#i also haven’t been actively hyperfixating on it in a bit
mystreet-liveblog · 2 months
Its not even the voices Aphmau needed to do in early seasons. I just have troubles where I take shows really seriously, so the no warning / no consent kissing or the people trying to find out everything about Aphmau's love life is just frustrating for me.
Autistic people taking things too seriously, what else is new?
I hear that, I too have the “tism”
But on the rewatch I kind of read it differently. It makes sense that Aph’s friends would be concerned about her love life since she hasn’t been interested in anyone since high school, her mom is notorious for hating boys, and half her male friends have crushes on her and she doesn’t reciprocate any of them. It’s an interesting situation and I know I’d be concerned, especially if I was Katelyn or KC
Katelyn sees Aph as a sister and knows that she’s had bad experiences with boys in the past (Gene and Ein, though I haven’t gotten to Ein in the rewatch yet so I may be misremembering some details) so of course she’d be suspicious of Laurance and the others across the street, Aaron who’s super suspicious and used to be a bully, and Zane who is literally Zane hahah
Meanwhile, KC is obsessed with shipping and she stands as an outlier who actively analyzes relationships and pairs them together in her mind as possible relationships, with her favorites being expressed more openly and verbally like a hyperfixation. It’s problematic but also not unheard of, and I can relate to analyzing your friends and deducing their compatibility (though not so much pressuring them into pursuing that compatibility :/). In the end she just wants to see all her friends happy, and she projects her own love of romantic love onto them
(KC actually reminds me a bit of Nepeta from Homestuck but that’s a conversation for a different day)
I do think the lack of consent coming from Laurance and his roommates is very weird and disturbing, but the conscious narrative seems aware that it’s problematic while the subconscious narrative plays it off as a joke. It’s not really that funny, but I guess that’s just part of the anime tropiness of the season.
The entire show, or at least the first seasons of MyStreet and PDH, was made to feel anime tropey and unfortunately that kind of nonconsensual humor is very anime. It’s a little nuanced tho that the rest of the show explores the “after they get together” situations rarely seen in romance anime, though, as well as abandoning the nonconsensual humor in favor of villainizing it and using it to characterize antagonists (sorry Laurance fans your fav is problematic <3)
I actually kind of realized through my rewatch that Laurance was the main instigator of these inappropriate actions and it’s really his own problem to work through. The rest follow him with the frat boy mindset and only come to their senses when actually thinking on their own lol
Like, I remember as a kid there being so many jokes about Travis touching peoples butts, but as far as I remember from my rewatch they were all accidents! That’s kind of funny actually! But the normalization of predatory behavior is very weird in S1 and I’m glad it’s gone in S2
In PDH S1, it’s only slightly justified by the students all being literal children who are working through their hormones and poor coping mechanisms. Both Laurance and Garroth kiss Aphmau without her consent and then swear her to secrecy, which is toxic as hell and its protrayed as such. Gene even threatens to kiss her in front of Aaron which is a whole other thing we don’t need to discuss at length cause I’m sure you get the point by now
But PDH-Aaron notably asks permission every time he does anything romantic with Aph and it’s sweet. In S1 of MyStreet, he does kiss her after the play without verbal consent, but it’s implied she did at least nonverbally consent in later episodes when discussing what happened. Regardless, that sort of content in S1 isn’t touched upon as the story goes on which makes it a lot better to me, and it shows the growth of the author alongside her characters
WOAH— SORRY FOR THE LONG RESPONSE!!!! I just found this topic interesting!!!! Hope you have fun reading this MOUNTAIN wow—
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doppel-drop-distance · 3 months
Uhhh, okay, hey.
So it’s been a bit since my last post. Sorry. I was having trouble figuring out how to word my feelings.
Overall, I’m pretty gutted, but yeah, the writing was on the wall. And it’s not like I’ve been playing - it’s been really obnoxious to emulate. But you know. It still sucks. I’ve been invested in this game and its fandom for a few years now. So seeing the end point is…sad.
Even though I don’t play the game anymore, I still value it for the memories shared and more importantly, the people I’ve been able to meet. I’ve made some lifelong friends through this game. I’ve also interacted with a lot of lovely people in general. And also hyperfixated. A lot. Especially on Doppels. You know the drill.
I don’t know if I’ll be playing Exedra, it really depends on what the gameplay is like. I love the Holy Quintet, but if it’s just them fighting Walpurgisnacht for the whole game, I’m not sure how interested I’ll be? I definitely need more information.
Either way, while I know I don’t post as much as I used to, I still intend to stay in this fandom. We already stuck around during the NA closure and I’m sure we can push through this too, even if activity slows down a bit.
As for the stuff I haven’t finished, I’ll get to that sometime before JP goes down - life has been very busy for me, and I just haven’t had the motivation to finish. I’m sorry about that, and thank you for your patience!
This space means a lot to me, and I just want to take this time to extend a thank you to everyone who’s ever posted or interacted with me. This fanbase has always been a source of comfort for me and I hope it can continue, despite it all ❤️
With love,
Droppel :)
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Lore Dump + More
Well, I'm back at it again- with more hyperfixation brainrot and nonsense. I realize I haven’t actually started writing anything; at least in the form of a fanfiction because most of the ideas are larger projects and will take time to complete. Though I know people are interested- the fandom hasn’t died, so I figured why not treat the audience?
To summarize again, Secret Origins is the five-part series ft. the first interactions with the main fandoms of this idea. Before their alliance, they weren’t even aware each other existed- that is until a vacation trip by the Fenton’s to Paris, France changed everything. And that is where our story begins.
Fair warning: I’m going to try and avoid spoilers- as I want this to be a new experience, even though obviously I’m not the first creator of the Secret Quartet but where’s the fun if I just reveal everything in one go?
