#but without a healing quirk it’s impossible to do what Recovery Girl can do
decarbry · 1 year
i had a random thought. so aizawa's arms were destroyed by the nomu right? what if the doctor added the extra arms to yabureme bc his actual set had nerve damage and he wouldn't be able to use them for fine motor stuff (like his knives) even after nomuification. so he can only use his new set for stuff like that. that would be so confusing for yabureme too he's just have this less functional set of arms but no memory as to why they are like that, just the frustration and pain that comes with it.
You and I have same brain!!! This was exactly my thought process too. Dupli-arms was more meant for expanding the surface area of skin for more eyes but they definitely assist with the busted arm situation. This does become a plot point in the comic so I won’t go further than that!
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main-clown · 3 years
I feel ATTACKED by how LITTLE heroes are divided in groups.
First off, Nighteye? Yeah, he should be considered underground and not A DAYTIME HERO. His quirk would make him a target and if he’s in the public that’s a clear disadvantage there. Same goes for Midnight. I love the idea that she’s public so people just think she’s a hero cosplay (because I have no doubt that she can get into hero cafes or pretend to be a prostitute because that might be some villains fancy). Like, it’s SLEEP GAS. You make people SLEEP and that can easily subdue a good portion of villains with a simple whiff.
Second off, heroes work a bit similar to the police, and not all police only do one thing? If there were hero groups in the official bnha universe, I’d think it be this.
Daytime heroes. Public heroes. Rescue/Healing heroes. Underground heroes. Info heroes. I’ll explain each one.
Daytime heroes is what we normally expect. Endeavor, All Might, you name it. They do fighting most of the time and are powerhouses. Not much else to explain.
Public heroes are NOT daytime heroes. I got them in different categories for a reason. Public heroes could probably also be called scandal heroes if you want, but their whole shtick is they draw attention away from events. I think Aoyama would do AMAZING in this field. It’s similar to how they did the press conference during Bakugo’s kidnapping. An event to draw attention away from a planned raid or attack. Keeps the element of surprise. That and they are perfect for talking with the press. Their sole purpose is to help heroes do their proper job without worrying about getting hounded by press, like in the case of a rescue operation and let’s say Uwabami is talking with the press to assure them everything is ok and provides cover for Thirteen who’s doing rescue work.
Next, Rescue/Healing heroes. Thirteen, Recovery Girl, and what I also imagine Uraraka would be great at. They deal mostly with rescuing missions like in the case of hurricanes, tornados, or behind the scenes of a Daytime hero’s fight. Mitigate losses and damages. Recovery Girl is included in this since she’s pretty good at healing people up so she can heal citizens and get them properly evacuated. Done deal.
Underground heroes, like Aizawa, don’t work in the public eye. They do more one on one fights or need that element of surprise for their quirks. So Aizawa, Hagakure, and Shinso would work best for this. Heck, even Ojiro would too. This might also include going undercover into vigilante or villain business to find more stuff out, like if they need to find a broker or get more information, but that also ties a bit into the Info heroes.
Last of all, Info heroes. This includes Sir Nighteye, Jiro, could also be Hagakure, Tokage, and so much more :D! They deal with gathering info to help other heroes, whether it’s stealth missions or deep researches. I think this group would work almost hand in hand with police, able to share information and plot future missions to bust drug rings or anything else that needs loads of planning. Hearing information that could eventually be a long term needed thing, or to snip crime at the roots.
It’s just that Hero aca doesn’t seem to acknowledge much about how impossible it would be for certain people to be daytime heroes. Like, how would the invisible girl be good at doing public fights when her skill set seems to be better for stealth and underground work? Like, come on.
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theyscreamjade · 3 years
Can you do Kiri, Iida, Izuku, and Bakugo with a s/o who goes deaf from a concussion received during a fight or even training. (I lost my hearing and I haven't seen much done for deaf readers. Thank you so much if you do respond hun.)
Severe Silence
Words can’t describe how I feel for you honey, Trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve always had hearing issues since I was born and they’re stating I may or may not lose my hearing in the future which hurts because music is my life and I can’t see myself without it. I hope this makes your day and if you need to talk, I’m always here.
Disclaimer: Slight Gore, Abuse and Acts Of Violence
Eijiro Kirishima
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* He remembers the whole accident that day because he was the one who carried you to the infirmary.
* It was training to see how you’d withstand during a earthquake and you were one of the following that was instructed to stand in a building.
* Aizawa wasn’t too keen on it but you insisted that you wanted a challenge.
* When the ground started to shake, wood, chunks of cement started tumbling down. You had your practice dummy to your back, running towards the safe exit with Ochacko and Shoji following close behind.
* Apart from the training, a ding would be heard when there’s another victim close by, you guys had the majority of them. Even though the earthquake ended, parts were still falling.
* You handed your dummy off and went off to find another one, and never returned.
* You were eventually sent to the hospital even though Recovery Girl healed you.
* You weren’t heard of for a while which worried your Sharky lover.
* During a free period, Baku-Squad including Deku, Momo, and Ochacko comes over to visit you.
* You were home alone and when you opened the door to see your friends, you couldn’t help but burst into tears because you couldn’t hear their excited voices to see that you’re fine.
* I do see Kirishima as the type to pull out his phone and ask you if you were okay through the notes app.
* You tell them back when you were grabbing the last dummy, you tripped and slammed your head into a large block of cement.
* Being the amazing boyfriend he is, he’s going to learn every possible way to speak to you.
* To sign language to even speaking as slow as he possibly can.
* He’s willing to do everything to make everything easier for you and to keep that gorgeous smile on your face.
* He knows how hard it is to lose something that you’re so used to having and it pains him to see you a tad bit depressed because you can’t hear him anymore.
* Just know he’s going to do anything that would seem impossible to help you through every step.
* This includes training, If you always relied on your ears he’ll help you try to find another way to smell a villain near you.
* He’s going to encourage you to keep going towards your dream and never give up.
Izuku Midoriya
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* His feet never ran so fast when you were found unconscious.
* During your first internship, You and Izuku were attempting to save Eri that day. Everyone was soon separated.
* When it seemed that it wasn’t going to be well, you sent him to go get Eri while you fought the villains with others.
* The mission was a success but came with painful consequences, You fought with a villain who was a tad bit advanced for you. You fought with all your might while the building warped and swirled.
* The last thing you could remember was the villain's backup appearing behind you and attacking you as everything became black.
* Luckily, One of the pro-heroes rushed over and defended you while their sidekicks quickly took you towards the medic.
* When Deku first found out, not even caring if he was injured or not. He wanted to see you. He wanted to make sure you were okay.
* It took him a while to see you and when he did, he was ecstatic to see you awake and responsive.
* He called your name but..you never responded, which confused him. He had to touch your shoulder, nearly giving you a heart attack as he asked what’s wrong and you just stared.
* Then, he knew..something was wrong.
* Upon finding this out, Izuku being the great and amazing guy he is will also take many precautions to learn to speak to you.
* His sign language is a tad bit rusty and sucks a bit, but give him a chance. He’s trying.
* In each conversation you two have, he’ll always make sure he’s speaking slow and you’re able to see his lips move.
* If he can’t speak or wearing a mask, he’ll either text you or type his words through his phone for you.
* He’s going to tell you that you should keep going on your fight to be a hero.
* Izuku will train with you and see if you two could discover a different method that you could use during battles.
* He will never give up on you and will always help you with your dreams.
Katsuki Bakugo
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* Everything happened so fast that even HE couldn’t keep up.
* One minute, You were kicking ass, destroying every villain in your way.
* Even though the attack was extremely random and with the permission from the teachers to fight these villains who interfere with your training for the fifth time in a span of a few years.
* Hell, you had your hero’s license so you had the right to kick their asses.
* You stood up, cracking your neck and fists before punching another villain back to the ground.
* Katsuki saw the purple blur flash past him as a large Nomu appeared to your turned back.
* Before he could even react, his body ran you over. His corrupted face looked down at what he did as Bakugo’s anger boiled over the surface. He grabbed the villain he was originally fighting and launched him into the Nomo before blasting them with his explosion as hard as he possibly could.
* No one hurts you. No one.
* It took Kirishima, Denki, Izuku, and lastly, a time-limited All Might to get him off the Nomo who he SURPRISINGLY knocked out.
* Once he could relax, he walks to your dorm. When he knocks and you don’t answer, it makes him worried.
* He won’t kick the door down..but..knock it off the hinges and discovers you crying on the bed.
* All the banging, knocking he did and you didn’t react while he was standing in front of him, his heart instantly knew that damn Nomu did something to you.
* He already knew sign language, there’s no lie in that.
* He knows it because his quirk has nearly made him deaf at times and it was told that he’d lose it before he would have a chance to be a hero.
* After the attack, he’s always by your side. He corrects people who try to talk to you and demands that they use sign language or their phones. He hates when others talk fast to you as well.
* He’s like this because he wants to help you in every way he can.
* If you decide to be a hero, despite his warnings. He’s going to help you as much as he can. He’ll ask for help from hero’s who has the same disability as yours if not, he’s going to make a method of teaching you with your other senses.
* He may teach you how to use your sight more, smell, or touch to their full potential.
Iida Tenya
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* It honestly hurts him every time he thinks about it, It shouldn’t have been that.
* He was supposed to protect you but he was separated from everyone else. You were with one of the members of Wild Wild Pussycats when Dabi attacked with his crew.
* You and Ragdoll were walking back after discussing your training in the morning when everything became extremely terrifying for you two.
* You and Ragdoll fought your best, almost moving in sync with each other Magne knew how to just send you flying into a tree each time.
* He created a negative force between you and Ragdoll when sent you two flying apart at a harsh force as you went flying into the woods and collided with a huge bolder.
* Blood dripped from your head as Ragdoll’s scream came to your ears while you reached out to help. Your knees touched the marshy land while your hand shook, pain rushing through your body.
* When the message came through, you passed out.
* Tetsutetsu and Itsuka discovered you and carried your body to safety away from all the chaos.
* When it was discovered that you were among the ones injured along with two missing individuals, It sent chills down his spine.
* Since you two just started dating and he was sure you and your parents wanted to spend time with each other, he wouldn’t come to see you in the hospital.
* It takes him over two weeks and when Aizawa needed someone to take his homework to your home. He immediately offered himself because he’s been dying to see you again.
* A jump, kick, and step later, he appeared at your door. You were checking the mail as he called out to you from a few feet away.
* You didn’t notice him and walked towards your home, not noticing his presence yet.
* He was taken back by your casualness while you walked to the door until he saw the hearing aid in your ear.
* That’s when he knows now why you didn’t react and just watches you walk away.
* One thing I do admire about this man, he’ll do anything when it comes to you. While he’s taking his brother to the physical therapy sessions for him.
* He’s learning every single possible way to talk to you. I mean every way.
* As strange as this may sound, he loves signing into your hand even though you’re not blind.
* It’s close contact and he adores that with you. For example, private things or him simply saying he loves you, he’ll sign it into your hand while everything else is out to the open.
* He often recommends to others and his friends that they speak slower with you so you can comprehend or try not to speak all at once.
* If you wish to continue your path to being a hero, he’s going to support you but he can’t help but constantly worry.
* The last time he let you go, you became deaf and he doesn’t want anything else to ever happen to you again. He wants to be your knight in white amour but he knows how you like to be independent too.
* Just don’t give this man a heart attack, please.
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Part three of three. Let’s close this match out in style.
[No. 40 - Emancipation]
Endeavor is, unsurprisingly, thrilled with this development. He yells his son’s name, marching his way down the steps of the stands as he continues to shout. He’s pleased with Shouto finally accepting his fire, and that it all starts now for him. With Endeavor’s blood in his veins, he will surpass him and fulfill his ambitions. 
Shouto… doesn’t even seem to hear him. 
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Endeavor, Toshinori, and the audience in general are left in an awkward silence. Eventually Present Mic makes light of the sudden pep talk from Endeavor, calling him a ‘doting parent’ with probably a bit of wry humor, and that it’s a bit unexpected since they’re not on good terms. 
Shouto wipes away his tears, looking back up at Izuku. Izuku is still proud of his victory in getting through to Shouto, which prompts Shouto to ask why he’s smiling. With his wounds, and in this situation, he must be crazy. It’s not Shouto’s problem what happens to him now. The two pull up the full power of their quirks as they face each other down, ready for the deciding blow.
Cementoss, meanwhile, gets up and calls to Midnight for help in stopping the match before it goes any further. Cementoss sends out a wave of cement, while Midnight tugs open her costume and lets her quirk loose.
Shouto sends out another massive glacier, which Izuku leaps over by sacrificing his right leg. Izuku thinks on how he has to get close and give it everything as he brings his right arm swinging around, thinking of his own words to Shouto to give everything he’s got. Shouto brings up his left hand, wreathed in flames, as he thanks Izuku.
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Not gonna lie, I really do appreciate the anime for how much more epic they were able to make this, mostly because of the advantage of sound + music + animation in conveying battle scenes. But also, the art style… Horikoshi really started out great and only got better from there. God, those flames...
Also, it’s such a small thing, but I can’t help but notice that thank you, so small against the rest of the full page spread, basically lost among everything else happening in that instant… it’s questionable whether Izuku even heard it over the noise of everything happening - we can certainly guess no one else did. And it’s so important, that acknowledgement, even if it’s unheard, to what Izuku did for him. 
In the aftermath, smoke covers the arena, making it impossible to see the results. Cementoss comments on how he doesn’t believe bigger is better, but that was something else. Present Mic, knocked over from his seat, is in shock, asking what is up with Aizawa’s class. Aizawa replies that all that chilled air had been heated in an instant, making it expand. Present Mic comments on the blast and the heat, as well as being unable to see anything. He wonders whether the match has been decided. Midnight is picking herself up as well, her hair a mess and mask blown away. 
The smoke clears just enough to see one of Izuku’s shoes scritching against the ground. Toshinori and Endeavor are tense as the smoke continues to clear, enough to see that Izuku-
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-is out of the ring and out for the count. His unconscious body continues to slide down the wall, hitting the floor with a heavy thump, while Shouto, conscious and just inside the ring, watches on. Midnight calls the match - Izuku is out of bounds. Shouto moves on to the third round.
The crowds murmur and comment. Izuku got straight up blown away… was he just provoking Shouto without a plan to back it up? Did he even want to win? Or was he trying to lose? Either way, that was some impressive power… he’s got some moxie, for sure. He put on a good show up through the cavalry battle, anyway.
The scene closes out on Katsuki’s contemplative expression.
In the back stage walkways, Endeavor tracks down Shouto once again in order to talk. SHouto says nothing, prompting Endeavor to make a comment on Shouto not telling him to get out of the way this time. Without control over his flames, going all out is dangerous - but he’s finally put aside his childish rebellion. He’s ready to replace Endeavor - to surpass him, even. He tells Shouto to work at his side after he graduates, and that he’ll guide him down the path to supremacy.
Shouto butts in, saying he hasn’t put aside anything. Endeavor is struck speechless. Shouto is not one to be turned that easily. It’s just that… in the moment… in that instant… he forgot all about Endeavor. Whether that’s good, bad, or something in between… that’s something he’ll have to think about.
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God, I love this, not just for Shouto managing to hit harder with those words than all his anger before, but because Endeavor himself is struck speechless with this change and blunt admittance. It’s a small peek into his character development to come, and god does it make me want a look into his head in that instant.
...honestly. In retrospect, and acknowledging how far he’s come since here, I can’t help but wonder if this was actually a kicking off point for his development, that only really got seen much further down the line. 
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We shift to Recovery Girl’s office, where Toshinori looks on his heavily injured successor. Recovery Girl tells him that Izuku’s right arm is shattered, and that it won’t be easy to set back to normal. First, she has to remove the bone splinters from his joints, and healing comes after. The boy admires All Might so much that he’s willing to destroy himself. Toshinori lit that fire. Toshinori moved him to this. She doesn’t like it, not one bit. Toshinori is overdoing it - him and Izuku - so he’d better not praise the kid for it. 
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Several of Izuku’s friends slam their way into the room, worried for him. Poor Toshinori is startled in the process, clutching at his chest. Ochako gives an aside greeting to him, while Izuku notes that the next match is coming up. Tenya tells him that the arena was mostly destroyed, so there’s a break while it’s being repairs. Ochako adds on that they came because they were worried. 
Mineta comments on how that was scary as hell, and that no pro will want to hire him. Tsuyu slaps him with her tongue, commenting on how she can’t say she likes his rubbing-salt-in-the--would style. Mineta argues that he’s right, though. Recovery Girl tells them to pipe down as she starts shooing them out the door, stating that it’s fine to worry, but he’s about to have surgery. All of the kids are shook at this.
Izuku gets Toshinori’s attention by apologizing. He couldn’t do it. Maybe if he’d just shut up… but he had to say what he did to Shouto. Toshinori is speechless for a moment, seeing how distressed Izuku is at his perceived failure. 
He eventually notes that Izuku was trying to bring it out of him. Izuku agrees, saying that it was just too sad. He thought, maybe he should just mind his own business… but, he had to… at that point, he couldn’t take it anymore. It was so frustrating. He forgot why he was there… he lost himself. He then apologizes again, leaving Toshinori with no words. 
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Recovery Girl finally succeeds in shooing out the other kids as Toshinori finds his words again. He calls the match an unfortunate outcome, indeed. And calling Izuku a fool won’t change what happened. However, giving help that’s not asked for… is what makes a true hero. Izuku himself seems to have no reply to that. 
