#but idr where I was going with it and I didn’t have an outline
bilestat · 2 years
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qinghe-s · 2 years
 @br-disaster​ said wow that's so many!! and OMG i wanna know eveything about the apocalypse one!! I didn't know you cultivated those brainworms haha (also the "wife...." one made me very curious ) so!
(under a cut because this got so long. this is why no one should talk to me, i don’t know how to shut up lmao)
the apocalypse one exists because of this fanart and conversations that followed, and as a lover of apocalyptic settings (you don’t want to know how many hours i’ve spent on the fallout games) i did what i always do and started Thinking About It
so far i have a clear vision of, as we talked about, nhs unwilling to give up luxuries because they matter to him. he gets joy out of frivolity and nmj can’t relate to that. i have a scene outlined in the early days of the apocalypse where they’re in a department store or mall or something and nhs is “wasting time” picking up unnecessary items. they argue about it and nhs storms off, stressed out and furious, and an equally enraged nmj lets him go (yes this IS referencing the scene where nmj destroys all nhs’ stuff in canon). obviously nhs encounters zombies (z nation is an intergral part of my personality, it’s Gotta be zombie apocalypse) and obviously nmj eventually comes to his rescue. they cry and hug about it and it doesn’t fix everything but it helps them level with each other and serves as a catalyst for them to understand each other better. soooo many mushy feelings in the middle of misery and death!
the main goal would just be sibling feelings, seeing each other as whole human beings, Good Shit. but i’m me so i’m obviously contemplating throwing in nielan 😌 i just haven’t thought too deeply about how to incorporate the lans yet
the wife one was a thought i had after talking to mirf about... i think that one drama where cao yuchen plays a character who has to crossdress because of reasons? and bc mirf and i are both constantly blorbofying everything we started hammering out how to make it nielan. idr the exact circumstance but somehow mirf referred to nmj as lxc’s wife and it burned itself into my brain immediately.
at first it was going to just be silly, someone asks which one of them is “the wife”, nmj says it’s him bc they both know the assumption is Not That and straight people are weird. it’s a funny joke to them, lxc starts referring to his wife at work out of habit, the way some couples say ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ so often to their children they start calling each other that, and when nmj comes for a company dinner or whatever everyone is REALLY SURPRISED and nielan get a good laugh out of it. but i’m Me so i poured a little too much feelings into it! here’s a rough draft;
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PHEW. okay now i’m gonna go write, thank you for indulging me ♥
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elytrafemme · 2 years
hii mare i did mean extraordinary but I meant it like extraordinarily I think that makes more grammatical sense idr. anywayyy I didn’t go into this with a question in mind just hoping it comes to mind as I type. oKay! was wondering with writing, when u do decide to drop punctuation and instead keep the writing very like.. stream of consciousness I guess? do u have like a specific threshold of panic, is it only when it’s a dream, etc etc - I think it’s a very cool technique :]! I already kinda read fast (<- skim reader) but it def like.. pushes the words through my head a lot faster which you know is the point I’m assuming bc the characters themselves are Thinking Fast
okay idk if this really counts as a curious anon or whatever but yeah ^_^ here u go
hey brackett that makes a lot more sense actually okay ty!
so it sort of depends on the different circumstances for me because i think in some settings i'm much quicker to jump to the abandonment of grammatical structure and punctuation, BUT oftentimes i'll only do it after i have several paragraphs built up outlining the anxiety that is prompting that spiral, OR some very sudden major event that jumpstarts the disorganized writings.
the first one i typically will start the spiral in the middle of a paragraph, where maybe the first phrase or two makes sense but as the paragraph ends it devolves and then continues on for a while therafter. that's because it's more like a building spiral rather than just from the getgo
i haven't done this in my memory YET, but if i were doing the second one i would write out what happened and then immediately disorganize the thoughts to show someone being shocked and trying to pull themselves together. that would probably be more short-lived in terms of writing but i would try to throw off a lot of the other descriptors to sort of fit that vibe
idk if this makes sense my brain is fuzzy but i hope it does!
