#McCready and Daughter
racailledefez · 2 years
Brendan in McCready and Daughter (2001)
Here’s his fabulous shirt collection 🧡💙🤍🤎
Part 3
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grlboyfie · 3 months
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made more of these
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quite possibly the best run of 4 songs on an album ever.
vs. my luv u r full of bangers
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Esti, to Jess: Dad, am I a butch or a femme?
Jess: Honey, you can be anything you wanna be
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cerayanay · 2 years
Jess and Lupe being Esti’s parents was funny until it wasn’t
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longliverockback · 1 year
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Pearl Jam Deep: Touring Band 2023 2023 Universal ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Release 02. Brain of J. 03. Breakerfall 04. Go 05. Insignificance 06. Grievance 07. Light Years 08. Corduroy 09. I Am Mine 10. Dissident 11. Nothingman 12. Given to Fly 13. Even Flow 14. Elderly Woman behind the Counter in a Small Town 15. In Hiding 16. Do the Evolution 17. Rearviewmirror 18. Present Tense 19. Immortality 20. Daughter 21. Black 22. Alive 23. Indifference 24. Yellow Ledbetter —————————————————
Jeff Ament
Matt Cameron
Stone Gossard
Mike McCready
Eddie Vedder
* Long Live Rock Archive
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tracybirds · 3 months
Happy March of the OCs Part 2!
okay, so I don't really write with OCs very often, but I do like thinking about side characters and giving them random backstories and families and things :) So here's some more sims posting, this time with all the characters I've pulled out to pad up the world!
Sara Cavanaugh
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Sara is Kat Cavanaugh's sister, and they love each other a lot but cannot stand to be together for longer than approximately four hours. Kat thinks Sara is materialistic and vain, Sara thinks Kat is pig-headed and selfish. They're both right and they're both wrong, as often is the case when it comes to people. Sara does appreciate material things and takes pride in her appearance, and she can be quick to judge based on appearances, but she also works hard for very little thanks and cares very deeply about her community.
Eleanor Rigby
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Eleanor is about eight years old, and she's Captain Wayne Rigby's daughter. I picture him as a single dad, and someone he worries about a lot and that a lot of his grouch with Kayo was misdirected anxiety about having to constantly leave Eleanor behind while he was working overtime. Eleanor's super resilient though, and mostly saw bouncing around her friends' homes as a bit of an adventure. She love love loves the outdoors and is a huge 'Into the Unknown' fan. Her biggest dream at the moment is to become a vet at a zoo.
The list continues under the cut ><
Aidan Hawkins and Theo Hawkins-McCready
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I imagine by the time Virgil meets Cass, she's a single mum with two very rambunctious sons, but for my sims save, I'm playing a little further back in the story haha, so meet her fiance, Aidan, and eldest son, Theo. Aidan is a very romantic and outgoing person but it's paired with intense insecurities and poor communication that creates a very tumultuous relationship for Cass. They both love each other, and Cass gets swept up in his grand gestures, but they struggle a lot with co-dependency and trust issues. Cass sacrifices a lot for Aidan at the expense of her career and eventually they split. Theo right now is just super cute lol <3 He's about three or four when Cass meets Virgil, and his younger brother Jordan (not pictured) is two.
