blue-sadie · 11 months
Rain Check
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Being partnered up with stiles and scott you guys planned to do the project at your house since your parents were out of town, so you ordered pizza got snacks and drinks so you can focus on the project but that idea immediately went out the window.
"Aw scott keep doing whatever it is your doing she's fucking tightening around me so much she's fucking begging for us to breed her"
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avery-the-asexual · 1 year
*in group chat*
Stiles: lol I'm dying help.
Lydiya: oof same
Malia: mood
Liam: rip, what's up?
Stiles: no like I'm legit dying.
Stiles: some guy stabbed me in the McDonald's parking lot.
Stiles: *send blurred picture of himself dabbing in the ambulance*
*Six people are typing*
Derek: PETER!!
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thecrazywriter7182006 · 10 months
The River part 1
18+ Content
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Beacon Hills had finally achieved peace, everything was normal well as normal as it could be in Beacon Hills.
Everyone is an grownup now out of high school and exploring the world, Scott was at Derek’s new house and as he walked in he saw Peter “Hey” Peter’s waved.
“I was just here to see if Derek had any ideas of fun places to visit” Peter smiled “I know a place” Scott looked at Peter “Really?” Peter nodded “It’s called the river, a bunch of supernaturals go there” Scott raised an eyebrow.
“You mean like all the ones we’ve encountered” Peter shook his head “No Scott but the club is peaceful, no one gets hurt” Scott nodded “Can you tell me where it is” Peter handed Scott a card.
Scott made his way to the club and he eventually found an entrance with a bouncer at the entrance, Scott walked up “Are you here for partying or pleasure?”
Scott looked at the bouncer “What do you mean by pleasure” the bouncer looked at Scott “Sex with one of our half sex demons” Scott blushed and then thought about it…he hadn’t had sex in a while.
“Pleasure” The bouncer grabbed Scott’s hand and put a red mark on his hand and pointed at another man “That’s Shane, he’ll please you tonight.”
After Scott and Shane got into the private room, Shane walked over to Scott and started kissing him and Scott kissed back as they kissed, Scott felt his dick getting hard.
Shane pulled off Scott’s shirt and threw him on the bed, Shane hopped on top of Scott.
Shane started to kiss Scott’s stomach going up until he reached Scott’s chest, Shane started to suck on Scott’s nipples.
Scott gasped, he couldn’t believe the pure pleasure he was in at the moment.
Shane pulled off, Scott’s pants and started to give Scott a blow job, Shane’s head was like a basketball going up and down.
Scott was moaning, then Shane’s arm went up and reached Scott’s chest and started to play with one of Scott’s nipples.
Scott was a moaning mess as Shane continued, Scott felt himself reaching his climax.
“I’m…gonna” Scott good barley speak as Shane was very good at what he was doing so he didn’t stop, Scott hit his climax and shot his load down Shane’s throat.
Which Shane swallowed and got up and looked at Scott was panting heavily “First time with a sex demon?” Scott couldn’t even speak he just nodded.
“I think it will be best to end our session here…don’t want to fuck you to death” Shane walked over to the door “I’ll let you get dressed, hope you had a good time.”
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the fact that at TWO separate cross country functions isaac got in violent altercations with ethan so all the cross country runners probably think he's like...aggressively homophobic.
meanwhile the runners who also play lacrosse have seen isaac sharing absurdly homoerotic moments with their team captain. they know he's not homophobic, they just like- think there's something deeply wrong with him as a whole.
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houseofperfecttaste · 2 years
I Thought I Was Protecting You
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"Despite your best efforts to keep it a secret, I know about Y/N. Would be such a shame if something happened to her." An evil smirk was sent the alphas way before Deucalion disappeared.
"Scotty! Ready to go out?!" You danced into his room wearing jeans and a plain crop top ready to go to Lydias' party. "What if we stay in tonight?" Scott suggested anxious about Deucalion. "Again? This is the third weekend in a row you've wanted to stay in." You pouted sitting on his bed. "I just don't have a good feeling about tonight." "That's what you said all those other nights." You crossed your arms and Scott knew he couldn't keep you in the house forever.
"Just stay next to me okay?" He wrapped his arms around your head, your head resting on his abdomen. "Okay, baby." You kissed his abs through his shirt smiling up at him as you pushed him into his closet to pick out something to wear. Once he was dressed he lead you out to his car driving both of you to Lydia's party. Once you arrived Scott kept a protective arm around your waist making sure nothing happened to you. You didn't know about the supernatural and Scott wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.
You guys danced for an hour before you were getting parched. "I'm going to go grab a drink baby." You yelled over the music letting go of Scotts' hand and he grabbed it again taking a step forward to go with you. "Scott I'll be okay alone. It's right over there. Go talk with Stiles he's been trying to hang out with you all night." He looked nervous to let you go and you gave him a short sweet kiss before walking into the house. Scott watched you walk into the house and then started looking around the party.
