#or at least I wish I could’ve 🥲
thechainsawtango · 5 months
Ok you guys!!! I did it!!! I subscribed to Dracula Daily!!
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unnerving-presence · 10 months
Hi, i just read the coochie unhooking and im in love omg 🥲💕 could we have another part with the huntress, pyra and a third one of your choice? Thank you, you're the best 👀💕
ooc shit incoming this is literally abt them loving them thighs i do not gaf i tried to make them in character somewhat anyways hehe
could you tell i’m utterly obsessed w tarhos right now i wished i could’ve written more dear lord
i had already written this for huntress initially but i did want to revise it a bit to be more in character. still sort of experimenting with it all. enjoy though :)
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Straight confusion and a.. little bit of panic? She’s never had her prey attempt something like what you did. It catches her so off guard she practically thrashes around as much as you do to get you off of her. She doesn’t like feeling so vulnerable and very much does not appreciate it when you manage to escape the hook and her alike. She can’t shake that ghostly feeling of your thighs around her. It’s like you’re still there. She can’t discern whether she likes the feeling or not.
You’re interesting prey, prey that she enjoys hunting. She mostly does it for necessity and to please the Entity, but she likes you. She likes that. She especially likes your drive to survive. It amuses her, makes her curious about you. Anna would be angry about the ordeal thinking about it, but it simply makes her intrigued now. She simply can’t brush aside the concept of your thighs around her. It was like a warm embrace she hadn’t felt since she was a child. She likes it.
She decides she will observe you more. Watch as you speak in a language she doesn’t understand and interact with those she sees as nothing more than human animals. You’re afraid, but you’re also determined. It’s cute. Perhaps she’ll conveniently place herself near the hook she puts you on next time, just to feel you fight to survive, just to feel those thighs around her again.
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Pyramid Head:
Pyramid Head would have absolutely never expected this to happen.. ever? Considering his absolute fridge of a head he’s.. startled to say the least that you managed to both effectively wrap your thighs around him AND have enough leg strength to take him down AND unhook yourself. It doesn’t all come to mind at first but he’s definitely a bit aroused. Unfortunately, that is an emotion that fades quite quickly. He has a job to do, he would very much like to get back to that. If he could get back up from the ground from his big ass helmet holding him down 😭
Pyramid Head is simply indifferent about the situation. A tiny bit excited at the though, but would quickly move on. It would certainly stay in his mind if you had done it several times over though. Some part of him is glad he has this unbearable helmet over his head, he might have had a full system shutdown had your thighs gotten too close to his face, though your thighs being around him in the first place is more than enough to turn him on a bit, not that he acts on it of course. He prioritizes his role in this realm more than anything else.
Though he won’t pass up the opportunity to listen to your cries of pain if given the chance. They didn’t mean much to him before. But now he rather likes the sound. He’d even say he rather likes you more than anything else. Maybe he should stick extra close to you from now on. Perhaps you’ll try other suggestive methods of trying to escape him. Either way, it feeds into his desire to punish and his desire for you.
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Tarhos Kovács:
Tarhos is trained for moments like this, when the enemy has the upper hand. He cut through hundreds of swordsmen far more experienced than you could ever wish to be. He wields his imposing claymore and knows he strikes fear into those that dare cross him. He is anything but one to be so easily defeated. It should’ve been impossible for him to be taken down by someone in such a pathetic position as yourself. It has to be the Entity’s assistance. It has to be. He can barely get himself together again before you dash up the stairs and out of his reach. He grumbles and pushes himself up off the ground, more determined than ever to put you in your place.
You don’t survive the trial, but it’s very clear you did something to him. He’s angry, but there’s some other emotion, like a smoldering fire that was once not even worth a passing glance had suddenly burst into a wildfire. It could be confused with bloodlust. He can barely tell the difference between the two until he sees you again by the campfire next to those worthless maggots. He watches only for a moment and in that moment he wants more. He wants more of whatever you did to him.
He will never come to terms with these feelings. He believes it’s your fault. Your existence shouldn’t even be welcomed in this place. You can so easily disrupt the balance of death, sacrifice, bloodshed. He wants nothing to do with you if you think you can deter him from his rightful privilege of endlessly butchering such peasants as yourself. He hates you more than he hates Vittorio, he thinks. Vittorio was an imbecile who thought he had the answers to peace. But you? God, you actually do something to him and you don’t even have to try.
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presidenthades · 3 months
⚠️Spoilers for S.2 ep.2, kinda❓
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Anyhow, your thoughts on the new episode🎤???
Oh, and in celebration of show!Daeron's confirmed existence: mini tiny Joffron doodle ig? Made with love, not with skill☝️💚🖤❤️
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Wait omigod I love this. Why does it perfectly encapsulate the two of them. 😭😍🥰 They really do have a reverse Hades/Persephone dynamic! Honestly I love this art style, it’s giving a chibi vibe that I adore. I’m going to link this to my HOTD artwork list.
Anyway yes, Daeron truthers rise up. ✊
(Obviously, S2E2 spoilers below the cut.)
First I’ll start with new thoughts on B&C. After my rewatch, most of my feelings about E1 remained the same, but I want to update my reaction to B&C. Helaena’s muted reaction made more sense to me the second time around. It is consistent with her character, and the BTS info about her visions makes it understandable why she seemed to treat Jaehaerys’s death as inevitable.
HOWEVER. Viewers should not be required to watch BTS commentaries etc. to have full context for the scene. The background info about Helaena’s visions should’ve been in the actual episode. If knowing about Helaena’s visions about her children’s potential demise is that important, they could and should have incorporated it I nto an actual scene. For example, instead of her opening scene being her embroidering, she could’ve been scribbling about that vision in her notebook.
