#Medical expertise.
joga-blog · 5 months
Understanding the Second Opinion Process in Cancer Care: What Patients Need to Know.
Cancer diagnosis and treatment are complex processes that can greatly benefit from seeking a second opinion. While many individuals may feel hesitant or unsure about seeking another doctor's perspective, second opinions are an essential aspect of comprehensive cancer care. Here, we explore the significance of second opinions in cancer treatment and highlight who should consider seeking them for different types of cancer care.
Understanding Second Opinions:
A second opinion for cancer care involves consulting with another specialist to obtain an independent evaluation of a diagnosis, treatment plan, or both. This additional perspective can provide patients with valuable insights, reassurance, and potentially alternative treatment options.
Why Seek a Second Opinion?
1. Confirmation of Diagnosis:
Cancer diagnoses can be complex and may involve the interpretation of various tests and imaging studies. A second opinion can help confirm the accuracy of the initial diagnosis, ensuring that patients receive appropriate treatment for their specific type and stage of cancer.
2. Exploring Treatment Options:
Different oncologists may have varying approaches to cancer treatment based on their expertise and experience. Seeking a second opinion allows patients to explore alternative treatment options, including newer therapies, clinical trials, or multidisciplinary approaches that may not have been considered initially.
3. Peace of Mind:
Cancer diagnoses often come with significant emotional distress and uncertainty. A second opinion can provide patients and their families with peace of mind, confidence, and a sense of empowerment in making informed decisions about their care.
4. Complex Cases:
In cases where the diagnosis is unclear or the cancer is rare, seeking a second opinion from a specialist with expertise in that particular type of cancer can be invaluable. These specialists may have access to advanced diagnostic techniques and specialized treatments not available elsewhere.
Who Should Seek a Second Opinion?
While anyone diagnosed with cancer can benefit from a second opinion, certain situations warrant particular consideration:
1. High-Risk or Aggressive Cancers:
Individuals diagnosed with high-risk or aggressive cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, glioblastoma, or metastatic disease, should strongly consider seeking a second opinion to explore all available treatment options and optimize their care plan.
2. Treatment-Resistant Cancers:
Patients whose cancer has not responded to initial treatments or who have experienced disease recurrence may benefit from a fresh perspective on their case. A second opinion can help identify alternative therapies or clinical trials that may offer hope for improved outcomes.
3. Rare Cancers:
 For rare cancers or those with unusual presentations, consulting with a specialist or a cancer center with expertise in that specific type of cancer can provide valuable insights and access to specialized treatments.
4. Complex Cases:
Cases involving multiple treatment modalities, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy, may benefit from a multidisciplinary team approach. Seeking a second opinion from a comprehensive cancer center with expertise in coordinating such complex treatments can optimize patient outcomes.
In the realm of cancer care, second opinions play a crucial role in ensuring accurate diagnoses, exploring all available treatment options, and providing peace of mind to patients and their families. By seeking additional perspectives from experienced oncologists and specialists, individuals can make more informed decisions about their treatment and potentially improve their overall prognosis. Therefore, patients should feel empowered to advocate for themselves and seek second opinions when facing a cancer diagnosis, particularly in situations where the stakes are high or the case is complex.
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dragonroilz · 1 year
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ive been looking at the female merc concepts that valve made back in the day and it really made me think about how a lot of the more popular female mercs are just genderbends of the original mercs.
nothing wrong with that, obviously, but i think it's infinitely more fascinating to treat them as their own characters since if valve had gone through with female mercs, theyd probably exist alongside the ones in the game.
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anyways, meet the medic! she's a physician from britain who practices "natural medicine". not with normal things like herbs. stuff like "you have a cold? well, they say that drinking a single drop of lava from a volcano will fix you right up! ill go ahead and write a prescription~"
she has a belief that modern medicine is wrong and wants to change it from inside of the system. not because she thinks patient care can be improved, but because crystal tonic has medicinal value guys. trust me.
in addition to that, she's got a real fascination with the spiritual and demonic. after all, who cares about how you attain immortality? you have your entire unnatural lifespan to smooth out the rough parts!
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have some rough sketches for when i was searching for a design too!
