#tw; pathological lying
terrence-silver · 2 years
What are some scenarios that could lead old man Terry to meeting his future beloved? Like where would that era of Terry most likely meet his beloved?
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The most obvious answers could be something like; at the Country Club! Some exclusive Gala! A high-end garden party! A Synagogue! An art exhibition! An elite charity event! A corporate meeting! An auction! A Yacht! An invite-only gentleman's joint! An Opera, for all we know. Anywhere from Korea, Tahiti, Japan and back again! Anywhere in the world, globetrotter that he is. Wherever the rich and the famous might mingle --- a crowd where Terry very much belongs and finds himself at home with. But, I think that answer only covers a small percentage of the actual truth.
Because I think Terry Silver, unbeknownst to most anyone, mingles everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Yes, often times dressed as a common, unassuming bypasser just minding his own business; now you see him and now you don't. Sometimes, he's driving a run-down blue Ford truck posing himself as a hard-done-by Dojo owner downtown and other times, decades later, clearly not having changed all that much from his old ways, he might just be some smartly dressed, not at all shabby looking old man at the local Mini-Mart, intimidating Daniel Larusso between the produce aisles and leaving without buying a single thing. That's just a casual Wednesday for him. Nobody suspecting this is one of the wealthiest men on the West Coast, if not much, much further.
I think Terry Silver likes to scope out ordinary people, just for the sake of it.
He likes to scope out ordinary places too.
I think he enjoys the sport of getting down there with your commonplace Joe-Schmoe, and just observe, like one observes a Safari of animals. He likes to feel the pulse of everyone around him. Seek out opportunity, even if that opportunity rears its head in the form of some kid he bribes at a random club in 1985 to tactically hit on some girl so he can agitate Daniel into violence, right before making his quick escape into a back-alley in the dead of night, having caused a ruckus on the dance-floor. Yes, why not. It is fun, and Terry Silver seeks fun. It is also an investment and he seeks that doubly so. He seeks chance. Out on the street, in unexpected nooks and crannies or at a parking lot at midnight, while the very next day, he might be on the cover of Forbes as the most, ehm, Charitable Man of the Decade, and an incidental pedestrian would be none the wiser. Or they might just see his face on front page and think that that looks awfully familiar to that one guy, borderline thinking they've gone mad and are imagining things. That can't be same person, right? That might amuse Terry, in the most perverse and chaotic sense. Give him a sort of power --- over his environment and everyone around him, even mere strangers he has no intention of seeing ever again, except for what research and amusement they provided in the moment. The gleeful satisfaction that he's so big and so important and yet nobody knows. Not unless he wants them to, being entirely in control of the narrative and his identity --- and how it is perceived. That his ability to camouflage, disguise and hide himself with just a few cleverly chosen fashion choices and a difference in bearing is that great that it can trick people. The world is a sort of playground for him, and day-to-day people tend to be hilariously prone to being bribed, threatened, influenced, swayed, talked into things and used. Their lives are raw and interesting in ways that are hard to describe and it is a special type of voyeurism Terry Silver has undoubtedly indulged in in one form or another all his life.
Didn't Roman Emperors occasionally disguise themselves to mingle with the plebian rabble too? Terry fancies himself similar. In fact, he knows he is.
He also might be something of an adrenaline junkie; where just minding his own business stripped down from the strappings of his wealth might be genuinely engaging and good sport for him because he gets to know exactly how he will be viewed when nobody knows he's a Billionaire. His fascination almost experimental in nature, bearing a mischievous, childlike curiosity, if not an off-shoot of his tendency to pathologically lie and fabricate whole entire personalities, changing himself and his colors like a chameleon. Almost like he's goading people to show him exactly who they are. What they're like. What they're true nature is when faced with just some guy they've nothing to gain from out there.
So, beloved? Beloved might meet their King Cobra anywhere.
Anywhere at all.
A prospect both exciting and in equal measure daunting.
Because one never knows...
(I write more about this topic in my fanfic right here x)
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somepoetwannabe · 2 months
What's so insane to me is, even with the body's parents perception of what's "really" going on with us, it would still be a cause for concern? And they should still be getting us help?
Like, if they genuinely believe we falsely fabricated memories of abuse which caused fictitious traumatic effects - why the fuck do we not have a therapist?
If they genuinely believe we lie repeatedly about being incapable of basic tasks, lie repeatedly about the answers to basic questions about ourselves, lie repeatedly about things happening to us, all because of a chronic need for attention - why the fuck do we not have a therapist?
These are all things we'd still need to see a therapist for. I feel like they constantly convince themselves we're some secret evil, that all our symptoms are the "less deserving of sympathy" versions and, therefore we are undeserving of help anyway. They're using the ableism of demonising disorders to justify their neglect. It fucking sucks.
If I have to hear we're "just quirky" one more time I swear.
Even if we were a pathological liar, we'd still be deserving of fucking help. Just because lying is deemed immoral doesn't mean you get to neglect us.
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starryvomit · 5 months
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esteljune · 8 months
Listen - [P x reader] short fic
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Notes: A vague backstory of the reader is implied. LOADS of fluff!!! you might get cavities from reading. This is totally self indulgent. I'm very insecure about this fic and had it in my draft for so long now, but it's time to share. TW: mention of alcohol abuse and violence
It wasn't the first time you had wandered around the Hotel rooms. Everyone in Krat knew the legends that swirled around that building, and you were no exception to its mysterious and sinister charm.
In its gloomy and solemn reality, the hours passed slowly. Despite the cordiality of its few inhabitants, you often felt like an outsider, alone, light-years away from that intricate and luxurious microcosm.
So you filled the voids by exploring, perhaps also to escape the inevitable questions of those who would have wanted to get to know you better. That's why, when you had finally inadvertently stuck your nose in Geppetto's study, the man's invitation to come in had caught you by surprise.
You hadn't said much to each other. Nothing in truth. He had remained silent, behind the heavy cherry wood desk, studying your interest in his work.
The more you looked, the more his talent seemed incredible to you. The elegance of those designs was undeniable, and even more so their execution. On the simple workbench at the far end of the room, a golden glow caught your full attention.
"This... is his heart, right?" you said, approaching him cautiously from behind.
"In a way. The P-Organ." he explained with undisguised pride, as your eyes traced the soft and elegant lines of the model.
Before you could realize it, a bitter grin had escaped your lips.
"Is this amusing to you?" he retorted, keeping his composure, but his face betrayed a certain tension.
"No, no, it's not that. It's just that, you know, I may not have your talent or your extraordinary ingenuity, but my father was a violent man, he drank, and as a result he was a pathological liar. So I know a liar when I see one."
You were challenging him, you were aware of it. The reason was not entirely clear to you, but it certainly had something to do with your connection to his creation.
"That boy, you call him son... You're lying. I just don't understand why." The man looked at you, more intensely than you had ever been scrutinized before.
A tight smile beneath his neatly trimmed gray mustache. His watery blue eyes, however, betrayed an unknown feeling. You didn't recognize its exact nature, but you suddenly felt vulnerable, exposed, violated.
That man, if he had the opportunity or the means, would have done harm. Perhaps he had already done so.
The thought made you shiver. You tried to hide the discomfort lodged in the back of your throat by returning his smile. You didn't trust him.
Your fingers brushed the steel surface of the heart on display on the pedestal, cold, distant, motionless. Despite its apparent fragility, you knew what it was capable of. You had felt it.
It had suddenly seemed to you an intolerable injustice, a cruel mockery of reality.
He who that heart belonged to was no longer just a mere exercise of craftsmanship. Not anymore. He felt.
"You created something so human that it has a heartbeat. And yet..."
The thud of the double inlaid wood door had shaken you. In the darkened crack, a flash of blue eyes and the now familiar mop of dark hair. The boy entered more silently than his heavy and eternal body would have suggested.
"Son. Come."
He was greeted by the man's voice at the desk, a note of tension hidden in the paternal tone.
He approached with slow, measured steps, and a shiver ran down your spine. It wasn't fear, but something deeper, a connection, perhaps. He held his eyes on you for a handful of your breaths, nothing more.
You had been about to retreat. You didn't want to witness whatever they would say, any orders given. You owed him your life, it would be too painful.
"Our guest was just talking about you. My son, my most precious creation. Come, see for yourself."
The invitation had taken you by surprise, as the creator accompanied Pinocchio to the upholstered armchair at the side of the room. The boy sat down without protest, impassive, while Geppetto bent down to his white chest between the folds of his shirt.