He felt eyes on him and he looked up to see Deucalion standing on the roof his heart dropping his eyes immediately searching for you inside the house. He looked back to the roof Deucalion no longer there and Scott ran inside the house looking for you. "Y/N! Y/N?! Y/N!" He shouted searching the house his breathing becoming heavier. "Y/N!" He exclaimed happily finding you talking to one of your classmates. "Sorry to interrupt but we gotta go." Scott grabbed your hand leading you out of the house to his car.
"What the hell Scott?! I was in the middle of a conversation!" You crossed your arms angrily watching him sigh and start driving back to his house. "I'm sorry baby we just had to go." Scott's fingers strummed against the steering wheel knowing you were gonna ask more questions. "Why? Because you were getting bored and didn't wanna be there anymore?" You rolled your eyes thinking he made you leave for his own selfish reasons.
"No, I have my reasons." You huffed slouching in your seat and looking out the window. Once you arrived you went up to Scotts' room grabbing your keys planning on leaving. "Sleepover, please." He sounded like he was begging so you dropped your keys on his desk turning to face him. "What's going on Scott? You've been acting weird since you got back from camping with Stiles." You wrapped your arms around his neck wanting him to be open with you and tell you if something was bothering him.
"Nothing is going on." He denied and you sighed playing with his hair. "You've been helicoptering me ever since, you never want to go out anymore, you're looking over your shoulder every time we do go out, do you want me to continue?" "Look it doesn't make sense now but I promise one day it will, just trust me please." You decided not to ask any more questions just wanting a peaceful night with your boyfriend.
"I trust you, Scott. Wanna join me in the shower?" You smiled and he eagerly nodded picking you up and taking you to his bathroom turning on the water. He turned to you kissing you softly before getting on his knees unbuttoning your jeans kissing up your legs and thighs. He stood up grabbing the hem of your shirt pulling it over your head and unclasping your bra. "I love you." "I love you more." You pulled his shirt over his head while he took his pants off.
You both washed each other and held one another, the shower being the most non-sexual intimate moment you guys have had in a while. When you guys got out Scott dried you off kissing every part of your body savoring you like he was going to lose you. "Let's go cuddle." You dried him off before heading back into the bedroom and he put on a pair of boxers while you stayed naked and got underneath the blankets. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to his body while you nuzzled into his chest.
"Goodnight my beautiful girl, I love you."
"Goodnight my handsome boy. I love you more." You squeezed him tight before closing your eyes letting sleep engulf you not knowing Scott kept himself awake for as long as possible to make sure you were safe. He looked down at your peaceful state knowing he would do anything in the world to protect you. He would die for you and he knew he might have to.
You woke up the next morning alone in bed and you rubbed your eyes sitting up and getting out of bed to put on one of his sweatshirts and boxers. Your head snapped up when hearing glass break downstairs. You opened the door not hearing anything more but decided to go down to make sure Scott was okay. You were halfway down the stairs when you saw Scott being held up against the wall by some sort of monster thing.
Your heart started racing not believing what you were seeing. "Run," Scott yelled looking at you and the monster turned to look at you dropping Scott and approaching you. You backed up towards the door reaching for the doorknob before Scott intervened fighting the thing. You froze with your hand on the doorknob watching the interaction your jaw dropping when seeing it stab Scott with its claws. "Scott!" You wailed tears streaming down your face as the creature picked Scotts' body up throwing him into the wall opposite of the room.
You swung open the door running as fast as you could down the street not looking behind you. "Get in." A man said cutting you off with his car rolling the window down. "Who the fuck are you?" You asked through tears your chest heaving. "A friend of Scott's. Now get in." You sighed looking behind you at Scotts' house before hopping into the stranger's car. You looked over at him and he had jet black hair a leather jacket on a scowl on his face and he intimated you. You cried quietly looking out the window thinking how you'll never see Scott again and if this stranger had something to do with it.
He pulled up to Scott's work and you've never been more confused. Why in the actual hell were you at the vet when Scott was at home dying. He opened the door leading you to the back room not saying a word so you decided you weren't going to either. You heard the door open and your body stiffened thinking you were next but Stiles, Lydia, and Isaac walked into the room looking at the stranger behind me.
"Guys, what the fuck is happening? Scotts at home he got attacked by some creature and he's there dying, he got stabbed with the thing's claws!" You explained freaking out and they all looked relatively calm. "Y/N he's okay-" Lydia started and your eyes widened laughing in disbelief. "No, he's not he's at his house bleeding out he-," You got distracted when you peered out the window to see Scott walking up the driveway looking good as new. You were extremely fucking confused but were more than thrilled to see your boyfriend alive.
You ran out the door the third wave of tears starting as you ran towards him throwing yourself onto him and clinging to him. "I thought I lost you. I saw you-you were bleeding-you got stabbed with its claws-what was that thing." You rambled on not knowing where to start having so many questions. He grabbed your face in his hands making you look at him tears streaming down his face. He never meant for danger to get that close to you, he knew you were traumatized now, thinking he died and witnessing it. "You're never going to lose me. I'm so sorry baby . Follow me inside and I'll explain."