Lesley Hoffman, Franklin Hoffman-Casey and Dante Hoffman-Casey
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This is Colonel Casey's family :D Lesley is her wife and they have two children, Franklin and Dante. They're good friends with the Tracys through Val of course, and although they grew apart a bit after Jeff disappeared, they're still considered family friends. Lesley and Val met through a mutual friend and connected over their shared love of music and breakfast foods. Franklin is about Kayo's age, just a little younger than John, and Dante is between Alan and Gordon. Lesley "and the kids" get a brief mention in this story here :)
The Patterson Family (aka Space Controller Conrad's Family)
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Conrad's family are ultra high-achievers and high-expectations and they expect big things from Conrad - he's the youngest and as he says in the episode Long Haul, his siblings are heroes in his eyes (a fire-fighter, a police officer, and a paramedic) and he feels the pressure. I kinda roll with the idea that he's several years younger than his siblings, similar to Alan being several years younger than his brothers, and so here they are. Anyway, this is them in the sims world! From top left to bottom right: Daphne and Ed, then Lawrence, the fire-fighter, Raelynn, the police officer, and Quentin, the paramedic. I have more thoughts, but they're mostly about Conrad so I'll move on for now ;D
Joanne and Walter Hackett
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Joanne and Walter are Madeline Lemaire's parents :) I put the Lemaire's in a big giant house, and then made myself sad by headcanoning that they wanted kids and couldn't have them, and so I moved in her parents to make things seem a little less lonely. They're much more sensible than their son-in-law, but mostly see him as harmlessly eccentric. Walter is really into fishing and constantly taking Lemaire out on the boat for a boys day (which he hates lol), and Joanne is very into throwing dinner parties and trying out new cocktail recipes for her guests.
David Reeves
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David is Tycho's twin brother purely because I think I'm funny xD He's a bit geeky and works as a primary school teacher, coaching a kids' football team and things. Because Tycho's busy jetting off around the world, David keeps a guest room for him and takes in his mail and things (I know paper mail probs won't exist but SHH). Their parents died when David and Tycho were in their twenties still, so they make sure they do Christmas and birthdays and things together and catch up as often as possible.
Gregory Moffat
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This is Gregory, who is Moffie's teenage son (and also my son) and I am extremely fond of him <33 He's pretty quiet really, and plays bass guitar in a band with his friends. Moffie was a little exasperated, because he learnt the cello first and she had visions of seeing him play in an orchestra and things, but he got into an argument at the first practice and ultimately ditched it. He also like art and architecture and is very loyal to his friends.
The Taylor Family
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I love the headcanon that Lucille and Lee are siblings, and I also love that she came from a large family as well (it makes sense in my head) and also I stole @avengedbiologist's idea that all the siblings have L names because I love it. I aged up the family to show you what they look like, but I haven't fixed them up fully so it's just a general idea :D Anyway, here we have Connor and Payton Taylor, and then Leonard, Laura and Lily. Leonard is the oldest, then Laura, then it's Lucille and Lee (twins for maximum ow), then Lily is the baby of the family.
I have actually written them into a story (veeeeeery loosely) here :)
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danicruel · 2 years
Where the grass grows tall (18+)
Jess McCready x Lupe García fic
Alternate Universe - Cowboys Falling in Love
Summary: Lupe Garcia arrives at the McCready farm to do a job - shoe the horses ahead of the Moose Jaw rodeo and maybe stick around as a farm hand if she's lucky. But when she meets the farmer's daughter, Jess, she quickly realizes she's not only in it for the money.
(Or: Lupe Garcia falls in love with the dirty, feral farm boy Jess McCready.)
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(Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Lupe arrives to the McCready farm in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan sweaty as all hell.
The leather upholstered steering wheel of her growling 1995 Ford F-150 is hot under her calloused hands, and both her thin cotton t-shirt and undershirt are clinging to her back. Her dark, chin-length curls are tousled around her face from the earlier highway winds, and she’s trying to get some air flow behind her by sitting forward in the driver’s seat.
“Fuck me,” she mutters under her breath.
It’s mid July, and the truck’s air conditioning has decided to die on the hottest week of summer so far. She’s driven from her little rental apartment in a town called Drinkwater, 30 kilometers southeast of the city, with both of the two-door’s windows cranked all the way down to no relief.
She’s also stressed, so that may be contributing to the sweat dripping from her hairline.
And Lupe knows she shouldn’t complain about today’s high of 29°C, but she hasn’t spent a summer in her home state of Texas for years now. Instead, she’s spent the past few years roaming the Canadian prairies, working as a travelling farrier in the springs and summers for rodeo season and then as a farm hand in the falls and winters when there wasn’t as much shoeing work. She’s built something of a reputation for herself across the prairie provinces, and that’s how Mr. McCready heard of her. Based off the phone call she had with him last week, it sounds like he wants Lupe to work both roles for him.
