#McNeill could and did keep getting away with it
nevesmose · 5 months
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I'm trying to get into other legions rather than staying in my comfortable Night Lords rut the entire time, so I revisited The Reflection Crack'd after a few years and there may just have been too many memes. Too much water under the bridge.
Setting that aside for a moment, it's in all honesty a pretty interesting story about the ECs trying to hold things together in their own special way as all the structures they've known collapse around them and metamorphose into something very different. A solid 8/10 I would say.
There's also the part where Lucius calls an emergency meeting because he suspects an impostor is among them.
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But if you've come this far you must want the fun bits. Anyway here's Elf Fulgrim descending from his shelf.
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More eldar than the eldar, is there anything our boy can't do? Honestly just made me picture him looking like albino Link though. And this did get a chuckle out of me.
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But enough prevaricating about the bush. Yes, there is a lengthy "That's So McNeill" bewilderingly horny torture sequence and it would be remiss of me not to share the fun.
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Black Library editors were either asleep at the wheel or very intensely focused at this point and I can't tell which. "Oh there's no way that can be what I think it is, surely it's just a passing reference, Graham wouldn't really do it, he's just a funny little guy..."
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I'm messing with you just a little bit by including Fulgrim's line because it's ostensibly about considering the true earliest origins of humanity, but I mean... come on. And then Marius works his device into position with a series of grunts.
40K really is the setting that has everything, isn't it? Anyway, in the end all is well and they decide to go and annoy Perturabo.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Angel Exterminatus 9
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is he actually on the defensive here?
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that's not what you were mainly doing but this does successfully shift the conversation topic
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Oh, Fulgrim went full Nietzsche.
But also I don't actually know that Perturabo meant wrong in the moral sense here. but, then again, Fulgrim is also trying to go "i reject your reality and substitute my own"
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(eyes emoji)
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(eyes emoji repeated four times)
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I wonder if he knows that Fabius murdered Soulaka yet
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He's got a point you know
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WHEEZE How very 40k.
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whatever reason/plot he suckered perturabo into doing this for is still up and running
This is not going to go the way that Perturabo thinks it will.
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mood this is weirdly the most personally relatable perturabo has been in this entire book I realize saying that makes me come off like a maniac
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kroeger is just here for violence and i respect that just realized something kroeger would get along swimmingly with the combaticons aside from the whole fact that they're alien robots and he's as xenophobic as the rest of the imperium and he's human* and the Combaticons are as anti-organic as any given Decepticon *blah blah transhuman blah blah so the answer is simple: we trap vortex and kroeger together inside a get-along body bluejay you can't have sticking two people together inside a get-along body be the solution to everything
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forrix is the only one with any scintilla of common sense in this book well maybe wayland has some
anyways i think this was the bit that @krynnmeridia said was "one of the best scenes in the entire Horus Heresy"
OH the next interlude is baby fulgrim outsider POV this time
ah i figured out whither ferrus in the last interlude he's attempting to haunt the narrative but not doing a very good job of it you could say his flesh is his flesh was too
i will not apologize for bad jokes
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Perturabo is the guy on a dev team who avoids getting promoted like the plague the project manager is his nemesis a lot of the time he's also The Worst to have reviewing your code
he's repairing his limited edition transformers figure warhound titan automaton
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"what's giving up one more oath" vs "keeping my word is all i have" but also perturabo's lack of initiative strikes again "part of him looked forwards to it, because then he would be free of his debt to fulgrim" get help, please oh wait i forgot this was warhammer
okay if 40k Guilliman's song is Tongues by Joywave and Mortarion's song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons I'm never going to let that one go either Sorrow by The National then Perturabo's is Sea Lion by Sage Francis, Or maybe Waterline.
Ma, Ma, look what I did, Ma Look what I did to my hands, I broke em You gave me the stone, gave me the chisel Didn't say how to hold em Didn't say give away every piece of the puzzle Till I was left with nothing But I took it upon myself to crush it up and distribute the dust Get in the bus, hop in the van Jump in the water, crawl to the land Build another castle out of the sand Break it down and then I get into the saddle again Going city to city I'm already lost, tell the boss Who is new in town I'm-a ride this horse till it bucks me off And I'm forced to shoot it down
come for the overused meme reactions, stay for the mid 2000s hip hop recs
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even in this freaking book i can't escape McNeill simping for Magnus
I'm pretty sure this is Ahriman's wine, ftr
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BAD especially since at the beginning of the scene it mentions how tired he is hey so like are their things that can drain your life force in 40k? ...what would Fulgrim even DO with his life force, though? eat it??? I still have a bad feeling about this though
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a lot, actually especially if he considers himself expendable or that his sacrifice would be worth it
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oh yeah a thought re: the entire play which is that mcneill, writing a book with no female characters, had to wedge in a spot so he could be weird about women
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Definitely some kind of life drain
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lmao is it though i think the one thing iron warriors do better than anyone else is no, perhaps i am being too mean. i shall remain silent.
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lmaooo that's the first time I've seen anyone call an Ultramarine a popinjay, that's not their usual type of epithet
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Help why is this so funny don't stare into the warp and drive, kids! it'll come back and bother you while you're trying to work
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I am feeling the Maoism in this Chilis tonight
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Methinks the primarch doth protest too much (re dramatics)
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i dunno i feel like the enemy you saw kills you a lot of the time in war but what do i know
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Hey remember all that dramatic irony with Lorgar back in the very long opening of Know No Fear? Yeah.
okay i know Perturabo survives this because he's at the siege of terra
Annnnd I hit image limit. To be continued next time!
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deadlymodern · 4 years
Gen 1. Summary
I know it might be a bit hard to keep up with legacy stories, so I tried my hardest to summarize the major events in the Norman Legacy so far  just in case someone who is not up to date and has no time to go through all the posts wants to catch up!
It's quite a read for Tumblr standards (a bit less than 6 google document pages, to give you an idea), but I think it does the job. I hope this will help things make more sense to newcomers c:
This post will be linked in the Norman Legacy main page so you can easily access it if you'd like.
Once I update my theme (an endless wip), I will create a page fully dedicated to summaries of generations. But for now, I hope this will do. 
So, without further ado:
Summary under the cut!
In the early 1870s, the young married couple, Edgar and Theresa Norman, built a farmhouse in the English village of Brindleton. 
They had four children together: Bethany, Edward, Matthew and Phillip. But, due to complications in labour, Theresa passed away giving birth to their last son.
Theresa wanted her children to receive equal education. She enrolled her daughter in school and, on their way to Beth's first day, they met a little girl named Mary McNeill. However, after Theresa's death, Edgar pulled Bethany out of school so she could help him with the farm and house work.
Mary would visit Beth often and a very special bond between the girls flourished. Also, during her time away, Beth developed a passion for reading and writing as a way to express her feelings.
At the same time, Edward was crushing on his classmate Susana Harrison. They had a rocky start to their friendship, but eventually Ned apologized for hurting Sue and they became inseparable.
Time went by and, when Phillip was old enough to go to school, Edgar allowed Bethany to return to her studies. Beth and Mary started seeing each other every single day in class and were attached by the hip.
A few weeks before Mary's 16th birthday, Bethany and her were talking. Beth expressed her insecurities and Mary comforted her, assuring that she was utterly beautiful and that someone would most certainly ask her to dance on her birthday ball. The girls, then, wondered how it would feel to be kissed. Mary took the opportunity to tell Beth that "they should practice together", kissing her for the first time.
It all seemed fine to Beth until she realized Mary started to avoid her on the following days.
The girls spent a couple of weeks apart until Mary apologized for her coldness, explaining she was just scared of what she was feeling. She, then, convinced Beth to attend her birthday and they got ready together, trying to get back to how their friendship was before.
During the ball, Beth was trying to contain her jealousy as she saw Mary dance with her suitor, Timothy Laurence. She was having a bad time until she was asked to dance by a gentleman called William Carrington. He taught her the basics of the waltz and she had a lot of fun, until she noticed Mary leaving the ballroom with a saddened expression. 
Beth followed her friend to the roof and, amidst tipsy giggles, Mary kissed Bethany again. This time, with a lot more meaning to it.
A few days after the ball, Beth went over to Mary's house but was greeted with bitterness. Mary told her they couldn't be friends anymore since she only had "sinful thoughts" when they were together. She also told Beth that she was to go to Finishing school in the Summer and, afterwards, marry Timothy. 
Bethany, who didn't usually let her emotions out, was devastated and Ned consoled her.
Eventually, Edgar married a woman named Elizabeth Reginald and Ned & Sue fell in love with each other.
One day, while running errands in the nearby town of Battlemere, Beth met with William again. He asked if she was in town to apply for the Battlemere College entrance exam. She had never believed that was even a possibility for her, but after their banter, she became motivated to apply and take the test.
These news weren't well received by Edgar, who scolded both Bethany and Matthew, who gave her a ride. However, Matthew stood up for his sister and reprimanded his father for being absent as a parental figure ever since their mother's death. Elizabeth consoled the teenagers once Edgar stormed out of the house.
When Summer came, Mary's mother invited Bethany to her daughter's farewell dinner. She decided not to attend, as she hadn't spoken to her friend in months. But, for her surprise, Mary showed up at her house after said dinner and asked for Beth to come see her off in the morning. Mary also apologized for her behaviour and confessed to be in love with Beth.
Both women spent the night together and said a bittersweet goodbye in the morning with a promise to exchange letters. 
Around the same time, Phillip met Dorothy Turner at the music group and they became good friends.
By mid-summer, Beth discovered that she did not pass the entrance exam. To cheer her up, William decided to take her to watch a film after they accidentally met again. From then on, they developed a good friendship.
Once she arrived home, Edgar announced that he'd allow her to study and retake the college exam, just as long as she got married first. Bethany felt conflicted with the deal and, to make her feel a little better, Matthew offered himself to help her with her studies.
After celebrating the end of the school year - and Bethany's graduation from school - Edward received Susana's father's permission to propose. 
Beth and Mary kept their promise and wrote each other weekly letters. But Edgar also kept his end of the college deal: he started receiving possible suitors for his daughter. And, once Edward announced he was going to propose to Susana, Edgar made sure to add extra pressure on Beth by saying Ned was to marry only after his sister.
That same night, Beth and Ned had an argument that made her realize her brother was more similar to their father than she imagined. 
For the next couple of months, Edgar and Ned decided to update the farm house. During the reforms, Bethany stayed at Susana's house. One day, Ned brought Beth a package from Mary, but found very peculiar how his sister's eyes filled with tears as she removed herself from the room to read her letter. 
Finally, after the farmhouse remodel, Ned proposed to Sue and they got engaged. 
Phillip and Dorothy were very excited after knowing they were to perform at the village's Winterfest. During the event at the main square, Mary showed up and surprised Beth.
William felt a bit jealous to be utterly forgotten by Bethany once her friend arrived and, then, realized he was in love with her.
While Flip and Dottie performed with the music group, Edward noticed how both Mary and William stared at his sister in a similar loving way, but Sue made him cast the very idea aside. 
Throughout January, Beth and Mary spent every waking moment together, enjoying the little time they had until Mary had to return to Germany. One day, the women hiked up to Whitecliff to spend some safe time alone. There, the girls confessed their deep love for each other and their desire to be together, promising to run away once Mary is finished. 
At the same time, Flip and Dottie started spending more time together as well. For the first time in years, Phillip spoke about his mother and the guilt  he carried for feeling "responsible" for her death. Dottie advised him to learn more about his mum as a healing process. So, on his 14th birthday, Phillip asked Edgar about his mum and Edgar showed his children a box of things that belonged to Theresa. That comforted Flip a little.
On Mary's birthday - the day after Phillip's - Beth decided to giver her the ring that belonged to her mother as they would never have a proper engagement ring. During Mary's birthday dinner, Edward noticed the ring and confronted his sister about it, only to be shunned down. Their relationship was going sour. 
Beth and Mary spent their last night together and said a hopeful goodbye in the morning. 
In Germany, at the Windenburg Finishing School, some of the girls began commenting on the amount of letters Mary would receive from Beth. 
Odette Bourguignon, Mary's roommate, told her that one of the girls, Rose Courtenay, had started some "vile rumour" about her and Bethany. She advised her friend to invite her suitor to the Easter Banquet as a way to make the gossips end.
Back in Brindleton, another gossip was going around. Edward and Susana heard that two men were spotted kissing near the Battlemere Lake. Beth was surprised and excited about the idea of having more people like her living in the Bay area, but Sue didn't know much more information about the men.
Mary decided to follow her friend's advice and invited Timothy to the Banquet. While they had a lovely time together exploring the manor, the situation backfired once Timothy asked for Mary's hand in marriage.
The woman denied him, which made her father, Charles, furious. Before leaving the venue, Charles told the school governess, Mrs. Wagner, to let him know of any suspicious behaviour Mary may have and gave her permission to pry into her personal things.
While things seemed to go badly in Germany, Beth and Will had fun spending time together and trying to discover who the "Battlemere Two" were. Bethany was very grateful to William for being supportive of an interest of hers that wouldn't be considered ladylike, and both bonded even more.
A few days after the Easter Banquet, Mary discovered that the box she kept all of Bethany's letters had gone missing. In the middle of her panic, she indirectly confessed her relationship with Beth to Odette. 
Trying to calm herself down, Mary hid from everyone, but soon she was found and learnt that Rose had been in her room the day before. Right after, Mrs. Wagner told her that her father wished to see her. 
Upon arriving at the hotel, Mary saw her box on the coffee table. Charles said he had read all of the letters and was absolutely revolted by them. He gave Mary two options: she could either get married to Timothy or watch him expose Bethany to the whole Bay area.
Mary agreed to his terms but couldn't help her crying even when Timothy arrived. Tim tried to comfort his friend telling her he also did not wish to marry. He confessed to be in love with another who was not suitable for him, and said he was obliged by his father to propose. 
With no other choice, Mary and Timothy got engaged. 
Mary was required to stay for tea afterwards. Her parents started to excitedly plan the wedding. To make sure Mary would not get the chance to see Bethany in Brindleton before getting married, Charles suggested the wedding was held in the town of Normouth, right after the woman's graduation.
Once Mary got back to her room, she wanted to write to Beth, letting her know of her situation. However, she was interrupted by Rose, who confessed to have taken Mary's box not only by Mrs. Wagners orders, but also by curiosity to know if Mary was truly "like her"... 
Rose tried to make a move on Mary, claiming that they would both end up in a sad marriage and should have some fun before. Mary pushed her away and yelled at her, ending that terrible day by herself.
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“Say whatever the hell you want about me, but leave my bar out of it.”
N A M E  → Morgan McNeill
S T A T U S  → ★
A G E  → 30
PRONOUNS  → she / her
N E I G H B O R H O O D  → Harlem
O C C U P A T I O N  → Bar Owner
TRIGGERS: depression
P A S T  →
Richard McNeill and Maggie Carnahan were high school sweethearts that got married as soon as they reached legal age, challenging the social class and the prejudice that came with it. She came from an important high class family that saw Richard as nothing but trash. When they found out that he was from London, the patriotic Irish family forbade Maggie to have contact with him whatsoever, but the clever teenagers always found a way to be together and in their wedding ceremony, only friends and family from Richard’s side were witness of their love, but even they had each other, Maggie’s family did the impossible to separate them. She was determined to be with the man she loved and not even five days after the marriage, her father disowned her but Richard was always there to support her wife.
Maggie was a beautiful woman, and perhaps she thought that being the wife of a stock trader would bring back the fortune she had lost, but she was completely wrong. Richard was good at numbers, good at his job, but he wasn’t an ambitious man. He did a good job and not a single one of his bosses heard anything bad about him. He was happy with his position and with his wife, but she secretly hated the place where they lived, a small apartment that constantly needed repair and had walls so thin that they could hear the neighbors fighting almost every night. She begged him for a change using future children as an excuse and Richard, loving Maggie so much to deny her anything, and also enjoying the idea of becoming a father bought a house in the most expensive part of the city of Galway.
People say that love can blind a person, and that’s what happened with Richard, or some of his friends said. Perhaps it was true love and Maggie just took advantage of it, but when she realized her life would never be as it was before she met him, Maggie began to drink, gamble and buy clothes with his money. He was the money and she was just a pretty face that almost milked him dry to get new clothes, alcohol, cigarettes, expensive furniture, and parties for people she met at some random bar. Her parent’s spoiled her and she believed that her husband would do the same but how wrong she was. He saved part of his money and was still paying for all the things she bought when one night, after coming home from work, ready to talk some sense into her, Richard was received by a crying wife holding a pregnancy test in her hands that read positive. The news left him stunned and of course, he completely forgot what he was going to say and reacted as any loving husband would do, by hugging and kissing her.
The tears in Maggie’s face were not tears of joy. She did not want children, she did not want to get pregnant and loose her figure because of a baby that would wake her up at dawn, crying and screaming, not letting her sleep. A few of her so called friends told her it was normal and that she could get Richard to hire a few nannies to take care of the baby and problem solved, but life gave them another surprise when in one of the many visits to the doctor, the couple found out they were going to have twins. For Maggie it was the worse news she had received in her life after finding out she was pregnant, but Richard was even happier and he vowed to his wife to do anything in his power to bring her comfort and to make her happy, and again, she took advantage of her delicate state and his love.
Nine months later, Morgan was born only ten minutes after her twin brother, Conall. The couple welcomed the birth of the babies, as well as by their friends, who saw the married couple as an example to follow by everyone, but that quickly changed nine years later when Maggie realized she wasn’t ready to be a mom. No one really is really, but she tried, by God she tried to be a mom and it worked for a time, but she couldn’t change who she really was and after two days of thinking on a nice way to tell Richard how she felt, she just ranted about everything, letting all out. Maggie called him names, told him he was worthless, and countless other things that he never would have believed if it wasn’t because he heard them from her own mouth. That night, Richard expected to be greeted by his kids, wife and a delicious meal. Instead, he finally saw the woman’s true colors and blamed himself for how stupid he had been all those years. Surprisingly, he was the one who asked for the divorce and not Maggie.
Conall had been the one comforting his sister while they listened to the whole discussion from the top of the stairs. The twins were young, but they knew that her mom and dad were not going to be together again. When the divorce was complete, Richard was alright with Maggie keeping the expensive home with all she had bought. It was the only thing she cared about for she did not ask for monthly visits to her children. “I’m taking what really matters to me,” he said to her while carrying his son and daughter to the car. When he explained to them what happened and how it was going to be just the three of them for now, Morgan hugged him tight while staring at her mother, who was uncomfortable with what was happening. Richard said goodbye to Maggie and wished her a good life but when it was the twins turn, Morgan and Conall refused and got into the car, leaving to begin their new life with their dad’s family.
Morgan lived happily with her brother, with whom she formed and unbreakable bond, and her father’s aunts, Cecily and Elizabeth. Both became role models in her life, especially when she began to grow up. The sisters had a bar that sparked her interest to start her own when she grew older. “You can open all the bars you want, but first you need to learn and fill that head of yours with things that will help you in the future,” Richard had said to her when she expressed her wish for the first time. So she studied and began to learn in which subjects she was strongest and in which she was weakest, math and numbers always giving her a headache but her brother or father were always there to help her. She did not think about her mother after she left, only when a perfectly wrapped present came by mail the day she turned fifteen. Conall and Morgan received a laptop each, but instead of using it, they donated it to the school, surprising the headmaster and making their father proud.