Over an hour later Scott was done explaining and you sat there in disbelief not even knowing what to think. Your boyfriend was a werewolf. He can heal, if gets stabbed he heals, shot, he heals, anything he heals. And your friends helped him fight supernatural creatures. And you somehow became Deucalions' target. He gave everyone a look to get out of the room and they all left going outside. "I understand it's a lot. I didn't plan on telling you this soon but I can't really come up with an excuse for what you saw this morning." You didn't answer but you put your head in your hands staring at the ground.
"Y/N you're not safe around me." He breathed out sighing knowing what he has to do to keep you safe. You looked up at him fearing his next words. "I-I think we should break up. I have to keep you safe. I love you." He held your face in his hands' tears dropping from his eyes. "Please don't do this Scott." You stood up crying not wanting to lose him twice in a day. "I love you so much which is why I have to do this." You frowned placing your hands on his chest trailing them up to the sides of his neck.
He closed his eyes letting himself sink into the feeling of your touch one last time. "I love you so much too." You whispered kissing his jaw and then his lips. You pulled away after a few minutes looking into his eyes before leaving the building. Scott ran his hands through his hair looking back up when hearing the door open. "I need a ride home." You whispered not looking at him forgetting that his friend drove you here.
You followed him to his car him opening the door for you. You guys drove in silence both of you trying not to cry. He parked in front of your house and you looked over at him kissing his cheek. "I love you, Scott McCall. Stay safe." You said getting out of his car and heading into your house.
------------2 Weeks Later----------
Your parents went to work so you decided to shower and binge-watch your favorite show. You were a mess due to the breakup, you saw him every day at school making it harder to get over him. Not like you wanted to but you had to. You locked all the doors and windows jumping into the shower staying in there for about thirty minutes having nothing else better to do. You put your clothes on leaving the bathroom and going down into the kitchen to make yourself dinner not seeing the open window.
You heard a shatter come from the living room and went to check it out thinking it was just your cat. You looked into the living room seeing a vase broken on the ground your cat was nowhere in sight and you sighed turning around and being face to face with the werewolf who attacked Scott. You let out a scream before he grabbed you throwing you into a wall and stomping towards you as you scrambled to your feet running up the stairs.
You threw anything you could at him being the most scared you've ever been in your life. He made it up the stairs and you ran into your room closing the door locking it and barricading it. You crawled under your bed sobbing and flinching when hearing him bust your door down. You were dragged out from under your bed your screams resuming and he dragged you to the stairs throwing you down them. Your vision was blurry but you were able to see him walking slowly down the stairs.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket knowing you had to call Scott. You hurriedly clicked on his contact him picking up after three rings. "Y/N?" "He's coming, Scott, he's coming." You cried harder when hearing the roar Deucalion let out. He picked you up throwing you all over the house his claws leaving a gash across your chest. You were still on call with Scott and his jaw clenched when hearing your blood-curdling screams over the phone knowing it was all his fault. You were bleeding out, vision becoming black but not before seeing Scott bust through your door in full transformation fighting Deucalion.
You passed out in the middle of it, Scott fought off Deucalion picking up your body using his super speed to run to the hospital calling for his mom. The nurses took you out of his arms bringing you into the operating room leaving Scott in the waiting room pacing back and forth losing his mind. The rest of the pact rushed out of the elevator going over to Scott. "Is she okay?" Lydia asked and Scott stopped pacing looking at the pact. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault." He repeated collapsing on the floor tears falling from his eyes. The pact consoled him until the nurses came out saying they could see you.
"You should go in first. Alone." Stiles said and Scott nodded heading to your room and knocking on the door before heading in. You sent him a small smile moving over signaling you wanted him to sit on the bed with you. He bit his lip trying not to cry knowing it was all his fault. "I thought I was protecting you by breaking up with you. I only put you in more danger." He whispered grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb over it. "But you were there to save me." You sat up carefully grabbing both of his hands. "You almost died because of me." "But I didn't."
"Scott please don't blame yourself. I'm alive. I'll be fine." You gave him a small smile which he returned. ""Scott please don't blame yourself. I'm alive. I'll be fine." You gave him a small smile which he returned. "You were never supposed to get involved. I'm so sorry." He frowned looking at the stitches on your face the bruises and cuts all over your body and he knew underneath the hospital robe there were gashes across your torso.
He kept rambling about how it was his fault and how sorry he was even though you kept telling him to stop blaming himself. You grabbed his cheeks pressing your lips to his cutting him off. "Listen to me Scott. This isn't your fault at all. You did what you thought was best for me, I don't blame you so don't blame yourself." You looked into his eyes and he nodded and you wiped away his tears pulling him into a hug.
"Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked into your neck making you smile. "Of course I will be."
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bimafe · 9 months
on particularly rough nights, scott and stiles slept in each other's arms, offering comfort, peace and security.
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Stiles Stilinski x Male!Reader x Scott McCall
63 and 12
12.Roommate AU and  63.Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple 
“Roommates.” Stiles hisses and Kira just shakes her head.
“It’s easier to share than try to find a place of our own!” Scott tries to convince Erica when she asks why the three of you always come out together.