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
The Best Medecine
word count: 2.7k
warnings: fluffflufffluff
requested? no i just needed to see daisy take care of daniel
ship: dousy/daniel sousa x daisy johnson
PART 2!! idr have an authors note today, just enjoy :)
(gif not mine)
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Daniel felt like crap. 
He had caught Daisy’s cold, and the effects were hitting him harder than a ton of bricks. 
Daisy had recovered fairly quickly after he smoothly convinced her to take the proper medicine and rest. They had a great few days where both of them felt alive and normal, not like zombie versions of themselves. Going grocery shopping (avoiding the soup aisle, they already had a freezer full), taking a day trip to hike the Eaton Canyon trail and picnic, testing out a new prosthetic Fitz designed, and pulling an all-nighter to binge-watch Grey’s Anatomy completed the week wonderfully.
Things were going great! Almost too great. Things never go this great in their universe. Which is why neither of them were surprised when Daniel shot up in bed at 4am sneezing, waking Daisy and, she joked, the rest of the street. He tried to go back to sleep, only to wake up with a loud achoo! ten minutes later. Daniel rubbed his forehead, the pressure centered between his eyebrows insisting that he was not going to get any sort of true rest that day. 
He told a sleepy Daisy that he felt fine, that he just needed a hot bath. It was probably just the spring allergies, right? Nothing to worry about, Daniel told himself as he swung his leg over the side of the bed, grabbing his crutches and lumbering to the bathroom. He splashed his face with warm then cold water before quickly checking that Daisy was asleep again, her silhouette rising with deep breaths, outlined in diffused blue light from the stars on the ceiling. Maybe he could shake this before it got too bad? Surely, it wouldn’t disrupt his routine too much?
Daniel quietly crutched to the soft couch, grabbing a blanket from the pile on the armchair. The flannel of the blankets and the comfortable give of the couch lulled Daniel into a restless sleep. 
Early morning turned to late morning turned to afternoon, Daniel only waking up from tossing and turning when Daisy shook him and offered a sinus pill, which he gulped down with an entire cup of cool water. Three ice cubes shaped like half moons knocked into each other as he tipped the cup back, letting the smooth liquid drown out the scratchiness in his throat.
A glance at the clock alarmed him, mentally calculating how long he slept. He noticed the second quilt that had been laid on top of him, the fleecy textile one Daisy frequently curled up with when she had a bad day. He could faintly smell her coconut and lavender conditioner. It tickled his nose.
“Sweetheart?” Daniel called weakly.
“Mmm?” Daisy hummed.
“I slept for fourteen hours?” Though he asked a question, his tone was almost a statement.
Daisy nodded, slightly smiling. “I think you caught my cold. Maybe cuddling so much wasn’t a good idea.”
Daniel chuckled a little, but stopped when he saw the flicker of worry in her eyes. He reached over to her and grabbed her hand. “I don’t regret any time spent helping you feel better, Daisy.”
She smiled, mirroring his expression. Their eyes both crinkled at the sides, happy gazes taking in the other. Daisy’s eyes still furrowed though, and Daniel cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the frog there before speaking. The action only scratched his throat, a string of coughs interrupting the couple’s staring contest. 
“Hey, could you bring me som—” Daniel was cut off by more crackling coughs. Daisy threw him a concerned glance. He could hardly keep his eyes open, hands clammy and forehead burning, body shaking with hacks. He could feel the dip in the cushion as Daisy moved to sit down beside him, resting her hand on his forehead. Her cool skin felt incredible on his. He understood why she liked it so much when he had done the same. 
He slowly opened his eyes, ignoring the dry, itchy feeling and opting to focus on Daisy above him. She looked beautiful, like an angel, with airy morning light surrounding her and two messy braids running down her back. She was his angel. His angel was smirking at the way he leaned into her touch. 
“These?” she asked, as she held up a small, blue box of tissues. He nodded, swallowing thickly before sitting up and scooting back to lean against the rounded arm of the tan couch. Daisy laughed quietly. 
She continued giggling, her small laugh growing a little.
“What’s funny?”
Daisy leaned forward and rested a hand on his thigh for balance. 