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tanadrin · 10 months
The questions of medical ethics (and medical malpractice liability!) are in themselves pretty thorny, and there are practical questions about, like, what government-provided or government-mandated healthcare should pay for that IMO come down to purely utilitarian calculations, so I don't pretend to have very specific policy prescriptions around bodily autonomy. But as a general principle, "shut the fuck up about what any individual chooses to do with their own body" is an easy to follow rule that more people should observe.
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cynicalmusings · 3 months
the pairing of heizou x forensic linguist!reader is rotating around my brain like it’s in a microwave.
i can totally imagine them both hyper-analysing mundane conversations between people (and each other!)—and it’s an added bonus if there’s a hint of a skulder dynamic going on where heizou’s always going on about his wacky dreams and intuition and the reader’s more down-to-earth and sticking to the hard facts.
actually, hold that thought for a moment—a linguist who likes sticking to the hard facts is interesting. it’s not necessarily a contradiction, per se, but linguistics as a science/field of study is much less materialistic than, well, the sciences, despite the research being conducted in a scientific manner. so having an brain-in-the-clouds detective, who “should” be concerned with purely the physical evidence, and a very down-to-earth linguist who “should” be more comfortable with the abstract, work together, makes a very interesting dynamic…
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connorsnothereeither · 10 months
Ulysses: “What if we surgically remove the problem?”
Rae: “Ulysses that’s not how that works”
Ulysses: “Well fuck… I got nothing then, I’m out, have fun y’all✌️”
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triptychofvoids · 3 months
What if you and engi traded bodies for a day would you be any good in each other's jobs on the team?
ohh well,, we have very different areas of expertise. for me to do dells job.. the multitasking is no problem, but i am not nearly as mechanically inclined as he is. and vice versa i have no doubt he can think on the fly just as well as i can, but he doesnt have the same medical knowledge as i do
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"Don't worry, Your big sister will fix everything"
She may be losing her mind a bit but it's fine
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vaulthistorian · 6 months
Courier 6 dragging Joshua Graham out into the Mojave for some random reason and comes to face the consequences and the stench of what happens when he doesn't bathe consistently every 72 hours: What did you eat for breakfast, Bighorner dung??
Joshua: *Cocking his gun* By the power of Christ, may he compel me not to shoot you.
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silverior968 · 9 months
Happy late holidays: here's a comic that I totally didn't make just because it grinds my gears to see holly labeled as mistletoe
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[Image ID: A digital comic with 10 panels. The first panel depicts two branches of holly strung from the ceiling. The background is green with a red abstract shape to accentuate the holly. There is also a speech bubble which reads "look!". The next panel has Larrikin, a black person with freckles, hazel eyes and curly ginger-and-brown hair tied into a bun with a golden ribbon. Their hair has a single white streak. They are grinning and are wearing a brown sweater, the text of which is not fully visible. They have a speech bubble which reads "It's mistletoe, you know what that means". The text "definitely put it there" is pointed at Larrikin. Opposite them is Anton, a muscular irish-eastern asian man with long, black and gray hair and violet eyes. He has a small scar on his nose and is looking up, mouth slightly open. He is wearing a red turtleneck and a green cardigan. Both of them are cut off at the bicep. The background is green. The next panel has Larrikin looking surprised and Anton pointing up, saying "That's holly". He has a scar on the back of his hand. The background is green. The fourth panel has a red background, and the text "It's a common misconception", along with drawings of holly and mistletoe, with holly being labeled "red berries, spiky leaves" and mistletoe being labeled "white berries, branches". The fifth panel has Larrikin looking embarrassed, rubbing the back of their head, with a speech bubble that reads "Oh of course, I totally knew that" It is now visible that their shirt says "ginger" and has a picture of a bread loaf on it. The background is red. The next panel has a green background and has two mistletoe branches on it, with a speech bubble that reads "this is mistletoe". The next panel has both of them cut off at the thigh, showing that Larrikin is wearing dark brown trousers and Anton is wearing black trousers. The background is green, with a red accent shape. The holly branches are still in place, but Anton is now holding mistletoe, looking away, smiling slightly and blushing. His other hand is in his pocket. Larrikin looks surprised. The next panel has Anton looking surprised as Larrikin grabs his face, the background is red and the motion is accentuated by the text "grab". Larrikin's nails are painted red. The next panel has Larrikin smiling, with a speech bubble that says "You are so silly". The background is green. The last panel has them kissing, both smiling. Anton has one arm around Larrikin's upper back, holding the mistletoe aloft with his other hand. Larrikin has one of their hands on Anton's cheek. The background is red with a green accent shape, and it is now visible that Larrikin's shirt says "gingerbread man" but with the "bread" portion replaced by a loaf of bread. / End ID]
