#Meeting Place
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huariqueje · 3 months
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Meeting Place on the Crest of the Hill - Annette Björk Swensson , 2024.
Swedish , b. 1956   - 
Oil on canvas , 52 x 72 cm.
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patanahikyun · 5 months
pata hai ?
yahaan se bohot dur...
galat aur sahi ke paar..
ek maidan hai..
mai vaha miluga tujhe...
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charmed-n-zesty · 11 months
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reengineeredluminary · 2 months
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It is true that we all desire greatness at what we do, to be unique, to show amazing talent .. we hope for it, long for it but get disillusioned and lose belief that we can achieve it. The truth is that we all have greatness within us. Believe you can and with persistence you will achieve whatever you want.
“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle"
Christian D. Larson
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terrence-silver · 2 years
What are some scenarios that could lead old man Terry to meeting his future beloved? Like where would that era of Terry most likely meet his beloved?
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The most obvious answers could be something like; at the Country Club! Some exclusive Gala! A high-end garden party! A Synagogue! An art exhibition! An elite charity event! A corporate meeting! An auction! A Yacht! An invite-only gentleman's joint! An Opera, for all we know. Anywhere from Korea, Tahiti, Japan and back again! Anywhere in the world, globetrotter that he is. Wherever the rich and the famous might mingle --- a crowd where Terry very much belongs and finds himself at home with. But, I think that answer only covers a small percentage of the actual truth.
Because I think Terry Silver, unbeknownst to most anyone, mingles everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Yes, often times dressed as a common, unassuming bypasser just minding his own business; now you see him and now you don't. Sometimes, he's driving a run-down blue Ford truck posing himself as a hard-done-by Dojo owner downtown and other times, decades later, clearly not having changed all that much from his old ways, he might just be some smartly dressed, not at all shabby looking old man at the local Mini-Mart, intimidating Daniel Larusso between the produce aisles and leaving without buying a single thing. That's just a casual Wednesday for him. Nobody suspecting this is one of the wealthiest men on the West Coast, if not much, much further.
I think Terry Silver likes to scope out ordinary people, just for the sake of it.
He likes to scope out ordinary places too.
I think he enjoys the sport of getting down there with your commonplace Joe-Schmoe, and just observe, like one observes a Safari of animals. He likes to feel the pulse of everyone around him. Seek out opportunity, even if that opportunity rears its head in the form of some kid he bribes at a random club in 1985 to tactically hit on some girl so he can agitate Daniel into violence, right before making his quick escape into a back-alley in the dead of night, having caused a ruckus on the dance-floor. Yes, why not. It is fun, and Terry Silver seeks fun. It is also an investment and he seeks that doubly so. He seeks chance. Out on the street, in unexpected nooks and crannies or at a parking lot at midnight, while the very next day, he might be on the cover of Forbes as the most, ehm, Charitable Man of the Decade, and an incidental pedestrian would be none the wiser. Or they might just see his face on front page and think that that looks awfully familiar to that one guy, borderline thinking they've gone mad and are imagining things. That can't be same person, right? That might amuse Terry, in the most perverse and chaotic sense. Give him a sort of power --- over his environment and everyone around him, even mere strangers he has no intention of seeing ever again, except for what research and amusement they provided in the moment. The gleeful satisfaction that he's so big and so important and yet nobody knows. Not unless he wants them to, being entirely in control of the narrative and his identity --- and how it is perceived. That his ability to camouflage, disguise and hide himself with just a few cleverly chosen fashion choices and a difference in bearing is that great that it can trick people. The world is a sort of playground for him, and day-to-day people tend to be hilariously prone to being bribed, threatened, influenced, swayed, talked into things and used. Their lives are raw and interesting in ways that are hard to describe and it is a special type of voyeurism Terry Silver has undoubtedly indulged in in one form or another all his life.
Didn't Roman Emperors occasionally disguise themselves to mingle with the plebian rabble too? Terry fancies himself similar. In fact, he knows he is.
He also might be something of an adrenaline junkie; where just minding his own business stripped down from the strappings of his wealth might be genuinely engaging and good sport for him because he gets to know exactly how he will be viewed when nobody knows he's a Billionaire. His fascination almost experimental in nature, bearing a mischievous, childlike curiosity, if not an off-shoot of his tendency to pathologically lie and fabricate whole entire personalities, changing himself and his colors like a chameleon. Almost like he's goading people to show him exactly who they are. What they're like. What they're true nature is when faced with just some guy they've nothing to gain from out there.
So, beloved? Beloved might meet their King Cobra anywhere.
Anywhere at all.
A prospect both exciting and in equal measure daunting.
Because one never knows...
(I write more about this topic in my fanfic right here x)
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nicoscheer · 1 year
Open'er Festival 2016 will always be iconic
For this
And this During Meeting place
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And this with wonderful vocals for Calm like you,
His pants really got strong fabric
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And also their Tame Impala song
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A renaissance painting
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mazeppafanart · 2 years
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“you’re too big...lemme breath pls “ TwT
yup eggy is on vacation XD
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tenth-sentence · 11 months
In the end they all agreed that the best thing was to go off and try to meet Roonwit.
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle" - C. S. Lewis
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wisdomfish · 1 year
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near
Hebrews 10:24-25
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huariqueje · 27 days
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Rendez-vous - Arie van Geest , 2015.
Dutch , b. 1948 -
Oil on canvas , 105 x 135 cm.
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jonreytrevino · 1 year
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Little Hole in the Wall
pixel_dailies : meeting place : 7/13/23
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There’s a world far away from here
Where looking at the sun doesn’t hurt your eyes 
Where, i don't fear your death
And you are safe
I will meet you there.
There is a world far away
Where we are making bubble rings
And my breath tastes of music
I feel no longing
Coz i already have everything,
i have ever longed for.
There is a world, not decades away from here
Where time stops for you
And you aren’t sad
We are giggling together
And I feel no pain.
I  will meet you there.
I will meet you there.
- S
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 6 months
I'm a cryptid in Stardew valley. I live on the outskirts of town. I disappear for days on end, purchasing daily one-way tickets to the calico desert. Nobody knows where I go while I'm there. Can occasionally be found fishing at random spots throughout town. I am never not running on at least one triple shot espresso. I take the abandoned minecarts to get around and am frequently seen disappearing into the sewers. I carry a sword for some reason. Once every week or two I will stride into your bedroom to deliver you your favorite meal. I'm a self-made millionaire. I attend all the town events and will go to your concert in the next town over. I have donated approximately 2583 items to the local museum and singlehandedly revitalized the town community center. There are rumors I can talk to junimos. I'm friends with the local wizard
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