“Wait; you share a bed? All three of you?” Boyd and Derek spend three minutes laughing and another five trying to tetris the three of you onto the imaginary queen bed you all share.
“They can’t do it without touching; they have ot touch...”
“What’s wrong with platonic cuddling?” You snap and Stiles agrees.
“Yeah, nothing wrong with that; or platonic morning wood; or the occasional threeway as long as you don’t kiss; or the occasional kiss as long as you use protection or the-” Issac and Theo are grinning at each other.
“Will you all fuck off!!!”
“I believe you.”
“Thank you Jackson! Can’t believe I’m saying that.” Scott and Stiles slump a little relieved the teasing is over.
“I mean you really think Stiles could keep his mouth shut if he ever got a chance to score with his two top crushes?”
“His what?” Scott’s eyes widen as he turns from Jackson to Stiles and back again.
“I take that back; I hate Jackson the most.” Stiles deadpans and you can see Derek sliding Malia five bucks.
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bansheenolan · 10 months
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Oh, I could call you names now. List a hundred reasons for why you were awful. But what would that do? Where would it leave me?
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Scott x reader - make everything better
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could you do just some fluffy cuddles with Scott? Maybe reader (gn or male) has been having a hard time and just needs to hold their boy close to their chest, messing with his hair and running their hands over his skin—tracing random patterns - Anon💜
You hadn’t seen Scott for days, you knew he was busy with whatever was going on in the supernatural world, but you didn’t want any part of it this time so you tried to stay away.
Between school and working, you hardly had time to see him let alone message him.
Pulling up outside his house, you walked up to the door and knocked before waiting patiently.
“(Y/N), how are you I’ve not seen you for a whole.” His mom smiled.
“Hey Mrs McCall, I’m really sorry to drop by. I’ve been good, how’re you?”
“It’s no problem! Scott will be home soon. And I’ve been well, I’ve got to head to work but are you okay to wait upstairs?”
You nodded and waved Malissa off before you made your way upstairs to Scott’s room.
It was a mess, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little as you started to put his things back where they belonged before laying yourself on his bed.
You hadn’t even heard the door open or close, but you heard Scott when he pushed his door open and tossed his bag against the chair in the corner.
“Have you been here long?”
Sitting up a little you shook your head and smiled as you watched him take his jacket and shirt off before walking over.
“No, only like ten minutes I think.”
Scott nodded his head and crawled over to you, letting you rest your head on his chest as you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
Scott could smell the stress coming from you, so he wrapped his arms tightly around you, kissing the top of your head.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered.
You shrugged a little bit.
“It’s just been a hard couple of days I guess…” you mumbled.
Scott sighed, he moved his hand and placed it under your chin, tilting your head towards his so he could look at you.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much…”
Reaching up, you gently touched his cheek before moving your hand up to his hair, gently pulling him down for a kiss.
Scott was more then happy to return it, leaning in further and pulled you into him as much as he could before you both broke away for air.
You smiled softly, and he smiled back, resting his chin on your head as you went back to laying in his chest.
“It’s alright, you know that. You’ve got duties to do.”
“And you should be at the top of that list…” he grumbled.
“Scotty, it’s fine, I know you love me, and I know you wanna protect everyone.”
After a while of Scott just holding you, you finally moved shuffling up so he was resting his head on your chest this time.
He was looking for something to watch on his TV, and you were running your fingers through his hair, eyes closed as you relaxed.
“Are you hungry or anything?” Scott asked.
“Nah, I just wanna stay like this…”
“We’ve got school tomorrow you need to go home at some point.”
“I’ll just steal your clothes.”
“Will I ever get said clothes back?”
Looking down at him, you gave him a little grin as you kissed his nose.
“Not a chance my dear.”
Scott laughed, shaking his head at you as he shuffled around to get comfortable.
He tangled his legs with yours, his head tucked just below your chin while you rested your arms around him.
Scott was quick to fall asleep, you knew he was exhausted and barely getting any sleep over the past few nights.
Running your fingers along his chest, you brought them back up and started to trace random shapes into his skin.
You weren’t really focused on anything, just the feeling of Scott in your arms, all your worries and stress melting away as you held your boyfriend.
Eventually you fell asleep as well, arms wrapped tightly around Scott while he rested his hands over yours.
He woke up before you, but he didn’t move from his bed, he simply sat up, covered your with the quilt and rested your head on his chest.
He ran his fingers through your hair, repeating the motion again and again to comfort you.
Scott just smiled as he looked at you, admiring your sleeping form, the way the sun shone through his window and cast a warm glow on you.
You didn’t smell stressed anymore, and you were more relaxed then you were the night before.
He didn’t have anything to do over the next few nights, so Scott decided in that moment he was going to make up for some much needed missed time, holding you as much as you could and spending every waking moment by your side
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I think we lost her
summary: Scott tells yn that Theo was dead, and Yn completely breaks down.
I was really bored when I wrote this so don't blame me
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"what?"Yn's chocked those words out when she understood what Scott had told her. She couldn't believe was she was hearing. It just couldn't be true, he couldn't be dead. Not him."