Today’s her first day, and with McCready being such a well-known name in the rodeo scene, Lupe is determined to prove herself. She could use some steady work and a place to settle for a while. Being on the road has started to wear on her.
She turns down the volume of her ‘50’s Country Hits’ CD as she rolls up the long, gravel driveway, passing several sprawling pastures on her way. When she reaches a fork in the driveway, she slows the truck to a crawl to take in her surroundings.
To the right, there’s a pale-yellow farmhouse with tall double-hung windows and a big, wrap-around porch to the right. A wall of sunflowers sway against the side of the house, and the fenced off garden at the front is teeming with growing produce. Upon closer inspection, Lupe notices there’s a younger man sitting on the porch stairs, hunched over, smoking a cigarette.
From under the brim of his cowboy hat, he gives her a nod.
“You the farrier my dad’s expecting?” he calls out.
“I am – Lupe García,” she hollers back.
“Nice to meet ya, García! I’m Matt. Dad’s in the horse barn,” he points across the driveway.
She raises two fingers on her steering wheel at him. “Thanks, Matt!”
The barn looks straight out of a picture book, complete with red wood, white framing, and two big sliding doors at the front of it. The doors are open, but the inside is too shadowed to see anything from the driveway. Further in the distance, on the far side of the barn, there’s a fenced-off outdoor arena, outfitted with a holding pen and chute.
Another smaller barn off to the left looks to be where the cattle are housed.
Straight out of the early 1900s, Lupe thinks. It's charming.
She parks her truck twenty feet back from the barn’s doors, leaning to grab her ball cap from the passenger seat before she hops out. Outside, the air is sweet with the smell of alfalfa and grass, and the gravel crunches under her chunky, lace-up leather boots. It feels cooler now that she’s not baking in her oven of a truck, and she pulls her shirt away from her skin with a sigh. Stretching her arms over her head briefly, she shakes out her hair before pulling her ball cap snug onto her head.
“García, is it?” a voice calls from inside the barn.
“Hey there!” she calls back, striding toward it.
She’s got her favourite pair of Wrangler jeans on, held up with a black leather belt and her chunky 1994 roping champion belt buckle. In her plain white t-shirt, she suddenly feels underdressed when she spots who must be Mr. McCready dressed in starched jeans and an ironed long sleeve button-up. He’s leaned up against the outside of one of the horse stalls, looking straight out of an 80s Wrangler advertisement with his crisply shaped straw cowboy hat.
He’s also wearing a wide, toothy grin on his face.
“Mr. McCready, I assume?” Lupe approaches him with her right hand out. “Lupe García.”
“Please, call me, Tom,” he says, grabbing her hand for a firm handshake.
Tom McCready is a tall man, at least 6’3 in his boots and hat. He’s lean and a little weathered looking, like most of the older generation farmers are, and there’s a warm friendliness to his tanned face as he regards her.
“Welcome to the McCready farm, Lupe,” he says, gesturing around him.
The barn is even bigger looking on the inside.
There are five stalls and one tack room on both sides of the red brick alley way, and the rich smell of leather lingers in the air. Directly over their heads is what looks to be a loft, accessible by a wooden staircase over to the right, and at the opposite end of the barn is two more sliding doors to match the ones Lupe just walked through. They’re open as well, and from here, she can see somebody riding a horse in the outdoor arena.
“It’s a beautiful place you have, sir,” Lupe says.
“Thank you. It’s been in the family for generations,” he sighs. “Why don’t I show you around?”
“Yeah, please.”
They head further into the barn, passing many empty stalls on their way.
Both tack room doors are open, and from the brief glance Lupe gets as they walk past, they look stocked. She counts eight western saddles, at least a dozen colourful saddle pads sitting on a rack, and upwards of twenty bridles hanging on the walls.
And that’s only what’s visible.