A wave of repulsion rose up in your throat uncontrollably. You would have wanted to see him rebel, not allow that unknown liar to violate him in that way, but he remained still, his head down, as his fingers intruded on his skin, opening a small hatch that exposed his metal heart.
You pushed back the tears that stung your throat, but your cheeks were burning with indignation.
The man looked at you, again more intensely than you would have expected. He seemed to grasp your refusal, but he prepared to mock it with a smile of benevolent compassion, as he would have done with a child in the throes of a tantrum.
"No harm done. Son, I beg you to escort our guest out of my room, I have matters to attend to elsewhere."
The boy limited himself to nodding, his heavy steel hand already gripping the inlaid armrest to lift the weight of his slender body. Curiously, he waited for his father to walk away with slow steps towards the double dark wood doors before approaching you.
You smiled, instinctively, when the clear blue eyes of him met yours in the silence of the room.
You knew he wouldn't say a word, but you had learned to appreciate his quiet, towering presence over you.
You felt the heat of anger leave your face, your breathing slowed as you waited for him to accompany you. Instead, he remained still, his irises suddenly darting away, to that chair he had abandoned just moments before.
You felt an uncontrollable tenderness for him, something you had never felt before. It overflowed from parts of your soul that you didn't remember having after so much pain.
"I don't think you're so different from me. And to understand that, you have to know yourself. You can't do that if your father treats you that way. Here, listen." You blew out a smile, gently taking his heavy mechanical hand and placing it between the folds of his white shirt, at the center of his chest.
You watched his reaction, holding your breath, you realized it too late.
That unguarded thought shook you, when had you allowed yourself to feel anything like that for him?
As you watched him listen intently to the rare and irregular beating of his mechanical heart, you were almost on the verge of touching his cold face dotted with pale freckles, but you gave up. Then, suddenly, his watery blue irises locked onto yours, silently, but laden with a message that was almost desperate, an unknown warmth.
His pale lips moved just a little, empty, not a breath, but an unspoken request. At that point you understood.
"Do you want to feel my heart?" you smiled, your eyes soft on the delicate features of that young, achingly beautiful face. He nodded.
Without further thought, you took his cold fingers in yours again and placed them on your chest. You took a breath, then another, breathlessly.
Suddenly aware of those too-frequent beats that echoed in your ears, you felt your face flush. You had been foolish. His gaze seemed unbearable, you felt vulnerable, caught in the act of that most genuine feeling.
How long had it been happening? How long had his mere presence made your heart race?
You felt the tall boy's body approach, towering over you, almost impassively scrutinizing the reactions of your burning face. It was too late to back down now. You waited.
As your heart pounded under his fingers, Pinocchio avidly weighed every contour of your face, the watery languor that animated your eyes, the flush of redness that spread across your cheeks, the slightly faster breath that escaped your lips. That must be true beauty, he thought.
"Listen... it's my heart beating for you," you whispered then, softly.
Suddenly, he felt an unfamiliar warmth in his chest, something deep, visceral... human. He didn't know the words to describe it, but it was enough to guide his body. He felt a shiver run down your warm skin as he brushed against your face, your heart skipped a beat, your breath became more labored.
Pinocchio wanted more. He wanted to know, he wanted to feel, he wanted to experience. He wanted you. What was that spark in the depths of your irises? Why was your heart beating so desperately? Were you expecting something from him? No... not that, it was something more authentic, elusive, incalculable.
"If you hadn't found me that night, I don't know what would have happened to me. The truth is, I just wanted it all to end. Not to feel pain anymore. But now... you saved me."
Pinocchio felt those words sink so deep inside him that he thought they had carved into the metal. There was pain somewhere, a faint, sweet sadness.
Under the steel palm, pressed against the soft skin, the muffled vibration of your pulses was awakening something in him that was both terribly ancient and familiar at the same time. He wondered what he should do. The undeniable reason for which he had come into the world imposed on him to move away from you, but there was another part, more instinctive, obtuse, that desired everything from you, of your perfect humanity.
Not only that, he wanted you to see him, to want him in return. His fingers moved again instinctively, gently grasped your hand and from your chest led it to his. That silence inside him suddenly seemed unnatural, artificial, he would have wished for a more tangible proof of his emotion.
Instead, he let time pass, counted the beats, let them trace unexplored paths within himself.
Pinocchio listened to your heart for long minutes, a spark of awareness in his blue irises that you had never seen in him before. Although it was now clear that his presence was not indifferent to you, you were happy to have fulfilled his desire, whatever its purpose.
Those feelings, whatever they were, were and would remain one-sided. You knew that well. In another time, perhaps far from him, you would have been afraid of them. Not now.
You smiled at his beautiful, motionless, silent face.
"It's better if I go now."
Pinocchio let you go in silence, your bodies moving away as if they had never been close, but a curious tension remained in the air, an unfamiliar intimacy.
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godsstrongestangel · 1 year
These are notes not observations because yes these are factz onlii 🗿 Take it with a pinch of salt
⚠️TW- sensitive, my cry soft babies 🥺 this is not for u honey just take my virtual hug 🫂 and take care of urself 💗
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Capricorn moons are a disgrace to Capricorn community it is because of them the "capricorn sun" is stereotyped as judgemental and close minded for being so rigid when in reality it is true for moons onli the cap suns are the sweetest and most open minded people ever infact they are observational and not judgemental which indicates a higher level of intelligence unlike the cap moons (we get it its in detriment and you got a ton loads of mommy issue but baby whos gonna heal them? 🤡forget being the joker now, past is over)
Same way libra suns are petty and pathetic esp with their manipulative as well as people pleasing behaviors they are disgrace to libra community its other libra placements that represents true beauty and not shallowness or over rationalisation
I have to break it up to you but aquarius venus does not move on that easily infact many times it fails to move on they are just good at hiding it wanna know why? Because it is ruled by saturn daddy that means it is disciplined, determined and focused AND NO THEY ARE NOT CHEATERSSSS!!! Also being ruled by uranus means they will keep on bringing new changes (cant say for good or bad whoops!! ) in the relationship because it is a visionary sign they are probably daydreaming about marriage 🥺🥺 and yall are here throwin misiformation😒💀 PLUS ITSSS A FIXED SIGN WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM A FIXED SIGN SOCIETY?? TO MOVE ON IN THE SNAP OF A FINGER LIKE THANOSSSS BRO??
Now speaking of fixed venuses (aquarius, taurus, scorpio and leo) all of these fixed venus people at least have one lover they can never move on from they might feel they have moved on then suddenly the memories resurface 🏄🏻‍♀️🏄🏻‍♀️ you thought it was over huh?🤺🤺
Whats up with SCORPIO placements having a love for dogs and having a dog pet at least once in their life (esp moon) and then scorpio suns usually hating cats? 🗿 is it because they are willful and wont be manipulated by u? I suggest u seek some psychopath diagnosis this is some serious underdeveloped energy SIS/BRO IT IS UNHEALTHY
Aries and Scorpio mars would love the idea of tearing your clothes while making out or making love 😏💗🥵
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Libra moons with air rising should actually consider polyamory
All libra moons are true romantics or should i say hopeless romantics
Cancer suns are pathological liars Its not Gemini yall need to stop giving them fake rep of lying
Leos suns talk a lot and they do not mix well with earth suns even if they try to earth sun will eventually find themselves pissed and drained bcuz of how much they speak and boast they are constantly speaking 😂 (gives headaches in worst case scenario)
Virgo sun and risings really do a lot of stuff and chores despite having phone addiction and even if they are not good in academic or dislike what they are studying they will still be seen suffering with books and notebooks
Venusians suns with leo moon are pretty miserable they are pessimistic and overthinkers it feels like they dont have touch with their emotions at all because they are constantly rationalising emotions to the point they are repulsive to deep feelers and feels almost inhumane 😬like you would not like forming deep connections with them because you will realise they lack emotional capabilities to connect with they sometimes can even make you loathe them or very annoyed its like you are dealing with someone who doesnt make sense at all as if their brain is underdeveloped or something you just dont wanna deal with them
Scorpio placements are not loyal
Sagittarius placements and doms laugh a lot 😂
All capricorn suns and virgo risings are skinny or petite
Aquarius suns do love posting on social media a lot and they do care about ur instagram 💀
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Air venus can easily stay loyal with online relationships infact they are all loyal idk where the stereotypes are stemming from
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💙- Vent. TW suicide baiting mention, lots of cussing. Replies of any kind OK, idc just need to put this out there
We're a DID system, professionally diagnosed. And we just need to get this off our chest - The DID/OSDD is the single most toxic, hateful, exclusionary, and controlling community we've ever interacted with. That includes communities for every other demographic we occupy (queer, autistic, personality disorder, etc) and every single subculture / fandom we've been apart of as well. .