The Lore Dump
The Kwamis have been there since the very creation of the universe. Each of them represent a different core concepts and abstracts, and work alongside a selected hero to protect their chosen home. They are divine beings with special powers, to say the least; currently not all of the Kwamis are in use- the active heroes are predominantly in Paris, France, but what they don’t know is that another world is hidden under their very eyes
Unlike Amity Park, Paris does not have as many ghosts- though none have ever seen one to begin with; this might have something to do with the fact that the Miraculous can’t cause any damage unto the ghostly population - only to humans - at least as far as anyone’s concerned
Natural portals have been known to appear around the world, but not everyone knows where to find them. Normally, they’re harmless- but at the same time, it’s entirely possible something unwanted comes out through the other side
Ghosts do have haunts and obsessions; normally their obsession is based on unfinished business they didn’t complete in life- other times, it’s more based on a duty they feel obligated to complete
Haunts however, are areas they have claimed as their own. While it isn’t as commonly known, ghosts are considered to be territorial- they will defend their haunt no matter what (author’s cut: in Danny’s case, since he’s only leaving for a week- Sam and Tucker are being left in charge of watching over Amity Park; also i do feel that because Danny’s still human, he doesn’t fully need a haunt- but he is still protective of his the city)
(implied spoilers!) there are safety mechanisms (of sorts) in place when a hero with magical abilities is gravely injured- do with this what you will for now
Akumas can’t affect ghosts! It wouldn’t transform them- it can however, work on other things (iykyk- leaving this vague for the time being)
Character Dynamics + Headcanon Dump
I’m honestly excited for the first meeting between Danny and our Parisian heroes- (without giving away too many spoilers, let’s just say there’s going to be a bit of miscommunication at first)
Due to plot-related reasons, the characters in Paris can speak English. There would be classes to teach English at the high school-
Phan Noir is not a ship tag- at least not for this AU. Danny and Chat Noir however, will be close friends- not only because of their share of puns but honestly I feel they would understand each other’s, well, problems. Is this a bit self indulgent? Maybe, who’s to say
Marinette is not stalking Adrien in this; she’s still pining on him a little bit, and does keep the occasional tab on him but she’s not chasing his every move- however, she’s still young and a bit inexperienced which brings me to my next point
I haven’t figured out the full timeline- but I do think that Mari’s either already the guardian, or her responsibilities are increasing with her status as Ladybug; now the deal with this is Mari’s proven to be a bit anxious- she takes her role very seriously, and honestly this will hinder her at first
Gabriel Agreste is not written to be a good person. Does he love Adrien? I’d say yes, he does but at the same time- he’s not meant to be likable. His pursuits aren’t done with anyone’s best intentions, and this is going to be addressed (of course this is fanon- and this is my au, so… in short, don’t take this wrongly-)
As mentioned before, Phantom Planet does not exist in this timeline- this does happen sometime between mid-season two (maybe somewhat later) of Danny Phantom. Danny has his experience but he is still a teenager- and not all of his powers have fully developed. After all, not much is known about halfas
Danny is getting something of a makeover- is it a bit self indulgent? Yes- I honestly liked his style from Phantom Planet, though I’m mostly referring to the white streak in his hair. His eyes also appear a bit more… bright even as a human; though I’m going to spare the whole redesign/makeover rant for now-
I feel Marinette and Danny might take a while to warm up to each other, but they’re not exactly enemies- the differences in personality sort of hinder their dynamic at times, though at the end of the day, they would protect each other
For the time being, i can’t say anything on the villains- as this is a big thing that will affect the full team of teen superheroes. Hints and revelations are going to be made as the series progresses
Danny struggles a bit with his emotions- the more emotional he becomes, the worse his powers get out of control. He’s still adjusting; he’s gotten better but at the same time- he’s also a teenager and this will show with his behavior
Adrien is not a sentimonster. Will sentimonsters be a thing? Potentially- though as of right now, sentimonsters aren’t inherently canon to the Secret Origins lore
(author’s cut: I’ll update this later! Of course- right now this is only limited to Danny Phantom and Miraculous Ladybug; as more gets developed with later parts and arcs, I’ll add more details)
There is definitely a lot more where this came from but as I’m out of the house and currently having lunch! See you on the flip side!
~ Ace (They/Them)
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
!!! I haven’t done a matchup in forever !!! Hope I did it right !!!
My pronouns are she/they and I am demiromantic? I cut feelings/attachment when I get really upset at people. I don’t mind any characters really! It’s hard to describe my personality but I am bubbly, blunt, sensitive but also real, I have ADHD (the kind I have used to be called ADD) if that helps with personality as well.
Besides ADHD I have epilepsy and my vision is not the best in the slightest :,) I also have a bit of hearing issues. My fashion is all over the place but: bright colors (mainly pink) I wear bootcut/bell bottoms a lot, I love t-shirts (specifically old-school characters) and stripes. I crochet!! Like a lot!! Mainly small blankets or plushies but I’ve made 2 failed sweaters! I also do cozy gaming and drawing!
How I show love is gift giving, words of affirmation, and quality time! I love to talk and talk and talk so that’s what I count as quality time just having someone listen or hear me. Music is just about as random as clothes! If a song is good then I like it! But mainly pop, RnB (80s - now), musicals, and classical music! I wouldn’t say I have a dark sense of humor but I am able to find a joke in everything since that’s my coping mechanism though jokes are always a hit or miss depending on the mood.
I finally landed on a butterfly! Because they’re pretty, love daytime activities, and bad vision. Butterflies are beautiful and fragile and I’ve been described as that since I am very short and been called pretty a lot 😅
Your Match Up Is. . .
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You and Vaggie met soon after she met Charlie. With a personality like yours, you were already helping the princess start renovations on the Hotel.
Meeting her when she was in such a fragile state was a huge help for her.
You and Charlie helped her to feel safe and welcome in this place she’d never been.
It would be years before you found out that she was an angel and not a sinner like yourself but we’ll get to that in due time.
Vaggie was absolutely enthralled by your personality from the beginning.
She adored how you could go from optimistic to serious when the moment called for it. It was that bluntness mixed with the positivity that drew her in.
Of course, your beauty even in your demonic form helped with that.
Your wings would definitely draw her in.
From the beginning, she is very accommodating to you.
She has no problems repeating things if you didn’t hear it.
You bet that she is researching triggers of epilepsy and going through the Pride Ring to specifically find locations that have strobing/flashing lights and writing them down so you can avoid them.
She will also absolutely take note of parts of your life your ADHD effects.
If you have a favorite spoon, it is your spoon now. No one else uses that spoon. She is prepared to fight someone over that spoon.