If for some reason this was too difficult to film, there’s one small change they could’ve made to B&C which would’ve made a huge difference, visions or no visions. When Blood says both children “look the same,” Cheese could have responded with “just kill them both.” This instantly heightens the stakes and makes Helaena’s actions more understandable to even the most casual viewer: if she doesn’t point out Jaehaerys, then both her children die.
End of E1 rant. Onto E2 rant!
I’ve seen a lot of different reactions to this episode. Some say it was great, some say it was awful. IMO, your takeaway of how good the episode was probably depends on who your favorite characters are.
I think Rhaenyra and Aegon had the best scenes this episode. Otto also had some banger lines, and Helaena made me feel a lot of emotions. Daemon did not come away particularly well, Aemond was a little weird, Alicent continues to be frustrating, and I’m convinced that Criston is the writing room’s whipping boy.
TGC really got to show off his acting chops this episode. Personally I wish they could’ve spent more time on Aegon smashing the LEGOs and bludgeoning Blood, but that is a me preference. I think Aegon really did love Jaehaerys, AND he is angry about the blow that has been struck again him as king. Both these things can be true at the same time. The end scene where he’s crying alone in his room proves that his grief isn’t just a show.
And I don’t mind that Aegon’s decision to hang all the rat-catchers makes him seem violent and impetuous, because he is violent and impetuous. The scene is also framed so that you understand why Aegon did it; we see Cheese hanging with the others. And let’s be honest, if Rhaenyra did something similar to avenge Luke (eg burn down Storm’s End because Borros contributed to his demise, which would kill a lot of other people too), a lot of viewers would cheer her on.
(I was definitely thinking during the “Aegon fires Otto” scene that Aegon could really use a Jacaera to kindly knock some sense into him. 🥲)
Speaking of the end scene…omigod Alicent why. 💀 Conceptually, I understand there’s generational trauma going on. Otto was cold with Alicent, who is in turn cold with Aegon especially. But like. Holy shit. Give your son a 5-second hug. It would’ve been nice if they could at least show Alicent feeling conflicted, like she wants to comfort her son but feels incapable, so she walks away.
Backtracking a bit: I feel like Alicent is consistently made the focus of the story in places where she arguably should not be the focus, and I wonder if this is because the showrunners want to take advantage of the fact they’ve paid good money for Olivia Cooke. But I truly do not understand why it was Helaena and Alicent at the funeral rather than Helaena and Aegon. Otto said something about “our gentlest souls” but this could’ve been a great opportunity to showcase more of Aegon and Helaena’s complicated relationship and shared grief.
Whatever my other feelings on the scene, I do think Phia and Olivia’s acting was phenomenal. Helaena’s panic attack during the funeral 😱. I really just wanted to emergency evacuate her from that mess.
I’m going out of chronological order, but I’m going to backtrack again to Otto making the decision to have the funeral as a PR campaign. It’s very Machiavellian, and TBH I understand why he chose to do it. It is a huge blow against Rhaenyra’s reputation. But I feel like the show wants Otto and Daemon to be the only actual schemers on their respective sides. Everyone else kinda just whoopsies or white-knights their way through the narrative. I just want to shake the writers and tell them it’s okay for other characters to be villainous. There’s a reason Daemon is way more popular than Criston. At least Daemon fully commits to his bad decisions.
I kinda feel bad for Fabien Frankel because the writers seem to really have it out for Criston. They really want to make him the most hatable character. 💀 Imagine if instead we got a more Machiavellian Criston who intentionally decides to claw his way up from nothing to become one of the most powerful people in Westeros. Even if he does reprehensible things along the way, at least he does them purposefully, not because he’s incompetent.
I almost forgot to talk about Aemond, because he really has not been getting a lot of screen time these two episodes. The brothel scene was odd but not as odd as it could have been. I wish the writers would stop having his personality revolve around Daemon, but it’s probably their way of building up to God’s Eye. Honestly, I would’ve preferred a scene of Aemond with his family dealing with B&C aftermath rather than fucking off to the brothel.
Now, changing topics to the Rhaenyra and Daemon divorce scene. I think viewers’ reactions to this scene depend a lot on whether or not you’re a Daemon fan. He really comes off not great in the entire sequence from when Rhaenyra learns about B&C to when Daemon leaves. Also, it’s very obvious Sara Hess wrote the scene; she’s been vocal about how she dislikes Daemon, and a lot of what Rhaenyra says seems to be opinions that Sara has shared. I think Rhaenyra was right to call out Daemon for B&C and for lying to her face about it.
It may have been better if they had more buildup showing cracks between Daemon and Rhaenyra, because she’s also calling him out for a lot of stuff besides B&C. There was the S1E10 argument and choking scene, but some more interaction in S2E1 or E2 where they’re at odds would have made it fresher in viewers’ memories. But it’s not necessary, and I think the scene works as is.
Despite viewers’ feelings on this scenes, it was VERY well acted by both Emma and Matt. And it leads to Rhaenyra’s interesting interaction with Baela. Rhaenyra refuses to risk Jace and send him out on patrol near KL, but she tells Baela to do the exact same thing. It’s very subtle, and the scene is framed as a positive thing between the two characters, but this is probably the most morally gray decision Rhaenyra makes in this episode. She won’t risk her child, but she will risk Daemon’s child immediately after they fought.
The Mysaria scenes were interesting. I really don’t mind the show’s efforts to whitewash her. She’s horrible in the book, but show!Mysaria is actually sympathetic for the most part. She worked her way up from nothing but the people in charge of the system keep stomping her back down. I think her dialogue about Daemon/Otto/powerful men was heavy-handed foreshadowing that she’s going to end up serving Rhaenyra, who is notably not a man.
I don’t have a lot of groundbreaking comments about Erryk & Arryk. It was very emotionally impactful…and I wish the episode had ended either with them dying, or with the scene where Aegon is crying by himself, rather than ANOTHER Alicole sex scene. 💀
Overall, this episode had its highlights, and acting is phenomenal as always. But the writers really need to figure out what to do with Alicent and Criston, other than have the fuck all the time.
