeded, but his breathing quickened even more and now you and Chan had your eyes glued on him.
When you noticed that his breathing wasn't normal and that the color had drained from his face you couldn't just pretend anymore.
- Hey, Minho, are you okay?
You said quietly placing a hand on his arm. It took everything in his power to not say "no" but his body said otherwise. He could regain his pride later, right now he needed help.
He just nodded a "no" and at that moment, his dizziness made him lose balance and he almost fell from his chair, getting everyone's attention.
- Do you wanna get out of here?
You asked him and Chan was already in front of him, trying to block him and his view from all the curious eyes.
- yes...
He answered weakly.
- Teacher, we're gonna take him to the nurse's office.
- Please do.
The teacher answered in sympathy.
- Come on.
You and Chan helped Minho to his feet and got him out of the classroom.
He still felt suffocated and his nausea was a lot worse than before, standing up and walking did its number on his stomach.
He clamped his mouth when a sudden gag came up.
- Oh god. Let's take him to the bathroom.
- Okay.
But unfortunately for Minho and his pride, they didn't make it to the bathroom in time for the first wave to come out. He gagged two times before vomit spilled between his fingers hitting the ground with a sickening sound.
You two steadied him so he wouldn't fall over and reassured him, who was now fighting back tears and his stomach.
- It's okay. Don't worry about it. Let's get you to the bathroom come on.
When you got to the bathroom, Minho was already gagging again so you took him to the closest stall and he bent over with his hands on the edges of the toilet. He didn't even need to make an effort as a thick stream of partially digested food gushed out of him immediately followed by another stronger one that ended up getting on the edges of the toilet.
You stood beside him rubbing his back while Chan went out to get the janitor to clean the hallway.
Minho was in a state where he wished he could just disappear and pretend nothing of this happened.
He was embarrassed, frustrated, and angry.
You could see he was shaking, there was drool hanging from his mouth and tears ready to fall from his eyes, besides the sweat and pale face.
You figured it would be better to stay quiet for a while and just be there, rubbing his back.
He was rocking back and forth, spitting out saliva every once in a while. Nothing was coming up for at the moment but the nausea was still there and strong.
After a few minutes, Chan came back.
- Y/n, how's he doing?
- He's still throwing up.
At that moment, Minho let out a wet productive burp that brought out another thick stream of chunky vomit.
- Yep, not that great.
Chan said, keeping his distance from both of you for a while. He'd step in if needed but right it looked like you had control of the situation.
Minho started coughing and gagging because something got stuck in his throat but was not coming out.
- Y/n, c-can you help me?
- Hm? Y-yes.
You started patting his back to try to help him get rid of that and it proved to be efficient. A few pats helped him throw up one more time, and some pieces of food mixed with the putrid mess on the toilet. You kept rubbing his back trying to provide as much comfort as possible in this situation.
- I'm...I'm sorry...
He said, voice shaky and raspy while he wiped his mouth with his hand. And you immediately grabbed a piece of paper to do it for him.
- Why are you apologizing?
- Because you had to see me like this...and I worried you...
- Minho, we're dating now, you don't need to be ashamed of things like this. And of course, I got worried! I'd be the worst partner if I didn't.
- Thank you...for helping me...
- No need to thank me. But next time tell me okay? So we can do something before it gets worse.
He suddenly got quiet, with his gaze staring at some place and he'd gone even more pale than before.
He ducked his head and then tried to straighten his back but he ended up swaying backward, and if Chan hadn't been fast enough to catch him and lowering him to the ground, he would've fallen on you and maybe hurt you.
- Minho?
- Minho-ah?
You kept calling him, but still no answer. Chan grabbed a few wet papers and started wiping his neck and his face, trying to get him to respond.
But Minho was way too tired to regain complete consciousness now, he barely opened his eyes.
You helped him climb on Chan's back and took him to the nurse's office.
You explained the situation to her and put him on the bed with his legs up to help the blood flow back.
- Can we stay with him? Please?
The nurse would've said no, but she noticed how worried you were and knew that leaving him without someone he trusted wouldn't exactly help when he woke up.
- Yes, you can. It's best if he goes home when he wakes up. Can you guys take him? I know you guys appeared here a lot of times.
The nurse said chuckling a bit.
- I can. I'll go grab our stuff. Thank you.
Chan said as he left the office.
You stood by the bed, putting an ice pack on his forehead to cool him down and a few minutes later, he woke up. It took a while for him to understand his surroundings and see you.
- Y/n?
- Oh! You're awake. You scared me.
- What happened? My memory is kinda fuzzy...
- You threw up a couple of times and then passed out. Chan carried you here.
Everything just flashed inside his mind and he just covered himself with the blanket.
- Just kill me.
- Oh stop it. You didn't have control of the situation.
- I'm really sorry.
- No need to. How are you feeling now?
- A bit lightheaded and nauseous...
- Are you gonna throw up again?
It doesn't feel like it...
- That's good to hear. Chan went back to class to grab our stuff so we can get you home.
- Oh...I'm sorry for making you guys skip class.
- No need to apologize. We wouldn't be able to pay attention knowing that you weren't feeling well.
You said grabbing his hand and squeezing it and then kissing his cheek.
Chan got to the nurse's office with the bags and saw that Minho was awake.
- Hey mate, how are you doing?
- Lightheaded and nauseous I guess.
- let's get you home. Come on.
Chan positioned himself so he could give Minho a piggyback ride while carrying all of your stuff.
- Thanks hyung. Thank you, y/n. But do I really need a piggyback ride?
- I don't wanna risk you fainting again in the middle of the street. But please let me know if you feel like puking again.
- Okay.
You three left the school, Chan carrying a tired Minho who kept dozing off all the way back home.
He took Minho straight to bed and settled him, and he was half awake.
- Thank you one more time, hyung.
- Don't worry about it. I have to go now but call me if you need anything.
- Okay. I'll stay here with him.
Minho blushed and at the same time silently cursed at himself. After all, this isn't exactly what he had in mind for when you went to his house. But oh well, despite feeling like all his pride just went down the drain, he couldn't lie that he was grateful that you were with him.
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