It took a while for the two of you to finally get together. Mainly because Vaggie would go to confess and then freeze up.
Charlie standing in the background giving her a big smile and thumbs up did not help as much as the princess thought it did. She just didn’t have the heart to tell her that.
It wasn’t until you took initiative and confessed that anything happened between the two of you.
Vaggie absolutely froze and just stared at you for a moment, mouth open in shock.
Just when you began to think you’d read the signals wrong that she said she’d love to go out with you.
If you’ve watched The Owl House, there was definitely a moment afterwards that resembled when Luz asked out Amity and they awkwardly held hands after.
She will spend all day listening to you ramble and actively logs informations away about your hyperfixations.
She sees yarn she things you’ll like? She’s buying it.
You’re almost out of stuffing? Not anymore.
She has an entire bookshelf dedicated to showcasing all the plushes you’ve made her.
If you’re ever away for an extended period of time, prepare to come back to her asleep surrounded by them.
Vaggie is a fan of morning cuddles, you cannot convince me otherwise!
Before you wake up, she will trace the patterns in your wings.
If your wings give you any problems, somehow she just magically knows how to fix it. . . Must have researched it. Obviously there’s no other reason she’d know that, right?
You don’t even have to worry about clothing having holes for your wings because if you don’t alter it, she will.
Also, queen of compliments. She will compliment you all the time.
Be prepared for a lot of: “You look so pretty today, babe.” “Ooh, what’s this song? I like the rhythm.” “Your new plush is looking good so far.” “I love that color combo.” Normally accompanied by hands on the shoulder and a kiss to the temple.
She loves watching you crochet, draw, or game. She finds it calming.
Occasionally, she will try to join you.
She might not be good at it but she tries and it’s adorable to watch her succeed and fail. She makes an earnest effort both ways.
Because Vaggie is such a calm, attentive person, you probably don’t have many fights that blow up.
Even if you do, she knows to just give you space to work things out.
She’s not going to go away but she will let you breathe. She’s not a smotherer.
That’s why she doesn’t try to hover when you start avoiding her after it gets out she’s an angel.
After a couple days, she doesn’t corner you exactly but she does catch you alone.
She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t force a conversation. She just lets you stew with your feelings until you either leave (in which case, she will finally intervene and stop you) or blow up at her.
Once you both calm down, you have a long conversation about trust and secrets.
She’s able to relax when she finally sees another plush be added to her collection.
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writeouswriter · 10 months
Winter Reading/Arting/Writing Tag
Thanks so much for the tag, @ink-bunny-blue! (X)
Describe one creative WIP project you plan on working on over winter
I always “plan on” working on a thousand things and then do none of them 😭 because I haven’t been in so much a “creative slump” as I’ve been in an iron gripped chokehold by hyperfixation for the last year, so on one hand I’ve been unable to focus on any of my original writing because it’s not about The Interest™️, and then on the other hand I haven’t even been able to write anything about The Interest™️ because the fixation on it is so strong, everything I write for it has to be Perfect™️ (and nothing’s ever perfect, you know). On that note, if my ability to write returns from the war and I ever get a day off from this purgatory of a job, I really really really want to work on this comparative essay about The Interest™️ involving analyzing parallels to a certain classic play, and looking into various aspects of the tragicomic structure and themes of identity and change. Also, God willing, I’d love to get one fic done, just one, please please please, I have a few winter-y or Christmas-y ones I’m dying to get my brain to sign off on despite my lack of free time, come on, brain, yip yip.
Art, same thing, something Christmas-y for The Interest™️, also I gotta finish some zine pieces.
As for original writing, would love to work on my untitled WIP about an astrobiologist and team of other assorted scientists brought in by a somewhat questionable facility to study an extraterrestrial artefact and being affected strangely by it, but it’s a bit up in the air plot wise. Would love to answer asks about it though if anyone is interested 😭
Recommend a book
Definitely mentioned it before but:
Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds by Brandon Sanderson
“Stephen Leeds is perfectly sane. It's his hallucinations who are mad.”
This is like speculative fiction/thriller/mystery that’s hard to explain, but perfect balance of humour and sincerity, sci-fi and reality, and character and plot, probably my favourite standalone novel ever (well it’s really 3 novellas that somewhat connect and come together to form a novel, but either way).
Survive the Night by Riley Sager
Charlie Jordan is being driven across the country by a serial killer. Maybe.
This is a thriller book set in the 90s that as its title suggests, takes place over the course of one night, where a troubled, film-obsessed college girl (and unreliable narrator) who recently witnessed her friend’s murder (but can’t recall the killer’s face) decides to travel back home via a ride share where her driver may or may not be said killer, and has to, you guessed it, survive the night.
Now, this is actually one of Sager’s lowest ranked and seemingly most universally hated novels, whereas it’s the only one of his I actually thoroughly enjoyed/didn’t find mediocre and thought had a sense of style as I like the almost cinematic way it was written?? It was fast paced, it was fun, it had unique prose, and I think it perfectly captured the vibes of a cheesy 90s B-movie (said as a compliment).
Recommend a fic
I still cannot recommend From Out the Ocean Risen by Bluestar enough, it acts as a sequel fic to the movie Pacific Rim, and has some of the most gorgeously well executed cinematic prose and imagery I’ve ever read, not to mention impeccable character dialogue, and an incredible grasp on the balance between drama/angst/action/heart/humour.
What’s a Little B&E Between Friends by VoiceOfNurse is also a fantastic Pacific Rim series with a solid grasp on both character dynamics/POV and style. A fascinating, very humanizing character study, both angsty and fun.
Recommend Music
I’ve suddenly never heard a song in my life.
The Killing Moon by Echo & The Bunnymen is stuck in my head again, so, *tosses that at you*
She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult also in my head so *throws that also*
Also, even though I haven’t actively listened to them in a while, I’m still still actually super excited for Green Day’s new album, so *one more toss*
The American Dream is Killing Me
Tagging if you want to do it no pressure!: @the-angriest-bunny-of-the-fandom, @writing2sirvive, @druidx, @universalfanfic, @karolinarodrigueswrites, @multi-lefaiye, @transmasc-wizard, @drabbleitout, @merelyafigment, @aritany, @rockium-z, @caffernnn and anyone who wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you, you’re tagged.