“You’re wearing those pajama pants I got you for Christmas,” she explained. He glanced down, recognizing the tiny planets of their solar system dyed into the plush fabric. “They’re cute on you.”
He smiled, gazing at Daisy. Then he sneezed. Luckily, he picked up a tissue and covered his face in time to not sneeze in Daisy’s face. Daisy leaned back, laughing. Daniel started to, too, a low rumble in his chest diffusing the nerves he had felt. This was the first time Daisy had ever seen him sick. There was that one time in space when he had almost gotten (unintentionally) poisoned by alien coffee, but that was an unpleasant memory he didn’t want to dwell on. Other than that, not a single sniffle had popped up. 
Daisy suddenly stood up and slid to the kitchen in sock feet, a large grin on her face.
“Dais, where’re you going?” he wondered out loud. 
“The kitchen, duh,” she replied as she slid to the soapstone countertops, grabbing a red and white box out of the counter. 
Daniel recognized it as Daisy’s favourite tea, she had bought it on a mission in South Africa and became enamoured with it. Sometimes Daniel would catch her up at odd hours of the night, when she couldn’t sleep, out on the back patio drinking a steaming mug of Rooibos. He knew it was her favourite, and it had slowly become his, too. Lately, they have made a habit out of winding down from long days at work with mugs in their hands, on the couch or in the backyard, red-amber liquid relaxing their minds and limbs. Those were some of his favourite times with Daisy, spent talking and drinking their tea and laughing at reruns of sitcoms.
The sound of hot water trickling into a mug pulled him out of his thoughts. The mug in question was one he had made for Daisy—large and hand painted, artsy flicks of white and yellow and blue serving as reminders of their time in space. That was a modern invention he was particularly fond of (paint your own pottery, not space). It was mesmerizing to watch the colored, chalky paint glide onto the ceramic surface. He often went to this local hole-in-the-wall café that let you paint one of their mugs and bring it home, for an extra charge. Their coffee and ‘old-fashioned southern’ biscuits were delicious.
Daniel stared as Daisy danced around the kitchen, her fishtails swishing and hips swaying. There was no music, just her. She dunked the tea bag in a couple times and let it steep. When the tea was ready, she poured in a squeeze of honey and grabbed a shiny green bottle of cough syrup, carefully walking over to the couch. Daniel gently took the mug from her, using the corner of the blanket as a barrier so as not to burn his hands. Daisy sat on the coffee table across from him, smiling as Daniel took a sip. 
“Hot!” he exclaimed.
“I know I am, you don’t have to tell me,” Daisy teased. “Do you want some ice cubes?”
“Jemma would disapprove,” Daniel shot back.
Daisy rolled her eyes and sighed. “Jemma has put up with my odd tea-drinking since 2013. I already made the tea wrong, might as well make it so that you won’t burn yourself trying to drink it.” 
Daniel watched Daisy laugh. As ill as he felt, Daisy just being there helped tremendously. The tea soothed his scratchy throat and her laugh sped up his heart. He knew the pink dust on his cheeks couldn’t be attributed to fever alone. 
The pair sat in silence for a while as Daniel finished the tea, thankful for the warm beverage. His headache was slightly dissipating, due to the tea or Daisy’s light aura he wasn’t sure. He sat the mug down on the table and leaned up to peck Daisy’s lips. She leaned in a bit putting her hand on his chest to pull away.
“How about that bath?”
“Only if you come, too,” Daniel whispered.
Daisy chuckled. “You, lover boy, are sick. If we keep this up, one of us is always going to be sick. And plus, I need you distracted while I make a surprise!”
Daniel perked up, his slight pout disappearing. “A surprise…?”
“Yes, Danny-boy, a surprise. Which means I can’t tell you, so sit here and I’ll go fill the tub and then you can feel the full effects of that chill pill.”
Daniel leaned towards Daisy, confused. “What chill pill?”
“This chill pill,” Daisy said, leaning forward until her nose almost touched his. Daniel’s head swam with the scent of her silky blonde hair and vanilla lotion. She gently rubbed her hands up and down his arms and over his shoulders. He took a moment to watch the twinkle in her eye, the warmth resonating through him. He felt the tension from staying on the couch all day slowly release, his arms coming to wrap loosely around Daisy’s back in an attempt to keep her there. She shook her head with a grin and sat up, easing off the couch.