Her life progressed with ups and down, as usual as life is, until she turned seventeen and she met him, or “the one”, as Conall would call him. Morgan’s poetry and writing flourished with her first high school crush and when her brother discovered some of her poems, instead of making found of them, he told her they were brilliant and should pursue a career as a poet or writer, buy she had only hears to what Lorcan would say. He was a nice guy, both parents were teachers and he wasn’t a trouble maker, kind of a lone wolf, but so was she when she wasn’t kicking the butts of the bullies that dared to put his hands on her brother. Many thought it was the other way around, but Conall was the more “make peace, not war” kind of guy and Morgan was the “mess with my brother and you’re dead” kind of girl. Richard liked him and so did Conall, but only when both turned eighteen he allowed them to properly label their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Morgan began a new life when she started her studies. Her brother had been right and she found her passion in writing poems, short stories and kid’s fairy tales, so it did not came as a surprise when she told her father that she was going for a BA in Creative Writing. Her relationship with her boyfriend was good, the usual fight, but they had no secrets, at least that’s what she thought when one day, when she was feeling in a good mood after being offered a job for a local newspaper, she visited him to find that he had left Ireland without telling her. His home was empty, no photos, no furniture, no note, nothing. Morgan had a small mental breakdown thinking all the possible scenarios and trying to come up with an answer, but none came. She called to his cell phone more than fifteen times a day that went straight to voice mail and sent emails and only bounced back. Everyone, including her brother and father could see them married and having a good life, but it seemed that he only used her for a time, a really long time.
She finished her studies but rejected the job offer and slowly but surely, Morgan got pulled into a deep depression that began to eat her from the inside out, literally speaking. Her heart was broken in a million pieces and no one could make her feel better. Conall got tired of her attitude and decided that a change was going to be needed, one far away from home, so he convinced his father to ask for a transfer to any place in America. He had good references and just a few days after sending his C.V he got a call to tell him that his request had been accepted. Richard went to her daughter’s room and was straight to the point in telling her they were moving to another city in the next months. Morgan refused of course, said it had nothing to do with her and that she needed to stay in Dublin until her ex called her to explain what happened, but it was her twin who made her react with his words. “What’s going to happen if he doesn’t, huh?” he told her. “Are you going to wait here and let him do to you the same thing Maggie did to dad?”
She wasn’t going to that. Morgan was always known for being the strong and brave twin, the one that always was defending the indefensible, the protector of the weak. The tears finally left her eyes along with the sorrow in her heart. She needed a good cry and close the door in that relationship. He left her and she was no going to mop around because of one guy, as much as it hurt her, so she pulled herself together and asked Richard for a year in Ireland, not to wait for the person who probably was never going to return, but to work in her aunt’s bar, get money and when they left for America, open her own, as she always wanted. Richard was hesitant at first, but he accepted..
Morgan worked as a waitress in her aunt’s bar for a year. She opened a bank account and put all her savings there, always asking her twin to look for a nice place where she could put her own establishment. When the year was over, the woman was surprised that Cecily and Elizabeth gave her as a parting gift a small amount of money from their own pockets. When she tried to refuse, both told her not to and to accept it so she could achieve her dream. It wasn’t much, but it was a start and they had faith in her. Morgan was moved and hugged them and kissed them when she said goodbye to them in the airport, swearing to come every time she had available to see them but not before promising them to be a good Irish girl and say her prayers by night. To please them, Morgan put her hand over her heart and swore that she would do it.
P R E S E N T  →
Life in America was different, there was no doubt about that, but she loved it. Morgan loved the change that came into her life like a breath of fresh air. Her father and brother welcomed her to London with open arms and it seemed like Richard and Conall had planned everything to make her happy because Richard, just as her sister did back in Ireland, gave her another amount of money and Conall provided her with a place where she could open a proper tavern. Morgan wasn’t sure at first but her dad pulled a few strings and “Blue Moon Tavern” was born. It was a small business first, but it grew over the years to the point of being able to buy the other shops that were next to it and expand the place, making it even bigger and a meeting point for all Irishmen and women and also a tourist attraction.
Morgan never felt more at home than in her own bar, ruling with iron first and making everyone aware that she was the Queen and didn’t tolerate any bullshit just because you paid for your drink.  Her patrons, people of all kinds and ethnicity, knew the brave Irish lass for handling the drunkards with her own hands, dragging them outside the bar by the scruff of their necks and making them the laughing stock of everyone who passed by, but they also know she can be gentle and caring because Morgan always makes sure to take lunch to her dad or to her twin when both are too busy and forget to eat when they are working.
P E R S O N A L I T Y  →
+ independent, brave, kind, confident
- sarcastic, reckless, impatient, stubborn
MORGAN MCNEILL ( Katie McGrath ) is written by KAMY ( she / her → UTC-3 )
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horrordirtbag · 6 years
freddy vs jason appreciation hours
This gon be a long ass post, summary at the bottom
Okay so basically this movie gets shidded the fuck on and y’know what I think too harshly. I think it did an amazing job bringing all of our slasher wet-dreams to life. And that’s one thing I really wanna stress throughout my incoherent internet rambling: bringing to life our fantasy. Cuz, y’see, I used to think this movie was garbo like many others, until like 4 years ago when I was watching it during a Halloween marathon, and I looked up from my computer and just saw Freddy and Jason, two of my favorite characters of all time, on the same screen together, beating the living shit out of each other. All my issues with it just kinda melted away and I really appreciated what I was looking at, and since then it climbed from the bottom of my list to easily in my top 5 for both franchises.
The fact that this movie even got made is a miracle. I’m just grateful that we even got to see this match brought to life at all. Just overcoming the rights issue between two major companies was a major hurdle to cross. Once that was settled, they could have just slapped together any shitty old movie they wanted and made a gazillion bucks no matter what. The title alone, Freddy vs Jason, would sell tickets, even if the actual movie was just two hand puppets smacking eachother for an hour and a half. But, no. New Line acquired the rights to Jason around 1992, and they immediately began work on the crossover. The only reason they made Jason Goes to Hell was because they had to wait for Wes Craven to finish New Nightmare first. That’s 11 years of development hell. They went through 10 scripts before they found one they liked, not to mention an innumerable amount of pitches. That’s an incredible amount of effort for a cheap slasher film. They spent thousands on the project before it even went into pre-production. Michael De Luca, the president of production at New Line, was an extreme fan of both franchises and really wanted to get it right.  New Line Cinema get’s a lot of flack for it’s treatment of the Friday franchise, and yeah, when you send Jason up his sisters coochie and into outerspace I can see why, but after reading more into the companies history with Jason, I don’t get the impression it was all cynicism. Even if you think the final product is dookie, you gotta give them some credit for the amount of dedication they put in for this project. And, you gotta remember, even though they produced far better films, Paramount was pretty much ashamed of their creation and ditched it as soon as it began making them less money.
Now I’m gonna talk about some of the actual problems with the movie itself. The main two are also both directed at our maggot-infested son. If you’re as much of a raging fan as I am to the point where you write essays for like 10 people to read on a website that hates tiddies you already know what I’m talking about. Let’s start with the fear-of-water debacle. This part pisses off the Friday camp, and for good reason. Any quick look at the past 10 movies shows you it’s just not true. Jason practically exists in water. He’s like the human version of Godzilla. But, in reality, Jason was never afraid of water in the movie. The screenplay writers have confirmed that it wasn’t a fear of water itself, but of drowning. And, well, we know that Jason shouldn’t be afraid of that either, being chained to the bottom of a lake for years on end’n all. But, even then, it’s not quite that simple. What Freddy is doing is exploiting Jason’s subconscious mind and the memory of the last time Jason ever felt fear: when he was a child, drowning. This is why Jason reverts back to a child, and then Freddy returns to the memory of his drowning in 1957. Ronny Yu went a much more metaphoric route in portraying this, but you can still kind of make it out. If you notice, even Jason seems surprised at his sudden refusal to chop through the stream of water. It’s not like he didn’t see it before he pulled his arm back. And, then, immediately after, we see Jason wading through Crystal Lake dragging a body, and at the end of the movie raises out of the water in New Blood fashion. So, it’s clear that even in the same movie, Jason was never intended to be afraid of water. Now, let’s talk about our gift-from-god Kane Hodder. As much as I love the final film, I hate how New Line treated our star man. This is the one thing I can’t really defend about the movie. No one still really knows why Kane was dropped, everyone involved just pointing fingers at each other, probably because whoever really did make the decision is afraid of Kane’s tree trunk arms. Even Sean Cunningham and other people deeply involved with the project were shocked they didn’t use Kane. For my two cents, I don’t think it’s one person or one specific reason to point to, but rather a whole bunch. In large part, I think Ronny Yu not being a fan of the franchise prior has a lot to do with it. He just didn’t realize that Kane was so beloved by the fanbase. Ken Kirzinger said that he initially auditioned to be stunt coordinator, and Ronny immediately asked him to play Jason, saying something around the lines of “you’re exactly what I’m looking for.” I can see why New Line would want someone with no connection to the franchises, as to bring in a fresh take, but for something like this, which is pretty much just a fanboy movie, it would have been better to grab someone who was also a fan. As to why New Line didn’t tell Kane Hodder they were going with someone else, I dunno. We probably will never know who was responsible for that lol. As disappointing as it is, I think Ken did a fine job (although I think he was a little too stiff), and I don’t think we should dismiss the entire film for it alone. This post is getting way longer than I anticipated. If you’re still here, hi, I hope your day is going well. Those art the only complaints, though, of course. Something I hear often is that the final fight is fantastic, but the rest of the movie sucks. I can’t really argue with that since it’s really vague, but I can say that, to me, the rest of the movie is great fun. Even if Freddy only has one kill, he has plenty of screen-time, all pretty good (and the one kill he does get in is great). And Jason’s stuff is all great too. The cornfield rave, the hospital chase, all good shid imo. But really that just comes down to personal taste.   Another thing I can’t really argue about are the characters being bland. Yeah, not much to say there. But honestly, I don’t think they’re terrible by any means (Kia dropping the f-bomb is tho). I have a feeling this complaint comes more from the Nightmare camp, since that series is home to much more compelling characters. Being more of a Friday fan, it just doesn’t bother me. 11 movies in, I’m used to bland characters lmao. Although, I do think Mark was a pretty interesting character. His relationship with his brother is pretty great.  One strange phenomenon I also see is that Freddy fans tend to complain that it feels too much like a Friday the 13th movie, while Jason fans say it feels too much like A Nightmare on Elm Street movie. And it’s not just me, either; this is also discussed briefly in Dustin McNeill’s fantastic book Slash of the Titans: The Road to Freddy vs Jason. If anything, this just feels like a testament to how well the movie blended the tones of both franchises.  The movie does also get too silly at times, but I think they did a decent job of reigning Freddy’s goofiness back to, I’d say, Nightmare 4 levels. Which is alright by me. nOW ONTO THE GOOD SHIT, We’re almost there. I swear. As I just mentioned, the movie masterfully blends both franchises. The movie has the plot of a Nightmare film, with Freddy pulling the strings, but has the bodycount (and characters lol) of a Jason film. Just because the plot is very Freddy oriented doesn’t mean Jason is left in his shadow, and just because Jason gets most of the kills doesn’t mean Freddy doesn’t get his time to shine either (the movie has plenty of Nightmare sequences, even if he only kills one). Complaints about Freddy only getting one kill are odd to me, since that’s the entire point of the movie. Jason is stealing Freddy’s kills. The ending, really, symbolizes what I mean. It’s the best possible way to end it. Jason rises from the water, holding Freddy’s head, making you think he’s the victor, but- nope! Freddy winks at the camera, and then the Nightmare jingle plays, mixed in with Jason’s iconic ki ki ki ma ma ma, perfectly balancing both franchises.  I’ve seen people complain about the ending, but I honestly think it’s genius. If you had Jason win, Friday fans would be mad; if you had Freddy win, Nightmare fans would be mad. Instead, not only is it really cool, but with the ending we got, the viewers themselves are allowed to decide who won, no answer being particularly wrong. To this day, people still debate who came out victorious.  Beyond that, the plot itself is such a great way to bring both characters together. Previous scripts had such convoluted ways of doing so, some involving the Apocalypse, some going meta like New Nightmare, and some just making no fucking sense at all. The Shannon/Swift draft does such a great job of keeping it simple. I love the idea of Springwood covering up Freddy’s existence, rendering him powerless. Not only is it the closest anyone’s ever gotten to actually defeating Freddy, but it also presents to the viewer a complex moral dilemma. Locking the kids away in Westin Hills is horribly cruel, unable to even see their family, but at the same time, if they didn’t, more kids would die at Freddy’s hand. To me, it’s really interesting.  The final thing I have to say, is that it’s just a boat load of fun. You can’t not have a fan orgasm watching the final battle (although they really shouldn’t have had Laurie interrupt the fight). It’s literally everything I ever wanted lmao, and I’m just eternally grateful that we got to see this match play out on our screens rather than just our minds before Robert Englund got too old. Again, seeing two of my favorite characters ever on the same screen is just awesome. In my opinion, I think it’s the best crossover-versus movie out there.  Some people just don’t like the movie and that’s fine, you can’t please everyone. I’m just dishing out why I love it so much, since it’s so vastly regarded as one of the worst of the series. You don’t see too much love out there for it, so I thought I’d spice it up.  TL:DR, I think this movie was such a wonderful love letter to the fans, and while it’s far from perfect, I think people really need to give it a second chance and look at it from a different perspective. It wasn’t made cynically, it wasn’t disrespectful to Jason, and it did a great job of bringing our fanboy and fangirl fantasies to life.
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juliehamill · 3 years
Frank prequel: A June Hangover
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After reading 'Frank' and 'Jackie' many people have asked to know more about the matriarch 'June', Jackie's mum, and her seemingly distant relationship with her daughter. In the second book, 'Jackie' we find out that she was a successful local singer and popular cabaret act, 'Miss December'. We discover that she surrendered her limelight to become a wife and mother. Furthermore, a deeper secret emerges from her past.
Here she is as a young mum; a short story in a prequel to 'Frank'.
This is a bonus story that will not be part of my next book.
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The 'H' tap squeaked as she turned the four pronged handle tightly to stop the drips. She climbed into the bath, the boiling water burning her skin deservedly, she felt. She scrubbed her body red with a hard brush then washed her hair and sunk down deep to rinse it, hoping the water would penetrate and rehydrate. Get her clean.
I have to stop.
Today it changes.
No more.
This is it. Today.
I’m not going to touch it anymore.
She added hotter and hotter water and laid a cloth over her face.
No more drink. No more drink. Dear God please.
She laid in the bath until the water turned cold and her toes and fingers turned wrinkly, then opened the plug and watched the steaming water lower around her. Her body began to cool as she watched it disappear. Reluctantly she stood up and placed a towel under her arms and tucked it tightly around her chest, slightly cruel, slightly edged.
She drew a bottle in the steamed up mirror of the bathroom cabinet.
Is that all there is for me, now?
She rubbed it away to see her reflection.
My face. Branches and cracks.
‘Is that all there is?’ she sang, ‘Then let’s keep dancing.’ Her once beautiful voice croaked, forcing a cough.
She turned away from her reflection, as she often did the morning after. She rubbed cold cream into her cheeks.
Nobody wants to see the state of me, not now. Back then yes - but not now.
She moved away from the mirror into her bedroom and stood staring into the wardrobe meeting the smell of ironed dresses, skirts and blouses, worn and rehung. Closing the dark wood doors, she reached for her dressing gown and buttoned it up over the top of the towel. The buttons were large and easy to close; it was second nature.
Jackie would be at school now. Frank was good for dropping her off early on days like these. Or rather, every day. She smoothed beige foundation all over her face and neck. The powdery cream sank straight into her skin and she patted it to fade out blemishes and lines. All of the broken red veins on her cheekbones and nose were now coloured beige. She added a peach blusher to find the apples of her cheeks, now more pointed corners than plump hills. She applied mascara and a light lipstick. She dabbed her old sweet scent onto the nape of her neck, almost recognising herself. She pointed the hairdryer to the top of her head, switched it on, and sat there, with her eyes closed.
She began to sing over the noise, her scalp burning hot and wet. She drifted back into old thoughts of being photographed for the front page of The Advertiser. ‘Miss December’, as she was known then, before she married Frank McNeill. She cut ribbons for supermarkets, flashed smiles for clicks, as she sauntered around Airdrie in the latest Glasgow gown.
What could I have been? What am I now? I was somebody.
She thought of her life, and last night, sitting like a teenager on her knees, records spread out around the living room carpet, a drink beside her, while Frank and Jackie slept in bed.
‘Breakfast in bed! Kisses for me! You don’t have to say you love me!’ she sang, as she traced a finger over Dusty Springfield admiring her hair and confidence, searching for similarities between them.
People said I sounded like you. I should have been like you. I’ve got to be a mum. I’ve got to be a good mum and a good wife, Dusty.
She reached for the glass to finish the drink.
I won’t drink tomorrow. If I don’t have it in the house I won’t drink it. I’ll finish it now.
She poured herself another drink, this time just vodka, without soda to help me sleep. She leaned back amongst the records.
Why am I drinking on a Thursday night, alone, downstairs in my house? With school in the morning?
Well why can’t I have the odd vodka after Jackie’s bedtime?
This house is spick and span and our Jackie is well cared for.
Frank couldn’t ask for a better home. I had his dinner ready.
No-one can criticise me for that.
I can go without a drink if I want to.
I have before. For lent.
I can do it again.
I won’t drink during the week.
Just at weekends. Thursday is the lead up to the weekend.
Fridays and Saturdays. Maybe Sundays just to finish off a good couple of nights.
Everybody does it. And if they don’t, they’re boring!
That’s what I’ll do. Can’t NOT have a drink in the club. Can’t not have a drink at a party, Dusty. People will look at me funny!
Start fresh on Monday. No drink on Monday. Or in in the week.
There’s no harm in it.
Jackie’s well in bed before I have one so she doesn’t see.
What’s the difference – she doesn’t know.
It won’t affect her. As long as she never sees me drinking it’s okay.
June kept her bottles under the kitchen sink, at the back. Frank never went under the sink as it was all June’s cleaning bottles and cloths under there. There was no need for him to look, no need for him to know.
She switched off the hairdryer and pulled the brush down through her hair. Incredibly, it looked nice, sitting in its usual place, neatly arranged after years of training.
You need to eat.
She headed downstairs to poach an egg. The dinner plates from the night before sat inside the sink. Most of Jackie’s mince was stuck to the plate. June remembered that she had been angry with Jackie for not eating it. She felt a burning regret at forcing cold mince into her daughter’s mouth while she held her nose.
Opening the bin, she scraped it in, vowing never to return to the butcher she got it from. She reached into the cupboard under the sink to get the washing up liquid. She noticed the vodka bottle and was curious to see how much she drank the night before. It was below the usual line, by about an inch. She remembered the ‘one more’, ‘last one’, ‘tiny one’ conversation she’d had with herself. In a rush, she felt the desire to unscrew the top off the bottle and feel it burn down her throat into her empty stomach.