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karouvas · 2 months
need to know about any and all aftg fics you’ve got in the works please and thank you
because I’m not hyperfixating on it rn / have been kind of taking a break from this fandom I haven’t been actively working on or thinking about either of these since like, fall 2023. But:
•Kevin wip. — what I wrote so far is kind of a Drabble but it’s mostly pre canon focused on his grief over Kayleigh, also there’s some pre canon Kandrew in there.
•wanna be the power ballad that (lifts you up and holds you down) — the first chapter of this is on my ao3 (nazyalenskys) and it was originally meant to be 3 chapters but I never finished the second.. I posted it in 2022 so if I ever finish like I said will probably rewrite the one that’s published. But it was kind of a response fic to one of my favorite kandrew fics which I will link later, but the premise of that is essentially the Moriyamas freak Kevin out before his first pro game and a sort of Kandrew comfort sex hook up takes place with Neil’s consent, and I wanted to write a Kandreil navigating the aftermath of that type of scenario. The chapter I wrote was mostly a lot of Andrew introspection and a convo between him and Neil about it, the second chapter I started but didn’t get too far with was going to be entirely an Andrew and Betsy session, and the third was going to be him going to visit Kevin for the first time after this happened. So set of for post canon Kandreil but I was going to focus mostly on Andrew’s feelings and the Kandrew side of it (Kandrew is my favorite Aftg ship if you didn’t know, I love Andreil a lot too they’re definitely my favorite canon mlm ship in any media and I love their arc but Kandrew was what I generally went for when it came to exploring dynamics, they compel me for a lot of the same reasons Adansey do in terms of the divorced energy and the class divide and the fundamental miscommunication that’s interesting rather than annoying, and two chars with control issues as trauma responses having symptoms at each other, and characters desiring autonomy but also being codependently devoted to each other in ways that contradict that… yeah (I totally get the Ronsey-Kandrew and Adansey-Kevneil parallels that are commonly talked about but like. Kandrew-Adansey is real 2 me). • this isn’t really a wip but I did want to mention that I actually first wrote fanfiction on a different ao3 account and started during quarantine, and Aftg was my quarantine hyperfixation (with Community and Legacies which I also wrote for) so I wrote quite a bit at that time that’s floating around but most of it I’m content to never continue with, but there is One I might go back to at some point and it’s this Renee centric fic with some Renee x Dan called Sweet Fascination that was originally meant to be the first in a series about Renee in high school. At some point I might rewrite and repost that fic on my current acc and continue that as a kind of series of introspective one shots. Ty! (Send me a title of a WIP and I’ll tell you something about it)
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I keep having hard and agonising talks with my mother I deserve more treats for this
Also the weirdest thing at this event today was that an old childhood friend approached me and wanted to be friends with me
I mean
I’m in an… autistic panic about it. Like I’m genuinely terrified
Because this girl I thought was my best friend when I was younger or I called her that or I trailed after her a lot and we got on but also she was a bit detached and not so interested in me and I just… I don’t know how to explain what it’s like but she was popular but not popular like she wasn’t mean she was easygoing but disinterested in me
But I saw her at this event and waved and smiled and we did a polite catch up thing but she was very very friendly and seemed genuinely pleased to see me?
Then later my sister pointed out I could exchange numbers and ah I can do that now but I was worried so I approached her and
“Hey I just thought if you want to we could swap numbers, only if you want to, we could meet up if you’re up for it”
“Oh absolutely I would love that ^_^” *talks a bit about some personal stuff that I wasn’t expecting her to share and we sort of have common ground on? Family troubles and practicing religion*
Me: *panicking in wondering whether she’s placating me or being genuine and really likes me now and actively wants a connection*
Look I don’t know if it’s autism that’s the thing. I say I’m autistic but maybe I’m just idk, useless. That isn’t to say autistic people are useless I just feel like to say I’m autistic is like an excuse but also
Yeah I can socialise and say the right things but this is what I am behind it all. I haven’t seen this girl in close to a decade now I have a history of thinking people are closer than they actually are or giving more of myself in a friendship than they are
And I’m sure everyone feels socialising is tricky or feels this uncertainty but I feel UNCERTAIN
It’s like speaking a different language but not entirely being sure what they are saying just what I’m trying to say
….so like a second language
Am I autistic or am I traumatised or am I just a moron?
Because see now I’ve descended into panic and it’s become a panic of even saying I’m autistic because I feel stupid for giving myself a label when I could just be using it as an excuse but it doesn’t feel like an excuse!!
I just…
*sighs* I… I’m not sure I know how to make friends without being ALL IN and *hyperfixation* and weird
At the same time I feel like, I’ve always been told I’m “trying too hard to be quirky” so I don’t want it to be branded as trying to be autistic I just think for the first time I would like to not have to mask and to have a genuine friendship and those are quite few and far between
I mean even when I went to a friend’s party the other week I jumped straight into big talk and career talk with this girl I just met and talking about ambitions and my passions and I….
I find though I can still mask I care less to, but this is one of those situations where when I was younger I didn’t mask at all and all the memories sting so maybe I should but if I do maybe I miss out on a genuine connection but ugh am I even autistic to be using these terms to begin with
I’m very confused
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writingforevren · 2 years
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 Hi there, I'm Evren or Ren or Ev- or whatever you wanna call me, honestly totally down for funky nicknames haha. This is my writeblr intro and here's some random stuff about me and the things that I do so you can decide whether you hate me or like me. I’ve been on writeblr since 2020 but just moved across the country this year for the first time so I was inactive for awhile. This is the blog for you if you’re LGBT+, A Writer, or Neurodivergent (or maybe all of the above)
About Me:
I’m chaotic af so please don’t expect regular posts my mental health is unpredictable
I’m 17 at the time of writing this.
I'm here, and I'm Queer, Asexual, Gay, Gender-flux, Transmasc, Grey-romantic, probably among others, I'm trying to collect all of the letters and colors of the rainbow if you couldn't tell.