“Most of the horses are turned out today,” Tom says. “You would have driven past the big field they’re grazing in on your way here – you can see it from the highway. The broncs are in another field further out.”
Lupe makes a noise of acknowledgement, wondering to herself how many horses are on the property total, if 10 are just the ones that stay in the stable.
“A few of the horses belong to folks boarding or training with us, but most of ‘em are ours,” he explains. “All of my kids are still so dedicated to it … I suppose they don’t know anything different. They were born and raised in the industry, but it still makes an old man proud.”
“How many you have?” Lupe asks.
“Six – five sons, one daughter. In that order, too.” he says, smiling fondly. “The oldest is 33, married with babies of his own, and the youngest is 25, still living and working here with me.”
Tom McCready is guiding them in the direction of the outdoor arena, and Lupe’s watching the horse and rider circle around the pen at a jog. It’s a long-legged sorrel paint horse, muscled and built out. She’s pretty sure she can make out long blonde hair on the rider, bouncing to the rhythm of the horse’s stride.
“You got a family, Lupe?”
Lupe nods, immediately thinking of her own younger siblings, who she left behind in Texas five years ago when she had been 22. They’ve been able to stay in touch through email, but she’s made a point of being inaccessible to her parents, on the odd chance they did want to reach out.
“They’re in Texas, actually. I moved up here a few years ago and haven’t really looked back. Something about the prairies agrees with me, I guess. But it’s just me here, sir.”
Tom nods thoughtfully.
Now that Lupe isn’t stuck in her stuffy truck, the sun feels pleasant on her bare arms and the back of her neck. The light breeze and shade from the cover of maple trees – in combination with Tom McCready’s warm, pleasant nature – has put her at ease, and she can feel her heart slowing to its regular pace.
As they get closer, Lupe can see that it’s a woman on the horse, wearing dark-wash blue jeans and a white ribbed undershirt identical to the one she has on underneath her own t-shirt. She’s got on a pair of yellow leather work gloves, and Lupe thinks they look almost comically large at the end of her long, lean arms. But then her eyes travel up those arms, and she finds her gaze hesitating at the swell of well-used biceps and triceps, and then further up to tanned, broad shoulders. Lupe also observes the soft way she uses her hands to steer the horse, and how she sits deep enough in the saddle that really only her hair jostles to the rhythm of the horse’s trot.
“Jess, come say hi!” Tom calls out.
The rider – Jess – glances back over her shoulder then, before turning her horse to face them with a small adjustment of her wrist. She’s holding the reins in her left hand, and she brings her right hand up to shade her face and squint across to where they’re standing.
Lupe adjusts her hat on her head.
Jess trots toward them on the prettiest paint horse Lupe’s ever seen. Soft in the eyes, ears pricked forward with curiosity, their coat is a rich, dark red colour with white patches that look like they’ve just been scrubbed clean. Jess rides with a loose rein, and their heads hangs softly.
Then the details of Jess become clearer, and Lupe finds herself blushing.
Jess has a strikingly angular face, with a wicked sharp jawline and high cheekbones that appear to be in the early stages of a sunburn. The bridge of her nose is narrow, and she’s squinting in the afternoon sun, so that her thin, light eyebrows cast a shadow on her eyes below. From this distance, Lupe thinks they’re probably blue or green based off their lightness.
Then Lupe makes the mistake of looking down at Jess’s mouth – deep pink with pouty lips that are pulled up into a smirk – and her stomach drops between her knees.
Standing there with one boot raised up on the bottom slat of the fence, Lupe suddenly realizes it’s been a long time since she’s felt this kind of electric tension in the air – the kind that prickles along her neck and threatens to produce a shiver. Perhaps, she’s just been so focused on securing work and making ends meet that she’s regressed to some teenage-boy level of touch starvation, she thinks.
But despite her roiling feelings, she forces an easy smile on her face when Jess stops at the fence.
“Jess, this is Lupe García – our new farrier and, potentially, farm hand if she feels like sticking around for a while,” Mr. McCready says, turning to Lupe with a wink.