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rubywolf0201 · 7 months
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Let’s look at Arajin and Matakara’s revealed bio:
Arajin’s birthday is on the 6th June. It is also confirmed that he does have a Dad around but where he is kind of unknown.
Matakara’s birthday is on the 7th April. Asides from Mitsukuni, there’s no mention of where the Asamine’s parents are. Though, Episode 2 mentions that they have relatives but whether they’re biological or adopted is kind of up to interpretation.
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Senya even has a revealed birthdate which is 21st June but his relatives are never mentioned tho then again, being a genie or mythical being, I doubt Senya even has relatives to begin with or maybe he has but many centuries have passed and they could’ve been long gone. Blood type is never mentioned but maybe it didn’t matter to him, since again he is a genie.
Next up we have the Best Friends©️*
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Zabu’s birthday is on the 10th May. He is confirmed to have parents and an older sister. Although, I did someone on X/Twitter in the JP fandom making fanart of Zabu and his unseen older sister before meaning that somewhere along the way prior to the revealed bio, someone got info of Zabu having an older sis (I think at least?)
Komao’s birthday is revealed to be on the 14th December. Boy does he have a large family: He has grandparents, his parents, 3 little brothers and 2 little sisters. Which makes him the oldest one in the family. Makes you wonder what is Komao’s family life like.
Then we have the Jin siblings and Outa!
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Marito’s birthday happens to be on the 15th March, which is one day after White Day (a male equivalent of Valentines Day in Japan). Funny how both siblings are born on special days that centers around love.
Mahoro’s we already knew but what is interesting is that the bio confirms that both her and Marito’s parents are around. But what kind of relationship she and Marito has with their parents are unknown but given her brocon behaviour, it might be that their parents are neglectful or abusive. Or that Mahoro is just a huge ass weirdo around Marito and their parents are ordinary people.
Outa’s birthday is on the 10th August. He is confirmed to have parents and a little brother. And it’s also pretty obvious that having a subtle lion motif to him, his star sign is a Leo. (I apologize I can’t say much about Outa given how I don’t feel his character too strongly compared to the rest and how he was sidelined pretty early on but he’s neat I’ll say)
I wish I could’ve added Akutaro, Jabashiri and Hagure to the list but I already ran out of limit on this post. 🥲 So I added in the main leads, the sole main female character, the ones that are promoted by merch a lot (Marito and Outa) and personal favs.
*: I say Best Friends because prior to Arajin moving back to Honki City and patching up his friendship with Matakara, I felt that Zabu and Komao were kind of like ride and die with each other and Matakara. Also I like them ok?
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tummykinkgal · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about the other night with my bf 🥵
I was semi-sitting up in bed playing a game and he came in for a cuddle by laying on top of me and resting his head around my upper stomach/lower rib area. We’d had a super light dinner and I was a bit hungry at that point but my stomach hadn’t been making any noises or anything yet.
Anyways, we started talking about meal prep for the week and the second we started talking about food my stomach let out this long growl and he started laughing (I was lowkey a bit embarrassed, I love hearing tummy noises but when it’s my own and others hear it I feel a bit awkward 😅).
After that we continued to chat about stuff but my stomach was popping off nonstop apparently. He moved a few times to change his angle of listening and said that he couldn’t hear my heartbeat anymore through the insane amount of stomach noises 😳 he said listening to it was super interesting so I’m not sure if that means I shouldn’t stress or feel embarrassed if it gets noisy, or if he might be finding out he’s lowkey into it, idk (secretly hoping for that second option) 😫
I do wish I could’ve heard what he heard coming from my belly but oh well 🥲 I could feel a lot of them and I feel like the extra weight of his head resting on my tummy triggered more gurgles and grumbling than there maybe would’ve been, but from the feel of it I know it would’ve been loud af to say the least 😅
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
if i am to be lost at sea, then let your heart be the lighthouse that guides me home
Author’s Note: this contains major angst… w/ a 100% happy ending !! 👀🥰 Pulled inspo from my own fanfic i wish you would for the latter half. 🌊
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if i am to be lost at sea, then let your heart be the lighthouse that guides me home
Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader
Word Count: ~900
CW: canonical violence, dark humor, explicit Character death, explicit Reader death, explicit language, mild sexual content, traumatic references
Request Fulfilled: can you do like a Sanemi x Fem! Reader about likeee after final battle they yk yk d*e together?
Oh wait, I forgot to add this to my request about the Sanemi x reader oke. maybe can show like a reincarnation au? When they met again idk🥲
“Hey,” Sanemi murmurs, arms trembling from the weight of your body cradled into his, “Y’know I love you, right?” as his abdomen clenches.
He can’t tell whether it’s his stitches or his heart coming undone, but he can feel the weight of years of fighting catching up to him. The weight of too many bloodied, nameless faces easing him toward oblivion. The weight of losing his little brother — of keeping his name Shinazugawa Genya in his chest, even as his face disintegrated in his hands. Sanemi can feel himself dying. In the end, though, it’s the clarity in your eyes and your pain streaked, adoring expression that makes him shudder.
“Course I know,” you rasp, the loss of both your arms preventing you from cupping his cheek, from gently, tenderly smearing his tears, “Wish I could’ve touched you one last time,” you smile weakly, unable to chuckle as your lungs heave.
“S’okay,” Sanemi can’t even shrug, spine curving, slowly collapsing, over your wrecked figure as darkness grips the edges of his vision, “You’re here, I’m here.”
“On a scale from one to ten,” you suck in a ragged, quiet breath, “How much pain are you in?”
He smirks at that, precious images of sparring sessions encased in moonlight, your playful grin, and the consequent bruises and soreness flitting vivid and bittersweet through his memory.
“Not even a one,” he whispers, repeating the same words he’d said the first night he’d kissed you.