I'm on the autism spectrum, also ADHD so yeah my brain is a bit of a cluttered but organized mess, this is also why I may disappear from the internet for months at a time and why this is the only social media I can somewhat keep up with.
I play & DM dnd games, I mostly dm comedy/horror stories that I’ve written- haven’t played for a bit though because creating a consistent group is nearly impossible.
Also very much into witchy shit, a tarot card a day keeps the depression away and crystals keep me sane.
I'm totally down for tag games
I enjoy writing fiction although I tend to get burned out easily after writing long projects, you'll see some of my writing posted on here, no clue how often. I also occasionally write fanfiction and poetry though not much.
The genres I generally tend to write have themes of LGBTQ+, mental health, romance, urban fantasy, dark imagery, comedy, horror, coming of age, mind-bending, dreamy, etc.
I also hate plot twists- PLOT TWIST I love them and you will see plenty of them in any and all of my writing.
I love reading others works and if you do too I have a seperate blog dedicated to reblogging other works of fiction @original-writing
Here's a list of my current hyperfixations that I have taken some inspiration from for my stories also if I write fanfic it will most likely be one of these things - Ghibli movies my favorite being Spirited Away | Coraline | Scream | It 2016/Chapter 2 | Gravity Falls | Helluva Boss | Hazbin Hotel | Stranger Things | Arcane | Thirteen Reasons Why | What we do in the Shadows | Our Flag Means Death | Good Omens | The Nevers | The Midnight Club | I Am Not Okay With This | A Series of Unfortunate Events | The End of the F***ing world | BBC’s Sherlock | The Addams Family | Life is Strange | Little Nightmares | Scott Pilgrim | The Seven Realms
My ask box is always open to anyone if you have a question or just wanna chat.
My Writing:
I had more WIPS but have broken this down to the ones that are active. I try to keep the descriptions vague because I don't want to give much away, it's more of a vibe if you will. I am going to be redoing all of the WIP intros so that’s why there aren’t any links currently. Also the writing posted in the tags is a bit outdated since I’ve updated a lot of the stories but I didn’t want delete old posts. I’ll hopefully try to drown it out with new writing. For now here’s a new tag for writing I’ll do from now on If you’d like to be added to the taglist for any of these projects let me know.
Rain clouds, y'know those little thoughts that seem to pester you mind when you try to convince yourself that everything is fine? yeah that's what this story is about. LGBT+ students in a small town of britain dealing with that voice coming to life as a shadow in their minds. Bittersweet and full of twists and turns. Dark imagery meets slow-burn romance that's seemingly destined for failure. Shattered glass, shattered thoughts, but maybe there is a way to clear the rain, to let someone in. But what if letting them in is what leads to the bridge collapse?
Intro | Playlist | Writing Tag 
Another side of the rainclouds story. A darker side of the story. A friendship lost throughout time but one side still painfully obsessed with the idea of that coming back. Putting on a fake smile to fend off the storm that has already overtaken them, the world that has already decided it doesn't want them there. Full of wonderful fantasies and ideas but those fantasies turning into nightmares as everything seems to go wrong in every way. The mirror never matched, the stories never finished, and worst of all the lights were starting to flicker.
Intro | Writing Tag
Rainy Grove
A forest full of secrets, a place where the sun never seems to come out even in the dead of summer. Haunted perhaps? Who's to know what resides deep in those woods that everyone is warned not to wander into. Once you go in you never come out. But when one bored girl decides it would be fun to take her friend on a hike into the woods to see what really lays beneath. They come to realize that it's not ghosts at all rather seemingly friendly people with very sharp teeth. Full of twists and turns, dark imagery, and characters that turn out not to be black and white as originally believed.
Intro | Writing Tag
It was normal to experience voices in your head, giving you advice, telling you what's right and what's wrong right? At least that's what he'd believed most of his life, even as a child the one thing he remembered was a friend, a friend who didn't actually exist but rather hugged him from the inside and gave him words of hope. But now he was in University where the things that used to only happen sometimes had gotten much worse. The memory blanks, the coming to in places he didn't even remember going, friends talking about conversations they'd had when he hadn't seen them for weeks. It was all getting out of hand, racing through the endless maze in his own head had gotten so much worse. He needed to find a way out, Just a door, something, something that could tell him what was wrong with him.
Intro | Writing Tag
Eldenstow Creek
A drive through the empty roads of the countryside, along the edge of the woods and away from everything they'd once known. Sounds nice right? well not when you're running from something, something far more sinister than what they were about to encounter. The world was not as it seemed, there was another side, a side where strangeness & evil resided. Circuses popping out of seemingly nowhere, pools of mystical water trying to pull them in, unintended consequences after trying to fight this higher power. Everything had seemed normal but then they’d made one mistake, messed with the wrong person, spilled the blood of something they never should've. So yeah. They were in the same car and driving along the edge of the woods. Nothing to it.
Intro | Playlist |  Writing Tag
Fanfiction | My Ao3  
Skull Rock (Stranger Things Steddie Fanfic) | Read Full On Ao3
Even after everything Steve Harrington was still obsessing over the idea of Nancy Wheeler. Robin kept trying to match him with other girls but it was never right, no matter who he went out with it didn’t work. It didn’t click. But then the dead man walking, Eddie Munson stepped into his life again. Someone he could just talk to, someone who shared the same experiences, Someone who felt just as alone as he did- Well maybe more considering Eddie wasn’t really able to go outside since he was still a ‘serial killer’
In Conclusion
If you made it this far I’m impressed, If you wanna see more from me feel free to give me a follow, if you’re a writer I’d love to be mutuals and I’ll see you sometime soon. This post will continue to be edited and updated as I work on updating my blog. I probably won’t post too much but we’ll see.