Lupe chuckles, like she’s not at all flustered by the way it feels to have Jess’s eyes – definitely blue – flit over her, up and down. They jump back up to her face, and the two share what feels like too intense of eye contact for a first meeting. Jess’s lips part, like she’s about to say something, and Lupe’s eyes flick down to them just in time to watch her lick them.
“And Lupe, this is my daughter Jess.”
Oh, fuck.
Note: Hiiiii, thank you so much for reading! This fic is on AO3, and I will hopefully be updating regularly, so please subscribe to get updates on it if that’s your thing. I will try to update it on tumblr, but I likely won’t be posting full chapters again. Love youuu, byeeee 💗💗💗
Link to AO3
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somebodytoundress · 2 years
aloto fic masterlist
i realize i’ve posted a bunch of fics in the span of like two weeks so here’s a comprehensive guide to all of them enjoy this will be updated as i post more
imagine being loved by me (one shot / 2.5k ) rated e
Jess scrapes her knees during a game. During the post-game celebration at the house, Lupe insists on helping her clean up. As it turns out, Jess is enamored by the sight of Lupe on her knees.
most of me needs you (one shot / 2.9k ) rated t
The day they find Esti, as told through the eyes of Lupe Garcia. 
lover be good to me (one shot / 2.4k ) rated e
Jess breaks her nose during a game and as it turns out, Lupe really has a thing for pretty girls with blood all over their face
i wish you’d come here and dance real slow (with me) ( one shot / 1.8k ) rated t
Jess and Lupe dance together at the bar, even if neither of them are particularly good at it.
you got me good, i knew you would ( one shot / 2.8k ) rated t
Jess and Lupe get the news that the League is coming back for another year; A look into how Jess and Lupe spent the off-season in Moose Jaw.
i dont wanna be jaded ( one shot / 1.8k ) rated t 
a quiet conversation on the stairs after a bad day.
our secret moments (in a crowded room) ( one shot / 3.6k ) rated m
Five times Jess and Lupe (somewhat) platonically touch. Plus one time it's not platonic at all.
i never was very good ( one shot / 1.6k ) rated t
Before their first game, after their training, Jess looks at herself in the mirror. She's wearing a dress, there's lipstick on her face, and she just wants to play some goddamn baseball. Lupe finds her.
two slow dancers (last ones out) ( one shot / 1.3k )  rated t
The season ends. Jess asks Lupe to go home.
don’t let me ruin me ( one shot / 2.8k ) rated t
Lupe searches for home over the course of the off-season. She finds it in a New York bar with a girl she's tried so hard to forget.
our love keeps the things it finds ( one shot / 3.4k ) rated t
Five times people assume Jess and Lupe are together and one time no one realizes they actually are.
jesus christ, im so blue all the time ( one shot / 2.1k ) rated t
One of the four McCready brothers dies in the war. Jess clings to Lupe like there's nothing else in the world.
we could just kiss like real people do ( one shot / 2.3k ) rated t
An evening in Moose Jaw, Jess and Lupe cook dinner.
turn the light off, come find me ( one shot / 5.5k )  rated e 
Lupe needed work and a place to stay for the winter, so when a Canadian farmer offers her exactly what she needs, she really can't say no. She just never counted on falling in love with his daughter.
who am i to ask for more? ( one shot / 1.5k )  rated g
Lupe wakes up with a cold for probably the first time in her life. Jess takes care of her.
it feels good to know you’re mine ( one shot / 6.7k ) rated e 
After stealing her dad's car and running away, Lupe Garcia finds herself spending the first few days of 1988 in a mechanic's garage in Moose Jaw.
if it isnt her (it isn’t here) ( one shot / 3.3k )  rated e 
Lupe gets a taste of a different kind of one night stand.
an open wound ( 10/10 / 26.2k ) rated e
Lupe is hopelessly in love with Jess McCready, this much is true. She can't bring herself to follow her to Moose Jaw, knowing in her heart that Jess will never look at her like that. So, they write letters to one another.