We close out with a few shots of Shouto making his way into the arena with a new uniform to replace the one he half-destroyed, while the narration notes how Izuku finished in the top eight. 
Sorry for this being late by a day, but just. Wow. This match is just… in the manga, it feels just a bit different. And this aftermath, I think, makes it hit all the harder, what Izuku gave in order to save someone from themself. He feels like he disappointed All Might for prioritizing someone else’s life, and I just. This kid. This kid.
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I’ll try to get through the rest of the chapters of this arc over the next week, then take a break before tackling hosu and all that stuff. See y’all tomorrow, hopefully.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Hey! If it's okay with you, could you make something about All Might with a gf who's a little on the chubbier side, and she feels a little bad about it so he tries to make her feel better? Thank you and I hope you have a nice day/ night! ✨🐹
Hey I hope you like this! I kind of went hard because I relate lol but anyway and since it wasn’t specified as hero form all might I went with true form all might.
If anyone is having hard days with body image or otherwise and has no one to talk to, my messages are always open! I will understand and hear you and give you space to feel everything you feel without being judged or mocked! I love you!
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God you hated days like these. Days where you wake up and you’re aware of every little crease and crevice of your skin, where you can’t help but avoid looking at yourself in the mirror.  Getting ready for work meant making sure you only looked at your face, putting on clothing you already know looks good and just trusting that it still did, and avoiding the full length mirror in your bedroom and the one in the hallway. You didn’t feel like this always, you just had random bad days, so you didn’t feel like talking about it every time it happened. Most of the people close to you don’t even know you feel like this.
Your quirk was healing related and you worked as a personal on call doctor for heroes and the public, that’s how you met All Might. He came into your office one day for a second opinion on his health issues, which at the time you didn’t know was him, he presented you with facts about the patient and you gave him the same answer as the rest of the experts he asked. He was considering making you his regular doctor, but ultimately he didn’t change his doctor and instead asked you to dinner. Which in a way he did make you his personal doctor when you fell in love with each other…
You got a call from UA and groaned after you hung up, you were already having a tough day when you were called to heal several beautiful and fit heroes already, now you’re going to the school where one of the sexiest heroes the world knew worked. Your self esteem was low as ever, the only thing that makes you move forwards is the chance to see the one man who always cheered you up.
When you get to the school the one person you were hoping to avoid was the one to greet you “hey Midnight, where am I needed” you say through a forced smile. She was an amazing person and you always loved to talk to her whenever you had the chance, but today it was hard to not notice how perfect her body was and how it was shown off with her hero outfit. “Thank you for coming so quickly, Recovery Girl is out for the day so you’re a lifesaver. A couple students got into a fight, it’s not bad enough for a hospital but does require a doctor” you nod and swallow hard as you notice her thighs and flat belly, two parts of you that have extra fat and the ones that you’re struggling with today. You push the thoughts from your mind, suddenly more aware of the tightness of your skirt on your butt and belly.
You head to the restroom after doing your job and look at yourself in the mirror sideways, raising your arm up as you pick yourself apart. “Damn” you whisper before washing your hands and sighing as you open the door.
“Knock knock” you say as you stop in the doorway of his classroom “hey sweetheart!” He says and pushes back from his desk and comes over to you, pulling you into his arms. You should be focused on how good he smells with your face on his neck but you can’t fake it with him. You instead place your forehead on his chest and frown.
He feels that something’s wrong, you’re quiet and not your usual bright self. His hands move up and down your back softly and he kicks his door closed behind you. “Baby what’s wrong?” He asks and you feel your eyes burn as you screw them shut. “Just having a hard day” you voice showing how hard you were forcing yourself not to cry. “Will you tell me about it?” He feels your tears through the front of his shirt, his stomach sinking and his heart breaking. He hates seeing you sad.
 “You’ll think that I’m dumb” you whisper, your voice shaking. “Impossible” he says softly and runs his fingers through your hair. You took a deep shaky breath and tilted your head so your mouth wasn’t pressed against him, so he would hear you as you spoke, so you wouldn’t have to say it twice because you’ll know it’ll hurt when you say it. 
“I just feel like I take up too much space. I’ve healed many wonderful beautiful heroes today and I can’t stop thinking about how I don’t even compare to them because of how different my body is. I have extra fat and skin on my body, more than others and I feel lesser for that. I feel so ugly and it hurts. I feel like I should apologize for not being better. for not being more fit. For choosing to enjoy food instead of being skinny. And usually I can see that I’m pretty and that’s what hurts the most, thinking and convincing myself that I’ve just been stupid by believing I am enough with this gross body.” your hands pull at your stomach as you talk, you next words barely audible to him “and I’m afraid that you’ll want to leave me for someone with a better body, one with a flat stomach and skinny thighs and butt, that you’ll one day realize that I’m not sexy and fall out of love with me”
He held his breath as you spoke, his hands stopping their movement on your back, his heart breaking for you, it kills him to hear you so completely defeated. He lets out the breath he was holding and pulls you tighter against his chest “y/n, my angel, I’m so sorry you feel like this. Thank you for trusting me and telling me how you’re feeling.” He leans back and takes your cheeks in his hands, wiping your tears from your cheeks and kissing your forehead before looking back into your eyes. “I love your body because you’re in it and I love you.” You feel your heart flutter at his words, your hands coming up to hold his wrists as he holds your cheeks, looking deep into your eyes as he continues “I understand where you’re coming from my love, but fat isn’t a bad thing and your body isn’t all that you are. I know how easy it is to define ourselves based on physical appearance and prioritize that over our other qualities of who we are but as I said, your body isn’t all you are. Body shapes mean nothing in the long run. What does mean the most in the long run is the way you trust me, the way we communicate, the way you wave at every dog you see, the way you tie your hair up on lazy sundays when we cook breakfast together, that little dance you do when we get ice cream, the way you truly care about everyone you meet, and your cheesecake recipe because that has truly changed my life” you chuckle softly and he smiles at you, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks “ and for the record, I love your belly. I think it’s cute and I love to lay my head on it. And your ass and thighs'' he moans “sometimes I can’t stop staring at them because of how much i love them. You are so incredibly sexy, intelligent, and sweet. God baby I could make a list 500 miles long about everything I love about you. Trust me when I say you are exactly what I need and want and love, body and all, Forever”
Tears are falling from your eyes again, sweet happy tears this time, your heart overflowing with love for this man, and feeling so much better, not completely okay but you definitely wouldn’t have many more issues today. “Yagi” you whisper “I love you so much” he kisses your lips softly “to me, you are perfect. I can’t imagine a life without you by my side” you nod gently in his grasp “thank you. I’m so lucky to have you” he shakes his head “I think you have that opposite. I’m definitely the lucky one in this relationship. You always are there for me and you have my back through all my hard days. I will always have your back on your bad days. That’s what partners do. That’s what you do when you truly love someone.” You wrap your arms around his back and he lets go of your cheeks as you bury your face in his neck and hold him tight “how about I cook dinner tonight and we can cuddle and watch a movie” he says as you kiss his neck, “sounds like heaven to me” you whisper and he chuckles “everyday is heaven for me because my partner is an angel” you blush and chuckle “an angel is a fitting partner for the symbol of peace” he chuckles and you pull back to smile up at him “are you feeling better my love?” He asks and you nod “thank you Yagi, you have no idea how much you truly mean to me. I love you so much” he kisses your forehead again as his class door opens and students start to come in. “Call me after your class?” You ask and he nods leaning in to whisper in your ear “I love you y/n. I’ll always be here for you”
You didn’t feel 100%, but you did feel significantly better about yourself. It’s easy to get in your head and think yourself in circles until you feel like you’re gonna die. You felt grateful to have someone you felt safe to talk about things with, even if you convince yourself that you’re just being stupid, it’s a blessing to have someone you can talk to without be afraid that they will judge you or laugh. You felt lighter for sure as you finished out your work day and when you walked inside your apartment you looked at yourself in the mirror at the end of the hall and smiled, truly smiled, as you saw everything that Toshinori loved instead of everything the world doesn’t.
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kiribakuhappiness · 4 years
I would love if you wrote that idea you had a while ago where kiri was fake dating and bakugo thought it was real
(Kiribaku Drabble Prompt)
Katsuki would be lying if he said he hadn’t seen this coming. Of course it would happen with Kirishima, too; the literal ball of sunshine who couldn’t keep his hands or his affection to himself. And it wasn’t like it was just Kirishima, either.
A shit ton of people in their classes were fucking dating. It was a totally dumb, normal thing for people to do in high school.
A totally dumb, normal thing for people to do in high school that Katsuki somehow fucking forgot was a totally dumb, normal thing for people to do in high school. So the first time he saw Kirishima walking down the hall holding Steel-Kirishima’s hand and laughing loudly in that way he did when he was pleased and flustered, he’d justified the sudden punch-like swooping of air leaving his lungs with the fact that he’d never given dating or anything similar any kind of thought until the idea of it was literally thrust in front of his face.
It had nothing to do with the fact that it was Kirishima. It didn’t. Because Kirishima was his friend, his best friend, the first one he’d ever had that wasn’t some how psychologically taxing or morally questionable. And like hell was he going to let something like Kirishima having a goddamn boyfriend get in the way of that. He’d earned that friendship, had pummeled through defense mechanisms and exterior walls he hadn’t even realized he’d been constructing until they already stood 20-feet tall just to have it.
So it was completely rational for him to burst into Kirishima’s room without knocking any time he realized Steel-Kirishima and him were alone in there, and it was completely reasonable for him to always take the middle seat on the couch between them during movie nights with the Bakusquad, and it was completely fucking appropriate for him to take Kirishima’s cellphone and lock it away in the toolbox in his closet when he’d catch Kirishima texting his boyfriend when they were supposed to be studying!
He was trying to save his friendship from being ripped apart by the ever-looming presence of another person in their two-people-comfortable space.
But when Monoma had made a big scene in Lunch Rush about how he’d yet to see Kirishima and Steel-Kirishima kiss, and when the two idiots had grown impossibly red in the face, chuckling nervously, before Kirishima had shrugged and leaned across the table to press his lips against the other’s -
There was nothing logical about the way that Katsuki had reacted to that.
He hadn’t meant to shove himself so hard out of his seat that he had knocked over several people’s trays onto the floor, though he’d hardly even registered that he’d done it at the time. He hadn’t known where his feet were taking him when he’d started across the room, straight to where Kirishima now spent most of his lunches eating with the Class B extras. He hadn’t known what he’d meant to accomplish by slamming an explosion onto the table between the two of them, successfully lurching them away from each other and startling the entire cafeteria.
He really hadn’t known what he’d been expecting when he grabbed Steel-Kirishima by the collar of his uniform, reared his right fist back, and smashed his knuckles so hard into his cheek that the resounding crack and break of flesh and bone against hardened steel had made Monoma faint on the spot.
He really hadn’t known what the fuck he’d been thinking at all, but now that he sat on the bed in Recovery Girl’s office, his newly healed knuckles wrapped in tight bandages, with Kirishima sitting uncharacteristically silent beside him, he had to finally admit to himself that maybe the ever-present crushing weight in his chest whenever he saw Kirishima with his new boyfriend didn’t have anything to do with their friendship at all.
“I- is your hand okay?” Kirishima asked, even as his grip on the sheets of the nursery bed became impossibly tighter.
Katsuki clenched his jaw and continued to glare down at the floor between his boots. He’d yet to even look at Kirishima since the redhead had hurried to usher him away from the rapidly growing chaotic scene that had burst forth as a result from his actions. He was such a fucking coward. He hated that.
“Bakugou? What... uh, what the heck, man?” Kirishima continued, sounding almost breathless.
Katsuki still didn’t say anything. If his hand wasn’t already so damn sore, he’d probably think about punching Kirishima too, for making him feel like this. Fuck.
“Listen, Tetsu -”
Katsuki snarled. “It was fucking stupid, it won’t happen again just, fuck, I’m sorry, okay?” He didn’t think his shoulders had ever been this tight before. He wished Kirishima would stop fucking looking at him like that; like he was searching for something, something Katsuki didn’t know how to give him. He wasn’t fucking romantic. He wasn’t dateable, in any fucking way. This was so stupid. “I just fucking...” He waved a hand aggressively in the air, not knowing how to fucking articulate this thing that is happening that is probably the worst thing to have ever happened to him.
“I think I should tell you that -”
Oh god, a rejection, fuck, this was so damn... fuck.
“Just don’t fucking worry about it,” Katsuki spat, finally dragging his eyes away from the ground just long enough to glare. “I don’t need anything... things are just... I can fucking -”
“Bakugou!” Kirishima’s hands on his face were foreign and disarming enough to shut him up, and he instantly felt fueled with embarrassment and rage at the amusement dancing around in Kirishima’s bright eyes. “Tetsutetsu and I aren’t dating!”
Katsuki blinked at him incredulously. “What the shit are you talking about?”
Kirishima’s laugh was loud and giddy as he finally let his hands fall back into his own lap. He kicked his feet in that stupidly childish way he did and he eyed Katsuki with a look that made him think that, for the first time in all of their bickering, Kirishima had the upper hand here.
“Tetsutetsu and I aren’t actually dating, dude. He needed my help with something, and you know I’d never leave a bro hanging!” His grin grew even wider and more mischievous as he leaned into Katsuki’s shoulder with his own, but his voice was decidedly calmer and lower when he finally said, “You know you’re the only guy for me, Bakugou.”
Katsuki's palms crackled uselessly. “F-fuck you, I don’t know what... I don’t fucking - you piece of shit! Why didn’t you fucking tell me?!” He roared, and his cheeks felt impossibly hot, hotter than his hands even, when Kirishima laughed even harder, his own cheeks dusted a pink blush.
Katsuki raised his hand with every intention of slamming the most destructive blast he could possibly muster right into the center of Kirishima’s stupidly handsome face when he felt the familiar tingle of his quirk evaporating from the pores of his very being. Kirishima shot to his feet when Aizawa-sensei and Recovery Girl walked into the room, Aizawa’s scarf trailing along in the air in the tell-tale way it did when his quirk was activated.
“Sit down, Kirishima,” Aizawa instructed, exhausted with both of them already, as he closed the door behind him. “We have a lot to discuss.”
Katsuki and Kirishima groaned at the same time, but when Kirishima fell back down onto the cot, when his thigh pressed into Katsuki’s, it was hard for him to really feel that intimated by Aizawa’s reckless-problem-child-speech 2.0. He tried not to let his teacher notice how often he glanced at Kirishima out of the corner of his eye, at least.
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kelena-is-life · 3 years
My Blood Approves
Damon took Elena back to the boarding house in order to try and figure out what to do next. Elena knew Damon couldn't just sit back and watch her suffer, but she also knew that that he didn't know what else might work. As they both sat on the couch in the foyer, Damon assured her. "We'll figure something out, don't worry," Damon said, rubbing her back to soothe her.
Elena held her head in her hands, her body rebelling against the hunger that was gnawing at her entire being. She was exhausted and she had no idea how she was going to survive like this for much longer. Tears started to form in Elena's tired eyes and her weak voice barely choked out, "I'm going to die, aren't I?"
"Well, this is depressing," they heard a voice echo from behind them.
Elena turned around only to find Katherine leaning casually against the door frame. "What are you doing here?" Elena asked in disbelief, her whole body tensed at the arrival of her doppelganger.
"Nice to see you too, Elena," Katherine shot back, eyeing the new vampire.
"What happened to getting as far away from Mystic Falls as possible?" Damon asked, rising from the couch and wondering what the hell Katherine was still doing in town.
"Let's just say I heard about Elena's little... problem," Katherine drawled, taking a step closer to Elena. "Maybe I can help with that." She was practically purring and her eyes were locked on her counterpart's, making Elena shift nervously in her seat.
Damon took a step forward effectively shielding Elena from Katherine. "The hell you can," he spat.
Katherine took another confident stride forward, not even a little intimidated by Damon's attempt to protect his precious Elena. "Come on Damon, the girl is starving to death. She can't keep anyone else's blood down," Katherine tried to reason with him, already knowing he was going to be stubborn about this. "Who's to say I'm not the key to her recovery?"
Damon hesitated for a split second, but he held his ground. "You are insane if you think for one moment I would trust you with something like this."
"I don't really think it's up to you," Katherine retorted, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes darting to Elena. Another moment of this and her patience would wear thin. It's not like she was morally obligated to help in any way.
"I think you better leave her alone Katherine, or I swear to god I will rip your heart out."
"Fine," Katherine relented as she held her hand out in front of her to examine her nails. "But this isn't over and you know it," she said, her eyes narrowed. "Bye Elena," Katherine added with wave of her fingers, before flashing out of the room.
Damon heard Elena breathe out and he spun around to face her. "Are you okay?" he asked frantically.
Elena shrugged her shoulders. "Not really," she said finally. "I think I just want to go home."
After asking Elena about fifty times if he could get her anything, or if she was alright being home alone, Damon dropped her off at her house. Elena was eager to get upstairs to her bedroom and lie down. She climbed the stairs, holding her hand up to her forehead. She was getting a migraine and her vision was starting to get fuzzy. As she reached the last step, she spotted Katherine standing casually in her room, like she hadn't barged in uninvited.