First of all, the anti-endo shit. Despite being [partially] traumagenic and heavily disordered, we're passionately supportive of endos. And oh boy you better believe that means we get excluded and harassed right away. We've been told to kill ourselves, been told we're lying about our diagnosis and trauma, been told we deserved our trauma, that they hope it happens again, etc. All for the crime of *checks notes* believing that people can determine their own subjective, internal experiences :|
Pretty much all other forms of syscourse are awful too. The fact that there's been entire blogs on here dedicated to trying to spot fakers. The fact that having too many alters or fictives, or not having enough, or not being able to afford a diagnosis, or having weird system experiences, can all get your fakeclaimed. The fact that now people are debating over whether or not OSDD-1a "counts" as a system.
The entire community is absolutely obsessed with controlling how others identify and what qualifies as being a system. They attempt to put boundaries around how severe your trauma has to be, or what age the trauma happens at. They're genuinely willing to look a trauma survivor in the face and say, "Well actually, since your trauma happened when you were 10 years old its impossible for you to be a system, teehee sorry, your own internal experiences don't matter <3".
They think that psychiatrists are the be-all-end-all of every neurodivergent experience Ever, despite how psychiatry has historically been wildly racist, sexist, queerphobic, and just generally suppresses people who don't fit into the norm.
They also try to dictate what recovery looks like for literally everyone, that you should want final fusion. Or if they're ok with functional multiplicity, that you should want to have as few alters as possible, and that they all have to be as normal as possible. Introjects are told that being close to their source is inherently anti-recovery. Every kind of system experience is treated as inherently pathological and something that should be fixed.
And yeah, I know that this obviously not applicable to everyone in the community. Some of these statements are relatively niche arguments, but they're all real ones I've actually seen people debating over. And more importantly, the community fosters these kinds of shitty awful takes because the entire community is built around control and exclusion. It keeps getting taken further and further entire more and more systems are being squeezed out, and only the few Acceptable systems remain.
Thank god we have the plural community, which obviously has it problems too, but the DID/OSDD community is so vitriolic, so vicious towards the "wrong kind" of trauma survivors, and so exclusionary that it is entirely antithetical to recovery and healing as a system. Its so fucking awful, and I hate it more than anything.
💙 - Vent
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dysftopian · 6 months
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(un)fashionably late introduction! hiii! my name is finn (she/her) and i'm here to introduce park jihye who has the skeleton tempest! she's a master of infiltration and disguise so...watch your backs :D i'm reasonably new to tumblr as a platform so i apologise if i make any mistakes! jihye's profile is still under construction..(i've done everything but flesh out her personality in writing form) so give me a day or two and i'll have all her details up with a proper plots thing BUT! for now i'll give a simple recap of her and some possible plot ideas i have for her! i'm always open to brainstorming and stuff so just drop a like and i'll send you a message and we can sort everything from there ^__^ TW: MILD MENTIONS OF ABUSE
born in busan to a newlywed couple, the two still celebrating their honeymoon phase for the first few months of her life, her mother being extremely protective of the child.
as months passed, jihye's father became more aggressive towards her mother and was harsher with his words and more demanding of the woman but, still always had a sweet spot for his young daughter.
when she was twelve, her mother divorced her father and moved to seoul, taking jihye with her. within six months she had lost all contact with her father, something she got mad at her mother for. (her mother blamed it on teenage hormones at the time but, jihye feels bad looking back on it now)
her mother, being a single parent in seoul, had to work incredibly hard to provide and jihye, wanting more attention from her mother, started to hang out with the wrong crowds and got into some messy situations, something that only enabled her pathological lying and grew her confidence more.
that's all in the past now though, jihye's now close to both her mother and her stepfather and the feeling of stability is really nice for her!!
enough about her past, let's talk about aegis!! she was recruited through a university debating event and trained rigorously to become a field agent. though she can hold her own ground in a fight, she's much stronger psychologically and is considered rather weak physically compared to others.
despite her being an extrovert, she is quite shy around her coworkers due to her still being reasonably new to the organization (plus...spies are cool...she doesn't want to embarrass herself..)
as mentioned before, she is a pathological liar and often has no trouble lying, as well as no motive. she can lie even while not on a mission and, at times, her loyalty may be questioned and trusting her may be harder for others. does she understand why? yes. does she still get offended? yes.
she may be seen as morally grey, simply because of how manipulative she can be towards people at times. her motives can be selfish or harmless, depends on the person and the day.
i'd add more but i might save all that for her proper pages. i'll link them when i'm done + make a post about it all!! thank u for reading this (if u did) and i hope we have lots of fun wiritng >:D
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youareinlove · 4 months
Oh please share! if you feel comfortable obviously
ok i'm gonna make you a short list and there's definitely more than this that i'm not thinking of at this exact moment but
mentioned this earlier but he wanted credit every time he didn't destroy something when he was angry which is very ???
also wanted credit for not cheating on me when we'd been together for ONE WEEK
did this with the girl he was into before me but he wouldn't let her best friend talk to her because she found out he was into her and he thought she would tell her?
treated my best friend at the time in a very weirdly dehumanizing way in front of both of us and then lied to me about it CONSISTENTLY
mildly related but was just generally a pathological liar
continued being friends with enablers (they enabled this other guy who was a huge creep that i also had bad history with - creep is putting it very lightly i just don't want to tw this post)
pretended to hate the creep guy until we broke up and then he immediately became friends with him again! knowing all the shit he did to like a bunch of girls and the weird history we had! (he was generally veryyyy performative)
refused to admit when he was having big feelings MID OUTBURST
remember the lying about treating my best friend badly? well my other friend called him out for it one time and he yelled at her
the list is getting too long so i'll stop here but i'd like to add that he'd been in therapy for three years at this point
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rainbowxocs · 2 years
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Remember: Daisy loves you!!
Name: Daisy, Daisy, Bell!
Alt Name: Ana Liddell.
Old Patient Number: Patient 101. :)
Username: @daisydaisyanswer FRIEND ME ON ROBLOX XD
Old Special Titles: Puppet.
Nicknames: Daisy Mayzie, Monster, Eve, Your Best Friend, Real Ana , False God, False Prophet, Bad Seed, Simulacra, Lost Soul, Doll, Apple, error: 1 14 1, My Lady, Lord Daisy, Queen Daisy, Princess Daisy, Our Star, Nobody, Scapegoat, Sacrificial Lamb, Black Sheep.
Age: 25!!
Pronouns: She/They!
Sexuality: Lesbian!
Gender: Glitchgender, Lostgender!
Species: Unstable Hybrid.
Hybrid Information: Nephilim 33%, Litch 33%, Simulacra 33%.
Disorders: CPTSD, BPD, Insomnia, Autism, Pathological Lying OCD, Chronically Online (Literally), Suicide Ideation, Night Terrors, Dissociative Amnesia, Maladaptive Daydreaming.
Physical Conditions: Chronic Pain, Migraines, Data Rot.
Religion: It’s kinda weird for a god to have a religion no? I am the religion. XD.
Job: I guess you could say I’m a game developer XD.
Lives in: Hmm depends.. Sometimes I’m in my original house.. sometimes Floor 1, Section 1. Floor 9, Section 3, Subsection 1. But Irl I live in Wisconsin XD.
Speaks: English, Fae, Demonic, Angelic, Morse Code, Ciphers, Wing Dings, Leet Speak.
Height: 5’8”
Race: White.
Spirit Level: Acceptance.
Powers: Reality Manipulation, Plant Magic, Teleportation, Technology Manipulation, Hypnosis, Creation Magic, Ice/Snow Magic, "Resetting", Glitching, General Video Game Logic, Generation Loss, Computer Viruses, Banishment, Super Hearing, Divination, Flying, Star/Galaxy Magic.
Weapons: Knives, Swords.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Text Color: Pink!!!!
Main Animal: Black Kiwi Bird, Raccoon.
Hobbies: Painting, Gardening, Sewing, Singing, Sculpting, Writing, Doll Creating, Playing Pretend, Video Games, Lost Media, Xylophone, Piano.