Or, a tale of the off-season. Told by two aching hearts. 
if you’ll play, i’m playing ( one shot / 4.7k )  rated e 
Jess McCready is a star lacrosse player on her college team. Now, the only thing standing between her and the championships is number seven — Garcia.
also, if anyone is interested, i may do a fic recs thread for this ship so let me know if that’s something y’all would care about!
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You'll Never Know
Ike Evans Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Warning: angst, etc.
Summary: You're forced to attend a new year's party with your husband, causing old feelings to flood back when seeing the man that broke your heart four years ago. Inspired by- Mindy McCready's - You'll Never Know.
A/N: Based off; Would you hold it against me universe. Can be read as stand-alone.
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I bought a new red dress to lift my spirits up And just like you did, honey, it cost me way too much Next time you see me, I'll bet you'll take a second look You'll wonder why I look so good
You absolutely dreaded having to be at this cursed place, the place that would have been your home had life not fucked you over. What you dreaded the most though, was running into him again after all these years.
Life wasn't fair though, you learnt that the hard way. So, here you were; forced to ring-in the new year at the Miramar Playa, home to the man that broke your heart four years ago.
Why where you here though? It's quite simple; you were accompanying your husband.
You smile at your reflection in the mirror as you think of him.
Ben was a good man, a good husband and father too. You found yourself blessed to have him in your life, in your daughter's life. You had solely believed finding someone that loved you weren't in the cards for you, but then Ben came along.
Marrying Ben Diamond was the best thing, aside from having your daughter, to have happen to you. But at this instance, you might be doubting it a little.
It'll be fine. You reassure yourself while rolling your shoulders backward a few times in attempt to calm down.
The place it packed full. What are the chances of running into him?
With those words in mind, you give yourself a once-over in the mirror and head out the restroom to join the new year's celebration hosted this evening inside the walls of the Miramar.
You'll never know how much I miss you, you won't see it in my face You'll never know I'll never find another that could take your place 'Cause I'll be smiling when I see you, my tears won't ever show Yeah, I might always love you But you'll never know
Fate was not on your side this evening it seemed though, because when you exited the restroom, just a few feet away from you, there he stood.
He had his back toward you, but you would recognize that tall broad-shouldered form of his anywhere, anytime.
He hasn't seen you. Move before he does though!
Taking a deep breath, you take a step forward to go to your table, but you're stop instantly in your tracks when he turns around to directly face you then.
Don't acknowledge him. Don't acknowledge him. You internally remind yourself as you stared him dead in the eyes.
When I saw you out last night, you seemed so surprised That I could walk right by and not blink an eye To look at me, you probably think I'm doing fine Good thing you can't read my mind
You stare at Ike as if looking at a stranger, breaking eye contact then to stare pass him as if you're looking for someone. Panic rushes through your veins like ice water when noticing from your peripheral vision, that he was making his way towards you.
Fuck! No! Run!
You were shitting yourself as you thought of a thousand ways in which to escape from the room before he could reach you. Then as if sent by God himself; Ben entered from another direction, calling Ike's attention away from you then.
You let out a sigh of relief at your husband saving you from an extremely awkward situation, panicking just a bit still at the fact that Ben might call you over if he saw you. So, before either of them could realize; you hightailed it back to the rest to wait it out.
* You'll never know how much I miss you, you won't see it in my face You'll never know I'll never find another that could take your place 'Cause I'll be smiling when I see you, my tears won't ever show Yeah, I might always love you But you'll never know...
You sat on the luxurious sofa in the restroom, silently playing with your fingers as you waited it out to go back into party. Hearing the music from Frank Sinatra playing, you knew it was safe to head to your table.
"What took you so long, Sweetheart?" Ben enquires as he pulls out a chair for you.
"There was a long line" you answer, smiling when he presses a kiss to your cheek when seated.
Ben returns the smile, gently brushing your hair aside to press an open-mouthed kiss to your neck then.