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spider riz doodle
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read a fic recently where the author was talking about lethal injection as a particularly humane death penalty and i totally get where people get that conception (it is very much on purpose) but it took just about everything I had not to go into the comments and info dump about how, actually, lethal injection is just designed to *seem* humane but in reality, there is no humane method of murder
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spocks-kaathyra · 8 months
starting to think that perhaps if being unofficial dorm hairdresser is too stressful for me bc I'm scared to fuck it up then maybe I'm not cut out to go into a healthcare profession where ppl's lives will be in my hands
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decarbry · 2 years
i had a random thought. so aizawa's arms were destroyed by the nomu right? what if the doctor added the extra arms to yabureme bc his actual set had nerve damage and he wouldn't be able to use them for fine motor stuff (like his knives) even after nomuification. so he can only use his new set for stuff like that. that would be so confusing for yabureme too he's just have this less functional set of arms but no memory as to why they are like that, just the frustration and pain that comes with it.
You and I have same brain!!! This was exactly my thought process too. Dupli-arms was more meant for expanding the surface area of skin for more eyes but they definitely assist with the busted arm situation. This does become a plot point in the comic so I won’t go further than that!
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slushi-chan · 3 months
I love that John Kramer’s whole thing is he wants people to survive the traps and live because he’ll be like here put a knife in your eye to dig out a key even though you can literally stab the brain through the eye socket, who the fuck is like I want you to live take a blade to the eye by the way YOU’RE TIMED that’s a recipe for disaster
Or like you’re chained up here’s some saws meanwhile he stuck them in bacteria paradise, he just fucking threw them a room with god knows what bacteria and disease and microbes hope you don’t get fucking staph or something
There’s also the dude who barbed wired himself into the fucking stomach trying to get out like John just puts people in traps with no precautions sometimes to ensure that they do what they are told and don’t accidentally kill themselves like how are you supposed to avoid accidentally cutting yourself too deep on fucking blades or spikes in a fucking death trap when you are confused and terrified and timed I’m new to the saw movies but I will die on the hill that he doesn’t actually think about his traps as much as it seems, unless he intentionally makes it so you can do what he asked and just die which just still defeats the purpose of wanting people to survive and testing their will to live I’m sorry this is annoying probably and long but I can’t stop thinking about the fact that it’s just too easy to die while doing what he asks it’s so funny he espouses I don’t kill anyone they make the choice I test their will to live meanwhile will to live doesn’t mean shit if you sever an artery or cut your stomach open
Addition: For the record I’ve seen 1-6 I haven’t seen the final chapter or jigsaw or X
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tjerra14 · 3 months
work comes with two kinds of people
[walks in to the examination room]: "Good morning, Frau Doktor! (dear doctor)"
[while leaving after everything is done]: "I gotta ask, are you--" "Yes." "--a vet or--?" "Yes, I am." "Like, graduated?" "Yes." "How long do you still have left in your studies?" "I graduated two years ago." "Oh."
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b-blushes · 1 year
AGONISED AUGH it's face your fears friday tomorrow, i've got a hospital appointment AND it's not until the afternooooooon. hopefully everyone will be soooo niceys (concerned!!!! and full of knowledge and desire to help!) and i will do my best to get across the gravity of the situation and my distress without crying so so much and everyone will be serious. i want to get better! I WANT TO GET BETTER!!!
fortunately the weather is in my favour so i can be comfy at least (: and i have created a schedule that is prioritised so i will be 'busy' sustainable style before i go. 👍
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