Diet: Can eat normal human food, but due to her condition has to eat.. unconventional… animals.. occasionally…
Favorite Drink: Almond Water, Bloxy Cola, BSODA, Sleepytime Tea, Witches Brew, Grimace Shake, Grape Juice, Apple Juice.
Favorite Meal: Musubi, Bacon Soup, Cheeseburger, Sour Dough Bread, Pepperoni Pizza.
Favorite Snacks: Potato Chips, Zesty Bars, Apples, Popcorn, Flintstones Vitamins, Communion Wafers.
Favorite Candy: Bubble Gum, Gummy Bears, Halloween Candy, Chocolate Coins, Peeps.
Favorite Dessert: Black Forest Cake, Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie, Turkish Delights, Chocolate & Strawberry Icecream, Apple Pie.
Favorite Flower: Daisies.
Scent: Old TV, Decaying Earth, Plastic, Strawberry Shortcake Dolls.
Handedness: Ambidextrous.
Blood Color: Glittery Pink, Sometimes Red, Sometimes Static.
Birthday: December 20th 1999! (I am a Sagittarius!!)
Fun Fact: I LOVE YOU!!!
Special Interest: It’s y o u hehehe. :) I also like Roblox and the Internet, and Veggietales!!!
Comfort Objects: Dolly, Teddy, Ducky, Gloomy Bear, Freddy Plush, Imac G3, Fuggler, Flip Phone, IBook G3, Idog, Furby, Weighted Companion Cube, Balloon, Tamagotchi.
Stims: Does a lot of computer based stims. Like resetting herself, using her generation loss power, buffering. She also likes to control things with her powers, and play with her comfort objects, also has a collection of fidget spinners.
Soul: Wrinkled Pink Mushroom
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Models: LINK
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(This Render was created by Zack Sinner on Roblox!)
Her Minecraft Skin: [picture soon]
Family Tree!!!:
Camilla Liddell. (My mother… I don’t know how to feel about her..)
The Cultivator. (My… Dad…? It feels weird to call him that now… after everything that happened..)
Cosmo Bell (MY REAL DAD!!)
Radio (My Adoptive Dad!)
Ana ThoroughGood. (She’s, my twin I guess… If you could even call her that.)
Friends: You! :) and Mouse!
Crush!!!!!: Eyeris Cataract (I likkkeee her. Hehe~)
Pets: Mel! (Brown, Three Eyed Cat.)
Bread!!! (Pink Patterned Wobbledog with Two Heads and a Tail.)
Unihorsey (Purple Unicorn with a Rainbow Mane and Horn.)
John! (Green Frog.)
Brief Personality: Daisy is quite odd, She seems to act like a teenager from the early 2000s, and because of that a lot of her language is incomprehensible. She is quite possessive and controlling, she was so used to being in control of every little part of her world that now that she is in the real world she has no clue how to handle it. She is trying to be normal and likable so much that it’s almost to her detriment. However she is very sweet when her thoughts don’t consume her.
Brief Backstory:
If you were to ask Daisy what her past was like, you would only get bits and fragments. She would rather bury the past than to dwell on it too much. But, A long time ago, in a place far far away. A little girl named Ana was born. Ana was born out of wedlock to her mother Camilla and an unknown father to both Ana and Camilla.
The two of them lived in a small rural town, mostly made up with farms, a church, and a few mom and pop shops around. Ana however, didn’t know about all of that. Camilla hid her pregnancy from her family and friends, and ended up moving a little ways out of town to a cabin in the woods. This is where Ana grew up for the rest of her life.
Camilla, in order to hide the child and not cause herself to be ostracized by her community: locked Ana inside the house. Ana was not allowed to go outside or go to school or do much of anything. Ana spent most of her childhood trapped in her room, as going anywhere outside of her room almost always meant some sort of punishment from her mother.
Camilla was very neglectful, It’s a miracle that Ana survived as long as she did. Ana was barely fed, one of the only things she was allowed to eat was apples because her mother never noticed them missing. Ana did not have many possessions, her mother however occasionally did give her a gift or two.
Camilla taught Ana how to read using The Bible, Ana was actually very intelligent for her age, after Camilla taught her the basics she gave up on the whole thing, but Ana was able to read the Bible cover to cover. Ana devoured any information she could get her hands on, she slowly taught herself how to draw and how to write.
Her mother would buy her crayons and paper occasionally to keep her busy, and she would draw and write stories about far off lands and princesses and unicorns. She loved to create things. Camilla eventually bought her a few toys, a teddy bear and a doll, which also helped her create stories and such.
One day, Ana was wandering around the house, and saw her mother on the computer. Ana was fascinated with it, she watched her mother from a far, until Camilla picked her up and sat her on the lap while she surfed the web.
Ana loved that computer. She would beg her mom to search up random things and go on random websites. Camilla eventually gave up her old computer to Ana when she got her new one. This opened up a whole new world for Ana, she could play games like Roblox and Animal Jam, and she could google any question she wanted without annoying her mother.
When she was eight years old, she was completely obsessed with Roblox, she loved being able to talk to other kids and play fun games. She was able to teach herself how to type by her obsessive googling and talking to other people. She would take apart the few things she owned, like a music box to see how they worked. She was fascinated with making things.
She would make Roblox games, building houses and horror games for her online friends to play. She felt seen, for the first time in a long time. There were actual people who wanted to talk with her and play with her. She would play the game for hours and hours. It gave her an escape from everything. She could ignore the hunger, she could ignore the loneliness. She was in her own little world.
She created her own little character she named Daisy Bell. After the song. Daisy could do anything. Daisy could fly, Daisy could have a family, Daisy could go to school, Daisy was everything Ana couldn’t be. Ana was just a stupid little girl, she thought.
One week, when Ana was nine years old. She and her mother got into an argument. Which was normal. But something in her mother snapped. She told Ana that she was going away forever, she was going on a vacation and she couldn’t come. Because she was a mistake. She was the reason her life had been ruined. She wish she had never had Ana.
Camilla locked Ana in her room, and left her. That was the last time Camilla would see her daughter for a long while. Ana at first, thought she would come back. This had happened before when Camilla was angry with her, but she waited. And waited. And she ran out of food. She was starving. She tried playing on her computer to ignore it, and writing in her diary.
She began to hear a voice from outside her window, it was attempting to coax her out of her room. It promised her that she was safe, and that it was a friend. Eventually the hunger got to be too much. She tried breaking down the door, but she was too weak. But then she had an idea. She googled how to pick a lock, and was able to escape her room.
So, in her pajamas, she set out for into the snowy forest around her. She wandered for what felt like hours, she was so cold. She wandered and wandered until she came across a train, with a tall shadowy figure standing in front of it.
He comforted the child as she died of hypothermia. He told her that he could give her a world of her own. That he could make her a god, he could give her friends, family, anything she could ever want. As long as she ate the apple.
She of course, accepted. What a wonderful birthday present. She thought. A world of my own. She spent her tenth birthday with what she would now know as “The Cultivator”, her new best friend, and guardian.
The Cultivator taught Ana, now named Daisy. How to use her new powers. She was able to bend reality to her will, he told her that whatever she wanted would appear to her. He asked her what she wanted to make first. She made an apple. Which amused him.
He left her alone with a large empty void. And she began to create her own world.. except.. It didn’t go well at all. Missing textures. Everything fell apart when she built it. Even the premade stuff the cultivator had made for her fell apart in her hands. She collapsed into a pile of bricks. She felt so alone. What if the cultivator got rid of her?
Someone, however. Approached her. As if to answer her loneliness. She created an “NPC”, her name was Mouse. Mouse became Daisy’s best friend, Daisy finally had someone to talk to besides the cultivator and herself. Mouse told her stories about far off lands and adventures she had been on. Mouse told her that she goes where people needed her.
Mouse would disappear in and out of Daisy’s life. Sometimes she would be gone for a few minutes, a few months, a year. Daisy began to grow up, in her own way, slowly becoming a teenager. Mouse taught Daisy how to play the xylophone, and rediscover her love of Piano. Mouse also helped her with how to make her world as semirealistic as possible. She helped Daisy make a cat companion, and taught her how trees work.