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yeniihuenii · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to know how you’ve been doing? I’ve noticed you haven’t done anything on your art accounts for a while, and I’ve been worried. Even if you don’t have any energy to draw at the moment, just know that I absolutely adore your blogs, and I’m always happy when I see that you’ve posted something, even if it’s not art but answering an ask. I hope you’re doing well. (it’s ok even if you’re not)
hiii im so sorry for not updating the tumblr ppl for a while,, and for getting you worried as well anon 😭😭 last month was college hell for me bc we had to produce a short film (which ended terribly bc the movie had shit audio n i cried over it bc i was the editor but its ok DJAKJDLWKS)
also physically ive been feeling terrible, with muscle cramps all over my body despite not doing much physical activity apart from walking around school + i got tmd (yk the joints on your jaws yeah) so my whole body n brain is going thru it rn KEKW emotionally im alright though, my xiao hyperfixation stayed strong also i watched atsv n i am going insane abt it + ive been obssessed w self-care vids recently
during the past month i did have art,, most of them were just. not something meant for everyone to see, and its not whump either,, basically you could say i got erm. horknee for xiao SNAJSHAKSJS ill post the Normal ones in a bit doe
but yeah :D thank you so much im so happy you just,, like my blog/s in general even if im not constantly posting art. i rly appreciate it!!! that. actually alleviated the pressure i constantly put myself into drawing aka the need to draw smth before i could be active n answering asks 😭 really need to get that bad habit out of my system
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osaka-lilac · 1 year
okay i’m finally free and can do this tag game cause i was busy sorry for the wait lol
tagged by @killingevie @arodynamics-xo and @formula-red <3333 i love u guys
1. are you named after anyone?
yea! i’m named after my great aunt and she’s pretty cool and she’s super sweet. my full name is a different spelling of alison krauss, she’s a bluegrass singer that my parents like, bonded over. she’s pretty cool actually
2. when was the last time you cried?
uhhh probably when i was still getting over my ex and it was still raw. i got close to it during a rush at work literally today and i had like 5 orders to do alone and i got scared and i just like. profusely apologized for the wait and they were like “well you shouldn’t be alone anyways” and i was like idk sorry i guess
3. do you have kids?
no and i don’t plan to for a long time. i’m literally 19
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
not really? i’m bad with detecting sarcasm a lot when it’s subtle but when you do the whole fake voice thing, then i get it. idk if it’s just the social anxiety in me or what
5. what sports have you/do you play?
so i dabbled a bit in elementary school and middle school but sports have never really been my thing. i did basketball camps in elementary school but i was not good at it, and then i did volleyball camps from fifth grade to seventh grade. i was part of the volleyball team in seventh grade but i wasn’t good and i wasn’t like already part of their crew so i wasn’t treated very well. but i joined tennis in eighth grade and i loved it and i played it up until my senior year of hs when covid cancelled our season. i was more into music, i did band and played french horn in middle school, and have done choir and theatre from fifth grade all the way up to my senior year.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
i’m good at reading people’s faces. i can tell if someone doesn’t like me even by the twitch of an eyebrow. but usually i notice their eyes and smiles first. windows to the soul, am i right? i’m really bad at eye contact when people are also looking so it’s a bit awkward lol. i also love people’s smiles, and i’m able to match emotions p well
7. scary movies or happy endings?
so i used to be big into happier movies, like i would actively avoid movies that made me feel bad cause i didn’t want to feel like that. but once i took my film class in my second year of college i’ve appreciated movies that make me sad and uncomfortable. there’s so much i missed on by being afraid of feeling bad. i really enjoy psychological horror/thrillers, but i’m not into super gory or jumpscare-filled horror movies. think like full metal jacket, ones that make me feel scared in a tense way rather than just violence, although fmj has both
8. any special talents?
depends on what you call special. i did art for two years for college so i’m not too bad at that. i can sing but i haven’t sung in a non-private manner since high school so i’m pretty rusty. i’m not really that special when i think about it and i’m pretty ordinary. but i can make good coffee i guess.
9. where were you born?
north-eastern wisconsin and i barely have left the state in my life other than week-long vacations to florida as a small child that i barely remember.
10. what are your hobbies?
i still draw in my free time, even though i’m still working through my burnout. i like walking around town and driving for fun, i read and play video games but i’ve kinda been falling out of that. i like animal crossing, minecraft, destiny 2, and f1 21 (the only good one on xbox game pass). but i’m not very good at racing games yet cause i don’t have a wheel, i’m on controller. if you consider my hyperfixations hobbies, im big into f1 rn but in the recent past i’ve been really into total drama island, and mcyt (but i barely talk about that anymore)
11. do you have any pets?
yes! back at home i’ve got two cats named rudy and hermey, they just turned 19 in may and they may sound old but they are still kicking it and oh so sweet. they’re brothers and i’ve had them all my life and i love them. i also have a corgi who’s like 7 and she’s super sweet and bouncy and i love her
12. how tall are you?
5’4.5” ~ 162.5 cm [i tell people i’m 5’5” to fuck w them >:) ]
13. fave subject in school?
i liked art, choir, and english a lot. i actually loved writing papers about things i read and my teachers kept them as “examples” to show future students if they were confused so i take that as a personal W
14. dream job?
if you had asked me this like. 8 months ago i would have told you i would like to be a storyboard illustrator for movies or tv shows and stuff like that. however i am so burned out of everything except mindless sketch studies that i don’t know if i want to do that anymore. i’ve been oddly into engineering lately (literally only because of F1) and even though i didn’t enjoy math as much i’m willing to put it aside and work at it for the sake of a possibility of working for F1 one day.
15. eye color?
green with like. brown highlights. it’s not hazel but it’s also not fully green. i’ve been told i also have blue around the outside which idk about that. it’s like the dark blue ring with green and very little brown highlights.
uhhh i’m a little late to the party for this so idk who’s been tagged and done this already but i’m gonna tag @toffee-and-tandoori , @racingliners , and @tinyweltmeister as well as anyone else who wants to do this :)
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roronoagem · 9 months
I believe it's because you were more engaged there, contributing more content for Demon Slayer and such. I didn't want to come across as disrespectful, though.
i figured it was the reason, but i wanted to hear it just to be sure. don’t worry anon (:
i’m gonna be honest with you — and apologise if my tone seemed harsh or anything, but i meant it by the way, i would never get offended if you decide to stop following me for whatever reason.
my current hyperfixation is one piece, that makes me more engaged in its fandom and such, but that doesn’t mean that i’ll stop writing for kny, or mha or jjk completely, i just don’t feel like doing it at the moment. i also have been focused on other things besides writing so i haven’t been that active on tumblr in general. i stated that on my older blog too, what i post & reblog is mostly based on what i’m currently fixated on.
i hope it helps understand the current situation a bit & why i didn’t got involved in the kny fandom as i used to ^_^
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3fling · 2 years
I have a lot of thoughts about character development and their reception
(Obvi focusing too much on ghost and soap, which lead to focusing too much on project freelancer, and I’m reading too many books that are sparking the hyperfixation too atm, but if they inspire me to think then that’s fine.)