"What, no bodyguard?" Katherine asked, her head tilted to the side. She assumed that Damon would not have let Elena out of his sight after her surprise appearance at the boarding house.
Elena took a deep breath. She steadied herself against the doorframe, her knees threatening to give way beneath her. After a moment she trudged into her room, right past where Katherine was standing, paying no attention to the hair standing up on her arms as she brushed against the other vampire. "I can take care of myself now," Elena said weakly.
Katherine quirked an eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "Are you sure about that? You don't look so good."
"I'm fine," Elena coughed, as she tripped over nothing on her way over to her bed.
"Clearly," Katherine retorted.
Dark spots began to form in Elena's vision and all she wanted was for Katherine to leave her alone in her misery. Then suddenly, Elena stopped in her tracks, now furious at the situation and at Katherine's presence. She spun around angrily. "What do you want Katherine?"
"It's about what you want, Elena." Katherine knew very well what it was like to go without blood for long periods of time and remembered that it was even worse for vampires who had just been turned.
Elena laughed humorlessly and crossed her arms over her chest. "And what do I want exactly?"
Just then, Katherine flashed in front of her so they were merely inches apart. "I think you want to see if I'm right about my blood." She grazed Elena's arm with her slender fingers, enjoying the way Elena's breath caught in her throat at her touch.
Elena swallowed and looked around nervously. "You're crazy," she managed to say, finally.
Katherine's lips curled slightly at this. "Doesn't mean I'm wrong," she said, her eyes burning into Elena's. Katherine lifted her wrist up to her mouth and bit into it, her dark blood trickling down her arm as she held it up for Elena. "Want a taste?"
Elena flinched, her eyes locked on the blood flowing freely from Katherine's wrist. "What are you doing?" Elena asked, her voice hoarse.
"Giving you what you want," Katherine answered nonchalantly. Elena looked up at Katherine's eyes, her own darkened with thirst. "Drink," Katherine's lips formed the voiceless command.
The combination of Katherine's heady voice and Elena's undying hunger and insatiable thirst was enough to make it impossible for Elena to resist any longer. She tentatively wrapped her hand around Katherine's arm, her hunger just below the surface. She locked her other fingers around Katherine's hand, squeezing it tightly. Elena pulled Katherine's wrist towards her, her whole body tensing as she inhaled the sweet scent of her doppelganger's blood. She brought Katherine's wrist to her lips, the older vampire watching her curiously. Elena hesitated, closing her eyes and finally, her lips met Katherine's warm flesh.
Almost instantly Elena's body responded, her senses kicking into high gear. She bit into Katherine's wrist in order to access more blood and Katherine let out a quiet moan. This was unlike anything Elena had ever tasted, ever experienced as a human. It was like she had been waiting her entire life for this moment, and now that she had gotten a taste of Katherine's blood, everything was going to be okay. She could feel the vampire's blood replenishing her weary body with every swallow. She drank deeply and Katherine staggered back as Elena pushed her up against the wall with all her strength. Katherine leaned her head back, reveling in the sensations that vibrated through her body as Elena drank from her. Her fingers tangled in Elena's chestnut hair as she felt herself getting higher and higher.
"Elena," Katherine rasped, tugging on a fistful of hair, her eyes closed in ecstasy.
Elena had been lost in her bloodlust until she heard Katherine utter her name. Katherine. She pulled away, gasping for air, her eyes still darkened. She took a few steps back, stumbling over her backpack. Once she had regained her footing, Elena raised the back of her hand to her lips, wiping the blood away from her mouth.
"I'm sorry," Elena stuttered when she saw the blood on her hand.
Katherine looked down at her wound which was almost completely healed. "How do you feel?" she asked, leaning against the wall for support.
"I don't know... Fine I guess," Elena answered lowering herself onto on her bed, still feeling slightly light headed from the whole experience. She looked up at Katherine, who was trying to steady her own breathing.
"Well, you're not throwing up," Katherine breathed out. "So I think that's a good sign."
"Did I hurt you?" Elena asked, wanting to be sure she hadn't caused anyone, even Katherine, any pain.
"I've suffered much worse, Elena," Katherine laughed quietly. This was a joke only she seemed to understand. She took a step toward the younger vampire. "Besides, I enjoyed myself." When Elena looked at her, confusion evident in her eyes, Katherine asked her, "Didn't you?" Elena quickly swallowed and looked down at the floor. She fidgeted with a loose strand on her bedspread, keeping her gaze anywhere but on Katherine's face. Katherine lips twisted into a dark and knowing smile. She knew Elena would be back, asking her for more. And Katherine would enjoy making her beg, but that was for another time.
"I'll leave you to get cleaned up," she said after a few seconds of silence. As she made her way to the door, she heard Elena call out to her.
"Katherine, wait!" Elena said, standing up from the bed. Katherine turned around and looked at her expectantly.
"Thank you," Elena said finally, reaching up to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear.
Katherine smiled at her and said, "Just wait until next time."
She turned on her heels and was gone before Elena could say another word.
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1, 3, 23
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
I'll put this beneath a read more. Warning for bnha-typical villain justification and Kai Chisaki/Overhaul. No editing, we die like men.
Chisaki tilts his head back, prying the lid back and revealing the damaged flesh; the severed nerves and still oozing vitreous gel. It was a lot of damage - impossible to heal. Under normal circumstances.
The hairs on the back of his neck raise - not surprising given his escorts - but his gaze shifts just a bit to the left and-
One eye, red as a hot iron, sears him down to his marrow.
Smart man.
"There's enough left," Chisaki sniffs, and takes a step back from the sensei. "I should be able to fix it."
"And the foot?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the little old woman, her weathered face bearing even deeper groves than a moment ago. "Do you happen to have it lying around?"
"No," the kid at his back breathes. "No we don't."
"I need something," Chisaki grumbles back. "I can't just create a foot out of thin air."
The kinetic energy of a room full of teenagers amplifies. "Maybe someone in the Support class would have something-"
"-gotta go find Hatsume!"
Sneakers screech down the hallway, a pack of students scrambling over themselves.
In the stillness that follows, the little old woman shifts off her chair, shuffling over to him and- Recovery Girl. That was the name. She must have chosen it when she was all of 13. What a ridiculous thing to call an obaasan like her.
"Do you really think you'll be able to heal him?" she asks. She barely comes up to his hip.
"Healing is a relative term," he says, peeling back the latex from his right hand. Already, small pink bumps dot his flesh in revulsion at the thought of touching... anything. Let alone this. "But I can take apart anything and put it back together no matter what the damage."
The obaasan looks up at him thoughtfully. "You could have done a lot of good in the world with a quirk like that, you know."
He would never disrespect an elder, no matter how antiquated their notions. "You think so."
Her eyes thin.
"You don't believe her." Deku. He hadn't left. How could he, when he was their muscle? To think they were relying on a sixteen year old kid to do their dirty work. Pathetic.
"I think only a hero would say that I wasn't."
Electricity crackles in the room, the becoming thin the same way it does right before lightning strikes. "You call what you did to Eri doing good?"
Idealists. Fantasists. Delusional. All of them.
"Are you think, what? That she could have had a happy childhood?"
"She could have had a normal childhood!"
He stares down at the boy, at the eventual state sanctioned murderer right beneath his nose. Give 'em a couple of years, and his hands would be as stained as Chisaki's own.
"Eri killed her parents before she could even walk," he says, flat, because whatever education the kid has had, it wasn't one based in reality. "After pops put me in charge of her, her uncontrollable quirk swallowed up several of my gang. She almost reversed me into non-existence more times than I can count. If she was out in the world, without your beloved sensei here, how long would it have been before you heroes came and locked her up in the interest of public safety?"
"We would have helped her!" The kids skin cracks like porcelain heated in the kiln. "We would have gotten her resources--"
"Resources?" Chisaki snorts. He can still taste the dust in the air, see the bits of fiberglass sparkling in the air when his whole apartment complex crumbled under a single touch. The heroes had wanted to take him then. If he hadn't left a path of rubble behind him to cover his tracks, he would've never seen the light of day again. "Kid, people like you put down people like her every day."
The sound of footfall rush back down the hallway, the over enthusiastic scramble of students desperate to save their teacher. To patch him up so he can return to battle one last time.
"The truth is she would have been better off if you let me finish my work," Chisaki mutters. "The sooner the world is free from quirks, free from... heroes, the better."
"We got it!" Ida bursts back into the room, a support boot held aloft. "Would this work?"
Several other students pile into the room, filling up the door. They look at him with misplaced hope; with cautious horror.
Chisaki takes the heavy mix of metal and fine machinery from him. It's almost a shame that he would have to destroy most of it. Mechanics had never been his forte. "It will suffice."
He turns back to that burning hot eye once more.
"You'll have to close your eyes," Chisaki smirks beneath his mask, reaching one bare hand towards the sensei's face. "This is gonna hurt."
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gabba-gool-cool · 3 years
Chapter One: A flash
Notes: This is a new DabiHawks thing im starting, and yes it will be ChildhoodFriends!AU because that is adorable, cannon can bite me :) Enjoy the story!
Warnings: Yelling, mention of death (not a character in the series), and mention of not eating food (skip this post if you need to, i promise its okay, be safe!)
this work is also posted to my Ao3!
Not many people know this, but Dabi loves to read. He almost always has a new book with him, he rips through them so quick. Ever since he was a little boy, he loved getting immersed into his favorite author’s universes. His favorite as a child were the Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. He always wondered what turkish delight tasted like and always checked every closet in his house every day as a child, just to see if maybe, just maybe... Nope, just mom’s coats.
He must have read that series a million times by the time he was eleven years old. His mother loved this about him, and she loved to ignite his fire for reading by suggesting new books and taking him to the book shop every other Sunday afternoon. Her favorite shop to take him to was called Philosopher’s Phosphor. It sold many books, old and new. The little shop also sold homemade jewelry by the two old women who ran the place who Dabi’s mother referred to as Janice and Edith.
The shop was always the perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold. All around the shop there was comfortable seating. Pillows and blankets, books all over. Everyone who came it would always stay for at least an hour at a time, just sitting reading, and if you asked nicely, Janice loved brewing homemade tea, at no cost, of course. You could choose to sit and read every book in the shop if you wished, or you could buy and bring home the books, it was up to you. Janice and Edith would always accept any and all book donations, and always marked down their book prices so anyone could buy. And to answer your question, why of course all of the jewelry is handmade, beautifully made by Edith, they are having a sale, would you like this ring? It would match well with your beautiful skin tone.
Dabi loved asking the old women questions about books like, how were they made? How did they get to the shop? How did you pick which books to put on each shelf? However, his most common question was “what should i read next?” Which would lead to the two old women getting up and taking Dabi’s little hand through the warmly lit shop. They would show him to fantasies, mysteries, thrillers, adventures, and even some graphic novels. He loved everything the women showed him, he would always come back with his mother, every other Sunday without fail, to see the little old ladies that would show him a whole new universe to fall into.
They were always holding hands, and always so gentle to one another, as well as all of the customers, but... that was a long time ago. That shop was burned down, the old ladies aren't there anymore, and Dabi hasn't been to that shop in probably... how old was he again? He doesn't know. However, what he does know is that right now Shigaraki will not stop talking... as always.
“Well maybe he wouldn't have had to die if he didn't have had the audacity to be a little bitch!” Shigaraki’s voiced strained. Shigaraki was stood up, hands out stretched to really make his point. He was talking, of course, about a man he decided to murder on a whim just last night. It wasn’t apart of the mission, the man was just walking home, and the poor soul ended up accidentally bumping and slightly tripping the leader of the League of Villains.
“Tomura, he was crying because he was about to die, most people don't like the idea of dying. Shocker! I know...” Spinner rolled his eyes. He respected Shigaraki, but only because Stain did as well. This doesn't mean that Shigaraki cant get on his nerves sometimes. It bothered Spinner how easily Shigaraki could just up and kill someone for seemingly, no reason. If it wasn't for a good cause, if the person wasn't in your way, if the person wasn't the target, then what was the point of killing them? Its honestly just cruel, and in Spinner’s head, kind of disgusting.
Everyone in the League of Villains has, will, and would kill, but not all of them have the same boundaries or rules they go by. This can and has led to many arguments, just like the one that was about to ensue between Spinner and Shigaraki. As the voices of the Stain fanboy and Handyman began to rise, so did Dabi’s body from his stool at the bar. Dabi was sure that the argument wouldn’t end in a casualty so he didn’t have any need to be here. 
Dabi hated yelling anyways, it always got on his nerves. Whether it be him yelling or someone else, he hated it. Not that he really could yell too much himself, his voice nowadays became hoarse and worn by simply talking too much. That's why his normal speaking voice was actually quite soft and generally pretty quiet. He didn’t mean for his voice to be that way, but years of smoking and over usage of his quirk kind of completely destroyed his vocal chords. Either way, he saw no point in yelling. You can get any point across just fine without yelling, sometimes you just need a weapon, but that of course depends on the person and situation he supposed.
The old floorboards in the back of the bar slowly creaked under each of Dabi’s steps. From the bar, there was a side door, which led to a hallway, which led to some stairs, which led to a basement living room, which led to everyone elses rooms. Well, at least the core members of the league’s rooms. It was nice, having a space for himself. The last time he had a room to himself was probably when he was still a little boy. 
Dabi opened his bedroom door.
The whole house was very traditional, so in turn, so was his room. He didn't have many toys, so his favorite thing to do was play pretend with his brother and his sister. He would set up whole scenes with his siblings. Sometimes the scenes were from tv, and some were completely from his and his sibling’s imaginations.
His sister was always the doctor or the nurse, she loved Recovery Girl. In fact, Dabi remembers how every time Recovery Girl came on the news, she would always make a little squeal and her little feet would pitter patter in one place in excitement. He always found it funny how his brother ended up being the doctor in the family, now that they were older. His brother, meanwhile, loved being the villain. He loved making up a cool bad guy name and backstory, sometimes even costumes if Mom got involved. His brother would make up impossible, evil machines that could rearrange your guts or make you super tiny, or even super big! Dabi’s brother was always very creative.
This left Dabi playing the hero, and he loved it. He would put on a cape, and save mom from his brother’s evil clutches alongside his sister who would give him magic healing and strength “potions” that was actually just little jars filled with handsoap and sometimes random cleaning supplies that was on the cleaning lady’s supply cart. The chairs would become big rocks to jump from, the couch would become a “safe zone”, and the bathtub would become the ocean. The whole house morphed into their own imaginary world. It was wonderful, until...
Dabi’s room now was barren. It has a bed, a bookshelf and a desk. It’s all he really needed, he supposed. The shelf had three mystery books that he picked up on a mission a couple weeks ago. They were “okay” in his opinion. He hated how quickly he called the so-called “plot twists”,  but least the characters were somewhat entertaining. However, there was a slight romance in one of the books, which was very poorly written, it got to the point where he ended up just dropping the book entirely.
The book in his jacket was one of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, the book series was different from King’s other works in that it was less of a horror novel than it was an adventure series. It reminded him slightly of the books he read when he was younger. He used to prefer adventures and fantasy, but now that he was older, his favorite genre was mysteries. He did indulge in horror novels whenever he happened by one though, he liked a good thriller.
Turning on the light in his room, it gave off a dim light. He needed to change the blub, but he sure it would be fine for at least a little while. Then, it flickered, oh no... and then again, please dont... and finally, with a low buzz and a pop, the light was out.
“Fuck... okay.” he slowly murmured to himself. Slowly dragging his hand down his face in frustration.
He had no idea when he would be able to replace that lightbulb. He had no cash, and he knew for a fact that the league didn't just have some extra lightbulbs laying around, not to mention extra food. 
Damn... his stomach rumbled slightly. Dabi doesn't remember the last time he ate an actual meal, and he doesn't want to remember either. So, since he couldn't get food now or for awhile, he decided to distract himself, as he always did.
Slowly he stalked over to the small window that peeked outside the base. The walls were tall and thick, and he was pretty sure he was the only one with a window downstairs, as tiny as it was. He slowly took off the little tapestry he had hung up to cover the window for privacy. Of course, he couldn't imagine any one peeking through a little basement window so low to the ground, but you never know. Also, Dabi quite enjoyed his privacy, thank you very much. The tapestry blended red, to purple, and then blue in the background with a black silhouette of a dolphin and waves in the foreground. It was an odd little thing, but Dabi enjoyed it nonetheless.
As he gently folded the tiny piece of fabric and set it on his desk, he looked back into his room. Surprisingly, that little window let in quite a bit of light. He silently thanked the window as he plopped down on to his mattress that laid on the ground. Then, he pulled out his book from his big inner pocket on his long jacket, and finally began to read, feeling the thoughts of food slowly drift from mind.
It could've been hours, minutes, or even seconds, Dabi doesn't really know, until he finally snapped his head up from his book and looked to the window. He quickly shot up and went up to the window. He looked left, and then right, and then over again. Huh... that's odd... he could’ve sworn he saw a flash of red right outside of his window.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Genetics Prodigy
Also on AO3!
Quirks might be the coolest thing ever, but they aren't magic, they're genetic. So what's to stop one very stubborn quirkless prodigy from working out how to give himself some?
Ok so! Tech Genius!Izuku AUs are a thing, right? I love them to bits but my problem is I know nothing about tech so I can't write them, but what I do know is biology!
Biology/Genetics prodigy Izuku giving himself quirks!