[working on the rest, unfortunately you can’t draft an already posted reference lol]
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twxlxght · 1 year
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MOON, 24, EST; SHE/THEY. | if you’re hearing CAN'T BLAME A GIRL FOR TRYING by SABRINA CARPENTER playing, you have to know AMIRIA KELLY (SHE/THEY; CIS FEMALE) is near by! the 26 year old CASHIER AT CLOUD 9 has been in denver for, like, 2 MONTHS. they’re known to be quite UNTRUSTWORTHY, but being OPTIMISTIC seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble ERANA JAMES. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those LONG WALKS AT NIGHT STARING AT THE STARRY SKY, ALWAYS HAVING ONE FOOT OUT THE DOOR, THE CHARMING SMILE BEHIND FAKE EYES vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
Full Name: amiria kelly Nickname(s): ami (ah-mi) Gender: cis female Pronouns: she/they Age: 26 Birthday: june 11th Zodiac Sign: gemini Sexual/Romantic Orientation: bisexual Relationship Status: single Occupation: cashier at cloud 9 Hometown: rino district
Faceclaim: erana james Eye Color: brown Hair Color: blacm Height: 5'5 Weight: 120lbs Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: various tattoos of symbols located along her arms and nose ring
Muse label: the paracosmist Goals/Desires: she wants to feel free and travel the world Fears: being abandoned Neuro/Psychological Conditions: pathological liar Positive Traits: Negative Traits:
Mother: kora kelly (fc: simone kessell) Father: marcellino cook Siblings: maia kelly (fc: courtney eaton, 28) Pets: n/a
► BIOGRAPHY; murder tw, food mention tw
amiria knew what her mother wanted her to be from the moment she was born. her mother had been a con-artist and it was no secret to ami and her sister what was expected of them. and though her mother was in the trade, her father wasn't. he'd been a target of her cons with intentions of making him fall in love with her so that they would get married. and once they were married, she could take him out and take everything he owned. shortly into their marriage, kora slipped poison into his food and he'd been declared having passed due to a heart attack. what kora didn't know though, was that she'd been pregnant with amiria. it was a crucial mistake in her plan, as he'd declared in his will that everything he owned would fall to his child.
having not only been an accident but ruin her con, amiria was despised by her mother. she floated around with her sister as they would often be left alone for days maybe weeks at a time. as amiria got older, she'd finally had an understanding of what her mother did for a living. though her mother kept it secret of the things she inherited from her father. it didn't take long for amiria to discover while she hated conning, she was excellent at lying. she could put on a face so easily and a believable story would flow like breathing. it was second nature.
when maia was old enough to leave, her mother relied heavily on her to continue the cons and help her 'repay what she was owed'. she hated it, but she was good and so her mother used her until maia returned home one day. with maia asking about her father, ami, too, grew curious about her own. that's when she'd learned that her mother had killed him in an attempt to take his money. that ami had ruined her plans but she was getting back what was rightfully hers. after this revelation, ami took this time to leave with her sister. if she couldn't have a father, she at least wanted to help her sister find her own.
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looking for: advice
I need help understanding something idk if there's any TW.
im gonna be as honest as I possibly can.
I still feel so much like im lying or that I can't tell enough of the truth because I feel like im always missing something but ill try hard right now....
its a bit of a story of everything.
I know there's so much I could've easily done differently and if I did then I wouldn't have put myself in this hole. I have really destroyed my life. if I just didn't say that one thing then I wouldn't have put myself into this mess with an even more fucked up life. if I didn't do this particular thing I can't get into details about then I would have been better off and the people abusing me wouldn't have done so much more damage to me I could've had it easier.
I have made too many mistakes. I can list so many things im thinking of that I fucked up. something as easy as certain words I used could've changed so many events in my life.
I don't know how I manage to be such a fuck up but I am.
it's my fault you don't get it!
I could have done x so differently so easily and yet I fucked it up. I make everyone upset, I make everyone hate me. im disgusted with myself, im defective. I can't stop thinking about how defective I am.
but I can't think of myself as the victim bc I put myself in this and everyone says so and I agree with them.
my parents said they abused me because I was a bad child I can't remember anything about my life or their abuse but they told me.
like I thought I used to play certain games on the beach as a young kid and my family has mentioned I did so I guess it wasn't a dream but reality. I remember going to a particular vacation spot as a little kid and they mentioned it so I guess it was true... .... I can remember her inviting me into the room when we were kids to "play games" and to "keep it secret" but they say that one never happened. it's like a dream, they all feel the same. I started questioning that maybe something sexual happened but I feel like im trying to make things up on (call her A) character to play victim because but im really trying not to. because A accused me of abuse first and I didn't recall anything from my life at the time so I believe her and she asked if I remember abusing her and I responded with "no but I believe you/but I believe whatever you say" we were like 12/13 maybe even 14... ig?
...maybe that conversation was a dream too. I really don't know anymore. like I really don't know. and I don't remember anything happening in that memory with A. just a few small details but nothing really.
I don't know what's wrong with me or if im making things up. what if im some pathological liar and don't even know it? or don't even have the self awarness to see it ? maybe I am the shameful one like my parents and A say. I think about this obsessively almost everyday and it's ruining my life.
Hi anon,
The thing is that we all tend to get something wrong in our personal narratives because it's a human thing to do, and it doesn't necessarily mean that we're liars or that we aren't credible. That being said, it sounds like what you struggle with more is regret and looking back on the mistakes you've made in your life. It can be useful to reframe mistakes as learning opportunities. Considering the regret you have for some of these things, you can consider channeling that regret into changing your approach and behavior moving forward.
I personally have found that learning about Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy’s concept of Irrational Beliefs has helped me challenge these ideas. The page I hyperlinked has a numbered list of all the different kinds of “irrational ideas” (I think irrational sometimes comes with a negative implication that could be worded differently, but this is a concept from the 60s so that level of mindfulness about language wasn’t necessarily considered then). The bullet points under Irrational Idea No. 3 may provide some insight into your experiences.
But it also sounds like some of this is intertwined with some internalized victim-blaming. It can be hard to know which of these things you're reflecting on are genuine mistakes or things you actually didn't have control over, but blame yourself anyways. It's important to remember that being a "bad child" doesn't justify being abused. There is no excuse for abuse, and there are far better ways to discipline or support a "bad child" other than abusing them. A "bad child" often refers to a child that is acting out due to abuse or mistreatment by parents, so to be abused in response often just exacerbates the child's "problematic" behaviors, establishing yet another vicious cycle.
It sounds like you are dependent upon your parents' recollection of events and don't seem to trust yours, especially if they remember it differently. It's important to consider that, especially if they've abused you previously, perhaps their narrative may not be as reliable as you're giving it credit for. Especially if they have manipulated or emotionally abused you in the past, it's possible that they may be gaslighting you.
Ultimately, these could be things to explore with the help of a mental health professional such as a therapist, if you can access or afford it. A therapist can help you process your experiences, understand the roots of these feelings, and guide you along your healing journey.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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leonsi · 2 years
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amo gus???? amonguds sus?????  // the only explanation that i have for this is that it’s AP season and i’m losing my Mind
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Janus as Medusa but instead of turning you to stone when you look at him, you become a pathological liar (or maybe opposite? Maybe you can only tell the truth? Idk)
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A Different Approach
In which Marinette first approaches Lila very differently, and gets a positive result.
+ Bonus Content, basically an added twist which may or may not explain Marinette’s hatred of lying. Trigger warning for stabbing, because children with pointy objects can hurt themselves. It’s pretty mild. Also, trigger warning for blood mention, although the blood is actually unrelated to the stabbing.
Lastly, trigger warning accidental self-harm. All of these warnings apply to the bonus content only.
     • After the first incident where Marinette blew up on Lila, which later caused Volpina, she realised she was going to have to tackle this problem differently. Lila doesn’t seem like the type who likes confrontation, either publicly or privately. But clearly, she does like praise. 
     • There’s also the fact that Lila must be lying for a reason. What that reason is, Marinette doesn’t know, but Lila does it so often, so chronically, that it’s almost like she needs to. Lila treats it like it’s all she knows.
     • When Marinette confronts Lila, it starts off very similarly to the bathroom scene in Chameleon. Lila’s under the impression that Marinette is going to be an enemy, an obstacle. On some level, that true, but Marinette pulls something she truly does not expect.
     • Marinette: Lila, if you like telling people what they want to hear so much, then why don’t you try out for theatre?
     • It takes Lila a solid moment to realise Marinette wasn’t just messing with her and is being entirely sincere.
     • Lila: I— what?
       Marinette: I’m not saying I approve of you lying to my friends, but I do acknowledge that you’re really good at acting and telling other people stories. I’m kind of surprised that you haven’t already tried out for it, to be honest? You’d do really well, you have a talent for it.