Daisy kissed Daniel’s forehead before walking down the hall to the bathroom. Daniel watched her leave, conflicted. Shouldn’t he be able to take care of himself? He had for years, why stop now? It isn’t like he couldn’t fill up the tub, or cook or grab tissues, no matter how light headed he got. Why did she want to help him? ‘Because I love you, you stubborn square!’ Daisy would say. He could practically hear her protest, ‘Just let me take care of you! It won’t hurt!’
 If he was honest with himself, that’s all he wanted. 
So, he did.
Daisy came back into the living room, the faint sound of water rushing creating a comforting ambience. He didn’t have his leg on, as laying around all day didn’t require it and he was more comfortable without the prosthetic cramming against the back of the couch. He reached back and grabbed the pair of crutches that were leaned against the arm of the sofa. Daisy walked with him back to the bathroom, making sure he didn’t lose his balance due to dizziness from dehydration. Apparently, that was one reason Daisy had felt so horrible after her mission, she had been so busy taking down bad guys that she almost took herself down, too. Even knowing that dehydration isn’t contagious, neither of them wanted him falling into décor à la Daisy. 
They reached the bathroom, Daisy running to their room to grab an extra set of sweats for Daniel to put on once he was done. 
While she was rummaging through drawers, Daniel carefully undressed and got into the deep tub.
The bath felt incredible. He could smell the lavender from the fancy epsom salt that Daisy had gotten him wafting up from small waves he created. The water was warm, but not so hot that it burned and not so lukewarm that it would go cold in a few minutes. 
“Dais, this is first-class,” Daniel called. 
Daisy giggled a bit before responding. “First-class?”
“I know you’re poking fun, but thank you. It feels amazing.”
Daisy peeked her head around the corner, nodding. 
“I'm glad you like it. Now I'm gonna go fix that surprise. Yell if you need anything, k?”
Daniel nodded and relaxed his head back, muscles slowly easing their tension and his eyes softly closing. 
“Oh, shit!!”
Daniel startled, bath water dripping over onto the towels lining the tub. Daisy’s exclamation didn’t seem pained, but he couldn’t help his brow from creasing. He felt fairly rested, he wasn’t sure how long he had been napping in the water. It had gone from pleasantly warm to tepid, he guessed around thirty minutes at the most. 
“Dais, everything alright?”
Daisy paused before responding, “Yep! Got it all under control!”
Daniel smiled and shook his head, figuring it was probably time to get out and troop back to the living room, anyway.
He grabbed the grip-bar beside the tub and eased up, sitting on the edge before swinging his good leg around and stepping onto the floor. He grabbed a towel off his hook on the wall and started to dry off. Daisy had set a pair of comfy pants and a shirt on the counter, which he pulled on before grabbing his crutches and making his way to the kitchen. Something smelled… burnt. 
He rounded the corner, stopping in his tracks. 
“Uh, Dais?”
“It’s burned, I know,” Daisy said, disconcertedly.
“Are you okay?”
Daisy was staring disappointedly at two bowls of seemingly okay soup. She gestured loosely to the sink, Daniel’s eye following. 
“Oh, okay, yeah, I see.”
There was a large pot sitting in the sink, filled with greyish water, black bits glued to the bottom. 
“I’m sorry. I know cooking isn’t exactly my thing.”
Sousa smiled, running a hand through his wet hair. Daisy’s hands fidgeted, rubbing at her neck.
“Is the soup in the bowls good?”
Daisy looked him up and down, a twinkle of mirth in her eye, like she knew something he didn’t. She shrugged, “The char adds flavour.”
At that, Daniel grinned and stepped forward a little, leaning against the counter next to her. “I’m up for some extra flavour.”
Daisy looked over at him with an odd expression. “Even sick, never fails.”
Daniel responded immediately, “Through sickness and health.”
Daisy’s eyes went wide. 
“Relax, I’m kidding. Mostly.”