Yn I'm sorry..." Scott looked down at the girl. Her eyes were wide open and her face deadly pale, she Shaked her head denying the truth.
"How?" She whispered looking up at him her brown eyes glossy with unshed tears.
For a moment he regretted having to lie to her, he regretted telling her that Theo was dead. His eyes watered at the sight of his best friend's little sisters heart break. But he shook his head and swallowed the tears" we had just killed the beast when he came at us and..." Scott didn't want to tell her that he had died, but if she knew that Kira had sent Theo to hell, Yn would do everything possible to bring him back." Kira had to kill him" he muttured.
"And you? Scott what did you do?!" Yn demanded him.
Scott looked up shocked at the question."What do you mean?""You know what I mean Scott" Yn's eyes showed the pain she was hiding inside, showed her despair. But she wanted to know if Theo could have been saved. She looked into Scotts eyes and the hard truth hit her" you did nothing" she whispered" you did nothing when you saw how Kira killed him"
"Yn I was protecting the pack"Scott started
"Bullshit!" Yn exclaimed cutting him off" you could have saved him, you could have saved him Scott" by this time Yn's hands were shaking and tears streamed down her face." I lost Allison, I lost Aiden, I almost lost my dad, I've been having constant nightmare's, where I have to scream myself awake. Scott I'm scared of my own mind. Theo could have been the bad guy in your eyes but he saved me, since I met him I smiled more and I laugh more and I was happier. And you know it Scott"
Scott knew it was the truth. Stiles had told him that Yn had been having constant nightmare's since the dread doctors appereancebut they had stopped after they got Lydia out of eichen house. But he had never suspected it had been Theo.
Yn cleaned her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt.
" Yn I'm so sorry" Scott muttured and moved to give the girl a hug but she pulled away from him.
" Say that when you mean it" she sobbed out and walked out of Scotts room, slamming the door behind her.
The rest of the pack had been waiting downstairs. They had decided that Scott was to be the one who told her the news since he was the alpha. But Stiles saw the way that Malia's eyes watered and Liam showed a worried look as they heard the conversation, and he regretted having her go alone.
"She's coming downstairs" Malia told everyone after they heard a door slam upstairs.
A sobbing yn stiffly made her way down the stairs. And when she saw Stiles she rushed toward her big brother sobbing heartbreaking sobs against his chest. And stiles held her as she cried. His own eyes watered as he held his crying sister, she had just lost her first love. And it broke him to see her in so much pain.
He knew Scotts plan on telling her that Theo was dead, instead down in hell. He knew that Yn would tear heaven apart to get him back if she knew. But he though it was for the best. Theo wasent good news and yn was probably better off without him. But he hated himself for laying to her.
Yn pulled back her eyes red from crying.
" Are you ok?" Kira asked
And in that moment Yn knew she hated Kira with all her will power, and stiles, Malia, Lydia Liam and Scott who had just came downstairs, knew that Yn was raging and Kira inmidiatly regretted her question.
Yn gave a humor less laugh and gave Kira the fakestsmile she could muster." I'm fine Kira, and I'm better knowing that Theo is dead thanks to you, just like Allison and Aiden. It's your fault you know. Since the day your family arrived at beacon hills. It's your fault that Stiles was possessed by a nogitsune your mom called upon, your fault that the oni killed Allison and Aiden when WE were trying to fix up your familie's mistake. You may had just lost a girl you bearly knew. But Allison was my family. So you better pick your Kitsuné ass and get the hell out of my town" by the time Yn had finished kiras eyes had tears in them and Yn's eyes were a fiery violet color in them. Yn stormed away form her friends and out of the house as she started to walk toward home.
Stiles started to follow her but Lydia stoped him." Let her leave, she'll come around soon enough"
" But what if she gets herself hurt?" Stiles argued" Then let Malia go, she has grown closer to her than to you" Lydia answered and looked toward the brunette who simply nodded and followed after the girl.When Malia had gone out of the door, stiles sighed and turned around to his best friend who stood holding a crying Kira in his arms." I think we just lost her Scott, we screwed up" stiles sadly told him. I don't think so.."started Liam
"Liam did you see the way she looked at us, she looked at us as maybe we had betrayed her or teared her heart out of her chest"stiles replied to him rubbing his eyes
"Maybe we did" cut in the redheaded. Stiles looked up and looked at his best friend sighing. Maybe they had.
When Malia reached the Stilinski house, Yn was already in her room crying her heart out. Malia just sat next to her and pulled her into her arms. And yn let her.
So that way they sat for an hour, the were coyote holding the younger girl, the girl who could control all supernatural with her mind. The girl that was supposed to be unbreakable. At least that was the spirit that had made home in her. This girl was just a human. A human that was crying the loss if the love of her life.
That night after Malia had left her. Yn dreamed of Theo. She saw a girl ripp his heart from his chest. She screamed as she saw Theo fall. And he seamed to hear her because he turned around toward her voice and his eyes widened. "Yn?" She heard him whisper.