       Lila: I don’t— What— what’s your angle, here?
       Marinette: Lila, I’m only trying to give you other options. Lying isn’t always going to get you through life. More often than not, it won’t, actually. But making a career out of something you’re genuinely good at and seem to enjoy? You’ll go far with that. If you want to try out, they’re holding auditions for an upcoming play this coming Friday. It’s an edited version of Sleeping Beauty. If you need any help, you can come visit me and recite some lines. I live above Tom and Sabine’s bakery, they’re my parents. Anyways... That’s all I wanted to say. See you around.
     • Lila is left baffled. In all her past schools, she’s been able to organise her classmates into two separate categories. Those who believe and follow her like sheep, and those who see through her lies and oppose her, either verbally or physically. But Marinette was neither of those. She didn’t try to stop Lila, despite knowing that she’s lying and not approving of it— instead, she gave Lila an outlet. Someplace where she can act and play pretend as much as she wants without anyone judging her for it.
     • Part of Lila wants to be mad. She’s so used to the feeling, it’s so much easier just to be mad and not think too hard about other people. But there’s just something about Marinette she can’t ignore. Unlike Adrien, Marinette didn’t just sit back or make some passive comments in private about how things are going to end up bad if Lila kept lying. Marinette understood that Lila needed this, and gave her a way to do it without running into a tight spot in the future. 
     • Lila wants to be mad. Lila wants to hate Marinette. But she can’t. 
Influencing One Another
     • Lila ends up walking into Tom and Sabine’s bakery the next day. She has the script for the audition in her hands. She’s nervous for some reason, jittery in a way she doesn’t think she’s been in a very long time. Tom and Sabine are kind and smile at her and give her a plate of treats before ushering her upstairs towards Marinette’s bedroom. It’s very warm and friendly.
     • Lila wants to hate them almost immediately. She reserves judgement, just this once. Only because Marinette proved herself to be something different. 
     • Marinette doesn’t do anything to seem smug or knowing when Lila comes up through the trap door. Marinette simply looks away from her sewing project, gives Lila a slightly surprised but happy smile, and tells her to sit on the chaise for moment while she finishes up the next few stitches.
     • That day, Lila spends a lot of the time practicing the lines over and over, with Marinette encouraging her and telling her when things sound a little off or shaky. It was... pleasant. Lila comes home that day and for once, doesn’t lie to her mother. She tells her that she’s auditioning for a play, and she was at someone’s house getting help reciting her lines.
     • Lila’s hesitant to call Marinette a friend. Friends are a concept she’s particularly cynical about. Marinette’s own supposed best friend was a sheep, after all. A self-proclaimed reporter who didn’t even fact-check, who would have dumped Marinette in favor of the new girl rather quickly. 
     • She’s surprised to find that she’s very irritated about that. That Marinette’s surrounded by sheep, when the girl herself is not. She’s starting to see Marinette in her own category. A category similar to the one Lila placed herself in, yet also very different. Marinette, like Lila, is not a sheep. Marinette is in control of her own life, everyone adores her on some level, and she is not dumb by any means. She doesn’t follow the crowd. The crowd follows her. Unlike Lila, however, she’s sometimes blind to the nasty parts of the people surrounding her. And that makes it so, so easy for her to get hurt.
     • The next few days leading up to Friday, Lila spends more and more time with Marinette. She’s noticing things. Marinette has a crush on Adrien, and it’s not for superficial reasons. Adrien is willfully blind to it. There’s no possible way the boy doesn’t know about it, honestly, he’s clearly just ignoring the knowledge or not even acknowledging the fact as a fact at all. And the fact that he asked Marinette to set him up with another girl— that’s low. Lila doesn’t even want a boy like that as a trophy boyfriend. She doesn’t understand Marinette’s infatuation with that doormat. Sure, the kindness would hook you in at first, but after all the heartbreak, the mixed signals, the willful ignorance, the passive attitude— how is the girl not tired of it?
     • There’s other things she noticed. Marinette’s friends treat her blunders and awkwardness like a joke. Sometimes they act like they respect the girl, then other times they’re poking fun at her, rolling their eyes at her, doubting her confidence. It’s almost like she’s treated as the comic relief sometimes. Alya goes back and fourth from encouraging Marinette to confess to Adrien, to rolling her eyes when Marinette finally seems to muster up the confidence to do it. Marinette’s constantly in a perpetual state of nervousness because of it.
     • So, Lila decides to repay an act of kindness. Just this once.
     • The next time Alya tries to push Marinette to confess, putting the girl in a nerve-wracking situation, Lila comes in close and tells Marinette not to. She tells Marinette that this isn’t a ride or die situation. She tells Marinette that she should be taking this slow, get to know Adrien better, let him get to know her. Marinette calms down and manages to speak to Adrien normally. She’s not freaked out or under pressure of having to straight up confess her feelings.
     • Marinette and Lila are changing each other, and for the better. Lila aced the audition and got a part in the play. Marinette is taking Lila’s advice and has managed to calm down somewhat, no longer as anxious as she normally is. 
     • Lila’s beginning to understand the concept of having a friend. She’s still not entirely happy using that word, but it’s the only one that works. Marinette is a friend. That’s her category. Marinette is someone she can trust. Marinette knows when she needs to do something and gives her options on how to do it without backlash or compromising her personal wellbeing. Lila begins to feel like she’s flourishing. 
     • Marinette is beginning to pick up on some of the things Lila usually sees every day. Alya is too pushy, sometimes. She never knew it made her uncomfortable so often until Lila pointed out that she didn’t need to confess. And Adrien has no spine. Adrien’s passive, excuses bullies without even understanding the harm they’ve caused just because he wants to believe in the best in people, and lets people use him. Adrien’s also... confusing, and she often feels like she’s being strung along by him.
The Change
     • Lila’s become popular. People are absolutely enamored with her acting, her expressions, and her twist to stories. She’s great at improv and is observant of her audience, making it easier for her to spin the perfect dialogue, tone of voice, and expression that she knows would capture their hearts. She often goes off script but always hits the important parts, and never strays from the general story and setting. The writers can sometimes get frustrated with her, but they also have an easier time writing her lines because as long as she has the important lines and the general idea of where the conversation will go, she’ll always nail it. She’s also really great at playing off mistakes and mishaps onstage as things that were supposed to happen.
     • Marinette’s become more outspoken about things that bother her. She tells Alya to stop trying to wingman. Alya is offended at first, but Marinette explains that all the pushing only makes her much too anxious, and she’s not incapable of working through her crush on her own. (Marinette is a little offended that Alya thinks that of her. That she’s such a mess on her own that she needs help.)
     • Lila’s stopped lying. She doesn’t really want the attention of her classmates anymore. She has Marinette, and a whole host of fans who adore her acting. Her mother has always managed to get a seat in the first row at each first showing of Lila’s performances. Marinette has tried to be at almost all of her performances, although sometimes she’s not able to make it, or she’s pulled aside from the audience to help fix a wardrobe malfunction. 
     • Marinette’s optimism is challenged by Lila’s cynicism, and vice versa. In another world, this would have made them enemies. In this world, it makes them a force to be reckoned with. Lila picks up on the faults and behaviors of people quickly, and Marinette is accepting of faults and can find solutions to help people who need it. They’re only young teenagers now, but given some years, they’d perfect their methods and be virtually unstoppable. 
     • Marinette has let Lila get away with some of the lies she said in the past, mostly because Lila has changed now, and if she went along admitting to some of her lies, it could quite possibly ruin her life. For example, if the principal were to find out Lila was simply skipping school for those months, that would be a major black mark on her record. She could be expelled. Her mother would be called, wouldn’t want to listen to a word Lila would have to say, and their relationship would be strained for possibly years to come. Lila’s already changing for the better. Lila’s already correcting her faults. 
     • Lila does go about admitting to some of her lies, though, and apologising. While she may not see the rest of the classmates in a particularly positive light, she sees why Marinette still hangs out with them. While they’re easily fooled and go along with the masses, people are still complicated and not one-dimensional beings. She shouldn’t have organised them into so few categories. Each person is unique in their own way and similar in other aspects, and it was wrong of her to see them all as other. She had a Me vs. The World mentality, but now she sees her fault in that. 