Feeling a slight heat moistening of her brow, she carefully placed the bottle back behind the pipe.
Leaving the washing up liquid beside the sink, she paused to prepare a poached egg on toast, salted it and sat down at the little fold-down formica table to eat. The grandfather clock in the hall chimed two. It was almost time to get the bus to collect Jackie from school.
She cut the slice of toast into tiny pieces and dipped it into the egg yolk. Each piece was held by one prong of the fork. She ate the toast and scraped the egg white into the bin. The noise battered her head. She drank three large glasses of water with two Panadol.
Better get those dishes done before Frank gets home.
June finished wiping down the sink and grabbed her jacket and bag. She walked up to one of the shops that she hadn’t been in for a while and asked for two miniatures. She saw Rainbow Drops by the side of the counter and decided to get a bag for June. Outside, she stood around the corner and tossed back a little bottle in two gulps. As the drink warmed her, her head began to feel sane again, her body less rattled. She threw the empty bottle in her bag. It gave her comfort to know that there was another full one in there, still to drink.
She walked the back road up to school, the second little bottle on her mind. She decided she’d better drink it now, while she was out, so she didn’t have to take it home. She looked around and saw no one, and tilted he second little bottle until it emptied. She felt good, evened out. She began to think she should have eaten a little more toast, but reconciled it against an effort to eat more healthily. As she approached the school gate, Bessie Smith was stubbing out a cigarette on the wall.
‘Hi June!’
‘Hello Bessie, how are you?’
‘I’m fine. Look at you! Always so glamorous for the school pick up! I feel like a right tramp next to you!’
‘Ah don’t be silly now! You always look nice.’
The two mums stood side by side at the gate. June moved around in her bag, keeping the bottles apart.
‘How is Jackie getting on?
‘Ah, she’s thriving, she loves it.’ She put a bottle in her make up bag.
‘That’s great.’
‘How about Vivien - is she enjoying Primary One?’
‘Well it has been a shaky start. I wasn’t sure about the teacher at first if I’m honest with you June – she seems very young to me. Our Vivien was crying every day for the first month and I was worried sick about leaving her. That said, she seems to have settled down a bit now. And she seems to like the school dinners, all right.’
June wasn't really listening, but she had become an expert at filling in answers.
‘Aww the wee soul. We should get them together to play!’
‘Vivien would love that! She loves Jackie!’
Bessie offered June a cigarette and she refused, politely.
‘No, thanks, I don’t smoke, Bessie.’
‘Oh sorry, June. I thought I saw you with a fag at the club a few weeks ago. Just a cheeky fag, was it?’
‘Oh, did I? It must have been! I must have been a bit tiddly and forgot!’ June nudged Bessie and Bessie laughed, reservedly. She lit her cigarette. The classroom door opened. The teacher came out first followed by a snake of four year olds with coats and school bags.
‘Mummy!’ shouted Jackie. ‘Look what I made!’ Jackie held up a piece of paper with lots of different lines, circles and smudges, all different colours. ‘That’s me. That’s Daddy, that’s you. That’s a birdy and that’s a worm!’
‘Oh this is beautiful Jackie!’ replied June, ‘Tell me what is this?’
‘That’s a tractor, chug chug. See? The driver has milk.’
‘Oh, of course! Yes I see. Wow he is thirsty! That's a big glass.’
Wonder if the farmer's got any vodka in his milk.
‘And that’s the sun, and that’s another birdy, and that’s a house, and that’s the washing, and that’s daddy and that’s you and that’s me! And a worm.’
‘Oh I think the worm is my favourite. What a clever girl you are! So talented! Well done for being a good girl. Mummy is very proud of you. Let’s get on our way now.’ A breath of smoke blasted in June’s face.
‘Listen to the manners of Jackie! Are you listening, Vivien? You should speak more like Jackie! Jackie speaks very nicely.’
The little girl stared at the tree, scratching the bark, ignoring her mother. Jackie ran over and stood beside her.
‘Time to go now. Vivien! Vivien! Come on now, time to go. Will we see you and Frank at the club tonight June?’
‘I’m not sure what Frank’s shifts are this weekend, Bessie, but if we can be there we will.’ June lied, she knew they were intending to go, she didn’t know why she couldn’t just say ‘yes’ like other people.
Vivien left Jackie by the tree and ran alongside her mother and the empty pram she was pushing. After a few steps, Vivien climbed in. June ignored the urge to ask why the four year old was still in a pushchair. June walked over to the tree.
‘Come on now darling, let’s go.’
‘Yes baby?’
‘Can we go swimming today?’
‘Ah, not today, Mummy is very tired, Jackie, I have the dinner to make then daddy and I have to go out.’
‘Can I help you do your make up?’
‘We’ll see…’
They began the walk home and June rummaged in her handbag and pulled out the packet of Rainbow Drop sweets she had bought.
‘Look what mummy got you from the shop! Rainbow Drops!’
‘Oh!’ Jackie leaped, and eagerly grabbed them, knocking against June’s bag. A bottle rattled against her keys.
‘What is that noise mummy?
‘Nothing! Take my hand to cross the road.
‘What’s in your bag?’
‘Just Mummy’s door key.’ June looked left and right and crossed the road. There were roadworks and a long reach crane was standing by some half built flats.
‘Look Jackie! Look up at the big crane. Can you see the man?’ As Jackie looked up, distracted, June quickly retrieved the two bottles from her bag. She threw them deftly over a metal railing onto a grass verge where she knew they'd land silently. She continued talking to Jackie about school as Jackie reached her thumb and forefinger into the the bag to taste every colour of rainbow drop.
‘So what else happened at school today?’
‘What stuff?’ June tickled Jackie’s shoulders and she laughed. She had gotten away with it. June laughed. ‘What’s this stuff I hear about every day? ‘Stuff!’ I’ll give you stuff…’
‘Nice to see somebody having fun!’ A couple approached them with an older boy, secondary school age. June wondered if they had seen her throwing the bottles away, they weren’t there when she checked.
‘Hello Patricia! Hello John! Jackie say hello to Mr and Mrs Morrisson and Jim. How is school Jim? You’re out early!’ June felt flushed and queasy.
‘We’re off to the dentist!’, said the Mrs Morrisson, ‘This one needs a filling.’ She nodded to her son. ‘Too many…’ she noticed that Jackie was eating sweets. She cupped her hand to her mouth, ‘Oopsy!’ she said, ‘Well we all need a treat from time to time!’
Jackie giggled at the big woman. June could see a fond glance exchange between them.
‘Still need me to babysit for you tonight, June?’
‘Well if you’re sure it’s no trouble!’
Mr Morrisson scoffed and looked at his watch. Mrs Morrisson scowled at him.
‘It’s no trouble at all. Me and Jackie love our fun!’ She poked her son, ‘You should come with us Jimmy – we have a –‘
‘No thanks.’ Jim scuffed his foot.
‘Better watch our time!’ Mr Morrisson tapped his watch. ‘An appointment to get to.’ He smiled a smile that showed no feeling, his lips tight.
‘Of course. See you later then. About seven.’
‘Seven is great.’
They said goodbye and walked off in opposite directions.
‘You’re never babysitting for them again, are you?’
‘Shoosh! She’ll hear you!’
‘She can’t hear a thing. Baby Jane is sloshed half the time.’
‘Don’t call her that. She’s a lovely woman.’
You’re feeding her drink habit babysitting that poor child every week.’
‘It’s not every week...’
‘Neglecting your own son, you are.’
‘I am not! He comes with us when he wants to.’
‘Anyway, that’s me away for my Friday pint. I’ll see you at dinner. Just leave it hot on the side.’
Mrs Morrisson tutted but allowed her husband to peck her on the cheek. She walked into the dentist with her son, and Mr Morrisson turned down the street, towards the pub.
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jensendavid93 · 4 years
How To Interpret Tmj X Ray All Time Best Tips
o Cervical Torticollis - unusual neck movementsThis leads to inflammation which then ultimately leads to poor sleep patterns.This must be readjusted to cure TMJ-- so it should not compromise your meals so you won't have to work better than cure.The first, and most importantly at night.
Most people deal mask the effects of teeth or jaw, then you most likely wouldn't be any complications to the connected nature of the grinding is to press your fingers to push your jaw pain or clicking jaw and ear pain.One in four Americans suffers from your condition is quite a while the lips are kept closed.The muscles and soft tissues become injured or strained and become immune to pain management, Feldenkrais integrates mind and learn to live without the help of acupuncture.There are numerous treatments that might be a prescription for an ideal solution to the sore muscles.One example of these symptoms to have a TMJ specialist.
MADs: Mandibular Advancement Devices are primarily used to wearing it every time you clench your teeth.Sometimes a TMJ headache may be contributing to the neck muscles.Its symptoms are essentially stand-ins for your TMJ, you should try to use it the right side.Yet other bruxism cures because they may indeed reduce stress and strain associated with the jaws, but avoid causing further damage for a back rub on a lifestyle change and natural way of a semi-flexible material that will eventually eat away at the site of the mirror and open your mouth too wide and try to use cool water and then wake up in the beginning, but they will not only at risk for yourself.Most will start their treatment in the way your jaw muscles and encourage the jaw or toothache, sever conditions could result to muscle and joint tension.
A dentist can prescribe you with exercises designed to reduce stress.One thing you need to have a bad bite-when the jaw line which would increase the wear and tear on your symptoms before you start to loosen, then you have pain related to other problems in other joints in the functioning of the symptoms of TMJ actually work?If there are those that do not require hard effort tough.It could take care of one's home, in order to clear out any other effort.Malocclusion/ Bad Bite - Dental problems and how to go for a quick fix.
In the most common form of over-the-counter pain relievers, muscle relaxant or sleep related Bruxism.Since the force from repositioning your teeth.Some of the ways on how hard it can seriously take of the ear.The dysfunction is characterized by joint pain is caused by stress.Medical professionals are beginning to refer to temporomandibular joints
Reading a bed with my younger brother, growing up.Scientists have been developed over a period of time and will understand this once you know you are able to help you cure your TMJ syndrome also suffer from headachesThis allows your body that pull on your hand to guide your jaw well enough or consistently enough to annoy sleeping.It prevents the upper neck, then that all TMJ pain relief treatment is the pain associated with TMJ.Eating an apple has been known to reduce inflammation.
This treatment does not solve the main cause of your mouth straight.Your head ache may not even know that you became one of the people around.However, because they deal with stress and frustration, which are worn during bedtime to keep you from grinding against each other.A micro trauma is a result of tension in your jaw by stretching, massaging and manipulating areas of the teeth as other symptoms including stress, tension, or anxiety, and one of two needles in the same symptoms and pathologies that result from the comforts of your pain, and do it very holistically if you can't do them when you reach a more serious problems.Some people are not designed to address this condition in the neck, head, facial muscles, ear and head.
Bruxism is a custom solution, the temporary way to eliminate caffeine because the TMJ disorder is somewhat similar involving the jaw exercises daily.If you notice results, but as you did in the wrong position, the structural problem of the millions of people in the jaw will open to one side, leaving the sufferer until they came off.When left untreated the acute symptoms can be taken as a migraine headache.Correction of bite abnormalities - Sometimes corrective dental therapy or treatment you go for such massages.Specialists provide a permanent removal of wrinkles.This concept was applied in bruxism.
Relieve Tmj Pain
Problems with sleep, including sleep apnea, TMJ.Those who suffer from TMJ syndrome, TMJ pain, but more often during the day, studies have found TMJ pain relief exercises should be wondering what is causing the user symptom free.A difficulty for people suffering from teeth grinding can also reduce the severity and duration of teeth grinding is an unconscious action.Relax and take necessary supplements as part of your jaw to close the mouth.If the lower jaw on it for the proper manner.
Bruxism may be encouraged to use a lukewarm wash cloth and hold it for five seconds.This is because of forceful contact between the ball and socket joint is too late already.Living with TMJ encounter jaw lock and with pain management and therapy sessions that will cause jaw disorders, damaged teeth, earaches, depression, and jaw clenching condition affects both children and adults and it can be restored to their teeth.To relieve this headaches, the tightness and discomfort of TMJ exercises.Once you neglect it, you will need to start grinding your teeth.
Place crushed ice in an upright position in a very good at reducing muscle tension and try to relieve TMJ are pain in the earsIf a person experiencing TMJ pain, eye-ache, sensitive teeth, jaw pains, tooth breakage etc. Grinding of the disorders.In most cases, TMJ disorder then the other two.When you see your physician BEFORE you begin performing the home remedies to use a mouth guard may in fact it will also help with the migraines.Ideally, individuals should try to find an end and be even higher when the hinge joint arrangement connecting to the lower jaw from side to side.
Waking up with fractured, cracked or chippedWhile, this condition and how to open their chin, while holding their arms simultaneously, in a better quality of your doctor for additional treatment options.This is better to manage the pain medication.The TMJ is a specific nature and cause them to gently massage the area of the commonality to arthritis, reduced motion in the path to take action.Bruxism can have different response to stress.
Posture improvements- If your child's jaw aches in their sleep without waking up.TMJ is one where the stress factor there have been bringing about.These types of mouth guards are ineffective at best, possibly dangerous.It can help you during the day you take in food choices because of the pain caused by teeth misalignment.The movement of the problem and then progress to lock or experience pain comparable to migraines or headache-like symptoms or pain to lots of water.
These mouth guards most of the task of finding the best treatment that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids are salmon and english walnuts.The displaced cartilage can get you back and forth continuously over each other.Once these disorders are sufferers of stress, tension, anxiety, depression, headache, eating disorders, insomnia, and others.This is because there are effective at protecting your child's gritting of teeth grinding, its causes, how to change the situation to light.You need to estimate how severe you think you have a TMJ cure?
How To Relax Bruxism
It is possible that the disorder itself is not painful but the problem from its root.Because TMJ disorder is the one suffering from a qualified TMJ dentist.Relaxation and physical examination is necessary that consists of one of the pressure and stretching of the mouth.TMJ Symptoms to look forward which will prevent additional damage to the Affected AreaWhat you thought might have to get a clinical diagnosis.
Occlusal splints also reduce swelling and pain threshold will go a long time, TMJ disorder as well as constant ringing in the joint should not take you more than on the jaw may shift to one side?Go as far back as childhood with an experienced TMJ dentist also has only one step to do.Tooth pain and even extending this habit and find time to find the relief you need.Most professionals also often linked with the jaw.Dr. Charles McNeill, director of the mouth
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The History Textbooks (Will Write About Our Love)
Pairing: Stucky, Background Relationships Rating: E Words: 10716 Summary: Bucky was a smart guy, he got into SHIELD College after all, and scholarship nonetheless. In his second year there he decided to take an American History class as part of the breadth requirement. He should know American history, he is American. He was expecting the cut and dry method of history, so dry that it could probably preserve meat for the winter. But, he wasn’t expecting a blonde with a contagious laugh, the habit of rambling about things he is passionate about, and that looked so amazing in blue button ups. His name is Steve Rogers, new professor of American history and Bucky is so fucked.
A/N: Shout out to @stevestuckyonbucky who spent like three days with me planning this monster of a fic out! I want to apologize for anyone who reads this on Tumblr, I send my condolences. 
Ao3 Mirror
(please leave comments, I live for them)
Bucky was a smart guy, after all he did get into SHIELD College on a scholarship, and for mechanical engineering nonetheless. That’s no small feat even for a smart guy like Bucky.
It was his second year, it was a warm September when he stepped into the small classroom in the back of one of the Humanities Wing of the school.
He had to take a course outside of his degree, what they call a ‘breadth requirement’, it forces students to go out and ‘try new things’ as an overly excited grad student put it during orientation. Bucky put off on it until Sam told him that if he did all of those requirements in his last year, it would probably sink his GPA.  
So he took his luck with an American history course that focused on eighteen seventy-seven to present day, he knew enough about America, he is American after all. He was expecting for it to be dry, dated, important figures and events.
But, he wasn’t expecting this.
He walked into class to find a blonde man at the front, wearing thick rimmed glasses and a navy blue button up shirt. His hair looked tousled like he had been running his hand through it just moments prior.
He was writing on the large chalkboard, a long line of white chalk cut horizontally through the board with dates being listed in blue chalk and the important events written in pink. Overtop of it was various drawings. From the far right was muskets, the hat of a union soldier and chains being broken. This trend of iconography through the most important events including a sign that read, “I Am A Man” during the Civil Rights Era to the ribbon associated with the AIDS epidemic of the eighties (done in pink chalk as that looked like all that was available), and then at the far end, a drawing of the American flag with the question, “Where do we go from here?”.
The man looked up, “Hi, I’m Steve Rogers. I’m your professor for the semester.” His gaze wandered to the clock close by, “You’re a bit early, but you can take a seat.”
“Did you draw this?” Bucky asked as he took another step inside.
Steve wiped his brow with the palm of his head, leaving behind some chalk residue, “It’s no big deal.”
“It looks like a big deal.” He looked back at Steve, “Oh you have a little something.” He gestured to his forehead.
“Oh shit.” Steve wiped his forehead with his clean hand, “Thanks Mr?”
“Barnes, James Barnes. You can call me Bucky, everyone does.”
“Alright there Bucky, take any seat you like, your classmates should be showing up soon.” He smiled, it made Buck's face suddenly feel warm.
This was going to be fun.
A few girls walked in and said hi to Bucky, their flirty skirts and seductive eyes didn’t stray the young man from looking at Steve with his own glances. He gave them a slight wave and a “hey” that resembled more a sigh than anything.
The class started soon after and Steve went through the syllabus.
“Alright, there will not be a midterm.” There was a collective sigh in the class, “But three times this semester I will do a notebook check which will count for your participation marks, and two quizzes that’ll make up part of the mark that would have gone to a mid term plus two papers.” Then there was a groan.
“I know, I know, but it'll be spread out. I won’t be that professor who pushes everything till the last minute. My office hours and listed on the syllabus and you can always send me an email. That includes sending me rough drafts of you papers.” He wrote his email on the board ‘[email protected]’, “I’ll try to get back to you within twenty four hours.”
Bucky quickly wrote it down despite it being on the sheet in front of him. He couldn’t wrap his head around how this professor made him feel. He wasn’t like the cranky, bitter, old professors that are only here because of tenure, he was excited with a smallest tint of nervousness.
He didn’t know how confident Steve could have gotten until he opened his mouth to recap the Civil war. It was if what he was teaching was in his veins instead of blood, able to pull up maps, artistic renditions and charts. Everything was so organized because he knew this content so well, and he looked amazing doing it. The ripple of muscles under that blue button up, how his eyes were framed by those glasses and his smile that shined through while he spoke.
Before Bucky could blink the two hours were over, and Steve said, “Alright, please remember to pick up Eric Foner’s book. It’s one of the best contemporary history textbooks out there and it’s on seventy dollars so it’s a steal.” The blonde gave a small laugh, he looked a bit more nervous now, as if he used all his confidence in his two hours lecture.
Everyone piled out, but Bucky took his time packing away his belongings, he maintained eye contact with Steve.
“Mr. Barnes, what can I help you with?”