The girl that had attacked him turned around and crawled away, and yn runned toward Theo who was laying on the floor. And she held him in her arms.
Then she was waked up by stiles, who had heard her scream and came to see what had happened.
"He...-" she sobbed" he bagan to feel like HOME"
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flower-slut004 · 1 year
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This is under construction so please hold your requests <3 Ps: Certain links don’t work but will be fixed
Dylan O'Brien
Daniel Sharman
Tom Holland
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Freddie Stroma
Oscar Issac
Teen Wolf
Certain Scream movies + the show
Characters/Shows I do not do anymore.
My babysitter is a vampire
Rodrick Heffley
Ashley Zuckerman
House Of Anubis
Chase Davenport
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avery-the-asexual · 1 year
Melissa: I'm not mad, I just want to to know why you two would need a fake ID.
Scott: *incoherent mumbling*
Melissa: excuse me?
Isaac: ...you need to be over 18 at PetCo to hold the puppies..
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes pt 2 - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: None!~ Just came to me brahh pt 2
Warning: NONE!
Morning came and Derek was in the kitchen with Stiles, Scott, Erica and Lydia. The rest of the pack was still asleep. However he pack mates that were quietly waking up in the kitchen suddenly heard a loud bang, which made them stand up, ready to run to the problem if need be, however they were quickly sat back down when you ran into the kitchen looking destressed.
“Can I still get my acrylic nails done!? OR are my claws going to fuck them up when they come out!?” You screamed quite clearly distressed about the thought of never getting your nails done again.
“Seriously that’s the first question you ask when you realise you’re a werewolf?” Stiles snorted sarcastically.
“It is an important question!” You, Lydia and Erica screamed at the same time making the guys shut up.
“I never had problems with nail polish but I’m not sure about acrylics…I guess the only way would be to bring out your claws now and see if they’re still there when you put them back…” Erica muttered sadly, like the loss of your acrylics would be hell.
“Shit okay Scott you owe me 40 dollars if my acrylic vanish or rip off!” You snarled making his eyes widen.
“40 DOLLARS FOR SOME FAKE NAILS SLAPPED ON!?” He screamed but everyone in the room froze knowing he was about to get some serious words of abuse.
“OH AND SPENDING 40 DOLLARS ON VIDEO GAMES IS BETTER HOW?!” You screamed angrily making everyone flinch. Scott shot out his seat and put his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N calm down your new at this and you mi-”
“Ooo claws…My eyes are goldish yellow yeah?” You asked excitedly, like you hadn’t just yelled five second prior.
“Ermm yeah bu-” You took a deep breath and looked down at your hands to see your claws gone and your acrylic stiletto nails still intact.
“Yay! Okay now someone feed me I’m hungry!” You rambled as Scott stared at you like you’d gone crazy.
“Did she just…And then she just…But she’s…Am I the only one confused by what just happened?” Scott asked, obviously feeling very bewildered by the events that just happened.
“She’s seen how you trained Liam so it’s not like she doesn’t know what she’s doing. Plus she probably already has an anchor.” Derek muttered as he fed Stiles a piece of toast.
“Oh yeah my anchor is Scott.” You smiled happily as you poured yourself some coffee.
“Is she aware she just confessed to Scott or nah?” Erica whispered making Scott drop his coffee cup which was thankfully caught by Derek who was mumbling something about kids.
“Don’t so shocked Scotty boy I know you smelt me yesterday just before you bit me.” You muttered like he was the most stupid person alive. You inhaled but felt your eyes widen.
“Eww what is that smell!” You blurted out randomly making every sniff the air.
“That would be the sweet smell of Jethan sex.” Jackson muttered with a smirk as he walked into the kitchen with Ethan following.
“You’re so gross.” You commented, as you made fake gagging noises.
“You’ll smell stuff like that a lot, though it’s probably better you don’t mention it every time.” Derek laughed as you scrunched your nose again.
The morning continued like this you’d smell things and ask the other members but when you sat next to Scott when the pack put on a movie you smelt something sweet. It’s was a smell that for some reason warmed you to the core making your heart flutter softly.
“Y/N what are you doing?” Scott snorted as you sniffed at his neck.
“You smell sweet.” You giggled but everyone stopped and stared as you pulled away from Scott’s neck.
“No he doesn’t…” Isaac frowned but looked at you like you’d gone crazy.
“Yes he does.” You retaliated childishly.
“No Scott smells like pine trees.” Aiden added making all the wolves nod in agreement.
“Hmm that’s cool you kinda smell sweet too.” Scott ignored the comments of the other members and chose to sniff you instead.
“Y/N smells like cinnamon and medicine. Though the medical smell is fading.” Erica muttered making everyone frown at the pair of wolfs who were confused to why it was such a big deal.
You both chose to ignore them as the movie started. Occasionally you’d sniff at Scott which would cause him to let out an unmanly giggle which would end with the other pack mates telling you to shush.
By 5 pm after the movie and a late lunch, Scott deemed it a good time to go and see Deaton. He would give you a thorough check up, to make sure all your changes had been made and there were no unexpected situations again. Like a kanima.