Stays friends with Katsuki (They have a rough patch but they work through it), not sure if I want Izuku to fiddle with Katsuki's quirk or not - not sure if I'll make the quirk limit 1 or 2, but I've always headcanoned you can give more quirks to someone born quirkless, so Izuku will end up with a few
So, after the dawn of quirks, a lot of, if not all, genetic research stopped. Sure, tech marched onwards, but genetics became an even bigger taboo than it was before. Izuku is a little genius, and this his massive interest in quirks when he's told he’s quirkless? It's more of a “how do I change this” than a “can I change this”
Izuku has always been the smartest person Katsuki knows. They have a rough patch at the beginning where Katsuki is trying to claw this one thing he's better at Izuku than over his head, to make himself ‘better’ than izuku
People have always called the quirkless worthless. If he’s less than a quirkless kid, what does that make him? Izuku eventually manages to drag it out of him and tells him about all the things people did before the dawn of quirks. Katsuki changes his mind to instead believing that everyone else is stupid for thinking quirks are everything and is now very vocal about that. (He still loves his quirk though, as does Izuku.)
His first real trial is a bit of a silly one: he cures Katsuki’s lactose intolerance. They were both salty they couldn’t share their icecream.
Collection of quirks:
Fire Manipulation
I want Izuku to give himself a quirk aged like, 8, with bakugo there for the ride as a lab hand, and I want them to realise with mounting horror what they've managed to do
bakugo turning to izuku and whispering "how many quirks would it take to beat - be as strong as - all might?" and izuku just shrugs because he hadn't thought about that but what he's done could start a new breed of bioweapons
he knows enough about the brain to see that more than 2 quirks in a quirked persons body, or more than 4 in someone born quirkless would be seriously damaging, but he's really scared about what could happen if he did go over that limit.
he won't, but he's curious, and he feels a little sick because of it
Nezu catches wind of this baby bio genius, one of the red flags is the only recent research done into quirks was actually from the lab nezu was kept in, so when he sees someone digging into that research he's ready to rain hell down upon them
then he sees an 8-year old that gave himself a quirk and he's like "oh. son."
oh he also totally has a little collection of lab rats that he spoils to bits - he's careful not to give them any quirks that would hurt them / cause an ethical issue. mostly they just have colour changing and glowing quirks, one of them can photosynthesize
he's a very good boy and his little rat children love him
So, when one is as hopelessly heroic as Izuku, it tends to be hard to avoid ‘accidentally’ using your quirk in public. When you have a heal quirk? It’s basically impossible.
Healing quirks actually have a special provision under the vigilantism act, along with exemptions due to age, but when Izuku gets caught, the police don’t tell him that. They honestly just want to try and scare the kid straight because it was a ‘miracle’ (forcefield) that he didn’t get hit by the falling rubble.
So Naomasa is brought in, as usual for the Mustutafu area, and asks the basic questions: name, age, quirk. Izuku, being a genius but still like 8 and scared he's going to jail lies for the first two questions, and he doesn’t lie very well because the poor kid is chronically honest.
‘Um, my name is – Tsubasa! Yeah!.” “I’m 10!”
But the last question throws Naomasa for a loop. “What’s your quirk?” “I was born quirkless, I’ve got the x-ray to prove it.”
That wasn’t a lie. But he visibly used a quirk, they saw it happen. And Naomasa suddenly gets a terrible feeling, because there is only one person he knows that can take someone from quirkless to quirked.
“So you don’t have any quirk?” “No sir.” A lie. Fuck. He lets Izuku go because, despite the horror of a child caught in AFO’s clutches, he might be the most valuable lead they’ve ever had. So they keep an eye on him.
It doesn’t take long to see him using more than one quirk. The kid is creative and isn’t bad at disguising them as the same quirk, but using a forcefield to shield you and your friend from rain is visibly different from telekinetically doing the same, if you know what you’re looking for. And boy do Naomasa and All Might know what they’re looking for.
Their second heart attack comes from an absent “So have you been practising with flame manipulation?” “Of course, dipshit, I’m not lazy. We’ve gotta practise to become heroes, don’t we?” “I know, Kacchan! I’m just excited!”
They keep freaking out about it until they bring in Nezu. It takes him a week or so, but he quickly finds out whats going on. “So, I’m not sure if this is what you wanted to hear but: It’s not All for One,” general sighs of relief “But the child has worked out how to synthesize quirks.” PANICKED NOISES
I feel like izuku is def. the first to make a quirk suppressant chemical, which really interests overhaul. Unfortunately, so i assume he can counter than with something that could just speed up the metabolism to flush another chemical out and because aizawa's quirk binds to the quirk factor, he could just give himself a quirk that has a different biological mechanism - confusing the fuck out of everyone involved
Timeline of Izuku’s shenanigans
Katsuki: lactose intolerance cured, proof of concept – age 6
A very nice rat: Attraction of small objects, yes the rat used it and yes it was amazing because other rats counted as small objects – age 7
Izuku: Attraction of small objects – age 8 (Inko’s quirk)
Katsuki: Flame control, a portion of Hisashi’s quirk from Izuku’s genes – age 8
Izuku: Jump, from a detailed study about a quirked rabbit – age 8 (late)
Another very nice rat: given the ability to live to 10 years old. His name is Hermes – age 9
Izuku: Starts a medical degree – age 10
Izuku: Forcefield, partly from a study of a weak forcefield quirk from the beginning of quirks when genetic studies were less taboo, combined with some promoter sequences from Katsuki’s quirk – age 10
Izuku: Heal, something he’d been working on since the beginning, created without reference for a similar quirk, his masterpiece – age 13 (This quirk is not tied to the quirk factor and therefore can not be stopped by erasure or the quirk erasing bullets.)
Izuku: Finishes the medical degree – age 14
Katsuki tries to get him to write Dr. Midoriya on his application to UA but he refuses, sadly. Not that it matters, Nezu recognises the last name from some of the only quirk research since the lab he was kept in was shut down. He’s very interested about one of the boy’s earliest papers; a case study about a quirkless boy born to 2 4th generation quirked parents, and the conclusion he drew: it wasn’t possible. It doesn’t take a genius to work out the quirkless kid was Izuku himself.
Izuku and Katsuki walk to UA together, Uraraka still saves him from tripping, Katsuki was just laughing at his suffering. Izuku’s a little less awkward in this AU and actually manages to thank her. They all enter the hall together.
Izuku never exactly kicked him mumbling habit, Iida still tells him off. Katsuki is trying to fight the urge to fly down there and kick his ass. Not that they can see, but Uraraka is also glaring at Iida for being rude to the nice boy.
Iida tries to stop Izuku from saying hi to Uraraka but she blows straight past him, loudly thanking Izuku for stopping to say hi. She’s glaring at Iida, Izuku is blissfully ignorant of that. Iida feels like he's offended the wrong person.
The exam starts, Izuku jumps straight into the middle of the exam. His legs hurt but he's totally clear of the other test takers. He starts kicking butt. He yanks wires from ports, tears screws from joints, punches robots with forcefield protected fists, etc. He gets maybe 30 points like this.
All around him he can see people in danger, he throws up countless forcefields to protect his fellow test takers. The judges are impressed with the versatility of the quirk, All Might, even though he knows Izuku isn’t connected to AFO, is having a slight breakdown. Nezu is incredibly impressed. Izuku is flagging though, his forcefield quirk takes some serious energy when he doesn’t have much to spare.
The zero pointer is released. Uraraka is pinned, and, unlike canon, she isn’t unscathed. Her ankle is snapped under the rubble, her ribs are badly bruised. Izuku sees this happen and he just moves. He doesn’t trust his forcefield to hold enough weight, so he goes the other direction: brute force. Using his jump quirk, he rockets into the air, landing a solid, quirk enhanced kick to the face of the robot. As it teeters, he uses attraction of small objects on as many individual points as he can, flying over the back of the robots head. He lands with an impact that jars his teeth, just as the robot starts to tip backwards. He makes it to safety with seconds to spare.
He’s exhausted, so far into quirk exhaustion it isn’t funny, but he’s not done yet. He stumbles to Uraraka helps her lift the bolder off her broken ankle, and heals it. He collapses just as the test finishes, Uraraka catching him and keeping him safe from the last few bits of falling rubble. She’s so thrown by her healed ankle.
Recovery girl comes over, checking on Uraraka. She saw the injury on the cameras and felt bad for the poor girl, but when she gets over there’s nothing. Sure, there’s some blood, but under it all there isn’t even a single cut. Uraraka begs her to help the boy in her arms and she thinks she might know why. The boy looks half dead, likely quirk exhaustion. Still, she didn’t know anyone with a healing quirk was applying, normally Nezu would have told her.
194 notes · View notes
mondaymochi · 3 years
In Class 1A:
MR. AIZAWA: “Okay so today we’re doing more combat training in a new facility 13 made to get ready for your final exams. Midoriya, practice on using your power while moving consistently. I’ll have you and Bakugou pair up in a seperate room in the facility to discuss and train this concept, since Bakugou has full control over his actions while in combat. The rest of you will have duels in groups to determine your current strength. Any questions?”
BAKUGOU: *fuming, ready to fire his quirk at Mr. Aizawa* “I’m not working with that loser!”
MIDORIYA: “Oh, c’mon Kacchan! I’m not THAT bad!”
KIRISHMA: “Chill, man!”
IIDA: “Same old Bakugou…”
MR. AIZAWA: “Just shut up, Bakugou, you're working with Midoriya ‘cause Recovery Girl can’t heal him anymore, and he has to practice his combat skills without getting hurt. Just go before I use my quirk on you.”
In the Facility Room (Name: Facility 1v1 Duel Room 3#), With Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya:
BAKUGOU: *fires his quirk crazily around the room, jumping from wall to wall* “I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVE TO END UP WITH YOU, YOU LOSER! YOU FAKER, I BET YOU'RE FAKING YOUR QUIRK!”
MIDORIYA: *watching Katsuki Bakugou going crazy and trembles* “H-Hey Kacchan! Just come on and teach me already!”
BAKUGOU: “Oh whatever, you can learn on your own! I’m out of here!” *tries opening the door but fails* “What the fuck? OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR, IDIOTS!”
MIDORIYA: I guess they locked it ‘cause they knew you would try leaving.”
BAKUGOU: “Dammit. Those pricks think I’m weak? Thinking that I can’t knock down this piece of shit? *tries using his fire quirk to open the door, but fails* WHAT IS THIS THING MADE OUT OF? GET ME OUT OF HERE!”
MIDORIYA: “Oh—So that’s why they can’t hear you.”
MIDORIYA: (laughing) “I think the room is sound-proof. And I think it’s made out of this really strong metal thingy, so it’s probably why you can’t break it using your quirk. Sheesh, they really wanted you to teach me, didn’t they?”
MIDORIYA: “You moron, if you'd teached me your battle movements by now, they probably would’ve let us out.”
BAKUGOU: *tries firing his quirk at Izuku Midoriya, who flinches just in time* “YOU DUMBASS! WHO ARE YOU CALLING ‘MORON’? THE ONLY MORON HERE IS YOU!”
MIDORIYA: “Just teach me, Kacchan! Unless you wanna be stuck with me the rest of your life.”
BAKUGOU: “YOU LITTLE—FINE! AFTER THIS I’LL KILL YOU, YOU GOT THAT? I’M ONLY DOING THIS TO GET OUT OF HERE, BASTARD. JUST—ugh, I’ve never taught anyone anything before so don’t blame me if you're the same weakling you are right now. *takes Izuku Midoriya’s hands and positions them* “Okay, this is your attack stance. You have to be in this position every time you’re about to attack. Got that? What the—”
MIDORIYA: *takes out his notebook and writes it down, smiling* “There! Got it!”
BAKUGOU: “PFFT—You carry around that dirty notebook I threw in the lake? What a nerd.”
MIDORIYA: “Hey! I have to write this down to remember it! Anyway, what’s next?”
BAKUGOU: *rolls his eyes* “Just shut the fuck up, and follow me, scum. When you’re in your battle stance and your opponent tries to attack, flinch, and make the bastard trip or fall by kicking his leg. If it fails, then use that jump I did when I was fighting with you in the maze, since you apparently already know how to control how much power you use because of training with that Gran Torino. Anyway, after that, kick him from behind.”
MIDORIYA: *uses One for All and attacks Katsuki Bakugou with his quirk, failing to kick his leg, and jumps over his head in attempt to attack from behind*
BAKUGOU: *quickly uses his fire quirk and attacks Izuku Midoriya, who then falls* (laughing loudly) “Weakling. You’re such a weakling! PFFT!”
MIDORIYA: *brushes his PE uniform* “H-Hey! This is my first time! You don’t expect me to get it right away, do you?”
BAKUGOU: “Well, I got it right away. I guess it’s because you're so weak compared to me.”
MIDORIYA: “Fine! Let’s try again! Again!” *gets in his battle stance and wipes blood from his nose*
MIDORIYA: *makes eye-contact with Katsuki Bakugou, trying to think of what he’d do next* “Alright, let's do this.” *gets in his battle stance, ready to attack him with One for All*
BAKUGOU: *smirks, and gets in his battle stance ready to fire Explosion* “Bring it on, Deku.”
MIDORIYA: *flinches Katsuki Bakugou’s first attack, attempting to kick his leg and failing; then jumps over him in a direction where Katsuki Bakugou did not expect it, and fired One for All towards him, missing slightly*
BAKUGOU: *wide-eyed, smirking* “Damn, where’d that come from?” *smiles wider, more evilly* “Guess I’m going to have to step up my game. I like opponents that can actually do some damage.”
MIDORIYA: *smiles* “I’m taking that as my first compliment from you, Kacchan. Let’s continue.”
3 Hours Later
*explosions from outside; gasps and unfamiliar voices can be heard*
MIDORIYA: “W-what was that?”
BAKUGOU: *shouting and banging the door* “Hey! What’s going on out there! Let us out!”
MIDORIYA: “They can’t hear us! It’s sound-proof, remember?”
Two Rooms Over; Training Facility Combat Obstacles Room 1
MR. AIZAWA: “A villain! Follow 13 and evacuate the building immediately!”
ASUI: “Ribbit. What about Midoriya and Bakugou, Mr. Aizawa?”
MR. AIZAWA: “The key to the room is in the staff room. We don’t have time to get it, but they’ll be safe where they are right now. Now go! Follow 13, the pros will be here soon.”
Back With Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya
IZUKU: “Kacchan, maybe it’s just their training weapons. Everything’s fine.”
MIDORIYA: “Stop it, Kacchan! Let’s just take a break, I’m exhausted.” *lays down and closes his eyes*
BAKUGOU: “Idiot.” *lays down on the other side of the room and pauses* “Hey Deku, why did you try and help me when I fell into that lake… y’know, back when we were kids?”
MIDORIYA: *opening his eyes and looks at Katsuki Bakugou, who is looking back* “I already told you why, it’s because I couldn’t just leave you there knowing that you might be hurt.” *closes his eyes again, panting and sweating from all the training*
MIDORIYA: *walks over to Katsuki Bakugou and sits next to him, smiling* “You turd-brain. I just wanted to help ‘cause I’m your friend!”
MIDORIYA: *sits closer to Katsuki Bakugou* “You, idiot! I’m calling you my friend!”
BAKUGOU: “I’M NOT YOUR FRIEND, DEKU! JUST STOP BOTHERING ME AND FORGET I ASKED THAT QUESTION. JUST...review your notes before I kill you. *closes his eyes*
MIDORIYA: “Mmk!” *grabs his notebook out of his pocket and reads it over, still sitting next to Katsuki Bakugou*
BAKUGOU: *opens his eyes slightly, looking over at Izuku who is still reading his notes* (in mind) “Friend, huh? Tsk…Idiot.”
In the UA Courtyard With the Evacuated Students (an hour later)
URARAKA: “13, Deku’s still in there!”
13: “I think they need to stay the night. It seems a villain is using their quirk to make it impossible for the pros and student’s in the building to leave and enter. Some type of force-field.”
URARAKA: “I hope they’ll be okay…”
13: “Don’t worry. The room I designed is completely insulted and well constructed. They’ll be okay. As for the pros still on campus...I’m not sure.”
Back With Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya
BAKUGOU: *waking up from his nap and realizing Izuku Midoriya is fast asleep on his shoulder, drooling on his UA PE uniform* “YOU LITTLE BITCH! GET OFF OF ME!”
MIDORIYA: *jumps up and distances from Katsuki Bakugou* “Okay, okay! Sorry!”
BAKUGOU: *tries opening the door, checking his watch* “WHAT THE FUCK? SCHOOL’S OVER AND THEY HAVEN’T OPENED THIS DOOR YET!”
MIDORIYA: “Wait what?—” *tries using his quirk to open the door* “WE’RE STUCK! WHAT HAPPENED OUT THERE?”
BAKUGOU: “You don’t think it’s a villain, do you?”
MIDORIYA: *gasps, wide-eyed* “We needa get out of here and help the pros!” *bangs on the door, yelling for help*
BAKUGOU: *fires Explosion uncontrollably in all directions, raging* ”I’M STUCK WITH YOU, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. GET ME OUT OF HERE BEFORE I KILL YOU ALL WITH MY BARE HANDS.”
MIDORIYA: “Being stuck here with you means dealing with your temper.”
MIDORIYA: “There—see? You just showed me you did.”