“Not even a one?” you huff dramatically, staff held defensively, your eyes narrowing, “I know I hit harder than that.”
“You could never hurt me,” Sanemi snorts, unimpressed, “Between the two of us, who’s panting?”
Scowling, your eyes close, breaths evening after a few moments of focus. Reopening your eyes, you gasp.
“Is there a problem?” he hums, fingers nearly brushing your neck, “Don’t close your eyes in front of the enemy, dumbass,” heat emanating from his proximity, lavender eyes tracing goosebumps into your skin, “You’re practically begging to have your neck snapped.”
“How kind,” you mutter, willing your heartbeat to steady, all too aware of his finely tuned senses, “Fortunately, you aren’t my enemy.”
“I’m not?” he asks, voice tantalizingly soft, mouth so close you could, “Then what am I?”
Not even a one your retort fizzles in your throat as he kisses you, tasting of sweat, urgency, and a tinge of blood.
“You’re the Wind Hashira,” you whisper, as stunned as he is breathless, suffocating in your sweetness.
“Who am I?” he demands gruffly, staff falling to the ground, pulling you in by your waist.
“Shinazugawa Sanemi?”
“Not quite,” he drawls, squeezing your hips.
“Sanemi?” you whimper, melting into the warmth of his embrace.
“Yours,” he declares, eager to taste you again, “I’m yours.”
“Who’s panting now?” you tease, nipping at his bottom lip, “My Sanemi.”
“Good,” you sigh quietly, “I couldn’t bear it if I finally managed to hurt you.”
“At least I have my arms,” he quips grimly.
“Don’t leave me, okay?” you sound so small, “I love you.”
They sound so distant.
“We’ll go together,” he growls, swell of fear dissipating when you nod, trusting him fully and completely, “I promise.”
“Don’t be afraid either, okay?”
He can barely hear you, you’re so… far… away…
“I can’t be afraid,” he murmurs, confident even as the color of your eyes bleeds to black, the sensation of drowning surprisingly calm, mercifully empty, I’m too busy being yours… always too busy...
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“It only took a few lifetimes,” the man before you remarks wryly, sand sticking to his wet feet, lavender gaze wild yet familiar.
“Who knew you’d be a surfer?” you grin shyly, masking the shock radiating through your limbs, tote bag heavy on your shoulder, stare flitting from his face to his surfboard to his face.
He snorts, shaking out his hair, droplets of the ocean glistening on your skin, “Took you long enough to visit the beach.”
“On the contrary, I visit the beach often,” you sniff, feigning offense Something told me I’d meet someone special.
And even as your heart sunk with every false alarm, you’d continued to visit the beach, a deep tug in your gut guaranteeing only one inevitability.
At thirteen, always begging for beach vacations, yet unable to express precisely why, “I don’t know? I just love the sun? I guess. I’ll wear sunscreen! I promise! Pleeease?”
At eighteen, choosing a university based solely on its proximity to the beach, incorporating daily sunrise strolls and sunset meanderings, Where are you? at the forefront of your mind as the tide washed cold and frothy over your toes, despite not knowing who you could possibly be.
At twenty three, moving to yet another beach, hoping, dreaming, swearing, that Maybe this will be the one?
“Oh really?” he smirks, “Well I surf pretty much daily. Did you just happen to move here?”
“Last week, actually.”
“Why?” he dares to ask, heart beating on his tongue, ready to swallow if this wasn’t you.
“Because you’re mine,” you whisper.
He steps closer, mesmerized by the wind caressing your flushed cheeks, “What am I?”
“I don’t know,” you respond We have a lot of catching up to do.
“Who am I?” because he has to know for sure before he fastens his heart to your sleeve.
This time, you kiss him, tears darkening the sand beneath you, damp arms trembling and desperate as he molds himself to your body. You smell different, you feel different, but the quiver in your voice as you utter his name again, again, and again... there isn’t a doubt in his bones, not a hesitation in his soul — you are the one he loves.
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sarahjtv · 1 year
So, My Hero Academia Chapter 387 (MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD)...
That was a really, really good chapter, but hoo boy that fucked me up real bad and I need to get some thoughts off my chest before I go to sleep.  Tumblr is the best place to post this; I’m not spending $8 on Twitter Blue to type this out.
First off, more eugenic stuff yay...  This time with Rei’s family, the Himuras.  So, turns out that Geten (the ice villain following Re-Destro) is a part of that family which means that he’s the Todoroki’s cousin at best.  I think Rei would’ve said something if he was her brother. 
And that the Himura’s have been inbreeding to keep their bloodline “pure” and their ice Quirk in tact...  And forced marriages were also desperate attempts to keep this in check.  UM WHAT THE FUCK, HORIKOSHI???  I’m not saying this is a bad thing story-wise, but it makes the Todoroki Family situation so, so much worse if that was even possible.  And sadly they’re not the only family to do this... 
So, if Rei was a product of inbreeding, then (and correct me if I’m wrong) the Todoroki children are technically inbred too on top of being born out of a quirk marriage to begin with INCLUDING SHOUTO WHO’S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH (I need to clarify that I’m not criticizing Rei or her kids, it’s not their faults. I’m criticizing the practice of inbreeding itself).  I feel ill just thinking about that.  This is some royal family shit that should never be a thing to begin with.  I don’t care if marrying your 2nd cousin shouldn’t fuck up the kids too badly, it’s still extremely fucked up period!  This is honestly worse than the quirk marriage imo and that was bad enough as it was.  I kind of wish Horikoshi didn’t include this because it’s sadly kind of warpping my perception of them, but I’m not going to fly over to Japan and throw hands with him over it.
And this puts more context into why Rei chose to marry Enji because agreeing to be bought into a marriage with Endeavor to create the perfect offspring with Fire and Ice is somehow better than MARRYING YOUR FUCKING COUSIN AND HAVING A CHILD WITH THEM!  She never had a good choice to begin with; she just chose the best one that was given to her.  God, I feel bad for this woman.