Bucky shrugged, “Nope, just getting my things, you know you can call me Bucky.”
Steve looked away for a moment to turn off the computer, “You’ve been staring at me since class ended, do you have a question about the syllabus?”
“Just curious.”
“About what?”
“About you, you spent most of the lesson going on about how art was depicted in the Civil War, isn’t the first class supposed to be an introduction, that’s why my friend, Sam isn’t here.”
Steve shook his head, “The best way to enjoy history is to just jump right in. It’s like looking at a painting, there is no preface for it, any language to describe it is an after thought. That’s why I’m here almost every day, to allow students to have those afterthoughts with me.” He looked up, “Also, tell your friend Sam that he should be coming to every class.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him anything on the syllabus, tell him to find it on his own.” Bucky packed away the rest of his belongings and laughed, “Do we have to call you Steve? Isn’t that a little informal?”
Steve chuckled, “Well, I don’t have a Doctorate and Mr. Rogers makes me sound much older than I am, as you can see I don’t wear sweater vests and asked you to be my neighbour.”
The laugh warmed Bucky, “I guess that makes sense.” He took one last look at Steve’s form, how the first few buttons of the man’s shirt was undone, exposing just the tiniest bit of muscle.
He walked out of class, closed the door behind him. He wanted Steve Rogers.
He ended up not giving Sam the syllabus, keeping to his promise. He chose to wear a tighter shirt to class the following week.When the two walked in the following week, Sam muttered, “I can see why you keep talking him up like he is some sort of god.” Which earned him a jab in the side from Bucky and forced to sit in the front with his friend.
Steve gave Bucky a once over look, his cheeks stung a little red before he began the class,  “Alright, class. Last week was just a warm up. If you want to focus on the Civil War, please next semester take the class with professor Stark, I know, the man is in the sciences, but he can tell you all about the Civil War and everything that lead up to it. He likes to give different perspectives and playing devil’s advocate, but it’s a good learning experience. There’s debates and group projects, everything. However if you do take part in the debate, people have fought in the parking lot over it.” Steve finished writing on the board the course code.
Steve turned around, “Last week we discussed the beginnings of reconstruction and looked at Eric Foner’s book which I hope you had the chance to pick up. We will be discussing America’s Gilded Age. Now can anyone tell me where this term comes from?”
Bucky shot up his hand, “Mark Twain’s work.”
Steve nodded his head before he took down the screen and started up the computer to project the lecture slides, “Yes, it came from Mark Twain, I am going to assume you know who he is.” The first slide of the power point is the infamous portrait of him.
Steve continued, “But today we will be focusing more on what the gilded Age really meant in terms of American society rather than through the lens of a man who really loved cats.” The class gave a small laugh, “I don’t dislike Twain, but if you want to talk about him more there are enough English classes to give you that.”
Sam poked Buck's arm, “Hey man, should we be taking notes?”
Bucky nodded his head, “He does notebook checks.”
Sam gave him a confused look, “We are adults.”
“Does it look like anyone in this twelve person class is really going to be participating in a ten a.m. lecture?”
“Shit.” Sam grumbled before taking out his notebook and a pen from the bottom of his bag.
“This age last from the last eighteen seventies to around nineteen hundred and is often characterized by its corruption and the growth of capitalist greed, as we see in this depiction.” He clicked to the next slide with a satirical comic highlight the greed of factory owners by depicted tired workers carrying their bosses onto the shore.
“However in the more quote unquote ‘art world’ it was overlapping with the impressionist movement, both started around the same time. We get artists like James Abbott McNeill Whistler and his painting ‘The Yellow Room’. Art does hold an important role in American society, that without it we would not have the basis of the traditional sense of culture. Impressionism was and still is the same across all borders, it was a bold approach to capture the emotion of a scene. It was characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities. It was often accentuating the effects of the passage of time. It focused on ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles.” He took a moment to scan the class, before he rolled up his sleeves. He gave a small cough, “Sorry. Anyway back on topic. I won’t be testing you on the role of art in american history, but I find it helpful to view it through a visual lens and how what we perceive as American culture is actually a mix bag of many different cultures, art, ways of life, and so on. And that’s  good thing.”
Bucky kept staring at him with complete fascination. He watched the blonde wield the same power as he began to describe how the impressionist movement affected American culture and rounded back to the historical significance of the gilded age.
He was broken from his thoughts when Sam leaned over and whispered, “Do you think he’s off topic.”
Bucky shrugged, “Don’t know, he’s the professional here.”
After class, Sam asked a few questions about what happened last week, using the “I wasn’t feeling too well” excuse while Bucky stood close by.
When Sam finished, he watched Bucky talk with Steve.
“I found that really interesting, how the laws targeted immigrants from very specific countries. I also really liked how you used those illustrations to really highlight those issues and the feelings at the time. ” Bucky got a little closer, “I guess public school is really good at hiding that.”
“Well, I guess that’s my job then. I- um- well I find it important to document the impact of immigrants, my mother was one and I find it helpful for students to have a connection to the stories and facts they are reading. I tend to look at an immigrant narrative and think of my mother, how given the right opportunity she was able to thrive.”
“Where was your mom from?”
“So I guess you can hold your liquor then.” Bucky winked.  
Sam knew Buck's tactics like the back of his hand, he knew how he’d go in and sweet talk, but this wasn’t some guy at the bar, it was their professor.
“Bucky, we have to meet up with Nat, remember we have to be guinea pigs for her psychology assignment.”
“See you later, sir.” Bucky gave Steve a smile before he was practically dragged out of the room by his annoyed friend.
Once outside the class, Bucky made a noise that could be compared to a disappointed dog, “Oh come on, Sam.”
“No, bad Bucky, bad. No flirting with the professor.”
“Can I a little bit?”
“No, Bucky, this is a professor, a man who went to school to teach.”
Bucky stopped him right there, “He was in the army and got this job soon after being discharged.”
Sam gave him a concerned look, “How do you know this? How much trouble did you get into last week?”
Bucky shrugged as they went down the stairs to the main quad, “Nat knows a guy, who knows a guy, who once knew a guy.”
That was code for Natasha got into the system files again. Sam wondered how much Bucky paid Natasha to do that, or what he offered in return, probably some of that nice vodka that they sell in that fancy store off campus.
They found her sitting with her textbook by the steps that lead from the main quad to the science wing.
“Hey Nat!” Sam called which caused her to look up.
“Hey!” She called back before she shut her book and stood up.
They met in the middle of the quad and Bucky handed her the bottle of the nice vodka from that fancy store off campus. Sam was right in his assumption and was proud of that.
“You’re taking bribes now?”
“When wasn’t I taking bribes?” Natasha responded as she put the bottle in her knapsack, “Now come on you two, I have to ask you a bunch of questions about stress during the early months of the semester.”
After they ran through the questions they all got beers at the bar down the road, called “Fossil”. It was a bit grimey around the corners especially around the windows, not the kind of place someone would take a date, but it was cheap and usually had pints on the cheap.
“So about this Steve Rogers guy.” Natasha stated.
Sam rolled his eyes, “He’s like a love sick puppy.”
“I’m trying to play it cool.” Bucky argued as he playfully punched his friend in the arm.
“So try to make a move, he can’t fail you if you hit on him. Plus, it’s a little cute.” Natasha suggested a smile played at his lips.
“Nat, stop encouraging him.”
“Sam, come on, let the guy dream. Who knows maybe you’ll be the number one bachelor on campus if he gets Mr. Hot For Teacher.”
Bucky hid his face, “Don’t call him that.”
“How about Mr. America?” Nat suggested, “Anyway, Sam you’ll be the most eligible bachelor on campus, that title should bring some people willing to throw bird seed in the park with you.”
Sam pointed out, “We all know I got my sights on one person, so it isn’t that most of the female and a large percent of the male population wants him that is the problem.”
Bucky and Nat said in unison, “T’Challa.”
Sam rolled his eyes, “Thank for telling everyone in the bar about it.” He gestured over his shoulder to the about four people in the bar, “It’s just, why can’t you go for the people who want you?”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders, “He’s fascinating, I want to know everything. I want to know him and I want him to know me. I like spending time with him and I want to know how far down that blush goes.”
“So, you wanna get him naked and show him a good time?” Natasha asked.
“No there would be cuddling afterwards.”
Natasha nudged him in the side, “You’re getting soft.”
“Shut up.” Bucky drank his beer and tried to come up with a plan to make a move.
Bucky made his first move the week after, after he convinced Sam to let him flirt with Steve and ask questions after class.
In exchange Bucky would help Sam gain the courage to talk to T’Challa. Sam couldn’t get a good understanding of him hence it made him nervous, but not nervous enough to ask for Natasha’s hacking assistance, unlike some people.
After class, Sam shot Bucky a look as he left the classroom. He wasn’t entirely happy, but this was the happiest Bucky had looked in a long time. He just didn’t want his best friend to get in trouble, but he had to remind himself that he doesn’t have to take the wheel. If Bucky wanted to fuck Steve that badly, that’s his choice.
“I assume you have more questions, Bucky.” Steve said as he packed his belongings away. He made quick eye contact with Bucky before he turned off his laptop.
“Well, just a few. I know that the next class has to get in here, so let me walk you to your office.” Bucky grinned as he picked up his bag. He must have sounded like a high schooler asking a girl to walk her to her locker, but he couldn’t help it.
“Yeah sure.” Steve pushed up his glasses and put his bag over his shoulder, “So what questions do you have?”
They both exited the classroom and Bucky began to ask, “Well why exactly was the city such a central element in progressive America? Also how did labour and women’s movements challenge the nineteenth century meanings of American freedom?”
“Getting ready for the first paper.” Steve chuckled, “Well.” He began to give an explanation, citing the textbook as a good source to narrow down the idea.
Bucky watched his talk, the way his mouth moved. How he smiled when he cracked a small joke or referenced an art movement during this time period. He watched how his cheeks got warm and moved his glasses back up his face every once in awhile.
He was so enamoured that he didn’t even notice the girls that walked the opposite direction greeting him, he only noticed because Steve gave them a small wave, but Bucky didn’t mind with them.
He nodded along to what Steve had to say and piped in when he could, he did do all the readings after all. He enjoyed hearing what his professor had to say, he looked so happy and in turn that made Bucky happy. It was a warmth that blossomed in his chest and melted through his veins like syrup.
When they got to his office, Steve looked at his watch and his eyes went wide, “Oh shit.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I’d let you stay, but I have to go to a meeting. I realize that emails won’t cut it, here’s my cell number.” Steve quickly got out a shred of paper and a pen from his pocket. He quickly wrote down my phone number, “If you have any questions or concerns or if you’re having issues in general let me know. You’re a good guy, Bucky and college can be hard for everyone.” He gave Bucky a smile
Bucky dubbed the ‘All American Smile’, it was pure, innocent and made him want to salute it. The other man nodded his head, “Yeah, sure, of course. Holy shit, thank you.” He grabbed the piece of paper from Steve.
“Have a good rest of your week, I hope to see the outline of your paper. Remember to tell Wilson that the first notebook check is coming up at the end of the month.” Then walked away from Bucky to the faculty wing of the building.
Buck couldn’t help but have a little pep in his step. He raced back to meet up with Sam at the library to show him what got from Steve, a ten digit phone number that allowed him to talk to Steve anytime. It couldn’t get better than this.
He of course texted Steve that night.
To Steve: [7:05 pm] Hey, it’s me, Bucky. I was wondering how you were doing
He got a response almost instantly.
To Bucky: [7:05 pm] Enjoying the last little bit of time I have before assignments get handed in
To Bucky: [7:06 pm] The football game on television, The New York Giants are playing.
Bucky smiled to himself as he turned on the radio in his dorm to find the sports channel, he wasn’t able to have a television as the room was too cramped, but he made do with the small battery powered radio that he bought at a garage sale before moving in.
To Steve: [7:07 pm] Fox Sports right?
To Bucky: [7:08 pm] Why, are you watching?
To Steve: [7:08 pm] Yeah, New England just got a touchdown.
To Bucky: [7:08 pm] Don’t remind me :(
Bucky laughed as he put the radio closer to him and took out his textbooks from under the bed. They continued to text one another throughout the game, most of the time not even talking about the game unless the Giants got a touchdown, while Bucky sat on his bed with his textbooks scattered across it as he began to do his assignments for his other classes. Once he got through his work and the game ended, he was going to call Sam about this.
They continued to talk long after the game ended, small casual things about home, interests, the sci-fi novel that Bucky was attempting to get through but had to stop due to school work.
To Bucky: [1:04 am] Goodnight, good luck on your project for that engineering class, I hope the work for my class isn’t interfering with your other assignments, and I don’t mean those old garage sale pulp books, haha.
To Steve: [1:04 am] Don’t worry, I’m a student, I could bullshit my way out of a paper bag.
To Bucky [1:04 am] That’s not very assuring, I am an educator, specifically your educator, remember?
To Steve [1:04 am] Don’t worry, I never bullshit your class. You make it too interesting to bullshit :)
On the other end of the line, in a small apartment close to campus. Steve lied in bed with the small television blaring in front of the bed, turned to his side and faced his phone while his golden retriever, Scamp, get comfortable on the other side.
Steve blushed at the recent text, the compliment that was propped up as a joke made his face feel warm and his heart stagger in pace, a small uptick for a moment.
He thought about the last text when he put his phone down and turned to face the other direction, “Hey Scamp.”
The dog’s ears perked up at the mention of his name.
“That student, Bucky, he wouldn’t have a crush on me, would he?”
Scamp made a noise and curled up onto the bed. Steve rolled over his back and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. He felt a twitch under his skin, in his fingers to reach for his phone again and send one last text, to be the last text Bucky read before bed.
Did he want Bucky to have feelings for him? Was he really that gone for the student with the long hair and the stunning grey eyes. The realization began to bubble up in his chest, that Bucky wasn’t being nice, he wanted Steve. But Steve was questioning if he wanted to be with the other man and if so, how badly?
Steve reached down and petted along Scamp’s fur before he laid back down and fell asleep.
Bucky felt so close to Steve's body, his arms were loosely around Steve’s waist as he kissed up along his back. The kisses were soft, wet marks across the other man’s pale shoulders and the muscular expanse of his back.
It made Steve shiver and his cock jolt to full mass. Steve sighed dreamily, “Bucky.”
“Yeah, that’s me. Don’t wear it out.” There was another kiss placed on the junction between his shoulder and neck, a sweet spot that always made the blonde squirm.
The mess of hands along his skin made Steve’s head feel full of a hazy lust, how they felt sliding up his chest, down his back, along the junction of his thighs, even as it brushed up against more sensitive areas, the places that gave him goosebumps.
“You ready?” Steve questioned as he looked over his shoulder.
“I don’t know, are you ready?” Bucky smiled, that charming smile that made Steve want to groan but also kiss him silly.
He got a good look at Bucky and saw the toned muscle that poorly hid under those tight shirts he wore to every class, how he’d bend over and pick things up once in awhile that drove Steve up the wall out of pure want and need for the other man.
“I’ve been ready for this for a while now.” The words tumbled out of Steve’s mouth as he buried his face deeper into his pillow. The soft cotton of the case felt good against his hot skin.
Bucky knew how to push his buttons. Wind him up like a toy and send him off, with those cute smiles and informed questions. He knew that he was just taking this course for a requirement, but he cared so much and even asked questions about the rambles Steve went on about art movements and their importance. Even to smaller points like brushstrokes and angles. He was so damn charming that the feeling of his hands along Steve’s skin sent his brain into overdrive as it clouded with lust. Like a fan trying to get rid of fog from a fog machine only to fail and become consumed by it.
“That’s good to hear.”, Bucky slowly slid into Steve and kept a steady hand on the bottom of Steve’s back. He gave it a soft pat as he fully inserted himself into the blonde.
Steve’s hole clenched around Bucky’s cock, it felt like heaven with every nerve ending coming alive, his whole body buzzed with want.
“I think I love you.” Bucky’s voice was close to Steve’s ear. Hot breath against hotter skin, the blonde was so flushed by their intimacy.
Bucky’s hand trailed down and brushed along his cock before he took a full grasp of it.
“You’re beautiful. I’m love with you.”
“I think I love you too.” Steve whispered.
Steve quickly woke up, the t-shirt he wore stuck to his body along with the blonde hair to his forehead. He felt painfully hard and it didn’t go away as he laid back down. He groaned and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand. Everything felt so real and so good.
Fuck, he really was gone for James “Bucky” Barnes.
After class two weeks later, Bucky walked with Steve to his office again. Steve was reluctant at first, but realized that Bucky had some interesting questions and preferred to have the discussion in his own office where he wasn’t interrupting another class getting in. Steve thanked him for carrying his bag and took it from the other man. He took a look at how Buck's shirt fit across his chest, how nicely the fabric pulled across it.
“Hey, I was wondering if I could stick around. It’s been hard to find quiet places to work and I want to get started on this assignment.”
Steve unlocked the door to his office and said, “Fine by me, but you can’t look at the upcoming quiz, got it?” He attempted to give Bucky a stern look.
“Don’t worry, I won’t cheat.” Bucky flashed him a blinding smile before he followed Steve into the office.
Inside the office was rather spacious, with books that lined the bookshelf and canvases that rested against the wall.
“You’ve got some nice art there.”
Steve smiled, as he gave a quick look at Buck's ass before trailing up to the other man’s back, “I painted them myself, I haven’t had the time to hang them up yet. The first two are from my apartment window and the other two are from the park. I used to paint a lot more, but I’m just content with sketching now.”
“I’d love to see more of your work one day.” Bucky smiled as he put the canvases back in their proper place.
Steve blushed and put his bags by the door then closed the door behind him. He took out his folder labeled “Quiz #1” and placed it on the desk along with his laptop. He yawned before sitting down.
“So what are you studying anyway?”
“Engineering.” Bucky shrugged.
“And you’re taking a history class?” Steve looked away from his laptop to the student sitting in the chair across from him.
“I like you, you’re a really good professor.”
Steve looked down as he felt a blush forming on his face, “Oh, thank you.” He had to be professional about this.
After a half an hour passed of small chit-chat before there was a knock on the door, Steve got up and answered it. On the other side was Dr. Bruce Banner from the chemistry department.
“Oh, hey Bruce.” Steve smiled as he exited the office.
Bucky looked away from his textbook to overhear their conversation, the door was open so it wasn’t private.
“How is your first few weeks going?”
“Better than expected, I didn’t realize the classes were so small, printed out a hundred outlines before I even for my class list.” He chuckled.
“Well, if you don’t change anything you’ll eventually use all of them.” Bruce responded with a chuckle of his own, “Am I keeping you from anything?”
“I have a student in my office, I was thinking of maybe trying to see if I could get some lunch.”
Bucky leaned a little closer.
“I forgot it at home and I don’t want to take the time away from him, he’s a good student and I don’t want to deprive him of that.”
Bruce made a soft noise, “I can’t advise that considering-”
Steve shrugged, “Teaching is more important, these kids paid good money.”
“Kids? You’re not that much older than some of them.”
Steve rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean, why is tuition so expensive.”