Daisy’s posture slumped a little as she hit his bicep. “Funny. You’re a funny, funny man.”
He nodded and felt a deep laugh in his chest. “I am very funny, yes.”
Daisy squinted her eyes at him, turning and picking up their bowls of soup to set on the kitchen island. She slid onto one of the backless bar stools that served as seats for when she didn’t feel like being fancy and eating at a table. Sousa took a moment before following, leaning his crutches against the cabinet after sliding onto the stool across from Daisy. He picked up a spoon and tasted the soup, swallowing down a grimace and giving her a thumbs up. 
“It's great!” Daniel exclaimed.
Daisy pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows at him, tasting a spoonful. She was not as great at acting as Daniel was, and could barely keep herself from spitting it out.
“Oh, god, that’s awful!” Despite her wry expression, she was giggling as she picked her cell out of her pajama short’s pocket. Daniel eyed her, perplexed as Daisy hit a button in her .
“Yes, hi... Thank you. Can we get six egg rolls, a small veggie fried rice, a plate of crab wontons, and a small shrimp lo-mein?... Yes! Thank you!... Alright, we’ll be there in ten. Have a good evening!” Daniel watched as Daisy hung up, a bright grin slowly spreading across her face.
Daniel mirrored her, smiling wide. “Chinese food?”
“Yep,” Daisy nodded, popping the 'p'. 
Daisy slid lithely off the seat, grabbing the bowls of blackened soup and trashing them. She felt bad, throwing away food. She never got rid of food unless she absolutely had to. Old habits die hard. 
She turned around and gave Daniel a smile. She noticed that he wasn’t as pale, his face wasn’t as flushed and he wasn’t swaying like his head was full of air. Maybe she had helped more than she thought. They walked out to Daisy’s car, a metallic dark grey crossover with slightly tinted windows. Daisy got in on the drivers side, Daniel climbing into the passenger. She cranked the car and turned up the radio, checking that Daniel was okay. It was a slightly chilly evening, and the windows were rolled down just enough to let the air in. 
The evening felt great, the cool air and orange-pink sky refreshing their senses. Daniel’s eyes were soft as he gazed at Daisy. Even though he caught her cold, he had the feeling that Daisy was the best medicine. Lucky him.
Maybe things do go this great in our universe.
awwwwwww, cuuuuuuute! as always, feel free to drop a request in my ask box (linked in the bio) or comment any thoughts!! thanks for reading!!
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Survey #351
“the writing on the wall  /  a psalm of napalm  /  abandon all hope, but try to stay calm”
Do you have bad posture? Oh yeah. Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight? VERY. How many miles can you run without stopping? An astonishing zero miles. Who is the most attractive person you know personally? My high school friend Alon, probably. Have you ever dated someone who was very vastly different from your “type”? No. When was the first time you said "I love you" to a significant other? When I dated my first real boyfriend Jason at 16. I actually said it very early in because I thought I was "supposed" to, and I did REALLY like him. How old were you when you first lived alone? If you’ve never lived alone, how old do you think you’ll be? I haven't yet, and idk. What do you wish you had been better prepared for? Ha, adulthood. Is there anything about you (physically) that you think turns people off of you right off the bat? My weight. Do you know anyone with a semicolon tattoo? I have a semicolon butterfly tattoo on my wrist, and while it's very subtle, my Mark tat features a semicolon, too. It's outlined by a quote he's said ("you are important, never forget that"), and the "i" is a semicolon. Idk if I know anyone else with one. Have you ever overdosed on a drug? Once accidentally, once purposefully. Have you ever kissed a guy you didn’t want to kiss? Yes. Who was the last guy you cuddled with? Girt. What is something you’ve had a toxic reaction to? The breakup with Jason. In the last picture taken of you, how did you pose? I just tilted my head, smiled, and gave a peace sign, haha. Mom wanted to show my sister how I looked with a dozen wires and other shit attached to me for my sleep study. Have you ever made a fake Facebook account? If so, why? No. If you were an Eevee, what would you wanna evolve into? Probably Espeon? They're so, so majestic and beautiful. I'd love to feel like that, lol. What flavor was the last piece of gum you chewed? Raspberry lemonade. Did you ever used to watch the show Teen Titans? Nah. When you were in school/if you are in school, do you actually share your grades with your parents? If you got/get a bad grade, do you hide it from them? My mom always stayed up-to-date with my grades. I never