I honestly need a few days to process this because it was dropped so casually and now I need to sit down and think of the implications of it while working on my finals 🥲
Onto Dabi who is fighting his dad with like half of his body remaining.  How the hell this man is alive is a goddamn mystery because he looks like a burning skeleton.  And this whole thing has caused his Quirk to evolve to the point where he’s now producing ICE ❄️!  HE HAS AN ICE QUIRK NOW TOO!  IT’S EXACTLY THE THING ENDEAVOR WANTED THIS WHOLE TIME AND NOW HE HAS IT IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE!  I WANT TO SCREAM!  SHOUTO AND DABI ARE REALLY 2 SIDES OF THE SAME COIN! 
There really is no way of knowing if Touya would’ve unlocked this part of his Quirk if he trained more with Endeavor, but the fact that he actually had the potential to become exactly what he was born for is devastating.  He could’ve been what his father wanted him to become, but his Quirk was too dangerous to himself to try.  If this happened, Natsuo and Shouto might not have been born (I’m glad they were born tbh), but at least the family would’ve been spared a shit ton of trauma.
Oh, and it looks like that massive fire punch he threw at Endeavor completely burned off his right arm and now he’s right armless like Endeavor.  That one panel of them “dancing” with right fire arms is haunting.  You could write a whole short essay on that panel.  Horikoshi loves parallels and I do too.
Honestly, I really expected Horikoshi to just kill off Endeavor and Dabi at the same time this chapter.  It looked like that’s where it was going.  There are a lot of ways their fates could be going and I can see it happening all those ways.  Personally, I want them to live at least until Shouto finally gets there.  I think Horikoshi is setting up that “Todoroki Family Reunion” he’s been planning since Chapter 300 or something especially with Rei entering the battle field.  What happens next is something we’ll have to wait for.  I want Endeavor to live honestly.  But, I can definitely see Dabi dying at the end because I really don’t think he’s going to survive at this rate.  Horikoshi cooked him too well 😂😭.
And finally REI TODOROKI!!!  The block or whatever her and her family were being transported in was stopped right below Gunga Mountain last chapter and they were forced to go up to the surface to make sure they avoid Dabi’s fiery explosion.  That’s why she’s up on the surface to begin with.  I do want to know how the hell she got to the battlefield so quickly though.  I don’t see her as a fighter, but maybe she trained her Ice Quirk to glide on it like Shouto does.  I’m really curious to see what she does because she does hold some responsibility for how Dabi turned out and I think she’s trying to atone in a way too.  This better not mean she’s dying though.  I don’t need the Todorokis to deal with more trauma, especially Shouto.
Anyways, there’s a lot to unpack in this chapter and there’s probably more to dive into.  Um, I’m glad to see Mr. Compress again like Horikoshi promised.  He’s probably still assless though.  Where are the 2nd year UA students you promised, sir???  But, yeah, the Todoroki drama continues to be more and more fucked up by the weeks.  Please let this family have peace one day I’m begging  🙏.
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rosesonapond · 6 months
If Rwby gets picked up or bought… others and I have a few wishes…
In general
I want more developed relationships between characters. Within the teams, within the villains/antagonists, I just want them to be more between themselves or within each other. I feel that the villains are not that in sync as they should be, team RWBY are not as close as they are implied, and if they were the break ups (not particularly romantic, just generally) would hit even harder when they separate or breakdown. I feel the writers and even the fandom are just pretending that RWBY has well developed relationships when it doesn’t. I feel R/enora needs to individualize itself more than just leaving Nora as some joke/one dimensional character. B/umble bee needs more time for it’s platonic arc as well as its romantic and intimate arc, and I feel that it could take a few lessons from earlier Marvel when it comes to writing relationships. RNJR should had a longer arc and development to show how developed the relationships were between the team before or even after team RWBY reunited, maybe even before they separated, could have been more moments in the Beacon and Vital festival arcs, but I’ll get more into that in a moment. I wish there could have been more moments between Rose Lotus so I’m not just fishing for crumbs for my ship, because honestly they had a bunch of potential. Even Wildrose, Strawbana, platonic Rosebull, White Lotus, Ladybug, Freezerburn, White Rose, Black Lotus, Iceberg, Ironwitch, Greek Lotus, Arkos, Valkos, Frostbite, etc. could have been more developed, than just some of them abandoned or not even explored.
More development for characters, as much as I love the wide array of characters, they need to be explored. From Ilia, Velvet and Whitley, etc. they need to be explored. Even the villains/antagonists, temporary or not, need to be developed so they don’t turn out to be really generic and not fleshed out, I feel fleshing out a character makes them better written most of the time, take some notes from Marvel, they don’t need to be turn good, just give an understanding to how they got there or give them some attracting (not saying attractive) traits. Also don’t make a one dimensional villain out of a racial minority in your story, it’s not really giving a good message and may turn the character into a plot device rather than a character. Looking at Marvel’s Kree, there could have been some good or morally grey Kree, but now I feel they are just usually painted as villains.
I hate to say this but more content in the storyline, I feel we need longer episodes and an even longer Beacon arc, we need to get invested in the characters, world, and relationships, before we delve deep into the heart of the plot. I guess we could’ve had a bigger fandom and a well developed story if we made the Beacon Arc 75 eps at the very least, then the Vytal festival arc could have been a little bit more longer, at least 20-30 eps, observe which meant to be one off characters are liked and write them into the story. Maybe have an academy from Menagerie join the festival, they don’t have to be well liked we just need more Faunus characters especially since we don’t have enough of them on the main crew. Make each volume from that point at least 20 eps, and flesh out the story from there. Maybe make it longer to flesh out non-MCs.