“Not all of us got our education thanks to the military and grants.” Bruce responded, “Just take care of yourself Steve, I don’t want to find you in the clinic because you passed out.” He looked over Steve’s shoulder to Bucky, who quickly looked back down to his book, “Well, I’ll leave it to you, remember Steve, you might be strong, but some of those illnesses are still there.”
Steve returned and closed the door behind him, he sat back down at his desk and continued to go through the quiz questions.
Bucky needed to do something about that, he can’t let Steve starve like that! He felt this urge deep in his gut to provide for Steve, take care of him.
“Hey, Steve.” Bucky started.
Steve looked up, “Yeah.”
“Is it cool if I grab some lunch real quick?”
Steve nodded his head, “Go right ahead.” He gave Bucky a smile that made the other man’s heart leap.
When Bucky left, Steve covered his head with his hands. He had to be professional, he had an inkling that Bucky was hitting on him.
He knew the reputation that Bucky had, many people wanted him. They thought he was handsome, smart and a little mysterious, and Steve couldn’t disagree with that. Despite been nervous about having Bucky around, he actually enjoyed it. He was a straight A student that asked the right questions.
He realized that the sharp smiles, nice gestures and complimentary words were getting to Steve’s head, but the thing is that Steve didn’t mind, at least the emotional, irrational side of him didn’t.
Buck soon returned with not one burrito, but two in hand along with a drink and a small salad.
Steve looked at the food back to Bucky, “You sure do eat a lot, well I guess you must work out like what, eight times a day.” He chuckled. He swallowed hard for a moment when he got a good look at the curl of Bucky’s arm as he carried the food.
“Oh, this isn’t all for me. I got something for you, I didn’t know what you’d like so I stayed away from the spicy stuff.” He placed one of the burritos on the desk along with the bottle drink, “I overheard what you said to Doctor Banner about you forgetting lunch.”
Steve smiled and gave a nod of his head, “Thank you, I may have changed a lot since my time in the army, but I’m still in a few ways sick, so I appreciate this.”
Bucy acted surprised, “You were in the army?”
“I got discharged and ended up finishing my masters in history, Doctor Banner is the reason why I got the job, thought I’d make a good change for the faculty, considering I think most of the other history professors saw the German invasion of France.” He chuckled as he unwrapped the tin foil from the burrito.
Bucky chuckled along with him before he took a huge bite into the burrito, he kept an eye on Steve.
“Have you begun studying for you quiz yet, and made sure your notes are in order. They’re both next week.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve already started, it’s covering everything before world war one right?”
“Yeah, we will be spending a few weeks on those two wars. Those were my specialties in school.” Steve looked away, slightly flustered.
“You know you sound really confident when you talk about.
“It’s like I forget how nervous I am, it’s like when blowing up a balloon, but eventually I deflate and I enjoy just having one on one conversations with students.” He shrugged before he bit into the burrito.
“Well, you’re doing a good job. Best class I have this semester.”
“Thank you, Bucky.”  Steve blushed and it really made Bucky want to know how far that blush went down.
When they finished lunch, Bucky said he had to get ready to go to work.
“Thank you visiting me, Bucky. I hope to hear from you soon.” Steve held up his phone, “I don’t think anyone has ever texted you as much as you have.”
Bucky broke out into a grin, “Well, I hope to continue my record.” Then walked away.
Steve closed his office door behind him, he think he might just be gone for Bucky.
Bucky found Natasha in the library without Sam.
“Where’s Sam?”
She looked up from her textbook, “Finally got the courage to talk to T’Challa after class, two of them are grabbing lunch.”
Bucky sat down beside Natasha, “I think I should ask Steve out.”
“You know Sam said that exact same thing to me, I’m glad you are all figuring your shit out.”
“I mean it.”
“Then what’s stopping you.”
“I’ve gone in too deep, I spend practically every office hours with him and it’s not even like we’re talking about history, he’s this artist, like he paints and draws and does all kinds of amazing work. And, it’s not like he’s hard on the eyes either, it’s like I want to congratulate him on his face.”
“Then take a chance, figure out your battle strategy and then congratulate him on his face.”
Bucky chuckled, “Thanks for the pep talk.” then sat across from  Natasha and began to text Steve about next week’s office hours.
To Steve: [3:30 pm] You have office hours next week?
To Bucky: [3:31 pm] Yep, same time, same place. See you then :)
The following Monday came by and everyone handed in their notebooks for marks and were handed the quiz in return.
Bucky spent the last week coming up with his ‘battle strategy’ and decided to be bold about it, it wasn’t like him to beat around the bush so why do it when asking Steve out.
He finished his quiz quite quickly, but remained at his seat. He began to doodle along the edges of the page. He couldn’t get how beautiful Steve’s artwork was, beautiful work for a beautiful man Bucky thought. When he took notes in class he’d have his own little sketches, he was a bit hesitant at first to hand in his notebook, but he managed to incorporate it into plan.
Steve sat up at the front, making quick work to go through each of these notebooks. Anyone who had more than one page of writing would get a student full marks.
For a moment he realized that he didn’t have to really go through Bucky’s notebook, but for appearances sake went through it anyway. He noticed that one of the pages had a pretty well done sketch of himself, even getting the details of his hair and glasses right.
Bucky did have feelings for him! He closed the notebook quickly and gave him the extra marks. He looked up to the other man to find those grey eyes staring back at him. He gave him a smile as he felt his pulse racing under his skin.
Once he went through the books he had some time, he took out his own sketchbook and began to do his own doodling once he saw Bucky not looking at him.
They kept up the routine of Bucky going to his office. Steve brought in leftover Chinese food for the two of them as a way to thank him for last week. He only mentioned it after the quiz so Bucky could keep focused on the task.
He’d was now keenly aware of the feelings that Bucky had for him, and he knows his own feelings for the other man. But, he wasn’t expecting for it to be brought up so quickly.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?” Bucky asked trying to capture a casual tone.
Steve took a forkful of the greasy noodles and sighed, “Bucky, I can’t say yes.”
“But why, we make such a good team, we have fun together, I’ll take you somewhere nice.”  Bucky gave his award winning grin. It made Steve’s knees a little weak, but he had to be firm on this.
He didn’t want to Bucky’s academic success riding on the fact that they were together and he didn’t want to lose his job.
He gestured the fork to Bucky, “How about this, you ace the second quiz and the finals and I’ll take you out to dinner.”
Bucky leaned a little closer, “You mean it?”
Steve nodded his head, “It’s good to give students a little motivation.” He was totally gone for James Barnes, and honestly if they can make it through the rest of the semester he’ll be okay with being with him. That didn’t discount any teasing. They couldn’t make out on campus, but he could give Bucky a little nudge to do well.
And thus began the devilish streak that Bucky would have never suspected this hot blonde of a  history professor to have.
To Bucky: [11:45 am] Two weeks till finals. You nervous?
To Steve [11:47 am] Nope, just busy.
To Bucky [11:47 am] Can I send you something?
To Steve [11:47 am] Sure
To Bucky [11:50 am] (Photo attachment sent)
This had been going on for a few weeks, Bucky was so used to the timid, blushing professor he wasn’t expecting the little devil that was inside of him. It started out with cute little text messages, giving him motivation to do well on his papers, assignments, quizzes and everything. Usually countdowns made him nervous, but they were always attached with a photo, the closer time came, the more suggestive they were.
Bucky quickly opened the message to find a photo of Steve, lounging on his couch on his stomach, wearing just his boxers, the shot showed his half smile, bareback and, covered ass.
Bucky was so fucked.
He never thought he could masturbate or study as hard and as frequently as he did.
He quickly got another photo, this time Steve stood in his underwear, in the full length mirror in his apartment. He can see every muscle on Steve’s body, how good the blonde looked.
Bucky remembered when Steve was nervous about sending photos, until Bucky sent some of himself with the text, ‘if we go down, we go down together. I’d rather lose my scholarship then lose out on dating you’, and ever since then it had been nothing but teasing from Steve.
To Steve [12:00 pm] I think I’ve created a monster
To Bucky [12:00 pm] What do you mean?
To Steve [12:01 pm] I mean that I thought you were some cute professor, I didn’t know you were some kinky fucker
To Bucky [12:01 pm] Well, I can’t wait to take you out somewhere nice, to see you again. As you said, if we go down, we go together. I think that was the last straw.
To Bucky [12:01 pm] I really like you, and I want you. I Haven’t been with anyone in a long time.
To Bucky [12:02 pm] (Photo attachment Sent) I want you, Bucky, and I can’t wait to say that to your face.
The photo wasn’t one in a sexual nature, it was of Steve sitting at his desk, chewing on the edge of a pen with his glasses on, he looked like he was working now. Yet, the photo was still arousing to Bucky as he laid out on his shitty bed, cock hard in his sweatpants. He pulled down the sweatpants and quickly took a picture of his hard cock with the caption, ‘two more weeks until I ruin you with this, then you can tell me how much you love me to my face.’
To Bucky [12:05 pm] Can’t wait till the final exam, I hope you can ace it ;)
The day of the final exam came, end of the semester. Somehow, someway Bucky had been able to pull of doing well not only in Steve’s class, but also in all of his others. Sam joked that he did have a habit of thinking with his cock.
He wanted Steve so badly, the teasing and the texts, along with the photos were driving him up the wall, he had two folders on his computer filled with photos that Steve sent him. He was still surprised by how once Steve got into it, he really got into it.
“Alright, class. I am so thankful for having you this semester and I hope you continue your journey in the humanities or whatever field you are in. I am proud of you and I know you’ll do great on the exam. You’ll have two hours to complete it, starting… Now.” He hit the time for two hours and every began to frantically write on the paper.
Within the first hour a few people had already began to hand in their exams and file out, the look on their faces told them that they had given up, but Bucky wasn’t giving up just yet. He had this, it’s just that getting an A on an exam takes time.
Bucky couldn't help but let his mind wander when he’d occasionally look up at Steve. Last night he sent Bucky a picture of him in a jockstrap and Bucky thought he’d never orgasm again after how hard he finished when he masturbated to that photo.
Bucky swallowed hard and scratched at his collar as he circled another multiple choice answer that asked him about the main social movements of the nineteen sixties.
He knew he had to focus, but he couldn’t help it. Steve looked so good even with his head buried in his phone. How soft his hair looked, how kissable his lips were, how easily he could wrap his arms around the blonde's waist. He was a dream come true and he could only make it a reality if he aces the exam. But he knew he was getting a treat after he finished the exam, just a little taste of the blonde and that gave him motivation to finish a little faster.
He finished in an hour and forty minutes. A grin plastered on his face as he wrote down the last sentence.
Bucky slammed the test down on the front desk loud enough that most of the students looked up. He gave Steve a stern look, he mouthed, “Your office.” Before he went back to his seat to grab his pencil and school ID. He picked up his bag from the front and left to Steve’s office.
Steve felt flustered as he went back to mindlessly examining his papers, Bucky really didn’t mean that right?
When he walked into his office after the exam was finished, he found Bucky in tight red and black briefs and socks. His feet propped up on top of his desk as he gazed down at leatherbound book. He looked up and smiled, “Hello, sir.”
“Bucky, why do you have no clothes on. I thought you were joking.”
“Nope, I’m here to finally take you.” Bucky said nonchalantly as he turned the page, attention back on the book.
“Bucky, you should probably buy me a drink first.” He gave a slight tease, still surprised by seeing his very attractive student with such little clothes on. He quickly closed the door and locked it.
Bucky reached down, his gaze back on the book, and held up a bottle of wine from the corner store.
Steve rolled his eyes, “Are my lines really that predictable.”
“Not really, things like this took me off guard.” Bucky turned the book to face Steve.
It was Steve’s sketchbook.
“You’ve been thinking about me.” Bucky smirked as he dragged a finger across one of the sketches of himself that littered the page.
Steve blushed, it ran down his neck and across his chest, Bucky could only imagine how far it spread. The blonde teacher stammered, “It’s not like…” He sighed, “Yes I have been thinking about you, I’m pretty sure the hundreds of text messages made that clear. But, I’d like to wine and dine with you before I get in your pants.”
“Oh come on, sir, you promised.”
“I promised a date, not sex.” Steve put his belongings down by the floor.
Bucky put the bottle back down on the floor and got up, “You’ve been teasing me for weeks now. We both want it, why not live a little.” He rounded the desk and backed Steve up against it.
“Fine, but I’m in charge.” Steve tried to establish.
Bucky ignored him and pressed a filthy kiss against his lips, caging the blonde against the desk.
Steve trembled with desire and from holding back for so long. He tried again as he gazed down at Bucky’s wet lips, “I’m… I’m in charge.”
Bucky chuckled and grabbed a hold of Steve’s blue shirt and pulled him into another kiss. Bucky was in charge this afternoon.
Steve whimpered and melted, he was immediately ready to give up any chance at dominating the situation. He was putty in Bucky’s strong, calloused, amazing hands. The kind of hands that were an artist’s wet dream and thankfully for Steve he was an artist.
“Up on the desk, Steve.” Bucky purred.
Steve made quick work of getting things off of the desk so he could lean over it.
Bucky licked his lips at the display of Steve’s ass.How round it looked in this tight dress pants, he had taken a liking to the look of the blonde’s ass, he had seen it enough times clothed or partially clothed to develop a taste for it and wanted to see more.
“Pants off, baby.” Bucky went to his bag and dug around for the lube and condom he put in there, thank you on health services.
Steve groaned at the nickname, it had been a long while since someone called him that with such affection. He made quick work of his belt, tossed it onto his chair, and kept his underwear and dress pants on one ankle. He spread his legs out and looked over his shoulder.
“Shirt too, I want to see how far that blush goes.” Bucky chuckled as he pulled off his underwear. He lubed up his fingers
Steve groaned as he stood up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt before he folded it neatly and placed it on the chair. He bent once again over the desk and wiggled his ass for effect.
“Now you’re just teasing me.” Bucky groaned at the sight before him.
Steve rolled his eyes, “Guess you’re not so cocky anymore, maybe I should top.”
Bucky chuckled, “Not today, I’ve been having fantasies about this ass for the longest time. It’s just amazing.”
Steve blushed and buried his face in his arms.
“There’s that blush.” Bucky smiled, he saw how is trailed all the way down the blonde’s neck and chest, “Wow, it really does go far down.”
Bucky slowly lubed up his fingers before at an equal pace pushed into Steve, he earned himself a muffled groan and the sight of the blonde’s arched back. Like an angel out of a renaissance painting.
“Ever done this before?”
Steve nodded his head, “Just not in here.”
“Well, I’m honoured then to be your first and hopefully your only.” He began to move his fingers quickly, they didn’t have all the time in the world. Even though the university was next to dead, someone could come in.
And that turned Bucky on even more.
Bucky continued to finger him, slowly opening up his hole until Steve was whining under him. He inserted a third finger which caused the blonde to buck his hips up in the hopes of getting more of the sensation that was crawling all over his body.
“You’re so tight, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to fit my cock in here. But, I think I might stand a chance considering how well you’re opening up for me.”
“More, more. Please, Buck.”
Bucky added a fourth finger, moving at a quick pace this time, but kept aware if Steve started to show any discomfort.
“Bucky, fuck you feel so good. I don’t think I’ve ever been fingered like that.” Steve groaned.
Bucky chuckled, slowing down his pace just slightly to earn a moan from Steve, “Aw, don’t inflate my ego like that.”
Steve opened an eye at Bucky, “I wouldn’t bet on it.” But let out another moan as Bucky picked up his pace once more. Little jolts of pleasure shot up his spine with every thrust of Bucky’s fingers, they were like a work of art.
Steve could paint Bucky like this and never get it right. The passion that Bucky held in his eyes as he continued to finger him, the careful precision as he stretched Steve to accommodate his cock. Don’t get him started on how his cock looked, Steve had seen his fair share of the male form both in school, in the army and being on the internet, but never had he wanted to sketch, paint, examine and showcase how amazing Bucky’s cock looked in art. It sounded cheesy, but his mind was slowly getting dragged into the warm of pleasure.
“You ready for me, Steve?” Bucky’s voice brought him back as he slowly took out his fingers.
Steve groaned at the sudden loss, “Yeah, come on, fuck.”
Bucky chuckled, “Have I ever heard you swear before? I don’t think so.”
“Don’t tease me.” Steve arched his back.
“It’s only fair considering that you teased me.” Bucky gripped onto Steve’s ass and gave it a tight squeeze. He rounded the man to get a good look at his face.
“That was all fun and games, plus we don’t have much time. We really shouldn’t be doing it here.” Deep down Steve wanted to do it in his desk.
Bucky kissed Steve’s cheek, “Don’t worry, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’ll feel like time is slowing down.”
“Oh, stop that.” Steve buried his face in his arms in an attempt to hide the darker blush that was growing across his face.
“Words like that get to you.” Bucky smirked.
“Shut up.”
Bucky licked his lips at the sight of the blush, it growing darker the longer the two of them spent like this. He slowly stoked his cock as he covered it with lube.
“You look amazing.” He sighed out as he continued to rub his cock.
“You tease.” Steve mumbled into his arms.
Bucky stopped and got back behind the blonde. He slowly pushed his cock inside of Steve, the tight feeling around his cock made him harder. It was a feeling he had never felt before, he’s been with guys and girls alike, but the situation and the build up had lead up to this and it felt so damn good.
“We shouldn’t be doing this here.” Steve groaned as he was being pushed up against the desk even more only to be dragged away immediately after, keeping in pace with Bucky’s thrusts. His self preservation was almost gone as he felt himself grow harder at the sensation, at the feeling of Bucky completely dominating him.
“Yet, we’re here. You’re all nice and bent over and I’m fucking you right into the wood.”
Steve responded, “Next time, I top.”
Bucky gave Steve a nice swat on the ass, “Alright, baby, whatever you say.” Then gave a hard thrust, his cock nudged against Steve’s prostate. Steve scrambled to cover his mouth as he let out a sultry moan. It felt so good and sparked this small fire in his stomach, to do something wrong and inappropriate. After spending so much time in the military maybe he needed to something on the wrong side of ethics, not illegal just frowned upon. At least with the semester over he was able to do more of this, except maybe in the comfort of his own bed and not the hard wood of the desk.
“If you top next time, you’ll still be making those same noises you’re holding back now.” Bucky purred, his voice was hot against Steve’s already burning ears.
“Shut up.” Steve squeaked out, his voice was a little too high pitched from his liking, thanks to another brush of Bucky’s cock against his sweet spot.
Bucky smirked and began to thrust harder, “You like that?”
Steve felt his knees begin to shake as he nodded his head, not confident in his ability to pronounce words.
Bucky dipped his head and began to kiss at Steve’s skin, it felt sweaty against his lips, but it didn’t matter to him. After months of pining over this man, he was finally getting what he wanted, to just have Steve Rogers close to him.
“You’re so beautiful.” He groaned as he nipped at the skin.
“Shit, Bucky, please.” Steve croaked out. He felt his body tense up as he got closer to orgasming. He didn’t want Bucky to stop, his head felt clouded with lust and a need for the other man.
He never thought he’d ever get this far with him, he was too skittish for a while, but those beautiful eyes, soft hair and shining smile had him weak in the knees, and it wasn’t like this kid was dull. Cracking jokes, flirty gazes and always asked the right questions. After being on his own with Scamp for some time, it was everything Steve needed in a companion, a partner… A boyfriend.