really had anything to hide. Have you ever been the designated driver? Once or twice, yeah. Were you obsessed with Webkinz when they first came out? "Obsessed" is an understatement. I was that kid with dozens upon dozens. They were pretty much my favorite thing. Who do you subscribe to on YouTube, if anybody? Oh Jesus, looooots. Are you wearing nail polish right now? What color? No. Neon colors, or pastel? Pastel. Are you currently pregnant? Do you wish you were/weren’t? I'm not and have zero desire to be. Have you ever had a dog? A good number of them throughout my life. Is there any drama going on right now in your life? No. Does your hair fall out a lot? No. What’s your favourite type of bird? Barn owls. I also love ravens and crows. How many friends do you have on Facebook? 126. What was on the last sandwich you ate? Pb&j. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? The same as I do now: metal and its various subgenres. Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? No. How far away is the closest store to your house and what is it? I'm actually unsure which is the closest. We live in a cul-de-sac with a bunch of houses, and the street opens into just outside the main city, so there's a lot of stores. What is your favourite Thai dish? I've actually never tried Thai food. How many contacts do you have in your phone? Very few, but I don't feel like counting. Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? No. What pet names do you use with your significant other? I'm single. Do you have to wear a name badge where you work? I don’t have a job. Can you hear anything right now? Yeah, I'm watching Gab Smolders play Skyrim. It's a game I've always wanted to play myself. Is there anybody else in the room you’re currently in? No. What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? Walmart. Does your house have a porch/balcony? It has a very, very small porch. What is your mother’s first name? Donna. Did you have a tree house as a kid? No. Are you afraid of speaking to large audiences? I'm terrified of it. Have you ever cried from being so mad? Oh yeah, it's very common for me to cry when I'm mad. Have you ever taken a bath with someone? As a kid, yes. Do you have any brothers? One older one. Does your family use coasters? Is anyone in your family excessively tidy? No. Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house? Ha, yeah, just depends on where. Do you take showers in the morning or at night more? Morning. I used to be ALL about night showers, but I just love how refreshing they are in the morning. It's a good start to the day. Do you snore? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep? I steal the covers SO bad and roll around a lot. God bless whoever marries me. You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do? I can guarantee I'd be a total deer in headlights and probably tear up or just straight-up cry. Have you been/are you depressed? It's nowhere near as bad as it was once upon a time, but I honestly am depressed these days. Who is the one person you can completely be yourself around? I only feel entirely "safe" doing that around Sara. Are your popups blocked on your computer? Yeah. Are your parents night owls or morning birds? My mom's a total night owl. She absolutely hates sleeping because it's "such a waste of time" to her, but of course she does it anyway. I haven't lived with my father since I was like 16, so idk what he's really like with this stuff now, but I'd call him an early bird, particularly because his job has him up early anyway. Do you have high blood pressure? No; my blood pressure is actually extremely low, so much so it scares every doctor who hasn't treated me before. It's a medication side effect and seriously sucks, because I am absolutely always light-headed and dizzy. Have you ever pumped gas? No. Are you affectionate? Very. What would a perfect yard look like for you? Hmmm... I'm going to include things I know I won't realistically have for maintenance reasons, but what's ideal. I would loooove love love at least one really big tree with maybe a birdhouse and like a bat box (is that what they're called?), and I'd love tons and tons of flowers to feed bees and other wildlife. A koi pond would be amazing, but that's one of those things I know I won't actually have. A pool would be really nice, preferably inground, and having a spot in the shade would be perfect. Some berry bushes would be cool, and grape vines... Man, I'm really fantasizing now, haha. What is a topic that you have just recently become interested in? Nothing very recently, but I'd say the most recent would be uhhhh tarantulas, though that's been a thing for many months now. What is a feel-good song that you’ve been listening to lately? None lately, anyway. I can tell you "Jump" by Van Halen is the staple "feel-good" song for me, though. What are some