But if we’re not doing a reboot, I say just follow my advice above, for future reference have a good peace arc so that the characters are not developing relationships under pressure, develop characters and make longer and more fleshed out seasons starting from volume 10
I’d love to see more AU projects, but I’d also like to watch them, main series, au, just rwby content in general, for free since I’m broke🥲
I want Nora to be independent and maybe have a couple of romances with other characters, maybe Mercury, I’ll write fanfiction for you guys definitely if that happens. Like I just want her to explore what she actually wants if she ever gets back together with Ren which is probably inevitable, I want her to develop as a person, I don’t want her to end up with him with a one sided obsession, look Ren is not equally obsessed with her, I just want her to act normal. I don’t hate her, I just think she has untapped potential to become a greater character, I don’t want her to stay as she is.
I want new writers to be involved with this series, I want them to commit to Monty’s plans for the story, yet change things that NEED to be changed in order to give a better message to the audience.
I want places related to specific characters to reflect on them just as Vale did for RWBY, like Oniyuri reflecting Ren and Nora. I want maybe some Chinese coded families besides Ren’s to live there, maybe some Chinese cultural appreciation molding some aspects in the show, maybe like houses or city decorations. Maybe have some more white and blues in Nora’s design, to represent Nora’s pure emotions for others and honesty she can sense just by understanding other people easily.
If you’re to rewrite R/enora’s relationship, have Ren less dismissive of Nora’s feelings, like show him caring, but you can also still have him not fully intimate with his emotions, like he’s trying not to be so close, to protect both of them
Those are just my main concerns for now, I’ll work on my own projects at my own time, but if there’s any projects I promised to show and forgot about please remind me, I have to many posts to scroll past to remind myself. Thanks for being here. I’m trying to show stuff I’m working on and not just blog because that’s what I do in my spare time.
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theemporium · 8 months
god how i wish the lewis news broke mid season
how am i supposed to go on with this season, the one that hasn’t begun, literally at all
it’s gonna be a rough season🥲they could’ve at least done it after the car launch too
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amberpride · 1 year
Amber as Titans comes to an end I realize how salty I am with the Dickkory treatment the show has given us due to the fact it took 4 seasons, 12 episodes, and a cancellation for the creators to finally give us the couple we wanted since season 1 and we have to wait for this slow-burn to finally come to an end in the series finale. I really wished they let Dickkory be a couple in season 3 so we could’ve seen them be together in season 4 instead of having to wait for a confession, a kiss, a date, and maybe Ma’ri in the finale. I loved Babs her character was charming but I wish those moments could’ve been Dick and Kory. I also want to say how sad I am it took 4 seasons once again for a Kory episode and we still don’t know everything about her character, they relied on batfam heavily to keep the show afloat and now that we get more character development and lore it has to come to an end.
Hi hun,
Thank you for your message and I completely understand where you’re coming from. I won’t say I’m completely on board with the pace they chose for Dickory… heck no! They could have done more in S3..that season was unreasonable. Focusing on a spoiled little brat like Jason and forgetting your core 4 was outrageous… I stick around because I knew in my heart that Dickory was endgame and that Gar would finally have his moment but it was difficult..
As for now and the new season goes, I had expectations but as it turns out Titans will always be titans and do whatever they want. I collect my gems and go with it. Viewers said that we as DK fans will be satisfied or at least not as bitter as we were the seasons before. And Imma take it. That show never focused on romance so I understand it’s kind of hard to see the bigger picture but in the end Dick and Kory will be happy, either they kiss, hug or whatever we know their future… we saw it. They have Mar’i. They stay together, they are a family with Tim, Rachel, Gar and tat headass Connor🥲. We saw a foreshadowing and it will have to do.
I know it’s not enough for some and for others it’s acceptable. At the end of the day it’s a show we came to love and enjoy. Who gave us a beautiful, magnificent Anna Diop who made me want to be a superhero. Who showed me we could be strong and soft at the same time and have people running after her😂 lol
For the record, I think they weren’t aware the show was gonna be cancelled so they dragged this out lol but they tried to wrapped it as beautifully as those morons could🥲
My answer is already too long but what I can say is buckle up, there’s only 1 episode left and it would be a shame to be bitter and sad. Let’s enjoy the ride one last time. We will get things. Let’s take that and run there’s not much we can do anyway.
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ham1lton · 2 months
because i was 15 and stupid 😭 i thought it would impress her if i, a white, learned mandarin. i ended up really liking it tho i wish i could’ve actually learned! it was just so hard
also i wasn’t out really, so i didn’t want to scare her away 🥲 this was in like 2010 and being a wlw wasn’t as accepted as being a gay man. at least that’s how it felt.
definitely can confirm we do cringe fail loser things when we are in love. i get it lando!
not but ur genuinely so real for this. being a cringe fail teen was a phase we all had to go through to be bad bitches as adults. my lando depiction may seem silly but it’s real.
i feel like we’ve definitely made strides in terms of being more lgbt+ friendly as a society. one of my friends has two mums and the stories they told us about growing up queer were so sad. tw - my school was super transphobic, racist and lesbophobic. one girl literally got suspended for kissing her girlfriend outside of school because she was in school uniform and it was considered to be bad publicity for the school. this was in 2018.
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skzdarlings · 10 months
Hi Darling <3
It is over. I am empty. I am relieved. I am filled with so much emotion. Holy shit. Where do I start🙃
I have been SO looking forward to this chapter and (as always) you delivered EVERYTHING!!!!
Little Fun fact: As I read your latest two questions, I remembered I myself had been extremely anxious about how the story will end for a long time. I am from Germany and when I first started reading this fic, I mistranslated „eventual happy ending“ in my head because „eventuell“ is a german word very similar to „eventually“ and it basically means „possibly“. I mixed those two words up in my head. So I spent the first few weeks thinking you said „possibly a happy ending, maybe not“ and it drove me NUTS until I looked at the word again and let me tell you the RELIEF when I realized I had mistranslated it was INSANE lol. So for a long time, I really didn’t know there’d be a happy ending. But still, even after realizing my mistake, I was very nervous about this chapter.