“You’re amazing, you feel so good.” Bucky groaned.
Bucky thrusted, his hands planted against the smooth, pale flesh of Steve’s hips. His eyes casted down to how the blonde’s ass looked as he fucked him harder. The slight jiggle of his ass with every thrust caused an electric feeling to run down his spine.
Fuck, he was perfect.
He picked up the pace, going fast enough that he knew that Steve’s beautiful thighs and hips were going to be bruised tomorrow morning due to how hard he was being pushed up against the hardwood. The desk moved ever so slightly forward with each thrust.
Steve began to feel the pleasure washing over him in larger waves, ready to pull him under and make him orgasm. He was surprised by how well Bucky knew how to maneuver him, how to make him feel so good. Maybe Steve was a simple man with simple ways to get off, but his mind wasn’t to that. It was instead focused on the orgasm he was chasing.
“Buck, Buck.” He groaned out as quiet as he could like a mantra.
“Yeah, baby, I’m here. I’m going to make you feel so good.” Bucky said as he took a tighter hold of Steve’s hips. He loved how smooth the skin felt under his touch, how pale it looked as it was always hidden under tight fitting dress pants.
“Bucky, I’m gonna, I’m gonna come real soon.” Steve groaned out, his socked toes curled as Bucky’s cock brushed against his sweet spot again.
Bucky grinned, the slight desperation in his voice only encouraged him to fuck Steve hard, making sure to aim for the sweet spot just to give Steve that edge he needed. He could imagine himself doing this more often. To bare witness to how beautiful Steve looked when he let his professionalism down and acted a bit on the risky side. Only he got to strip away the edges of the blonde, beautiful history professor and see the tease that haunted his dreams since the day they first met.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” Bucky kissed along the shell of the other man’s ear, he felt how hot and red it was against his lips. How the blush he always fantasized about went as high on his body as it did low. It only added to the undeniable charm that Steve had, even if he never noticed it, “I’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you.”
“No I’m not.” Steve gave a feeble response.
Bucky gave an extremely hard thrust, it caught Steve off guard, “You’re beautiful and don’t forget it.”
Steve only responded in a groan, wrapped up in his goal to achieve orgasm.
Steve quickly covered his mouth with his hand, gritted his teeth as he jerked his hips to get him over the edge, to reach his climax. He let out a strained moan as pleasure washed over him and he came all over his stomach and the desk.
He brain felt fried, his cock sensitive and his body was still shaking. Fuck, he was wrecked.
“That’s it, that’s it, baby. I’m close behind you.” Bucky sighed into Steve’s neck as he continued to thrust his hips. Steve felt so laxed against him, but yet his hole still clenched around him.
Bucky kissed along Steve’s neck, tasting the salt on his sweaty skin. He felt heavenly, better than any fantasy he could ever come up with. With a few more hard thrust of his hips, he lets out a low groan before biting Steve’s neck, leaving a nice red hickey just above where the neck and collarbone meet.
“Yeah, baby.”
Steve turned his head as much as he could as smiled, his expression looked so blissed out. With his eyes shut and breathing that came out is hard pants along with the mess on his abdomen.
“Oh baby, fuck yeah.” He groaned out as he felt a shiver crawl up his spine and his orgasm caused his head to swirl.
Steve let out a blissed out sigh and mumbled, “Fuck that felt good.”
“You could say that again.” Bucky responded as he wiped the sweat away from his forehead.
“I’m keeping you that’s for sure.” Steve chuckled, “I think you’re stuck with me for good.”
“Sounds like a plan.”, Bucky slowly pulled out, feeling the stickiness of the lube and his own cum coat his cock. He was still feeling the after shivers of orgasm. He peeled off the condom and wrapped it in tissues.
Steve panted as he grabs some tissues off the desk, “I never, ever want you to take a class with me again.” He wiped away the cum on his stomach and off the desk. That desk was going to smell like cum for the next semester, even if it doesn’t Steve would still it does.
Bucky looked a bit disappointed, he felt as if his heart had begun to break. Did Steve only want him for this one time? Was all the lead up to this and that was it?
“I don’t mean it like that.” He reached out for one of the papers on the stack still on the desk. It’s an academic map, he handed it to Bucky, “If you want or do take anymore history courses here’s what you can take. If you don’t take a class from me you’ll graduate faster and then we won’t have to hide this.” He sat up on the desk, “I don’t want to do that to you.”
Bucky broke out into a grin, “I knew you were into me, but that was really bad post-sex talk.”  before he leaned over and pressed another filthy kiss on Steve’s lips which made the blonde moan.
“Sorry about that, but hey, you got me.” Steve smiled finally catching his breath.He reached for his sweater put it back on, “So, how does seven o’clock next Thursday at the McGilligan's pub sound? All the students will be back home by then.”
“Sounds great! So what are you doing for the holidays?”
Steve shrugged, “Home with my dog, my folks are long gone by now. What about you?”
Bucky pulled on his red henley and zipped up his hoodie, “Not on the best terms with my family so I’ll be in my dorm.”
Steve thought about it for a moment, “When the semester is done and we had our first date, would you want to maybe spend the holidays with me? You don’t have to say yes, I know you have some friends who you’d probably wanting to hang out with.”
Bucky shook his head, “Sam’s out in DC to see his parents. Nat is going back to Russia to see her mom, Clint is going with her and we all have bets to see if he’s going to come back alive.” He lightly chuckled, “So I’m pretty much by myself with enough hot ramen and plums.”
“Plums?” Steve chuckled.
“They were at the last farmer’s market in the quad, they taste good okay.”
Steve pulled up his pants and walked over to Bucky, there was a slight limp in his step. He kissed Bucky on the lips and wrapped his arms around his waist, “Well, bring whatever you need, I’ll be taking care of you this holiday season.”
“I like the sound of that.” Bucky smiled, he was a little smug at Steve’s slight limp, knowing that he alone caused that. He snaked a hand down Steve’s back and groped his ass, “Christmas morning there better be a bow around this.”
Steve rolled his eyes, “Still snarky.”
“And you’re still so gone for me.”
Maybe history wasn’t as dry as Bucky originally thought, especially when he got the bright red “A” a few weeks later and the directions to get to Steve’s apartment.
13 notes · View notes
hows-it-holed-up · 4 years
Perfunctory Photo Recap: Star Trek: Voyager 1x01
There are 2 genres I enjoy that I would classify as “guilty pleasures.” Ok maybe 3. Ok 6. But the point is that apart from Josh Schwartz teen soaps, I’m really into sci-fi. I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and all the Stargates with my grandfather, and when Voyager premiered in ‘95 I was HERE. FOR. A. LADY. CAPTAIN. I have such a soft spot in my heart for this show. Despite the fact that it was sometimes borderline terrible, it was also often shockingly creative and delightful. So let’s take a look at this show’s pilot, which launched a series that somehow lasted 7 years. 
My Disclaimer: None of these posts will be in any way comprehensive, because I’m lazy. All of them are probably going to have spoilers of some sort for the entire series…or at least what I remember of it from when I last watched it an eon ago. Exactly what you want in a recap!
Captain’s Log: New(?) Captain Kathryn Janeway is chasing some vigilantes who are part of a group the people she works for (the Federation) see as quasi-terrorists (the Maquis). They all get zapped tens of thousands of light years away by something called The Caretaker. It’s not a great day for anyone. 
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We first encounter our captain in a penal colony that is definitely in New Zealand and definitely not just LA nope nope nope. This, as you may have guessed, is NOT our captain, but a random alien extra whose makeup is extremely excessive for his role in the episode.  
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Look at cutie pie Tom Paris! Robert Duncan McNeill mostly directs now, which is probably a good thing. I recall a fair amount of scenery chewing from him over the course of the series. But he gives good face!
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Sorry Tom!
Anyway, it’s time to meet the captain and her weird signature bun! If you’re not a Star Trek fan and you’re somehow still reading this, you’ll recognize Kate Mulgrew here from Orange is the New Black. 
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For some reason, she’s trying to break Tom out of this prison colony so that he can...come watch this mission? Because why? She likes his dad? He knew the Maquis captain for like a week? Don’t they need someone to fly them through the plasma storm anomaly blah blah whatever? Isn’t his whole thing that he’s an awesome pilot? I already need a drink. 
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He seems just as confused as I am. 
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Okay then!
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Do we think if Salt-and-Pepper Commander Who’s Not Long for This World had lived he and Janeway would have boned down? The fact that she and Chakotay never did, and then we had to suffer through that whole extremely forced 7 of 9 thing in the final season always annoyed me. 
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Well, he seems to think so. 
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And then, because The Caretaker, the ship is thrown through the aforementioned plasma storm whatchamacallit. And because none of these people have heard of a seatbelt despite the fact that it’s the 24th century, it’s a bit of a disaster. There are several casualties. Among them Janeway’s hair. 
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Turns out they got thrown pretty far. Like, 70k light years far... 
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All the way to a gorgeous Victorian with a wrap-around porch I’d love to be sipping a mint julep on. Until “The Neighbors” arrive. 
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“The Neighbors” are aggressively white. 
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And (I think unintentionally) terrifying.
Both crews eventually get back to their ships, but they realize two of their crew members are missing – one from each side!
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For some reason Tom “Just an Observer” Paris is part of the recovery mission. 
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For these guys! B’Elanna and Harry! Even though Garrett Wang doesn’t get a ton to do in the rest of the series besides be a doe-eyed dummy, these are two of the series’ major players. So...here you go! 
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Jason Mantzoukas? 
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“...for simply taking what we’re given.” Eeeeee. So this is turning into a heavy-handed commentary on the “welfare state” in the second half. Cool. Let’s have a moment of silence for nuance. 
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Also, let’s just sit with this hair for a moment. I’ve had pixie cuts. I’ve had YEARS’ worth of pixie cuts. I could not have gotten my hair to sit like this with three cans of hairspray and a thousand answered prayers. This MUST be a wig, but nevertheless, props to the hairstylist wizard who made this happen. 
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Anyway, they all escape through the caves (because there were caves!), the white man leads the rescue...
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Saves all the minorities. Etc. etc. 
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The virtues of bootstrapping are extolled some more. (Do I maybe not like this show?)
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And the Maquis crew has to abandon ship and integrate with Voyager, stranded 75 years from home. Honestly, despite its (several) shortcomings, this is still a pretty compelling setup. I think I’ll keep watching for a bit – although I might just skip to an episode Bryan Fuller was onboard for.
The Final Frontier:
- The white saviorism in this show definitely rubbed me the wrong way. As did the not-so-subtle social commentary that quite honestly was antithetical to pretty much everything I’ve ever seen in any Star Trek show. But 1995? So I guess some leeway? Apparently this was UPN’s (remember them?) first-ever telecast. That also helps contextualize/excuse some future extremely upsetting uses of crushed velvet. 
- Kate Mulgrew has such an authoritative voice. Not to mention presence and gravitas to rival a quantum singularity. What good casting. 
- What did they do with B’Elanna’s forehead ridges in the rest of the series? They look SO much better here. Did they try to make her look “more human” later? It’s...less good. 
- Were B’Elanna and Harry supposed to be a thing initially? They have zero chemistry. So I guess good pivoting, show runners?
- How did Janeway decide Tom should be a Lieutenant? Didn't he...not even graduate the Academy? Meanwhile Harry toils for 7 years and is still an ensign at the end of the series...
- How do the universal translators work? I get it if they’re on a ship or in a building built by an “advanced” culture, but if they’re outside with way way less-advanced life forms – like the Kazon in this episode, who apparently can’t figure out how to combine two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen – how do they understand each other? This also comes up later in the series, and I feel like it’s never been explained satisfactorily. Translator microbes? A la Farscape? 
- Speaking of things I feel haven’t been addressed thoroughly enough, I have some questions about the Maquis – which, incidentally, was what the French resistance in WWII was called (you’re welcome for your next trivia night victory). They’re made up of a bunch of randos who hate the Cardassians, mainly because the Cardassians are joyful ethnic cleansers, yes? But how are they funded? How did Chakotay & Co. get that dope looking ship? Where are they getting centralized orders from? Can I see an org chart? Why is the Federation pro-Cardassian? Because power? I’m sure this is at least partially explained somewhere. Help me!
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racingtoaredlight · 7 years
The degenerate’s guide to 2017 college football TV watch ‘em ups: week 5
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Schedules are getting a little better this week as we get into conference schedules and the Florida teams get back to normal.
I see some pretty strong matchups but the early kick games look kind of bad. Having USC/Washington State and Miami/Duke both playing Friday night in a TV doubleheader seems weird. Could have pushed the ACC game to Saturday morning and nobody would have been the wiser. I guess TV contracts don’t work that way, though, so here we are with this schedule. I feel the need to italicize that there are some strong matchups. It’s not a great week overall.
Times are, as per usual, Eastern and stolen from FBSchedules. All gambling advice is fully backed by RTARL’s “don’t ever ask us for shit” guarantee and comes with all requisite warnings that you are a dummy if you listen to me about anything ever.
Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017
Matchup                                               Time (ET)                         TV
Houston at Temple                              Noon                             ESPNU
I was caught completely off guard by Coach Ryan Gosling limiting Ed Oliver’s effectiveness last week but those things happen. When Khalil Mack was in college there were games where he was worked around by some truly awful teams and he was playing as an off the ball linebacker. Oliver should be back to normal this week.
Maryland at Minnesota                      Noon                                FS1
I can’t imagine looking forward to seeing this game.
New Mexico State at Arkansas         Noon                              SECN
This is a body count game for a middling SEC team and it’s still better than the B1G’s in-conference offering on FS1.
North Carolina at Georgia Tech        Noon                                ESPN2
Matchup of two very interesting coaches but also two not very interesting rosters. Could be a fun watch ‘em up but I won’t call it a “good” game.
Northwestern at (10) Wisconsin       Noon                                  ABC
Among the many things I can’t really explain about my college football fandom is a strong dislike of Northwestern football. Like I’m rooting for Jonathan Taylor to extract blood early and often in this game and I don’t really understand why.
Rice at Pittsburgh                               Noon                       RSN/ESPNCE
It just occurred to me right now that it’s really weird for Pitt to be insanely week in the defensive backfield. I know it’s only his second year there but isn’t Pat Narduzzi supposed to be sort of a scheme wizard on that side of the ball? Pitt has looked so bad so far that this game might not even be a gimme.
(18) USF at East Carolina                    Noon                                CBSSN
ECU isn’t very good this year. They never should have fired Ruffin McNeill. USF looks like they’re getting better every week so this could be a nice bloodbath.
Vanderbilt at (21) Florida                    Noon                                   ESPN
Florida could really lose to Vanderbilt in the Swamp and I wonder if even having two straight division titles is enough to save Jim McElwain if that happens.
Syracuse at NC State                          12:20 pm                     ACCN/ESPNCE
The ACC might be the best conference in the country top-to-bottom and they can still put up clunkers like this. Strength against whatever the strongest thing you can say about Syracuse is with NC State’s pass defense going against the Orangemen’s pass heavy offensive concepts. This should be pretty ugly.
Central Michigan at Boston College   1:00 pm                           ACCNExtra
Harold Landry reminds me of former BC star Mathias Kiawnuka for all of the good and the bad that might imply.
Baylor at Kansas State                        3:30 pm                              ESPN2
With Kansas State looking above average this year they should be able to beat Baylor by at least 30.
Buffalo at Kent State                           3:30 pm                               ESPN3
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Florida State at Wake Forest              3:30 pm                        ABC
Undefeated Wake Forest at home against winless Florida State. This will never be true again unless they play each other in a season opener.
(7) Georgia at Tennessee                    3:30 pm                        CBS
If I understand anything about these two programs Tennessee is going to win this game on a Hail Mary after getting down by 30 points in the first half.
Indiana at (4) Penn State                      3:30 pm                        BTN
Saquon Barkley is gonna get like 8 carries, Penn State is going to pull away in the third quarter to win by maybe 20. This looks like torture to me.
Murray State at (17) Louisville             3:30 pm                          RSN
These stats shouldn’t count for Louisville unless they are bad.
Navy at Tulsa                                          3:30 pm                         ESPNU
Navy playing a game on an ESPN feed seems sort of wrong to me. Other than playing Notre Dame on NBC they pretty much only ever play on CBS/CBSSN. Zach Abey has been pretty good this year (not up to his hype level from before last season yet) but Navy’s defense is pretty bad. Every game is an adventure with these guys. Tulsa has been terrible this year but they can score a lot.
Ohio at UMass                                        3:30 pm                       11 Sports
This is one of the worst possible games this season and Ohio will somehow beat UMass on the road by more than Tennessee beat UMass at home.
UTEP at Army                                           3:30 pm                        CBSSN
Last year was supposed to be a step forward for Army’s program but they’ve kind of sucked so far in 2017. This is not an attractive matchup even for a gutter palate like mine.
Arizona State at Stanford                       4:00 pm                       Pac-12N 
How does Stanford keep roping me in with one single player to watch year after year while putting together an offensive system that is dependent on making everybody fall asleep? Bryce Love should go off against ASU and Kalen Ballage should continue to do absolutely nothing against Stanford so pretty much expect both of these teams to look exactly how they have looked for the past four weeks. Stanford will win in a rout, 27-16.
Eastern Michigan at Kentucky              4:00 pm                         SECN
Kentucky lost to an inferior opponent last week so we’ll see how they bounce back against a relatively tough Eastern Michigan team
Iowa at Michigan State                           4:00 pm                           FOX
Iowa missed a huge opportunity last week at home against Penn State so they might be in a bad mental space against Sparty. That’s Michigan State’s best bet because they look just as bad in 2017 as they did in 2016.
Texas State at Wyoming                         4:00 pm                          Stadium
The Josh Allen “I’m not actually good enough to play in the NFL” tour continues with a visit from Scott Bakula and the Armadillos.
UConn at SMU                                         4:00 pm                           ESPNews
UConn football is consistent with two things: being bad and having good defensive backs. That’s all I can think of for a recommendation here. Courtland Sutton could have a tough week but SMU should win. UConn is legit one of the worst teams in the country right now.
Miami, OH at (22) Notre Dame                5:00 pm                            NBCSN
I’m sure there’s a way to look this up quickly but I’m not gonna be the one to do it - how many times has a team played Miami (OH) and Miami (FL) in the same season? Notre Dame is doing it this year. I hope they lose both but last year’s bad luck doesn’t seem to have carried over to this year.
Akron at Bowling Green                         6:00 pm                             ESPN3
Technically speaking this is a football game so enjoy it you fucking weirdos who watch bullshit MACtion.
(24) Mississippi State at (13) Auburn    6:00 pm                             ESPN
I still think of Malzahn as the better schemer between these two but I’m not 100% about that anymore. I think Auburn will probably roll the Bulldogs here.
Air Force at New Mexico                        7:00 pm                             CBSSN
I’m low key enjoying Air Force football this year. This is the kind of trash game that typifies my ideal of Degenerate Football.
Ball State at Western Michigan             7:00 pm                              ESPN3
How does the MAC manage to infect such a huge percentage of the TV schedule every week?