I love mischaracterization when they’re funny or just objectively good fandom choices. I don’t mind that much when characters are mischaracterized either. That’s not the point tho. The point is the depth of/implications made by really good character assessments.
Probably gonna be major spoilers for Red vs Blue, and the entire Mistborn series beyond this point.
(Maybe also for modern warfare 2 but I’ve never interacted with the source material and everything I know is from fan content so I don’t really know?? Anyway proceed with caution I’ll try to tag stuff as I talk.)
But like. Okay yes Wash is the tired dad guy in RVB post-freelancers. It’s very funny bc he’s a seasoned soldier and the reds and blues are pretty much useless. I’ve been rewatching seasons 9&10 lately, and I’m realizing just how much Wash has changed. He’s still a bit of a dick (which is fine), but when he was a true freelancer he was… personable? Optimistic? I would even say excited about being a soldier. Fast forward through 1.) losing everyone he’s ever known (yes Carolina too, but I’ll come back to that), 2.) being betrayed by some of the people he trusted the most, 3.) being forced to work with the animated corpse of his best friend and teammate and ultimately almost get killed by him before watching him die, and 4.) losing his last sliver of connection to the person he was before — we get to present day Wash (circa season 14, I haven’t watched past that). Wash is a broken man. Like so entirely and inescapably broken.
It takes him such a long time to start caring about the reds and blues bc he’s seen people he believed to be invincible get slaughtered. He watched his family get destroyed from the inside out. Every single person he knew all those years ago is dead, including the people he and Carolina used to be. He gets portrayed like “haha isn’t it funny how this seasoned vet has to hang out with these guys who have no idea how the military works?? Lol” and then at the same time he is just so desperately trying to persist. Not even survive. By the time Maine dies, I genuinely feel like Wash felt he had lost too much. He’s so reluctant to trust in and care about the reds and blues because he has been to the absolute depths of despair and loss and he doesn’t want to go back there.
Carolina, too. Like I didn’t realize the first time that she and York met before enlisting. That they enlisted together, that they were canonically romantically-involved like long term throughout all of the freelancer arc. They were a perfect match (I genuinely believe this, but I’m not going to take more space on this particular post to explore it). Then Carolina thinks he’s betraying her when he starts working against PFL and ends up abandoning him to die. She doesn’t realize until she’s also betrayed for real by active freelancers how wrong she was. The scene where she finds the Delta unit hit so much harder the more you dig into her and York’s story. Even after she abandoned him, York had faith he could win her back. He was planning to propose to her for YEARS. Even after she left him. He had so much faith that she would see the truth and they would make amends. She knows that now that it’s too late and she has to live with that knowledge for the rest of her life.
She was also betrayed by Maine, the man who took multiple shots for her and defended her with his life, only for him to turn on her and try to kill her just to loot her body. (Again I realize there was more to this plot point than that, but from her POV he had just lost it and betrayed her). Even Washington crosses her at some point. By the time she realizes how fucked up the entire PFL situation is, almost everyone she’s ever known has been murdered or is MIA-presumed-KIA and she has to live with the guilt of surviving that while defending the very thing that killed them all. So yeah, she and Wash “survived” but they are NOT the same people from the start of the story.
With Mistborn: The Lost Metal, seeing into the depths of Wayne’s regret and pain really fleshes his character out in a way I had assumed Brandon had already covered. Wayne didn’t just ruin that girls life, he’s ruined a lot of peoples lives, including his own. The worst part is, he can’t bring himself to do anything to change it and he’s fully aware of that fact and it makes him feel even worse. When he says the worst thing in the world is someone who wants to be like him, because he knows him and he hates that man… when MeLaan confessed that she didn’t really love him she was just sort of passing time with him and his conclusion is that it was because he wasn’t good enough for her?? God that hurts. But it’s so real and I feel like people aren’t talking about that aspect of Wayne enough. He’s goofy and stupid as a form of self-medication (since he can’t drink away his problems) in order to distract himself from his crushing guilt, regret, and self-loathing. He doesn’t want to be funny just to be funny. It’s almost entirely self-serving as a way to give himself a sense of worth and as a distraction, and his character deserves to have that recognized.
With Mistborn Era 1/Secret History, I’ve seen a lot of people complain that SH betrayed Kelsier’s character and motivation, but I think it solidified what Brandon had been hinting at all along. While his motivation may have initially been to fulfill Mare’s dream, over time it transformed into a desire to destroy the upper class/Lord Ruler as pure, unadulterated revenge. Marsh says something at one point I think to the effect of “is this what Mare would have done? Would she have wanted you to do this?” And Kelsier just sort of tells him to fuck off, but he’s RIGHT. Marsh tells us that Kelsier is a little crazy, biased, ambitious, and takes things too far. In my opinion, his decision to give up the afterlife in lieu of getting to keep living and furthering his personal goals is a clear decider. I’m not saying he doesn’t still love Mare or want to make her proud, but his own ambition now usurps his desire to do what Mare wanted to do. He’s willingly turned his back on seeing her again in favor of continuing his work toward his goals. I still love him as a character, but I can’t understand how people miss this critical character flaw and chalk it up to bad writing on Brandon’s part.
Anyway this all came from seeing someone talking about how if we were gonna be honest Ghost isn’t baby girl and instead would be:
Very wary, scared of forming attachments
Anti-touch, loathe any and all physical contact
Terrible at empathizing or connecting or communicating
And how basically all the really sweet and wonderful aspects about his babygirlification would unfortunately not happen as he is (much like all our other war veterans in this post) a DEEPLY broken man.
Idk that’s all I’ve just been thinking about that a lot lately.