MIDORIYA: (cutting Katsuki Bakugou off) “PFFT—”
BAKUGOU: “Tsk.” *closes his eyes and smiles slightly while Izuku Midoriya practices the skills Katsuki Bakugou taught him*
BAKUGOU: *wakes up, checking his watch*
MIDORIYA: *waking up as well, scratching his eyes* “What time is it, Kacchan?”
BAKUGOU: “Shit, it’s 9:00 PM. We’ve been stuck here for like 6 hours.”
MIDORIYA: “I’m starving.”
BAKUGOU: “Yeah, same here. I wanna get out of here before I die staying here with you any longer.”
MIDORIYA: “Awe man, I thought we were fine!”
BAKUGOU: “In your dreams. I’d never be ‘fine’ with a loser and weakling like you."
MIDORIYA: *making a big, cute frowning face* “Why you gotta be so mean, Kacchan! I mean, I thought we were buddies! You suck. You're always so grumpy and boring.”
BAKUGOU: *blushes, getting mad* “Fuck you, you little ass-turd! Stop making that stupid face at me!”
MIDORIYA: *scans Katsuki Bakugou’s face* “Aye, why are you red all of a sudden?”
MIDORIYA: *feeling Katsuki Bakugou’s forehead* “Are you sick Kacchan? Dammit, I knew you looked weird this morning. We gotta take you to Recovery Girl.”
BAKUGOU: *flicks Izuku Midoriya’s hand off his forehead* “GET YOUR DIRTY ASS HANDS OFF ME, DEKU! I’M PERFECTLY FINE!”
MIDORIYA: “Okay, okay! Chill, I was just checking on you, you moron.”
MIDORIYA: “Okay, okay! You’re so grumpy and rude, how are you ever gonna get a girlfriend? Which reminds me, I’m probably gonna ask out Ochaco soon, what do you think? I mean, she’s intelligent, cute, strong, and other cool stuff, don’t you think?”
BAKUGOU: *fires his quirk at Izuku Midoriya, hitting his right arm, and bruising it badly* “SHE’S DISGUSTING, WHO’D WANNA DATE THAT BITCH?”
MIDORIYA: *tearing up, eyes furrowing, and teeth gritting at the sight of his badly bruised arm* “KACCHAN! WHAT THE HELL? WHY DID YOU HURT ME?”
BAKUGOU: *glares at Izuku Midoriya with furious eyes, who is now crying at the pain of his arm* “BECAUSE SHE’S A WHORE!"
BAKUGOU: *steps closer to Izuku Midoriya, noses touching* (shouting loudly) “LISTEN DEKU, I’M WAY BETTER THAN SHE IS. WANNA KNOW WHY?”
MIDORIYA: *gets ready to attack Katsuki Bakugou with One for All* “Fine, go on and try me!”
BAKUGOU: *pauses for a minute, looking at Izuku Midoriya’s crying dark green eyes; then kisses him deeply and breaks the kiss* “Because you like me, and not her.” *smirks*
MIDORIYA: (wide-eyed and extremely red) “W-wha…?” *steps back from Katsuki Bakugou and sits on the other side of the room, burying his face in his lap*
BAKUGOU: *turns red, realizing what he did* “SHIT! I—Uhm… just forget that happened…”
MIDORIYA: *glances at Katsuki Bakugou, who is looking at his hands with a his iconic furious expression* “H-hey Kacchan?”
BAKUGOU: (in an enraged, embarrassed tone) “What is it now, Deku? Gonna make fun of me for what I did? Fine. Go ahead. I don’t care. Just get it over with.”
MIDORIYA: *looks away* “No, it’s not that. It’s just… Kacchan, you’re right, I do like you. Not her.”
BAKUGOU: *stares at Izuku Midoriya, whose face is still deeply buried in the lap of his PE UA uniform* “W-WHAT DID YOU SAY?” *walks over to Izuku Midoriya’s buried face with red, fuming eyes, ready to attack him using Explosion* “DON’T MESS WITH ME, IDIOT. UNLESS YOU WANT A BROKEN SPINE!” *stands over him and looks down*
MIDORIYA: *stands up and stares at Katsuki Bakugou, with his big, dark green eyes* “I said: ‘You’re right. I like you. Not her.’ And no, I’m not messing around. Take it or leave it.”
BAKUGOU: *looks back into Izuku Midoriya’s eyes with a flushed face, and a terrified look* “Deku I—” *pauses*
they exchange long stares, wondering what to say next
MIDORIYA: “Hey, Kacchan?”
BAKUGOU: “What is it now, Deku…?”
MIDORIYA: *looks away* “Do you—do you like me too?”
BAKUGOU: *fixes his stare on the green-haired idiot and turns his face so that it would aline with his*
MIDORIYA: “K-Kacchan? What are you doing—”
BAKUGOU: *looks away quickly then looks back at Izuku Midoriya, eyes calm and soft*
MIDORIYA: “Kacchan…?”
BAKUGOU: *pins Izuku Midoriya on the strong metal, sound-proof wall and starts kissing him*
MIDORIYA: (in mind) “What are you doing to me, you idiot?” *embraces the long kiss, and kisses back using his tongue*
BAKUGOU: *breaks the kiss and looks away, licking his lips* “There, dumbass. There’s your answer. I can’t believe you didn’t get it the first time. You really are that stupid, aren’t you? Goddammit, I was supposed to teach you combat skills, not fucking kiss you.” *sighs and lays down, checking his watch: 11:00PM*
MIDORIYA: Hey Kacchan? Can I lay down next to you? I promise I’ll practice the stuff you taught me, and don’t worry about—you know, the kissing…I won’t tell anyone.”
BAKUGOU: *glares at Izuku, who is standing over him, getting ready to utter: ‘NO, YOU IDIOT! I’M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND. LEAVE ME ALONE! but hesitates*
MIDORIYA: “Nevermind, that was a dumb thing to ask. I’m just going to study my notes agai—”
BAKUGOU: *looks away, biting his lip in hesitation* (cutting Izuku off) “You know, Deku, I can’t refuse that after I told you how I really feel…Just—don’t touch me too much, got that, Deku? Or else I’ll make your nose bleed.”
MIDORIYA: *smiling softly he plopped down next to Katsuki Bakugou and hugged him tightly, hands still sore from the bruise Katsuki Bakugou gave him* “Thanks, Kacchan.”
BAKUGOU: “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I can’t believe I fell in love with a loser like you, Izuku Midoriya. I wanna puke.”
MIDORIYA: “And I can’t believe I fell in love with a grumpy, rude, arrogant poo-poo head like you, Katsuki Bakugou.”
BAKUGOU: *looking down at Izuku Midoriya, whose eyes are closed, falling asleep* “Tsk—I can’t believe I’m saying this but…love you, dumbass.”
MIDORIYA: “Pfft—I love you too, Kacchan. Oh, and teach me more fighting tricks tomorrow!”
BAKUGOU: “Mhm, mhm. Right after I kill Ochaco for almost stealing my Deku.”
BAKUGOU: “Okay, okay. Fine. I won’t kill her. Yet.”
In the Morning
URARAKA: *stands over Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya, hugging and sleeping together* (in a dejected stammering tone) “G-guess Bakugou didn’t mind Deku’s company after all…”
MINETA: “W-woah! What happened here?”
TODOROKI: “Tsk—The two finally admitted they liked each other, and all it took was a paired up combat training session.”
IIDA: (while shaking Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya) “Hey love-birds! Wake up and take the day off for today, you guys must be starving.”
BAKUGOU: *realizing everyone in class 1A is standing over them, looking at them with bewildered expressions* “IDIOTS! BASTARDS! NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN ME AND MIDORIYA, GOT THAT?”
YAOYOROZU: “Who are you kidding—sure doesn’t look like it. Looks like you and Midoriya had the cutest slumber party of the century. Even All Might’s quirk can’t beat your love for each other.”
MIDORIYA: *wakes up and yawns* “Kacchan what’s going—OH! Hi guys!”
TODOROKI: “Tell us, Midoriya, what happened last night when you two were stuck together?”
MR. AIZAWA: “Even I’m a little curious.”
ALL MIGHT: “Spill it, kids!”
MINETA: “I bet they made out!”
YAOYOROZU: “You and your disgusting, perverted brain.”
MIDORIYA: “H-Hold up! W-we didn’t make out! What the hell?”
TODOROKI: “Then what happened? Just tell us, it’s just your class.”
MIDORIYA: “Erm, we obviously trained my combat skills and movements, and Kacchan taught me a few tricks, I guess. And then…uhm…”
MIDORIYA: “And then you guys wouldn’t let us out and then…”
TODOROKI: “So something did happen. What happened back there?”
KIRISHIMA: (in a dejected tone) “Something happened? I see… Tell us what happened, you idiots. Can’t you see we’re dying to know?”
MIDORIYA: (scratching the back of his head shyly) “Ugh, sorry Kacchan I’m just going to tell them. They won’t stop! Kacchan kissed me and—we kissed more I guess, and that’s it. Happy? Now everyone SHUT UP!”
BAKUGOU: *firing his quirk at everyone and going insane* “I AM GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF EVERY ONE OF YOU!”
ALL MIGHT: “Oh wow! This is amazing, ain’t it Aizawa?”
MR. AIZAWA: “Yeah. Congrats, you two. Now take the day off! If you guys had your little love story, doesn’t mean you’ll be skipping class! Get you asses some rest and some food!” Oh and—” *ties Katsuki Bakugou’s hands with his spare scarff* “Just in case you decide to try and kill Midoriya on your way home.”
MIDORIYA: *drags Katsuki Bakugou* “Bye everyone! See you guys tomorrow, and update us on what happened yesterday!”
MIDORIYA: “Sorry~ It’s just they were being annoying and I couldn’t stand them teasing us anymore!”
MIDORIYA: “Sorry, sorry! I guess I was just excited, okay? Anyway, let’s just crash at the park or something and talk about hero pro stuff.”
BAKUGOU: “Fine. Whatever. As long as you get this scarf off me!”
MIDORIYA: “Fine... As long as you don’t end up killing me.”
BAKUGOU: “Fair enough.”
At the Park
MIDORIYA: “Hold up, Ochaco is texting me.”
BAKUGOU: “The disgusting hag that tried to take my Deku away from me.”
MIDORIYA: “Oh shut up, Kacchan. It’s just about what happened at school yesterday. Apparently the League of Villains attacked yesterday with one new Nomu, that was pretty weak. She said that 13 told her that there was one unknown villain that had this quirk that could create force-fields, and it’s why no one was coming to get us. No one could come in and out since there was a big wall separating us and the rest. But soon the villains fled, and the pros think that they were just there to get info on All Might’s state of strength and the strength of the UA students.”
BAKUGOU: “I would’ve blown up those villains and cut off their heads.”
MIDORIYA: “Yeah, yeah sure.” *rolls eyes* Oh! Ochaco’s still texting something, I wonder what it’s about.”
BAKUGOU: “I hate that Ochaco hoe. She’s turning our date into ‘Ochaco’s day to steal Deku from Bakugou.’”
MIDORIYA: “Woah, Kacchan! ‘Date’? You really like me, don’t you?”
BAKUGOU: “Shut up, Deku.”
MIDORIYA: “Oh… Ochaco texted. She said she was pretty sad about the whole ‘us’ thing… She ended up saying she liked me, but she also said she hoped it wouldn't ruin our friendship. Jeez, I can’t believe she’d want to be friends with someone that technically broke her heart. I feel bad.”
BAKUGOU: “Bleh—glad she got rejected. You’re just mine, Deku.”
MIDORIYA: “Yep, just yours, idiot.” *looks at Katsuki Bakugou, where he meets his gaze and looks back*
BAKUGOU: “Pfft—you want me to kiss you again, don’t you? Do I taste that good?”
MIDORIYAMA: “I hate you.”
BAKUGOU: “Tsk, Whatever.” *kisses Izuku Midoriya, while he kisses back* “There, Deku.”
The End
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endermtheswordsman · 4 years
Tidbits and Quirks on Enderm, his Tribe, and Corven!
Enderm: He often has an issue of feeling too powerful due to his spells, age, knowledge, and versatility with his magic, making him often act a little arrogant. And while it is justified in him feeling this amount of power and confidence, it still has left him in several binds where he could have benefited heavily from assistance from others. (He also has an absurd obsession with books and scrolls collecting, so bring him one and he will hug you and thank you and give you just about anything he can as compensation!) Gael: His magic, while vast and powerful, actually creates a bit of an opposite effect to what Enderm’s does to him. Gael will often times call on others to ensure success in an attempt, even if it is something that he could have easily done! Much like when he was teaching Suki, and called upon Enderm to lend a hand where he could have simply explained on his own, due to his own magical knowledge and intelligence feeling lacking in his own opinion, when he is in fact quite intelligent and well versed in the arcane arts. (He adores the hell out of magical artifacts, and loves studying them, but above that, he adores his student/adoptive daughter, Suki. So a gift for her is far more meaningful to him, than anything else, as it eases his own mind of being the only source of Wizardry Teachings in her options list.) Clax: He’s a massive brute and thick and stubborn headed as they come. His simple thought process often gets him labeled as a brute, when he actually is smarter than most would give him credit for. He doesn’t mind however, as he actually prefers people to think him a simpleton, as it amuses him to spring some knowledge on them when they don’t quite expect it. Reading may not be his strong suit, but he has a near photographic memory that helps with repeating things, which helps throw people off. (He also has an absurd love for cute and small animals and things, and has taken quickly to addressing the family he has around him, Suki, Sotsona, Skitters, etc., by a variety of endearing nicknames of the animals or creatures they remind him of. For Yuki for instance, it is “Little Dove”.) Xavier: A quite and simple man, he is not one to talk much, if ever, in the presence of those he doesn’t know. His voice is strong and demanding, but he doesn’t use it much for reasons even he doesn’t know. In reality, he has exceptional social anxiety that makes it nearly impossible to speak up when around anyone other than the select few he chooses. (He often involves himself in making the few people he knows that he talks to, feel as comfortable as possible around him, out of a nervous fear of them leaving, and will often leave them small gifts here and there to encourage conversation. Though he still kinda stinks at it.) Sarabel: She is much like Z’sophia, to a degree, where she was shunned by her original family and found a family of her own with others, though unlike Z’sophia, was fortunate enough to find that family once again among her own kind. She is quiet, but speaks up often and enjoys singing in solitude, though many of the songs she sings are bittersweet, as they remind her of her lost family that threw her out over the mottled skin that depicted her as a bad omen. (She LOVES sweets to a degree that is absurd, and much to her own shame, has openly snatched several from Sotsona when she wasn’t looking. She feels guilty, but damn goes guilt taste sweet as hell sometimes!) Arya: She is a wizened old woman of a Firbolg that adores cooking and it is easily shown by the large cauldron she lifts and carries on her back with such ease during long travels and stays at other places. She is fiercely protective of children, or those she deems as children or her own family, even extending to a rather troublesome and, originally, rude little Hangman’s tree that lives not far from her own current cabin on Sotsona’s farm. She will reprimand you for being stupid, and coddle you with a tasty meal afterwards as she lectures you on self care and being smarter than that! (Despite her love of savory, sweet, and sour dishes that she makes so often. She actually quite likes bitter-sweet foods and snacks, as they always surprise her with their strange combination of the tastes!) Valen: He’s an old leather worker that has seen centuries come and go, but still has a rather cheerful, if realistic, outlook on life. Though his gruff voice would make one think he is always being sarcastic like an old grandpa-type would be. He loves working on metal armors too, as well as leather and any other material he can get his hands on. This has created a love of making personalized armor and tools for those he meets and has fond relationships with, such as with Enderm, in constantly up-keeping his Scale Mail, and making special armor for Clax, as well as the weapons of the 3 main guards of the tribe. (He adores gifts of rare minerals, ores, gems, and monster parts that he can use to make new items, armor, and tools! He’ll often repay the person by using some of the material for a personalized item or armor piece just for them!) Kareem: A sweet young girl with a passion for normal medicine, she follows heavily in Enderm’s footsteps of loving to heal and give life to those that have been harmed or had their own taken too soon. She actually doesn’t like using magic as much as she likes to tend to wounds with her own hands, and won’t use magic unless it needs a speedy or immediate recovery, or if there is no other way she can think of. Though she will use it in the case that Enderm tells her too, as she knows his judgement on situations involving wounds often outshines her own due to his experience with this field. (She loves flowers and fancy medicinal plants, as well as gardening these plants and crops to grow. Though not nearly as well versed as the likes of Sotsona, she aspires to possibly raise a field of flowers, herbs, or crops of her own one day, and to have others stand in awe of the fruits of her hard work! Without magic of course! Cause nothing is better than good old fashioned hard work!) Sereval: Not to be confused with Sarabel due to their similar sounding names, she is a seamstress by trade, and a lovely poem writer as well, though she never has the confidence to let people judge her poems or hear them, unlike she will so readily throw fancy and custom fitted clothes and the like with the hope that they will love her work and keep it. She loves to especially give out clothes to children, and will often spend painstaking days getting all the dimensions right before giving them to the recipient. (New clothes and textiles she hasn’t seen before are an amazing thing to her, as she has rarely gotten the chance to ever truly explore her own craft outside of her own teachings and the teachings of an old book, so providing her with new books or strips of cloth and details on how to make them or weave them into something, will make her day.) Alexyz: He’s a tough and gruff old man with a rather surprisingly mid-range voice that completely contrasts his size and presence. This however makes him more approachable, which brings him joy when interacting with children, or being a silly old man with the ladies that he meets, as he, despite his imposing size, is one that adores having a good time. He loves to sing, much like Sarabel, but unlike her, doesn’t have the voice for it. Though he often will engage in helping Valen in making materials, armor, tools, and the like, he also often gets Valen and Clax to join him for singing sessions on nights that they wish to celebrate, where his voice actually harmonizes between the two of them. (He actually doesn’t have much he doesn’t like, but when it comes to specifics, heartfelt gifts always touch him, and make him teary eyed, even if the gift isn’t something he would normally enjoy, he’ll still treasure it like a very sentimental old man.) And finally!: Corven: He’s a friend of Enderm and the tribe, and is an absolute lover of tea and making business deals. Unlike many in his field, he never uses his bardic talents to lull people into an unfairly worded deal that makes him come out as the ‘winner’ of the deal, and always prefers a solid and fair deal for both parties. He often gets mistaken for a Leprechaun due to his size, choice of dress, and accent, not to mention his red tinged facial hair and hair on his head and eyebrows, but he doesn’t mind correcting them, politely of course. He’s a tad flirtatious with women his own age, but is forever faithful to his wife, and simply sees the flirting as a silly way to enjoy a non-serious conversation. He refuses to judge based upon appearances or bad stigmas against one simply for being born, as he sees it as letting the actions of the dead and gone, to dictate who the future generations could possibly be. (He loves children, but this is because he has two of his own that stay with their mother at home. And will often come to the aid of children that he doesn’t even know, or doesn’t know well, for the sake of protecting children, as he would want anyone else that is a parent or guardian, to do the same for his own children. Otherwise, strike up a bargain with him and he’ll do everything in his power to help and make sure you both walk away happy from the deal!)