things you enjoy seeing pictures of? Meerkats... Mark... more meerkats and Mark... oh also meerkats and Mark... Is there anything you are scared/awkward about talking about in life? Don't talk to me about sex. Has a pet ever stolen food from you as you were eating it? AS I was eating it, no. What is the weirdest compliment you have ever been given? I have no idea. What’s stronger - your upper or lower body? Jesus, I couldn't tell you. I'm just weak, period. Women tend to have more lower body strength, so I GUESS maybe that, but given the fact my legs are horribly weak, I don't know. My arms aren't strong, either. Are you very careful with your technology (phone, laptop, etc) or do you take risks that could damage them? I try to be mindful and careful, but you could say the way I pick up my laptop sometimes is risky. Have you ever been in the newspaper? What for? I think so, as part of my graduating class? But that would be a LOT of people... so I actually don't know. I have this faint memory of being in it with other people, but idr. Would you say that the area you live in is particularly picturesque? Ew, no. What is your favorite type of cat? One does not simply pick ONE favorite kind of cat. I love Persians, Ragdolls, Siamese, sphynxes, bengals, Abyssinians, and I could go on and on. If you had your way, what color(s) would you dye your hair? I have A LOT of colors I want to dye my hair, but the ones I'm currently most interested in are pastel pink, creamsicle orange, and lilac. Do you like seafood? If so, what is your favorite? If not, what is your favorite type of food? I only like shrimp. What religion/spiritual path intrigues you the most, if any? Paganism. It's the one I think is closest to what I believe in, and I just find it all very interesting. I love the nature focus. Would you ever consider getting dreadlocks? Nooooo. How many times is your cartilage pierced in your ears? None anymore. :( I miss all my piercings that closed while hospitalized. Have you ever had a pet bird? Nah. It'd be cool, but I don't want one enough to actually get one. Do you like dinosaurs? I looooove dinos. They were my obsession as a kid. My first dream career was even a paleontologist. Do you like going for long walks with friends? If my legs worked like a healthy fucking human's, I would love to do that again. I would literally collapse if I tried to go on a long walk now. Do you miss anyone from school? I miss a lot of people from school. I'm thankful for Facebook for that, but even that's not enough, really. What is your favorite flavor of Jolly Ranchers? Watermelon, I think? Was there a strawberry one? How are your parents right now? I'm assuming Dad's fine, and Mom's okay, just stressed as she always is. Can you take naps, or does it make you feel horrible? Man, I love naps. They're like, mandatory for my existence, lol. If you celebrate Christmas, do you get a real tree or an artificial tree? A fake one. Have you ever been told you were a good writer? Yeah. Do you watch music videos? No. Do you own an account on Club Penguin? Haha awww, remember the worldwide heartbreak when that site shut down? Anyway, I did as a kid. Do you like lemonade? Sure do. Was your first kiss perfect? To me it was. How do you feel about the first person you kissed? I feel a lot of things about him. As of right now, how do you feel about your future? Nervous. Who is the last person you ran into unexpectedly? *shrugs* Is sex something special, or just for fun? It has to be something special for me personally. Do you follow fashion? If so, why? Not at all. Have you ever played a real pinball machine? No. Do you like the smell of BBQs? I love the smell, but don't like the food. Do wasps scare you? Yes. Are you currently trying to get over someone? I mean, yes and no. I don't think I'll ever be fully over Jason, but I feel like I'm as "over him" as I'll ever be, maybe. I hope I can even further let him go, but we'll just have to see. Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? Yes. Have you ever worn flip flops in the snow? HA, oh yeah. If it's only a dusting, I don't care at all. I pretty much always wear flip flops. How old were you when you met your first love? I was 15. If you could have one more pet, what? JUST one? Probably a Brazilian Black tarantula, ideally. I technically want a western hognose snake more, but given I already have a snake, in this hypothetical situation, I'd take the spider. Would you rather have an owl or a snake? Ha, speaking of snakes. A snake, even though I adore owls. What do you order at Chic-Fil-A? I don't give my business to Chick-fil-A. They're reigned by homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit that have given monetary contributions to anti-LGBT foundations, including most disgustingly those that support conversion therapy. I admittedly looooove their chicken sandwiches, but I just can't in good conscience go there. Have you ever been addicted to cigarettes? No, given I've never smoked and will never. Which do you use more? Facebook or Instagram? Facebook. Did you enjoy your past relationships? Yeah. Do you like '80s music? '80s metal is great. Something you would NEVER buy? Drugs. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? I first questioned if I was bisexual in middle school, 8th grade I think, but I went into denial about it given I was Christian at the time. Looking back, there were many clear signs of me liking girls too, I just didn't notice them until a few years ago when I came out as bi. Do you like Star Wars? No. What is the best thing about life? Experiencing love, both platonic and romantic. Are you superstitious? No. What show/concert have you gone to that you didn’t like much? I haven't experienced a bad concert before, but then again I've only been to one. Is sex a must in your life? Nah. Have you watched porn alone before? I've never watched porn period. I have absolutely no desire to watch two random people go at each other. What do you think about weed? It should be legal everywhere, but treated similarly to alcohol in that there are legal repercussions to doing certain things, like driving, under the influence. There are just too many benefits for many health conditions to ignore. Have you read the entire Bible before? No. I've started to before, but I didn't get far.
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infiwrites · 4 years
Oh look it’s tuesday
So, given it is Tuesday, it is time for trivia. As decreed.
Is this going to be a coherent post? No, probably not. Am I going to make it anyway and talk about Dia-nial and the absolute hell I’ve gotten myself into? YOU BET.
To start, I actually had the idea of and wrote the outline for this sometime in July of 2019. I do distinctly remember I wrote the bulk of it in one go and it took me about two hours. It was -- and still is -- an absolute mess of shitposting, humor, awkwardness, and pain. I’ll probably post the entire thing once I’m done with it so you know what I mean!
Originally, I wasn’t planning on doing a whole lot with it. It was something I toyed with, but at the time, I had no idea if I was going to actually go through with it, given that it looked like it was going to be a longhaul. And longhaul it was, because it took me another six months (or more, idr) to actually make the first chapter. The second one... unfortunately also took its sweet time, but marginally less so than the first one.
And as of writing this, the third one’s about 15% done, and it’s staying there for who knows how long as I, in all my dumbass glory, didn’t outline the third chapter as anything more than a one line joke. It was funny a year ago. It’s not funny now because now I have to live with the consequences of my actions!
On the bright side of that, at least, it did provide me with the kick in the pants to expand the outline where I’d skimmed over a lot of details, both out of inexperience but also I couldn’t be bothered at the time. Now I am bothering. You can also thank nostraightanswer for that, because what gave me the energy to go out and do that was getting my hands on Syntech 0. Highly recommend, as a side note, but not the point of this post!
The outline’s still not finished right now (did I say that already? I forgot) but so far, it’s gone from being an estimated 13 chapters to 15, and there might actually end up being more, given that the ending is a bit fuzzy and vague right now.
Bringing us back to a couple of months ago when I was first messing with this, I was a little torn on some of the later content -- largely, the things that made me add the “referenced/implied homophobia” tag -- given that... by large, this was supposed to be a romcom. One of the problems with that idea is that I, for starters, have never seen a romcom in my life. Two, I’m really bad at writing things that don’t have any sort of angst in them. And three, my gay ass both wanted to have a fic where I didn’t have to delve into it, but also... it’s a very real thing for a lot of us. Ultimately, after talking with a good friend of mine, I decided to add it in, even if I know I’m gonna get yelled at (in the good way).
Even if there’s some parts to it that are going to be painful, the ending is going to be sweet and nice, I promise! I swear! It’s not going to take the route that O One took! What all of you really should be worried about is the followup fic that I’ve got a little bit of outlined. It’s also hell, but it might also have a but of a tonal shift... it’s still a very early WIP, so we’ll have to see.
What else, what else... I can’t really think of too much right now, but as always, questions are welcome!! Anyway thank you for reading this nightmare of rambling.
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