#Meant to post this weeks ago
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Parts of myself that I’m learning not to hate.
Though there’s clearly too much skin not tattooed…
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"Scarecrowing" [Great House: Culture/Terminology (pre-War Era)]
The colloquial name for a technique originally developed by Homeworld intervention groups for use during reconnaissance and infiltration missions. "Scarecrowing" is a technique devised to exploit certain psychological blindspots in the lesser species by pretending to be a statue or scarecrow, which usually has the benefit of allowing intervention agents to situate themselves in the open near local thoroughfares or roads, or even sometimes within buildings, with an unobstructed view on comings and goings.
After the disgrace of the Homeworld intervention groups and the shift in focus to the Enemy, "Scarecrowing" fell out of favor with Homeworld operatives. The technique was later adopted by outside groups who often found themselves embroiled in the affairs of lesser species, such as Faction Paradox, who gave it it's current name.
The technique was based on the idea that while many people might suspect a scarecrow could be capable of moving, not many people expect it to.
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silveryinkystar · 6 months
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Say hi, ___!
[ID in alt text]
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fexalted · 9 months
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good omens + text posts (part 9)
an assortment i made last year with some season 2 mixed in for variety :3c
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lovepollution · 29 days
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C'mon Mike Flanagan, you know what you need to do.
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flickering-nightfall · 4 months
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Over a year ago, I drew my first Rain World fanart! This is Zero Fables: The Superstructure in all its uhh... mouse-scribbled glory. Some of this is outdated of course, like the multiple chambers probably aren't a thing anymore, etc...
Shortly after drawing their structure, I'd give them a puppet design -
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(on the left is one of their local group, Reflections of Drifting Light, or Drift for short.)
A headshot of the second picture used to be my icon! I almost named my blog zerofables as well, but I didn't want to use them as a mascot or anything like that, so I ended up going with Flicker instead.
Zero Fables is a part of an experimental local group stationed across an archipelago. They're an old, cryptic iterator who speaks in loops and tangents. In contrast to common teachings, Fables believes that the cycle is to be celebrated, and the true answer to the Great Problem - the ultimate escape from suffering - is to love existence itself.
Fables was dressed as an echo due to their relation with void fluid experimentation. It was a bleak warning for their possible end. But they didn't care, and they were pretty blasé about their opinions. Many of Fables' citizens hated that Fables did not fear becoming an echo like they did.
There's also the Mystic, a descendant of slugcats Fables purposed many years before. It and Fables have a special bond. Mystic has been my banner image this entire year actually...
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Can't believe it's been this long already~
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vrronica-sawyer · 6 months
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Au where milly and meryl are the eye of Michael agents and wolfwood is just some guy
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iindigoeyed · 7 months
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feather mark (drops this and scatters)
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arevixie · 23 days
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assorted perfworld doodles 😵‍💫
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citrusdownn · 9 months
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heyyyy guess who got into what we do in the shadows !!
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skelefun-art · 3 months
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ok back to our regularly scheduled jesterdoll posting
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A/B/O Scent Headcanons
Some basic info about scenting in my au: scenting is a non-sexual and non-romantic act. It's basically just claiming someone as "mine," whether that be my lover, my friend, my kid, my older brother, etc. Scenting can also have a less clear relationship than those, sometimes when you scent someone just because you have strong fond feelings for them without defining what those fond feelings are.
Different relationship claims will also smell different. If someone claimed you as an older brother, it'll smell different than then claiming someone else as a lover. So it's obvious to others what the relationship is between the scented and the scenter. (Is scenter a word?)
People scent their pets or their favorite blanket or stuffed animal.
There's also different ways to scent someone, from hugging them to rubbing their head/ruffling their hair to shoulder checking them. When people scent, they give off more pheromones in the hopes that their scent will stick to whatever they're trying to scent.
This also means that it's pretty obvious when someone is scenting someone else. Usually. Some people are very sneaky and can scent someone without the other person realizing. This is usually done by only rubbing off a small part of their scent onto another person.
None of the brothers realize, but they're basically always smelling a bit like Lucifer. This is because Lucifer is constantly scenting them as his little brothers/pups (only when he's feeling snappy and a little drunk does he scent them as his kids). It's a parental instinct, as parents will commonly constantly scent their children.
Nobody notices this (besides Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon, who all tease him about it). If one of the brothers are alway from the Devildom/Lucifer for a while, they'll notice that they smell slightly different.
They can't tell why or how they smell different, but it makes them anxious. They feel like something is wrong, but they can't put their finger on what. They frequently complain about how off they feel. Until they arrive back home and Lucifer is there waiting at the door to ruffle their hair and scold them for being gone so long, subtly scenting them, and they instantly relax.
Besides that, only the twins openly scent each other as everyone else is the household is too emotionally represented to admit they care about each other. Beel and Belphie always smell like each other, and it's actually difficult to determine what they smell like on their own.
Beel took it really hard when when Belphie was locked in the attic and didn't let others come into their room in fear that they'll replace Belphie's scent. That's why he didn't want you sleeping in Belphie's bed when you stayed over.
Simeon and Luke often scent each other. Simeon says that he's scenting Luke like a friend, but he's totally scenting like Luke is his kid. Luke also pretends that he isn't scenting Simeon like a big brother (or a dad).
Barbatos doesn't scent Luke, no matter how much Diavolo teases him, too. But after their last baking lesson before the first year end to the exchange program, Luke hugged Barbatos goodbye, and Barbatos instinctively scented Luke. It was in a protégé/fondess way but Barbatos was still pretty embrassed as he didn't let his instincts overpower him like that. Luckily, if Luke noticed, he didn't say anything.