"I missed you..."
Your eyes flutter shut at the sensation, turning fully towards him; you press your lips against his.
"I missed you too."
Breaking away from the kiss, Ben beams happily at you and turns back toward watching the show again.
Feeling a lot more at ease, you reach out for your wine glass and direct your attention toward the show as well, but not before your eyes land onto Ike's table that had his wife and children seated at.
He's moved on and so have you. 
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powderblueblood · 3 months
if you dont GIT boyd crowder's ass back to harlan county and have him reconnect with weed kingpin lesbian loretta mccready and raylan obviously follows him down there with willa in hand and is all WELL THIS IS IT YOU WANTED TO SEE IT HERE IT IS and there's maybe a moment between willa and loretta about how weird it is to be in raylan's orbit as a daughter/daughter figure because he's a strange kind of fella when you think about it and maybe boyd starts turning the place inside out trying to find ava but you know who knows where ava is. so then there's that and also they dug coal together
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racailledefez · 2 years
Brendan in McCready and Daughter (2001)
Here’s his fabulous shirt collection 🧡💙🤍🤎
Part 1
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talesandfluff · 2 years
wanna write me a modern AU where single mom Lupe just escaped her life WITH her daughter with her and just so happens to meet hot local butch Jess McCready who like idk fixes her sink or something
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loverockawaitsyou · 2 years
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I need to start posting more movie recs on here! I haven’t quite been following my username. So, here is my first recommendation!
Rock N Reel Reviews Movie Recommendation #1: 
All I Can Say (2019)
If you’re interested in Shannon Hoon, All I Can Say is a wonderful documentary created from Hoon’s meticulous documentation of himself over the span of five years. In other words, he was an avid vlogger before social media. Co-directed by Danny Clinch, Taryn Gould, and Colleen Hennessy, All I Can Say is comprised of footage from 1990 to 1995, just mere hours before his untimely death. The feature is super personal, showing Hoon’s most private moments... sometimes to the detriment of others. Hoon filmed various meetings, phone calls, and other moments in his life. 
Over the short five years, Hoon captured Blind Melon’s ascent to stardom, his various adventures on and off camera, his struggles with addiction, the birth of his daughter, and other milestones along the way.
The film is an excellent look at the life of a singer we know so little about, but it’s also an incredible time capsule for an era long gone.
Some interesting events that Hoon captured that are depicted in the documentary:
- Guns N’ Roses’ Axl Rose and Slash make a brief appearance. Axl Rose is from the same Indiana town as Hoon.
- There is footage from behind-the-scenes of the “No Rain” video shoot.
- Hoon filmed himself during touring, with cool perspectives from the stage. My favorite was the footage of his renowned Woodstock ‘94 performance.
- Hoon also fimed the photoshoot and the live reaction to Blind Melon’s infamous Rolling Stone cover. 
- There are little snippets of MTV news, and other pieces of pop culture that he filmed, giving us glimpses into the time period.
- Shaken, Hoon filmed a live reaction to the death of Kurt Cobain in 1994.
- In a bittersweet scene, Hoon recorded a voicemail from none other than Pearl Jam’s Mike McCready, who was fresh out of rehab. McCready called to check in on Hoon, who had recently gotten out of rehab himself. NOTE: The filmmakers asked McCready for permission to share the footage. He said yes.
- Some of the most touching footage in the film is the birth of Hoon’s daughter, and his reaction to her birth.