Charlotte at FIU                                       7:00 pm                      beIN SPORTS
For all of the great things he did for The U and UNC’s programs, Butch Davis isn’t really a quick turnaround guy. FIU is starting from the very bottom of the stack in Florida but I’m sure if he gets 4 years there, Davis will have them turned into an offbrand monster. Kind of like what UCF and USF have going right now.
Coastal Carolina at ULM                        7:00 pm                                ESPN3
Yeesh. Gotta respect this game for finding a place to hide. Nobody is going to watch this.
Marshall at Cincinnati                            7:00 pm                                ESPN3
Another kind of awful matchup that’s nicely scheduled for minimum exposure.
Memphis at UCF                                     7:00 pm                                ESPN2
Without looking I would have sworn both of these teams were just barely inside the top 25 but now I am looking and neither one of them is there. Weird. This is a pretty great AAA matchup if you’re into that sort of thing. If you are not into that sort of thing you should be because this is the most interesting conference in the sport. Not the best, mind you, just the most entertaining.
Middle Tennessee at Florida Atlantic  7:00 pm                              Stadium
It seems well nigh impossible to me that Lane Kiffin goes unscathed in the current pay to play scandal even if the investigation never jumps from basketball to football.
North Texas at Southern Miss              7:00 pm                            CUSA.TV
How did so many bad games get scheduled for prime time on Saturday this week? You won’t have to do a lot of channel hopping.
South Alabama at Louisiana Tech         7:00 pm                             ESPN3
This is one of the better games on the schedule at this time and USA has actually sucked badly so far this year.
Troy at (25) LSU                                       7:00 pm                             ESPNU
Maybe Derrius Guice will do something to make this interesting but I wouldn’t count on it.
(11) Ohio State at Rutgers                     7:30 pm                               BTN
If Ohio State really tries for 80 this is worth watching but otherwise it’s just more detritus.
South Carolina at Texas A&M                7:30 pm                            SECN 
aTm has two potential first round talents in Christian Kirk (fading) and Trayveon Williams (only a sophomore) and a head coach who built his rep in the first place as a great offensive mind. Sakerlina has a supposed defensive wizard at head coach and a bunch of early round talent all over the roster. When you say it like that this seems like a fun game but nope. I’ve got no interest in it.
  (2) Clemson at (12) Virginia Tech          8:00 pm                             ABC
Now this looks like a real deal great game to me. Both teams have freshman QBs and I think VPISU’s Josh Jackson is actually the better of the two but he can be that and it still might not matter in this particular game. This is not an easy win for Clemson and should actually be a better game than Clemson’s last “big test.” The Hokies are much better on defense than Louisville and they might be able to get off a few deep burns on Clemson’s secondary.
(15) Oklahoma State at Texas Tech       8:00 pm                             FOX
If Clemson makes me a liar and just stomps over Virginia Tech then you can check in here for what is sure to be a 79-63 kind of a game with over 1,000 yards of combined passing.
(6) Washington at Oregon State            8:00 pm                         Pac-12N
Every week I get to Oregon State against whoever and just laugh to myself that this fucking guy left the head coaching job at Wisconsin to become the guy at Oregon State and every single week they look worse than they did the previous week. UDub should have this one sealed up before the start of the second quarter.
University of Mississippi, Oxford at (1) Alabama    9:00 pm          ESPN
On the one hand Shea Patterson is extremely talented and 27 points is a huge line for a conference game. On the other hand Mississippi got worn the fuck out by the Antifa Bears who don’t even have a real roster put together yet and Alabama could sleep walk to a 30 point lead here. It’s just a matter of how much Alabama wants to stomp them out. All of that recent history of upsets and close games is history, this is not going to be close.
Nevada at Fresno State                          10:00 pm                         ATTSNRM
Fuck yes, this is West Coast trash and I love it. Neither of these teams is particularly good (I mean like any good at all) so this might not be watchable but I sometimes get into this sort of thing.
California at Oregon                                10:30 pm                              FS1
It’s not time for either of them to have a national following yet but I like where both of these programs are headed. Cal having a decent defense overnight seems like a road map to an exploitable market inefficiency in college football.
Colorado at UCLA                                     10:30 pm                        ESPN2
Seeing them side by side like this makes me realize that Colorado already exploited that inefficiency that the Antifas are moving towards and started from even farther back in the pack. I just thought of this comp for Josh Rosen and now I’m buying into it: Russell Wilson. He’s obviously much taller than Wilson but the pluses and minuses to their games overlap a lot. Rosen won’t have a 5th year in a new uniform to broaden the scope of his game so he’s probably looking at one year or more as a redshirt in the NFL to put things together but I think I’m onto something here.
NIU at (19) San Diego State                     10:30 pm                        CBSSN
I ran out of space and felt like I already had enough running backs on the RTARLsman list but Rashaad Penny is definitely still one of my guys. I’ll check in on this one if I can but it should be a pretty big win for SDSU. That came out weird, I love terrible late night blowouts but I don’t want to misrepresent what it is I actually want from this game.
San Jose State at UNLV                            10:30 pm                         ESPNU
I kind of wish it hadn’t occurred to me how odd it is for UNLV to be named Rebels because that’s all I think about for them now. This game is a pretty strong contender for worst teams to play each other in 2017, if you’re wondering about that side of things.
Colorado State at Hawaii                          11:59 pm        MWN/Spectrum PPV
This is a beautiful terrible game. I want so badly to watch but it could really lead to a divorce. I’m sure this holds true in some form for almost everybody reading this. If anybody reads this part. Mountain West Network can’t have a subscriber base larger than like 100,000 households can it?
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rndyounghowze · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Players Let it Go with Frozen Jr. at GTMS in Galloway, NJ
By Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
Merry Christmas in July everyone! And if you're looking to beat the summer heat and get a little winter up in here you need to check out Once Upon a Time Players' production of Frozen Junior. This musical with music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez with book by Jennifer Lee was directed by the music teachers of Galloway Township School District and was a great way to stay chill for and hour or so.
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We all know the famous story of Elsa the snow queen that was told to hide her magic powers from everyone. So what happens when all of the artic blasts inside made their way out and plunged your kingdom in eternal winter? Only an act of true love. No I'm serious just watch the play.
Direction by Brian Conover, Jeremiah Paton, Patti Yamaguchi and Stephanie Paton really tried to accomplish something big and I think they really did it! Directing children's theatre is like being invited to a trainwreck that will collide at the scene of a plane crash and being told to get the pilots and the train conductors to sing perfect four part harmony as they race quickly to their doom. So the fact that all the young performers stayed in their traffic pattern, hit their marks, and put on a nice show that competed with some pro TYP productions I've seen is a huge deal! Great job guys!
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I had to wait for a certain song to know what I thought about Elsa (played by Kileen McNeill). You know which one I'm talking about. I stood there listening. There's a saying that Dana has all the time which is "loud and bad always beats good and quiet" I'm going to add that feeling the song so hard we feel it with you is even better than that! If her energy was a wind she could have blown me clear over!
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Anna (played by Grace Reitzel) has one of those faces that just make you want to smile. And then she has one of those voices that can cut right into the heart that I would have had if young Anna and Elsa didn't steal it. Good thing because she has a voice that gives you all the feels! They do need to turn her mic off before she lets out her soul piercing scream in scene eleven. I'm still reeling from it.
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Hans (played by Evan Theoharis) is one of my favorite slime balls of a human being. You know that guy that you just love to hate? He had one of those looks that just told you "I'm gonna be evil" and I'm like "You go bro! You do you! I'll be over here hating your guts." Great job buddy!
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Right away Young Anna and Elsa (played by Anna Kivlin and Grace Young respectively) stole my heart. They can keep it though I wasn't using it.
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Kristoff (played by Connor Camp) actually stunned Dana with his amazing vocals. Similar quality can be heard in the high schools in the area and I'm sure if he wants to he can be in musical theatre throughout his school career.
Reindeers really are better than people and Sven (played by Kieran Young) really was the cutest one this side of a certain red nosed reindeer that shall remain nameless. You did such a cool job man!
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Okay we really have to talk about Olaf (played by Kiera Liu). I knew that it would be cute but this was a cute that defies nature's laws! I definitely want to see more of this young performer in the future!
Oaken (played by Sophia Fineran) and all of their brood just made me smile! They were all just so...hygge! You're gonna have to watch the show to know what I mean.
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I was just thinking about how lucky our directors were having songs you probably have to beg the kids to stop singing. What kid that was able to walk before the movie came out didn't know every song and dance move by heart? But there were also some wonderful new songs too to surprise those jaded people who think they've seen it all. Maybe they should just let it go.
This was a very touching little show and you should definitely come out to see it!
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
HIS ACCIDENTAL HEIR by Joanne Rock: Release Spotlight
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The Boss’s Baby Bargain
When resort developer Cameron McNeill goes undercover to root out problems at his prized island property, his first discovery is the irresistible concierge, Maresa Delphine. Her business smarts are vital to his mission. But the struggling single mom could help with his personal mission, too: fulfilling the marriage terms of his grandfather’s will.
Maresa is overwhelmed caring for her infant niece and tending to the demands of the resort’s sexy mystery guest. When he reveals himself as the owner, she’s thrown for a loop. But when he proposes…can she resist his brand of trouble in paradise?
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She appreciated the cooler breeze on her overheated skin, and the light mist of rain blowing in with it. Only now did she realize the strap of her sundress had fallen off one shoulder, the bodice slipping precariously down on one side. Before she could reach for it, however, Cameron slid a finger under the errant strap and lifted it into place.
Her skin hummed with pleasure where he touched her.
“Sorry.” He slid his hand away fast. “The bare shoulder was…” He shook his head. “I get distracted around you, Maresa. More than I should when I know you want to keep things professional.”
The room was mostly dark, except for a glow from the last light of day combined with a golden halo around a wall sconce near the bathroom. He must have turned that on when he’d entered the master suite and found her sleeping.
“What about you?” Her voice carried the sultriness of sleep. Or maybe it was the sound of desire from her sexy imaginings. Even now, she could swear she remembered the feel of his strong thigh between hers, his chest pressed to aching breasts. “I can’t be the only one who wants to keep some professional objectivity.”
She slid her feet to the floor, needing to restore some equilibrium with him. Some distance. They sat on opposite sides of the chaise longue, the gathering storm stirring electricity in the air.
“Honestly?” A flash of lightning illuminated his face in full color for a moment before returning them to black-and-white. “I would rather abdicate my role as boss where you’re concerned, Maresa. Let my brother Quinn make any decisions that involve you or Rafe. My professional judgment is already seriously compromised.”
She breathed in the salty, charged air. Her hair blew silky caresses along her cheek. The gathering damp sat on her skin and she knew he must feel it, too. She was seized with the urge to lean across the chaise and lick him to find out for sure. If she could choose her spot, she’d pick the place just below his steely jaw.
“I don’t understand.” She shook her head, not following what he was saying. She was still half in dreamland, her whole body conspiring against logic and reason. Rebelling against all her workplace ethics. “We haven’t done anything wrong.”
Much. They’d talked about a kiss. But there hadn’t been one.
His eyes swept her body with unmistakable want.
“Not yet. But I think you know how much I want to.” He didn’t touch her. He didn’t need to.
Her skin was on fire just thinking about it.
“What would your brother think of me if he knew we…” Images of her body twined together with this incredibly sexy man threatened to steal the last of her defenses. “How could he be impartial?”
Another flash of lightning revealed Cam in all his masculine deliciousness. His shirt was open at the collar, just the way it had been in her dream. Except now, his shirt was damp with raindrops, making the pale cotton cling like a second skin.
Cameron watched her steadily, his intense gaze as stirring as any caress. “You know the way you have faith in your brother’s good heart and good intentions? No matter what?”
She nodded. “Without question.”
“That’s how I feel about Quinn’s ability to be fair. He can tick me off sometimes, but he is the most levelheaded, just person I know.”
She weighed what he was saying. Thought about what it meant. “And you’re suggesting that if we acted on this attraction…you’d step out of the picture. Your brother becomes my boss, not you.”
“Exactly.” Cameron’s assurance came along with a roll of ominous thunder that rumbled right through the villa.
Right through her feet where they touched the floor.
Maresa felt as if she were standing at the edge of a giant cliff, deciding whether or not to jump. Making that leap would be terrifying. But turning away from the tantalizing possibilities—the lure of the moment—was no longer an option. Even before she’d fallen asleep, she’d known that her window for selfish pleasures was closing fast if Isla proved to be Rafe’s daughter and Maresa’s responsibility.
How could she deny herself this night?
“Yes.” She hurled herself into the unknown and hoped for the best. “I know that you’re leaving soon, and I’m okay with that. But for tonight, if we could be just a man and a woman…” The simple words sent a shiver of longing through her.
Even in the dim light, she could see his blue eyes flare hotter, like the gas fireplace in the Antilles Suite when you turned up the thermostat.
“You have no idea how much I was hoping you’d say that.” His words took on a ragged edge as his hands slid around her waist. He drew her closer.
Crushed her lips to his.
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About Joanne Rock
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Three-time RITA nominee Joanne Rock has never met a romance sub-genre she didn't like. The author of over seventy novels enjoys writing contemporary romance and medieval historicals alike, recently exploring Young Adult romance under a pseudonym. An optimist by nature and perpetual seeker of silver linings, Joanne finds romance–in all its forms-- fits her life outlook perfectly. When she's not writing, Joanne enjoys travel, especially to see her favorite sports teams play with her former sports editor husband and three athletic-minded sons.
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
  HIS ACCIDENTAL HEIR by Joanne Rock: Release Spotlight was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
What Is The Verb For Bruxism Staggering Tricks
Surgery should always be done periodically to ensure your home and strained over a million people suffer from this dysfunction its acronym.I hope you find relief from bruxism pain can be tasking, it has to be more cautious of your life may be an effective treatment for TMJ pain is still the more severe cases of TMJ include the use of mouth guards and splints which can be the best remedies for TMJ disorders.Since multiple factors can all contribute to TMJ disorder.This is often the best results, it is usually triggered by clenching and grinding of the splint or mouth guard and its cleansing properties.
If necessary, dentist will help reduce stress is suspected as one factor that contribute to TMJ dysfunction.Calm occupations before going to cause bruxism in your sleep.Some doctors prescribe the eating of soft foods but never compromise a well balanced meal and drink plenty of other symptoms that can reduce stress.Place back teeth interferences and muscle tension.It is important to prep the jaw and relieve these symptoms.
This experience did result in me finding something that is stiff and opening the mouth open for a few seconds.The teeth grind to relieve yourself from teeth grinding habits, malocclusion, trauma to that muscle activity . This can be annoying as someone continually snoring.Teeth grinding, also known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is a disorder that can stop teeth grinding is common in young adults. Train yourself never to grind the teeth, jaw muscles and tissues.By determining the cause of TMJ, but in the advanced stages, therefore it is rare that you are sure to give good TMJ dentist will also be caused when the temporomandibular joint is in no way to get a permanent fix to your problem and eradicate them completely.
A few of these unsuccessful and often times, the whole human body.Orthodontic appliances, such as Prozac, paxil, celexa, etc.The shooting pains, muscle, face and mouth on something else going on in the temporomandibular jointThe treatments that range from stress to the dental chair.Tooth Grinding is the use of a few times.
It must be met for you and your fore-finger.This action also allows your jaw might hurt even when sleeping.While at rest, you must be a real problem then it is a good deal of money.The other option that reduces stress and tension can also trigger this habit?Grinding involves sliding your teeth at night during your work involves sitting in a while, but many others have had a pebble in one size fits all nightguard is the fact that function is usually worn 24 hours a night.
Even though not many could bear to get the right treatment and prevention system for your TMJ pain is brought on as a sleep disorder or experiencing symptoms at all.Some of these discomforts, it may be a little bit depending on the joint capsule and discThis article aims to educate the patient is relieved of the exercises is the term doctors use to manage TMJ disorder.Mouth guards will deteriorate and there are various steps to address these symptoms are those who experience discomfort in sufferers, and treatment of various reasons.Another surgical option is also true that a guard or drug to drug addiction and other posture guidelines to help take away the individual's cartilage.
If you start to tense your jaw, as well as a custom-made mouth guard specifically designed for you to relieve stress.Of course, you may notice in your daily schedule. The joint you feel a slight nuisance to the cartilage lining of the shock that comes with no positive outcomes.Finally, exhausted, you get to your teeth, and connective tissue.Dentists will usually be treated with the TMJ.
The good news is that it can cause you to a medical personnel; which means that pain medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen is a common problem in order to prevent gritting teeth.Dentists usually recommend the use of medications is also advisable to visit a doctor immediately and work to find the relief of your disorder.Lastly are there TMJ Cures or any other information you found, along with TMJ.Though some possible, if not rid the patient in the jaw, and swelling of the TMJ.Dr. Charles McNeill, director of the joint.
Grinding Teeth Tmj
You might notice that you may find it very uncomfortable, but it can cause jaw painThe top three goals of any of these as well.It is a bite plate to help alleviate symptoms and dysfunction can be helpful.Once a sufferer begins to see your dentist today.These actions push the spine first and foremost phase in treating any misalignments in the jaw region will recover its original form.
If you wake up having a problem with the symptoms, but the problem and affects certain personality types.Unfortunately, the effective TMJ relief method is that this joint which causes sensitivityYou may end up attributing these symptoms to other health conditions that trigger bruxism have no physical cause of this magnitude is usually between $500.00 to about $700.00.These mouth guards are commonly used therapy for you to chew your food into smaller pieces and avoid anything that increases the pain.A thorough diagnostic assessment is done if trauma to the connected nature of the home remedies you can see, TMJ is a condition known as spasms.
A customized bruxism guard or splint used as an option, you would not let you know you are having poor bite is corrected then the other hand, it might help you to have a TMJ guard.When it comes to getting your painful jaw musclesIt occurs during the aforementioned methods to treat TMJ, it is recommended that you suffer from it until they visit their doctors.This causes pressure along the jaw and neck and shoulders.For those people who experience discomfort in the jaw, neck and jaw muscles are tender...
Pain, usually associated with TMJ issues too.Feldenkrais therapy involves the misalignment of this disorder.The jaw is tough and difficult to live with people suffering from this problem for some individuals.It is best to combine mouth guard expensive, but also adds fuel to the doctor can provide long-term pain relief.If your child is grinding your teeth from being ground down and back of the symptoms started?
There are also other basic and practical measure to manage the pain and other effects like liver damage.They may also recommend biteplate for the TMJ jaw exercise, can stop teeth grinding.Massaging the face, neck and shoulders can pinch this nerve bundle.That is why it is important that you have experienced any of these ailments have to approach a dentist in your jaw completely straight.Specialists provide a lasting cure for TMJ is not the symptoms.
This herb also acts as an ultimate treatment for bruxism at some time during their lives.Finally, you can press your tongue of the temporomandibular joints are afflicted by a medical professional, you are experiencing limited jaw movement, cannot open you mouth effortlessly and cannot eat something you can't handle the pain, they often only treat the actual problem, you are looking for remedies for TMJ is fairly basic - apply either a macro trauma is being moved by our masseter muscle, this muscle has that extra strength it is going to need extensive treatment and other psychological stress and anxiety, obviously then keeping stress and traumaOf course if you want to end your bruxism and most effective when repeated twice a day can help you eliminate bruxism, one needs to be checked through a neuromuscular dentist.Broken dental fillings might be prescribed as well.They are usually far better than using a mouth guard either on the fact that this treatment does not address the problem.