     • Her classmates are understandably cold and upset, but Marinette is there to settle them down. She reminds them that Lila admitting to her lies was something to be proud of, that Lila was changing and trying correct her wrongs, and they shouldn’t attack her in her attempt to do better. They can be upset that she lied, there’s nothing wrong in being upset that someone lied to you, but don’t brush off her current attempts. Let Lila try. Give her a chance now that’s she’s trying. 
     • The class keeps their distance for some time, wary of Lila and her seemingly totally new personality. Lila’s not faking anymore. She’s clearly cynical, and although she’s apologised, she’s made no attempt at befriending anyone. Gradually, though, when it’s clear she’s not going to go antagonise anyone or start anything, they begin to relax around her. Some people even ask her advice for things, approach her, because they’ve seen how she’s like with Marinette. 
     • Lila begins to see just how complicated individuals are. She’s beginning to accept it. Rose is even more optimistic than Marinette, ridiculously trusting and forgiving, and while Lila would see that as being vulnerable, Rose makes her think that maybe it’s more about enjoying life however you can. Lila can accept and appreciate that. Max is complicated in that he’s intelligent to the point of being called a genius, but is not as smart socially as he is academically, which is why he tends to follows others in that area. Which makes sense. She can understand why he’d try to learn that way. 
     • Before, Lila’s used her observational skills for picking out what people would accept easily. Now, she’s using them to dig deeper and to push herself and others to greater heights. Before, Marinette was anxious and took however her friends treated her regardless if it made her uncomfortable or not. Now, she sees that her friends have faults, accepts them, and voices her opinions and advice. 
     • It’s not long before Lila and Marinette become the class’ go-to people when they think they’ve done something wrong and need an outside perspective on what they did and how they need to improve. Lila observes, and Marinette offers advice.
+ Bonus Content
I reiterate, tw stabbing, tw accidental self-harm, tw blood mention
     • Lila begins to realise that, while Marinette had taken a breather and was able to help Lila with her situation, Marinette does have a deep-seeded hatred for lies. Which makes it more baffling as to why Marinette wanted to help her, and how Marinette somehow knew that Lila needed to be able to tell her stories. 
     • When she asks Marinette about this, she’s pretty surprised by her answer.
     • Marinette: I used to be a pathological liar, when I was a kid.
     • Lila’s left to wonder how Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the girl who hates lies with a passion, could possibly have been a pathological liar. She struggles with the idea. She’s left to wonder what had changed. Talking with other classmates brought a clearer image in her head.
     • Kim: Marinette used to lie about a lot of things. I don’t really blame her, she always had a lot of trouble making friends. Sometimes they were big lies, other times they were smaller ones. Like, one time she told everyone she was a secret agent, I think? Then other times she’d say things like she cooked breakfast for her parents, or she made the macarons she brought to class.
       Lila: What changed?
       Kim: One of her lies I think got way too out of hand, heh. She said she couldn’t feel any pain in her left hand, and did really well in following through with that one. I pinched her on the top of her hand so hard it started bleeding, and she didn’t even flinch. She really wanted to prove it for some reason. It kind of escalated, and I wasn’t there for the rest of it, but something bad enough happened that she ended up going to the hospital. 
       Nino: Oh, I was sorta there. Yeah, Marinette got her hands on a pair of scissors the teacher had in her desk, I don’t know how, and really hurt herself. Somehow missed her hand and ended up stabbing herself, I guess. Didn’t come back to school for weeks.
     • The image is getting clearer, but not by much. Maybe when Marinette’s parents caught her lying tendencies, something happened? Not wanting to dig too much, she went back to Marinette and asked directly instead.
     • Marinette: I didn’t miss my hand. I wasn’t actively trying to prove my hand was pain-resistant, I just... stabbed myself in the leg.
       Lila: You what?!
       Marinette: I wasn’t really thinking. I didn’t actually enjoy lying. It made me feel guilty, and I got so angry at myself I just did it without even realising, and got super freaked out when I saw what I did. I was a seven year old who lied so often just to make friends, and no matter how many friends I got, it felt like nothing I said was enough. I was constantly terrified that if they knew, they wouldn’t like me anymore. I was really desperate for people to pay attention to me, but I also didn’t like the attention I got. I went to therapy for a while, but my therapist wasn’t exactly the best. I mostly ended up figuring out my problems on my own as time went on.
       Lila: And... what did you figure out?
       Marinette: Lying was a learned behavior. I got it from my mom, actually. She sometimes told me to lie to some of her friends, like when she didn’t want to go out, or didn’t want to tell them the real reason why she’s busy. So if her friends asked, I would tell them my mom was busy working on a big order, or she was in the bath, or she’s having a date night with papa. She just wanted alone time. My mom would sometimes get upset if I said the wrong thing, and she was never mean about it, didn’t scold me or anything, but I didn’t like that I disappointed her. So I decided to just... get better.
       Lila: Oh. 
       Marinette: Yeah. Eventually it wasn’t about my mom anymore. I didn’t have any friends, so I was lonely pretty often, but then when I started lying about small things to start a conversation, something that would catch their interest, I started getting attention. People started liking me when I started being fake. And I may have been pretty young, but I understood on some level. Other kids didn’t like me when I’m Marinette. They liked me when I told them I was someone else. I wanted to be Marinette, but I also wanted to have friends. It was getting overwhelming.
       Lila: How did you get from the hand lie to accidentally hurting yourself?
       Marinette: I didn’t grab the scissors for my hand, but my parents and my therapist didn’t really believe that when I told them. Around that time I was already interested in fashion design, and I wanted the scissors because I think I had this idea in my head that... uh, that involved the classroom curtains? But I ended up thinking. There was blood on my hand that only got there because I decided to tell another stupid lie, and I was probably going to have to lie about it when I got home, and I was going to lie about what happened to the curtains, and I just kept thinking about all the lies I was going to have to tell, and I started crying, I flailed my hands, and then suddenly there was a pair of scissors stuck in my leg. 
        Lila: Ouch.
        Marinette: Yeah... I was a kid who didn’t really know what to do. I started taking my frustration out by creating more than usual, just kept designing more and more clothing. Didn’t stop. I went back to being pretty anti-social, and I was generally left alone for a while. I still really wanted friends though, so I tried other methods, but generally... While I got on friendly terms with everyone, nobody was really my friend, you know? Until Alya showed up. Things have gone a lot more smoothly since then. I’ve been more confident, more responsible, and I have actual accomplishments to my name. 
       Lila: So, you hate lying because...?
       Marinette: Because it reminds me of how I used to be, and how harmful it is to yourself and the people around you. I really hate how past me was like.
       Lila: You were only a kid. 
       Marinette: I’m still a kid. And it’s really hard not to remember parts of your childhood that was just really bad. I know I have a lot of good memories, but when I think about myself at age seven, all I can think about it how constantly guilty and afraid I was. No matter how hard I try, any good memory from back then is totally overshadowed by the lying. 
       Lila: Why are you clinging to it so much? You’re better than that, now. You don’t lie for attention, and you don’t need to. 
       Marinette: I still lie sometimes, though. 
       Lila: So what? People lie every day, lies don’t automatically make you a horrible person. Listen, have you ever lied since then just for the heck of it? Have you lied for any malicious reasons? Have you lied to trick people into doing bad things?
       Marinette: No!
       Lila: Then what are you getting so hung up about?
       Marinette: I...
       Lila: Sometimes people lie because they have to, or because they want a little kid to behave, or because they’re scared, or lonely, or whatever. Doesn’t mean they’re horrible. Even people who lie for bad reasons can have good in them. I lied for praise and attention from people I didn’t even like, but you gave me a chance to be better and I took it, didn’t I? I mean, my problems aren’t gone. Liking and trusting people is going to be difficult for me. I’m going to be judgmental, moody, and maybe harsh sometimes. But I’m not a horrible human being. Things aren’t as black and white as that. And you know that, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have given me a chance.
       Marinette:.... Thanks, Lila. 
       Lila: Don’t thank me for pulling your head out of your ass, I’m just doing my job.
       Marinette: Hey!
       Lila: You hated a seven year old so much that you took it out on the very concept of lying! I don’t care if that seven year old was you!
Aaaand that’s the end. *wipes brow* Whew, that was long and drawn out. 
I don’t find this perfect but I did the best I could. I’m probably gonna be iffy on this no matter how I wrote it, though, so whatever. At least it’s done. 
You guys can do whatever you wish with this, add your own hcs, stories, etc, doesn’t matter. My blog is meant for everyone to take creative inspiration from. 