Since you don't have the same sense of smell as everyone else, you can't tell whose an Omega and whose an Alpha from scent alone. You also have a harder time telling apart scents and if you've been scented.
This causes an uproar in the house when you come home selling like Simeon after your weekly tea date.
Even though Solomon can't scent you the traditional with, he makes up with it the same way he fixes all (most) of his problems: magic! He created potions that increase his scent and give you long hugs afterward to mess with the brothers. It's his way of saying, "I'm here too. Just because I'm human, it doesn't mean I don't have a claim."
The brothers looooooove to scent you. Especially since you don't even realize that you're being scented/are scented. It allows them to be little tnusdere cowards.
Sometimes, random demons at RAD like to scent you too. At first, this was an intimidation thing. To try and scare you and claim you as "their" food. But as time passed and you got a few pacts, it became a way to get street cred. Like, 3 of the 7 Lords have pacts with them, and my scent is on them!
Some demons see scenting you as a power move against the brothers. Got your shit stolen by Lord Mammon? Did Lord Beelzebub eat your lunch? Did Lord Asmodeus sleep with your s/o? Override their scent with your own on their precious human!
This is seen as a very bold and very stupid thing to do by most of the student body. It doesn't matter if you and the demon aren't publicly mated. Don't override a Lord's claim! The only brother no demon would ever override (outside of his family and a very annoying human, angel, prince, and butler) is Lucifer. No petty grievance is worth becoming Cerberus' chew toy.
When you get a fan club (clut) of your own (otherwise know as the Human Appreciation Club) and demons start to respect you, secret admirers start scenting you. You just think that the Devildom is really touchy with how many surprise hugs and shoulder checks you get. It also helps that you don't seem to mind being scented, so the other demons assume you're fine with being scented.
The brothers absolutely despise this, especially when you come home smelling like a dozen other demons and not them. But they can't say anything, or they'll reveal that they've been secretly scenting you too.
Diavolo is a big fan of scenting, but he has to be careful. Him scenting someone he isn't publicly mated to will make the tabloids go crazy. So, no random scenting.... usually.
When you're not expected to be around the demon population, he gets a little bolder and is willing and excited to try scenting you. Like when you're in the Human Realm, for example.
He gets extremely excited about it, too. You think it's a little sad how excited Diavolo gets about a hug so you don't mention how long it is. Dia is luckily that you can't tell when something is scenting because he is SO obvious.
Barbatos thinks he's above such childish courtship rituals..... yet. You arrive home after a baking lesson with Barbatos and Luke smelling like a certain butler...
Belphie sents you constantly. Whenever you two nap together, he's cuddling up to you and rubbing his scent glands against you. Even when he's asleep, he unconsciously scents you. This causes quite a bit of infighting between the brothers as you'll go to sleep smelling like Levi and wake up only smelling of Belphie.
The time Belphie doesn't completely envelop you in his scent is when you're scented by Beel. Even when he's asleep, he will add his scent with his twin's but never overpower it.
Beel scents you before and after a Fangol game. Before because he feels like he plays better when he knows that you got his scent on him. And after because he gets so happy when he wins and wants to share the win.
Satan scents and claims all alley cats in the Devildom. Shop owners and residents know that if they come across a kitty that's been claimed by the Avatar of Wrath, they better treat it right and pamper it.
So when you come strolling through smelling like Satan, store owners are quick to give you similar treatment. You're surprised to see how generous the Devildom shop owners are. They're constantly offering you free samples, even when the store doesn't typically offer them, and discounts are constantly added to your purchase.
No shop owner wants to end up like that deli owner who kicked out one of Satan's claimed cats from his store.... collective shudder.
Satan gets very embarrassed if the shop owners do thus in front of him, and he pretends to have no idea why they're acting strangely. But he doesn't tell them to stop...
Levi doesn't think he's good enough to scent you himself before his room is kinda already covered in his scent on account of how many of his favorite items are in it. So after a long gaming session or anome binge, you end up smelling like Levi anyway.
Levi immediately blushes when he notices and retreats into his room without explaining. On one hand, Levi loves that you don't seem to notice that you're scented. Because in his mind, if you knew you'll be disgusted and immediately wash his scent off. But on the other, Levi so desperately wants everyone to know that you're claimed by him.
Levi also gets insanely jealous if you come into his room smelling like anyone else. He almost canceled your gaming sections when you came in smelling like Mammon. Once, when you were scented by Lucifer, Levi was pouting in his gaming chair. He knew he couldn't compete when the eldest, so he didn't see a point in throwing a fit.
It's only when you cuddle up to his Ruri-chan body pillow that smells like him, replacing Lucifer's scent, does Levi cheer up. In his mind, you chose him over Lucifer, even if it wasn't a conscious choice.
Asmo is incredibly shameless when it comes to scenting you. The moment he sees you, he's wrapping you in a hug and nuzzling unto your neck. He also pouts if you wash off his scent, even if you don't know what you're doing. He's the one out likely to spill the beans and tell you about scenting. His brothers will have to warn him about punishments for him, not to spill.
He likes to think of you not knowing like it's a little game, how bold can he be before you ask him what's he's doing? How long before you catch on?
When you come home smelling like some random demon who overrides his scent, he's pissed. His envy rivals Levi's and his rage rivals Satan's. How dare some no name, low level demon scum overscent his claim!!
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hhoneycloves · 28 days
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Mutual Overstimulation
[ @randaccidents; you always tell me to mention you whenever i post art w/ your little guys in it 🗣]
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sukibea · 2 months
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Cute guy!
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chestnutroan · 1 year
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Cecily who died, trapped inside the wall by her sister
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ghostquell · 1 month
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NOAH REDRAW!!!! reference & close up under the cut
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