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literatelogan · 4 years
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the binding of two forces | a love that never lost momentum
{6: while it lasts} wattpad | a03
kobayashi kei is a teacher at U.A. who has an established relationship with aizawa shouta. kei and shouta have known each other ever since they started at UA together. their friendship had always been strong but this is the story of how they came to be as a couple and what the future holds.
a/n - !manga spoilers! slightly divergent of the main plot but it will be caught up to the current season of the anime after the time skip. she is the homeroom teacher for 1B but don't worry we still stan vlad in this house so he's now 2B. bit of a promotion for the trouble. her quirk is fatigue manipulation. she has the ability to manipulate the fatigue of oneself or others, both mental and physical. she can increase, decrease, cause or prevent fatigue. in order to increase someone's fatigue, she needs to either leech from another person or herself. her fatigue is only affected if she is using a lot of energy either giving or transferring. if she takes energy from someone else, she will gain it. she cannot rest or sleep until she gets all of her energy out either by wearing herself out mentally or physically. she cannot kill someone easily but she can make some lose consciousness.
  It wasn't quite sunset but the sun was still low enough in the sky that everything had that sort of golden glow. Everything that light bounced off of had just a bit more sparkle to it. Maybe that was her mind getting away from her as she looked at Shouta. It was the end of the festival and the day had been so wonderful. The whole squad had such a good time and if she could have willed the day to never end, she would have. Having a relaxing and fun day in a sea of school work and training was a relief. He told her to wait. He stopped her. She was about to leave and say goodbye to him but he stopped her. She wasn't sure why but her heart was racing. She blushed and looked down at the ground. "I can't even look at him right now. He's so cute." She felt the fingers that were entangled in her's drift away from them. With confusion on her face, she looked back up at Shouta who was smiling softly at her. And blushing?
  {aizawa's pov}
Oh crap. "Why did you say wait? Why did you stop her? You have no plan. This is not part of the plan. Because there is no plan. Shit." He looked at Kobayashi and could not believe a girl that beautiful was holding his hand right now. The sunlight danced on the strands of her hair. She had a sparkle in her eye. She just looked...so beautiful. And then she was looking away from him. "Crap. Okay. What do I do? I need to do something." As if of its own will, the hand that held Kobayashi's left hers. He smiled at her as she lifted her head and gently ran the hand against her chin, cupping it lightly. "You can do this." He moved a bit closer to her and whispered, "Is it okay if I kiss you?" A small nod from Kobayashi was all he needed before pulling her chin to close the gap. Their lips barely touched and already his entire body felt like it was on fire. Slowly and gently, he pressed his lips against hers. His eyes fluttered closed as she kissed back and his hand moved to the back of her head. All of the tension from the entire year felt like it left his body. His free arm wrapped around her back and pulled her close to him. "It really is like this." He pulled his lips away from her but it took all of his efforts. He rested his forehead against hers still and smiled, not knowing or caring what to say. He was in a daze and all he saw was her. In this moment, nothing else came close to mattering. 
  {kei's pov}
Shivers ran through Kei's entire body the second Shouta's hand touched her chin. "He's moving towards me. He's touching me. Oh my god. Is this actually happening? Someone pinch me. This is a dream." His words snapped her out of her internal monologue. Surprised and unsure how to speak anymore, she gave him a little nod in reply, and then they were kissing. She could not believe this was really happening. From being the boy who didn't even look at her on that first day, to now. "Does this mean we're dating?" All other thoughts were jumbled. He was a good kisser. Not that she had any reference seeing as this was her first kiss. But if this was bad kissing, she wanted to kiss all the time. His lips were warm. A little soft but he could use a little bit of balm. She tilted her head a little and melted into the kiss. As his eyes closed, so did hers. She let out a little squeak when he pulled her closer. Butterflies danced in her stomach as they stayed there. It could have been a minute or a year and she would not have known the difference. All she knew was that she wanted to be there forever. When their lips separated, she was breathing just slightly heavier than normal. They stayed there for a little while. Just in an embrace not knowing what to do or what to say.
  They tried to keep the boys and Kayama from finding out for as long as they could. It lasted about 2 days with Kayama, 4 with Oboro, and a week with Hizashi. They never kissed in public. Holding hands was already a bit taboo. When they could walk to the train together, they would. And if they managed to sneak off to steal a kiss somewhere, that was their secret. Every time Shouta so much as looked at her the right way, she blushed. Their phone calls consisted of a little bit less studying and a bit more puppy love. They still weren't dating. Nope. Not allowed. Soon enough it was time for term finals again. The group of four had been training together whenever allowed. Constantly trying to better themselves and each other. It had prepared them as much as they could be prepared for the Final. It was almost the end of their first year. It felt impossible that so much had happened in such short a time. It felt like just yesterday they were doing their first training. Just yesterday that they all met and became friends. 
  Kei had been slacking on her morning runs. She had spent too much time talking to Shouta too late. Satoru pointed it out at dinner one night and the rest of the family agreed. She needed her energy especially with exams coming. With promises to her family that she would not slack, she started to focus on school and her routine again. The calls were shorter but that was okay. They spent a lot of time together during the day. Although going back to normal felt a bit weird at first, they adjusted. Kei trained with the boys one on one as they all took turns with different pair-ups. They learned that giving Hizashi more energy made him louder but only to a point. With Recovery Girl on hand, she worked with a teacher to see how much she could drain. She needed to know how much energy she could drain and how much she could hold without giving it to someone new. If she made someone unconscious with her power, she could still feel their energy after. That was when she realized that her quirk could kill. She accompanied Recovery Girl to the practices of other classes to see how much of her power could help in healing. Combined, they were able to heal someone and keep their energy up. And as long as the injuries were minimal, Kei was able to restore someone's stamina to its normal state. These practices took a lot out of her, as was to be expected. She started going to bed earlier and having a short phone call with Shouta every once in a while. 
  {aizawa's pov}
Everything was going so fast. After the first kiss, he couldn't stop wanting to kiss her. Anytime he saw another guy so much as look at her, he shot daggers at them. They weren't dating though. Maybe he wanted to but he wasn't ready for that conversation even with himself. Sometimes she would run her fingers through his hair when they kissed and he thought about that for hours after. He knew it would be wildly inappropriate but he wanted to cling to her in the halls. He wanted to hold onto her constantly. Every touch was fleeting but drove him mad. When she blushed, he melted. His brain was a cloud of thoughts about her. He had zoned out staring at her again in class. Yamada slapped him on the back of the head to snap him out of it. When the guys were willing to listen, he gushed about her. They made fake vomit noises and faces in return. "I just want to go to so many places with her. I want to do so many things with her." Yamada laughed. "With or to?" Shirakumo pat him on the back with a howling laugh of his own. "Good one." Aizawa glared at them both. "It's not like that." Shirakumo nodded and Yamada shook his head. "You wouldn't understand. I feel like I'm in a daze."
  Then as it grew closer to the finals, Kobayashi was busier with studying. He knew it was important. He had been slacking in every class she was in and even some of the others. They would study over the phone as much as they could. And then she started needing to go to bed earlier. Understandable as her quirk was entirely reliant on her energy levels. The phone calls got shorter. And then they got less frequent. Well. They weren't dating. Shouta dove into his studies to keep his mind off of his stupid feelings. What kind of idiot thinks one of the most beautiful girls Japan has ever seen wouldn't get bored with him. They would still hold hands. They would still kiss sometimes on their walks to the train. But things just felt different. Maybe there was someone cooler. Some third year or something. Shouta started devoting a lot of his time to combat training. As someone with a quirk that didn't make him stronger or faster, he needed to do it himself. When he wasn't studying for the finals, he was working on his strength. Sparring partners weren't hard to come by and seeing as they couldn't use their quirks on him, it was easier to make a more even playing field. A lot of his training was with his capture weapon. 
  {kei's pov}
Finals were upon them. All of this studying and prep work culminated in one of the most stressful times of Kei's life. The first year of her true journey to become a pro hero. To save people. The practical was difficult and by the end of it, she felt as though she might drop. Though she pulled a lot of energy from her opponents, she did also use a lot of it for her more combat driven teammates. A strategy Saturo had been telling her to employ since she was a child. "You have to be a healer for the tanks." It rang in her head while she gave her all. The written portion of the exam was more intimidating but as she sat down to take it, she felt more comfortable. Having really devoted the past couple of weeks wholeheartedly into studying, she did well. Her scores were not perfect but she was 8th in the class. This was a huge improvement from the start of the year and she couldn't help but think that it was largely driven by her growth through her friends. Without them, she wouldn't be the hero she was already growing to be. It was thanks to them. 
  Thanks to Kayama, Hizashi, Oboro, and Shouta. She would give her all to repay them. Her life if she had to.
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hot-wiings · 5 years
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Helpless - Hamilton Musical 
Tip Jar 
[Edited: 10-21-19]
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Ohh, I do, I do, I do I Dooo! Hey! Ohh, I do, I do, I do I Dooo! Boy, you got me. Helpless! Look into your eyes, and the sky’s the limit. I’m helpless! Down for the count, and I’m drowning’ in ‘em. I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night. Laughin’ at my sister as she’s dazzling the room. Then you walked in and my heart went “Boom!” Tryin’ to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom. everybody’s dancin’ and the band’s top volume. Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine. Grab my sister, and whisper “Yo, this one’s mine.” (Oooh) My sister made her way across the room to you (Oooh) and I got nervous, thinking “What’s she gonna do?” (Oooh) She grabs you by the arm, I’m thinkin’ “I’m through” (Oooh)
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Shoto Todoroki never looked to be the centre of attention. He didn’t like being in the spotlight. That was his brother Touya’s job as the oldest Todoroki sibling. Shoto being the younger brother who inherited the perfect quirk had one job. His job was to train and surpass All Might’s power.
Shoto never imagined he would feel romantic feelings for someone. Spending his life training with his father he was never allowed to frolic with girls. He was barely allowed around his siblings. The thought of meeting someone he’d grow to love was impossible. Someone he could appreciate. Someone whom he could share touches and intimate moments. It was an impossible thought until he met you.
Japan had gone up against a powerful group of villains. Far too hard for Japan alone. They had to enlist help from heroes in America. That’s where you came from. A great healer from America. You were a great asset in the battle. Your quirk surpassing that of Recovery Girls.
After the battle, Enji Todoroki invited everyone to his mansion for a celebratory dinner. A ball of sorts. Although Shoto suspected it was just an excuse to show him off. He was now out of UA and he would soon be embarking on his journey as a hero. This would be a perfect chance to put himself out there. Make some connections and allies. However, Enji had an ulterior motive of setting up Shoto into a marriage with a bride of his choosing.
Don’t get him wrong. Shoto would have no issue getting a wife on his own. But his father would only accept a girl with a quirk of a high calibre. A girl who would breed a good child with many children. Children whose quirks would have fire, ice and a third quirk. The ultimate hero.
Shoto watched you move throughout the room. Smiling and laughing with the others you had fought beside. You captivated him. Never did a girl catch his eye like you. Shoto never craved a girl like he craved you. He wanted you in ways which a man wanted a woman. He felt helplessly in love. Helpless over a woman he didn’t even know the name of.
Shoto tried getting your attention. He walked by you multiple times. Softest smile directed towards you. You didn’t look over to him once. He never tried to catch the eye of a woman before. How was he supposed to go about with this? All throughout his UA days, he never tried getting with someone. How did you flirt? Should he have prepared some pick-up lines?  
Shoto watched as you talked with Touya, his brother. Conversing with soft smiles. Of course, Touya was older and more experienced. Perhaps he should ask his brother for advice. Touya probably knew how to woo women
Shoto waited until Touya left your presence to grab a drink. He walked over and grabbed his brothers arm, gaining Touya’s attention. Their practically matching eyes pierced each other.
“Who’s that girl?"
Touya softly smiled in your direction.
”[Y/N] [L/N]. She has a healing quirk. It’s better than Recovery Girl’s quirk.“
Had Shoto not been so helpless for you, he would have noticed the longing look in his older brothers eyes. But Shoto never saw it.
"She’s beautiful. How do I talk to her?”
Touya bit his lip and lightly chuckled at his awkward little brother. Touya walked over to you. He lightly tapped your arm to catch your attention. Giving you a smile as you turn around to meet his eyes for the second time that night.
“Hello again!"
He grabs your hand, taking note of how soft it feels. He imagined you probably used lotion. Probably the scented kind.
"Where are you taking me?”
“I’m about to change your life."
"Then, by all means, lead the way.”
He was truly changing your life by introducing you to his younger brother and giving you leeway and entrance to the Todoroki family.
“Shoto Todoroki, a pleasure to meet you."
Shoto grabs your soft warm hand into his cold one and kisses it. Kisses it the way a gentleman would. He was working on charming you.
“My little brother, he’s fresh out of UA."
"Unfortunately, I myself could not fight in the battle due to being in UA. But I would like to thank you and your fellow American’s for fighting. You fought greatly.”
A blush spread across your cheeks.
“Meeting you makes it worthwhile."
Touya watched with a soft smile as you and Shoto got acquainted and flirted. It was the most he saw Shoto smile in his whole life.
“I’ll leave you to it.”
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Then you look back at me and suddenly I’m Helpless! Look into your eyes, (Oh, look at those eyes, ) And the sky’s the limit (Oh!) I’m helpless, (I know) Down for the count And I’m drownin’ in 'em. I’m helpless! (I’m so into you, ) Look into your eyes, (I am so.) And the sky’s the limit (into you.) I’m helpless! (I know, ) I’m down for the count And I’m drownin’ in 'em. Where are you taking me? I’m about to change your life. Then, by all means, lead the way. Elizabeth Schuyler. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Schuyler? My sister. Thank you for all your service If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it. I’ll leave you to it. One week later I’m writin’ a letter nightly. Now my life gets better every letter that you write, me. Laughin’ at my sister, cuz she wants to form a harem. I’m just sayin’, if you really loved me you would share him.
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As the weeks went by you went back to America but contact with Shoto remained. Late-night phone calls and loving texts to each other. He was helplessly in love with you.
Touya walked into Shoto’s bedroom to find him scribbling on paper with a concentrated face. He hadn’t seen him write like this since that time he forgot to do his homework back in UA.
“What are you writing?”
“A letter to [Y/N].”
“Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of phones?”
“I’m trying to be romantic. Besides she seems to like them.”
Touya notices some of the letters from you laying on Shoto’s desk. He picks them up and reads through them. A blush covers his cheeks before he teases Shoto.
“‘Darling, Shoto.’ So romantic. With a comma too.”
“Put them back.”
“‘I Can’t wait to see you again my turtledove, XOXO, [Y/N].’ What the fuck is a turtledove?”
“It’s a term of endearment! I think I’m gonna ask her to marry me.”
Touya puts the letters back.
“Marry her? You just met her.”
“She’s perfect. I’m in love.”
“I know I just- Just make sure you really want this. Marriage is a big commitment.”
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Ha! Two weeks later. In the living room stressing my father’s stonefaced while you’re asking for his blessin’. I’m dying inside, as you wine and dine and I’m tryin’ not to cry, 'cause there’s nothing that your mind can’t do. (Oooh) My father makes his way across the room to you. (Oooh) I panic for a second, thinking "we’re through” (Oooh) But then he shakes your hand and says “Be true” (Oooh) And you turn back to me, smiling, and I’m Helpless! Look into your eyes and the sky’s the limit I’m Helpless! Hoo! Down for the count and I’m drownin’ in 'em I’m helpless! He’s mine, that boy is mine! Look into your eyes And the sky’s the limit I’m Helpless! Helpless! Down for the count, and I’m drownin’ in 'em Eliza, I don’t have a dollar to my name an acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame. All I have’s my honour, a tolerance for pain a couple of college credits and my top-notch brain.