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psychoticbreak · 2 years
a Grunge Takeover - my recap of the past two days pt 3
Pearl. fucking. Jam. Insanity. Eddie Vedder was talking to the crowd for minutes in between pretty much every song, very nice contrast to the Pixies before. They all ran on stage and opened with Better Man, Low Light and Breath. Unfortunately, Eddie hates me and put a bunch of songs I didn't know on the set list and made me feel like a fake fan </3 (don't even talk to me about the set list from tonight I fully cried when I saw they did Garden and I missed it). They were still so fucking cool nonetheless tho and the energy was insane. Mike McCready was literally running on stage with Eddie chasing behind him, Stone and Jeff were ridiculously good too. Jeff pulled out that sexy hot pink bass and he was wearing the Pixies x PJ "dead" shirt. At one point they did a quick bit of Sex Pistols' God Save the Queen, that was pretty cool. Eddie pulled out the wine bottle of course, and at one point was just... hugging the tree that was next to the stage. Then came the biggest mosh pit I've seen when they played Even Flow, people fully moshed to Daughter as well which was so entertaining to watch. Given to Fly is one of my favourite songs so that was such a vibe to watch live, my throat definitely got fucked up after that one. They played a good amount of stuff off of Ten, such as Once and Porch, Jeremy and Alive. It was so so so surreal hearing all those live. Even though we were kind of far away, the sound was still incredible and the energy was so insane, definitely worth it. The visuals on the screen were also super impressive. They closed with Indifference and a cover of Rockin in the Free World and not gonna lie, I didn't want to leave.
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biguns60plus · 2 years
This is the list I have accumulated from Pastor Bob Joyce as Elvis. He has told us quite a few who are alive. There are supposed to be over 900 so this list is still short.
Alive & faked death
Bruce & Brandon Lee
Princess Diana
JFKennedy Jr
his wife Caroline
her sister Lauren
Nicole Brown Simpson is Megan Kelly
Glen Campbell
John Denver
Bee Gees
Freddie Mercury
Marilyn Monroe
Isaac Kappy
Patrick Kennedy
Arabella Kennedy
Robin Williams
John Lennon
Yoko Ono
Joan Rivers
Kurt Cobain
Pres. J.F.Kennedy Sr
Kobe Bryant & daughter
Corey Haim
Jimmy Hendrix
Paul Walker
Bob Marley
Chris Farley
Whitney Houston & daughter
Roddy Pipers
Dick Clark
Peter Jennings
Rush Limbaugh -Jim Morrison
Richard Beland
Luther Vandross
Dale Earnhardt
Johnny Cash
Shirley Temple
Janis Joplin
Big Bopper
Buddy Holly
Hank Williams
James Dean
Dennis Wilson
Natalie Wood
Ron McKerman
John Bonham
Heath Ledger
Brittany Murphy
Patrick Swayze
Debbie Reynolds
Annette Funicello
Joe Cocker
Lynn Anderson
Dudley Moore
Ashley Babbitt
Anna Nicole Smith
Elvis brother Jesse
Amy Weinhouse
Jon Benet Ramsey
Heather Rourke
George Michael
Elizabeth Montgomery
7 NASA astronauts
Seth Rich
Marty Fieldman
John Ritter
Sonny Bono
Jeffery Epstein
Mindy McCready
Erin Moran
River Phoenix
Penny Marshall
Donna Summers
Dana Pluto
Andre the Giant
Kenny Rogers
Michael Landon
Theresa Saldana
Bill Paxton
David Canary
Mary Tyler Moore,
Dudley Moore,
Princess Grace Kelly,
Steve McQueen,
John Candy,
Kate Spade,
Mama Cass Elliot,
Michael hutchence,
paula Yates,
Jackie O
George Carlin
Anthony Bourdain
Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Andrew Breitbart
Chris Liddell
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Tom Petty
Lucille Ball
Martin Luther King Jr
Brian Wilson
Chef Anthony B
Davey Jones
Chester Bennington
Chris Cornell
Erin Moran
Florence Henderson
Layne Stanley
Ricky Hendrix
Robert Trump (DJT) brother Patty Duke
Judge Scalia
Paul Newman
Donna Summer
Keith Moon
Mac Miller
Edyie Gorme
Tony Snow-GWBush press sec Brad Nowell
Caleb Logan
Conway Twitty
Keith Wheatley
Teena Marie
Rick James
Frank Zappa
Mickey Mantle
June Cash
Seal Team 6
Peter ? Tv commentator
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