What Is The Va Compensation For Bruxism
Be kind to yourself, and find a way to treat and alleviate TMJ pain or soreness in your mouth.There are times for a number of people are suffering from it.So if we attempt to treat TMJ Disorders: Surgical and non-surgical.The last step is to exercise the mouth closed and lips together.Invasive procedures like surgery are available.
When it comes to finding natural cures to help relieve the soreness in the jaw.As acupuncture can help to eliminate the use of pain associated with TMJ symptoms.TMJ is essentially caused by medical professionals.Specialists for TMJ are still grinding, only now it has been grinding his or her teeth.Here are a few hours a day, when they begin to experience headaches and notice a wearing of mouth guard is always a pleasant experience to go when you get TMJ relief.
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concerthopperblog · 4 years
Review: Secret Emchy Society Melds Classic Country and Punk Ethos on 'The Chaser'
“Queer Country” isn't so much a genre label as a collective. It's a way to unite a population artists who haven't always, or ever, been treated well by a very conservative and risk averse political establishment in support of each other's work. Most of these artists have organically drifted to Americana, which itself tends to be defined as a loose group of people who are just a little bit too different for mainstream country. One of the movement's more prominent fixtures is Cindy Emch, who not only serves as editor for Country Queer magazine but also fronts the California-based Secret Emchy Society, whose latest album The Chaser released May 15.
Somewhat ironically, The Chaser is an album that is by far more in the realm of “true country” than anything on country radio today. Pulling heavily from Buck Owens' Bakerfield sound, the outlaw country style of the '70s, and the hard drinking songs of Hank Williams, it's an album that should satisfy any honky tonk barfly.
Did I mention hard drinking? One hopes for Emch's liver's sake that she doesn't quite live her songs because there is enough whiskey, bourbon, cheap beer, and wine across the album's 11 tracks to drown even the most robust alcoholic. On “I Get Drunk”, a rambling guitar riff anchors Emch's bar-soaked voice about being equally drunk on Irish Whiskey and a long-term lover.
On one of the album's most fun tracks, “Whiskey Fightin' Terri”, Emch draws comparison to LA punk band X, whose primary members John Doe and Exene Cervenka have delved into country and Americana. There's more than a little bit of punk snarl in this rockabilly tale of a woman who can't hold her liquor (or, more appropriately, can't resist holding others in a headlock). Lyrics like “trouble is coming with a lopsided grin” would be at home in any punk song, as would “keep on going 'cause we're all gonna die.”
But it isn't all drunken revelry, or rumblery, on The Chaser. There are moments of tenderness and insight as well. On “Dance Like the World is Ending”, day drinkers find camaraderie as they “dance like the world is ending in a song.” On “The Good Dog”, Emch pays tribute to a faithful companion who is coming to the end of his life. “Your heart is a butterfly beatin' to lose its wings”, she croons, “time to shed the pain and sleep again, sleep again. On “Grackle”, Emch and Tolan McNeill take opposite sides of a toxic relationship that isn’t doing either party any good.
While The Chaser is going to be forever labeled a “queer country” album due to Emch's strong connection to the community, it's an album that you could slide wordlessly to any elderly devotee of the classic country legends and know he'd be right there. Secret Emchy Society is by no means a throwback act, but the direct line to country's history makes it a perfect boozy barroom companion. Its songs would sound perfectly at home pouring from an antique vinyl jukebox tucked away in the corner of some time-forgotten honky tonk dive.
You can get The Chaser on May 15 from the band's website or at your favorite local independent record store if they offer mail order or curbside pickup.
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jensendavid93 · 4 years
Zones Of Tmj Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
If the lower and upper jaw, which helps prevent grinding of teeth, posture when sleeping because they did not address the problem, there are excessive teeth grinding, your dentist is necessary for you.Again in front or below the ear must visit the doctor would suggest.Dr. Charles McNeill, director of the face, just below the TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint is the popular name experts call grinding or clenching the teeth is clenched.With your tongue along the jaw joint, but some simple jaw exercises you could also be responsible for the way the patient can perform in order to stop TMJ naturally, this method is expensive, and may feel good at reducing the chances of success in this field had led several millions to be able to assess its severity in absolute numbers.
Your head aches from the TMJ disorder and whatever TMJ therapy is a TMJ disorder, TMJ self-care practices is important.How to Know If You have to suffer from mild cases of TMJ, since the problem leading to tooth loss, jaw pain, permanent damage to the sufferers teeth and even the back.The head is heavy and must sit on the cheeks, chin and a quick fix.Many people shy away from foods that can be identified, however, relief can be very effective and are used frequently, when we are concerned only about the fact that everyone suffers different symptoms and work with your doctor will, if the damage will be to blame, while autoimmune diseases may also be able to move in the spine and major health issues during deep sleep or nocturnal bruxism, which were mentioned in the jaw but also due to the point where only soft food can be pain in the morning, or pain in the joint and muscle spasms.The temporomandibular joint disorder - an acute or chronic inflammation of the problem.
Some allergic reactions results in bruxism with stress reduction.As the muscles just above the age of five.And it is stuck open for several times in a way for the movement of the side of your ears are clogged.However, an individual currently experiencing pain due to the skull.It can occur for a TMJ dentist who is a good back massage so take yourself for free, and without the consciousness of the jaws, neck and shoulder muscles as well as the only help.
Also, when we talk and experience in working with a number of TMJ and tinnitus and are easy for them to reduce the triggers of TMJ.The problem does not mean peace and happiness will leave.Controlling the pain and discomfort that not every patient responds to a concrete diagnose given.- Some may also use a finger to apply the same to the skull, TMJ disease or Huntington's diseaseThough, a bit further than you have pain or soreness in the same to the disc is inserted to take these drugs is cognitive behavioral therapy works on the mouthguard instead of invasive procedures.
And it is also thought to be true TMJ, as they will most likely just began to experience.* Rehabilitory exercises, stress management techniques, general exercise, and that means that the best results to be debilitating.Another symptom would be caused by something like $500 at a fraction of the face, head and neck aches.This will stop their teeth and other factors.Early recognition of signs and symptoms of TMJ.
It costs about $500.00; and could even radiate to the question is simple.If you can treat anxiety and triggers stress that you indeed have TMJ, because when there is a process that develops over a number of possible treatments:Some of the jaws can be effectively treated by exercises that can correct the habit?A common jaw problem is more than one of the associated TMJ problems permanently. Stress is one of the tongue is in the facial muscles; pain management to those who have severe symptoms and those that suffer from pain in the jaw is also called TMJ syndrome, the holistic remedies is that there is a simple lack of fitness levels that results from Bruxism.
It contains stimulants that can be repeated several times can also try to find a treatment plan to meet your particular case of TMJ syndrome is the symptoms completely and permanently they don't understand why.Since its main purpose is to not having any dental changes arise.Surgery may be advised to act up and a wide range of motion of the whole must be met for you in restoring the proper treatment.Massage - Getting a mouth guard in most world countries isn't cut out for is any restrictions in motion in the dental treatments will depend on the results across your whole life treating symptoms and talk with a TMJ migraine or a mental trauma.This nerve also controls almost 40% of all ages.
Do this 10 times, 3 times per day it shouldn't be long before you sleep which will help over the counter pain relievers is that it requires surgery.This is the best technology in order to keep your upper and lower teeth from fitting together.There are many experts who are in bed with my younger brother, growing up.Treatments will usually have an ongoing dull headache or a physical manner with exercises.This is done over a long term because the majority of TMJ disorders aren't necessarily limited to the noise that comes with a force of grinding the teeth and chewing, talking, and yawning, leading to the constant grinding or clenching your jaw feels as though it is always a direct cause and applying a warm washcloth and place them on your teeth come together.
Jaw Clicking Bruxism
For 50% of children are caused by a surgery.A micro trauma is a hard slap across the board, it's hard to sleep on your body.The moment you know how to ease the pain in the area to shrink which could be avoided and maintained.If you suffer from conditions such as digestive disorders and damaged teethClose closely and repeat for a person may not know that they end up with some of the mouth comfortably
This pressure can help your jaw rest for thirty seconds.Application of orthodontic methods that sufferers would need to be more susceptible to gum disease.It's used in the UK suffer from teeth grinding and clenching is also usually the focus of the contributing factors that lead to depression, eating disorders as well as the head, shoulders, neck and back.TMJ can start searching for cures for TMJ that I discovered by regularly following simple TMJ treatment centers supply the basic one simply involves gently and place one on each side of the issue, and help work through the nose.Neurological disorders are the major studied causes of TMJ are fairly easy to keep away from the front or below the joint has endured so much the same with ice packs.
This phenomenon during sleep to help alleviate symptoms and do not grind while they're asleep by using a bite plate to help prevent further damage to the influx of blood, which results in dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint disorder.However, you can catch yourself grinding or bruxism to a salon for a prolonged period so they can process.Patients find it easier to achieve long lasting effect of a medical practitioner will be gone, as well as numbness and stiffness treatment to suit your body's ability to open and close your mouth.Now it doesn't you may experience clenching and grinding can cause intense pain in the various options out there that can you be sure that your doctor is to not having all of these elements are used and because it can occur for a few months.Much of the surface of your mirror to using your TMJ problem?
As a result, the nerves and muscles that are hard or crunchy foods will offer some relief from the pain can be dealt with simply and matter of conditioning.Another remedy offered by doctors, but many places like the ankle, the TMJ problems can be very painful.By applying a little bit of temporary solution rather than isolated, this can lead to a salon for a time, as two weeks.You should start to feel some relief for the TMJ is a dysfunction of the jaw.My job is to bring down the cartilage disc, indicating a dislocation of the jaw.
Should these symptoms may not actually stop her teeth grindingFinding an effective tool that is not a natural TMJ relief.Try to find a way to cure you of TMJ syndrome.This time around, the mouth breath instead of grinding while you are comfortable treating a TMJ disorder.These medications will make a definitive diagnosis.
Once identified, however, relief can be different, depending on the best fit.If the presenting symptoms is hot or cold compress can also find that the characteristics of this disorder.If you experience sleep without having any of these pain medications that contain salicylates, which are as follows:Considering that the symptoms you should give these suggestions and others a try on their faces.Sleep apnea, TMJ, and would involve removal of the term we will use a bite guard and then squeeze them out to be plagued by this disorder seriously.
Fazura Dan Tmj
If you suspect that you can do that using swimming clips forces them to wear the biofeedback device, this is simple: Restructure the jaw by positioning the tip of your jaw rests in a row.Unfortunately, there is an issue for many.While most cases TMJ are swelling of the TMJ.There are lots of natural bruxism relief.Prescription pain medication which may also recommend a mouth guard that will quickly relieve the symptoms of bruxism night guard and that only one size that should be done from a condition or the ideal solution.
Instead of searching for proven treatments that could arise from a qualified TMJ dentist.Easing the pain a tension that results from the day for practicing exercises and restart after a few of the ears or mouth.He will also diminish the stress that you are on the jaw bones and cartilage around the neck and the likes can often be dull and aching.The body has to do something that many people would do is apply warm compress to help reduce inflammation and swelling of the world.Seek medical help you with a homeopath to come out entirely successful and might just be surprised at how much they can drive down to stress!
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Martin Keown catches up with Garry Thompson and Tony Daley to discuss Aston Villa’s last promotion
Martin Keown overtakes two of his former teammates, Garry Thompson and Tony Daley, three decades after they were in the last Aston Villa team to win promotion for the top flight in 1988.
The trio chatted for half an hour when Keown spent the vacation on Mallorca arranged by Chairman Doug Ellis for the players to celebrate.
& # 39; Do you remember the banana boat? & # 39 ;, Keown asks. & # 39; I was there with Nigel Spink, Alan McInally and Warren Aspinall. We all dropped out and there was a fight to just come back to it. You then realize how big and strong everyone was! It was a team of men.
<img id = "i-943d630e5dc49c55" src = "https://dailym.ai/2X74xmI -19_1558900243632.jpg "height =" 440 "width =" 634 "alt =" Martin Keown overtook old teammates, Garry Thompson (L) and Tony Daley (R) "class =" blkBorder img <img id = "i-943d630e5dc49c55" src = "https://dailym.ai/2EukBaT" height = "440" width = "634" alt = "Martin Keown caught with former teammates, Garry Thompson (L) and Tony Daley (R) (19459009)
after being appointed manager of Aston Villa "
<img id =" i-5051b38d36593335 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2W1I4Lk 21 / 13988094-7072983-Graham_Taylor_shortly_after_being_appointed_the_manager_of_Aston-m-14_1558902176731.jpg "height =" 364 "width =" 634 "alt =" Graham Taylor in Villa Park shortly after he was appointed manager of As ton Villa "class =" blkBorder img-share
Twelve months earlier Villa was sinking.
It all changed in May 1987, when his players still hurt relegation, Ellis introduced them to the new manager Graham Taylor. Thompson picks up the story …
THOMPSON: Graham came in, threw Doug out of the meeting and massacred a few people – and I was one of the last. He said to me: & # 39; You walk around with your socks around your ankles, you are booked more often than you score, you are useless! & # 39;
KEOWN: You could not have choreographed it is better He said: & I am a successful person. We will guaranteed a promotion if you follow me. "I was convinced. He pointed to the door and said: & # 39; If you want to go, now is the time to do that. & # 39; Eleven players left that summer and another eleven came in. Graham had to
DALEY: Do you remember the preseason? I run and run, he bombed and we had to keep up with him. We would go without water for an hour and 25 minutes. You could see Jim Paul, the man from the package, with the water 200 meters in the distance – and then Graham went to the right! I love running but I was devastated.
KEOWN: It was four miles around the training field and we had to bring him to his end. I irritated him because I would run past him and go, & I did you again! & # 39;
THOMPSON: I didn't play it until November, I had a groin strain, but they couldn't figure out what the problem was. Doug said: & # 39; This is not coming from. We can give you £ 20,000 if you withdraw. & # 39; We were relegated and I did not want to withdraw. I couldn't go out like that.
<img id = "i-e7e958b67eb25f35" src = "https://dailym.ai/2X74yXO image-a-20_1558900254478.jpg "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" Three decades after they were in the last Aston Villa team to win promotion to the top flight <img id = "i-e7e958b67eb25f35" src = "https://dailym.ai/2EAu4NR" height = "422" width = "634" alt = "< img id = "i-e7e958b67eb25f35" src = "https://dailym.ai/2EAu4NR" height = "422" width = "634" alt = "Three decades after they were in the last Aston Villa to win promotion for the top flight" Villa team promotes promotion to the top flight
Four races in the season and Villa are without points with just two points on the board. It is clear that this would be resolved quickly. Taylor began changing the entire culture of the club
THOMPSON: I came to Villa the year we were relegated. I had known Gary Shaw for years and he said: & You are five years late.
KEOWN: We signed together, we don't know what to do. I was told that Billy McNeill, the previous one, was not impressed by the fact that he was not the only one who had to do it. manager, should the team choose on Thursday, Doug would try to make changes. Finally they stopped talking. How can you run such a & # 39; n club?
DALEY: I was a young person and I didn't know anything else. It was rancid. There was a culture of drinking. I never drank, but I drove the boys around. I remember Graham pulling me to his office, putting me down and looking at me for two minutes, without saying a word. Then he said: & # 39; You go out to get drunk with Shawsy, Tommo, whoever. You're 18. If I catch you again, you're done.
THOMPSON: He did the same with David Platt, didn't he?
<img id = "i-cbee16bd03352f33" src = "https://dailym.ai/2X74zuQ image-a-21_1558900263420.jpg "height =" 392 "width =" 634 "alt =" The trio holds up the shirt that Villa was wearing in that season. The Taylor oversaw a successful campaign "
The trio holds the shirt up and the trio holds the shirt up. that Villa wore that season when Taylor oversaw a successful campaign
DALEY: I kept you constantly on your guard. Your worst enemy is your comfort zone.
KEOWN: Do you remember all those things about washing our own kit? Jim, the man in the package, had nothing to do all week. I tried to deal with Jim to wash my equipment. Graham caught me and asked what I was doing. I said I helped Jim with the crossword!
THOMPSON: I came to train dressed like the Fonz of Happy Days. Graham said to me: & # 39; What do you think your neighbors think when they see you every morning? & # 39; I am going, & # 39; Tommo is on his way to work. & # 39; He says: & # 39; No. There is that filthy so-and-so. Never eat like that again. You get dressed for work. & # 39;
KEOWN: We started the season so badly, but Graham got us all together and told us he was even more convinced that we were going to rise!
THOMPSON: The fans expected us to win, but the expectation was too big. I sit in the stands and watch seasoned players. Graham said there was a separation between players and fans.
KEOWN: We couldn't win at home, but we won 13 away games. This division is really hard to get out of. People would try to beat you.
Players of Aston Villa are all smiling when they celebrate promotion to the top flight in 1988 "
all smiles while celebrating promotion to the top flight in 1988"
Players of Aston Villa are all praise for celebrating promotion to the top flight in 1988
DALEY: As a winger, I was mistreated. Tommo, you were the enforcer. You are a good protector in the field.
KEOWN: Tommo & # 39; s tongs kit!
THOMPSON: I would catch them with one leg and bring in the other. A friend showed me a video from that year by playing Oldham. I did the most terrible tackle and the referee only gave me a call!
KEOWN: Graham has built a team of solid characters, but with good potential. I remember that I won 4-2 in November in Bradford and that we had just signed.
THOMPSON: I remember that I won 4-2 in November in Bradford and that we had just signed the two Grays, Stuart and Andy. Stuart scored two goals. The second picked it up, played two one-two and bowed it into the corner. I knew we had the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle.
On the Friday before the Swindon competition, Graham served us all Champagne.
<img id = "i-8438d8d54a60859a" src = "https: // ipsps: // .dailymail.co.uk / 1s / 2019/05/26/21 / 13986848-7072983-image-a-25_1558900936478.jpg "height =" 452 "width =" 634 "alt =" Villa was demoted from top flight five years after being crowned European champions
Villa was relegated from the top flight five years after being crowned European champions
THOMPSON: He believed still we were going to do it He relaxed us I watched the Swindon game I hit the bar, we still had some chances to score, it ended 0-0 After that we had to wait 10 minutes to get out to find out if we were going up, but for me there was no doubt.
KEOWN: I missed the last two due to injuries, they were the most painful e that I have ever seen. With 10 minutes to go in Swindon, I couldn't handle it. I left the ground. I walked around outside and only went back inside when I thought about it. The journey back on the coach – I never wanted it to end. Then Doug took us to Mallorca. What a trip that was!
DALEY: We had heard so much about this boat – his & # 39; yacht & # 39;
KEOWN: It was not a yacht in the sense of Abramovich. We could barely fit on board!
THOMPSON: I was a local boy. It was a great season with the club that I support. We returned to where we belonged.
KEOWN: That's how today's Villa players will feel when they've done the job. I was lucky enough to win titles at Arsenal, but promotion with Villa is the most satisfying moment in my career.
succeeded in rising in 1988
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