 I am very torn between crying because the story is over and crying because it ended in the most beautiful, exciting, satisfying way possible. I really mean it, you couldn’t have done it any better. 
Hyunjin’s appearance was SO heartbreaking. At first I was glad that he reappeared after such a long time, but his miserable state broke my heart and then he even had to get this confession out of Y/N 😭😭😭 THE PAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN and then you even made us think that he was killed?!?!?!!??! Excuse me?!?!?!?!?!🤬 I think I was actually close to dying at that point. 
The father freaking out completely and losing his sanity more and more throughout the chapter was both terrifying and satisfying as hell. I also loved seeing at least a tiny glimpse of him as an actual person (like when he was reminded of his own father) instead of him only being this one-dimensional super-villain without any layers. Bravo! Felix finally standing up to him made me so happy, I’d say it was about damn time! And when that BITCH ASS CUNT WAS MOWED DOWN OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! My highlight oft he year!!! Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I LOVE the fact that his death was so quick and undignified. And who could’ve been the better person for this job than…... HAN FUCKING JISUNG 😭😭😭😩😩😩👏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻 
YAAAASSSSS!!!!!!! When Y/N sent her goodbye message, I just KNEW that he was gonna have to react in some way. And when The Bitch got ran over, my heart started beating a bit faster and I thought „that HAS to be him, that can’t be anyone else“… The PAYOFF after missing him for so many chapters was….. immense. I cried. Uglily. No shame. 👍🏻 It’s sad that we didn’t get to see Seungmin and Jeongin again, but reuniting with both Jisung and Hyunjin definitely made up for it. Although I would’ve loved to know what happened to our university boys. 🥲
And the most important thing…. Felix and Y/N. They are finally free, after everything. They are fictional characters, but I feel a strong sense of inner peace when I think about it, be it rational or not. They finally broke from their shells and made sure the father knew what they truly think of him before he died, which was so deserved for both of them. And of course they‘d catch a bullet for each other😭 The confirmation that Chris is in fact dead was utterly heartbreaking, but I expected it tbh. I’m just so sorry for Felix. Him sitting in the garden, crying about his friend with his fair finally back to it’s natural shade got me in my feelings 🥲💔 But I really couldn’t be happier with this ending. Finally peace and calm and room for love. They are together and will always have each other. And Jisung.
I really don’t know how everything will continue for me now that the story is over lol. I created this account specifically to tell you my thoughts about the fic. But I will definitely not stop checking out your account. I wish you nothing but the best, and I thank you so much for inspiring me in a broader sense than you can probably imagine. Thank you so much for this project, for your discipline to bring such a huge story to life and share with others. Thank you for all your effort and reminding me of why I first started reading as a little girl. All love. ❤️
-Viktoria ❤️
oh my goshhh 🥺♥️♥️ your reviews always make my day thank you so so much.
first of all oh my goodness at the translation confusion 😂 what a relief in the end hahahaha
and ahhh those were all the big moments i love reading reactions to 🤭 i have had this ending planned out from the second jisung appeared on the page and through all the missing him had been so excited to finally share the ending hahahaha i am so glad you enjoyed it all!!
and thank you so so much for such a heartfelt note. i appreciate it so much. writing is so much more wonderful and fun with amazing readers like you. it’s a joy to share it with you!! thank you for all your messages and i wish you all the best 😊♥️
also very random but i love your name hahaha that’s one of my favourite names i think it’s so beautiful 😊
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shibaraki · 8 months
Monty hold my hand. we will power through the haikyuu finales together. 🥲😭 i know what's done is done, but. man i wish we got at least another season!
at least it's getting wrapped up! i'm hoping the same for my other favorite sports anime. one day. maybe. 🫠
~ Yuri 🩷
man if they tried we could’ve got two seasons if they repeated how they did season three. like I’m sure the battle at the garbage dump movie will be fantastic—the animation already looks amazing, but ????? what about the fukurodani match……. kamomedai match… they’re both so important and emotional and I can’t stomach that they’re gonna either be squeezed into the second movie (unlikely given the brazil arc) or in two OVAs ?? do these studios want me ded fr ? I did not hyperfixate on hq for nearly a decade for them to ruin what is a rare perfect fucking ending to a manga 🫥🫥🫥 ohhhh I can’t think abt it yuri quick take me on a romantic menty health walk or smth sldkkd
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kirjavas · 10 months
15, 16, 24 and 39 from your latest set of HDM questions, please!
My favourite change from the books was the father/son relationship between Will and Giacomo Paradisi; boy needs a dad. 🥲 Least favourite was Lyra and Serafina not being as close as in the books; girl needs a(nother) mum. 😕 And Will having a heart-to-heart with his father. 😭
Book scene in the show: uhh, everything with the mulefa that had to be left out, but specifically Serafina swearing to kill Mrs Coulter and then breaking the arrow once she knows of Mrs C defeating Metatron.
Show should have done the dæmon relationships differently: Lyra leaving Pan doesn’t have as much impact if they haven’t been cuddly before. And the abyss being Metatron’s work with his sucking out the Dust from the bomb workshop didn’t really make sense to me. Also Lyra wanting to go to the world of the dead to save Roger maybe could’ve been changed to her wanting to save all the kids at Bolvangar? I dunno. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Perfectly adapted was Lyra and Will’s deepening friendship and very slight crushes becoming the romantic love that saves the universe. 💕
favourite/least favourite change from the books i also loved the scenes between will and giacomo paradisi! but one of the best decisions the show made was introducing boreal and will's storyline in season 1, it was a risk and it really paid off. least favourite change was the whole billy/tony makarios thing, and cutting the scene where lyra lies to the harpies
any book scenes you would have liked to see in the show agreed on the mulefa content, i wish we'd seen a lot more, and again the scene with the harpies
what do you wish the show had done differently MAKING 👏 LYRA 👏 SILVERTONGUE 👏 A 👏 LIAR
are there any scenes you think were perfectly adapted i was really pleased with most of the final episode, i think they captured lyra and will's final separation and the knife breaking particularly well
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Okay finally caught up and for sure at least someone mentioned it (I was gonna be so ??? If no one did at all) BUT this line is definitely getting enough attention cause wtf (granted I’m sure many are saving full thoughts for the drop but):
““I wanted to be in here,” he admits.”