You walked into the vets work space with Scott and scrunched you nose at all the new smells causing Deaton laugh at your expression.
“So I see your nose works perfectly fine.” He commented, earning a sarcastically nod from you.
However as he was checking you over you got a slight whiff of something that smelled familiar. You looked around the room and spotted a few jars. You moved away from Deaton and lifted the tray onto the bench and started opening the jars that were sat on it neatly.
“Y/N what are you doing?” Deaton asked concerned by your frown but also probably very agitated with the fact that you didn’t even ask.
“I can smell something sweet…It smells familiar.” Deaton frowned as he opened a jar that contained a baby pink flower that looked like it was made out of tissue paper it was beyond beautiful but you still had no idea what the flower was so you didn’t touch it when Deaton brought it to your nose.
“Yeah that’s it!” You giggled as he passed you the flower. You took it knowing Deaton would never pass you something harmful.
“Where have you smelt it? Because from my knowledge they rarely grow around here unless planted by someone.” Deaton asked his frown making Scott look at you with concern.
“Hmm where did I smell it…” You put the flower back in the jar as you thought about it why it smelt familiar, but when Scott moved you smelt it again.
“Oh yeah! Scott smells like this flower!” You giggled which made Scott shoot you a sweet lopsided smile.
“Hmm you know what now you mention it…You smell a lot like this too!” Scott said as he smelt the flower with a dopey smile.
“Well that’s an unexpected development.” Deaton muttered more to himself than anyone else.
“Is that bad!?” You panicked making Deaton shake his head to stop your break down from going any further.
“No not bad just…rare.” Deaton replied sceptically making you roll your eyes.
“Please don’t beat around the bush I may die of anticipation.” You groaned loudly earning a snort from Deaton.
“Well in most places of the world this flower, which is commonly known by the name Camellia. Has a meaning and that meaning is something that never changes no matter where in the world it is or what name it is given. It means Destiny or Fate sometimes known as ‘my destiny is in your hands’. To humans this flower doesn’t have a smell but to werewolves it holds a very soft yet sweet scent. The fact you can smell it on each other is something I’ve only ever heard in myths.” He murmured as you glanced at Scott with a frown which he returned with a shrug of the shoulders.
“It means your fated mates.” You dropped the jar containing the flower which thankfully Scott caught even though he was just as shocked.
“Fated mates? I thought mates only existed in shitty fanfictions and fairy tales!?” You exclaimed, waving your arms around like a maniac.
“Well usually however from what I can gather that is only because most mates never get turned or at least one party doesn’t. Just like how if Scott never turned you, you would have never known. There could be thousands of mates surrounding us or even in the pack but unless both parties are wolfs they won’t even know.” Deaton smiled as you and Scott glanced at each other awkwardly.
“It doesn’t feel…like how it sounds in stories…” You muttered embarrassed that you’d even read werewolf romance while in pack of werewolves.
“That’s because you haven’t bonded yet. To bond you have to…Hmm I think I’d prefer if you asked Derek. He should know.” Deaton responded awkwardly.
“If you decide to bond, come to be after you’ve done it. I’d like to document the changes since I’ve never witnessed this and it could be useful information for other packs.” You both gave a nod, even though both your heads were thoroughly in the clouds.
After a few more bit of information and Deaton stating you were perfectly healthy, you and Scott left. The drive back was silent though thankfully Scott had taken Stiles’ Jeep otherwise you’d have to cling onto Scott. Which right now would feel undeniably awkward. The things you’d just learnt sped through your head, as you thought about everything this could change.
You didn’t know whether this was something you wanted to talk about yet. It was a lot to take in for you considering you only became a werewolf less than 24 hours ago. You hadn’t even had chance to explore your lycanthropy yet, so having all this new information about being fated to Scott wasn’t something you had expected.
Scott got out the Jeep silently after parking next to Derek’s car, but the pack soon ran out the house shoot questions at you both like they had been waiting for the past hour at the front door. You sighed before walking past the pack ignoring every question sent your way.
“What happened?” Derek asked softly but you still heard him as you walked up to your room.
“She’s fine, some stuff happened and I think its best I talk to her before I inform you of what happened.” Scott replied gently making everyone grunt in approval.
You made it to your room knowing you had all of 30 seconds before Scott would be here so you took that time to tug on your hair as you stood near the end of your bed. Before long there was a knock at your door and in walked Scott who shot you a sympathetic smile. You threw yourself back onto your bed with a sigh but spoke up as Scott laid next to you.
“This isn’t because I’m unhappy you’re my mate…” You muttered a blush forming on your face.
“I know. You just turned into a werewolf and this was the last thing you expected. It was the last thing I expected…” Scott replied, his voice soft making you smile as you turned to the side curling up into a loose fetal position which he quickly mirrored so you were facing one another.
He brushed your H/C out your face before tucking it behind your ear. It was sweet gesture yet you were unsure whether it was platonic or meant something more. You still sent him a soft smile that he quickly returned.
“Are you unhappy I’m your mate?” You whispered, very much fearing his response.