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Shoto anxiously paced back and forth as he waited for his father to come out of his study. He had proposed to you, which you responded with a yes. Now he had to tell his father.
“He can be an asshole.”
“So you’ve said.”
“I mean like an extreme asshole. He might not approve of you. I mean even if he doesn’t, we’re still going to get married. It would just be nice to have his approval for once.”
You put your hand on Shoto’s shoulder to stop his from pacing and give him a wide smile.
“Shoto it’s going to be okay. Your father will approve. It’s not like he hasn’t met me before.”
“You’re right. You’re right, it’s gonna be okay.
“You wanted to see me.”
His father stands tall before you making you feel small. You give a polite, courteous smile as Shoto intertwines your hands.
“Father. I’ve proposed to [Y/N], and she accepted.”
“I see.”
His judgemental eyes rake your body up and down as if he was inspecting you. Which he was. He was inspecting your worth.
It was one of the rarest times you would see it, but Enji smiled as he put his hand out for you to shake.
“You have a good quirk. You will fit my son well.”
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Insane, your family brings out a different side of me Peggy confides in me, Angelica tried to take a bite of me no stress, my love for you is never in doubt. We’ll get a little place in Harlem and we’ll figure it out. I’ve been livin’ without a family since I was a child. My father left, my mother died, I grew up buck wild. But I’ll never forget my mother’s face, that was real and long as I’m alive, Eliza, swear to God, you’ll never feel so (Helpless!) I do, I do, I do, I do! Eliza… (Helpless!) I do, I do, I do, I do! I’ve never felt so- Helpless! (Hey! Yeah, yeah!) Down for the count and I’m drownin’ in 'em (Down for the count I’m) My life is gon’ be fine cuz Eliza’s in it. I look into your eyes, and the sky’s the limit I’m (Helpless!) Down for the count and I’m drownin’ in 'em. In New York, you can be a new man. in New York, you can be a new man. In New York, you can be a new man. Helpless!
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Touya’s heart broke as he held the white and gold envelope. He knew what was inside. He knew he should be happy yet he didn’t want to open it. But he did. He knew he had too.
‘You are cordially invited to the holy matrimony of Shoto Todoroki and [Y/N] [L/N].’
As fast as he read it, it was turned to ash. Crumpled and destroyed in his fist by his blue flames.
Touya wanted to be happy. He was trying to be supportive. Hell, he was going to be the best man. But he couldn’t find it in his heart to be happy.
Just like Shoto, Touya was helplessly in love with you. Except Touya didn’t have you. Touya wasn’t ending up with you. He wasn’t getting his happy ending. Shoto was.
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combust-catalyst · 5 years
Conflicted Feelings: I love you!
[ Main Idea: A second part of Conflicted Feelings where the reader now has to figure out their feelings while avoiding the very source of them. But how long with that last? ]
[ Notes: I decided to go on ahead and do a second part to the story. Again, I hope you guys like it. Again, I apologize if Bakugou or any other characters involve go OOC. Warning for lengthy. I apologize for any bad grammar. This was almost challenging than I thought considering Bakugou’s character. I had a fun time writing this though! Of course, do be warned for swearing. ]
After the massive embarrassment and complete break down, you had made it a mission to avoid the ash-blond head at any cost. Coming to school through the gates and happen to see him near, quick make a long route to class! It may get your teacher upset at you, but it was worth to avoid any potential attention. Going to lunch and seeing him? Pass on lunch. You would go for a vending machine snack! That would last you until time to go home! Any where he was, you was gone without so much as a hesitation.. It was flight response after all. Any way to avoid anyone that could and would recognize you.
Of course who could forget a person who was acting bashful and staring at Bakugou. Most would just be glaring at him from his attitude, but that wasn’t you. You just had to find him. . . interesting? He was cute? He smelled nice? Nice? Does burnt sugar count as a nice smell? People found gasoline smelled nice, so that probably wasn’t worth putting into question. He was on your mind. Every second of the day. Every tiny thing that reminded you of him. And at UA was almost Bakugou all the time. Given that at school, you still had classwork, so you couldn’t ignore that. 
But that didn’t make it better for you. You was suffocating. And he wasn’t even doing anything! It made no sense! These feelings made no sense! What were you even feeling at this point? It was nervousness being around him or even staring at him. Your heart was racing when you got caught staring at him. You felt like you was on fire and it wasn’t even literal! You would unconsciously smile at him from a distance as if he was the only thing you could see! 
“No,” you shrieked as you slapped your cheeks. “Ow.” 
That wasn’t smart. Now everyone was going to be concerned with why you had just hit yourself. Luckily, no one was around. You had just survived Mission: Impossible and it’s code name was Bakugou. You sighed, “I’m gonna be late to class again.” Even with all these escapes, it was becoming tiresome. Classmates were clearly speechless as you would do anything to avoid the boy. Yet, you didn’t complain. If it gave you a calm and peaceful mind for even a moment, you would take it. 
But it was only short lived because you was certain karma was out to kill you. 
“Can’t this be arranged anoth---?” you pleaded. 
“No,” Aizawa immediately rejected.
“I don’t feel too well and I th---.” you excused.
“If you have enough time to make excuses,” Aizawa interrupted again, “you have enough time to gear up.”
With that, Aizawa left you along with your entire class, who had already left to get changed. Out of any the times you wish you was a ghost, this was a good time! Hell, getting sick sounded better than this! Your teacher had called in saying they would be arriving late and arrange a two class teaching! This was ridiculous! Aizawa was already known for sometimes having a rowdy class, with somewhat good control over them. But with two classes under one teacher until the other one came? That was a lot! You couldn’t even understand how this was such a good idea to begin with. Added to the even worse problem now, there was no escape from impending explosion.
“I’m sooooo dooooom!” you screamed not caring whoever would hear you. You yanked your case containing your outfit and headed off into changing. 
You was quick to leave out of changing room as you did going in. But that didn’t leave you free from the curiosity of your classmates. Some were excited to be on the same class as 1-A. Some were finding it annoying as if worried to be used as training dummies to them. With how Bakugou had considered everyone to be a stepping stone to him, you didn’t find these reactions to be the tiniest bit surprising.
Suddenly, there was a tap on your shoulder, “Pst, you must be excited right?”
“Huh,” you deadpanned. 
“Not a chance,” another classmate declined. “Did you see how that Bakugou guy was yelling at them.” They huffed clearly displeased. “I’d say more scared than excited.”
“Nah,” the first one denied. “I saw them looking at him all the time! Someone whose scared doesn’t always stare for over an hour at a single person out of fear! Especially with dreamy eyes like theirs!”
“Hah!” the second one barked back.”Not a chance! He’s selfish ass of a classmate! He’s only got two things good for him! And that’s the damn attitude and quirk!”
Another student nodded, “I mean he was the very first one to get the highest score in the practical entrance exam.”
“Yeah,” one more joined in. 
“See!” the second one spoke again. “What is so great about someone wanting to be a hero if he’s flaunting like he’s better than everyone?!”
“Stop it!” you screamed which caught everyone off guard. 
This wasn’t what needed to be heard. This was all too harsh! And it was as if you was going to break down! This needed to stop. Glaring at the second classmate, you stomped your way to them. Whether it was pure emotions fueling your actions or the anger you felt at that very moment. Nothing seem to matter. Not even the fear your classmates was giving you. 
Nothing except the phrase: That’s not it! 
It wasn’t it. You may not have interacted with the ash-blond a lot and had a bad first impression of him. And his attitude was fuel on confidence with straightforward goals. His actions were rash and full on power. The respect he gave was rare and one that had meaning. He wasn’t one to half ass things like he always said. If he was going to do something, he was going to do it. Yes, he was loud and swearing, but it was better than being quiet and low voiced like a mouse! But even then under all those things, he was still human. And humans still think, feel, even if it was selfish feeling maybe, say, and do things. 
But you still found him interesting. Life never felt dull. You knew this from first meeting him and from earlier. He was amazing to you. Amazing? No! Cool! Maybe. Yet, you still felt as if you wasn’t say enough. Interesting? If he was interesting, you wouldn’t be defending him. Did that even make any sense? You didn’t know.
Your classmate was backing at the entry door as you stomped closed to them.
“Uh,” they hesitated. 
“It’s true.” you admit which confused everyone. “He’s not the greatest at being a nice person. But I’ve always found him so. . . cute? Nice?” You folded up your hand into a fist. “Yeah, he’s rude! But when you have goal and fears biting at you everywhere you go, what would you do? Huh!” At this point, your classmate had fallen through the door and onto the floor clearly confused and still with fear at you. You stomped your feet down in between their legs. “He’s tries and works hard like everyone else here! He got in here through, didn’t he?! So what if he’s got a great quirk?! Every quirk has a downside and he’s no different, but he doesn’t let that hinder him! He’s aware of it, I bet! With a quirk like that, and everyone else here, it takes a lot of patience and understand to make the best use of it!” Breathing in one last breath, you closed your eyes and stared down. ‘Wait!’
But it was too late. 
“And that’s why I love Katsuki Bakugou!” you declared as you stared at your classmate with tears down your eyes. 
‘Don’t do it.’ you thought, but your mouth kept moving. 
“I love everything about him! Every bad flaw he has, I’m not gonna deny about, but damn it! I love those about him AND his good points!” you added.
You slowly huffed as if a burden had been thrown off your chest. It felt. . . great! You said what you felt. And you was truly sincere. You. . . was in love. 
With Bakugou. 
“Um,” a random voice called out to you and your classmates. 
You looked to your side and to say embarrassed was a sheer understatement at what you saw. It was the rest of class 1-A. If all their expression of pure shock and confusion was one thing. Leave it to the fact a few had quite a few “I hear what you said” cheeky smirks. Even Bakugou, the person you had been making it a mission to avoid, had over heard everything. You glanced away clearly not wanting to see his expression. Why would you? You just basically humiliated him in front of everyone.
‘He must hate me now.’ you thought as tears started to fall down your face more.
You rushed to try and wipe the tears away from your face, but only more came. You looked like a mess. A disgusting mess. And now a possible laughing stock to everyone around you.
“Hey,” one of your classmates went to comfort you along with one of the girls from 1-A. 
Instead of taking their generous concern, you just acted on instinct again. What was the point of being here? You just found out NOW how you feel and confessed in front of everyone INCLUDING your  now called crush! Slipping away, you dashed off again. The only sound of angry yelling and pleads coming your way, but they were drowned out by the distance between and your sobbing voice.
You had made it to Recovery Girl’s infirmary. Lucky enough, she was generous and allowed you inside as you was red from tears and slightly in pain. She offered to heal you as she was probably concerned if you had been sore in some place. You shook your head at the offer. It may fix the painful eyes, but it wouldn’t fix your broken heart. Instead, you pleaded with her to allow you to stay and rest. Besides, your heart needed the rest and some place quiet sounded really nice right now.
“Alright,” Recovery Girl agreed. “I can see what you need most right now is time.”
“Thank you,” you smiled.
“But,” she interjected.
You blinked confused at the sudden “but”. 
Recovery Girl’s face smiled, “Time is short. If you live in regret and fear, you won’t be able to move forward in life. Take risk and chances, they may end up being the best and cherished moments of your life.”
You didn’t quite understand what she was getting at. She shook her head claiming you’ll see. She slowly made a walk to the door, “I’ll be going out to talk to Aizawa about your arrival and see what he has to say on it. That includes your teacher as well. I’ll be leaving my door open in case you choose you are comfortable again and ready to leave.”
“Thank you so much Recovery Girl,” you smiled wider; almost making your cheeks hurt. 
With that, she had left you to yourself to think. Time? What time? You had a lot of time. Although, you weren’t immortal. And what’s wrong with fear, it’s natural to be afraid. Sometimes you had accept some things. Even if it hurts. . . Very badly. What risk was there to take? If it was about Bakugou, that was long gone now. How could he like you even--much more even love you? That was too much a dream. Especially after the staring and that sudden speech! 
You cuddle up in the bed sheets wishing you hadn’t even thought of him because now you was burning up again.
“I love him.” you mumbled as a smile came across your cheeks. “I love. . . Bakugou Katsuki.” You gave the sheets a tight squeeze. It felt so nice to say it. 
You wondered if you could keep saying it over and over again. 
Too bad, that didn’t last long.
“Damn it,” a voice growled. 
“Dude,” another one called out, “you gotta chill.”
“Yeah,” a third joined in, “they couldn’t have THAT gotten far.”
That voice! Was that Bakugou? What was he doing here? And he wasn’t alone. There was two others as well. 
“Why the fuck are you two following me?” Bakugou barked. “Get lost!”
“Do you have to be so mean to us?” the third one asked. “We’re only trying to help. Besides, you probably scared them off again if they see you.”
“You---,” he growled.
“What Denki means to say is they was really surprised!” the second spoke up as if to ease the tension. 
You glanced at the door from the infirmary. That was Bakugou alright, but the other two you could remember somewhat well. If you recall them from the Sport Festival; Kirishima and Kaminari. They had been known to be around Bakugou a lot along with some other people you had heard about. 
“What are they doing searching for me?” you questioned as you peeked from behind the curtain. 
Only it was your mistake to. As you noticed their silhouettes, you found it kind of cute how Bakugou was still goofy with how expressive his silhouette that still showed irritation. The other two looked to be backing off. Not in fear, but more to calm the explosive boy down. It was then when you got distracted a red-eye had locked into your own from a small peek from outside the infirmary door.. You shrieked before hiding in the sheets.
“IfuckedupIfuckedupIfuckedupIfuckedupIfuckedup!” you lowly shrieked.
“Did you hear that,” Kirishima asked. 
“It’s coming from in Recovery Girl’s infirmary.” Kaminari deduced. 
‘Oh no,’ you worried as you squinted your eyes.
“Get going,” Bakugou ordered lowly as if his voice was more calm than usual.
“Oh come on!” Kaminari whined. 
“I’m only gonna say this once,” Bakugou warned. “I don’t need your help. Get lost.”
“You c---.” Kaminari protested.
“Okay,” Kirishima nodded. 
“Kirishima, you can not be serious!” Kaminari argued.
“Right now,” Kirishima sighed, “this is Bakugou’s own personal battle. Were rooting for ya, bud!”
“Tch,” Bakugou hissed.
It soon remained silent. And for a second you felt at ease. As you slipped out of the sheets to sigh a relief, the curtain was ripped, metaphorically, open to reveal a pissed off Bakugou.
“Found you,” he grinned. 
“Ahhhh,” you screamed as you rushed into hiding again.
“Not that shit again,” the ash-blond hissed as he pulled the sheet to reveal your swollen eyes and blushing face. 
You glanced again to avoid any more eye contact. Your heart was racing again. You wanted to shift away. Besides, Bakugou was probably grossed out by how you looked. Anyone would be. Your muscles wouldn’t move. You couldn’t shift further away. You was. . . cornered? There was literally no other escape out of this now.
“You look like shit.” he responded. 
“I know,” you only admitted a bit soured though.
It was silent for awhile. You could hear the sound of a chair being shifted near you. Was he really not going to leave?  
“Say it again,” he demanded.
“What?” you asked glancing only to glance away when you noticed his eyebrow twitched.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” he growled.
“Huh,” you still didn’t understand.
Until it clicked.
“Oh!,” you realized, “you mean. . . that.” Your face was burning up again. 
“Well, duh,” Bakugou said. “What the fuck did you think I meant?”
“I don’t know.” you spoke sadly. “About how you’re rude and abrasive, but I still lov----.”
“You. Are.Doing. It. AGAIN!” Bakugou barked his patience running low. 
“I LOVE YOU!” you screamed in nervousness.
It was happening again. The tears was running down your sore cheeks. You only made hiccup noises as you wanted to rub your eyes. Sadly, you felt the stinging in your eyes, so rubbing was a definite no go. You heard a sigh from the ash-blond. You wasn’t sure, but you was surely scared from his silence. 
“Quit crying,” he mumbled. “You’re only making it worse.”
“Eh,” you glanced up.
To your surprised, the sudden anger that was there was no longer tense. The air felt. . . awkward? Bakugou was scratching his head as he too was looking away. The redness a bit faint on his ears. Was he. . . nervous? This was a rather extremely rare moment for you to see the explosive student of 1-A, Bakugou Katsuki, being red and nervous.
“Damn it,” he swore. “What you said earlier. . . that, uh, was a confession wasn’t it, right? That whole “love” shit. Fuck.”
You was a bit lost for words as you was witnessing your crush literally struggling to say anything. Why did it feel so. . . adorable? It was as if the sudden anger and all things you heard from rumors feel flat to what you was literally witnessing right in front of you. Right now, the pain in your eyes was an afterthought, because right now, right in front of you, your crush, the person you was in love with, looked so different. As if, Bakugou was having his own problems.
He glared you, his face once again the usual pissed off, but it felt as if the redness had spread even faster. “ANSWER ME!”
“YES,” you squeaked as redness of your own showed up. “I mean,” you swallowed a lump in your throat, “yes, it was a confession, I think?”
“You think,” he deadpanned. “Then all that shit you said about me earlier was just you sprouting nonsense bull crap, huh?”
“No,” you denied. “I meant it, but it came out really stupid probably even grossed you out.”