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finalgrrrls · 2 years
get to know the author!
name: dani
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: i use both tumblr ims and discord. i prefer discord for plotting and ooc chat because tumblr im delays in loading messages, but i’m fine with either.
most active muse: varies depending on whatever i’m hyperfixating on. at the moment, it’s definitely cameron, although maggie has been active on and off since 2018 despite me not watching d/ark sh/adows for years.
experience / how many years: i’ve been on this hell site since 2012 more or less consistently, with occasional breaks of a few months to a few years. before tumblr, i wrote mostly on youtube of all places, and in my friends’ chatzy rooms.
platforms you use: for rp, just tumblr. i’ve written on discord a few times in the past, but i prefer to use it for ooc communication.
best experience: it’s really hard to say! i suppose overall i’ve had the best experience writing in the star wars fandom a few years back. i had an oc in 2016 and a canon muse in 2019, and everyone was really friendly and welcoming to them both <3 i also had a great clique of friends when i wrote carrie white 10 years ago (that being a full decade ago kills me lmao). more recently, with maggie i’ve gotten to write with so many interesting muses and fantastic writers over the past couple years! many of whom i still write with today <3
rp pet peeves: people who constantly post their drama on the dash. i really don’t care what it is, unless it’s a call out of a legitimately dangerous person (not just someone you personally dislike or disagree with) i don’t want to see it.
fluff, angst, or smut: angst all the way, although i’m not opposed to writing fluff! as for smut, i’m not very experienced with writing it. i feel awkward writing the extra explicit stuff, so you’re probably not gonna see much of that on this blog.
plots or memes: it depends on my mood and our muses tbh. sometimes plotting is necessary for crossovers, but i like that memes allow for muse dynamics to grow organically. there are benefits to both!
long or short replies: i tend toward 2-4 paragraphs for most replies, but i can do longer, it’ll just take me longer to write. i don’t have as many short threads (and they tend to eventually become long lol) but i do like having a few going at any given time. sometimes i get overwhelmed by the longer drafts, and short replies are just what i need to kick a muse into gear.
best time to write: whenever i’m putting off something important that i need to do, or when i’m bored at work, or when i need to sleep 😅 my executive functioning is trash and if i sit down to write in my free time, i can’t always focus how i’d like to. i end up writing most replies in bits and pieces over the course of a few weeks in 5 minute increments.
are you like your muse(s): i don’t think so? not really for my canon muses. i tend to pick muses with interesting lives and backstories and powers….all stuff that i don’t have 🥲 my ocs have a lot more pieces of myself in them, but i haven’t written most of them here.
tagged by: @girlseventeen (thank you! <3)
tagging: @gas-stxtion, @cometsdiner, @lettherebemonsters, @alphateamsfinest, @wynterlanding, @nabaidhean-neonach, @vihilum, and you!
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genderpains · 2 years
🥩 intro post 🥩
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(TLDR: all the bits in bold)
(edit/update: I’m revamping/ redoing my whole blog and all my links- so any DNI or other labels won’t be accurate! I haven’t been active on this blog for like a year but I do want to get back into making flags/ terms! I’ll probably be a bit more active on my side logs so if you see I’m following or liking ur stuff- that’s probs why!)
Hi hi hi! Y’all can call me Holden! I’m 19, white and autistic. I tend to hyperfixate on anything to do with xenogenders, neopronouns, MOGAI/LIOM, or really any niche tumblr community!! I also coin terms and make flags!
My main pronouns are he/him, and my main IDs are Polysexual, Greyromantic, Mspec, Aspec, and Queer. I consider myself a trans man first and xenine second. I also am Canidae-Cladokin / Werewolfkin Vaguetype, Non-Religious Angelkin/WingedKin, Dragonkin, and psychological Cyborgkin!
MOGAI/LIOM HOARD | Kins | Coined List | Tag List | Kin Blog | Pagan Blog | DNI
BYF: gore/trauma mentions, horror/edgy/creepy/scary terms. I also practice reality shifting so if you are uncomfortable with that you may not want to follow
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iamthecomet · 1 year
I know i haven’t been around in a while so i’m just popping by to say hi!
Sorry, there was just so much stuff happening i couldn’t find the time to really interact on here anymore
i mean
i returned in my genshin hyperfixation and then i also got back in my pjsekai hyperfixation, i kinda lost my love of ghost for a while because i was hyperfixating on other stuff, i became active in other communities on discord, i started going out with friends after school and having a social life while still getting away from my mom, i finally had a bit of control over my own money, i had the biggest hockey tournament of the year happen, had to catch back up on the genshin lore i had missed in the last 6 months (still not done), i had exams, big exams, oral presentations, big evaluation, an impro tournament, impro matches, i had to babysit, there’s the selection camp for the flag football happening too and i got injured multiple times (you know me) and also maybe have another concussion (help)
but heyyy
what did i miss?
Hi, love! I've missed you. God your life update makes me so happy. I'm so glad that things have been going so well. You deserve all of that and more. ♥♥♥♥ Except the maybe concussion. You definitely don't deserve that. You've missed the general tumblr chaos. I had a ROUGH weekend (one of my mom's best friends died, so that's just...shit), so I'M not even sure what's happening on Tumblr anymore. I've missed a few episodes, I think you've probably missed at least a season. But it's ok. <3. I'm so very, very, happy to hear from you. It made my day.
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clownishstarfish · 1 month
Sorry I haven’t really been that active or posting my art
I took an edible yesterday and had a really bad high like I was coughing and crying and stuff, my brothers were there but yeah
I realized I really wanna kill myself like not even haha funny gonna kms like I genuinely wanna end it horrifyingly bad and I don’t have a therapist and I’m scared of psych wards so I’m just a bit lost
I also got into a game series that probably completely fucked up my mental health. Like it’s really toxic as a whole it’s just gore for the sake of being gorey. It’s kinda like skewed my perspective on a lot of things and I should leave the fan base but I’m way too hyperfixated. It’s such a gross game and I should definitely stop indulging into it but like I just can’t???? I’ve found myself stuck onto it like a leech. And now I have OCs for it. I definitely should have waited until I was 18 to get into it. (Especially because the game creator literally labeled it as 18+ sigh)
Here’s some art of my previously mentioned game OC to make up for being gone for a bit
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