I literally can’t stop thinking about it. It even took him finishing the thought and saying “last time” for me to go 😯…cause I just hadn’t processed it. I know reader mentioned having been in there before but I just…idk for them to be having the same thoughts again just feels so right. Of course that’s what he was thinking about too 🥺. I wonder how many times he’s thought about this since then. How many times he’s been taking a shower and thought about wanting reader there, how many time he’s replayed that night (judging by his interlude my gut tells me a lot 🥲). And what makes me even more soft is that it’s not even in a sexual way. He wants them there to take care of them. To make them feel cared for and loved comforted 🥺😭. He wants to do what he wishes he could have/would have done in dalo had things been different (like had they been an official thing you know? Had he been more certain you know?)
Anyways I’m soft asl today apparently…guess I should probably sleep now 🥲🖤
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Yeah…. That one. This is a big one. It’s big because you’re right: how many times had he gotten in that shower and wondered what he could’ve done, or what could’ve gone down? How many times did he end up standing there until willing himself to finally, actually shower?
And you have another point!! It’s not even in a sexual way. It’s literally just him thinking about reader and wishing he could’ve protected better, or at all.
The scrubbing is of course intimate, but there’s symbolism, too. Him scrubbing so thoroughly (and if you wanna reread Dalo, you may see that there’s a bit of a callback here) might just be his closure. Bringing in the water/cleansing theme back around, too. There’s a lot going on!!
Everyone is soft as hell today😭 and I saw your other ask: everyone finally broke with one (1) aftercare scene LMAOOO IT JUST HITS💀
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kazumasougi · 1 year
so what’s your verdict on ragnarok? i saw some people say that it was good but not as good as the first game so i’m curious to know what you think. going to play it this summer 😎
okok this might get long so here’s the non-spoilery short of it: i really loved playing through ragnarok but i do agree that i liked 2018 more! I’ll put the significantly longer portion under the cut and ill do my best not to spoil any main story portions while talking about it lol
ragnarok definitely lets you explore far far more. i think theres a couple of places where you can tell they didnt want to drag the story out so they cut stuff for time but i personally feel like the game could’ve very well used that. and i think the fact that 2018 is like a good number of hours longer than ragnarok makes it a little bit surprising when you get to the endpoint.
also unlike 2018— though this matters less to me— there are parts of the game that you can only actually finish once youre done with the main story. it has a few epilogue pieces which are definitely a nice send-off for the game and you can explore just a little bit more, but if im honest it feels a bit empty..? though im not done with postgame so when i get there ill probably post abt it more 😼
storywise i feel like there’s some things that could definitely have improved or been changed in some way… i absolutely loved the new dynamics between old characters and getting to see how theyve grown with each other since 2018. its super heartwarming to me. but some parts really did feel rushed and while the ending was good some parts just felt kind of… abrupt??? i’d love to know how they would have refined the story with just a bit more time because personally it feels like theres still a loose end or two that hasnt been addressed. that said its by no means a BAD story— i really liked going through it! the best way i can think to put it is that it’s an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish.
in terms of MECHANICS… i’ll be completely honest some of them were so incredibly frustrating that id considered giving up on some of the fun side stuff they encourage you to do (like nornir chests and whatever else may have you). even some parts of the main quest were a little bit confusing to me…?? at some points there are puzzles that aren’t super straightforward and it got a little tiring to play guess and check. that said there aren’t a lot of them, but it definitely left me a little bit annoyed during gameplay. i should mention though for some of the mechanics in question they DO have a crazy good range of accessibility settings that help you more clearly see things like interact-able objects and targets etc. so making use of those definitely lessened the annoyance for me personally lol. that said it does not work for all of them and if you Want to go collecting extras then you might have to sit there frustrated a few times before it works out 🥲
one more thing i should probably mention in regards to game mechanics is the skill trees… i’ll keep this explanation light as to avoid heavy spoilers but essentially they give you a LOT of skills to upgrade with XP. and i mean a lot. i have not used even half of them they do nothing for me 💀 i would guess this is their way of letting you do more with XP since in 2018 you rack it up faster than you can spend it but there are so many in ragnarok. and if im honest it feels like a lot of them are kind of … useless in combat. or at least very very situational. they do give you the chance to upgrade skills you use the most which i really like but i find it kind of weird how many of them are reliant on hyperspecific situations while also costing a significant amount when you unlock them.
OH. and also. i kind of wish the companion armor had some sort of effect…???? like in 2018 i loved atreus’ healthstone effect because it suited my playstyle. but all companion armor is purely cosmetic. they seem to have replaced that with accessories you can equip them with that have different effects but i also didnt really feel much of a difference with them until postgame 😿 an edge ragnarok has on 2018 though is definitely that you can customize what your armor looks like while taking the stats of another. which is awesome because im tired of making him look like hes wearing a sweater vest at a holiday gathering. ill admit though the menuing is a little bit more confusing lol
ANYWAY. to finish this off i feel like i loved a lot about ragnarok but after having seen what they did in 2018 i feel like they probably couldve pushed it a bit more. that said the story is absolutely crazy and i loooove certain routes they went with it so it definitelys worth playing imo. i just wouldnt expect it to be just like the first game 👍 there are some major changes i havent listed because i think seeing them for yourself will be awesome
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