“No. I liked you before this happened so knowing your my forever is kind of…exciting. Knowing that someone in this world was created just for me feels good. I’m actually very glad it was you.” Scott replied gently, his confession bring slightly tears to your eyes as you sent him the most heart-warming smile you could.
“Me too. Though I liked you before I even knew about the supernatural but I came to like you even more once I knew you fully. Though I buried that because you were with Kira at the time.” You muttered the last part quietly but Scott didn’t miss the wave of sadness that radiated off you as you spoke.
“One of the reason we broke up was because I was confused about my feelings…I’d not long since broke up with Allison when I got with Kira and then you joined us and my heart felt like it had a hole in it. Every time I kissed her it felt like something was missing…it felt wrong then after we broke up I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. That’s when you started entering every thought I had.” He paused to send you a dopey smile before continuing.
“I’d wake up and the first thing I’d think was ‘Did Y/N get enough sleep’. I’d be working with Deaton and the only thing I could think was ‘Has Y/N eaten dinner yet’. You took over every moment of my life and it should have worried me but the only emotion I felt was pure happiness. Just being near you was enough to make me feel complete which is why I never told you my feelings. I didn’t want to lose you so I stayed quiet. Though smelling your arousal yesterday gave me hope that it wasn’t one side.” Scott chuckled as he said the last bit, causing you to blush.
“I cannot believe you brought that up!” You whined making his chuckles turn to laughs.
“Hey if you’d of been a werewolf you’d of smelt mine when you took off your top.” Scott snorted but the blush on his face made you coo.
“Good to know my body had that effect on you.” You giggled softly.
“Good to know having me on my knees has that effect on you.” Scott retaliated childishly making you blush tenfold.
You and Scott spoke for another hour about anything and everything and somehow by the end of it you were cuddling into his chest. Unsure of how you ended up there but clearly not complaining. Your sweet conversation was quickly interrupted when Liam burst into the room.
“Scott! Aiden is hogging the controller agai- oops” Liam muttered as he ducked his head.
“Liam you can’t just burst into a girl’s bedroom it’s disrespectful. You have to knock.” Scott scolded making me giggle.
“You sound like a Dad.” You snorted as you stood up off the bed.
“Come on kiddo. I’ll kick Aiden’s ass for you!” You exclaimed dramatically as you stormed out the room, followed by Liam who wad giggling to himself.
You got to the front room and dived on Aiden who was in the middle of a game. He cussed and tried to throw you off but you quickly got him into a head lock. You dragged him to the kitchen still in the one armed head lock. You gripped yourself a drink of water as Aiden tried to get out the head lock.
“What the hell why are you so fucking strong!” Aiden choked out as you squeezed tighter.
“Hmm not sure but I’m not gonna complain if I can drag down and ex Alpha.” You muttered sarcastically as Derek snorted from behind you.
Scott walked into the kitchen and spooned himself some homemade stew Stiles had made, before sitting next to Derek to eat the food. You pouted and dragged Aiden over to Scott who smirked at you.
“Ahhh.” You said as you opened your mouth, causing Scott to chuckle but fed you a spoonful of gravy and meat. You chewed the food and swallowed it before you spoke.
“Thank you.” Scott nodded and went back to eating unaware Derek and Aiden had been sharing a smirk.
“Can I go now?” Aiden said still in a head lock.
“Yes but leave my little puppy alone!” You growled playfully, unaware that Derek’s eyes had widened along with Aiden’s.
Everyone in the kitchen remained silent but Scott ignored it and fed you another spoonful satisfying you before you skipped off to the living room with a smile. Derek glanced at Aiden who both glanced at Scott.
“Do you have a question or are you staring because I suddenly became 10 x more attractive?” Scott chuckled as he finished his stew.
“I feel like I’m missing something.” Aiden commented making Derek nod in agreement.
“Yeah did she even register she just called Liam her pup?” Derek grumbled making Scott smile softly.
“I’ll explain later and no she probably didn’t realise but give it a second.” He chuckled and no more than 10 seconds later you burst through the kitchen door which Derek was praying did fly off its hinges with the amount of times you’d burst through it.
“Did I just call Liam my pup!?” You screamed making Scott laugh.
“Are you sure you’re not Stiles’ sister?” Derek groaned making everyone chuckle.
Part 1 <- -> Part 3
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maverickbabes · 4 months
Hey, how are you? Could you write something for Scott McCall? Maybe someone in Scott's gang disrespects the reader and Scott defends her? Activating protective mode, thanks!!
hi im doing okay and how about yourself?
I'd love to do this for you :)
message me cause I'd like to ask you a few things regarding the fic :))
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silent-snake7 · 1 year
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Universo Alterno: Isaac es un surfista que en busca de las mejores olas llegó a una playa mexicana, pero en su breve estadía, no puede evitar enamorarse del atractivo salvavidas del hotel donde se hospeda, por lo que no le importaría alargar indefinidamente su tiempo en ese bello lugar.
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phantomraeken · 1 year
Scott would so pull a yawn and stretch so his arm is over your shoulder kinda thing. No regrets.
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