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nevadancitizen · 2 years
random player hc’s :)
synopsis: headcanons i came up with when i wasn’t feeling well
word count: 1.1k
characters: sanford, hank, deimos, 2bdamned, player! reader
trigger warnings: cursing and yandere is a blanket statement for all of them but most have a tw in the topic line
notes: @saltymongoose delivers this to you via carrier pigeon (also most of these can be read as either before or after the player enters nevada unless specified)
calling 2bdamned ‘oynon’: (tw: smoking ment.)
after a cutscene or something where doc is doing doctor-ly things, the player says “thank you, oynon!!” and doc just clings to it like a lifeline because he thinks it’s some type of lovey pet name. like spoiler alert bestie it’s literally just a title of respect for doctors in some slavic countries 😭😭
deimos mocks him because he’s mad he doesn’t have a “pet name” of his own so when doc patches him up he says “thanks, onion” really sarcastically and doc is just standing there like “i could literally replace your lungs with plastic convenience store bags and it would be an improvement. honestly 😐”
looking through the camera: (none)
in the middle of some building, hank is about to get rushed so the player is like “look up!!” but hank looks directly at them with a stare that pierces through the camera and while hank is being attacked the player is just like “😀 uh okay” and continues to play despite there being a weird feeling in their gut 
like dude that’s not a feeling that’s a fact!!
other games seeping through: (tw: slight unreality)
if some of the other games on the player’s computer sort of leaked through because of the employer’s tampering.. i think it would be truly absurd teeheehee
like sanford is literally just trying to go out and get supplies but there’s this weird… thing, something labeled the polyhedron that’s shaped like a tornado and defies gravity like one. it reaches up to the skies from one fragile point, but as sanford approaches it, it disappears. the only comfort he has is the player’s voice: “hm, i guess they took inspiration from pathologic. i’ve actually been playing that in my spare time recently – it isn’t exactly stream-able. but the polyhedron… here? maybe the auditor has something to do with this…” so like. at least sanford knows he’s not alone in his confusion!!
but on a less serious note imagine someone like tom nook coming through and speaking animal crossing and the player having to translate for him 😭😭 
tom nook: *top one percent noises*
player: well you see hank there’s this thing called a mortgage
different dialect: (none)
the player’s dialect would be vastly different from the grunts’ so it sounds very different when they threaten other people but to their vessels it’s absolutely hilarious.. 
like imagine the player staring down some huge angry mag and going “i hope you choke on a motherfuckin’ cheesestick you nasty, greasy bitch! you look like you drink white gatorade and smell like nickels. fuck you” by god they would not be able to function properly after that let alone fight a mag
(no they do not know what cheese, gatorade, or nickels are but christ if that wasn’t the best thing the player has said ever)
deimos would try his best to commit that line to memory. as he’s trying to fall asleep that night he’s staring at the ceiling and goes “you look like you drink white gatorade and smell like nickels…” and he turns his head to the side and covers his mouth in an attempt to not laugh as loud as he normally would
i lov him can’t you tell
mentioning other streamers: (tw: jerma985 😧😧 /j)
so the vessels try to remember every place, person, and thing the player mentions and when they mention someone the vessels haven’t heard of before they listen especially closely and spot this:
“tell mister” – they’re laughing too hard to get the words out proper – “tell mister jerma985 that he is a sociopath and that he will not be allowed anywhere near me at the next con!” 
jesus fucking christ that was the wrong thing to say because they are scouring every document and every file they can get their hands on, searching for this absolutely vile man that dared to disrupt your life to the point of a restraining order. judging by the numbers on the end of his name he’s a clone, so he shouldn’t really be a problem
but some time goes by (many clones are killed) and the player is transported into nevada. when they summon their vessels they’re immediately like “we’ll protect you from jerma985, that nasty sonuvabitch” and the player is immediately like “jerma? that scrawny little white boy?? he could get blown over by opening his fridge too fast”
god if jerma got transported into nevada.. he would either be killed immediately or become king. there is no inbetween
being a student and streaming: (none)
this would take place after the player is transported into nevada 
okay so the player is also a student on top of streaming (how do they balance it? plot armor) but their major is really niche. something like restoration ecology or rangeland, wildlife and fisheries management 
and the player is obviously self-aware and is like “yeah most of my schooling doesn’t really apply in this world and i can’t make any real use of it” but their vessels are trying so hard to make them feel more useful than they already are 😭😭 like bro how do you top being a literal god
imagine doc walking up to the player with a handful of dirt and being like “i need to know what’s in this” and the player, who’s studying pedology, not even batting an eye, saying “well it’s red so there’s a lot of iron and clay in here and…” and they just don’t stop talking and doc is standing there with heart eyes 
no he doesn’t need to know what’s in the soil he’s a medicine doctor not a dirt doctor
i can also see doc being like “you said you’re a doctor, right? i need help with this surgery” and the player standing there like “yes i’m a doctor. a doctor in entomology”
bit goals and bedtime stories: (tw: suicide ment.)
the player having bit/sub goals and reading chat a bedtime story when they hit them would send the vessels into the atmosphere i think. or maybe it’s just your voice idk 
even if you were reading something dark or aesthetically unpleasant.. they would love it to the point of recording it. just listening to you reciting the words of a mourning man: “of course, that man can do anything he likes. his daughter has no fingers. did he hand her over? no, he kept her. he probably sees her. watches her grow up. plays with her. and his wife is alive. she didn’t hang herself with her tights. she’s not dangling from the ceiling. with her tongue sticking out… her black tongue.” 
sanford craves comfort and your voice is the perfect scratch to an itch he didn’t know he had. he has the recording as an mp3 and plays it on repeat when he can’t sleep 
if hank heard sanford listening to that without context he would deffo take solace in the fact that he’s not the only psychopath on base 
sorry to end on that note but i don’t have any more ideas 😔👍
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Pushing my analytical Melone onto y’all bc I need to convert people to my dogma
Tw: suggestive maybe?, mostly talking about things in a scientific way
Okay, yes, Melly Mellerton is horny. I’ll get that out of the way right now. BUT! His horny stems from the need to figure out how and why things are the way they are, you know? Kinda like stimulus response. When it comes to sex, he’s more interested in the actual biological process and what the body does. So it’s more of a desire to learn, and what he wants to learn about is inherently sexual, ya dig?
He’s a man of science, but his one exception is ofc astrology. I just KNOW he reads his daily horoscope (and checks Ghiaccio’s too). He absolutely knows everyone else’s and pulls the “omg you’re SUCH an aries” card, specifically because he knows it makes everyone upset. Will sometimes just make up bullshit on the spot for a reaction. Risotto doesn’t interfere because he 1) doesn’t care enough to stop because it can be funny and 2) isn’t quite sure when Melone is lying or not.
Med school dropout. Declared several majors during his time. Obstetrics, gynecology, forensic pathology, neuroscience, etc. Pretty smart overall. He likes to play dumb so people will underestimate him. It’s part of the reason he and Ghia get along so well.
During his time at uni, he learned he was a pretty good pickpocket. Before he was picked up by Passione and after he dropped out of med school, he made his living by pawning off things he stole. Also surprisingly athletic.
I’ve seen stuff where people headcanon him as genderfluid/nb/gnc which is 100% valid and cool, but as with all of LS I like to think that he’s just very comfortable with who he is as a male, maybe that’s just me though. He’s completely secure in how he thinks and feels about himself, so he’s not weighed down by toxic masculinity and machismo like Formaggio.
BEST CUDDLE BUDDY!! Even though he’s super skinny, he always knows how to hold you and make you feel snug and safe. More often than not he’ll invite you to sleep in his bed if you can’t sleep. Likes to play with your hair and touch your face if you let him.
He and Risotto are hardcore insomniacs. Risotto’s is paranoia based but Melone’s is from years of being a medical student. More often than not you’ll find him wrapped in blankets playing Fireboy and Watergirl until dawn. He plays both characters and is surprisingly good at it. If you sit next to him he’ll let you play.
Always promotes self care to those prone to running themselves ragged (Ghia, Riz, Pesci). He considers himself a bit of an aesthetician and has an array of products. Gives the best shoulder massages. Be careful asking for a foot massage, though :<
Anon submission: Melone REALLY struggles to walk in a straight line. If he gets too invested in a conversation whilst walking, you’ll need to gently nudge him in the right direction or else he’s gonna accidentally push you off the sidewalk.
Tldr: I’m upset that people reduce Melone to a toe sucking horndog >:(
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