“And so what?” he said. 
You blinked, “What?”
“You said exactly what you fucking felt and held true to your shit on those feelings.” he complimented. “You stood up to that bastard you was yelling at earlier, didn’t you? And saying all that emotional shit. Heh, that takes some fucking guts to sprout all that.”
You remained speechless at his words. Was this a compliment and a “good job”? Was he praising you for confessing or standing up for what you felt? Did he not know it was about him? No, he should have know from the whole “I love Katsuki Bakugou” part.
He continued, “I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to give you some answer, huh?” He was scratching his head harder. 
‘He’s a lot more cuter when he’s struggling.’ you externally smiled. ‘It’s like he’s still not sure what to do with his own feelings to answer mine.’
His red-eyes locked with your own again. “Quit smiling at me, damn it!”
“Sorry,” you apologize smiling even harder. “It’s just you look cute when confused? Like even people like you have a hard time when it comes to feelings of the heart.”
“C-cute,” his eye twitched at a lost at the word coming from you. 
Was that too soon?
“I don’t mean to insult!” you defended. 
“Tsk,” he scoffed, “listen well then, dumbass!”
You nervously nodded.
“As of right now,” he grinned, “I’ll accept these stupid feeling or some shit.”
You felt your heart was being lifted. Was he saying to go out? Was this a date? You didn’t deny, you felt amazing that your feelings was being acknowledged, but how he was doing it was confusing you more than ever. 
“Under one condition,” he demanded.
“Eh,” you asked a bit worried now.
“Show me,” he ordered. “Show me exactly how you feel! Words can mean a lot of shit, but if you really do love me as you claim then show me! Don’t hold back! Don’t half-ass it! And don’t go soft on me either! Just because you got some feelings for me shouldn’t hold you back! You love me, right?! Then come at me with all you got!”
You was going to say something, but before you got the chance to even put your own cent in it, Bakugou was already pulling away from your bed and scooting the chair back in the place it was before. Was he leaving? 
“Wait, please, don’t leave,” you pleaded as you grabbed onto hand. 
“Huh?” he paused taking notice of the tight grip you had on his hand. 
“Please,” your red embarrassment and redness from tears still there. “Stay with me. Here. Please.” you swallowed. “I’ll show you how much I feel because no one has impacted me so hard as you do, Bakugou! Just this once though, could you hold my hand and keep me company! Please! I know it’s asking a lot after all that has happen and you mu---.”
“Alright, geez,” Bakugou groaned. “Will you stop with the pleases?! Fucking hell!” He placed the seat back where he had it previously as he never let go of your hand--almost matching the grip of tightness. “Now gets some fucking rest, alright!”
You nodded almost about to cry again as you smiled, “MHM!”
“And stop crying!” he barked. “You act like I’m going to disappear or something!”
“I’m just,” you said as you snuggled into the sheets again, but a bit closer to Bakugou as you let your other hand encase his one hand he gave you, “I’m so happy! Can you blame me? It feels like a dream right now. . .” The tiresomeness from earlier was now starting to settling down on you. Your eyes slowing drifting off to close. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled looking away.
 “And Bakugou,” you called grabbing the boy’s attention again.
“I said get some rest and quit ta--,” he stopped.
A joyous smile on your face as you stared at the boy, “I love you, Bakugou Katsuki.”
You was certain you saw more red on his face. Or was that his eyes? You was losing vision and sound started to fade. Yet, you was at ease. Everything was moving slower now and just having him near; right now. You felt as if you truly was comfortable. Truly safe. Truly. . .
Complete. And in love. In love with Bakugou Katsuki and even if it was only accepted. That was enough for you because you wasn’t alone anymore.
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chockfullofsecrets · 6 years
Class 1-A vs. Tickle Might: Part 1
<< Prologue (in case you’re wondering what’s going on) :: Part 2 >>
(A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who offered their kind feedback, especially @gigglingknight ! 2.7k words and 4 kids - Mineta’s not getting back up again - down, 16 to go! Hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think - favorite scene, constructive criticism - your feedback will keep me awake at night to write part 2!)
The forty combined eyes of class 1-A were locked on All Might as he leapt gracefully from the wall of the training grounds, passing overhead and descending in a lazy arc into the mock city before them.
“He moves like a missile,” Momo said thoughtfully. “You would think such a big person would be less aerodynamic.”
Other students were less calm. “He’s gonna kill us all!” Mineta yelled. “I won’t get to enjoy my summer break at all!”
Hagakure clung to Ojiro’s arm. “Guys, I bet Aizawa-sensei sent him to beat us up before training camp. He probably thinks we won’t cause as much trouble if we’re all in full-body casts!”
Ojiro laughed, but he too was looking at the cluster of buildings in obvious dismay. “All Might’s the number one hero, he wouldn’t just indiscriminately fight us. I think.”
Even Aoyama’s sparkle was a little dimmed, his eyes wide in alarm behind his visor. “Mon dieu, didn’t you see what he did to Bakugou and Midoriya? His smile was as twinkling as ever, but… it was scary!”
“And he’s at full strength this time,” Satou added, his big lips pursed.
Those of them who were afraid edged closer to one other, clutching at armor and fabric and hands as if hoping they would fuse together into a single pro capable of taking on the Number One Hero. A select few, though, prepared to rally.
“It’ll be all right, guys!” Deku was smiling. Of course he was. “There’s a lot of us, and we have more experience using team attacks now! I’m sure we can impress All Might and Aizawa-sensei!”
Iida frowned. “Won’t it be easier for him to find us if we all stay in a group?”
“Maybe, but I feel safer with you guys!” Sero said.
“Let’s come up with a plan!”
A familiar snarl filled the air. “You extras can plan all you want!” Bakugou announced. “I’m going to face him head on! The only thing that would make me surrender is having to listen to you idiots for another minute!” He spun on his heel and stalked off, quickly disappearing behind the piles of concrete.
Kirishima grinned. “Guess I know what I’m doing, then.”
Mineta howled. “Just let him die! He’s really annoying! And if you get caught in the crossfire between him and All Might there’s no way you’ll survive.”
He shrugged. “Maybe, but I can’t just let him go in alone! And besides, what could be a manlier last sight on Earth than those two going at it?”
“I’ll come too,” Mina said, bouncing up and down on her toes. “I want to watch! And maybe I can get some surprise attacks in with my acid!”
The two of them headed off together after Bakugou, cheerily waving a goodbye to the rest of the group. Kaminari waved back at them like it was the last he would ever see of his two friends. Jirou scoffed and turned to look at the two planners left in their group. “Let’s call them the distraction, then… Momo, Midoriya, do you guys have any ideas?”
Bakugou’s arms throbbed inside his gauntlets.
The wounds from his finals match had been healed by Recovery Girl  - the old hag had been surprised that he’d been hurt so bad, even though Deku was in the next bed over with a shitty bruised spine, as if he wasn’t just as dedicated to winning even if it means shattering every bone in his damn arm – but the memory of just how much it hurt was still in there.
He almost wished Kirishima was here to guard his back. Shitty Hair could take a punch, at least. Maybe even one of All Might’s. But he didn’t need him to win. All he needed was the chance to get in one good blow of his own this time –
A sound behind him. He whirled around, one sweat-filled hand slinging behind him with even more force. As soon as he could see his target, he would –
Something closed around his wrist. A sudden jerking sensation as his arm was pulled upwards, and the explosion seared harmlessly into the air.
All Might was holding him suspended by one hand. Like a freaking ragdoll. “Ah, young hero! I might have expected you to come face me head-on.”
Instead of replying, he tried to blast the man with his other hand. It joined the other above his head just as quickly, held in that same massive grip. “What are you doing? DON’T RESTRAIN ME, YOU SHITTY – let me fight, old man!”
All Might propped his free hand on his hip. “A brave face, huh? You must really want a rematch. I think your sleeveless uniform’s really going to put you at a disadvantage in this round…”
He cocked his hand, fingers spread stiffly for a grab or chop, and Bakugou wasn’t afraid, he wasn’t, but that didn’t keep his body from flinching, a fruitless attempt to protect himself from the painful blow.
His captor paused. “Young Bakugou, are you – are you frightened of me?”
He lowered his arm enough for Bakugou to get his feet on the ground – still up on his toes, but at least he wasn’t hanging there like a sack of meat. “My boy, I must say that I’m very sorry about the end of our last battle. I wouldn’t have stopped you so forcefully if I didn’t think you were about to seriously injure yourself.”
“I’m not fucking afraid, okay? Just hit me already so I can hit back.”
All Might looked unconvinced. “Ah, that’s… good, young hero! Such an indomitable spirit!” His smile grew impossibly wider. “Besides, you won’t come to any harm today!”
“Oh yeah? Then what the fuck are we here to do, talk each other into submission? And what do you mean, I’m at a disadvantage because my uniform doesn’t have sleeves?”
“Ah, yes.” All Might cocked his hand again. His fingers were wiggling this time, and somehow this spiked Bakugou’s apprehension in an entirely different way. “Allow me to demonstrate.”
He’d never put much thought into a costume redesign, but as All Might’s evil hands came in contact with his bare armpits he decided that he needed more armor. Immediately. “W-whahaHAT! THE HEHEHELL?!” His palms were sparking uselessly into the sky, face bent into a helpless grin, and shit he was glad that none of the others in his class were here right now.
It was a relief, almost, not to be thrust into another bloody fight with his hero, but that didn’t stop him from kicking and screaming bloody murder, still on his tiptoes as he strained for some leverage to protect himself. All Might was chuckling. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you smile, young Bakugou! A very good imitation of my trademark, but perhaps we can do better!”
“NOHO – nowecan’t – AHAHA!” His entire torso was helpless under the attack, and his face hurt from smiling so hard. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it anymore. “OKAY nonONO not thaHAT just fucking STOP I GIVE I GIVE!”
All Might let him down gently, giving one last triumphant laugh as he patted Bakugou on the back. “An admirable effort, my boy.”
“I didn’t even do anything,” he mumbled into the ground. Was he still grinning? He was, like an idiot. He was an idiot. This was terrible.
Footsteps skidded into the street. “Bakubro, we heard you screaming – laughing? – oh shit, he’s here-”
Bakugou forced his head up. Kirishima and Mina. They’d probably followed him in.
He snorted. “You’re next, morons. Better run if you’re ticklish.”
They’d worked three-quarters of the way through a plan involving Sero’s tape (just. So much tape), Tsuyu’s mucus secretion, and a titanium bondage set from Momo when an explosion roared through the air.
“Kacchan,” Deku gasped. His theory was confirmed when the explosion died down only to be replaced with cursing at only a slightly reduced volume. And then there was the screaming.
“Such darkness,” Tokoyami intoned. “It will swallow us all.”
The screams continued, Bakugou sounding truly desperate. “OKAY nonONO not thaHAT just fucking STOP I GIVE I GIVE!”
Mineta fainted.
The racket tapered off at last, All Might’s laugh echoing tinnily in their ears as they all shivered. “Do you think he’s still alive?” Uraraka whispered. “Man, this is scary.”
Deku’s mind raced. The other students were thinking frantically too, but he had two pieces of information that no one else knew.
The first: In all the videos he’d seen of All Might, he’d never heard of him making a villain beg for mercy. All Might preferred to harm the villains he captured as little as possible, making it easier to the police to detain them without having to provide medical treatment and having the added effect of minimizing property damage.
The second: He’d grown up with Kacchan, who had never been in the habit of screaming in anything other than rage. The only thing that had ever made him howl like that had happened when they were little, and it was – it was –
“Midoriya’s about to faint,” Todoroki said.
“Deku?” Uraraka shook him. “What’s going on?”
He swallowed. “We need to split up and hide. Now.”
The class looked at each other in alarm. If even he couldn’t maintain his determination…
They were all going to die.
“We’re not going to die!” Mina gushed. “This is so fun! This is fantastic!”
She and Kirishima were sprinting away from All Might as fast as they could, taking corners at random in hopes that they would lose him. “Yeah, if we can make it back to the others, they’ll definitely be less scared!”
“Are you certain of that, young hero?”
They both skidded to a stop, but Kirishima still crashed into All Might’s massive chest and rebounded onto the ground. Mina shot past them both with a shriek. “All Might!”
The man crouched over him. “I was surprised not to find you with your friends, young Kirishima.”
“We were trying to find Bakugou,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. “Mina and I are really bad with directions though, so we got lost until we heard him screaming.”
“It seems you arrived at the perfect time to become my next victim,” the hero intoned, and wow that smile was the most ominous thing he’d ever seen now.
“I – haha –“ Kirishima spluttered, before remembering that he had a quirk. “Ha!” he exclaimed, activating his quirk and feeling immensely relieved as his skin hardened to a rock-like texture. “There’s no way you can tickle me now!”
“It will be more difficult,” All Might mused. Suddenly, he yanked one of Kirishima’s boots off. “I wonder, do your palms and soles harden as well?”
Kirishima, who’d had his quirk for all of twelve years, suddenly couldn’t remember. He glanced frantically at one of his hands and mentally cheered. “Ah, they do.”
All Might frowned, as much as he could frown. “If all your skin hardens, it’s pretty surprising that you can move at all…” Taking Kirishima’s foot gently in his hand, he rotated it right and left. “If this works, then…”
Kirishima felt something brush against his ankle, and without thinking, snickered at the ticklish sensation.
All Might’s grin came back in full force. Hesitantly, Kirishima offered him a weak smile. “Uh… maybe I just have a really cool quirk… and tickling definitely won’t work on me?”
Turned out, his ankles were traitors. A few scratches from All Might and he was already giggling frantically, his other foot drumming against the ground as he tried to roll over and crawl away. Even worse, as he lost focus his quirk began to waver, and despite his effort of squeezing his eyes shut and trying to will the laughter away he could feel his protective shell softening around him.
“Not so tough now, young hero,” All Might teased, and Kirishima groaned internally at the joke as his torture became a thousand times worse. The soles of his feet, the soft skin behind his knees – even squeezing his calf produced a new wave of laughter from him.
He couldn’t take it. No wonder Bakugou had been collapsed on the ground. “Mihihina…. MINA, HELP!”
A pair of pink arms wound themselves around All Might’s neck – Mina, jumping on his back. “Hi! All Might-sensei, can I go next?”
The tickling eased up a little as All Might turned his head to smile at her. “You know, my girl, this is technically a test.”
She pouted. “I know, but… tickling! I already failed my practical anyway, so I’m sure I’ll have to take the remedial classes. I might as well relax and have some fun while I can instead of running! Right, Kirishima?”
Panting, he considered this situation. This was definitely more fun than a fight, and it was really nice after the nightmare of preparing for finals. “Heh… yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I can hardly refuse such a polite request,” All Might proclaimed grandly, “but first, I need to hear a surrender from young Kirishima here!” He reached a hand up to scratch at Kirishima’s ribcage, the boy squeaking as he tried to bat it away.
“I could help,” Mina offered slyly.
“No, yOU CAHAN’T!” Two pairs of hands hovered over him, Mina reaching over All Might’s shoulder with her evilest grin. “Wait, wait, I give!”
All Might roared with laughter, offering Kirishima a hearty embrace as he wobbled to his feet. “A smart decision! She’s very determined!”
He glared half-heartedly at Mina, shaking his head with a rueful grin. “I’m going to get you for this.” He turned to All Might. “Do we get to watch the others?”
“You do have to leave the training ground. However, your Aizawa-sensei’s in the evaluation room. If he permits you to enter, then you can watch with him!”
“Cool! I’ll see you there, Ashido.” He looked around. “Which way is the exit again?”
As he left, Mina prepared to jump off All Might and take off – she felt like running at least a little bit, after seeing how wrecked Kirishima looked. But before she could so much as loosen her grip, All Might spoke in a decidedly villainous voice. “Well, young Ashido, this means it’s your turn now.”
He grabbed her uniform and yanked, and the next thing she knew she had tumbled over his shoulder and straight into his arms with a surprised shout. He dropped to the ground, cross legged, and released her unceremoniously into his lap. “Wow, you move… really fast, sensei!”
All Might chuckled. Evilly. “You said you wanted to relax, young hero? Perhaps you’d like a massage?” His fingers dug into the muscle at the back of her shoulders, and she found herself squealing with laughter as they hunched up instinctively. “Hm… you don’t look very relaxed. Maybe a different technique?” Said technique was a light massaging of her ribcage that had her curled into a shaking ball, giggling her head off. “This seems a bit harsh… are you really having fun, young Ashido?”
“Yehehes!” she giggled, burying her head in his shoulder. “Lohots of fun!”
His breath stirred her hair as he huffed with laughter. “All right, then.” He continued happily, paying special attention to her neck when he discovered that tickling her there produced actual cackles. She lasted for nearly three minutes before slapping at his hands and gasping breathlessly for mercy.
All Might waited until she caught her breath to move, standing them up together. She jumped onto him once more, offering him a hug from the front this time. He returned it slowly, a little surprised but pleased nonetheless. “You’ve had your fun, young Ashido! I hope you’ll apply as much dedication to attaining mastery of your studies!”
“I will”, she promised, climbing to his shoulder and somersaulting off to the ground. “Thanks a lot, All Might-sensei! It’s really nice of you and Aizawa-sensei to do this for us!”
He had to point her in the direction of the exit as well. She left with a cheerful smile, and he smiled in return as he cracked his knuckles.
Time to find his next target.
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